77 III i n > 41 t 1 J- ti Iw f a THE wntmrT1rp- XviEYENING EYJf L 1r i J 1 I RUHLIN AND Ti SPORTS EDITED BY HIGHLANDERS IN- SECONDPLACE WORLD IN FAST DRAW ROBERT EDGREN- i r SOME OF THE FUNNY TWISTS AND KINKS THAT MAKE THE STRENUOUS SPORTING LIFE INTERESTING < V V H W 4 H < CC <x VC I I 7 i i j- t 3c < J If b r i E r C- tk I < I us RUIN HE ONtE FOU6H- lJEfIRIES I PEPCE i I 4j I 1000t I ir yssiursf f rvv- ST 1 v I ONLY THING THOUGHT op AT TH- ERUHLINHART TRCL I W44 + 4- d b w ya 1 r GO A TERRIFIC DRAW i t ff Hart Had Twenty Poupds the Worst of the L j Weight butCarried the Fight to the Akron Giant and Burned Up Maddens 1000 SpccUl to Tlie Evening World 1I BALTIMORK Mil May ITlic hard est fought and bloodiest bittln thAt its 5 5 ever token placyi In this city took place- Hero last night before the Kureka Ath Ie tie Club which was detlared a draw i at the end of twelve rounds by Refere- eS I S Ecfcluirvlt The principals were Gus 50 RUhllnr the Akron Giant and Marvin e of Loulsvllln The contest was a r ulambanp affair frmn start to llulsh S JIInil the 3000 spectators luring the bout simply stood In their eats and shouted t j themselves hoarse while tho pollc- ui I i 4 Joined in the chorus Ruhlln was at least twenty pounds heavier than his opponent hut lion proved that he was eqyiil to the omen X Boncy although handicapped by weight i I Md tho Kentuckian carried the light to I iRuhlln in every round r f In the third round Hurts face was c J > split between the nose and tho loft eye I an Ruhllns left eye also received an ri r Ugly cut IUK frotn thin limo on tho t biped flowed froejy At the end of trio iiS v third round and until time finish both Is men w ro ooyered with blood tram tier IL head to thelr feot and Ilefcreo Ilck l I ilmrdt had to use a lonvl a ttiu end of LS each round to wipe the blood off his r face hands wearing apparel L I Nflycr In my life havu wltmwutM w toha boxing contest he said i the IMrnt Ilound- JBi h tho first round Hart started In e 5 I whirlwind and tried right for the 1tMa but missed and received a loft r to the stomach One then put right E4 land left to stomach and Jabbed left to ijace Ruhlln drove a hard tight ti- t 1i loco and Hart right to stomach p The Second llonnil- Beoond 1t Round Huhlln sent right to i > wind and IOU to Jaw and received r two left Jabs to face nuhlln Woe i rOW and Hart rushed and placed two r lefts to- The stomach Tlilrd Ilound Third Round Rnhlln began playing for wind but got to the Jaw straight Hut rushing Gus poled hard right to- p face Marvin put two lofts to stomach 0 an ARufolln grunted ItuoUn coming out of a clinch ecnl terriflo right to Harts faces splitting tho atter between the I nose and eye Hart retaliated with a righthand swing to duss left eye tj opening that optic and tho blood- S flbwed freely j From this time until the ftnljh It was Io give and takewith both lighting like bulldogs and the ring looked Hkc a tutcher shop Both I men finished trong and the referees decision met nlth the approval of tho large crowd > prcseiiti Ruhlln was seconded by Jake T KlIr Billy Malden and Drago Wat- kins 4 i 1 whim Jack McCormack Kid 11 Howard and Jim ODonnell looked 5 After Hart Johnny Kcknaidt of New I qxoric rcferced the bout c ANOLEPUTODT r < 1 f Special to The Ktrnlne Worm I N 1IHNCISCO May 1II1t- It ting Nelson knoiKcd out Martin c fJ thelirldo uf tho IJist nnd as- piratit Jt for the lightweight ohnmplon ot time world at Wiiodwards 1a 2vlllonJiiltnlsht In tho eUhtcuith lounJ- of c 1i a flprca battle The i nd rame un- rtcjpe Ii i < teaiv anfl WilY the result of an- ovoHmnJeJ ti < hthand punch on the vpplnt of the Jaw 9 JVjeii Canole passpd the nevliitioiili- id went halt through the ilshtionth it looked da though ho would win on 1- r points for his cleverness and footxvoiK- i qb t 4 i JvMotf lInt I n the mlddli uf ti- niji eighteenth Nelson sent a right swing l- tieffaW > Canolo went down and rolled f JJbvcr Ho was game however unit got fppat tttefcpunt of jilne Nelson hot Sr r j byec hIm and as sooh as lie re lf i eined his feet tho Chicago lad sho- tfnonoot Ills lightning righthand over- act ¬ I wnllop thatput Cutiolo tolho ff il1 rolled over and was counted i 1 < y 1 I tf 11 Y 1- t Wif jj r- J 5 w out Just as the count ended his sec- onds ¬ threw the sponge Into tho ring MEMSICEASYSpe- cial to The Cvtnlnr TVor- MCHICAOO May 21Jimmy Oardner made good In his tight with George McnMlo before tho Battery D Club last night and in Jesa tluui ulna minutes of actual fighting tho referee stopped the bout to havo Mesaiio from being Lomplutoly knockoj out In the open ¬ ing round Mcmslt tore Into Oardn like a bull uttu a red ling but the Kastorn fighter proved a goodtoreador und hUe tleety footwork and terrltla loft handers oon slowed tho willing Momulc and forced him on the defcn nine Y ANGER WON Bpcdnl to The Evening WorM CHICAGO May Seldom loLa the same feeling of native soil bvoii ox hlbltni by a light crowd as In thu You cirNeary battle before the Badger Athletic Club lost night In Milwaukee Ynnger outclassed Nrnry and easily earned the dtclnlon at the end of the slxti round Tho Milwaukee crowd of Neary sym- pathizers ¬ were wrothy when Referee IJnrJcl laO the Chicago lad the decis- ion ¬ and after a stormy scone during which tho crowd tore Bardell tram the ring tho police rescued the ring official before serious ilnmago and corted him- to the special train which wus awaiting tho Chicago drlegatlon at tile Union Depot In a patrol naenn It was lucky for B irdell that the spe- cial ¬ train was chartered for thu occa- sion ¬ an tliere IH no telling what might hau befallen him If ho dared to uhow himself on the streets of Milwaukee In the inorntriK The light Itself was secondary Neary rovftl a dub compircd to Yangor I In bora In at nil times but his swings wore wild antI ht seldom hit Winger barring blows tho latter slipped to the back of the head In the third round tho lads connected with their heads and tho collision black ¬ ened Yangers eyes MINERTRAINSSA- N FRANCISCO May lJacic uun1 roe the pugilist arrive here yesterday and will go Injo tmlnlng at once for his contert with Champion James J Jeffries ivjileh U I > for Juno 1 i ituti roe Is now In good condition and In conlldcnt of whipping tho ehamplon when they ni- oetBENDERTs FIT Toll Bender the little fonthirwdRlit- biipr of nilzibith Is III trat shill for hlH ebam hag light with Ultllc Itch II y uf- liiooklvn which IH on tin luuiiln fm- tvont y touiids on luxt TiMsiln night buoii tlu nutiu Club of flu i I I inure hinder Is a very promo sing bin liii Mix wurlc III IhlladclphM In tin past few months hits Bhmui Ho Is afui a inn I cli with Tomiiiv Muuihv ruinniv Liivt 01 llughiv MiOiivrrn mil would HKI to unit tluiu In time oiilir iiiiintil its hi omlilcrs Midixirn tin host ml I he rio Ho VMiulil also like to itt u nium chat with IMdlu lillio at 12J itiiiinils llnir- aliti as III TU initch wlih Li nnv tin lii irr IK > nut tigiied him light MUlKlS- Ynl C ulleae on licial Mt chlti 1 Ia nnul and Jrlncoton Inv voted to hold u biHphall eonerc net to derIde the fate of tin foul Htilkc rule among Eastern eollcges Thtlr reprosen- mtlvcs will probably meet at Now Hiivnl Conn to take final action In ¬ dications arc tint they will vote iigalnst tIle rub TheY wish to come to an undcretnndlni on the nucstton be ¬ taro their championship names open next wtelc i t Ni Ht i w W Id S 1 I S 4 < I I 5 HI I- DfI 1 I 2 k I I 1 7 S I I- k I k lit t 1I z 4 I w t NAMAT 1 5 zS HAPPENED TO THE f A > I I GlfMvlTS O < t i- Nv j4 ca <M > ODD STORIES OF TIlE SPORTMAKERS FRED FOSTER A- PLUNGER AGAIN Fred Foster the first American trainer to break Into such foreign countries as Turkey Bulgaria Ru- sla and German made a peculiar killing title wrok at the Worth racetrack Tho former owner of Dr lllce Dr Shopard and Abuse never lust 11 bcttho entire nftrnuun prac- tically ¬ I picking the cord and with a tar of sroO closed tho day hisxrlj 1120011 to the good roster had his trusty commissioner and lifelong friend Jon Moore with him and time way the pulr whanged the ring was a caution OBRIEN TO FIGHT COLEYEDNESDAYPitl- tnitelpltia Jack OBrien and Ocorgo Cole tho haidlilttlim middle- weight ¬ of Trenton N J who prac ¬ tically knocked out Kid Carter In a Ix round bout In the Quaker City hate been xecurid to try conclusions In the squared circle They have been stoned Matchmaker Jack McOurpiu to meet in a sixround tattle b tore tho National A C of IhlladclphU next Wednesday tills bout will doubtless bo a slashing one while It lasts as Cole leone of the toughest propositions lighting In the rnlddlonMjihi division at the present day Colt easy victory or Carter stamps him as a coming mm and nlac a dniifrrrnu opponent for tiny of the root riiii at his wolght OHrlcn icily realizes how great u llchur Cole Is and N tralnliih us Mlthfully till the hat ilo as ho did for hIs recent KO with Kid ViCoy The will Inttli nt catch VMlchti and Jack McUruiran will otncl ate as retiree BON HAG TO START At the lust moment George Honlmrg tin tnomllo rliiinplnn en icred th- llirp Ass jell Uoii Kiimo1 wllch ivlll Iw- hi lil this nrifinoon at VItic Park In Long Islind City The entry of lltin tty Itvsiiris a great ruo III the m lo- ami a bait imUaj for llonhntr vill- mi 11 In title Vent John Juvn the tonI milt champion tutu llarvov Colin a- very liver runnel over u dlstunee of ground Illir I rbi lii ii r n ii curd I All I tiI1I ii t blot he 1lIf11Imtnt In aid mil Miimoit of the fluids fm ho ore tilt of thi Chilstlui 11 rot her rimmuo a nil rialnlng Collet now In course of oirtlon on time historic plains uf- Cloiitarr Dublin will be hiM In Celtic I Irk L 1 hunilO July li iiiulei tile- S i alca nt till Uiiltnl Jrl > tat merlean- yjfiiHiM of Now York Thl hot athletic III Ireland and In erica villl tuba part III th coating touiiiiiin Thr commit lit of irraiiKU- in his Irnlhm tin ilUUIons of the Ancient Ordu of Hibernians the Clubs- of tha riiiinnQiul tIm County or itiinUdtloiiH tho arentrr Now York irlHh Athletic AssotHtlon nnd other atrlotlc and internal societies will leave no stone unturned to make the occasion a croit mieceKs mid expect to witness a redlatter day in Celtic Park i mktk L 1 f I f MGINNITY TALKS OF HOT WEATHER PITCHERS Tills line been tho hardest season I have ever known for veteran hull plajpn to get III condition says Jop- Alraitinltj New Yorks fatuous lion linn tulrloi who shut the Plruirx out TimJnj with only two hits Tho backward sonnon thu coW damp wcnthor that WP had at tin strict of tho season and urn mill Inn- Ing pr6ents tho seifionod players rout limbering out offcetUely tin kinks their nyKteins iucumulitud during the winter of roiL Thi Younger men who are playing their tlrnt or second season In the big league do not take so long to got Into comuiti ion as the older one hence It Is that you see this or that tlimukcl star twirler frequent- ly termed n hotwcathcr pitcher Ito bicauso liii dciiHiil get Into con lUtlon early hahn uf the Reds and Christie Malhiwson are exicociles NOTES OF THE BOXERS Harry Cobb substituted for Den Doerk who Is laid up knocked out Dick Hart of Louisville at the nose mont Club In lIve furious rounds It was a treat battle and pleased tIme crowd Tommy Moore Is training steadily for his bout with Trankle Neil at Battery D May 27 and Is a conlldcnt of defeat- ing ¬ the bantam champion as he Is of eating Bimdaja dinner Nell mean- while ¬ Is working with Bonny Yanger and seems In great condition Jim Scnnlon and Mike Schreck signet articles yesterday to meet Ixcforo the West End Club of St Louis next Thurs di > night They will go fifteen rounds BIG CHESS MATCH TO BE HELD HEE Ppeclnl lo The Eienlnir Wor- MCAlIlH1DOE SPUINKS MU > 20At nn Informal dinner attended by tho com- petitor hi tin International Chi ss Mas- ters ¬ tournament which closed jestcrday II has bicu dicldrd to hold n teiim nail Kurope versus America Ihe match will bo pli > iM In New York neM 1rlday and Salimit anti each team will be com- posed ¬ of BX men The Urookbn and Miinhittun Chess Clubs have ben ap proaihid vlth a viewS to holding the mutes at their rooms MniDhnll tho winner of the Interna ¬ tional tourniiment lias received numer- ous ¬ congratulatory letters from friends and clubs In tide country and abroad lie hits been notified that a reception Is bring arranged for him by the Brooklyn Cites Club to take place some time aura jag next wetP 5i I 1e5 Ji C BASEBALL TRICKS- OF DAYS GONE BY Fcd Teniie the Bostons cap- tain ¬ sivs the days when tricks and unfair tactics were widely piartlsed to win games have gone by Of course he says hero and there a trick nny ho worked and may micooed hut such unfair practice Is cxuptlonal Modorn baseball has progi eased so much and tho rules are no damaged that tricks are harder to net away with Catchers a few jiarn ago when a catch of a- foul tip wits a putout had a fa- vorite ¬ trick of onnpplng the lingers of thrli ungloved hand loudly as batsmen struck at the ball It sounded like thu ball had tlpiied the hint tne eitclur mean- while ¬ entitling thu hall niilul with hU big mil Many a batter was called out on these fake foul tips when hit lint missed thn ball n foot weighing In nt ICC pounds at 3 oclock Harry Sharpe will serve as referee The Gui GardnerHoney Mellody match Is exciting lots of Interest In Indianapolis whore tho men are sched- uled ¬ to meet June 1 Doth stand high- in the ranks of the Imon puro slug- gers ¬ and the engagement promises to been a busy affair The managers of the Mauch Chunk Athletic Club havo matched Charlov- Mulhall of Tamnqun the welterweight champion of the coal regions to tight Joe Cans of Baltimore twenty rounds nt Mauch Chunk Pa on Decoration Day Moiuli > J 111O The match will take placu In till hall park I CLEVELAND AFTER HARVARDPITCHERT- he Cleveland club hag not abandoned hope of getting Pitcher Walter Clark son of Harvard some time Manager Armour nhujB ranges a conference with this great college twirler when tho Naps are In Boston and It the youn- gest ¬ of the Clarkson can be Induced to turn professional he can I have u salary not for below the prlncelj sum paid Capt Lajol- cMrnvv on Amen Manager McOrnw says Pitcher Ames has been troubled ail spring with a sore arm which think Is about well I again I exnect he will add great strength to the Nw York Club Won- der ¬ I If Ames s arm was sore on the spring practice trip when he was striking out batsmen one after the t r i liUjr 1 f l tg WALTHOURS GREAT RIDING IN EUROPE After a phenomenal season abroad whero he met and defeated the greatest riders of Europe Bobby Walthour of the Columbia tram sailed home on Tuesday last and ho will arrive In time to ride his first race nt tho Charles River Park track on Decoration Day Ho won every race In which he competed except n- IMkllometre affair at Berlin when his motor went wrong and he had to retire The champion senile word tint he Is riding faster than ever before In his career and In the race at Boston on the Charles River Perk track which Is the fastest In the country he expects to cover a mile In u min- ute ¬ 0 GOSSIP Of THE- BASEBALL fANS Catcher Pat Moran of the Boston team Is reported sick at Cincinnati Ned Hanlon has signed Pitcher Low Moren released by the Pirates Low will play on tho Baltimore team Mclxiln the Fordham pitcher has de- clined ¬ to enter tho professional ranks lie wilt college ball until he Is graduatedI- Cellum and BHIotte of the Reds aro still on the sick list end It will be some days before they can get Into the game ntixln j Boston has picked up a good catcher In Needhnm He nipped three Rods In Mohdaya contest on attempts to steal second anck- President Ilarryc Pulllatn of the National League Is making a swing around the circuit Jim Delahanty a brother of the late Kd Is covering third base for the Bos ¬ tons Ills work Is said to be very ac ¬ ceptable to Manager Buckenborger Catcher Shannon who broke from Wheeling to the St Loul Americans signed to catch for Marlon in the Central League He Is Just scrappy no ugh to be eligible to membership In the 011 town bunch Tommy Walker will now ihav on op portunUy ofVorklne regularly on th Reds na the pitching departnwnt of that team Is very of the illness of two men saul Ewings lack ot condition John Gonad andJnko Stahl are near ¬ ly tied In their batting percentages up to date In tIme American league Both are batting little better than a 100 clip Perhaps Cancel would be able to wallop tho ballut about 300 or better the American Association Colonels- An exchange says Rumor has lt that Tommy Leach dissatisfied at rittsbunr Ho Is neither fielding nor hitting up to his ability Tommy not dissatisfied PJttoburK but he Is very desirous of fretting away from the error column onAdoing g little toots aticlt work d x t- L v i i JIIi i vseErn3itM4aq 4 f I SAY I AMAGEI IIADIN I M- t > OF ALL SAO WCRPS OF TVUE OR PEN 0 j TIlE sAO E r ARE TNE ffCO5TflE TEA tfc > x 44 4 <t S 1 MFARLAND SUSPENDED- FOR J THREE YEARS lloyd A McFarlond a prominent cy chat has been suspended for threo jenrs by the League of New South Wales Wheelmen and Hardy Downing another of the American riders was suspended fraud for one year for alleged The two Americans and five Austral ¬ Ian were charged with not making a sincere effort to win the final heat of ALL MUST PLAY SUNDAY BASEBALL NEXISEASON j St S ssr r r fl MoanaJlfer nuckenlierger of the Boston team Is much chagrined over the fact that three members of his team will not play Sunday baseball the men being Ircd Tennoy Charlie Tlttlnger mind Pitcher Wilhelm Tenneys reason for not playing Sunday Is that his con ¬ tract does not call for Sunday games Pittinger declares that he promised his mother when he was n haY that he would never <play baseball or go on the stage on Sunday and Wilhelm says he merely objects to Sunday games and therefore will not take part in them It tIaras men are with the Boston team next year said Manager hack enbergor remenjl >erlng what an awful predicament this nonSunday playlns spirit of his men left him In Louis last Sunday when 1m loud Jut ten men available fur tho game theyll I GREAT ATHLETE- FROMIRELAND Thomas F Klely will arrive In this country from Ireland June 1 on the Teutonic Ills special purpose Is to corn back to Ireland the allaround championship of America and It his performances are up to his records there Is little doubt that he will be suc- cessful ¬ Klely Is a wonder In every branch of athletics from welghtthrowlnc to hur- dle running He Istall and wiry stands G fet 1 Inch In his stockings and weighs ISO pound Ho Is thirtyeight years old and U at his best Last year he won six Irish champion- ships ¬ out of the regular fourteen events In 1S99 he won seven Besides that ho has taken many English championships He has accumulated over fifteen hun- dred ¬ iriedals and prizes the largest col- lection ¬ ever made by anv athlete Hero are some of the Tipperary- mans bestperformances Hammerthrow from 9foot circle 151 feet 11 Inches shotput from Bfoot clrcje40 feet 3 Inches broad jump 23 feet Inches high jump 5 feet 8 Inches 12Oycird hurdle on turf IS seconds 100 yard on turf 1025 seconds ihopstep andJump 49 feet 7 Inches C6pound weight throw ono hand run and fol ¬ feet 11 Inches i ideiys first appearance here will be at the ICIckham AC games Celtic Park Juno 5 I The American allaround champion- ships ¬ will be held July 4 After that Kiely will return to Ireland ZIEGLER AND BOWSER DRAW 1 Special to The Evening World YOUNGSTOWN Ohio May 21Owcn Ziegler of Philadelphia and Mull Bowser ot Plttsburg fought a rattling tenround draw at the Broadway The r atre South Sharon Pa last night They boxed at catohwelgh and Dowser had about ten pounds ad- vantage There was not u knockdown but both men were badly hammered Bowser playing for the kidneys Ziegler after the Jaw Several times Ziegler staggered Bowser with hard rights but Englishman won strong and name and proved u glut ¬ ton for punishment In the sixth round Dowser fouled Zleglcr wUhyhli knee and apologized Zclgler no complaint for a tnvseco- nds ¬ and Was allowed to them remarking that hewiui fair an ct game Ucbi Ziegler being a 6tron5fvorlt c Fr 1 i tho Sydney Derby nnd also with con- spiring against Major Taylor Larry CorbPtt who won the race wits suspended for two year and Plnu kctt the third man was suspended for olm year Mcrarland will not be able to compete- In races In any country owing to the Intel national agreement unless his sus- pension Is raised McFarland arrived at San 1ranclsco early tWo wtek aol Is expected to be In New York today- or tomorrow a I 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ play Sunday ball all right enough I doubt If any of them go to church on I Sunday If they do they make their sneak BO early that no one sees them- or ever hears pf their going It A lear than two years ago that renney plr ed a Sunday exhibition game with somt until club outside of Philadelphia and because the team with which he wo associated lost time some the Philadel- phia ¬ players declared that the Boston irad been badly walloped by an amateur team On another occasion while wit wore making a trip from Alton III ta St Louis on a boat during n flood which would not allow us to get intu the Mound CitY on a train lenney and wuerU other number of the team en- tei talned the passengers for quite a while with ni Interesting a poker game n over was plijml nnd that happened on Sunday oo Under the se tlrcum- sttnues I nut see whj Tpnney mind tin othiTfl should not play Stindi > basebalL and they certainly will next season PUGILIST MARRIES ACTRESS II Special to Tho Evening Word TOLEDO Ohio May 2JHus Card J ner pugilist of Philadelphia who wu defeated by Mike Twin Hulllvnn hoiu 1 Monday night nfl Minnie Storms actress of Chicago have been mar- ried ¬ SPORTING w J CMS HOUSE A hAY I GO BETWEEN 31 YON Was another good winner that I wired 1 ° all my 8ubo rlbe yesterday Now turfltwi Ii there any rcannn for > uu In hesitate to subscribe to air rood one Three out of nn selection this week and at oDd odds too Whore < ivou nt Information to equal thief I will forfeit SI OIK1 If what I have call Is not true and cannot be verified Join me at once You know P rrc 111 well that t iini ripalle of giving lbs best la formation My name has been before muorVltM ten years and my am j known submit below my onehone wire during tilt present Mor rU Park meetings lt DAyJrlh Lad 21 VON a Sil llnyHel Fox tl LOST Oil Hny Kohlnoopj 2Olan ill Day Mnosoii inSWOW DayTrpitu Bl WoN J Itli DnyKlorUel 41 WON 7th Day Buckley A s i WON Silt InyU Spanker 21 WOV hula liiyIiirniitntti lol VON lath Hiiy Itlniicly 45 WO > hilt Ilir Ulla Inyiler 51 VON I 12th IlnrYnrkililro 10O1 IOST Shill nyKllu SurUer tnilj 1 tth IJRGo Iletivecn a1 WON FOR NEXT WEEK Next week I will continue my regular sw1 one ear4i day one at about Sl ThIs one should win in R ralloo Tuesday one at about that ought to win easily ant Wnodav my Kvrclal that iihould be as rood a 151 Subucrlbo right now It you desire win nine Information I have uroiui that can give It to you andl will continue to do so Remember turflten DoartUe Iy but one KOCH I bet a daj no more IBItAlS 500 WEEKLY WEBIfLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY tC no single lent U receipt your rdlrrI 1 with Ininedtatidy icnd you I Orlvftte CllhiEit CODE Remember everyt0g seat lTi cIpher ONY AForeman Coney IslanflBklynH MORRIS PARK IMAGES Every week do y rain or shine until May 25 v MUSIC MY LANDER Take 2d Av L to Willis Av thence 101 f rains at 1280 1 05 140 zoo 213 2 33 PJf U- S3 av L to Fordham thence by conveiancts JUj From Orand Central Station at 1235 133 f 283 to Fordbam r First nac280IM Electric Surreys Ransoms the track New York Transportation Co TO 3680 Columbus MOtn it aai Sth a- u > Ji tI 7L

Iw EYJf L 1r J WORLD Ti SPORTS EDITED BY ROBERTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1904-05-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · n 77 iii i > 41 t 1 j-iw ti f a the wntmrt1rp-xvieyening eyjf

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Page 1: Iw EYJf L 1r J WORLD Ti SPORTS EDITED BY ROBERTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1904-05-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · n 77 iii i > 41 t 1 j-iw ti f a the wntmrt1rp-xvieyening eyjf


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TRCLIW44 + 4-


b w ya 1rGO


ff Hart Had Twenty Poupds the Worst of theL j Weight butCarried the Fight to the Akron

Giant and Burned Up Maddens 1000

SpccUl to Tlie Evening World1I BALTIMORK Mil May ITlic hard

est fought and bloodiest bittln thAt its5

5ever token placyi In this city took place-Hero last night before the Kureka AthIe tie Club which was detlared a draw

i at the end of twelve rounds by Refere-eSI

S Ecfcluirvlt The principals were Gus50 RUhllnr the Akron Giant and Marvin

e of Loulsvllln The contest was arulambanp affair frmn start to llulshS JIInil the 3000 spectators luring the bout

simply stood In their eats and shoutedtj themselves hoarse while tho pollc-


i 4 Joined in the chorusRuhlln was at least twenty pounds

heavier than his opponent hut lionproved that he was eqyiil to the omen

X Boncy although handicapped by weighti

I Md tho Kentuckian carried the light toI iRuhlln in every round

r f In the third round Hurts face wasc J > split between the nose and tho loft eye

I anRuhllns left eye also received an

ri r Ugly cut IUK frotn thin limo on thot biped flowed froejy At the end of trio

iiS v third round and until time finish bothIs men w ro ooyered with blood tram tierIL head to thelr feot and Ilefcreo Ilckl I ilmrdt had to use a lonvl a ttiu end ofLS each round to wipe the blood off hisr face hands wearing apparelL I Nflycr In my life havu wltmwutMw toha boxing contest he said

i the IMrnt Ilound-JBih tho first round Hart started In

e 5 I whirlwind and tried right for the1tMa but missed and received a loftr to the stomach One then put right

E4 land left to stomach and Jabbed left toijace Ruhlln drove a hard tight ti-

t 1i loco and Hart right to stomachp The Second llonnil-

Beoond1t Round Huhlln sent right toi > wind and IOU to Jaw and received

r two left Jabs to face nuhlln Woei

rOW and Hart rushed and placed two

r lefts to-


Tlilrd IloundThird Round Rnhlln began playing

for wind but got to the Jaw straightHut rushing Gus poled hard right to-


face Marvin put two lofts to stomach0 an ARufolln grunted ItuoUn coming out

of a clinch ecnl terriflo right to Hartsfaces splitting tho atter between the

I nose and eye Hart retaliated with arighthand swing to duss left eye

tj opening that optic and tho blood-

S flbwed freelyj From this time until the ftnljh It wasIo give and takewith both lighting like

bulldogs and the ring looked Hkc atutcher shop Both I men finishedtrong and the referees decision met

nlth the approval of tho large crowd> prcseiiti Ruhlln was seconded by Jake

T KlIr Billy Malden and Drago Wat-kins4 i 1 whim Jack McCormack Kid

11 Howard and Jim ODonnell looked5 After Hart Johnny Kcknaidt of New

I qxoric rcferced the boutc


1f Special to The Ktrnlne WormI N 1IHNCISCO May 1II1t-

It ting Nelson knoiKcd out Martinc fJ thelirldo uf tho IJist nnd as-

piratitJt for the lightweight ohnmplonot time world at Wiiodwards 1a

2vlllonJiiltnlsht In tho eUhtcuith lounJ-ofc 1i a flprca battle The i nd rame un-

rtcjpeIi i < teaiv anfl WilY the result of an-

ovoHmnJeJti < hthand punch on thevpplnt of the Jaw

9 JVjeii Canole passpd the nevliitioiili-id went halt through the ilshtionth

it looked da though ho would win on


points for his cleverness and footxvoiK-i qb t 4 iJvMotf lInt I n the mlddli uf ti-

niji eighteenth Nelson sent a right swing l-


Canolo went down and rolledf JJbvcr Ho was game however unit got

fppat tttefcpunt of jilne Nelson hotSr r j byec hIm and as sooh as lie re

lfi eined his feet tho Chicago lad sho-

tfnonoot Ills lightning righthand over-act


I wnllop thatput Cutiolo tolhoff il1 rolled over and was counted

i 1<

y1 I

tf11 Y 1-

t Wif jjr-



out Just as the count ended his sec-onds


threw the sponge Into tho ring


cial to The Cvtnlnr TVor-MCHICAOO May 21Jimmy Oardner

made good In his tight with GeorgeMcnMlo before tho Battery D Club lastnight and in Jesa tluui ulna minutesof actual fighting tho referee stoppedthe bout to havo Mesaiio from beingLomplutoly knockoj out In the open ¬

ing round Mcmslt tore Into Oardnlike a bull uttu a red ling but theKastorn fighter proved a goodtoreadorund hUe tleety footwork and terrltlaloft handers oon slowed tho willingMomulc and forced him on the defcnnine

YANGER WONBpcdnl to The Evening WorM

CHICAGO May Seldom loLa thesame feeling of native soil bvoii oxhlbltni by a light crowd as In thu YoucirNeary battle before the BadgerAthletic Club lost night In MilwaukeeYnnger outclassed Nrnry and easilyearned the dtclnlon at the end of theslxti round

Tho Milwaukee crowd of Neary sym-pathizers


were wrothy when RefereeIJnrJcl laO the Chicago lad the decis-ion


and after a stormy scone duringwhich tho crowd tore Bardell tram thering tho police rescued the ring officialbefore serious ilnmago and corted him-to the special train which wus awaitingtho Chicago drlegatlon at tile UnionDepot In a patrol naenn

It was lucky for B irdell that the spe-cial


train was chartered for thu occa-sion


an tliere IH no telling what mighthau befallen him If ho dared to uhowhimself on the streets of Milwaukee Inthe inorntriK

The light Itself was secondary Nearyrovftl a dub compircd to Yangor I In

bora In at nil times but his swings worewild antI ht seldom hit Winger barringblows tho latter slipped to the back ofthe head

In the third round tho lads connectedwith their heads and tho collision black ¬

ened Yangers eyes


N FRANCISCO May lJacic uun1roe the pugilist arrive here yesterdayand will go Injo tmlnlng at once forhis contert with Champion James JJeffries ivjileh U I> for Juno 1 iituti roe Is now In good condition andIn conlldcnt of whipping tho ehamplonwhen they ni-

oetBENDERTs FITToll Bender the little fonthirwdRlit-biipr of nilzibith Is III trat shill for

hlH ebam hag light with Ultllc Itch I I y uf-liiooklvn which IH on tin luuiiln fm-tvont y touiids on luxt TiMsiln nightbuoii tlu nutiu Club of flu i I I inurehinder Is a very promo sing bin liii Mixwurlc III IhlladclphM In tin past fewmonths hits Bhmui Ho Is afui a inn I cliwith Tomiiiv Muuihv ruinniv Liivt 01llughiv MiOiivrrn mil would HKI tounit tluiu In time oiilir iiiiintil its hiomlilcrs Midixirn tin host ml I he rioHo VMiulil also like to itt u nium chatwith IMdlu lillio at 12J itiiiinils llnir-aliti as III TU initch wlih Li nnv tin

lii irr IK > nut tigiied him lightMUlKlS-


Culleae on licial Mt chlti

1 Ia nnul and Jrlncoton Invvoted to hold u biHphall eonerc net toderIde the fate of tin foul Htilkc ruleamong Eastern eollcges Thtlr reprosen-mtlvcs will probably meet at NowHiivnl Conn to take final action In ¬

dications arc tint they will voteiigalnst tIle rub TheY wish to cometo an undcretnndlni on the nucstton be ¬taro their championship names opennext wtelc


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Fred Foster the first Americantrainer to break Into such foreigncountries as Turkey Bulgaria Ru-

sla and German made a peculiarkilling title wrok at the Worth

racetrack Tho former owner of Drlllce Dr Shopard and Abuse neverlust 11 bcttho entire nftrnuun prac-tically


I picking the cord and with atar of sroO closed tho day hisxrlj1120011 to the good

roster had his trusty commissionerand lifelong friend Jon Moore withhim and time way the pulr whangedthe ring was a caution



tnitelpltia Jack OBrien andOcorgo Cole tho haidlilttlim middle-weight


of Trenton N J who prac ¬

tically knocked out Kid Carter In a Ix

round bout In the Quaker City hatebeen xecurid to try conclusions In thesquared circle

They have been stoned MatchmakerJack McOurpiu to meet in a sixroundtattle b tore tho National A C ofIhlladclphU next Wednesday

tills bout will doubtless bo a slashingone while It lasts as Cole leone of thetoughest propositions lighting In thernlddlonMjihi division at the presentday Colt easy victory or Carterstamps him as a coming mm and nlaca dniifrrrnu opponent for tiny of theroot riiii at his wolght OHrlcn icilyrealizes how great u llchur Cole Is andN tralnliih us Mlthfully till the hat iloas ho did for hIs recent KO with KidViCoy The will Inttli nt catchVMlchti and Jack McUruiran will otnclate as retiree


At the lust moment George Honlmrgtin tnomllo rliiinplnn en icred th-llirp Ass jell Uoii Kiimo1 wllch ivlll Iw-

hi lil this nrifinoon at VItic Park InLong Islind City The entry of lltintty Itvsiiris a great ruo III the m lo-

ami a bait imUaj for llonhntr vill-mi 11 In title Vent John Juvn the tonImilt champion tutu llarvov Colin a-very liver runnel over u dlstunee ofground

Illir I rbi lii ii r n ii curd I

All I tiI1I ii t blot he 1lIf11Imtnt In aidmil Miimoit of the fluids fm ho oretilt of thi Chilstlui 11 rot her rimmuoa nil rialnlng Collet now In course ofoirtlon on time historic plains uf-

Cloiitarr Dublin will be hiM In CelticI Irk L 1 hunilO July li iiiulei tile-

S i alca nt till Uiiltnl Jrl > tat merlean-yjfiiHiM of Now York

Thl hot athletic III Ireland and Inerica villl tuba part III th coating

touiiiiiin Thr commit lit of irraiiKU-in his Irnlhm tin ilUUIons of theAncient Ordu of Hibernians the Clubs-of tha riiiinnQiul tIm County oritiinUdtloiiH tho arentrr Now YorkirlHh Athletic AssotHtlon nnd other

atrlotlc and internal societies willleave no stone unturned to make theoccasion a croit mieceKs mid expect towitness a redlatter day in Celtic Park


mktk L1

fI f



Tills line been tho hardest seasonI have ever known for veteran hullplajpn to get III condition says Jop-Alraitinltj New Yorks fatuous lionlinn tulrloi who shut the Plruirxout TimJnj with only two hits

Tho backward sonnon thu coWdamp wcnthor that WP had at tinstrict of tho season and urn mill Inn-Ing pr6ents tho seifionod playersrout limbering out offcetUely tinkinks their nyKteins iucumulitudduring the winter of roiL ThiYounger men who are playing theirtlrnt or second season In the bigleague do not take so long to gotInto comuiti ion as the older one

hence It Is that you see this orthat tlimukcl star twirler frequent-ly termed n hotwcathcr pitcherIto bicauso liii dciiHiil get Into conlUtlon early hahn uf the Reds andChristie Malhiwson are exicociles


Harry Cobb substituted for DenDoerk who Is laid up knocked outDick Hart of Louisville at the nosemont Club In lIve furious rounds Itwas a treat battle and pleased tIme


Tommy Moore Is training steadily forhis bout with Trankle Neil at BatteryD May 27 and Is a conlldcnt of defeat-ing


the bantam champion as he Is ofeating Bimdaja dinner Nell mean-while


Is working with Bonny Yangerand seems In great condition

Jim Scnnlon and Mike Schreck signetarticles yesterday to meet Ixcforo theWest End Club of St Louis next Thursdi > night They will go fifteen rounds



Ppeclnl lo The Eienlnir Wor-MCAlIlH1DOE SPUINKS MU > 20At

nn Informal dinner attended by tho com-petitor hi tin International Chi ss Mas-ters


tournament which closed jestcrdayII has bicu dicldrd to hold n teiim nailKurope versus America Ihe match willbo pli > iM In New York neM 1rlday andSalimit anti each team will be com-posed


of BX men The Urookbn andMiinhittun Chess Clubs have ben approaihid vlth a viewS to holding themutes at their rooms

MniDhnll tho winner of the Interna ¬

tional tourniiment lias received numer-ous


congratulatory letters from friendsand clubs In tide country and abroadlie hits been notified that a reception Isbring arranged for him by the BrooklynCites Club to take place some time aurajag next wetP



1e5 Ji



Fcd Teniie the Bostons cap-



sivs the days when tricks andunfair tactics were widely piartlsedto win games have gone by Of

course he says hero and therea trick nny ho worked and maymicooed hut such unfair practice Iscxuptlonal Modorn baseball hasprogi eased so much and tho rulesare no damaged that tricks areharder to net away with Catchersa few jiarn ago when a catch of a-

foul tip wits a putout had a fa-


trick of onnpplng the lingersof thrli ungloved hand loudly asbatsmen struck at the ball

It sounded like thu ball hadtlpiied the hint tne eitclur mean-while


entitling thu hall niilul withhU big mil Many a batter wascalled out on these fake foul tipswhen hit lint missed thn ball n foot

weighing In nt ICC pounds at 3 oclockHarry Sharpe will serve as referee

The Gui GardnerHoney Mellodymatch Is exciting lots of Interest InIndianapolis whore tho men are sched-uled


to meet June 1 Doth stand high-in the ranks of the Imon puro slug-gers


and the engagement promises tobeen a busy affair

The managers of the Mauch ChunkAthletic Club havo matched Charlov-Mulhall of Tamnqun the welterweightchampion of the coal regions to tightJoe Cans of Baltimore twenty roundsnt Mauch Chunk Pa on DecorationDay Moiuli >

J 111O The match willtake placu In till hall park




he Cleveland club hag not abandonedhope of getting Pitcher Walter Clarkson of Harvard some time ManagerArmour nhujB ranges a conferencewith this great college twirler when thoNaps are In Boston and It the youn-gest


of the Clarkson can beInduced to turn professional he canI have u salary not for below theprlncelj sum paid Capt Lajol-

cMrnvv on AmenManager McOrnw says Pitcher

Ames has been troubled ail spring witha sore arm which think Is about well

I again I exnect he will add greatstrength to the Nw York Club Won-der


I If Ames s arm was sore on the springpractice trip when he was striking outbatsmen one after the

t r iliUjr

1 f l tg


After a phenomenal season abroadwhero he met and defeated thegreatest riders of Europe BobbyWalthour of the Columbia tramsailed home on Tuesday last and howill arrive In time to ride his firstrace nt tho Charles River Park trackon Decoration Day Ho won everyrace In which he competed except n-

IMkllometre affair at Berlin whenhis motor went wrong and he had toretire

The champion senile word tint heIs riding faster than ever before Inhis career and In the race at Bostonon the Charles River Perk trackwhich Is the fastest In the countryhe expects to cover a mile In u min-





Catcher Pat Moran of the Bostonteam Is reported sick at Cincinnati

Ned Hanlon has signed Pitcher LowMoren released by the Pirates Lowwill play on tho Baltimore team

Mclxiln the Fordham pitcher has de-clined


to enter tho professional rankslie wilt college ball until he IsgraduatedI-

Cellum and BHIotte of the Reds arostill on the sick list end It will be somedays before they can get Into the gamentixln

jBoston has picked up a good catcher

In Needhnm He nipped three Rods InMohdaya contest on attempts to stealsecond anck-

President Ilarryc Pulllatn of theNational League Is making a swingaround the circuit

Jim Delahanty a brother of the lateKd Is covering third base for the Bos ¬

tons Ills work Is said to be very ac ¬ceptable to Manager Buckenborger

Catcher Shannon who broke fromWheeling to the St Loul Americanssigned to catch for Marlon in theCentral League He Is Just scrappyno ugh to be eligible to membership Inthe 011 town bunch

Tommy Walker will now ihav on opportunUy ofVorklne regularly on th

Reds na the pitchingdepartnwnt of that team Is veryof the illness of two men saulEwings lack ot condition

John Gonad andJnko Stahl are near¬

ly tied In their batting percentages upto date In tIme American league Bothare batting little better than a 100 clipPerhaps Cancel would be able to walloptho ballut about 300 or better theAmerican Association Colonels-

An exchange says Rumor has ltthat Tommy Leach dissatisfied atrittsbunr Ho Is neither fielding norhitting up to his ability Tommynot dissatisfied PJttoburK but he Isvery desirous of fretting away from theerror column onAdoing g little tootsaticlt work d x t-


i iJIIi i

vseErn3itM4aq 4 f I





x 44 4<t S 1




THREE YEARSlloyd A McFarlond a prominent cy

chat has been suspended for threojenrs by the League of New SouthWales Wheelmen and Hardy Downinganother of the American riders wassuspendedfraud

for one year for alleged

The two Americans and five Austral ¬

Ian were charged with not making asincere effort to win the final heat of



MoanaJlfer nuckenlierger of the Bostonteam Is much chagrined over the factthat three members of his team willnot play Sunday baseball the menbeing Ircd Tennoy Charlie Tlttlngermind Pitcher Wilhelm Tenneys reasonfor not playing Sunday Is that his con ¬

tract does not call for Sunday gamesPittinger declares that he promised hismother when he was n haY that hewould never <play baseball or go on thestage on Sunday and Wilhelm says hemerely objects to Sunday games andtherefore will not take part in them

It tIaras men are with the Bostonteam next year said Manager hackenbergor remenjl >erlng what an awfulpredicament this nonSunday playlnsspirit of his men left him InLouis last Sunday when 1m loud Jut tenmen available fur tho game theyll




Thomas F Klely will arrive In thiscountry from Ireland June 1 on theTeutonic Ills special purpose Is tocorn back to Ireland the allaroundchampionship of America and It hisperformances are up to his recordsthere Is little doubt that he will be suc-


Klely Is a wonder In every branch ofathletics from welghtthrowlnc to hur-

dle running He Istall and wiry standsG fet 1 Inch In his stockings and weighsISO pound Ho Is thirtyeight years oldand U at his best

Last year he won six Irish champion-ships


out of the regular fourteen eventsIn 1S99 he won seven Besides that hohas taken many English championshipsHe has accumulated over fifteen hun-dred


iriedals and prizes the largest col-


ever made by anv athleteHero are some of the Tipperary-

mans bestperformancesHammerthrow from 9foot circle 151

feet 11 Inches shotput from Bfootclrcje40 feet 3 Inches broad jump 23

feet Inches high jump 5 feet 8 Inches12Oycird hurdle on turf IS seconds 100

yard on turf 1025 seconds ihopstepandJump 49 feet 7 Inches C6poundweight throw ono hand run and fol ¬

feet 11 Inches iideiys first appearance here will beat the ICIckham AC games CelticPark Juno 5 I

The American allaround champion-ships


will be held July 4 After thatKiely will return to Ireland


Special to The Evening WorldYOUNGSTOWN Ohio May 21Owcn

Ziegler of Philadelphia and MullBowser ot Plttsburg fought a rattlingtenround draw at the Broadway The r

atre South Sharon Pa last nightThey boxed at catohwelgh andDowser had about ten pounds ad-vantage There was not u knockdownbut both men were badly hammeredBowser playing for the kidneysZiegler after the Jaw Several

times Ziegler staggered Bowser withhard rights but Englishman wonstrong and name and proved u glut ¬

ton for punishment In the sixthround Dowser fouled Zleglcr wUhyhliknee and apologized Zclgler nocomplaint for a tnvseco-nds


and Was allowed to themremarking that hewiui fair an ct game

Ucbi Ziegler being a6tron5fvorlt c

Fr 1 i

tho Sydney Derby nnd also with con-spiring against Major Taylor

Larry CorbPtt who won the racewits suspended for two year and Plnukctt the third man was suspended forolm year

Mcrarland will not be able to compete-In races In any country owing to theIntel national agreement unless his sus-pension Is raised McFarland arrivedat San 1ranclsco early tWo wtek aolIs expected to be In New York today-or tomorrow a





play Sunday ball all right enough Idoubt If any of them go to church on ISunday If they do they make theirsneak BO early that no one sees them-or ever hears pf their going It A learthan two years ago that renney plr eda Sunday exhibition game with somtuntil club outside of Philadelphia andbecause the team with which he woassociated lost time some the Philadel-phia


players declared that the Bostonirad been badly walloped by an amateurteam On another occasion while witwore making a trip from Alton III taSt Louis on a boat during n floodwhich would not allow us to get intuthe Mound CitY on a train lenney andwuerU other number of the team en-tei talned the passengers for quite awhile with ni Interesting a poker gamen over was plijml nnd that happenedon Sunday oo Under the se tlrcum-sttnues I nut see whj Tpnney mind tinothiTfl should not play Stindi > basebalL

and they certainly will next season


Special to Tho Evening WordTOLEDO Ohio May 2JHus Card Jner pugilist of Philadelphia who wu

defeated by Mike Twin Hulllvnn hoiu 1

Monday night nfl Minnie Stormsactress of Chicago have been mar-ried




GO BETWEEN 31 YONWas another good winner that I wired1 ° all my 8ubo rlbe yesterday Nowturfltwi Ii there any rcannn for > uu Inhesitate to subscribe to air rood oneThree out of nn selection thisweek and at oDd odds too Whore< ivou nt Information to equal thiefI will forfeit SI OIK1 If what I have callIs not true and cannot be verified Joinme at once You know P rrc 111 well thatt iini ripalle of giving lbs best laformation My name has been beforemuorVltM ten years and my am jknown submit below myonehone wire during tilt present MorrU Park meetingslt DAyJrlh Lad 21 VON a

Sil llnyHel Fox tl LOSTOil Hny Kohlnoopj 2Olanill Day Mnosoii inSWOWDayTrpitu Bl WoN J

Itli DnyKlorUel 41 WON7th Day Buckley A s i WONSilt InyU Spanker 21 WOVhula liiyIiirniitntti lol VONlath Hiiy Itlniicly 45 WO >hilt Ilir Ulla Inyiler 51 VON I12th IlnrYnrkililro 10O1 IOSTShill nyKllu SurUer tnilj1 tth IJRGo Iletivecn a1 WON

FOR NEXT WEEKNext week I will continue my regularsw1 one ear4i day one atabout Sl ThIs one should win in Rralloo Tuesday one at about thatought to win easily ant Wnodav my

Kvrclal that iihould be as rood a 151Subucrlbo right now It you desire winnine Information I have uroiui thatcan give It to you andl will continueto do so Remember turflten DoartUeIy but one KOCH I bet a daj no moreIBItAlS 500 WEEKLY

WEBIfLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLYtC no single lentU receipt your rdlrrI 1 withIninedtatidy icnd you I OrlvftteCllhiEit CODE Remember everyt0gseat lTi cIpher ONY

AForeman Coney IslanflBklynH

MORRIS PARK IMAGESEvery week do y rain or shine until May 25v MUSIC MY LANDER

Take 2d Av L to Willis Av thence 101 frains at 1280 1 05 140 zoo 213 2 33 PJf U-

S3 av L to Fordham thence by conveiancts JUjFrom Orand Central Station at 1235 133 f283 to Fordbam r First nac280IM

Electric Surreys Ransoms the trackNew York Transportation Co

TO 3680 Columbus MOtn it aai Sth a-

u>Ji tI 7L