Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning for Anatomical Structure Detection and Segmentation from Ultrasound Images Hao Chen 1,2 , Yefeng Zheng 2 , Jin-Hyeong Park 2 , Pheng-Ann Heng 1 , and S. Kevin Zhou 2 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 Medical Imaging Technologies, Siemens Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, USA Abstract. Accurate detection and segmentation of anatomical struc- tures from ultrasound images are crucial for clinical diagnosis and bio- metric measurements. Although ultrasound imaging has been widely used with superiorities such as low cost and portability, the fuzzy border definition and existence of abounding artifacts pose great challenges for automatically detecting and segmenting the complex anatomical struc- tures. In this paper, we propose a multi-domain regularized deep learning method to address this challenging problem. By leveraging the transfer learning from cross domains, the feature representations are effectively enhanced. The results are further improved by the iterative refinement. Moreover, our method is quite efficient by taking advantage of a fully convolutional network, which is formulated as an end-to-end learning framework of detection and segmentation. Extensive experimental results on a large-scale database corroborated that our method achieved a supe- rior detection and segmentation accuracy, outperforming other methods by a significant margin and demonstrating competitive capability even compared to human performance. 1 Introduction The ultrasound imaging has been a powerful tool for visualizing the complex anatomical structures due to its superior advantages, e.g., portability, real-time imaging, low-cost and free of radiation. From the ultrasound images, clinically relevant measurements are often derived for clinical diagnosis, based on the reliable detection and segmentation of anatomical structures, such as the left ventricle (LV) on apical-2-chamber (A2C), A3C, A4C and A5C views [10] and circumference measurement of the head in an obstetric exam (OB-head), etc. Typical examples with expert annotations are illustrated in Fig. 1. The rou- tine delineation by manual power suffers from several issues such as tedious efforts, time-consuming work and limited reproducibility. Therefore, automated methods are highly demanded to reduce the workload on clinicians and improve the routine efficiency as well as reliability. However, detection and segmenta- tion of anatomical structures from ultrasound images remain a challenging task for several reasons. First, the overfitting issue can lead to inferior performance arXiv:1607.01855v1 [cs.CV] 7 Jul 2016

Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning …Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning for Anatomical Structure Detection and Segmentation from Ultrasound Images Hao

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Page 1: Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning …Iterative Multi-domain Regularized Deep Learning for Anatomical Structure Detection and Segmentation from Ultrasound Images Hao

Iterative Multi-domain Regularized DeepLearning for Anatomical Structure Detectionand Segmentation from Ultrasound Images

Hao Chen1,2, Yefeng Zheng2, Jin-Hyeong Park2, Pheng-Ann Heng1, andS. Kevin Zhou2

1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong2 Medical Imaging Technologies, Siemens Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, USA

Abstract. Accurate detection and segmentation of anatomical struc-tures from ultrasound images are crucial for clinical diagnosis and bio-metric measurements. Although ultrasound imaging has been widelyused with superiorities such as low cost and portability, the fuzzy borderdefinition and existence of abounding artifacts pose great challenges forautomatically detecting and segmenting the complex anatomical struc-tures. In this paper, we propose a multi-domain regularized deep learningmethod to address this challenging problem. By leveraging the transferlearning from cross domains, the feature representations are effectivelyenhanced. The results are further improved by the iterative refinement.Moreover, our method is quite efficient by taking advantage of a fullyconvolutional network, which is formulated as an end-to-end learningframework of detection and segmentation. Extensive experimental resultson a large-scale database corroborated that our method achieved a supe-rior detection and segmentation accuracy, outperforming other methodsby a significant margin and demonstrating competitive capability evencompared to human performance.

1 Introduction

The ultrasound imaging has been a powerful tool for visualizing the complexanatomical structures due to its superior advantages, e.g., portability, real-timeimaging, low-cost and free of radiation. From the ultrasound images, clinicallyrelevant measurements are often derived for clinical diagnosis, based on thereliable detection and segmentation of anatomical structures, such as the leftventricle (LV) on apical-2-chamber (A2C), A3C, A4C and A5C views [10] andcircumference measurement of the head in an obstetric exam (OB-head), etc.Typical examples with expert annotations are illustrated in Fig. 1. The rou-tine delineation by manual power suffers from several issues such as tediousefforts, time-consuming work and limited reproducibility. Therefore, automatedmethods are highly demanded to reduce the workload on clinicians and improvethe routine efficiency as well as reliability. However, detection and segmenta-tion of anatomical structures from ultrasound images remain a challenging taskfor several reasons. First, the overfitting issue can lead to inferior performance








] 7




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OB-head A5CA4CA3CA2C

Fig. 1: Typical examples of anatomical structure detection and segmentationin different views (expert annotations are overlaid on the images with greencontours).

for supervised learning based methods when dealing with a limited number oftraining datasets, which is common for most medical imaging computing prob-lems. Second, low image quality such as fuzzy border and abounding artifacts(e.g., acoustic shadows) poses great challenges for automated methods. Finally,the image characteristics may differ significantly depending on the ultrasoundmachines and operator settings.

Considerable progress has been achieved on this challenging problem over thepast few years. Previous studies usually consist of individual steps with piece-wise design for detection and segmentation separately [4,9,10]. Georgescu etal. [4] proposed a database-guided method for segmenting anatomical structureswith complex appearance. Although preliminary good performance has been ev-idenced, the detection robustness may be bounded by the low-level handcraftedfeatures, i.e., Haar-like features. Compared with handcrafted features, there aremore evidences proving that high-level feature representations learned from deepneural networks can usually achieve better performance. An approach using deepbelief networks (DBN) and derivative-based search strategy was presented in [1].Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained prevalence on im-age classification and segmentation tasks [6].

In order to tackle the aforementioned challenges, we present a multi-domainregularized deep learning method to reduce the overfitting issue due to limitedmedical dataset. With elegantly designed CNN architectures, our method canharness the knowledge across the large amounts of cross-domain data for effec-tive generic feature representations. Specifically, we propose a unified frameworkthat leverages fully convolutional networks [6] for end-to-end learning and infer-ence; hence the detection and segmentation efficiency can be greatly boosted.Extensive experimental results on a large-scale database demonstrated that ourmethod incorporating multi-domain regularization with iterative refinement canachieve a superior segmentation accuracy, surpassing other methods by a signif-icant margin on various evaluation metrics.

2 Method

2.1 Semantic Segmentation with Fully Convolutional Networks

Recently, fully convolutional networks (FCN), i.e, a variant of CNN, achievedthe state-of-the-art performance on image segmentation related tasks [6]. Such

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(a) (b) (c)



Downsampling Upsampling Classifier




Fig. 2: The overview of different network architectures: (a) multi-label FCN (ML-FCN), (b) single-domain FCN (SD-FCN), (c) multi-domain regularized FCN(MD-FCN).

a great success is mostly attributed to the outstanding capability in feature rep-resentations for dense classifications. The whole network can be trained in anend-to-end (image-to-image) fashion, which takes an image as input and outputsthe probability map directly. The architecture basically contains two modules in-cluding a downsampling path and an upsampling path. The downsampling pathcontains convolutional and max-pooling layers, which are extensively used inthe convolutional neural networks for image classification tasks. The upsamplingpath contains deconvolutional layers (a.k.a. backwards strided convolution [6]),which upsample the feature maps and output the score masks.

2.2 Multi-domain Regularized FCN

Despite that considerable success has been achieved on image segmentationtasks in computer vision, the inherent issues in ultrasound imaging such asspeckle noise and acoustic shadows pose difficulties for segmentation relatedtasks [1,4,9,10]. Furthermore, the limited availability of annotated medical datasetsfurther deteriorates the situation for supervised learning based methods. Previ-ous studies have evidenced the efficacy of transfer learning from natural imagedomain to medical image domain (particularly the ultrasound image domain)on image classification tasks [2]. However, to the best of our knowledge, howto leverage the ultrasound images from different domains for learning effectivefeature representations on the task of anatomical structure detection and seg-mentation has not been fully explored.

In this section, we conduct extensive studies on how to elaborately makefull use of cross-domain data by leveraging transfer learning in deep neural net-works. Here we refer each ultrasound view as one domain, in which a differentanatomical structure or a different 2D view of the same structure is presented.We compare three different FCN architectures as shown in Fig. 2. The first

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framework of multi-label FCN (ML-FCN) follows the typical structure of FCN,which takes an image as input and directly outputs the segmentation masks ofseveral domains. The second one, i.e., single-domain FCN (SD-FCN), is trainedby minimizing the pixel-wise cross-entropy loss on the ultrasound images of asingle domain. Although the ML-FCN uses all data from cross-domain, it mostlylearns the same representation for all domains, which lacks the domain-specificdiscrimination, while the SD-FCN is the other way around. In order to addressthe potential issue of insufficient training data in one single domain, we present amulti-domain regularized FCN (MD-FCN) to further improve the performance.This is inspired by the observation that feature representations in deep neuralnetworks transit from generality to specificity from lower to higher layers in thehierarchical network [8]. Thus, the lower layers should be exploited among differ-ent domains while the higher layers are enhanced with discrimination capabilityof a single domain. Therefore, we design an architecture consisting of domain-generic layers and domain-specific layers as shown in Fig. 2 (c), which can bejointly trained on ultrasound images from different domains. The weights Ws ofgeneric layers are shared and updated in all domains for strengthening the fea-ture representations in low-level cues, while the weights Wd of specific layers arelearned in each domain for discriminating the background and anatomical struc-tures based on high-level semantic information. A softmax classification layer isexploited to generate the probability map. Finally, the MD-FCN is trained viaa mini-batch gradient descent method by minimizing following loss function:

L = −D∑





log p(yx|x;Ws,Wd) +λ




(||Wd||22 + ||Ws||22) (1)

where the first part is the fidelity term defined with cross-entropy loss and thesecond one is the regularization term (weight λ controls the balance). Specifi-cally, D is the total number of domains; Nd is the number of training imagesin the domain indexed by d, p(yx|x;Ws,Wd) denotes the predicted probabilityregarding true label yx for pixel x in the nth image Idn from the dth domain.

2.3 Refinement with Iterative MD-FCN

There are two potential problems in the FCN based methods for ultrasound im-age segmentation: 1) the down-sampling path reduces the resolution of input,which causes inaccurate localization due to the information loss through thenetwork; and 2) the existence of confounding structures and acoustic shadowscan cause false positive results within the non-anatomical structural regions.In order to tackle these problems, we develop an iterative version of MD-FCN(iMD-FCN) for segmentation refinement. Specifically, we gradually select the in-put region only containing the anatomical structures according to an interleavedsegmentation-detection strategy, thus the network can concentrate on segment-ing the anatomical structures after the irrelevant information is removed. Wecrop the region enclosing detected anatomical structures (with around 20% back-ground context regions included), which are detected by the MD-FCN based on

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Table 1: The number of images in our ultrasound dataset.

Dataset OB A2C A3C A4C A5C Total

Training 1,313 9,315 8,228 12,500 3,005 34,361Test 329 2,314 2,055 3,118 717 8,533

the whole input image, and then upsample the region to a larger image (e.g.,480×480 pixels in our experiments) for segmentation. This attention mechanismcan effectively remove confounding background regions and reduce the informa-tion loss to some extent. With this iterative step, more accurate results canbe generated with boundary refined. The iterative process is terminated if theDice ratio of consecutive segmentation results stops changing. For training theiMD-FCN model, training samples are generated by cropping the rectangularregions containing the anatomical structures (with 10-50% background regions)from the training data given the expert annotations.

3 Experiments

3.1 Datasets and Pre-processing

To validate the effectiveness of our method under the setting of different ultra-sound machines, the images were acquired by ultrasound scanners from multiplevendors including Philips (ATL) and Siemens (Sequoia and SC2000) in our ex-periments. We conducted extensive experiments on five ultrasound views includ-ing OB-head, A2C, A3C, A4C and A5C. The summary of datasets can be foundin Table 1. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest ultrasound databaseevaluated on the task of anatomical structure detection and segmentation so far.The anatomical structures were annotated by two clinical experts with more thanfive-year experience in ultrasound examination (one is regarded as the groundtruth and the other one is used for human performance evaluation).

3.2 Implementation Details

In our experiments, we empirically found that deep neural networks with a ran-dom initialization took a long time to converge and achieved inferior performanceon this challenging task. Previous studies have indicated that CNN leveragingtransfer learning from large-scale natural image dataset can achieve much bet-ter performance [2,7]. Therefore, we utilized an off-the-shelf DeepLab model [3](trained on the PASCAL VOC dataset) for initializing the downsampling layersof our FCN model. We then added upsampling layers and discriminant layersfor segmenting anatomical structures from ultrasound images. We implementedour method based on the Caffe library [5] on a workstation with one GTX TitanX GPU. It took about 6 hours to train the iMD-FCN models and less than 0.5seconds to process one test image with size 480× 480 pixels.

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OB-head A2COB-head


Fig. 3: Examples of detection and segmentation results from different methods(results of different methods are overlaid on the images with different colors).

Table 2: F1 score of detection results.

Method OB A2C A3C A4C A5C

ML-FCN 0.972 0.974 0.928 0.952 0.884SD-FCN 0.999 0.989 0.969 0.978 0.904MD-FCN 0.999 0.990 0.973 0.979 0.979iMD-FCN 1.0 0.995 0.996 0.993 0.996DGS [4] - 0.986 - 0.992 -

Human 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 3: Dice ratio of segmentation re-sults.

Method OB A2C A3C A4C A5C

ML-FCN 0.860 0.826 0.773 0.804 0.738SD-FCN 0.942 0.851 0.811 0.833 0.768MD-FCN 0.950 0.865 0.822 0.837 0.797iMD-FCN 0.961 0.875 0.864 0.879 0.891DGS [4] - 0.832 - 0.844 -

Human 0.971 0.908 0.858 0.917 0.909

3.3 Evaluation Metrics

For a comprehensive evaluation, the performance on detection, segmentation andshape similarity of different methods were compared, respectively.Detection. For the detection evaluation, the metric F1 score is utilized, whichis the harmonic mean of precision and recall. A segmented object is regardedas a true positive if the Jaccard index between the segmented object and theground truth is equal to or larger than 0.5, otherwise it’s considered as a falsepositive. The ground truth is considered as a false negative if the Jaccard indexbetween the ground truth and the segmented object is less than 0.5.Segmentation. The Dice ratio is employed for the segmentation evaluation.Shape Similarity. The shape similarity is measured by using the Hausdorffdistance between the shape of segmented object and that of the ground truth.

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Table 4: Hausdorff distance of shape similarity results (unit: pixels).

Method OB A2C A3C A4C A5C

ML-FCN 30.57 25.36 29.95 27.75 30.61SD-FCN 14.93 23.76 24.69 25.15 30.47MD-FCN 11.73 20.38 23.69 24.03 23.73iMD-FCN 9.21 18.76 19.70 18.22 16.31DGS [4] - 20.80 - 18.87 -

Human 5.19 14.32 17.60 11.52 12.78

If no segmented object is generated, we take the whole image as segmentationand calculate the Hausdorff distance accordingly.

3.4 Evaluation and Comparison

We compared results of different architectures in Fig. 2 and one state-of-the-artmethod utilizing database-guided segmentation, referred as DGS [4]. In order todemonstrate the difficulty of confronting problem, we also compared the perfor-mance of two human experts. The detection results of all methods are shown inTable 2. The iMD-FCN method achieved the best performance on all views withthe highest F1 score, indicating that it can detect the anatomical structures mostrobustly. The averaged segmentation and shape similarity results on all imagesare shown in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. The method of ML-FCN achievedinferior results compared to other methods, due to the existence of confoundinganatomical structures such as in A5C that the architecture cannot handle themproperly. Furthermore, the MD-FCN method achieved marginal improvementsthan SD-FCN method in the domain where training data is abundant such asA4C, while the improvement is significant in the domains with limited trainingdata such as A5C (Hausdorff distance decreased from 30.47 to 23.73 pixels). Thishighlighted the efficacy of incorporating multi-domain regularization in learningpowerful feature representations, which is quite important in the situation whentraining datasets are limited. The iMD-FCN method outperformed all the othermethods by a significant margin and the success was attributed to the combina-tion of cross-domain transfer learning and iterative segmentation refinement. Inaddition, it surpassed human performance on the segmentation of A3C and wascomparable on the views of OB and A5C, which verified its effectiveness clearly.

Typical examples of detected and segmented anatomical structures are illus-trated in Fig. 3. We can see that MD-FCN can achieve more accurate resultsqualitatively than SD-FCN, as the former one learned more powerful featurerepresentations by leveraging the knowledge learned on the large datasets fromcross domains. It is notable that our method iMD-FCN can detect and segmentthe anatomical structures despite the large variations of anatomical structures(such as the large scale variation in OB-head). It is also robust to the inferior

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image quality, even with artifacts such as shadows and speckle noise (as shownin the A2C example). Furthermore, our method can segment the anatomicalstructures accurately in the situation where the boundary is not clear (see A2Cand A4C examples), which is even challenging for experts.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed an effective iterative multi-domain regularized deeplearning method for anatomical structure detection and segmentation from ultra-sound images. We anticipate that multi-domain regularization in deep learningwill become an important method for the medical imaging computing commu-nity, which faces the challenge of insufficient training data. In the future work,we will incorporate advanced shape regression methods to further improve thesegmentation performance.

Acknowledgements. The technical work was done when Hao Chen workedfor Siemens Healthcare as an intern. We thank Research Grants Council ofthe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (No. CUHK 412513) and HongKong-Shenzhen Innovation Circle Funding Program (No. GHP/002/13SZ andSGLH20131010151755080) for supporting conference attendance and others.


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