America Changing Through Immigration and Industrialization Ivy Briggs tp://tinyurl.com/at3e6va http://tinyurl.com/bt4zkd

Ivy Briggs Timeline

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America Changing Through Immigration and Industrialization

Ivy Briggs



Page 2: Ivy Briggs Timeline

Bessemer Process:

This process was developed by Henry Bessemer and William Kelley. It runs iron into steel by removing the carbon. By 1880, American manufacturers used this process to make 90% of the nation’s steel

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

1850 186218591857

Frederick Law Olmstead:

Olmstead was a landscape architect and in this year, he designed Central Park, NYC

Social Darwinism:

This concept grew out of Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, published in 1859. Economists discovered that this also applied to the economy and justified Laissez Faire. The system of unrestrained competition will ensure survival of the fittest.

Homestead Act:

This act was passed by Congress, it offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of household. This was the government’s way of encouraging settlers to head west.

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1867 186818661859

Sand Creek Massacre:

The Cheyenne assumed they were under the protection of the US government Colonel Chivington and his troops attack the Cheyenne and Arapaho camped at Sand Creek, Colorado. The attack was at dawn and killed 150 people.

Buffalo Soldiers:

These soldiers were members of the black regiments in the US Army, The were formed September 21, 1866 and served in the Indian Wars after the Civil War. “Buffalo Soldiers” was their nickname.

Oliver Kelley: In, Kelley started the Patrons of Husbandry, which became popularly known as the Grange. Its original purpose was to provide a social outlet and an educational forum for isolated farm families.

Tammany Hall:

Tammany Hall was New York City’s Democratic political machine. William M. Tweed, known as Boss Tweed, became head of it in 1868. Under his leadership, the machine went through several scandals included the construction of the New York County Courthouse.



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18711870 18741869

Jacob Riis:

In 1870, Riis left Denmark for the United States. He worked as a police reporter and reported on the poor conditions of New York City’s worst slums.

Transcontinental Railroad:

This was a railroad line that would link the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the United States. It was completed in 1869

Tweed Ring:

This group consisted of Boss Tweed and his followers. All of this group benefitted from the New York County Courthouse scandal. This ring was broken in 1871. Boss Tweed was imprisoned, released imprisoned again and escaped to Spain where he was captured and identified by a Thomas Nast Cartoon.

George Armstrong Custer:

Colonel George Armstrong Custer reported that the Black Hills were filled with gold and led movement to take away Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho lands. Led the US Army in the Battle of Little Big Horn.



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1876 1870s1876June 1876

Battle of Little Big Horn:

The Battle of Little Big Horn was a victory for the Lakota and North Cheyenne Indians. They fought against Colonel George Custer near the Little Big Horn River in Montana Territory. This was Custer’s last stand. He died during battle.

Thomas Alva Edison:

During 1876, Edison established the world’s first research laboratory in Menlo, NJ. He is responsible for the incandesent lightbulb and an entire system for producing and distributing electrical power.

Alexander Graham Bell:

Alexander Bell is responsible for inventing the telephone in 1876. This opened the way for a worldwide communications network.

Jim Crow Laws:

Segregation laws began to be passed in the South during this decade. These laws were named after a popular old minstrel tune.

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1870s 1877 1877 1879

John D. Rockefeller:

Rockefeller established the Standard Oil Company in the 1870s-80s. He dealt with companies by joining in trust alliances with them. He would also shut competitors out of businesses by dropping prices and then shooting them up after there was no more competition.

Dumbbell Tenements:

These tenements were cheap housing units created when cities became packed with people during the Industrial Revolution. The design of the building looked like a dumbbell. These were unsanitary and overcrowded. In 1879, New York city passed building laws that sought to improve the slum conditions.

Chief Joseph:

Chief Joseph was born in 1840, in Wallowa Valley, Oregon territory, and died September 21, 1904, Chief of the Nez Perce Tribe, in 1877, he led the tribe in the 1400 mile retreat from US troops which ended the Battle of Bear Paw Mountains.

Nez Perce:

This was an Indian tribe that was forced off their tribal lands in Wallowa County, Oregon in 1877.

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1880 1881 1883 1884

George Pullman:

In 1880, George Pullman bought land in Illinois to design Pullman, a city for employees of his railroad car factory to live in. He too greatly restricted its residents, the employees were compelled to obey rules in which they had no say. It was seen to be “Un-American”.

Booker T. Washington:

Washington was a prominent Black educator, he believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society. In 1881, he heded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama.

Joseph Pulitzer:

Pulitzer was a Hungarian immigrant who bought the New York World in 1883. He pioneered popular news innovations and his paper emphasized “sin, sex and sensation” to pass its competitor.


During the 1884 election, this was a derogatory term used to describe a group of Republican activists who supported the Democratic presidential candidate Grover Cleaveland.



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1886 1886May 4, 1886


Mail-Order Catalog:

Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck brought retail merchandise to small towns, Sears catalog launched in 1886, this boosted mail order business for United States Postal Service and in 1896, they introduced a rural free delivery system that brought packages directly to every home.

Haymarket Affair:

The Haymarket Affair happened May 4, 1886 when 3000 people gathered at Chicago’s Haymarket Square to protest police brutality, a bomb went off and the public began to turn against the labor movement.

Samuel Gompers:

Samuel Gompers led the Cigar Marker’s International Union to join with other craft unions in 1886. He was the president of the American Federation of Labor.

Collective Bargaining:

This is negotiation between representatives of labor and management to read written agreements on wages, hours and working conditions. Samuel Gompers used this approach to reach agreements on wages hours and work conditions.

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Settlement House:

These were community centers in slum neighborhoods that provided assistance to people in area, especially immigrants. Settlement workers lived at houses so they could learn first hand about the problems caused by urbanization and help create solutions. It was founded in NYC in 1886

George Westinghouse:

Westinghouse added innovations to make electricity safer and less expensive. In 1886, he completed a multiple AC power system in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Dawes Act:

In 1887, this act was passed by Congress aiming to “Americanize” Native Americans. It broke up their reservations giving some land back to individual Indians and the rest sold to white settlers. The money earned was supposed to go back to the Indians but never did.


This was a blend of black spirituals and European music that originated in Southern saloons in the 1880s. It later led to jazz and spread worldwide.

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1888 1889 1887 1890

George Eastman:

Eastman was an American innovator and entrepreneur who founded Eastman Kodak Company in 1888 and popularized the use of roll film. He helped bring photography to mainstream.

Jane Adams:

Adams was one of the most influential members of the movement. She and Ellen Gates Starr founded Chicago’s Hull House in 1889.

Ghost Dance:

A Paiute prophet promised that if they did this, Native American lands and way of life would be restored. It spread rapidly among 25,000 Sioux on Dakota Reservation, in December 1890, Native American police sent to arrest Sitting Bull.

Interstate Commerce Commission:

Congress passed ICC act 1887 this reestablished right of fed gov’t to supervise railroad activities, it had difficulty regulating railroad rates because of long legal process and resistance from railroads.

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18901890 1892 1890s

Wounded Knee:

On December 28, 1890, the seventh cavalry rounded up 350 starving and freezing Sioux and took them to camp at Wounded Knee in SD, cavalry slaughtered 300 Indians, brought Indian Wars to a bitter end.

Sherman Antitrust Act:

Congress passed this act in 1890 that made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries. It was not very successful because the act didn’t clearly define a trust.

Ida B. Wells:

Wells was born into slavery shortly after emancipation, she moved to Memphis in the early 1880s to work as a teacher, she became editor of the local newspaper. On March 9th, 1892, 3 of her friends were lynched.

Gilded Age:

This was originated in a novel by Mark Twain describing the excesses of the late 19th century. It was satirical and Twain collagborated with Charles Dudley Warner. The title of the book represents from 1870s to 1890s.

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1890s 1890s 1892 1890s


Kickbacks were illegal payments for political machine’s services during the late 19th century. They strengthened both the political machines and individual politicians.


This was the illegal use of political influence for personal gain, once a political machine got candidates into office, they could take advantage of many opportunities during the late 19th century.

Omaha Platform:

This was the Party Program adopted at the Populist Convention in Omaha, NB on July 4, 1892. It was composed by Ignatius Donnelly.


This is a person that was part of the populism movement in the late 1800s. The movement demanded that people have a greater voice in gov’t and seeking to advance interests of farmers and labors.


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1890s 1894 1895 1896

Pullman Strike:

The Pullman company laid off more than 3000 workers and cut wages without cutting cost of employment housing. The strike occurred in spring of 1894.

Robber Barons:

This is what critics called industrialists that hap complete control over industry and drove price up. They made huge profits.

Cross of Gold Speech:

This speech was made by William Jennings Bryan, who ran against McKinley as the Democratic nominee. The speech was given at the Democratic convention saying that the gold standard killed farmers.

WEB Dubois:

This man was the 1st Black to receive a doctorate from Harvard in 1895. He strongly disagreed with Washington’s gradual approach. In 1905 he led the Niagara Movement.



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1890s 1896 1890s 1890s

William McKinley:

McKinley was nominated by the Republican party for president in the 1896 campaign. He was from Ohio and won the presidency. Populism then collapsed burying the hopes of farmers.

Plessy vs. Ferguson:

This was a Supreme Court ruling made in 1896 that said separation of races in public places was legal and did not violate the 14th Amendment, established the doctrine of “separate but equal”. This ruling lasted almost 60 years.

Grandfather Clause:

This clause was added to Southern State constitutions to reinstate white voters who failed the literacy test or couldn’t pay the poll tax. If your father or grandfather was eligible before Jan. 1st, 1867, then you could vote. It did not allow blacks to vote.

Poll Tax:

This was an annual tax that had to be paid before qualifying to vote.



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1895 1899 1890s 1890s

William Randolph Hearst:

In 1895, Hearst purchased the New York Morning Journal. He also owned the San Francisco Examiner.

Andrew Carnegie:

In 1899, Carnegie Steel manufactured more steel than Great Britain. Carnegie was always looking for ways to improve business. He used Horizontal and Vertical Integration to control steel economy.


These were performances during the late 19th century that included slap stick comedy, song, dancing, juggling and chorus lines of female performers.

Ellis Island:

This was an immigration inspection station moved to Ellis Island from Castle Garden, NY. It is in New York Harbor. From 1890s to 1924, it was the chief station in the US, 17 million immigrants passed through here.

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1903 1912 1910-1940 1890s-1900s

Orville and Wilbur Wright:

These men were bicycle manufacturers from Dayton, OH. They experimented with new engines and on December 17th, 1903 they had their 1st successful flight at Kitty Hawk, NC.

Eugene V. Debs:

Debs attempted to form an industrial union that included all laborers- skilled and unskilled- in a specific industry. American Railway Union. In 1912 he ran for president as a member of the socialist party and received about 6% of national votes.

Melting Pot:

This is a mixture of people of different cultures and races who blended together while abandoning native languages and customs.

Angel Island:

This was an immigrant inspection station in San Francisco Bay. Asian, mainly Chinese immigrants entered here. Very harsh conditioning and questioning. From 1910 to 1940, 50000 Chinese immigrants entered here.

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