Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, This week has been a significant one for the College with the Anniversary Mass for Elliott Fletcher. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported the College this week. The Mass on Tuesday was attended by many people wishing to show their support. Following the Anniversary Mass the St Patrick’s College Community witnessed the Blessing of ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help Memorial Garden.’ This garden will be a permanent tribute to the nine students who have passed away whilst students at our great College. I invite members of our College Community to visit the garden when they are next at school. Whilst Tuesday, February 15 was significant the College has continued to operate with a fantastic Induction Mass last Friday and the Interhouse Swimming Carnivals which were held on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Thank you to everyone who played a role in organizing these events. Students in all years levels were issued with Semester 1 Assessment Calendars this week. These are very important to assist the students with their planning and preparation but also for parents to monitor assessment and to assist your sons with their assessment throughout the semester. Whilst a hard copy was given to every student they will also be available on the College website via The Parent Lounge. The Parents and Friends met on Wednesday night for the first time this year. There were a number of parents in attendance and I look forward to a very productive year working with Mr Malcolm Steele and the Parents and Friends team. A significant event for the Parents and Friends and the other support groups is The Shindig on March 12. Tickets are available at the College office, but be quick as tickets are selling fast. It is a great night and I encourage people to come along, have lots of fun and support the Parents and Friends and the other support groups. Next week camp season begins with the Year 6 and 8 camps and the first Year 12 Kiaros Retreats. The camp and retreat program is a vital part of the holistic education offered at St Patrick’s College. The College is about to begin enrolment interviews for Year 5 and 8 2013. Mrs Jan Thompson will be arranging interviews shortly. If you have a son for enrolment in this year or you know of people who do please contact the College for an enrolment package. Interviews will begin in the next couple of weeks. Finally this week I refer to parking and driving around the College again. I thank those parents who are following directions however, it does concern me that there are still some parents double parking, dropping students off in the middle of the street or across the zebra crossing in Park Parade. I remind parents that the preferred pick up or drop off points are in Pier Avenue (no double parking) or in Signal Row where there is adequate parking space. There is also a small section of the road along Park Parade (near the Morrissey Building) that is designated 15 minute parking. This would also serve as a possible drop off point as students can walk up the front driveway. The police have notified me that they will be enforcing the traffic regulations, so I again ask for your cooperation and support with this very important issue. This week has been a significant one for our College and again our ‘Band of Brothers’ has been at the forefront. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal 17 February 2011 No. 4

Issue 4 - Calling - (17 February 2011)

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This week has been a significant one for the College with the Anniversary Mass for Elliott Fletcher.

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Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, This week has been a significant one for the College with the Anniversary Mass for Elliott Fletcher. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported the College this week. The Mass on Tuesday was attended by many people wishing to show their support. Following the Anniversary Mass the St Patrick’s College Community witnessed the Blessing of ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help Memorial Garden.’ This garden will be a permanent tribute to the nine students who have passed away whilst students at our great College. I invite members of our College Community to visit the garden when they are next at school. Whilst Tuesday, February 15 was significant the College has continued to operate with a fantastic Induction Mass last Friday and the Interhouse Swimming Carnivals which were held on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Thank you to everyone who played a role in organizing these events. Students in all years levels were issued with Semester 1 Assessment Calendars this week. These are very important to assist the students with their planning and preparation but also for parents to monitor assessment and to assist your sons with their assessment throughout the semester. Whilst a hard copy was given to every student they will also be available on the College website via The Parent Lounge. The Parents and Friends met on Wednesday night for the first time this year. There were a number of parents in attendance and I look forward to a very productive year working with Mr Malcolm Steele and the Parents and Friends team. A significant event for the Parents and Friends and the other support groups is The Shindig on March 12. Tickets are available at the College office, but be quick as tickets are selling fast. It is a great night and I encourage people to come along, have lots of fun and support the Parents and Friends and the other support groups. Next week camp season begins with the Year 6 and 8 camps and the first Year 12 Kiaros Retreats. The camp and retreat program is a vital part of the holistic education offered at St Patrick’s College. The College is about to begin enrolment interviews for Year 5 and 8 2013. Mrs Jan Thompson will be arranging interviews shortly. If you have a son for enrolment in this year or you know of people who do please contact the College for an enrolment package. Interviews will begin in the next couple of weeks. Finally this week I refer to parking and driving around the College again. I thank those parents who are following directions however, it does concern me that there are still some parents double parking, dropping students off in the middle of the street or across the zebra crossing in Park Parade. I remind parents that the preferred pick up or drop off points are in Pier Avenue (no double parking) or in Signal Row where there is adequate parking space. There is also a small section of the road along Park Parade (near the Morrissey Building) that is designated 15 minute parking. This would also serve as a possible drop off point as students can walk up the front driveway. The police have notified me that they will be enforcing the traffic regulations, so I again ask for your cooperation and support with this very important issue. This week has been a significant one for our College and again our ‘Band of Brothers’ has been at the forefront. God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

17 February 2011 No. 4

Page 2


David Gardiner It has been an extraordinary week at St Patrick’s. The Induction Mass last Friday was a wonderful start to our school year. The Year 12s felt it was a very special occasion and a significant start to their last year of schooling. The presence of a past student, Father Bryan Roe, as co-celebrant with Father Liam Horsfall was a special highlight for our community. Father Bryan joyfully remembered aspects of his time at St Patrick’s and was thrilled to be back at this great College. It is a very special time for our Seniors and the Mass asked for God’s blessing on them all as they undertake this important year. The elected leaders received their badges and Father Bryan noted with great pleasure how the young men affectionately hugged and kissed their parents. The support of their parents and teachers will be critical throughout this year. The Commemorative Mass for Elliott Fletcher on Tuesday was a very moving and respectful occasion. The young men of St Patrick’s were outstanding in the solemn manner they showed their respect to one of their own. Such a sad day brings up many emotions and it is often difficult to know what to say. Father Liam Horsfall spoke some very profound words in his Homily during the Mass. Father Liam has provided us a copy of his Homily to share with you all. They are words you may want to share with your son. I also encourage all students and parents to contact our counsellor, Mrs Rotta, if they have any issues arising from this week’s events.

Father Liam Horsfall’s Homily

I would like to dedicate this service to Elliott’s parents. The death of a child, in any circumstances is an occasion of great sorrow. But this passing simply beggars our understanding. Our lips pray the words of the liturgy, but our hearts cry out in baffled bewilderment. What kind of God could allow a young and innocent boy to be snatched so cruelly from a loving and devoted family? Does he care? Is he there at all? I have no easy answers to these questions? All we can do is look at the figure of the crucified Christ and remember his words on the cross. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me”. We can understand and identify with the desolate and despairing cry of the crucified Christ on the dark hill of Calvary.

Like him, we feel abandoned and forgotten by God in our pain and suffering. And yet the truth, the gospel truth, is that God has not abandoned him and neither has he abandoned us. Jesus began to see the faintest glimmer of that truth in the final moments of his life as he prayed. “Father into your hands I commend my spirit”. The grace we seek from God here today is the grace to be able to make that prayer of Jesus our own as we commend our trouble and tortured spirits into God's loving hands. It takes a long time to travel the journey from “Why have you forsaken us? To “Into your hands we commend our spirits” It’s a journey that can’t be rushed. For Elliott’s parents and friends it may take years, it may take a lifetime. We are here as their friends as they take the fearful steps along that road. We stand with them in solidarity in the shadow of that immense cross. We pray “ Though Elliott was with us for so short a time, may he live, radiant and forever in the kingdom of your love.” Despite tragedy, our faith teaches us that the destination God has in store for Elliott is just that – radiance and eternal youth in the kingdom of his love. We hope to one day see him and be happy with him forever. We trust that Christ, the Good Shepherd, who himself knew the darkness of Calvery, will in the end lead us into the bright joy of Easter morning, where every tear will be wiped away.

On that day, we shall see you, our God, as you are and be happy with Elliott and with you forever in Heaven.

We have been privileged to have four students on exchange to St Patrick’s over the last five weeks. Michael Rojas and Zac Flint from Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati USA, plus Thomas Nichini and Aaron Latimer from Vancouver College in Canada have been wonderful ambassadors for their schools and families. The boys have immersed themselves in the curriculum of the school, the numerous activities that have been on offer and been shown the many sights around Brisbane and South-East Queensland. I would like to thank our host families, the Harris, Myers, Venter and McSween families, for their wonderful hospitality shown to our visitors. I know the boys are going home somewhat reluctantly but with some fantastic memories and friends. I particularly would like to thank Thomas Nichini for his generous offer to play his bagpipes at our two Masses during this last week. He certainly added to the special occasion of both Masses. I really enjoyed the presence of these four fine young men around our College and I wish them all the very best for their futures.

Father Liam Horsfall assisted by Father Bryan Roe

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Frank Torrisi — Assistant Principal Student Formation

Interhouse Chess: The first round of interhouse chess commenced this week, all Houses were well represented. Interhouse Swimming Carnivals: Thank you to all the staff and students who were involved in the swimming carnivals on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We also very much appreciate the support of those parents who were able to join us for the carnivals. All results will be published next week. Year 6 Camp Program: All boys in Year 6 will be required to meet at the Plaza Area near the Dowd building on Monday Morning. Year 8 Camp and Retreat Program Week 5 All Year 8 students will undertake a special program next week. Each House group will spend three days on camp, one day on retreat and one day at school. It is important that all students undertake the full program for the week. Students who are going on camp on Monday and Wednesday will be required to meet at the Callan Centre Steps. The outline for Week 5 is as follows:

Activity Coffey 

Kennedy Mooney 



Rice Ryan 

Treacy Xavier

Camp Monday Tuesday


Monday Tuesday Wednes-


Monday Tuesday


Monday Tues-day Wednes-


Monday Tuesday Wednes-



Thursday Friday


Thursday Friday

Wednesday Thursday


Wednesday Thursday


Retreat Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday

Normal Classes

Friday Friday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday

Note: Students are to wear Sports uniform when they are on the retreat program. The retreats will occur at Decker Park. Students will be transported by bus to the venue. It is expected that all students will participate in the full program Week 5: “Hair Week” Hair: We have concluded week 4, next week we will be half way through the term and I ask that you check your son’s hair and if required, make the necessary arrangements to have their hair cut to meet the College guidelines before the start of next week. I remind all students that their hair needs to be combed in a style that is appropriate for school. We have spoken to a number of boys and have sent letters to parents of those boys who require to have their haircut earlier. The “shaggy” or “undone look” is not part of the Hair and Grooming policy at St Patrick’s College. I ask that you check your sons diary Pages 21-22 for the full Hair and Grooming Guidelines. St Patrick’s Social: Our first Social for the year is on Saturday 26 February. It will be held at the Sandgate PCYC and is for Year 10 to 12 students. We require parental assistance to help with the cloak room, collecting the entry fee, selling soft drinks and general supervision. Staff will supervise the Social but parental help is essential to help run the evening. If you can help, please contact Mrs. Fowlie in the Student Office.

Page 4

“Dear Teacher, I am a survivor of a concentration

camp. My eyes saw what no person

should witness. Gas chambers built by learned

engineers. Children poisoned by educated

physicians. Infants killed by trained nurses. Women and babies shot and

killed by high school and college graduates.

So I'm suspicious of education. My request is:

help your students to be more human.

Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, or educated

Eichmanns. Reading and Writing and spelling

and history and arithmetic are only important if they serve to

make our students more human.” The above letter, penned by a Survivor of the Dachau concentration camp, has become the driving motivation for me in my new role as Curriculum Leader – Justice and Peace at St Patrick’s. This role – the first of its kind in any Edmund Rice school in Australia, and unique in an Australian education context – is a response to the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Educating for Justice and Peace Framework, and is responsible for ensuring social justice and peace building themes are embedded across the curriculum at St Patrick’s in all subject areas and year levels. The quotation above makes the purpose of educating for justice

and peace blatantly clear – an education aimed purely at achieving academic outcomes, an education based solely on maximizing the potential of the individual – without consideration of the greater good or society as a whole – can in fact have devastating consequences for the greater good. Indeed, as this example illustrates, the vast majority of instances of injustice and oppression throughout history, have been created by the most highly educated. The good news is that educating for justice and peace has been shown not only to have significant benefits for society as a whole, but also to greatly enhance engagement, enjoyment, and self-esteem among students, and, significantly, to enhance academic results. One example of this is the Year 9 HPE Homelessness unit, whereby students apply their learning about nutrition and healthy eating to create their own healthy meal which they bring on the Paddies Van to feed the Humpybong State School Breakie Club students who do not have a regular breakfast. Students have always reported a very high level of interest and motivation to be involved in this project, and this enthusiasm is reflected in their results. Denis McLaughlin’s research on the foundations of Edmund Rice education reveals that Edmund’s founding principles included a “profound belief in the equal

dignity of persons”, “solidarity with the unimportant, the poor and neglected”, and “the responsibility to serve, to give something back”. For Edmund, these principles were never intended to be add-ons – things to be done outside of the classroom or when his students found time – but were an intrinsic and explicit part of daily teaching and learning. The same is, and should be, true of Edmund Rice Education today. There is currently a very wide range of justice and peace based units and activities throughout the curriculum at St Patrick’s, and I am extremely passionate and excited about our continuing to enhance these and other programs. I look forward to the young men of St Patrick’s coming home brimming with enthusiasm about what they are doing to help asylum seekers in SOSE, to help the starving in Maths, to counter the effects of climate change in science, to build racial harmony and improve Indigenous health in English, and showing others how to do the same. Michael Carroll often reminds our teaching staff that “teaching and learning is our core business”. This statement is one hundred percent correct, but I like to add to it that “what we are teaching and learning is our most important business.” I welcome any comments, feedback or suggestions anyone may have and wish you all the very best for 2011.


Mark Ellison — Curriculum Leader Justice & Peace

Chris Campbell—Assistant Principal Curriculum

Assessment Calendars were distributed to all students on Monday. Please contact the College if your son did not receive one. The best advice is to place the Assessment Calendar so that it is easily visible to both parents and students. I suggest sitting down with your sons and highlighting all relevant due dates. Could I ask all parents and boys to revisit the College assignment policy, which can be found in the student diary. Please note all points of this policy, in particular the need for parents to contact, not just the

school office, but the student’s class teacher, Curriculum Leader or Head of Curriculum, if the boy is away on the day an assignment is due. Thank you for your continued support.

Year 5A and 5C on the 24.2.11 going to Downfall Creek Bushland Centre. Year 5B and 5D on the 1.3.2011 to Boondall Wetlands Environmental Centre.

Year 5 Reminder


Matthew Hawkins — Assistant Principal Identity

Throughout our Year 5-12 Retreat Program, we sometimes use the “storm” metaphor to symbolise difficult times in our lives. It is of course an unfortunate reality that each of us has faced, is facing, or will face our own “storms” throughout our lives. These can take many shapes, and for boys, common storms are related to fitting in, making friends, coping with increased workload, or family troubles. Of course, in Queensland in recent times, the storm metaphor has taken on a far more literal meaning as many people have faced adversity as a result of flooding or Cyclone Yasi. But to continue the metaphor, the most important lesson to be learned is that every storm has a “rainbow”, an end, a Brightside or a resolution of some kind. Over the past month, we have seen Queenslanders and Australians support each other financially, physically and emotionally. We have

been given a rare opportunity to see beyond the superficial and go to the aid of whomever requires it, no matter their background. We have been inspired by the courageous acts we’ve heard about through numerous stories. Throughout the recent weather events, these have been our “rainbows”. Sometimes, it is more difficult to see the rainbow; sometimes, the storm seems so intense, so longlasting, so severe that surely no rainbow can come from it. This is the challenge of our faith: to trust that there will be a rainbow, and to find it. When Jesus is in the middle of a terrible storm with his disciples, they believe the storm is too fierce and say, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”, but Jesus replies, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” When the disciples think there is no way out, Jesus calms the storm. Our faith tells us that indeed, our storms will be calmed, that we will come out of them, no matter how severe they are, no matter

how much they hurt us at the time. Our faith teaches us that throughout our storms, even if at times we feel alone, we are not. Next week, our Year 8 students will attend camps, as well as the Galilee Retreat. On this retreat, boys will reflect upon the notion of storms, along with other themes relevant to the current stage of their schooling and life journey. The following week, half of our Year 12 students will attend the first two of our Kairos Retreats, a culmination in our program, and a voluntary retreat. We hope that our retreat program helps equip our students with the knowledge that they are not alone when they face life’s storms, metaphorically or literally. Have a good week.

In trying to describe my time in India I could explain our itinerary and nearly 4 weeks of amazing activities and sites. However, on reflection I think a more effective way of explaining my true experience of India might be by sharing this simple story….I walk into this building which caters for some people with the greatest special needs I’ve seen in my life. This place is named Daya Dan. I manoeuvre my way through these children trying not to stare. I get this sick feeling in my stomach watching these children trying to speak but all that comes from their mouths is saliva and moaning. I walk into the Physiotherapy room where you perform exercises for these kids whose body is not growing properly. Their feet are twisted, their heads are tilted and they scream in pain when you try to do them good. I move closer and closer towards my child. I grab her booklet which has step by step pictures on how to perform their physiotherapy properly. I pick Rosa up

she makes no sound as I begin the physiotherapy, she moans and groans but you know you can’t stop. I’m on step 23 and she has become much more manoeuvrable. I have made a difference in making Rosa one step closer to walking and moving the joints in her arms and legs properly for the first time in her life.

What I got from this experience was something incredible but something so simple. In life you will be faced with some hard and difficult challenges but to give up on that task will simply ruin you for what you can receive at the end. So persist, work hard and do not give up on what you are working on.

JOCK POWER — Reflects on his India Immersion

Page 5

Career Opportunities Ms Barbara Moody the College Work placement Officer has a wide range of apprenticeship positions available and information on how to apply for these opportunities. Below is just a sample of some of the current vaccines for further information please contact either the employers directly or Ms Barbara Moody email: [email protected]

Job Vacancies Wanted

Enthusiastic Apprentices Smart Employment Solutions Smart Employment Wanted enthusiastic prospective apprentices for several trades Engineering, Floor covering, painting, hospitality, carpentry, plastering and electrical. Over the next few weeks with the clean up all over Brisbane and Ipswich our host employer network will be requiring an influx of apprentices. You will need to have a car and licence and be able to follow directions. You will also be required to attend college for up to a six week block during the year. If you are genuinely interested please log onto www.smartemploymentsolutions.com.au and follow the prompts to looking to be an apprentice.

Apprentice Carpenter AGS Constructions is looking to hire a 1st Year apprentice carpenter required for an immediate start. This is a great opportunity for someone young that is keen to start a career in carpentry. All training will be provided. Areas include commercial, residential and industrial carpentry. This is a full-time role 5 - 6 days per week. Wages will be paid in accordance with the award. The successful applicant must have a · Wiliness to learn · Positive and enthusiastic attitude · Enjoyment for physical work · Reliable and committed outlook · Drivers license and own transport is preferred Please email resume through to [email protected]


COUNSELLOR — Emily Rotta

Building & Construction Apprenticeship

Make 2011 the year you take control of your career and become a qualified “Trades Person” in Building and Con-struction! Have you thought about a career in Building & Construction? Did you know it is a skill shortage industry? This is your opportunity to step up and take on a Building and Construction Apprenticeship with WPC Group in 2011. To be considered you must: Be an Australian Citizen / Permanent resident Be available to work full time hours Be motivated, dedicated and have the willingness to succeed! To apply please send your resume to [email protected]

1st year Automotive Apprentice Willims Motor Group

Willims Motor Group is one of the most progressive and prestigious dealerships in Australia and represents the pinnacle European brands of Audi, Bentley, Fer-rari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Fiat & Lotus. Based in the heart of Fortitude Valley Brisbane, we are looking for a motivat-ed 1st year Apprentice to join our friendly team in our state-of-the-art vehicle servicing facilities. The successful applicant will: · Have completed Year 12 · Hold a current QLD Drivers License · Be trustworthy and reliable · Have the ability to work in a team environment · Be highly organized and have a keen eye for detail If you have a passion for European mo-tor vehicles, are motivated, self driven, keen to learn and succeed - this is the opportunity for you. For enquiries into the position, please call Andrew Standley on 3634 8600

Apprentice Screenprinter A vacancy exists for an enthusiastic person willing to take on an appren-ticeship in this specialised field. Training will be provided to the right candidate who can show a high level of commit-ment and potential to print at our high levels. The suitable candidate would ideally have a strong work ethic and demonstrate attention to detail. The period of apprenticeship will be four years attaining a Trade Certificate/Certificate III. An apprentice will not be entitled to a higher rate of pay until the apprentice has worked for a period of 12 months. Currently 1st year appren-tice wage is $7.29 per hour. Please forward your resume to Reid Industrial Graphic Products, 6 Oasis Court, Clontarf Qld 4019. email: [email protected]

Apprentice Vehicle

Spray Painter East Coast Commercials in Acacia Ridge are seeking an Apprentice vehicle spray painter to join their busy estab-lished panel shop. Accredited training and development included! To be considered for this position you must have the following attributes; 1. Take pride in your work and have a commitment to produce quality work 2. Have the ability to work un-supervised 3. Have a strong work ethic and be able to work in a team environment If you believe you are suitable for this position, please forward your resumes to [email protected] Gerry Gulley Truck Director [email protected] 07 3272 7777

Page 6

Page 7


COUNSELLOR — Emily Rotta cont...

Motor Mechanic Apprentice

Kmart Tyre & Auto Service

CHERMSIDE Great conditions and great people Top wages + bonus eligibility Advancement opportunities We are currently seeking a Motor Mechanic Apprentice to join our great team at Kmart Tyre & Auto Service. Our workshops carry the latest equipment to allow you to demonstrate your professional skills. If you want to stay ‘on the tools’ that’s fine…however we can also offer career advancement to leadership positions for those with a passion for people as well as cars! Applicants should currently reside in Australia and be able to commence immediately. To apply, on line and attach your resume. Alternatively, simply call or SMS your details to Mitch Rutherford on 0419 326 072.

Apprenticeship (Cert III) in Horticulture

Parks and Gardens We have a Landscape gardening position on the inner north side of Brisbane, based at Brisbane Airport with 38 hours of work per week. Pay rate dependent on qualifications and an apprenticeship (Cert III) in Horticulture 'Parks and Gardens' will be available for the right people following successful probation. You will be used to physical, outdoor work & have experience using turf & garden maintenance equipment. A Manual drivers licence is essential and you must have own transport to get to the site in the early morning. Please do not apply if you do not have a current valid manual licence. We are looking for people with good experience in landscape gardening and a mature and responsible attitude to work. Horticulture qualifications an advantage. You must supply your own steel cap boots - we supply uniforms, hats, gloves and safety sunglasses. Early starts & finishes. Interested? Then contact us now! email: [email protected] Peter Kerr The Plant Management Company PO Box 1557 Eagle Farm BC 4009 FAX: (07) 3268 4054 email: [email protected]

Electrical Apprenticeships

Interested in becoming an electrician, Electro Group Apprenticeships and Training now have vacancies for electrical apprentices. We provide you with Above award working conditions which means more $$ No cost to you for uniforms and we supply some tools to get you started and throughout your apprenticeship Industry experienced field officers to help and support you. Plenty of opportunities for travel Variety of working environments to give you the best experience To be considered for this opportunity you must Have completed Year 12 with sound results in Maths A or B & English or equivalent Must have at least a Provisional C class Drivers Licence and reliable transport Able to work as part of a team Safety Conscious Be Reliable and Punctual

Electro Group Apprenticeships and Training (QLD) are a Group Training and Registered Training Organisation specialising in providing electrical apprentices and industry training to the Electrical Industry. Electro Group Apprentices are an equal opportunity employer Download our application form from www.electrogroup.com.au and email it to [email protected] Subject: Electrical Apprentice

Page 8


DIRECTOR OF SPORT—LUKE DONATINI Can I bring your attention to the large number of Bramble Bay District and Metropolitan North Regional Sporting Trials now being offered for students of St Patrick’s College to nominate for. Outlined below are the sports where nominations are being called for. Please note that any LATE NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. CONGRATULATIONS Connor Clark (50 bk, fly, 100 bk, 200IM), Jordan Conroy (50 bk, free, 100 bk, free), Jack Graham (50 fly, free), Zac Hume (50 brst, 100 brst), Ross Maybury (50 bk, fly, 100 fly, 200IM), Jarred Megaw (50 brst), Matthew Palmer (50 bk, fly, free, 100 free, fly, 200IM), Callum Sanders – (50 bk, free, fly) – all selected into the Bramble Bay District Primary Swimming Team to compete at the Metropolitan North Regional Swimming Championships on 1st March at the Valley Pool.

Ryan Hollyman (Year 9) – scored 103 (not out) runs for the SPC 15B team on Saturday whilst playing against St Laurence’s College. Bramble Bay District Primary Sporting Trials Please be advised that the following Bramble Bay Nominations are being called for:


12 Years and Under District Basketball - Nominations MUST be made to Mr Ryan Schultz NO LATER than 3pm Tuesday 22rd February.

12 Years and Under District AFL – Nominations MUST be made to Mr Ryan Schultz NO LATER than 3pm Monday 28th February. 12 Years District Rugby League – Nominations MUST be made to Mr Ryan Schultz NO LATER than 3pm Friday 4th March. 11 Years District Rugby League - Nominations MUST be made to Mr Ryan Schultz NO LATER than Friday 4th March. 12 Years and Under District Hockey - Nominations MUST be made to Mr Ryan Schultz NO LATER than 3pm Friday 18th March. All students wishing to nominate for any Bramble Bay Sport listed above MUST

provide Mr Ryan Schultz with the following details:





PARENTAL PERMISSION Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding any up and coming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website to find out such information - www.metnorthsport.qld.edu.au Metropolitan North Trial Information for the following Sports may now be posted on the Met North Website. Regional Secondary Swimming (nominations close Friday 18th February to Mr Donatini)

Regional Under 15 AFL Trials (nominations close Wednesday 23rd February to Mr Donatini)

Regional Under 15 and Under 19 Years Rugby League (nominations close Wednesday 23rd February to Mr Donatini) Regional Under 15 and Under 18 Years Touch Trials (nominations close Friday 25th February to Mr Donatini) Regional Under 18 Basketball Trials (nominations close Friday 4th March to Mr Donatini) Regional Under 19 Soccer Trials (nominations close Friday 4th March to Mr Donatini)

For further information regarding these and other such trials please see the Coaching Coordinator for that sport. For any sport that does not have a coordinator please see the Director of Sport. How to Access Met North Trial Information 1. Look up the Met North web site

www.metnorthsport.qld.edu.au and then click on the sport you wish to find information about.

2. Once in sports specific section scroll down and if there is a prompt that says ‘Sports Name Trials’, click on the ‘read more…’ 3. This will let you access the trial letter/notification, down load all relevant information regarding the trials. If there is no information regarding trials then nominations have not yet been called for. 4. Lastly, your son will then need go to the Sports Department at St Patrick’s College to collect ‘Availability for Selection’ forms etc. to be filled out and signed by the school Principal, Dr Michael Carroll before taking ALL forms to the appropriate sporting trial and handing them into the Carnival Convenor with any required levy to be paid.

You can also down load from the Met North website a calendar that outlines all trail dates for the whole 2011 sporting year. By following these procedures, it is hoped that all information will becomes more easily accessible and everyone will have a clearer understanding of when trails are being called.

Sporting Wet Weather Procedures The College provides you the following option when dealing with wet weather or cancellations: Junior and Secondary Sports Information Line is 36319080. This line is ‘live’ and will be updated as often as required. Decisions on training status (poor weather) will be made at 2.00pm (training days). Please check for the status of training or weekend sport as often as possible. For Saturday sport, the line will be amended by 7.00 am after consultation with opposition school sports masters and college grounds staff. As a ‘golden rule’, unless the Cricket has been called off you should make the effort to get to the venue and let the umpires or coaches make the decision to call the fixture off. Just because it is raining or has rained where you live does not mean that it is raining or has rained at another College’s ovals. The respective Association By-Laws allow for play to be delayed due to poor weather. It is asked that all parents firstly use the Sports Information Line to obtain any ‘up to date’ changes on training and game status. We ask that you only contact the College’s Student Office or Main Office only if the matter is urgent.




AIC Volleyball – Round 3 St Patrick’s College Vs Marist College Ashgrove

19th February 2011 Callan Centre – Pier Avenue, Shorncliffe

Please Note: A Canteen will be in operation at the Callan Centre


If information is not placed within ‘The Calling’ due to the lateness of the information or unforeseen changes, all students must be responsible enough to: Listen to any ‘Student Office’ announcements

Listen to daily messages and messages passed on during Tutor Group Meetings.

Look on Sporting Notice Boards (near Tuckshop)

Contact Coaching Coordinators for their Sport with any concerns Parents can: Contact Sports Information Line.

Refer to the ‘Calling’

Look at the College Website

Contact Sport Specific Coordinators Following are the names of coordinators and contact details for this term’s sports. Cricket - Mr. Ryan Schultz [email protected]

Volleyball – Mr. Chris Carlill [email protected]

Swimming – Mr Shane Bowden [email protected]

Rugby – Mr Heath Mackintosh [email protected]

Football – Mr Josh McCloughlan [email protected]

Football – Mr Luke Donatini [email protected]

Cross Country – Mr Paul Toohey [email protected]

As you all can appreciate, successful communication is sometimes the key to smooth running of events. If we are all mindful of the above processes that are in place, we will be up to date and in the know.

Time Court 1 Time Court 2

8.00am 14C 8.00am 13C

9.00am 14B 9.00am 13B

10.00am 14A 10.00am 13A

11.00am 16A 11.00am 15B

12.00pm 2nd VI 12.00pm 15A

1.00pm 1st VI 1.00pm 3rd VI

Callan Centre is accessed via gate in Yundah Street or the College’s main entrance

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CIC Cricket - Round 3 St Patrick’s College Vs The Southport School

19th February 2011

St Patrick’s College Venue: Curlew Park, Curlew St, Shorncliffe / St John Fisher College - John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge / Sandgate Redcliffe Cricket Fields - Board St, Sandgate.

Team Time Venue Location

1st XI 9:30 - 5:15pm Curlew Park Oval 1 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Shorncliffe

2nd XI 1:00 – 5:30pm Marist College Ashgrove McMahon Oval (Turf)

Marist College Ashgrove 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove

3rd XI 1:00 – 5:30pm Marist College Ashgrove Cameron Oval (Turf)

Marist College Ashgrove 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove

4th XI 1:00 – 5.30pm Mt Maria Playing Fields West Oval (Syn.)

Mt Maria Playing Fields, Mott St, Enoggera

5th XI 1.00pm – 5.30pm Sandgate/Redcliffe Cricket Fields

Syn. Oval Behind Clubhouse

Sandgate/Redcliffe Cricket Fields Racecourse Rd (off Board St)


15A 8:15am – 12:45pm

Marist College Ashgrove McMahon Oval (Turf)

Marist College Ashgrove 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove

15B 8:15am – 12:45pm

Marist College Ashgrove Cameron Oval (Turf)

Marist College Ashgrove 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove

14A 8:15am – 12:45pm

Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf) Curlew Park Curlew Street, Shorncliffe

14B 8:15am – 12:45pm

St John Fisher Oval 3 (Syn.)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

13A 1:00 – 5:30pm Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf)

Curlew Park Curlew Street, Shorncliffe

13B 1:00 – 5:30pm St John Fisher Oval 3 (Syn.)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

13C 1:00 – 5.30pm St John Fisher Oval 1 (Conc.)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

Team Time Venue Location

7A 8.15am – 11.45am TSS Senior School East Bull Pitch (Turf)

TSS, Senior School Winchester St, Southport

7B T/20

8.00am – 10.30am TSS Prep School Prep Oval 2 (Syn.)

TSS Prep School Lupus Street, Southport

6A 8.15am – 11.45am TSS Prep School Prep Oval 1 (Syn.)

TSS Prep School Lupus Street, Southport

6B T/20

10.30am – 1.00pm TSS Prep School Prep Oval 2 (Syn.)

TSS Prep School Lupus Street, Southport

6C T/20

7.30am – 9.55am SPC Vs SLC 6D St John Fisher Oval 1


St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

AIC Cricket - Round 3 St Patrick’s College Vs Marist College Ashgrove

19th February 2011


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The following link has all information relating to age group pre-season training opportunities for all age groups in Term 1 (Week 4-11) Gym Training sessions Fitness and skills sessions Trials http://oldspc.stpatricks.qld.edu.au/sport/rugby/Rugby/Forms/AllItems.aspx (Parents and players in 2011 will be receiving a lot of Rugby information this season from the Sports link on the college website. Rugby information can be found in the sport- rugby link in parent lounge and also the sports- rugby link in student café)

1. Future Process:

Go to the College Website Enter Student café or Parent Lounge Click on the Link tab (@) at the top of the page Click on the sports information tab on the left of the page Click on the Rugby tab on the left side of the page Click on the Folder “Rugby”

2. Age group rugby coordinators for 2011: Opens: Ryan Schultz 16: Corey Meehan 15: Troy Schultz 14: Tim Hoystead 13: Michael Alvisio Yr7: Steven Jeffery Yr6: John Cross Yr5: Anne-Maree Bliss


Team Time Venue Location

5A 8.15am – 11.45am TSS Senior School West Bull Pitch (Turf)

TSS, Senior School Winchester St, Southport

5B T/20

10.30am – 1.00pm TSS Senior School River Oval (Syn.)

TSS, Senior School Winchester St, Southport

5C T/20

8.00am – 10.30am TSS Senior School River Oval (Syn.)

TSS, Senior School Winchester St, Southport

5D T/20

7.30am – 9.55am SPC Vs NC 5D Curlew Park

P& F Oval (Conc.)

Curlew Park Curlew Street,


Please Note: All CIC Games This Week Against TSS Are AWAY GAMES At SOUTHPORT

All SPC Cricketers playing away are to arrange their own private transportation both to and from their scheduled game



2010/2011 ST PATRICK’S SWIMMING SEASON Greetings all. This Friday (February 18) is the College Swim Championships, designed to sort the 2011 Swimming Age Champions as well as give the boys some much needed race practice. The championships start at 3:30pm and are located at Sandgate Pool. The boys are required to walk down to the pool, with Junior School men walking with men from Years 11 and 12. I look forward to seeing as many boys there as possible. Training days and times for Term One are detailed as below. A bus will be provided to take students from the pool to school at the completion of training during each morning session, and to Redcliffe Pool on Thursday afternoons. Current Olympic and Aus-tralian Coach Ken Wood and his team will continue to coach our swimmers whilst at Redcliffe. Please feel free to take advantage of the great facilities and world class coaching to get the best out of your swimming. Nominations are also already being taken for the upcoming Metropolitan North Secondary Swimming Carnival. Students will need to fill out their details on the respective forms obtained from Mr Donatini or Mr Ryan Schultz and pay their $15 to either Mr Schultz or Donatini. All forms need to be returned to Mr Donatini by Friday the 18th of January. Mr Shane Bowden 2011 Swimming Coordinator

Training Times Term 1, 2011 Monday (Sandgate) 6:15am – 7:30am Tuesday (Sandgate) 6:15am – 7:30am Wednesday (Redcliffe) 5:45am – 7:30am


Art Club Due to unforeseen circumstances, Junior Art Club and Senior Art Club will be cancelled this week. They will start next week. Junior Art Club (Yr 5-8): Thursday 3.00-4.30pm Senior Art Club (Yr 9-12): Friday 3.00-4.30pm Sorry for any inconvenience. If your son is interested in joining the club and hasn’t seen me yet, please call or email me. Thanks Katie Spencer [email protected]

Page 12


2013 Enrolments

Enrolling Now Years 5 & 8 2013


Mrs Jan Thompson on 36319015

Page 13


Please keep Antonella Emanuelli and her family in your prayers for the sudden loss of her father Angelo Emanuelli on 24 January 2011.

Shindig news


If you haven’t already done so - book your tickets for the Shindig as there are only two tables left! Fantastic news. Thank you for your support. The Shindig is on Saturday 12th March. The night is huge fun with dancing, lots of laughter courtesy of our compere and great prizes. Main raffle prize for the evening is an iPad donat-ed by the very generous Mr Rod Chiapello from McDonald’s at Bracken Ridge. We would appreciate payment of tickets as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. So be quick, call Sharie in the office on 3631 9000.

Missing 1 school hat with the

embroidered name A Kerr please return to student office

Netbook News

Netbook agreement forms were issued with each

netbook for Year ‘s 7, 8 and 9 students. These forms must be signed

and returned to the Curriculum office

as soon as possible.

2010 Year Books Are available for collection from the main school office


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Page 17


1:00 pm sharp -Saturday 5th March 69 Sinbad St Shorncliffe Qld

Are you 12½ to 19 year old & want to do

Sailing, Power-Boating, Canoeing, Shooting, Armed and Unarmed Drill, learn life skills

Or do you just want more fun & friendships in your life? Join Navy Cadets - Part of the Australian Defence Force Cadet Scheme

For more Info – Call Robert on 0428 180 149


The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date  Helpers 

Fri         18/02  Nola Pederson, Jenny Evans, Trisha Fitzpatrick, Maree Denkes 

Mon     21/02 Madonna Hoelscher, Victoria Su on, Colleen Whyte, Cheryl Keesley, Monique Bubendorfer 

Tue       22/02  Kerri Wrench, Carmel Moir, Sharyn Mula, Monica Fernandez 

Wed     23/02  Bronwyn Hawkins, Leigh Shaw, Stephanie Ingeri, Melinda Pahany 

Thu       24/02  Marianne Refoy, Guis na Lawlor, Tabitha Baker 

Fri         25/02  Debra Phillpot, Sandra Messina, Maria Neilson, Vera Woods 

Page 18

Uniform Shop BLAZER ORDERS – CLOSING DATE THURS 17/2 FOR BLAZERS TO BE READY FOR THE START OF TERM 2. DEPOSIT OF $65 REQUIRED FOR ORDERS TO BE PLACED. Balance paid on collection. Blazers are compulsory for Years 10,11,12 in Terms 2 & 3. TRADING HOURS TERM TIME – TUES 12-4PM, WED 10AM-2PM, THURS 7.30-11.30AM.

Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 22 February

Duncan Acutt, Ethan Aylward, Callum Brodie, Jackson Crossan,

Samuel Farrell, Benjamin Giuilano, Rowan Greene,

Harvey Liam

Thursday, 24 February

Conor Hoelscher, Liam Holm, Lachlan Hutchings, Jordan Johnson, Alex Kallenbach,

Naweed Lateef, Luke Manché

Thursday, 24 February

Aaron Loader,

Ryan and Joshua Waye Travis Pashley

Saturday, 19 February

Mahdi Sherwell, William Lambre,

Robin Cameron

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.


Page 19

February 18

Year 12 QCS Workshop / Inter-House Chess Rnd 1 / College Swim Championships

February 19

College Musical Day Camp / AIC Volleyball/Cricket Rnd 3 / CIC Cricket Rnd 3

February 21

Year 6 Camp / Year 8 Camp/Retreat/per 3-5 Yr 12 QCS Practice

February 22

Year 6 Camp / Year 8 Camp/Retreat

February 23

Year 6 Camp / Year 8 Camp/Retreat

February 24

Year 8 Camp/Retreat / Per 1—7 5.1, 5.3 Excursion

February 25

Year 8 Camp/Retreat / AIC/CIC Swim Meets

February 26

AIC V’Ball/Cricket Rnd 4 (H) / CIC Cricket Rnd (H) / Yr 10 –12 Social / KAIROS 1/2 (Sunday)

February 28


March 01


March 02

Interhouse Chess Rnd 2 / Engineering Challenge Yr 10

March 03

Yr 12 QCS Practice Per 3-5