PACIFIC CITIZEN Ivol s; NO-13 SALT LAKECITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1944 Prce:FveCento War Departent Announces 34 Japanese A ercans Klled, 162 Wounded n Acton WASHINGTON— Te War Departent announced tswee tat 34 Aercan soldersof Japanese ancestry avebeen lled 9 ld 162 wounded n recent cobat acton. Te announceent ncluded notceof te deat n acton of S Japanese A ercan, Tec. Sprt.Yutaa Mzutar ofHlo, X Hawa, n te SoutwestPacfc teatre. All oter casualtes I «re reported fro te Medterranean area. Next of n ave I been prevously notfed. t On Sept. 28 te WarDepart ent announced tat tefol- I lowngsolders were lled nacton n te Medterranean area: KOJAKU, Pfc Saw—Mrs.Masue Koau, oter,WRA I center, Rvers, Arz. TAKAGI,Ist Leut BoonX—Mrs. WnfredS. Taag, wfe, I Grfftsrlle, Aransas. MURANAGA, Pfc Kyos X.—Mrs.K uyo Muranaga, I oter, WRA center,Aace, Colo. KAWAGUCHI, Pvt. Jon R.—Mrs.MtsuKawaguc, ot- I e r WRA center, Hunt, Idao. HAN A, Pvt. Clfford H.—Mrs. Elzabet Hana, oter, I 2 Depot St., C ateaugay, N. Y. KAJIWARA, Pfc Nobuo—YuroKawara, fater, WRA I center, Topaz,Uta. TERRITORY OF HAWAII FUKUHARA,Prt. HerbertM.—Mss Betsy H. Fuuara, I sster, 1813RepublcanSt., Honolulu. HAYAKA^A, PfcHarryM.—Mrs. Tsuya Hayaawa, ot- [ er, Dole Sdng, CapWa awa, Oau. HIGA, Pfc. Edde X.—Mrs.UsyaHga, oter,Box 15, Pepeeeo, Hawa. HIGA, Sgt. WlsonE.—Mrs.Us Hga, oter, Aea, Oau. HIRAMATSIT.Pfc.Kazuo L. Mrs. Yu oHra atsu, ■oter,435-1 Lla Court Lane, Honolulu. HIRAOKA, Pfc Gene W.—Tsutou Hraoa,broter, Keole Rd., Kaneoe, Oau. HIRAYAMA, Pvt. Yasuo—Mrs.K o Hraya a, oter, 354 AKuuau St., Hlo, Hawa. HISANO, Pvt. Masao—Hranobu Hsano. broter, Box 425, Hana,Man!. INOUYE, Pfc. Masato—Mrs. TatsuoMatsuda, oter, 2123 Algaroba St., Honolulu. \ ITO, Pvt. Tetsuo Ka esu Ito, fater, 449 Koula St., Honolulu. KANESHIRO, Pvt. Yasuo—Yasuc Kanesro, fater, HatUu, Hawa. KIMURA, Pfc Matsuc—Kyos K ura, fater. 715 Brc St., Honolulu. MATSUMOTO, Pvt.Sadao—Mrs. Asayo Matsuoto, oter, Box 144,Waa analo, Oau. MATSUSHIMA.PvL Kazuo—Toyoc Matsus a, fater, Cap 1 Maawel, Kaual. MIYAKE, Pvt. Tetsuo—Mrs. Sonoe Myae, oter,Box 1483, Lue, Kaua. MORISHITA,PfcTaeo—Moac Mors ta, fater, 2059 Nort Kng St., Honolulu. NAKAMINE,Prt.S nyea—Mrs.Us Naa ne, oter, Box126, Waanae, Oau. NIIDB,Pfc S geto—Seac Kozawa, uncle,Pepeeeo, H . - NISHIKAWA, Pvt. Ao Hegoro Ns awa, fater, Paa, Mau. NOZAKI, Sgt.Al V.—Mrs. K yo Noza, oter Box524, Waalua. Oau. OKAMOTO, Pfc To so—Mss FueOa oto, sster, Wa- lan, Mau. \ OTSUKA, Pvt. Jro Mrs.Sano Otsua, oter, Tbrner^ Kaaa. , SHIGIHARA, Pvt. Taes—Matsusue Sgara,fater, Putene, Mau. TERADA, PfcHenry Ml—Mrs. Rut S. Terada, oter, 211 Nort Scool St., Honolulu. TOKUSHIMA, PvtPatrc M. Masafude Tous a, Wer, 98 Sout Scool St.. Honolulu. TOMIKAWA,Pfc Calvn T.—Mss Maron T. To awa, IMter, Rear 174 Nort Kng St., Honolulu. TSUTSUI. Pfc. Kazu—Taa Tsutsu, fater,Box 365, P»oa, Hawa. On Sept. 28 teWar Departent announced te deat of ■e followng Japanese A ercan nacton n teSoutwest Pa- cfc area: MIZUTARI, Tec.Sgt.Yutaa Mrs. Suee Mzutar, Boter, Kauana, 5 Mles, Hlo, Hawa. On Sept. 25 and 26 te WarDepartent announced te "aes of te followngsolderswounded n acton n te Med- terranean area: IKARI, Pvt. Noran S.—Mrs. Su Iar, oter, WRA wter, Poston, Arz. NUMAMOTO, Tec. st Gr. Kazuo D.—Mrs. Hsano Nu- |«oto, oter, WRA center, McGeee, Ar. SHIBATA. StaffSgt.Kennet X.—Mrs. Sano Sbata, S_ Bo"W, Haybro, Colo. ' TOGASHI, Pfc Naoye—S nsaburo Togas ,fater, WRA ».Aace, Colo. .. KAWAHARA, Pvt Taas—Mrs. Vola Y. Kawaara, wfe, Clnton Aye., Broolyn 16, N. Y. , ~ YAMADA, Pvt. Wla M.—Mrs. Hsa Ya ada, oter, WRA center, Poston,Arz. __. , °HKI- Pfc. Edwn—Mrs. YayeO , oter, WRA center, NAGAOKA, PfcMlnoru—Mrs.Mue N. Nagaoa, oter, Hunt, Idao. .. NAKAGAMA,PfcYu—Mrs. Sacye Naaga a, oter, "44, Laevew Ore YOSHII, Pvt. Kyos—Sesue Yos , fater, WRA center, «. Uta. «..„ TERRITORY OF HAWAII £NDO, Pvt. Masaaru—Koc Endo, fater, 14 W na St., *"■» Oau. World War II Veterans Bac Rgts of Nse LOS ANGELES—An organ- zed group of veterans of World War II atte Unver- sty of Calforna at Los An- geles,te Cal Vets,passed a resoluton on Sept. 28 pledgng full cooperaton wt Japanese Aercan veterans wo are per. tted toresue ter studes at UCLA wt Ary pers- son. Calforna Wns Frst Case on Ant-Alen Law Judge Rules Ttle Of StoctonProperty To Revert to State STOCKTON In wat s con- sderedtobe aprecedent-settng decson, Judge Rayond M. Dunne ruled on Sept.20 n a Stocton superor court n favor of teState of Calfornaesceat, ng lands allegedly owned by alens ofJapaneseancestry but regsteredunder tenae of an Aercan-born ctzen of Japa- nesedescent. Judge Dunne found n te State'sfavorn tecase of Kyo- s Watanabe,allegedowner of truc far lands nearFrenc Cap, Calf. Te decsonwas s- sued on grounds Dstrct Attorney Cester Watson of San Joaqun ad proved benefcalownersp ofte land was n te ands of Watanabe, altoug teproperty was deeded n te nae of s son-n-law, Hdenor Asano. Te dstrct attorney ntroduc- ed ban accounts,land records and oter evdence to sow tat Watanabe,now n a relocaton center, was te benefcal owner and Asano was owner n nae only. Watanabe was notpresent at te earng eld nAugust, but Ary offcerstestfedtat every effort wouldbe adeto brng to Stocton f e desredto at- tend te tral. Under Judge Dunne's rulng te land, about 30acres, becoeste property of te State. Watson declared te sutwas consdered a test case and tat nftyoter suts would be fled. McWllas Beleves Many Evacuees Wll Not Return to Coast LOS ANGELES—Tousands of persons of Japanese ancestry evacuated fro te Pacfc coast aveestablsed oes ard bus- nesses elsewere. Carey McWl- las, forer StateCo ssoner of I gratonandHousng, told te Lawyer's Club onSept. 20. "If te pro bton aganst te JapanesenCalforna were lfted toorrow," e predcted,"only a few would trcle bac." Tree Arrested on Draft Cargesat Central Uta Cap Tree evacuees wo adappled for expatraton wt ter fa- les werearrested at te Topaz relocaton center n Uta on Sept. 26 oncanres of selectve servce volaton by Dety Marsal GeorpeM. Baer, t wasreported n Salt LaeCty. Te treeare SaayeYosnda. Hros Tsuyu Te and Satoru .Top Naara. Yos da, 18. s carged wt falure to regster forselectve servce,wle te oter two face cargesof fale to renort for nducton atFort Douglas, Uta, on Sept. 13.. One-Fourt of Evacuees May Not Return to For er Coast Hoes, Says WRADrector Myer Beleves Agency Mang Success of RelocatonProgra DENVER About a fourt of tepersons of Japanese descent wo are n relocaton centersor wo .ave taen obsnColorado andoter western states wll stay nts regon after te war, Dllon S.Myer, War Relocaton Autor- ty drector, predctedonSept. 24 n an ntervew wt Duncan Clar, staff wrter for te Rocy Mountan News. Teeg t reanng relocaton centersn te naton wll be closed assoon aspossbleafter teban onte return of persons of Japa- neseancestry to te west coast s lfed, Myer ndcated. Most of tose ntecapsor wo avebeen relocated ten wll return to te west coast, but about a fourt wll Want to staywere tey avefored new busness connectons and assocatons, e declared. "Tat souldn't beacausefor concern to busness n tese states," te WRA drector contn- ued."Te nu ber of personsof Japanese ancestrywowll want to stayn' ter new oes wll be suc a drop n te bucet,co- pared wt te total nu ber of resdents,tat any fears of bus- nessco petton aregroundless. "Fewer tan 20,000 persons, scattered troug outte naton are nvolved. Tere won't be a ass settleentofpersons of Japanese descent n Colorado or anywereelse, altoug teper- centage of te ntestate prob- ably wll reana lttle abovete pre-war fgure. "Tese people ave adea real contrbuton to te co untes were tey ave settled durng te war, andtey wll be useful ct- zensafter te war." Weter te exclusonof per- sons of Japaneseancestryfro te Pacfc coast wll berescnded before te war s over "s entre- ly uptote ar y," Mr. Myer sad. A few ndvduals ave already beenpertted to return. Te News wrter co ented: "Mr. Myer s agray-ared, un- pretentous an wose cal sees to ave reaned unruffled des- pte testorsof crtcs WRA asfaceddurng soe perods n ts exstence. "He tals as f te welfare of eac of te resdents of te relo- caton centers was s personal concern, and e caracterzes te as 'unfortunate people wo got caugt nte ddle ntewar.' He'squc todefendter loyalty and e ponts to te record of Japanese Aercansoldersn te war." Mr. Myer was n Denver tocon. fer wt proect drectorsof te war relocaton centers. "Tngsare alot queter now," esad wt a sle. "WRA as been nvestgated and crtczed as uc as any oter govern ent aerencv. but t assurvved, and t's rone wat we tn s a suc- cessful ob. We beleve te Aer- can people are realzng tat ore all te te. "We're relocatngnbout 450 per- sonsa wee. A total of oretan 31.000 ave been located, wncfa eans te ob s oretan a trd done. "We ave ad vrtually nore- sentent aganstsettleent of persons ofJananeßft descent n fornnnteß. O.we've ada few ncdents, but nearly allAf- cans realzngtesayner.'AJan saJap' snot neeessarlv true Japanese A ercan servce en certanly are fleetng for te A- ercan wnv of lfe. "Our bgproble as been, not pettng co untesto accept, peo- plefro relocaton renters, but to convnce te peonle n te centers, esnec'alv te older ones, tat tey w»lp«. accepted wtout resent- ent." Nse Volunteer Wounded for Second T e n Italy TOPAZ, Uta—Pfc.Taes Yatabe,wo volunteered for ltary duty fro teTopaz relocaton center n 1943,was wounded for te second te n te Italan war teatre, ac- cordng to War Depart entn. foratonrecevedby s wfe, Kun, wo resdes at26-3E, Topaz. Itwas also reported tat Sgt.Tada Nato, nep ew of Mr.and Mrs. Tadao Hor, 38- -9-E,was also wounded n ac- tonrecently. Hunt Solder Klled Recently OnItaly Front Pfc. Ara Kanza Volunteered for Cobat Duty fro Center HUNT, Idao—Te deat n ac- ton of Pfc.Ara Kanza on Aug. 29 nItaly was reportedby teWar Departent to spar- ents,Mr.and Mrs. K. Kanza , 42-6-B, onSept. 19. Pfc. Kanza, one of te 207 JapaneseA ercans to voluntee for te Cobat Tea fro te Mfndoa relocaton center,was te oldest offour sons, all of wa are n te ar ed forces. Hewas 22years of age. A forer resdent ofTJeattle,e was agraduate of Broadway ng scool. Hs oterbroters are Pvtß. Tsutou,Gap Selby;Htos, Fort Snellng andSatoru, ERC. EvacueesNot Welcoe, Says Gov. Osborn ArzonaGovernor Would Keep Nse Out of Hs State LOS ANGELE&—"Arzona does not want anyresdentsof Japa- neseancestry now or n te post- war perod," Gov.Sdney0. Os- born of Arzona declared nLos Angeles onSept. 22. "Ts s a Calfornaproble," Gov. Osbornsad. "Before tewar we adonly 700 Japanese n Ar- zona and ost of te were n te Salt Rvervalley. Calforna adtousands. "Orgnally, Calforna encour- agedte graton, tnngte Japanese would be ceap coole la- bor. Wen tey found oterwse, teyddn't want te .Well, we don't want te eter." Gov.Osborn reported tat no evacuees fro war relocaton cen- tersarebeng- perttedtorelo- cate n te stateof Arzona. Wounded Hollywood Nse BengTreated At Uta Hosptal HEARTMOUNTAIN,Wyo. Pfc. Noura, 27, forerly of Hol- lywood, Calf.,s now underspe- calzed treatent at Busnell GeneralHosptal, Brga Cty, Uta, for,wounds suffered nte Italanca pagn, t wasreported ere. Hes a broter of Mrs. Naoye Saoof Heart Mountan. Pfc. Noura, a veteranof 38 ontsservce, was overseas for four onts. He was flown fro Italy to Brga Cty. (Contnued onpage 2)

Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

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WarDepartmentAnnounces34JapaneseAmericansKilled,162Wounded i nAction

WASHINGTON—Th eWarDepartmentannouncedth i sweek■th at34AmericansoldiersofJapaneseancestryh avebeenk i lled9lid162wounded i n recentcombataction.

Th eannouncementi ncludednoticeofth edeath i nactionofSi Japanese

American,Tech .Sprt.Yuk i tak a Mi zutari ofHilo,XHawai i ,i nth eSouth westPacifi cth eatre.Alloth ercasualtiesI«rereportedfrom th eMediterraneanarea.Nextofk i n h aveIbeenpreviouslynotifi ed. t

OnSept.28th eWarDepartmentannouncedth atth efol-Ilowingsoldierswere k i lled i naction i nth eMediterraneanarea:

KOJAKU,PfcSh aw—Mrs.MasueKojak u,moth er,WRAIcenter,Ri vers,Ariz.

TAKAGI,IstLieutBoonX—Mrs.Wini fredS.Tak agi ,wife,IGriffi th sri lle,Ark ansas.

MURANAGA,Pfc Kiyosh i X.—Mrs.Ki k uyo Muranaga,Imoth er,WRAcenter,Amach e,Colo.

KAWAGUCHI,Pvt.Joh nR.—Mrs.MitsuKawaguch i ,moth -IerWRAcenter,Hunt,Idah o.

HANA,Pvt.Clifford H.—Mrs.Elizabeth Hana,moth er,I2DepotSt.,Ch ateaugay,N.Y.

KAJIWARA,Pfc Nobuo—Yuj i roKaj i wara,fath er,WRAIcenter,Topaz,Utah .

TERRITORY OFHAWAIIFUKUHARA,Prt.HerbertM.—MissBetsy H.Fuk uh ara,

I sister,1813RepublicanSt.,Honolulu.HAYAKAA,PfcHarryM.—Mrs.TsuyaHayak awa,moth -

[ er,DoleSidi ng,CampWah i awa,Oah u.HIGA,Pfc.EddieX.—Mrs.Ush i yaHiga,moth er,Box 15,

Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HIGA,Sgt.WilsonE.—Mrs.Ush i Higa,moth er,Aiea,Oah u.HIRAMATSIT.Pfc.Kazuo L.— Mrs.Yuk i k oHiramatsu,

■oth er,435-1Lili h aCourtLane,Honolulu.HIRAOKA,Pfc Genieh i W.—Tsutomu Hiraok a,broth er,

KeoleRd.,Kaneoh e,Oah u.HIRAYAMA,Pvt.Yasuo—Mrs.Kimi k o Hirayama,moth er,

354AKuk uauSt.,Hilo,Hawai i .HISANO,Pvt.Masao—HiranobuHisano.broth er,Box425,

Hana,Man!.INOUYE,Pfc.Masato—Mrs.Tatsuk oMatsuda,moth er,2123

AlgarobaSt.,Honolulu.\ ITO,Pvt.Tetsuo— Kamesuk i Ito,fath er,449 Koula St.,Honolulu.KANESHIRO, Pvt. Yasuo—Yasuk i ck i Kanesh i ro, fath er,

Hak tUu,Hawai i .KIMURA,PfcMatsuich i —Ki yosh i Kimura,fath er.715Bi rch

St.,Honolulu.MATSUMOTO,Pvt.Sadao—Mrs.AsayoMatsumoto,moth er,

Box144,Wai amanalo,Oah u.MATSUSHIMA.PvLKazuo—Toyoich i Matsush i ma,fath er,

Camp1Mak aweli,Kaual.MIYAKE,Pvt.Tetsuo—Mrs.SonoeMiyak e,moth er,Box

1483,Li h ue,Kauai.MORISHITA,PfcTak eo—Moh ach i Morish i ta,fath er,2059

North KingSt.,Honolulu.NAKAMINE,Prt.Sh i nyea—Mrs.Ush i Nak ami ne,moth er,

Box126,Waianae,Oah u.NIIDB,Pfc Sh i geto—Sieh ach i Kozawa,uncle,Pepeek eo,

Hmi i . -NISHIKAWA,Pvt.Ak i o — HeigoroNish i k awa,fath er,Paia,Maui.NOZAKI,Sgt.AlV.—Mrs.Kimi yoNozak i ,moth erBox524,

Waialua.Oah u.OKAMOTO,PfcTomiso—MissFumieOk amoto,sister,Wai-

lak n,Maui.\OTSUKA,Pvt.Jiro— Mrs.SanoOtsuk a,moth er,Tbrh nerKaaai.,SHIGIHARA,Pvt.Tak esh i —Matsusuk e Sh i gi h ara,fath er,Putmene,Maui.TERADA,PfcHenryMl—Mrs.Ruth S.Terada,moth er,211North Sch oolSt.,Honolulu.TOKUSHIMA,PvtPatrick M.— Masafude Tok ush i ma,

Wh er,98South Sch oolSt..Honolulu.TOMIKAWA,Pfc Calvin T.—MissMarionT.Tomi k awa,

IMter,Rear174North KingSt.,Honolulu.TSUTSUI.Pfc.Kazumi—Tamak i Tsutsui,fath er,Box 365,P»h oa,Hawai i .OnSept.28th eWarDepartmentannouncedth edeath of

■h efollowingJapaneseAmerican i naction i nth eSouth westPa-cifi carea:MIZUTARI,Tech .Sgt.Yuk i tak a— Mrs.SuemeMizutari,

Both er,Kaumana,5Miles,Hi lo,Hawai i .OnSept.25and 26th eWarDepartmentannouncedth e

"amesofth efollowingsoldierswounded i naction i nth eMed-i terraneanarea:IKARI,Pvt.Norman S.—Mrs.Sumi Ik ari ,moth er,WRAwiter,Poston,Ariz.NUMAMOTO,Tech .sth Gr.KazuoD.—Mrs.Hisano Num-

|«oto,moth er,WRAcenter,McGeh ee,Ark .SHIBATA.StaffSgt.Kenneth X.—Mrs.Sak i no Sh i bata,S_Bo"W,Haybro,Colo.'TOGASHI,PfcNaoye—Sh i nsaburoTogash i ,fath er,WRA».Amach e,Colo. ..KAWAHARA,PvtTak ash i —Mrs.ViolaY.Kawah ara,wife,ClintonAye.,Brook lyn 16,N.Y. , ~YAMADA,Pvt.Wi i li am M.—Mrs.Hisa Yamada,moth er,WRAcenter,Poston,Ariz. __. ,

°HKI-Pfc.Edwin—Mrs.YayeOh k i ,moth er,WRA center,

NAGAOKA,PfcMlnoru—Mrs.MumeN.Nagaok a,moth er,Hunt,Idah o. ..

NAKAGAMA,PfcYuj i —Mrs.Sach i yeNak agama,moth er,"44,Lak evi ew OreYOSHII,Pvt.Kiyosh i —Sei suk eYosh i i ,fath er,WRA center,«.Utah .«..„ TERRITORYOFHAWAII£NDO,Pvt.Masah aru—Koich i Endo,fath er,14Wi h k i naSt.,*"■»Oah u.

WorldWarIIVeteransBackRigh tsofNiseiLOS ANGELES—Anorgan-i zed groupofveterans ofWorldWarIIatth eUniver-sityofCaliforniaatLos An-geles,th eCalVets,passedaresolutiononSept.28pledgingfullcooperationwith JapaneseAmericanveteranswh oareper.mittedtoresume th ei rstudiesatUCLA with Armypermis-sion.

CaliforniaWinsFi rstCaseonAnti-Ali enLawJudgeRulesTitleOfStock tonPropertyToReverttoState

STOCKTON Inwh ati scon-sideredtobeaprecedent-settingdecisi on, Judge Raymond M.Dunneruled onSept.20 i naStock tonsuperiorcourti nfavorofth eStateofCaliforniaesch eat,i ng lands allegedlyowned byaliensofJapaneseancestrybutregisteredunderth enameofanAmerican-born citi zen ofJapa-nesedescent.Judge Dunne found i n th e

State'sfavori nth ecaseofKiyo-sh i Watanabe,allegedowneroftruck farm lands nearFrenchCamp,Calif.Th edecisi onwasi s-suedongroundsDistri ctAttorneyCh esterWatsonofSan Joaquinh ad provedbenefici alownersh i pofth elandwas i nth e h andsofWatanabe,alth ough th epropertywasdeeded i nth enameofh i sson-in-law,Hidenori Asano.Th edi stri ctattorneyi ntroduc-

edbank accounts,landrecordsandoth erevidencetosh ow th atWatanabe,now i na relocationcenter,wasth ebenefici alownerand Asanowas owneri nnameonly.Watanabewasnotpresentat

th e h eari ngh eld i nAugust,butArmyofficerstestifi edth ateveryeffortwouldbemadetobringh i mtoStock ton i fh edesiredtoat-tendth etri al.UnderJudgeDunne'srulingth e

land,about30acres,becomesth epropertyofth eState.Watson declaredth esui twasconsideredatestcaseand th atnftmyoth ersuitswouldbefiled.

McWilli amsBelievesManyEvacueesWi llNotReturntoCoast

LOS ANGELES—Th ousandsofpersons ofJapanese ancestryevacuatedfrom th ePacifi ccoasth aveestablish ed h omesaridbusi-nesses elsewh ere.CareyMcWil-liams,formerStateCommissi onerofImmigrationandHousing,toldth eLawyer'sClubonSept.20."Ifth eproh i bi ti onagainstth e

Japanesei nCaliforniawereliftedtomorrow,"h epredicted,"onlyafewwouldtrick leback ."

Th reeArrestedonDraftCh argesatCentralUtah Camp

Th reeevacueeswh oh adappliedforexpatriati onwith th ei rfami-li eswerearrestedatth eTopazrelocationcenteri nUtah onSept.26onch anresofselectiveserviceviolation by Demity Marsh alGeorpeM.Bak er,i twasreportedinSaltLak eCi ty.Th eth reeareSak ayeYosnida.Hirosh i TsuyumiTi e and Satoru.Top Nak ah i ra.Yosh i da, 18. i sch argedwith failuretoregisterforselectiveservice,wh i le th eoth ertwofacech argesoffailmetorenortfor i nduction atFortDouglas,Utah ,onSept.13..

One-Fourth ofEvacueesMayNotReturntoFormerCoastHomes,SaysWRADirectorMyerBelievesAgencyMak i ngSuccessofRelocationProgram

DENVER— Aboutafourth ofth epersonsofJapanesedescentwh oarei nrelocationcentersorwh o.h avetak en j obsi nColoradoandoth erwesternstateswi llstayi nth i sregionafterth ewar,DillonS.Myer,WarRelocationAuth or-i tydirector,predictedonSept.24i n an i nterview with DuncanClark ,staffwriterforth eRock yMountainNews.Th eeigh tremaini ngrelocation

centersi nth enationwillbeclosedassoonaspossibleafterth ebanonth ereturnofpersonsofJapa-neseancestrytoth ewestcoasti slifed,Myeri ndi cated.Mostofth osei nth ecampsor

wh oh avebeenrelocatedth enwillreturntoth ewestcoast,butaboutafourth willWanttostaywh ereth ey h aveformednew businessconnectionsandassociati ons, h edeclared."Th atsh ouldn'tbeacausefor

concern to business i n th esestates,"th eWRAdirectorcontin-ued."Th enumberofpersonsofJapaneseancestrywh owillwanttostayi n'th ei rnew h omeswillbesuch adropi nth ebuck et,com-paredwith th etotalnumberofresidents,th atanyfearsofbusi-nesscompetiti onaregroundless."Fewerth an 20,000 persons,

scattered th rough outth e nationare i nvolved. Th erewon'tbeamass settlementofpersons ofJapanesedescenti nColoradooranywh ereelse,alth ough th eper-centageofth em i nth estateprob-ablywi llremainalittleaboveth epre-warfigure."Th esepeopleh avemadeareal

contributi on to th ecommuniti eswh ereth eyh avesettledduringth ewar,andth eywi llbeusefulciti -zensafterth ewar."Wh eth erth eexclusionofper-

sonsofJapaneseancestryfromth ePacifi ccoastwillberescindedbeforeth ewari sover"isentire-lyuptoth earmy,"Mr.Myersaid.Afew indi vi duals h ave alreadybeenpermittedtoreturn.Th eNewswri tercommented:"Mr.Myeri sagray-h ai red,un-

pretentiousmanwh osecalm seemsto h averemainedunruffleddes-piteth estormsofcriti ci sm WRAh asfacedduringsomeperiodsi ni tsexistence."Hetalk sas i fth ewelfareof

each ofth eresidentsofth erelo-cation centers was h i s personalconcern,andh ech aracterizesth emas'unfortunate people wh ogotcaugh ti nth emi ddle i nth ewar.'He'squick todefendth ei rloyaltyand h epointstoth erecordofJapaneseAmericansoldiersi nth ewar."Mr.Myerwasi nDenvertocon.ferwith projectdirectorsofth ewarrelocationcenters."Th i ngsarealotquieternow,"

h esai dwith asmile."WRA h asbeeni nvestigatedandcriti ci zedasmuch asanyoth ergovernmentaerencv.buti th assurvived,andi t'srioi newh atweth i nk i sasuc-cessfulj ob.Webelieveth eAmeri-canpeoplearerealizi ngth atmoreallth eti me."We'rerelocatingnbout450per-

sonsaweek .Atotalofmoreth an31.000 h avebeenlocated,wnicfameansth e j obi smoreth anath i rddone."Weh aveh advirtuallynore-sentmentagainstsettlementofpersons ofJananeßftdescenti nfomrnnniti eß.Oh .we'veh adafewi nci dents,butnearlyallAmfi-cansrealizi ngth esayiner.'AJani saJap'i snotneeessarilvtrueJapanese American servicemencertainlyarefleetingforth eAm-ericanwnvoflife."Ourbigproblem h asbeen,notpettingcommuniti estoaccept,peo-plefromrelocationrenters,buttoconvinceth epeonlei nth ecenters,esnec'alivth eolderones,th atth eywj»lp«.acceptedwith outresent-ment."

Nisei VolunteerWoundedforSecondTime i nItalyTOPAZ,Utah —Pfc.Tak esh iYatabe,wh o volunteered formili tarydutyfrom th eTopazrelocationcenteri n1943,waswoundedforth esecond ti mei nth eItalianwarth eatre,ac-cordingtoWarDepartmenti n.formationreceivedby h i swife,Kuni,wh oresidesat26-3E,Topaz.Itwas alsoreported th at

Sgt.Tadami Naito,neph ewofMr.andMrs.TadaoHori,38--9-E,wasalsowounded i n ac-tionrecently.

HuntSoldierKilledRecentlyOnItalyFrontPfc.Ak i raKanzak iVolunteeredforCombatDutyfrom CenterHUNT,Idah o—Th edeath i nac-tionofPfc.Ak i raKanzak i onAug.29 i nItalywasreportedbyth eWarDepartmenttoh i spar-ents,Mr.andMrs.K.Kanzak i ,42-6-B,onSept.19.Pfc.Kanzak i ,oneofth e207JapaneseAmericanstovolunteeiforth eCombatTeam from th eMfnidok arelocation center,wasth eoldestoffoursons,allofwh am are i nth earmedforces.Hewas22yearsofage.AformerresidentofTJeattle,h e

wasagraduateofBroadwaynighsch ool.Hi s oth erbroth ers arePvtß.Tsutomu,GampSh elby;Hitosh i ,FortSnellingandSatoru,ERC.


LOSANGELE&—"ArizonadoesnotwantanyresidentsofJapa-neseancestrynowori nth epost-warperiod,"Gov.Sidney0.Os-bornofArizonadeclared i nLosAngelesonSept.22."Th i si saCaliforniaproblem,"

Gov.Osbornsaid."Beforeth ewarweh adonly700Japanesei nAri -zonaandmostofth em were i nth eSaltRivervalley.Californiah adth ousands."Origi nally,Californiaencour-

agedth emigration,th i nk i ngth eJapanesewouldbech eapcooliela-bor.Wh enth eyfoundoth erwi se,th eydidn'twantth em.Well,wedon'twantth em eith er."Gov.Osbornreportedth atno

evacueesfromwarrelocationcen-tersarebeing-permittedtorelo-catei nth estateofArizona.

WoundedHollywoodNisei BeingTreatedAtUtah HospitalHEARTMOUNTAIN,Wyo.—Pfc.Nomura,27,formerlyofHol-lywood,Calif.,i snowunderspe-ciali zed treatmentatBush nellGeneralHospital,Brigh am City,Utah ,for,wounds sufferedi nth eItaliancampaign,i twasreportedh ere.Heisabroth erofMrs.Naoye

Sak oofHeartMountain.Pfc.Nomura,aveteranof38month sservice,wasoverseasforfourmonth s.Hewasflownfrom ItalytoBrigh am City.

■ (Continuedonpage2)

Page 2: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

HASBGAWA,Cpl.Tamatsu— JintaroHasegawa,fath ,,Koah ua.Maul. er>HAYASHIKAWA, PfcFumio—Mori Hayash i k awaf.n,..

Box421,Pah oa,Hawai i . " 'laUler-KOHARA, Pfc. Hitosh i —Ri h ei Koh ara,fath er,Box 2*7

Naaleh u,Hawai i . *"'MATSUMOTO, Sgt.Goro—Sh i geru Matsumoto,broth er759-G Laniwai i St.Honolulu. lner>NAGAI,Pfc.Hideyuk i — YonezoNagai,fath er,Box212CaptainCook ,Hawai i .OKAZAKI, Pfc.Rich ard M—Tom N.Ok azak i ,broth *.

BoxA,Kuk ui h aolo,Hawai i . nw>SEKINE,PfcJoeV.—Mrs.Kimi Aida,sister,58Kamah n

St.,Hilo,Hawai i .SERIKAKU, StaffSgt.Stanley S.—WalterS. Seri k ak u

broth er,Kaneoh e,Oah u.YAMAUCHI, Pfc.Tak etosh i —Mrs.Tok uYamauch i ,moth er

221Walk erAye.,Wah i awa,Oah u."YOSHIWA, Pfc. Yosh i masa—Otomatsu Yosh i wa,fath er

Pah oa,Hawai i .OnSept.30th eWarDepartmentannouncedth enamesof

th efollowingsoldierswounded i naction i nth eMediterraneanarea:

INOUYE, Pfc.Susumu—Utaro Inouye,fath er,WRAcen-ter,Amach e,Colo.TATSUDA,SgtJimmyT.—JamesK.Tatsuda,fath er,WRA

center,Hunt,Idah o.NAKATANI,Pfc.Nobuo—Mrs.JessieH.Nak atani,wife.

5450South EastViewPark ,Ch i cago.TANAKA,Pvt.Ch esterG»—Mrs.GinTanak a,moth er,4984

Berth oleAye.,St.Louis,Mo.NAKAGAWA, Sgt.Tom T.—Mrs.TsuneNak agawa,WRA

center,Topaz,Utah .NAITO.PfcRich ardH.—Mr».HelenH.Naito,wife,Box

636,Pasco,Wash .NAKAMA,PfcJiei —Mrs.Ush i Nak ama,moth er,WRA


AKAMINE,Pfc.GeorgeH—MacS.Ak ami ne,broth er,909Hi k i naLane,Honolulu.AKAMINE,Tech .sth Gr.HerbertH.—KamaAk ami ne,fath -

er,Waiak eauk a,Hi lo,Hawai i .AKIYAMA,PfcHideo—Hisato Ak i yama,broth er,Heele,

Kauai.ANZAI,Pfc.Yosh i o—Mrs.Yosh i noA.Tak ah ash i ,si ster,

3229ManoaRd.,Honolulu.ARAKAKI,Pvt.Seiyei —Mrs.MatsuArak ak i ,moth er,Brodie

2,Box142,Wah i awa,Oah u.AKAKAWA,Pfc.JamesY.— TogoruArak awa,fath er,

2845-A 1HenrySt.,Honolulu.EBISUYA,Pvt.Kich i o—Yosh i toEbisuya,broth er,Waianse,

Oah u.EMOTO,Pvt.Tok uj i —Mrs.Sh i zuk oEmoto,moth er,Waipah u,

Oah u.ENDO,Pfc.Eich i —Sak uj i Endo,fath er,Box 516,I'aia,

Maui.FUJII,Pfc.Lawrence T.—Ki k umatsu Fuj i i ,fath er,1322

Ri ch ardLane,'Honolulu.FUJIOKA.Sgt.Mitsuru—Mrs.Fuj i ok a Fuk usawa,sister,

1802Kaewai PI.,Honolulu.FUJIYAMA,PfcHisash i —RobertI.Fuj i yama,broth er,630

Wai nak uAye.,Hilo,Hawai i .FUKUJI,PfcMasaoC—Mrs.OtomeT.Fuk uj i ,wife,Box

222,Puunene,Maui.FUKUSHIMA, Pvs.Tsuneh i sa—NobuoFuk ush i ma,broth er,

17331AlgarobaSt.,Honolulu.GORA,Pvt.FrancisP.—Mrs.Elizabeth K.Gora,moth er,

942AlewaDr.,Honolulu.GOYA,Pfc.Edwin S.—SanraGoya,fath er,Box487,W»i

pah u,Oah u.HAMADA,PfcErnestX.—Mrs.Li lli anA.Hamada,wife,

2208Booth Rd.,Honolulu.HAMADA,Pfc.Kaneich i —Mrs. Ch i eno Hamada,moth er,

Box16,Kapaa,Kauai.HAMADA,Pvt.Tetsuo—Mrs.Tok i Hamada,moth er,Box48,

Hi lo,Hawai i .HANDA,Pfc.David M.—Ralph K.Handa,broth er,1028

Pi i k oi St.,Honolulu.HARADA,PfcNorio—Haj i meHarada,broth er,430Lani

k aulaSt.,Hilo,Hawai i .HARAGUCHI,PfcTak ao—Sei j i roHaraguch i ,fath er,Bw

131,Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HAYASHI,Tech .Sgt.Tetsuo—Mrs.Ch i yonoHayash i ,moth -

er,Waialua,Oah u. „HAYASHIDA,Pfc.HenryV Yuh ach i Hayash i da,fath er,

Box11.Mountainvi ew,Hawai i .HEIRAKUJI,PfcWalterI.—Jack T.Heirak uj i ,fath er,Boi

20,Hawi,Koh ala,Hawai i .HIGA,Pfc.Haruo—TaruHiga,fath er,Kek ah a,Kauai.HIGUCHI,Sgt.Kak uto—Kak uzo Higuch i ,fath er, Hon«e

No.23,Aiea,Oah lfcsHOKAMA,PfcNoboru—MissHarueHok ama.sister,Box

46,Lanai City,Lanai.HONDA,Pvt.Mitsuo—EizoHonda,fath er,128BCaneSU

Wah i awa,Oah u.HONMA,Cpl.Sh i gemi —Yosh i oKondo,broth er,c/oBish op

Museum,Honolulu.ICHIMURA,StaffSgt.Yosh i o—Sh i zuoIch i mura,broth er,

3625Pah oaAye.,Honolulu.IDA,StaffSgtFredS.—Mrs.UmeIda,moth er,Box6,

Lanigai ,Oah u.INADA,Pvt.Th omasT.—Mrs.Ritsu Inada,moth er,1128

AuldLane,Honolulu.i ,INA,KB>lNA,KB> SgtJames J—MissMatsue Inak e,sister,909Lok ah i St.,Honolulu.ISHIGURO,Pvt.Fusao—lch i ro Ish i guro,broth er,Box8,

Kalah eo,Kauai.nw 18"AWA,Pfc.Kini ch i —Ki ntaroIsh i k awa,fath er,Pe«lCity,Oah u.k *JSHIoAWA> Staffs**-Sh i gek i —HappyY.Mitsuh i ro,h alf-broth er,2245StarRd.,Honolulu.KauaiS°DA> Pvt*Seish i ~lh ei Isoda'fath er.Box 279> Koloei

«f i °\P7LRobertM.—YoemonIto,fath er,1248North KingSt.,Honolulu.Li AMOTO,PfcHirosh i -HaruoIwamoto,broth er,Box1585,IWANAGA Pvt.Tadash i —GeorgeI.Iwanaga,fath er,1878

Lri i si tana, i st,Honolulu.«i.t.r<>iA£AY«?IlirLleut'WalterM.—MissKiyok o M.Iwas*,sister,Box527Wah i awa,Oah uIZUMIGAWA,PfcStanleyV.—MissKayKameyoIzumi-

ArmyHearingBoardDeniesPermittoDr.Och i k ubotoReturntoEvacuatedAreaInjunctionHearingContinuedforWeekByFederalJudge

LOSANGELES— Dr.GeorgeOch i k ubo,an.AmericanofJapa-nese ancestry,was denied th erigh ttoreturntoth ePacifi ccoastbyamili taryh eari ngboardofth eWesternDefenseCommand,i twasdisclosedonSept.26 i nanaffadavitfi led i nFederalJudgePiersonM.Hall'scourtwh ereDr.Och i k ubo seek san i nj uncti ontopreventth eArmyfromcontinui ngh i sexclusion.Th eaffidavi tstated:"Th epresence ofDr.George

Och i k ubo on th ePacifi c coastwouldconstituteapotentialdan-gertomi li tarysecurityandmili -tarynecessityrequiresth econtin-uanceofh i sexclusion."Itwas signedbyLieut.Col.

HaroldW.Sch wei tzer,executiveofficerofth eCivi lAffairsDivi -sion,WesternDefenseCommand.Judge Hallcontinuedth e i n-j uncti onh eari ngoneweek toper-mitDefenseAttorneyA.L.Wiri ntimetopreparearguments.Mean,wh i le,U.S.AttorneyCh arlesH.Carrannouncedth atoth eri mport.antaffidavi tspreparedby th eArmymaybepresenedatth eti meofth eh eari ng.Simi larproceedingsi nFederal

JudgeBenHarrison'scourtalsowerecontinuedforth esamerea-son,i twasstated.Th esixevac-ueesbringi ngth eactionareElmerS.Yamamoto,Todoyuk i Toda,Ki.yosh i Sh i gek awa,Ch arlesT.Tak -eda,Yosh i oEk i motoandMaryDuco,allofth eColoradoRiverre-locationcenteratPoston,Ariz.Dr.Och i k ubo i saresidentofTopaz,Utah .

CaliforniaCiti zensReportedUninterestedi nPersecutionOfJapaneseAmericanGroup

MonitorCorrespondentPointstoFailureofAttempttoGetSignaturesforIniti ati vePetiti onsToTigh tenPresentAnti-Ali enLandLaw

"Th erei sstrongevidenceth atth erank -and-fileciti zensofCal.i forniaarenoti nterestedi nwag-i ngbittereconomicandpoliti calwarfare againstJapanese.resi-dentsofth i sCoastwh enth emili -tarywari sended,"RodneyL.Brink ,Californiacorrespondentofth eCh ri sti anScienceMonitor,de.claredi nareportpublish edi nth enewspaper'sSept.22i ssue.Mr.Brink basedh i sconclusionsonth efai lureofani ni ti ati vepeti-tion,aimi ngtoli mi tfurth erth epeaceti meactivi ti esofalienJapa.nese,towinaplaceonth eNo-vemberballotbecauseofi nsuffi-cientsignatures.Th eproposed i ni ti ati velaw i n-tendedtoextendCalifornia'santi.alienlandlawfromth erealmofagricultureto i ncludecommercial,i ndustrialandresidentialproper-ties,Brink added.Itsadoption,h esaid,wouldh avereducedallalienJapanesetoth estatusofh i re-lings,sinceth eycouldnoth aveownedorleasedth ebasicpropertyonwh i ch toconductanybusinessofth ei rown."Th erei sgreatquestionastoth elegalityofth eproposedlaw,"th eMonitorcorrespondentsaid,al-th ough noti ngth atth e State's1913anti-ali enlandlaw h asbeentestedth rough th eUni tedStatesSupremeCourt.''interpreted,th efai lureofth eproposed i ni tati velawtosecureenough si gnerstoplaceItonth eNovember'ballotappearstomeanth atth esoundandfurywh i chh avebeenwh i ppedalongbycer-tainnewspapersandafew h i gh lyvocalorganizati onsh avefai ledtoimpressth epublicwh i ch doesth evoting."Mr.Brink declaredth atalth ough

"manyalienJapanese"maywishtorepatriateafterth ewar,manyoth ers,!indeed,donotwish togoback anddonoti ntendto."Th ei rfutureisboundtoth atofth ei rch i ldren,borni nth i scoun-try,Americanci ti zens."

IIEvacueesVolunteerforTooeleJobsHeartMountainNi seiSignUpforArmyOrdnanceWork

WASHINGTON—Twodaysbe-foreaWarDepartmentannounce-mentrevealedth atth eArmyi sre-cruiti ngqualifi ed maleevacueesfromth eeigh trelocation centersforemploymenti nArmyordnancedepotsatTooele,Utah andSioux,Nebrask a,ProjectDirectorGuyRobinsonreportedth at11HeartMountain famili es h ad alreadysigneduptowork atTooele,th eWRAreported."Itlook s,"Robinsonsaid i na

reporttoWash i ngtononSept.9,"asth ough HeartMountainwillsupplyth equotaallottedth emforth i sdepot.",With ti h ereturn ofseasonalwork erstoth eprojectsi ti sh opedth atth erecruitmentforth i svitalwarwork willproceedrapidly.In-dicati ons h avebeen madeth atmanywork erscanbeusedatth eseandoth erArmydepotsi fth eem-ploymentofevacueesprovessuc-cessful.

JapaneseAmericanSeamanReturnsfrom InvasionCoastJoeYosh i no,formerlyofAla-

meda,Calif.,wh ovolunteeredfoith eJapaneseAmerican CombatTeam i n1943,wasamemberofth ecrewofoneofth efirstmer-ch antsh i pstoenterCh erbourg,followingth e li beration ofth estrategicFrench ch annelport,accordingtoaletterreceivedbyamemberofh i sfamily.Yosh i no,wh otrainedwith th ft442ndCombatTeam,wasreleasedbyth eArmysoth ath ecouldre-sume h i spre-waroccupationofengineeronamerch antsh i p.In h i sletterYosh i no toldofseeingflyingbombsfi redbyth eGermansagainstEngland.Hede-clared i nJi i sletter:"Arrivedback i nNewYork i nonepiecelastweek .Wewerei nIreland j ustafewdaysbeforeth e

openingofth esecondfront i nFrance. Aftergoingtoseveralportsi aScotland,Wales,andEngland,wewentth rough th eStraitsofDovertoth ebeach h ead,andth enontoCh erbourgl.

"InLondonwe h adairraidsseveraltimeseverynigh t.Wesawmanyflyingbombs;wh i legoingth rough th estraits,severalofth ebombscameclosetons.Wesawafewsh otdown. Wh i le i nth eNorth Seawepassedapointj ust38mi lesfrom occupiedBelgium.Th eareawasvirtuallyagrave-yard,forth egreatsh i pswh i choncesailedth eseven seaswerelefttorotaway.Ievensawonesh i psunk beforemyveryeyes.NowIcanunderstandth emean-i ngofairsupremacy."Having come th rough suchdangerouswaters,wh erei n th «treach erousenemylurk s,Icon-sidermyselfveryfortunate.

TtI"8sh o<*lng,painfulnewsIh eardonmyreturn,ofth edeathi nactionofsomanyofmybud-di esofth e442ndInfantry.Ih opeth eyh avenotdiedInvain."Joe Yosh i no i sone ofmanyJapaneseAmericanmerch antsea-menwh oarenow i nAtlanticser-vice.

ReportRaceRi otBalk edbyPoliceInCanadianCity

INGERSOLL,Ont— Racialstrifewasblamedforanear-riotonSept.24duringwh i chpolicewereforcedtouseth ei rbatons and fi reone sh ottobreak upamobofmoreth an200 personsattempting tostorm th e quartersofnine-teen JapaneseCanadaians i nIngersoll.Th emob,armedwith stonesandclubs,begangath eri ngi nth ebusinesssectionofth eOn-tari otownabout7p.m.,andtriedtoreach th eJapaneseCa-nadians,wh owereprotectedbyafive-footfactoryfence.Th emobgaveupwh en,accordingto Ch i efConstableAlexCollander,th ecrowd saw "th atwemeantbusiness."Th eJapaneseCanadians,wh owereevacuatedfrom th ecoast-alareaofBriti sh Columbia,ar-rivedi nIngersollrecentlyfromawesternevacueecenter.

Th omasHitsCoastRacismAgainstNiseiSociali stCandidateDiscussesAttitudesTowardEvacuees

SAN FRANCISCO — Califor-nians wh oopposeth ereturnofJapanese Americans to th ei rh omes i nCalifornia"legally,i fpossible,i llegallyi fnecessary,"donotbelievei ndemocracy,NormanTh omas,presidentialcandidateofth eSociali stparty,declaredi nacampaign speech before a SanFranciscoclub on Sept.26,ac-cording1toth eAssociatedPress."Iam compelled to assert,"

Th omaswasquotedbyth eA.P.assaying,"th atCalifornianswh osti llsupportti h e i nternmentofth ei rJapaneseAmerican fellowciti zens,with outtrialorh eari ng,donotbelievei ndemocracy."Th omassaidth eflareupof"rac-i sm"againstth eCalifornia-bornJapanesei s"afargreaterdan-gertoAmericanlibertyingen-eralth antoth eJapaneseAmer-i cans i nparticular."Th eSociali stcandidateadded,accordingtoth eA.P.:"PresidentRoosevelt'sorderofFeb.19,1942,th eArmy'sactionpursuantto i t,andth edecisi onofth eSupreme£ourti nth eGor-donHirabayash i caserecognizi ngth erigh tofgovernmentoffici alstodiscri mi nateamongciti zensonth egroundofth ei r'raoialaffili -ation,'constituteth epurestsortoftotalitari an j usti ceori nj usti ce.Wh atwas doneonth ewest

coastwas,asJusticeMurph yad-mitted,painfullysimi lari npri n-ci pletoth eGermantreatmentofth eJews."Th eSociali stcandidatemadeh i sstatements before th e Common-wealth ClubofSanFrancisco.Th omasi nsi stedth at"greedforj ,mvadefertilebyJapanesesk i ll££%"?MJJmrUyatth «tot-tomofth eh erdi ngofth eseAmer-

i can citi zens i nto concentrationcamps. Th omasarguedth ati fmili tarynecessity dictated th etreatment accorded th em,th eysh ouldbepaiddamagesforwh atwasdonetoth em,"justaswet£LV)r'?pert?owneretemzgeforth i ngsdonetoth ei rpropertyun-dermili tarynecessity."

Roh werBuddh i stsPlanPack agesForServicemenROHWER, Ark .-*For one ofitsmajorprojectsth i syear,th eRoh werYoungBuddh i stassocia-tioni snow-planningtomak eriftpack agestobesenttoth e ser-vicemen overseas.Aimedatth eh eartsandmoraleofth esoldiers,nrtST11,,1*■"*asPartofth e"Bodh i -day"programAtpresentth enamesarid ad-dresses"of200 overseas service-men wh oseparentsorrelativesareresidi ng i nRoh werh avebeenturned,ntoth eYBAofficebyblock representatives.th "*IFlt*i sh Sngcarried<>«trtlvAth eoc0effortsof£%IBt.A~Seniors and Juniorsh eadedbyMasaoWak ai with th esupervisi on ofth eadvisers,th eRevD Hayash i maandth eRev.i .Kouch i .

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday,September30 i oj j





Page 3: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

gjgter,1470LusitanaSt.,Honolulu.% KADOWAKI,2ndLi eutRobertN.—MissGraceTK«H«.k LVtater.2025Kealoh a St, Honolulu.

RKado"Ka°rU-Yuri i i roKa*"a,fath er, 856

Pfc George—KamaKak azu,fath er,Box 167,LtfKANOURA,PfcTatsuo—Miss Tamak o Kanoura,sister«i(lPapalaSt.,Honolulu.

BlBier>KATO, Pvt.Satoru—Tadash i Kato,broth er,3228 Winam

»...,Honolulu.KAWAMOTO,IstSgt.Masayosh i —ToruKawamoto,broth --1246CenterSt.,Honolulu. "roin

*'KAWAMOTO,StaffSgt.Noboru-Kenneth K.Kawamoto,broth er3537KeanuSt.,Honolulu. 'KAWATE,Pfc.Suematsu— MasatoKawate,fath er 631

Sooth HotelSt.,Honolulu.KAZUMURA,Pfc Tak esh i -TadaoKazumura, broth erU4j GLUi h aSt.,Honolulu. "

"mer'KIMOTO,PfcSanj i —Mrs.KinuyoKimoto,moth er,BoxG

Kaltui h aele,Hawai i . "'KIMURA, Prt.Ch i mata—Mrs.HatsuyoKimura,moth erWaimea,Kauai. 'KINOSHITA,Pvt.Fuk uo—MissNobuyoWada, h alfsisterKoloa,Kauai.KINOSHITA Tech .Sgt.Tak ej i R-Torak azuKinosh i ta,

broth er,Box55,HalaulaCamp,Hawai i . 'KIBIHARA,PfcHenryH.—MissJanetF.Kiri h ara.sister1642HomeRuleSt, Honolulu. 'KOBASHIGAWA, 2nd Lieut.Yei k i —Howard Sh oei Koba-sh i gawa,broth er,Box123,Waianae,Oah u.KOKAMB,StaffSgt.Nobuo—lsoKok ame,fath er,Box77

Waimea,Kauai.KONNO,StaffSgt.RexH—YosaburoKonno,fath er,458

R Rd.,DamonTract,Honolulu.KUBO,Pvt.SadaoH.—MissHi sak oKubo,sister,Kaneoh e,

Oi h u.MATSUMURA,Pvt.Renk i ch i — Den Matsumura,broth erT1424Kam Aye.,Hilo,Hawai i .MATSUNAMI,Pfc Hirosh i —Masaru Matsunami,fath er.

Box22,Hai na,Hawai i .MATSUURA,Pfc.Hirosh i —Ok uh ei Matsuura,fath er,Box

74,Kah uk u,Oah u.MEZURASHI,StaffSgt.Noboru—Willi am T.Mezurash i .

broth er,1227Ki rn St.,Honolulu.;MITA,PfcJoh nT.—Riyunosh i nMita,fath er,910Wili wi liSt,Honolulu.MIYAMOTO,PfcHaj i me—Ki ch i uemonMiyamoto,fath er,

Kawaninui ,Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HIYASHIRO,Sgt.Jini ch i —Ji ngi u Miyash i ro,fath er,Wai-

k apu,Wailuk u,Maui.MIYASHIRO,Pfc Minoru—David J.Miyash i ro,broth er,

733Mi li lani St.,Hilo,Hawai i .MIYASHIRO,2ndUeut.Tak ei ch i T.—Mrs.Ush i Miyash i ro,

Both er,Box87,Honok aa,Hawai i .MIYATA,PfcRobertS.—Ch arlesA.Miyata,broth er,3840

PaidAye.,Honolulu.MORIMOTO,Sgt.Kaneich i —Mrs.Sue Morimoto,moth er,

Box223,Kealek ek ua,Kona,Hawai i .MORISAKI,PfcHaroldH.—Yoh ei Morisak i ,fath er,1749

Waioli St.,Honolulu.HORIWAKI,PfcTak eo—Mrs.OtsunaMoriwak i ,wife,1144HiltDr.,Honolulu.MOTOOKA,Pfc.Katsumi — FuyusaburoMotook a,fath er,

1232North KingSt.,Honolulu.MURAKAMI,Pvt.Atoush i —Tak ash i Murak ami ,broth er,

Honomu,Hawai i .MURAOKA,Pvt.Hideo—Mrs.UmeMuraok a,moth er,1462

Ktmeh ameh a St.,Hi lo,Hawai i .MURAYAMA,PfcLarry S.—Sh i zuo Murayama,broth er,

198KapaluSt.,Honolulu.NAKAGAWA,PfcKiyosh i —Mi noru Nak agawa,broth er,

Box66,Wai alua,Oah u.NAKAMOTO,PfcRaymondK.—Kanich i Nak amoto,fath er,

Box8,Kamuela,Hawai i .NAKAYAMA,PfcSek i j i —Sek i i ch i Nak ayama,fath er,La-

luiu,Maui. ,NISHIDA,PfcKusuo—Mrs.Hatsuk oR.Souza,sister,Wai-luk u,Maui.NISHIDA,Tech .Sgt.Sadao—Mrs.BessieY.Nish i da,wife,

2765Pacifi cHts.Rd Honolulu._NOBORIKAWA,StaffSgt.Mfisao—Ryosei Nobori k awa,fath -

er,909CoolidgeSU Honolulu.NODA,PfcKaoru—Mrs.Mi k aNoda, moth er,531-A Kil-uea,Are.,Hi lo,Hawai i .NOHARA,PfcYobun—Yush i nNoh ara,fath er,Box213,

Mak awao,Maui.NOJI,Pvt.JamesN.—MissNobueNoj i ,sister,2954Kah a-»»Dr,Honolulu.NUMA,PfcTosh i o—Masami Numa,broth er,1370-ACunh aLine,Honolulu.ODA,Pvt.JamesS.—Haruk i ch i Oda,fath er,Box44,Hon-uuau,Hawai i...OGAWA,Pfc.CarlX.—Mrs.Ei k oOgawa,moth er,2128A«luSt.,Honolulu.OKAMOTO,PfcJamesT.—Mrs.DaisyM.Nak ano,moth er,**66,Hi lo,HawaiLOKAMURA,Pfc.Paul—MissEleanorK.Hamamoto,guar-*».Box62,Kalah eo,Kauai.OKAZAKI,PfcJoN.—Sh eanOk azak i ,fath er,106DGreen9|i Honolulu....OKINAKA,StaffSgtRich ardT.—Arth urMcDuffie,friend,102Jl*Aye.,HonolulH.ONO,Pvt.Nobuo—Ch i uk i ch i Ono,fath er,House 140,NewmCamp,Aiea,Oah u.ONOUYE,StaffSgt.Tetsuo—Tomi k i ch i Onouye,broth er,n«mloKurtUtowll'Hawai i .XH«S'Pfc*Tak eh i ro--Royei Osh i ro'fath er'2326KamUJ*TAKE,.CpLMasayuk i — Mrs.Ki k unoOTak e,moth er,

h VYE> SgtlSeiJ>—Hamaich i Ouye,uncle,Box234,Kak ah a,

2221SAKA,MOTO'PfcSh i tomi T.—Mrs.Sugi Sak amoto,moth er,Smr£xTHts-Rd"Honolulu. .t.

eri «,G!:NAGA'pfc-RaymondX.—Jack K.Sh i genaga,broth -

'Him..ram Lane.Honolulu.1(S«'MABUKURO,PvtTomoak i —Ei k oSh i mabuk uro,broth er,Ul*Lane,Honolulu.EM.vZU'Pfc-I»ao—Mrs.Tomiye

Yanagimoto,moth er,

"''"Kauai.IWmAl'Pv*»Th omasH.—Mrs.Yosh i k oSh i rai ,wife,3210SiTwu?oaRd-Honolulu. tvoS 'Pfc*M*B**®—Mrs.MasunoSueh i ro,moth er,Kan-

Ui IMORI,Pfc.Sh i geo—TadaoSuemori,broth er,Box1333,*'W6GLf

RA'St*ffSgt>Masa°—rrh omM H-Sugi h ara,broth -

«iaolUGnYA]\lA'Pfc-TsStomu—lch i j i Sugiyama,fath er,Box13,

3Hawai i .'AKAHASHI,Pfc.Sh i ngo-i nsh i ch i Tak ah ash i ,fath er,Pu-

unene,Maui.TAKASAWA,Pvt.Sh i geo—MissMatsueTak asawa,sister,

Box33,Hanapepe,Kauai.TAKEMOTO,StaffSgt.GeorgeT.—Rich ard Y.Tak emoto,

broth er,Waialua,Oah u.TAKEMOTO,PfcKaname—Yutaro Tak emoto,fath er,Box

428,Kapaa,Kauai.TAMANAUA,Pfc.MasaoH.— KamaTamanah a,fath er,

GreenCamp,Puunene,Maui.TAMAYORI,Pfc.ClarenceY.—Matsusuk eTamayori,fath er,

BrodieNo.2,Wah i awa.Oah u.TAMURA,Pfc.PaulT.—Ch ej i roTamura,fath er,759JLan-

i wai St.,Honolulu.TANDO,Pfc.Isamu— Hirok i ch i Tando,fath er,910B.

Kapaak eaLane,Honolulu.TANIGAWA, PfcKimi wo—Ki j i ro Tanigawa,fath er,528

LibbySt.,Honolulu.TANJI,PfcMitsuo—Mrs.MatsuTanj i ,moth er,908Kilani

Aye.,Wah i awa,Oah u.TAYAMA,Pfc Tosh i mi —Kazuo Tayama,broth er, 920-A

Ah anaLane,Honolulu.TODANI,PfcRobertH.—KenzoTodani,fath er,84Mak ani

Are.,Wak i awa,Oah u.TOKESHI,Pvt.HaroldG.—Mrs.UtoTok esh i ,moth er,Ch i n

Ch uck ,Mauk a,Hak alau.Hawai i .TOKUSATO,Pfc Masaich i—Mrs.Sonok o Tok usato,wife,

Camp6,Waiak eauk a,Hawai i .TOMATANI, Pvt.Yosh i mi —Tak esh i geTomatani,broth er,

713Poh uk ai naSt.,Honolulu.TOMOMITSU,PfcKensh i — Nobuich i Tomomitsu,fath er,

Mana,Kek ah a,Kauai.TOYOFUKU,Pvt.Tsutomu—Mrs.Ki k ueToyofuk u,moth er,

1221Oili Rd.,Honolulu.TSUHA,Pfc.Harold H.—Kana Tsuh a,fath er, Box 144

Ninole,Hawai i .TSUJI,PfcIsamu—Ni h i k oTsuj i ,fath er,Box114,Hai k u,

Maui.TSUKAMOTO,Pfc.DeemsS—Kisak uTsuk amoto,fath er,

Box136,Kah uk u,Oah u.UEDA,Pvt.Yosh i o—Mrs.Yosh i Ueda,moth er,Kah uk u,

Oah u.UYEHARA,Pvt.Masao—Mrs.Hidek o Uyeh ara,moth er,

WATABAYASHI,PfcTadao—Mrs.Sh i zuno Watabayash i ,moth er,981Ah anaLane,Honolulu.WATANABE,Pvt.Isamu— Mrs.Sue Watanabe,moth er,

Kah ek a,Pai a,Maui.YAMAMOTO,Pvt.Yuk i o—Mrs.MatsuYamamoto,moth er,

Box1,Wah i awa,Oah u.YANAZAKI,Pfc.Hisao—Mrs.Tak aYanazak i ,moth er,Box

96,Olaa,Hawai i . „_.j ».

JapaneseAmericanArtilleryMaintai nsYank Reputation

WITH THE FIFTH ARMY,ITALY— Inth ei rfi rstweek sofcombat,JapaneseAmericanartilLerymenonth eFi fth Armyfronti nItaly h avedemonstratedth eyh aveallth espiri tandeffici encynecessarytomaintai nth ereputa-tionofYank artillery."Th eboysarelivi nguptoour

expectations— andth at'spraiseenough from th oseofuswh owork edwith th em back i nth eStates,"saysLieutenantColonelBayaM.Harrison,Jr.,FieldAr-ti llery,3009SanMiguelAvenue,Tampa,Florida.Formerlyartilleryi nstructoratFortSill,Ok lah oma,ColonelHar.risoni wasplaced i ncommandofth eartillerybattalionofth eJapa-neseAmericancombatteamform-edlastyearatCampSh elby,Mi s.sissi ppi .Li k eallunitsi nth espe-cialcombatteam,h i soutfiti scom-posedentirelyofAmericansofJapanesedescentwh ovolunteeredfrom Hawai i andrelocationcen-tersi nth eStatesforcombatduty."Wh enyou h aveanentireunitofvolunteersmoralei snoprob-lem,"th ecolonelpointedout."And

wefindth ati ncombatth ey'reth esame bunch th eywere th roughth eLouisi anamaneuvers—warm,friendly,spiri ted and smartaswh i ps."Th eJapaneseAmericans h ave

provedparticularlyk een i nartill-erywork ,wh ereobservationsandcalculationsareofprimeimport-ance.Aboutone i neveryfouri nth ecombatteam h ash adcollegeoruniversitytraini ng.Th emenatth eguns j usti fyth ei rofficers'enth usi asm."Man-euvers were plain disgusting,"saysPrivateFi rstClassMamoruYonash i roofHawai i ,h usk ylittleleaderi nth epitofagiant105h owi tzer*Strippedtoth ewaisti nth eh otsun,h e slams42poundsh ellsi ntoth ebreach ofh i sgun."Uph erei nth i sdraw,"h eadded,"we'vebeenfiri ngover400real,liveroundsaday—and h alfofth eseatnigh t.Th i si smoreli k ei t!""Th efellowsh avebeenwaiti ngforth i squiteawh i le,"saidMas-terSergeantKozo Kuroda ofNampa,Idah o,sergeantmajorofth eartilleryh eadquarters."It'sourfirststeptoTok yo."

...W 1THTHEFIFTH ARMY,CASTRELLINA SECTOR,UALY—Inth efiredirectioncenterofth e522ndFieldArtilleryofth e442ndRegimentalCombatTeam,Lieut.GeorgeS.Meany,Greenwich ,Conn,(left)work swith h i sJapaneseAmericancrtw.Inth ecenteri sTech .Sgt.Sh ui ch i Sak amoto,Li h ue,Kauai,T.H-calculatingverticalcontrolandStaffSgt.Yuk i Amak i ,ModestoCalif.,ath ori zontalcontrol,formassingartilleryfireonth eenemy."American-bornJapaneseofth ei nternationalFi fth Armyare h i gh lyrespectedbyAlliedfigh ti ngmen,"th eU.S.ArmySignalCorpscaption declares.

Sen.DowneyHasPost-WarNisei ProgramUrgesDistri buti onOfJapaneseAmericansTh rough outCountry

WASHINGTON—Sen. Downey(D.,Calif.)Fridayproposedana-tionalpostwarprogramforexpul-sionof"disloyal"Japaneseandavoluntarydistri buti onofth ere-mainderamongth estates.Some125,000personsofJapa-

neseancestry,mostofth em Am-ericanciti zens,wereconcentratedonth ewestcoastbeforeth ewar,Downeysaid. Mostofth emarenow i nrelocationcenters."Iti smyh opeth atsome mu-tuallyagreeable basis can befound,oneth atwouldbefai randacceptableto Japanesewh oareciti zens,fordispersing th emth rough outth ecountry,"h e de-clared."Afew h undredorafewth ousand i nNewYork wouldnoth urt,orafewth ousand i nNewEnglandori nIllinoi sori nOh i oorsomewh ereelse. Th enth erewouldnotbeanyproblem."

THREETULELAKENISEIKILLEDINACTIONINITALYNEWELL,Calif.— Th reeJapa-neseAmericansoldierswinnextofk i nresidi ngi nTuleLak ecen-terwere k i lled i n,action i nth eItalian campaign during th emonth sofJulyandAugust,withtwooth ersreportedwoundeddur-i ngth esameperiod,th eNewellStarreportedlastweek .Th ecasualtieswere listed asfollows:

KILLEDINACTIONT/Sgt.ZentaroAk i yama(Sac-ramento,California),k i lled i nJuly.Yuk utaroAk i yama,fath er,3701-AB.Pfc.Genich i Hiraok a(Koneoh e,Oah u,T.H.)onJuly11. Mrs.Tsunek oKomori,sister.7905-BCD.Pfc.GordonSh i mi zu(Honolulu,T.H.)onAug.25.Sei i ch i Sh i mi zu,broth er,7918-D.

WOUNDEDINACTIONT/Sgt.JamesKazuto (Court-land,Calif.)onJuly6.Tetsuj i roAdach i ,fath er,2516-B.Pfc.RoyS.Kunitak e(Fresno,Calif.)onJuly17.JamesKuni-tak e,broth er,1019-A.

TopazEvacueeLostPropertyi nRecentFireatFlorinWASHINGTON—PersonaIprop-ertybelongingtoMaryKawamufaofTopazwaslosti nafirewh i chdestroyedseveralbuildi ngsJuly20,atFlorin,Calif.,th eWRAre-ported.Th epropertywasstoredi nasmallbuildi ngbelongingtoMrs.AnnNelsonofFlorin.Th i slosswasdiscovered i nani nvestigati on,conductedbyG.F.Castleberry,Wash i ngtonEvacueePropertyOfficer,wh i ch followedseveralconflicti ngreportsofafireatFlorinonJune21.Ch ester W. Hatch ,EvacueePropertyOfficeratSacramento,reportedtoMr.Castleberryth ati nsofaras couldbe determinedth erewasnofireatFlorinonJune21andth atMissKawamurah adsufferedth eonlyevacueelossi nth efi reofJuly20.

DeweyDodgesNewsQueryonCoastEvacueesSANFRANCISCO— GovernorTh omasE.Dewey,Republicancan-didateforPresident,sidesteppedattemptsbynewspapermentoputh i monrecordregardingth eprob-lem ofJapaneseAmericanevac-ueesduring h i spressconferencei nSanFranciscoonSept.21.GovernorDeweysaidh econsid-eredth ereh abi li tati onofJapaneseAmericans a problem "moreacute" i nth i sStateth anelse-wh ereandannouncedh i si ntentiontoconferonth esubjectwh i lei nCaliforniawith GovernorWarren,Lieut.Gov.Frederick Houseranaoth ersdirectlyconcerned.

I September30,1944PACIFIC CITIZEN


Page 4: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

EDITORIALS:ACiti zen'sRigh tPersonswh oofferresistancetoth epro-

gramofresettlementofJapaneseAmericans,citi zensoraliens,areviolatingth efunda-mentallawofth eland,MiltonR.Konvitzdeclares i n th eAutumn, 1944,. i ssue ofCommon Ground.Mr.Konvitz notes "th ei mpression h asb«encreated i nsome quar-tersth atastateorcityh asth erigh ttobari tsdoorsagainstth eentryof, Ameri-canciti zens."Sinceth ecaseofEdwardsv.California

wasdecidedbyth eUni tedStatesSupremeCourti n 1941,th ereh asbeennodoubtcon-cerningth erigh tofanAmericanciti zentomove freelyfrom state to state and toestablish h i sh omeatanyplaceofh i sch oi ce.Edwards,aresidentofCalifornia,h adbeenconvictedofviolation ofaCalifornialawwh i ch made i tamisdemeanortobringi ntoth estatean i ndi gentpersonwh owasnotaresidentofth estate.Hisconvicti onwasre-versedbyth eSupremeCourt.Ina con-curring opini on,JusticeDouglas declaredth atth erigh ttomovefreelyfrom statetostate i san i nci dentofnationalciti zensh i pand i sprotectedbyth epri vi legesand i m-muniti esclauseofth eFourteenth Amend-ment.Th i srigh t,JusticeDouglassaid,i senj oyedbyallciti zens.Mr.Konvitz cited""th e earliercase of

Truaxv.Raich i nuph oldi ng th eri gh tofalienstomovefreelyfrom statetostate.Inh i s opi ni on JusticeHugh esdeclaredth atsince aliens are admitted to th eUni tedStatesunderFederallaw,th ey h ave th eri gh ttoenterandabide i nanystatei nth eUni on.Citi zensandaliensofJapaneseancestry

areatth epresenttimeproh i bi tedbyawar-timemili taryregulation from residi ng i nth ePacifi ccoastevacuatedarea,exceptwithth epermissi on ofth emi li tarycommander.Wh enth eArmyrestricti on i slifted,h ow-ever,th edecisi onsofth eSupremeCourti m-plementth ei rrigh ttoreturn toth ewestcoast.

Glsandth eNiseiDemocracy i snotanemptywordtoGI

Joe.Th eAmericansoldierofWorldWarIIh assh own i nmanywaysadeepandcompel-li ngconcernfordemocracyath ome.Lettersfrom servicemenoverseas i ndi cateash arpi nteresti nth ewayth emach i neryofde-mocracyi srunningath ome.Oneofth e h omefrontproblemswith

wh i ch th efigh ti ngman h assh ownconcerni sth atofth etreatmentaccordedAmerica'sciti zensofJapaneseancestry.GIJoeh asexpressed h i mself i n th e "letterstoth eedi tor"columns ofourdailyand week lynewspapers,and i n almosteverycase h eh asspok enoutfordemocracyregardlessofcolor,race ornationalorigi n.Th ePacifi cCiti zenh asreprintedsomeofth eseletters.Th ereh avebeenmanymore.Wh enth eci tycouncilofSunnyvale,Calif.,and someofth eci ti zensofKent,Wash .,took acti on i noppositi ontoth ereturnofJapaneseAmer-i canstoth esecommuniti es,th eywererep-ri manded bymenfrom th esecommuniti eswh owerefigh ti ngoverseas.Th eGlsfrom th ewestcoaststatesgrew

upwith th eNisei ,andaretodayfigh ti ngalongsideNisei soldiers,wh i lesomeofth ei rparentsandsomeofth ei relderspassres-olutionsagainstth esesameNisei .Andth eyoungveteransofth i ssecond World Warh avecarriedth i si nteresti nawork i ngde-

mocracyback i ntocivi li anlife.Th ereat-

titudeh asbeen,indeed,atvariancewith th e

majorveterans organizati ons ofth e i i rst

World War,li k eth eAmericanLegionandth eVFW,wh i ch h avebeen i nth eforefront

ofacampaign ofpersecutionofaciti zengroupon th egroundsofth elater'sracialancestry.Wh i leGl'Joeh asbeenfigh ti ngth eenemiesofdemocracyabroad,th eAmericanLegionandth eVFW h avebeentilti ngwith

th e i magi narygh ostsofanon-existentYel-lowPeril.Wh enrace-baitersbrough tth ei rh ate i n-

citementtoth ecampusofawestern uni-

versitylastspring,th esoldiers i ntraini ng

atth esch oolandth ewarveterans,someofth em woundedand disabled,were th eones wh odefendedth erigh tofJapaneseAmericanstudentstoattendth atuniversity.Th eAmericanfigh ti ngman h asnotbeen

sobusyfigh ti ngth eAxi senemiesth ath eh asi gnoredwh ati sh appeningath ome.

"One-ManCrusade"Th emerefactofth eenrollmentofa

studenti nacollege i san i nci dentth eli k eofwh i ch i srepeatedseveralh undredth ou-sand times th rough outth e country.Butwh enth atstudenti saJapaneseAmericanand th esch ooli s i nCalifornia,a h ornet's■esti ssti rredandeverybody,i ncludingacertainGeorgeKelley,wantstogeti ntoth eact.Itapparentlydoesnotmattertocertain

peopleth atEsth erTak ei h asreturnedtoPasadenawith th epermissi onofth eArmy,north atth i sli ttleslipofagirli sth orough lyloyaltoth ecountryofh erbirth .Nordoesi tseem tomatterth atninetypercentofh ersch oolmates h avewelcomed h er.Such factsas th ese don'tdeterth e GeorgeKelleyswh o,wh enfacedwith factsnottoth ei rli k -i ng,appearperfectlywilli ngtogoouttospendgoodtimefindi ngoth ersofsimi larpersuasion.Wedonotk now wh atGeorgeKelley i s

doingtowardth ewareffort.Butwedok now th ath i scurrentactivi ti es,i ncludingh i sannouncedattempt,wh i ch di dnotma-teriali ze,toleadamarch of"outraged"tax-payersontoth ecampusofPasadena J.C.,and h i sattemptto i ni ti ate h i s own pollofstudentopini on,arenotcontributi ngto-wardvictory,towarddemocracyortowardanyth i ng i nparticular,exceptperh aps to-wardth esomewh atsi ni stersatisfactionofth osewh owouldforceracistconflictstode-featth oseverypurposesforwh i ch wefigh taglobalwar.Wecanth i nk ofagoodmanyways i n

wh i ch a goodcivi li an American can h elpwin th e war.Butth eydotak estraigh tth i nk i ng,clearactionandgoodsense.Andth ere h asnotbeenmuch ofth esequaliti esexh i bi tedbyMr.Kelleyandth oseli k e h i mi nth ei rattack upona nineteenyearoldco-ed.Mr.Kelley h asno doubtach i eved th e

purposeofh i ssh amefulperformance,th atofbecomingsometh i ngofapublicfigureand getting h i sname i nth epapers.Butasfarash i s"one-mancrusade"i sconcerned,i ti s apparently j ustth atTh eLosAngelesTimesreportedonSept.27th atth ePasa-dena sch oolboard h adreceived 98letterson th e board's action i n accepting Mi ssTak ei asastudent.Ninety-sevenlettersap-provedth eaction.Th erewasoneletteri noppositi on—fromMr.Kelley.Th atj ustabouttellsth estoryofth epublic'sreaction.

Th eNativeSonsTh eNative Sons ofth eGoldenWest,

twentyparlorsful,h avemade i tk nown i fJoseph R.Farrington,territori aldelegate,i scorrecti nstatingth atHawai wantsnopartofth eJapaneseexclusioncontroversy,th enHawai i h ad.bestdiscardallh opeofattaini ngstateh ood,andth atsh emustfirst"bepre-paredtoacti nconcertwi th th ewh oleNa-ti onandnotattemptlocalsolutionofnation-alproblems."Th eNativeSonsmigh tberemindedth at

th eyareattemptingalocalsolutionofana-tionalproblem i n anti-Japanese Americanpropaganda,i nth ei rwi lfuli ndi scri mi natecriti ci sm ofth e'WRA,i nth ei rattemptstopropagandizeth eentirenation with th ei rbi tterracism,i nth ei reffortstopush anti-American legislationconcerning JapaneseAmericans th rough th e Congress ofth eUni tedStates.

niseiUSAbyLARRYTAJIRISTREETINCIDENTTh eoth erdaywesawaracistcrack poti naction.Hewasstand-i ngonastreetcornerattemptingto i mpressuponafewpassers-bywh owouldstoptolistentoh i mofth emenacetoAmericaofper-sonsofJapaneseancestry.Th ei n-cidenti tself i sofli ttle i mpor-tance,forh e wasso consumedwith race h atredth ath e h adth esameeffectth atanyranting,rav-i ng,angrymanwouldh aveonagroupofAmericans wh o weregoingatymtmindi ng th ei rownbusiness.Andi nci dentally,h ewasreportedlypick edupth enextdayfordisturbingth epeace.Wh atcallsth i si nci denttomindi sth atoneblock awayfrom th i sstreetcornerrace-baiterwemetth reeJapaneseAmericanveteransofth e Italiancampaign.Th erewasth atgreatgulfbetween i g-noranceandreason,betweenh ateandgood-will,wh i ch separatedth eracistonone streetcornerandth e JapaneseAmericansonth eoth er.Andasth esoldierswalk edaway,youwouldnoth avenoticedunless you look ed closely th ateach walk edwith asligh tli mp.Butunlessyouk newth esoldiersyouwouldnoth averealizedth ateach ofth eth ree h adleftalegsomewh erei nItaly.

""*.PROPAGANDATh ere i sonlyonefilm aboutWorldWarIIamongth e40fea-tureswh i ch Hollywoodh asdubbedwith French dialogueandsenttoth e movie h ouses ofliberatedFrance.Iti sunfortunateth atth i sone film aboutth i swari sth eWarner Broth ers feature, "AirForce."Th epeopleofFranceh avebeen i nsulated from th etruthth rough fouryearsofNazi occu-pation.Itnowappearsth atth eFrench willgetanoth erdietofficti oni f"AirForce"i sth eonlypicturewk i ch willtellofth eglo-balwar."AirForce"purportstotellaboutDec.7, 1941, i nHawai i .Th ereare Scenes ofafifth columnattack byresidentJapanese i n Maui onanArmyairfi eld. In th e film th e com-manderofHick am Fieldblamesth edamageth ereonsabotagebyJapaneseAmericans (wh o,accor-dingtoth epicture,ch oppedoffallth etai lsofth epursuitplanes,aswellasblock i ngth ereadslead-i n,?toth eairfi elds.)Th eh atredofoneofth efi lm'sch aractersforth e enemyi smotivatedbyth efactth ath i ssi sterwasrundownandsh otbyaJapaneseAmeri-can...Nobaserfalseh oodsh avebeenpropagatedaboutanyAmeri-can minori ty.Now th ese Holly-woodliesarebeingtoldtoalib-eratedEurope.

"""RED BULLDIVISIONTh e34th "RedBull"divi si ontowh i ch th e JapaneseAmericanCombatTeam h asbeenattach edi nrecentfigh ti ngi nItalyi soneofth e mostfamous Americanunitsofth i swar.Th e34th h asbeenoverseaslonger,andh asbeeni nth eli nelonger,th ananyoth erU.S.divi si on.Itwas th e RedBulldivi si onwh i ch provedwh ati stodayan h i stori cfact.Inacriti calperiodofth efi gh ti ngforTunisi a,th eAmericanswith th eRedBullsh oulderpatch metth emenofRommel'sAfri k aKorpsinafigh tforastrategich i ll.Th ebattlelastedth rough anigh tanda day.Wh en i twas overth eAmericans h adprovedth atth eyweremoreth anamatch forHit-ler's vaunted "supermen."Writ-i ngi nth eCh ri stmas,1942,i ssueofLife Magazine,Joh n Herseydescribesi tasaturningpointi nth ebattleagainstth eNazis.

"" "GOPNOMINEEIn San Francisco lastweek

Tom Deweydeclinedtocommentwh en ask ed h i s opini onon th epossibi li tyofareturnofJapa-nese American evacueesto th ewestcoast,excepttosayth ath econsidered th equestionofpar-ticulari mportancetoCalifornians.Hepromisedtoconferwith Gov-ernorWarrenandLieut.GovernorHouser,both ofwh om h avebeenvocallyantagonisti ctoth ereturnofth eevacuees.However,Deweydidnoti ssueanystatementonth equestionwh i le i nCalifornia,alth ough i nacampaignspeechlastMay h i srunningmate,Gov.Briek erofOh i o,th en stumpingth e countryforxth e Republican

presidentialnominati on,madetk .questionrevolvingaroundAmericans ofJapaneseancestryth »main featureofh i saddress i .Los Angeles Alth ough Brick edcallforlocaloptiononth erigh tofevacueestoreturn mayh amwonth eapprobationofth eHear*pressandsomeracistdieh ard.h i sspeech h adbadrepercussio"nationally.ExceptforonebbutatSecretaryIck es,Brick erh asavoi dedth i sparticulari ssuesina>th attime.Alth ough someRepublicancan.didates i n Californiali k eLi eutGov.Houserarecampaigni ngagainstth eNewDeal's"coddlingofJapaneseAmericans,th ereh asbeennoi ndi cati onofanyattemntbyth eRepublicanstomak eans.tionalcampaigni ssueofth eevac-ueesorevacuation.Onereasonforth i smaybeth atth eGOP j ,mak i ngspecialeffprttowinth eNegrovote,wh i ch conceivablycanh old th e balance ofpoweri ntwelvelarge populationcenterseastofth e Missi ssi ppi .An at-tack onanyminori tygroupwillh ayeanegativereactiononth eNegrovote,i nviewofth e con-cernwith wh i ch th eNegropressi nAmerica h asviewedth eevac-uationandrelocationofJapaneseAmericans,aswellasi tsinteresti n,th eproblemsofoth ernon-Can-casi angroups.

♦ ♦ *RACEVS.RACEOne ofth e arguments h eart

mostfrequentlybefore th e 1942evacuationwasth atth eremovalofth ewestcoastpopulationofJapaneseancestrywasnecessarylorth ei rownownprotection,th epropagatorsofth i svi ew citi ngcases ofviolenceby Fili pi nosagainstpersonsofJapanesean-cestry.Rumorsh adi tatth attimeth atth erewerescores ofsuchcases,alth ough onlyafewwereactuallyveri i i ed.One CaliforniaStateoffici ali sreportedto h avedeclared i nLosAngelesinFeb-ruary,1942,th atalargeCalifor-ni afarm organizati onh adreport-edmoreth anone h undredcasesofviolencesincePearlHarbor,al-th ough th enumberofcasesveri-fi edatth attime,mostofth emminori nci dents,waslessth anh alfah undred.With th epossibi li tyofanearlyreturnofth eevacueestoth ei rh omes,th erearerumorsagainofth eth reatofsuch vi o-lence.Byth efactofcircumstancesorbydesignth e h i storyofCalifor-ni a's i ndustrialagriculture h asbeen mark edbycompetiti onofvari ous i mmi grantgroupsi nth efield oflabor,wh i ch h ash adadepressingeffecton th ewagestructure.Race h as beenpittedagainstrace andnationalgroupsagainstnationalgroupsonth eh uge absentee-owned farms ofsunnyCaliforniavalleys.Th e stratifi cati on ofminori tygroupsaccordingtoancestryben-efi tsonlyth osewh owouldexploitth eeffectsofsuch disuni ty.Th erecently announced objecti veofth e Fili pi no InterOommuh i tycounciltowork forth eperman-entexclusionofpersonsofJap-aneseancestryatteststoth e i n-

fluenceofth osewh owouldunu«th eFili pi nosasan i nstrumentofpossible violence.Th e situationcalls forstatesmansh i p on ue

partofFili pi noAmericanleaderwh orealizeth atth esecurityoth ei rminori tycannotbei gaineoatth e expenseofanoth er,


th i sregard, i tsh ouldbe nowth atth ereh asbeena«*""*efforton th epartofnationalFi li pi noAmericanleaderstopre-sentaccurate i nformationonwevacuationandrelocation«*aneseAmericans,andtoms**disti ncti onbetweenth eJ»P"f,Americanand th e enemyJ«P

nesewh o h aveoverrunth emi ppi nes.


Sexson,superintendentofsenw ■inPaaadena,reportedon*gjth at90percentofth e"""JB,atPasadenaJuniorCollegendJ■i ng100warveterans,nave ■corned th e admissi on of««Esth erTak ei ,19-y€«oldZ%MofJapanese ancestry,wsch ool.

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday,September3Q. j l

PACIFICCITIZENOffici alPublicati onofth e <*@*>

J»HMi i AmericanCi ti MM T——r

NationalHeadqaarten:418-15Baawm Build-i ng,25EaatSecondSouth Street,SaltLak eCity,Utah .Edi tori alandBusinessOffice:415Reason

Buildi ng.Ph one5.6501

Oth erNationalJACLOfficesi nCh i cago,NewYork andDenver.

Subscripti onRates:JACLmembers,$2.00year.Non-members,$2.60year.

Enteredassecondclassmatterinth epostofficeatSaltLak eCi ty,Utah .Publish edweek ly,underth eactofMarch 8,1879.



Page 5: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

VagariesOutofBoundsA j i paneseAmerican


veteranofth eItaliancampaign,'i vedmawesternci tyrecently""Cough .Inth efoxh oles oftalvh eh addreamedofsuk i -yak i ,Somesuch di sh .Hewentto1ofth eseveralJapaneseop-ntedrestaurants i nth ecity—?dwasrefusedservice.HewasSi th atth eJapaneserestaurantsh Artcitywere"outofbounds"*„"wh i te"soldiers,th eserviceLgonnelservedbeingrestrictedtoNegroes.Alth ough h e h ank er-dforOrientalfood,h ewastoldSath emusteati nth erestau-JJJts wh i ch catered to "wh i te"j erri cemen.

GIPropertyIt'i Announced th atth eprop-ertyrigh tsofAmerican soldiersofJapaneseancestryi nCaliforniawillbeprotecteddespiteth epre-j entState-sponsoredli ti gati ontgunstallegedviolationsofth estate'santi-ali enlaws...InoneCalifornia county according toth e Ch ri sti an Science Monitor,h owever,th estate i nsti tutedes-ch eatproceedingsagainstayoungNisei woman-with onebroth eri nth eArmy,now h ospi tali zed,an-oth erabouttobedrafted,asis-teri nth enurses'cadets,andan-oth er(th ewifeofaserviceman)work i ngforth eUnitedCh ari ti esi nCh i cago...

"""CoastReturnTh e San FranciscoCh roni cle'sTh i sWorldmagazinelastSundayreported: "Allalong th e WestCoastloyalJapaneseAmericanswere slowlybeingreturned toth ei rh omesand j obsandsch ools."Th e account was titled "Th eNatives'Return."...However,th ereh asbeennolarge-scalere-tarnofevacueesto th ePacifi ccoast.Only a h andfulh ave re-ceivedth e permissi onofth eWestern Defense Command,and

'i nch permissi oni sbeingi ssuedonan i ndi vi dualbasis...It'sh i nt-edth atth ereh avebeenstrongundercoverpressuresonth eArmytowith drawpermitsgi venJapa-neseAmericans toreturntoth ecoast.Afew h oth eadsandracistcrack potsareopenlysh outi ngagainstth ereturn ofeven th eNisei ofunquestionedloyalty,butth erealpressures arebeingex-ertedbeh i nd-th e-scenes...Mean-wh i le,moreandmorenewspapersandcommunityleadersareback -i ngth erigh tsofloyalJapaneseAmericans.

* "*CampaignBiyRegionliberals jnCalifor-»»«reouttodefeatRepresenta-UveAlbert Carterbecause ofwrter'g reactionary record i nundress.Li k emanyoth erCoastreactionaries, Carter i sviolentlyanti-Ni sei .Runningforre-election«i th eCalifornia6th Di stri ctIwntraCostracounty,)Carter'scampaign pamph letcarries th enwtto "Sendth e Japs Back to"Pan. Carter'scampaignlitera-

also decla«»:"He iscon-i nga Constituti onalamendwntth atwilldenyth erigh tofciti zensh i ptoa Japanesesimply"cause h e i sborn h ere.".....'m'vIs°PP°s«i byunitedlaborndliberalgroups,i ncludingCIO-i ?"Liberals are back i ng h i sdemocraticopponent,GeorgeMil-former Alameda assembly-

♦ ""EvacuationTh erecentdemandbya Maz-Mm?n/wspaperforth e i ntern-Z?°?PersonsofJapanesean-««ryi ndi catesth atMexico h asel,,Ti ed out***larse-scaleTmi i Onandrelocation ofi tsi 7?PonsofJapanesedescent.wL tlmeofth eevacuationof*estcoastresidentsofJapanesePMMitage i n th eUni ted Statesm2°»moved■Mneofi tsJap-Sr-t

an i nteri °rcampnear«eacoCity...ManyJapaneseL"°h »ve i ntermarried,andtioth a\e h eld i mportantposi-Sn«llnMexicancommuniti es...peak i ngofevacuation,th ereare■cX,r!?urrentPressuresforth eRationofBrazil's200,000Japffi mostofwbom Uve i nSeM22?Province wh ereth eyawtto*fannersandabajfk mmn.

Notetoth eHotHeadsFromth ePaloAltoTimes:k . ■

SSLSZ ASedPerBOnalWOrth i n-W erwh i £citi zenpitti ng h i sownprejudi ceagainstth esoberandcarefuljudgmentofth eauth ori ti es,migh tassumeth encr

&&£*£&*<?"=£Iti saparadoxicaltraitth atisexposedwh enci ti zenswh ocondemn"th eJaps"becauseofth ei rracialcoh esi ^nessandfailuretobecomeassimi lated i ntoAmericanli fepersistalsoi nclosmgtigh tth edoorsi ntoAmericani zati oni ndi scri mi natelyagainstallNisei onth eth eoryth at"ai tni M i ap; rfunto■ccwditaNisei >BUnitedStateswh enh e h asdemonstratedth atattitudebyacleanrecordofconductandservice,wewi llbegivi ngh i m nooptionbuttoalign h i mselfonth eenemyside.Wesh ouldnotallowth atto h appen.—Aneditori ali nth ePaloAlto,Calif.,DailyTimesofSept.25.

THEGARDENInth eWinterof1941

ByTosh i oMori

ASh ortStory

h verynowandth enTom Yamash i tagotupfrom h i sch ai randlook edoutofth ewi ndowtosee i fi twerestillraini ng.Each time,notingth eh eavydownpour,h epausedbyth ewi ndowandcluck edh i stongue."Wh ymusti train?Itsh ouldn'train.Ih aveplentyofwork piledupnow.Wh ydon'tth i ngsgosmooth lyforme?"h ecri edti meandagain.Hisfath er'sfriend,PapaHarada,ch uck ledandslowly

sh ook h i sh ead."Th eweath er,career,th eworld...allth esame.Iti sonematter.Sometimes i tdoesnotj elli nth eman-neryouwish ."Tomrejoi nedth eoth ersbyth efi resi de.MamaHaradaplac-

edanoth erlog i nth efi re.Hersecond daugh terJeancameh urryi ngi nwi th h otcoffeeanddough nuts."Comeon,Tom,"criedMi noruHarada,slappingh i sfri end

onth eback ."Sh ak eoffth eblues.Th i s i sourh oli day.Youk now,th egardeners'vacation."

Th etwooldmenlaugh edandnoddedth ei rh eadsapprov-i ngly."Th at'si t,boy,"agreedTom'sfath er."It'spartofth egame.Tak e i tas i tcomes.Sureenough ,th reestraigh tweek sofraini stoomuch buti twillstop.Somedayth esunwillcomeoutandyouwillh aveenough work ."

JeanpouredacupofcoffeeforTom."Th ey'rerigh t,Tom.Ch eerupandmak eyourselfcomfortable.Myboyfriendmusn'tbeasourpuss."Tom didnotsmile.Heacceptedth ecupandplaced i ton

th etable.Hiseyesturnedi nth edi rectionofth ewindow."Iti sn'tj ustth erain.It'ssometh i ngmore,Jean.I'mworriedaboutyourgardenandmygardenandeveryoth ergarden.Th ei rfateisgoingtoaffectourlives.""Wh atdoyoumean,Tom?Th egardenswi lltak ecareof

th emselves,"laugh edPapaHarada."Rain,sun,wind...th eycannotk i lli t.Howwilli tberuined?"Th eoldfolk sandth eyoungturnedcuriouslyonth eyoung

man.Georgie,th eth i rteenyearoldboywh oli k esGeneAutrypictures,dimmed h i sfavoriteradioprogram."War,"Tom saidquietly."Bywar."Th eroom becamesi lent.MamaHarada'sfaceturnedatrifle

sallow,th i nk i ngofh eroldestson i nth eUni tedStatesArmy.Jeanlook edath ermoth erwith concern.Finallywith gustoTom'sfath erbrok eth esilence."Th erewillbenowari nth ePacifi c.Neveri nourlifeti me.

Myboy'scrazy.He'stoomuch ofapessimi st,"h edeclared."Tom doyouth i nk th erewillbeawarbetweenth eUnited

StatesandJapan?"MamaHaradaask edanxiously.Tom look edath i sfath erandth enpapaHarada.Idont

nC""Iprayforpeace,"Minorucriedfervently."Givemeth i rtyyearsofpeaceandI'llgeton i nth eworld.WeNisei areth eluck i estguysi nth eworldtobebornandraisedi nth eUni tedStates.Wegotafigh ti ngch anceh ere.Betterstak eandoppor-tunityh ereth ananywh ereelse i nth eworld."Li ttleGeorgielaugh ed."He'sgoingtobeagreatsinger/"Allrigh t,Georgie.You k eepstill,"orderedMinoru.He

eagerlyturnedonTom."I'mgoingtotrymyh ardestandbe-comeasinger.Myteach ersaysIgotagoodvoice.Idon't

li k egardeningth ewayyoudosoI'm quitti ngatth efi rstch ance.LM[studyafewyearsI'lldevelopi ntoagoodsinger."MamaHaradasmiled."Minoruwantstobeasingermore

*an"Bnetteri nh eesh ouldstick toth efami lytraditi on.. garden-

i ne"PapaHaradasaid."Betterh esh oulduse h i svocalch ords

on'h i s h i red h elpandmak emoneyrigh taway.Tom rose once morefrom h i sseatand approach edth e

wi ndow Hisfath er'seyesfollowedh i smovementswi thconcern.

mSMmmmand«?TeS'forKeti tsdangerandpossibi li ty,"criedTom."It

ortwoofrelaxationth i safternoon...to

forgetawh i le,"h i sfath ersaid.Tomreturnedtoh i sseat,leavingJeanalonebyth ewindow.

"Pop,areyoutak i ngth i swarpossibi li tyligh tly?"Hisfath ersh ook h i s h eadand h i sfi gureslumped i nth e

ch ai r.PapaHaradaaddedanoth erlog inth efirewith outacomment.Minoruperk edupbrigh tly."Well,IguessIh ave th eonlych eerfultopic,"h e sai d.

"Let'stalk aboutmysingi ngcareer.Itwon'tcostanyth i ngorh arm anyone.""Fine!"criedTom'sfath er."Th at'sth espiri t."JeancameovertoTom's sidewith ach eck erboard table.

"Please,Tom,formysak eandyourdad's.We'llplaych eck ersagainandseewh owill-winth i stime.""I'llwinagain!"criedLi ttleGeorgiebringi ngh i sch ai rup."Allrigh t,Jean,"Tom agreed.Th eydrewlots,andLittleGeorgieandMinorustartedth e

eli mi nati on game.Jeanwentaroundofferingcoffeeanddough -nuts.Wh enTomfini sh ed h i ssecondcuph egotupi nsearch ofamatch .Jeanwatch ed h i m movi ngftvertoth ewi ndow andlook i ngout."Is.itstillraini ng,Tom?"sh eask ed.Tom nodded."Plenty,"h esai d.Sh ecrossedth eroom and j oi nedh i m,andth eeyesofth e

youngandth eoldwaitedth ei rreactionwh i leth eroom becamesti ll.


Elementsbeh i ndth ewestcoast'spersecutionofJapaneseAmericansh adadominantfingeri nth epieatth eAmericanLegionnationalconventionlastweek i nCh i cago,j udgi ngfromth eresolutions th atwerepassed.Th eLegionasabodyh asbeenperennialabouti tsreso-

lutionsdi rectedagainstAmericanresidentsofJapanese'descent,butth i sti meth eresolutionswerenotable i nth atth eycarrieddeliberatemisrepresentationsaboutth efunctions ofth eWarrelocation auth ori tywh i ch h avebeen h eardrepeatedlyonth ePa-ci fi ccoastdespitefrequentoffici -alcorrections.Th elegionnairesurgedcongresstoabolish th eWarRelocationAu-th ori tyandturn controlofall"Japanese"i nAmerica overtoth earmy.Th eyalsocalledupon

WRAto h altrelocationfrom th eTule Lak e centerwh i ch , th eypointedout,i slorJapanesewh oexpressedadesireforrepatriati ontoJapanorwh orefusedtopledgeallegiancetoth eUnitedStates.anoth ermeasuresough tto

guarantee th atno Japanesena-tionalswouldberelocatedfromWKA centers with out"exh aus-ti ve"i nvestigati onand h eari ngs.Actually,as anyone wh o h as

poth eredtoseek th efactsk nows,th earmyh asonseveraloccasionsdeclined to acceptresponsibi li tyforoperatingth erelocationcen-tersand i ndi cated i tswilli ngnessco h ave th e WKA continue i tsfunctions.Th e WRA h as nevermade i tapolicytorelocateper-sonsfrom th eTuleLak esegrega-ti on centerexcept i n i solatedcaseswh ere,afterth orough i nves-tigati on,i th asbeenprovedth atsegregationwas i nerror.Asforth eexh austivei nvestiga-tionofJapanesenationalspriortorelocation,certainlynooth ersegmentofth eAmericanpopula-tionh asbeensoth orough lycross-examined,finger-printed,cata-logued, ph otograph ed,question-nairedandoth erwi sei nvestigated.With outmak i ngth eri di culous

ch arge ofcoddling i n j ustsomanywords,th eLegion i mpli esby i tsresolutions th atWRA'spolicy i snotconsistentwith th eLegion'si deasofAmericani sm.Unfortunately,despiteth elib-

eraloutlook ofmanyleadingLeg-i onnai res,th e Legionoften h asbeen i denti fi ed with th e forcesofreaction.Th i s latestsetofresolutionsdonoth elptodispelth i s i mpression.Infact,th ereso-lutions are practically i denti cali n i ntentwith th emouth i ngsofth e Costello sub-section ofth eDi escommitteeandoth ernotor-i ousrace-baiti nggroupson th ewestcoast.Ifth eLegionwere actingonth e h i gh motives enunciatedbyGen.Th eodoreRoosevelt,Jr.,andoth ersofi tsfounders,i twouldh avedenouncedandcalledforani nvestigati onofth egroupsandintereststh atdemand continuedrestricti onsofth erigh tsofAmer-i canci ti zensofJapaneseorigi n.Itwould demand th e endofprej udi .ee and discri mi nati onagainstJapanese Americans onaccountofraceorancestry,andwould urgerecogniti onofth ei rloyalcooperation i n th eevacua-tionandth evi talrolesth eyh aveplayedoneverybattlefrontandath ome.Many i ndi vi dualLegionnaires,andanumberofposts,publiclyh ave recognizedth epositi onofJapanese Americans and h avegoneoutofth ei rwaytoletth etruth bek nown.Butth ei rposi-tions cannotbutbe weak enedwh enth enationalorganizati oni stak eni nby,andpublici zes,dam-aginguntruth s.Iti snotpossibleforth eLe-giontopleadignoranceofth efacts ormisunderstanding.Th ei ssues h avebeen madetoowellk nown.Th erefore i tonlycanbeconcludedth atth eLegion,sofarasth eJapaneseAmerican prob-lem i sconcerned, h as j oi nedth eracistsagain i nespousingadan-gerouslyun-Americanprogram.



Th e i nfluentialSan FranciscoCh roni cleonSept.25 ask edforanexplanationofastatementbyGovernorOsbornofArizonath ath i sstateandth eWarRelocationAuth ori ty h ave an agreementwh erebyno JapaneseAmericansaretobereleasedfromArizonaforresettlementwith outth estate'sapproval."AnypersonofJapaneseorigi nwh owouldbereleasedfrom Ari-zonacampsforresettlementareciti zensofth e Uni ted States,"th e Ch roni cle asserts. "We donotk now wh atrigh tanystateh astosaywh ereciti zensofth eUni tedStatessh allorsh allnotlive."Iti sforth eArmytosayi fth e emergency i soveras farasth ese i ndi vi dualsareconcern-ed,andnostate h asanycolorofrigh ttomeddle."Wh atrigh th as th eWarRe-locationAuth ori tytoletanystateth usi nterferewith th erigh tsofcftizens?" th e Ch roni cle ask s."Wh atrigh th as i tto'h oldupth ereleaseofciti zenswh om th eArmy i s willi ngto letgo? IfWRA i sdoingth i s,i ti s i mpri s-oningciti zensofth eUnitedStateswith outash adowofauth ori ty."

" * *PALO ALTOTIMESStraigh t"Th i nk i ngTh eDailyPaloAltoTimesofSept.16denounced"th ei ndi scri m-i nati ngraceh atredrepresentedbyth e'a Jap'saJap'attitude"i nan editori altitled,"Atimeforstraigh tth i nk i ng.""In view ofth e i ncreasingnumberofJapaneseAmericanswh o,foronereasonoranoth er,arebeingallowedtofilterbacktoth ePacifi ccoast,i ti s i mper-ativeth atstraigh tth i nk i ng i nter-vene to preventi nj usti ceofamostflagrantsort,"th e Ti mesdeclared."Tosayth ataNisei wearingth ePurpleHeartisnodifferentfrom abanzai-sh outi ngmemberofTojo'sarmy i sasignofbig-otryofwh i ch anyAmericansh ouldbe ash amed—and bywh i ch allAmericans sh ould be alarmed,"saidth eTimes."Noristh ewearerofaYankmedalth eonlyJapaneseAmeri-canwh oh asdemonstratedloyaltyand earned respect.Th ere areth ousandsofth emwh o h avenotonlytak enbanish mentfromth ei rh omesi nafinespiri tbuth avedevotedth ei renergiestocombat-tingbitternessamongrelocateesand h elpi ngwith th edi ffi cultad-j ustments—allwith a view tobuildi ngaunifi edpostwarAmer-i ca."

PACIFIC CITIZENLaitJey,September80,1944


Page 6: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

ANNNISEI'SCOLUMNHome-MadeFoodForMenOverseasTh i sweek andnextyou'llwanttoprepareoverseasfoodpack agesforyourfriendsi nth earmy.Sinceh omemade cook i esandcak earei nfi ni telypreferableto commer-cially-madefoods,trytomak eev-eryth i ngyourself.Yourfood pack agemigh tin-

cludefruitcak e,ch ocolatebrown-i es,andcandiedorangepeel,allofwh i ch willk eepverywelli fcarefullypack ed:

FRUITCAKE8cupssiftedflour1teaspoonbak i ngpowderV*teaspoonsaltIV6teaspoonscinnamon1teaspoonallspice1teaspooncloves1teaspoonnutmeg1cupsh ortening2cupssugar6eggs,well-beaten% cupsh erry4cupsnutmeats1pack ageraisi ns

3% cupßfruitcak emixFruitcak emixcanbebough tallreadytogoi ntoyourcak e,oryoucanusecandiedorangeandgrape-fruitpeel,candiedpineappleandcitron.Directions:Mixflour,bak i ngpowder,saltandspices,andmixth ree times.Cream sh ortening,addsugargradually,beatingun-tilligh tandfluffy.Beati neggs,th ensh erry,nutsandfruit.Sifti nflourmixture. Turn into2greased,paper-linedloafpansandbak e1toVA h ours,oruntildoneat300degrees.Removepaperandcooloncak erack .Wrapcold cak e i nwaxedpaperandstorei ncoveredcon-tainers.Recipemak estwogood-sizedlloaves.'

CHOCOLATEBROWNIES% cupsiftedflour% teaspoonbak i ngpowderJ/2 teaspoonsalt1cupch oppednutsVscupsh ortening1cupsugar2eggs,wellbeaten% teaspoonvanilla2squaresch ocolate,meltedMixandsi ftflour,bak i ngpow-derandsalt;stiri nnuts.Creamsh orteninguntilsoft;graduallybeati nsugar,th eneggs,vanillaandch ocolate. Stiri nflour-nutmixture.Turnintogreased,sh al-low 8-inch squarepanandbak ei nmoderateoven(350 degrees)for30-36mi nutes.Cuti nsquaresbeforeremovingfrompan.Mak esapproximately16squares.CANDIEDORANGEPEELPeelfrom 4oranges2cupssugarRemovepeelfrom oranges i nlength wi sesections.Coverwithcoldwater,bringtoboilandcookunti ltender.Drain,savingwater.Scrapeoutwh i tei nnerportionofpeelwith teaspoonandcutpeeli ntoth i nstri pswi th scissors.Dis-solvesugar i n 1cupwateri nwh i ch peelwascook ed,boilun-tilsyrupth reads. Addpeelandcook unti lmostofsyruph asbeenabsorbed.Drain,spreadonwaxedpaperandletdryovernigh t.Rolli ngranulatedsugar,sh ak etore-moveexcesssugar,th enstorei nti gh tlycoveredcontainer.

ColoradoGroupTo Open Figh t

OnAmendmentAnti-Ali enIniti ati veAimedatPersonsofJapaneseAncestry

DENVER,Colo.— Formedforth epurposeofcombattingracialdiscri mi nati on,th eColoradoCom-mitteeforFairPlayfiled i ts i n-corporationpapersonSept.22.Itwasannouncedth enew or-ganizati onspecifi callywouldcom-batth e "vici ous,discri mi natoryandun-Americanprinci ples em-bodied i nAmendmentNo.3,th eanti-Ali enAmendment."Itwasalsostatedth atfactualdatawillbecollected,andapub-li ci tycampaignwillbeconducted"toaidth eelectorsi nunderstand-i ngth erath erambiguouslyword-edamendment,wh i ch aimstode-privealiens i neli gi bletociti zen-sh i pofth erigh t'toacquire,h old,ordisposeof'realproperty i nth eStateofColorado."Th eamendment,wh i ch i sonth eNovemberballotbypopularini ti a-tive,i saimedatpersonsofJapa-neseancestryi nth eState.Th edi rectorsofth eneworgan,izati onareProf.W.LewisAbbott,ColoradoSprings;Prof.W.D.Ar-mentrout,Greeley;SaraRoeBau-er,Pueblo;FarringtonCarpenter,Hayden;Clark P.Garman,Den-ver; Donald Mitch ell, Delta;JamesPatton,Denver;R. B.Spencer,FortMorgan;and,BenStauffer,Rock yFord.Th eofficesofth ecommitteeareat621 Mack Buildi ng,Denver2.C.P.Garmani ssecretary-treas-urer.Sponsorsofth ework arebe-i ngsolici ted,aswellascontribu-tionsforth epublici tyfund.


castingforth efi rsttimeoveranyofth e localradio stations,th eHawai i anSerenadersofth e171stInfantryBattalion,Sep.,wereguestentertainerson th e "Rev-ei lleNews"broadcastonWFOR,Hattiesburg,Miss.,on Sept.20.Ledby Pfc.Steve Watanabe,membersofth e Serenaders i n-clude StaffSgt.Ken Ok amoto,StaffSgt.RobertSh i mabuk u,T/5Frank Suzuk i ,andPfc.Rob-ertTerauch i .

Milwauk eeNiseiHonorVeteranOfItalyCampaignMILWAUKEE,Wis.—Th emil-

wauk eeNisei Councilh onoredatadinneronSept.27areturnedwarveteran,Capt.Mitsuyosh i Fu-k udaofth e100th InfantryBattal-i on,wh oi sspendingh i sfurloughwith h i swi feand i nfantsonatth ei rh ome i nMilwauk ee.Capt.Fuk uda,anativeofHa-wai i ,wasrecently awarded th eSilverStarforgallantryin ac-tion.ElmerL.Sh i rrell,formerCh i -cago area supervisorforth eWRA,wasth emai nspeak eratth edi nnerwh i ch wasattendedbyJapaneseAmericansrelocated i nth eMilwauk eearea.HenrySak emi ,formerlyofPos-ton,wasch ai rman,and wasas-sisted i narrangementsbyMak iIch i yasu,SamMinami ,RioKash -i wagi ,Masao Satow and Mrs.GeorgeSaito.

JACLPresidentWillVisi tNi sei GroupsInMidwest,East

Sab.uroKido,nationalpresidentofth eJACL,leftSaltLak eCityonSept.23onanextendedtourofMiddleWesternandEasterncommuniti es.Mr.Kido,wh owillattendth e

SupremeCourth eari ngson-th eEndo and Korematsu cases i nWash i ngton,willvisi tJACLmem-bersandgroupsduring h i ssix-week stour.Heexpectstomeetwith groupsi nNewYork ,Cleveland,Cinci n-nati,Ch i cago,Milwauk ee,Minne-apolis,St.Paul,Detroit,DaytonandBoston.

CALLINGAllCh apters!

ByHitoOk ada

CONTRIBUTIONSWe wi sh to ack nowledge th efollowing contributi ons receivLatNational Headquarters3week : Mr.HenryT Tanimi ."$5.00,Topaz,Utah ;Mr.A&Bonus,$1.00,Seattle,Wash andDr.andMrs.Rich ardHori oSLincolnAvenue,Detroit8,MioMgan. ' cm"

Th ePacifi cCi ti zenreceivedananonymouscontributi onofj i nnnfromasoldier,APOSanFrand"JWecertainlyappreciateth econtnbutionasi twi llcoverth ecostofanumberofcopiesofth eP«cifieCiti zennow goinggratistomanylocaliti esasapublicre]a.tionsmedium.OVERSEASGIFTSNational(Headquartersh asbeenwork i ngonaCh ri stmaspresentprojectforth eboysoverseasbuttodateh asnotreceivedareplyfromth eh eadquartersofth eFifthArmy,grantinguS permissi ontosendgifts.Th etimebeingsh ortth i sprojecth astobeabandonedbutarrangementsh avebeenmadetosh i pbook stoourboysi nth eh ospi talsandth efi rstbatch h asgonewith th ebook sbeingpur-ch asedbycontributi onsofSlOfleach from th eofficestaffandth ei rfamili es.Th ei ni ti alcontrib-utionswerefrom,LarryTaj i ri ,Saburo Kido,MineKido,HitoOk ada,HanaOk ada,Th elmaTak -eda,AliceKorenaga,Kimi ToyotaTamaSak ai ,andAtsuk oMori.Ifyouare i nterestedi n j oi ni ngth i sprojecttorememberourboys i nth eh ospi talsoverseas,yourcon-tributi onswillbeappreciated,butsend i ti npromptly.MANYTHANKSWe h avebeenadvisedth atMr,Jack Aramak i wasth eh osttoouitouringlectureduo,Pfc.Th om-asHigaandJoeMasaok aonth ei rrecentvisi ttoPrice,Utah . Wearei ndebtedtoh i mforth emeet-i ngplace,banquet,andmanyoft.erfavors.

Saturday,September30lulPACIFIC CITIZEN6


SoySauce,Miso,Tofu,Riceandallk i ndsofOrientalFood

149W.Divi si onSt.CallDELaware 1816

T.N.Asato Ch i cago10,111.


ForJapaneseProvisi onsCALLFUJIMOTO'S909 E.43rdStreetTeleph oneDRExel3303DeliveryService"


Jess Kalawaia'sHOME STUDY COURSEIncludes:aguitar,pick s,bar,music,and instruc-tionsei th erbynotesornumbers.

I Complete artqcaCourse

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ch arges

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MOTORS-New&RewiredNEW FAN -(16-in.)fi tssh aftsizesy2-in.— >/4-in.

Also5/8-in.RealJapaneseAj i nomotoJAPANESEFOODS



Room andBoardRelocationServiceto



3608 S.Ellis.AyeTeleph one:ATLantic4669CHICAGO.ILLINOISTom M'aeda,Mgr.




NEW YORKLIFEINS.CO.AssetsoverSBi lli onDollars(AMutualCompany)Inquiri esWelcome

325Walk erBank Bldg.SaltLak eCi ty,Utah

Ph ones:Office5-2841;Rn.S-6675



1108-18th Street Ke.3910Denver,Colo.


100% Virgi nWoolJersey,52 i n.wide,$1.95peryardCompleteRangeofColors

Warm Woolens,HeavyNapforCoats,Firm Mannish WoolensforSuits—Easy.to-Mold,Ligh t-Weigh tWoolens,SoftandFineforDresses.— Sk i rtEnds,PantsLength s.

"""BIE9O"«tNewStrutters,Luanas,Crepes— forSlack s,DressesandSportswear

"L.B.WOOLEN&TRIMMING CO.530S.LosAngelesStreetLosAngeles13,California




IPortrait,Wedding,Panorama,IPh otoCopies,Enlargements



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DENVER,COLORADOClosedMonday KB900611a.m.to12Mi dni gh t



1956LarimerSt. Ta.9576Denver2,Colo.

Fi neFoodsaSpecialty"MeetYourFriendsHere"


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Sanseido'sNewConciseEnglish -JapaneseDicti onary.(PostagePrepaid) $3.50

KENKYUSHAEnglish -JapaneseDicti onary. (Maili ngch arge,50c) _ „ $8.00

KENKYUSHAJapanese-English Dicti onary.(Maili ngch arge,50c) _ _ _ _

$5.00ELEMENTARYJapaneseTextbook sForSelf-Study.

Grammar,vocabulariesandnotes.(Maili ngch arge25c.)Asetoftwobook s $4.50

NaganumaReader,Vol.1,2,3,4,5,and6(Postageprepaid _~

_Each $1.60

ReferenceBook ofNotes,VocabularyandGrammarforNaganumaReader,Vol.1,2,3,(PostagePrepaid)Kach $1.60

NewGyosh o-Sosh oTok uh on,containsSosh owith much newmaterialadded(Postageprepaid)

_ _...$1.60BeginnersReaderi nKanaandPracticeBook $«W

(PostagePrepaid)Goh GameBook (InJapanese) $200PleaseRemitWith Orderto:

JOZO SUGIHARA1775XeniaStreet Ph one:East4923


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Merch andi se Guaranteed orCash RefundedPersonalAttentionAnyOth erPurch ases

Page 7: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

Dr.Deutsch QuestionsDeweyStatementonCoastEvacuees0/itryCommanderH,,FullAuth ori ty,HeWrite*Ch roni cle

cufFRANCISCO—Dr.Monroe.Deutsch ,provostofth eUniver.1ofCaliforniaandprominent\lberofth eCommitteeonAm-

andFai rPlay,

i i week questionedastatement"Lby presidentialcandidatemaE Deweyregardingth eSTmofpersonsofJapanesean-i Ltoth ewestcoast.Th eSanFranciscoCh roni cleofJit.19reportedDeweyassay-LJth at'h e"expectstogetfirst-Li i nformationonth equestionTh ereturnofwartimeevacuat-h DanesetoPacifi cstates'from»oeoplewith wh om Iconfertoweek 'i nCalifornia."Iti salittlediffi culttounder-bid wh at th i s means," Dr.Bitsch declaredi nalettertoth eCh roni clepublish edonSept.25."Sinceth eJapaneseandAmer-i anJapanesewereremovedfromtoareabyth emili taryauth ori -tyth ei rreturnwillnottak e

PlacenMtHth emi li taryauth ori ti espermit.Butwh entt/mili ta"

Statingth ati ti snotlegallypossibletopreventAmericaSzens, wh atever th ei r ancestryfromreturningtoCaliforniaafterwnr«T eilmovementh asbeenlifted,Dr.Deutsch ask ed i fDeweywere"followingth ep\thth ath e favored allowing eachcommim.tytodeterminewh eth erLE»sh ouldbeallowedto"Iamsureth atGovernorDewevwouldbeoneofth efi rsttoem-ph asi zeth e i mportanceoflivi ngfullyuptoth eConstituti on,"saidDr.Deutsch ."Th i ssh ouldbedone,h owever,notmerelyi nth ose i n-stanceswh erepopularsupporti sreadilyobtainable,butevenforth osewh omaymomentarilybeunpopulari nth eeyesofsomeofourpeople.Surely,wh enonereadsofth eh eroi cdeedsofth eAmeri-cansofJapanesedescenti nItalyandseesth ecommendationgiveni ?,eJ2 yLieutenantGeneralMark Clark ,wh enonescansth elistofJapanesenamesamongth ewoundedandamongth edead,h eh asnorigh tto treatth em asth ough ttieyare anyth i ngoth erth anloyalciti zensofth eUnitedStates."

GilaRiverNiseiOrdainedasPastorRIVERS,Ariz.—CliffordNak a-deerawawastobeordainedamin-!Rter i nth ePresbyterian ch urch<»tCh anel59onSunday.Sept.24,accordingtoth eGi laNews-Cour-i er.

VitalStatisti csBIRTHS

(918-M,TuleLak e)agirlonSept.

M,Tr°<,,¥&AanlMrs-Katsush i geSes*12' LBk B)a**"To Mr.and Mrs.Kazuyosh i

ToMr.andMrs.Sh i getoYama-fWn-KT»,eli k e,.*„"T°yZn£&Mrs-Yosh i toKosh i -TLSun*"cUk e)aboy(2418-P,Tule Lak e)aboyonoept.4.JF%}&»ni Mrs-MitsuoMatsuna-Sept!4 ' Lak e)aboyonT°%n\anLMrs-Matsuj i Han-zawa(8011-CD,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.5./Jo a,ndTMrs-FredSuk i moto(518-CVTuleLak e)aboyonSept.ToMrandMrs.Yosh i ak i Hira-onVSe 02"E>TnleLak e)aPrlToMr.andMrs.Unosuk eKoy-ama(7618-1,TuleLak e)aboyo*Sept-6.i '

To Mr.and Mrs.NobusuguSasano(2604-A,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.ToMr.andMrs.IsamuKane-tomo(6814-D,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.,ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i mori Kur-ok awa(5315-E,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.ToMr.andMrs.WataruSue-on (t44(M'A

'Tnle****'>a*»**ToMr."andMrs.Yosh i o Sugi-ok a(515-B 1,TuleLak e)aboyon Sept.9.,T?Mr.andMrs.JoeNak ao(47--13-B,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.

/J!?-dMrs"SMnobuTak eta£S?6 Lak e)a>drlf1ToMr.and Mrs.Tomio Ok a-moto(5312-A,TuleLak e)agirl

onSent.11.ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i oTok u-sh i ge(308-5-C,Poston)agirlonSent.15.ToMr.andMrs.CyrusSatosJifTwasak i (215-7-B,Poston)agirl

onSeDt.15.ToMr.andMrs.Fuj i mura(13-

-8-l>.Rah wer)aboyonSept.8.ToMr.andMrs.K.Asewa(20-

-4-F.Roh wer)aeirlonSept.10.ToMr.and Mrs.HenryTTsuiMO-3-D,Roh wer)agirlonSept.

ToMr.andMrs.Tom Mak i no(13-2-A,Roh wer)agirlonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.M.Eei (24-8-

TD.Roh wer)aboyonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.S.Kozesa(A-

-8-K.Roh wer)aerirlonSept.15.ToMr.andMrs.N.Kabash i ma(4-3-F.Roh wer aboyonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.Tominaea(23-

-3-V.Roh wer)aenrlonSepfTl9.ToMr.andMrs.Kivosh lAso(29-9-B,GilaRi ver)agirlonSept.17.ToMr.andMrs.K>i i oh i Naica-

'mura(52-R-D,GilaRiver)aboyonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i oRich -ardNisli i h ara(10H-BE,Granada)aboyonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.GeorgeTTosh i -vama(7TT-48,Granada)aboyonSent.15.ToMr.andMrs.KayKinosh i ta

(17-16-D,TTeartMountain)aboyonSept.15.ToMr.and Mrs.AlbertTan-

ouve(24-19-A.HeartMountain)agirlonSept-19.ToMr.andMrs.Masami Sh i m-'

ok on (44-1-G,Hunt)agirlonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.TsaoSh i ro*"!

(21-6-F,.Hunt)«eirlonSept.17.ToMr.andMrs.Ak i vama(29-

-1-T\.Hunt)aboyonAnc.28.ToMr.«ndMrs.Kani h i Iwami(?<*-l-H.Hunt)apirlo* Aue.31.ToMr.an<llVTrs.Tak nh asMMiz-nU (S4-11-C. Hunt)agirlonSent.1.ToMr.andMrs.TTpi i i roMivao(13-10-T),Hunt)atn onS«»pt.4.ToMr.andMrs.Sh ?eeoVRbu

?aVi ofHuntn h vonSept.7.ToMr.si"JMrs,Ipami TTch i -

■ani o Poston)agirlonSent.19.ToMr.andMrs.Genre*J.Mat-

sn?a h oyonS«nt.20 i nDover.ToMr.andMrs.Jimmi eF.Hig-uch i aboyi nDenver,Colo.

DEATHSKuni h i k o Hattori,58,1716-C,TuleLak eonSept.5.KasutaroHirosawa,69,(3418-E,TuleLak e)onSept.9.TBuruk i ch i Moriyama,78,(5016-

C,TuleLak e)onSept.9.SasanoKanetomo(73-3-B,Gi laRi ver)onSept.13.InfantsonofMr.andMrs.Ha-j i meDoi (52-3-A,GilaRiver)onSept.12.Mrs.Kinu,Ok u,50,(27-24-D,HeartMountain)onSept.21.

MARRIAGESMiek o Fuj i h i ro to Sh i genobuMurak ami on Sept.14atTaleLak e.Tosh i yeMiyatatoMasatoNa-

k anooni Sept.2atTuleLak e.Mi ch i Yasuk ouch i toMasanobuMiyasak i onSept.16atPoston.AliceMatsui toNobumitsuTak -

ah ash i onSept.8 i nCh i cago.Sh i zuk oTak euch i toSei j i Ik e-daonSept.20i nBi lli ngs,Mont.MaryOk abetoPvt.Joseph Hi g.uch i onAug.16 i nAnn,Arbor,Mich .RubyAyak oOk awak i toKiyos-h i Yasui onSept.1 i nMich ell,Neb.TeruKusak atoMarch Dobash ionAug.17i nSaltLak eCi ty.Hamk o Tsuboi to Pete IsaoYosh i tomi i nAnnArbor,Mich .RosemaryKayamatoLt.Sh i g-eruTsubotaonAug.20 i nCh i -cago.CJuyek o Yosh i k awa to Sgt.Ak i raNak amuraatFortSnelling,Minn.,onSept.16.AnnOnoderatoCpl.Ak i raYat-



RoseM.Mori k awai nDenver,Colo.

Anti-Admini strationFiguresPush Joh nsonDeportationBillCh argeNewDealers"Protecting"PersonsOfJapaneseDescent

WASHINGTON—Itwasreport-edh erelastweek th attermsofaj oi ntHouseandSenatemeasureprovidi ngforth edeportationofallegedlydisloyalJapaneseAmer-i canah avebeenagreedonbySen-atorErnestW.McFarland,D.,Ariz.,andRep.LeroyJoh nson,R.,Calif."Th ereportaddedth atth eMc-Farland-Joh nsonbi llwillbei ntro.

ducedwh enCongressreconvenesafterth eelections.Ananti -admini strationsourcedeclaredth atth ebi ll"willserveasanamendmentwipi ngoutaNew Deal Japanese protectivemeasurecarriedth rough th eCon-gressearlyth i syearbyth eNewDealcongressionalvoting ma-ch i ne."Itwasalso indi catedth atth ecampaignforpassageofth ebillwillbecarriedonasananti-NewDealfigh t,onth egroundsth atth eRooseveltadmini stration h asbeen"protecting'"personsofJapaneseancesry.Th e anti-admini stration reportdeclared:"Joh nsonlastwinterintroducedabillwh i ch wouldh avemadeorig-i naldisloyaltystatementsi n1942groundsfor,postwardeportationofJapaneseAmericans."Th eNewDealcounteredwithaDepartmentofJusticemeasurerequiri ngth edisloyaliststomalcenew statementsbeforeth eycouldbedeported."Th eballotingi n!th eHousewas

so narrowadmini strationleaderssentacallth rough Capi tolcorri-dorsforabsentNew Dealcon-gressmen.Th eDepartmentofJus-ti cebillcarriedbyninevotes.""Enormousevidence h aspiled

uptosh owth atth eJapaneseareanundesirableelementatbest,averydangerousoneatworst,"Joh nsonwasquotedassaying.Joh nsonalsoattack edth eWRAinh i sstatementi nsupportofh i sbill.

EvacueeGelsPermissi ontoReturnHomeTOPAZ, Utah —Ryuj i Adach i ,

5-12-B, Topaz,an American,ofJapaneseancestry,h asbeengrant-edpermissi onbyth eWesternDe-fense Commandtoreturntoh i spre-evacuation h omeatRedwoodCity, Calif.,according to th ewelfaresectionofth eTopazpro-j ect.Adach i ,wh o h as passed h i sph ysi calforth eArmy,wi llbepermittedtoresideth ereuntilh ei scalledfori nductionafterth eexpirati onofh i sdeferment.He i sanapplicantforth epo-siti onaslanguagedrillmasteratth e Ci vi li an Affairs Sch oolatStanforduniversityi nPaloAlto.

Lgrday,September80,1944 PACIFIC CITIZEN7




1053South Bth EastSt.SALTLAKECITY

Ph ones:5-8040;Res.5-1155


P.0.Box2031SaltLak e City,Utah



CLASSIFIED ADSMBCHANIC"WANTED~ST7OOh ourtoRtart:plentyofovertime—WriteFred Yamamoto,P.O.Box787,Price,Utah .HELPWANTED:We~nee~danop-eTatorforasuitnresser.Georg*H.Hak ata.Sr.DeLuxeClean-ers,511 RailroadStreet,Elk o,Ner.WANTED: Experienced truckdri verwith mech ani calexperi-encetodrive10toncoaltruck .*200amonth tostart.OpentoWRArenterresidents.Giveper-sonal h i storyandexperience.FredYamamoto,P.0.Box787.Price.Utah .WANTED:Experiencedand de-pendablelaundrymanbetweenacres27-35.Mustbesingle.Goodnay,h oardandroom. InanireCrystalLaundry.BonnersFer-ry.Idah o.WANTEDTOBUY:Automobilesortruck s,directfrom owners.Also i nterested i n purch asi ngh ouseh old Roods ofalltypes,eith erstored privately or i nwareh ouses.Willbuy i mprovedCityorCountypropertyorany-th i ngyou h avetoselli nLosAngelesandterritory.Ipayallcash . W.M.Sh eumak er,1107South AlvaradoSt.LosAngeles6California.



23225th Street




WALLY TOMA137Ja. MANAGER AND DESIGNERJ'1Stree* SaltLak eCity Res.Ph one4-86248»«th Mai n LAMBOURNEFLORIST Ph one3-554

WANTED SECRETARYWh oMajored i naCommercialCourseSalaryPlusRoom andBoardAGoodSteadyPositi on


DR.LEE WATANABEPh ysi ci anandSurgeon

Announcesth eOpeningofh i sPracticei nSaltLak eCity

»no9f?ce:MJ Residence:202,AtlasBldg. 9i B2ndAvenue36% W.2ndSouth Ph one:4-6211Ph one:4-2411

" OfficeHours:10-12a.m.;2-5p.m.

DR.BENT.CHIKARAISHI,O.D.FormerlyofStock ton,Calif.


800 WestNorth Avc,ComerofHalsted %Pm 6

CHICAGO,ILLINOISOfficeHours:Mon." Wed.-Fri.5:30-9:30p.m.and

byAppointmentsPh ones:Office-Moh awk 5337— Residence-Plaza9032


Th eOpeningofanOptometricPracticeonOctoberIst

at1454East53rdStreet(BetweenBlack stoneandHarper)


OfficeHours:9a.m.to9p.m.Ph ones:Office -Midway8363— Res.-HydePark 5468

Page 8: Ivol NO-13 Announces One-Fourth May Killed,

"One-ManCrusade"AgainstNisei GirlStudentReportedMinorAgitati ononReturnofEvacueeToPasadenaTold

PASADENA,Calif.—Nineteen-year-oldEsth erTak ei continuedh erstudiesatPasadena JuniorCollegeth i sweek ,despiteminoragitati onforh erdi smi ssal.Herpresenceatth esch oolandth epositi onofth esch oolboardonh ercaseweredefendedbyDr.Joh nA.Sexson,superintendentofsch ools,wh o-'fermedasun-Amer-i canth espectacleof"th resh i ngth ematteroutoverth esh buldersofasch oolch i ld,"andwh owarn-edth atcontinuedagitati onoverh erenrollmenth ad created a"dangeroussituation."Inastatementonth esituation,Dr.Sexson declaredth atEsth erTak ei wasadmittedi naccordancewith th emandatoryprovisi onsofth eSch oolCodeofth estateofCalifornia,andth ath eauth ori za-tiontoresidei nPasadenawasi s.suedby"th eh i gh estmili taryau-th ori tyi nth i sarea."ItwasrevealedbyMrs.GladysRineh art,presidentofth eboard,th at97lettersi nsupportofth eboard'sacion h adbeenreceived,wh ereasonlyoneletterofprotesth adbeenreceived.Th eletterofprotest,i twasde-

clared,was sentbyGeorgeL.Kelley,onlyi ndi vi dualsofarfig-uringprominentlyi nth e-agitati onagainstth eNi sei sch oolgirl.Kelleyappearedbeforeth ePas.adenaBoardofEducationonSept.26andth reatenedcourtactioni fth eboardrefused to h eedpro-,testsbyh i mselfandh i ssupport-ers.Kelleywas describedbyth ePasadenaIndependent,dailyPasa-dena newspaper,as th e "self-styled'ch ai rmanofth ePasadenaSafetyCommissi on.'"

Ask sCaliforniansToDisti ngui sh ]BetweenGroupsPASADENA,Calif.—"WemustdifferentiatebetweenloyalfellowAmericansofalienancestryandth eenemyJapanese;tofailtodoso i sgrosslyunfair,un-Americanandun-Ch ri sti an,"Dr.Joh n F.Scott,rectorofth eAllSaintsEpiscopalch urch , declared onSept.24daringth emorningserv-i ceatth ech urch ."Manyh adask edmypositi oni namatterwh i ch i scausingcon-siderableagitati oni nourcom-munity,"saidMr.Scott."ACalifornia-borngirlofJapa-

nese parentage(butofwh oseloyaltyth erei snoquestion)withth epermissi onofmili taryauth or,i ti esh asenteredPasadenaJuniorCollege,wh eresh ei swelcomedby90percentofth estudentbody.Someciti zensaredisturbedandareseek i ngto h aveh erremoved.Wh yandfromwh atmotives,Idonotk now."ManyAmericanyoungmenofJapaneseancestryarelayingdownth ei rli vesforourcountry.Th eyandth ei rsi stersand wivesareAmericanciti zens.Ifth eauth ori -tiesareconvincedofth ei rloyal-ty,th eysh ould h ave th e sameprivi legesasth erestofua."Dr.Scottaddedth ath ei scon-

vincedth ata"greatmajori tyofourciti zensi nPasadenaareAm-ericanenough toseeth atj usti cei sdone."

LetterSupportsStandTak enbySch oolBoard

HUNTINGTON PARK,Calif.—"Oursch ools h ave alwaysbeenth ebulwark ofdemocracy.Let'sk eepth emopenforallourciti -zensalways,"i twasdeclaredi nalettertoth ePasadenaBoardofEducationbyi Ch arlesVanWink leofHuntingtonPark ,California,i nregardtoth eEsth erTak ei casei nPasadena."Weoweatleastth i smuch toth efamili es,toth ebroth ersandsisters ofourJapaneseAmeri-cans i nth earmedforcesofth eUni ted States wh o poured outth ei rlife-blood forlibertyanddemocracyonth ebeach atAnzioand th eslopesofSalerno.Any-th i nglesswould,beacompletede-ni alofeveryth i ngAmerican,de-centandCh ri sti an,"saidMr,VanWink le.Mr.VanWink le'sletterwasoneofmany lettersofapprobationsentth i sweek toth ePasadenaboard,wh i ch h asuph eldth ead-mi ssi on ofEsth erTak ei ,Japa-nese American student,to th ePasadenaJuniorcollege.

Th wartKelleyInAttempttoPollStudents"OneManCrusade"IsGuidedOffofJ.CCampusatPasadena

LOS ANGELES— GeorgeL.Kelley,Pasadena'sone-mancom-mitteeofprotestagainstth ere-turnofJapaneseAmericanstoth ewestcoastandagainstth ereturnofEsth erTak ei toPasadenaJun-i orCollege,was"guidei !"fromth ecampusofth atsch oolonWednes-daybyAssistantPrinci palArch i eM.Turrell,accordingtoareporti nth eLosAngelesTimes.Kelleywasescortedfrom th ecampus,wh ereh eh adgonetocon-ducth i sownpolli nanattemptto disprove SuperintendentofSch oolsJoh nA.Sexson'sreportth at90percentofth estudentbodyapprovedth eenrollmentofth eNi sei student.Meanwh i leCarlPalmberg,stu-denteditorofth eCh roni cleandh i mselfadisch argedveteran,saidth at90percentofth estudentbodyleadersapproveMissTak ei 'spresenceatth atsch oolandth ataneditori altoth ateffectwouldappeari nth e(Ch roni cleonFriday,Sept.29.Apleaagainstraceprejudi cei nth ematterwasmadebyMrs.Wil.lardJ.Stone,ch apterexecutivecommitteewomanofth e Pacifi cCoast Committee on AmeircanPrinci plesandFai rPlay."Wh enaciti zen such asth i sgirli sclearedbyth emili taryau-th ori ti es,sh e h as allth e ci vi lrigh tsofallAmericanciti zensandsuch righ tsmustbeallowed,"safdMrs.Stone.

Nisei ServicemenNotEligi blefToVotei nWyomingElectionCHEYENNE,Wyo.— JapaneseAmericanservicemenwh oseh omesareatth eHeartMountainrelo-cationcenterarenoteligi bletovotei nth estateofWyoming,i twasreportedth i sweek byth eAP.Th erulingwasmadeSaturday,Sept.23,bySecretaryofStateMartT.Ch ri stensen,wh oreport-edth attwosoldierswh oh adli vedatth eHeartMountaincenterandarenowstationed i nMi ssi ssi ppih adappliedforsoldierballots.Th ei rapplicati onswerereturnedwith th eadviceth atth eyapplyi nth estatefromwh i ch th eycametoWyoming,Ch ri stensensaid.Th erulingwasmadei naccord-

ancewith alawpassedbyth e1943Wyominglegislaturewh i ch pro-vi ded:"...Th ateach ci ti zenofth eUni tedStateswh oh asbeenoni sh ereafterbrough t,orcausedtobebrough t,i ntoth estateofWyo.

mingbyth ewarrelocationauth or,i ty,oroth ersi mi laragency,andwh o i snoworh ereafterinternedi narelocationcenterorconcen-trationcamporanyoth ersi mi largovernmentalfacili tyestablish edi nWyomingunderanynationalemergencywh i ch h asbeenori sh ereafterproclaimedbyth epresi.dentofth eUnitedStates,sh allbeproh i bi tedfromvotingi nanyelectioni nth estateofWyominguntilaftersuch affectingnationalemergencyh asbeenterminatedi nanactofcongressofth eUnitedStatesandsaidci ti zenth ereafterqualifi esasanelectorunderpriorprovisi ons...."Ch ri stensen said h e regrettedth elawmak esi ti mpossibletoal-low Nisei servicementovotei nWyoming,declaringth at"ith ard-lyseemsfairtorequireth emtoflgh t,butbarth emfromvoting."

Nisei SoldiersGivePicni cforGirlsi nCapitalWASHINGTON,D.C.— Niseisoldiersfromnearbycampswereh oststomoreth an100girlsonarecentSunday,atawell-plannedandenjoyablepicni ci nth efamousRock Creek Park i nth eNationscapital.Th eguestswereverysur-prisedto see such deli caci esasch i ck en maze-goh an(wh i ch i n-

cludedevengobo,tak enok o,waterch estnuts,andbeni-sh oga),tama-goyak i ,pork and beefteriyak i ,andonmsubi.Inth eafternoonentertainmentwasprovidedbyth esoldiers,wh oweremostlyfromHawai i .Severalnoveltieswerepresented,such ash uladancesandwarch ants.Th eboysandgirlsth orough lyenjoyedeveryminuteofth eday,i ndulg-i ngi neveryth i ngfrom baseballtofolk -dancingonth egrass.Th efoodwaspreparedi nth e

h omesofth reeIssei fami li eswh oh ave li ved i n Wash i ngton formanyyearsandwh oaregoingmuch outofth ei rwayth esedaystomak eWash i ngtonasmuch li k eh omeaspossibleforresettlers.

TopazEvacueesWillTak eAvi ati onCourseatDelta

TOPAZ, Utah —Arrangementsh avebeenmadefortwentyTo-pazresidentstotak eanaviati onmech ani cscoursetobegivenatth eMunici palai rporth angarlo-catednorth westofDelta,th eTo-pazTimesreportedrecently.Th e course willgivetraini ngi naircraftenginesandmech ani cs,andpersonscompletingth ecoursemaybeemployed as j uni orme-ch ani cs i naircrafti ndustry.

EvacueeResettlers i nEastEmployed i nVariedFi eldsNEW YORK—Th emajori tyofth e156resettlerswh owereguestsofth eGreaterNewYork Reloca-tionHostelduringi tsfirstth reemonth sofoperationfoundworkandh ousi ngi nNewYork orvici n-i tyafteranaveragestayofeigh tdays,accordingtoareportrecent,lyi ssuedbyth eWRArelocationofficei nNeVfYork City.Copiesofth ecompletereport,wh i ch i ndi -catesth at43Issei and32familygroupswereamongth eh ostelres-i dents,canbeobtainedfrom th elocalrelocationprogramoffice.Th ereportgivesi ndetailsometypicalexamplesofh owfamili esand indi vi dualswereassisted i nfindi ng j obsand h ousi ngbyth eh ostelstaff,WRArelocationoffi-cers,andoth ercooperatingagen-ci es.Gi la Ri ver h ad th e greatestnumberofformerresidentsfromanyonecenteratth eh ostel,fol-lowedbyCentralUtah andMan-zariar.Th ecompletelistofh ostel-ersbycentersfollows:GitaRiver,49;CentralUtah ,24;Manzanar,22;Colorado River,17;HeartMountain,15;Mini dok a,6;Rph -wer,Granada,andJerome4each ;andTuleLak e,1.Inadditi on,apa-roled interneecametoth e h ostelfromDenver,fourevacueescamefrom Ch i cago,fouroth ersfromCinci nnati,andonefrom Boston.Fifty-five h ostelersestablish edpermanentresidence i nNewYorkCityand46 oth ersresettled i noth ercommuniti es i nth eMi ddleAtlanticArea.Hostelresidents included 54

married and 102singlepersons.Th eyoungesth ostelerwasth reemonth sold,andth eoldestwasanIssei of71 wh otook apositi onasanoperatorofanelectricdis-wash i ng mach i ne atMt.SinaiHosnitalsh ortlyafterh i sarrivali nNewYork .Th erewere15ch i l-drenunderth eageof16.Amongth e32familygroupswerenineconsisti ngofboth parentsandonetofourch i ldren;seven familyj rroupsofoneparentandonetoth ree ch i ldren; eigh tmarriedcouples; and eigh tgroups ofbroth ersandsisters.With th eai dofth eWRAre-

locationofficesi nNewYork CityandNewark .N.J.,h ostelers se-curedpositi ons i nth efollowingfieldsofemployment:beautici an,silk screenartist,dressdesigneraccountant,filmprojecti oni st,gar-dener,domestic,secretary,seam-stress,studentnurse,draftsman,

sh i ppi ngclerk ,producemanager,toy-animalstuffer,typewriterre-pairman;drycleaner,mech ani c'sh elper,andph ysi calth erapist.Alth ough th erewassomecon-troversyprecedingandimmediate-lyfollowingth eopeningofth eh osteli n Brook lynonMay 10.1944,"h ostelers go abour th enei gh borh oodwi th outfearorem-barrassment,"Rev.Ralph E.Smelt-zer,untilrecentlydirectorofth eh ostel,declaresi nth ereport."Ournextdoorneigh borsare congen-i al.Th e h ostelh asreceived noprotests,andnounfriendlyactsh avecometoourattention.Toallappearancesth e h ostelh asbeencompletelyaccepted."Th eh osteli soperatedonanon-sectarianbasisbyth eBreth renService(Committeeofth eCh urchofth eBreth ren.Cooperatingor-ganizati ons i ncludeth eJapaneseAmericanResettlementCommitteeofth eBrook lynCouncilforSocialPlaiui i ng,th eNewYork Ch urchCommitteeforJapaneseAmeri-cans,'andth eAmerican BaptistHomeMissi on'Society,wh i ch alsomadeafinancialcontributi on toth eh ostel.

NativeSonsGoonRecordOpposingHawai i anStateh oodOnJapaneseAmericanIssue

SAN FRANCISCO—Representativesof20parlorsofth eNativeSonsofth eGoldenWestwereonrecordonSept.26asopposingstateh oodforHawai i asaresultofastatementmadei nSanFranciscorecentlybyJoseph R.Farrington,territori aldelegate,toth eeffectth at"Hawai i wantsnopartofth eJapB.neseexclusioncontroversyofth eWestCoast"Th e j oi ntresolution assertedth ati fFarringtoncorrectly

representedopini onsofth emaj ori tyofpeople i nHawai i th atHawai i h adbestdiscardallh onesofattaini ngstateh ood,"th atfITwai i fi rstbepreparedtoactinconcertwith th ewh oleNationandnotattemptlocalsolutionofna.tionalproblems,"th eSanFranciscoCh roni clereported.Itadded "Hawai i mustbe.protectionandnota menacetoth e h omeland,"afterassertingth atth eJapaneseproblem i snotawestcoastproblem"butanationalproblem,with Hawai i ,Ne»York ,Missouri andAlask anolessaffectedth anCalifornia ascom-ponentunitsofth i sNation."Th eresolutionwasdraftedbyWebsterK.Nolan,presidentofStanfordParlorNo.76,and ore-sentedbyWaldoF.Postelofth eparlor'sJapaneseExclusionCom-mi ttee.Congresswascalleduponi nth eresolutiontoadoptlegislationnowapplying to th e wh ole UniedStatesandmak i ngmandatoryth edeportationofallalienJapaneseandth ecancellationofAmericanciti zensh i pfor"disloyal"Ameri-can-born Japanese,togeth erwithth ei rdeportation.

EvacueesAidHarvestingonWesternFarmsSAN FRANCISCO — AlargenumberofevacueesofJapanese

descentarenowseasonalwork ersonth efarmsh elpi ngi n£h efoodforvictoryprogram,accordingtoRobertB.Cozzens,assistantdirec-torofth eWarRelocationAuth or-i ty.Becauseofth ei rexperienceanaaptitudeforfarm work ,evacueework ersaremuch sough tafterbylargenumbersoffarmers i nth eRock yMountainandMi ddleWest-ernstates,Cozzensdeclared."Th i si sadisti nctcontributi on

toth ewareffort,sinceth elaborsh ortage i soneofth emostdif-fi cultoffarmers'problems,"h eadded. "Evacueesch oolch i ldrenh avesometimesbeenused i nth epastbutunlessth eyareofh i ghsch oolage,th eyh avebeenfoundtobenotfullyadequate.However,th eexperiencedassistancenowbe-i ngofferedbyevacuees i stodaywelcomedon h undredsoffarmsand i s,ofcourse,ofmaterialaidtoth ewareffort."

Mrs.TamaoTak ayosh iDiesi nIndianapolisINDIANAPOLIS,Ind.-Mrs.TamaoTak ayosh i ofIndianapolispassedawayonSept.20atth eageof70afterani llnessofth reemonth s.FormerlyofSeattle,sh emo*

ed to Indianapolisfrom PerthAmboy,NewJersey,toth eh omeofh erson,Yosh i ,th ree weetapriorto h erdeath .Sh e leavesfoursons,Keifto,

Tomeo,Yosh i tak a andTai j i ,wh oi snow servingloverseaswith th earmedforces,andfourdaugh ter):Yurino,Masak o,Mrs.GeorgeIsh i h araandMrs.HaroldLewi i

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday.September30,1944



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