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Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term FIZ 101 Physics I 4.5 3 1 FIZ 101L Physics I Lab. 1.5 1 1 KIM 101E General Chemistry I 4.5 3 1 KIM 101EL General Chemistry I Lab. 1.5 1 1 BIL 101E Intr. to Comp. and Info. Sys. 5 2 1 ISL 111E Intr.to Management Engineering 4 1 1 MAT 103 Calculus I 6 4 1 English Course I 3 3 1

Total 30 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 114E Engineering Ethics 2 1 2 FIZ 106 Physics II 4.5 3 2 FIZ 106L Physics II Lab. 1.5 1 2 Intr. to Sci & Eng Comp. 4 3 2 MAT 104 Calculus II 7 4 2 MAL 201E Materials Science 5 3 2 RES 107 Computer Aided Drawing 3 2 2 English Course II 3 3 2

Total 30 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term MAT 201E Differantial Equations 7 4 3 MAT 261 Linear Algebra 5 3 3 ISL 233 Microeconomics 4 3 3 ISL 223 Fundamentals of Production Management 3 3 3 ISL 213 Statistics I 4 3 3 Elective I (Engineering) 5 3 3 Elective II (Engineering) 5 3 3

Total 33 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 234 Management and Organization 3 3 4 ISL 244E Macroeconomics 4 3 4 ISL 214 Statistics II 4 3 4 ISL 224 Cost Accounting 3 3 4 ING 201 English III 3 3 4 Elective I (Engineering) 5 3 4 Elective II (Engineering) 5 3 4

Total 27


Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 353E Marketing 4 3 5 ISL 333E Finance 4 3 5 ISL 323 Operations Research 4 3 5 ISL 343E Management Information Systems 4 3 5 ISL 363 Human Resources Management 4 3 5 - - Elective (Engineering) 5 3 5 - - Elective (Engineering) 5 3 5

Total 30 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 374 Engineering Design I 6 3 6 ISL 364 Business Law 4 3 6 ISL 334E Quality Assurance and Control 5 3 6 ISL 384 Production Planning and Control 5 3 6 ISL 344E Strategic Management for Engineers 5 3 6 ISL 354E Managerial Decision Making 5 3 6

Total 30 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 453 Engineering Design II 7 3 7 ISL 443 Engineering Project Management 7 3 7 ISL 433 Labor Law 4 2 7 ATA 101 Ataturk Rev I 2 2 7 TUR 101 Turkish I 2 2 7 Elective (HSS) 3 3 7 - - Elective (Engineering) 5 3 7

Total 30 Code Course Title ECTS Credit Term ISL 492 Graduation Thesis 9 3 8 ISL 454 Integrated System Design 7 3 8 ATA 102 Ataturk Rev. II 2 2 8 TUR 102 Turkish II 2 2 8 - - Elective (Management) 5 3 8 - - Elective (Management Eng.) 5 2 8

Total 30


Turkish Mühendislik Etiği Course Title

English Engineering Ethics Code ISL 114E Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester II 1 1 - - Instruction Language English Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) -- Instructor(s) Management and Organisation Lecturers Assistant(s) Management and Organisation Assistants

Objectives This course aims at informing the student of their ethical responsibilities in professional life and preparing them to face possible conflicts.


The students will gain the ability to form their personal ethical values, to evaluate the relevance of ethical decisions for societal norms and to understand the practices accepted in their profession. The lectures and case studies will be used to ensure the students develop in terms of their understanding of social and ethical responsibilities.

Outcomes The students will be able to identify the relationship between engineering profession and societal norms. Develop an understanding of academic and professional ethical responsibility.


Callahan, J. (1997) Ethical Issues in Professional Life, Oxford University Press. Fleddermann, C. (1999) Engineering Ethics, Prentice Hall. Schinzinger, R. and M. Martin (1999) Introduction to Engineering Ethics , McGraw-Hill.

Other References Course notes Prerequisite Course(s) -

Homework & Projects Homework related to ceses from Turkey Laboratory Work -

Computer Use -

Other Activities -


Turkish Mikroiktisat Course Title

English Microeconomics

Code ISL233 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester III 3+0 3 0 0

Instruction Language Turkish

Course Type Compulsory

Course Coordinator(s)

Instructor(s) Economics Division Lecturers

Assistant(s) Economics Division Assistants


To give students a solid grasp of main issues in microeconomics at introductory level using both graphical and algebric techniques. To ensure students can apply main tools and concepts to the study of contemporary economic problems


Introduction- Demand,Supply and The Market-The Theory of Consumer Choice- Consumer and The Market Demand Curves-Firm's Theory: Production-Firm's Theory: Cost- Market Structures I: Perfect Competition- Market Structures II: Pure Monopoly- Market Structures III: Imperfect Competition

Outcomes The students will be able to understand and evaluate the consequences of changes in demand and supply on the decisions of economic agents such as consumers and firms.

Textbook(s) Frank, R. H. (1997), Microeconomics and Behaviour, Third Edition, New York : McGraw Hill.

Other References Nicholson, W. (1998) Microeconomic Theory, Seventh Edition, Forth Worth: Dryden Press.

Prerequisite Course(s) -

Homework & Projects -

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use -

Other Activities -




Code ISL 223 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester III 3 2 1 -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The purpose is to deliver students the concept of “PRODUCTION” in a systematic way of thinking and to study the topics of the course in the context of globalization, for providing a dimension to students of Managerial Engineering. The techniques and applications of Production Management are taught to students.


Basic Concepts of Production and Operations Management, Operations Strategy, Design of Good and Services, Process Analysis, Job Design, Work Measurement and Learning Curves, Facility Location Models, Layout Strategies, Supply Chain Management, Forecasting Techniques, Capacity Planning.

Outcomes Skills to design and manage production processes of goods and services.

Textbook(s) Russel, S.R. and Taylor, B.W., 2003, Operations Management, Fourth Edition, Prentice–Hall, Pearson Education International.

Other References

Chase, R.B., Jacobs F.R., Aquilano, N. J., 2004, Operations Management: for Competitive Advantage, 10th edition, McGraw Hill Irwin, New York. Heizer, J. and Render, B., 2001, Production and Operations Management, Sixth Edition, Prentice –Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Schroeder, R.G., 2000, Operations Management, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston. Krajewski, J. and Ritzman, B., 1998, Operations Management-Strategy and Analysis, Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Prerequisite Course(s) -

Homework & Projects Term project Laboratory Work -

Computer Use Computer usage in term projects

Other Activities Plant visits


Turkish İstatistik I Course Title

English Statistics I

Code ISL 213 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester III 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Quantitative Methods Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Quantitative Methods Division Assistants

Objectives The objective of this course is to explain students statistical Methods and to assist them thinking with data and understanding the meaning of data.

Description Statistic course includes data analyzing methods and probability concept and used areas in engineering and managerial applications.

Outcomes The students will be able to use statistical methods and to apply them to the other courses which needs statistical knowledge accumulation.


• Şenesen, Ü. (1998), Betimleyici, Sorgulayıcı İstatistik, İTÜ • Freund, J.E. (2002), Matematiksel İstatistik, (Çev. Ü.Şenesen),

Literatür. • Petruccelli,J., Mandram,B.,Chen,M. (1999), Applied Statistics for

Engineers and Scientists,1st Edition, Prentice Hall.

Other References

• Sanders, D.H. (1990), Statistics-A Fresh Approach, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill.

• Newbold, P. (2000), İşletme ve İktisat için İstatistik, (Çev. Ü.Şenesen) Literatür.

Prerequisite Course(s)

Homework & Projects The students will choose variables from engineering and managerial applications and will apply data collecting and analyzing methods.

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use SPSS

Other Activities -




Code ISL 234 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester IV 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish

Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) -

Instructor(s) Management and Organization Lecturers

Assistant(s) Management and Organization Research Assistants

Objectives The objective of this course is to discuss the major managerial processes of planning, organizing, leading, coordinating, controlling and correcting by emphasizing management applications in technology based organizations and environments.


This course attempts to examine the engineering relationships between the key management processes of planning, organizing, leading, coordinating, controlling and correcting and the human element in technology-driven production and service organizations to develop a better understanding of the engineering management discipline. Furthermore, the course aims to develop a basic understanding of organizations as complex socio-technical systems and emphasize process management techniques that aspire to build a more cohesive link between technology and human endeavor. While it strives to provide state-of –the-art management techniques and process applications it systematically supports this theoretical groundwork with innovation and technology driven examples.


Students are expected to develop an understanding of the functioning of organizations, how various factors relate to this functioning and how various techniques can help to achieve a better integration of the technology and human factors. Students develop communication skills by presenting their project results in both written and oral presentations.


Koçel, T. (2001) İşletme Yöneticiği. Istanbul: Beta Yayınları. Daft, R. L. (2003) Management, Mason, Ohio: Thomson Learning/South-Western. Payne, A.C., Chelsom, J. V., Reavill, L.R.P. (1996), Introduction to Management for Engineers, John Wiley and Sons.

Other References Lecture notes; cases and articles related to the topics

Prerequisite Course(s)

Homework & Projects

• Project: (Company analysis): In-depth analysis and oral presentation of a specific management technique and/or process application in a selected company (group project).

• Homework (Interpretive questions): Deciphering and discussing key problems in managerial processes (individual work).

• Homework (Book review): Selection and submission of a critical review of a selected book on various management (individual work).

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use -

Other Activities

Course Title Turkish Makroekonomi


English Macroeconomics

Code ISL 244E Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester IV 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language English Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) -- Instructor(s) Economics Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Economics Division Assistants


This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of macroeconomics and to construct an analytical framework to model macroeconomic issues. Current macroeconomic issues of the world economy and particularly of developing countries, as well as Turkey, will be discussed related with each subject, in order to relate the text book models to the economic problems of our societies. Competence in the course requires a working knowledge of algebra and familiarity with graphical presentation.


The Goods Market, Financial Markets, Goods and Financial Markets: The IS-LM Model, The IS-LM Model, Cases & Solving questions, The Labor Market, Putting All Markets Together: The AS-AD Model, The Phillips Curve, Openness in Goods and Financial Markets, The Goods Market in an Open Economy and Output, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate regimes, Pathologies I: High Unemployment, Pathologies II: High Inflation


At the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of concepts like growth, investment, international trade, financial markets, macroeconomic policy, and you will be equipped with the knowledge of basic macroeconomic modelling to study the reasons behind problems like inflation and unemployment.

Textbook(s) Olivier Blanchard, Macroeconomics (3rd Edition, 2003) Study Guide (David W. Findlay, Study Guide And Tutorial, Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition)

Other References David W. Findlay, Study Guide and Tutorial, Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition

Prerequisite Course(s) Microeconomics

Homework & Projects -

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use -

Other Activities -

Course Title Turkish İstatistik II


English Statistics II

Code ISL 214 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester IV 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Quantitative Methods Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Quantitative Methods Division Assistants

Objectives The objective of this course is to explain students statistical Methods and to assist them thinking with data and understanding the meaning of data.

Description Statistic course includes data analyzing methods and probability concept and used areas in engineering and managerial applications.

Outcomes The students will be able to use statistical methods and to apply them to the other courses which needs statistical knowledge accumulation.


• Freund, J.E. (2002), Matematiksel İstatistik, (Çev. Ü.Şenesen), Literatür.

• Petruccelli,J., Mandram,B.,Chen,M. (1999), Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,1st Edition, Prentice Hall.

Other References

• Sanders, D.H. (1990), Statistics-A Fresh Approach, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill.

• Newbold, P. (2000), İşletme ve İktisat için İstatistik, (Çev. Ü.Şenesen) Literatür.

Prerequisite Course(s) Statistics I

Homework & Projects The students will choose variables from engineering and managerial applications and will apply data collecting and analyzing methods.

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use SPSS

Other Activities -



English COST ACCOUNTING Code Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory


Regular Semester Winter 4+0 4 - -

Instruction Language Turkish

Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) --


Assistant(s) Accounting and Finance Assistants


The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the fundamentals of cost accounting . Topics to be covered are: Introduction to cost accounting; Cost concept and classifications; Job costing system; Process costing system; Activity based costing; Cost allocation; Cost behavior pattern.


This course introduces the basic concepts and principles of accounting for preparing the financial statements such as income statement and balance sheet. The course also provides information about cost accounting, cost concepts, cost accumulation systems. And finally the course aims to emphasize basic decision making tools, such as break-even analysis and cost-volume-profit analysis to interrelate the topics of managerial accounting.


Students will gain expertise in using accounting information for planning and controlling. They are also expected to develop their expertise and skills on the tools that are essential to manage an organization. They will use accounting information to simplify their decision process in any organizations.


• Horngren, Foster, Datar: Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 2001, Eleventh editiob, Prentice Hall.

• Williams, Haka, Bettner, Meigs, 2002. Financial and Managerial Accounting, Twelfth edition, McGraw Hill.

• Ersin Güredin, M.Sema Ülker, Ertuğrul Burgazlıoğlu: Uygulamalı Maliyet Muhasbesi, Beta Yayınevi, 1998

• C.T.Gürsoy: Yönetim ve Maliyet Muhasebesi, 1997, Lebib Yalkın Yayınları Other References Lecture notes, power-points presentations.

Prerequisite Course(s) -.-

Homework & Projects • Homework: Case study and solution of problems for every chapters

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use MS EXCEL

Other Activities Short homeworks on weekly basis.

Course Title Turkish Pazarlama


English Marketing

Code ISL 353E Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester V 3 3

Instruction Language English

Course Type Compulsory

Course Coordinator(s)

Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers

Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The first major objective of this introductory course is to provide a broad understanding of marketing concepts and methods. The main aim is to introduce the students the principles of marketing as well as to help them develop perspectives for creating innovative marketing strategies. Also, to develop the ability to apply marketing concepts to several business situations and to demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills by analyzing industries are among the objectives of this course.


This introductory course is designed to introduce the basic concepts of marketing which will enlarge the students’ understanding of different market structures and the forces operating in these markets. As the market forces are very dynamic, the companies in this dynamic environment must find solutions and design strategies in order to survive in the marketplace. The principles of these strategies are the main topics of this course.


The course plays a significant role in providing an understanding of basic marketing principles to students. The major outcome of the course is to make students familiar with those basic marketing concepts and develop the ability of taking marketing decisions in both consumer and industrial markets.

Textbook(s) Sandhusen, Richard I. (2000), Marketing, Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.

Other References

- Kotler, P. and G. Armstrong (2004), Principles of Marketing, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall. - Tek, Ömer Baybars (1999), Pazarlama İlkeleri, Global Yönetimsel Yaklaşım Türkiye Uygulamaları, 8th Edition - Marketing related academic journals (a list will be given)

Prerequisite Course(s) MICROECONOMICS-

Homework & Projects Case assignments and a term project

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use Word

Course Title Turkish FİNANSMAN


English FINANCE Code ISL 333E Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory


Regular Semester V 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish

Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) --

Instructor(s) Accounting and Finance Lectures

Assistant(s) Accounting and Finance Assistants

Objectives The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of financial decision making and financial theory from the point of view of corporate financial managers in competitive financial markets.


The purpose of this course is to inform the students with the fundamentals of financial management of business firms. Topics to be covered are : The goals and functions of financial management; financial analysis, financial planning, current asset management, sources of short term financing, time value of money, rates of return, risk return, cost of capital, dividend policy.


This course is to provide a thorough introduction to the theory and practice of corporate finance. The emphasis is about financial manager's decision on investment and financing. Regarding the investment decision we will be concerned about how Financial managers rank different investment opportunities, and how they evaluate projects that involve payoffs in a timely basis with or without uncertainty.


• Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, Alan J. Marcus: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance McGraw Hill, 2003, third ed.

• Stanley B. Block , Geoffrey A. Hirt: Foundations of Financial Management, 9th Edition Irwin/McGrawHill.

• Ross, Westerfield, Jordan: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Fifth Ed. McGraw Hi Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin and Robert L. Cardy (2001), Managing Human Resources, Third Edition, Prentice Hall.

Other References Lecture notes

Prerequisite Course(s) Cost Accounting

Homework & Projects Project: Financial Analysis: Analysis of a public owned company’s financial statements (group project).

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use EXCEL

Other Activities Short homework on weekly basis.

Course Title Turkish Yöneylem Araştırması


English Operations Research Code ISL 323 Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory


Regular Semester V 3 3 hours/week

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The objective of this course is to teach the basic techniques of operations research and the application of these techniques. It is aimed to provide an analytical and managerial perspective for model building, solving, and analyzing the real life problems in both manufacturing and service sector.


Basic techniques for modeling, optimizing, and analyzing decision making problems; linear programming, integer programming, transportation and assignment models, and queuing theory. Application of these techniques in production and service systems. Computer solution of the problems.

Outcomes An ability to build, solve, and interpret solutions of models of systems that is required by the organizations.

Textbook(s) WINSTON, W.L. & VENKATARAMANAN M., (2003), Operations Research with Infotrac: Applications and Algorithms, Fourth Edition, Duxbury Press.

Other References

HILLIER, F.S. ve LIEBERMAN, G.J. (2002), Introduction to Operations Research, 7th Edition, McGraw- Hill Publishing Company. TAHA, H. (2002), Operations Research, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall. TAHA, H. (2000), Yöneylem Araştırması ( Operations Research, 6. Edition), (Translators and Adapters: Ş. A. Baray and Ş. Esnaf), Literatür Yayınları: 43, İstanbul. TAYLOR, B.W. (2001), Introduction to Management TAYLOR, B.W. (2001), Introduction to Management Science, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Prerequisite Course(s) Lineer Algebra

Homework & Projects

Homework Subjects: : Formulating LP problems; graphical solution, and sensitivity analysis, Simplex table, computer solution of LP problems and interpretation of computer outputs, formulating of integer LP problems, formulating of transportation, assignment and transshipments problems, finding basic feasible solution of transportation problems, solution of single/ multiple channel queuing problems. Project Subject: Case Study


Turkish Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Course Title

English Management Information Systems


Code ISL 343E Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester V 3 3

Instruction Language English Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The purpose of the course is to provide the students of Management Engineering Department a clear understanding of the importance and the role of information systems in modern digital organizations. It is designed to teach how ISs are managed successfully, how ISs affect the organizations and its stakeholders, how they can create more efficient and competitive organizations surviving in global markets. It is also aimed to underpin the subject and concepts with the case studies and project .


Organizations, management and the networked enterprise; IT infrastructure; building IT in digital firm; management and organizational support systems for digital firm; managing information systems in the digital firms

Outcomes Skill to use and implicate information systems for managerial purposes.

Textbook(s) Laudon K.C, Laudon J.P., 2004, Management Information Systems, Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall. ISBN : 0-13-101498-6

Other References

Laudon K.C, Laudon J.P., 2003, Active Books, Management Information Systems, Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall. ISBN : 0-13-140916-6. O’Brien J.A., 2003, Management Information Systems: Managing Information Technology in the E-Business Enterprise, 6th. Edition McGraw Hill. ASIN: 0072823119

MCNurlin B.C. and Sprague R. H., 2003, Information Systems Management in Practice 6th edition, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131011391

Bocij P., Chaffey D. Greasley A., Hickie S., 2003, Business Information Systems", Prentice Hall Stephen H., 2000, Information Systems Management for Information Age, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; ISBN: 0074113364

Prerequisite Course(s) Intr. to Comp. and Info. Sys.

Homework & Projects Individual home works related to the topics and a group project


Other Activities Interviews with IT managers and discussing the cases



English HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Code ISL 313 Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory


Regular Semester V 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish

Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) --

Instructor(s) Management and Organisation Lecturers

Assistant(s) Management and Organisation Assistants


The objective of this course is to discuss the theoretical and practical implementations of the human resources management methods by emphasizing applications in technology based organizations and environments so that HRM methods will improve organizational performance.

Description This course attempts to instruct students about their probable and required actions in their prospective work setting in order to become satisfied and high-performing employees.


While students will make sense of the relationship between the concepts of organizational performance and employee satisfaction, they are also expected to develop their expertise and skills on the tools that are essential to boost organizational performance and employee satisfaction concurrently.


• Gary Dessler (2000), Human Resource Management, Eight Edition, Prentice Hall.

• Herbert R. Northrup, (2000), Personnel Policies for Engineers and Scientist: An Analysis of Major Corporate Practices

Other References • Lecture notes • Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin and Robert L. Cardy (2001), Managing

Human Resources, Third Edition, Prentice Hall. Prerequisite Course(s) Yönetim ve Organizasyon (Management and Organization)

Homework & Projects

• Project: (Company analysis) Analysis and assessment of the human resources management process in a company (group project).

• Homework: (Case design): Designing and deciphering a case work concerning one or more of the sub-processes of human resources management process in the analyzed company.

• Homework: Analysis of some of the current subjects in human resources management by students and sharing the outcomes of these analyses in the class in a participative fashion. (group work).

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use -

Other Activities Short homework on weekly basis.

Turkish İşletme Hukuku Course Title

English Business Law


Code ISL 364 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VI 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Law Section Research Lecturers Assistant(s) Law Section Research Assistants


To equip the management engineers with principal concepts and subjects of basic knowledge and commercial papers to evaluate the problems they will encounter throughout their profession from a legal perspective.


Introduction to law, public law institutions used for state intervention in economic life, basic social and economic rights in constitution. Law of persons, rights and legal transactions and their types, obligation relationship, sources of obligation, types of contracts, termination of obligation relationship, new forms of contracts. Commercial papers used in payment and credit purposes.

Outcomes Students will acquire the basic knowledge for a management engineer to act within the rule of law.

Textbook(s) Text

Other References

1- Necip BİLGE: Hukuk Başlangıcı (Hukukun Temel Kavram ve Kurumları), 14.Bası, Ankara 2001. 2- M.Kemal OĞUZMAN/Nami BARLAS: Medeni Hukuk (Giriş, Kaynaklar, Temel Kavramlar), 8.Bası, İstanbul 2000. 3- Turgut AKINTÜRK: Borçlar Hukuku(Genel Hükümler,Özel Borç İlişkileri), 7.Bası, İstanbul, 1999. 4- Reha POROY/Ünal TEKİNALP: Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku Esasları, 15. Bası, İstanbul 2001. 5- Oğuz İMREGÜN: Kara Ticareti Hukuku Dersleri, İstanbul 2001.

Prerequisite Course(s) -

Homework & Projects -

Laboratory Work

Computer Use

Other Activities

Turkish Kalite Güvencesi ve Kontrolu Course Title

English Quality Assurance and Control


Code ISL 334E Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VI 3 3 3

Instruction Language English Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


Quality Assurance and Conrol is one of the basic courses in engineering and management education. The success of products and services created by the production system is related to the success of quality amangement system. Quality management systems influences all aspects of the production organizations. Hence, it is highly important to equip the Managerial Engineering students with quality control and management knowledge.


Introduction to Quality Concepts; Quality Management Philosophies; TQM & Quality Awards; Customer Focus and Satisfaction; Process Management; Tools for Process Management; Quality Information System; ISO 9000 Quality Management System; Quality Assurance; Acceptance Sampling; Statistical Process Control; Reliability, Experimental Design.

Outcomes The Quality Assurance and Control course plays a significant role in providing an engineering perspective to students.

Textbook(s) EVANS, James and LINDSAY, William M., (2002), THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, Fifth Edition, ISBN 0-324-06680-5.

Other References

Montgomery, D. C., 2000, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Juran, J.M. (Editor in Chief) and Godfrey, A. B. (Associate Editor), 1999, Juran’s Quality Control Handbook, Fifth Edition, ISBN 0-07-034003. Grant, E. L., 1996, Statistical Quality Control, Seventh edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions.

Prerequisite Course(s) Statistics I, Fundamentals of Production Management

Homework & Projects Applied group assignments

Laboratory Work

Computer Use Word and Excel





Code ISL 324 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VI 3 2 1 -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


Production being the fundamental function of an organization, it is a vital decision to coordinate between human and machines, to plan production, and to determine optimal inventory levels. The objective of this course is to teach the methods and provide knowledge in production planning and control to managerial engineers.

Description Aggregate Planning, Inventory Management, Just-in-Time and Lean Production, Material Requirements Planning I & II, Scheduling, Job Sequencing and Loading, Theory of Constraints, Maintenance Management.

Outcomes The skills of planning and controlling of production systems and effective use of the resources of production in order to increase productivity.

Textbook(s) Chase, R.B., Jacobs F.R., Aquilano, N. J., 2004, Operations Management: for Competitive Advantage, 10th edition, McGraw Hill Irwin, New York.

Other References

Russel, S.R. and Taylor, B.W., 2003, Operations Management, Fourth Edition, Prentice–Hall, Pearson Education International. Heizer, J. and Render, B., 2001, Production and Operations Management, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Krajewski, J. and Ritzman, B., 1998, Operations Management-Strategy and Analysis, Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Kobu, B., 2003, Üretim Yönetimi, onbirinci baskı, Avcıol Basım Yayın, İstanbul.

Prerequisite Course(s) Fundamentals of Production Planning, Operations Research

Homework & Projects Term project

Laboratory Work -

Computer Use Computer usage in homework

Other Activities Plant Visits



Code ISL 344E Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VI 3+0 3 - -

Instruction Language English

Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) -

Instructor(s) Management and Organization Lecturers

Assistant(s) Management and Organization Research Assistants

Objectives The objective of this course is to discuss the theoretical and practical implementations of the strategic management process of organizations in order to explicate the relationship between strategic management process and key organizational outcomes.


It is well acknowledged that companies today face with turbulent internal and external environments and that these companies should improve their innovative capacities and count on their competitive capabilities to survive. This course attempts a systematic case study approach to explain which necessary actions the prospective workers of such companies should take to help their companies succeed and prevail in such turbulent environments.


Students are expected to integrate their multi-disciplinary expertise that they have accumulated throughout their Engineering Management education on production, finance, management, marketing, economy and law, while developing, at the same time, their knowledge and skills about making strategic decisions, which are critical for the survival capacities of organizations.


• Dinçer, Ömer (2001), Strategic Management and Business Policy (Turkish - Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, (6th edition), Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş, İstanbul.

• Eren, Erol (2000), Strategic Management and Business Policy (Turkish – Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, 5th edition, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul.

• Haberberg, A. and Rieple, A. (2001), The Strategic Management of Organizations, Prentice Hall.

• Wheelen, T. and Hunger, J.D. (2000), Strategic Management and Business Policy, Prentice Hall.

Other References Lecture notes; cases and articles related to the topics

Prerequisite Course(s) Human Resources Mng., Financial Mng., Marketing, Production Mng.

Homework & Projects

• Company analysis project: In-depth analysis of the strategic management process of a selected company (group project).

• Designing case study: Designing and deciphering a case study concerning the problems of strategic management process in the analyzed company (group work).

Laboratory Work - Computer Use - Other Activities Case study


Turkish Yönetsel Karar Verme Course Title

English Managerial Decision Making Code ISL 354E Credit Lecture

(hour/week) Recitation

(hour/week) Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VI 2 2

Instruction Language English Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) Sayısal Yöntemler Anabilim Dalı Instructor(s) Quantitative Methods Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Quantitative Methods Division Assistants


This course is designed to teach basic decision making tools which are essential for Management Engineering students. The tools will be covered in this course include, optimization, single person decision making and game theory.

Description Managerial Decision Making includes, topics such as, optimization, single-person decision making under uncertainity and game theory as a basic tool for multi-person decion making.

Outcomes Students will learn how to use basic decision tools in various application areas such as, finance, marketing, economics and etc.


Monathan, George E., Management Decision Making, 2000, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Aliprantis, C.D. and S.K. Chakrabarti, Games and Decision Making, 2000, Oxford University Press, New York.

Other References

Dixit, A. and S. Skeath W.W. Norton & Company, Games of Strategy, 1999, New York. Dutta, P.K., Strategies and Games, 1999, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Prerequisite Course(s) Statistik II, Mikroiktisat

Homework & Projects Weekly Homeworks will be given

Laboratory Work

Computer Use Some game-theoretic experiments will be carried out either through internet

Other Activities

Course Title Turkish İşletme Mühendisliği Tasarımı II


English Management Engineering Design II

Code ISL 413 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VII 3 3

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The purpose of this course to teach the students of Managerial Engineering Program how to synthesize the different concepts and methods covered through a product design and fabrication exercise. The course is designed to educate managerial engineers as professionals who can produce integrated solutions for different cases with their analytical thinking ability within the understanding of team work.


Formulation of the product and process requirements for an assigned product under specified constraints of cost, volume, space and determining the complete system plans for a facility that is feasible to produce that product for the global markets. Logistics, layout, human resource requirements, equipment selection, plant design with operation and maintenance plans for a given product.

Outcomes An ability to design an efficient plant for a given product in teamwork.


Tompkins J. A., White J. A., Bozer Y. A & Tanchoco J.M.A., 2002, Facilities Planning, Third Edition, John Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-41389-5. Kusiak A., 1999, Engineering Design, Products, Processes, and Systems, Academic Press. ISBN: 0-12-430145-3.

Other References

Meyers F. E. & Stephens M. P., 2004, Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling, Third Edition, Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-112535-4 Jordan Jr. J. A. and Michel F. J., 2000, Next Generation Manufacturing Methods and Techniques, John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN: 0-471-36006-6 Babcock D. L., 1996, Managing Engineering and Technology, Prentice Hall, ISBN:0-13-141392-9 Meyers F. E.,1993, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-013475-9 Sule, D. R., 1994, http://www.directtextbook.com/prices/0534934358Manufacturing Facilities: Location, Planning, and Design/Book and Disk, Second Edition, PWS Pub. Co., ISBN 0-534-93435-8

Prerequisite Course(s) Management Engineering Design I, PRODUCTİON Planing and control, quality assurance and control

Homework & Projects Individual assignments, group project, group assignment

Laboratory Work

Computer Use moderate to high

Other Activities group assignments in class


Turkish Mühendislikte Proje Yönetimi Course Title

English Engineering Project Management in Engineering

Code ISL 423 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VII 3 2 1 -

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


Engineering Project Management is an interdisciplinary activity, which aims to meet the results early determined under the limited resorce and time conditions and that can be applicated in any sectors. This course also aims to provide system approach that every engineeer should acquire. The course is designed to include all technical and managerial aspects of projects. Subjects are vary from producing new project ideas to project selection and evaluation, project organization, planing, budgeting, scheduling and auditing.


Fundamental Concepts in Project Management; Project Evaluation and Selection; Project Manager; Project Organisation; Project Planning; Negotiation and Conflict Resolution; Budgeting and Cost Estimation; Scheduling; Resource Allocation; Monitoring and Information Systems; Project Softwares; Project Control, Project Auditing; Project Termination; Risk Management in Projects, Case Studies in Engineering Projects

Outcomes Capable of designing of the new project ideas; managing project processes concerning planning, implementing and completing and solving the engineering problems in the various projects.


Meredith, Jack and Mantel, Samuel J. Jr., 2000, Project Management. A Managerial Approach, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Other References

Kerzner, H., 2003, Project Management. A Systems Approach To Planning Scheduling, And Controlling, Eighth Edition, Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 0471225770. Pinto, Jeffrey K., 1998, The Project Management Institute – Project Management Handbook, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. Kerzner, H., 2000, Applied Project Management, Wiley and Sons. Cleland, David I. and Ireland, Lewis R., 2002, Project Management, McGraw – Hill Inc., Newyork.

Prerequisite Course(s) Statistics II, Finance

Homework & Projects Cases in Engineering Project Management Laboratory Work -

Computer Use Use of Microsoft Project Planning Package Program

Other Activities Inviting a experienced manager in project management


Turkish İş Hukuku Course Title

English Labor Law

Code ISL 433 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VII 2+0 2 0 0

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator(s) - Instructor(s) Law Section Research Lecturers Assistant(s) Law Section Research Assistants


Engineering profession, irrespective of the field, is usually carried out in an organization where goods or services are produced. The structure of an organization based on human labor and labor relations depends on the use of the labor in a workplace, enterprise, groups of companies and holdings are regulated by Labor Law. Engineer should have knowledge on the legal framework of labor relations between the management and the workers, who are employees for the enterprise to reach the technical goal which is the production of goods and services, consequently achieve the economic objectives. On the other hand he himself as being a worker and a representative of management, knowing the principles of labor law while he managing the production activities will be very important for his occupation and future career. Labor law is also important for the persons employed by the government as a civil servant or self employed, as it has relations with their legal status.


Concept of labor law, the sources of labor law, the development of labor law, main features of labor law, individual and collective labor law, definitions in relation to labor law, individual employment contract, the organization of work, flexibility at work, duties of the employee and employer, wages, health and safety at work, engineers and other personnel who are in charge of health and safety at work, equal treatment at work, inventions by employees, the end of individual employment contract and severance pay.

Outcomes Knowledge and skill will be acquired to establish healthy relationships with the employees.


1- Nuri ÇELİK, İş Hukuku Dersleri, 16.Bası, İstanbul 2003. 2- Sarper Süzek, İş Hukuku, İstanbul 2002. 3- Ünal NARMANLIOĞLU, İş Hukuku I, Ferdi İş İlişkileri, 3.Bası, İzmir 1998. 4- Münir EKONOMİ, Ferdi İş Hukuku, 3.Bası, İstanbul 1984. 5- Kenan TUNÇOMAĞ/Tankut CENTEL, İş Hukuku, 2.Bası, İstanbul 1999.

Other References Prerequisite Course(s) Business Law

Homework & Projects

Other Activities


Turkish Bütünleşik Sistem Tasarımı

Course Title English Integrated System Design

Code ISL 414 Credit Lecture (hour/week)

Recitation (hour/week)

Laboratory (hour/week)

Regular Semester VIII 3 3+0

Instruction Language Turkish Course Type Compulsory

Course Coordinator(s)

Instructor(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Lecturers Assistant(s) Production Management and Marketing Division Assistants


The purpose of this course is to teach the students of Management Engineering Program how to integrate and execute marketing, production, finance, and engineering policies and strategies for the benefit of an enterprise. The students synthesize the different concepts and methods covered during their studies, through case studies in high-tech industries.


Formulation of the techno-managerial problems facing an enterprise and conducting a thorough analysis under competitive pressure and constraints, defining and suggesting strategies for a given situation as well as planning the implementation of given strategies in the global competition. Teamwork and open-ended case studies are emphasized.

Outcomes Management engineers as professionals who can produce integrated solutions for different situations using their analytical skills and abilities in managing technologically driven enterprises.

Textbook(s) Various references

Other References

Strategic Management in Technology and Innovation; Fourth Edition, Robert A. Burgelman, Clayton M. Christensen, Steven C. Wheelwright, 2004, Irwin, McGraw-Hill, (ISBN: 0-07-253695-0). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases with Power Web and Concept/Case TUTOR card, Twelfth Edition (A. Jr. Thompson and A.J. Strickland III) Irwin-McGraw-Hill, 2001, (ISBN: 0-07-251875-8). Cases in Operations Management; Robert Johnston, et.al., Pearson Education, 1997, (ISBN: 0 273 62496 2). Project Management Casebook; David I. CLELAND, et al., Project Management Institute, 1998, (ISBN: 1-880410-45-1).

Prerequisite Course(s) Management Engineering Design II

Homework & Projects Case studies; A case examination from the Turkish Industry.

Laboratory Work

Computer Use Word and Excell Other Activities


Electives: TERM VII Code Course Title ISL 413E Technology and Development ISL 441 Turkish Economy ISL 362 Uluslararası Iktisat ISL 440 Financial Management Regression Analysis ISL 421E Organizational Behaviour TERM VIII Code Course Title ISL 429 Collective Bargaining Law Economics of Multinational Corporations ISL 444 Economic History International Finance Int. to Flexible Manufacturing Systems Operations Strategy Modelling and Decision Analysis System Simulation Supply Chain Management Productivity Analysis and Assurance OTHER Code Course Title ISL 427 European Union Law Capital Markets Law Corporation Law Please note that the elective courses given above are subject to change.