IttenBrechbühl file6 /// Preface Building for Health IttenBrechbühl will offer you a complete solution of excel-lent quality. We draw on our lengthy experience of planning

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/// IttenBrechbühl

/// Healthcare /// الصّحة

/// Preface 6

/// مقدمة ٧ /// Building for Health 9

/// البناء ألغراض الصّحية ٩ /// Portfolio of Projects in the Healthcare Sector 43

/// فهرس العمل في المجال الصّحي ٤٣


/// Preface Building for Health

IttenBrechbühl will offer you a complete solution of excel-

lent quality. We draw on our lengthy experience of planning

and constructing buildings for the healthcare sector such

as hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation and psychiatric clinics,

centres for senior citizens, nursing facilities, as well as lab-

oratories. On your behalf, we shall take care of all the tasks

related to construction and planning, and we shall support

you throughout the procurement process. IttenBrechbühl

can optimise your operating procedures and develop usage

and materials concepts – always with the goal of developing

the best possible solutions to meet the needs of operators,

patients and users. We shall organise the planning and build-

ing operations efficiently, within programme, and within

budget. Based on this approach, we shall develop compre-

hensive building solutions: for you, and with you.

Our success is underpinned by highly qualified and expe-

rienced architects and designers who combine their

wide-ranging knowledge and know-how, with a willingness

to cooperate and a strong team spirit. The proof: the many

competitions IttenBrechbühl has won, and the many out-

standing architectural solutions that we have planned and

implemented. Our success also stems from our awareness

that resources are in short supply, and our understanding

of the need to provide buildings with life-cycles based on

both sustainability and cost-effectiveness

In brief: on your behalf, IttenBrechbühl shall provide an

integrated advisory, planning and construction service that

features highly flexible, consistently cost-effective, and inno-

vative architectural solutions. Our buildings offer creative

answers to the complex questions that arise in an era dom-

inated by dynamic change. In whatever work we can carry

out for you, we shall always view the terms of reference

from your perspective. Our projects will help to secure your

success in the long term.

So let us join forces to tackle the challenge.


/// مقدمة البناء ألغراض صّحية

كالمستشفيات، الصحّية الهيئات لمباني والتنفيذ التخطيط بأعمال القيام في خبيرة باعتبارها المسنين ،دور الّرعاية مراكز النفسي، الطّب عيادات التأهيل، إعادة عيادات العيادات، والمخابرأيضا، فإن شركة IttenBrechbühl تقّدم لكم الحّل الّشامل والمتمّيز من الناحية إلى باإلضافة التخطيط وعمليات بالبناء الخاصة العمليات جميع لكم نتولى ونحن الكيفية، عمليات التنفيذ. كما نقوم بتحسين إجراءات التشغيل، تطوير تصميمات االستعمال وتصميمات المواد، وذلك بأخذ اإلعتباردائًما بتطوير أفضل الحلول لتلبية احتياجات المشغلين ،المرضى المحّددة للّتكاليف وفًقا بفاعلية ونشّكلها والبناء التخطيط بإجراءات نقوم إننا والمستخدمين.

أجلكم. الشاملة – معكم ومن البنائّية الحلول فقد نضع الّطريقة فبهذه المحّدد، الموعد في والذين المؤّهلين والمصّممين المهندسين من فريق خبرة على شركتنا يرتكزنجاح ويشهد أخرى. جهة من التعاون على ،وقدرة واسعة ومعرفة بإطالع جهة من يّتمّتعون المعمارّية وبالحلول بالنجاح مجهوداتنا فيها كلّلت التي المنافسات من العديد ذلك، على البارزة سواء تلك التي وضعنا لها مخططاتها أو التي قمنا بتنفيذها. باإلضافة إلى ذلك، تتمّيز المباني تنفيذ ومع ضرورة المحدودة الموارد مع الواعي بتعاملها IttenBrechbühl

التكاليف. ومعقولة المستدامة والتي المتكاملة والتنفيذّية والتخطيطّية االستشارّية الخدمات لكم نقّدم فنحن الخالصة:

إجابات تعطي مبانينا إّن وبالتوفيرالمنطقي.. العالية وبالمرونة المعماري باالبتكار تتمّيز وتوفير تأمين في مشروعنا يساهم وبهذا زاويتكم. من للمشروع ننظر أن دائًما ويمكننا

الدوام. على نجاحكم

سوًيا. التحديات نتخطي فدعنا


9/// Building for Health Strategic planning 11 /// Research and vision 15 ///Flexibility 19 /// Separate systems 23 /// Life-cycle and sustainability 27

/// Construction during operation 31 /// An environment that promotes health 35 /// Architecture 39 ///

/// البناء ألغراض صحّية التخطيط االستراتيجي ٢٩ /// البحث و الرؤية ٢٥ /// المرونة ٢١ /// فصل األنظمة ١٧ /// دورة الحياة، االستدامة ١٣ /// ٣٣ ٣٧ /// المعمار ٤١ /// البيئة المساعدة على الشفاء /// البناء في مرحلة التشغيل

11/// Strategic planning

بلجيكا كورتريك جروينينجا، عيادة 2000 – )2018( على مراحل 2000 المشاريع مسابقة الفائزفي

Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.،

FDA arch & ing. ،ش.ذ.م.م Baumschlager-Eberle

Algemeen Ziekenhuis Groeninghe v.z.w. صاحب المشروع: الجملّية 85000 م2 مساحة

حجم البناء 320000 م3األَسّرة 895

Groningen Clinic, Kortrijk Belgium

2000 – ( 2018 ) in phases

Competition: first prize, 2000

Architect and General Planner : Itten+Brechbühl AG ;

Baumschlager-Eberle GmbH ; FDA arch & ing.

Client : Algemeen Ziekenhuis Groeninghe v.z.w.

Floor Area : 85,000 m2

Construction volume : 320,000 m3

Bedspaces : 895

We at IttenBrechbühl see a master plan as a plan which

provides a framework setting out clear strategies that – step-

by-step – define each future phase. The master plan pre-

sents models and processes that will enable a hospital to

continue to develop its operations on a structured and con-

trolled basis. The master plan singles out key points, and

sets standards and objectives – such as optimised operating

procedures and the quality of urban development – and it

stakes out the boundaries for individual future projects and

phases. IttenBrechbühl designs master plans as dynamic

tools that can be continuously developed and are always

open to incorporate new requirements and developments.

IttenBrechbühl shall help you to plan your targets by under-

taking feasibility studies ( such as usage allocations, volume

studies, studies of urban planning ordinances and estima-

tions of the costs involved ) ; these include presentations

of different scenarios and potential solutions. /// This ap-

proach will enable you to accurately assess the strategic

and commercial success of your project. By analysing the

current condition and the potential of your existing real

estate, we can determine the basis for needs-oriented

improvements to organisation and cost-effectiveness. After

setting out scenarios for renovations and changes of use

( including the cost implications ), we shall go on to develop

specific project strategies for your property.











/// التخطيط االستراتيجي13نحن نفهم الخّطة الرئيسية باعتبارها الخطة المحّددة لإلطارات التي تصيغ االستراتيجيات أّن الخطة الرئيسية ثّم الواضحة وتحّدد اإلجراء المستقبلي بطريقة تدريجّية ومرحلّية. تعرض القواعد واألهداف لتطوير تشغيل المستشفيات بنظام هيكلي وخاضع لإلشراف النقاط الهامة، فتصيغ المتطلبات واألهداف – مثل والرقابة. فهذه الخّطة تضع وتحّدد تحدد كما – الحضرية المناطق في البناء وجودة المحسنة التشغيل بعمليات الخاّصة من ديناميكية كأداة الرئيسية الخطة نضع ونحن حدة. على مشروع كل حدود أيًضا الممكن أن يتم التعديل فيها باستمرار فنحن نجعلها مفتوحة بحيث يمكنها تلبية المتطلبات والتطورات الجديدة. /// نحن ندعم الخطة المستهدفة التي وضعتموها من خالل دراسة الدراسات الكبرى، والدراسات والتصميمات الوظائف، وتقسيم )توزيع التنفيذ قابلية وكذلك عن بها( المتعلقة التجريبية التكلفة الحضر، وحساب في البناء بتنظيم المتعلقة المحتملة.وبذلك الحلول المختلفة وتقديم السيناريوهات طريق وضع تصّور شامل عن تحليل ثّم عن طريق واالستراتيجّية. االقتصادّية الناحيتين من النجاح فرص تقييم يتّم القاعدة األساسية بتحديد وبلورة نقوم لممتلكاتكم، القائمة وتحليل االحتماالت الظروف لتحسين الكفاءة االقتصادية والتنظيمية بما يتوافق مع المتطلبات. وبعد ذلك نقوم بوضع سيناريوهات التجديد وإعادة االستخدام وتشمل هذه السيناريوهات التكلفة المحتملة حتى

والدقيقة. المستهدفة االستراتيجيات إلى نصل

بازل مستشفى سانت كالرا، التنفيذ الهيكلي، في مرحلة التخطيط 2005 – 2001

Architekten Spitalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

بازل المشروع: مستشفى سانت كالرا، صاحب 2 مساحة الجملّية 20500 م

St. Clara Hospital, Basle

2001 – 2005 framework plan ; in the implementation phase

Architects and hospital planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : St. Clara Hospital, Basle

Floor area : 20,500 m2

15/// Research and vision

Since 1922, our buildings have featured prominently in

the hospital landscape of Switzerland and Europe as

a whole. For almost 90 years, we at IttenBrechbühl have

focused our attention on the latest medical developments

and the newest ideas from this specialised sector, which we

then put into practice within the context of real buildings.

This long track record of discussion and interchange with

the medical sector is a key factor in our approach to each

new commission. Our understanding of what is available,

our ability to draw on existing sources of knowledge, the

interchange amongst different specialist disciplines and the

international partnerships we maintain : these are the assets

that result in the ongoing development of existing concepts

and the shaping of new visions.

The Core Hospital, also known as the « pure » or « lean »

hospital, is a concept for the healthcare facility of the future.

A facility of this sort is conceived of as the main medical

centre focusing on the core activities of diagnosis and treat-

ment. It should be possible to integrate the Core Hospital

into the limited space available in a built-up inner city area,

while all the other functions ( such as laboratories or steril-

isation units for instruments ) are outsourced to adjacent

ancillary buildings networked to the central building. /// As

a result of this concept, the Core Hospital requires sig-

nificantly less space – in fact, about 50 % – than that needed

by a conventional facility resulting in considerable savings.

In 2004, this concept won first prize in an ideas competition

staged by the Netherlands Board for Hospital Facilities to

find a design for the « Hospital of the Future » with 300 beds

at a freely chosen location ( such as the Alexanderplatz in

Berlin ). The design provides for a structure with maximum

flexibility so that the areas can be used for multiple purposes

and can be expanded as necessary. /// Annexed to the

hospital is a hotel for relatives and other visitors, which can

also be used as an extension building for the clinic. The Core

Hospital is integrated into life of the surrounding inner city

area through a range of other services available within the

complex, such as shops, catering outlets and ( for example )

a cinema. Varied gardens, terraces and an ingenious concept

that floods the complex with natural light all underscore the

orientation of the architecture to the overall objective of

promoting health.

Ideas competition : first prize, 2004

Architects and general planners: Itten+Brechbühl AG ;

Venhoeven CS ; BM Baumanagers

Client : Netherlands Board for Hospital Facilities

Floor area: 21,000 m2 ( core wing )

300 beds ( total ), 124 ( core wing )

/// البحث و الرؤية 17 "pure hospitalأو يدعى "ب ،the core hospital يعد المستشفى الرئيسي للمستقبل. الصحّية للرعاية صالح استشفائيا مرّكبا ،"lean hospitalب" أو والعالجية. التشخيصية األساسية األنشطة على يرّكز طبًيا مركًزا فبإعتباره والمكتظة الضيقة المدينة وسط منطقة في دمجها إمكانية تتوفر أن فيجب األدوات، تعقيم وحدات و المخابر مثل األخرى، المهام كل بينما بالمباني، ينبغي األخرى المهام هذه وجميع المجاورة. المباني من تكون أن الممكن من المستشفى فإن هنا ومن /// واحدة. شبكة المركزي ضمن بالمبنى ترتبط أن المساحة. من % 50 حوالي توفير يتم حيث – أقل مساحة إلى يحتاج الرئيسي Netherlands" في عام 2004 فاز هذا التصميم بالمركز األول لمسابقة األفكارBoard for Hospital Facilities" بإعتباره " مستشفى المستقبل " بما تحويه

بالتس أليكساندر ميدان بينها )من معينة شروط بال مكان في سرير 300 من ببرلين(. وقد حّدد التصميم هيكالً مرناً بأقصى قدر ممكن، بحيث تستغل المساحات بطرق متعّددة كما يمكن توسعتها عند الحاجة. /// وقد ألحق بالمستشفى فندق يخدم العاملين والزائرين ، كما يمكن استخدامه كمبنى لتوسعة المستشفى. كما أّن المستشفى الرئيسي مندمج مع الحياة الحضرية المحيطة به وذلك عن طريق الخدمات المقّدمة مختلفة للحدائق وبالنسبة المثال. سبيل على السينما ودور المطاعم المتاجر، مثل األشكال والشرفات فهي توّفر تدفق الضوء بطريقة مدروسة جيًدا تدعم الهدف من

التصميم المعماري، وهي عملية تعزيز الصّحة بوجه عام.

الجائزة األولى 2004 مسابقة األفكار Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.،

Venhoeven CS، BM Baumanagers

Netherlands Board for Hospital Facilities صاحب المشروع: الرئيسي( )القسم م2 21000 الجملّية مساحة

300 سرير )اإلجمالي(الرئيسي( )القسم 124

سويسرا في المستشفيات منظر على طابع تضيف وبناياتنا 1922 عام منذ التي توّصل التقنّيات بأحدث نهتم ونحن يقارب عن 90 عاماً وأوروبا، ومنذ ما نقاش نتاج هي العملية هذه بناياتنا. تنفيذ في هذا تضمين وكيفية الطب إليها مستمر مع القطاع الطّبي. ألّن فهم المعطيات المتوفرة، استغالل المصادر العلمية الدولية، بالشراكة والعناية المتخّصصين مختلف بين المعرفي التبادل الموجودة،

القائمة وإلى تكوين رؤية جديدة. تؤدي إلى تطوير األفكار

19/// Flexibility

التأهيل-SUVA سيون إعادة عيادة المبنى الجديد 1994 – 1999

المسابقة 1994 الجائزة األولى في Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.؛

Thekne Management SA، Karl Steiner SA

SUVA المشروع: صاحب الحوادث ضد للتأمين السويسرية الهيئة

م2 الجملّية 27400 مساحة حجم المبنى 130000 م3

سيتن برايسيج، هاينتس صور:

SUVA Rehabilitation Clinic, Sion

1994 – 1999, new building

Competition : first prize, 1994

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG ;

Tekhne Management SA ; Karl Steiner SA

Client : SUVA ( Swiss Accident Insurance Fund )

Floor area : 27,400 m2

Construction volume : 130,000 m3

Photographs : Heinz Preisig, Sion

IttenBrechbühl use the term « planning module » to describe

a function-based grouping of rooms that belong together in

operational terms. Grouping rooms into modules ensures

that process-optimised working operations can be ideally

mapped and reproduced as many times as necessary. Break-

ing large units down into smaller areas – known as clus-

ters – means that one such spatial unit can be added or

removed by the operator. Some modules, such as those in

the outpatient/daycare clinic areas, can be assigned to

different departments depending on requirements and on

the time of day. /// Functionally separating and physically

combining areas used for examination, treatment and offices

creates the spatial flexibility needed to implement opera-

tional adaptations following structural or quantitative

changes ( flexible use ). For example, examination rooms of

standard size with standard equipment can cope with fluc-

tuations in the capacity utilisation rates of various medical

disciplines. Physically separate but standardised office

accommodation or flexible open-plan offices allow for in-

creases and decreases in staff numbers.

/// المرونة 21من المرتبطة للمساحات فّعاالً تنظيماً باعتبارها التخطيط وحدة إلى ننظر نحن الناحية العملّية. ويضمن تنظيم الغرف في وحداّت تيّسرعمل من الممكن أن يظهر بصورة مثالية وأن يتضاعف للضرورة. أّما التقسيم الفرعي للوحدات الضخمة إلى مناطق أصغر – ما يسمى بالعنقود – يمّكن عملية التشغيل من التوصيل والفصل الخارجية على سبيل العيادة في مجال الوحدات، بعض المكانية. للوحدة بسهولة المثال، يمكن إعادة تصنيفها حسب الحاجة أو حسب مواعيد األقسام في اليوم /// الفصل الوظيفي والتوحيد المكاني لمناطق الفحص والعالج ومناطق المكاتب تمّكن كنتيجة التعديالت إجراء إمكانّية من االستخدام( )مرونة خاّصة مرونة بواسطة موّحدة وأحجام تجهيزات ذات الفحص غرف فمثال والهيكلّية. الكمّية للتغييرات والمنفصلة الموحدة المكاتب لغرف وبالنسبة الطّب. فروع مختلف بين ما تجمع تسمح فهي بالمرونة تتميز والتي الواسعة المساحات ذات المكاتب أو مكانًيا

العاملين. لعدد نقصان أو زيادة بإمكانية

برودرهولتس مقاطعة بمستشفى الطوارىء قسم 1997 – 1999 تعديل البناء وإقامة مبنى جديد

Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

بازل الند شافت المشروع: مقاطعة صاحب 2600 م2 الجديد المبنى في الجملّية المساحة

م2 400 المعدل المبنى في الجملّية المساحة حجم المبنى 15200 م3

الصور: رودي فالتي، بازل

Emergency ward, Bruderholz Cantonal Hospital

( Canton of Basel-Landschaft )

1997 – 1999 Conversion/refurbishment and new building

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : Canton of Basel-Landschaft

Floor area of new building : 2600 m2

Floor area of conversion : 400 m2

Construction volume : 15,200 m3

Photographs : Ruedi Walti, Basel

23/// Separate systems

متغير. األمد وغير استثماًرا طويل األساسي النظام يعد

للتعديل(. )القابلية للتعديل وقابل األمد متوسط استثماًرا فيعد الثانوي النظام أما

تدخل إلى الحاجة للتغير دون استثماًرا قصير األمد وقابل الثالث النظام ويعد )مرونة(. بنائي جوهري

The primary system is a long-term investment

that cannot be changed.

The secondary system is a medium-term investment

that can be adapted (variability).

The tertiary system is a short-term investment that

can be changed with no major consequences in terms of

construction ( flexibility ).

There is now a need for buildings that can adapt to the

dynamic pace of development in medical technology and

procedures for treating patients. Another key feature of our

modern era is the growing knowledge and understanding of

the concepts of sustainability. When it comes to planning

complex buildings, these factors have resulted in the strat-

egy of separating the different systems within a building so

as to keep its utility value at a consistently high level through-

out the various life-cycles. /// For a long time now, Itten

Brechbühl has applied the “separate systems” strategy to

our planning. Likewise, our decision-making processes are

structured so that construction is always on the cutting edge

and utilises the latest available knowledge.

The primary system

As things stand at present, the structural system – the “skel-

eton” – of the building has a life-span of 100 years or more,

whereas the life-span of the envelope – the “skin” of the

building – is around 30 years. Both elements of the building

should be constructed as neutrally as possible, in line with

the current state-of-the-art. This means that future changes

to the supporting structure and envelope can be minimised

throughout their lifetimes. Flexible, simple and accommo-

dating structural systems provide the necessary framework

for what goes inside them. The decisive factors in planning

the facade includes the urban development components, the

target energy values, the quality of interaction with the

external environment and the messages that the structure

expresses. As the interface between the inside and the out-

side, the facade is key to generating the image.

The secondary system

The secondary system consists of all the elements that struc-

ture the space within the building. This system creates the

interior spaces and generates the ambience inside the build-

ing. The general operating sequences, the spatial require-

ments and the relationships between the spaces are devel-

oped when the secondary system is planned. The life-span

of these fit-out elements is around 20 years or more, given

good maintenance. The secondary system creates the spatial

and visual environment for the users, and lends structure to

the operations that take place within the building.

The tertiary system

These are the installed elements – fixtures, fittings, and

equipment – that make the building able to perform its func-

tions. These elements are subject to the most rapid changes

and consequently they have the shortest “shelf life”. Some

of them are mobile, so they can be re-arranged. The elements

in the tertiary system are of many different types, and plan-

ning them calls for a precise understanding of the opera-

tional procedures and the functionality of each unit. Accu-

rate planning means smooth, efficient operation.


بيرن شبيتال إنزيل بمستشفى INO قسم INO 1998 – )2012( تجديد بناء النظام الثانوي لقسم

المسابقة 1998 الولى في الجائزة Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

بيرن مقاطعة المشروع: صاحب 49100 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 169000 م3BE-940 مينارجي الجودة عالمة

شبيتال، إنزيل بمستشفى التصوير مان، مركز تسيمر صور: رولف

رايناخ ريشتر؛ مانفريد األجنحة؛ منظر

/// فصل األنظمةالمباني عن تبحث بالمريض العناية مجال وفي الطبي المجال في الديناميكّية التى تواكب هذا التطّور وهذه الديناميكّية. باإلضافة إلى ذلك فإن الفهم والمعرفة المتناميين في موضوع االستدامة يطغيان على عصرنا الحالي. وأّدت هذه العوامل في التخطيط للمباني المعقّدة إلى إّتباع إستراتيجّية فصل األنظمة المختلفة للمبنى، لكي يحافظ على القيمة العملية العالية بقدر اإلمكان عبر دورات الحياة المختلفة.. إستراتيجّية بإعتباره طويل وقت منذ األنظمة فصل باستخدام نقوم نحن ///

تبنى طبًقا ألحدث صيحات بحيث القرار إّتخاذ تتّم هيكلة عمليات كما تخطيطّية. التكنولوجيا.

األّول النظام حالّيا، تبلغ فترة حياة نظام الّدعم و الهيكل 100 عام وأكثر، أّما الغالّف فتبلغ فترة بقدر محايدين يكونا أن يجب المبنى من الجزئين عاًما. كال 30 أكثر من حياته أن الممكن فمن لذا التكنولوجيا. يكونا مطابقين ألحدث مستوى من اإلمكان وأن يتّم الحفاظ على تغييرات هيكل الدعم والغالف لفترة أطول بقليل من فترة حياتهما. للجزء بالّنسبة الضرورّية األطر وجّيدة والبسيطة المرنة الّدعم أنظمة وتعطي و المستهدفة الطاقة قيم الحضرية، المناطق في البناء مكّونات وتعتبر الّداخلي. جودة الغالف الخارجي وجودة المنظرالعام المعّبر فكّل ذلك من العوامل الحاسمة عند تخطيط المظهر الخارجي والواجهة. فإّن المظهر الخارجي بإعتباره الفاصل

الذي يخلق الصورة والمظهر بدرجة كبيرة. الداخل والخارج هو بين

الثانوي النظام هو النظام فهذا الثانوي. النظام تكون التي هي للمساحة المشّكلة العناصر كّل النظام فتخطيط المبنى. في الداخلي الجّو ويولد الداخلية المساحات يخلق الذي وإرتباط المكانّية المتطلبات العملّية، المراحل تطوير عن المسئول هو الثانوي األماكن ببعضها. وتبلغ فترة عمر عناصر التوسعة هذه في حالة المحافظة عليها المكاني المحيط للمستخدم الثانوي النظام ويخلق أكثر. أو عاًما 20 جيد بشكل

التشغيل. عملية ينّظم كما والبصري

الثالث النظام القيام المبنى قادر على التي تجعل التركيبات واألثاث واألجهزة وهو عبارة عن كما عمر. فترة أقل ولها التغييرات أسرع إلى معّرضة العناصر هذه بوظيفته. وعناصر جديد. من وتنظيمها ترتيبها إعادة ويمكن جزئي بشكل متحركة أنها دقيقين واستيعاًبا فهًما لها التخطيط ويتطلب النوع في جًدا متنوعة الثالث النظام الدقيق يمكننا من الحصول على فالتخطيط العمل ولعمل كل وحدة. لمراحل سير

وسلس. فّعال تشغيل

INO Inselspital Berne ( Berne University Hospital )

1998 – ( 2012 ) new building : secondary system for the INO

Competition : first prize, 1998

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : Canton of Berne

Floor area : 49,100 m2

Construction volume : 169,000 m3

Minergie label : BE-940

Photographs: Rolf Zimmermann, FotoGrafikZentrum Inselspital ;

Vision on Wings, Manfred Richter, Reinach ;

Stampfli Fotografie, Berne

27/// Life-cycle and sustainability

أولتن مقاطعة مستشفى 1989 – )2011( إعادة بناء وتحديث

الثانية المرحلة Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

سولوثورن مقاطعة المشروع: صاحب 1 المرحلة

م2 42800 الجملّية المساحة حجم المبنى 157800 م3

2 المرحلة م2 19100 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 67700 م3صور: رودي فالتي؛ بازل، أورس بان فارت؛ إيتيجن، تصميم الصور لوشر، بالخ

Olten Cantonal Hospital

1989 – ( 2011) new building and refurbishment

Second stage

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : Canton of Solothurn

Stage 1

Floor area : 42,800 m2

Construction volume : 157,800 m3

Stage 2

Floor area : 19,100 m2

Construction volume : 67,700 m3

Photographs : Vision on Wings, Manfred Richter, Reinach ;

Hanspeter Bärtschi, Spiegel b. Berne

There is constant overlap and interaction between new

buildings and conversions or renovations. IttenBrechbühl’s

vast experience of working on existing buildings has made

us highly aware of the life-cycles of buildings. The long-term

perspective focuses not only on the planning process and

the construction work, but also on the operation, usage and

eventual conversion or renovation of a property. Even in the

planning phase, change is already a constant factor. /// In

our projects, IttenBrechbühl incorporate our understanding

of the three cornerstones of sustainability : ecological re-

sponsibility, economic efficiency and social solidarity. We

gladly tackle the demanding challenge of achieving a

balance between these three factors, and we use our exten-

sive experience to support the planning and construction


/// دورة الحياة، االستدامة29مًعا. وتندمج تتداخل ما دائًما تهيئتها إعادة تتّم التي والبنايات الجديدة البنايات مع التعامل في IttenBrechbühl به تتمتع الذي الضخم الخبرة مخزون أدى طويلة فالرؤية المباني. عمر لدورة جيدين وإدراك حساسية إلى القائمة المباني التشغيل أيًضا على تركز بل واإلنشاء، التخطيط فقط على عملية تركز األمد ال /// ثابتة. قيمة يعد التخطيط في فالتغيير الثابتة. العقارات وتجديد واإلستخدام الثالثة لألركان شامل فهم صياغة في مشروعات من نقدمه بما نشارك ونحن المجتمعي. والتضامن اإلقتصادّية، والفعالّية البيئية، المسئولية وهي: لالستدامة، ولقد ألزمنا أنفسنا أن نوازن بين كل هذه العوامل وأن نهتّم بها بنفس القدر وضمّنا

الشاملة. بخبرتنا إستئناسا والتخطيط البناء بعملّية

لوتسرن أيشوف، تمريض مركز 2003 – 2008 توسعة وتجديد

الجائزة األولى في مشروع الدراسة 2003Architekten Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

البناء إدارة لوتسرن، مدينة المشروع: صاحب 13300 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 47300 م37 التمريض مجموعات

األسرة 144كابيلن هينتر بويلر، ماركوس الصور:

Eichhof Centre for the Elderly, Lucerne

2003 – 2008 : extension and refurbishment

Study contract : first prize, 2003

Architects : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : City of Lucerne, Directorate of Construction

Floor area : 13,300 m2

Construction volume : 47,300 m3

Nursing groups : 7

Beds : 144

Photographs: Markus Beyeler, Hinterkappelen

31/// Construction during operation

واالقتصادي العالجي الجانب بزيورخ فايد مدينة لمستشفى

1996 – 2009 تجديد كلي وتوسعةArchitekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

اإلنشائية الهندسة مكتب زيورخ، مدينة المشروع: صاحب 16800 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 60000 م3زيورخ هينتس، هانيس الصور:

Treatment and service wings

Waid Municipal Hospital, Zurich

1996 – 2009 : general refurbishment and extension

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : City of Zurich, Public Works Office

Floor area : 16,800 m2

Construction volume : 60,000 m3

Photographs : Hannes Henz, Zurich

To ensure the success of a construction project while the

rest of the building continues to operate, we take the key

decisions at an early stage − with the future always in

mind − so the individual stages in refurbishments and exten-

sions are completed as per contract, on time and with the

best possible financial outcome. /// We draw up detailed

plans for the various stages of work and the temporary

facilities so that operational procedures continue to function

smoothly during the construction phase. The construction

zone is consistently sealed off from the hospital operations

to minimise noise and pollution. “Rest time windows”, ongo-

ing communication with the operators and detailed briefing

of employees and patients in advance ensure that renova-

tion work is carried out successfully.

/// البناء في مرحلة التشغيل33

أوتسناخ إس جي لينث، مستشفى 2001 – 2009 تجديد وترميم كامل

Architekten Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

جالين سانت لمقاطعة التابعة البناء هيئة المشروع: صاحب 8760 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 61820 م3األسرة 120

فالتر ماير؛ زيورخ الصور: إريكا هوس؛ أوتسناخ،

لتحقيق تنفيذ ناجح للبناء في حالة التشغيل المستمر نحّدد النقاط الحاسمة في وقت مبكر مع التحلي ببعد النظر عند التصميم، حّتى يتّم تنفيذ كل مراحل البناء، سواًء بالعقد اإللتزام مثالية من حيث التوسعة، بصورة أو عمليات التجديد في عمليات والتسليم في الموعد المحّدد مع أفضل تكلفة. /// عن طريق التخطيط التفصيلي البناء مرحلة أثناء التشغيل إجراءات تتم بأن ونعتنى نهتّم والمؤقت، المرحلي من يقلل المستشفى تشغيل عن البناء لمكان المستمر والفصل معوقات. أي بال الراحة "، واإلّتصاالت نوافذ وقت " إّن الدرجات. أقل إلى الضوضاء والتلوث ُتجرى العاملين والمرضى السابقة والتفصيلية عن بالمشغلين والمعلومات الدائمة

نجاح. بكّل

Linth Hospital, Uznach (Canton of St. Gallen)

2001 – 2009: Renovation and overall refurbishment

Architects: Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client: Office of Planning and Architecture of the Canton

of St. Gallen

Floor area: 8760 m2

Construction volume: 61,820 m3

Beds: 120

Photographs: Erika Hüss, Uznach; Walter Mair, Zurich

35/// An environment that promotes health

بيرن بوي سايت، بمستشفى العالج جناح 1998 – 2002 توسيع وتجديد

المساببقة 1998 المركز األول في Architekten Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

Göhner Merkur Totalunternehmung ش.م. المقاول الرئيسي: زيورخ هيرسالندن، مجموعة المشروع: صاحب

مستشفى بوي سايت ش.م.، بيرنم2 3700 الجملّية المساحة

حجم البناء 13100 م3فاالندن بينسبيرج؛ رالف الصور:

Treatment wing, Beau-Site Clinic, Berne

1998 – 2002 : extension and refurbishment

Competition : first place, 1998

Architects : Itten+Brechbühl AG

General contractor : Göhner Merkur Totalunternehmung AG

Client : Hirslanden Group, Zurich ;

Klinik Beau-Site AG, Berne

Floor area : 3700 m2

Construction volume : 13,100 m3

Photographs : Ralph Bensberg, Fällanden

Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is state-of-the-art in

today’s medical practices, and “evidence-based design”

endeavours to apply the same principles to architecture.

Scientific studies have shown how the built environment

can impact human health. For instance, it has been possible

to prove that access to nature and views of the outside

world, as well as light ( and especially daylight ) and calm

can have a positive influence on the user’s satisfaction and

well-being. A building cannot heal people, but it can support

the healing process and ease the demands created by work-

ing within it. /// We use the infrastructure of a building

to lay the foundations for a modern, successful and future-

oriented institution. Deliberate incorporation of the natural

environment, easily-understood structures, the breakdown

into process-oriented activity zones and attractive recre-

ation areas are all features that promote the well-being of

patients, visitors and staff, thereby enhancing satisfaction

and efficiency among the future users. We create space –

and scope – for the personal development of each individual.

/// البيئة المساعدة على الشفاء 37فتصميم اآلن، العالج طرق أحدث هو المجربة األدلة على المعتمد العالج يعد المبني القائم على الحتمّية هو محاولة لتطبيق نفس المبادىء والطرق في العمارة. وبواسطة الدراسات العلمية تبّين أّن المحيط البنائي يؤّثرعلى صّحة اإلنسان. فقد أمكن إثبات أن الطبيعة، المناظر الطبيعية، الضوء، خاّصة ضوء النهار، لهم تأثير إيجابي على شعور الفرد بالرضا والسعادة. فالمبنى وإن لم يعالج بنفسه إال أنه يدعم عملية الشفاء ويجعل متطلبات العمل بسيطة. /// نحن نخلق بما نقّدمه من بنية تحتّية معمارّية األساس الذي تتطلبه أي مؤسسة حديثة ،ناجحة وملبّية إلحتياجات ومتطلبات المستقبل. فكٌل من إيجاد البيئة الطبيعّية واإلنشاءات السهلة والواضحة، فيها المرء يتمتع للعمل وأماكن جّذابة إلى مناطق نشاطات مؤّهلة المبنى وتقسيم ولطاقم للزائرين للمرضى، والرضا السعادة تحّقق واالستجمام،فهي بالهدوء العمل. وهذه العوامل تعمل أيضاً على رفع كفاءة المستخدمين للمبنى في المستقبل.

تتطّور. أن اإلنسانّية للشخصّية تمنح مساحات نخلق نحن

فاود بمقاطعة الفيجني االجتماعية، التربية معهد 2007 – 2010 البناء الجديد

الجائزة األولى في المسابقة 2007 SA TEKHNE ،.ش.م Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl

الفيجني معهد المشروع: صاحب 5200 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم المبنى 15300 م372 شخصاً السعة

بيرن هورفاث؛ الصور: الستسلو

Lavigny Socio-Educational Institution, Canton of Vaud

2007 – 2010 : new building

Competition : first prize, 2007

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG ;

Tekhne SA

Client : Institution de Lavigny

Floor area : 5200 m2

Construction volume : 15,300 m3

Capacity : 72 persons

Photographs : Laszlo Horvath, Berne

39/// Architecture

إنجا في مدينة زيورخ المسنين ترتيانوم، حي دار 2003 – 2005 البناء الجديد

Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

PSP Properties ش.م. صاحب المشروع: 12510 م2 الجملّية المساحة

حجم البناء 44093 م3المبيت 78 غرف

غرف الرعاية 2525 الفندقية الغرف

تينج شتروم ماير؛ زيورخ، كريستيان فالتر الصور:

Tertianum Senior Citizen’s Residence, Zurich-Enge

2003 – 2005 : new building

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client : PSP Properties AG

Floor area : 12,510 m2

Construction volume : 44,093 m3

Apartments : 78

Nursing rooms : 25

Hotel rooms : 2

Photographs : Walter Mair, Zurich; Christian Tingström

Here at IttenBrechbühl, we base our designs on the prin-

ciple of humanity as an integral concern. The focus is on the

wellbeing of the patients. The patients are guests – recipi-

ents of “hospitality” – in the old sense of humanity, care and

welfare. /// Our work is convincing because it conveys

very compact and clear overall impressions. Astonishingly

simple but highly effective solutions are the result of our

in-depth focus on the projects IttenBrechbühl undertake.

Light, colours, and materials blend together harmoniously

to create a single entity. Finding calm as well as strength in

one’s surroundings plays a major part in restoring health.


ZH برج، هورجن تسيمر مستشفى 2005 تجديد كامل وتوسعة - 2000

المسابقة 2000 المركز األول في Architekten Generalplaner Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.

برج تسيمر مستشفى تشغيل مؤسسة المشروع: صاحب Halter GU، زيورخ المقاول الرئيسي

م2 12200 الجملّية المساحة حجم البناء 45000 م3

برج تسيمر مستشفى مان، تسيمر مانويل الصور:

/// الهندسة المعمارية مطلًبا باعتباره اإلنسانية مبدأ على IttenBrechbühl شركة تصميمات تعتمد (hospes) ،كلًيا. فراحة المرضى تحتّل قّمة أولوياتنا. فالمرضى ما هم إال ضيوفأعمالنا تعد /// والرعاية. واالهتمام اإلنسانية لكلمة القديم وبالمعنى بالالتينية، بليغة أعماالً النفوس في إنطباع من المعقد وغير المركب مظهرها يتركه بما المكثف النقاش تظهر الضخم التأثير ذات بشكل مذهل البسيطة فالحلول اإلقناع. الذي يدور حول المشاريع. أّما اإلضاءة واأللوان والمواد فهي تّتحد مًعا في تناغم الصّحة إستعادة على تعينك التي المقومات أهّم ومن متكاماًل. عمال لتنتج رائع

والقّوة. بالّراحة إحساًسا المكان يعطيك أن والعافية

Zimmerberg Hospital, Horgen, Canton of Zurich

2000 – 2005 : general refurbishment and extension

Competition : 1st place, 2000

Architects and general planners : Itten+Brechbühl AG

Client: Betriebsstiftung Spital Zimmerberg

( Zimmerberg Hospital Operating Foundation )

General contractor : Halter General Contractors, Zurich

Floor area : 12,200 m2

Construction volume : 45,000 m3

Photographs : Manuel Zimmermann, Zimmerberg Hospital


43/// Portfolio of Projects Excerpt Showing Projects in the Healthcare Sector

/// فهرس األعمالملّخص البنايات الصّحية

44 1923 Project for Deaf-Mute Girls’ School, Wabern

1926 – 1929 Lory Hospital ( Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) ), Berne

1928 – 1930 Elfenau Home for Mothers and Infants, Berne

1929 – 1931 Institutes of the University of Berne, Bühlstrasse 20, Sahlistrasse, Freiestrasse 1

1931 Nursery on the “Hyspa”, Berne ; Dr. Wander AG

1932 – 1934 Saint-Imier District Hospital, Saint-Imier Hospital Association

1932 – 1934 Pruntrut Tuberculosis Pavilion

1935 Conversion / reconstruction project, Elfenau Mothers’ School, Berne

1950 Extension for the Dental Institute of the University, Liège; Belgian Government

1951 – 1953 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Anna Seiler House, Berne; Canton of Berne

1953 – 1957 Grenchen Hospital ; Grenchen Communal Association

1953 – 1957 Dental Institute of the University of Berne ; Canton of Berne

1954 – 1955 Neufeld Medical Support Centre, Thun ; Commune of Thun

1957 – 1958 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), conversion / reconstruction of the Lory Hospital, Berne;

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) Foundation, Berne

1957 – 1958 Dental Institute, Liège ; University of Liège

1958 – 1961 Protected Operation Site (“GOPS”), Glarus Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1960 – 1964 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne : Domestic Building ; Canton of Berne

1961 – 1964 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) East Operating Wing, Berne ; Canton of Berne

1961 – 1965 La Chaux-de-Fonds Municipal Hospital ; La Chaux-de-Fonds Communal Association

1961 – 1973 University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne, ward block with 800 beds; Canton of Berne

1962 – 1964 University of Berne ; Main Lecture Theatre ( Auditorium Maximum ) of the Medical Faculty ; Canton of Berne

1962 – 1966 Technical Operations Department, Glarus Hospital ; Canton of Glarus

1962 – 1966 Technical Operations Department, La Chaux-de-Fonds Hospital ; La Chaux-de-Fonds Municipal Hospital

1963 – 1964 Protected Operation Site (“GOPS”) La Chaux-de-Fonds Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1963 – 1966 Niederbipp District Hospital ; Communal Association of Niederbipp District Hospital

1967 – 1971 Protected Operation Site (“GOPS”), Langenthal Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1967 – 1971 Langenthal Regional Hospital ; Communal Association of Langenthal Hospital

1967 – 1971 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Central Laboratory of the University of Berne ; Canton of Berne

1968 Protected Operation Site (“GOPS”), Wolhusen ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1968 Staff building, Aarberg Hospital; Aarberg Hospital

1968 Nurses’ home, Langenthal Hospital; Langenthal Hospital

1968 – 1969 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) : Protected Operation Site («GOPS»), Berne ;

Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1968 – 1970 Langnau Military Hospital ; Government of the Swiss Confederation

1968 – 1971 Herzogenbuchsee District Hospital; Communal Association of Herzogenbuchsee Hospital

1968 – 1971 Tiefenau Hospital : extension for the treatment wing, conversion / reconstruction of the domestic building;

Communal Association of Berne

1968 – 1971 Drognens Military Hospital; Government of the Swiss Confederation

1968 – 1971 Construction of an additional storey for Elfenau Nursery, Berne ; Elfenau Nursery Foundation

1968 – 1972 Wolhusen District Hospital ; Canton of Lucerne

1968 – 1972 Fiesch Military Hospital; Government of the Swiss Confederation

1969 – 1970 Refurbishment of the Saint-Imier District Hospital ; Courtelary Communal Association

1969 – 1972 Disentis Military Hospital ; Government of the Swiss Confederation

1970 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS »), Laufenburg Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1970 Location analysis for a central Cantonal Hospital, Zug ; Zug Health Directorate

1970 – 1971 Extension for the main kitchen, Münsterlingen Hospital ; Canton of Thurgau

1970 – 1972 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS »), Herzogenbuchsee Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1970 – 1972 Central Laundry of the Berne Hospitals ; Zentralwäscherei Bern AG, Berne

1970 – 1973 Moutier Regional Hospital ; Communal Association of Moutier Hospital

1970 – 1973 Meiringen District Hospital ; Communal Association of Oberhasli Hospital

1970 – 1973 Workshops and special home for mentally handicapped children, Meiringen ; Canton of Berne

1970 – 1974 Interlaken Regional Hospital ; Communal Association of Interlaken Regional Hospital

1971 Construction project for a diagnostic clinic in Unterägeri ; private client

1971 Planning for the commissioning of the Duke of Harrar Hospital in Addis Ababa;

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ( SDC )

1971 Clinical study of manufacturing at Leysin ; Canton of Berne

1971 – 1972 Conversion / reconstruction of the surgical wing, Anna Seiler House, Berne;

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) Foundation, Berne

1971 – 1972 Private Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic, Geneva; Clinique Belle-Rive SA, Collonge

1971 – 1973 Construction project for Huttwil District Hospital ; Communal Association of Huttwil Hospital

1971 – 1973 Jegenstorf District Hospital ; Communal Association of Fraubrunnen Hospital

1971 – 1973 Extension for Saanen District Hospital ; Communal Association of Saanen Hospital

1971 – 1973 Overall planning of the future vision for University Hospital Zurich ; Canton of Zurich Building Authority

1971 – 1974 Aarberg District Hospital, stage 1; Communal Association of Aarberg Hospital

1971 – 1975 District Hospital, temporary structure and construction project for new buildings, Martigny ;

Communal Association of Martigny Hospital

1971 – 1976 Treatment wing, Laufenburg District Hospital : Communal Association of Laufenburg Hospital

1971 – 1976 Construction project for Sarnen District Hospital ; Canton of Obwalden

1971 – 1977 Treatment wing, Wildermeth Children›s Hospital, Biel / Bienne ; Wildermeth Children’s Hospital Foundation

1971 – 1983 General contracting ( as sole contractor ) for the Baden and Aarau Cantonal Hospitals,

as part of a consortium; Canton of Aargau

1972 Project and offer for general contracting ( as sole contractor ) for Amiri Hospital, Kuwait ; State of Kuwait

1972 Preliminary project for Sursee District Hospital ; Communal Association of Sursee Hospital

1972 Study mandate for Sama Sama Private Hospital, Nigeria ; Itten+Brechbühl AG

1972 Construction project for Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Sarnen Hospital;

Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1972 Nurses’ home, Herzogenbuchsee Hospital ; Herzogenbuchsee Hospital Association

1972 – 1973 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») Martigny Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1972 – 1974 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») Meiringen Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1972 – 1975 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») Niederbipp Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1972 – 1975 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Laboratory and Workshop Building, Berne ;

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne

1972 – 1975 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS »), Moutier Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1972 – 1978 Upper Valais District Hospital, Brig, and nurses’ home; Communal Association of Brig Hospital

1973 Operating concept for a central supply system for the Aargau hospitals;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Aargau

1973 Preliminary project for Clinic St. Amé, St. Maurice ; Canton of Valais

451973 Study mandate for a hospital based on the 3x atmospheric pressure standard ; Military Pharmacy

1973 Construction project for Liechtenstein Hospital; Principality of Liechtenstein

1973 – 1974 Extension concept for Appenzell Hospital ; Canton of Appenzell

1973 – 1974 Expert report on a hospital ; Salem Hospital, Berne

1973 – 1976 Staff building, children›s hospital : conversion/reconstruction of the Wildermeth administrative building,

Biel/Bienne; Wildermeth Children’s Hospital Foundation

1973 – 1976 Moutier Hospital, staff building; Communal Association of Moutier Hospital

1973 – 1977 Sion Regional Hospital; Communal Association of Sion-Hérens-Conthey Regional Hospital

1973 – 1979 Burgdorf Regional Hospital ; Communal Association of Burgdorf Hospital

1974 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS »), Appenzell Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 Operational Analysis Unit, Liebfrauenhof Clinic ; Health Directorate of the Canton of Zug

1974 Operating concept for the Eye Polyclinic at Zurich Cantonal Hospital ; Directorate of Zurich Cantonal Hospital

1974 Construction project for central district heating unit, Sarnen Hospital ;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Obwalden

1974 Feasibility study for the conversion of a villa into a private clinic ; private clinic in La Tour-de-Peilz

1974 Feasibility study for the central hospital laundry ; Lucerne Cantonal Hospital

1974 Feasibility study for the central hospital laundry ; University Hospital of Lausanne ( CHUV )

1974 Study for a hospital extension ; Ministry of the Interior, Principality of Monaco

1974 Schedule of functions and rooms for Princess Grace Hospital, Monaco ;

Ministry of the Interior, Principality of Monaco

1974 Project for Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Gnadenthal ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 Study for a Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Oberdiessbach Hospital;

Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 Expert report on a reorganisation study for the pharmacy at Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ) ;

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne

1974 General contracting ( as sole contractor ) for Aarau Nurses’ College; Canton of Aargau

1974 – 1975 Installation of an operating cell with clean room technology ; Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne

1974 – 1975 Construction of an additional storey at Niederbipp District Hospital ; Cantons of Berne and Solothurn

1974 – 1975 Overall planning of the future vision for the Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne;

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne

1974 – 1975 Navy Hospital, Umm Qasr, Iraq ; Iraqi Navy, Basra

1974 – 1975 Temporary structure for the old Sion Hospital; Communal Association of Sion-Hérens-Conthey Regional Hospital

1974 – 1975 Offer for general contracting ( as sole contractor ) for 1000 beds, Baghdad Military Hospital; Republic of Iraq

1974 – 1975 Renovation study for all polyclinics, Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne ; Canton of Berne

1974 – 1976 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Jegenstorf Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 – 1976 Staff building, Interlaken Regional Hospital ; Communal Association of Interlaken Hospital

1974 – 1977 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Aarberg Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 – 1977 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Interlaken Hospital ; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1974 – 1978 Hospital Geriatric Department; Langenthal Hospital Association

1974 – 1979 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), extension of the Eye Polyclinic ; Canton of Berne

1975 Analysis and concept for in-patient and out-patient services in the Bernese Emmental ;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Berne

1975 Protected Operation Site (« GOPS ») at Biel / Bienne Regional Hospital ;

Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection ( FOCP )

1975 Schedule of functions and rooms for treatment wing, Langnau Hospital; Langnau Hospital Management Board

1975 Gärtnerhaus Hospital Langenthal; Langenthal Regional Hospital

1975 Basis for extension project at Appenzell Hospital; Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden

1975 Berne University Hospital (Inselspital), refurbishment of main kitchen; Canton of Berne

1975 Franziskusheim Clinic, Zug, project study and schedule of rooms; Franziskusheim Clinic, Zug

1975 – 1976 Operating concept and general planning for the Psychiatric Clinic; Oetwil am See Psychiatric Clinic

1975 – 1976 Preliminary project / construction project, University of Annaba; Algerian Ministry of National Education

1975 – 1977 Series of four military hospitals, project until bid submission stage; Iraqi Ministry of Defence

1975 – 1977 Protected Operation Site («GOPS»), Brig Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1975 – 1978 Protected Operation Site («GOPS») Baden Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1975 – 1981 Münsingen District Hospital; Communal Association of Münsingen Hospital

1975 – 1982 Various extension studies with room schedule for University Hospital Zurich;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Zurich

1976 BConsultancy mandate for the planning of the Naval Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria; G.F. Appio & Ass., Lagos

1976 – 1977 Protected Operation Site («GOPS»), Wildermeth Hospital (Biel/Bienne);

Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1976 – 1978 Physiotherapy Centre; Biel/Bienne Regional Hospital

1976 – 1978 Protected Operation Site («GOPS»), Sion Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1976 – 1979 Protected Operation Site («GOPS»), Burgdorf Hospital; Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)

1976 – 1979 Basic planning for programming, University Hospital Zurich; Health Directorate of the Canton of Zurich

1976 – 1983 Planning and competition support for Belp Hospital; Communal Association of Belp Hospital

1977 – 1978 Concepts for women›s and children›s hospitals in southern Iraq; Ministry of Housing & Construction, Iraq

1980 Study mandate, Franziskusheim Psychiatric Unit, Oberwil; Canton of Zug

1980 – 1983 Hallerwiese Children›s Hospital, revision of cost estimate; Dr. Ing. Kappler

1981 – 1982 Mandate for planning until bid submission stage for four additional military hospitals; Republic of Iraq

1981 – 1985 Temporary structure and first stage of surgical wing, University Hospital Zurich;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Zurich

1981 – 1987 Einsiedeln Military Hospital; Military Pharmacy

1981 – 1988 Project and construction of hospital, consortium basis; Ilanz Regional Hospital

1981 – 1991 Construction management for three military hospitals, Iraq; Republic of Iraq

1981 – 1991 Planning for hospital extension; Münsingen Hospital

1982 Refurbishment of east surgical wing facade; Berne University Hospital (Inselspital), Berne

1982 Rural health study, Sokoto, Nigeria; World Bank

1982 – 1983 Hospital reconstruction in old building; Burgdorf Hospital

1982 – 1983 Planning and support with execution for a hospital extension in Spain; Vigo Private Hospital

1982 – 1984 Refurbishment of hospital kitchen; Langenthal Regional Hospital

1982 – 1988 Ilanz Regional Hospital; Communal Association of Ilanz Hospital

1982 – 1993 Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis (IVI), Berne-Mittelhäusern, implementation phase;

Federal Construction Agency

1983 – 1984 Support with planning of execution for hospital construction for the surgical floor;

Schenk and Schertenleib Architects

1983 – 1988 Workshop building for disabled persons, Holenacker, Berne; BAND Cooperative, Berne

1983 – 1988 KIO Sports Hall for the Disabled, Berne; KIO Construction and Housing Cooperative

1983 – 1991 Institute of Pathology, University of Berne; Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Berne

46 1984 Study trip for the commissioning of a hospital on Taiwan (which was not built); Tainan City Council

1984 Study mandate for hospital staff planning; Solothurn Citizens› Hospital

1984 – 1985 Hospital conversion/reconstruction for the haemodialysis unit, Langenthal;

Communal Association of Langenthal Hospital

1984 – 1985 Hospital refurbishment, surgical wing; Meiringen Hospital

1984 – 1985 Project outline for private traumatology clinic in Iraq; private client

1984 – 1991 University Hospital Zurich, surgical wing, stage 2; Canton of Zurich

1985 – 1989 Building maintenance concept and application for Münsingen Hospital;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Berne

1986 – 1988 Refurbishment of the workshop for disabled persons, Riedbachstrasse Berne; BAND Cooperative, Berne

1987 Study mandate, target planning for the Bad Schinznach spa resort; Hotel Schinznach Bad AG

1987 – 1988 Berne University Hospital (Inselspital) refurbishment of LWM air conditioning plant and surgical wing facade;

Maurice E. Müller Foundation

1988 Interlaken Regional Hospital, extension built onto the multi-purpose building; Interlaken Regional Hospital

1988 Location analysis for a nursing home at Aarberg; Aarberg Hospital

1988 Detailed analysis for the refurbishment of the «Insel» domestic building;

Berne University Hospital (Inselspital), Berne

1988 – 1989 Diagnostic laboratory; Dr. Bommeli

1988 – 1990 Berne University Hospital (Inselspital), Berne Eye Clinic, concept for construction of an additional

storey (surgical); Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Berne

1988 – 1990 Modular planning across all hospital segments; Interlaken Hospital Association

1988 – 1991 Muotathal Military Hospital; Military Pharmacy

1988 – 1991 Concepts for a new ward block and treatment wing extension, Chur; Chur Cantonal Hospital

1988 – 1992 Nottwil Military Hospital; Military Pharmacy

1988 – 1993 Hospital site usage study - chronic ward and expansion of infrastructure;

Communal Association of Fraubrunnen Hospital

1988 – 1993 Berne University Hospital (Inselspital), Eye Clinic, surgical wing, Berne; Office of Planning and Architecture,

Canton of Berne

1988 – 1998 Various studies on hospital extensions; Brig District Hospital

1989 – 1994 Hospital site usage study, schedule and competition support, staff building; Appenzell Hospital

1989 Interlaken Regional Hospital, refurbishment of surgical wing, stage 1 of refurbishment;

Interlaken Regional Hospital

1989 Programming for the Cantonal Physiotherapy College at Bad Schinznach;

Health Directorate of the Canton of Aargau

1998 – 1990 Parallel planning for the Glarus, Sarnen and Aarau Hospitals; various Cantonal Offices

of Planning and Architecture

1989 – 1990 Preliminary project for hospital extension with chronic patients› block; Meiringen Hospital

1989 – 1990 Olten Cantonal Hospital, concept and analysis of construction costs, optimisation phase;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Solothurn

1989 – 1992 Aarberg Hospital, various conversion/reconstruction projects; Aarberg Hospital

1989 – 1995 Complete refurbishment of Affoltern Children›s Hospital; Cantonal Office of Planning and Architecture, Zurich

1990 Hospital site usage study; Bülach Hospital

1990 – 1991 Study for Nursing College, Olten; Health Directorate of the Canton of Solothurn

1990 – 1992 Clinica Del Sol, Estepona, Spain; Dr. Gerhard

1990 – 1993 Training Centre for the Nursing Professions, Interlaken ; Communal Association of Interlaken Hospital

1990 – 1995 Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, overall planning, staging and competition support ; Canton of Fribourg

1991 – 1992 Hospital development study and preliminary project for Building D ; Clinique St. Thérèse, Luxembourg

1991 – 1992 Laboratory conversion / reconstruction, Müller Institute of Biomechanics ; Maurice Müller Institute, Berne

1991 – 1992 Refurbishment of hospital entrance area ; Burgdorf Regional Hospital

1991 – 1997 Construction approval planning for the renovation of Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich ; Hirslanden Group

1991 – 2000 St. Gallen Cantonal Laboratory ; Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of St. Gallen

1993 – 1994 Study for the Psychiatric Encounter Centre, Königsfelden ; Health Directorate of the Canton of Aargau

1993 – 1994 Site usage and modular development planning ; St-Loup Hospital

1993 – 1995 Various conversion/reconstruction projects, e.g. Gamma Knife for Klinik im Park, Zurich ; Hirslanden Group

1994 Project for radiation, fire and lightning protection at the Ziegler Hospital, without implementation;

Hospital Association of Berne

1994 Gärtnerhaus Hospital, Sion ; Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund ( SUVA ), Lucerne

1994 – 1995 Beau-Site private clinic, Berne, conversion / reconstruction project, general planning on a consortium basis ;

Hirslanden Group

1994 – 1997 Anna Seiler House, Berne, partial refurbishment to preserve value ; Office of Planning and Architecture,

Canton of Berne

1994 – 1998 General refurbishment, concept as far as construction project for Riaz Hospital ; La Gruyère Hospital

1994 – 1999 SUVA Rehabilitation Clinic, Sion; Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund ( SUVA ), Lucerne

1995 – 1996 On-site construction management for the partial equipment of two hospitals in Kyrgyzstan ; Swiss Red Cross

1995 – 1997 Interlaken Hospital, conversion / reconstruction projects for the out-patient, emergency and short-stay

hospitalisation centre ; Communal Association of Interlaken Hospital

1995 – 2000 Modernisation and new construction, Olten Cantonal Hospital, implementation of stage 1;

Department of Construction, Canton of Solothurn

1996 Target planning for rehabilitation clinics, Oberammergau ; Waldburg-Zeil Clinics

1996 – 1998 Construction and dismantling of a temporary surgical wing structure ; Ziegler Hospital, Berne

1996 – 1998 Hospital operating concept with modular staging of construction; Clinique St. Thérèse, Luxembourg

1996 – 1998 Ziegler Hospital, reconstruction of surgical wing after a fire ; Hospital Association of Berne

1996 – 2009 General refurbishment of treatment and domestic wings, Waid City Hospital, Zurich;

City of Zurich Office of Planning and Architecture

1997 Fair value appraisal of a hospital ; St. Anna Clinic, Lucerne

1997 Fair value appraisal of the Sonnenhof and Engeried Hospitals, Berne ; Atag Berne

1997 Mini-target planning for Schwabenland Clinic ; Waldburg-Zeil Clinics

1997 – 1999 New construction, emergency ward, Bruderholz Cantonal Hospital ;

Department of Construction, Canton of Basel-Landschaft

1997 – 1999 New construction, operating building, Waid Hospital ; City of Zurich Office of Planning and Architecture

1997 – 1999 Study mandate, Institute for Clinical Microbiology and Immunology; Canton of St. Gallen

1997 – 2000 General contracting ( as sole contractor ) - construction approval planning for chemistry laboratory wing

and auditoriums, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH ) Zurich, Hönggerberg;

Karl Steiner General Contractors

1997 – 2000 Oberammergau Rheumatism Clinic, general refurbishment ; Waldburg-Zeil Clinics

1997 – 2000 Zurich University Children’s Hospital, coordination of laboratory areas ; Zurich University Children›s Hospital

1997 – 2000 Refurbishment of the intensive care unit ; Interlaken Regional Hospital

1998 Consulting services for the merger of Münsingen and Oberdiessbach Hospitals ; Münsingen Hospital

471998 Cost analysis for five projects for University Hospitals in the Canton of Geneva ;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Geneva

1998 Refurbishment of staff building, Olten Cantonal Hospital ; Canton of Solothurn

1998 – 1999 Target planning for the Medical Clinic at Tübingen University Hospital ; Tübingen University Hospital

1998 – 1999 Optimisation concept for 1000 beds, University Hospital, Oran, Algeria ; Bonnard & Gardel SA, Lausanne

1998 – 2001 University Children’s Hospital of Both Basels ( UKBB ), conversion/reconstruction on the Bruderholz Hospital site ;

Department of Construction, Canton of Basel-Landschaft

1998 – 2002 Implementation of the extension and refurbishment of the treatment wing, Beau-Site Clinic, Berne ;

Hirslanden Group

1998 – 2011 New construction, secondary system for the INO ( Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgical Centre ),

Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne ; Land and Building Agency, Canton of Berne

1999 Modular change-of-use study, Sursee Hospital ; Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Lucerne

1999 Refurbishment concept for the surgical wing, Zofingen Hospital ; Dynaplan AG

1999 – 2001 Conversion/reconstruction of the emergency ward, University Hospital of Lausanne ( CHUV ), Lausanne,

preliminary project and construction project with cost estimate; Cantonal Hospitals

1999 – 2002 ETH Zurich, total and partial refurbishment, Institutes of Biochemistry ( HPM1) and Cell Biology ( HPM2 ) ;

ETH Zurich, Buildings Department

1999 – 2007 Restructuring of emergency, radiology, dialysis and intensive care departments, University Hospital

of Lausanne ( CHUV ), Lausanne ; Canton of Vaud, Vaud Hospitals Construction Authority

2000 Münsingen Hospital, old building ; Münsingen Hospital Association

2000 Brig Hospital, seismological study ; Brig District Hospital

2000 Laboratory operating concept, INO ( Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgical Centre ) ;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Berne

2000 Medical practice: Dr. Baumann, Münsingen ; Regional Hospital Centre, Münsingen Acute Clinic

2000 Maternity Unit, Geneva: operating concept ; Department of Urban Planning, Equipment and Housing

2000 Interlaken Hospital, study of kitchen, geriatric and haemodialysis departments ; Interlaken Regional Hospital

2000 Refurbishment of windows, Ziegler Hospital ; Ziegler Hospital, Berne

2000 Installation of an MRI in Interlaken Regional Hospital ; Interlaken Regional Hospital

2000 – 2001 Development of the laboratory standard for the ETH ; ETH Zurich

2000 – 2005 General refurbishment and extension of Zimmerberg Hospital, Horgen;

Zimmerberg Hospital Operating Foundation, Horgen

2000 – 2006 New construction and extension, Hohenems State Hospitals

2000 Clinic Groeninge, Kortrijk, Belgium

2001 – 2002 Chablais Hospital, location analysis for a new central hospital for Southern Vaud ; Chablais Hospital, Aigle

2001 – 2003 Extension to the SUVA Clinic in Sion; Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund ( SUVA ), Lucerne

2001 – 2004 Refurbishment of Muri-Gümligen nursing home; Commune of Muri, Muri bei Bern

2001 – 2005 Bregenz State Hospital, new building ( east ) ; Vorarlberg State Government, Hospital Operating Company,


2001 – 2009 Linth Uznach Hospital, general refurbishment ; Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of St. Gallen

2002 – 2003 Refurbishment of the facade on the surgical wing, University Hospital Zurich;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Canton of Zurich

2002 – 2003 Clara Hospital, usage studies – layout, preliminary project for MRI and pharmacy ; Lead Consultants, Zurich

2002 – 2003 Microbiology extension to the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, tender for general contracting ( as sole contractor ) ;

Office of Planning and Architecture, Lucerne

2003 St. Clara Hospital Basel, invasive cardiology and master planning ; St. Claraspital AG Basel

2003 MRI for Zimmerberg Hospital, Horgen ; Rodiag AG

2003 – 2005 New construction, Tertianum Senior Citizens› Home, Zurich Enge ; PSP Properties AG

2003 – 2008 Extension and refurbishment of the Eichhof Centre for the Elderly, Lucerne ;

Construction Authority of the City of Lucerne

2003 – 2011 Modernisation and new construction, Olten Cantonal Hospital, implementation of stage 2;

Department of Construction of the Canton of Solothurn

2003 – Construction of a new building, senior citizens› home, Zurich South ; REG Real Estate Group Zurich

2004 Core Hospital, hospital concept for the future

2004 – 2005 Microsynth laboratory extension, Balgach ; Microsynth GmbH

2004 – 2005 University Hospital Basel, emergency ward ; Basel University Hospital

2004 – 2006 Railcity Health Centre, Basel, refurbishment ; Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

2004 – 2007 ETH : refurbishment of shell and building services, ETA / ETZ / ETF, Gloriastrasse 35, Zurich ; ETH Zurich,

Buildings Department

2004 – 2012 New building for the Friedrich Loeffler Institute, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health,

Riems Island near Greifswald ( Germany ) ; German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection,

Food and Agriculture ( BMVEL ) ; General Planner, Riems Island

2005 Feasibility study for four wards of a private clinic, Meiringen

2005 SystemsX project, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, in Basel,

conversion/reconstruction and refurbishment ; ETH Zurich, Buildings Department

2005 – 2006 Conversion / reconstruction and modernisation of the maternity unit, Münsingen Hospital ;

Spital Netz Bern AG, Münsingen Hospital

2005 – 2006 Conversion/reconstruction and extension of the intensive care unit ; St. Clara Hospital, Basel

2005 – 2010 Bludenz State Hospital, Austria

2005 – 2013 Feldkirch State Hospital, Austria

2006 Waid Municipal Hospital, Zurich, new construction : underground garage, new construction :

ambulance garage ; Office of Planning and Architecture, City of Zurich

2006 – 2008 Consulting services for building owner / sponsor: Triangle de l’Etraz, Nyon; Edwards Lifesciences SA

2006 – 2009 New building : Roche NPK 235, Parenteralia Production: pharmaceutical technology operation, offices,

laboratories, Kaiseraugst ; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG

2006 – 2010 CRGB ( Major Burns Centre for French-speaking Switzerland ), University Hospital of Lausanne ( CHUV ) ;

State of Vaud - DSAS - CHUV, Lausanne

2007 – 2008 Conversion/reconstruction and extension, Interlaken fmi Hospital, haemodialysis ; Spitäler fmi AG

2007 – 2009 Olten Cantonal Hospital, extension of urology unit ; Solothurner Spitäler AG, Olten

2007 – 2009 Altatec/Camlog extension, Wimsheim, Germany ; Altatec GmbH, Wimsheim

2007 – 2010 Socio-educational Institute at Lavigny, new construction ; Institution de Lavigny

2008 Study mandate, parking garage, Olten Cantonal Hospital ; HRS Hauser Rutishauser Suter AG

2008 Conversion / reconstruction of new out-patient unit, Ziegler Hospital, Berne; Spital Netz Bern AG

2008 Lonza first aid stations, Visp, feasibility study

2008 – 2009 Interlaken fmi Hospital, refurbishment of building shell, «1975 New Building »; Spitäler fmi AG

2008 – 2009 Novartis Pharma Stein AG, building WST 303 ; Novartis Pharma Stein

2009 Study: site of the Tiefenau / Ziegler Municipal Hospital, Berne, Spital Netz Bern AG

2009 – 2011 Clinic Alta Aesthetica, Rheinfelden ; Jürg Eichenberger

2009 – 2010 Seewadel Senior Citizens’ and Nursing Home project, Affoltern am Albis ; Commune of Affoltern am Albis

2009 – 2010 St. Clara Hospital, conversion/reconstruction of central bed unit and laboratory ; St. Clara Hospital, Basel

2009 – 2010 Conversion/reconstruction and new construction, Sports Orthopaedics, Münsingen ; Spital Netz Bern AG

2009 – 2010 Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Wolhusen, project preparation: overall project for main building, study mandate

for main building ( site study, implementation study, approximate cost calculation ; Canton of Lucerne )

2009 – 2010 Olten Cantonal Hospital, extension to radiology unit; Solothurner Spitäler AG, Olten

2009 – 2011 Upper Valais Hospital Centre, conversion/reconstruction works at Visp Hospital; Valais Health Network

2009 – 2012 New emergency reception structure, Nyon Zonal Hospital

2009 – 2013 Refurbishment and new construction, Frohmatt senior citizen’s home and residential nursing home, Wädenswil;

Municipality of Wädenswil

2009 – 2013 Refurbishment of Pfäfers Abbey Precinct, Psychiatric Clinic ; Office of Planning and Architecture

of the Canton of St. Gallen

2009 – 2014 Structural repairs, Langenthal Hospital, stages 2, 3 and 4 ; SRO AG, Langenthal Hospital

2010 Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, site study ; Canton of Lucerne, Real Estate Office

2010 Liestal Cantonal Hospital, volumetric presentation of operational planning and rooms schedule;

Liestal Cantonal Hospital

2010 Liestal Cantonal Hospital, approximate cost estimate for repair of treatment wing; Liestal Cantonal Hospital

2010 Lachen Hospital, study of bed wing ; Spital Lachen AG

2010 – 2012 Lachen Hospital, renovation of kitchen / extension of emergency ward ; Spital Lachen AG

2010 – 2012 Conversion/reconstruction and refurbishment of the staff building, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital;

Canton of Lucerne, Real Estate Office

2010 – 2012 Jurablick Senior Citizens’ Residence, Hindelbank; new construction

2010 – 2013 Zollinger Home, Forch, conversion and extension; Gustav Zollinger Foundation, Forch

2010 – 2013 New laboratory building for veterinary medicine, Koblenz, Germany; State Construction Authority, Koblenz

2010 – 2015 Surgical block, University Hospital of Lausanne ( CHUV ), Lausanne

2010 – Uster Hospital, extension and refurbishment of the treatment wings; Uster Hospital Association

2010 – Conversion / reconstruction projects, Interlaken Hospital; Spitäler fmi AG

2010 – Extension and general refurbishment, Adlergarten Senior Citizens’ Centre, Winterthur ; City of Winterthur

2010 – Aarau Rail Station Health Centre ; Aarau Cantonal Hospital

2010 – New emergency building, Thun Hospital ; Spital STS AG

2011 Study : Insel Municipal Hospital site, Berne, Spital Netz Bern AG

2011 – 2014 Aarberg Hospital, refurbishment of surgical/treatment wing, Spital Netz Bern AG

2011 – 2012 Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne, INO (Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgical Centre) floor A,

endoscopy centre, Berne University Hospital ( Inselspital ), Berne


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6 جينيرال غويسان ڤييا 613 CP،

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ايناملأ ارسيوس



See the various projects


Eva Deutsch

Karin Imoberdorf

Jost Kutter


Co-Text, Zurich


Co-Text, Zurich and IttenBrechbühl


Laszlo Horvath, Berne


Itten+Brechbühl AG, 2013

الناشر بيانات

المصّورون المشاريع انظر

المساهماتEva Deutsch

Karin Imoberdorf

Jost Kutter

الترجماتCo-Text، زيورخ

التحريرIttenBrechbühl Co-Text، زيورخ و

لتنسيق اLaszlo Horvath

والنشر الطبع حقوق Itten+Brechbühl ش.م.، 2011



