Issue 28 - March 2007 Shopping at Ferry P8 Out & About P13 Junior Wardens P14 Developing Fast P6-7 Time to celebrate! years service to communities 2000 - 2007

Issue 28 April 2007

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years service to communities 2000 - 2007 I s s u e 2 8 - M a r c h 2 0 0 7 S h o p p i n g a t F e r r y P 8 O u t & A b o u t P 1 3 J u n i o r Wa r d e n s P 1 4 Developing Fast P6-7

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Page 1: Issue 28 April 2007

I s sue 28 - Ma r ch 2007

Shopp ing a t Fe r r y P8 Out & Abou t P13 J un io r Wa rdens P14Developing Fast P6-7

Time to celebrate! years

service to communities 2000 - 2007

Page 2: Issue 28 April 2007

Page 3: Group Chief Executive's Message

Page 4: Dates for your Diary Tenants Conference Prize Draw Winner Best Value Review Panel

Page 5: Disability Equality Duty Our Performance: How do we Measure Up?

Page 6: Developments

Page 7: Developments

Page 8: Ferry Project

Page 9: Luminus Suregas

Page 10: Respect

Page 11: Financial Health Clinic Mutual Exchanges Letting Homes Laminate Flooring

Page 12: Oak Foundation

Page 13: Out & About

Page 14: Open Out Junior Warden Scheme

Page 15: Carbon Footprints Status Survey

Page 16: Luminus Contacts

In this edition...

Page 2


1998: The vision is born as Chan Abraham initiates a strategy

for change because government will not provide money for

deteriorating public housing services

1999: HHP is created in “shadow” form and, after extensive

community consultation, including hundreds of meetings and

discussion groups, tenants overwhelmingly vote YES for the


2000: The business erupts into life! A year of positioning

2001: A year of consolidation

2002: A year of growth with consolidation

2003: A year of continuing growth

2004: A year of continuing consolidation and growth as

Luminus Group is launched so the wider vision can

become reality

2005: A year of continuing consolidation with controlled and

measurable growth

2006: A year of growing hope

2007: A year of sustaining hope

years service to communities

Page 3: Issue 28 April 2007

Finding, following and fulfilling the vision

...the Luminus story of service to others 2000 - 2007

Chan Abraham, Group Chief Executive, shares his vision of making hope a reality.

During 1999 we talked with and wrote to more than 9,000 people, offering the hope of a better future, and established the foundations for Luminus. Then, in March 2000, the work really got under way to make that future hope a present reality. It is what I call “the vision”, something that is constantly in our sight, draws us forward and gives us purpose.

The Luminus story – which is a continuing journey – is about finding, following and fulfilling the vision. We conceived this vision against the background of a rapidly changing and unstable world, a lack of confidence in political leaders and fears about the future. The Luminus vision has given new hope to people about the quality of service to their homes and affordability of their rents. And, by encouraging customers to get involved through activities such as our area associations, customer surveys and Tenant Services Consultative Forum, we have worked to inspire people to believe that, together, we can continue to make things better.

The Luminus story is also about following the vision and we have focused on getting results and keeping faith with our customers. Over seven years we have invested around £50m in our properties, developed 400 new homes (many without any help from government) and have greatly increased the number of jobs, including providing apprenticeship schemes. We have also introduced different ways of helping and supporting communities, such as our Neighbourhood Wardens, tenancy support and Out & About transport schemes. Our efforts have been rewarded at both local and national levels, where we have won many awards and customers consistently give praise to our staff for their excellent work.

The Luminus story is a continuing journey and we are committed to fulfilling the vision. Even though the world is changing rapidly, we know where we are going. We are committed to continue giving the very best service to our customers, to encourage our employees to excel and to help people to continue living in hope.

The Luminus vision is about making hope a reality and we have shown the proof over the past seven years. Our theme this year is Sustaining Hope in 2007. With the support of everyone involved with Luminus we will continue to energise this vision for today’s communities and for generations to come.



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The Best Value Review Panel met in January to discuss the subject for the next Best Value Review and what we had learned from the review of Response Repairs.

A presentation was given on the proposed Best Value Review of 2007 ‘Creating Safer Neighbourhoods’ which will include some of the following issues:

• Preventing anti-social behaviour and taking action

• How easy is it to report anti-social behaviour?

• The role of the Neighbourhood Warden

• Dealing with hate crime, domestic violence and racial harassment

• The Government’s Respect Agenda The Tenant Services Assessment Group and Best Value Review Panel are looking for tenants who are interested in performing a range of activities to carry out this review. If you would like to find out more about these interesting opportunities, please contact Tracey Stone, Tenant Involvement Officer on 01480 428541 or [email protected]

Oak Foundation ForumThe next Oak Foundation Forum meeting is being held on Wednesday 25 April at Cromwell Square in Huntingdon.The meeting will begin at 1.30pm.

Disability Advisory PanelThe Disability Advisory Panel will be meeting on Tuesday 1 May at 10.30am at Brook House, Huntingdon. We will be discussing a new way of letting homes (Choice Based Lettings). If you are interested in attending this meeting please contact Tracey Stone, Tenant Involvement Officer on 01480 428541 or [email protected]

Improving Services to LeaseholdersThe previous edition of Luminus News reported on improvements to be made to the services that leaseholders receive. A leaseholder strategy is currently being developed from the comments received at the focus group where leaseholders and shared owners had the opportunity to discuss issues and priorities. The next meeting will be held on 22 May 2007 at 10.30am and again at 6.30pm. If you are a leaseholder or shared owner and are interested in attending please contact Tracey Stone, Tenant Involvement Officer on 01480 428541 or [email protected]

Dates For Your Diary

Tenants Conference Prize Draw Winner Miss Cade from Brampton was the lucky winner of our Tenants Conference Prize Draw

and has now received her cheque for £500.

Best Value Review Panel

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Tenants • Tenants • Tenants • Tenants • Tenants • Tenants

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We reported in the previous edition of Luminus News, that we are required to publish an action plan to make access to services easier for people in our community who have a disability and to promote equal opportunities.

A group of tenants volunteered to be part of a working group, including staff from Luminus to contribute towards developing a Disability Equality Scheme. The group met in February to discuss how we will work together to produce the Scheme. The next meeting is being held in April, so look out for future progress reports.

Update • Update • Update • Update • Update • Update

After we sent you our ‘Performance Review 2005-06’ you asked us for more information on how we measured up against other landlords.

We have compared our performance on key activities to other landlords in the East of England and here are the results:

Great at carrying out repairsWhen compared to 29 other landlords in the region, our performance in carrying out emergency repairs within timescale was 99.3%. We are the fourth highest performer in this area of our service. We came in fifth out of 29 landlords for completing urgent repairs on time.

Quick at re-letting homesIn comparison to other landlords we are among the top performers for re-let time performance. At an average of 21 days re-let time, we perform better than three quarters of our competitors.

Excellent rent arrears performanceRent arrears owed to us are 2.7% of the total rent due on our homes. The poorest performing landlord in our region has 10.38% of their rent owed to them.

Customer satisfaction - opportunities to participate

We are pleased to report that we have the highest level of satisfaction when compared

to other landlords with 85% of our customers who are happy with the opportunities which we give them to participate in the decision making process here at Luminus.

Our Performance: How do we measure up?

Disability Equality Duty

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Luminus continues to spread its influence

with Joseph Rank House in Harlow, a 12 story

office block, which has been largely empty

for many years. It is close to a shopping area

and provides a superb opportunity to bring

Harlow centre alive. Luminus will provide

132 flats for sale and affordable

housing, together with commercial use

on the ground floor.

Milton Keynes

We are also showing others our “more

excellent way of doing business” in

Milton Keynes, where we will provide

67 homes and a community

centre, mainly for older people

within the Hindu community. 50

flats will be offered for shared

equity sale, and 17 flats and

houses for renting. There will also be a community centre which will offer a meeting point

and a religious centre for the community. The project was in danger of being lost in 2006 before

Luminus stepped in to save it. This is an important first project for Luminus in working with English

Partnerships who own the land at Broughton.


Luminus continues to bring its unique brand of development to Cambridge. Whitlocks was a

sheltered scheme which had been left empty for many years. Now works are on site to produce 44

studio flats, most of which will be offered for rental to key workers.

The project follows the development at Ruth Bagnall Court, with the design altered to

reflect the Trumpington Road Conservation area.

A f f o r d a b l e H o m e s • B u i l d i n g C o m m u n i t i e s • E c o H o m e s • S h a r e d E q u i t y H o u s i n g

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YaxleyThis Spring we will mark the completion of 55 homes off the Broadway, Yaxley. The first phase of

the development was completed earlier this year and provided flats and bungalows for renting.

Some of the bungalows provided wonderful new homes for people from our Ashton House sheltered


The latest phase provides 15 homes for renting and 14 homes for shared ownership housing.

All of the housing for sale has been snapped up by people eager to get on the propert ladder.

BramptonThis development of four homes shows that Luminus provides a mix of large, medium, and small

scale properties. Luminus purchased gardens from neighbours to the site, which we combined with

land already in our ownership to build new homes. Thanks to this initiative Luminus is in a position

to offer low cost home ownership without relying on government grant. Work has now started

on site, and the new homes will be released later this year.

Luminus is pleased that the Housing Corporation is providing a grant and that the development is being

built to a “very good” Ecohomes rating.

Trumpington Road is one of the main road routes into Cambridge, which means that the new

development will be a Luminus landmark for many people on their journeys into and out of

Cambridge city centre.

A f f o r d a b l e H o m e s • B u i l d i n g C o m m u n i t i e s • E c o H o m e s • S h a r e d E q u i t y H o u s i n g

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Spring is nearly here and it is a time

for hope and new ideas. The Ferry Project is developing the services

it provides to Luminus tenants so that you can do something new and bring hope to others in the


One of our social enterprises, Ferry Project Sofa reuses old furniture. We collect furniture which people don’t want and then either use it in our

hostels or sell it through our shop. The money raised by selling the furniture goes to helping homeless people in the area.

If you have a piece of furniture that you no longer need or want and is in a useable condition, please contact us on 01354 658732 and we will collect it from you. This will stop your house from being cluttered and help homeless people. It’s also good for the environment as when you throw away old furniture it goes straight into land fill sites.

We cannot take rubbish so please ensure the furniture still has some life in it. We take all types of furniture and will also collect bric-a-brac (with furniture) if you require. We also can clear out full homes! You would know that your old furniture is helping others and bringing hope for the future.

Another of our social enterprises is Ferry Project Farming. This has a fresh fruit and vegetable van that delivers fresh produce to Luminus’ supported housing schemes. To find out where it delivers, please contact the Community Services Team on 01480 428561. All profits go to helping homeless people. For further information please call The Ferry Project on 01945 467596.

The Ferry Project - Helping the homeless with love and support towards independence

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Luminus Suregas • Lum

inus Suregas

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Luminus Suregas, provides servicing, maintenance, repairs and installation of gas boilers and heating for Luminus homes and some local authorities and housing associations.

This excellent team, which includes engineers and other staff, are based in Potters Bar and Huntingdon, and work closely with the staff at Brook House head office.

Ian Musk is the Divisional Manager for Luminus Suregas. With a background in housing improvements, Ian has the challenging and exciting task of bringing the service up to Luminus Group’s high standards.

Some of the positive changes being made are:

• Installations – 1000 new boilers are expected to be installed for clients in 2007-08

• Training – There is a huge programme for training this year

• Meeting clients' needs and gaining 100% customer satisfaction. All engineers will be in teams focused on giving their clients the best service. Engineers will be provided with specific training tailored for the client’s needs

• Appointment systems – We aim to have these systems in place by 1 June 2007. This will greatly improve time management and client satisfaction. Fixed time appointments will make it easier for customers and call centre staff

• Apprentice programme – An apprentice programme has four apprentices already in training with three still to be appointed

• Shiny new vans! – There is now a fleet of new vans being introduced and all engineers have been provided with Luminus uniform

• Performance is a key issue – The target for 2007-08 is 99% boiler compliance and servicing for all clients.

Watch this space for some exciting changes to come!

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In the last issue we told you about our commitment to do all we reasonably can to combat anti-social behaviour in our communities. In Luminus News we will let you know what is happening. In the last month we had to ask the court to give us an order to evict a tenant from a block of flats because of serious incidents of anti-social behaviour, involving excessive noise and activity relating to the use of illegal drugs. Although we take such action when cases are very serious we try to find other solutions first to solve anti-social behaviour at an early stage. The table below shows a comparison with other housing associations on cases resolved by early intervention and support.

The table shows we are much more likely than other landlords to be successful using Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs), which are voluntary agreements made by those who have caused nuisance to modify their behaviour. It also shows that we use family and tenancy support services to intervene to resolve anti-social behaviour cases.

Working with you to promote RespectLater in the year we will be starting a programme of meeting with residents in local communities to discuss their concerns about anti-social behaviour. We will let you know when we will be in your area nearer the time.

How can you report a problem?If you are experiencing problems with your neighbour or in your wider neighbourhood you can report it to us in several ways. You can write to us, either by letter or e-mail, you can telephone your Neighbourhood Officer or you can speak to one of the Neighbourhood Wardens. We will keep a record of the problem and agree an action plan with you of what we and you can do to try and resolve it. For further information please contact our Neighbourhood Services team on 01480 428588.

Number of resolved anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases by last action taken (early intervention and support)

end of third quarter, 2006 - 07

MARK REBANE1965 - 2007Mark Rebane,

Anti-Social Behaviour

Manager, sadly passed away on

23 February 2007. He will be greatly missed by us all.

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Worried about money matters? Help is at hand Luminus is committed to offering our tenants support in dealing with money matters and it is for this reason that we have been working in partnership with Citizens Advice Bureau, Huntingdon Independent Advice Centre, Trading Standards, Cambridgeshire County Council, Anglia Savers Credit Union and other partners to set up the Huntingdon Financial Health Clinic. This new community based project provides access to high quality benefits advice, debt counselling services and membership to a credit union. There are two weekly surgeries held on Mondays and Thursdays between 10.00am and 1.00pm in the Oak Tree Health Centre, Huntingdon. So please come along and speak to one of the advisors.

Remember, worrying about problems with money won't solve it, but getting expert advice and support will make a big difference.

Financial Health Clinic • M

utual Exchanges

Page 11

Laminate FlooringLaminate flooring is a very popular floor covering. It is attractive and hardwearing. However, it is not suitable for use in blocks of flats because it increases sound transmission and can cause a nuisance to neighbours. We do not recommend tenants in flats install this type of flooring. Where we receive complaints of noise which are primarily due to the type of floor cover used we may ask that it is removed and a more suitable floor covering such as carpet laid instead.

Letting HomesAs well as still receiving nominations from Huntingdonshire District Council’s housing register, we are now using our own housing register to let some of our homes directly. If you are looking for a transfer to another Luminus home you can still apply to join our register, even if you are also registered with the Council. For more information and an application form please telephone us on 01480 428527.

Mutual ExchangesIf you have been looking for a mutual exchange recently (that is “swapping” your home and tenancy with another tenant) you will have received a letter letting you know that the Homeswap scheme has recently ended. This does not mean that you will no longer be able to do an exchange.

We have now set up our own mutual exchange list which you can join. You will need to complete an application form, which you can get from us. Once completed and returned to us we will enter your details on the list to see if there are any tenants with suitable homes who are looking to swap. You will be able to look at the list at our offices and it will also be available on our website.

There are also commercial websites that enable you to find a mutual exchange partner. However, you may be asked to pay to register on these websites. For further information please call our Neighbourhood Services team on 01480 428588.

Financial Health Clinic

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Hilary Lodge, B



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amsey • Oak Foundation Foru

m • Prim

ary Care Trust •Hilary Lodge, Brampton and Mill

House, Ramsey. The residents of Mill House, Ramsey travelled to Hilary Lodge, Brampton, to

enjoy an afternoon with singer, Jeremy Hillyard. Jeremy is very popular with our residents and they always enjoy a good

sing song with lots of golden oldies. There was an especially good reaction to Jeremy’s rendition of the Tom Jones classic, Delilah! The

next joint venture is the annual Easter bonnet competition, which is being held at Mill House, Ramsey.

Rectory Gardens residents had a demonstration of indoor curling, which can be played from your armchair or wheelchair for the less mobile. The comment of one lady was: ‘That was better than knitting!’. We are hoping that we can have some form of ‘exercise’ in the form of fun or games in each of the sheltered schemes and want to encourage people from the communities to come into the schemes and take part. Anyone who does not have transport could join the Out and About bus project and travel to our sheltered schemes and take part in other activities and outings across the region. Telephone Amy

Roe, Activities and Transport Co-ordinator on 01480 428428 for further details.

The PCT (Primary Care Trust) sent one of their Exercise

instructors, Janet, along to Medway Court, Huntingdon to take an exercise class. This first class was well

attended by 14 residents including Mrs Louisa Salmon who is 91 years


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Since the Launch of the Out & About Activities and Transport project, at the end of September 2006, it has gone from strength to strength, with now over 280 members.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life for older, vulnerable and disabled people in Huntingdonshire, by breaking down the barriers that prevent them from leading more active and healthier lifestyles.

Members can attend a variety of activities, including coffee mornings, lunch clubs, bingo, light exercise classes and excursions. One member commented “It was the first time in 11 months that I have been able to do my own shopping”.

The project is running a 'Computers for the Terrified' course at the St Barnabas Centre in Huntingdon.

Out & About Activities Coordinator, Amy Roe commented “We have had very positive feed back from the class.” Member Iris Richardson from Huntingdon says “I am really enjoying the course and is great to be out meeting new people and learning a new skill.”

The project has at least one activity or excursion running every day. This will continue during April and May. There will be a new issue of the newsletter published in early summer that will detail a range of new activities that will be on offer.

If you want any further information or would like to suggest ideas for new activites and excursions please contact the Out & About team on 01480 428428 or email [email protected]

Hilary Lodge, B



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We are currently running a Junior Warden Scheme in the

Oxmoor area in conjunction with our Neighbourhood

Warden, Lisa Harris and Thongsley School. The scheme

has been designed initially as a five week programme

for ten children at a time. We have just finished the

first five week programme with the children. Activities

included; explanation of the Wardens role and duties, a

visual audit of the area (identifying potential problems),

reporting fly tipping, abandoned vehicles, and general

refuse, graffiti removal, basic health and safety training and a presentation to the children’s

parents about the work of the scheme. The children have been encouraged to report problems

and issues for themselves and to be more environmentally aware.

We will be running the programme again so more children can take part

and it is hoped to include new elements to the programme such as:- a litter

pick, traffic survey outside the school, involvement from other professionals

i.e. Park Rangers, Recycling Officers from the District Council. We will be

presenting the children who have successfully completed the five week

programme with certificates to reward their achievements.

Open Out RoadshowsIf you would like to find out more about the

Open Out scheme or have been affected by

any hate crime issues, I will be joining your

Luminus Neighbourhood Wardens for a joint

drop in surgery. Please come along and have

a chat. Details as follows;

Yaxley Tuesday 10 April 9.30am – 12.00pm at the Yaxley Community Information Centre.

Ramsey Tuesday 17 April 1.30pm – 3.30pm at the Ramsey Community Information Centre.

St Ives Thursday 26 April 10.00am – 1.00pm at The Free Church, St Ives

Hate crime hurts and should not be tolerated and if you or someone you know is being affected please REPORT IT!


My name is Anne-Marie Waterston and I would

like to take this opportunity to introduce myself

as the newly appointed Equalities Officer for

the Huntingdonshire district. My role includes

continuing the great achievements of the Open

Out scheme and also working on behalf of the

Diversity Forum Huntingdonshire, promoting

diversity awareness within our communities. The

Open Out scheme, for those of you who haven’t

heard of it, is a third party confidential reporting

scheme for victims and witnesses of hate crime.

Hate crime is any criminal offence committed

against a person or property that is motivated by

the offender’s hatred for someone because of their

age, gender, disability, sexuality, race or religion.

Hate crime can take many forms including: verbal

abuse, physical abuse, threatening attacks, graffiti,

damage to home and property, bullying in schools

or workplace, humiliation or intimidation.

For more information and advice please call 01480 428726 or e-mail [email protected]


Junior Wardens - Oxmoor

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Scientists tell us global temperatures are rising,

caused by human activities through a build up

of greenhouse gases. This will have a severe

impact on the environment. If we take no action then the consequences might

be, increasing average surface air temperature of about 2.5°C by 2100, increasing

frequency of heat waves during summer months, sea-levels rising by approximately

49cm over the next 100 years leading to more coastal flooding, further melting of the ice

caps which might affect the Gulf Stream, which currently keeps the UK up to 6°C warmer than it

would otherwise be. The following are some simple things you can do to reduce your contribution

to global warming:

• Switch to a supplier of green energy who supplies electricity from renewable sources such as

wind and hydroelectric power

• Completely turn off electrical items when not in use, e.g. lights, television - don’t leave them

on standby

• Turn down your central heating by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius

• Use a full load in your washing machine or dishwasher as this will save you water and


• Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need

• Unplug your mobile when it’s finished charging

• Defrost your fridge/freezer regularly

• Car share to work, or on the school run

• Use the bus or train rather than your car

• See if you can work from home one day a week

• Hire a bicycle on holiday to explore locally rather than a car

• Buy wine from European countries rather than Australia, South Africa, and America

• Try and buy clothes and products from closer to home and avoid items that are made in far

distant places

• Buy local fruit and vegetables, or grow your own.

Later this year, Luminus will be sending all our customers an opinion survey. This will give you the opportunity to tell us what you think about the service we provide you. The survey will include questions about your home, your local area, our repairs service and contacting Luminus.

We want to find out what you expect from us, the areas where you believe services could be improved and to gain a better knowledge of you. Your views are vital to us and will help us improve and develop services to meet your needs. We will compare results from this year's survey against our last full customer opinion survey, which we carried out in 2004, to see how we are making progress.

All completed and returned forms will be entered into a very special prize draw, with cash prizes on offer! Please do take a few minutes to complete your survey and tell us what you think. We will let you know the results of the survey before the end of the year.

Ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Tell us what you think

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General tenancy enquiries concerning mutual exchanges, changes to tenancies, garden maintenance, service charges, lettings, boundaries, anti-social behaviour, tenancy disputes and Neighbourhood Wardens

01480 428777General Enquiries (Luminus Group Services)

01480 428333Service Centre

01480 428521Benefits Advice - Sue Cargill

01480 428541Tenant Involvement Officer - Tracey Stone

01480 428588Neighbourhood Services

01480 428531Tenant Liaison Officer - Linda Bevens

01480 428522Revenues

Between 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am - 4.30pm

For reporting all repairs

Enquiries about your rent account

Advice about housing benefit and other benefits

Enquiries about improvement work being done in your home

Information about how you can become involved with Luminus

Emergency repairs include: • Gas & central heating problems (DO NOT ring the contractors direct) • Total loss of water supply • Major water leak (which is causing a flood) • Toilet blockage or toilet not flushing (where there is no alternative toilet in use) • Blocked flue to a boiler or open fire • Total loss of electric power

01945 467596Luminus Ferry Project

Providing services to the homeless in Fenland


Emergencies: where a vital service has broken down and is likely to cause risk to you, your family or neighbours, your home or your belongings. This will be made safe within 24 hours.

If you have any comments or would like Luminus News in large print or as an audio cassette, please contact Kelly Linay on 01480 428707 for more information.

Published by Luminus Group • Registered Office Brook House,

Ouse Walk, Huntingdon, PE29 3QW

Tel No: 01480 428777 • Fax No: 01480 428555

E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.luminus.org.uk Designed by Prototype Design 01923 333888

For help to understand this newsletter please ring 01480 428721