4^ IN SENATE. - Thursday^ Dec. 13+ Mr. JLtoydf o f Massachusetts* from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted a re port, on the petition of William and Henry Cray, of Boston, who ask; the interposition of Government in their fivor, in the case o f the capture of the brig Otter, and her con demnation by the Spanish authorities at Por to Rico. The Committee, after stating the facts in connection with the case, recommend its reference to the; Department of State, that such measures may be taken thereon as the rights of the citizens of the United States, and the, interests and dignity o fth e government may, to the Etfemrttre, appear .to require. I . ... s v:. , Friday, December, 10. The reaolatioa offered yesterday, by Mr, Lloyd, of Maryland, instructing an inquiry intorthe expediency ofprohibiting the public armedyessels ofthe United States from car rying gold, silver, or jewels, was read for consideration. On m otiqn o f Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts, it was amended, so as to institute au inquiry :also jnto the propriety of permitting the pub lic vessels to carry passengers. Ahd the resolution, as amended, wad then adopted. The report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the petition of Wylliam and Heu- xy Gray, of Boaton^ recomraendmgtherefer mice of the suiyecf-to the Depatmeat of State, was taken up and agreedto, - ThebiU foVtheretief o f Daniel D Tomp kins .was taken up, m committee of the whole, Mr Ruggles Chairman ofthe cons tnittee pfi qiairas, stated that this hill merely . of £35,190 which had been found, by the proper ac conning officer n»dto an aid;-of fifo Imfr sessipjibfCongressyto-be duetoaix, Tdmp- Mus---th^iie accounm had coM^hnder8^ ! revision o f the President, and that he had signified.his opinion bn the subjeciby a special message to Congress.; ' tn that into* sage , it would barecpllected that a farther sum was Supposed to be due to'Mr* T. tbe ' * iuvesfi^fidu o f the accdasa^havmgt'''''^', “s Iayedotbis own request. ' * _.. , The hffl was thesTeporfed iriffiqhtamerisf / merri, and ordered tu be read a Uurd fima, On motion pf Mr.'frtifitfr, the BUI received its thifd reading^ by general, consent, i|B|d was;passed,^. . . . Mr. Lloyd, o f Maryland* submitted . fcUowmgriresolqfiqn, which was rend^ saad laidOveHorconsideration:;; *7 Resolved, That the committee on Naval Affairibc iratruqtcd io inquire* into the e x pediency . of regulating, or prohibiting* t y law, the tnmsporfaiion of gj^d, silver, or -jewels^a the armed vessels, o f the United - State s L— a ’ ~ ‘ $ 5 * Pacificator No. 4, is deferred, in or der to make room for the congressional pro? eeedings. ^ Tha-cftizens ofjtbncii Jre vequgto&lo meet this evening, at the IFotcF. to take into consideration such mea-aijres ns may he sug gested, in aid of the GREEK CAUSE. It is honed that eveW ohilanta-xraic c i t i z e n f ? ^ the* had been twodays> by a French is aop-u, ui^i evejy paiiaRiu-opic ci-Jsen fs.i(rrfp i Pummhirn will attend ?-and that our \ illage will, omthk a most luxuriant crop ol grass, and which is now become ignitible, hire been buriangto an ahrmrog extent, The fire^readvwitb arapidity truly surpiascig, carrying eoaster- nabott in ererydifection Much fencing'has ^deratdequ;mlifiesofcom,andptherpro- dUcewhichremainedin{hefields,ahdsome hotiaes weia„eftd^eredj. Ad Interminable Cloud ;©f^nuake hang? ever the face^ df fre . T he Senate thcn adjourned taftwelve o clock to-morrorr. T- - • / ■ - ■■ ' — ' :■ HGUSE^FRpFltESE^TATlTES. - Thursday, Dec* 18. 2T*\ Stewart, from the remtbittre on the Cumberland Road, reported,w A bill for the continuation o f fee - Cumberland- Road s” which was hviceread, and committed. •The mQfioa tocommitthc bill to a cona- inijtteeof the whole* bdbguntisr considera- tioa— . \ :.» Mr, Rankin rose,tuxdscdd, thatfce was one of tho3e parsons who are disposed to- com nation on the subjeetof Internal improve ments. H e believed also. ihjit the naiioo was . prepared to go aQ lengfM on that cuhjcct. But he vrasumniling to take up so ^reaf He hoped that, d r tfrfr system, tve shooli eifiter move as auaiion, or nOtmoveat alL Blr.Coofc said, he was decidedly opposei to act upon this hill ia its present state, ant On motion o f Mr. Jennings, the bill, was laid upon the table, and ordered, to ha print . ed. v •-* •>: %.^iHiam 3 ; of N. 0 . submitted the fol* ResoIvediThatthe Presidentofthe Ifssfret CWKDNESDA7, BKCEMI1E31 31, JC23, ed b^ Mr. Jcsseph Frazrerrwhich iar the Greek Fund." sunie-1, together with a-jbrick building ad joining. Tbe :*>!>oanf e f d image is estimat ed at ibont g^OOO, of which U 2200 was 'in- snretjL, ■ ' . . - + . .. --- ThyWlg F.ibii}^, of Baltimore, faonder- ed at sea in lat.,43, loa. 11. The officers land were taken from the long boat, occasion, manifest at least, ah equal degree o f liberality'wi{h her si ter villages. x- Burrytg o f the We$ter% Prair'K.—'Ths Kiskaskia (ifbnoi^) papnr ofthe 30th of Oc tober, states, that during a number ot day? B. Yatesj ; and elevea swor# from the Istcompany of New-¥ork Fencit bles i ^24, gp fro® the inhabitants of Sk.ane- ateles, Onondaga county i $if$ was cidlect- , The committee ofthe Greek Fund, New- TCrhj have drawn npa meoiorial, praying tfie inteiqmsition of Congress in such a .man ner, .and at such time ay they abafl deem proper in behalfof the Greets. Mr. Isaac.Macauley, of Fhiladelpbia, has \ .geiierously tendered* 100 pal r o f good dril ling pantaloons for the Greeks. : connfry, o f such density ns almost to inter- " ' Q+ , of np^iied7wltlj "p s'troc^ wlndi tyill doubtless extinguish the fire, and disperse tlte smoke. ' / 7 Aresoluttion ia depending j a the legisla- tnre o f Pennsylymiia, moved by JIr. Ship- Fresident o f the United States, in regard to Souti* America,&c. -'r ; - ■ Resolutions havealsoheep passed in the; Legislhtrire o f Mnrylaad, respcsading to tlie 7 . peCting the cd«se of ihe Greeks, mid: the poKcy of&ejpMKediP«we^ of BUrere^ fro5Sery.'' ABlr.RniteGrcenvnf^Ssfou, vvaspnthe SSdlnst. stoppsd ou the road'tid- tsreen N ent-K ^^Mt ^esdiru^wikkjiy‘a couple ofwell-dressed rnfcn; tafren into the woods, tiedto a tree, arfd robbetlof about $500 In money. T hey iaforrued him it was theirfirtt offence^, eiiqtfii^d hi?name, and said they were in hopes o f being able here- aifter to refund the money. . ' The Lsgislafttre o fthis state will convene a i Albany, 4 m the first Tuesday b f January— beingne&t *Fue»dny. The Unusual number oFsix thousand ludi- nm are said to hare visited Malden. (Upper Cfndda) daring ttke past scgnmer. .• ^ any information he may have receiv'ed, end which he may apt,deem it improper to <»xu» —^mumcate, relating to the present condition anfrfiifeife prospectsof- ttii "Gi^ekB. This lies over one day of course. . Thu engrossed bill soprtumentery to Hie iiw far the correction of |reoK in maken* entries o f land at tike called up for cOnsidelafionifri.J Mr. Rankin said.tbaf,?c^^di5 of yesterday asquledge that theb certei&lyact|>u1b6sttW'eck k tm a ^^ide^fion of me^frbole suj move thht tlie. bill fra jierfrctfas p ^^^fe, TfrecHuusfe' concn . _s fu Th ^ CriicIiJ.-^^hc> -follownig ■ state-^ tncnt ofthe number o f women and children,' delivered over to slavery, and to all the in- frunous pollutioonof Turidsh masters, from the ill fried islanod of Scio, is taken froia a French historicUl work for 1822 t— “ Gffi- cifr returns fromi the TnrMsh Cnstim Home at Scio, repoxtfoHij-one tkoutmid winnem and ch'ldren to have been Sold as ylaves, and to havb paid auction duties at thtt office, in the mouths of Slay and loae, 1825. . The fu-. momen and children, met with a more en- viabie midweim frutchs^. . 1 , jSa^cr Pim?e.-+--Ttfe sduv Betsey, whieh arrived at Georgetown, S . C. on the 6th inst. from fatis'lslaird and St. Thoih^, beidjtthe frdter pfrfife, by.» stiudi {bofdpinwhich w im negroes jmd; a*inuIatto, wbo p&rsued jCveryper- sm on board, n i" rendered.; Friday* Dec. 19. ■**‘4 barbarity b f ffi^e sable jpilartes, m had hot a gnu ^erewffifr-t't^iffiaff M r^ W iiii^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm- Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfT dks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef o f DumeT P f r o n mofibii Hfc onghud mover, th e,H^Tomjdons,posset thp S^are^6n^Hinjs4 modified by md^- T r fS d lL m W ti-fipil it DfftsfrflL** - Sf f i t y jiigyir* the House, that he should movefor the cod- ^thmre are half a |ndlmn?oF scfro^at forto^froftheresw- thevpublic schoolsthWnghttUr^ o*0i proposing to ^eml a Mission to Greece. ^hwcoUege* which coofbcdegre^, ^ ^ . : T tL cS u tlon o f Mr. Williams was agreed There are twelve hundred students a i -the. * ^ -• -•• vtadenfeatlaw. . ./V . . .f . * The vessels of the U. Sides, fy se^, per forin their voyages on off ay&rage in one third lobs time than the English- There sire fr,2 *0 post offices, and 08,60a miles post road , and 12,000 miles of turh- pike roada. . ■ There are 3000 legislators. There pre 200 printed volumes erfLaw Reports, The proportion of believers ia the non- eontagion of the yellow fever among the physicians is as 597 to 2S who believe in contagion. .♦ ^ . -- i. '•"*j *■ - - t SUMMARY. v ^ On Friday last, a fire brol;p out at the village of Ajtieu^io rrsittrat t flscto^ owu- rig itc, and carried into Pern.unhaco The contribution for the Greeks in Pr. €umming> church, .after a sermon pro- nbuuced before tbe young men of N. York, amounted to Jour hundred and fifty dollars / A dreadful explosion of a coal mine, be- took place qw Durtiam,bn the frd o f November.- There were between ninety <iod a hundred petsoas lia the pit, hit of whom perished. Abofrf forty'of ihe bodies had been taken . *» •’ : .v" The N.ew-Yjork committee of the Greek A Noble Cft(/d.---A\'bile tjie'United States frigate was drawing near the Macedonian, a child; oix. bqard said to Pec:dur-p-;“ Commo- dorej I./wish you would put ffiyhanm onThe mnsterroll!5* What for I” “’Tbat l may get ?, ’ Afrdr the capinre» tftecommodofe saidt WSEfrNed, spe isoiirsi and your prize moneywiU be about 209 dollars. What will, yon do .with it ?” « r i l sfiiid a hunilred to my mother, aqd the othey shall sepd me to school.” This boy is Gow a gallant midshipnian. * dames Plemiimfe. fie? been nnamroously re-elected Goverooic of the state ofViiglma. Mr.Wm.BinghamwaS kiiiedon thegth inst. in Londoqgrove, (Pqnn.):hy 4he falling in,so f the bank of a gudrry. Jame3 GIark, o f Bestott, bas recovered glOGO of Anos.Binaey, Es^I navy agent, m uU ^utiop for alibel. ^ The last Qaarterly Review states, that ip 18 months, ending August last, not fewer than' 4(X> dave ships have departed from file western coast (if Afwca, Cnrrying away upwards o f 100,000 dates; Nearly one haff were French, the offiey Portuguese vessels. On .the 5th inst. the house o f the -Rev* Samuel J. Mills, ©fTorimgfrid, (Ct.)? wit* totally consumed with niff "ife contente.~ Books, waosmpfc, pririitais, fimitare, every tbtng. bat livm was lost. Samuel Stevens was/ on the 8tb inst Tre^ elected Governor ofthe state ofMaryland! - “ She that bridieth hot hertongdd,” shall pay Jive thousand dollars £ . A lady hyjhe name ofAfaiy 'Patton, has been sentenced to ingthe - HbmGtm Flinis.^A southern ^aper says that the xsooden nutmegs, which have been at length been equalled in a caigo o f horn gun -J?in£s, lately brought into S*. Carobna,. add dispoaedofas flintsofasupetior order. - - T-lie -Natioad -Tntel%eoGcr: states, that Daniel Waolford, Fostmxster, in Nevrbern, Alontgomery county, Virginia, hasbeende- tected in th e fret of; rebbicgilthe t t d f By opening letters passing throu^i las office, amUakittg: money thercfrom. He was ap- preheaded almosj; in the act, by the Agent ofthe General Post Office, andsafely lodged in jail. * - . * -!^A ealcalafionhm recently been made, fronS'which it appears, that the Presbyteri ans inthe-Uaited State, haye !400 church- theolb^cal seminaries, almost 1000 mifiSteis, r00,03tt-,commmncants. The mj^fconi<om; it^^prpfrabI^ft^!>vof JEpiscopM Church in fr»e U. States haa 10 O n motiou oCMr. Call, ft was ? ftesolvedt -Tha£ the CotomftteeonvNav^ r AffairsheiasfrmctefrtWiUT1* ^ intolbe.«x4 ' pediency ofestablishmg a naval Depot in the Harbor dCPeukrbkt.. - "■ And then tifeHottse adjourned to Monday . -7. .. -. 1 ... ■T |1 :111 .. Notice.- ^ r U H E ea-ptttoewbip betwefo Beermam M. tordiwolreL- .Alt persons havinf vmy sgaiost tbe firm, .will S t t ^ e u the mhscribey tot a ; perem# iidtbted, »re dfe**red, to p*>’ tfr*ir ,-r «‘SIV : , There are upwards o f tea tfroosand sicians,-andupnrafds o itm thoitsaoi ^s, 368 clergymeUi 700^chnrcbes, and 4 theological seminary. 'The Baptist have more than2383 churches, aUd'S seminaries. Andthe Methodists have 3000 natnisters, and more than 2590 places of worship. vLanGE S hips.—fTbe-fiP.b^ving are the di mensions o f tiwo vessels nowj.baUding at <Jjy*ec. ... - bean%60fr.; Ihedepthof holenot ascertain- ed a l they^aru i ^ g f r p s o l i d ^ h timber, but vrill be abbutf35 fret. Tfie fraUge Wall Be from 6 to 7tK>9 tons.— Tbey are ibtendeAfor one Vo#gC baly, afid wiRbe navigttedby th*> aid o fsteam engines, fixed ift tw o, boats* The rhim-cables and uUqdiot havewomeou* andthev^els Will be ready for sca.pntbe lct of Janfe. '-+1' " 4-. ; f ^ V - ^ Jtlurdcr.—A man named Jolof Ziminer- worship. 7 About Jhur tbousauu and four hundred patents hwre been frAen out-far new and useful invention*, discoreoms, and improve ment* m th e art3. ' : . Betweeti two and^frrou: million? o f dollars worth ofbooks are annually publLahrd in the H. htatefe., ^ v--' . A thousand nen.papera arc publisbea.— There are more than one hundred steam boats, cwnpriffng morejfhso JWLOQO tett aatig*tiogJtiJ« Mississiplgu .. H + • ..yj. vaoia, hbt w e^^ttmitted^ #ed w n b h iit;twenty;;yfea^#a8ut-;. frth^, i^^'freliBidafav^ffre^t «fy, the framfrtfrem ffie home»dwgged his sfrk, ^ dntjghter dat ofhcd, trampled upon, aid ftcf ally MUed her. A marriage which'fie dahghtcr ioteiidcd to contract, .and trffictr was' disapproved by the father, b said to have occasioned tins horrible event.— 'Bcf Post ••••> .■ > * nmtSiS M im m sf«e A grand Military and Civil B ailie to take piece, at New-York, on'the 8 th p £ , danmiry,; in honoar cf the celebration of^bfranmver- sary o fJackson’s victory atN. Orleans, anil in aid cf the Gxeelts, T h e tickefcy.to Be five dollars each* The Park Theatre hno been; tendered, by the Managers,, to the commit tee of arrangsdients for the purpose, the pit of which is to Be covered with a floor even lyith tfie stage, which will afford room for about turentytfotir sets o f cotillions. The boxes jtre fob© appropriated to those ladies aud-gentiemeu who may not wish to partici pate ia the dance. It is supposed that five thousand dollars will be raisedTty this ball* -flS-i*— J - t . : act, -.r- . * . - V - - ■* • h A Fund New-YcarVnight. We like this. It pleas- e= us id- see Bachelors endeavouring to make themselves useful to tbe Greeks, particular ly as they do not promote the growth bf’so ciety at home £ llow would/4 „A Bachelor's Ball” take in Boston ? Boston Gaz. - Remarks.—I heardf the hammer of a me chanic that owes me, af four o’clock this morning,— 1’U trust him tili April I sari another, yesterday afternoon, who has plejutv of work on hand, lounging at the corner. I’ll hare him Before the squire next week*-r-*YbiipbalJJournal! TIN A N D gHBEr-IBOK FACTORY. "j 0 If A* COCBTBJir, J J H S P E C T F C L L Y informs-the m.bfor JO » Tbathehau taken the shop fortnerlv oc- ctifued by XiosiccU W elts, in Aurofn?street,a few doors be.V>Vthe corner,of Owego-$treet, where he wilt Ca'riy on the manufacturing «F Tijlf M V im E JK T IR O N , inallthevarie(iesToau^o?umoi^ aodthg.jufollcujngrket. flg ftag on hamk MM .1 -2 - U ) Jg * and continues making: various Mods of wore: and'will pxecute^aft ordersatshort notice. He will be thankful for all fovors, and hopes by good work and strict attention to business, .to merit a liberal share of the public patro nage, Ithaca, October G, 1823. fci 21 ff Dissolution. JT p H E termofco-pnrtnersbipof thesubscr!- Jf bers, under the.firm of Prescott & Co. expires on the .31st December next.. All persons indebted to them will therefore see the necessity of au immediate settlement, with C* W. E. Prescott. C. W. E. PRESCOTT, THOAlAb P. CALKIN. Ithaca, Dec. 13th, 1523. lahlt-htrepl, t iW p id e f f ffie sgftt of ^2610 in’Bank note?, lny a young man namedOljaf, recently from Irtfrmff/ tvBd or fhrca weeks, ja ffie same yoom. The robber, was ‘sseettened to Barif crossed the Brooklyn frriy frith^a hutee aiid aw! was pursued to Mip, L, L where ha'was found in bed at 1 o’clock yesterday morn- ing, and We hr^'poft#;stetd, f^pt.L JM ’Lhao recovered aRLntfJurcIollafs o f hus money. On retorninglo.the City, CaMll tSva nnpim- oned at Hcmpsteaj for thepurpbse of eqtltf Reduced Prices, of rw re T a lt^ M o m m fourteen rents^per lb.—Dnrrfc «te. BARD fiOAP, 8 rents per lb. by the Bo*t 10 rents, fetoil: SOFT .SOAP, ^3 pex Barrd ; one slulling < perGalluo: ' ' * BREWERY YEAST, g l. per Qourt ;— Aluy be bud af J . N. PERKINS, ot the cor^ n e rsto re + n c x td c e rla the P o st Q jfice* n ^ ^ ”* ’ J .. .... : paring to come on, he fouad means fo' es cape from the house to a neighboiiring wood, andhadaucc^jrallyeluded hiu’pursnfraaf: foe last accounfr.--s!frrg. Adv *. -■ Capt. Carter^ o f the. Navy, Is appointed to command the Peacock stoop of war. dea: frnedforthe'Baciffii.-";"'- —— ' W e noderstind that Commodpre HuH trill be instructed by thegavcrement, to pay a short visitto. the 5jmdwich Islands, at an early a period after his arrival in the Pacif ic Ocean, ai the psBlic interest will permit Mmto bealisaitfircm the comd ofCiuli amd Fere* The F ri^ te United 8taies> which is slap -af-Com, Hall, wBl Shtilfrom folkin aSogthvo weeks. > ' ' Oiimlace, B E it ’ordained fay the Trusters « f the village o f Ithaca.: ahit no Ox, Butt, Cow," Steer', or Cadf, shall fre suffered to ran at largn M any of the streels^or on theptffi- lie square irt thewaid village, 'it any lime dariag th e month* of %W«btuy JumStiy, Febniaty- tnd Alardh, between the hoars of nine in the focrenpp, and. mnela ffie afteri noon5 ortlrimigragof-hell forthorebolils: Under (liepqosiltyof jjue ribffizr foceaebOx* ButtjCotc, Steer, oc Citlf so found resitiog at large, during any of the afMesald moutlisf to be recovered witfc eatts o f suir, inthe name of the Trestees^, for the ns* of the village. . . mis* IIJ I* '- * .- * * - —■I." — - : , - t * --j! - - - HI" ’-l-ff*'* 1 A ,—1- Fm viiledjlfowe*cr, that noO x,Tlull,Co StererPrG^ffiskall beconsldered as mnning at large wfthm the meatiingofthis ordiaaacc, whichfrmll be driviag lo and from artier- Fublishcd by order of the Trustees. B. S, HALSEY, Clerk, \ ^ItkocOff M c~2Bth* 1§23.^ . , jfn m rm ip s ..; PRESENTS .*. B*ok FORTUNE, ilwtknM. ed old lady, whose smiles are more than those of the most beautiful presenf gineratiaa, hns.detetmiaeir to ward her truedieftrttd votaries fand ft lover* are. always confiding) with comhlimeats of the seasm fy m d wi erouy AV=r-F<ar’s C ifts i—^wbire she posited atthe“ Fortaoaie Office51 of &M0R6AS, in tbejdiape ofTI and SHARES la th* _ FIFTH C l I s S—N E W S . New-York State Literature hotte W k ia k u n it he draien o n ' ih e f i f t h d a y J a n n a ry n e x t. ' ' SE0LJSG SCEESSB, 1 Prize 0^ 20,000 is ^20,000 '" 10,000 5,000 711 SMO 1900 12,642 ~4i^S4j Boot & Slioe T aK aw im § otj& psk ffjrAV'E taken theShop lately cccapied 31 by v/fu Mcham, next dear tn Mr. LemUn’s Bakery* ia Aqrora-strUet— nstd in- tend to keeppn hautli " . r A cuorcg ASSORTMitNT oV Leatliet 3 CALF and MORQCCO SKINS, soitab i for customers^nmrk. Hsey plu^s ffiemsrivat to da all rrork, which may bf ordered, oft lk* shortcut notice ; arid in a fag&onaMs, ntuf; aqd dumhh mscas*., , ~'.- John VAiraoraEb rft&rps bis thadri 'th his . t e s t' ma MpaiH w ri to ito nected feicisalf io feusiaei? with BIr. Gnftis, ’S'hcs is n first-rate i#orktBac—ostures the®,' that all caffs in fus line wii! be pTcmptly at teaded to , and thucAfalTf received. Ithaca^ Dec. i%%823. . - , , a^tf . 2 - ■m *S,000 F\*'. ‘« •r 1,000 * "1 -- *r * 711 . - 7 ‘ 600 - 19 - * 100 00 3 - ..... (fciit'- m * ■■ . 14 888,000, 7^259 pixet 12,S41 blanks. Prize* payabfo forty days after the- draw ing, sad subject as *n*l to a deduction of 15 pcrcret Tobe drawn 10 the same manner aitlie former cl«s«s of tbit series. Fieseilt em im itsiom *, for- dispensing ihe afrove,. favoaH—fer whole TlckeU SEVEN DOLLARS—Sharecin proportion., ;■ MACK & MORGAN, Agent* ltliacOi Dec.2*14823. y,’* •. • s" ' { g r Ordcts? prefpaid, enclosicg tho ment* .. IKr A K^ntax Convocation ofNe*> je- rtSsdem, Enmmpmint, trill take pl5ce,- 0H A c first Thursday;in January ccxfc. at 2 o’dock P. n. at ilife hoase of Charies.Cat- k g ia Dunby. ' A punctual attendance .is requerted.+-By ordrecfffidG. C. . - ' - . E, -MAGE,--Reretdetw ',- Dec. 7tb, J823; -S X . . , •' , OAIMISSIONS t o Altedfficete of tlm SSth Re^ment of Jnfaptry are rccriv-. ed. .fhet^ens totatolrttonr. -teMaffto . 7 - ; H.CLBAXT^IIfr* ©KAW 2S© OF FOURTH CLASS-NEW SEBIES, or Mfihs City olf iifric-ferX*, Dee. 34 lk%3. The fcff»tri% numtom 'aftos 'iraw^' ia. iheortfer o f '•5, 16*. 'V \ and- fravmg' tiu t& rof the drawn EHmheris, are highar p if e ^ ez- ■i» TRAY ED from tixo' subscriber, frfc the last ofNavemher past, fcn^mS&sefi a s^,m-eacfe t o . '-F#;Siiy-lQfermatifiit‘: felative to the Sfes?ep,a tjenvrassreward vrifl btafem.'-- JOHN2IMHEBM n . * ■'■■eggiitv- 3BL-JBL Pomeroj’s. STBAPa Per totoffitft* Ftosnwsic'f Fffif«?a at Ihe-to5eto$e%f MACK& AlORGAN, hhmcs, . - Acg.-^-l82% * T OR-IGINAL-STAINED ..K~ *zZs> , 'wwosM r** « rf*3A-:'y

J - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031159/1823-12-31/ed...Mr^Wiiii^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef

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Page 1: J - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031159/1823-12-31/ed...Mr^Wiiii^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef


Thursday^ Dec. 13+Mr. JLtoydf o f Massachusetts* from the

Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted a re ­port, on the petition o f William and Henry Cray, of Boston, who ask; the interposition of Government in their fivor, in the case o f the capture of the brig Otter, and her con­demnation by the Spanish authorities at Por­to Rico. The Committee, after stating the facts in connection with the case, recommend its reference to the; Department of State, that such measures may be taken thereon as the rights o f the citizens o f the United States, and the, interests and dignity o fth e government may, to the Etfemrttre, appear

■ .to require. I . ... s v:. ,Friday, December, 10.

The reaolatioa offered yesterday, by Mr, Lloyd, of Maryland, instructing an inquiry intorthe expediency ofprohibiting the public armedyessels ofthe United States from car­rying gold, silver, or jewels, was read for consideration.

On m otiqn o f Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts, i t was amended, so as to institute au inquiry :also jnto the propriety of permitting the pub­l i c vessels to carry passengers. Ahd the resolution, as amended, wad then adopted.

T h e report o f the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the petition of Wylliam and Heu- xy Gray, o f Boaton recomraendmgtherefer mice of the suiyecf-to the Depatmeat of State, was taken up and agreedto, -

ThebiU foVtheretief o f Daniel D Tomp kins .was taken up, m committee of the whole, Mr Ruggles Chairman ofthe cons tnittee pfi qiairas, stated that this hill merely

. o f £35,190which had been found, by the proper ac conning o fficer n»dto an aid;-of fifo Imfr sessipjibfCongressyto-be duetoaix, Tdmp- M us---th^iie accounm had coM^hnder8 ! revision o f the President, and that he had signified.his opinion bn the subjeciby a

■ ■ special message to Congress.; ' tn that into* sage , it would barecpllected that a farther sum was Supposed to be due to'Mr* T . tbe

' * iuvesfi^fidu o f the accdasa^havmgt'''''^', “s Iayedotbis own request. ' *

_.. , The hffl was thesTeporfed iriffiqhtamerisf / merri, and ordered tu be read a Uurd fima,

On motion pf Mr.'frtifitfr, the BUI received its thifd reading^ b y general, consent, i|B|d was;passed,^. . . . •

Mr. Lloyd, o f Maryland* submitted . fcUowmgriresolqfiqn, which was rend^ saad

laidOveHorconsideration:;; *7 Resolved, That the committee on Naval

Affairibc iratruqtcd io inquire* into the e x ­pediency . of regulating, or prohibiting* t y law, the tnmsporfaiion o f gj^d, silver, or -jewels^a th e armed vessels, o f the United

- State s L— a ’ ~ ‘

$5 * Pacificator No. 4, is deferred, in or­der to make room for the congressional pro? eeedings. ^

Tha-cftizens ofjtbncii Jre vequgto&lo meet this evening, at the IFotcF. to take into consideration such mea-aijres ns may he sug­gested, in aid o f the GREEK CAUSE. Itis honed that eveW ohilanta-xraic c i t i z e n f ? ^ the* had been twodays> by a French is aop-u, ui^i evejy paiiaRiu-opic ci-Jsen fs.i(rrfp i P u m m h i r nwill attend ?-and that our \ illage will, omthk

a most luxuriant crop ol grass, and which is now become ignitible, h ire been buriangto an ahrmrog extent, The fire^readvwitb arapidity truly surpiascig, carrying eoaster- nabott in ererydifection Much fencing'has

^deratdequ;mlifiesofcom,andptherpro- dUcewhichremainedin{hefields,ahdsome hotiaes weia„eftd^eredj. Ad Interminable Cloud ;©f^nuake hang? ever the face df fre

. T he Senate thcn adjourned taftwelve o clock to-morrorr. T- -• /■ - ■■ ' —'

:■ H G U SE^FR pFltESE^TA TlTES.• - Thursday, Dec* 18.

2T*\ Stewart, from the remtbittre on the Cumberland Road, reported,w A bill for the continuation o f fee - Cumberland- Road s” which was hviceread, and committed.

•The mQfioa tocommitthc bill to a cona- inijtteeof the whole* bdbguntisr considera- tioa— . \ :.»

Mr, Rankin rose,tuxdscdd, thatfce was one of tho3e parsons who are disposed to- com

nation on the subjeetof Internal improve ments. H e believed also. ihjit the naiioo was

. prepared to go aQ lengfM on that cuhjcct. But he vrasumniling to take up so ^reaf

He hoped that, d r tfrfr system, tve shooli eifiter move as auaiion, or nOtmoveat alL

Blr.Coofc said, he was decidedly opposei to act upon this hill ia its present state, ant

On motion o f Mr. Jennings, the bill, was laid upon the table, and ordered, to ha print

. ed. v •-* •>:% .^ iH iam 3; o f N . 0 . submitted the fol*

ResoIvediThatthe Presidentofthe Ifssfret


ed b^ Mr. Jcsseph Frazrerrwhich iar the Greek Fund."sunie-1, together with a-jbrick building ad­joining. Tbe :*>!>oanf e f d image is estimat­ed at ibont g OOO, of which U2200 was 'in-snretjL, ■' . . • - + . .. ■---

ThyWlg F.ibii} , of Baltimore, faonder- ed at sea in lat.,43, loa. 11. The officers

land were taken from the long boat,

occasion, manifest at least, ah equal degree o f liberality'wi{h her si ter villages.x-

Burrytg o f the We$ter% Prair'K.—'Ths Kiskaskia (ifbnoi^) papnr ofthe 30th of Oc­tober, states, that during a number ot day?

B. Yatesj ; and elevea swor# from the Istcompany o f New-¥ork Fencit bles i 24, gp fro® the inhabitants of Sk.ane- ateles, Onondaga county i $ i f $ was cidlect-

, The committee ofthe G reek Fund, New- TCrhj have drawn npa meoiorial, praying tfie inteiqmsition o f Congress in such a .man­ner, .and at such time ay they abafl deem proper in behalf o f the Greets.

Mr. Isaac.Macauley, of Fhiladelpbia, has \ .geiierously tender ed* 100 pal r o f good dril­

ling pantaloons for the Greeks. :

connfry, o f such density ns almost to inter-” ’ " ' Q+,

ofnp^iied7wltlj "p s'troc^ wlndi tyill

doubtless extinguish the fire, and disperse tlte smoke. ' / 7

Aresoluttion ia depending j a the legisla- tnre o f Pennsylymiia, moved by JIr. Ship-

Fresident o f the United States, in regard to Souti* America,&c. -'r ; - ■’

Resolutions havealsoheep passed in the; Legislhtrire o f Mnrylaad, respcsading to tlie

7 .peCting the cd«se of ihe Greeks, mid: the poKcy of&ejpMKediP«we^ of BUrere^

fro5Sery.'' ABlr.RniteGrcenvnf^Ssfou, vvaspnthe SSdlnst. stoppsd ou the road'tid- tsreen N en t-K ^ ^ M t esdiru^w ikkjiy‘a couple of well-dressed rnfcn; tafren into the woods, tiedto a tree, arfd robbetlof about $500 In money. They iaforrued him it was theirfirtt offence^, eiiqtfii^d hi?name, and said they were in hopes o f being able here- aifter to refund the money. . '

The Lsgislafttre o f this state will convene a i Albany, 4m the first Tuesday b f January— beingne&t *Fue»dny. ■

The Unusual number oFsix thousand ludi- nm are said to hare visited Malden. (Upper Cfndda) daring ttke past scgnmer. .• ^

any information he may have receiv'ed, end which he may apt,deem it improper to <»xu»

—^mumcate, relating to the present condition anfr fiifeife prospectsof- ttii "Gi^ekB.

T his lies over one day of course.. Thu engrossed bill soprtumentery to Hie

iiw far the correction o f |reoK in maken* entries o f land at tike called up for cOnsidelafionifri.J

Mr. Rankin said.tbaf,?c^^di5of yesterday asquledge that thebcertei&lyact|>u1b6sttW'eck k w » tm a ^ ide^fion o f me^frbole suj move thht tlie. bill fra

jierfrctfas p ^ ^ ^ f e , TfrecHuusfe' concn

. _s f u T h ^ C r iic I iJ .- ^ ^ h c > -follownig ■ state- tncnt ofthe number o f women and children,' delivered over to slavery, and to all the in- frunous pollutioonof Turidsh masters, from the ill fried islanod of Scio, is taken froia a French historicUl work for 1822 t— “ Gffi- cifr returns fromi the TnrMsh Cnstim Home at Scio, repoxtfoHij-one tkoutmid winnem and ch'ldren to have been Sold as ylaves, and to havb paid auction duties at thtt office, in the mouths of Slay and loae, 1825. . The fu-.

momen and children, met with a more en- viabie midweim frutchs^ . . 1

, j S a ^ c r Pim?e.-+--Ttfe sduv Betsey, whieh arrived at Georgetown, S . C. on the 6th inst. from fatis'lslaird and St. Thoih^,

beidjtthe frdter pfrfife, by.» stiudi {bofdpinwhich w i m negroes jmd; a*inuIatto, wbo p&rsued

jCveryper-sm on board, n i"rendered.;

Friday* Dec. 19. • •

■ ** ‘4

barbarity b f ffi^e sable jpilartes, m had hot a gnu ^erewffifr-t't^iffiaff

M r ^ W ii i i^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef o f DumeTP f r o n mofibii Hfc onghud mover, th e ,H^Tomjdons,posset thp S^are^6n^Hinjs4

modified by m d ^ - T r f S d l L m Wti-fipil it DfftsfrflL** - Sf f i t y jiigyir*

the House, that he should movefor the cod- ^thmre are half a |ndlmn?oF sc fro ^ a tforto^froftheresw- thevpublic schoolsthW nghttUr^

o*0i proposing to ^eml a Mission to Greece. ^hwcoUege* which coofbcdegre^, ^ ^ . : T tL c S u tlo n o f Mr. Williams was agreed There are twelve hundred students a i -the.

* -• -••vtadenfeatlaw.

. . / V . . . f . *

The vessels of the U. Sides, f y se^, per­forin their voyages on off ay&rage in one third lobs time than the English-

There sire fr,2 *0 post offices, and 08,60a miles post road , and 12,000 miles o f turh- pike roada. . ■

There are 3000 legislators. There pre 200 printed volumes erf Law Reports,

The proportion of believers ia the non- eontagion of the yellow fever among the physicians is as 597 to 2S who believe in contagion. .♦ ^ . -- i.

'•"*j *■ - - tSUMMARY. v ^

On Friday last, a fire brol;p out at the village of Ajtieu^io rrsittrat t flscto^ owu-

rig itc, and carried into Pern.unhacoThe contribution for the Greeks in Pr.

€umming> church, .after a sermon pro- nbuuced before tbe young men of N. York, amounted to Jour hundred and fifty dollars /

A dreadful explosion o f a coal mine, be-took

place q w Durtiam,bn the frd o f November.- There were between ninety <iod a hundred petsoas lia the pit, hit of whom perished. Abofrf forty'of ihe bodies had been taken

. *» •’ : .v "The N.ew-Yjork committee o f the Greek

A Noble Cft(/d.---A\'bile tjie'United States frigate was drawing near the Macedonian, a child; oix. bqard said to Pec:dur-p-;“ Commo- dorej I./wish you would put ffiyhanm onThe mnsterroll!5* What for I” “’Tbat l may get ?, ’ Afrdr thecapinre» tftecommodofe saidt WSEfrNed, spe isoiirsi and your prize moneywiU be about 209 dollars. What will, yon do .withit ?” « r i l sfiiid a hunilred to my mother, aqdthe othey shall sepd me to school.” This boy is Gow a gallant midshipnian. *

dames Plemiimfe. fie? been nnamroously re-elected Goverooic o f the state ofViiglma.

Mr.Wm.BinghamwaS kiiiedon thegth inst. in Londoqgrove, (Pqnn.):hy 4he falling in,so f the bank of a gudrry.

Jame3 GIark, o f Bestott, bas recovered glOGO of Anos.Binaey, Es^I navy agent, m uU utiop for alibel. ’ ^

The last Qaarterly Review states, that ip 18 months, ending August last, not fewer than' 4(X> dave ships have departed from file western coast (if Afwca, Cnrrying away upwards o f 100,000 dates; Nearly one haff were French, the offiey Portuguese vessels.

On . the 5th inst. the house o f the -Rev* Samuel J . Mills, ©fTorimgfrid, (Ct.)? wit* totally consumed with niff "ife contente.~ Books, waosm pfc, p ririitais, fimitare, every tbtng. bat livm was lost.

Samuel Stevens was/ on the 8tb inst Tre elected Governor of the state o f Maryland! -

“ She that bridieth hot hertongdd,” shall pay Jive thousand dollars £ . A lady hyjhe name o f Afaiy 'Patton, has been sentenced to

ingthe- HbmGtm Flinis.^A southern aper says that the xsooden nutmegs, which have been

atlength been equalled in a caigo o f horn gun -J?in£s, lately brought into S*. Carobna,. add dispoaedofas flintsofasupetior order. -

- T-lie -Natioad -Tntel%eoGcr: states, that Daniel Waolford, Fostmxster, in Nevrbern, Alontgomery county, Virginia, hasbeende- tected in th e fret of; rebbicgilthe t t d f By opening letters passing throu^i las office, amUakittg: money thercfrom. He was ap-preheaded almosj; in the act, by the Agent ofthe General Post Office, andsafely lodged in jail. * - . * ’-!^A ealcalafionhm recently been made, fronS'which it appears, that the Presbyteri­ans inthe-Uaited State, haye !400 church-

theolb^cal seminaries, almost 1000 mifiSteis, r00,03tt-,commmncants. The

mj^fconi<om; it^ ^ p rp fra b I^ ft^ !> v o f JEpiscopM Church in fr»e U. States haa 10

O n motiou oCMr. Call, ft was ? ftesolvedt -Tha£ the CotomftteeonvNav^

r AffairsheiasfrmctefrtWiUT1* ^ intolbe.«x4 ' pediency ofestablishmg a naval Depot in the Harbor dCPeukrbkt.. - "■

And then tifeHottse adjourned to Monday. -7. .. -.1 ... ■T|1 :111 ..

Notice.- ^r U H E ea-ptttoewbip betwefo B e e rm a m

M. tordiwolreL- .Alt personshavinf vmy sgaiost tbe firm, .willS t t ^ e u the mhscribey tot a ;

perem# iidtbted, »re dfe**red, to p*>’ tfr*ir

,-r «‘S IV :

, There are upwards o f tea tfroosandsicians,-andupnrafds o itm thoitsaoi

^s, 368 clergymeUi 700 chnrcbes, and 4 theological seminary. 'The Baptist have more than2383 churches, aUd'S seminaries. Andthe Methodists have 3000 natnisters, and more than 2590 places of worship.

vLanGE Ships.—fTbe-fiP.b^ving are the di­mensions of tiwo vessels nowj.baUding at<Jjy*ec. . . . -

bean%60fr.; Ihedepthof holenot ascertain- ed a l they^aru i ^ g f r p s o l id ^ h timber, but vrill be abbutf35 fret.Tfie fraUge Wall Be from 6 to 7tK>9 tons.— Tbey are ibtendeAfor one Vo#gC baly, afid wiRbe navigttedby th*> aid of steam engines, fixed ift two, boats* The rhim-cables and uUqdiot havewomeou* and thev^ els Will be ready for sca.pntbe lct of Janfe.' - + 1 ' " 4-. ; f ^ V - ^

Jtlurdcr.—A man named Jolof Ziminer-

worship. „7 About Jhur tbousauu and four hundred

patents hwre been frAen out-far new and useful invention*, discoreoms, and improve­ment* m the art3. ' “ : .

Betweeti two and frrou: mil lion? o f dollars worth of books are annually publLahrd in the H. htatefe., ^ v - - ' .

A thousand nen.papera arc publisbea.— There are more than one hundred steam­boats, cwnpriffng more jfhso JWLOQO tett aatig*tiogJtiJ« Mississiplgu

.. H + •. . y j .

vaoia, hbt w e ^ ^ t tm i t te d ^ #ed

w n b h ii t ;twenty;;yfea^#a8ut-;.frth^, i^^ 'fre liB idafav^ffre^ t «fy,

the framfrtfrem ffie home»dwgged his sfrk, dntjghter dat o f hcd, trampled upon, aid ftcf ally MUed her. A marriage which'fie dahghtcr ioteiidcd to contract, .and trffictr was' disapproved by the father, b said to have occasioned tins horrible event.— 'B c f P o s t ••••> .■ > *

nmtSiS M im m sf«e A grand Military and Civil B ailie to take

piece, at New-York, on'the 8th p £ , danmiry,; in honoar cf the celebration of^bfranmver- sary o f Jackson’s victory atN. Orleans, anil in aid cf the Gxeelts, The tickefcy.to Be five dollars each* The Park Theatre hno been; tendered, by the Managers,, to the commit­tee of arrangsdients for the purpose, the pit of which is to Be covered with a floor even lyith tfie stage, which will afford room for about turentytfotir sets o f cotillions. The boxes jtre fob© appropriated to those ladies aud-gentiemeu who may not wish to partici­pate ia the dance. It is supposed that fivethousand dollars will be raisedTty this ball*

- f lS - i*— J - t . : a c t , - . r - . * . - V - - ■* •

h AFundNew-YcarVnight. We like this. It pleas- e= us id- see Bachelors endeavouring to make themselves useful to tbe Greeks, particular­ly as they do not promote the growth b f’so­ciety at home £ llow would/4 „A Bachelor's Ball” take in Boston ? Boston Gaz. -

Remarks.—I heardf the hammer of a me­chanic that owes me, af four o’clock this morning,— 1’U trust him tili April

I sari another, yesterday afternoon, who has plejutv of work on hand, lounging at the corner. I’ll hare him Before the squire next week*-r-*YbiipbalJJournal!

T I N A N D g H B E r - I B O K

F A C T O R Y ." j 0 If A* COCBTBJir,

JJH S PE C T F C L L Y informs-the m.bfor JO » Tbathehau taken the shop fortnerlv oc- ctifued by X io s ic c U W e lts , in Aurofn?street,a few doors be.V>V the corner,of Owego-$treet, where he wilt Ca'riy on the manufacturing «F

T ijlf M V i m E J K T I R O N , inallthevarie(iesToau^o?umoi^ aodthg.jufollcujngrket. flg ftag on hamkMM.1 -2- U) Jg ‘ *and continues making: various Mods of wore: and'will pxecute^aft ordersatshort not ice. He will be thankful for all fovors, and hopes by good work and strict attention to business, .to merit a liberal share of the public patro­nage,

Ithaca, October G, 1823. fci21 ff

Dissolution.JTpH E termofco-pnrtnersbipof thesubscr!- J f bers, under the.firm of P re s c o tt & C o .

expires on the .31st December next.. All persons indebted to them will therefore see the necessity of au immediate settlement, with C* W. E. Prescott.


Ithaca, Dec. 13th, 1523.

lahlt-htrepl, t i W p i d e f f ffie sgftt of 2610 in’Bank note?, lny a young man namedOljaf, recently from Irtfrmff/ tvBd or fhrca weeks, ja ffie same yoom. The robber, was ‘sseettened to Barif crossed the Brooklyn frriy frith^a hutee aiid aw! was pursued to Mip, L, L where ha'was found in bed at 1 o’clock yesterday morn- ing, and We hr^'poft#;stetd, f^pt.L JM’Lhao recovered aRLntfJurcIollafs o f hus money. On retorninglo.the City, CaMll tSva nnpim- oned at Hcmpsteaj for thepurpbse o f eqtltf

Reduced Prices,o f r w r e T a l t ^ — M o m m

fourteen rents^per lb.—Dnrrfc «te.

BARD fiOAP, 8 rents per lb. b y theB o * t 10 rents, fetoil:

SOFT .SOAP, ^3 pex Barrd ; one slulling < perGalluo: ■ ' ' *

BREWERY YEAST, g l . per Qourt ;— Aluy be bud af J . N. PERKINS, ot the cor^ n e r s t o r e + n c x t d c e r l a t h e P o s t Q j f i c e *n ”* ’ J......


paring to come on, he fouad means fo' es­cape from the house to a neighboiiring wood, andhadaucc^jrallyeluded hiu’pursnfraaf: foe last accounfr .--s!frrg. A d v * . - ■ •

Capt. Carter^ of the. Navy, Is appointed to command the Peacock stoop o f war. dea: frnedforthe'Baciffii.-";"'- — —' W e noderstind that Commodpre HuH trill be instructed by thegavcrement, to pay a short visitto. the 5jmdwich Islands, at an early a period after his arrival in the Pacif ic Ocean, ai the psBlic interest will permit Mmto bealisaitfircm the comd o f Ciuli amd Fere* The F ri^ te United 8taies> which is

slap -af-Com, Hall, wBl Shtilfrom folkin aSogthvo weeks. > '

' O i i m l a c e ,B E it ’ordained fay the Trusters «f the

village o f Ithaca.: ahit no Ox, Butt, Cow," Steer', or Cadf, shall fre suffered to ran at largn M any of the streels^or on theptffi- lie square irt thewaid village, ' i t any lime dariag the month* of %W«btuy JumStiy, Febniaty- tnd Alardh, between the hoars of nine in the focrenpp, and. mnela ffie afteri noon5 ortlrimigragof-hell forthorebolils: Under (liepqosiltyof jjue ribffizr foceaebOx* ButtjCotc, Steer, oc Citlf so found resitiog at large, during any of the afMesald moutlisf to be recovered witfc eatts of suir, inthe name of the Trestees , for the ns* of the village.. . mis* IIJ I* ' - * . - * * - —■I." — - : , - —t * --j! - - - H I " ’- l - f f * '* 1 A ,—1 -Fm viiledjlfo we*cr, that noOx,Tlull, Co StererPrG^ffiskall beconsldered as mnning at large wfthm the meatiingof this ordiaaacc, whichfrmll be driviag lo and from artier-

Fublishcd by order of the Trustees.B. S, HALSEY, Clerk, \

^ItkocOff Mc~2Bth* 1§23. . ,

j f n m r m i p s

..; P R E S E N T S.* . B*ok FORTUNE, ilwtknM.

ed old lady, whose smiles are morethan those of the most beautiful p re s e n f g in e r a tia a , hns.detetmiaeir to ward her tru e d ie ftrttd votaries fand f t lover* are. always c o n fid in g ) with comhlimeats of the seasm f y m d wi erouy AV=r-F<ar’s C ift s i—^wbire she posited atthe“ Fortaoaie Office51 o f & M 0R 6A S, in tbejdiape o fT I and SHARES la th*

_ FIFT H Cl I sS—N EW S . New-York State

Literature hotteW k i a k u n i t h e d ra ie n o n ' i h e f i f t h d a y

J a n n a r y n e x t .' ' SE0LJSG SCEESSB,

1 Prize 0^ 20,000 is ^20,000 '" 10,000

5,000 711

S M O ■ 1900 12,642

~ 4 i ^ S 4 j

B o o t & S l i o e

T a K a w i m § o t j & p s kffjrAV'E taken theShop lately cccapied 3 1 by v/fu M cham , next dear tn Mr. LemUn’s Bakery* ia Aqrora-strUet— nstd in- tend to keeppn hautli "

. r A cuorcg ASSORTMitNT oV •

L e a t l i e t3 CALF and MORQCCO SKINS, soitab ifor customers^nmrk. Hsey plu^s ffiemsrivat to da all rrork, which may bf ordered, oft lk* shortcut notice ; arid in a fag&onaMs, ntuf; aqddumhh mscas*., , ~'.- ■ John VAiraoraEb rft&rps bis thadri 'th

his . t e s t ' ma MpaiH w ri t o i t o nected feicisalf io feusiaei? with BIr. Gnftis, ’S'hcs is n first-rate i#orktBac—ostures the®,' that all caffs in fus line wii! be pTcmptly at teaded to , and thucAfalTf received.

Ithaca Dec. i%%823. . - , , a ^ t f

. 2 - ■m * S , 0 0 0F\*' . ‘« •r 1,000

* ■ "1 -- *r * 711. ■ - 7 ‘ • 6 0 0 -

19 - * 10000 3 -

.....( f c i i t ' - m* ■■ ■ . 14

888,000,7^259 pixet 12,S41 blanks.P r iz e * payabfo forty days after the- draw­

ing, sad subject as *n*l to a deduction of 15 pcrcret Tobe drawn 10 the same manner aitlie former cl«s«s of tbit series.

Fieseilt e m im its io m *, for- dispensing ihe afrove,. favoaH—fer whole TlckeU SEVEN DOLLARS—Sharecin proportion., ;■

MACK & MORGAN,A g e n t * ltlia c O i

D ec.2*14823. y ,’* •. • s"'{ g r O rd c ts ? prefpaid, enclosicg tho

ment*.. IKr A K^ntax Convocation ofNe*> je- rtSsdem, Enmmpmint, trill take pl5ce,- 0H A c first Thursday;in January ccxfc. at 2 o’dock P. n . at ilife hoase of Charies.Cat- k g ia Dunby. ' A punctual attendance .is requerted.+-By ordrecfffidG. C. . -' - . E, -MAGE,--Reretdetw ',-

Dec. 7tb, J823;


X . . , • ' ,

OAIMISSIONS t o Altedfficete of tlm SSth Re^ment of Jnfaptry are rccriv-.

ed. .fh e t^ e n s to ta to lrtto n r. -teMaffto .7 - ’ ; H .C LBA XT^ IIfr*


o r

M fihs City olf iifric-ferX*, Dee. 3 4 lk%3.The fcff»tri% numtom 'aftos 'iraw^' ia.

iheortfer o f

'•5, 16*. 'V \

and- fravmg' t i u t & rof the drawn EHmheris, are highar p ife^ ez-


TRAY ED from tixo' subscriber, frfc the last ofNavemher past, fcn^m S& sefi a s^,m-eacfe to . '-F#;Siiy-lQfermatifiit‘:

felative to the Sfes?ep,a tjenvrassreward vrifl btafem.'-- JO H N 2 IM HEBM n .

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3BL-JBL Pomeroj’s.

STBAPaPer to to f f it f t* F t o s n w s ic ' f

Fffif«?a at Ihe-to5eto$e% f MACK& AlORGAN, hhmcs, .- A cg .-^ -l82% * T


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