1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY These reports aim to discuss about the changes in technology nowadays influence the percentage usage of mobile phone in society lifestyle. Mobile phones were originally intended for staying in touch with friends and family while away from a traditional landline. The idea behind it was that it would give a person freedom of range, allowing them basically to go anywhere and still stay connected. The first mobile phones were big and bulky and their only function was placing call. Yet throughout the years they have evolved into so much more. Modern day mobile phones are capable of going beyond just placing a phone call. They now possess features including: accessing the internet, sending and receiving photos, downloading music and other files, and playing games. Other features include electronic calendars, music players and cameras. The phones equipped with all these functionalities are referred to as “smart phones.” Mobile phone nowadays not being used as their actual function but most of people nowadays makes it as a trend. The trends lead to


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These reports aim to discuss about the changes in technology nowadays influence the percentage

usage of mobile phone in society lifestyle. Mobile phones were originally intended for staying in

touch with friends and family while away from a traditional landline. The idea behind it was that

it would give a person freedom of range, allowing them basically to go anywhere and still stay

connected. The first mobile phones were big and bulky and their only function was placing call.

Yet throughout the years they have evolved into so much more.   Modern day mobile phones are

capable of going beyond just placing a phone call. They now possess features including:

accessing the internet, sending and receiving photos, downloading music and other files, and

playing games. Other features include electronic calendars, music players and cameras. The

phones equipped with all these functionalities are referred to as “smart phones.”

Mobile phone nowadays not being used as their actual function but most of people nowadays

makes it as a trend. The trends lead to increase the demand wide range of mobile phones in the

global markets especially smart phone. Due to the recent scenario, most of people do not aware

about the disadvantages of using mobile phones toward their health especially those who are not

health conscious person. Other than health problem, the unlimited usage of mobile phone may

affect human social life. Most of the time, everybody will filled their day with their mobile

phone social application for example nowadays the most wide social network “Facebook”. The

widely usage of mobile phone not only affecting human social life and their health but also

affecting the way their work at their work place respectively.



The changes trend in information and communication technologies influencing human lifestyle

and also bring huge changes in communication channel in business. Wireless mobile devices

increase the scope for work and family flexibility by enabling the micro-coordination of time,

tasks, and schedules. This is particularly significant as people are now working at times and

places outside of the traditional workday and place. It is widely believed that technologies like

the mobile phone and e-mail are blurring boundaries between personal life and the workplace.

While for some commentators these developments represent a threat to the quality of modern

life, for others they represent new opportunities for integrating the spheres of work and family.

Other than that, mobile phone also was invented for business and professional purposes. In terms

of affordability early invention of mobile phone are unaffordable due to price. The price of

mobile phone for that particular time is still high. The major use of the landline by women as a

tool for maintaining social ties was unanticipated, as was the heavy use of mobiles by

adolescents exchanging SMS text as well audio messages. Like other technologies, the mobile

phone is flexible and contains contradictory possibilities.

Mobile phones have truly really changed the way people communicate with each other. Gone are

those days of the pay phone down the street and around the corner being one of a person’s major

means of calling home because they forgot what they had to get from the grocery store. Mobile

phones have generally no boundaries in that a call can be made from almost any location at any

time. With this luxury and the feature to store contact information, friends and family are at our


finger tips and can be reached by the push of a button, or by the sound of their name; thus

enabling closer and easier contact and making this world a “smaller place.” Mobile phone users

have fallen victim to addiction, based on the current development and continuous improvement,

users are always left wondering what’s next as they wait for the next big feature especially the

invention of new generation of android mobile phone.

Modern day mobile phones are capable of going beyond just placing a phone call. They now

possess features including: accessing the internet, sending and receiving photos, downloading

music and other files, and playing games. Other features include electronic calendars, music

players and cameras. The phones equipped with all these functionalities are referred to as “smart

phones.” These so-called “smart phones” can perform as many tasks as a normal home

computer. Mobiles are becoming a part of life now a day. As technology changing rapidly, the

technology of mobile is also changing.

2.0 BODY

Mobile phones are rapidly developing recently especially when smart phone was designed.

Human lifestyles seem put this technology at first priority in their life and some of them cannot

live without mobile phones especially new generations. This situation create new perspective and

perception the way their think. Mobile phone industries are being growing very fast and grabbing

the gadgets market. The varieties of mobile phones make it popular since it can reach every

corner of the world. Latest mobile phones come with advanced features which can lead mobile

phones users more addicted and attracted towards those gadgets. Mobile nowadays become


necessary product in human life as main term of communicates each other’s. However, many

problems arise caused by mobile phones direct on indirectly.


Radiation from mobile phones delays and reduces sleep, and causes headaches and confusion, according to a new study

According to the previous study conducted by International Agency for Research on Cancer

(IARC) in 2011 has classified mobile phone radiation on the IARC scale into Group 2B –

possibly carcinogenic probably can cause brain cancer. That means that there “could be some

risk” of carcinogenicity, so additional research into long term, heavy use of mobile phones need


to be conducted. After that, World Health Organization (WHO) précised that “to date, no adverse

health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use. Mobile phone

radiation also could cause health problems such as headaches or brain tumors.

There have been many studies throughout the world on RF radiation and its effects on the body.

There is a big difference between a biological effect, an effect on the body and a health effect.

For example, RF radiation from a mobile phone has the biological effect of raising the

temperature in a localized area of the brain by fraction of the degree. This biological effect

doesn’t automatically carry any health risks. The human body is equipped to deal with very wide

variations in temperature without experiencing harm. Human exposure to electromagnetic

radiation is happening in ways never dreamed of before. Very young children are using them,

teenagers live on them and some even sleep with them on their pillows, as mobile phones are

often used as alarm clocks. Whether cell phone use affects the human nervous system and

reproduction, causes DNA damage and behavioral changes, or creates addictive behavior, cell

phones are now being an important channel of communication in our lives. There are many

researches or study conducted proved that mobile phones harm to human health in many way.

In addition, a research carried out shows that the mobile phone device can be dangerous to our

health and can cause brain tumours or cancer although evidence on this is still not clear.   Since

mobile phones operate using magnetic fields, studies indicate that in some circumstances, the

magnetic fields can affect living cells. Those who spends too long period of time talking on

phone can be fatigued or develop headaches (Care ministries website-accessed on 19 thDecember


2011). Also, some argue that heavy use of mobile phones can damage sperms (Daily Express,

Great Britain, 24th October 2006- by consumer Correspondent Graham Hiscott).

Cell phone elbow

One of the most recent health problems that mobile phones are accused of causing is cubital

tunnel syndrome, a condition known more widely as “cell phone elbow“. Similar to carpal tunnel

syndrome, it is apparently caused by the frequent and repetitive use of the cell phone. It is said

that the frequent bending of your elbow to hold your mobile phone to your ear can affect a nerve

in your arm that leads to tingling sensations and reduced use of your hands. Less frequent use of

your phone, use of your phone’s speaker or a hands-free talking device and switching of your

hands when talking on the phone are all ways to combat this rising problem if indeed it really

exists. Cell phones have been accused of causing cancer before, and of lowering fertility thanks

to their heat levels. However, doctors worldwide are reporting a less sensational, but potentially

far more dangerous affliction striking users worldwide. Scientist are dubbing the new disease

"cell phone elbow", a use injury similar perhaps to Wii-itis, but with the potential to cause long

term damage.


According to doctors, when you bend your elbow to hold your cell phone to your ear, you stretch

a nerve which extends underneath the funny bone and controls the smallest fingers. According

to Dr. Peter J. Evans, the director of the Hand and Upper Extremity Center at the Cleveland

Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, long chats can "(choke) the blood supply to the nerves. It makes the

nerves short-circuit. The next thing you know there's tingling in the ring and small finger."

Sleep disorder

Several studies have been conducted which look at the relationship between mobile phone use

and sleep disorders. A recent study showed that those people who use their mobile phones

shortly before going to bed will have a harder time unwinding and falling asleep than those

people who put their phones away earlier in the day. A common problem found in people,

particularly in teenagers, is that those people who leave their phones on at night will be regularly

woken up by calls and texts which interrupt sleep and can cause a number of health problems.



There is an enormous impact of the mobile phone on contemporary society from a social

scientific perspective. Mobile phones affect every aspect of the personal and professional lives of

people with the addiction. In the book Perpetual contact : mobile communication, private talk,

public performance the author James E. Katz, PhD, said: "They have transformed social

practices and changed the way we do business, yet surprisingly we have little perception on their

effect in our lives." Considering any further problems, cell phone uses in certain cases are

considered to be problematic. As a result, there are an increasing number of legislative and

societal controls over cell phone uses.

Mobile phones can now much more than make calls and send text messages. The latest

generation of phones known as smartphones. In many cases the most recent mobile devices are

more powerful in terms of their processing power than a regular laptop or desktop computer.

Children and young people have always been keen to grabs the opportunities offered by new

technologies, and mobile phones are certainly no exception. Offering freedom and independence,

mobile phones are an excellent way to communicate, and provide a constant source of

information and entertainment. Mobile phones can provide important safety benefits too,

enabling people to make contact and be contacted.


2.2.1 Privacy Issues (Reveal too much personal information)

Mobile phones now offer much of the functionality of a laptop, meaning that full access to the

internet is readily available. Therefore, this situation make people may access inappropriate

content where can be engage in communication whether by text messaging, instant messaging or

social networking sites for example facebook. Besides, the issue of revealing too much personal

information is one of the greatest concern associated with online technologies. Risks include

increased chances of online harassment or cyber bullying, inappropriate online contacts,

increased of being located in real world which can lead to others negatives things happen

especially to young adults. Application such foursquare and Insta Place which shows where you

are or the area that you are checked in. While this type of smart phones application may also

present other risk.

Example of smart phones application that make everybody know your recent location


2.2.2 Sexual Harassment Issues

Sexting is the term used to describe the sending of sexually spread out messages or photographs

via mobile phone. While normally people take their personal photo for their own collection,

sadly many images end up widely circulated or posted online, especially when relationships end.

The originator quickly loses all control over the images, often with embarrassing. Such stories

are increasingly reported in the media. There can also be serious legal consequences of sexting

for young people.

Sexting, or the distribution of sexually suggestive nude or nearly-nude images, has garnered

increased media attention in recent years. While this is a topic of concern, results from the survey

show that the vast majority of teen cell phone owners have not sent or received messages of this

nature. Although this is not a pervasive teen practice, sexting can create serious problems for

those involved in it. The desire for risk-taking and sexual exploration during the teenage years,

combined with a constant connection via mobile devices, creates a "perfect storm" for sexting.

Teenagers have always grappled with issues around sex and relationships, but their coming-of-

age mistakes and transgressions have never been so easily transmitted and archived for others to



The addictive nature of mobile phones has concerned psychologists for years. Recently,

psychologists have warned that smartphone users are especially at risk for becoming addicted to


their devices. In a recent study, subjects checked their phones 34 times a day. People may check

their phones out of habit or compulsion, but habitually checking can be a way to avoid

interacting with people. Some people can experience withdrawal symptoms typically associated

with substance abuse, such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression, when they are without their

smartphones. Most of the studies conducted on the potential psychological effects of cell phones

have focused on young adults and adolescents. Mobile phones addicts can be seriously affected

at psychological level but, as they don’t show any physical symptoms, their disorder goes

unnoticed to others.

According to a recent Columbia University study, “communication, responsibility, and

relationships all seem to be negatively influenced by the use of text messaging” in both early and

late adolescent groups. Frequent mobile phone use has been associated with stress, sleep d Cell

phones create a sense of freedom to communicate quickly with those in remote locations. Yet

this freedom, if not managed carefully, can create feelings of psychological dependency.

Common effects, both reported in the literature and easily recognized, include distraction from

social contact among those nearby, the inability to focus on complex and long term tasks, and a

heightened sense of anxiety.isturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adult men

and women.

Another psychological effect extremely using mobile phone is Mental Health problem. Is it

possible that mobile phones are making people crazy. Some people have reported a number of


different symptoms that indicate that mobile phones could be increasing our mental health

problems. Decreased attention span, increased anxiety and memory loss are all problems that

have been associated with increased mobile phone use. Few of these problems have been proven

to actually be linked with mobile phone use though.


Research shows that using a mobile phone while driving increases the risk of crashing by at least

four times. The most common types of crashes associated with mobile usage are ‘run-off-the-

road’ crashes and ‘rear end’ crashes. Using a mobile phone while driving can bring even greater

danger to novice drivers as they may experience difficulty in balancing the many demands on

their driving - from perceptual, mental and physical tasks. Research has found novice drivers

who use a mobile phone spend less time looking at the road ahead. They are also more likely to

wander over the road (across traffic lanes) and take longer to notice driving hazards.

4.1 Accidents

One of the mobile phone health concerns and public safety concerns that actually does have a lot

of validity to it is the link between the use of mobile phones and increased likelihood of

accidents. The number of car accidents caused by mobile phones is likely to decrease as laws are

strengthened to prevent driving while talking or texting. However, people who are talking on

their cell phones are more likely to do dumb things like walk into oncoming traffic which poses a

serious threat to your health. The evidence continues to accumulate that using a cell phone while


driving is a major distraction and potential source of accident. This holds no matter whether the

phone is hand-held or hands-free. The most dangerous period is during dialing, but just holding a

conversation leads to a decrease in reaction time, to missing traffic signals, to shorter following

distances, and to less lane control. Note that these finding apply both to younger and older


It is clear that these findings need to be addressed. Several obvious issues come to mind. One is

to try to limit distraction during critical driving times. Several university research projects have

been attempting to develop context-aware systems for his purpose: Motorola Labs played an

active role in some of these projects. Another is to simplify the entry of information about calls.

Still another would be to institute near real-time interaction, which would enable each participant

to control the timing of the interaction. This way, a driver could decide when to receive a

message, when to reply, and even to pause replies part of the way through in order to attend to


Using a mobile phone while driving distracts you in many ways:

Physical distraction is caused by handling the phone while driving. For example,

removing your hand from the steering wheel to dial a phone number, to answer or end a


Visual distraction is caused by the amount of time you have your eyes off the road.

Cognitive distraction refers to lapses in attention and judgment. This happens when you

have to perform two mental tasks at the same time. Having a conversation competes with


the demands of driving, with your attention often changing from driving to the

conversation. This results in unsafe driving and increases the risk of a crash.


Base on the problems in using mobile phones that has been discuss previously, there a lot things

can be done in order to change that scenario. The mobile phone is designed to enable effective

social communication and enhance business productivity. We can decide that if this is for

productive purpose, then it should yield productive activity. Only make use of the mobile phone

when necessary, if you want to prevent being addictive to the phone. Never pick up the mobile

phone while driving as you put your life and that of other passengers at risk. Also let’s make

effective use of the phone.

As the Manager of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, I present an argument that there

is a need for us to maintain a good balance of our time with use of mobile phone. We should

remember that we bought the phones, and not vice versa. Hence we should make adequate use of

our phones only when necessary. Our mobile phones should not take all our attention. As

mentioned, using a mobile phone is now very rampant. Even children in basic schools may even

own mobile phones. It may be good, but does it really enable these children to concentrate on

their education. If you are a student, remember the phone is for communication and network. It

is meant to prevent stress of being worried and not knowing where your relatives and friends are,

or what they are doing. Once you are with them, avoid frequent use of the device. It will be

disgraceful if after you read this article, your boss/teacher caught you fidgeting with your phone

while at work or in school. Time is money and each minute counts. We do not have all the time


in this world. So let’s make good use of your time and appropriate use of our mobile phone


Then, there are the ethical issues involved in using a cell phone. Most smartphones rely on

accessing data stored in “the cloud,” a digital infrastructure that allows companies to deliver

services over the Internet. Though the term sounds nebulous, this infrastructure, in reality, is

powered by massive data centers that, “by design, consume vast amounts of energy in an

incongruously wasteful manner. If you use your cell phone primarily to talk and text, a simple

flip phone may be all you need to stay connected. But if your phone serves as your digital

camera, your music player, your GPS device, your news reader, and your very best friend, you’re

probably better served with a functionality-packed device like the iPhone, especially if owning

that one device eliminates the need for all those others.

There are prevention suggestion that minimize our frequencies interaction with mobile phones:

Cell phones should be used for emergencies, and not for long conversations. A small chip-like

cell phone microwave radiation protection device is available, which has the ability to absorb

electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone. It helps in reducing the potential harmful

effects of these emissions to the human body. But that items not yet available in Malaysia but

may be in the future generations. Using a mobile headset is a good idea, you don't have to hold

phones next to your ears all the time. Use a hands free mobile car kit while driving, without

taking your hands off the steering wheel.


THE WHO (World Health Organization) RULES

Mobile phone users should limit their exposure to harmful radio frequencies by cutting

the length of calls.

Hands-free devices cut exposure by keeping the instrument away from the head and


Driving cum mobile phone talking should be banned. (Implemented in Malaysia recently)

Mobile phones should not be used in Intensive Care Units of hospitals as they can pose a

danger to patients by interfering with the working of pacemakers and defibrillators.

People with hearing aids should not use mobile phones.

Base stations, which have low powered antennae on their terrace to communicate with

cell phones, should not be located near children's schools and playgrounds.

Technology provides many virtues to modern life, but at some societal costs. If we do not attend

to the societal costs, they may cause legal restrictions on the use of the technology. Why not

address them proactively, using the technology itself to fight the problems.



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