ISSUE # 35, 2014

ISSUE # 35, 2014lunar-captures.com/Selenology_Today/selenologytoday35.pdf · ISSUE # 35, 2014 Madler is a somewhat irregular 27km diameter crater on the northern shore of Mare Nectaris

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Page 1: ISSUE # 35, 2014lunar-captures.com/Selenology_Today/selenologytoday35.pdf · ISSUE # 35, 2014 Madler is a somewhat irregular 27km diameter crater on the northern shore of Mare Nectaris

IISSSSUUEE ## 3355,, 22001144

Page 2: ISSUE # 35, 2014lunar-captures.com/Selenology_Today/selenologytoday35.pdf · ISSUE # 35, 2014 Madler is a somewhat irregular 27km diameter crater on the northern shore of Mare Nectaris

SSeelleennoollooggyy TTooddaayy iiss ddeevvootteedd ttoo tthhee ppuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss iinn tthhee ffiieelldd ooff lluunnaarr

ssttuuddiieess.. MMaannuussccrriippttss rreeppoorrttiinngg tthhee rreessuullttss ooff nneeww rreesseeaarrcchh ccoonncceerrnniinngg tthhee aassttrroonnoommyy,,

ggeeoollooggyy,, pphhyyssiiccss,, cchheemmiissttrryy aanndd ootthheerr sscciieennttiiffiicc aassppeeccttss ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss MMoooonn aarree

wweellccoommee.. SSeelleennoollooggyy TTooddaayy ppuubblliisshheess ppaappeerrss ddeevvootteedd eexxcclluussiivveellyy ttoo tthhee MMoooonn..

RReevviieewwss,, hhiissttoorriiccaall ppaappeerrss aanndd mmaannuussccrriippttss ddeessccrriibbiinngg oobbsseerrvviinngg oorr ssppaacceeccrraafftt

iinnssttrruummeennttaattiioonn aarree ccoonnssiiddeerreedd..

SSeelleennoollooggyy TTooddaayy wweebbssiitteehhttttpp::////ddiiggiillaannddeerr..lliibbeerroo..iitt//ggllrrggrroouupp//

aanndd hheerree yyoouu ccaann ffoouunndd aallll oollddeerr iissssuueesshhttttpp::////wwwwww..lluunnaarr­­ccaappttuurreess..ccoomm//SSeelleennoollooggyyTTooddaayy..hhttmmll

EEddiittoorr iinn cchhiieeff RRaaffffaaeelllloo LLeennaaeeddiittoorrss JJiimm PPhhiilllliippss,, GGeeoorrggee TTaarrssoouuddiiss aanndd MMaarriiaa TTeerreessaa BBrreeggaannttee

SSeelleennoollooggyy TTooddaayy iiss uunnddeerr aa rreeoorrggaanniizzaattiioonn,, ssoo tthhaatt ffuurrtthheerr ccoommmmeennttss sseenntt ttoo uuss wwiillll

hheellpp ffoorr tthhee nneeww ssttrruuccttuurree.. SSoo pplleeaassee ddooeessnn’’tt eexxiitt ttoo ccoonnttaacctt uuss ffoorr aannyy iiddeeaass aanndd

ssuuggggeessttiioonn aabboouutt tthhee JJoouurrnnaall.. CCoommmmeennttss aanndd ssuuggggeessttiioonnss ccaann bbee sseenntt ttoo RRaaffffaaeelllloo

LLeennaa eeddiittoorr iinn cchhiieeff ::

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MMaaddlleerr –– aann OObblliiqquuee IImmppaacctt CCrraatteerrBy Barry Fitz­Gerald GLR Group ........................................................................................ 4

DDoommeess iinn nnoorrtthheerrnn MMaarree TTrraannqquuiilllliittaattiiss:: MMoorrpphhoommeettrriicc aannaallyyssiiss aanndd mmooddee ooffffoorrmmaattiioonnBy Raffaello Lena and Paolo Lazzarotti GLR Group ......................................................... 12

WWrriinnkkllee RRiiddggeess iinn MMaarree NNuubbiiuummBy KC Pau Geologic Lunar Research GLR group ........................................................... 25

33DD rreeccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ooff tthhee ddoommee YYaannggeell 11 oobbttaaiinneedd oonn ggrroouunndd­­bbaasseeddhhiigghh­­rreessoolluuttiioonn CCCCDD iimmaaggeerryyBy Raffaello Lena and Mike Wirths GLR group ....................................................................... 28

RReeppoorrtt oonn tthhee TToottaall LLuunnaarr EEcclliippssee ooff 22001144 AApprriill 1155By Maurice Collins, Palmerston North, New Zealand .......................................................... 34

LLuunnaarr EEcclliippssee IImmaaggeess aanndd rreeppoorrttssBy Mike Wirths, Maurice Collins, Neal Simpson, Richard Hills, Paul ....................................... 38


­ crater GASSENDI&

Huge Solar flare

byMike Wirths

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Page 4: ISSUE # 35, 2014lunar-captures.com/Selenology_Today/selenologytoday35.pdf · ISSUE # 35, 2014 Madler is a somewhat irregular 27km diameter crater on the northern shore of Mare Nectaris

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Madler is a somewhat irregular 27kmdiameter crater on the northern shore of MareNectaris and immediately west of thespectacular crater Theophilus. The location ofthe impact would appear to consist of mareplains overlain by Theophilus's ejecta blanket(Milton, 1968), but more significantly these unitsprobably overlie submerged highland terrainwhich once formed the northern rim of theNectaris Basin. These local conditions may havecontributed to the irregular sub­circular shapewe see, including a prominent scallop to thenorth where a significant wall slump hasoccurred. As noted by Wood (2009) this craterwas originally mapped as being older than thenearby Theophilus, but he identifies featuresthat indicate that Madler is the younger of thetwo. In addition, secondary craters fromMadler's ejecta blanket can be detectedsuperimposed on impact melt pools clearlyassociated with Theophilus, again supportingthe view that Madler is the younger.

Bright ejecta from the crater is best seentelescopically, but is well represented in theClementine imagery (Fig.1) which shows an arcof bright materiel extending approximately 1crater radius away to the east. An asymmetricbright fan of ejecta, traceable up to 6 crater radiibeyond the rim can be seen to the west of theprominent ray which extends towards Daguerrein the southwest. This light ejecta overlies

secondaries from Theophilus, supporting theconclusions regarding relative crater ages, butalso contains within it secondary craters from theMadler impact event. This light ejecta is moreextensive to the south­west, a factor relevant tothe interpretation of Madler as being the result ofan oblique impact.

To the north of the crater, bright ejecta isreplaced by dark ejecta which is conspicuous inthe Clementine imagery (Fig.1), and can be seenextending in dark rays to the north, north­westand west across the eastern floor of Theophilus.This dark ejecta appears not to be as extensiveas the bright ejecta, but this is probably acontrast effect with the brighter ejecta moreconspicuous against the dark mare background.To the north­east the dark ejecta is bounded by acrater chain that extends northwards fromMadler in a manner similar to the way the brightray to the south­east forms an eastwards limit tothe bright ejecta. The difference between thelight and dark ejecta is most logically explainedby the excavation of different source rocks by theMadler impact, with a brighter highlandcomponent of material being excavated to thesouth, and a more mare dominated darkermaterial being excavated to the north. This isrelated to the location of the crater straddling therim of the Nectaris Basin as discussed above.


MMaaddlleerr –– aann OObblliiqquuee IImmppaacctt CCrraatteerr

By Barry Fitz­GeraldGeologic Lunar Research (GLR) group


Madler is a 27km diameter crater lying on the northern rim of the Nectaris Basin. Irregular in shape, thecrater exhibits an unusual distribution of ejecta which includes a bright ray extending to the south­easttowards the ruined crater Daguerre. This distribution is here used to propose an oblique impact origin forthe crater, and it's curious arrangement explained by the geological nature of the pre­impact site.

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Fig.1 Clementine UVVIS Multispectral Mosaic image of Madler showing bright ray to the south­east, and light coloured ejecta to the east, south and south­west. Note bright ejecta is replacedby dark ejecta to the north.

The bright ejecta to the east of Madlerforms a curious and well defined 'halo', which isbounded by the bright ray to the south­east andthe crater chain to the north (Fig.2). The mostdistal part of this ejecta is composed of a bandof almost continuous small pit like secondarycraters. In some places these pits form a'stippled' surface of individual closely spacedpits whist in other places several pits coalesceto form elongate depressions orientatedtangentially to the rim of the parent crater.Eastwards of this zone the surface is sculptedby larger secondary craters presumablyoriginating from Theophilus (Fig.3). The lack ofbright ejecta eastward of the band of secondarycraters, or other secondary craters obviouslyassociated with Madler suggests a 'Zone ofAvoidance' (ZoA) type of distribution,characteristic of the up­range ejecta pattern ofoblique impacts. Fig.2 SELENE image of eastern side of Madler showing

bright ejecta bound by crater chain to the north­east CC,and bright ray to the south­east R.

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Fig.3 Detail of band of secondary crates to theeast of Madler. Bright ejecta from Madler can beseen to the south­west of the band whilst to thenorth­east the terrain is dominated by Theophilussecondary craters.

Fig.4 Detail of bright ray to the south of Madler showing en­echelon secondary craters (left) and detail ofcrater chain to the north showing proximal expression as an elongate depression (right).

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The conspicuous ray to the south­east canbe seen to have a core consisting of elongatesecondary craters arranged in an en­echelonfashion (Fig.4). The crater chain to the north incontrast is not associated with a conspicuous brightray, though a suggestion of one is visible in theClementine images (Fig.1).

The southern ray and the northern craterchain appear to represent up­range rays which arecharacteristic of the up­range domain in obliqueimpacts. Such rays can take the form of cardioid orarachnid rays (Schultz et.al, 2009). The term'cardioid' refers to the heart shaped appearancethat results in many cases from the curvature of therays, typically convex in an up­range direction. Inthe present case the southern ray exhibits littleobvious curvature, whilst the northern ray ifanything curves with a concave aspect up­range.Such concave up­range rays are termed 'arachnid'due to their similarity to spiders legs, and arebelieved to result from impacts into layered targetmaterial with a lower density surface overlying adenser basement (ibid.) Taken together, theapparent Zone of Avoidance and presence of up­range would indicate an oblique impact origin forMadler with the approach direction of the impactor

Fig.5 LRO WAC image of Dryden(left) showing arachnid ray to thenorth and straighter ray to thesouth. A narrow zone of secondarycraters (yellow arrows) can beseen between them in the up­rangedirection. This zone can be seen toconsist of elongate secondarycraters and elongate ridges ofejecta orientated tangentially to thecrater rim in the LROC NACimages of the same area (right).

being from the north­east.The 54km diameter oblique impact crater

Dryden exhibits a combination of up­range rays anda zone of secondary craters similar to thosedescribed above (Fig.5). Dryden exhibits asomewhat arachnid ray to the north, and a feintedstraight ray to the south. Occupying a bandbetween them in the up­range direction (east) is anarrow zone of secondary craters exhibiting therather 'stippled' texture described above in relationto Madler. This zone can, on closer inspection, beseen to consist of elongate secondary craters andejecta ridges bearing a tangential orientation to thecrater rim. This indicates that these zones are afeature of oblique impacts which form in the up­range domain, possibly as result of thedevelopment and evolution of the ejecta curtainduring the impact event.

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Fig.6 LRO GLD100 profile alongline A­B of Madler showing relativeheights of up­range and down­range rims.

A further indication of an oblique impactorigin in Madler is the relative heights of theproposed up­range (NE) and down­range (SW)rims. As can be seen from Fig.6, the proposedup­range rim to the north­east is depressed bysome 200m when compared to the south­westernrim, a phenomenon noted in oblique impacts(Herrick and Forsberg­Taylor, 2003).

The different expression of Madler's up­range rays (with the south­eastern one beingconspicuous and the northern one all butinvisible) may have served to hinder theiridentification, as more well known examples tendto be more symmetrical as in the case of craterssuch as Proclus, Tycho and Jackson. In additionto the presence or absence of bright ray material,the two rays proposed here are geometricallyasymmetric, with the southern ray being straight,and the northern one being 'arachnid' in profile.There are however a number of examples wherean asymmetry is present, indicating that localconditions at the impact site may contribute to thedevelopment of up­range rays.

The 22km diameter Harding has aprominent bright curving cardioid ray to the east,but to the north the bright ray is replaced by a

dark ray (Fig.7). The symmetry of the dark andlight rays is visible when the relative Titaniumcontent is viewed, with both rays demonstrating arelatively lower TiO2 content than the surroundingterrain, indicating an origin from Low TiO2 basaltswhich underly the Higher TiO2 surface rocks.Some other factor has however rendered thenorthern ray less conspicuous in terms of albedothan the southern one, making the identificationof Harding as an oblique impact crater difficult.

Another example of asymmetry, this timein terms of physical expression is Crookes, anoblique impact crater with the ZoA to the east(Fig.8). This crater exhibits two bright cardioid up­range rays either side of the ZoA, but only thenorthern ray shows a pronounced chain ofoverlapping secondary craters proximally. It isworth noting also that this northern crater chain isparticularly well developed near the crater rim,consisting of an almost continual troughorientated tangential to the crater rim, andbounded by ridges of ejecta set in a 'herringbone'pattern characteristic of secondary impacts. Thisfeature is highly suggestive of the trough forming

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the proximal part of the northern ray of Madler,suggesting an origin in a similar process.

Both Crookes and Harding illustrate thefact that up­range ray asymmetry can take the

Fig.7 Clementine NIR Multispectral Mosaic of Harding showing the ZoA to the north­east, with brightersouthern cardioid ray and darker northern ray (left) and LMMP image of same area showing LowTitanium lithology in dark blue (right).

Fig.8 LROC WAC image of Crookes (left) showing cardioid ray to the north and detail ofsecondary crater chains forming proximal part of the ray (right). Note the absence of a similarcrater chain to the south. The ZoA is to the right (east) of the crater.

form of a difference in albedo or a difference in thedevelopment of secondary cratering along therays. Madler appears to be an example where botheffects are be present. The northern ray of Madlerappears inconspicuous due to it's low albedo in

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comparison to the southern ray. This may be aconsequence of local conditions where thegeology excavated by the crater differs to thenorth and south.

A glance at the Clementine UVVIS RatioMap image of Madler (Fig.9) shows the presenceof the northern ray in the form a thin light blueline representing fresh ejecta, similar incomposition to the wide fan of ejecta to the northand west. This shows up as a dark mantling inthe Clementine UVVIS Multispectral Mosaicimages (Fig.1). A similar situation exists in thecase of Harding. The northern ray of Madler isalso physically different to the southern,consisting of a deep proximal crater chain whichchanges distally into a subdued and 'feathery'field of secondary craters. The southern ray bycontrast exhibits en­echelon secondary cratersforming the core of the high albedo bright ray.

Fig.9 Clementine UVVIS Ratio Map image of Madlershowing the northern cardioid ray picked out as a thinblue line (arrows). This appears to be similar to theejecta seen to the north and west also showing up aslight blue. Comparing this image to Fig.1 suggests thatthe difference in the albedo of the ejecta blanket is aconsequence of lithological difference.


Madler is probably an example of anoblique angled impact crater with the approachdirection of the impactor being from the north­east. The distribution of ejecta normallyassociated with such impacts is not conspicuoushere due to the asymmetric development of theup­range rays, and the division of the ejecta intolow albedo material to the north and high albedomaterial to the south. These differences may bea consequence of the local subsurface geology,which being on the rim of the Nectaris Basin maybe represented by submerged highland materialas well as superimposed mare deposits. Thepresence of a ZoA to the north­east and apreferential development of both bright and darkejecta to the south­west supports theconclusions drawn in relation Madlers obliqueimpact origin. The crater post­dates Theophilusas its dark ejecta can be seen to cover theeastern floor of the larger crater. The distribution

of ejecta surrounding oblique impacts can bediagnostic of this type of crater, but asymmetricdevelopment, especially in areas of diverse subsurface geology may well obscure thesecharacteristic features.

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Herrick, R. R, Forsberg­Taylor N. K. 2003. The shape and appearance of craters formed by obliqueimpact on the Moon and Venus. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 38, Nr 11, 1551–1578

Milton, D.J, 1968. (LAC­78) Geologic map of the Theophilus quadrangle of the moon. USGS IMAP:546

Schultz, P.H, Anderson, J.B.L and Hermalyn, B (2009) Origin and significance of uprange raypatterns. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009)

Wood, C. 2009. http://lpod.wikispaces.com/November+28%2C+2009


LROC images, topographic charts and 3D visualisation reproduced by courtesy of the LROCWebsite, School of Earth and Space Exploration,University of Arizona at:http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/index.html

Clementine Multispectral Images courtesy of the USGS PSD Imaging Node at:http://www.mapaplanet.org/

Selene images courtesy of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) at:http://l2db.selene.darts.isas.jaxa.jp

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Domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis: Morphometric analysis andmode of formation

By Raffaello Lena and Paolo LazzarottiGeologic Lunar Research (GLR) group

AAbbssttrraaccttIn this study we examine lunar mare domes situated to the east of the crater Jansen, in the northern part ofMare Tranquillitatis. Morphometric details were established for three lunar domes, while further sevendomes, located between Vitruvius G and Vitruvius M will be the object of a next study. The first dome,named C8, has been previously reported by our group but it is analyzed using GLD100 dataset together tophotoclinometry and SfS applied to CCD image of higher detail. Its height was determined to 270 m withan average slope of 2.5°. We determined morphometric data of further two unreported domes, namedC18, located at 30.04º E and 14.06º N, and C19 located at 29.92° E and 14.42° N, respectively. C18 has adiameter of 7.2 km, a height of 125 m and an average slope of 1.9°. For C19 we determined a diameter of4 km, a height of 70 m, a flank slope of 2.0°. According to the GLR classification scheme both domes C8and C18 belong to class C2, while C19 belong to class E1 with a tendency towards class A.Based on rheologic modelling of the domes and a viscoelastic model of the feeder dikes, we obtainedmagma viscosity, effusion rate and duration of the effusion process for C8 (4.3 x 106 Pa s, 101 m3 s­1 , 5.3years), C18 (3.6 x 105 Pa s, 74 m3 s ­1 , 1.2 years) and C19 (9.0 x 104 Pa s, 40 m3 s­1 , 0.34 years).Accordingly we have estimated the magma rise speed (7.3 x 10­6, 2.2 x 10­5 and 3.9 x 10­5m s­1), the widthof the feeder dike (80, 30 and 15 m) and the dike length (180, 125 and 70 km) for C8, C18 and C19,respectively.

11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn

The apparent internal origin of lunar domeswas a major factor in endogenic interpretationsof the maria, and their low profiles suggest avolcanism characteristic of fluid mafic magmas[1]. In previous works we have introduced anovel classification scheme for effusive lunardomes which is based on their spectral andmorphometric properties, and have examinedfor a variety of lunar mare domes therelationship between the conditions in themagma source regions and the resultingeruption conditions at the surface [2­3]. TheGeologic Lunar Research (GLR) group has anongoing project to study lunar domes with thepurpose of their classification based onrheologic properties [4]. Our Lunar DomeCatalogue is continuously updated according toongoing observing and modelling activities.In this paper, we describe the results of asurvey made on the Cauchy­Vitruvius region inorder to characterize further lunar domes

examining their morphometric properties.The current study describes three domes, located tothe east of the crater Jansen and south of the craterJansen L, in the northern part of Mare Tranquillitatis,while further seven domes identified near thecraters Vitruvius G and M (under ongoing analysis)will be the object of a next report.

22.. GGrroouunndd­­bbaasseedd oobbsseerrvvaattiioonnss

A telescopic CCD image of the examinedlunar region is shown in Fig. 1. The image wastaken under oblique illumination conditions byLazzarotti using a Gladius XLI Cassegrain withaperture of 400 mm f/16 and a Baader Zeiss 2xBarlow lens. For image acquisition an experimentalSony ICX285 based CCD camera was employed.The image was taken on September 17, 2011 at03:48 UT.

The scale of the images is 250 m per pixel onthe lunar surface. Due to atmospherical seeing,however, the effective resolution (corresponding tothe width of the point spread function) is not muchbetter than 0.7 km.


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FFiigguurree 11..Telescopic CCD imagemade on September 17,2011 at 03:48 UT(Gladius XLI Cassegrainwith aperture of 400 mmf/16 and a Baader Zeiss2xBarlow lens).

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Some domes have already been measured in previous our studies (e.g. the domes termed C8 andC17 in Fig. 2), and described by GLR group in [4]. However, the dome C8 shown in Fig. 1, has higherresolution than our old image, while further two domes, termed C18 and C19, have not beingcharacterized in our previous studies (cf. Fig. 2).

FFiigguurree 22..Examined lunar regionmarked with a squareincluding the position ofthe domes termed C8,C18 and C19.

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Using the Lunar Terminator Visualization Tool(LTVT) software package [5], we determined theselenographic positions of the examined domes.LTVT is a freeware program that displays a widerange of lunar imagery and permits a variety ofhighly accurate measurements in these images.Selenographic coordinates, sizes, solar altitudesand shadow lengths of features can be estimatedbased on a calibration procedure. This calibration,based on ULCN 1994 data, allows LTVT to makethe spatial adjustments necessary to bring theobserved positions of lunar features into conformitywith those expected from the Unified Lunar ControlNetwork (ULCN). The ULCN is a set of points onthe lunar surface whose three­dimensionalselenodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, andradial distance from the lunar centre) have beendetermined by careful measurement. Typicallythese points consist of very small craters. Accordingto [6], the three­dimensional positions areexpressed in the mean Earth/polar axis system.

33.. WWAACC ((LLRROO)) iimmaaggeerryy

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)WAC image (cf. Fig 3) displays the examineddomes, some of them characterized by thepresence of some non­volcanic hills or ridges on thesummit.

FFiigguurree 33..WAC imagery of the examinedlunar mare domes.

44.. MMeetthhooddss,, mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss aanndd mmaatteerriiaall

1. For spectral analysis we utilise theClementine UVVIS five­band data set aspublished in [7]. For all spectral data extracted inthis study, the size of the sample area on thelunar surface was set to 2 × 2 km2. Variations insoil composition, maturity, particle size, andviewing geometry are indicated by the reflectanceR750 at 750 nm wavelength. Another importantspectral parameter is the R415/R750 ratio, which iscorrelated with the variations in TiO2 content ofmare soils. A corresponding relation wasestablished by Charette et al., specificallyregarding different basaltic units in MareTranquillitatis [8].A comprehensive characterisation of spectralfeatures attributable to titanium in lunar soils isprovided in [9]. The third regarded spectralparameter, the R950/R750 ratio, is related to thestrength of the mafic absorption band,representing a measure for the FeO content ofthe soil and being also sensitive to the opticalmaturity of mare and highland materials [10]. Thespectral data of the examined domes are listed inTable 1.The corresponding Clementine color ratio map isshown in Fig. 4. In the Clementine color ratio the

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maria are depicted in yellow/orange (iron­rich, lowertitanium) or blue (iron­rich, higher titanium). C8 ischaracterized by a different color respect to thenearby soil and appears reddish indicating andecreased TiO2 content if compared with the domesC18 and C19, which are spectrally bluer with higherR415/R750 ratios. For the elemental abundance wt%of the lunar region described in this study, we haveapplied the TiO2 and FeO estimation equations, byLucey et al., described in [11].

2. We have generated a digital elevationmodel (DEM) of the examined domes based on ourtelescopic CCD image. A well­known image­basedmethod for 3D surface reconstruction is shape fromshading (SfS). The SfS approach aims for derivingthe orientation of the surface at each image locationby using a model of the reflectance properties of thesurface and knowledge about the illuminationconditions, finally leading to an elevation value foreach image pixel [12]. The height values wereobtained by determining elevation differencesbetween the summit of the dome and itssurrounding on the corresponding 3D profilesderived by photoclinometry and shape from shadinganalysis, as described in our previous works [4].

3. Scholten et al. present a nearly globallunar DEM with a grid size of 100 m, the so­calledGLD100 [13]. This DEM has been constructedbased on photogrammetric analysis of LROC WACimage pairs. According to [13], the averageelevation accuracy of the GLD100 amounts to 20 m,while 10 m accuracy is achieved for the nearsidemare regions. ACT­REACT Quick Map tool wasused to access to the GLD100 dataset, allowing toobtain the cross­sectional profiles and thecorresponding 3D views. The 3D reconstructionsare obtained using WAC mosaic draped on top ofthe global WAC­derived elevation model (GLD100).The morphometric properties are listed in Table 2.

4. Wilson and Head provide a quantitativetreatment of such dome­forming eruptions [14]. Thismodel estimates the yield strength τ , i. e. thepressure or stress that must be exceeded for thelava to flow, the plastic viscosity η, yielding a

measure for the fluidity of the erupted lava, theeffusion rate E, i. e. the lava volume erupted persecond, and the duration T = V/E of the effusionprocess. This model is applied to a large set ofrepresentative lunar mare domes in [2, 4]. It relieson the morphometric dome properties (diameter,height, volume) and several physical constantssuch as the lava density, the acceleration due togravity, and the thermal diffusivity of the lava. Thecomputed values for τ,η, Ε, and T obtained withthe rheologic model [14] are valid for domes thatformed from a single flow unit (monogeneticvolcanoes). Otherwise, the computed rheologicvalues are upper limits to the respective truevalues. Furthermore, we estimated the magma risespeed U and the dike geometry (width W andlength L) according to the model developed in [15].These models have been routinely used forestimating the rheologic properties and dikegeometries for a large number of monogeneticlunar mare domes by our previous studies [2, 3, 4,16], where more detailed explanations can befound.

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FFiigguurree 44..Clementine color ratioimage, including thelocation of the domeswhere the spectral datawere acquired.Clementine false colormap obtained assigningthe R750/R415, R750/R950

and R415 /R750 into thered, green, and bluechannels, respectively.

55.. RReessuullttss aanndd ddiissccuussssiioonn

55..11 MMoorrpphhoommeettrriicc pprrooppeerrttiieess aanndd ssppeeccttrraall aannaallyyssiiss

DDoommee CC88

The dome termed C8 has been previouslyreported by GLR group [4]. However, the imageshown in Fig. 1 displays the dome in higher detail ofour previous data. Thus, We have re­analyzed C8 byusing GLD100 dataset [13]. The dome is located at30.76º E and 14.32º N, with a diameter of 12.5 km ±0.3 km.The effective height of the dome, computed by usingthe photoclinometry and shape from shading methodapplied to CCD terrestrial image, was obtained bydetermining elevation differences between thesummit of the dome and its surroundings, taking intoaccount the curvature of the lunar surface. This leadsto a dome height of 270 ± 30 m, yielding an averageflank slope of 2.5° ± 0.2° (Fig. 5). The dome edificevolume is determined to 17 km³.Fig. 6 shows the corresponding cross sectionalprofile in E­W direction obtained by GLD100 dataset.Accordingly, C8 is 270 m high and its average slope

angle corresponds to 2.5°. Hence, based onnew analyzed data, we confirm the previousmorphometric properties of C8 reported in [4].The corresponding 3D reconstruction derived byACT react quick map is shown in Fig. 7.The rheologic model yields an effusion rate of101 m3 s­1 and lava viscosity of 4.3 x 106 Pa s. Itformed over a period of time of 5.2 years.The Clementine UVVIS spectral data of thedome reveal a 750 nm reflectance of R750 =0.0984, a moderate value for the UV/VIS colourratio of R415/R750 = 0.6337, indicating amoderate to high TiO2 content, and a weakmafic absorption with R950/R750 = 1.0562,indicating a high soil maturity.According to the classification scheme for lunardomes [2, 4] this dome belongs to class C2.

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FFiigguurree 55..3D reconstruction of the dome C8,based on terrestrial CCD image byphotoclinometry and SfS analysis.The vertical axis is 10 timesexaggerated.

FFiigguurree 66..LRO WAC­derived surface elevation plot of aeast to west cross­section of the dome C8.

FFiigguurree 77..WAC monochrome mosaic draped on top ofthe global LROC WAC­derived elevationmodel (GLD100). 3D reconstruction of thedome C8.

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DDoommee CC1188In the current study, we describe the dome

termed C18, located to the west of C8, atcoordinates 30.04 º E and 14.06º N, with a basediameter of 7.2 km ± 0.3 km. Some prominences,presumably non­volcanic hills and ridges, aresituated on the summit.The height was determined to 125 m ± 15 myielding an average flank slope of 1.9° ± 0.2° (Fig.8). The edifice volume is determined to 2.9 km³.The height of the dome was also computed fromFig. 1 using the shadow length method accordingto the relation h = l tan α, where l is the shadowlength, corrected for foreshortening and measuredin km, and tan α the tangent of the solar altitude. Aheight of 110 ± 10 m was obtained. This value isslightly lower than the height values obtained withthe photoclinometry and shape from shadingmethod since the shadow only partially covers theflank of the dome and therefore does not accountfor the full domeheight.

Fig. 9 shows the corresponding crosssectional profile in E­W direction obtained byGLD100 dataset. According to results obtained byphotoclinometry and shape from shading, it is 125m high and its average slope angle corresponds to1.9°. The 3D reconstruction derived by ACT reactquick map is shown in Fig. 10.

The rheologic model applied to C18 domeyields an effusion rate of 74 m3 s­1 and lavaviscosity of 3.6 x 105 Pa s. It formed over a periodof time of 1.2 years.

The Clementine UVVIS spectral data of the domereveal a lower 750 nm reflectance of R750 =0.0858, a moderate value for the UV/VIS colourratio of R415/R750 = 0.6320, indicating a moderateto high TiO2 content, and a weak mafic absorptionwith R950/R750 = 1.0503, indicating a high soilmaturity.According to the classification scheme for lunardomes also this dome belongs to class C2.

FFiigguurree 88..3D reconstruction of thedome C18, based onterrestrial CCD image byphotoclinometry and SfSanalysis. The verticalaxis is 10 timesexaggerated.

FFiigguurree 99..LRO WAC­derived surface elevation plot of a eastto west cross­section of the dome C18.

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FFiigguurree 1100..WAC monochrome mosaicdraped on top of the globalLROC WAC ­ derivedelevation model (GLD100).3D reconstruction of thedome C8.

DDoommee CC1199

This low dome is located at 29.92° E and 14.42°N. Based on the images shown in Figs. 11­13, the heightof C19 dome was determined to 70 ± 10 m, resulting inan average slope of 2.0° ± 0.2°. The diameter amountsto 4.0 ± 0.3 km and the volume to 0.6 km3.The rheologic model yields an effusion rate of 40 m3 s­1. Itwas formed from lava of viscosity of 9.0 x 104 Pa s, overa period of time of 0.34 years (about 4 months). TheClementine UVVIS spectral data of the dome reveal alower 750 nm reflectance of R750 = 0.0942, R415/R750 =0.6418, indicating a higher TiO2 content, and a weakmafic absorption with R950/R750 = 1.0487.According to the classification scheme for lunar domes[2­4] C19 falls between classes A and E1, principally dueto its flank slope (2°) and higher R415/R750 colour ratio.

FFiigguurree 1111..3D reconstruction of the domeC19, based on terrestrial CCDimage by photoclinometry andSfS analysis. The vertical axis is10 times exaggerated in themeshed reconstruction.

FFiigguurree 1122..LRO WAC­derived surface elevation plot of aeast to west cross­section of the dome C19.

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FFiigguurree 1133..WAC monochrome mosaic draped on top of theglobal LROC WAC­derived elevation model(GLD100). 3D reconstruction of the dome C19.

FFiigguurree 1144..TiO2 map of the examined region, including the domes, obtained with the method

described by Lucey et al. (2000) in [11].

55..22 TTiiOO22 aanndd FFeeOO ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhee eexxaammiinneedd ddoommeessaanndd ppeettrrooggrraapphhiicc mmaapp

We have applied the TiO2 and FeO estimationequations reported in [11]. The derived values forFeO and TiO2 are then converted to Fe and Tielemental abundance by multiplication for the factor(56/72) and (48/80) respectively, according to theatomic weights of the constituent elements.According to the Clementine color ratio images, theTi map indicates that the dome C8 has a TiO2

contents between 8.0 and 10.0 wt% correspondingto a Ti content of 4.8­6.0 wt%. The elementalabundances of C18 and C19 correspond to a higherTiO2 content. For the dome C18 we have computeda value of 10.5­11.3 wt% (6.3­6.8 wt % as Ti), whilethe dome C19 has a TiO2 contents of 9.9­11.4 wt%(5.9­6.9 wt % as Ti). The corresponding map for theTiO2 Wt% abundance is reported in Fig. 14.The Fe map, obtained with the method described in[11], shows that C8 has a FeO contents between16.8 wt% and 18.0 wt% (13.1 wt%­14.0 wt% as Fe),with a slightly higher FeO contents (18.2­18.8 wt%)for the domes C18 and C19. Fig. 15 displays thecorresponding map for the FeO wt% .

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FFiigguurree 1155..

FeO map of the examinedregion, including the domes,obtained with the methoddescribed by Lucey et al.(2000) in [11].

We have generated a petrographic map (Fig. 16) of the region under study, based on the methoddescribed in [17]. The petrographic map indicates the relative fractions of the three endmembers marebasalt (red channel), Mg­rich rock (green channel), and ferroan anorthosite (FAN, blue channel).

FFiigguurree 1166..

Petrographicmap of theexamined region.

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55..33 EErruuppttiioonn ccoonnddiittiioonnss aanndd mmooddee ooff eemmppllaacceemmeenntt

Based on the spectral and morphometric dataobtained in this study, the domes C8 and C18 belongto class C2.According to the GLR classification scheme, class Cdomes have diameters between 8 and 20 km.Domes formed from spectrally red lavas of low tomoderate R415/R750 ratio with large diametersbetween 13 and 20 km and large edifice volumes ofseveral tens of km3 are assigned to subclass C1,while spectrally bluer domes of moderate to highR415/R750 ratio, smaller diameters between 8 and 13km, and lower edifice volumes are assigned tosubclass C2.Both domes consist of lavas of intermediate to highviscosity, erupting at intermediate effusion rates. Ifthe effusion process continues over a long period oftime, steep flank slope and higher edifice volumemay occur as in the case of C8, while shortdurations of the effusion process result in loweredifices of lower volume, as it is the case for thedome C18.The third examined dome C19, characterized bylower height and smaller diameter of 4 km, wasformed during shorter effusion time and fallsbetween class A and E1.The class E domes represent the smallest volcanicedifices formed by effusive mechanisms observed todate (subdivided into subclasses E1 and E2 denotingthe steep­sided flank slope and the shallow edificesof this class, respectively), while the class A iscomposed by domes with low flank slopes (< 1°) butconsisting of spectrally blue (high R415/R750 ratio >0.64) lava.Regarding the mode of emplacement of effusivelunar mare domes three rheologic groups have beenintroduced in [4]. The first group, R1, is characterisedby lava viscosities of 104­106 Pa s, magma risespeeds of 10­5 – 10­3 m s­1, dike widths around 10­30m, and dike lengths between about 30 and 200 km.Rheologic group R2 is characterised by low lavaviscosities between 102 and 104 Pa s, fast magmaascent (U > 10­3 m s­1), narrow (W = 1­4 m) andshort (L = 7­20 km) feeder dikes.

The third group, R3, is made up of domes whichformed from highly viscous lavas of 106­108 Pa s,ascending at very low speeds of 10­6­10­5 m s­1

through broad dikes of several tens to 200 mwidth and 100­200 km length.The dome C8 is a typical representative ofrheologic group R3. It is characterised by lavaviscosity of about 4.3 x 106 Pa s, with computedmagma rise speed of 7.3 x 10­6 m s­1, dike widthof 80 m and dike length of 180 km. On thecontrary the domes C18 and C19, characterizedby lower lava viscosity are representative ofrheologic group R1, with computed magma risespeed of 2.2 x 10­5 and 3.9 x 10­5 m s­1,respectively, erupting through dikes 30 and 15 mwide, 125 and 70 km long. Hence, for theexamined domes the magma reservoirs arelocated well below the lunar crust regarding thethicknesses of the total and upper crust of 55and 32 km, respectively, in northern MareTranquillitatis [18].

66.. SSuummmmaarryy aanndd ccoonncclluussiioonn

In this study we have performed ananalysis of the morphometric and spectralproperties of three lunar domes. C8 is 270 mhigh and its average slope amounts to 2.5° andits diameter is determined of 12.5 km. C18 has adiameter of 7.2 km, a height of 125 m and anaverage slope of 1.9°. For C19 we determined adiameter of 4 km, a height of 70 m, a flank slopeof 2.0°. According to the morphometric data andspectral analysis C8 and C18 belong to class C2,while C19 belong to class E1 with a tendencytowards class A. The dome C8, characterised bylava viscosity of 4.3 x 106 Pa s,is a typical representative of rheologic group R3

as introduced in [3­4], while C18 and C19,originated by lower lava viscosity and arerepresentative of rheologic group R1.Furthermore we have inferred the titaniumcontent of the examined domes, characterizedby moderate to high TiO2. Based on a

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viscoelastic model of the feeder dikes we determined the corresponding magma rise speed, width of thefeeder dike and the dike length for C8, C18 and C19, respectively. These estimates indicate that themagma reservoirs are located well below the lunar crust regarding the thicknesses of the total and uppercrust in northern Mare Tranquillitatis.

TTaabbllee 11

Spectral properties of the domes C8, C18 and C19, derived from Clementine UVVIS data.

TTaabbllee 22

Morphometric properties of the domes C8, C18 and C19 and results for Effusion rate (E), lavaviscosity (η) and the effusion time (T).

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[1] Wilhelms, D. E., 1987. The geologic history of the Moon. USGS Professional Paper 1348.[2] Wöhler, C., Lena, R., Lazzarotti, P., Phillips, J., Wirths, M., & Pujic, Z., 2006. A combinedspectrophotometric and morphometric study of the lunar mare dome fields near Cauchy, Arago,Hortensius, and Milichius. Icarus, 183, 237–264.[3] Wöhler, C., Lena, R., & Phillips, J., 2007. Formation of lunar mare domes along crustal fractures:Rheologic conditions, dimensions of feeder dikes, and the role of magma evolution. Icarus, 189 (2),279–307.[4] Lena, R., Wöhler, C., Phillips, J., Chiocchetta, M.T., 2013. Lunar domes: Properties and FormationProcesses, Springer Praxis Books.[5] Mosher, J., & Bondo, H., 2006. Lunar Terminator Visualization Tool (LTVT).http://inet.uni2.dk/ d120588/henrik/jim ltvt.html[6] Davies, M. E., Colvin, T. R., Meyer, D. L., & Nelson, S., 1994. The unified lunar control network: 1994version. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (E11), 23211–23214.[7] Eliason, E., Isbell, C., Lee, E., Becker, T., Gaddis, L., McEwen, A., & Robinson, M., 1999. Mission to theMoon: the Clementine UVVIS global mosaic. PDS Volumes USA NASA PDS CL 4001 4078.http://pdsmaps.wr.usgs.gov[8] Charette, M. P., McCord, T. B., Pieters, C., & Adams, J. B., 1974. Application of remote spectralreflectance measurements to lunar geology classification and determination of titanium content of lunarsoils. Journal of Geophysical Research, 79 (11), 1605–1613.[9] Burns, R. G., Parkin, K. M., Loeffler, B. M., Leung, I. S., & Abu­Eid, R. M., 1976. Furthercharacterization of spectral features attributable to titanium on the moon. Lunar Science Conference 7, pp.2561–2578.[10] Lucey, P. G., Blewett, D. T., & Hawke, B. R., 1998. Mapping the FeO and TiO2 content of the lunarsurface with multispectral imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (E2), 3679–3699.[11] Lucey, P.G., Blewett, D.T., Jolliff, B.L., 2000. Lunar iron and titanium abundance algorithms based onfinal processing of Clementine ultraviolet­visible images. J. Geophys. Res. 105 (E8), 20297–20306.[12] Horn, B. K. P., 1989. Height and Gradient from Shading. MIT technical report 1105A.http://people.csail.mit.edu/people/bkph/AIM/AIM­1105A­TEX.pdf[13] Scholten, F., Oberst, J., Matz, K.­D., Roatsch, T., Wählisch, M., Speyerer, E.J., Robinson, M.S., 2012.GLD100: the near­global lunar 100 m raster DTM from LROC WAC stereo image data. J. Geophys. Res.117(E00H17). doi: 10.1029/2011JE003926.[14] Wilson, L., Head, J.W., 2003. Lunar Gruithuisen and Mairan domes: rheology and mode ofemplacement. J. Geophys. Res. 108(E2), 5012–5018.[15] Rubin, A. S., 1993. Tensile fracture of rock at high confining pressure: Implications for dikepropagation. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 15919­15935.[16] Lena, R., Wöhler, C., Phillips, J., Wirths, M., Bregante, M. T., 2007. Lunar domes in the Doppelmayerregion: Spectrophotometry, morphometry, rheology, and eruption conditions. Planetary and Space Science55, pp. 1201­1217.[17] Wöhler, C., Berezhnoy, A., Evans, R., 2011. Estimation of Elemental Abundances of the LunarRegolith Using Clementine UVVIS+NIR Data. Planetary and Space Science, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 92­110.DOI 10.1016/j.pss.2010.10.017[18] Wieczorek, M. A., B. L. Jolliff, A. Khan, M. E. Pritchard, B. P. Weiss, J. G. Williams, L. L. Hood, K.Righter, C. R. Neal, C. K. Shearer, I. S. McCallum, S. Tompkins, B. R. Hawke, C. Peterson, J. J. Gillis, andB. Bussey, 2006. Rev. Mineral. Geochem., 60, 221­364


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WWrriinnkkllee RRiiddggeess iinn MMaarree NNuubbiiuumm

By KC Pau Geologic Lunar Research (GLR) group

Wrinkle ridges are found almost in everylunar mare. They are formed when the lavacooled and contracted. Their features are invarious forms, which is either straight, curved,or braided. Their width can be from a fewmeters to about 20 km and the height seldomexceeds 250 meters. Some ridges may standalone or some may interconnect with otherridges to form a complex system. Wrinkle ridgesare easily visible only when they are underoblique illumination and they cast spectacularshadows on the mare floor. They almostdisappear when under high sun.

Most wrinkle ridges are found along theborder of the lunar seas like those in MareCrisium. Some may indicate the location of thebasin inner ring like those in Mare Imbrium.Some may mark the crater wall of thesubmerged crater which is found in MareNubium. Among all the wrinkle­ridge systems onthe near­side moon, those found in MareNubium are the most magnificent when underlow angle sun illumination. There are at least 3complex wrinkle ridge systems which are notassigned any name but they all seem to meet atthe crater Nicollet. The interconnection amongthese systems form a spider web outline (Figs.1­3).

East of Nicollet is a curved wrinkle ridgesystem. It probably marks the location of thewestern rim of a lava flooded ruin crater called“Ancient Thebit” by Dr. Charles Wood in hisbook “The Modern Moon”. This crater is about200 km wide and its eastern rim is a well­defined mountain range with Thebit in themiddle part (see Fig. 3). The Straight Wallstands along the center of the ruined crater.

FFiigg.. 11Wrinkle ridge systems under the morning

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FFiigg.. 22Wrinkle ridge systems under the evening sunlight

FFiigg.. 33Wrinkle ridge east of Nicollet

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This wrinkle ridge system is rathercomplex and is well­braided. It is best observedwhen Nicollet is near morning terminator. One ofits tributary runs towards Nicollet. Anothertributary intersect with another ridges arisingeast of small crater Pitatus J and form an ellipselobe a distance south of Nicollet.

The ridge system arising from Pitatus Jfans out towards craters Wolf and Nicollet. Thereis another ridge system arising from Nicollet andruns towards crater Gould (Fig. 4).

FFiigg.. 44Wrinkle ridge discussed in the text

Fig. 4 left photo shows a close­up view of thecomplex wrinkle ridge system east of Nicollet.A few ghost craters are seen north of Nicollet.Fig. 4 right photo shows a close­up view of thewrinkle ridge system arising from Pitatus J, thatfans out towards Nicollet and Wolf. Note thetopography north­east of Wolf.


Wood, C., “The Modern Moon”. 2003, Sky Publishing.

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33DD rreeccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ooff tthhee ddoommee YYaannggeell 11 oobbttaaiinneedd oonn

ggrroouunndd­­bbaasseedd hhiigghh­­rreessoolluuttiioonn CCCCDD iimmaaggeerryy

By Raffaello Lena and Mike Wirths GLR group


In this paper we examine the dome Yangel 1(Ya1), associated with a lunar pyroclastic deposit(LPD), which was identified by Lena and Fitz­Gerald (2014) in a previous research.

Relying on ground­based high­resolution CCDimagery, we examine the morphometriccharacteristic of the Dome Ya1, making use of acombined photoclinometry and shape fromshading technique. The results obtained with thedescribed methodology are in excellentagreement with the measures obtained with theGLD100 dataset described in our publishedpapers (Lena and Fitz­Gerald , 2014; Fitz­Geraldand Lena, 2014).

Using an image­based photoclinometryapproach to reconstruct the three­dimensionalshape of Ya1, we find that its height amounts to620 ± 60 m, according with the previously resultsbased on LRO WAC GLD100 dataset (Lena andFitz­Gerald, 2014).

The LPD associated to the dome is aninteresting target to be imaged by terrestrial CCDimagery. To our knowledge the described LPDidentified by Lena and Fitz­Gerald (2014) hasbeen not imaged from telescopic telescopes inhigh detail yet.


The region surrounding the crater Manilius inMare Vaporum is known for many lunar domes. In aprevious article, Lena and Fitz­Gerald (Lena andFitz­Gerald, 2014; Fitz­Gerald and Lena, 2014) have

identified a previously unnoticed LPD and a dome,which was noticed but not interpreted as volcanic,located to the south of the entrance to Sinus Fidei(latitude 16.42° N and longitude 3.26° E).The examined dome, termed Yangel 1 (Ya1), islocated on the surface of the mare, and appears tooverly the southern rim of a partially submerged pre­mare impact crater (Fig. 1). The size and geometryof this structure implies a construction composed of acombination of effusive lavas as well as pyroclasticdeposits, though it is not possible to identify anyindividual lava flows, and the pyroclastic depositsappear to be very localised and limited in extent andform a veneer on the surface of the dome (Lena andFitz­Gerald, 2014; Fitz­Gerald and Lena, 2014). Thiscombination is novel and not seen in the datareported by Gustafson et al. (2012) and Gaddis et al.(2003) regarding previously cataloged LPDs (Fig. 2).Based on the GLD100 dataset the dome Ya1 has adiameter of 5.2 km. Its height amounts to 620 m,while the average slope angle ξ corresponds to 13.4°and the edifice volume was estimated of about 5.3km3 (Lena and Fitz­Gerald, 2014).The crater wall to the north is partially overlain by thenorthern slope of the steep dome, whilst the crateritself has its eastern wall breached by mare lavaswhich now occupy its floor. The crater rim to the westreaches a height of ~ 200 meters above the maresurface.The fact that the examined dome Ya1 is steep sidedis evidence that it is not just an accumulation ofpyroclastic material but is an effusive viscous lavastructure but different in composition to the highlanddomes characterized by more silicic composition andspectrally characterized by a low R415/R750 ratio,appearing red in color ratio images of Clementine.The Selene­1 (Kaguya) color ratio image andClementine UVVIS multispectral data indicate ahigher titanium concentration for the dome and LPDwhich shows up bluer than the surrounding red mare

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(Fig. 2).In this paper our goal is to obtain a 3Dreconstruction of the dome Ya1 by making use of acombined photoclinometry and shape from shadingapproach applied on a CCD terrestrial image. Theresults obtained are in excellent agreement with theGLD100 dataset.

FFiigguurree 11..

LRO WAC­derived surface elevation plot of awest to east cross­section of Ya1 with its 3Dreconstruction derived by elevation modelGLD100 dataset, adopted by Lena and Fitz­Gerald (2014).

FFiigguurree 22..

(Left) Clementine 750 nm imagery of the Dome showingextent of LPD; (Right) Selene Ratio color image(R750/R415 blue channel, R750/R950 green channel andR415/R750 red channel).

TTeelleessccooppiicc CCCCDD iimmaaggeerryy

Fig. 3 display a CCD image of the examinedregion, taken with a Dobsonian telescope of aperturesof 400 mm. The image was generated by stackingseveral hundreds of video frames, making use of theRegistax software package. The scale of the images is230 m per pixel on the lunar surface but the effectiveresolution due to atmospheric seeing, corresponding tothe width of the point spread function, is typically notbetter than 1 km. The image was taken by Wirths onFebruary 19, 2013 at 02:19 UT, using a LumeneraCCD camera. Using the LTVT software package byMosher and Bondo (2006), we determined theselenographic positions, the solar altitude and theshadow length measurements. Image calibration wasperformed based on the UCLN 1994 list of controlpoints.

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FFiigguurree 33..

Image taken by Mike Wirthson February 19, 2013 at 02:19

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SShhaaddooww lleennggtthh mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt

A crop of the previous image displaying the steepdome is shown in Fig. 4, corresponding to a solaraltitude over the examined lunar dome of 4.3°. Itsheight was computed by measuring the length ofthe shadow cast by its flank, which yield H= 621 ±60 m, according with the preceding results obtainedwith the GLD100 dataset (Lena and Fitz­Gerald,2014.The slope ξ was computed using the equation

ξ = arctan (2h/D),

where h and D denote the computed height and thediameter (D = 5.2 km in E­W direction).

33DD rreeccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn bbyy mmaakkiinngg uussee ooff CCCCDD tteerrrreessttrriiaalliimmaaggee

Generating an elevation map of a part of thelunar surface requires its three­dimensional (3D)reconstruction. We have also generated anelevation map of the dome based on our telescopicCCD image. A well­known image­based method for3D surface reconstruction is shape from shading(SfS). The SfS approach aims for deriving theorientation of the surface at each image location byusing a model of the reflectance properties of thesurface and knowledge about the illuminationconditions, finally leading to an elevation value foreach image pixel (Horn, 1989). The iterativescheme used for photoclinometry and SfS approachis described in our preceding articles and it is notrepeated here (cf. Lena et al., 2013; Wöhler et al.,2006; Wöhler et al., 2007; Lena et al., 2007). Thesetechniques take into account the viewing direction ofthe camera, the illumination direction, and thesurface normal in order to infer the pixel­wisesurface normal and thus the three­dimensionalshape of a surface section from the observedintensity distribution in the image. The dome heighth is readily inferred from the resulting DEM, takinginto account the effect of the curvature of the lunarsurface, and corresponds to 620 ± 60 m resulting in

FFiigguurree 44..

Shadow length measurement carried out on the CCDterrestrial image.

an average flank slope of 13.4° ± 0.1°. Theobtained 3D reconstructions are shown in Figs. 5and 6.


The study of domes provides lunarobservers with an opportunity for systematicobservations of the Moon. Moreover, ourConsolidated Lunar Dome Catalogue iscontinuously updated according to ongoingobserving and modelling activities. In fact, ourfuture target will be the publication of a Lunardome atlas. In this work we have obtained a 3Dreconstruction of the dome Ya1 by making use ofa combined photoclinometry and shape fromshading approach applied on a CCD terrestrialimage. The result obtained is in excellentagreement with the GLD100 dataset.

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To our knowledge the described LPD, identified by Lena and Fitz­Gerald (2014), has been not imagedfrom telescopic images in high detail yet. Hence, the LPD associated to the dome is (Fig. 2) a difficult butinteresting target to be imaged by terrestrial CCD imagery. Any observations that readers can make about theeventual image of the LPD (with images taken under high solar illumination) will be gratefully received for oursurvey (contact Raffaello Lena: [email protected]).

FFiigguurree 55..

3D reconstruction of Ya1obtained by making useof the examinedterrestrial image. Thevertical axis is 10 timesexaggerated.

FFiigguurree 66..

3D reconstruction of Ya1obtained by making use ofthe examined terrestrialimage. The vertical axis is10 times exaggerated. Thereconstruction also displaysthe western crater rim 200m high.


A crop of another recent Yangel domeimage made by Wirths on April 8, 2014 at04:05 UT.The LPD associated to the dome welldetectable on probes imagery has beennot imaged from telescopic images in highdetail yet. Hence this is a future target foractive lunar observers.

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Gaddis, L.R., Staid, M.I., Tyburczy, J.A., Hawke, B.R., Petro, N.E.: Compositional analyses oflunar pyroclastic deposits. Icarus. 161, 262–280 (2003)

Gustafson, J. O., Bell III, J. F., Gaddis, L. R., Hawke, B. R., and Giguere, T. A.: Characterization ofPreviously Unidentified Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter CameraData, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117(E00H25), doi:10.1029/2011JE003893 (2012)

Fitz­Gerald, B., and Lena, R.: A Lunar Volcanic Dome and associated Pyroclastic deposits in NorthernMare Vaporum.Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXXV, abstract #1010, The Woodlands,Texas (2014)

Gustafson, J. O., Bell III, J. F., Gaddis, L. R., Hawke, B. R., and Giguere, T. A.: Characterization ofPreviously Unidentified Lunar Pyroclastic Deposits using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter CameraData, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117(E00H25), doi:10.1029/2011JE003893 (2012)

Horn, B. K. P., 1989. Height and Gradient from Shading. MIT technical report 1105A.http://people.csail.mit.edu/people/bkph/AIM/AIM­1105A­TEX.pdf

Lena, R., Fitz­Gerald, B.: On a volcanic construct and a lunar pyroclastic deposit (LPD) in northernMare Vaporum. Planetary and Space Science Volume 92, March 2014, Pages 1–15 (2014)

Lena, R., Wöhler, C., Phillips, J., Chiocchetta, M.T., 2013. Lunar domes: Properties and FormationProcesses, Springer Praxis Books

Lena, R., Wöhler, C., Phillips, J., Wirths, M., Bregante, M.T.: Lunar domes in the Doppelmayerregion: spectrophotometry, morphometry, rheology and eruption conditions. Planet. Space Sci. 55,1201–1217 (2007)

Mosher, J., & Bondo, H., 2006. Lunar Terminator Visualization Tool (LTVT).http://inet.uni2.dk/ d120588/henrik/jim ltvt.html

Wöhler, C., Lena, R., Lazzarotti, P., Phillips, J., Wirths, M., Pujic, Z.: A combined spectrophotometricand morphometric study of the lunar mare dome fields near Cauchy, Arago,Hortensius, and Milichius. Icarus. 183(2), 237–264 (2006)

Wöhler, C., Lena, R., Phillips, J.: Formation of lunar mare domes along crustal fractures: rheologicconditions, dimensions of feeder dikes, and the role of magma evolution. Icarus. 189(2), 279–307(2007)

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The weather the previous day had be solidrain, and it was forecast to be raining at the time ofthe eclipse, even the local newspaper websitewarned people not to expect to see anything as rainwas expected to pass over just at the time of thetotal lunar eclipse. However, lucky for this region ofthe country anyway, it was a nice fine day all day,and it stayed clear in the east for moonrise. TheMoon could be seen partially obscured by the umbraas it rose above the hills and trees. Our view in thatdirection was blocked by trees and buildings, but myfamily and I ­ my wife was first to see it ­ could see itbest from inside, as house is higher than the groundlevel.

I setup two telescopes and used binoculars toview the eclipse. I setup the ETX­90 in case I had tomove around the yard a bit, and the Williams OpticsFLT­110 f/7 refractor. As it turned out, where I setupthe refractor was not a good location, so I ended upmoving it after I had it all set to where I could see theMoon through a gap in the trees and between thebuildings. It was back up against the bushes, butgave us a good view throughout the eclipse. My wifeand daughter were very keen to get a look throughthe telescopes. They liked the view with the refractorbest and when I compared the views I could seewhy. The view in totality through the 90mmtelescope was so dim the Moon was hardly visible,and no colour was discernible by eye at the low lightlevels. So we gave up using that. Yet through the110mm refractor it was bright, and orange colouredand background stars were very clearly visible(some showed up in the images also).We took photos afocally through various eyepiecesand using a Fuji A800 8.3MP camera, and a miniiPad. The iPad ones were surprisingly good but wasdifficult to line up through the eyepiece to get thewhole of the lunar disk. My wife (Dr Lesley Collins)took some images with the iPad, and I the remaining

images with both cameras. I did try theASI120MC imager on the Moon, but got nothingof value as the images were so dark, evenincreasing the exposure. Plus it hogged up thetelescope for viewing so I abandoned it untillater, where I took images of Mars during theeclipse after clouds started to suddenly moveover from the western sky and my wife anddaughter (Shannen) had gone inside.I did not attempt any timings of contacts withfeatures, some could probably be worked outfrom the images, but that was not my purposeduring this eclipse. The aim was to see it (a verylucky event as most of the country did not see itdue to clouds) and to share it with my family. Itis my daughter Shannen's first eclipse that shecan remember (though she had seen others buttoo young at the time to remember them now).She found it interesting, but thought it wouldlook more blood red than the dark orange itwas.

The darkness of the totality was verydim. It is one of the darkest eclipses I canremember, and like I mentioned, the viewthrough the 90mm telescope was almostnonexistent with a 25mm eyepiece (50x), it wasjust so dim, even while dark adapted. I had notseen that before in past eclipses. The view withthe naked eye was a dark red/brown Moonhanging in the sky next to Mars. Very striking.On the Williams Optics refractor I started usingthe Celestron 25mm eyepiece (30.8xmagnification), then switched to the UniversityOptics 25mm that was in the ETX­90 (not beingused at the time) as it gave an even betterimage. I then remembered that I had aCelestron 32mm eyepiece that I had bought inSingapore, so got that out and it gave the bestbrightest views of all at a low 24x magnification.

RReeppoorrtt oonn tthhee TToottaall LLuunnaarr EEcclliippssee ooff 22001144 AApprriill 1155

by Maurice Collins, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

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It also made it easier to shoot afocal images,especially with the iPad. As I mentioned, the eclipseseemed very dark, and other observers around thecountry concurred with that. On the Danjon scale,with the naked eye it would be L = 1, Dark Eclipse,gray or brownish colouration, details distinguishableonly with difficulty. But photographically andtelescopically, it would be L = 2 Deep red or rust­coloured eclipse. Very dark central shadow, whileouter edge of umbra is relatively bright. So itdepends on your optical aid. However it was one ofthe darkest I can recall seeing.

After mid­eclipse, I moved telescope to Marsand image it at 0803UT as clouds were rolling in. Ionly saw the Moon occasionally after that throughgaps in the clouds. I packed up the telescope gearafter about 0810UT and went inside. It was great thesky was clear for it, and good that it was also earlyenough in the evening to enjoy it with the family. Thenext lunar eclipse, in October, will be late, aroundmidnight so will probably be a solo event.

The times for the lunar eclipse were (from time anddate dot com websitehttp://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2014­april­15):

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Eclipse at 0733UT

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Lunar Eclipse Images and reports

BByy MMiikkee WWiirrtthhss

I was visually looking at the eclipse in my 18" and a 24mm panoptic ep (the seeing was fairly poor). I alsohad a 20X90mm Oberwerk binocular setup on a tripod ­­it gave the best low power views.

My Wife Pamela was imaging with her Canon T4i and telephoto. I attached the best shot, using 800 ISO. Ibelieve thats 76 Virginis and Spica off to the right of the moon.

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BByy MMaauurriiccee CCoolllliinnss

It turned out clear here in the Manawatu for the Lunar Eclipse right up to after mid­eclipse where some thinclouds appeared, but that was ok as got to see the best of it. It was very nice. I was only able to takesnapshots, not having the right gear for whole moon images in one go. So not the best but all there is. Greatto see it. It looked quite dark at times, to me anyway. Spent most of the time taking pot shots through theeyepiece and letting my wife do the same. We all had a good time looking at it too.

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BByy NNeeaall SSiimmppssoonn

It was taken in Nacogdoches, Texas. Equipment used was a Canon T4i (650D) DSLR with a Canon 50mmF1.8 lens on a fixed tripod.This image is a composite of two photos. One short 1/5 second exposure for the moon and a longer 4 secondexposure for the stars and pine trees (both F2.8, ISO 1600). The photos were processed in Adobe Lightroomand then combined in Paint.NET.

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The total lunar eclipse at it's greatest. It came out much redder in the photo than it did with the naked eye.The star to in the lower right corner is Spica of the Virgo constellation.

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BByy RRiicchhaarrdd HHiillllss

BByy PPaauull

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