Religion for the Wicked Enemies of God & Mankind It is said: a picture is worth a thousand words.

It is said: a picture is worth a thousand words

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Religion for the Wicked Enemies of God & Mankind

It is said: a picture is worth a

thousand words.

George Soros, a Catholic Nazi funding the terrorists, Demoncrat Politicians, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, etc.

Hitler with Mussolini, united Catholic monsters.

Like Italy, Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in Rome, 1933.

Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.

Hitler with Reich Bishop Muller and Abbot Schachleiter, surrounded By party bosses; September 1934

Anti Pavelic, the Head oh the Ustashi State of Croatia, Surrounded with Croation Catholic Clergy in April 1942. He was to Yugoslavia, what Hitler was to Germany.

The Bishops and Archbishops of Croatia gave full support to the Ustashi. Indeed, many of them were themselves Ustashi long before Ustashi Croatia came into being, e.g. Dr. Ivan Saric, the Archbishop of Sarajevo, who had been an Ustashi agitator since 1934. Or Mgr. Dionizije, one of the Heads of the Ministry of Cults, dealing with forcible conversions, who was Ante Pavelic's confessor.

Nuns marching together with Croation Nazi Legionnaires (USTASI).

Catholic Religious Orders gave total and continuous support to the Ustashi. Before the establishment of the Independent Stale of Croatia (1941) their convents were hiding places for Ustashi terrorists, concealed Ustashi presses and were depositories of Ustashi subversive literature and even of hand grenades, guns and dynamite.

Ustashi cutting the throat of one of their Serbian Orthodox victims. Notice how a Ustashi is holding a vessel to collect the first spurt of blood and thus prevent their uniforms from being blood stained. The brutal crime—one of many—look place near Cajaice in 1943.

Orthodox worshippers, when not dispatched to concentration camps, suffered the same fate us their clergy. Congregations, unless willing to change their religion, were not only persecuted, hunted down and arrested; but, at times, besides being massacred by the Ustashi bayonets or machine guns, they were killed within their own churches.

A mass execution carried out by the Ustashi at Brode, early in 1941. Nazi troops were looking at some of the victims.

At the opening of the Ustashi Parliament, Archbishop Stepinac, after offering special prayers to God in a ceremony in the Cathedral, ordered the singing of a solemn Te Deum, as thanks to the Almighty for the establishment of the Ustashi Dictatorship.

At a Ustashi Meeting. (From right to left) Archbishop Stepinac; General Roata, Commander of the Fascist forces of occupation in Yugoslavia; Field Marsbai Slavio Kvaternik; and the Commander of the German forces of occupation in Croatia.

Catholic Brothers, and Monks, when visiting villages to "convert" the Orthodox population, were always escorted by the heavily armed Catholic storm troopers, the Ustashi.

Mass murders were supplemented by the massacre of individuals, mostly in rural districts. Instances of the utmost ferocity occurred. The Ustashi very often used the most primitive weapons, such as forks, spades, hammers and saws, to torture their victims prior to their execution. They broke their legs, pulled off their skin and beards, blinded them by cutting their eyes with knives and even tearing them from their sockets, as a survivor, Marija Bogunovitch, testified.

The Archbishop of Sarajevo, Dr. 1. Saric, giving the "Heil Hitler" with a group of Ustashi civilians and Nazi officers at the airport of Butmir, in 1943.

The Orthodox Church became one of the prime targets of Catholic Croatia, which, very often, used the German armies of occupation, outside Croatia, to round up obstinate Orthodox Serbs.

The Vatican was well informed of what was going on inside Ustashi Croatia. Not only because the Catholic Hierarchy sent the Pope regular reports, but because the Pope had his own personal representative there.

Monks and Friars were the backbone of the policy of forcible conversions. Many participated in acts of terrorism. E.g. Simic Vjeckoslav, a Monk of the monastery at Knin, who killed dozens of Orthodox with his own hands. Sidoniie Solo, another Monk of the Franciscan monastery in Nasice, deported the Orthodox population of whole villages. The Abbot of the monastery of Gunlic, Father G. Castimir, directed the massacre of hundreds of Orthodox at Glina.

A band of Ustashi robbing the Orthodox Serbs of their possessions before shooting them. This picture was taken near Mount Kozara, in 1942.

Poster proclaming Papist-Nazi solidarity.

Hitler welcomes Mgr. Tiso, a Catholic priest, whom he made Chief of State of Nazi sponsored Slovakia—January 20th, 1941. Mgr. Tiso, leader of the Catholics of Slovakia, cooperated with Hitler in the final disintegration of the Republic of Czechoslovakia.

Billy Graham at Roman Catholic Belmont College receiving the yoke from ROME. Graham was granted An honory doctor’s degree from this Roman Catholic College. Graham told his audience that the ‘GOSPEL THAT FOUNDED THIS COLLEGE IS THE SAME GOSPEL WHICH I PREACH TODAY.’

Poster proclaiming Papist-Nazi solidarity quotes the Papal Nuncio, shown with Hitler, as saying, “I have not understood you for a long time. But I have worried for a long time. Today I understand you.” The poster goes on to say that the public should vote for Hitler at the next election.

DemonCrats are almost all Catholics (Communists), along with a mixed multitude of others. All Nazis were Catholics. The DemonCrat party is the party of the Liars, Baby Butchers, LGBTQ, Pedophiles, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter and others. All the ToHellavision networks and Hellywood are among their group. Also their judges, DemonCrats in Republican disguise, FBI, CIA, news media, news papers aid their evil war to conquer America and destroy all it stands for. DemonCrats create terrorist acts, steal elections, incite valiance, create wars, falsify evidence, destroy evidence, attach the truth, lie, lie, lie and lie. It is the political militant regime of Satan. The Catholic Church has tortured to death and slaughtered millions of Protestant true Christians and Jews all over the earth and has not changed. During WWII outspoken pastors were put in steel cages and strung up in Catholic Church steeples to starve to death, while the birds ate their flesh away. Satan is at war with God, his true Christians, righteousness and truth. The true

Christians, spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and keep his words. They set the people free from all the lies and abominations of the militant political regime of Satan. The Pope sits in Satan’s throne in Rome. (Revelation 2:13)

“Babylon (America) the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” Revelation 18:2

“The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. For the vileperson will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.” Isaiah 32:5,6

DemonCrats Hard at work in America

Medical Terrorism and Treason Catholic DemonCrat in Republican disguise. Crimes against Humanity Just like Judas

DemonCrats Marching

DemonCrat Political Poster 150 years ago

No Republican owned slaves. One news station you can trust: infowars.com

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https://www.Infowars.comNews Article: Doctor Warns That Majority of Vaccinated Patients Could Have Permanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years.

A Canadian doctor demands further study into the link between Covid-19 vaccines and blood clots after his research found clots in a majority of vaccinated patients, some of whom he says could be dead within three years. During a Zoom meeting with other medical professionals, Dr. Charles Hoffe explained heʼs been running a study on recently vaccinated patients, having them take D-dimer blood tests to determine whether they have blood clots.

“So far Iʼve got 62 percent positive elevated D-dimer, which means that the blood clots are not rare,” Hoffe informed fellow physicians.

“Thatʼs what the so-called experts keep telling us: ‘The clots are rare.ʼ The big ones are rare, but the small ones are clearly happening in the majority of people, 62 percent.”

Dr. Hoffe says the clots, which could number in the thousands and are hard to detect due to their microscopic size, are caused by messenger RNA molecules in the vaccine which cause spike

proteins to form, which in turn attach to the cell walls of a cell impeding blood flow and damaging blood vessels.

So normally the cells that surround your blood vessels have to be very, very smooth to enable good and unimpeded flow of blood, but as soon as youʼve got all these little spike proteins that become part of the cell wall itʼs now a rough surface. Itʼs going to be like a very coarse sandpaper. Itʼs now what the platelets are going to interpret as a damaged vessel. Itʼs no longer smooth. Itʼs rough. So clotting is inevitable because the platelets that come down that vessel are going to hit a rough spot and assume this must be a damaged vessel. This vessel needs to be blocked to stop the bleeding.

Thatʼs how our clotting works. So…because of this and because of the nature of this, clots are inevitable, because of these spike proteins in the capillary networks.

The damaged vessels donʼt regenerate like other tissues and organs and instead remain permanently damaged, and because the clots are so tiny and scattered they bypass typical medical detection methods.

Hoffe, who was put under a gag order by the Canadian government after warning about the concerning trend, says this process could be why nearly all vaccinated people experience similar negative side effects.

“In fact, all of the frequent side effects of the shot, which are headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, could all be signs of cerebral thrombosis on a capillary level. I mean…literally you could be having thousands and thousands of tiny, tiny little clots in your brain that wonʼt show on a scan, but they will give you those exact symptoms,” Hoffe stated.

The doctor also detailed how six of his vaccinated patients have all suffered “reduced effort tolerance,” meaning they get tired quicker while doing normal everyday activities.

“So I believe that these people blocked up thousands and thousands of capillaries in their lungs, in these six people. So I believe these people now have permanently damaged lungs because…I mean, thatʼs why they get out of breath,” Dr. Hoffe related.

Hoffe says the damaged vessels and damaged lung tissue are a big problem that would lead to “pulmonary artery hypertension,” or high blood pressure in the lungs and death within three years due to increased vascular resistance.

“The concern is: because these vessels are now permanently damaged in a personʼs lungs, when the heart tries to pump blood through all those damaged vessels thereʼs increased resistance trying to pump the blood through those lungs.”

“So those people are going to develop something called ‘pulmonary arteryhypertensionʼ – high blood pressure in their lungs, and the concern with that is that those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs.”

During the virtual meeting, other doctors in the Zoom call appeared shocked and somber at Dr. Hoffeʼs tragic news.

If Hoffeʼs research turns out to be right, the Covid vaccine could be the mass-culling depopulation event the globalists have been waiting for.

Letʼs hope to God Dr. Hoffeʼs theory somehow turns out to be incorrect.

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Covid-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits Injection Destroys Immune System

Stew Peters of https://redvoicemedia.com is joined by Dr. Jane Ruby of http://drjaneruby.com/ to break down the evidence that Covid-19 injections are damaging blood cells.

Oops! FDA Accidentally Reveals List of Covid Vaccine Side Effects, Including Myocarditis, Autoimmune Disease & Death

An FDA slideshow presentation regarding Covid vaccines last year accidentally displayed a long list of possible adverse reactions to the vaccine, including myocarditis, seizures and even death.

Possible adverse reactions shown in the FDAʼs “working list” include:

Guillain-Barré syndrome Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (“Characterized by a brief but widespread attack

of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers,” according to NIH.)

Transverse myelitis Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis

/encepholaphathy Convulsions/seizures Stroke Narcolepsy and cataplexy Anaphlyaxis Acute myocardial infarction Myocarditis/pericarditis Autoimmune disease Deaths Pregnancy and birth outcomes Other acute demyelinating diseases

Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions Thrombocytopenia Disseminated intravascular coagulation Venous thromboembolism Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain Kawasaki disease Vaccine enhanced disease

The list also notes “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” as one possible outcome following vaccination.

Fully vaccinated people can transmit the virus as well as unvaccinated people and vaccinated people are being reinfected with Covid.

House of COVID Cards Collapses: https://www.Infowars.comFDA Vaccine Panel Comes Out Against Deadly Injections Several doctors from the Food and Drug administrationʼs (FDA) vaccine hearing on Friday claimed in explosive testimony that the COVID-19 vaccine is killing more people than itʼs saving and is driving the coronavirus mutations like the so-called ‘Deltaʼ variant.

FDAʼs Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee after 8 hours of testimony voted 16-2 against Joe Bidenʼs proposed COVID-19 booster shot program.

During that hearing, Dr. Steve Kirsch, director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, claimed that the injections are killing more people than theyʼre helping.

“Iʼm going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about: that the vaccines kill more people than they save,” Kirsch said via teleconference.

“Today, we focus almost exclusively on COVID death saves and vaccine efficacy because we were led to believe that vaccines were perfectly safe. But this is simply not true.”

“For example, there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6-month trial report,” Kirsch continued. “That wasnʼt bad luck. VAERS shows heart attacks happened 71x more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”

“In all 20 people died who got the drug, 14 died who got the placebo. Few people noticed that. If the net all-cause mortality from the vaccine is negative, vaccines, boosters, and mandates are all nonsensical.”

“Even if the vaccines had a 100% protection, it still means we killed two people to save one life,” he added.

Kirsch also explained that in nursing home death data shows about half the vaccinated died, while none of the unvaccinated died.

Viral immunologist and biologist Dr. Jessica Rose noted that, based on the VAERS data, the vaccine risks outweigh the benefits in young people, especially children, pointing to a thousand-fold increase in adverse reactions to the injection in 2021 compared to over the last decade.

“Thereʼs an over 1000% increase in the total number of adverse events for 2021 and we are not done with 2021,” Rose said.

Rose also said the data suggests the COVID vaccines are driving the surge of COVID mutations like the “alpha” and “delta” variants.

“The emergence of both of these variants and their subsequent clustering arose in very close temporal proximity to the rollout of the COVID products in Israel,” she said.

“Israel is one of the most injected countries, and it appears from this data that this represents a clear failure of these products to provided protective immunity against emergent variants and to prevent transmission,” she added.

An ER physician from New Orleans, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, noted not enough large-scale clinical trial data exists to assure well-informed unvaccinated Americans that their risk of experiencing vaccine side effects is lower than their chance of being hospitalized.

After these alarming testimonials, itʼs no wonder the FDA committee voted the booster program down.

The FDA panel voting against the booster program represents a major blow to the Biden administration, who announced in August its plan to roll out boosters for Americans who already took two doses of the jab. Watch the full FDA hearing: Twitter: @WhiteIsTheFury Gab: @WhiteIsTheFury Minds: @WhiteIsTheFury Gettr: @WhiteIsTheFury The FDA actually did something good as they denied approval for Pfizerʼs booster shot.

Ivermectin https://www.Infowars.comIndia State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin

The state of Uttar Pradesh in India, which has the equivalent of two-thirds of the United States population, has been declared COVID-free, the state government announced last week. There are no more active cases of coronavirus in the 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, which has a population of 241 million people.

“Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent,” Hindustan Times reported.

How is it that Uttar Pradesh has fully recovered from COVID despite the fact that only 5.8% of its population has been fully vaccinated, compared to the USA that has 54% fully vaccinated? The answer is likely because of the governmentʼs early use and distribution of ivermectin to its citizens.

From the Indian Express: “Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large- scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectinto all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.

He added that based on the findings from Agra, the state government sanctioned the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic for all the contacts of Covid patients and later cleared the administration of therapeutic doses for the treatment of such patients.

Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite its high population density, he said, “Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population.”

He said that apart from aggressive contact tracing and surveillance, the lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use in the state, adding that the drug has recently been introduced in the National Protocol for Covid treatment and management. “Once the second wave subsides, we would conduct our own study as there has been an emerging body of evidence to substantiate our timely use of Ivermectin from the first wave itself,” Vikasendu told The Indian Express.”

One would think the World Health Organization, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, and Dr. Anthony Fauci would be overjoyed by this development that ivermectin is undoubtedly saving lives. But donʼt count on them celebrating that, because that would hurt their bottom lines of profit ($$$$$) and power from their experimental and ineffective vaccines.

Thatʼs why theyʼve been melting down over ivermectin after Joe Rogan successfully used it to treat his COVID infection earlier this month.

Dr. Stephen Guffanti: Big Corporations in Lock-Step to Deny People Access to Ivermectin

Jesus Saves