It's your Aptitude, not just your Attitude that determines your ultimate Altitude. Ongoing Income | Peace of Mind | Freedom to Enjoy Life | Empowered to

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It's your Aptitude, not just your Attitude that determines your ultimate Altitude. Ongoing Income | Peace of Mind | Freedom to Enjoy Life | Empowered to Help Slide 2 The Challenges for 2012. Real Estate Markets Continue to Decline. Stock Markets Fear Crash. Unemployment Rates at Alarming Numbers. However, our Investors are seeing Spectacular ROIs. Slide 3 Our Business is Having Record Growth! Many of Our Representatives are Enjoying the Daily Rewards of Investing and Working to Expand their Marketshare! The World of Online Business is Very Lucrative. We have 30,000 Worldwide Members We have hundreds of Reps that easily make thousands of dollars a day due to the power of compounding commissions! Yes we Payout Every Day! Slide 4 About The Company. eAdGear, the Company. eAdGear has grown from its beginnings as a small local ISP (Internet Service Provider) to one of the ASP (Application Service Provider) for businesses around the world. eAdGear is one of the fastest growing internet companies with businesses and individuals from around the world subscribing daily. The eAdGear business model is completely tailored to provide vital internet tools to small and midsize companies who market their products and/or services online. Our companys CEO, Charles Wang, had generated 20 more years of experiences in international business and trade management. Working under the complex international economy and unstable financial environment, he has been successfully leading many international enterprises. Our companys COO had been working at production of high- tech hardware and software development for almost 20 years at North America and Far East. With accumulated a wealth of practical management experiences, in information industry and other related fields, hes capable to accurately grasp the latest technology developments. The sensitive insight and foresee abilities enables him to have impressive achievement in new productions development and promotion, which becomes a successful precedent. Our companys CFO was a senior in a large multinational bank. He is proficient in operation system and operating procedure in a large international bank, maintaining good corporative relationships with banks and other companies in the finance field. The design operation of our companys financial systematic management has reached international standard, which sets a solid foundation for future development. David Co Is the Operations Manager in California. Slide 5 Our Server Technology- IPV6 - Rivals that of Googles and Facebooks!!! Top Tier Server Infrastructure This new standard will offer the trillions of new IP addresses, although not accessible via modem and router that only uses IPv4. But once those changes are likely to be done in such a way that users do not lose access to existing ones. The reason of the move will be part of standard software and hardware upgrade cycle. The provision addresses the new site is expected to connect more devices, such as tablet computers, as well as allowing the devices simpler to access the Internet. eAdGear Headquarters Slide 6 Silicon Valley Recognition Letter from City Mayor Pleasanton Mayor Jennifer Hosterman with CEO of eAdGear, Mr. Charles Wang Slide 7 Silicon Valley Recognition High Better Business Bureau Review Slide 8 Google and Yahoo are partnering up with eAdGear for SEO Services!! Partnerships Slide 9 How Does eAdGear Make its Money? A Profitable Suite of Services eAdGears operating income is estimated to reach $2-300 Million US Dollars in annual sales within the next 3 years. 60% of this expected income will result from the Companys traditional retail model of advertising and product revenue. The other 40% will be derived from the sale of advertising space, domain names and from customer purchases of eAdGears Suite of Product Tools. eAdGear is continuing to develop more value-add products to enhance the eAdGear Subscriber user experience These are the Services we sell to our clients. Slide 10 We also produce various other revenue producing websites such as Online Development Slide 11 Our Product List A Profitable Suite of Services Slide 12 How Do YOU Make Your Money? Rate at least 30 sites a day to Earn 10% ROI. 1. Passive Income: To qualify for daily revenue share one has to Surf/Rank/Breeze 30 sites daily (takes 6 to 7 minutes only) - The earning is distributed amongst the members in the proportion of ePoints they have - You get ePoints based on the package you choose to join. The Company has packages starting with $350 to $6000 - Ex: If you join with a package of $350, you will get 700 ePoints. If you join with a package of $2050, you get 4400 ePoints. Higher the ePoints you have, higher will be your share in the daily distribution - To make your ePoints increase on a daily basis, the Company has made it mandatory for all members to repurchase / reinvest at least 40% of the daily revenue share earned by them This will bring you a guaranteed 10% return on your investment. Banks can give you less than 2%!!! Slide 13 DIY SEO Service With Google and Yahoo Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Nov. 2011 Worldwide Ranking: 1 572 920 Feb. 2012 Worldwide Ranking: 1 067,043 500-800 traffic per day from eAdGear Both Worldwide Ranking and Websites Value Increasing Daily Slide 19 Aug2011 Worldwide Ranking: 17 506 944 05Feb2012 Worldwide Ranking: 1 340 341 300-800 traffic per day from eAdGear Slide 20 How Do YOU Make Your Money? Refer other investors and earn commissions. 2. Referral Income: - The Company also pays you referral income based on the level at which you are. For example, if you join as a Consultant with $300 Package and you refer a person who joins with $2000 package, you get 10% i.e., $200 as referral commission. Whereas if you join as an Executive Director with $2000 and refer another who joins with $ 6000, you get 15% i.e., $900 as direct referral commission!!! - You also get commissions on your referrals' referrals till infinite levels Below you! - You also get Commission on the Monthly Fees paid by your referrals and their referrals (III) eCredits : You get 60 eCredits for surfing 30 sites every day. Similarly, if you surf 100 sites, you will get 200 eCredits. You can use these credits to get hits for your site. On a particular day you can surf maximum 300 sites and earn maximum 600 eCredits (IV) eRewards : You get 30 eRewards for surfing 30 sites every day. These accumulated eRewards can later be redeemed at Amazon Some are investing $20,000.. $60,000 even $100,000. You get 15% of that! And they bring in several investors and you get commissions on those. Again, and again..and again.. Slide 21 Affiliate Commissions Affiliate Marketing Income -- commission paid up to 75% Some of our members are Using Clickbank to further Add affiliate commissions To their marketing efforts. Many clickbank affiliates Are earning Thousands of Additional dollars monthly. ClickBank pays out Over $2 billion annually To affiliates. You are paid up to 75% of affiliate sales Of the products YOU Choose to promote. Slide 22 A Recap Refer other investors and earn Referral Commission Daily Profit Sharing Paid: "Daily Profit Sharing Model : 70% of the "Daily" Revenue of the Company is shared with its Members. 40% goes as Referral Bonus and 30% as Surfing Bonus (for Surfing 30 sites). You also get 10-15% commission paid on any investors You refer to eAdGear potentially up to 10 levels deep! Plus you get performance Bonuses! The Company keeps remaining 30% of its daily revenues to meet its costs and developing new projects like and This makes the business model of the Company sustainable and even if you are totally passive, you can get surfing income for a very very long term and do not forget that you are about to join this amazing business opportunity at its very beginning!!!!! Slide 23 Your Payout Options Immediate Payment Gateways Paid to a Secure Debit Card All Funds are banked in our secure accounts with HSBC Bank In Hong Kong. Funds will be paid daily to the your account and Can be used immediately. Funds can also be transferred to your local bank or Other offshore accounts of your design. All this can be done within the dashboard of our site. Or If you prefer, you can request a check to be mailed. Remainder e-rewards can be saved and used at sites Like Check with your bank for fees associated with funds Transfer. Typically its around $25. Slide 24 How Much ROI is Possible? Thousands of Dollars a day Possible. Profiles. A few new investors who joined recently: Simone who works in litigation, joined 4 months ago with $2,000 and now has over 8 accounts. She has just broken Her first $100,000 payout! Cathy has just returned from an eAdGear tour in January and she is now on her 12 th month and is now making regularly up to $180k a Month! She is making at this point $3.6 million a year and growing. She now works this referral business full time. She invested $6,000 initially in eAdGear. Slide 25 Lets See the PROOF!!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!............ Slide 26 Possible Investors are Everywhere. A common question, Where do I find People who can Invest? Well, its easy to find people who can afford $2,000 or even $6,000 to start you off.. Salon Owners Restaurant Owners Real Estate Agents Gym Owners Retired Baby Boomers Your Accountant, Your Banker, Your Neighbors.. Anyone with income, and Assets like Homes or property can come up with money to invest as long as we show Them how to make money over and over again! Remember, The US has more wealth now than ever before! * According to the annual World Wealth Report from Merill Lynch and Capgemini, the U.S. had 3.1 million millionaires in 2010, up from 2.86 million in 2009. The latest figure tops the pre-crisis peak of three million. Slide 27 What could you DO with $150,000+ a month? Envision the Possibilities Slide 28 Details. The Following are the details of the business model. You can invest more, of course. The level you invest At will determine the amount Of commission you earn and Through how many investor levels. There are some monthly dues Which cover the cost of your Dashboard and website. Slide 29 Slide 30 The Following are the details of the business model. Investor Your Earnings are based On how much money YOU invest, and how many people you bring In to invest under you. Some smart investors Invest large amounts to Automatically position Themselves on top of the Tree.. Either as a Sapphire, Or Ruby, or ultimately A Jade.. Those levels earn hundreds Of thousands of $ daily. We have some strategies and can explain in detail Percentage of commissions paid. 1% Commissions till Infinity! 8 Slide 31 Basically you are planting Levels or Trees of Commissions Money CAN grow on Trees.. invest wisely and Share your Strategy ! If you wisely build your tree and Help it grow.. It will produce! And replicate over and over. Slide 32 Strategy! Slide 33 Basic eAdGear Packages Slide 34 Basic Pearl Package Pearl Exec Advantage Pearl Package Pearl Exec Consultant Exec Consultant Slide 35 Sapphire Pearl Exec Pearl Exec Consultant Exec Consultant Exec Basic Sapphire Package Slide 36 Basic Ruby Package Sapphire Pearl Exec Pearl Exec Cons. Exec Cons Exec Sapphire Pearl Exec Pearl Exec Cons Exec Cons Exec Sapphire Pearl Exec Pearl Exec Cons Exec Cons Exec Ruby Slide 37 Look at all of the Wide Open Territory!!!!! We have Active groups In NY, NJ And California And China. *Georgia and Florida just Started. Our Territory. Slide 38 We Can Help You With your Own Web Presence Some of the more successful eAdGear Members have crafted their own websites to Personalize the relationship building process. We have over 20 years experience in Brand Building and creating eye catching marketing materials! But it takes time and technical expertise to do this successfully. We can save you this. We can also help you register a domain Name. Slide 39 Here is our Site: Slide 40 Here is our Site: Slide 41 Here is our Site: Slide 42 Here is our Site: Slide 43 Cost? Every Site is different and therefore a custom project. However the general web design packages run from $550 - $999 The Hosting is separate and so is any photo/art that needs to be purchased. Slide 44 2012 is The Year to Prosper Together!