S he is an Amazonian demigoddess with abil- ities to rival Superman’s, but Wonder Wom- an has always been a second-class cit- izen in the superhero world. Even when she made her comic book debut in the 1940s, she was only a secretary for the Justice Society of America. While male DC Comics heroes received fea- ture films over the years, Wonder Woman has been continually ignored to the dismay of fe- male superhero fans—an audience that continues to grow. “I’ve been waiting for Wonder Woman to get a movie since I was in high school, and that was almost 20 years ago,” said Regine Sawyer, founder and coordinator of Women in Comics Collective, a group of women who work in vari- ous parts of the comics industry. To the delight of many DC superhero fans like Sawyer, “Wonder Woman”—starring Gal Gadot and directed by Patty Jenkins—is scheduled to open in theaters June 2017, 76 years after her comic book debut. With an action-packed trailer un- veiled at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, “Wonder Woman” already sets itself apart from previous superhero movies: It stars a woman. The movie’s budget of $150 million is about $100 million less than the “Batman vs. Super- man: Dawn of Justice” budget and $75 million less than “Man of Steel.” Still, it is better funded than most films featuring female su- perheroes, indicating Hollywood is making room for super ladies but very slowly. Nearly a year before it opens, the movie is already facing criticism. Jenkins took to Twitter to defend “Wonder Woman” from rumors started by someone claiming to be from Warner Bros who called the film “a mess.” “Zero about the movie we are making has been called a mess by anyone in the know. Fact,” Jenkins said in one of her Aug. 12 tweets re- futing the rumors. Though Jenkins said the rumors were un- founded, if the highly anticipated and well-funded film ends up being a box-office flop, female superheroes may be kicked back to where they started: fighting even for small spots on Marvel and DC slates. According to a study published in Feb- ruary by the Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg titled “INCLUSION or INVISIBILITY? Comprehensive Annenberg Re- port on Diversity in Entertainment,” female characters make up only 26.5 percent of leading characters in TV and film. The superhero and action film industry falls far behind this, as the combined five previous and upcoming fe- male-led titles make up only a small fraction of all superhero movies. “The producers and studio heads—many of them are men, and they operate from fear, because as soon as you have a bomb that comes out, every- one’s worried for their lives,” said Seth Soul- stein, a Cornell University instructor who has taught courses on superhero films. Out of a combined 25 confirmed upcoming movie projects from Mar- vel and DC Comics, the only fe- males represented in titular roles are Wonder Woman and Cap- tain Marvel, whose movie has al- ready been pushed from a summer 2018 release to spring 2019. Marvel’s 2018 movie “Ant-Man and The Wasp” will star a male-and- female duo. The lack of female heroes is a striking part of film history. Between 1984 and present day, only three films featured a female lead super- hero—“Supergirl,” “Catwoman” and “Elektra”—and all of them were underbudgeted, underdeveloped and seen as box-office failures. The financial failure of these films has been used to excuse the lack of female-led superhero movies since then. “[Studios] are hesitant because they don’t un- derstand what it means for a girl to be sit- ting in a theater or sitting at home and to see herself represented as the hero of the film,” Soulstein said. The Wikileaks Sony Pictures Hack in November 2014 indicated some studio heads do not think female heroes can draw audiences and make money. An email from Aug. 7, 2014, revealed that Mar- vel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter spoke with Sony CEO Michael Lynton about those movies, cit- ing them as reasons for not making more. To get more movies with female leads, film- makers have to be able to point to similar mov- ies that have been successful and made money in the past, said Leslie Combemale, who created and moderated the panel “Women Rocking Holly- wood” for 2016’s San Diego Comic-Con. The panel included official Marvel and DC representatives Victoria Alonso and Deborah Snyder. However, if no one puts faith in a woman’s ability to star in an action movie, there will never be successful examples to imitate. “We [have to] start making conscious deci- sions to include women,” said Snyder, a produc- er for “Wonder Woman,” during the July 23 panel. According to the Motion Picture Association of America’s Theatrical Market Statistics from 2015, 51 percent of moviegoers are female. De- spite these demographics, studios and filmmak- ers continue to ignore what women want, accord- ing to Sawyer. Lexi Chayer, a junior fashion studies major, said she loves superhero and action movies, but she does not want to spend money to see them if they lack proper female repre- sentation in which the charac- ters aren’t overly sexualized. Story by Zoë Eitel Design by Zoë Haworth “The world isn’t all men—it doesn’t look like that,” Chayer said. Historically, people in Hollywood who fund ex- pensive projects haven’t seen movies starring wom- en as moneymaking opportunities, Combemale said. “Over and over, [that idea] is proven wrong,” Combemale said, citing “The Hunger Games” fran- chise as an example with a female hero who was a difficult sell at first but ended up carrying a blockbuster series. While Katniss does not have superpowers like Wonder Woman, she uses the pow- er she does have to help people and overthrow a dystopian government. Jessica Jones is another female hero who gained a large fanbase and received critical praise. The series—which focuses on serious topics such as rape, murder, child abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder and abusive relationships—has a 93 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The show can thank its producer Netflix for the freedom to take risks for part of its success. “It says everything that the advent of new platforms that aren’t as easily controlled by the white-male mentality are there,” said David Lav- ery, chair of the Graduate Program and professor of English at Middle Tennessee State Universi- ty who taught “Special Topics in Film Studies: Superhero Movies.” Unfortunately, not all female-led shows have as much luck as “Jessica Jones,” which was quickly renewed for a second season after its release. Marvel’s “Agent Carter,” a British period-piece starring Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter, one of the original S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, ran on ABC for two seasons. Members of the show’s fanbase cre- ated a Change.org petition to get the show picked up by Netflix after the cancellation and has gathered more than 125,000 signatures so far, though the cancellation was attributed to a drop in viewership between the two seasons. “Supergirl,” a show about Superman’s cousin who grew up on Earth, was forced to jump from CBS to The CW after the first season to stay on the air. The show started out with great viewership, but interest tapered off after the first few ep- isodes, and The CW has had success with multiple superhero dramas in the past. The cancellation of “Agent Carter” and the near-cancellation of “Supergirl” do not bode well for the creation of other female-driven hero shows. “Ninety-nine percent of the time, if given a choice, a studio is not going to choose to do anything new if they can just put out another thing that looks exactly like the other thing they just did,” said Arnold T. Blum- berg, adjunct faculty at Univer- sity of Baltimore and University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who taught “Media Genres: Media Marvels,” focusing on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The female heroes who are in- cluded in male-led movies and TV shows are usually oversimplified and oversexualized, according to Bren Ortega Murphy, Women’s Stud- ies and Gender Studies professor at Loyola University. “How about just being interested in her being a crusader for justice and fighting evil?” Blumberg said. Suicide Squad member Harley Quinn, Wonder Wom- an, Supergirl and many other female heroes have been made to fight crime and the forces of evil in outfits resembling bathing suits or skin- tight jumpsuits. The revealing costumes female heroes wear perpetuate the idea that no matter who a woman is or what she does, she also has to be sexually attractive, Ortega Murphy said. “Until very recently, it’s just been assumed that women weren’t strong. The woman was the love interest, the woman was the comforter, the woman was the prize at the end,” Ortega Murphy said. Even strong female characters wind up as the token female group member. Introduced in “Iron Man 2” in 2010, Black Widow is a former Russian spy turned superhero-with- out-powers who, despite not being granted her own movie and only holding a secondary role, can hold her own next to the likes of Thor and The Hulk and is an incredibly popular character, ac- cording to Lavery. A poll conducted by Fandango for USA Today be- fore the release of “Captain America: Civil War” found that of all of the Avengers team members, 48 percent of fans most wanted to see Black Wid- ow starring in a standalone movie. “In the recent Avengers films, Black Widow is there, but she doesn’t add to the story as much as she does in the comic books, said Misha Wood- ward, a junior dance major who grew up reading comics and looking up to heroes like DC’s Bat- girl. “All the other Avengers have their own movies, they have their own stories, they have so much more depth to them.” Jessica Jones remains the best example of a female hero who has depth and character. “One of the things that was so winning about Jessica Jones was her vulnerability,” Lavery said. “She was constantly compromised—constantly anything but all-powerful.” Jones spends the show’s first season making mis- takes and showing her flaws and humanity despite her superpowers—something Sawyer said allows au- dience members to relate to and sympathize. If “Wonder Woman,” “Supergirl” and the new sea- son of “Jessica Jones” are successful, it could convince Hollywood to put out more female-led projects until the numbers are equal. “Will it happen in our lifetime? I hope so,” Blumberg said. 24 THE CHRONICLE SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 THE CHRONICLE 25 FEATURE [email protected] » Courtesy WARNER BROTHERS » Courtesy WARNER BROTHERS » Courtesy EKP.TV » Courtesy EKP.TV » Courtesy WARNER BROTHERS It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s ingrained gender roles

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, FEATURE it’s ingrained gender rolessuperhero movies: It stars a woman. The movie’s budget of $150 million is about $100 million less than the “Batman

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Page 1: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, FEATURE it’s ingrained gender rolessuperhero movies: It stars a woman. The movie’s budget of $150 million is about $100 million less than the “Batman

She is an Amazonian demigoddess with abil-ities to rival Superman’s, but Wonder Wom-an has always been a second-class cit-

izen in the superhero world. Even when she made her comic book debut in the 1940s, she was only a secretary for the Justice Society of America.While male DC Comics heroes received fea-

ture films over the years, Wonder Woman has been continually ignored to the dismay of fe-male superhero fans—an audience that continues to grow.“I’ve been waiting for Wonder Woman to get

a movie since I was in high school, and that was almost 20 years ago,” said Regine Sawyer, founder and coordinator of Women in Comics Collective, a group of women who work in vari-ous parts of the comics industry. To the delight of many DC superhero fans like

Sawyer, “Wonder Woman”—starring Gal Gadot and directed by Patty Jenkins—is scheduled to open in theaters June 2017, 76 years after her comic book debut. With an action-packed trailer un-veiled at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, “Wonder Woman” already sets itself apart from previous superhero movies: It stars a woman. The movie’s budget of $150 million is about

$100 million less than the “Batman vs. Super-man: Dawn of Justice” budget and $75 million less than “Man of Steel.” Still, it is better funded than most films featuring female su-perheroes, indicating Hollywood is making room for super ladies but very slowly. Nearly a year before it opens, the movie is already facing criticism. Jenkins took to Twitter to defend “Wonder Woman” from rumors started by someone claiming to be from Warner Bros who called the film “a mess.”“Zero about the movie we are making has been

called a mess by anyone in the know. Fact,” Jenkins said in one of her Aug. 12 tweets re-futing the rumors.

Though Jenkins said the rumors were un-founded, if the highly anticipated and well-funded film ends up being a box-office flop, female superheroes may be kicked back to where they started: fighting even for small spots on Marvel and DC slates.According to a study published in Feb-

ruary by the Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg titled “INCLUSION

or INVISIBILITY? Comprehensive Annenberg Re-port on Diversity in Entertainment,” female characters make up only 26.5 percent of leading characters in TV and film. The superhero and action film industry falls far behind this, as the combined five previous and upcoming fe-male-led titles make up only a small fraction of all superhero movies.

“The producers and studio heads—many of them are men, and they operate from fear, because as soon as you have a bomb that comes out, every-one’s worried for their lives,” said Seth Soul-stein, a Cornell University instructor who has taught courses on superhero films. Out of a combined 25 confirmed

upcoming movie projects from Mar-vel and DC Comics, the only fe-males represented in titular roles are Wonder Woman and Cap-tain Marvel, whose movie has al-ready been pushed from a summer 2018 release to spring 2019. Marvel’s 2018 movie “Ant-Man and The Wasp” will star a male-and-female duo.The lack of female heroes is a striking part

of film history. Between 1984 and present day, only three films featured a female lead super-hero—“Supergirl,” “Catwoman” and “Elektra”—and all of them were underbudgeted, underdeveloped and seen as box-office failures.The financial failure of these films has been

used to excuse the lack of female-led superhero movies since then.“[Studios] are hesitant because they don’t un-

derstand what it means for a girl to be sit-ting in a theater or sitting at home and to see herself represented as the hero of the film,” Soulstein said.The Wikileaks Sony Pictures Hack in November

2014 indicated some studio heads do not think female heroes can draw audiences and make money. An email from Aug. 7, 2014, revealed that Mar-vel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter spoke with Sony CEO Michael Lynton about those movies, cit-ing them as reasons for not making more.To get more movies with female leads, film-

makers have to be able to point to similar mov-ies that have been successful and made money in the past, said Leslie Combemale, who created and moderated the panel “Women Rocking Holly-wood” for 2016’s San Diego Comic-Con. The panel included official Marvel and DC representatives Victoria Alonso and Deborah Snyder. However, if no one puts faith in a woman’s

ability to star in an action movie, there will never be successful examples to imitate.“We [have to] start making conscious deci-

sions to include women,” said Snyder, a produc-er for “Wonder Woman,” during the July 23 panel.According to the Motion Picture Association

of America’s Theatrical Market Statistics from 2015, 51 percent of moviegoers are female. De-spite these demographics, studios and filmmak-ers continue to ignore what women want, accord-ing to Sawyer.Lexi Chayer, a junior fashion studies major,

said she loves superhero and action movies, but she does not want to spend money to see them if they lack proper female repre-sentation in which the charac-ters aren’t overly sexualized.

Story by Zoë EitelDesign by Zoë Haworth “The world

isn’t all men—it doesn

’t look like

that,” Chayer said.

Historically, people in

Hollywood who fund ex


pensive projects haven’t

seen movies starring wo


en as moneymaking oppo

rtunities, Combemale s


“Over and over, [that

idea] is proven wrong,

Combemale said, citing

“The Hunger Games” fr


chise as an example wi

th a female hero who w

as a

difficult sell at firs

t but ended up carryin

g a

blockbuster series. Wh

ile Katniss does not h


superpowers like Wonde

r Woman, she uses the


er she does have to he

lp people and overthro

w a

dystopian government.

Jessica Jones is anoth

er female hero who gai


a large fanbase and

received critical prai


The series—which focus

es on serious topics s


as rape, murder, child abuse, post-traumatic

stress disorder and ab

usive relationships—ha

s a

93 percent approval ra

ting on Rotten Tomato


The show can thank its

producer Netflix for


freedom to take risks

for part of its succes


“It says everything

that the advent of n


platforms that aren’t a

s easily controlled by


white-male mentality a

re there,” said David


ery, chair of the Grad

uate Program and profe


of English at Middle

Tennessee State Univer


ty who taught “Special

Topics in Film Studie


Superhero Movies.”

Unfortunately, not all

female-led shows have


much luck as “Jessica

Jones,” which was quic


renewed for a second s

eason after its releas


Marvel’s “Agent Carter

,” a British period-pi


starring Hayley Atwell

as Peggy Carter, one


the original S.H.I.E.L.

D. agents, ran on ABC


two seasons. Members o

f the show’s fanbase c


ated a Change.org peti

tion to get the show p


up by Netflix after

the cancellation and


gathered more than 1

25,000 signatures so


though the cancellatio

n was attributed to a


in viewership between

the two seasons.

“Supergirl,” a show ab

out Superman’s cousin w


grew up on Earth, wa

s forced to jump fro


to The CW after the fi

rst season to stay on


air. The show started

out with great viewers


but interest tapered o

ff after the first few


isodes, and The CW has

had success with mult


superhero dramas in th

e past.

The cancellation of “Agent Carter” and the

near-cancellation of “S

upergirl” do not bode w


for the creation of othe

r female-driven hero sho


“Ninety-nine percent

of the time, if given


choice, a studio is n

ot going to choose t

o do

anything new if they

can just put out ano


thing that looks exact

ly like the other th


they just did,” said A

rnold T. Blum-

berg, adjunct faculty

at Univer-

sity of Baltimore and


of Maryland, Baltimore


who taught “Media Ge

nres: Media

Marvels,” focusing on

the Marvel

Cinematic Universe.

The female heroes wh

o are in-

cluded in male-led mo

vies and TV

shows are usually ove


and oversexualized, ac

cording to

Bren Ortega Murphy, W

omen’s Stud-

ies and Gender Studies

professor at

Loyola University.

“How about just being interested

in her being a crusa

der for justice and

fighting evil?” Blumbe

rg said.

Suicide Squad member H

arley Quinn, Wonder Wo


an, Supergirl and many

other female heroes h


been made to fight cri

me and the forces of e


in outfits resembling bathing suits or skin-

tight jumpsuits. The r

evealing costumes fema


heroes wear perpetuate

the idea that no mat


who a woman is or what

she does, she also ha

s to

be sexually attractive

, Ortega Murphy said.

“Until very recently,

it’s just been assume


that women weren’t stro

ng. The woman was the


interest, the woman wa

s the comforter, the w


was the prize at the e

nd,” Ortega Murphy sai


Even strong female cha

racters wind up as th


token female group mem


Introduced in “Iron Ma

n 2” in 2010, Black Wid


is a former Russian s

py turned superhero-w


out-powers who, despit

e not being granted


own movie and only hol

ding a secondary role,


hold her own next to t

he likes of Thor and T


Hulk and is an incredi

bly popular character,


cording to Lavery.

A poll conducted by Fa

ndango for USA Today b


fore the release of “C

aptain America: Civil


found that of all of t

he Avengers team membe


48 percent of fans mos

t wanted to see Black


ow starring in a stand

alone movie.

“In the recent Avenger

s films, Black Widow i


there, but she doesn’t

add to the story as m


as she does in the com

ic books, said Misha W


ward, a junior dance m

ajor who grew up readi


comics and looking up

to heroes like DC’s Ba


girl. “All the other

Avengers have their


movies, they have thei

r own stories, they h


so much more depth to


Jessica Jones remains

the best example of


female hero who has de

pth and character.

“One of the things tha

t was so winning abou


Jessica Jones was her vulnerability,” Lavery

said. “She was constan

tly compromised—consta


anything but all-power


Jones spends the show’s

first season making mi


takes and showing her

flaws and humanity des


her superpowers—someth

ing Sawyer said allows


dience members to rela

te to and sympathize.

If “Wonder Woman,” “Su

pergirl” and the new s


son of “Jessica Jones”

are successful, it co


convince Hollywood to

put out more female-


projects until the num

bers are equal.

“Will it happen in ou

r lifetime? I hope so


Blumberg said.



[email protected]




» Courtesy EKP.TV

» Courtesy EKP.TV


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s ingrained gender roles