A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 1 Issue 1 Term 1 Week 3 Wednesday, 16 February 2011 A Fine Day for a Swimming Carnival! Mr Ieroianni sets them racing Racing under the watchful eye of the time keepers Sheltering from the rain are Charli Sayers, Kimberley Pike, Jade Burke and Sophie Coulton Mrs Laurence and Mr Lawson sizzle the sausages for a good cause Vigilant Surf Rescue on patrol Matt Genovese, Jack Rosen, Mitchell Soper and Dylan Tyrrel Volleyball between races

Issue 1 2011 · Jack Rosen, Mitchell Soper and Dylan Tyrrel ... the Pacific has proven to be an important step in our ... Schwartz (of Wicked fame), the musical comedy tells the story

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Page 1: Issue 1 2011 · Jack Rosen, Mitchell Soper and Dylan Tyrrel ... the Pacific has proven to be an important step in our ... Schwartz (of Wicked fame), the musical comedy tells the story

A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 1

Issue 1 �– Term 1 �– Week 3 Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A Fine Day for a Swimming Carnival!

Mr Ieroianni sets them racing

Racing under the watchful eye of the time keepers

Sheltering from the rain are Charli Sayers,Kimberley Pike, Jade Burke and Sophie Coulton

Mrs Laurence and Mr Lawsonsizzle the sausages for a good cause Vigilant Surf Rescue on patrol �– Matt Genovese,

Jack Rosen, Mitchell Soper and Dylan TyrrelVolleyball between races

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A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 2

College Principal�’s Report

Welcome back to the school year and a very specialwelcome to our new students, in all years, and theirparents.

As always the beginning of the year is hectic for allstaff, and especially our SASS staff in the front officeswith enquiries, new enrolments, payment of fees,timetables, orders, casual and temporary staff salariesdocumentation, uniform queries etc. Again they havedone a magnificent job in the three campusesensuring a smooth start to 2011, and I thank them fortheir efforts in supporting parents, students andteaching staff.

Congratulations must go to Dux 2010, LucindaMansour, with an outstanding Australian TertiaryAdmission Rank (ATAR) result of 99.35, closelyfollowed by Freya Johnson who achieved an ATAR of99.0. ATAR is the new credential replacing the old UAI.The College had 19 students receive results in the 90�’sand overall it would be one the best results we havegained since the College opened. These results onceagain demonstrate the high quality of publiceducation provided in the Great Lakes LearningCommunity (GLLC), which comprises; Great LakesCollege, Forster Public, Tuncurry Public, HallidaysPoint Public, Pacific Palms Public, Nabiac Public andBungwahl Public.

There have been a number of staff changes across theCollege with retirements, transfers and internalchanges through the College EOI vacancy process. Iknow these will be detailed in the specific campusreports in this edition of the Dolphin. May I take thisopportunity to welcome new staff to Great LakesCollege.

Research shows that the more schools can developdeep and proactive relationships and involvementwith their communities, all members benefit greatly.As partners with the parent body in educating yourchildren and our students, we encourage all parentsto be involved with the College, in whatever capacity,to enhance the outcomes of all students. Parentalinput is vital to all facets of the College ranging frompeer reading, mentoring programs, canteen helper,helping out at carnivals, membership on focus groupssuch as merit selection of staff, welfare, AboriginalEducational Consultative Group (AECG) and the P&Cto name a few.

The next meeting of the P&C is Wednesday March 2at Forster Campus, this meeting will start at 7pm forthe AGM and then at 7:30 the normal P&C meetingwill commence. It was very pleasing to see newparents coming along towards the end of 2010 and weare hopeful that this trend will continue this year.

Looking forward to working with you in 2011.

Graeme JenningsCollege Principal

Head Teacher Nominated for Citizenof the YearMrs Fran Ballard, Head Teacher of English and Historyat Tuncurry Junior Campus, was a nominee for Citizenof the Year at the recent Great Lakes Council AustraliaDay Awards. Mrs Ballard�’s nomination came after adedicated career as an educator including thirteenyears serving the youth of this area at the formerForster High School and the present Great LakesCollege.

Above: Cate Dunn, Fran Ballard, Jenny Fealy and Mel Brown

Previously, Mrs Ballard has been recognised for heroutstanding commitment as a teacher and executivemember of the College by receiving the NSWMinisterfor Education and Training Award. Her work for thecommunity has also seen her take on the position ofPresident of Forster on Wallis Rotary Club (2005 2006),where she is presently an active member and boardmember. As a Rotary member, she has had anongoing relationship with a community from TannaIsland in Vanuatu. She has visited the island numeroustimes with Rotary members, to assist with communitywork there and she has also facilitated visits by GreatLakes College students and teachers on culturalexchanges to the island. Fran arranged for membersof the school community from Tanna Island to be


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A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 3

hosted in the Great Lakes where they made visits toGreat Lakes College and the feeder schools in the area.This active engagement with our near neighbours inthe Pacific has proven to be an important step in ourstudents�’ understanding and appreciation of culturaldiversity. Fran has led other overseas exchanges toJapan and Europe and continues to devote her time tohelping others.

Fran encourages all students to achieve their bestoutcomes. Along with Mel Brown, the AboriginalSupport officer for several years, Fran wasinstrumental in setting up the highly successfulHomework Club where students could gain extraindividual assistance after hours. Both Fran and Melwere also responsible for the NAIDOC celebrations.Fran also promoted the development of the StudentsTake Charge Leadership Program to give studentsleadership opportunities and training. These initiativesalong with many others are representative of theimpact Fran has had on her staff and students.

Cate DunnTeacher Drama and English

This year Great Lakes College will produce the hitBroadway musical, Pippin. Written by StephenSchwartz (of Wicked fame), the musical comedy tellsthe story of Prince Pippin who traverses through thetrials of war, love, and politics in his quest to findpersonal significance. The story is narrated by theLeading Player, who along with a mystical troupe ofactors, attempts to thwart Pippin�’s success at variouspoints of his journey. The show is full of fantastic soloand chorus numbers and climaxes with an unexpectedfinale. Performances will run from June 23 to 25,2011.

Thank you to all students who auditioned for roles.The main roles have been filled by the followingstudents:

Leading Player Connie BramblePippin Liam BellCharles Sam Bishop TaylorLewis Rory BrambleFastrada Sarah IeroianniBerthe Brooke MarvellCatherine Kimberly AlexanderPlayers Tylissa Davies, Caitlyn HayesHanson, Markala Johnston, Shannon Martz, NathanMorgan Hammer and Robert Neate.

Students who did not secure main roles are invited toform the chorus which will rehearse each Thursdaybetween 3:30 5:00pm (starting this week) atTuncurry in Term 1 and Forster in Term 2. Studentswho did not audition, including new students andthose interested in joining the college vocal ensemble,are also welcome to join the chorus. Vocal ensemblerehearsals, will resume after the musical in Term 3,2011.

Vincent JensenMusical Producer

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Great Lakes College Canoeing Report

�“Great Lakes College Triumphs Again�”

Great Lakes College is once again at the top of thenation in sporting achievement for their recent resultsat the National Canoeing Championships. There were120 students competing from 52 schools throughoutAustralia and New Zealand.

The College was second overall behind IvanhoeGrammar School from Melbourne which in effectmeans Great Lakes College takes the title of numberone Public School in the Nation. The College hadseventeen students attending the Nationals whichwere held on Goolang Creek at Nymboida. It rainedfor the entire week and the nearby Nymboida Riverrose to nine metres which in the end caused theNational titles to be cut short by a day.

Even in the wet and muddy conditions the teampaddled outstandingly with many first places beingrecorded. At the end of the schools carnival LydiaToms was announced as runner up female championwhich is excellent as she still has two nationals to go.

Robert Coleman the runner up male champion.

The boys�’ team of Robert Coleman, Callum Leahy,Phillip Koch, Geordie Yule, Jake Perram, BlakeJohnston, Kyle Williams, Andrew Moulder, RianLukeman, James Mannow, Kaspar Fiebig, Zack Duggan,Nicholas Jackson and Jordan Hallett was runner up inthe Colin Cork trophy for best boys team.

Six students from Great Lakes College had beenselected to compete for NSW in the State team at theNational Canoeing Championships which were alsoheld at Nymboda. The members were Phillip Koch (K1),Jake Perram (C1), Lydia Toms (C1), Maddison Williams(K1), Kyle Williams (K1) and Alicia Ieroianni (K1).These paddlers are to be congratulated as they werepart of a team helped to bring the shield home toNSW.

Anita RocheTeacher

Year 7 and 8 Swimming CarnivalUnder gray skies at the 'Bullring' swimming pool, dueto the temporary closure of the Aquatic Centre, theYear 7 and 8 students of Forster and Tuncurry Juniorcampuses plus competitors from Years 9 12competed in the Annual Swimming Carnival. At thetime of publication, no results were available but agreat day was had by all, with the students andteachers alike renewing and creating friendshipsacross campuses.

The rain didn�’t dampen spirits and many jokes werecracked about swimming in the rain and getting wet.

The Year 9 STC raised money with a sausage sizzleunder the expert guidance of Mrs St Hill. Studentswhen not competing, were entertained with beachvolleyball and touch footy; most chose to watch andcheer on their classmates.

Thanks go to all those who competed, Mr PinoIeroianni and Ms Christina Whitbread for organisingthe event and running activities on the day, the timekeepers, the surf rescue team, the Year 9 STC whomanned the sausage sizzle and the parents who camedown to show their support.

Wayne BarryHead Teacher College (Relieving)

Above: Andrew Moulder �– Tuncurry Junior Campus

Above: Maddison Williams Tuncurry Senior Campusand Alicia Ieroianni Forster Campus


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Principal�’s ReportIt has been a great start to the 2011 academic year �–albeit a very hot one.

Several new staff members have been appointed:Leanne Wilson Head Teacher MathsGreg Collier Head Teacher TASVenessa Pryor HistoryCasey Andersen EnglishJason Moulynox ScienceJeff Patrick Maths

We welcome these new staff members to our campusand hope that their stay with us is professionally andpersonally fulfilling.

All students look great in their uniforms and as I walkaround classes, I have seen an energy and focusamongst the students that is most pleasing. Thetwelve interactive whiteboards in the classrooms arein high competition between staff and students havebeen really enjoying lessons using this format.

Ted Bickford has been up during the holidays helpingus to get our toilet blocks surfaced with anti graffitipaint and we are very grateful for his support. He isalso training a small group of Year 8 boys to begraffiti busters. It�’s great to see the legacy beingcontinued.

Our Regular Assessment Program (RAP) is continuingthis year with reports being mailed out to all parentsevery four weeks. The first RAP will be sent out inweek 5. I would ask all parents to continue discussingthe results with their children. Regular monitoring ofworkbooks is also a great way to keep abreast of yourchild�’s progress. Once again there will beparent/teacher evenings towards the end of this term.

I really enjoyed meeting up with several new parentsat the most recent P&C meeting. I hope to see moreof you at the next meeting

Judy HallPrincipal

FEESIn Years 8, 9 and 10, some students select electivesubjects which attract a fee for consumables. Parentssigned forms acknowledging this and committed topay the fees. Students who fail to pay these fees(alternatively, arrangements can be made to paythese off over time) will be asked to reselect subjectswhich do not attract a fee.

Similarly, Year 9 and 10 students who wish to take upa sport that attracts a fee need to make paymentsbefore the sport commences. Students who haveoutstanding sports fees from previous years will needto make good these payments before being able toselect a fee paying sport.

Invoices for fees will be mailed out during the nexttwo weeks. For those parents who wish to pay prior tothis, please phone the school and ask to speak to thecashier, Gloria Rowsell, who can inform you of theamount. In addition to this, a copy of the fees for eachsubject is attached to this newsletter (see page 7) andis also on our website.

So far, there has been a fantastic response to thepayment of fees. Thank you to all of those parentswho have done this.

Please remember that parents who are in financialdifficulty can apply for assistance by contacting thecashier.

Judy HallPrincipal

School Photographs @Forster Campus

School photo day has beenscheduled for Thursday, March 3. Envelopes will behanded out in DEAR when they arrive.

�• FULL BLUE SCHOOL UNIFORM on the day (NOTsports uniforms). Minimal jewellery.

�• Exact money to be in the envelopes, please.�• If you wish to have a family/ group photograph

taken, please contact me so this can bearranged.

�• Please return envelopes on photo day, even ifyou are not purchasing photos

�• Any questions, contact me or fotomakersdirectly on 4954 0499

Steffani LaurenceLibrary


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Deputy Principal�’s ReportWelcome back to all students at Forster Campus. Weare looking forward to another year of academic,sporting and cultural excellence.

All students have settled into the academic year. Wehave welcomed six new staff members into ourcampus, a Year 7 group and about 25 new studentsfor Years 8 10. There have also been some alterationsto the structure of our school day.

We begin at 8.50am with DEAR. (Parents need toensure that their child has a reading book for thisperiod of sustained reading.) Roll marking will occurat the beginning of period one each day. Parents needto encourage punctuality and have their children atschool by 8.40am each day.

Absentee and late notes need to be provided withexplanations as per Department guidelines. Requestsfor pass outs need to be presented at the Front Officebefore school. Parents need to provide an explanationfor the leave.

Contact details �– it is vital that we have accurateaddresses and contact details for parents/carers andguardians. A blue form is available at the front officefor parents.

Fees: invoices for school fees will be in the post innear future. We ask that parents start making theirpayments as soon as possible. Payment plans areavailable by contacting the cashier.

Year 10 School Certificate Information Night: forparents and students will be held on Tuesday March 1in MPH at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

Road SafetyParents are asked to ensure that our students aresafely dropped off to school. Please adhere to the40km speed limit before and after school. Also, pleasedo not drop students off in the following places:

The bus bay The roundabout (this is illegal) The staff car park

Judy HallPrincipal

2011 SRC TeamCongratulations to all members of the Forster CampusSRC Team for 2011.

Year 7

Kristian FiebigIggy DunnJoey NewmanKirsty SchumacherKasey WhittonEmily Fisher

Year 8

Yardley SmeatonAmy McArthurJade GaulAnders JanssonJake RansleyMatt Dunk

Year 9

Maddi SoperElle FisherRebecca ScottNap HolmesDamien BestwickSaul BradyDaniel Mansour

Year 10

Amelia CrossRiana JohnstonAlex UnderwoodMatt ThomasJosh WalpoleBen Summers

Their first fund raisingeffort takes place thisThursday, March 17,when they will berunning a mufti daywith the theme�“Maroon�” atraditionalQueensland colour.They will be raisingmoney for the victimsof the recent floods inQueensland. Well done team! We hope it is a terrificsuccess.

Steffani LaurenceSRC Coordinator


Vaccinations ...................................... Feb 24

Year 10 SC information night ............ Mar 1

P&C �– Forster MPH ........................... Mar 2

Photo Day.......................................... Mar 3

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Principal�’s Report

Staff and students have enjoyed a very positive startto the academic year with classes quickly settled intolearning. It was wonderful to see students wearingtheir uniforms with pride and showing enthusiasm fortheir school life. As I said to the students on their firstassembly, we are privileged to live in a very beautifulenvironment and to enjoy a school with up to datefacilities. I went on to urge the students to value andcare for what we have.

I was very impressed with the excellent start to highschool made by our Year 7 students who have broughtvitality and energy to their new experiences. I wouldparticularly like to thank Year Adviser, Ms MelLaurantus and Year Head Teacher, Mrs Lee Ralston,for their dedication and hard work in coordinatingYear 7.

It is the time of the year when we determine ouractual student enrolments which are currently at 520students (which is slightly less than last year). Wehave a few staff changes. We welcome to theMathematics Faculty, Ms Linda Elliott, from ForsterCampus. Mrs Lyn Wright, the School AdministrationManager, has retired after joining Tuncurry JuniorCampus in 2003. Mr Richard Quinn, teacher in theSpecial Education Faculty also retired at the start ofthe year. Mr Quinn was a dedicated teacher and also akeen competitor in local triathlons. We wish him allthe best for the future.

Our school development day at the beginning of theyear involved staff in refocusing on the 2011 learningpriorities in literacy, numeracy across the curriculumand student social and emotional learning. To supportthe establishment of clear behaviour expectations theplayground has been colour coded as a visualreminder. In literacy, reading for meaning has becomethe key target with teachers focusing on improvingstudent understanding of text through connectionswith prior understanding, skimming and scanning aswell as understanding the writer�’s purpose. Theincorporation of reading and graphing data is thecurrent focus in numeracy.

In our first celebration assembly this year, I urgedstudents to appreciate that they are all brainy andthat, like all things valuable, our brains need to becared for and exercised. I reminded them thatadolescents need at least nine hours of sleep for

maximum brain function. Most of them were quiteshocked! At the assembly we also enjoyedentertaining performances from the Year 10 dramagroup who presented an amusing adaptation of theRomeo and Juliet story as well as the Monty Pythonduologue The Argument. Constable Brad Barryaddressed the students about the important issues ofroad safety and cyber bullying. He also presentedstudent, Bethany Nicholson with an award forfundraising in support of Camp Quality.

The STC group have been focused on fundraising tosupport the Queensland Flood Appeal. On Valentine�’sDay they are holding a stall and later in the weekselling maroon bracelets. I would like to congratulatethe STC on their work so far this year.

Sadly, at the end of last year many parents haddifficulty meeting fee payments for student choices insport and electives. In some cases, students hadaccrued hundreds of dollars of debt. Unfortunately,unless fees are paid, students cannot attend noncurriculum based excursions or end of yearcelebrations. I urge parents to contact the school toorganise a fee payment plan if they are facingfinancial difficulty. While there are some funds forstudent assistance, these are limited.

I would like to congratulate staff, students andparents on a happy and productive start to 2011. It isa pleasure to lead such a wonderful school and I lookforward to the many achievements that each studentwill attain throughout the course of the year.

Veronica AmatoPrincipal



Year 9 Laptop info night 6pm........... Feb 22

Photo Day ......................................... Feb 22

Year 10 SC info night 6pm ................ Mar 1

P&C �– Forster MPH........................... Mar 2

Vaccinations ..................................... Mar 4

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Deputy Principal�’s ReportWelcome everyone to the start of another great year.I am very pleased with the way that students havestarted in 2011. I thought it would be good to revisitsome very important requirements of students as wellas providing you with notification of some important,upcoming events.


I have one rule: I choose what I do and say,therefore, I am responsible for what I chooseto do and choose to say.

We are a uniform school and students arerequired to wear full school uniform at alltimes, including black shoes with substantialuppers. Even for sport, students are requiredto wear substantial joggers for their ownsafety and protection.

Roll call starts promptly at 8:40am. Studentsneed to be here in time for this. Any latearrivals must go through the front office andget a late note.

Every student is required to have a diary. Theyare for sale in the front office and should bepurchased by the end of this week.

If you have a problem with being able topurchase uniforms and diaries or paying forcourse fees, please contact us so that we candiscuss how we can help.

If a student is absent they need to bring anote explaining their absence on the first dayback at school. If they are absent for morethan two days then please contact the schooland let us know what is happening. If they areabsent for three or more then they willrequire a doctor�’s certificate.

Students are under the jurisdiction of theschool from the time they leave home in themorning until they get back home in theafternoon. We expect our students to bedemonstrating that they live our core valuesat all times, including whilst travelling to andfrom school.

The Lakes Way is a dangerous road. There arepedestrian lights in place to make it safe forstudents to cross this road when they use thelights properly. We have had two near missesalready. Please talk with your children andensure that they cross the Lakes Way at thelights.

Up coming events:

Tuesday February 22: Year 9 laptop and assessmentinformation evening in the Hall at 6:00pm. This is aMUST attend evening for all Year 9 students andparents. They are required to bring with them theirlaptop charters signed, to ensure they do not miss theopportunity to receive their laptops.

Tuesday March 1: Year 10 Assessment and Careersinformation evening in the hall at 6:00pm. This is avital evening for all Year 10 and their parents. Thereare special requirements with assessment tasks thatmust be adhered to in order for Year 10 to besuccessful in gaining a School Certificate. Theserequirements will be advised on the evening. It is alsoan important year in terms of work placements andconsideration of future careers and progression toYear 11. Information will be provided on the eveningto assist the students and parents with planning forsuccess.

School Photographs

This year�’s school photographs have been scheduledfor February 22. All students are required to wear fullschool uniform on the day, NOT sports uniforms.Envelopes will be handed out in roll call. If you wish tohave a family group photograph taken please contactMrs St Hill in the library so this can be organised.

Joanne St HillLibrarian

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VaccinationEach year NSW Health offers the vaccinesrecommended by the National Health and MedicalResearch Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part ofthe school based program.

In 2011 the following vaccines will be offered:

�• Hepatitis B vaccine in a catch up program for allYear 7 students who have not already received thethree doses of Hepatitis B vaccine as a baby.

�• Varicella vaccine (Chickenpox) as a single dose for allYear 7 students who have not already had thechickenpox disease or a dose of vaccine as a baby.

�• Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (Whooping Cough)vaccine, called dTpa, as a single scheduled dose for allYear 7 and Year 10 students.

�• Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as threescheduled doses for Year 7 girls.

Parent Information Kits will be sent home toparents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination oftheir child, parents/guardians are advised to read allthe information provided, complete the consent form,sign it and return it to their child�’s school.

Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw theirconsent for any reason may do so by writing to theCollege Principal, Mrs Amato. The Procedure forWithdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Healthwebsite at www.health.nsw.gov.au

Please note that for HPV vaccine only,parents/guardians must record their MedicareNumber (all 10 digits and the 11th number locatedbeside the child�’s name) on the consent form. This isrequired to record the student�’s health information tothe National HPV Vaccination Register and link to theNational of State Cervical Screening Program.

A �‘Record of Vaccination�’ will be given to each studentand it is important they provide this to their GeneralPractitioner to ensure that records are kept up to date.Parents/guardians should ensure that this record iskept for future reference and should not assume thattheir child has been vaccinated if they do not receivethis Record of Vaccination. Many places ofemployment now require proof of vaccination prior toemployment or work placement/experience, therecord given to each child on completion of theirvaccination is adequate for evidence of vaccination.

Please ensure your child has eaten breakfast themorning of the clinic and is wearing clothing thatenables the upper arm to be exposed.

Consent forms are being issued to students on FridayFebruary 18, 2011 and must be completed andreturned by Friday February 25, 2011.

Visit When Vaccines Offered

1 FridayMarch 4

Single dose Varicella to all Year 7 studentsDose 1 HPV (Gardasil) to all Year 7 girlsSingle dose of dTpa to all Year 7 boys

2 FridayMay 6

Dose 1 Hepatitis B to all Year 7 studentsDose 2 HPV (Gardasil) to all Year 7 girlswho received dose 1

3 FridayJune 17

Single dose of dTpa to all Year 7 girlsSingle dose of dTpa to all Year 10 students

4 FridaySept 16

Dose 2 Hepatitis B to all Year 7 students whoreceived dose 1Dose 3 HPV (Gardasil) to all Year 7 girlswho received doses 1 & 2

Great Lakes College Tuncurry Campus is once againparticipating in the annual Clean Up Australia Day.

I�’d like to invite all students and interested communitymembers to help us on this day and give our local areaa �‘spring clean�’!

Everyone will meet at the Lakeside Church, ChapmansRd, Tuncurry at 8:45am to collect equipment andreturn at lunch for a free BBQ! Don�’t forget to bringyour gloves, a hat, sturdy shoes, sunglasses, a bottleof water and sunscreen.

Interested students should see Mrs Atkinson at schoolfor details and any interested community memberscan call me at school on 6555 0562.

I encourage everyone to get involved in this importantcommunity activity, as not only does it make a bigdifference to where we live, but is also a lot of fun!

Melinda AtkinsonTeacher Art, Social Science and Maths

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New LibrarianFollowing the retirement of long serving librarian MrMalcolm Peisker, Tuncurry Campus welcomes a newface.

Hello to all students, their parents and caregivers. Myname is Carla Gillis and I am the new TeacherLibrarian in the Senior Campus at Great Lakes College.I am very happy to be working in such a dynamic andprogressive College environment and have been madeto feel very welcome already. I have been a teacherfor 14 years, previously teaching PD/H/PE at LurneaHigh School and J.J. Cahill Memorial High School inSydney, before moving to the beautiful Mid NorthCoast with my family. I have since taught in many localhigh schools.

Although having only been in the position for twoweeks I have already noticed the (shared) library atthe Great Lakes College Tuncurry is a hive of activitywith TAFE students, junior students, and seniorstudents constantly coming and going. The Librarysupports about 1800 students between the threecampuses and, in spite of the constant activity, is ahighly efficient and effective resource. I put this downto the flexible and friendly staff (there are three aswell as myself) in the Library and the systems theyalready have in place. They have given me a smoothtransition and I believe we will make a great team!

I will also be helping with the SRC which will be a greatway of getting to know students and have a bit of funalong the way. I look forward to getting to know all

staff at Great Lakes College. I would especially like toreassure parents of senior students who requireassistance with the information they need, to comeup and see me in the Library. I will only be too happyto help.

Carla GillisTeacher Librarian �– Tuncurry Senior Campus

ENVIRONMENTAL NEWSThink globally, act locally.

Students from the Senior Campus have started tomeet on Tuesday lunchtimes to discuss how we canreduce the ecological footprint of the College. Allstudents are welcome to come along. The followingitems are on the agenda:

A revamped recycling program Reduction of waste in all sectors (including

electricity) Installation of solar panels to generate power Utilising water from the rainwater tanks.

We have received a $50,000 grant from the FederalGovernment to install a 10kW system of solar panels,so we are off to a good start. Talks have begun withlocal authorities about recycling bins and collection,and regular persuasive enviro facts are appearing onthe noticeboard in the cafeteria to raise awareness ofwhat each of us can do.

For those interested in sustainability, the film �‘Gasland�’will be shown at the Great Lakes Library, Forster onMonday, February 21 at 6.30pm, $5 entry, proceedsto Flood Relief Fund. Gasland is a documentary filmdiscussing oil and natural gas production by means offracturing underground rock (fraccing) with potentialcontamination of underground water reservoirs.

Gillian Courtice and Tony MorrellTeachers


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Student ExchangeWorld Education Program Australia (WEP), is a not-for-profit student exchange organisation registered with the education departments, is now accepting applications for students to live overseas in 2011/12 as exchange students for a summer, semester or year.

Give your child the opportunity to gain international experiences and language skills to kick-start a future career. Along with distinct language benefits, exchange students mature, gain confidence and develop a much more worldly approach upon their return to Australia.

WEP is offering $3000 scholarships for year-long programs to Italy and French-speaking Belgium commencing in January 2012. Applicants need to be in Year 9, 10 or 11 in 2011 and enrolled in Italian or French.

For more information please contact Mr Wayne BarryHead Teacher College (Relieving) on 65550536.

Taree Tigers Hockey Club

Are you looking for a great team sport to play? Thencome to Taree Tigers Hockey Club and give Hockey ago. It is a great team sport for people of all ages.

Taree Tigers Hockey Club is looking for players in 2011for both junior and senior competitions. No matterwhat your age or ability we have the team just for you.

Our Registration Day is:

Thursday 17 February from 4.00 to 6.00pm at theTaree Hockey Centre or you can Contact Tony Lewison 65510986 or Di Cubbin on 65526870

So come on, give hockey a go in 2011.

Tony LewisChairperson Taree Tigers Hockey Club

Green Point Rovers Soccer ClubThe Green Point Rovers Soccer Club is a "family orientated club" for players five years to adults; for girls, boys, ladies and gents. Our home ground is the Lake Street sporting complex next to Great Lakes Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Lake

Street Forster. For registration inquiries please phone Sue Schubert on 0403 662 875 or log onto our Facebook page Green Point Rovers FC

Sue Schubert

Learn About Yourself!

As Marcel Proust, a late 19th century novelist, wrote:�“the real voyage of discovery consists not in seekingnew landscapes but in having new eyes�”. Host aninternational high school student in July throughSouthern Cross Cultural Exchange and prepare to beamazed at the way this unique opportunity helps yourfamily to become closer, to understand themselvesbetter and to see the world in a new light.

Carefully selected students will arrive in July for oneor two semesters from Europe, Scandinavia and Japan.They will attend a local secondary school, are fullyinsured and have their own spending money.

Call S.C.C.E now on 1800 500 501, [email protected] or visit our website(www.scce.com.au) to be part of this rewardingexperience.

Robert LindsayNational Business Development Manager


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Year 12 Survival Guide OnlineWith the summer holidays over and Term 1 wellunderway, Year 12 students are preparing for thebiggest year of study they have encountered. It�’s goodto know there are online resources to help themthrough it. To assist students, parents and teachers,CSU and DET provide NSW HSC Online an extensiveonline learning tool with study resources such ascomprehensive subject information and test papersfor 51 HSC subjects including the recently addedAutomotive. www.hsc.csu.edu.au

Universities on the RoadYear 12 is a time when most students decide on theirfuture path. Everyone wants to be successful and tomake the best choices, but accessing the rightinformation at the right time is not always easy. That�’swhere Charles Sturt University, Southern CrossUniversity and the University of New England can help.These universities bring a range of information aboutcourses and going to university to regional schoolswith the University Road Show. The University RoadShow will tour the New England, the Blue Mountains,Central West, Hunter Valley, North Coast andNewcastle.

Find us at the University Roadshow Lower Mid NorthCoast from February 14 to 18 contact us for venuedetails. For all inquiries about Charles Sturt Universitycourses, please contact info.csu on:

T: 1800 334 733F: (02) 6338 6001E: [email protected]: www.csu.edu.au

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A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 15

Energymark is a CSIRO community program to engage communities with climate change and saving power throughkitchen table discussion groups.

The NSW Energymark program is a CSIRO initiative in partnership with the Department of Environment, ClimateChange and Water NSW helping households and organisations lower power bills and reduce our impact on theenvironment.

Registrations for Energymark close on the February 28, 2011.

Rose Point Open Day

Rose Point, Coomba Park, is set to become a Best Practice Farm where ideas will be put into practice and progressmonitored to identify the effectiveness of the change. They have been awarded funding for a three year project toimprove both local water quality and soil health.

This first Open Day is to tell people about why they have decided to do it, what they are setting out to achieve, andhow they will achieve it. It also shows the starting point, and participants will be able to appreciate the changes asthey occur. This Open Day will interest anyone who cares about our local environment, especially the health andquality of Wallis Lake. (You do not need to be involved or interested in cattle farming, or live on the lake front, toattend).

Venue: �‘Rose Point�’ 454 Burraneer Rd,Coomba Park

Date: Saturday February 19 2011Time: 9.00am 12.30pmFood: Morning tea providedBring: Hat, sturdy shoes, chair

RSVP: Stacey 02 6591 7378

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FORSTER CAMPUS CANTEEN ROSTER Ph. 6554 5259 or Ros 6554 8432

Monday 14/2 Tuesday 15/2 Wednesday 16/2 Thursday 17/2 Friday 18/2

B HeffernanM/I Yule

J ThomasL Perry

D GatlandC Judson

J SouthwellP Crawley

C HarrisK McGowan

Monday 21/2 Tuesday 22/2 Wednesday 23/2 Thursday 24/2 Friday 25/2

C GortonJ Hagan

A KuruppuH Morley

J MinorsJ Higman

P CrawleyD WilliamsR Marshdale

Monday 28/2 Tuesday 1/3 Wednesday 2/3 Thursday 3/3 Friday 4/3

B HeffernanJ Hammond

J ThomasL Perry

P McNamaraB Ellery

P CrawleyC Harris

K McGowan


Monday 14/2 Tuesday 15/2 Wednesday 16/2 Thursday 17/2 Friday 18/2

L Nye J ElfordD Ford

D MurrayL HowardK Melham

P MorganK Melham

Monday 21/2 Tuesday 22/2 Wednesday 23/2 Thursday 24/2 Friday 25/2

D Ford J Elford K MelhamL HowardK Melham

P MorganK Melham

Monday 28/2 Tuesday 1/3 Wednesday 2/3 Thursday 3/3 Friday 4/3

Michaele Uniting Church L Howard P Morgan

The Great Lakes College Canteen Rosters

If you are unable to attend please try to swap with someone else, if notplease telephone the contact person at the top of your roster. Thank youfor supporting the canteen, we could not function without your help andsupport. If possible please be at the canteen by 9.00am.

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A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community Page 17

College Contacts

Great Lakes College Principal:

Mr Graeme Jennings

Phone: 6555 0555

Forster Campus Principal:

Mrs Judy HallCape Hawke DriveForster 2428Phone: (02) 6554 6062Fax: (02) 6555 6904Canteen Phone: (02) 6554 5259Email:glcforster [email protected] h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Tuncurry Campus Principal:

Mrs Veronica AmatoThe Northern ParkwayTuncurry 2428Phone: (02) 6555 0500Fax: (02) 6557 6511Canteen Phone: (02) 6555 0575Email:glctuncjun [email protected] h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Tuncurry Senior Campus Principal:

Mr Stephen NicholasThe Northern ParkwayTuncurry 2428Phone: (02) 6555 0555Fax: (02) 6557 6511Canteen Phone: (02) 6555 0575Email:glctuncsen [email protected] h.schools.nsw.edu.au

College Office HoursAll Campuses

8am to 4pmMonday to Friday

Preferred Uniform Supplier

LOWESStockland Shopping Centre

Breese ParadeFORSTER 2428Ph.6555 3870

JUNGLE SURF4/25 Manning StreetTUNCURRY 2428

Ph. 6555 8556
