I igjj;: & [ -'If \ -If* i£il >?3r-r pPl ?sp <*v? c ?-.* - The Side Walk Ordinance. i. C. O'Neal Kills E. W. Bruntee at Duck Hill. Miss. On Thursday of this week Mr. J. C. ONeal, of Duck FIlll, shot and killed Mr. E. W. Bruntee, a farmer who lived near the place. The difficulty occurred near the edge of that town and there were no eye witnesses. ONeal, a few days ago, sued Bruntee on a debt which was evidently the prime cause of the unfortunate inci- dent. Bruntee, we learn, was unarmed. Mr. ONeal is well and favorably known here and his many friends very much regret the unfortunate circumstances that led to this trouble. lie promptly surrendered himself to the sheriff. Postmaster Weigert Resigns. Postmaster Weigert has tendered his resignation to the Postofflce De- partment and the same has been ac- cepted. The reasons prompting Mr. Weigert to resign are unknown to the public, but it is supposed that he thought the compensation inadequate considering the delicate and trying duties of the office. Messrs. George W. Fields and W. H. Johnson are both seeking the ap- pointment, and are both well and numerously endorsed by the citizens and business men of the town, appointment will doubtless be made in a few days. The Sentinel, 91 The Board of Mayor and Aldermen, at its adjourned session on last Mon- day night passed an ordinance requir- ing all side walks hereafter laid in the city to be put down at the expense of the abbutting property owners with the provision that when they arc con- structed of granolithic concrete and according to the specifications required for such sidewalks, the city shall do the necessary grading and lay the gut- ters and curbings. The ordinance further provides fbr the construction of granolithic side walks upon several of the most promi- nent streets as soon as the survey of the streets provided for in the ordi- nance passed on March 6, shall have been made and the necessary grades, profiles, specifications, etc. obtained. This ordinance takes effect thirty days after its passage and will duly appear in The Sentinel. This ordinance, besides securing good and attractive side walks for the city, does away with the practice of putting down plank and cinder walks by the city, which has proven expensive and inefficient. GRENADA, MISSISSIPPI. SUE sea Entered at the Postofflce at Grenada. Miss as second-class mall matter. BALM 'll! LV Jm ItTSr % W SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1905. raft ffli I H r Grenada still leads. Fertelizers at Grenada Oil Mill. Buy your mules from A. B. Boyd. Buy your fertilizers of the Grenada Oil Mill. i >**• A Jumping', aching, nerve racking toothache with all the suffering Im- aginable, with days of Indoor life, with hourly applications of hot water, and ruined temper, or a or 60 cent bottle of the best toothache remedy compounded. r*V 1 The ever ,y The Original. Foley & Go., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substi- tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains noopiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sale by The Second Class Drug Store. The Miller Bryan Comyany Here. The Miller Bryan Company enter- tained Grenada audiences Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nightsatth* Opera House, and to say that one and all were pleased and highly enjoyed the show every night, is not saying to much. It is a clean troup and there is the absence of many objec- tionable little incidents that so often bring the blush to the cheek of the modest young lady or gentleman. The company deserves a good house where- ever it goes. It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of acold unless you move the bowels. Bees Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system. Then comes its soothing ef- fect and strengthening influence upon the throat and lungs. For Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, and all Lung and Bronchial affections, no remedy is equal to the original Laxative Honey and Tar. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store. The two sermons by Rev. B. P. Jaco in the Methodist church last Sunday, and the address before the Christa!n Workers at the Baptist church in the afternoon were unusually helpful dis- courses. They showed careful thought and clase study. Rev. Jaco made a good impression on those who were so fortunate as to hear him.Carrollton Conservative. The Colonels Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Water- loo, from Liver and Ktdney trouble. In a recent letter, he says: nearly dead, of these complaints, and, although I tried my family doctor, be did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them.Sold, and guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by The Second Class Drug Store, at 50c a bottle. * - Dr. Hunt s Rangum Root LinimoRt Its an easy matter to make your selection In a case of this kind. Ton will Certainly take the liniment. It fives Instant relief and always cures. Life is too short to suffer with a toothacheyet a bottle of Dr. Bant s Rangum Boot Liniment today and protect your entire family. It is easily applied and will not soil the linen. How is this for evidence of its worth. For a good mule or horse go to A. B. Boyd. There is not such a difference in men as in what they do. m------- ' A. B. Boyd is selling the stock. He has some for you. Miss Berta Brown is visiting at Sumner, Miss., this week. ----- - ------- Exercise is healthful. Try Bowling. It will work off that tired felling. The Aroma of that cigar is fine. It is from Hughes Drug Store. The Pool room is under good man- agement. Dr. F. II. Smith and wife of Water Valley, were in Grenada last Sunday. HughesDrug Store is closing out a full line of Jacobscandy at low fig- ures. < 1 I was . ^5 Al, Tenn., July 13,1890. Banyum Boot Medloine Company, Kaahvills. Tenn. GentlembxI take pleasure to recommending yonr valuable medicine as a tootnacne medicine. 1 have suffered a great deal with tbe toothache for the last six months and have tried aererai remedies, but your liaugum Hoot Liniment beau them all. Yours truly, J. B. GOUDBT. Remember Dr. Hunts Raneum Root Liniment Is good for everything a good liniment Is good for. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle at your druggist. If ha will not supply you. remit direct to us. RANGUM ROOT MEDICINE COMPANY, 8PURLOCK-NEAL CO.. Sole Proprietors. Nashville, Tennessee. The money hereafter spent by the city in making these temporary walks will be used to prop- erly grade the streets and lay the gut- ters and curbings for the new grano- lithic side walks, and will thus be expended in permanently improving the streets of the city. >- ... Dr. W. H. Whitaker Presented a Gold Trowel Immediately after the morning service at the Mayors office by the Presbyterian congregation on Sunday morning, the pastor. Rev. J. C. Carothers, in a few well timed remarks, presented to Dr. W. II. Whitaker a handsome and beautifully engraved gold trowel. Dr. Whitaker accepted the very appropriate expression of es- teem, an evidence of appreciation of his labors in the work of planning for the new church, by his brethren, in a few select remarks full of feeling and his joy at receiving such a splendid gift.. Engraved on the trowel was: Pre- sented to Dr. W. II. Whitaker, P. M., W. M., Grenada Lodge No. 31, Gre- nada, Miss. Acting Grand Master Ceremony Laying Corner Stone New Presbyterian Church, Grenada, Miss., Sept. 23, 1904. jglp FJ Go and see for yourself. Gives Health, Vigor and Tone. Herbine is a boon for sufferers from ancamia. By its use the blood is quickly regenerated and the color be- comes normal. The dropping strength is revived. The languiar is diminish- ed. Healtii, vigor and tone predomi- nate. New life and happy activity re- sults. Mrs. Belle II. ShireR Middle- borough, Ills., writes; I have been troubled with liver complaint and poor blood, and have found nothing to bene- fit me like Ileibine. I hope never to be without it. I have wished that I had known of it in my husbands life- time.Sold by The Second Class Drug Store% NEW GINNERY fen V >•- i The Grenada Oil Mill announces to the farming public that they will build at once a Modern Gin System capable of ginning 1000 bales of cot- ton per month. Gin will be ready for the first bale of cotton that comes to Grenada the coming sea- son. Best service is premised. . . Let your past guide your foot- steps into righteous paths for the fu- ture. For the best razors and good cutlery of all kinds, Store. Read carefully the ad. of R. Press- grove & Co. do so. Mr. J. C. Wilson has one of Presi- dent Rooseveltsfraternity(?) pins. Ask to seet it. ------------ ---------- Mr. A. B. Boyd made anotliey trip r to Kentucky this week and purchased 52 head of flue mules. Try White Pine Expectorant for your cough. It does the work. 2nd Class Drug Stote. Misses Garring, of Yazoo City, and Parker, of Elliott, are visiting Mrs. E. S. Howard, in the city. --- ---- ------------- - WomansHealth Restorer cures all kinds of female weakness. 2nd Class Drug Store. « go to HughesDrug It is to your interest to On Friday, March 24, the Seniors of Grenada College will present at the opera house a two-act comedy, en- titled, Mr. Bob.This performance is under the direction of Miss Rusk, teacher of expression, whose constant supervision ao rehearsals insures the success of the play. The College Orchestra, with Miss Carr, as di- rectress, will add an attractive fea- ture to the program, in numbers pre- sented before the rising of the cur- tain and between acts. Price of admission 35 cents; resev- ed seats, 50 cents. The proceeds of the evening are to be used in the purchase of books for the college library. All friends of education and of the college are re- quested to encourage the young iadies in their efforts. Lets give them a large audience. ? Womens Kidneys. Women are more often afflicted with kidney disorders than .men, but attribute the symptoms to diseases peculiar to their sex, while in reality the kidneys are deranged. Nervous- ness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, pain in the back, are signs of kidney trouble that must not be ignored, or a serious malady will result. Foleys Kidney Cure has re- stored the health of thousands of weak, nervous, broken-down women. It stops irregularities and strengthens the urinary organs. It purifies the blood aud benefits the whole system. For sale by Tbe Second Class Drug Store. THE GRENADA OIL MILL. I 5S. N. HARTSOOK C. L. WHITE White & Hartsook f-4 ARCHITECTS AND CONTRACTORS Our genial friend, Mr. W. M. Cook, of Oxford, stopped over in Grenada this week on bis way to Jackson. He if always a welcome visitor, and is entertaining interesting in conversa- tion. While disdaining politics for himself, he keeps bis ear to the ground and always knows where the wires are being laid. As the city undertakes to grade and lay the curbings of the granolithic side walks it will not prove burden- some upon the property owners to put down these walks, and the added val- ue which these walks will give to their property will more than repay them for the cost of putting them down. f4 i Will furnish plans and specifications on all buildings. We keep posted in the latest styles of architecture and promise those who favor us with their patronage the best satisfaction. Those desiring to see us, when we are out of the city, will please call upon H. W. Latimer as to our whereabouts........................................................................ Ladies are cordially invited to at- tend the Bowling Alley Thursday after- noon of each week. Get in line, girls. Our Sunday morning service will be for the Sunday school especially, but we want everybody to attend. These services with and for the young peo- ple and children ought to be most in- teresting and helpful to us all. Let the Sunday school pupils all come prepared to assist in tbe singiug; and be sure to invite your parents and friends. We appreciate the presence of the friends outside of our own mem- bership who were with us last Sunday morning and evening. Favor us with your presence as frequently as pos- sible. We will gladly find you a place in our pews and our prayers. Wm. Roberts, Pastor, Baptist Church. Twinkle, twinkle little star! Tell me, is it very far To a place to buy a good cigar? Why, no! the little star replied, For so many people have tried The Kelly cigar, aud are satisfied The the best place is the drug store, Owned and managed by B. E. Moore. A setting hen gathers no moss, A mans wife is generally his boss; So take warning, be you rich or poor; And buy drugs from B. E. Moore, Remember well and bear in mind. When pure drugs you wish fo find, Just as sure as 2 and 2 makes 4, You will find them at B. E. Moores. Roses red and violets blue, Wileys candy will agree with youTwill make you fat, instead of poor, Come and buy it of B. E. Moore. Ding dong dell, the cats in the wellThe best of everything, to sell. Be it drugs, soda, tobacco or soap, You will buy of B. E. Moore, I hope. t Buy the Parker Fountain Pen and you get the best. 2nd Class Drug Store. 8 f-4 nnir-4-12t HughesDrug Store is the place to go for a large and complete line of ^oods sold as cheap as any body can sell. 6 st f. -<-«- Something New for Hedake and Nuralga, Coffa Febrin Liquid and Powders. Try it. 2nd Class Drug Store. We are glad to note that Mr. J. C. Perry has returned from Hot Springs much improved in health. He says he feels like a new man. -• ----- Mrs. Sam Cowan and little daughter, of Winona, were guests of relatives and friends in Grenada first of the week. Visit the Pool Room and Bowling J Alley. All business men need recrea- tion; there is none better than bowl- ing. Take Care of Your Feet Mr. John Smith, My Dear Husband:Go to HughesDrug Store and get me a bottle of that Liquid Veneering. It gives fur- niture a new and durable polish. It is the genuine veneering. f-4 < J * by putting them in the . . . Stacy Adams & Co.s Shoes For comfort, ease and durability they are unexcelled. They are decided- ly the most popu- lar shoe on the market. They re- tail at Mrs. John Smith. Within the next few days every citi- zen on the sewerage lines, not already connected, will be served with the fol- lowing notice. There is near your premises a pub- lic sewer line, and I hereby give you final notice that if your premises are not connected with same, I will be compelled to make an affidavit against you. All surface closets on or near sewer line and not connected with same, must be removed. If you are a renter either of a dwelling or business house you will save yourself trouble and the expense of paying fines by see- ing your landlord, and having him make the necessary connections to comply with sanitary ordinance. v- We are glad to announce that Dr. J. S. Sharp and wife are now at home to their many friends. Since their marriage, they have been spending the time in New Orleans where the Dr. has been taking a course in the New Orleans Polyclinic. r 4 COUGHED ALU NIGHT But Quickly Cured by Chamber- lains Cough Remedy. A few mornings ago Mr. J. G. Smitherman, a good citizen of this place, came to the store for a cough medicine,says Dr. C. N. Parnell, of Maplesville, Ala. He was so hoarse that he could hardly talk and said he had coughed all the night before. I sold him a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and told him that if it did not relieve him he might bring the bottle back and get his money. I him the next morning carrying the bottle to the store where he works, and he told me it did him more good than any medicine he ever used. For sale by The Second Class Drug Store. When you take Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic because tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle show- ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay Sash, doors, windows and blindsthe very bestat reasonable prices, can be had at the yards of the Grena- da Lumber Co. .. 50C. All graduates of the Grenada Graded School are requested to meet at the school building Tuesday afternoon March 21st, at 4 oclock. The object of this meeting is to form an Alumni Association. Graduates please attend. Mrs. W. W. Westbrbok, of Jackson, Tenn., and Mrs. J. N. Ilickman, of Jackson, Miss., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. . Physicians should know that they can find a full line of Warners goods at Hughes Drug Store at Memphis and New Orleans price, less freight. 5 J Pleasant and Harmless. Dont drug the stomach to cure a cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucus, draws the inflammation out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Cough. One Minute Cough Cure re- lieves a cough in one minute because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the cough troubles—in the throat or deep-seated on the lungs. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store. $5 and $6. is•4^*7 -i, Pi;-Vi Buy one pair and you will never want any other shoe. The summer season is coming on. Let us begin our sanitary work now. A short route to dispose of many un- sanitary places is to compel each and every one on sewerage lines to con- nect. s J,-. saw V'"/' © If Boyd sells you a horse or mule and it is not sound in mind and body he makes it good. This is why he is such a popular stf»ck dealer. 19 0 ■■r.r R. Pressgrove & Company take pleasure in announcing that Misses Vivian Adams and Katy Brower are now exercising their best skill in their millinery department where they will be pleased to see all of their friends. # Sold Exclusively by §P When the birds begin to sing And the green apples begin to swing In the balmy breeze of Spring, It is time, I am sure You should holler for a swaller Of SemmesCholera Cure. 2nd Class Drug Store. - It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dades Little Liver Pills and enjoy their tonic effect upon the liver. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store. GRENADA DRY GOODS CO. Call Meeting of County Cotton Association. I hereby call a meeting of the Gre- nada county convention of the Sothern Cotton Association to meet at the court house in Grenada on Saturday March 2otb, 1905, at 11 oclock a m. Let every Beat be well represented. Business of importance to all. Dont fail to come. Messrs. S. T. Tatum and II. L. Du- Bard are attending the State Conven- tion of the Woodmen of the World in Natchez. We are glad to announce that Con- ductor R. Sims has sufficiently recov- ed from his accident sustained more than six months ago to take charge of his train again on the Y. & M. V. railroad. AWMD&DKdsjfA Depressed n It'S the Liver. f4 E. L. AUSTINS SemmesTasteless Wine Cod Liver Oil will give you stamina and make you fat. Will also break up that old chronic cough. A I. M. Stevens, President. We direct attention to the ad. of Mr. N. H. Noble, cident we located him on Depot street last week when we should have said Green street. ■■ ANNOUNCEMENT By a singular ac- m I 2nd Class Drug Store. f-4 The old reliable is in business to stay. classes of lumber and building mater- ial which we are selling cheap. Come and examine for yourself. Grenada Lumber Co. r *»>■ We handle all grades and all a ; iej We want your business. Ourdrugs are pure and fresh. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. For prompt service call at HughesDrug Store. Dont fall to get today at your druggists a of herbine «*• * new woman after taking tSaTl£5 boui Ganla. ALL DRUGGISTS. Miss Mae Quigley, who was with E. L. Austin last season, is here and will be glad to see the ladies generally and show them through our millinery de- partment. I ■i Hon. Wm. C. McLean has returned, after several weeks stay on his orange plantation in Florida. h , Little Margarette Moody entertain- ed a number of her little friends on the evening of the 11th, from 3 to 5 oclock in honor of her fourth birth- day. Dainty refreshments were serv- Where did you get that beautifully finished lumber, so free from knots? From Grenada Lumber Company, and at prices cheaper than I could buy it by the car load from the mills., Mr. B. C. Duncan is now in St. Louis purchasing bis spring stock of goods. ' >■; ... S W) Sold by Second Class Drug Store. See Grenada Oil Mill for Fertilizers, ed. "i- g&J. iigV V. iiif iL’ff*-'' - % ip# SB8&J3 MS

ItTSr Jm W i · profiles, specifications, etc. obtained. This ordinance takes effect thirty days after its passage and will duly appear in The Sentinel. This ordinance, besides securing

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Page 1: ItTSr Jm W i · profiles, specifications, etc. obtained. This ordinance takes effect thirty days after its passage and will duly appear in The Sentinel. This ordinance, besides securing

I igjj;: &[■-'If ■ \

-If*i£il >?3r-rpPl ?sp• <*v? c ?-.*


The Side Walk Ordinance.i. C. O'Neal Kills E. W. Bruntee at Duck

Hill. Miss.

On Thursday of this week Mr. J. C. O’Neal, of Duck FIlll, shot and killed Mr. E. W. Bruntee, a farmer who lived near the place. The difficulty occurred near the edge of that town and there were no eye witnesses. O’Neal, a few days ago, sued Bruntee on a debt which was evidently the prime cause of the unfortunate inci­dent. Bruntee, we learn, was unarmed. Mr. O’Neal is well and favorably known here and his many friends very much regret the unfortunate circumstances that led to this trouble. lie promptly surrendered himself to the sheriff.

Postmaster Weigert Resigns.

Postmaster Weigert has tendered his resignation to the Postofflce De­partment and the same has been ac­cepted. The reasons prompting Mr. Weigert to resign are unknown to the public, but it is supposed that he thought the compensation inadequate considering the delicate and trying duties of the office.

Messrs. George W. Fields and W. H. Johnson are both seeking the ap­pointment, and are both well and numerously endorsed by the citizens and business men of the town, appointment will doubtless be made in a few days.

The Sentinel,91The Board of Mayor and Aldermen,

at its adjourned session on last Mon­day night passed an ordinance requir­ing all side walks hereafter laid in the city to be put down at the expense of the abbutting property owners with the provision that when they arc con­structed of granolithic concrete and according to the specifications required for such sidewalks, the city shall do the necessary grading and lay the gut­ters and curbings.

The ordinance further provides fbr the construction of granolithic side walks upon several of the most promi­nent streets as soon as the survey of the streets provided for in the ordi­nance passed on March 6, shall have been made and the necessary grades, profiles, specifications, etc. obtained. This ordinance takes effect thirty days after its passage and will duly appear in The Sentinel.

This ordinance, besides securing good and attractive side walks for the city, does away with the practice of putting down plank and cinder walks by the city, which has proven expensive and inefficient.


Entered at the Postofflce at Grenada. Miss as second-class mall matter. BALM 'll!LV JmItTSr

% WSATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1905. raft

ffliI H r

Grenada still leads.

Fertelizers at Grenada Oil Mill.

Buy your mules from A. B. Boyd.

Buy your fertilizers of the Grenada Oil Mill.


>**•A Jumping', aching, nerve racking

toothache with all the suffering Im­aginable, with days of Indoor life, with hourly applications of hot water, and ruined temper, or a 5® or 60 cent bottle of the best toothache remedy compounded.



The Original.

Foley & Go., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley’s Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley’s Honey and Tar and refuse any substi­tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains noopiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sale by The Second Class Drug Store.

The Miller Bryan Comyany Here.

The Miller Bryan Company enter­tained Grenada audiences Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nightsatth* Opera House, and to say that one and all were pleased and highly enjoyed the show every night, is not saying to much. It is a clean troup and there is the absence of many objec­tionable little incidents that so often bring the blush to the cheek of the modest young lady or gentleman. The company deserves a good house where- ever it goes.

It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of acold unless you move the bowels. Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system. Then comes its soothing ef­fect and strengthening influence upon the throat and lungs. For Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, and all Lung and Bronchial affections, no remedy is equal to the original Laxative Honey and Tar. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store.

The two sermons by Rev. B. P. Jaco in the Methodist church last Sunday, and the address before the Christa!n Workers at the Baptist church in the afternoon were unusually helpful dis­courses. They showed careful thought and clase study. Rev. Jaco made a good impression on those who were so fortunate as to hear him.—Carrollton Conservative.

The Colonel’s Waterloo.Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey

Grove, Texas, nearly met his Water­loo, from Liver and Ktdney trouble. In a recent letter, he says: nearly dead, of these complaints, and, although I tried my family doctor, be did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them.” Sold, and guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by The Second Class Drug Store, at 50c a bottle.

* -Dr. Hunt sRangum Root LinimoRt

It’s an easy matter to make your selection In a case of this kind. Ton will Certainly take the liniment. It fives Instant relief and always cures.

Life is too short to suffer with a toothache—yet a bottle of Dr. Bant s Rangum Boot Liniment today and protect your entire family. It is easily applied and will not soil the linen. How is this for evidence of its worth.

For a good mule or horse go to A. B. Boyd.

There is not such a difference in men as in what they do.

m-------' A. B. Boyd is selling the stock. He has some for you.

Miss Berta Brown is visiting atSumner, Miss., this week.

----- - -------Exercise is healthful. Try Bowling.

It will work off that tired felling.

The Aroma of that cigar is fine. It is from Hughe’s Drug Store.

The Pool room is under good man­agement.

Dr. F. II. Smith and wife of Water Valley, were in Grenada last Sunday.

Hughes’ Drug Store is closing out a full line of Jacobs’ candy at low fig­ures.

< 1 I was.


Al, Tenn., July 13,1890.Ban yum Boot Medloine Company, Kaahvills. Tenn.

Gentlembx—I take pleasure to recommending yonr valuable medicine as a tootnacne medicine. 1 have suffered a great deal with tbe toothache for the last six months and have tried aererai remedies, but your liaugum Hoot Liniment beau them all.

Yours truly, J. B. GOUDBT.Remember Dr. Hunt’s Raneum Root Liniment Is good for everything a good

liniment Is good for. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle at your druggist. If ha will not supply you. remit direct to us.


• Nashville, Tennessee.

The money hereafter spent by the city in making these temporary walks will be used to prop­erly grade the streets and lay the gut­ters and curbings for the new grano­lithic side walks, and will thus be expended in permanently improving the streets of the city.

>- ...Dr. W. H. Whitaker Presented a Gold Trowel

Immediately after the morning service at the Mayor’s office by the Presbyterian congregation on Sunday morning, the pastor. Rev. J. C. Carothers, in a few well timed remarks, presented to Dr. W. II. Whitaker a handsome and beautifully engraved gold trowel. Dr. Whitaker accepted the very appropriate expression of es­teem, an evidence of appreciation of his labors in the work of planning for the new church, by his brethren, in a few select remarks full of feeling and his joy at receiving such a splendid gift..

Engraved on the trowel was: Pre­sented to Dr. W. II. Whitaker, P. M., W. M., Grenada Lodge No. 31, Gre­nada, Miss. Acting Grand Master Ceremony Laying Corner Stone New Presbyterian Church, Grenada, Miss., Sept. 23, 1904.

jglpFJGo and see for yourself. Gives Health, Vigor and Tone.

Herbine is a boon for sufferers from ancamia. By its use the blood is quickly regenerated and the color be­comes normal. The dropping strength is revived. The languiar is diminish­ed. Healtii, vigor and tone predomi­nate. New life and happy activity re­sults. Mrs. Belle II. ShireR Middle- borough, Ills., writes; “I have been troubled with liver complaint and poor blood, and have found nothing to bene­fit me like Ileibine. I hope never to be without it. I have wished that I had known of it in my husband’s life­time.” Sold by The Second Class Drug Store’



V >•-i The Grenada Oil Mill announces to the farming public that they will build at once a Modern Gin System capable of ginning 1000 bales of cot­ton per month. Gin will be ready for the first bale of cotton that comes to Grenada the coming sea­son. Best service is premised. . .

Let your past guide your foot­steps into righteous paths for the fu­ture.

For the best razors and good cutlery of all kinds,Store.

Read carefully the ad. of R. Press- grove & Co. do so.

Mr. J. C. Wilson has one of Presi­dent Roosevelts’ fraternity(?) pins.Ask to seet it.


Mr. A. B. Boyd made anotliey trip r to Kentucky this week and purchased

52 head of flue mules.

Try White Pine Expectorant for your cough. It does the work.

2nd Class Drug Stote.

Misses Garring, of Yazoo City, and Parker, of Elliott, are visiting Mrs.E. S. Howard, in the city.

—------- ------------- -

Womans’ Health Restorer cures all kinds of female weakness.

2nd Class Drug Store.


go to Hughes’ Drug

It is to your interest toOn Friday, March 24, the Seniors

of Grenada College will present at the opera house a two-act comedy, en­titled, ‘‘Mr. Bob.” This performance is under the direction of Miss Rusk, teacher of expression, whose constant supervision ao rehearsals insures the success of the play. The College Orchestra, with Miss Carr, as di­rectress, will add an attractive fea­ture to the program, in numbers pre­sented before the rising of the cur­tain and between acts.

Price of admission 35 cents; resev- ed seats, 50 cents.

The proceeds of the evening are to be used in the purchase of books for the college library. All friends of education and of the college are re­quested to encourage the young iadies in their efforts. Let’s give them a large audience.

• ?

Women’s Kidneys.

Women are more often afflicted with kidney disorders than .men, but attribute the symptoms to diseases peculiar to their sex, while in reality the kidneys are deranged. Nervous­ness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, pain in the back, are signs of kidney trouble that must not be ignored, or a serious malady will result. Foley’s Kidney Cure has re­stored the health of thousands of weak, nervous, broken-down women. It stops irregularities and strengthens the urinary organs. It purifies the blood aud benefits the whole system. For sale by Tbe Second Class Drug Store.



White & Hartsookf-4

ARCHITECTS AND CONTRACTORSOur genial friend, Mr. W. M. Cook,

of Oxford, stopped over in Grenada this week on bis way to Jackson. He if always a welcome visitor, and is entertaining interesting in conversa­tion. While disdaining politics for himself, he keeps bis ear to the ground and always knows where the wires are being laid.

As the city undertakes to grade and lay the curbings of the granolithic side walks it will not prove burden­some upon the property owners to put down these walks, and the added val­ue which these walks will give to their property will more than repay them for the cost of putting them down.


i Will furnish plans and specifications on all buildings. We keep posted in the latest styles of architecture and promise those who favor us with their patronage the best satisfaction. Those desiring to see us, when we are out of the city, will please call upon H. W. Latimer as to our whereabouts........................................................................

Ladies are cordially invited to at­tend the Bowling Alley Thursday after­noon of each week. Get in line, girls. Our Sunday morning service will be

for the Sunday school especially, but we want everybody to attend. These services with and for the young peo­ple and children ought to be most in­teresting and helpful to us all. Let the Sunday school pupils all come prepared to assist in tbe singiug; and be sure to invite your parents and friends. We appreciate the presence of the friends outside of our own mem­bership who were with us last Sunday morning and evening. Favor us with your presence as frequently as pos­sible. We will gladly find you a place in our pews and our prayers.

Wm. Roberts, Pastor, Baptist Church.

Twinkle, twinkle little star!Tell me, is it very farTo a place to buy a good cigar?Why, no! the little star replied,For so many people have tried The Kelly cigar, aud are satisfied The the best place is the drug store, Owned and managed by B. E. Moore.

A setting hen gathers no moss,A man’s wife is generally his boss;So take warning, be you rich or poor; And buy drugs from B. E. Moore,

Remember well and bear in mind. When pure drugs you wish fo find, Just as sure as 2 and 2 makes 4,You will find them at B. E. Moore’s.

Roses red and violets blue,Wiley’s candy will agree with you— ’Twill make you fat, instead of poor, Come and buy it of B. E. Moore.

Ding dong dell, the cat’s in the well— The best of everything, to sell.Be it drugs, soda, tobacco or soap,You will buy of B. E. Moore, I hope.


Buy the Parker Fountain Pen and you get the best.

2nd Class Drug Store.8 f-4

nnir-4-12tHughes’ Drug Store is the place to

go for a large and complete line of ^oods sold as cheap as any body can sell.


f. -<-«- ■Something New for Hedake and

Nuralga, Coffa Febrin Liquid and Powders. Try it.

2nd Class Drug Store.

We are glad to note that Mr. J. C. Perry has returned from Hot Springs much improved in health. He says he feels like a new man.

— -• ----- —

Mrs. Sam Cowan and little daughter, of Winona, were guests of relatives and friends in Grenada first of the week.

Visit the Pool Room and Bowling J Alley. All business men need recrea­tion; there is none better than bowl­ing.

Take Care of Your FeetMr. John Smith,My Dear Husband:—Go to Hughes’

Drug Store and get me a bottle of that Liquid Veneering. It gives fur­niture a new and durable polish. It is the genuine veneering.



J * by putting them in the . . .

Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes

For comfort, ease and durability they are unexcelled. They are decided- ly the most popu­lar shoe on the market. They re­tail at

Mrs. John Smith.Within the next few days every citi­

zen on the sewerage lines, not already connected, will be served with the fol­lowing notice.

There is near your premises a pub­lic sewer line, and I hereby give you final notice that if your premises are not connected with same, I will be compelled to make an affidavit against you. All surface closets on or near sewer line and not connected with same, must be removed. If you are a renter either of a dwelling or business house you will save yourself trouble and the expense of paying fines by see­ing your landlord, and having him make the necessary connections to comply with sanitary ordinance.

■ v-We are glad to announce that Dr. J. S. Sharp and wife are now at home to their many friends. Since their marriage, they have been spending the time in New Orleans where the Dr. has been taking a course in the New Orleans Polyclinic.

r4 •■


But Quickly Cured by Chamber­lain’s Cough Remedy.

A few mornings ago Mr. J. G. Smitherman, a good citizen of this place, came to the store for a cough medicine,” says Dr. C. N. Parnell, of Maplesville, Ala. “He was so hoarse that he could hardly talk and said he had coughed all the night before. I sold him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and told him that if it did not relieve him he might bring the bottle back and get his money. I

him the next morning carrying the bottle to the store where he works, and he told me it did him more good than any medicine he ever used. For sale by The Second Class Drug Store.

When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle show­ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay

Sash, doors, windows and blinds— the very best—at reasonable prices, can be had at the yards of the Grena­da Lumber Co.



All graduates of the Grenada Graded School are requested to meet at the school building Tuesday afternoon March 21st, at 4 o’clock. The object of this meeting is to form an Alumni Association. Graduates please attend.

Mrs. W. W. Westbrbok, of Jackson, Tenn., and Mrs. J. N. Ilickman, of Jackson, Miss., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. .

Physicians should know that they can find a full line of Warner’s goods at Hughe’s Drug Store at Memphis and New Orleans price, less freight.

5 J

Pleasant and Harmless.Don’t drug the stomach to cure a

cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucus, draws the inflammation out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Cough. One Minute Cough Cure re­lieves a cough in one minute because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the cough troubles—in the throat or deep-seated on the lungs. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store.

$5 and $6. is•4^*7-i,

Pi;-ViBuy one pair and you will never want any other shoe.

The summer season is coming on. Let us begin our sanitary work now. A short route to dispose of many un­sanitary places is to compel each and every one on sewerage lines to con­nect.

sJ,-. saw V'"/'©

If Boyd sells you a horse or mule and it is not sound in mind and body he makes it good. This is why he is such a popular stf»ck dealer.


0 ■■r.r

R. Pressgrove ’ & Company take pleasure in announcing that Misses Vivian Adams and Katy Brower are now exercising their best skill in their millinery department where they will be pleased to see all of their friends.

# Sold Exclusively by §PWhen the birds begin to singAnd the green apples begin to swing

In the balmy breeze of Spring,It is time, I am sure

You should holler for a swaller Of Semmes’ Cholera Cure.

2nd Class Drug Store.

- It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade’s Little Liver Pills and enjoy their tonic effect upon the liver. Sold by The Second Class Drug Store.

GRENADA DRY GOODS CO.Call Meeting of County Cotton Association.■

I hereby call a meeting of the Gre­nada county convention of the Sothern Cotton Association to meet at the court house in Grenada on Saturday March 2otb, 1905, at 11 o’clock a m. Let every Beat be well represented. Business of importance to all. Don’t fail to come.

Messrs. S. T. Tatum and II. L. Du- Bard are attending the State Conven­tion of the Woodmen of the World in Natchez.

We are glad to announce that Con­ductor R. Sims has sufficiently recov­ed from his accident sustained more than six months ago to take charge of his train again on the Y. & M. V. railroad.

’AWMD&DKdsjfA Depressed n

It'S the Liver.


E. L. AUSTIN’SSemmes’ Tasteless Wine Cod Liver Oil will give you stamina and make you fat. Will also break up that old chronic cough.

AI. M. Stevens, President.We direct attention to the ad. of

Mr. N. H. Noble, cident we located him on Depot street last week when we should have said Green street.

■■ANNOUNCEMENTBy a singular ac-

mI 2nd Class Drug Store.f-4 The old reliable is in business to stay.classes of lumber and building mater­ial which we are selling cheap. Come and examine for yourself.

Grenada Lumber Co.

r ■

*»>■We handle all grades and all a;

iej • We want your business. Ourdrugs are pure and fresh. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. For prompt service call at Hughes’ Drug Store.

Don’t fall to get today at your druggists a of

herbine«*• * new woman after taking tSaTl£5 boui


Miss Mae Quigley, who was

with E. L. Austin last season,

is here and will be glad to see

the ladies generally and show

them through our millinery de­


I ■■iHon. Wm. C. McLean has returned,

after several week’s stay on his orange plantation in Florida.

h ,

Little Margarette Moody entertain­ed a number of her little friends on the evening of the 11th, from 3 to 5 o’clock in honor of her fourth birth­day. Dainty refreshments were serv-

Where did you get that beautifully finished lumber, so free from knots? From Grenada Lumber Company, and at prices cheaper than I could buy it by the car load from the mills.,

Mr. B. C. Duncan is now in St. Louis purchasing bis spring stock of goods.

' >■;

... S

W)Sold by Second Class Drug Store.See Grenada Oil Mill for Fertilizers, ed.


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