P a 'f T& i ' $ ' 4 ' ' .& 'if 1 f i 7 -- '' ?Sfr?" h- - v wr. jp"i fPB"'s,""'pwr" g"J7 um i vjjt v y MM?," www ttnturm, w-iij- u a wu iy wag wwtiK wn J h ' SS "W i (ft P ) Cli Ik iy ill o acerxstaouvsgroCMTMa3Pr-iv'j- j ju MinarmTu y.fljitTIT!:1-- VVHIH! ri;v"1iJnMlI W-t',,r- ' sasssspa?! Vol. XIV. So 21U(5. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1889. GO OENTB OUDBOniPTION MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho ofUcc, Queua Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - SO conts per Month. Addros? nil Communications Daily BULLETIN. Advcrtisomcnis, tc ensure insertion, should bo handed in bcroro ono o'clock V. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. C LEV I OR Manager Bullotin Steam Printing Offlco. Newspaper, Hook ami Job Printing all kinds done on the moat favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. interesting uud comprehensive publication, contiliii 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and u complete resuino of Honolulu .iud Island News. It is the bust paper oubllshed in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission. Morenants. T lIA.Jllfii3JLiO .So Co., General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. "W. MAC2AELANE & Co. IM.POB.TEUS AND COMMISSION MEHOHANTS, Queen street, Hcnolulu. U. 1. 1018 RnrcwER & COMPANY. c' reunited UBHKUAL JllKnOANTILE AND U0MUIS3IOH O.UKHTB. LIST OF OFFICBllS: P. U. Joacs, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oauteb. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary muKCTOns: Hon. C. K. Bisuor. S. C. Allen, 11. WatubiioUsh. Joty T. WATER1IOUSK, JOHN liupoitur and Dealer in General Merchandise, giueen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.--J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKE, CASTLB Shipping and Comuiission Merchanta. Importers tind Dealers in Ueneral Merchandise, No. 60 King st., Honolulu Clans SprcckciB. Wm. Q. Irwin. XT Q- - IBWIN & COMPANY, W Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 as CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints), Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. fort, uud Queuu ats., Honolulu. ! H '' if M a J (fM H 5- 1 PER of An QBINBAOM fit CO., MS. Importers of Generul Mor- - ohandiso and Uoiuuiisslou Merchants, and 124 Ualifoiuln street, Sau Frauclsco, Cal. . Lowers. P. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooke. & OOOKE, (succesaora to Lewera & Dickson,) mportcrs und Draleiu in Lumbr and alJ kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu J FRANK J. KRXJGER, Practical Watchmaker & Eepairor GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 0 Beuver Block, Honolulu. O LUBO UAWA11ANO. persons who want to conimuni ALL with the Poitueuese, either (or business, or for prosuring woikmen, servants or any olhoi helps, will find it tho most prolltaulo way to advertise In tho Luso Jawailaito, tUo now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llBhe- d on Hotel street, and nily cUuiges reasonable rates for a iviinismncnm Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclimaker Has removed to ono of the Now Stores In tho TlioniiiH Block, King Street, Three doors from Custlo & Cookes', Where ho is prepared to mauufucturo all Xlnds of Jcwolry. 00 Profossionala. Alfred maqoon, J, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Morohant street, Honolulu, ly T H.SOPER.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth nnd Market Greets, opposite Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 211 J. M. MONSARRAT, Attorney unit Counsellor at Inv Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for tho States ol Now York. Cali- fornia and I'tniwylvuniii. Merchant street, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, II. 1. jitiio.!).HS l?ION231i2K STEAM CANDY FACTORY A.NH XIA.3CJB11Y. F. IIOKN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker, n Hotel St. BJ3' Telephone 74 Rfirs. L. G. Pray, Geuuiue Massage Roman Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7.t8 U. M. BENSON. O. VT. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 1 10 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & fccechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Kick-iecker'- s Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2j HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William'i Block, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMEE, & CO. JIanullicturliiK JowcllerH, no. os jrojxrs: a'X'iijajE'j'. Constantly on hand a large asbortmen of every descriptinuof Jewelry, "Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 58 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. M. SANDERS, DrnnriAlnre F. I. CUTTER, I ( ""r Office, 84 King street, Telephone No SG. ltesiclcnce icicpuono.no zvs. Gcn'l ExpresslHBSc Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. July 2.j ly MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, "DX'CBBMlalClllK, itc, to.. Ilni commenced the bu3ine3 of Drcs. making, Culling and Fitting, at her resi- lience, No 1 3 Beretaula street, opposite Hie Hotel. The patronngo of the todies is respectfully solicited. Satiu,f-etio- n guaranteed. sept-'i-l- y Alex. J Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel st , next to Gcnernl Post 1 ITlco, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. AIho. Hoivliiff llnolilncH nt renHon-iilil- o x'uleH. Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400 Hustace& Robertson. DBAYMKN. a LL orders for Cartage promptly at. 3l tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllcc, adjoining E. P. Admits & Co 's auction room 0H3 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. H. C. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. aiutiiulXeloplioiie No. 4. 87 tf TF YOU WANT A SERVANT J. adYerlUo lu the Daily Uullktm. Christines and in Years Goods ! POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Fort Street, - Honolulu. W. S. -- A.OSL, : : : IPjfopi'ietor. Grand Display of Holiday Goods ! WE AltE NOW EXHIBITING A File Variety tf Plush Goods ai Mcy Movellies CONSISTING OF PLUSH TOILET CASES 1 PLUSH JEWEL CASES ! Toilet & Mnnicure Set, combined; Glovo & Handkerchief Iloxcs, Collar fc Cuff Boxes, Work Hoses, Fancy Metal Whisk Urooni Holders. Hand Glasses, Fancy Toilet Mirrors & Fancy Metal Ornaments, Suitable for Holiday Gifts. Wo nio offering this Goods nt EXTREMELY LOW PRICES And solicit inspection of our Goods and Pi ices beforo purchasing elsewhere. PLUSH TABLE SCARES AND TABLE COVERS ! A NEW ASSORTMENT OF iEEsund fejaoliels, Fancy Purses Se Ftt.iis ! A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Silk & Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies & Gents, Fino Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in white nnd coloiod; Initial Handkerchiefs, put up in V do., in a box ; Gents' Fine Linen llandkeichicfs, dozen in a box; At Very Low Prices. In fact we will oiler Special Inducements for the Holidays A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT OF Infant's Lace & Silk Bonnets, Lace Dresses Robes. Etc. rjgF"Conic and examine our Goods, compute our Prices, before purchasing elsewhere. JRJ 113 lin Biro wjL Saloon The Boat Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The Finest Brand of Gitm JbGl Totacco eajfcvKSyy.iEgji A.l'WIVVH Oil XIltlKl. II. J. NOIrK, Iroiiiotor. King Street Near Alakea. Board S4 JIO I'(t Vo Hlnglc Heal !i." ccniH i:ncii. A flrst.elafR Cook 1ms been cngt.gd to cuccetd tliu one heieloforc cihpu.yed Tho Tables are Marble top ai.d Clean; the Wullcru attentive. C. CUDS IIEK, 2072 3in Proprietor. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Eue do Dunkorque, -- Paris. jixceutcs Indi uttt lor every description of French, Belgian, Swia, German, an I English Goods, nt the best MimufattUPTs' LoweM Prices. Coinmishlon. Two.and-- a Half per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Oiiginal Invoices forwarded whcnicmicsted. Ilcinlttmiecd, through a London or Pails Banker, ptyublo on delivery ol Shipping documents; or, direct to the inuimger. The Agency KeprcrCiitH, Buys, nnd Sella, for Ilonu a d t oloulal Fiima. Piero Goods, Cubhmercs, Cambrics, bilks, Velvets, Lawnc, Clnntzes, MuhMiis, Carptts, Cloths, Milliuery, Laeej, Gloves, Frlnget., Pantbols, Haberdashery, Gold and tMlver I.uee, Flnnnels, Feathers, Pearla, Bunts and Shoch, Gluts, and Ohhia.wnre, Clocks, Watches, Jew ell ry, Fanny floods, Klectro-plal- Jlnslcal Instruments, Fw, Hcclcalubtlcul uud Optical Goods, Mirrors, Tojh. Perfunieiy, Wines, &c, Oilman's btons, Book' Aitistlo Fitinlturo, rllailoneiy, Chromos, Machlneiy, fco., &c. 130 ly B. -- AT THE- - Just Received at Hollister & Co.'s A largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Compiising tho well-kno- brands of COLGATE &.CO., LTINDBORGS, LUBnsPS, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN ' S ALOHA, HOY T'S COLOGNE FARINA GERMAN .COLOGNE, &o. 0 For Sale afc Beasonable DE3rice mh-2- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. 87 Steam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki. .1. 5? RRGWK3 St. CO.. - - Proorietors. Hopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. o CAPACITY l.OOU ItOZKX 1'Klt DAY. O- - Tho Only Appnratus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, &INGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, Sarsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PUItE, STItONO 13FFEUVES0ING PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 76 cents per dozen, delivered, Latest Impiovcd Machinery and Patent QliiBi-vulv- u Bottles. TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469. ApiiMH-8- 8 A. M. SPROULL, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Fortbtrtct, ; s : Honolulu. oot-l'- J 88-3- WATERS i fVIANUEL NUNES. So. 10 Hotel Htreet. Giiitim &, Striiiy IuHtruiiuntH Of nil Ulnde Mndo & liopalrcd. 8r Inlaid Work, nnd Inltiutlng lu Wood n specialty. 2070 3m Orders delivered to any part of the city. Island orders solicited, jijflj Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, - $Z8,G02, 205.00 Flro riks taken nt current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. VTLKEntSt:i July 28-88-. ly Union H'lro A Mnrinc Insurance Company of N. Z, Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Flro nnd Marine risks, taken nt current rates and settlement mndo in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 2fl88.1y -- su re insurance Co, of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hullp, Cargoc3, Freights and Commissions at current rates JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. july 2R.8S.ly General Insurance Company, Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freight nnd Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. july20 8S-l-y A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 115 Knahumauu street. Up stairs. ooU1.88-l- y ft-fr- r? Honolulu iron works, essSsSaStesim engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 WALKER & EEDWAED, Contraetora fc SSulldera. Iliick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates .given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Uox, 423. ap LUCAS, Contractor and Builder, -- 52 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, .hspla nndc, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of 'Wood-wor- k finish. Turning, Scroll nnd Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaruntccd. Orders from tho other solicited NIERPRI PLANING MILL. E Alnkcu, near fcueen St. Telephone 53. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY Slioeixig- - Forge, 70 A. HI King Street. Shoeing-- , from SI. 50. HorBos and Cattle Treated fox all Diseases. Ilc3idcncc: Chnmbcrlnln House, next Knwaiahao Church. i. o. nox 4oa.; Bell Telephone jftj Cornateu Iron ! Debt Crown Brand. 6, 7, 8. nnd 9 Feot Lengths Just landed Ex. Ship "Cockcrmouth" For Sale in Quantities to Suit, Also, &00 Bbls. White Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT Full Weight. At the Lowest Market Rates. BLOER 6l CO. aug.l-6- 8 Tho Inter- - Island Btcain Navigation Co., Ijiinited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Elacktmith Coal and a gcnoint assortment of us. Bar Iron. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE -- JKSWRANtflSfc- Hartford Flro Insurance Co. Anots, 45,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) w Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York iafo Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly EQUITABLE Society or tlio United States. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Butlnouin 1887 $138,023,105 Applications refused lor 23,729,317 Total Incomo 23,240,849 Surplus 4 per cent 10,104,256 Gain In Attets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above nnd most important point the Equitnblo heads tho list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Agent ror Hawaiian IslandH. juno CASTLE & COOKE. Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents. AOIIHTB FOU The New Knslond MUTUAl LIFE INS. COHP'Y, of Boston. Tho Itna Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Union JPlre and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Csla. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Conn) t BSTAllUSnBD 1815, Cap"', 9,000,000 nelchsnurJcs THE undersigned, hating been ap. agent of tho aboto Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is nrnnnrivi m accept risks, against Fire, on Bulldingf. Furniture.Mcmlinmllsn i'roduce, u..i Mills etc., on the most Favorable Term Lottos Promptly Adjuitod and Payable Honolulu. H. 1UEMENSOUNEIDEH, 3'y-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Oq's. Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St Tito undersigned begs to Inform tho public of these Islands that bo is making Slilx-t- M by MooNuremout t Directions forself.inensurement will be given on application. White Shirts, Owshlrts & tifght Gowis a lit guarantee by making a eamplo Bblrt to every order. Island ordor solicited Bell Ttlephoss 410 60 ly A. H. MKULIS. Ifib A

j EVENING, JANUARY Christines in Years FIRE,Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT

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Page 1: j EVENING, JANUARY Christines in Years FIRE,Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT












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Is printed and published at tho ofUcc,

Queua Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - SO conts per Month.

Addros? nil Communications DailyBULLETIN.

Advcrtisomcnis, tc ensure insertion,should bo handed in bcroro ono o'clockV. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

JAS G. C LEV I OR Manager

Bullotin Steam Printing Offlco.

Newspaper, Hook ami Job Printingall kinds done on the moat favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.interesting uud comprehensive

publication, contiliii 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and ucomplete resuino of Honolulu .iud IslandNews. It is the bust paper oubllshedin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission. Morenants.

T lIA.Jllfii3JLiO .So Co.,

General Commission Agents.

070 ly Honolulu



Queen street, Hcnolulu. U. 1.1018




P. U. Joacs, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oauteb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. K. Bisuor. S. C. Allen,11. WatubiioUsh.


T. WATER1IOUSK,JOHN liupoitur and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, giueen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.--J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

& OOOKE,CASTLB Shipping and ComuiissionMerchanta. Importers tind Dealers inUeneral Merchandise, No. 60 King st.,Honolulu

Clans SprcckciB. Wm. Q. Irwin.

XT Q- - IBWIN & COMPANY,W Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

as CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints),Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. fort, uud Queuu ats.,Honolulu. !














QBINBAOM fit CO.,MS. Importers of Generul Mor- -

ohandiso and Uoiuuiisslou Merchants,and

124 Ualifoiuln street,Sau Frauclsco, Cal.

. Lowers. P. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooke.& OOOKE,

(succesaora to Lewera & Dickson,)mportcrs und Draleiu in Lumbr and alJ

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu J


Practical Watchmaker & Eepairor


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants0 Beuver Block, Honolulu.


persons who want to conimuniALL with the Poitueuese, either(or business, or for prosuring woikmen,servants or any olhoi helps, will find ittho most prolltaulo way to advertise Intho Luso Jawailaito, tUo now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llBhe- d

on Hotel street, and nily cUuigesreasonable rates for a iviinismncnm

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclimaker

Has removed to ono of the NowStores In tho

TlioniiiH Block, King Street,Three doors from Custlo & Cookes',

Where ho is prepared to mauufucturoall Xlnds of Jcwolry. 00


Alfred maqoon,J, ATTOKNEY AT LAW.173 42 Morohant street, Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth nnd Market Greets,opposite Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 211

J. M. MONSARRAT,Attorney unit Counsellor at InvNotary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States ol Now York. Cali-fornia and I'tniwylvuniii. Merchantstreet, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, II. 1.




A.NH XIA.3CJB11Y.F. IIOKN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker,n Hotel St. BJ3' Telephone 74

Rfirs. L. G. Pray,

Geuuiue Massage Roman Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7.t8



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 1 10 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & fccechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Kick-iecker'- s Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2j


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William'i Block, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMEE, & CO.JIanullicturliiK JowcllerH,

no. os jrojxrs: a'X'iijajE'j'.Constantly on hand a large asbortmen

of every descriptinuof Jewelry, "WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

58 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. M. SANDERS, DrnnriAlnreF. I. CUTTER, I( ""r

Office, 84 King street, Telephone No SG.

ltesiclcnce icicpuono.no zvs.Gcn'l ExpresslHBScPiano and Furniture moving a specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.July 2.j ly


"DX'CBBMlalClllK, itc, to..Ilni commenced the bu3ine3 of Drcs.making, Culling and Fitting, at her resi-

lience, No 1 3 Beretaula street, oppositeHie Hotel. The patronngo of the todiesis respectfully solicited. Satiu,f-etio- n

guaranteed. sept-'i-l- y

Alex. J Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel st , next to Gcnernl Post1 ITlco, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired.AIho. Hoivliiff llnolilncH nt renHon-iilil- o

x'uleH.Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400

Hustace& Robertson.

DBAYMKN.a LL orders for Cartage promptly at.3l tended to. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllcc, adjoining E. P. Admits & Co 's

auction room0H3 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

aiutiiulXeloplioiie No. 4.87 tf

TF YOU WANT A SERVANTJ. adYerlUo lu the Daily Uullktm.

Christines and in Years Goods !

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

W. S. --A.OSL, : : : IPjfopi'ietor.

Grand Display of Holiday Goods !


File Variety tf Plush Goods ai Mcy Movellies



Toilet & Mnnicure Set, combined; Glovo & Handkerchief Iloxcs,Collar fc Cuff Boxes, Work Hoses,

Fancy Metal Whisk Urooni Holders. Hand Glasses,

Fancy Toilet Mirrors & Fancy Metal Ornaments,Suitable for Holiday Gifts. Wo nio offering this Goods nt

EXTREMELY LOW PRICESAnd solicit inspection of our Goods and Pi ices beforo purchasing elsewhere.



iEEsund fejaoliels, Fancy Purses Se Ftt.iis !


Silk & Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies & Gents,Fino Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in white nnd coloiod;

Initial Handkerchiefs, put up in V do., in a box ;

Gents' Fine Linen llandkeichicfs, dozen in a box;

At Very Low Prices. In fact we will oiler

Special Inducements for the HolidaysA NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc.,In all shades and colors;

New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls.A FINE ASSORTiMENT OF

Infant's Lace & Silk Bonnets, Lace Dresses Robes. Etc.rjgF"Conic and examine our Goods, compute our Prices, before purchasing elsewhere. JRJ

113 lin

Biro wjL Saloon

The Boat Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The Finest Brand of

Gitm JbGl TotaccoeajfcvKSyy.iEgji

A.l'WIVVH Oil XIltlKl.II. J. NOIrK, Iroiiiotor.

King Street Near Alakea.

Board S4 JIO I'(t VoHlnglc Heal !i." ccniH i:ncii.

A flrst.elafR Cook 1ms been cngt.gd tocuccetd tliu one heieloforc cihpu.yedTho Tables are Marble top ai.d Clean;the Wullcru attentive.

C. CUDS IIEK,2072 3in Proprietor.

Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

30 Eue do Dunkorque, - - Paris.

jixceutcs Indi uttt lor every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swia, German, an I English Goods, nt

the best MimufattUPTs' LoweM Prices.Coinmishlon. Two.and-- a Half per cent.

All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Oiiginal Invoices forwardedwhcnicmicsted.

Ilcinlttmiecd, through a London orPails Banker, ptyublo on delivery olShipping documents; or, direct to theinuimger.

The Agency KeprcrCiitH, Buys, nndSella, for Ilonu a d t oloulal Fiima.

Piero Goods, Cubhmercs, Cambrics,bilks, Velvets, Lawnc, Clnntzes,MuhMiis, Carptts, Cloths,Milliuery, Laeej, Gloves,Frlnget., Pantbols, Haberdashery,Gold and tMlver I.uee,Flnnnels, Feathers, Pearla,Bunts and Shoch, Gluts, andOhhia.wnre, Clocks, Watches,Jew ell ry, Fanny floods,Klectro-plal- Jlnslcal Instruments,Fw, Hcclcalubtlcul uudOptical Goods, Mirrors, Tojh.Perfunieiy, Wines, &c,Oilman's btons, Book' AitistloFitinlturo, rllailoneiy,Chromos, Machlneiy, fco., &c.

130 ly B.

-- AT THE- -

Just Received at Hollister & Co.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Compiising tho well-kno- brands of




For Sale afc Beasonable DE3ricemh-2- ij WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. 87

Steam Works, Sunny South, Wnikiki.

.1. 5? RRGWK3 St. CO.. - - Proorietors.Hopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


O- -

Tho Only Appnratus making High Class


Sarsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PUItE, STItONO 13FFEUVES0ING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 76 cents per dozen, delivered,

Latest Impiovcd Machinery and Patent QliiBi-vulv- u Bottles.

TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469.

ApiiMH-8- 8


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

Fortbtrtct, ; s : Honolulu.oot-l'- J 88-3-


fVIANUEL NUNES.So. 10 Hotel Htreet.

Giiitim &, Striiiy IuHtruiiuntHOf nil Ulnde Mndo & liopalrcd.

8r Inlaid Work, nnd Inltiutlng luWood n specialty. 2070 3m

Orders delivered to any part of the city. Island orders solicited, jijflj

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, - $Z8,G02, 205.00

Flro riks taken nt current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. VTLKEntSt:iJuly 28-88-. ly

Union H'lro A Mnrinc

Insurance Company of N. Z,

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Flro nnd Marine risks, taken nt currentrates and settlement mndo in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 2fl88.1y

--s u re

insurance Co, of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hullp, Cargoc3, Freightsand Commissions at current rates

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.july 2R.8S.ly

General Insurance Company,

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightnnd Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.july20 8S-l-y

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 115 Knahumauu street. Up stairs.ooU1.88-l- y

ft-fr- r? Honolulu iron works,essSsSaStesim engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Contraetora fc SSulldera.Iliick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates .given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Uox, 423. ap


and Builder, -- 52Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, .hspla

nndc, Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of 'Wood-wor- k

finish. Turning, Scroll nnd BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaruntccd. Orders from tho other



Alnkcu, near fcueen St.Telephone 53.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Slioeixig- - Forge,70 A. HI King Street.

Shoeing-- , from SI.50.

HorBos and Cattle Treated fox

all Diseases.

Ilc3idcncc: Chnmbcrlnln House, nextKnwaiahao Church.

i. o. nox 4oa.;Bell TelephonejftjCornateu Iron !

Debt Crown Brand.

6, 7, 8. nnd 9 Feot LengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockcrmouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit,

Also, &00 Bbls. White Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates.

BLOER 6l CO.aug.l-6- 8

Tho Inter- - Island BtcainNavigation Co., Ijiinited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Elacktmith Coaland a gcnoint assortment of

us. Bar Iron.


MARINE--JKSWRANtflSfc-Hartford Flro Insurance Co.

Anots, 45,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine) wAssets, $450,000

Anglo-Novad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York iafo Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly



or tlio United States.


New Butlnouin 1887 $138,023,105Applications refused lor 23,729,317Total Incomo 23,240,849Surplus 4 per cent 10,104,256Gain In Attets during year 8,868,432

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above nnd most important pointthe Equitnblo heads tho list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent ror Hawaiian



CASTLE & COOKE.Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents.



of Boston.

Tho Itna Fire Insurance Co.,of Hartford, Conn.

The Union JPlre andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Csla.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Conn) tBSTAllUSnBD 1815,

Cap"', 9,000,000 nelchsnurJcs

THE undersigned, hating been ap.agent of tho aboto Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is nrnnnrivi maccept risks, against Fire, on Bulldingf.Furniture.Mcmlinmllsn i'roduce, u..iMills etc., on the most Favorable Term

Lottos Promptly Adjuitod and PayableHonolulu.

H. 1UEMENSOUNEIDEH,3'y-8- 7 ly at Wilder & Oq's.

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma StTito undersigned begs to Inform thopublic of these Islands that bo is making

Slilx-t-M by MooNuremout tDirections forself.inensurement will

be given on application.White Shirts, Owshlrts & tifght Gowisa lit guarantee by making a eamplo

Bblrt to every order.Island ordor solicited Bell Ttlephoss 410

60 ly A. H. MKULIS.



Page 2: j EVENING, JANUARY Christines in Years FIRE,Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT


1- -


iPWB-i- f

DAILY BtTTiTiWIlTK: .TIONOTAITiU, H, I tJAOTAiRY 2, Mmi if1 ' Mm Mw twmi



Wator Notice.In accoiilnncc with Sec. I o( clus-

ter XXV II of tho laws of issn.All perioni holtliiiB wnter irivi-log- o

or those paying water rtp, nphereby notifloil Hint the wntor ratesfor the torm ontling June ftO, 1SSU,

will bo due nml payable nl the olllroof tbu Honolulu Wator Works ontlto 1st of Jammry, 1SS0.

All such nt tea lciunining unpaidfor fifteen day., after they are duo,will bo subject to mi ndditionnllOpur cent.

Putties paying rnlri will pleasepicscnt tboir last receipt.

Utiles sue payable nt tho olliee oftho 'Water Woiks in llio KnpuniwaBuilding.

Tho stntuto allowing no discielion,strict onforccinent of this clauso willbe made.

G1IAS. 1!. WILSON,Supt. Honolulu Witter Works.

Tlqnolulu, Doe. l-- 1S88.1211 Kit

x ix .ij:

flaiTtt giilTtifinPledged to neitl.cr Sect nor Party,But established lor the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2. 1880.


The census of 1881 reported 12,-35- 1

contract laborers, and 10,908engaged in other branches of agr-iculture; showing that 23,319 outof the total population of 58,055 un-

der 50 years of age, are at work onthe products of" tho soil. 22,523arc under 35: G,7ol arc over 50years of age. 15,798 are womenbetween 15 and 50. Of the totalpopulation of 80,578 there ought tobe after deducting from this total,women, children and the superan-nuated a working fotee of 10,000.Of 39,541 who are reported as hav-ing some occupation, 3,919 arc en-

gaged in some mechanical pursuit.In the table showing the occupationsof 0,015, both. foreigners and

113 different occupationsare reported for 1,81-- Ilawaiians,out of a total of' 10,01-1. It may bea matter of interest to see how thesemay be classified, as showing whatoccupations Ilawaiians seem to pre-fer,a-

what branches of industry arcstill open for them to enter. Of thosethat may be classed as literary, suchas teachers, judges, lawyers, edi-

tors, clergymen, printers, there are' 153, moro . than one-thir- d of this

..iiumber, 57, belong to the legal fra-

ternity. Clerks and salesmen num-

ber 154. Government employees,messengers, policemen, soldiers 192.(Tho last report of the Attorney-Genor- al

shows 227 policemen.) Sel-

lers of food and drink, 8-- Boat-boy- s,

fishermen, and sailors, 21G.

Horsemen, drivers, hostlers andsuch, 229. "Woodworkers, houseand ship carpenters, 93. Metal-

workers, CO. Painters, 42. Leather-wor-

kers, 13. Tailors and dress-

makers, 11. Masons, 1. Musiciansand such like, 1G. Domestic ser-

vants, janitors, and so on, l. Mar-

ket gardeners nud poi producers,105. TJaylaborcrs and overseers,300. Of the G3 occupations report-

ed. in which- - Chinese are engaged,there are 4G in which they competewith Hawaiians. There weic re-

ported 12G. Chinese iibhermen to 3

Hawaiian; G2 Chinese poi sellersto 9 Hawaiian ; 79 Chinese tailors toG Hawaiian ; 20 Chinese shoemakersto 4 Hawaiian ; 22 Chinese barbersto 3 Hawaiian. Some lines of busi-

ness the Hawaiians have lost en-

tirely, or nearly so ; as for instance,there are 7G Chinese in the laundry

. business, but now not one Hawaiian ;

(327 Chinese alone, according to an-

other table.) 151 Chinese cooks to9 e Hawaiian ; 1140 Chinese store-

keepers out of a total Chinese popu-

lation of 5,225 here in Honolulu.

INSTALLATION.' Last evening the following officersof Ercclsior Lodge No. 1, I. O. O.F., were installed for tho ensuingyear by M. 1). Mousarrat, District

"Deputy Grand Sire, assisted by"Past District Grand Sire W. E.Foster, and Past Glands- - J. J.lecker and S. P. Simonds:

. F. IVnklron, N. G.'A. Weir,, V. G.' L. L. Lapicrrc, Secretary.

J. J. Greene, Treasurer.' J. J, Leckorj "Warden.

A. M. Mellis, L. S. N. G.S. P. Simonds, 1?. S. V. G.E.-D- . Crano, L. S, V. G.Gv Johnson, I. U.


A ttrrlBc wind nu btowli tiwriynil of retienlny hd cnntultrabltdumMRP w dour In vitrloim pnrtiof tlm town to fmrr, tri multolopliono wire. None of the ves-no- li

In the harbor utiiliirl nn,vitnmngo. l'cdnitrlntu mifTerpil

from tlic (hint which ,nlining in every direction.


Tho stcntner l.ikcliku tu rived ntKnluttpapii, .Molokui, 4 o'clock Mon-

day morning, but ns It was roughshe stonmed round to Knltiwno, nndshortly nftor fi o'clock lauded thelnnlc passengers. The women woroput into bonis ami talked with tboirfriends 011 whore from them not beingallowed to land. At half-pa- st t

o'clock lomlay afternoon the wholeparty left the settlement, arriving inHonolulu about 10 o'clock in thoevening.

ENTERTAINMENT FOR SAILORS.Last evening the Woman's Chris-

tian Temperance Union gave anat tho Y. M. C. A. hall.

Tickets of admission had been dis-

tributed among the vessels in portand the result was thai the hall waswell tilled with sailors from II. 13.

M.'s ships Hyacinth and Cormorant,U. S. S. Alert, and the niei chantvessels. The interior of the hallwas most beautifully decorated withpalm leaves, potted plants, flowersand flags. The platform looked exceedingly pretty. As the sailors ar-

rived they were each presented witha bouquet by a bevy of young la-

dies. The attendance would havebeen much larger than it was if notfor the strong wind which kept anumbci of men on board on specialduty. The Kcv. Herbert II. Gowenpresided, and on behalf of the W.C. T. U. extended a hearty welcometo the men. The following pro-gramme was then given :

Song Miss Jennio GrieveKecitation Searlc, CormorantSong Boyncs, HyacinthComic song Arthur TibbsSong Flynn, HyacinthRecitation A. E. MurphySong W. Lucitt, HyacinthSong Mrs. J. H. PatySong lialph, Cormorantltecilaliou Kuby DexterTrio for violin, violincello, and

piano. .Dr. F. ?. Day, Messrs. J.W. Yarndley, ,T. F. Brown andMyron II. Jones.The whole of the numbers were

capitally rendered and much enthu-siasm prevailed. Coffee and cakewere handed around by an ellicientcorp of young ladies. Mr. AY.

Hobbs of the Hyacinth proposed avote of thanks to the ladies for theirkindness, which was seconded byone of the sailors, the whole of themen giving thrco hearty cheers.The entertainment was brought to aclose by singing Auld Lang Syne.


AT 9 A.M. LOCAL TIMi:.Means for mouth.

Temperature Jiaruuielei "'.2.1Uncorrected iinioiiietcr Heading. 30.185Corrected Barometer Heading.... tiO.10!)Temperature, dry Imlb 70.1

' wi-- t " 70.7Dew point (!(!."Jtclntivu humidity 711.1

lilntlc force of aqueous vapor U57

AT 0 1. 31. I.OCAl. TISIi:Temperature Baromctci 74Uncorrected Barometer lteadln, .ISO. 17aCorrected Barometer Beading. . 'J0.0JI2Temperature, dry bulb . 70.5

" wet " . 07.4Dew point . (i3.1ltclative humidity . 8U.2Elabtic force of aqueous vapor . . .g;wMaximum thermometer . 81.!)Minimum thermometer GG.I!ltalufall as per Fliirloinoter(inehc.) 1.140

KXTHUMKS rOU MONTH.Highest conectcd bar. reading, yo.198

on the 16th at 9 r. M.Lowest corrected Bar. reading, 29.918

on the ii'Jih at 0 i ji.Highest temperature in shade, 85.5

on tho'Uth.Lowest temperature in shade, 01

on the Hind.Greatest dally rainfall, .300 Inches

on tho 29th.IlKMir Coiid-Adaji- s.

MORTUARY REPORT.The total number of deaths reported

for the month of December, 1888,wns 05,distributed as follows:Under 1 year.... 20 From !I0 4

From 1 to ij ! From 10 to 50... 1

Prom5 to 10.... 2 From 50 to CO... 1Fiom 10 to 20... 5 From (10 to 70... 1

From 20 to !J0... 5 Over 70 8Males, HO Females, 25

Hawaiian 15 Great Ilrilain..Chinese (I AmericansPortuguese n Other nations..Japanese 2

causi: DKATII.Accident Enteritis 1

Asthma Erysipelas 0Aneurism Fever 7Alices? Fever Brain.... 0Droiichitla Ilcinonhaujc .... 0Jirlchts DUeuoe. lullamimition ... 0IScilherl 0 Leprosy 0Cnuvulhions 2 l.op, Exhaustion 0Consumption.. . :i Opium 1

Childbirth 0 Old Age 1

Cholera infant.. 0 Faralyilb 2Croup o i'leurisy 0Ili. of Hear .... 2 MTOfllhl I

Dyscntei., IJ Hiphllls 0Dronsv 2 Tumor 0UIuriliiLMi. . 0 Typhoid Fever.. 0IJI.s.of Kpiuc 0 Unknown aDie. of Throat.. 0 Ulcer of Stomach 0Debility 0 WhooplngCough 28

Total (J5

Number unattended )Q

COJU'AltATIVi; .MONTHLY JIOItTAI.ITV.lice. 1881 12 Dec. 1887 50Dee. 1885 411 Dec.l8S8 (ID

Dee. 18bll 72Xon-Heshli- , 5Annual death rate per 1000 for month

:il.20Death rate for the year ending this

day 21.88

J. II. UltOWN,Agent Hoard of Health.


Stttral nry InUreitltig rcilook ilao yratonbv afternoon atIfuplolnnl Purk. About- - two hun-

dred pernoii were prewnt. Thetruck w In miliar poor condition.Mr. t' S. Pratt, Captt. Cliinlo nmlTiipp were judgpi, nml Thou. Ilol-litte- r

fttftrtcr. Following I a miiiiinnry :

1. Trotting inHlch race 1 milefor f60 a ido. Double loams towagon.II. K. lleblmrd's Goorgo 11 nud

Swuetwood, 1.

Hon. J. A. Cummins' Joo Dnke andMaggie, i.Won very easily in 3:17. II. V.

Hubbard drove tho winners, S. Al.Graham the losers.

2. Trotting match race 1 mile,850 a side. Single teams to roadcart.K. G. Schuinan's Swectwood, 1.U. It. Miles' Unknown,2.

A very close race. Time 3:01.3. ltunning race ? mile dash.

Weight for ago. Purse of $100.Hon. J. A. Cummins' g g Surprise, 1

K. It. Miles' b g Wonder, 2.Surprise won rather easily in

1 :22.I. Trotting match race 1 mile,

$50 a side. Single teams to roadcarls.S. F. Graham's Joe Dakc, 1.II. F. Ilebbard's George II, 2.

A very good race the whole dis-tance. Time 2:52.

5. Trotting race 1 mile, $50 aside. Double teams to wagon.II. F. Ilebbard's George II and

Swectwood, 1.E. It. Miles' Unknown and Toby, 2.

This was the best race of the dayand was well contested. Time 3 :01.


We have to call the attention ofour renders to the announcement ofan assignee sale of boots and shoesin 's issue, the stock belong-ing to the estate of P. Mclncrny.They will be offered in lots to suitpurchasers, and the whole will besold without reserve.


A number of natives and a Cus-

tom House ofllcer have been havinga little fun all to themselves on thePacific Mail wharf. On Sundaythree or four natives came off theJapanese steamer witli some bottlesof gin. Custom Iloiibc office VanDorn attempted to arrest them whenthey dumped him into a coal heapand cenped. This morning an-

other native came off the ship witha bottle and the ofllcer arrested himand took the gin away from him.A scufllc ensued during which thoollicer put the bottle of gin on theground. Another kanaka cainealong and walked off with it. Sev-

eral arrests have been made.

Auction Sale by James F. Morgan.


On FRIDAY, January 4, 1889,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 2r..At my Salesroom, Queen street, I will

sell at l'ublic Auction,

Lijl Invoice ol'jNTe-- GoodHComprising

Tweeds, Diagonals,"Worwtctl Goods!,


Linings, Buttons,Alio, a Large Lot of

Single Suit-- AND-

Pant Patterns,Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Tj:itMK at ham:.

tW AH Goods must be Sold, -- a

JAS. F. MOliG-AN- ,

lS(J2t Auctioneer.

Bolster & Rupprecht,House and! IFresco Painters

At Cayroiit'H Hliorliiv Hliop.No. 81 : j KING STREET.

1!I5 2w

WAWTEDor Woman to aFBlst in general

JiotiBowork. Apply at lliisofllce.131 lw


A NEAT, capable Girl as nurse inbiuiill family, Apply In

V. S. DODGE,135 lw 13U Horetuiiiu Btreet


BY a I'ortujjueso ami his tte, Thoin nu can do yard iwnk tho woman

wush and cook. Apply at this office.133 lw


a Japanese and liia wife. TlioIDY man can attend to horse r.iiilcir.lingo, do yard work. Woman a goodcook or can look after children. Applyat this olllce. 181 lw

Auotlon Salts by Luis J, Levey,

Assignees' I

Hy niilrr of T. V Liming, AMlinee ntthe llMikrnpi r.nir or ivior Molnetnv,I Mill fell nl Public ticilon, t irwBAlcroonw, (Jiii-'- Mir i,

On Saturday, Jiin 5th,AT 1U OTMH'K NOUS.

The wh''li) of ilii- - If.i k ofbolongliig ! miIiI l; Into, con.


(.JcnlH', Ijjultea',Misses' & Children's

Slioes-rr lm

Htoro Fittings, etc., etc.

I&jTTho whole will be told in lots tosun purchasers anil will be ready forcXHinlriiuioa on Friday the day beforethe sale.


LEWIS J. LEVJ2Y,i:t6 Ht Auctioneer.

14 Bar Burni


On Saturday, Jan. 5,AT t!t O'CLOCK XOOX,

In front of my Sale-room- s, I will fell atPublic Auc'ion,

One 14 Oar Barge,ao feet ovit all and 7 feet b inn,

built of ce 'IK and oak, copperfastened and copper our looks


CKl"The Hinge ciui be p. imiiied infio-i- i of mj Sik-bioom- the mnining ofsale.

LEWIS ,1. LEVEY,nil Hi AiieiioiiLcr.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles,

Iloxor.i'i.u, Dec. 2i, 1M:8.

111ATTALION OUDEK5.TMIE annual election for CompanyJL Ollleers "f this corps will take

pluce us follows:Company "C" Wcdncsdny Evening,

Januiirj 2nd; Captain & (jrunnucc Ultl-ce-rliuujli Uuuu to prcs-ide- .

Conipmy 'A" Thtirday Evening,.Tiiuii'iM oil; Captain A Ordn nice OllicerW. W.'llall to .r. Mile.

Coiii; my '"D" Krb ay Evcnini: .Inn-imi- y

lili;"Cupiiiin & Ordnance OfllcerI Inch (jiinu 10 pnsiile.

Coinpmiy"TV' Tuesday Evening, .Ian-ua- y

mh; Uipiain At Surgeon Johnlirodie 1o pre idc.

liy oidcr.II. F. HERUAltl),

Gko. McLuon,Ciptiiiu and Adjutant. I'M Kt

Notice of Dissolution ofCopartiiersMp.

NO I ICE is hereby given that thelieietofoie existing

iindi-- tiie film n 11110 of "tiing Chong itCo ,'' and composed of lhe under.-ignc- d,

bus been this day dHMilved by iniuualconsent. All debts owing to Faid part,nciship, and all demands on sn.ii put.nei'.-h- i) will be seltled by the new dimof '"King Chong & Co."

Dated Honolulu, Dec. 31, 188S.A II. 1.00 NGAWIv,LUNG NASI,

Hy A. II. Loo Njiiiuk. liii atl'y in fact;L. TUCKONG,

By A. II. Loo Neii" I., hi- - att'y in fact;130 Jit TOXG HUNG.

Notice of Special Partnership,

'"piIIS is to ceitify that the under.JL signed have formed n special part-nersh-

inn 1111111 to the btauitc in Michcase made nnd provided.

'Thill tho uanie of the firm underwhich biidi paunerMiip ib to be d

is Chong & Co."That the general nature of the busi-ncs- s

to be tiam-ncti'- is the lai ns,planting nml ciiltivnting of lici-iuth- e

Island of O.iliu, the owning and operat.ine of rice cleaning mill on mid Maudof Oahu, and the buyini; and selling ofall kinds of uooils, wares" nud meicimn.disc in said Island of Unliu.

That tlio principal place of lnisliiesof mid linn is Honolulu, Island of Oahu,on Huunakca hticei.

That the names of all the general andspecial paitncrs ait; nu follows:

A. II. Loo Ngnwk, Hong Qunn, TonirCluing Boy and I . A a i , who all rci-id-

in Honolulu, 'b'and of Oahu, und LuniSa Kan, who Kanlacu, Districtof Kooliiupokii, I land (if O.iliu, metbogeneral pariueri; and Lum Chung Wnand Tung Hong, who icsido in Uono-- 1

ilu, Muni of Oahu, and L, A puna,Tong Clinng Wai, Lcong Nam ni.d L.Tuck Kong, who nt Kong ShcongTu. DlHiilct of Ilenng San, in tho Em-pire of Cliiuu, are llio sp'-cia- l pniinerF j

and t1 at lhe iaul A IT. Loo Nuawk,Hong Quon, Tong Chong Soy and L.Alai, have earh contri billed the hi. in oftlvet oiiband iloliurs ($.",03n) ; and thohitid I, urn Hay Kim, lias coutillmud thehum of lllteen tluiusanil dollars il?15-001-

tuivuiiU tho cnpltiil t ek. and thattin) Mild pur'iic-i-hi- I o enmrnonoe onthe Iht day of .Innuaiy, A. 1) 188U. andto conlliuiu nml be in fori o lor the termot 12 )era t f oiti said lblday of Jaiuiuiy,A. 1) JHB1I


I5y his atl'y in fact A II. Loo Ngawk:TuNG CHANG ViAI (w),

Jly her atl'y in hint Tong Chung Soy:LEOJGNAMI

By his nlt'y in (art A. II. Loo Ngnwk;L. TUCK KONG,

Hy ia att'y in laeiA, II. Loo Ngawk.

Duly neknowledued before Thrts, W.Ilobron, Noiary Public, Bland of Onhu,the 4th day of Heecmber, 1888,


j Hawaiian Tniiiiwiijs



King Street Line .

FARE, 5CEK TSI'oi- - liny tlMtitiic,

Tho Can will commence mmilng on lliofollowing schedule time,

On Tuesday, Jan. 1st

Lcavo rtlflo Flange. Leave Chinese Thcat.

11.00 .. m. U.S0 A. M.fi.HO " 7.0i) "7.(10 " 7.SI0 '7.11 " 8.00 '8.80 " 0.00 '0 30 " 10 0(1 "

10.30 " 11.00 "11.110 " 12.00 m.YiM t. 12.::oi'. m.12.110 1: M. 1.00 "

l.U) " 1.110 "l.JO " 2.00 "2.H0 " 1100 "ll.iJO " 4.00 "4.00 " 4 no "l.l'O " 5.0D '5.00 ' 5.30 "5.30 " (1.00 "(1.30 " 7.C0 "7 30 " 8.00 "8.S0 " 0 00 "0.30 " 10.00 "

To insmrc punetiiality, it is requestedthat passengers will, as fur iir po!-ible- ,

join and leave the cars nt the eorncis ofIn.1 blocks.Tlieyuro also rcipcetrully cantionrd

ngaiii-- l ntlempllng it, enter or alightfiimi I lie en s v lii-- in motion; to seethat the ticket handed to them 111 returnfor thiir fare is actually torn from thedriver's si rt'; to return ill-- UeUi-- i duilug the luuiioy, nnd to dcstiov it on

the i'ar. I)i c 20 8S

Tax Collector's Notice,

ALL Tnxe-- for tlio District of Mono,lulu which re on

.Jami.'iiy 1, lf-8- will bo clmrgid 10 percent additional, nt. rmtlioi iz''i bv law.

CIIAS. T. GULICK,Tax toheetor.

Approved :

V. L. Guki-n- ,

Aliniiter of Finance.Honolulu, Due. 2S, 1SSS. 133 lw

NOTICE.iierMii: ' fimiul tiffnipfintr or

JrL ho.iiiiiir oil the lands of tin; un.dcr.iigiied inorveu- P.ilolo Valley, willbe pio icutcd arconling; to lnw.

I'll I LIP MILTON.I'alolo, December 1 , lch8 12; 2w


.vKSLfit rrlJE COTTAGE No.JiriAWJ a- -

l nnl c.l I tli&LS2m3 the f.ocinmciu Apply to T. A. Lloyd, Knlihi, or, ring upHell Telephone n 71. 132 lw


rr,1113 New Cottage on Here--

lania Mrpct No !'!), com-piisin- g

parlors, diningroom,p uitry, kitchen, 2 bcdioom, bathroom,etc. Apply atI3i lw GULICK'S AGENCY.

FOR liENT or LEASE"HE Store and OMcc.t on

Nnuanu street, now oea cupied by Chilian fc Co. Po.

st'bslon given in .Inn nrv. For termsapply to W.U. G. IRWIN & CO.

120 2v

TO RENTem a A TAItTMENTS, UNI'UK.hM "" JNlnHED suiiiililtt fors24s2al hoiifickeeping for n small fa.

m i ly at 182 King Mie-- t, next lo S. N.Cibile. Lais pas-- , every half hour.

iar, 2v


HAS Coral Hock, lilack Stone, BlackWhite raud and Soil, tor side

in any quantity. Apply at the ofllco nlW. C. Aclii, Knnliumanu street. 119 Sim

Now England Ohowtler, ov,Old EiikIshuI Pish Soup,

be made to perfection with Starllrand New Mullet. One

tin make.' a gallon of these deliciousdishes. Onlv S2 per dozen tin-- . Forsale by .T. E. UROWN & CO.,l!li 01.08 It 2H iM urobilin slieet.


J W. McGUIRE hereby notifies thefJ puiilic tlnil ho will, in conjunc.lion with .1, McQueen, curry oa the Hag.gngo Express nml Drajiiig liiiflncss nowconducted by J. Green ifc Co., eoiuinene.ing on January 1, 18?'J. All kinds o(baggngo ixpichB and drayiug woikpitunpily nttemled to, 1!)2 tf


M:US. GABCOYNK Is prepared toleceive oidors for Diohij; a'l

classes of Goods at the Thompson'sCelebrated Dyo Works of Sin Fran-cibco- .

Samples f llio Dyo In all lliovarious colon nud shade can 1

on iipplicalinn to Mis. Gaycoyne's Dies,mnkliig Hoouis. Ordcia promptly nt.tended to, 10'J lm


vmiKKEAS, Y S. Luce, of Hono.IT lulu, ImslIiU'lay 111111)0 an

incut of all hs property o o uniler.tigni.il, for tin- - benefit of lus eieil to f,iinliro is hereby given to all pirtiesowiuu baid W. S. I.uco In miike iinmpillaiu inj mem, und any persons havingcaiin agninsi V, S. Lucu aie requcbtedto pi escnt them at once at (lie ofilco ofW, S, Luce, Merchant bttcei, Honolulu,


Honolulu, Dec. 15, 1888. 184 lm

l ""



M mi l mMFikk Claik it Flngn'H Simf

Leallier Tmhl Sil,

LeatSier Co


Linen Border Handkerchiefs,lIno HIUc lIiinUUiM-oIiIol'H- ,

Fiuo Fancy Socke, Gold & Silver Headed Canes,Latent styles in Collars fc Cud's. Latest novelties in fine full

Dress Shins, Pep id Plaitefl Front !


Cliiliras1. ii f- - .

is looilis dots and1



Satiu Yfaro,

Peacliblow Yare

-- 5S-0.8Vra

.Visit Our Store sintl Gt t YourGratis !

CvCP Jaine Ri30.PaiS.$bDU..M.3u.MYSOur Grand Silver

-- wii.i. ('ommi.xci:- -

On MONDAY, Decemberu

During this Sale every customer purchasing tlio amount of Sf2.0 worthwill leeched a hamUonic

Silverresent yw- --


Now and will them muchand in is tohave no totruly we for

Tineat Hotel street tho of

of the of itwo in

we in weekcan secure in

Which ni-v- i r

I5Tliis the in Prices

0r"Wo make our

-- -121


ahi 'i " O child.

obltd K klllllllllwith bridle. All com- -

plete. Apply at Hawaiian0!)

Dull,purled Irotr. Nnw ','

iS-- laud; about li jGun lie seen in tho piu:dnnk

Inquire ofO. II. JUDD.

IM lm A J

vTf.i.OK W.Hiji! JL

W-J- i

is hereby Unit theof llio

Estate of Frank of Wa.mann, Ena, Oahu, ntpublic auction at

tho Court House hi eaid

On Jan.A'l' 10 O'UI.tMIU A. 3I

2 es, 812 Steer'', 8 1Jwh mil II palvm-- ,

II Marcs 2 1 llujloek1 Jlilk 2 2

a Ohniu. 1 Clock, 1

Gouts a lotA.

the Kstmo of Fmuk

Pec. I88S, 180 1


A Fine Silk Su-- pi ndcrs,I'l ifh Toilet Het,

. fji..i



Glass Ware,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Gift Safe





Tlio Nippon Vumuii KnlNlm'MAl MlenniHlilp


V 111 lcavo for above portH, posl.tlvojy, on


Chlucso 1'asicngciswill he liiuiBfniifil at Yokohama to llm'Hongkong at' inner extra ox.leine aii nigg.igo winihi nwapniL'

intii-lu- r v,i bo propei lyciqcd for andpioleeted the Co,

The en tliosneolal utton,Hon of in ihu that t)ie'S. Mam" will leturn to"this port In March, whinU w alowrmuiil trip p useiigi'is about u month orsix weeks t' vslHie Inland Sea and other places of ii.teiest ii Japan,

Round Faro to

CQrFor or IiuvIpbCabin amiapply to

VU, p. & CO.,

Conic nml examine our Goods, you lind newerlower prico then It our unaltciahlo

recourse or Ourrepresents the Goods oiler mle.

Over 120 doz. of Ladies' Straw Hatfl.gST"Look our window and seo line display Silver-

ware suitable for the Holidays.The near appioach Holidays and overstock Goods make

that make tin- - most radical and swooping changes ourand feel fully in nsi-rtin- that the coining ourpatrons iitlv.itit.igpt,


have I'ljuuhil.

! !is Heaviest Cut ever

will i eductions in all


OI'ITA'LK forMi New io- -

S3S-.- -



FOR SALEThoroughbred

Hereroid lm.



Ai raitvwight'd.

Administrator's Sate

CATTLE andglvin tup

derjlanal, AdministratorAiitone, Intodeceiued, will tellsaid Wniniuiio, oppo-

site Wiijinituo,

5, 188J,

Wooden Hon Wtuking llnllockfl,

Uoires, mid Cop,Wagon, Wagon, l'lowt-- ,

Yoke, Waieh, Uand oflloiueliold Fuiniiure.

KAUljl,Admlnlslrutor of

Autone, deceased,Houohilu, 21,



17th, 1888.


& Guff Boxes,


AWAY-ffl- -

Holiday Present



For ToKolmma Hongkong

"Takasago Maru,"Coniiniuider,

January 2irtd7 889.for Hongkong,


hy Steiiinthlp

uiuleriliiWfli'MmiiIoiiIhIh fuelTnkasngo

Yokohnmn, Sliaiigluil,

Trip Yokohama;iHtCiiliin, 350;

Freight JMwago,Superior Stecrago Aciauio.dtttlons,


elsewhere. determinationmisleading inisrepicbontation. advertisement

White XTntrimmed

im-perative prices,

justified publicly


Hosiery Hosiery hosiery Hosieryultemptod.





Wia m


Page 3: j EVENING, JANUARY Christines in Years FIRE,Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT





n to1TV

u orWi

III- - .,

vngtino- -


--itimiiw 'r ttWlMlMMT irLili. rfUA'Jjy a. affiijJESJjjjgJKBH .flpHIM WIIIIIIIHWIIJW'JI

" 4'4M' i.tMV4i. ttMl MMtMM IMflft.


lu AdMa mm HHmAM Aft, ip mjtBl&mlfjrKM tf,warnm a m. i., 4JHMi I

4mri hhimwi o !." TW(P t

HP1 jgWWnM jfPWW !.i, t)MM JU igg JP J J fMSKSWSHP" saR-ssc- ri 01 A 199030J In vp Just opened out a Largo Kow ,mmHm 4tn mm-- mw MiCilkl'Jk4)Knumk of Iloll'ln God, compi Mug mm l ' MM" 4teA Vlu . Mri MKMtXU KiIllH, tj !, , ,.,.fciet mitt Unset bimnotida, ItrooobtR, iMtaMiiwliih44a'iiMii4Mt4MiH'lsoil (BmAmw tta$4w" j 04 miui A if ktltiM u .u Mf ,fotrring, Hrnc eleia, tluiigles, Lttut buy MilAN abit;4Wiin tfHit - m. mm mVtii 14 i 4tf fW '1 .mLaJanil Honrf Pins Kiiig, Ladies' end HaWMUl, In All- - 4MK. i MWjgfe 4 4 It. 4 Ut' MiM MNMPVMI, PMMGout Gold nntl Silver Walolicsnd oMh; wjBMiliMirtibgfcwllwfc. CUfd. f t- - - mmimfi, M J&Sb

Wnloh Clmins, Ladies' nt) tiwctiwr!u iroHp 'it - fli.f IM44 l f..K. , .Yost Clmins, Diamond Oollnr muU 4igMMMMnV 4MU.nlif( i 5 fl444)toiiD, Olouks, Silver Ware, oio. 4UMttlg4lir 41m. Iii aumw mwW a

,c3rJ.ioo8 within Uio rofleli of all. MMHH WHInlu WBB BH- mMfciwni. ami Wi44J44III4 !iiiijuyfl ismiwi

112 1m


JIack Btaiul: IMorohant nntl (liortBtrccl. Telephones,


rv li is

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2, 1889.

AllRIVALS..Inn 1

Stinr Walaluale from Kauaifjelir J.cahi from uuuall

Jan 2Sinn- - Klnan from Hawaii and Maui


Jan 2Leliua for Hawaii at f p in

Btmr Kilauea for and Hawaii at6 p in

Stmr J.liicliUu forMmil and way jipiUat 5 ) in

hlmr .Im.s Makee for Jvajiua at S 11,111

Stmr W O JIallfor J.aliaina, Jtliudaca,Kona. Ku i and the Volcano at J.0o'eloek a m

Stmr Jtllkabala for lCauai utOp inJStmr Kaala for tVaianae and AValnlua

at 9 a ini ft S '1 akasao JIai u for Yokohama

.m' I A fiittim!..- - f.n irwilfiifIBchr Jloi Waldnefor Mainakua

PASSENCERS.Hawaii and ncr steamer

Khun, Jan 2 it C Lyoub, Mlgh HelenWilder, Wilder Wijdit, Col V V Aidi-foi- d,

Jt ,11 jjitelicoek, U Along. JUL ,11

Lyuiaii, ilisa JC Xauahl, j; Jjnian, lv Siiamiia, Min Ahanliaiu, Mrs J Jtcn-to- u,

MissK Jtunton, Mirb J Uolto. J;rLvans, wife and cliild, 4r.s A lvuiu'le.Major V Jl oinwcll and ton. O iMakec, If on J Iticliaidsou, ) Kaouc, .JCaulua, David Xajiu, S Kaili, Kakailaand CS

CARCUES FfiGM ISLAND PORTS.Stmr aialcalc oOU bags Migar, fcW

Ija7s rice,


JIcLKAN fii till, cltv. Jaiiuarv 1. 18fe'JBu' to the wife of W. II. Mcij'iin. :ivr daugliicr.

local a GEPRAL y,1889.

Now i the ljine to ;nakc good

, 'J'JIE wJiole of the opera f J'AiJepein loJ;e gjyc;i fehortjy.

i Thk AuHlralia jsjeavjng fi-- f W- -

iciBco to-da- y for JJoijyJillu.

Dlt. JJiodiu Jm ; and ntu?d- -

ing to lii nofcmiml duties.

.J. JIotjjwj;m Vas wearing a leathermedal with n yellow rihhon attached,una uiurjlljjg,

'I'uk irawaiiai) Ujfic Afcuoiatio;i dvwires to thank all tiioee eitize8 wltocontributed pri.o,

Snisak Ibiovca arc cariying uvi Mm

danger lumjw froni Hl)ool trpuUTJio h)Uiq nii on tlio lookout,

" 9w. -Afllfl (lonutH W 'ViiU'dfilrnn iltiwl

Vt'Kti'rilfi V ill. I'oloMin nf 'miwmm.f inni'J'ho funenil place tbisnftPMinou,

H Tin; Xow Year was wdieied in y'itho blowing of Hteiuii wJdstlea, llriiiKKf bombtf, mid the ringing of uhurch


jjg wi nutiiiuiipr (lyuiiMij; nii;i yyiii inja tonipomiiee jiicmIIdk for ;e;i Jnfjrjjowor'ri hloclf, Mr, J', 0, .hiuew will

i,hhi, vyuifun" nnw maiin um;a JIIHIv KIIIUUI,

-, 'Mlll' 'fPilifllfi r'.itiitii.tuitiil A.lirfir.

iiaoi "atMHDirt'iJ iiiiiiLiLfiid on I lin JaLduvpftlioyour, UlHiiowtlioiiiiino H,titn

Itliu Juj.j;tin, Linger lyng hiiofor editorial IliattDI', WllIoJ) Is HP


N5XT Friday oviwij'iig I'jof, M. M,will L'lvn a lonl lull; on

"JIuiiUh and Keadlim" at t)ig iiiiriniitnf. Mm V, . M H A , I, .,11 k '.,,,., II. ,1,V .'I. , Ill'lll f IMIIInvitation ia OAluiided U) it)J, nsiioua)y young mm),

'I'm: baseball niatnli at Maklkl. oiir'rt pohYnun llin Mvhilnr' '."'i' iit" "t'.iiijriinil Iviminlinitimiii t.filninl ultw, n,,,

RSvUiiUNbOil by ii lni'Kti liimilioi' of upee..VtatdlH. II. I OKI ll I III I In iiivm' nf llin

MynliuHby hiii(i of ail o U,

In llio HiiiiiPiiio Ooint ililtj mot.liiNlimi Mi'iillj'i llin

will itinl it (imloull of Hid IhId Mid,Ulukhoit wiih nilinltioil in iiiolmli),Hon. W, K. Allmi wn ttiinniniiiil n.- -

Pallor lo not wil mill bom ns liioyltl-fi- lin III" will.

TiliiollUimmif CHiiiin i!ii(jlni) num.puny No, ii for llio tiiisiiiim yir humi"llt; Smnu... . roiunmi) (h)'UubiIl! ,Jiij Ut ,WI. Nullum

Ho Mow. ili d ii

l.an Uhonb' liulnplu)miK0iBw Tijimsimir

oai, I


flVjMi- -





I'lom Maul,









ilSlUHTlHlSMtWtOrttJflft foi ic ird-can- u

ilu inoruing tin ilietoMOoi,W. U.fllall.

A iikI'uht of 4iu- - moaiMg or Uin'runiwa und otlioi local uiaiuruii'cruwdud out of tliin ihhik'

lEVENTfTiHJSNJJiC.Onhu J.pdjsc ko. & dC. ul d t

7:80.4f U'. ,at

7:80.Services aUl)cviliuruip.at ,70. d...... ...n..:ii r. r ii ,tih 'Ijiiui ju. v jjunuiiiiu yLiijiyii ,ut

7:30.Kchcai'bal IJoiiolulu Arion jp-uiu- l'

at UKiiai time and Jliaee.


i. Sew days ago two .Iitpore ,atibefcuUIcinent, JCalauao, ;fvlgigkni, ,ar !lil tin rim f n.wt n Klmnmril ImiW i

guan el ending jn the JnMor Jpoiug,stabbed in Hie Kioiu and butfiat.One of the wound, h cttunUlWBdlUangeroiib. Eull purtieularh arc,uotyet lo hand.

ARRESTED flJP.0n jnqpeiit was hiddjou iepy

pf J,lie gfd ,tnan .Jobubon, pypd iipt,iii ihe hi east at Wnisoa. iie faryreluming tt vefUiot that Jie ane UtIds.deali at the Jiauds f www jjw- -

v" miiwivivi. jc iiviii;e i,c 'icuted llin bon-ju-Ja- w AUau ojn n.

Mr. A. P. I'cUrboii. Denui.vVttornpyrOcneiftl, eaxs for WtH- -

alua llii6 uffjcrfioQfi,

iw. mm'j'jie KAnau awjyd m ymt tf4

aei;iopn at.a Marjtvr AWs i

o'clw!.. 0; ito 14 mirmii?ougii weatjpr tie vt W U tb

feel at Maajaca )v.y 4 r$M)4M4there pr ,1 iPMr, JWaJvr wweji geot ay;;e of ;;p;j vy; p

assist jn Jieaigwg Jtf Mfl;t was et tberv Tbe &aWt UMan acjpr J)ut Jb ;pt tnwvjp&, Ww;pade the )a5.$age w;; Ujmw V

HOWPLMLU SPqiALCWJCTw;- - bajj gjyun by i,be Honolulu

pejaj CJnJ) 'y Xtw'ip yie, y j

)w;j;'at tnps, pi; M'JWJjWJ fcmjjl- -

oj tbpe wi;o IM the tmm'nwnUThe Jnj.criw fl Jbe IwJl s wpijibeauijujjy ()vwnite for Hut owffc,Jpn wjtb tiyf:rfitm)9, ilnytdrz mnllags, Tiie Atl;idpwif;fi 'p Jrvthe ;;'ilatfos ljng ;jeari q atf,ceptxjd, lianilnrMw lltrwr HU Ulstring band mul Mr W, (), MUloynl the da)Q fnrihbcd muu forflawing. During tb (tvanlng nfiikhnwitta of a vwy i;latb

miUnn nKffispryui, nd the jutybroke nj) Mim4 a o'tilouk 'I'mwhymorning,


The lliyil ff(wfl lwl did nlot d woh ,N!y Ywir' day, fcrfimuling the fallowing 'I'lio King,H. . II. Vrliww MlliiokiilHNl, l,11, JJ, i'rlHCBn ifttfulflid, Hqh, A,V, Jndd, C'biwit'cllor ot tbu King,dom-- , Tbolr Kxcellwitflfi W, ;(nippi), Jono, Austin, I,, A, 'J'lniifi.ton, mxl Q, Vtr. Aslifonlj Ast'liitoJiisilces h, MuCnlly, Mil, J'rsdi,HIIM V. WnUerton, wtl H, Ihl)uk, 'I'lm jHcfi)b(j' of tlio bundwerp driven iirnimd J;i it Jrg busund jdai'iid llvo plvctt nt rirji )im,


Tlilti ;;iwilii t JO o't'wjf ., JC,

Hjmldimi, nblpjdiiK ?cr for llioitHn)tt(l ritiin Navl(iiHmi Co,dld t j)I ;x'lili)i;o Mujljllf, firiilmut i wcolio' IIIiicms, Tlio

liiul )mm Id the emiijoy ofilia Kivjiijmjy ovui' f) yi'inn in) mi

l. nil tlpiiiH n very fnftbfii uoryiuil.'I'lm CVmijmny will liibH hlii, Inloiivnsit widow. TJiuIIiijjm of llinJiiIuHhIiwhI CJo.'h voDHidn urn llylnuut liiilf'iniist out ni rowprot lo lilnioiiiory. 'J'Iki Unwnl trill proImbly tul(i) ))i)ei) iQ.piorrfnv.

PBITISlf YAdllfFpflllT,Tim llrlllnliyitulit Nynnxii nrrlviid

In Qri Moinlny iiftornomi, IK) iluynIroiiillid InIiukI pf Hniiln I'm,, 'I'myuulit linn op limuil Ciiniuln nmlAim, pDtviir hikI Air. II, Siuvuninib,who niu mi n pluiiMiirn IrliMirmiiMlllin wnilil, Ciipt, Dutynr whh form,orlylnllin Dili IliiNHitrn. Tlio Nv- -niiKti in kiijjIiiihi .inly aim, mi,nntl hliiuii limn linn vlsliml Hourly nillliu hlnnilti In tiuljniiii)iiiu, llurHiilllim iiiii&Uir U Cunt, Kolit. Ilum,mill ilitiinlNuiiiiiiiiiliiiiimilnl'Ibiniiiinil tohli hlit UnuniniuiNliii Mjlinunnrnf DIH Ioiim, InilU hy Almurn, Hlmdomi llio (()" In mil?, nml U ilii-piitl- y

lliimi up, Tim ynulit trilllit'in nlionl It'll tluys, nml iillur

Ylklllim nilmr iiliiinw li JIltMIIPIbjt lor Him Ffmiu no,

4hMOiplbP(M4 MMd.wo we qbwibki ne A "H a H.H

EweiimMtJiMM. MMMMkne MB mvjmmtirfittc WIVMIIOTHf-


kMl ,Mic . Uu. Jotiu5T5r fcp

MtitttUoii itui mammy b mrthnmhI Auluuteur nttUuuv AHHitiiir St 0rMUMMUUUI MVUtulujl Aiiawr UUlv til AT

l$4t4i.4tWA: WMUi-- . U. W

VU Uliu ill rf--f i . 44. A

ftiuuuiuuuA 4.4i;..4., 4Ummu

pv.ji MtoM.Me.HwauaiwmMiMiMUMtfy t.ufr.ptUi- - ptwmr.

y.lK. ftdtur 444i4vi X

tU.H.MMMiOMti,r 44444444W

iF.MamMu' 4444444 Z444r.ft.&mm tH!44444-- 4lJ.W.ifjjtA A4 4i4S4li4ti,w.$lwMmS444jH44t4iir. w M444444H'tB.Jwu 4$6AI44i

rfAW'ii jJ ;fIIMf. (IW MM4444iu.AU 4444 4' (M4wM 444l444-t- frv-?-

'- MP 4iM44 4;fc.4Jri'.W". jiUuMtiK.4.4 444-i- ff

r. (IS. M' .$4i$A!X4449

VjtimiiM MUi ,,W; MHMr KAV, KmtUWiA'

..AM t&M UkmliLmtttUtk "J"-'- " W UK'i. Jj "' ; m

HmMtiom Mmi'- w n,; t nUlVJi' nl t &u vmi - tma iuntf; JUU' mmmiAjmYA ulmW mmmmff


AW iffy , li, fy 4, Htgtfr, IfjiK

wwmmHV9.tm,m w v,wm;

j, W, i'M44f4 4A4t 6m4t4iiV41tf14' dM..tf!14 4'A4 1t1f$--Wg4444ff Ztl- -i

244444.4 4 6 M

44 ft 4444 t 4--4p4t

v, ninmmfi4fi!f44li SU4$tV49fi f-- W-W

Ami, A4ttft ft 4 4 ft ft ft 0 it V- -W4 4 4 U f It 2 ft ft i-- 4',70

(i, H, mAft 4 ft 4 ii Hii 4 4 ft- -Mt

ft H ft ft ii 4 04 2. ?,-'- M7,i,, W, Mhtonl 11, l,UttH, HmiUlonMtPr,ff, liKHilit 70, Dr, Yto07, w, a, niny, oh i), if, muiu- -aotAi, ,r Ot, G, tlm4me, ,lr, W,,f, ,. milium Oi, A. W, MuDonaM48, W, V Wnlt ii,

,- -H II, A, 'MOi'UY,

iUimuntUir ttmUiHlUt imiinimimt the JHUMkUlHIh ' 01(11- -lUm ViiY it it'. Iiiitiim fnisiicuiut' worn

t ) urn ,'W ymlfi 'J roumh HKumiiolHHUUfi Huy uiUitury Uu mnli-- r Hielulrna ut Imdihk LUti inofHrty of iUiMltrU'MAH V,iHUiHC ft Hllt'H ttllH! HiHi'ninr iiit'iiiluii "I the ", H, A,

S'tm,lHMMy l.lrM.hyl',,1 Hte'Am,Won nilyr,, im. by i, lirmlU'.M MWon ,lnmmy I. M1, by Win, 'iwr.Won ,Uy i,f. J 1. by A. HrmMv. ,;.Won Ainnimy U, 1MM. by flimiMci',Won Auly 4, b0i, by r, ;inlH',

V, llnrtnvitW) yihA ft 4 f ft ft i 4 r, .iV,fm yih'A 4 ;, 4'Ll 1 4

A. f;tbtyllW ytAfi4 4if:',4f4H

W) yilt,M 4 4 'A I 4 4 4 4-- M-74

J, W. i'lftttM) yM:f'A4 4i)fi44l4WUW yd if) . 4 4 ft ft 'J. 4 'A 2-- 80-78

Muni. JfimfJbvii'M yl'A44l44fft4 4llm yiu iQ (, o f 'a 4 'A u f 4:sinmyiiir,r,tnhiir,.i4ufm yih it if I 4 1 '1 4 4 1) tf-- tll-W

4,ll.lfhlnr42, n-W- i pr. V;oW,ill 09 Muni, AHUuWf, Yl-- )fi

C. UnUiwi,Jr.m, HJV j W, (,Kmg m, fhifi,

WiVliHSim iuMjxia wy,VnliiDd ul fflWi fur iiiii lilKliotitfii'.

Kiilo hniin In niilelic Siif I, and ,'.lo bwoilio lb p);piliy nf Aw nnuk.miii ulmliig II i In ;i) ihniM nl the ii'gii- -liiniiuullimiinf Ihu H. II. A.

Wnn duly ti, l'l, by A, Ihmlle. .u..liiiin ii y I. Jm7, i.y Win, I'nirur,

Won July :.;, n7, by,f, fioilmub,Wnn .'mi iiry a, Ihuh, Oyi',11, WIUoii.Won, (ul) I, ImN, by IMIiiniiiru,A, W, Vim mat llio yyllliiuc of

lliu oiip, llin uuuri'uuiu wnn fnr Him

Hinm iiiiiK;iii liulnir Hill, ,;, lloth.tviill bucoihI with lib), I1', Uiikint'iillilnl Willi IIT;,

IVftllll-JIANfl- i; L'IMill'lONMIIII'M.tTUH,

Tlllu IIIHliil) tVU l(ltllH)li)il owhii;In Hid 1100 ynrdrt tiimol hlntvlmrutvny.



wilt m; MiMiiil, upuiiip nil inmiiiiiirnof Mm AmiiuIiii on ttlm liiitunuy riniiilnitluiiiiiiluj.i'i'i'illiigTftpiinniiii. hi anyIWIliiriiimilliignlii 'H. J, A, 'o,nf ivii;Muiii.

fJiillilllliillni lluiiiHla, iii ,U,ijUUJo i yunln uuy iiilllinu ililu iimlurilijlllli).o. 1 1 umiiutt, jri j a 5 y u .1 .1 1) uuy

444fltlfif4V4fl44444J4 4 t f l 4 --&M4

fi4V4jl4 wWrnmrnm


4W Mi I4l4iM 4. 4 4 i 4 4 4 4il.4iymtmik 444iS4-- m

TJZSLmmm 44iMP444USU44wm 4 Zi4 4iWitm mU t4t 4--4f

4 . Immmmmmm. mTm--

1m & 4 4 U--4m)fA 444 4 M-il

W Wwm4mwMm

mi fmh', i 4 4 4 4 4 A- -&m tfm', t 4 9l 4k

iitmkmwkmqr of Urn W ri

JMTILiffW twM H. AUtt--

ttm M. if PP 4MM7MrV llMfl'lHMI,' VU mb. Hi', m, $ U,

W V 7 4 ft 4 f 4 1--'J'ffetfMMfi


4,H,HHAMk,ir.67 H ft 7 9IM! r, - w

t1ftff4$4w4 .7 ft W ,7 ilU 0 ft 4 ify- -di;

10,04 fi 6 f, 9 G!t7C. W, MUUHi- S-

t, I0 0 ft 7 4 1)7 4 ft- -MiC,to,WHmt

o 0 ii 4 3 (5 7 ft iO

V,iutm(tit T r. '(, .,,r. i: r..,' M i it ?, w Vi,

A,W, Mel)on;iU- l-ft U 7 fttitiifOCt H49

W,C, King 4, K, hyc-M- i 4, A.SV. I'rm 40, V, OntU 'Aft, V, JLXfcolf 8f,

MA'tVlf.toniw ny valuable vrltct,. eon.

trtbuM )iy cUUfin, Any rlilej (,to niUi dUte BOO yuriU, Xoalrorml Mggr uUov.uA,

I .cut, JbimiJlon Ul ; 11 I).t,yonH,'2li iH. Lyean, 21; 4C, T, Wilder, 20 ; 5- -K, A. .SjmhUfX. W', 0X. i'lyim, 20; 7 J.J;KII, ii'J; 8lL Kveivlt, 20;VS.CuHt,tU)i W Dr. Vep, 20;M K. O. White, 19; J2 L, JJus.Mil, J9; JJI- -C, 1J, Eveiett, J9;M V. Kruuisr, I'J; Iftll. Can-im- n,

l'.i; 10 - W, MtCiibbbi, J9;J7-- .L Oram; J9; IK ,j, (Jood,19;19 C, iimtncc, 19; 20 J, M,Dpwsott, J9; 2LJ.J'abl, 19; 22T, 11. Jobrpii, 18; 28--- 0, Wall,J; 21--- J. Wllipn, J8; M-A- uvk.

land, 18; 2d lliiulm, 18; 27JoyJo, 18; 28-- 11, K. Alexander,

J7; 29- -(L (Jllberl, 17; M)-i-

McLean, 17; 'At A. II. Soncr, 17;.'J2- -J', it. ftiilllvnn. 17; 83,i,Morgan, 17; 'MV,. liaise, 17;?,U- -ll. ImwcU, 17; ;JIJ W, If,Soper, 17; 87 B, 11, Cumpbell,17; 'AHy, (Juniey, 17; 89- -0,Wilder, U'r, 10- -C. L, Ibowp, ll(41 T, .Jowuj, 10; .12 ,Iobooo,IO;18 (i, Hehiibpni, )J; .j J (Jui)tfi;iI'Veeiian, lJ; Ifi -- V Huldwln, Hi;40-- C', C'ailer, 1J; 471), II, VdaIff, 4lt-(- !iill Lee, JT;; 49 Jfon,tfn fiU-r- riiw, Hisvurln, If,,

Tlio total wmbcr of i'iUiIch In HieCHIwii'h AIuloli mi 'Ml,

, ij, i, )


,VI WS J', ,'l'ldule 'will iD'opcii liar' H'liool at lliu mown f niiur yciipji'l by ., i', , Ibblwid, on lie.IHlll (.111)1)1. Mil,, Del bmij inlying lnlglicd bur hvIiooI lo A)Un )', 'Iblele?

lil'l IW


WW llio inuluulgiii'd bfttn ibU dyiiiliebutcil bom L, Aim llin

gomliri I und liiicrimt of mild u njbn hujIiii'M of u il'-- pluiiiiiilmi nt 'Will-di-

Jfliind of Oiiliii, oijiiir tvl Iileiiiiw, limiveK, nil limU, nml Vn Monk,All,deiyKpiiyiibe by Aim,lil'l II brilllCrlNO WAM-'O- ,

ToSWllilBSBasoiivToAi ,llnl,iii'a Hlorn I'ltnii,

Tlio linpnrioii Moroo 6iion

'Clory1 ciory1MJB&m'i'ii'iuii I H'li) rue linen .Mure,

Miir'n lirml t'i 'llltiliy" run kiiipiIiimi tnuiiiiiii at ii niiniiihiii id I 'J purliiimiiii. JJvmy m, tilum but mm-pimitllilllt- )

Inmuiuil.twrMuri' imt pintlnu In foul inuy hn

l utiii iiu.l iii.ii. Ilia) of ifklliiittMllluUuitu. jfUXVt

4 M

?ssIf. J. J

MMtllla.M WMarf n a. mS iM'WU.

't tm iPWWmmimmm. " d 4m iMmtimmimmmimr "9"4m

X 4" T.

Muf 4Aii ammmmrmAmmmmy Aamimmmm Jimw T " mmfwmfmmi wmmmmw wifMriUwK-w- . T. amm. QESnpLfa w44py W wi PMV Wmwm'

Bmmtmjt 44IW lPAammjtMMt' iuJ Bum JAM' mubitwW 4mw mw WmW

Cowl, 4 til ISmmiIm,. iu

ntAlAY. it 4 4y 4 immtf.Wx, airily lf ufctfw f MmmI ir ttiimfir Un nil IU

WMI aw Mrfl. Aa1mm , i fw mi 4rmnMut Uttt'. 4ivnU n IAmI lltltt uuv imimmi tnUntd Mtf

Vkm itA ltmr tnm--r ,,. 4Mi(Ht 111"'

JHM tV. MAhlt'l KXb,Amikmc Kl f C. 'J'. AkHW,

(rlDPr CllipgBB!

JVoji-VU;oJkJ- 1',

I'oi hai,i: oa'i, y

XE.BBOWlsr&CO.,li !orbat SUhh. Un

loiani SchoolIV.iicipil lit Ibv. AlfrH V) IJlir,l, M . Hioliop of Honolulu,

Miir Jobn bimli, JCwj , JmdoiiL'lvoflty, M. 0, V. CVttJlleftKd oH web Hrttwbix by mid AltJLjMrlmoni, Hoiub Ki'm.bigioii.

AmUihiii MlM Annie M. I'rvnoM,CoitflletttiiJ by UohmI of HupurvlMiri othe J'ubllt Kcliool of tlie CHy of JJyMou

1'Iic rk'bool will ivpcii ulu-- r theClirbtmait vaealbn on January 7in,

The Heliool unjoyn bcaltby Jtumlon,iiomcnoim a fpnff'iuii H.)ioo)roowi, and itliirgc wclbvinllliud JU.nnUory. Kviiyatlentlon In paid lo tin lunllli ami ton.fori of Hie nboiiiK Many old ihjiiIIhare now in rxrrHciii jiorilloni'.

Vim ...W)wr anniimlloyi under U).,,,.'ir,y,,r imwiui,my HiUohr.,,.M U;iU pel wifk,lfyoir M,..,...,.,n p.;l wixk.All piijiiiuiitt mut b- - in advance,df'J'or idiolioii upply lo

W w 'my, I'HNTM'AL,


A JJm; to iJIalci! jt CiooilIII V!Hl IIMJIll-- !

The Best CompanyI'hmJi AnijflH . HIIH,Hm,hM HH,


Life Insurance Go,,or klw yoiiif,

Will d ion rolloyof liikiiinirc vUvliH liuwiUmb)imlU;r'l'wiYimi, mul b.ttniibnobicyi.Hbibiyi'imi!nl. Cull on orM'hhi'M

N, tt, HUHlUwAnhi, (J..pi.7, Aiftm, llttwidlHii

ll'HH. ;.) H8.Jy

The Handsomest

Christmas Gift

For Your Willi & (iliiieiiin t

Free Tontine PolicyIN THE NEW YOBK

Life Insurance Go.

Tim Ar.liui) Ibmulln of Hiffii I'ollcliu hhpiild pIih'ii !!;, iniyi, by bir

iiiim iiiu hit iiiuii uiom;01 in.y olliur


Assets, $80,000,000,Surplus, 12,000,000,

Over $1, )QQ,Q0O lnsiiranco iu Force

rill TIii'hu Ulunili,

IW I'm full piiiiliiiiliii, ruiim, tile.,Hifily to

;, o, niiiujifit,Honolulu, (IniKiiil Atftuit llnunlluti

JkIuihIk, Dto.Mju.lm

Notice of'!K1

83rIJ iSbi'JiHi lics to Jiiibnn his nuih-ejo- ii

jjaljojj iijiil tiie pubiie in general thattJje ;Te)j)j)Je oi' Fasiiion" is moving to the

Corner oi' Foj't and Hotel Streets, and will

be in order for business on Saturday morn-

ing, December 29, 1888.

rJ."' xx






n t 1Innrinauuy uuuu 0 ouitauiDr

' t t 0 I


f i tmo


n- -j " .

so sai.



Inlay Season

& Go.'s


iijai l..j jjui., ui


- Mtt '.


Sal In 'nili; Hcarf'M, Hlmdcd 1'IhhIioh, VelvotH, Sunilis,l.llH C'lll'llllllH, HlftnifMMl 'i'idllfH, NIlOO JtlllCH, IJIt..

Full Line of embroidery Material, Chenille, Arrasene, Tinsel, Pon-Pon- s, Etc.We call particular attention to our fine Holcetion iu

Moi-ial- e Cloliii for Gents, Yonths & Ciiliren !

KiirnMiliiK rioodF, Trili;kn, Valinen,flntH A Ciipn, Ktc, KU:, Kte.

An Immense Assortment Neckwear,Latent Ktyle If you want Aoniethin;; very lino iu

Mies' & Misses' Boots, Slices k Sliers & Us' GaitersI'lill on UK fcefoio b'"iiiK elHewhere.


Viriln, Ii, C, boautlful work In Point Laoot on exhibition heretSMtHopH7-8- 8

SeeB.F Etilers

tttftttitttlttttttHOLIDAY GOODS

iui nu





-- nv-

rXy Ac ioIlN,

GLOVE & HANDKERCHIEF BOXESAnd a few Choice Carved Ornaments.

III I'liliiro, Mi'H. K. Kniall will hn rimrc(l to tloCnlCni: mid FlUliiij.

1761 ly".V'fT ,'j'ir1

FaGifiG Hardware Go., Ld,n'our Ki' i tidier, JioNor-.ujL.i- j.

t??' IIAIKIAINH'toa New

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower 1'rliTH tliiin ever before. Now IiitoIcu of


hut llt'colvcd" .

Novolllow imri Ll'uii5.v oolw, In Lui'ifo Variety.nuic




Page 4: j EVENING, JANUARY Christines in Years FIRE,Dressed it Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTiMENT




U 'mixu-um- r.wrcnwniwi r,iam..iw.

WH n ' r- - a araffts."5TSpf,s;:fs- Hgg" Jffn" s



Groceri Provisions and Feed,EA' COllNEH FOBT AND KINO STKBKTS.

New Goods by every racket from the Eastern Stntos nntl KuropcFresh California Produce by ocry Stennier. All order faithfully ntloniediphud Good delivered to any port of the city free of charge. Island orders soil,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Offlco Box 14B. Toloptionc No. U3 nov-4-8- 5

Telephone 340. l'. O. IJox 207.


Frozon Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Games and Vegetables on ICE by eachstcamor ol ttio 0. S. S. Co. complete lino ol Crosso Blackwcll's and

J. T. Motion's English Canned Goods always on hand.

S3r TV 33 "W O-- O O X S3 --SSKidgcV Infant Food, French Mushrooms In glass, Gllnnrdclll in tins, GroundChocolate, Crosse & Blackwell Fresh Fiuit Jams in glass, Stiillcd Olives inglass, Walnuts. Almond , Filbert, l'cncan & Brazil Nuts, Foiled Sausage,

Cat. Mild Cream Cheese, Eastern Choose, Oregon Cicam Choose, Young American Chccso,Swiss Cheese, Edam Cheese, Topo Can Creamery Gutter In 31b tins,

Kegs Germain Salt Pickles, Pctaluma Table Fruits In glass j.irs, Finest DchcsaTablo ltuislns, Ctvstnl Wave Mackerel in Gib tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, AmericanCranberry Sauce, Capo Codo Cranbcnlcs, 21b Mocks Codtlsh, Anderson Cele-

brated Mince Meat in ghi-- s j , .lacob Dold's Buffalo Hams, Whittakcrs StarHani", Old llcliuble Ham & Bacon, fresh lot of Goidcn Seeds, Olclly Lemons,Annies, Yellow Turnip", Parsnips, New Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Butter,

etc, rro, etc, etc., etc., etc, etc.ap-l- G Iliail Orders Solicited. 87


HAS JUST RECEIVEDKit Salmon Hollies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &

Bacon, Boxes Smoked Ilcriing, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,Iihl Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Tin tie Soup,

Terrapin Soup, Sugar llaisins, Currants, AValntits, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Ccreolinc Flakes,

OAJPia COD CX6A.N2313ItR.IES,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Butn Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas, Fieoh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And General Assortment or Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

nh-9- J J&5" Leave your oiders, or ring up 119. "a 86

Telephones, Wo. 175.


Cor. Edinlnirsrb. Queen Sts.

JON ITT, 1. 8 Kaataai Street


Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPS and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,

PLUEEBIMG-- , TIN, COPjeEB AND993 Sheet Iron "Work.


Genorril .AfiroiitMExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire Life Insurance

Agont8, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchango Brokers.

Departments of Business:Books and Accounts accurately kept nnd propeily adjusted.

Collotlon8Wlll recclvo special attention and returns promptly made.

Conveyancing Specialty. lUcords senrched and contct Abstracts Title

furnished.Local Documents and Papers every description carefully drawn and hand

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating languages general this Kingdom.

Eeal Estate bought and sold. Tuxes paid and Property safoly insured.

Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and routs collected.

Tire and Life Insurance ellectod flrst-clus- s Insurance Companies.

Custom-Hous- e EuBinos3 transacted with accuracy and diapatoh.

Loans negotiated favorablo rales.

Advertisements and Subscriptions bollcltcd Publishers.

Any Article purchased sold most favorable terms.nter-Islan-d Orders will rccoivo particular attention.



'n y


A &








In all in mo a



or on

t2T All Business entrusted lo our caro will recclvo prompl and faithful attention al

modcrato charges.

118 tt


trt.. .,! nn nvtontivn lmpinrHH exnnknco for over twcuty.flvo ycnrBiin

Now York City and clsevWicie, wo feel competent to attend to all business of an

Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tuct and discretion, and respectfully

solicit a trial.Bell Telephone No. 37-1- . intwailim BusIuchs Artouoj .

inn. 8



I.L pnttlw Itltloblwl to W. 8. hmon ilio itOih (luv nf September mil,

are rmiuMtwl lo solMo up tlicli nptHinntstil once. V. S. IilIOK.lly M nttorneyln fnot, Krniik Uruuu.



9LAHUEFurnlahed Booms,

libLswifo, or alnglo nicu. Applyto No. !U Alnkcn Btrect. 117 lm

TO LETI MX-llOO- M Cottaco on

J. Emma street, oppositeEmma Square. Apply to

J. M. VIVAS,42 Merchant street.

Dr. F. Schmorl,Uydroptvili.

Cures nil Acute & Chronic Diseasesby Nature's own process, without modi,cine. Positive Uuro for Asthma nndllhcmnatism. Sure Curo for WhoopingCough from 3 to 5 dnj s.

Office Hours: 1 lo 3 p.m., 98 Hold Street,

115 Honolulu. LI"1

Boats.answer to several enquhies con-cerningIX Whale Boat Flames, we

have now in course of consti notion,0 Whale Boat Fi anies "4 feet by :12 feetlong. Thco frames aic bent In onepiece of oak, and held to shape, thuslcqulrlnjr little tact to Fet them up midbuild. The full frame for such boats,including cants, 45 sections In number,is sold at 28; with huge stems on keel,and ready to plank $10. They are notIntended to be clinker built, nor as thefi ail impoitcd whale boats proper, butme intended for rough ii'--c and durability, yet light withal, for llslnng anutrading purposes. Wo have exportedthee lr.imes and intend doing o, andmake this offer to am.iteuio and othersdchoti of tijlng their baud, withplenty of lolsuio and small cash to makea business. Will bend fiamcs to anyghen model from 5 to 25 tons. AKo onband for sale Smf and Pleasure Boats,Stems, Knees and Timbeis. MutualTelephone No 325.

DOWEIt & SON.70 tf Boat Builders.




Photographer ,Has taken the Studio foimeilj occupied

by A. A. Montauo, coiner of Kingand Foit sheets, and is prc- -

paied to take


Printing Dour lor Amatcura,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

85y Entrance on Foit Sticet. "a122 tf

For Whooping Cough

Let any person give

Dr. Low's Cherry Cordial

Atrial, and the most violent coldwill, in a short time be


H0LL1STER & CO1131 Agents.


Xmas New Year's Present-- 18 A--





Sportsmen, Attention ! We have aComplete Line of

Sportman's Outfits.:E"tiiy the as-White

& Hew Home Sewing Machines.

MRS. THOS. LACK,due 8 Fort Street. 1888

Newspaper & --Job Ofe!


Tho entire plant of tho

Newspaper " ELELE,"Will bo sold at a sacrifice. This is

one of the most complete

r &

In tho Kingdom. It has

Four Fine Presses,All in Good Older.

1 Acme Power, sizo 32x46;1 New Stylo Gordon, sizo 13x19;1 Old Stylo Gordon, sizo 11x17;1 small Jou, sizo xiu;4- Composing Stones,1 Prool Press,1 Card & 1 Paper Cutlor,IS Job & Now Stands,1 G5 Cases ol Job & Nows Typo,j Sato, Tables, Chairs, Rack, Etc.

UgyTJio abovo outllt is nearly all newand contains typo enough to print threeaixStl nowBpapers besides tho job offlco

outllt. Tho "Elelo" has a lnigo circula-lio- n

and yiould in tho hands of properparties bo a dcsirablo investment,Causo of Sole Its proprietor wishes toretire from tho newspaper business.

further particulars apply to

DANIEL LYONS,On tho Premises, cornor of King and

Nuuanu sheets. nov-87.8- 8





SELLING OUT AT COSTAs they quit business on January

1, 1888.


Holiday Goods


.We have the.

Largest Stock of Holiflay Gools

In Honolulu, and want everybody tosee them before purchasing.


mcli ly

Anstralian lail Service.

FOK SAN FKAKCISCO,Tlie new and fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic bteanifctiip Company, wil

be duo nt Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

January 14, '89.And will leave for the abovo port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or pastage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and fine Al steel steamship

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due nt Honolulu irom banFrancisco on or about

January -- -, '89,And will have prompt difpatch withmalls nnd passengers for the abovo port?

For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, nppljto37 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agents


Standard Typewriter,

Tho Fastest Machine In tho WorldFon

Legal & Commercial Work

Result ol Special Contests for 180B:

Cincinnati, July 20th. Itcmington 07words per minute.

NbwYokk, August 1st. Itcmingtonwon ltt, 2nd, Srd and 4th Prizes.

Tohonto, August lUth. Itcmingtonwon (champlniiBlilp of tho world) Go'dnnd Silver Medals for highest speed overrecorded UUorus per miuuio, oxciuu.log errors,

LAjsBGnonaE.N.Y. McGurrln broketho record, writing on the Itcmington108 words per minute, excludingerrors; writing blindfold 107 words perminute.

ESTTo bo had with or without Cabl-net- s


Agent for tho Hnwalinn Islands.

N. 11. Letters addressed to the Agentc.o. W. G. Irwin & Co, will have promptattention. dec 20 88

rnHE BEST PAPER to sub3cilbo1 for is tho "Daily Bulletin." CO

cents per month.

74 King st. King

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bpccinilty.

CHAIRS TO RENT.npr-10.8- 8

Splendid OpportunityOf Supplying Yourself With

Cms Delicacies

W. 6. LUCEWill Sell for the Month of De-

cember nt

Greatly Reduced PricesDxcecd'ngly Fino Assort,

meat of

Wines! Liquors!BEERS




BSTFamillcs should not fail to takeadvantage of this opportunity to supplythemselves with their Stock for thoHolidays.

W. S. LUCE.By his Attorney-in-Fac- t,

Frank Buowm.


No. 26 Merchant Street, H, I.

Ill lm

74 st.


THE ONLY READABLEin the Kingdom "The

Daily Bulletin." CO cents per month.


FOR 00$ SALEThoKiUlrn 1 hut of ihe

i Mill fl

Is ollercd I'Vr S h Tlie Jlne'ilucryis in pirfc l worhli e nrtler

mid (oinlsl of

Ono 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trath-carrlo- r, Etc., complcto,1 Pair ol Dollors Gxzo,1 Doublo Etfect 0 and 7 (eel Pant,t Vacuum Pan G (eel wllh Qlako Pump,3 Woston Conlritunnls anil Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Glarlflerss Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundIn a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

Ciforiia & Mai lies,Cauo Carts & Gcn'l Plantation

Implements.Delivery will be given after next crop

has been harvested, say nbout July 1,

1880.jSjTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Unwaii.



Direct from New York andChicago.

Made Expressly for tho Ha-

waiian Trade.

RffltssCmLLBURC-- HAS-

Just Recived Per "Australia,"A Fine Assortment of

Hats, Bonnets,Turbans, Walking Mais,

And all kinds of

Oliilclreii's iiats !


All Shapes.

BUM fi Hat TrillinAND

Sash Ribbons in All Colors & Shades,

Together with an Elegant Assort-ment of

Ornaments, Lace Pins,And all kinds of

Fancy Feathers, WingsAnd other Nowltlc, neei before

seen in these Islauds.


Below Co3t.

Dcc-1- 3 83-l-y

J. E. BROWN &28 aicrclinnt Ht., Honolulu, H.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Bole Ascnts for tho Burlington HoutoAcioss America, and to iho Azores.

Bole Aecuts for Pitt & bci tt's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Solo Agents for Sunny South AeratedWnitrs.

Solo Agents for Mnseflehi Bros.' NowZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Spcciul Agcnth for Lending New Zea-laiu- t

nnd Aus raliiin Mcicuullle Finns.Special Agents for the California Lund

Association,Soecial Accnts for tho Honolulu Busi


ness Directory.AIho, Other Special AgcncicH.

jjfiy Customs' Entries Ptifsed. Pro.peities Managed. Assignees and Audi,tors' Work dono promptly. HouseLeased and Bents Collected.

New Business SolicitedDoll Telo. No. 172 Mutual Tolo. No. 360.Dcc6 Post Office Box 408. 88-l- y

'AMI 14

Metropolitan, IIMHMMM

Moat CompanyHi Kl Ml

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Rotall Dutchoni !$



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, fplfk Pork,XT'lsli,'VoercturleH, &c, &;c.

Always on hand nt the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Win. McCandless),

No. fl lnccii Kt.. : : 'lnh Slnrhct,Honolulu, II. I.

CsTFamlly and Shipping Oidcrscarc--

fully attended to. Llvo Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8




Nuuanu Street.

Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

tgp-H- is noted Saiib'igcs nro made bythe every 1 tat machinery, and all ordersentrusted lo his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, nnd hisprices are as low as anywhere in thocity.

C3"Try his Bologna Sausages.T9Hoct.fi 83

or ConnoisseursJust received a small consignment of

Choice French Clarets,From the well-know- n firms of Dubos

Frerc, and l.auussu & Pancol,ltordeaux, Franco:

Medoo Iroiiorole,Clitit-otvi- t XiiroBe,

Oluitenu. JLieo-vllle-,

JXivnt Ilvlon,Olmteati ILullte,

Also, from the cellnis of Komans & Co., j

Loudon : ! ',

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880rj 4

(In Quarts & Magnums) '

Chainliortln, 1H01 : . 'Clinmbcrtin, 1874; "

Chateau IVYquoni, 1WSH; j?

Cliatoiiu 3IaiKuux, 1877 s

Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

E"The above crmprises the ChoicestBiunds of Wines and Liquois ever

to thi- - maikct 1

-- IOR KAI-- n MY- -


FIREnov-10-8- 3





k W Go.

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having established an Agency in this

City for the sale of their manu- -

facinic?, vhicli are

Surpassed by NoneIn their lino in tho world, an opportu-nity is olicrcd lo al' requiring protec-tion of their Valuables from Fire andTheft to supply themselves on termswhich defy competition.

2y For particulars iuquiro at "aCulicU's Agency j

No. 03 Merchant St., Honolulu, 13. 1scpt-2- 4 88

Honolulu LibraryAND

Readinq Room Association,


Cor. Hold & Alnlcca Strcctti!,Open overy Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volume?. "

Tho Beading Boom Is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading nowspapeiB-an-

periodicals.A Pallor Is provided for conversation

und games.Terms of membership, fifty cents x ,

.mouth, payablo quartciJy in advance, '

No founallty required in joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers fromfoiclgii countries andylshors from tho other islands are ivelcome to tho rooms all times as guests.

This Association liuvlucr no lcinilaimeans of suppeit except tho duos olmembers, it Is expected that icsldepTof Honolulu who deslio to avail thun)r- -

solves of Us privileges, and all who f,elan lutei est in maintaining an Instltutiof this kind, will put down their naiaosand become regular contributors.

A. J. OABTWBIGHT, Prcs.,M. M. SCOTT, Vico-l'resld- en

H. A. PABMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,

I Ohaixwfia Hall nnd Library CommftU'ti


