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Comenius trip to Turin

Comenius trip to Turin

Saturday 10th November Thursday 15th November 2012

Spain, Italy, France and Turkey

In November, a group of seven students and two teachers went to Turin for five days.

From IES Almenara to Liceo Teatro Nuovo

Departure from Mlaga

We went to the airport on Saturday morning at 8 a.m.

We flew to Milan and arrived at 12 oclock.

Arrival in Turin

We caught a bus from Milan Malpensa to Turin.

It was cold and raining when we arrived in Turin.

Sunday morning

Irene, Lourdes, Luca and Jenni stayed in an apartment opposite the Olympic Stadium in Turin.

Using public transport

We had to catch a tram and then a bus every day.

On Sunday it was cold but sunny.

There were a lot of people on the bus

Sightseeing on Sunday

We met Fran and the others in the park on Sunday morning.

We wanted to see the sights before Anna, Guillermo, Ismael and Javi went to stay with their Italian families.

Piazza Castello

We walked through the city and saw an enormous square: Piazza Castello

Guille and Anna next to a big statue

Taking photos

Fran took photos of some Italian men and women

We bought some postcards while Fran was taking photos of everything.


We listened to some buskers- street musicians.

They were playing the bass and the acordion.

We gave them some money.


Like many Italian cities, in Turin there are long galleries with lots of shops.

More street musicians

We saw some musicians. They were wearing North American clothes, but they were playing South American music.

There were old buildings

We saw some very modern sculpture

Names of the sculptures

But which one was which?

We saw

Big squares

And tall towers

We were all hungry!

So we had lunch

And took some more photos

In the afternoon we walked near the river Po

The river was beautiful

Sunday evening

Anna, Guillermo , Javi and Ismael met their Italian families at the school and went home with them

At 9 oclock on Monday morning we all met at the school.

BEITA: four countries working together

At the Liceo, the students sang a song to welcome us

The school is built around a theatre

The students made the scenery

We walked around the theatre

One of the teachers showed us the school

Franca is a choreographer

Guille and Anna tried to understand the explanations in Italian,English, Spanish and French

We watched a dance class

The Italian students danced first

Then everybody danced in turn

And everybody laughed

This was a strange dance!

Singing class

Next, we went into a singing class. We watched and listened, but we didnt sing.

Monday afternoon

We all went on a bus tour of Turin

We saw the river again

There was a big palace near the river

The city looked very clean and prosperous

We saw Il Duomo, where the Turin Shroud is kept

We saw a castle, but we didnt go in

On Tuesday morning we went to the theatre

We saw a play in Italian

We went to the Teatro Erba

It was a fantastic production of Shakespeares comedy: A Midsummer Nights Dream , but not in English.

The actors were all students from the Liceo Teatro Nuovo

After the play

We went to a little restaurant opposite the theatre to have lunch. We ate pasta, risotto and vegetables.

It was very good.

Dessert! But its too small

So the man gave Ismael a bigger pot of Nutella!

Pots for every child who often went there

After lunch: the first international rehearsal of Unique Talents

The director: Simone Moretto

The Turks played the music

The Spanish students listened to instructions

The Turks sang and played the guitar, violin and flute.

Everybody was tired after 6 hours in the theatre, so we all went home

Wednesday morning

We walked to the centre of the city with the Turkish students and their teachers.

We visited the market.

In the market

We saw lots of different types of pasta

With the Turkish group we visited the Cinema Museum

La Mole

This enormous tower is on top of the Cinema Museum, which is world-famous.

We went up to the top in a lift.

From the top we could see all of Turin

In the distance we could see the Alps, but it was very cloudy.

We were at the top of the Mole

Fran on top of the world

Then we came down inside the museum

It was dark but there were strange lights everywhere

I was in the middle of Matrix!

We saw the posters from many famous films

There were a lot of photos of famous actors

We had to eat lunch quickly in the street

Time to go back to the theatre

So we left the museum with its incredibly tall tower

And we walked back across the city

It was a little cold but Fran was still wearing his green protest T-shirt

Everybody was on stage for the final rehearsal

Everybody had to learn a song

Franca made the actors do some warm-up movements

As well as acting, they had to sing and dance together

9 oclock Wednesday evening: the performance

Telling a story on stage

The Spanish group was on stage in front of an audience!

The Italians and Turks sang together

After the performance, every clapped

We were all very happy! The show was great!

Then we were sad. We had to say goodbye

On Thursday morning we caught a bus back to Milan airport

We flew back home to Mlaga

But well never forget our visit to the Liceo Teatro Nuovo in Turin