My HR raise concerns regarding Anniversary Dates With the roll out of MY HR members were given access to their HR file, for many this was the first time they have seen it. This raised several questions regarding anniver- sary dates for both vacation and salary. The majority of the calls regarding vacation an- niversary dates have come from members who started in another jurisdiction and then trans- ferred into ours. The discrepancies stem from a common January 1 vacation anniversary date for all of their members. While Local 38’s vaca- tion anniversary is the most recent date of hire, the effect of the common anniversary date is that vacation increments are delayed. For exam- ple an employee hired in February is given 5/6 of two weeks vacation and on January of the next year is given credit with two weeks vaca- tion, as they are still within their first year of employment. This will be repeated every time the employee receives an increase in vacation entitlement. Local 38 became aware of the issue when a Lo- cal 37 member moved into Local 38’s jurisdic- tion in 2010 and we filed a grievance on behalf of this member. The grievance resulted in The City and Local 38 signing a Letter of under- standing, which is letter number 22, page 77 on the agreement. Continued on Page 2 Bereavement Leave We have received several calls regarding bereavement leave and felt it would be worth- while to review it in the newsletter. 119.09 – When a death occurs in an employ- ee’s immediate family the employee, upon re- quest, shall be permitted by the Manager, a leave of absence with pay of seven (7) consec- utive calendar days. Immediate family is de- fined as current spouse (including common- law or same gender spouse), parent, step- parent, guardian; brother or step-brother; sis- ter or step-sister; child, step-child, foster child or ward; grandparents or step-grandparents of the employee; grandchild or step- grandchild; or related dependent living in the household of the employee. 119.09.01 – Subject to operational require- ments, a leave of absence with pay of seven (7) consecutive calendar days may be permitted at the discretion of the Manager to address the demise of the employee’s parent-in-law or step parent-in-law, brother-in-law or step brother-in-law, sister-in-law or step sister-in- law, grandparent-in-law or step grandparent- in-law. Both articles provide employees with seven consecutive days off with pay, when one of the listed members of the employee’s family pass away. The articles do not determine the num- ber of working days off, they provide seven consecutive days off, in which the employee can grieve and take care of any immediate re- quirements while receiving their normal pay. Continued on Page 2 ISSUE 04, APRIL 2016 CUPE LOCAL38 | CALGARY, AB cupe38.org 1

ISSUE 04, APRIL 2016 CUPE LOCAL38 | CALGARY, AB My HR raise … · 2019-01-10 · My HR raise concerns regarding Anniversary Dates With the roll out of MY HR members were given access

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Page 1: ISSUE 04, APRIL 2016 CUPE LOCAL38 | CALGARY, AB My HR raise … · 2019-01-10 · My HR raise concerns regarding Anniversary Dates With the roll out of MY HR members were given access

My HR raise concerns regarding

Anniversary Dates With the roll out of MY HR members were given access to their HR file, for many this was the first time they have seen it. This raised several questions regarding anniver-sary dates for both vacation and salary. The majority of the calls regarding vacation an-niversary dates have come from members who started in another jurisdiction and then trans-ferred into ours. The discrepancies stem from a common January 1 vacation anniversary date for all of their members. While Local 38’s vaca-tion anniversary is the most recent date of hire, the effect of the common anniversary date is that vacation increments are delayed. For exam-ple an employee hired in February is given 5/6 of two weeks vacation and on January of the next year is given credit with two weeks vaca-tion, as they are still within their first year of employment. This will be repeated every time the employee receives an increase in vacation entitlement. Local 38 became aware of the issue when a Lo-cal 37 member moved into Local 38’s jurisdic-tion in 2010 and we filed a grievance on behalf of this member. The grievance resulted in The City and Local 38 signing a Letter of under-standing, which is letter number 22, page 77 on the agreement.

Continued on Page 2

Bereavement Leave We have received several calls regarding bereavement leave and felt it would be worth-while to review it in the newsletter. 119.09 – When a death occurs in an employ-ee’s immediate family the employee, upon re-quest, shall be permitted by the Manager, a leave of absence with pay of seven (7) consec-utive calendar days. Immediate family is de-fined as current spouse (including common-law or same gender spouse), parent, step-parent, guardian; brother or step-brother; sis-ter or step-sister; child, step-child, foster child or ward; grandparents or step-grandparents of the employee; grandchild or step-grandchild; or related dependent living in the household of the employee. 119.09.01 – Subject to operational require-ments, a leave of absence with pay of seven (7) consecutive calendar days may be permitted at the discretion of the Manager to address the demise of the employee’s parent-in-law or step parent-in-law, brother-in-law or step brother-in-law, sister-in-law or step sister-in-law, grandparent-in-law or step grandparent-in-law. Both articles provide employees with seven consecutive days off with pay, when one of the listed members of the employee’s family pass away. The articles do not determine the num-ber of working days off, they provide seven consecutive days off, in which the employee can grieve and take care of any immediate re-quirements while receiving their normal pay.

Continued on Page 2


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Renewing Your Provincial

Driver’s Licence Employees operating City fleet vehicles are re-quired to have a valid provincial driver’s licence, as well as a City Operator’s permit.

Effective April 1, 2016, the Province of Alberta will no longer mail reminders to operators to renew driver’s licence prior to their birthday.

It remains the responsibility of employees operat-ing City vehicles and equipment to renew and have

a valid provincial driver’s licence.

Visit e-registry.ca to request a renewal reminder email.

Continued from Page 1

My HR raise concerns regarding

Anniversary Dates

This letter sees employees who move from other jurisdictions, after 2010 January 1, being given their hire date as their vacation anniversary date upon becoming permanent within 38’s jurisdiction. The calls regarding salary anniversary dates stem from members who were unaware that a reclassification or a promotion may reset your date for future salary increments. The good news is that this information is available to members for review and ques-tions.

Annual General Meeting

As stated in the previous two editions of the CUPE Con-nection, to be eligible for the office of President, Treasurer and Chief Steward members interested in running for these positions were obligated to announce their intention to run at the March Regular Meeting. The following individuals declared their intentions to run and as such are the only candidates for the follow-ing positions:

1) President—D’Arcy Lanovaz 2) Treasurer—Kelley Shinnie 3) Chief Steward—Kim Jaedicke

Nominations for five (5) Executive Members, one (1) Warden for a two (2) year term and one (1) Trustee for a one (1) year term will be accepted at the meeting. To be eligible for these positions, you must have attended at least five regular meetings in the past year.

Continued from Page 1

Bereavement Leave

The time off cannot be deferred, it must be

used in proximity to the death/funeral of the

family member. However, vacation time may

be reinstated if an employee is on vacation

when the death occurs, as per article


Article 119.09.01 gives some discretion to the

employee’s manager but the experience is

that there needs to be significant operation

requirements prior to limiting such request.

Should members experience such an incident,

they are encourage to contact the office.

Members who wish to have more than the

seven days may apply for time off without pay

under article 119.09.02 or request to use va-

cation time.

Page 3: ISSUE 04, APRIL 2016 CUPE LOCAL38 | CALGARY, AB My HR raise … · 2019-01-10 · My HR raise concerns regarding Anniversary Dates With the roll out of MY HR members were given access

cupe38.org 3

International Day of Mourning

April 28, 2016 April 28th is observed

around the world as a day of remembrance

and a day of action to improve workplace

health and safe-ty. Workplace deaths

are a crime - they must be stopped. Workplace accidents and occupa-

tional diseases are pre-ventable.

Please join the Calgary

and District Labour Council for the Internation-al Day of Mourning Wreath Laying and Memori-

al Service on Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 12:15 pm at the City of Calgary Workers Memorial -

Edward Place Park, SE corner of City Hall, 9th Avenue & Macleod Trail SE.


“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew.”

~ Francis de Sales

Connect with CUPE 38

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 403-233-2700

In-person: 1439 - 9th AVE SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0T4

Online: cupe38.org

Send Your Kid to Camp! The Alberta Federation of Labour is holding its 22nd Annual Kids’ Camp August 8-12, 2016 at the Goldeye Centre near Nordegg on Goldeye Lake. The camp is open to kids ages eight to fifteen years. The camp goals are for kids to have fun in a positive and safe environment. Kids will develop problem solving skills and learn to work with others. Recreational activities are: canoeing, wall climbing, rappelling, group challenges, crafts and swimming. The cost is $500.00 per child. A motion to sponsor four (4) children was passed at the March Regular meeting. If you are a card carrying member of CUPE Local 38 and wish to have your child sponsored, please send a letter to the union office stating why you would like to send your child. You can send your letter by internal mail to mail code #132, email to [email protected] or fax to (403) 290-1757. We will decide who should receive the sponsorship by June 6th, so get your letters in soon. If you don’t wish to have your child sponsored but would like to make enquiries to send your child, contact the Alberta Federation of Labour at 780-483-3021.

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Get involved!

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING All CUPE 38 Members Invited to Attend

When: Tuesday, April 26, 2016

at 7:00 p.m.

Where: CUPE 38 Office,

1439–9 Avenue SE

Business: Regular & Elections


1. President—2 year term—Full Time 2. Treasurer —2 year term 3. Chief Steward—2 year term 4. Five (5) Executive Members—2 year term 5. Warden—2 year term 6. Trustee—1 year term 7. One (1) delegate to the CUPE Annual Weeklong School, May 29-Jun3, 2016

in Red Deer.

A by-election will be held to fill the interim term of the Business Agent

4 cupe38.org