u v VOL LXXIINO 175 MEW YORK WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22 1905 c wro M iooj nmf and i Mtina WEDNKSDAT FEnnuAnv 22 loos Cloudy withsnowin the interior rain on the const tomorrow fair TWO GENTS J u- r r n A iiifo W 1 r f I t 471 5 I O t r J f f- v I l t Cal PRICE r c 9 I 4eT4 TM Sun > < < + SHARP WAR ON BEEF TRUST ATTUK JIY THK ftOVKltMK1- nraiSS i is STATES Snliji Hrnril In Chicago In m Snooi like Movement for n Inquiry liy a- Spfcl l Icrtcral Grand Jury Sudden g nr or the lo rnirnt n Surprlie Nn- g Minnie In Rutlnm Methods by the J IarUm Since the Supreme Court llrdilon the Cauir of the Move rntcjkao Feb 31 United States au- thorities In fifteen States today began a uniilmneoiM attack upon the beef trust A 9u Vlock this morning deputy marshals lgin mTVinK tho subprnas Tho matter al Ix n so carefully engineered that the iiiovRtnent toward gathering In tho wlt nsses was concerted So cccrotly had tint wcirk carried on that the attack rarnr like n tliundtirlxilt One hundred and slityflve wltiiesses arn to fiiunmoned to appear before a Fppoial Fe leral Grand Jury which I ordered drawn In an attempt plihontips to Bccuro indictments against the packer on charges of conspiracy In ri ritfiiK tlio antltrui t laws At the stock rnrds doputlOH began serving the papers 11 A M und by 230 P M had prac ticaliv flnhhcd their work The principal cities In which the sub pimas wer nerved besides Chicago were Pt Paul Minneapolis Philadelphia Boston Brooklyn Now York Jersey City Cleve- land Cincinnati Omaha St Louis and Je7T Orleans The men for whom United States Court ubpunas wore issued here Include J Ogden Armour Edward Morris Ira Morris Arthur Meeker Charles F Langdon Edward A tudshy Iouls F Swift D Edwin Hart cll Frank E Vogel William Iluosell Edward C Swift W H Noyes Nelson Morri Patrick A Valentino Calvin M Pavoritp Thomas J Connors Michael uriahy F Boohert Lawrence Jesse P Lyman Louis Pfaelzor H Veeder and Ferdinand Sulzbo- rK These men wore within the purview of Judge Gronscup8 Injunction in the beef In e For more than eight months work HASH curried on secretly in Chicago under Judgs Grosvmps decision The decision ordering tho iimance of the injunction VAI only a step ending the alleged tr nt bcau o it that with the injunction standing against the packers the Government could then tako steps along the lino of criminal prosecution against tho men In the writ Some time a go from Attorney Ofneral to the United States Dis- trict Bctheo to take up work on lb0 case Immediately Mr Bethea was called to Washington twice to receive instructions and ho was once accompanied- by Inited States Marshal John C Ames Mr was ordered to place competent mn on the Investigation and to iho s who It U believed violated tho injunction of Judge GrosMtip The injunction of Judge re ntriinsdtho packers from refusing to Md- gilnst one another In purchasing cattle f ra compelling their agents to stop hid ding from limiting supplies to agents from unpcnipuloiwly lowering fixing or niiing prices and from dividing territory enforcing uniform rules as to credits charges ie When AttorneyGeneral Moody succeeded Knox ho Immediately took up the question of the alleged beef trust in Chicago Cornmbtslonor Garfield rf the Department Commerce and Iibor was ordered t take tho matter up and K ci t officials wore sent to Chicago A lirge number of Secret Service men wore in Chicago at the time of tho recent strike at th stock yard carrying on tho InvetS- K3IT Vhru tlii nvidpnce bad been collected work was cgunon i ubpoa a and othe r nprofsary legal papcm and it was finished last night Today Marshal Ames gave the pap4ra to his deputies to serve When th deputies had been sent out Jury Com- missioner Arnold notified to appeal at the office of Clerk MacMillan and the matter of tho special venire was taken up Twonfylhree men wilt bo summoned to I by Judge Kohlaaat as a jury Tho witnesses will then im cillH before tho Grand Jury and riiextbneil by District Attorney Bethea pnd Elwood Goodman Robert tiil Frank Hanchott and Unbent Morn foi After true bills have been returned- if fifh Blep are taken persons indicted will into court and to risli l nil tnrVr sludge Grosucups injunction the iprwn hRrged with being violators re lialiin to ft fine or imprisonment for onempt of court The injunction is under the Sherman AntiTrust law Although HIM Attorney Bethna has handled matter from the time ho lied the bill of crmilfim in Iho United Circuit i irt agaitmt tho present- he rfwlines tho case At- torney Henry Vender associated Albert H Voodor nfl counsel for Swift A ono of thrco named In the Injunction mid at nrwn that he had not heard of the iviuanco of ubpo n B for the packers Wirn informrd of it he tald Si the list of those accused of contempt Includes all who wore enjoined Well It- s a badly jumbled list My name B- PKrp l among others and I never bought- a steer in my life fitlll I am from doing so Also it would pinned hy not doing so If It is true 1 hove cotrrrittd contempt of WAKIIIKOTON Feb Jl steps taken in fhioago and In n voral other cities to a criminal prosecution against Im of the packers were the tiinvt tho investigation which Las been going on under the Doparlmon- tt Commerce and the Department of Ju for several months Tho decision against the packers by the Btate- lirniit Court at Chicago been handed down before report came to the Adminwtration that the con tinning thn illegal of y Ihn at tho time the suit was filed These reports were of such a character to Jrad to an by the Bureau assisted by the Depart of Justice Action was deferred howpvpr until R maw of evidence wni tIer flPIUOS AIIKANSAB- flovirnment for nhcumaltrji lloul Mon rtot 6prtnc Ark Jor bOOK Ol InfOTtmtlon A l I been hal n b Albert A- lter I war name me Mod ethel UQ ldn Oro or the Impaneled Nit nt t e for fur the Slate packer I tj wit I tad I retried court to- day bro ton f Unite packer of r Pal Actle Waln by Iala IJra Llur Skil Kldsey lfl harbrl ndllC I IDr for l II tic about baa r spare epQe sgaIttat have Attorney Goneral was t tire Government Ma Investigation meat 1 owned inS endond TrubIt asS effta 0 Hall all Wust rated > < ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < ¬ > < < collected which the Government would result In tho conviction of the packers on criminal grounds Moody declined to night make any statement whatever to the course the Government decided to pursue The would duo time ho said become o- whateverHtcpa the Government might but no Information would bo given out bythe law the Administra- tion Tho courts hoeajd would decide it l known however that the Govern- ment will undertake to secure tho ment of the packers by a special Jury on a charge of conspiracy to trado in violation of the Sherman In defiance of the order of Federal Court To that end a large number of wit nctxifo will be summoned and the Govern- ment attempt to secure confirmation through these witnesses of facts which tho recent Federal Investigation has de veloped- o such subponas have been sorted by United States Marshal here MIIS DAY NOT NitS 1C HOI nivorrrd Wife of UxAsaliUnt Homer irnrrnl Tuna Her Case UHIUVA 111 Feb 21 Mrs Susan C Day the divorced wife of axAssistant- AttorneyGeuerul of the United States William A Day claimed by Charles A Jflchols of this city as his wife by a com- mon law marriage scored an Important victory after three years litigation to- day when Judge Phllbrick in tho Circuit Court refused to acknowledge the alleged marriage as legal At tho time of the presentation of the name of W A Day as General to the Senate for confirmation Mrs Day went to Washington to fight her former with tho record of their divorce suit At the tame time Dr Nichols caused a censntlon by announcing u secret marriage which was denied by Mrs Day Soon alter when In her yard MM Day fired several shots from revolver the phytlclari hut none took effect The couple were indicted by tho Grand Jury for living to- gether hut the indictment was quashed Mrs Day has declared that the physician- was a penniless adventurer seeking her money Evidence in the case has been taken in Irfiulsvlllp Ky whore reputable wit hes es testified Dr Nichols lad Intro- duced Mrs Day as his wife hut this was declared by Judge Philbrlck to have no bearing on the ese Testimony was in troduced by Dr Nichols to prove that Mrs DJY bad admitted the marriage to several persons Counsel for Dr Nichols prayed- an appe- alriTTsnunc MECTHM mOT one tan Drops rad Alter ArrestPolllnitO- fTlrrrn Taken to Court PITTSBOBO Feb 21 ThU was the moat strenuous election day in the last twenty years All day Icng the Allegheny county court presided over by Judge Elliott contested election ow and n dozen polling places were closed for hours Patrick W Dwyer a gardener employed by William exStato Senator died after being with the other members or the election board of the Fourteenth district Thirteenth ward charged with placing a false bottom In the ballot box under which 104 ballots had been found for A C McLean for Comptroller Dwyer was 55 yews of ago end had formerly worked as a gardener for the city He died of heart failure brought on by his arrest and was awaiting the patrol wagon to take him to the police station when ho fell James C Smith judge of elections Davis Republican inspector John Democratic inspector nnd Thomas Jones olerk wore arrested and are in while Charles Crawford clerk escaped balloting was intensified by the action of Superintendent of Police Wallace order ing his police force which is under tho citizens domination to interfere in the voting Sheriff DIckson swore In hundreds of deputies and took the other side against the police were clashes between policemen deputies at a score of polling places In tho First district Tenth word the whole was In the First district ward Joseph Darien judge of election was hauled up before Judge Elliott twice and finally resigned One judge of election defied the nnd Mt on the ballot box telling the the could go to hell The board will bo for contempt on Thursday John B Larkln Democrat was rerle ted Comptrollortodnyby lOOOOmajority against Andrew C McLean Republican LIKE THE SIAMESE TIKVS Bales Strangely Joined Horn In Itlrh mom VB Mrnt Only a Short Tide RICHMOND Feb 21 Efforts have proved vain to keep alive twins born hero a few days ago who were a duplication of the famous Siamese twins The tables horn to a well known family In the eastern j part of tho city wore oven more joined than tim Siamese They had sepa- rate heads arms but their bodies were so joined that they formpd ono body Th phenomenon was given to the uni- versity will 1x5 kept- on fOIf STEALTHY AWAfEY- ounK Cnt to Phjstr Oiltiirp PI rP nil rod Sirr m l Out William Elmer who used to be n light- weight has a physical culture establishment on the1 second floor of 110 West FortyJwcond street Yesterday a tip WItS wrscd nrqund that at JO oclock last night there would bo something doing Jot of men went before that hour tip had reached anti who tried to follow were informed that they would first bavo to have a ticket Meanwhile the reached the polka for just after 10 odoc six up from the Tenderloin station nnd gathered on the comer rf Sixth avenue nail street a fow doors a nv j Detectives Finn and Brookn come from another direction nod on the core nor long enough to hold a whispered con versatlon the j saw a young man In brown clothes i n stationed on tho cor- ner take it on the run for the culture place and go inside The took ami when the Rot to the place n lot of roan were stream It right Bill raid one of the to another only its been post- poned until March 17 of the detectives who went inside said that they had only x n holding spar- ring VHIIBICtt Sftrb bU snide the j Uritull famwir 1 Un I I which hal be indic retain th lit hear I Fin I Tomas jai Toro bard cnth curt curt I t Va I leg Ian I pIne I IUI ha plo In out or lh n on tao I I 1 but art ll aU h believed ie apprised husband Rod- gers re- porters disappointed look their the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I HOUSES SLIPPING INTO HOLE It It TEIWIXAL VDEnailNE 31ST STItEET tl Hurry uorh to lu Pronto to Get Onl I wp IMwInB- SprlnRS anti Thaw to DUme Uonm- iWouldnt limb renee fur Crowd The buildings on West Thirtyfirst street opposite the excavation tor the Pennsyl- vania terminal are going through about the same experience as the residences on Park avenue which had to be propped up when the subway was built Three three story brick tenements at 228 2g and 230 were condemned yesterday- us unsafe and the tenants wore ordered out The police of the West Thirtyseventh street station wero asked to make some of tho tenants move The buildings yawned and gaped all day until late yesterday afternoon they looked the defences of Arthur They shored up and was closed Jlnlf a dozan other buildings wore In nearly as bad shape and the tenants may bo ordered out at any time The depth of the excavation is fifty feet along the TblrtyflMt from Ninth to Seventh avenue A big re- taining wall will be built from avenue to avenue later on backing up to within a few feet of the foundations on the south side of Thirtyfirst street At present the entire street except a narrow sidewalk on tho south side has been dug away Even the sidewalk has been undermined so that the foundations of tho tenements have no support except sued timber w has put in place excavations neared the required depth of fifty feet many of the tenements between Eighth and Seventh avenues settled They were shored up and the tenants of two of were to leave a few weeks A stream of water was found under tho build- ing on the southeast corner of Eighth ve- nue and Thirtyfirst street and It became unwfo AH the tenants left willingly except ono old woman who had to bo carried out A few days ago the excavation had pro- ceeded so far that the houses between Eighth and Ninth avenues began to crack A pring was found yesterday under 358 and the water tilled the excavation as a result of weather tended further to unsettle the foundations Tho Bureau of Buildings line been watch- Ing the tenements for several days and the owners have been warned to look out for their property Inspector George L Amouroux was put In charge yesterday- and last night ho ordered the tenants nut of 220 228 and 230 Many of them said that they had no place to go and the Inspector decided to call In the polios Four policemen of the West Thirtyseventh- street station were seat to help him Tin contractors offered to remove furniture for tenants Same of the tenants accepted the otTer afraid to do so forreafr a quit claim for any Besides the tenements at 220 223 and 210 fivo or six on the block wore nhored up settled so badly however and the tenants were only or- dered to remain In the rear of their apart- ments as much of time an potelblxN- OH 220 and 223 settled DO rapidly that the contractor had to work with hot ha to to keep thom standing This was 4 oclock In the afternoon and the still wore In the buildings Neither the contractors nor tho building authorities would express any opinion AS to whether the buildings would settle further As soon as the work had been finished the narrow sidewalk was building fences at each end ono avenue anti tho other near Ninth avenue A s result tho tenants on the block both those ordenii to leave and tho o not ordered- to leave could get out of the block only by climbing The men hut nomo of the women did Ono woman came out and stood on tho stops looking at the fence near the house with rueful countenance Work- men with red flags stood along the sidewalk warning people away and ono of thorn offered to help her climb over the fence r wont she hectored youll have to knock down the fence Rsveral hundred men stopped their work- to look at the woman She couldnt bo moved anti at last a foremen had to order a grinning workman to knock out a few boards and tho woman walked through George Grcgorius who owns two of the used to keep A store on Eighth avenue on tho site of Iho excavation He was one of tho last to give up his place irvfovr irr irfovo COAT COM Say Man Who Did Sol Match the Ualdurf Cafe If Crook A man whoso general appearance did not match the decorations walked into the cafe of tho Waldorf last night a shabby overcoat over his arm find ti hungry look in his eyes House Detective Joe Smith watched him and was not altogether sur- prised he alleges to M him ftrop the shabby overcoat on a chair nnd then more desirable make Smith touched the man 6n the exclaimed Why Ive made a mIstake Ive picked up wrong cost Yes have replied Smith and now Im going to you w I think nil The man was led out to the carriage Detnctfvo Sergeants Kane nd Collins of the stnff They crook whowi picture Is Ih tro As ho not pont Wilcox was detained an a suspicious peraon UniT CHECK TltACKn TO HIM PnllreSuggrM Itarpomilns In Letter tInsel IVIIti a Ilatptn Robert McLaughlin who said bo was a broker 2 years old ot It Third street j and a womin who Mid was Elizabeth MoLjugblM and gave tIle Mime nddrjfj wore locked up at Police Headquarters yesterday because a certi- fied check for M02SO to havo boon j stolen which was cashed by Mike Lyons the Bcrwery man was traced to theta tim police The chock had sent by to real payer 8 IKS street but never reached him It for McLaughlin woman i said he got It from a man Meyer he didnt other checks apparently not drawn to The woman told of finding a very in that letters Viler boxen with a hatpin I J Ito Port abut ben the order who I b toW- er other bolt coo n hth I i Conc houses a pick- up another ot n Wo- n made her at I en tAn 0 i the an I t bon I mal BI Lyon ned who kno had log hat overt plo Prop Up Tenements Orders I lie OU mistake coining etreet BaT that man 5 Joe Wilcox all nI ow she restaurant and his ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ com MAY MI nonAnn coiin Want Him to Pay SllOooo IOKI on l ath- rrlne Clenimont Starring Tours Col Feb 21 Inlcss Howard a of HWflOO wife formerly i deficit in a theatrical starring Tcnlun Cols W V Cody wilt Institute n suit for ot he ardount against millionaire Cody backed Katherine Cleromon as an actress twelve ago It busIness proposition end ho believed there was money in it but the enlerprlw failed Ho starred Misa Commons In England In 18W in Theodore The Lady of Venice and Miss Doscott and in the same ployi in America during tho season of 180301 There was a shortage of J00000 Codys contract with Miss was ho would stand to lose 110000 above She was to bear tho rest of tho I do not believe it will come to ft suit Cody today I think that Mr Gould will arrange an amicable settlement Tho written la specific and I am sure ho will justice of tho claim Had Must Cinnamons not made a worthy marriage- I never would have called on hot for the loss but now she la amply able to make it SIXG WAITS FOIl WKLLln Conviction of Fourth lloneslioe Copper Snlndlrr Affirmed The Court of Appeals affirmed yesterday tho conviction of Frank B Wellerone of the gang engaged with Larry Summerfleld in the sick engineer swindle In worthless Horseshoe Copper Mining Companys stock Wellerr although convicted about sixteen months ago has never served a day In jail having been out on bail pending hlaappeal- sHi sentence is for a year Boon after Wellor was convicted word was brought to District Attorney Jerome that Chairman Odell then Governor in tended to pardon Well r Larry Summer field WellerV parities in the sick engineer swindle had boasted that he would never see the Inside of Sing Sing Ho It there now It ha been hinted that Sing Sing would never hold Weller anti he isnt there yet Weller U a son of Allison V Woller a business partner of Chairman Odells iu Nowburgh and had been employed- as an agent by thoNowburgh grocery firm of Mathews A Co When it west wild that Gov Odell would pardon Weller Mr Jerome retorted that Weller would be trledon other Indictments until the Governor was tired of pardoning him Meanwhile Gov Odoll never acted on tho application of Mr Jerome for a pardon for Syndicate Miller Gov Higgins Miller a week ago Weller was a member of several clubs including the Brooklyn Union League Club and wivpral member of that club have stuck with Horeeshoo Copper stock if he goo to Sing bt the fourth of the five men In the flejt- ohzineer to nrrivo Biimmgrflal- dWaffusTrQiiaTey und ICISrk n there A man known a Baker Tom has escaped KVfi 7VVO lllltItYTH llJJA- lfunto of Smin Wllllns to Mail Years Choice Is Uimeull- Spietal CMe DttptUCli la TnT SCH MADRID Feb 31 The problem of pro viding a wife for King Alfonso Is proving a very delicate one It is believed tlmt- tunm a preference IH for Prince Vic- toria LouIse only doughier of Emperor Willlnm if she will conwint to nljandon tho Lutheran and embrace tIm Roman Catholic faith To this the Kaiser Is strongly opposed The alternatives are Princesi Patricia laughter of the Duko of Connaught and Archduchess Gabriolle of Austria The latter Is favored by exQueen CriHtinn who however does not intend to interfere with her sons choice Princess Patricia- is a Protestantbut it is alleged that she is willing to turn Catholic The court Is divided Into cliques on the question of the Kings marriage and pollU cal and family influences are exerted agalnsdeach other Meantime Alfonso Is satisfied to remain unmarried for tho present Ho thinks that two years hence will be soon enough for him to take n wife It Is understood that thn delay in the King making his foreign vieita is directly owing to the marriage problem AKir virr FOR sruv- W y Found tn Jlnllrt II Without SpteM cast Dfipotcli ta Tits SC- KMAnnii Feb 21 It Is understood that tho Government will raise loan to carry out its naval programme without Increasing taxation TIm scheme involves the ex- penditure of MOCOOOOO pesetas It was temporarily abandoned after its inception but has now been taken up again It aims at the establishment of a strong navy with vowel of the latest types the rearmament of the coast deftMion the naval bases In tIm Canary and islands rrJJAK LIXEII LAVXCIfE- lrunint Compinvs Carnunln Takes tn tile Water at Clydrhank- 5p rt l Cable DnpMl la TIll Jjrx- LOKDOX Feb 21The tiirhtM Carmnnln launched at to day She Is n sister ship to the Cnronia which was launched from Ihc sarao yards J3 Both are Cunardcrs Their trials will provide dot lot the Cunard company In the construction of two leviathan knot steamships which It is having built under its agreement with the j British Government The company gives the Government a lien upon Its entire fleet for a loan of tl3COOono tho money to l e I expended in the construction of two liners The Cereals and Carmanla IE knpt I boats They are feet long 720 beam U3f feet have a grow tonnngn of i K 150 and n displacement of JOHX tons i They will each carry aoo first and MOnxtond class and 1000 steerag passengers VttKXCII YUTS WKAKXES- Ipdllrrranran Ammimlllnn- Vtnuld Onl Tnn Hours In halIte Jlttclol Orsi t ti Tn Cow PARIS Feb 21 A sensation was createdi- n the Charahr of Deputies today during the debate on tho naval estimates when Deputy floe tho reporter of the bill stated that the supply of ammunition for the navy was insufficient Aa regards the Mediterranean IB it exhaust its supply in two jours of fighting He wfd tho stores of coal were Insder te DENTE clam gal hIs r young yea was 0 abut lot amount rot goO h- owl bon I le t beIng I I I I Ant hl I I t the 2 Gill 10Q IIIl1t ron Last I Cable the said Lorry par- doned r Iso vIgor- ously Increasing Tiiis t lee a steamship was are deep ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > CASTRO MOVES FOR PEACE KXElEL ARIIITKATOIt J- irtij7vc7uv ur For a Settlement of the Asphalt and Other Pending Tufillmii nowen Not He Tr mfcrred t Present Prwrn Minister to Peru my Succeed Him WiSHJKOTOK Feb 21 President Castro of Venemela has at last taken u decided step toward bringing about a peaceable conclusion of the troubles pending between this Government and Venezuela those pertaining to the asphalt con troversy- Dr do J Paul tho VlcePrenlden of the Venezuela Federal Court and als arbitrator for Venezuela of the French Venezuelan claims arrived in Washington last night and today called at tho State Departmentaa tho special of President Castro Ho has not yet pre- sented Credentials but will Undoubtedly do BO soon probably this week Dr Paul cornea to Washington to secure an amicable Mid speedy settlement of tho questions now existing between tho two government In an Interview with an official of the State Department ho said that Herbert W Bowen the American Minister at Caracas was decidedly dis- tasteful to President Castro This state ment however was entirely unofficial atid further than being Information upon which officials of the State Department- can base their actions It will have nothing to do wlUi the matters at Issue It k unllltoly that Mr Bowen will bo re moved or transferred at present It has been pointed out most emphatically to Prcoldent Castro by his agents hero that such a course is impolitic for lie United States to pursue President Castro it Is said authoritatively would bo greatly pluiaed If W W Russell now Minister to Colombia could be n nt to Venezuela- His very wish that Mr Bowcn ho removed In an obstacle to any Much move on the part of the SUto Department Irving- P Dudley now Minister Peru has already been Mlectedf tho place when any change is made 8 rtor Paul on a confidential agent has boon fully empowered by President Castro to speak for Veneuela ln all mat- ters That it in Castros desire that the negotiations for arbitration of thin asplinlt- Uwihlet bo transferred from Caracas to Washington U certain Stfiir Paul will enter into such npcolations in the near futuie His ntay In thin country i Indefinite but his duties as an arbitrator of the FrenchVenezuelan claims will keep him running between Xorthflcld Vt whore Mr Flumlcy the American umpire lives arid Washington for at least two months ailvicea received in Wa hlng ton indicate that President Custru Is un- willing o arbitrate the asphalt controversy at Unto Ho that he i right in the inalter and desires that the casts thjQUgvW qwn Then If the Government PO rcJfuot there wilt bo for a review of the Iqgql proceedings Dr Pauls mis- sion deals phase of the question and also with two or three other matters which haw been pending for some time Dr Paul said tonight that i mistaken Impression of the nttituclo of Venezuela prevailed in this country The Venezuelan Government was paying debts ho do olered and although Americans did not teem to bo Rcnorallyawaro of the fact CiHtro wee keeping tho country out of further indebtedness As to the asphalt controversy ho said A few days ago the High Federal Court rendered n decision In ono of the cases which was misunderstood and miscon- strued hero It had solely to do with an appeal taken by the defendant from tho notion of tho President of tIm court in placing on embargo on tho asphalt lako and ap- pointing a receiver to take charge pending tho foal outcome of tho On this appeal tho president of tho court was upheld by tim unanlinouH decision of his colleagues of tha bench tho embargo being confirmed That means that the embargo must stand until the termina tion of the coast although It does not In any way affect tho case itself nrLMOST IHIV IIIIYA HERE Ho Hie lntrrl ormnlis Ylrelrrsldent Vtlll Deal Ulth Its Pirns Demands A conference will take place tomorrow or on Friday between VIcePrcsidont E P Bryan of the Intcrborough Rapid Transit Company who line Just returned from a three week trip to Cubs and the grievance committee of the InUtrbnrougha employee headed by George E Popper representing- the trainmen ticket chopper and agents and William L Joncks representing tho motormen President August Belmont of the Inter borough it was Mid at his office yesterday- has ntartid n a two weeks trip south anti before he went away he gave Vim President Bryan General Manager Hodlev full power to act Mr Belmont as anti of the Federation has looked on is n thing for the men It is generally believed that Meters have not favored some of time concessions which Mr Belmont has merle Mr wants on advance In and a written agree mont will demised an I leveraging about 10 r cent and ft rigid observance of the hour work day the ixcntion of n kick about the exami to the subway tho moforrren have pine tlcally no grievances are to make ft now on March J i A representative of Mr Brynn said lust j will willing no tangible Among so men there are with a griev- ance We expect nothing to take place or after 1 That to He the Secret ft irKr- Cctildf rresinit Visit AtflTis Tex Feb 21 Aclvlctn from Mexico state that the primary object of tho present visit to that country of eorgo Gould i to have n personal conference with repre ntatlv of the Mexican Oov fcrnmcnt endeavor to have a modifi cation mado of the concession now held the National Ilallroad Company of Mexico under whloJi It exclusive right to a strip of territory thirty wide bordering on th If this lnhlbilioT4 Is removal It in salt to bo tho purpose of thn Gould interests to extend wiuth from taredo Tex to Monterey Tunplro THE SCAHOAnW rLORIIIA MMITrn- tlituut qulrhrtt wlifrtglt in both directions TO to particu- larly Jose I and go- o I1f t i lIlt and ot ben I nation ot men who Ito from the elovued rtJO ng r to moot the hut there ore aroh iII lTO HIXCO Said I I mind system I atid 11 A superb j V1ft I f da at IIOOJ I V dipioniatlo envoy wjtithils its Civic committee flLI tins tqtweeu ftw Auguttie New york event II 4 rwdn 54 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ MnS ROSS KIILKH Venerable KxScn lor Also Hurt In a Unite Cro5 lnu Acclilrnl Sr JoiiNBDunr Vt Feb 2t A elelgh containing oxUnltod States Senator Jonn than Rosa oxClilef Justice of Supremo Court his wife was iitruck by a freight train on the St and Lake branch of the Boston nnd Maino Railroad late thin afternoon Mrs Rosa wax instantly end her venerable husband had Ida hip broken His recovery is doubtful because of lila ex- treme ago Tho accident occurred at Gould Cross- Ing two miles from East St Johnsbury Judge Ross was driving a rather spirited horse which became frightened by the nolso of the approaching train and dashed across the track The sleigh was domol limbed Judge Roes was unconscious when brought hero Mrs Ross was formerly president of tho Womens Cluh here She was tho second wife of Judge Rosa i CXAHKViTClf IS ILL SprcUllit Called to Attend the toting heir Sptctal Cubit Dtipatch to Tax BEHUV Feb i The 7xfcof Ameiger says that the CzarsAitch is ill and that a specialist In childrens diseases has boon summoned to attend him at Tsorekoe Se- lo1ffKf4V WKKTS MCMinnX Steps In the Senate Chamber to Hand ttlth the IlrooUlyn Leidcr Feb the end of today hearing ou Mayor McCIellann water bill the Mayor left the chamber to go to train As ho passed through the main aisle of the chamber ha noticed Senator Patrick Henry McCarren the antiTarn many boss of Brooklyn within speak- ing distance Mayor McClellan stopped abruptly and extended h hand to Senator McCarren Tho Democratic chieftain of Brooklyn met the advnncos of Mayor McClellan in his uuual calm manner MILES TO AXSWEtt MRS ItAVIS- Sn He mil PiiMlsh n Phntoenphlc Copy of the Letter Sent tilts BOSTON Feb 21 In my own good way and in my own good time I shall pub- lish a photographic copy of the letter sent to mo by Mm Davis when her husband was a prisoner at Fortress Monroe This H Gen Milosn answer given today- to Mrs Jefferson Da viss demand as written by her to a Savannah paper that Gen Miles publish any letter bo has received from her thanking him for his treatment of her husband the President of the Confederate States of Antnrlon Can Miles continued tpj reporter fhair riot m ke any nos o K jeitar of itch ofTontivo character as the ons ivrjllftfi by Mni Davis to Savannah ThU Ls all I will say abou incident At this time COMING TEHHOIl TO CROOKS AleAdooAlimit 1110 Awful Tlilius He Son Police CornmiAsioner MoAcloo was much nmiiHcd yesterday over tho following letter ho received tram a me enger boy He wouldnt tell the boys name or number IJKAiiMn CoMMissioNBn tho honor to write to you what I liarei r i arid what I hay hoard Take for example the grnfters or all around crooks I lay my hands on nhout ten In the arcades They lire tho worst places In New York You are not sure to wmo out with as much money ns you went In Then are more hustlers ben r made in doimrtnient stores titan In the Ten- derloin I BO to parts of the city and I set things that would surprises UUhop roller I wish tbnt I was older for then all time crooks would be Afraid of me CHARLIE ACKJIOV TOITHEH- Fartnrr Xlsnajpr of Sa HP WaR Koliucd of Jrwelrj smith Cash Charlie Ackron who uaad to keep tho resort known as tho Tivoli in this borough and is now running a dance hall in East Now York complained to the police of tho Liberty avenue station last night that returning from Manhattan early yesterday morning on a Brooklyn elevated train ho badbeen robbed of JJOO worth of Jewelry and 125 in bills A citron said that he had boon visiting friends in this borough and wont to sleep- on a Lexington avenue elevated train leaving Park row at 530 A M When he woke up at the end of the line he discovered that Romobody had tiknn a three stone diamond ring from his finger a gold watch and diamond locket and had extracted S125 In bills from his pocket Hs said ho had been drinking nothing but soda water TO RETlRX CPTVRFn FLAGS House PBMCS a Itpsolullon Introduced li n VlrtlnftnW- AsniXOTOK Feb 21 The culmination cf the movement looking to a restoration of flags captured in the civil war was reachprl HO far an the Hou e of Repre tcntativua ii concerned at a late hour in the j today when not half a hundred j members worn pitvont Mr McTkviry Rep Minn asked nnd I received unanlmoiu content for the con lidontlon of the Joint resolution intro j duccd Mr Limb n Aa The Secretary of War U authorized to deliver to roper authoritlwof the re- spective Rtrtnt tho which oro colon were organized certain Union anti Confederate flags now In the custody of the for such final di iw tho aforoaaid Without a word of comment ILl joint resolution was Adopted amid TO TACKLE JMES WtTV r I llp iolrt ProiwifcM t nitpntp Icnrtcr ship nf 37lh Thomas L has for yeirs been active Li Polities in the Twentythird- riistrcthas moved into the Twcntyseventl for Ho purpcte of attempting to wrest the J Martin Mr Reynolds med a clubhouse iuftt night at l West Fortyfifth street It named thn ng Club Mr Reynolds that his can- didacy hot Me support of Big Tim Sullivan he interested in several real estate deals Qalcktit lin ClTTluil- Ucve NFW York 3C I U rrtrr CertUnd nrxl mumlnr ClnclnntU I JO P SI lodUn- pollt P U St Louii CP 11 Nrw York nlt l Mrli No nrou tare Ad your rre tUinri an d br oruIUU l- afrr Maiden N V Xit lIt the anti John bury killed Cur Sow Shake ALBANY 21At his tl1 > She I i r I t th 3trxscnger UII to Jr I have the TltIt I I battle j I I n ntll WllrDe l1rttlent I r lr authorities determine i O oJ Itc1Clld who I fRmrnlUl ACT IJOmOOrtlo a11 hrm < 711 ass by ft Vermont Champlain this Wrltea all while session may been 1 faa its e caperS Lane ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > > < ¬ > PROBABLE TERMS OF PEACE RUSSIA AGAI DECLARED TO HAVE mscvssrn THEM Unrsllen or Indemnity tnpan 1III Drnund the Most Dlfflcultrort Arthur to He Japans Suzerainty Over Corea IxioKi for One More IHs ItalttrS- ptclal Cable fldpatthct It TH SUN JNPON Fob 22 Tho IntlmAtions of aPProaChing pesos in the an some Urns ago in TUE SUNS ds and despite denials confirmed receive this morning further support from a St Petersburg despatch to w lch tho papers hero give great proml nonco The which Is ascrilxnl to a source enjoying high patronage III as follows Nut only has tho question of peace been fonnaly discussed by the Czar but tli conditions on which Russia is prepared to make peace have been practically agreed upon Thoeo are First tliat Corea bs plassd unJsr Japanese suzerainty Socond That Port Arthur und the Llaotung PenInsula bs coded to Japan ThirdThai Vladivostok bo declared a neutral port ou the open door system Fourth That tho Chlneje Eastern Rail- way be placed under a neutral interaction 1 admlnUtration Fifth That Manohurla as far north as Harbin bo restored M an integral ptit of the Chinese Empire Difficulty lies in settling the question of indemnity upon which lUst known Japan will intlfit but it Is thought that obsttcls- ia not Insuperable Although It la qult i Russia will risk another haW Ixsfore coming to n definite decision the most trustworthy opinion Is that In view of tho Hussion Internal situation and tho enormous difficulty in ojntinuing thn war peace on tho ternn outlined wU 1 concluded if tho question of Indoranity can bo arranged within a comparatively short time Tim Standard prints an interview with Viscount Hayauhi th o MlnUor who said that ha hopeful of imniB dlate peace Ho doubted that It WIll powU bin for RuiHlu to mako proposaLi while also had a Ixmtcn anny south of Mukden arid the Baltic fleet had not attempted to win the mastery of tho seas The only reason that could bo assigned- for tho possible collapse of the war ixirty In Russia was the internal condition of the country but tills was possibly painted blacker than was actually the ease The Japanese anyhow would not rely too much upon factors in tho situation which could riot Ii4 ascertained and would continua tho campaign on the ansumption that the Ru alans meant to fight until they actually announced theIr Intentions of suing for peace It Is stated from sources that the pmperor of Austria for wpcka put has to nogptlitUi for peao in order to save Russia fron Inevitable crushing humilia- tion Comment in London follow the line that alleged terms will furnish the basU for a real although they are not likely entirely to satisfy the Japanese who It Is believed will require in addition to an indemnity tho temporary occupation of Vladivostok as security for its payment Iho restoration of tho of Saghalien nnd ho surrender of the Russian warships now internedat neutral ports It It pointed out that Russias reported proposal to retain Manchuria north of Harbin conflicts with her assurances glvpn to tho United States and heat Britain Toxio Feb 21 All rumors of peace negotiations direct or indirect are flatly denied here It believed that one morn engagement upon a largo scale must occur before tho question of peace cap bo broached with any hopo of success Such an engagement cannot however be very long postponed- It is stated that Japanese warships have captured up to tho present time thirty nine neutral vessels carrying contraband of war the total value of them being J8500 000 Besides coal of the value of JOO000 him been taken Admiral tnktnmsky Knlu for lunar fipecla Cable Dttfatclt to Tnx SUN SIUNOHAI Feb 2l Rcar Admiral Prince Ouktomsky who was perched by the J p noose at Port Arthur sailed today from this city for Sun Francisco on his way to Russia SCHOfllllOY 1VEM FACTORY filltLF- niployril In Ills Faihrrji entle Uorld- Vorslvmws Cleveland Fuossenich son of State Semi tor F F Fjiessenlch was married In New York on Sunday evening to Fannie Holder who worked In tho Excelsior Needle Com panys factory at Torrincton Conn of which factory the Senator Is part owner The boy Is a high school student at Tor his father says he is 10 years old The Senator opposed the marriage bocaiwo the boy was eo young but on gt Unit at TorrinRton yostonUy a dospAtch from his son announcing It ho sent on his by wire aunt invItooTtho couple to come home Vouug Fuesscnlnh nnd Miss Holder went to the Ascension MemorialEpiieopal Church- on Sunday evening and utter tho service looostcd tho rector the Rev John F Steen Mr Steen said lest night never wvan them before and thought t first some ono whom I had married had tent them to me But the young man ex- plained that ho had peon ray picture In a paper along with a sermon of mine and x ok a fancy to have mo marry him Seither he nor tho young woman appeared want any concealment He said he n lila twentyfirst year and she gave her ago is 27 She impmwvl orerybody as B mod refined girl I asked them if their wore satisfied and ho said Yes have my mothers consent Miss Annie Ed itrom anti my wife acted a witnonwj The young toUts said they did not know lust where they were going hut they prom to com to son me whenever they should return to the city nillllunalrp tn IH Secretary RicUMoxoVa Feb 21 Ills announced that R J Reynolds the millionaire tobao- onlst of N C will marry hU- n Feb 28- TAKT THAI TO n fVKLAD Penoirlvtnt Railroad Leave Nrw York leftt No omt 4vnlrat trains I I nOl need spa InC rlJUlt that I Japanese wan not other ly C r th Is J b hire rlngton and I hilt to was pet Ied Wed secretary Miss ohio Far East elsewhere ire > Island S forIvonea par- ents via Las aIdatiyarrlveCItvesad1t3A U Throura extra tare Age > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > >

J- J gal · Fppoial Fe leral Grand Jury which I ordered drawn In an attempt ... H Veeder and Ferdinand Sulzbo- ... Judge Gronscup8 Injunction in the beef In e For more than eight

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Page 1: J- J gal · Fppoial Fe leral Grand Jury which I ordered drawn In an attempt ... H Veeder and Ferdinand Sulzbo- ... Judge Gronscup8 Injunction in the beef In e For more than eight

u v

VOL LXXIINO 175 MEW YORK WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22 1905 c wro M iooj nmf and i Mtina

WEDNKSDAT FEnnuAnv 22 loosCloudy withsnowin the interior

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Snliji Hrnril In Chicago In m Snooilike Movement for n Inquiry liy a-

Spfcl l Icrtcral Grand Jury Suddeng nr or the lo rnirnt n Surprlie Nn-

g Minnie In Rutlnm Methods by theJ IarUm Since the Supreme Court

llrdilon the Cauir of the Move

rntcjkao Feb 31 United States au-

thorities In fifteen States today began auniilmneoiM attack upon the beef trust

A 9 u Vlock this morning deputy marshalslgin mTVinK tho subprnas Tho matteral Ix n so carefully engineered that the

iiiovRtnent toward gathering In tho wltnsses was concerted So cccrotly hadtint wcirk carried on that the attackrarnr like n tliundtirlxilt

One hundred and slityflve wltiiessesarn to fiiunmoned to appear before aFppoial Fe leral Grand Jury whichI ordered drawn In an attemptplihontips to Bccuro indictments againstthe packer on charges of conspiracy Inri ritfiiK tlio antltrui t laws At the stockrnrds doputlOH began serving the papers

11 A M und by 230 P M had practicaliv flnhhcd their work

The principal cities In which the subpimas wer nerved besides Chicago werePt Paul Minneapolis Philadelphia BostonBrooklyn Now York Jersey City Cleve-

land Cincinnati Omaha St Louis andJe7T Orleans

The men for whom United States Courtubpunas wore issued here Include J Ogden

Armour Edward Morris Ira Morris ArthurMeeker Charles F Langdon Edward A

tudshy Iouls F Swift D Edwin Hartcll Frank E Vogel William Iluosell

Edward C Swift W H Noyes NelsonMorri Patrick A Valentino Calvin MPavoritp Thomas J Connors Michaeluriahy F Boohert Lawrence

Jesse P Lyman Louis PfaelzorH Veeder and Ferdinand Sulzbo-

rK These men wore within the purview ofJudge Gronscup8 Injunction in the beefIn e

For more than eight months workHASH curried on secretly in Chicago underJudgs Grosvmps decision The decisionordering tho iimance of the injunctionVAI only a step ending the allegedtr nt bcau o it that with theinjunction standing against the packersthe Government could then tako stepsalong the lino of criminal prosecutionagainst tho men In the writ

Some time a go from AttorneyOfneral to the United States Dis-

trict Bctheo to take up workon lb0 case Immediately Mr Betheawas called to Washington twice to receiveinstructions and ho was once accompanied-by Inited States Marshal John C AmesMr was ordered to place competentmn on the Investigation and to

iho s who It U believed violated thoinjunction of Judge GrosMtip

The injunction of Judge rentriinsdtho packers from refusing to Md-

gilnst one another In purchasing cattlef ra compelling their agents to stop hidding from limiting supplies to agentsfrom unpcnipuloiwly lowering fixing orniiing prices and from dividing territory

enforcing uniform rules as to creditscharges ie

When AttorneyGeneral Moody succeededKnox ho Immediately

took up the question of the alleged beeftrust in Chicago Cornmbtslonor Garfieldrf the Department Commerce and Iiborwas ordered t take tho matter up andK ci t officials wore sent to Chicago Alirge number of Secret Service men worein Chicago at the time of tho recent strikeat th stock yard carrying on tho InvetS-K3IT

Vhru tlii nvidpnce bad been collectedwork was cgunon i ubpoa a and othe rnprofsary legal papcm and it was finishedlast night Today Marshal Ames gavethe pap4ra to his deputies to serve Whenth deputies had been sent out Jury Com-

missioner Arnold notified to appealat the office of Clerk MacMillan and thematter of tho special venire was taken upTwonfylhree men wilt bo summoned toI by Judge Kohlaaat as a

jury Tho witnesses willthen im cillH before tho Grand Jury andriiextbneil by District Attorney Betheapnd Elwood Goodman Robert

tiil Frank Hanchott and Unbent Mornfoi After true bills have been returned-if fifh Blep are taken persons indictedwill into court and torisli l nil

tnrVr sludge Grosucups injunction theiprwn hRrged with being violators

re lialiin to ft fine or imprisonment foronempt of court The injunction is underthe Sherman AntiTrust law AlthoughHIM Attorney Bethna has handled

matter from the time ho lied the billof crmilfim in Iho United Circuiti irt agaitmt tho present-

he rfwlines tho case At-

torney Henry Vender associatedAlbert H Voodor nfl counsel for Swift A

ono of thrco named In the Injunctionmid at nrwn that he had not heard of theiviuanco of ubpo n B for the packersWirn informrd of it he tald

Si the list of those accused of contemptIncludes all who wore enjoined Well It-

s a badly jumbled list My name B-PKrp l among others and I never bought-a steer in my life fitlll I amfrom doing so Also it wouldpinned hy not doing so If It is true 1 hovecotrrrittd contempt of

WAKIIIKOTON Feb Jl steps takenin fhioago and In n voral other cities

to a criminal prosecution againstIm of the packers were thetiinvt tho investigation whichLas been going on under the Doparlmon-tt Commerce and the Department of Ju

for several months Tho decisionagainst the packers by the Btate-lirniit Court at Chicago beenhanded down before report came to theAdminwtration that the continning thn illegal of

y Ihn at tho time the suitwas filed

These reports were of such a characterto Jrad to an by the Bureau

assisted by the Departof Justice Action was deferred

howpvpr until R maw of evidence wni


flovirnment for nhcumaltrji lloul

Mon rtot 6prtnc Ark JorbOOK Ol InfOTtmtlon A l



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Hall allWust rated













collected which the Governmentwould result In tho conviction of the packerson criminal grounds

Moody declined tonight make any statement whateverto the course the Governmentdecided to pursue The wouldduo time ho said become o-

whateverHtcpa the Government mightbut no Information would bo given

out bythe law the Administra-tion Tho courts hoeajd would decide

it l known however that the Govern-ment will undertake to secure thoment of the packers by a specialJury on a charge of conspiracy totrado in violation of the ShermanIn defiance of the order of FederalCourt To that end a large number of witnctxifo will be summoned and the Govern-ment attempt to secure confirmationthrough these witnesses of facts whichtho recent Federal Investigation has developed-

o such subponas have been sorted byUnited States Marshal here


nivorrrd Wife of UxAsaliUnt Homerirnrrnl Tuna Her Case

UHIUVA 111 Feb 21 Mrs Susan CDay the divorced wife of axAssistant-AttorneyGeuerul of the United StatesWilliam A Day claimed by Charles A

Jflchols of this city as his wife by a com-mon law marriage scored an Importantvictory after three years litigation to-

day when Judge Phllbrick in tho CircuitCourt refused to acknowledge the allegedmarriage as legal

At tho time of the presentation of thename of W A Day asGeneral to the Senate for confirmationMrs Day went to Washington to fight herformer with tho record of theirdivorce suit At the tame time Dr Nicholscaused a censntlon by announcing u secretmarriage which was denied by Mrs DaySoon alter when In her yard MM Day firedseveral shots from revolver the phytlclarihut none took effect The couple wereindicted by tho Grand Jury for living to-

gether hut the indictment was quashedMrs Day has declared that the physician-was a penniless adventurer seeking hermoney

Evidence in the case has been takenin Irfiulsvlllp Ky whore reputable withes es testified Dr Nichols lad Intro-

duced Mrs Day as his wife hut this wasdeclared by Judge Philbrlck to have nobearing on the ese Testimony was introduced by Dr Nichols to prove that MrsDJY bad admitted the marriage to severalpersons Counsel for Dr Nichols prayed-an appe-

alriTTsnunc MECTHM mOTone tan Drops rad Alter ArrestPolllnitO-

fTlrrrn Taken to CourtPITTSBOBO Feb 21 ThU was the moat

strenuous election day in the last twentyyears All day Icng the Allegheny countycourt presided over by Judge Elliott

contested election ow and ndozen polling places were closedfor hours

Patrick W Dwyer a gardener employedby William exStato Senator diedafter being with the other membersor the election board of the Fourteenthdistrict Thirteenth ward charged withplacing a false bottom In the ballot boxunder which 104 ballots had been found forA C McLean for Comptroller Dwyer was55 yews of ago end had formerly workedas a gardener for the city He died of heartfailure brought on by his arrest and wasawaiting the patrol wagon to take him tothe police station when ho fell

James C Smith judge of electionsDavis Republican inspector John

Democratic inspector nndThomas Jones olerk wore arrested and are in

while Charles Crawford clerk escapedballoting was intensified by the action

of Superintendent of Police Wallace ordering his police force which is under thocitizens domination to interfere in thevoting Sheriff DIckson swore In hundredsof deputies and took the other side againstthe police were clashes betweenpolicemen deputies at a scoreof polling places

In tho First district Tenth word thewhole was In the Firstdistrict ward Joseph Darienjudge of election was hauled up beforeJudge Elliott twice and finally resignedOne judge of election defied the nnd Mton the ballot box telling the the

could go to hell The board will bofor contempt on Thursday

John B Larkln Democrat was rerle tedComptrollortodnyby lOOOOmajority againstAndrew C McLean Republican

LIKE THE SIAMESE TIKVSBales Strangely Joined Horn In Itlrh

mom VB Mrnt Only a Short TideRICHMOND Feb 21 Efforts have

proved vain to keep alive twins born heroa few days ago who were a duplication ofthe famous Siamese twins The tableshorn to a well known family In the eastern j

part of tho city wore oven morejoined than tim Siamese They had sepa-

rate heads arms but their bodieswere so joined that they formpd

ono bodyTh phenomenon was given to the uni-

versity will 1x5 kept-on

fOIf STEALTHY AWAfEY-ounK Cnt to Phjstr Oiltiirp PI rP

nil rod Sirr m l Out

William Elmer who used to be n light-

weight has a physical cultureestablishment on the1 second floor of 110

West FortyJwcond street Yesterday atip WItS wrscd nrqund that at JO oclocklast night there would bo something doing

Jot of men wentbefore that hourtip had reached anti who tried to followwere informed that they would first bavoto have a ticket

Meanwhile the reached the polkafor just after 10 odoc six

up from the Tenderloin stationnnd gathered on the comer rf Sixth avenuenail street a fow doors a nv j

Detectives Finn and Brookn come fromanother direction nod on the core

nor long enough to hold a whispered conversatlon the j

saw a young man In brown clothes i

n stationed on tho cor-ner take it on the run for theculture place and go inside Thetook ami when theRot to the place n lot of roan were stream

It right Bill raid one of theto another only its been post-

poned until March 17

of the detectives who went insidesaid that they had only x n holding spar-ring

VHIIBICtt Sftrb bU snide the j

Uritull famwir 1 Un I


which hal





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ploIn out or lh n on

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disappointed looktheir


















Hurry uorh tolu Pronto to Get Onl I wp IMwInB-

SprlnRS anti Thaw to DUme Uonm-iWouldnt limb renee fur Crowd

The buildings on West Thirtyfirst streetopposite the excavation tor the Pennsyl-vania terminal are going through aboutthe same experience as the residences onPark avenue which had to be propped upwhen the subway was built

Three three story brick tenements at228 2g and 230 were condemned yesterday-us unsafe and the tenants wore orderedout The police of the West Thirtyseventhstreet station wero asked to make someof tho tenants move

The buildings yawned and gaped allday until late yesterday afternoon theylooked the defences of ArthurThey shored up and wasclosed Jlnlf a dozan other buildingswore In nearly as bad shape and the tenantsmay bo ordered out at any time

The depth of the excavation isfifty feet along the TblrtyflMtfrom Ninth to Seventh avenue A big re-

taining wall will be built from avenue toavenue later on backing up to within afew feet of the foundations on the southside of Thirtyfirst street At present theentire street except a narrow sidewalkon tho south side has been dug awayEven the sidewalk has been underminedso that the foundations of tho tenementshave no support except sued timber whas put in place

excavations neared the requireddepth of fifty feet many of the tenementsbetween Eighth and Seventh avenuessettled They were shored up and thetenants of two of were toleave a few weeks A

stream of water was found under tho build-ing on the southeast corner of Eighth ve-

nue and Thirtyfirst street and It becameunwfo AH the tenants left willingly exceptono old woman who had to bo carried out

A few days ago the excavation had pro-ceeded so far that the houses betweenEighth and Ninth avenues began to crackA pring was found yesterday under 358

and the water tilled the excavationas a result of weather tendedfurther to unsettle the foundations

Tho Bureau of Buildings line been watch-Ing the tenements for several days andthe owners have been warned to look outfor their property Inspector George LAmouroux was put In charge yesterday-and last night ho ordered the tenants nutof 220 228 and 230 Many of them saidthat they had no place to go and theInspector decided to call In the poliosFour policemen of the West Thirtyseventh-street station were seat to help him Tincontractors offered to remove furniturefor tenants Same of the tenants acceptedthe otTer afraid to do soforreafr a quit claim forany

Besides the tenements at 220 223 and210 fivo or six on the block worenhored up settled so badlyhowever and the tenants were only or-

dered to remain In the rear of their apart-ments as much of time an potelblxN-

OH 220 and 223 settled DO rapidly that thecontractor had to work with hot ha toto keep thom standing This was4 oclock In the afternoon and thestill wore In the buildings Neither thecontractors nor tho building authoritieswould express any opinion AS to whetherthe buildings would settle further

As soon as the work had been finishedthe narrow sidewalk was buildingfences at each end ono avenueanti tho other near Ninth avenue A sresult tho tenants on the block both thoseordenii to leave and tho o not ordered-to leave could get out of the block onlyby climbing

The men hut nomo of thewomen did Ono woman came out andstood on tho stops looking at the fence nearthe house with rueful countenance Work-men with red flags stood along the sidewalkwarning people away and ono of thornoffered to help her climb over the fence

r wont she hectored youll have toknock down the fence

Rsveral hundred men stopped their work-to look at the woman She couldnt bomoved anti at last a foremen had to ordera grinning workman to knock out a fewboards and tho woman walked through

George Grcgorius who owns two of theused to keep A store on Eighth

avenue on tho site of Iho excavation Hewas one of tho last to give up his place

irvfovr irr irfovo COAT

COM Say Man Who Did Sol Match theUaldurf Cafe If Crook

A man whoso general appearance did notmatch the decorations walked into thecafe of tho Waldorf last night a shabbyovercoat over his arm find ti hungry lookin his eyes House Detective Joe Smithwatched him and was not altogether sur-prised he alleges to M him ftrop theshabby overcoat on a chair nnd then

more desirable makeSmith touched the man 6n theexclaimed

Why Ive made a mIstake Ive pickedup wrong cost

Yes have replied Smith andnow Im going to you w I think

nilThe man was led out to the carriage

Detnctfvo Sergeants Kane ndCollins of the stnff They

crook whowi picture Is Ih troAs ho not pont Wilcox

was detained an a suspicious peraon


PnllreSuggrM Itarpomilns In Letter tInselIVIIti a Ilatptn

Robert McLaughlin who said bo was abroker 2 years old ot It Third street j

and a womin who Midwas Elizabeth MoLjugblM and gave tIleMime nddrjfj wore locked up at PoliceHeadquarters yesterday because a certi-fied check for M02SO to havo boon j

stolen which was cashed by Mike Lyonsthe Bcrwery man was traced totheta tim police The chock hadsent by to real payer 8IKS street but never reached him

It for McLaughlin woman isaid he got It from a man

Meyer he didntother checks apparently

not drawn toThe woman told of finding a very

inthat letters

Viler boxen with a hatpin



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pick-up another ot n Wo-n

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Prop Up Tenements Orders




mistake coining


BaT that man 5 Joe Wilcox allnI

ow she


and his











com MAY MI nonAnn coiinWant Him to Pay SllOooo IOKI on l ath-

rrlne Clenimont Starring ToursCol Feb 21 Inlcss Howard

a of HWflOOwife formerly ideficit in a theatrical starring TcnlunCols W V Cody wilt Institute n suit for

ot he ardount againstmillionaire

Cody backed Katherine Cleromon as anactress twelve ago It busInessproposition end ho believed therewas money in it but the enlerprlw failed

Ho starred Misa Commons In England In18W in Theodore The Lady of Veniceand Miss Doscott and in the same ployiin America during tho season of 180301There was a shortage of J00000Codys contract with Miss was

ho would stand to lose 110000 aboveShe was to bear tho rest of

thoI do not believe it will come to ft suit

Cody today I think that Mr Gouldwill arrange an amicable settlement Thowritten la specific and I am sureho will justice of tho claim HadMust Cinnamons not made a worthy marriage-I never would have called on hot for theloss but now she la amply able to make it

SIXG WAITS FOIl WKLLlnConviction of Fourth lloneslioe Copper

Snlndlrr AffirmedThe Court of Appeals affirmed yesterday

tho conviction of Frank B Wellerone ofthe gang engaged with Larry Summerfleldin the sick engineer swindle In worthlessHorseshoe Copper Mining Companys stockWellerr although convicted about sixteenmonths ago has never served a day In jailhaving been out on bail pending hlaappeal-sHi sentence is for a year

Boon after Wellor was convicted wordwas brought to District Attorney Jeromethat Chairman Odell then Governor intended to pardon Well r Larry Summerfield WellerV parities in the sick engineerswindle had boasted that he wouldnever see the Inside of Sing Sing Ho Itthere now It ha been hinted that SingSing would never hold Weller anti he isntthere yet

Weller U a son of Allison V Wollera business partner of Chairman Odells

iu Nowburgh and had been employed-as an agent by thoNowburgh grocery firmof Mathews A Co When it west wild thatGov Odell would pardon Weller Mr Jeromeretorted that Weller would be trledon otherIndictments until the Governor was tiredof pardoning him

Meanwhile Gov Odoll never acted ontho application of Mr Jerome for a pardonfor Syndicate Miller Gov Higgins

Miller a week agoWeller was a member of several clubs

including the Brooklyn Union LeagueClub and wivpral member of that clubhave stuck with Horeeshoo Copperstock if he goo to Singbt the fourth of the five men In the flejt-ohzineer to nrrivo Biimmgrflal-dWaffusTrQiiaTey und ICISrk nthere A man known a Baker Tomhas escaped

KVfi 7VVO lllltItYTH llJJA-

lfunto of Smin Wllllns to Mail YearsChoice Is Uimeull-

Spietal CMe DttptUCli la TnT SCHMADRID Feb 31 The problem of pro

viding a wife for King Alfonso Is provinga very delicate one It is believed tlmt-

tunm a preference IH for Prince Vic-

toria LouIse only doughier of EmperorWilllnm if she will conwint to nljandon thoLutheran and embrace tIm Roman Catholicfaith To this the Kaiser Is stronglyopposed

The alternatives are Princesi Patricialaughter of the Duko of Connaught andArchduchess Gabriolle of Austria Thelatter Is favored by exQueen CriHtinnwho however does not intend to interferewith her sons choice Princess Patricia-is a Protestantbut it is alleged that sheis willing to turn Catholic

The court Is divided Into cliques on thequestion of the Kings marriage and pollUcal and family influences are

exerted agalnsdeach other MeantimeAlfonso Is satisfied to remain unmarriedfor tho present Ho thinks that two yearshence will be soon enough for him to taken wife

It Is understood that thn delay in theKing making his foreign vieita is directlyowing to the marriage problem

AKir virr FOR sruv-W y Found tn Jlnllrt II Without

SpteM cast Dfipotcli ta Tits SC-KMAnnii Feb 21 It Is understood that

tho Government will raise loan to carryout its naval programme without Increasingtaxation TIm scheme involves the ex-

penditure of MOCOOOOO pesetas It wastemporarily abandoned after its inceptionbut has now been taken up again

It aims at the establishment of a strongnavy with vowel of the latest types therearmament of the coast deftMionthe naval bases In tIm Canary andislands


lrunint Compinvs Carnunln Takes tn tileWater at Clydrhank-

5p rt l Cable DnpMl la TIll Jjrx-LOKDOX Feb 21The tiirhtM

Carmnnln launched at today She Is n sister ship to the Cnroniawhich was launched from Ihc sarao yards

J3 Both are Cunardcrs Theirtrials will provide dot lot the Cunardcompany In the construction of twoleviathan knot steamships which It ishaving built under its agreement with the j

British Government The company givesthe Government a lien upon Its entire fleetfor a loan of tl3COOono tho money to l e I

expended in the construction of two linersThe Cereals and Carmanla IE knpt I

boats They are feet long 720 beamU3f feet have a grow tonnngn of i

K 150 and n displacement of JOHX tons i

They will each carry aoo first and MOnxtondclass and 1000 steerag passengers


Ipdllrrranran Ammimlllnn-Vtnuld Onl Tnn Hours In halIte

Jlttclol Orsi t ti Tn Cow

PARIS Feb 21 A sensation was createdi-n the Charahr of Deputies today duringthe debate on tho naval estimates whenDeputy floe tho reporter of the bill statedthat the supply of ammunition for the navywas insufficient

Aa regards the MediterraneanIB it exhaust its supply in twojours of fighting He wfd thostores of coal were Insder te

DENTEclam gal hIs

r young

yea was 0







I le t












10Q IIIl1t ronLast









IncreasingTiiis t lee








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irtij7vc7uv urFor a Settlement of the Asphalt and Other

Pending Tufillmii nowen NotHe Tr mfcrred t Present PrwrnMinister to Peru my Succeed Him

WiSHJKOTOK Feb 21 President Castroof Venemela has at last taken u decidedstep toward bringing about a peaceableconclusion of the troubles pending betweenthis Government and Venezuela

those pertaining to the asphalt controversy-

Dr do J Paul tho VlcePrenldenof the Venezuela Federal Court and alsarbitrator for Venezuela of the FrenchVenezuelan claims arrived in Washingtonlast night and today called at tho StateDepartmentaa tho specialof President Castro Ho has not yet pre-

sented Credentials but will Undoubtedlydo BO soon probably this week

Dr Paul cornea to Washington to securean amicable Mid speedy settlement of thoquestions now existing between tho twogovernment In an Interview with anofficial of the State Department ho saidthat Herbert W Bowen the AmericanMinister at Caracas was decidedly dis-

tasteful to President Castro This statement however was entirely unofficialatid further than being Information uponwhich officials of the State Department-can base their actions It will have nothingto do wlUi the matters at Issue

It k unllltoly that Mr Bowen will bo removed or transferred at present It hasbeen pointed out most emphatically toPrcoldent Castro by his agents hero thatsuch a course is impolitic for lie UnitedStates to pursue President Castro itIs said authoritatively would bo greatlypluiaed If W W Russell now Minister toColombia could be n nt to Venezuela-

His very wish that Mr Bowcn ho removedIn an obstacle to any Much move on thepart of the SUto Department Irving-P Dudley now Minister Peru has alreadybeen Mlectedf tho place when any changeis made

8 rtor Paul on a confidential agenthas boon fully empowered by PresidentCastro to speak for Veneuela ln all mat-ters That it in Castros desire that thenegotiations for arbitration of thin asplinlt-Uwihlet bo transferred from Caracas toWashington U certain Stfiir Paulwill enter into such npcolations in thenear futuie His ntay In thin country iIndefinite but his duties as an arbitratorof the FrenchVenezuelan claims will keephim running between Xorthflcld Vt whoreMr Flumlcy the American umpire livesarid Washington for at least two months

ailvicea received in Wa hlngton indicate that President Custru Is un-

willing o arbitrate the asphalt controversyat Unto Ho that he i right inthe inalter and desires that the casts

thjQUgvW qwn Then If theGovernment PO rcJfuot

there wilt bo for a reviewof the Iqgql proceedings Dr Pauls mis-sion deals phase of the questionand also with two or three other matterswhich haw been pending for some time

Dr Paul said tonight that i mistakenImpression of the nttituclo of Venezuelaprevailed in this country The VenezuelanGovernment was paying debts ho doolered and although Americans did notteem to bo Rcnorallyawaro of the factCiHtro wee keeping tho country out offurther indebtedness As to the asphaltcontroversy ho said

A few days ago the High Federal Courtrendered n decision In ono of the caseswhich was misunderstood and miscon-

strued hero It had solely to do with anappeal taken by the defendant from thonotion of tho President of tIm court in placingon embargo on tho asphalt lako and ap-

pointing a receiver to take charge pendingtho foal outcome of tho

On this appeal tho president of tho courtwas upheld by tim unanlinouH decision ofhis colleagues of tha bench tho embargobeing confirmed That means that theembargo must stand until the termination of the coast although It does not Inany way affect tho case itself


Ho Hie lntrrl ormnlis Ylrelrrsldent VtlllDeal Ulth Its Pirns Demands

A conference will take place tomorrowor on Friday between VIcePrcsidont EP Bryan of the Intcrborough Rapid TransitCompany who line Just returned from athree week trip to Cubs and the grievancecommittee of the InUtrbnrougha employeeheaded by George E Popper representing-the trainmen ticket chopper and agentsand William L Joncks representing thomotormen

President August Belmont of the Interborough it was Mid at his office yesterday-has ntartid n a two weeks trip southanti before he went away he gave VimPresident Bryan General ManagerHodlev full power to act Mr Belmont as

anti of theFederation has looked on is nthing for the men It is generally

believed that Metershave not favored some of time concessionswhich Mr Belmont has merle

Mr wants onadvance In and a written agreemont will demised an I

leveraging about 10 r cent and ft rigidobservance of the hour work daythe ixcntion of n kick about the exami

to the subway tho moforrren have pinetlcally no grievances are to makeft now on March J i

A representative of Mr Brynn said lust j

will willing

no tangible Among somen there are with a griev-ance We expect nothing totake place or after 1

That to He the Secret ft irKr-Cctildf rresinit Visit

AtflTis Tex Feb 21 Aclvlctn fromMexico state that the primary object oftho present visit to that country of eorgoGould i to have n personal conferencewith repre ntatlv of the Mexican Oovfcrnmcnt endeavor to have a modification mado of the concession now held

the National Ilallroad Company ofMexico under whloJi It exclusiveright to a strip of territory thirty

wide bordering on thIf this lnhlbilioT4 Is removal It in salt

to bo tho purpose of thn Gould intereststo extend wiuth from taredoTex to Monterey Tunplro

THE SCAHOAnW rLORIIIA MMITrn-tlituut qulrhrtt wlifrtglt in both directions








o I1ft i





nation ot men who Ito from the elovued


ng rto moot the hut there ore







atid 11 A superb j

V1ft I f da at IIOOJ


dipioniatlo envoy







tqtweeu ftw AuguttieNew york event II

4 rwdn 54
















MnS ROSS KIILKHVenerable KxScn lor Also Hurt In a Unite

Cro5 lnu Acclilrnl

Sr JoiiNBDunr Vt Feb 2t A elelghcontaining oxUnltod States Senator Jonnthan Rosa oxClilef Justice ofSupremo Court his wife was iitruckby a freight train on the Stand Lake branch of the Bostonnnd Maino Railroad late thin afternoonMrs Rosa wax instantly end hervenerable husband had Ida hip brokenHis recovery is doubtful because of lila ex-

treme agoTho accident occurred at Gould Cross-

Ing two miles from East St JohnsburyJudge Ross was driving a rather spiritedhorse which became frightened by thenolso of the approaching train and dashedacross the track The sleigh was domollimbed Judge Roes was unconscious whenbrought hero

Mrs Ross was formerly president of thoWomens Cluh here She was tho secondwife of Judge Rosa i

CXAHKViTClf IS ILLSprcUllit Called to Attend the

toting heirSptctal Cubit Dtipatch to Tax

BEHUV Feb i The 7xfcof Ameigersays that the CzarsAitch is ill and that aspecialist In childrens diseases has boonsummoned to attend him at TsorekoeSe-

lo1ffKf4V WKKTS MCMinnXSteps In the Senate Chamber to

Hand ttlth the IlrooUlyn LeidcrFeb the end of today

hearing ou Mayor McCIellann water billthe Mayor left the chamber to go totrain As ho passed through the mainaisle of the chamber ha noticed SenatorPatrick Henry McCarren the antiTarnmany boss of Brooklyn within speak-ing distance

Mayor McClellan stopped abruptly andextended h hand to Senator McCarrenTho Democratic chieftain of Brooklynmet the advnncos of Mayor McClellan inhis uuual calm manner


Sn He mil PiiMlsh n Phntoenphlc Copyof the Letter Sent tilts

BOSTON Feb 21 In my own goodway and in my own good time I shall pub-lish a photographic copy of the letter sentto mo by Mm Davis when her husbandwas a prisoner at Fortress Monroe

This H Gen Milosn answer given today-to Mrs Jefferson Daviss demand as writtenby her to a Savannah paper that GenMiles publish any letter bo has receivedfrom her thanking him for his treatmentof her husband the President of theConfederate States of Antnrlon

Can Miles continued tpj reporterfhair riot m ke any nos o K jeitar

of itch ofTontivo character as the onsivrjllftfi by Mni Davis to Savannah

ThU Ls all I will say abouincident At this time


AleAdooAlimit1110 Awful Tlilius He Son

Police CornmiAsioner MoAcloo was muchnmiiHcd yesterday over tho following letterho received tram a me enger boy Hewouldnt tell the boys name or number

IJKAiiMn CoMMissioNBn tho honorto write to you what I liarei r i arid what Ihay hoard Take for example the grnftersor all around crooks I lay my handson nhout ten In the arcades Theylire tho worst places In New York You arenot sure to wmo out with as much money nsyou went In Then are more hustlers ben rmade in doimrtnient stores titan In the Ten-

derloin I BO to parts of the city and Iset things that would surprises UUhop rollerI wish tbnt I was older for then all timecrooks would be Afraid of me


Fartnrr Xlsnajpr of Sa HP WaRKoliucd of Jrwelrj smith Cash

Charlie Ackron who uaad to keep thoresort known as tho Tivoli in this boroughand is now running a dance hall in EastNow York complained to the police of thoLiberty avenue station last night that

returning from Manhattan earlyyesterday morning on a Brooklyn elevatedtrain ho badbeen robbed of JJOO worth ofJewelry and 125 in bills

A citron said that he had boon visitingfriends in this borough and wont to sleep-on a Lexington avenue elevated trainleaving Park row at 530 A M When hewoke up at the end of the line he discoveredthat Romobody had tiknn a three stonediamond ring from his finger a gold watchand diamond locket and had extracted S125In bills from his pocket Hs said ho hadbeen drinking nothing but soda water


House PBMCS a Itpsolullon Introduced li nVlrtlnftnW-

AsniXOTOK Feb 21 The culminationcf the movement looking to a restorationof flags captured in the civil warwas reachprl HO far an the Hou e of Repretcntativua ii concerned at a late hour in the j

today when not half a hundred j

members worn pitvontMr McTkviry Rep Minn asked nnd I

received unanlmoiu content for the conlidontlon of the Joint resolution intro j

duccd Mr Limb n AaThe Secretary of War U authorized to

deliver to roper authoritlwof the re-spective Rtrtnt tho which

oro colon were organized certainUnion anti Confederate flags nowIn the custody of the forsuch final di iw tho aforoaaid

Without a word of comment ILl jointresolution was Adopted amid

TO TACKLE JMES WtTVr I llp iolrt ProiwifcM t nitpntp Icnrtcr

ship nf 37lhThomas L has for yeirs

been active Li Polities in the Twentythird-riistrcthas moved into the Twcntyseventlfor Ho purpcte of attempting to wrest the

J MartinMr Reynolds med a clubhouse iufttnight at l West Fortyfifth street It

named thn ngClub Mr Reynolds that his can-didacy hot Me support of Big Tim Sullivan

he interested in severalreal estate deals

Qalcktit lin ClTTluil-Ucve NFW York 3C I U rrtrr CertUnd

nrxl mumlnr ClnclnntU I JO P SI lodUn-pollt P U St Louii C P 11 Nrw Yorknlt l Mrli No nrou tare Ad

your rre tUinri an d br oruIUU l-afrr Maiden N V Xit








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3trxscnger UII to Jr

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Unrsllen or Indemnity tnpan 1III Drnundthe Most Dlfflcultrort Arthur toHe Japans Suzerainty Over Corea

IxioKi for One More IHs ItalttrS-

ptclal Cable fldpatthct It TH SUN

JNPON Fob 22 Tho IntlmAtions ofaPProaChing pesos in the an

some Urns ago in TUE SUNS dsand despite denials confirmed

receive this morning furthersupport from a St Petersburg despatchto w lch tho papers hero give great promlnonco The which Is ascrilxnlto a source enjoying high patronage III

as followsNut only has tho question of peace been

fonnaly discussed by the Czar but tliconditions on which Russia is preparedto make peace have been practically agreedupon Thoeo are

First tliat Corea bs plassd unJsrJapanese suzerainty

Socond That Port Arthur und theLlaotung PenInsula bs coded to Japan

ThirdThai Vladivostok bo declareda neutral port ou the open door system

Fourth That tho Chlneje Eastern Rail-way be placed under a neutral interaction 1

admlnUtrationFifth That Manohurla as far north

as Harbin bo restored M an integral ptitof the Chinese Empire

Difficulty lies in settling the questionof indemnity upon which lUst known Japanwill intlfit but it Is thought that obsttcls-ia not Insuperable Although It la qult i

Russia will risk another haWIxsfore coming to n definite decision themost trustworthy opinion Is that Inview of tho Hussion Internal situation andtho enormous difficulty in ojntinuing thnwar peace on tho ternn outlined wU 1

concluded if tho question of Indoranitycan bo arranged within a comparativelyshort time

Tim Standard prints an interview withViscount Hayauhi tho MlnUorwho said that ha hopeful of imniBdlate peace Ho doubted that It WIll powUbin for RuiHlu to mako proposaLi while alsohad a Ixmtcn anny south of Mukden aridthe Baltic fleet had not attempted to winthe mastery of tho seas

The only reason that could bo assigned-for tho possible collapse of the war ixirtyIn Russia was the internal condition of thecountry but tills was possibly paintedblacker than was actually the ease TheJapanese anyhow would not rely too muchupon factors in tho situation which couldriot Ii4 ascertained and would continuatho campaign on the ansumption that theRu alans meant to fight until they actuallyannounced theIr Intentions of suing forpeace

It Is stated from sources that thepmperor of Austria for wpcka put has

to nogptlitUi for peao in order to saveRussia fron Inevitable crushing humilia-tion

Comment in London follow the line thatalleged terms will furnish the basU for

a real although they are notlikely entirely to satisfy the Japanese whoIt Is believed will require in addition to anindemnity tho temporary occupation ofVladivostok as security for its paymentIho restoration of tho of Saghaliennnd ho surrender of the Russian warshipsnow internedat neutral portsIt It pointed out that Russias reportedproposal to retain Manchuria north ofHarbin conflicts with her assurances glvpnto tho United States and heat Britain

Toxio Feb 21 All rumors of peacenegotiations direct or indirect are flatlydenied here It believed that one mornengagement upon a largo scale mustoccur before tho question of peace cap bobroached with any hopo of success Suchan engagement cannot however be verylong postponed-

It is stated that Japanese warships havecaptured up to tho present time thirtynine neutral vessels carrying contrabandof war the total value of them being J8500000 Besides coal of the value of JOO000him been taken

Admiral tnktnmsky Knlu for lunarfipecla Cable Dttfatclt to Tnx SUN

SIUNOHAI Feb 2l Rcar Admiral PrinceOuktomsky who was perched by the J pnoose at Port Arthur sailed today fromthis city for Sun Francisco on his way toRussia


niployril In Ills Faihrrji entle Uorld-Vorslvmws

Cleveland Fuossenich son of State Semitor F F Fjiessenlch was married In NewYork on Sunday evening to Fannie Holderwho worked In tho Excelsior Needle Companys factory at Torrincton Conn ofwhich factory the Senator Is part ownerThe boy Is a high school student at Tor

his father says he is 10 yearsold The Senator opposed the marriagebocaiwo the boy was eo young but on gtUnit at TorrinRton yostonUy a dospAtchfrom his son announcing It ho sent on his

by wire aunt invItooTtho coupleto come home

Vouug Fuesscnlnh nnd Miss Holder wentto the Ascension MemorialEpiieopal Church-on Sunday evening and utter tho servicelooostcd tho rector the Rev John F SteenMr Steen said lest night

never wvan them before and thoughtt first some ono whom I had married had

tent them to me But the young man ex-plained that ho had peon ray picture In apaper along with a sermon of mine andx ok a fancy to have mo marry himSeither he nor tho young woman appeared

want any concealment He said hen lila twentyfirst year and she gave her agois 27 She impmwvl orerybody as B mod

refined girl I asked them if theirwore satisfied and ho said Yes have

my mothers consent Miss Annie Editrom anti my wife acted a witnonwjThe young toUts said they did not knowlust where they were going hut they prom

to com to son me whenever theyshould return to the city

nillllunalrp tn IH SecretaryRicUMoxoVa Feb 21 Ills announced

that R J Reynolds the millionaire tobao-onlst of N C will marry hU-

n Feb 28-

TAKT THAI TO n fVKLADPenoirlvtnt Railroad Leave Nrw York

leftt No omt 4vnlrat trains



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