The lure of Is bringing hun dreds of happy promenaders along the popular street thorough fare and as usual they fall at the drug store of Board McGuire 191254 Fourteenth street the place where everybody meets everybody else or you see those delicious sodas at Ninth and You streets the popular Lookout Corner of Board EGov P B S Pinchback of New York arrived in the city last Saturday evening and is the guest of his son Walter Miss G B Maxfield spent1ast Sun- day in Baltimore Md and near Bay Shore Dr Julia H Coleman who left the city to attend the funeral of her sis ter at Charlotte N has returned At the regular meeting of Rising Sun Lodge No G U O of O F held on the nth day of May George F Collins the P S of the Lodge was unanimously elected dele gate to the District Grand Lodge which meets in this city next Septem- ber Mr George Gibson is visiting his former home in Charlotte N C Mrs John Richardson of Newark N hase come to this city to spend several months Mr James H Scott has re turned to this city after a pleasant stay in Newark N J Mrs Mitchell is in New York Miss Mayrne Vaughter of Phila delphia is the guest of the Misses ColeMrs Parrott of Kinston N accompanied by her two daugh c I V C in 1 r r I J r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ters are the guests of her mother Mrs Cora L Peters at 1916 nth Street Mrs Mary Frances Kenney of Cambridge Mass is the guest of her daughter Mrs Annie E Buckner of 1925 13th Street Northwest Dr J W Morse has the gem drug store in the northwest Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered clerks 3 Mrs R E Lawson had a very pbasant stay with her son in Plain field N J Miss Pauline Wharton of Balti more Md is spending a few weeks here with relatives Mrs John C Reeves Jr is visit- ing York Clarence Cameron White is filling engagements in Charlotte N C this week FOUR BEE Misses Marie Lewis and Louise Howard were the recent guests of Miss Bertha Waring in Baltimore Mr and Mrs Gilbert Seals have returned to Atlanta Ga after a very 1Ieasant stay in this city with friends Mrs Julia Mason Layton was on a brief visit to Charleston S C last v Mrs Nancy Cain of Savannah Ga i visiting friends here Before re- turning home she will go to Philadel- phia and Atlantic City Mr W H Sykes was in Savannah ja last week on business Mr Willard Lane is in the city Mr J Frank Richards of Detroit Mick is spending a very enjoyable stay in this city Mrs Henry AI Minton of Philadel phia Pa has enjoyed a very delight- ful visit here Mr Robert R Church of Memphis Tcnn is spending several days here Miss Bessie Miller has gone to New York City for several days visitMrs Susan Ruffin of Chicago Ill who has been visiting friends here is now in Boston Mass for a short stayDont pass Morses Drug Store at Nineteenth and L streets northwest Mrs Ella Johnson of New Ro chelle N Y is visiting relatives here Mrs Robert Lewis of N Y is here on a 10 visit Mrs Webb of Dodge City Kan is here on a visit Dr Bruce Evans will deliver the closing address of Dunbar Circle on May 30 at Newport News VaDr Georgie the popular Southwest druggist has to his bed several weeks on ac count of illness His many friends hope to see him out soon Millers Old South Quartet passed through the city last week and stopped at the Porters Exchange where they were highly entertained by Mr Thomas Redman proprietor of the Exchange The company is of Richmond Va Dr Morse has the finest assortment- of candies and toilet articles that can be purchased anywhere in the city Mrs Vaughn who went to York on a visit was suddenly called to this city because of the death of her husband Mrs Hatcher is seriously ill t her residence 1708 loth Street Xirthwest Friends of Miss Emma Alexander iv glad to see her out again after an iVntss of several weeks Rev G W Jenkins of Wheeling W Va has been appointed delegate the Congress of Charities and Cor Tctions which convenes in Boston Mass June 7 to 14 This appoint neat was made by Gov W E Glass c ck of Vest Virginia in ek I Port hester Ne Cleo 1 j L 1 r P- aIr R r r i L I con- fined I r ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dr Morse who has the finest drug store m the End also has the is also a registered never makes a mistake Call Z9tn ana L streets northwest marriage announcement has daughter of David T Howard of At Ga and sister of Mrs Joseph Douglass of this city to Mr J man Hunnicutt of the Wilberforcian Musical Association Miss Bessie American who for a number of years was a resident of this city is now living in Baltimore Md was in the city this week on a visit Mrs Mary McGuinn who arrived in the city last week from Chicago Ill return about the end of the month Nothing funny about People just to at the drug stores of Board McGuire at Four teenth street northwest and at Ninth and U streets northwest two places where everybody meets everybody Miss who in 13th Street Northwest is one of the most popular young misses in that sec tion of the The Bee as well as her numerous friends think well of her Miss Kibble represents The Bee in that section and she can be relied upon for truthful and concise Mrs Hattie Gibbs Marshall who has been to Hot Springs Ark for some time returned to the city much improved Mr Napoleon arrived in I the city from New York City last Sat P best prescription compounder Dr phar- macist The been of Miss Julia C Howard it IgI2 I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ urday where has has established a law practice Everybody meets everybody else beautiful warm at the pop ular drug stores of Board Mc Guire at 191212 14th Street North- west or at their Corner at Ninth and U Streets Northwest two places for the most delicious ice cream soda in the city Register James C Napier returned to the city Tuesday from Nashville Tenn didnt accompany her husband She will at Nash- ville for two months stores cannot accommodate the large crowds who wish the Board j McGuire service at 1912 12 14th Street Northwest and at Ninth and U Streets Their drugs medicines prescription work and soda drinks are known to be of the best quality Particular hunt quality Invitations have issued an nouncing the marriage of Miss B and Air Alexan der Dickson Wednesday evening June 7 at the brides grandmother Mrs Annie Varren 1017 Third Street Northwest Judge Robert T Terrell will leave the city next week for Tuskegee Ala where he will deliver the commence meat address Dr John W Morse of the Gem Drug Store at Nineteenth and L streets northwest has everything that a firstclass druggist possesses Drop in Rev Holland Powell of Brooklyn N Y passed through the city last week enroute for his home Rev Powell is a very busy man Mr J Lewis Taylor of the local bar left the Tuesday evening for Christiansburg where he will de the address on the occa sion of the annual commencement ex eruscs of the Christiansburg Indus- trial School I The finest in the city are sold at Morses drug store Twen- tieth and L streets northwest Bring your job work to The Bee or address W Calvin Chase Jr Eye street N W or 1212 Florida avenue N W West Washington News The First Church just closed a series of entertainments preparatory to their annual which will take place Sunday at which time the Rev J Wal dron of the Shlio Baptist Church will preach at the II oclock services and Rev Walter H Brooks at 3 oclock Rev E E Ricks with his congrega- tion have worked hard to make this the most successful rally during his pastorate A very delightful birthday party was tendered to Miss C Smith last Friday evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs Smith of P street Northwest Miss Smith received some pretty gifts Miss Margaret Smith played the birthday waltz re freshments were served Among those present were Mrs E Mrs Mary Anderson Mrs Alice Johnson Cornelia Johnson Mrs AI Armes Aliss Carrie Armes Mrs R Simms Mrs L G Williams Miss R Vingo Messrs Carter Warren C Richardson Jackson Leander and James Smith Miss Ethel Dennis the daughter of Rev and Mrs Alex of An napolis lId was married Wednesday to Mr William H the Government Printing Office The cer- emony took at the residence of the parents of the bride and was per formed the Rev N AI Carroll oft Annapolis Mr and Mrs Andrick will reside at 1630 Alontello Avenue Northeast The Trustees Voluntary Circle of I Two I I cit I rs b t pace i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Alt Zion AI E Church promise a rare musical treat Sunday evening at Mt Zion Church 29th Street Northwest Excellent musical talent with popular reading assisted by the junior of the church of excellent trained voices Dont miss it The senior choir of Mt Zion M E Church on Sunday afternoon ren dered the of the Cross by Dudley Buck at the Metropolitan Baptist Church The exercises were unde the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society Mr J Townsend Beason was the director Air Louis N Brown organist The Ascension Day will be observed by the Masonic fraternity under the auspices of Commandery F A M at Mt Zion M E Church Thursday evening May 25 1911 at p m Birthday Surprise Mrs H Holmes was given a surprise birthday party by the mem bers of Baptist Church and her friends last Wednesday evening The presents were beautiful and costly St Pauls Church Literary exercises will be held at St Pauls A M E Church Eighth Street between D and E Streets Southwest under the auspices of the Allen Christian Endeavor x 3ue Sunday May 21 1911 at 630 oclock p m sharp The will be as follows Academic and Industrial Education for the Negro H A Clarke attorneyatlaw Other speak- ers D Morris B H Clanton and W H Carter The speaking will be interspersed with vocal and instru mental music THE HOWARD LAW STUDENTS SMOKER J I 7 30 I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ An Enjoyable Time at Grays The smoker given last Thursday evening May II by the Junior Class men of Howard University Law De partment proved a notable event from both a social and literary standpoint The spacious banquet hall at Grays dazzling with light and decorations- the silvery strains of the electric band the sumptuous repast the jolly appearance of classmen and their guests gave a fascinating effect to the occasion The committee spared nothing in making this one of the most de lightful treats of the scholastic year The supper was interspersed with a unique and instructive Mr J E Roundtree presided with such skill and precision that he at once takes rank among our best toastmas ters and parliamentarians During the first course of the repast which included bisque of clams aux ¬ ¬ ¬ croutons baked roe shad potatoes a- la Julienne and Roman punch Mr John W Robinson in an address made a vivid comparison of ancient and modern history in treating the subject Why We Are Here And Air E Dunn with equal zeal- and enthusiasm discussed in a most scholarly manner The Relative Merits of the Quiz and Lecture Aleth ods of Teaching Law During the second course which consisted of chicken croquets French peas and potatoes Mr P C Reed received great applause while discussing the subject Negro Law- yer and His Relation to American Life Mr William H Martin swayed the audience at will so fine were the distinctions in his discourse- on The Necessity of a College Training for the Preparation of the Legal Profession We make special menti9n of Mr Martini because we in him is an extravagant gift of intellect that is destined to make of him either an able lawyer or a great poet for the recital of his original poem Roll On demon strated his exceptional ability as the coming poet The third course was a combination salad While it was being served Mr P S Jefferson sang in a purely Bo- hemian air a solo entitled The ives of the Turbulent Deep Mr Jefferson was at his best in this song as well as in the response made in reply to the eloquent Air J H Clinton Air Marion F Harris discussed somewhat- at length the subject Would the Election of United States Senators- be a Menace to Our Civil and Politi- cal Liberties Our Eminent Amer- ican Jurists was the subject of an eloquent plea by Mr Thornwell In the fourth couse was served ice snowflake Cald- welL b elieve ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ cream caKe waicrs am monds During this course Mr H J C Capehart delivered a masterly oration on The Class of 1913 His discourse was so substantial with his- torical facts treating of the peculian ties of human nature as applied to the members of the class we think it wise that a copy be reserved as class literature or that Mr Capehart be made Historian in order that we might get more of the work he has so beautifully begun Among the invited guests who spoke special mention is made of Dr C Childs of this city and Alessrs FW Newman and L A Wilson The fifth and last course consisted- of demitasse cigars Roman punch and sweet mints While all were seated around the festive board Mr Scurlock the noted photographer en tered upon the scene and of course his work can be nothing short of ex cellence All regretted very much that Air Thompson the class president was not able to be present at what is thought to have been the greatest function of the present scholastic year New York Notes The Clef Club drew a recordbreak ing crowd to the Manhattan Casino on last Thursday night It was esti mated that between five and six thou sand persons were present It was certainly the largest gathering of col ored people New York has ever wit nessed This popular musical organi- zation is under the leadership of a former Mr James Reese Europe and is composed of 50 mandolins 10 violins 10 pianos 10 cellos 25 harp guitars 10 banjos 2 flutes I organ 5 bass violins 2 clar onets 3 tympani and a full set of the 57 of Heinzes mixed pickles The program was an one in although an other Washington boy V J s ever J at excel- lent way I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ carried off the second honors of the by the full en tire 2 That Long Lost Chord Clarence Bush and chorus 3 way in Georgia Wm Par 5 Toddlin the To ledo and chorus 6 The Suffragette by the author that quaint comedian Al Brown a Loves Menu b Smyrna di rected by the composer Wm H Tyers played the Clef Club Sym phony 8 Dance La Bal let Grotesque Henry S Creamer and 9 duet Henry Troy and Harvey White 10 composed by Ford the Clef Club Symphony Orchestra II Exit Geo 12 Wake Me Up I Am Dreaming Henry Troy and oc tette 13 a b On Bended Knees composed by H T played the Clef Club Symphony Orchestra 14 Song and Shoe Dance liams 15 Transmagnificanbamdanu ality and chorus 16 Lorraine Waltzes composed by James Reese Europe to his mother for the first time the Clef Club Symphony Orchestra 17 Grizzly Tom Bethel and 18 Shes Everything and Then Some More F Patrick and Henry S Creamer 19 Lovie Joe Christian and chorus 20 The Separate Battalion composed by Reese Europe dedi cated to the School Cndr tc of occasion with his beautiful composi tion Porto Rico Clef Club symphony orchestra Fol lowing is program in full r Opening Medley quette and 4 Bamboola a Samoan composed by Frederick Bryan the Clef Club Sym phony Orchestra Vil i iuyl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Washington D C played for the first time by the Clef Club Orches tra 21 chorus Darktown Is Out Tonight composed by Will Cook played and sung by the entire company and 22 finale Clef Club March composed by James Reese Europe played and sung by the company last evening Inspector- of Immigration Solomon Johnson of Washington gave a christening reception at his residence- in Vest 132d Street for his little daughter This is the Inspectors fourth child and his friends are busy reminding him that inasmuch as he was made Inspector- of Immigration by President Roose velt he seems to be determined to live up to all of the Roosevalt stand ards Collector Charles Anderson still continues to enjoy his share of public favor Besides being present at the great reception given to Cardinal Gib bons by the Catholic Club of this city last week and the banquet of the Unitarian Club at the Hotel Manhat tan he was elected a member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art the offi cers of which are J Pierpont Morgan president Joseph H Choate vice president and Robert De Forest secretary The Soap Box Club of Philadelphia- sent a delegation of 12 headed by Capt Andrew Stevens and John to the Clef Club reception The recital given Mr R Henri Strange at the residence of Mrs John Gale on last Friday evening was a huge success Besides Air Strange Mrs Arthur H Payne contralto William Wallace baritone and Air Melville Charlton pianist made up a program of more than ordinary merit Claude A D Lewis a colored man in this city has invented an aero plane to be entered in the Gould Scientific American test on July 4 This machine is an evolution of the principle employed by the late Prof Langley in his steamdriven model Mr Lewis has spent four years in the study of aerodynamics and for the last year has been studying design and construction of internal combus- tion motors Several experts here are very much interested in the new in- vention P S A L NOTES- D A L No 10 Mr Nathanial Guy has the loth baseball schedule now on in full blast Montgomery forfeited the first game to Stevens Stevens and Wilson schools will hook up Friday afternoon Sumner School boys are training for track work and will have a good relay I V V team ge- nial Mor- ris ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ D A L No ii Mott School defeated Bruce in the first of the series by a 16 to 4 score Garnet won from Garrison in a close game Cook School athletes have been photographed and one picture adorns the walls of Cook School while Miss Shadds office is graced by another Horad of Mott School is some pitcher- Professional baseball knowledge and long experience makes J F Wilkerson a valuable man to the nth Division D A L No 12 Mr Bernard Key of Payne School- is an active worker and has run off his Division in faultless style Messrs Chestnut Ashton Green and Fair have officiated in major league fashion Payne and Douglass are two classy small schools each has registered vic- tories over larger building teams Deanwood boys coached by Mr J Chestnut lost but one game to Jones School by a score of 10 to 8 in a good exhibition of the Abby Simmonss boys are small but game to the core It is almost dollars to doughnuts that Jones School will win the Divis ion championship Joness boys by and the encouragement of the principal have secured basket goals and a ball and are preparing to become contenders for honors next Fall on the basketball court Benneker boys need to hustle to win the P S AL honors in the com I S A M meet on May 30 President James Walkers division- is brimful of hardworking men and women The athletc men outnumber by nearly two to one the teaching in other divisions Eugene Clark is a hustler and the subordinate officials are equally first rate It is safe to say that Birney will be the premier team in that division af- ter a set of close contests had been ¬ ¬ ¬ Follow the Crowd to the Olympia Dancing Class EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY EVENING At Colemans Park ld Music by the YALE ORCHESTRA GEO S KING General Manager ADMISSION 10 CENTS CI St bet M- N 5t8 SE c 2 iii > < battled through The throughout the divisions- are now to track and field honors on May 30 Garfield School and Literary The Garfield School Literary held its closing exercises the season in the Assembly Hall of the school An appreciative audience listened to a well arranged musical and literary program which included a Cornet solo Mr Chase b violin solo by Mr Weir c piano solo by Miss Ruffin d soprano solo by Miss Caldwell e orations by Masters Baddy and The address of the evening was made by Dr E Moten who took as her subject Our Present Op portunities in which she taught many practical lessons The following program will be out during the closing of the present school year at the James A Garfield School car- ried ¬ ¬ May 16 ign the exercises- of the school literary at which time an address made by Dr E Moten June 2 1911 a drama by the Eighth Grade entitled A Perplexing Question for the benefit the playground June 14 1911 Flag I Day exercises June 16 the annual i June musicale by the pupils of all the grades June 19 the annual exhibition- of carpentry sewing drawing and composition June 21 commencement exercises The teachers are Mr Har ry Lewis principal Mr A L Smith Air E Brown Miss M E Hite Miss E B Adams Miss B AI Ruffin Miss V E Chase Miss F M Barker Mrs C Wilkinson and Miss AI AI Bev erly Mr A Carroll janitor Mr Thompson- It has come to The Bee that Re corder Henry Lincoln Johnson has succeeded in having Mr R W Thompson transferred from the War Department to the Depart ment Correspondent Thompson will look after the of the Re corder in his several papers at his command The place to which Air Thompson will be transferred will be a messengers place which will give him more time to devote to his cor- respondence Recorder Johnson it is said feels confident that he has Cor respondent Thompson transferred to a place more congenial to him and less laborious V V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HON CHAMP CLARK Who Addressed the Conference Job Printing If you want uptodate work done at an uptodate printing office call or send for estimates This office never disappoints All kinds printing done at the shortest W Chase Jr manager 1109 Eye Sreet Northwest The Bee is the paper that hould read H Worth 35 to 45 Monday Only at j 35 to 45 Tan and Gray Suitings tailored to order fit and workmanship uaran eed MONDAY ONLY I will make you a swell tai loredtoorder suit if you furnish the materials FOR THIS WEEK ONLY AT l B HARITON 811 Ninth Street N W LADIES TAILOR Phone M 3435m I f notice Cal- vin you TAILORED TOORDER SUITS 2n IJ C 2D m 4 ¬ > The YALE Orchestra MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS Address GEO S KING 416 3d St S E Colemans Park trtinrocnttf sic 2d ST BET M N STT S E Address Mrs Rosa Coleman 1212 S E Northwest Cafe Have you been to the Northwest Cafe on the boulevard You should not fail to go there This is the place meet your friends and have a good breakfast lunch or dinner It 13 the place to take your family Ask for Air Martin cYO nter 2d St to I tint River Queen Dates are now opened for the sea son of 191 1 for the River Queen Col Lewis Jefferson who has al ways catered to the wishes of the peo- ple and Mr Bensinger who never fails to do he to please the citizens have made extensive im provements to the grounds and places under their supervision where the boat will run this summer There should be no hesitancy in selecting your dates for the season Now is the time and the old saying is are dangerous Col Lewis Jefferson is prepared to meet all demands He the people of this city firstclass accom modation He endeavors to please the people regardless of expense Every park under the supervision of Col Jefferson has been improved which will make the season of one of pleasure and satisfaction to the patrons of this boat Apply at the wharf and make your HAIR VIM Dr Julia P H Colemans Success of the most talented women of the race is Dr Julia P H Cole man who is the manufacturer of a hair preparation known as Hair Vim This preparation is in great demand and she is selling it as fast as it is manufactured Hair Vim Soap is another selling article Both the Hair Vim and soap are preparations that Dr Cole man guarantees Dr Coleman is one of the most progressive and accom- plished women of the race She has her place of business at 643 Florida avenue N W where she may be seen Her hair preparations are sold in all first class drug stores J T Newman Mr Joseph T Newman at No 310 4 12 Street Southwest is an upto date barber It is the place to meet your friends He has all expert help Fosters Dye Works If you want firstclass work done go to Fosters nth and U Streets Northwest Ask for Fosters whet you want good work done B Hariston- B Hariston the tailor 8n 9th Street Northwest is turning out some of tli2 best clothes to be found in the city Swell suits from 1250 up are being made at this place You can tell the man that had his clothes made by Hariston The style qual- ity and fill the whole story It is the place in the city to be fittea Microscopic Measurement The measurement of microscopic ob- jects la done by rulings on glass which are produced by wonderfully delicate machines These rulings are constructed BO as to accurately divide an Inch or any other unit of Into any desired number of for instance one onehun dredth of an inch or one onethou sandth of an inch or even one ten thousandth of an inch The finest rul- ings thus far produced by any of the machines are at the rate of something like 200000 to the inch Some idea of the closeness of the ruled lines can be obtained from considering that a thou- sand such lines would occupy only the space included in the thickness of a sheet of ordinary writing York American Cafe on the Boulevard Mr Martin the proprietor of the Northwest Cafe is a man who to please the people want to see all Washington call for a breakfast lunch or a at the Northwest Cafe It is a place where you can carry your wife daugh- ter or any member of your and receive an uptodate treatment Dont fail to drop in at Martins Everything in the eating line may bs had at place Male and female waiters are firstclass and always ready and willing to accommodate you This the place for the peo I measure- ment partsas I pnperNew IS en- deavoring ca It- o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

J Olympia Dancing Class - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025891/1911-05-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · The lure of Is bringing hun dreds of happy promenaders along the

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Page 1: J Olympia Dancing Class - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025891/1911-05-20/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · The lure of Is bringing hun dreds of happy promenaders along the

The lure of Is bringing hundreds of happy promenaders along thepopular street thoroughfare and as usual they fall at thedrug store of Board McGuire191254 Fourteenth street the placewhere everybody meets everybodyelse or you see thosedelicious sodas at Ninth and Youstreets the popular Lookout Cornerof Board

EGov P B S Pinchback of NewYork arrived in the city last Saturdayevening and is the guest of his sonWalter

Miss G B Maxfield spent1ast Sun-day in Baltimore Md and near BayShore

Dr Julia H Coleman who left thecity to attend the funeral of her sister at Charlotte N has returned

At the regular meeting of RisingSun Lodge No G U O ofO F held on the nth day of MayGeorge F Collins the P S of theLodge was unanimously elected delegate to the District Grand Lodgewhich meets in this city next Septem-ber

Mr George Gibson is visiting hisformer home in Charlotte N C

Mrs John Richardson of NewarkN hase come to this city to spendseveral months

Mr James H Scott has returned to this city after a pleasantstay in Newark N J

Mrs Mitchell is in New YorkMiss Mayrne Vaughter of Phila

delphia is the guest of the MissesColeMrs

Parrott of KinstonN accompanied by her two daugh




















ters are the guests of her motherMrs Cora L Peters at 1916 nthStreet

Mrs Mary Frances Kenney ofCambridge Mass is the guest of herdaughter Mrs Annie E Buckner of1925 13th Street Northwest

Dr J W Morse has the gem drugstore in the northwest Prescriptionscarefully compounded by registeredclerks 3

Mrs R E Lawson had a verypbasant stay with her son in Plainfield N J

Miss Pauline Wharton of Baltimore Md is spending a few weekshere with relatives

Mrs John C Reeves Jr is visit-ing York

Clarence Cameron White isfilling engagements in Charlotte NC this weekFOUR BEE

Misses Marie Lewis and LouiseHoward were the recent guests ofMiss Bertha Waring in Baltimore

Mr and Mrs Gilbert Seals havereturned to Atlanta Ga after a very1Ieasant stay in this city with friends

Mrs Julia Mason Layton was on abrief visit to Charleston S C lastv

Mrs Nancy Cain of Savannah Gai visiting friends here Before re-

turning home she will go to Philadel-phia and Atlantic City

Mr W H Sykes was in Savannahja last week on business

Mr Willard Lane is in the cityMr J Frank Richards of Detroit

Mick is spending a very enjoyablestay in this city

Mrs Henry AI Minton of Philadelphia Pa has enjoyed a very delight-ful visit here

Mr Robert R Church of MemphisTcnn is spending several days here

Miss Bessie Miller has gone toNew York City for several daysvisitMrs Susan Ruffin of Chicago Illwho has been visiting friends here isnow in Boston Mass for a shortstayDont pass Morses Drug Store atNineteenth and L streets northwest

Mrs Ella Johnson of New Rochelle N Y is visiting relatives here

Mrs Robert Lewis ofN Y is here on a 10 visit

Mrs Webb of Dodge City Kanis here on a visit

Dr Bruce Evans will deliver theclosing address of DunbarCircle on May 30 at Newport NewsVaDr Georgie the popularSouthwest druggist has

to his bed several weeks on account of illness His many friendshope to see him out soon

Millers Old South Quartet passedthrough the city last week andstopped at the Porters Exchangewhere they were highly entertainedby Mr Thomas Redman proprietorof the Exchange The company is ofRichmond Va

Dr Morse has the finest assortment-of candies and toilet articles that canbe purchased anywhere in the city

Mrs Vaughn who went toYork on a visit was suddenly calledto this city because of the death ofher husband

Mrs Hatcher is seriously illt her residence 1708 loth Street

XirthwestFriends of Miss Emma Alexander

iv glad to see her out again after aniVntss of several weeks

Rev G W Jenkins of WheelingW Va has been appointed delegate

the Congress of Charities and CorTctions which convenes in BostonMass June 7 to 14 This appointneat was made by Gov W E Glassc ck of Vest Virginia




Port hester







r P-aIr












< ¬






Dr Morse who has the finest drugstore m the End also has the

is also a registerednever makes a mistake Call

Z9tn ana L streets northwestmarriage announcement has

daughter of David T Howard of AtGa and sister of Mrs Joseph

Douglass of this city to Mr Jman Hunnicutt of the WilberforcianMusical Association

Miss Bessie American who for anumber of years was a resident of thiscity is now living in Baltimore Md

was in the city this week on avisit

Mrs Mary McGuinn who arrivedin the city last week from ChicagoIll return about the end of themonth

Nothing funny about People justto at the drug stores of

Board McGuire at Fourteenth street northwest and at Ninthand U streets northwest two placeswhere everybody meets everybodyMiss who in

13th Street Northwest is one of themost popular young misses in that section of the The Bee as well asher numerous friends think well ofher Miss Kibble represents The Beein that section and she can be reliedupon for truthful and concise

Mrs Hattie Gibbs Marshall whohas been to Hot Springs Ark forsome time returned to the city

much improvedMr Napoleon arrived in I

the city from New York City last Sat


best prescription compounder Drphar-


Thebeen of Miss Julia C Howard








urday where has has established a lawpractice

Everybody meets everybody elsebeautiful warm at the pop

ular drug stores of Board McGuire at 191212 14th Street North-west or at their Corner atNinth and U Streets Northwest twoplaces for the most delicious ice creamsoda in the city

Register James C Napier returnedto the city Tuesday from NashvilleTenn didnt accompanyher husband She will at Nash-ville for two months

stores cannot accommodatethe large crowds who wish the Board

j McGuire service at 1912 12 14thStreet Northwest and at Ninth andU Streets Their drugs medicinesprescription work and soda drinksare known to be of the best qualityParticular hunt quality

Invitations have issued announcing the marriage of Miss

B and Air Alexander Dickson Wednesday evening June7 at the bridesgrandmother Mrs Annie Varren1017 Third Street Northwest

Judge Robert T Terrell will leavethe city next week for Tuskegee Alawhere he will deliver the commencemeat address

Dr John W Morse of the GemDrug Store at Nineteenth and Lstreets northwest has everything thata firstclass druggist possesses Dropin

Rev Holland Powell of BrooklynN Y passed through the city lastweek enroute for his home RevPowell is a very busy man

Mr J Lewis Taylor of the localbar left the Tuesday evening forChristiansburg where he will de

the address on the occasion of the annual commencement exeruscs of the Christiansburg Indus-trial School


The finest in the city aresold at Morses drug store Twen-tieth and L streets northwest

Bring your job work to The Beeor address W Calvin Chase

Jr Eye street N W or 1212Florida avenue N W

West Washington NewsThe First Church

just closed a series of entertainmentspreparatory to their annual

which will take place Sunday atwhich time the Rev J Waldron of the Shlio Baptist Church willpreach at the II oclock services andRev Walter H Brooks at 3 oclockRev E E Ricks with his congrega-tion have worked hard to make thisthe most successful rally during hispastorate

A very delightful birthday party wastendered to Miss C Smith lastFriday evening at the residence of Mrand Mrs Smith of P streetNorthwest Miss Smith received somepretty gifts Miss Margaret Smithplayed the birthday waltz refreshments were served Among thosepresent were Mrs E MrsMary Anderson Mrs Alice Johnson

Cornelia Johnson Mrs AIArmes Aliss Carrie Armes Mrs RSimms Mrs L G Williams Miss RVingo Messrs Carter Warren CRichardson Jackson Leander andJames Smith

Miss Ethel Dennis the daughter ofRev and Mrs Alex of Annapolis lId was married Wednesdayto Mr William H theGovernment Printing Office The cer-emony took at the residence ofthe parents of the bride and was performed the Rev N AI Carroll oftAnnapolis Mr and Mrs Andrickwill reside at 1630 Alontello AvenueNortheast

The Trustees Voluntary Circle of
























Alt Zion AI E Church promise a raremusical treat Sunday evening at MtZion Church 29th Street NorthwestExcellent musical talent with popularreading assisted by the juniorof the church of excellent trainedvoices Dont miss it

The senior choir of Mt Zion M EChurch on Sunday afternoon rendered the of the Cross byDudley Buck at the MetropolitanBaptist Church The exercises wereunde the auspices of the ChristianEndeavor Society Mr J TownsendBeason was the director Air LouisN Brown organist

The Ascension Day will be observedby the Masonic fraternity under theauspices of CommanderyF A M at Mt Zion M E ChurchThursday evening May 25 1911 at

p m

Birthday SurpriseMrs H Holmes was given

a surprise birthday party by the members of Baptist Church andher friends last Wednesday eveningThe presents were beautiful andcostly

St Pauls ChurchLiterary exercises will be held at

St Pauls A M E Church EighthStreet between D and E StreetsSouthwest under the auspices of theAllen Christian Endeavor x 3ueSunday May 21 1911 at 630 oclockp m sharp The will be asfollows Academic and IndustrialEducation for the Negro H AClarke attorneyatlaw Other speak-ers D Morris B H Clantonand W H Carter The speaking willbe interspersed with vocal and instrumental music




7 30






An Enjoyable Time at GraysThe smoker given last Thursday

evening May II by the Junior Classmen of Howard University Law Department proved a notable event fromboth a social and literary standpointThe spacious banquet hall at Graysdazzling with light and decorations-the silvery strains of the electricband the sumptuous repast the jollyappearance of classmen and theirguests gave a fascinating effect to theoccasion

The committee spared nothing inmaking this one of the most delightful treats of the scholastic year

The supper was interspersed with aunique and instructive MrJ E Roundtree presided with suchskill and precision that he at oncetakes rank among our best toastmasters and parliamentarians

During the first course of the repastwhich included bisque of clams aux




croutons baked roe shad potatoes a-

la Julienne and Roman punch MrJohn W Robinson in an addressmade a vivid comparison of ancientand modern history in treating thesubject Why We Are Here AndAir E Dunn with equal zeal-and enthusiasm discussed in a mostscholarly manner The RelativeMerits of the Quiz and Lecture Alethods of Teaching Law

During the second course whichconsisted of chicken croquets Frenchpeas and potatoes Mr PC Reed received great applause whilediscussing the subject Negro Law-yer and His Relation to AmericanLife Mr William H Martinswayed the audience at will so finewere the distinctions in his discourse-on The Necessity of a CollegeTraining for the Preparation of theLegal Profession We make specialmenti9n of Mr Martini because we

in him is an extravagantgift of intellect that is destined tomake of him either an able lawyer ora great poet for the recital of hisoriginal poem Roll On demonstrated his exceptional ability as thecoming poet

The third course was a combinationsalad While it was being served MrP S Jefferson sang in a purely Bo-hemian air a solo entitled The ivesof the Turbulent Deep Mr Jeffersonwas at his best in this song as wellas in the response made in reply tothe eloquent Air J H Clinton AirMarion F Harris discussed somewhat-at length the subject Would theElection of United States Senators-be a Menace to Our Civil and Politi-cal Liberties Our Eminent Amer-ican Jurists was the subject of aneloquent plea by Mr Thornwell

In the fourth couse was served ice









cream caKe waicrs ammonds During this course Mr HJ C Capehart delivered a masterlyoration on The Class of 1913 Hisdiscourse was so substantial with his-torical facts treating of the peculianties of human nature as applied to themembers of the class we think itwise that a copy be reserved as classliterature or that Mr Capehart bemade Historian in order that wemight get more of the work he has sobeautifully begun

Among the invited guests whospoke special mention is made of DrC Childs of this city and AlessrsF W Newman and L A Wilson

The fifth and last course consisted-of demitasse cigars Roman punchand sweet mints While all wereseated around the festive board MrScurlock the noted photographer entered upon the scene and of coursehis work can be nothing short of excellence

All regretted very much that AirThompson the class president wasnot able to be present at what isthought to have been the greatestfunction of the present scholastic year

New York NotesThe Clef Club drew a recordbreak

ing crowd to the Manhattan Casinoon last Thursday night It was estimated that between five and six thousand persons were present It wascertainly the largest gathering of colored people New York has ever witnessed This popular musical organi-zation is under the leadership of aformer Mr JamesReese Europe and is composed of 50mandolins 10 violins 10 pianos 10cellos 25 harp guitars 10 banjos 2flutes I organ 5 bass violins 2 claronets 3 tympani and a full set ofthe 57 of Heinzes mixedpickles The program was an

one in although another Washington boy







excel-lent way











carried off the second honors of the

by the full

entire 2 That Long LostChord Clarence Bush and chorus3 way in Georgia Wm Par

5 Toddlin the Toledo and chorus 6The Suffragette by the author thatquaint comedian Al Brown aLoves Menu b Smyrna directed by the composer Wm HTyers played the Clef Club Symphony 8 Dance La Ballet Grotesque Henry S Creamerand 9 duetHenry Troy and Harvey White 10

composed by Fordthe Clef ClubSymphony Orchestra II Exit Geo

12 Wake Me Up IAm Dreaming Henry Troy and octette 13 a b OnBended Knees composed by H T

played the Clef ClubSymphony Orchestra 14 Song and

Shoe Danceliams 15 Transmagnificanbamdanuality and chorus16 Lorraine Waltzes composed byJames Reese Europe to hismother for the first timethe Clef Club Symphony Orchestra17 Grizzly Tom Bethel and

18 Shes Everything andThen Some More F Patrickand Henry S Creamer 19 LovieJoe Christian and chorus 20The Separate Battalion composed

by Reese Europe dedicated to the School Cndr tc of

occasion with his beautiful composition Porto RicoClef Club symphony orchestra Following is program in fullr Opening Medley

quette and 4 Bamboola aSamoan composed by FrederickBryan the Clef Club Symphony Orchestra












Washington D C played for thefirst time by the Clef Club Orchestra 21 chorus Darktown IsOut Tonight composed by Will

Cook played and sung bythe entire company and 22 finaleClef Club March composed by

James Reese Europe played and sungby the company

last evening Inspector-of Immigration Solomon Johnson

of Washington gave achristening reception at his residence-in Vest 132d Street for his littledaughter This is the

Inspectors fourth child and hisfriends are busy reminding him thatinasmuch as he was made Inspector-of Immigration by President Roosevelt he seems to be determined tolive up to all of the Roosevalt standards

Collector Charles Anderson stillcontinues to enjoy his share of publicfavor Besides being present at thegreat reception given to Cardinal Gibbons by the Catholic Club of thiscity last week and the banquet of theUnitarian Club at the Hotel Manhattan he was elected a member of theMetropolitan Museum of Art the officers of which are J Pierpont Morganpresident Joseph H Choate vicepresident and Robert De Forestsecretary

The Soap Box Club of Philadelphia-sent a delegation of 12 headed byCapt Andrew Stevens and John

to the Clef Club receptionThe recital given Mr R Henri

Strange at the residence of Mrs JohnGale on last Friday evening was ahuge success Besides Air StrangeMrs Arthur H Payne contraltoWilliam Wallace baritone and AirMelville Charlton pianist made up aprogram of more than ordinary merit

Claude A D Lewis a coloredman in this city has invented an aeroplane to be entered in the GouldScientific American test on July 4This machine is an evolution of theprinciple employed by the late ProfLangley in his steamdriven modelMr Lewis has spent four years in thestudy of aerodynamics and for thelast year has been studying designand construction of internal combus-tion motors Several experts here arevery much interested in the new in-vention


D A L No 10Mr Nathanial Guy has the loth

baseball schedule now on in full blastMontgomery forfeited the first

game to StevensStevens and Wilson schools will

hook up Friday afternoonSumner School boys are training for

track work and will have a good relay

















D A L No iiMott School defeated Bruce in the

first of the series by a 16 to 4 scoreGarnet won from Garrison in a

close gameCook School athletes have been

photographed and one picture adornsthe walls of Cook School while MissShadds office is graced by another

Horad of Mott School is somepitcher-

Professional baseball knowledge andlong experience makes J FWilkerson a valuable man to the nthDivision

D A L No 12Mr Bernard Key of Payne School-

is an active worker and has run offhis Division in faultless styleMessrs Chestnut Ashton Green andFair have officiated in major leaguefashion

Payne and Douglass are two classysmall schools each has registered vic-tories over larger building teams

Deanwood boys coached by Mr JChestnut lost but one game to JonesSchool by a score of 10 to 8 in a goodexhibition of the

Abby Simmonss boys are small butgame to the core

It is almost dollars to doughnutsthat Jones School will win the Division championship Joness boys by

and the encouragement ofthe principal have secured basketgoals and a ball and are preparing tobecome contenders for honors nextFall on the basketball court

Benneker boys need to hustle towin the P S A L honors in the com

I S A M meet on May 30President James Walkers division-

is brimful of hardworking men andwomen The athletc men outnumberby nearly two to one the teaching

in other divisions EugeneClark is a hustler and the subordinateofficials are equally first rate

It is safe to say that Birney will bethe premier team in that division af-

ter a set of close contests had been




Follow the Crowd to theOlympia Dancing Class


At Colemans Park ldMusic by the YALE ORCHESTRA



St bet M-N 5t8 SE






battled throughThe throughout the divisions-

are now to track and fieldhonors on May 30

Garfield School and LiteraryThe Garfield School Literary held

its closing exercises the seasonin the Assembly Hall of the

schoolAn appreciative audience listened to

a well arranged musical and literaryprogram which included a Cornetsolo Mr Chase b violin solo byMr Weir c piano solo by MissRuffin d soprano solo by MissCaldwell e orations by MastersBaddy and

The address of the evening wasmade by Dr E Moten whotook as her subject Our Present Opportunities in which she taught manypractical lessons

The following program will beout during the closing of the

present school year at the James AGarfield School




May 16 ign the exercises-of the school literary at which timean address made by DrE Moten June 2 1911 a drama bythe Eighth Grade entitled APerplexing Question for the benefit

the playground June 14 1911 FlagI Day exercises June 16 the annual


June musicale by the pupils of all thegrades June 19 the annual exhibition-of carpentry sewing drawing andcomposition June 21 commencementexercises The teachers are Mr Harry Lewis principal Mr A L SmithAir E Brown Miss M E Hite MissE B Adams Miss B AI Ruffin MissV E Chase Miss F M Barker MrsC Wilkinson and Miss AI AI Beverly Mr A Carroll janitor

Mr Thompson-It has come to The Bee that Re

corder Henry Lincoln Johnson hassucceeded in having Mr R WThompson transferred from the WarDepartment to the Department Correspondent Thompson willlook after the of the Recorder in his several papers at hiscommand The place to which AirThompson will be transferred will bea messengers place which will givehim more time to devote to his cor-respondence Recorder Johnson it issaid feels confident that he has Correspondent Thompson transferred toa place more congenial to him andless laborious









HON CHAMP CLARKWho Addressed the Conference

Job PrintingIf you want uptodate work done at

an uptodate printing office call orsend for estimates This office neverdisappoints All kinds printingdone at the shortest W

Chase Jr manager 1109 EyeSreet Northwest

The Bee is the paper thathould read

HWorth 35 to 45

Monday Only at j

35 to 45 Tan and GraySuitings tailored to order fit

and workmanship uaraneed MONDAY ONLY

I will make you a swell tailoredtoorder suit if you furnishthe materials FOR THISWEEK ONLY AT l

B HARITON811 Ninth Street N W


Phone M 3435m

I fnotice Cal-












416 3d St S E

Colemans Parktrtinrocnttf sic

2d ST BET M N STT S EAddress Mrs Rosa Coleman

1212 S E

Northwest CafeHave you been to the Northwest

Cafe on the boulevard You shouldnot fail to go there This is the place

meet your friends and have a goodbreakfast lunch or dinner It 13 theplace to take your family Ask forAir Martin

cYO nter

2d St




River QueenDates are now opened for the sea

son of 191 1 for the River QueenCol Lewis Jefferson who has always catered to the wishes of the peo-ple and Mr Bensinger who neverfails to do he to please thecitizens have made extensive im

provements to the grounds and placesunder their supervision where theboat will run this summer Thereshould be no hesitancy in selectingyour dates for the seasonNow is the time and the old sayingis are dangerous Col LewisJefferson is prepared to meet alldemands He thepeople of this city firstclass accommodation He endeavors to pleasethe people regardless of expenseEvery park under the supervision ofCol Jefferson has been improvedwhich will make the season ofone of pleasure and satisfaction tothe patrons of this boat

Apply at the wharf and make your

HAIR VIMDr Julia P H Colemans Success

of the most talented womenof the race is Dr Julia P H Coleman who is the manufacturer of ahair preparation known as Hair VimThis preparation is in great demandand she is selling it as fast as it ismanufactured

Hair Vim Soap is another sellingarticle Both the Hair Vim and soapare preparations that Dr Coleman guarantees Dr Coleman is oneof the most progressive and accom-plished women of the race She hasher place of business at 643 Floridaavenue N W where she may beseen Her hair preparations are soldin all first class drug stores

J T NewmanMr Joseph T Newman at No 310

4 12 Street Southwest is an uptodate barber It is the place to meetyour friends He has all expert help

Fosters Dye WorksIf you want firstclass work done

go to Fosters nth and U StreetsNorthwest Ask for Fosters whetyou want good work done

B Hariston-B Hariston the tailor 8n 9th

Street Northwest is turning outsome of tli2 best clothes to be foundin the city Swell suits from 1250up are being made at this place Youcan tell the man that had his clothesmade by Hariston The style qual-ity and fill the whole story It isthe place in the city to be fittea

Microscopic MeasurementThe measurement of microscopic ob-

jects la done by rulings on glasswhich are produced by wonderfullydelicate machines These rulings areconstructed BO as to accurately dividean Inch or any other unit of

Into any desired number offor instance one onehun

dredth of an inch or one onethousandth of an inch or even one tenthousandth of an inch The finest rul-

ings thus far produced by any of themachines are at the rate of somethinglike 200000 to the inch Some idea ofthe closeness of the ruled lines can beobtained from considering that a thou-

sand such lines would occupy only thespace included in the thickness of asheet of ordinary writingYork American

Cafe on the BoulevardMr Martin the proprietor of the

Northwest Cafe is a man whoto please the people

want to see all Washington callfor a breakfast lunch or a atthe Northwest Cafe It is a placewhere you can carry your wife daugh-ter or any member of yourand receive an uptodate treatmentDont fail to drop in at MartinsEverything in the eating line may bshad at place Male and femalewaiters are firstclass and alwaysready and willing to accommodateyou This the place for the peo





IS en-
















