V Eb mFyw 7 i- y j 1pLt a f fjf t H- r r j T < 4 n Y t no f1 i1 OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY OCTOBER 9 1908 J f WAIT WAIT I WAIT- s I s For G A NashsrCrang- y Millinery Opening OF FALL AND WINTER OATS 3k Which will take place next week We have purchased the prettiest line of Pat ¬ tern Hats from Gage and other houses ever brought to the city It will pay you to wait See my line of Dress Goods Tailored Suits Cloaks Skirts and all the latest novelties in Ladies Neckwear Belts Bags Hair Ornaments etc now here t Yours to please c NJ A- J S I I LLJi FWbitto 1 Real Estate and J A Insurance Agent Houses for sate ana- I c rent Rents collected and r Taxes paid for nonresi- dents ¬ Fire Life and Accident Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farms timber tracts vacant lots residence and business properties for sale Bp sure to see me whether you want to buy or not F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92 1 WALKERMATHIS- Mr C H Mathis was married r1 Wednesday to Miss Walker at Au gusta Ga and arrived in Ocala yes- terday r Mr Mathis is one of the best known growers and handlers of can ¬ taloupes in the county having been largely engaged in this business in j Marion county as well as in Georgjj and Colorado The groom has a host of friends In Ocala who will extend- to him and his fair bride cordial con ¬ gratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life DeWItts Little Early Risers are the t famous little pills easy to take safe sure and gentle Get Early Risers t They are the best pills made We sell them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drug ¬ stor- eMAKE ICE CREAM I FROM WATERa- nd a small quantity of condensed t milk if fresh milk cannot be had RECIPE M pint condensed milk costs 06c Add enough cold water to make one quart 00 One ISe package JEIXO ICE CREAM Powder 13c Total lOc Mix all together thoroughly and freeze Dont heat or cook it dont add anything else This C makes two quarts of delicious ice cream in 10 minutes at very small cost AND YOU KNOW ITS PURE Five kinds Chocolate Vanilla Straw- berry LImon and Unflavored 2 packages 25c at all grocers Illustrated Recipe Book Free The Gencsee Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y f + + + y F f NGt- H i p 9 OW rtb t1ir 1 y but how goo l It ttc t j < r kn that every one should sk iu buyiuj candy The old faying that II a mm is jmlged by tie caiily he gives It holds gooil today sane ai always Buy the bestilout t Uke the co jiis- ta good kibU 1 Nothing quite equals t t 41 t famous BonBons and Chocolates They are in a distinctively exclu- sive ¬ J class to Orders receive prompt and carer j attention Just grv us the name J and address ad Uncle Sam does 4 the rest y Ta W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST l FRESH BREADFR- EE DELIVERY f We have put on a wagon for our bakeryand will deliver you Fresh Bi arl Pies and Cakes to any part of the city upon short notice Ve bake every morning and only the best and have had many years experience in the business- Ve will appreciate a share of your tradeWOLF HEINTZ BAKERS North Magnolia Street C JPHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South fhd St Ocala Fla Phone 30i v WEATHER FORECAST Washington Oct ICooler tonight with fair in south and rain in north portions fair Saturday Tl B McWhite the thrifty Sum merfield merchant was in town yes- terday ¬ accompanied by his neighbor- Mr Moody Attorney Geo C Martin of Brooks ¬ ville will be in Ocala tomorrow and speak at the Sparkman political meet ¬ ing in the courthouse Mr Martin is a fine speaker an enthusiastic Bry- an ¬ man and a late delegate to the Denver convention Send us your prescription business- We are thoroughly prepared to handle- it Ty dings Co FOR RENTThe fourroom cottage next door to Rev J A Quarterman on Magnolia street Newly kalsomined Good wee I water See Gillen No1 South Fifth street or at Star office Sheriff John P Galloway returned yesterday from Inverness with a ne ¬ gro Jim Sweets who several years ago killed another negro at Levon Our prescription department is the best equipped in the country both from a standpoint of drugs and drug gists Tile Corner Drugstore- We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif- ferent ¬ pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Dr W H Powers has returned from Colorado where he has been for the past two weeks since leaving Saluda N C where he spent four months Dr Powers had intended re ¬ maining all winter in Colorado but the home attractions were too strong and drew him to Ocala SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS either new or secondhand at the Ocala News Company- If you are not using our cream and cold drinks yo uare missing a whole- lot The Corner Drugstore County Surveyor Alex Moorhead has been instructed to finish staking off the Belleview road to Lake Weir so that Contractor Shedd of that place could begin work on same Fayhole- s general agents Now is the time to plant your gar ¬ den We have all kinds of garden seed for fall planting Tydings Co v Buy a highgrade standard wheel I 10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬ don I Mr R R Carroll of the Star went up to Jacksonville last night to meet his wife and daughter who sojourned- in the mountains of North Carolina this summer Comfortable furnished rooms for rent Apply to No 127 Fort King av- enue ¬ R C Davis Co of Jacksonville- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired One pound of paper and two packs- of envelopes very best grade for 50 cents at Tydings Co Major T D Lancaster owing to ill health has withdrawn from the race for justice of the peace for the Ocala district Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at the Ocala News Co Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬ ing at Tydings Co R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen Mrs Annie Braley is here from Jacksonville locking after her proper- ty ¬ and stock west of town She is now engaged in the grocery business- in Jacksonville- We lead the city on stationery tab ¬ lets and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- In a few days we will have a full fipe of Guths candies the finest fresh cnndy Also sample packages for free distribution The Corner Drugstore eN h I OCALA OCCURRENCES Woodmen meet tonight FOR RENTA desirable cottage Apply to Mrs R D Fuller- Mr and Mr J A Walters are visit- ing ¬ friends at Coleman Ttnts for rent or sale The Ocala 1 Furniture Company- Mr I and Mrs Beal of Reddick were in the city today Lightning roach paste kills em 23 cents at the Postoffice Drugstore I Another car of brick has arrived for the government building- Get your school supplies at the Ocala News Co J C Bordin of Palatka is a late ac- quisition ¬ to the Cobb Loan Co A new line of renting wheels 15c per hour B F Condon Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬ teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists Mr Andrew Turner of Lake Sixteen was a business caller in town today FOR RENTSixroom cottage in the first ward Apply to H D Stokes The ucala News Co has the larg ¬ est line of school books in Ocala- Mr Green living on Orange avenue I next to the J A Campbell place is quite sick Mrs Jack Camp and children are home from their summer outing at Asheville N C I Major L T Izlar has returned from Williston where he went on profes ¬ sional business A petition is being numerously signed requesting Major Izlar to be- come ¬ a candidate for mayor I Mrs Henry Raysor was called to Denmark S C yesterday because of the sickness of her father Drew Mathews of Flfniington so well known in Ocala was shaking hands with his friends yesterday- Mr Gale the Belleview merchant- was in town today and wade the Star a pleasantcall 1 Miss Lucy Ha Hey one of the teach- ers ¬ of the high school department was on the sick list yesterday- A stenographer rapid accurate and with considerable experience wants a situation Address Box ISO Ocala Fla Mr Robert Frink and wife who have been visiting at Conner returned home today Mr D Gamble the builder and con- tractor ¬ has developed into quite a honey producer The city marshal arrested two col- ored ¬ boys today for interfering with the impounder of cattle Frank Lytle the prosperous orange grower at Stanton was in town to- day ¬ Chas S Edgar of Edgar near Pa ¬ latka and the most prominent operat- or ¬ in the kaolin works there was a guest of the Ocala House yesterday E H Roseborough of Gainesville- who represents a Jacksonville groc ¬ ery house was calling on his custom- ers ¬ here yesterday- A D Smith who sold his bakery to Mr Vaughn will leave tomorrow for Jacksonville where he may embark- in business Dad Ellison the Anthony farmer and trucker was in the city saying howdy to his many friends today Messrs Smith Roberts salvage sale continues to keep up the lick of interest Those in need of anything- in the furniture line will do well to stock up now at a reduced price Mrs Duncan Campbell of Minneola who spent the Jewish holidays with her father Mr Sol Thrilling has re turned home accompanied by her sis teYs Mrs Gordon of Tampa and Miss Rachael Thrilling Frank Gartson has a large lot of books by standard authors that can 1 be had for a song WANTED To buy a home of about seven rooms in vicinity of Presbyterian- or Episcopal church for cash Must be a bargain A B C care of Star W Bailey of Kendrick was in town today on his way to the phosphate mines of Citrus county All parties holding bread tickets please leave with Mr Vaughn at City Bakery and I will redeem same H D Smith 2t We have a fine assortment of Alfred Wrights perfumes and talcum pow- ders ¬ The Corner Drugstore- Captain Tucker has arrived from Rochelle and has invaded the weeds with hoe and rake around his new home just beyond Camp Heights and will move into same Louis Hall the prosperous young farmer of Pine was in town today and said that section was visited by a fine rain yesterday FALL AND WINT- ERTAILU I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS- An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the goods and make your fall or winter suit or trous ¬ ers You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods- I also have an elegant line of sam ¬ ples so that you are sure of finding what you want Respectfully Jerry Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue 1 JUST ARRIVED I Edam and Pineapple Cheese I 4050 Prunes 2 for 25c I Evaporated Apricots 1 and 5 lb pkgs Fruit Cake Maple Syrup in bottles and half gallon cans I Strawberry Buts Cauliflower I and Spinach at TEAPOT GROCERYW- AYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE- Editor Star The committee on ways and means to prepare for a Ma- rion ¬ county fair was announced by President Geo K Robinson as fol- lows ¬ Jake Brown Harry B Clarkson Louis R Chazal Win N Camp S T Sistrunk J C Boozer D E Mclver This committee is toreport at a meeting to be held at the courthouse- on Monday October 19th 190S at 3 p m D S Williams Secy BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER- orth Magnolia Street Opposite Mclver MacKays H M WOOD Proprietor CHANGE Of PROGRAM DAILY Program for this Evening TALE OF A PIG THE CIRCUS BOY HANGING LAMPS MANDRELS FEATS Open Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents PRIVATE SCHOOL Parents desiring a private school for their children will please write or call on Miss Mamie D Taylor Ocala Fla Phone 134 TIll Clark brothers proprietors of the O K Grocery have transferred most of their goods into the corner store of the YVnllis block and the store has been neatly painted inside and looks well The office is located in the rear of the building and is enclos- d ° with a neat railing The new store is connected with the salesroom of the wholesale department by an archway through the partition Fresh onion sets for fall planting at Tydings Co DAVID S1 WOODROW REAL STATE AND INVESTMENTS Rooms 27 and 28 Holder Stock OCALA FLORIDA The man who waits tor a proven producing proposition before invest ¬ ing will always pay every cent the stock is worth Its the man who takes- a chance on the ground floor that real- ly ¬ gets the cream Always investigate- and act with due caution but you will lose out entirely and every time if you wait for a cinch Equal parts of nerve and common sense will be found- a very palatable dose and a combina- tion ¬ hard to beat- If you want to buy a home in Ocala I can offer you one of the very few places on the market on Oklawaha- avenue Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runs back 480 feet House is one story containing five rooms kitchen and bathroom city water gas electric light and modern plumbing stable and servants house in yard Price 2300 half cash and balance spread- over three years- If you want to build a store build ¬ ing to rent I have a lot on Fort King avenue between the Pittman building- and the new building just erected by Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is 43 feet by 110 feet deep The building- now on it is old butrents for enough- to pay interest on the investment Price is 850- OAKRIDGE lots on the Shady Grove hard road and within the city limits- can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feet front by 125 feet deep 10 cash and 1 per week Free deed in case of death No taxes to pay until 1909 Map and prices on application WOODMAR This property is on the most beautiful lake in Florida on a I bluff which rises from 25 fet to 75 feet above the level of the lake The- A C L railroad runs between the edge- of the lake and the bluff Four years ago when I platted this property and I offered to sell lots I was laughed at by many and the word fool more than once dropped in connection with this property Try and buy back for me the lots I have already sold and come and see me I have raised the prices once and will raise again until another Mr Flagler sees the beauties- of the place and then he can have it if he will pay the price The streets- are all planted to shade trees and wat- er ¬ works installedgood water too Buy a lot now You can buy on terms but you cant buy them at a discount Map and prices on application r I MEETING OF THE Y P M S The Young Peoples Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church held an Interesting meeting last night at the horn of Mr and Mrs J H Brooks Several interesting papers pertaining- to the medical missionary work in China wore read and the work was intelligently discussed Mr T H Johnson and Miss Barnett sang a solo and Mice Clara Moore read an inter- esting ¬ letter from Mr Dr Polk who- is I doing a noble work in the foreign fieldAfter the business of the evening had ben disposed of a bean festival j was enjoyed Refreshments were served and in the cake was a bean the person getting the bean being crowned queer of the evening Miss I Meeks Ausley was the lucky one and vats made queen The queen gave each one something amusing to do and f excruciatingly funny capers were t cut by her willing subjects The gath- ering j broke up about 1030 clock to meet the second Thursday evening in November at the home of Mrs L T Izlar We are glad to learn that Ocala is I soon to have another fine teacher in- voice i culture Miss Inez Tolmie The young lady is from Tennessee Beside the study of music in one of the best colleges in the South she has done special work with Mrs Mary Left j witch Rawlings of Nashville and with j J Harry Wheeler the noted voice i teacher in New York The past year has been spent abroad in Italy study- ing the international school for grand t opera Miss Tolmie will be down i about the 15th of October accom- panying J her aunt Mrs CarsonMann- who owns a inter home on Lake Weir l Othello at the Berlin last night was up to the expectations of the many who enjoyed it and all the oth- er ¬ I pictures were very good Among the subjects tonight are Hanging j Lamps and Mandrels Feats both- of which are very fine also The Tale I of a Pig an entirely funny piece I and The Circus Boy a tine little sketch I I One taf the three safe blowers who robbed a safe a Green Cove Springs I and who was caught the morning af j ter and has been in the convict camps of the state and an inmate of the Ma j ion Farms Hospital received his I pardon this morning came to town and was fitted out with a new suit of clothes and left for New York on I the Coast Line train this noon The I man had influential friends in New I York wlo interceded for him and as it was his first offense and having repented of his folly the pardoning r board deemed him a fit subject for- a I pardon We have forgotten the I mans name but remember him from I I a late visit to the hospital where we t i had quite a talk with him and was I I convinced at the time that the man had received sufficient punishment Mrs Henry Stevens and little naa ° hter who have been in the city the last day or so the guests of Mr l I Isaac Stevens an1 family left today I for a visit to relatives in High Springs Mrs A E Gens went to Palatka j yesterday to visit her sister Mrs Herbert Crook for a week or so Mr Gcrig during her absence will partly I console himself by taking his meals- at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs McClymonds J H Randall of Leesburg repre ¬ senting Chat Sanborn in Florida Georgia and Alabama passed through Ocala today on his way home to visit his family Speaking of trade Mr R I said it was improving particularly noticeable in Birmingham where a number of coal and iron mines that I suspended work during the panic weiv- ivsuming work and employed several I thousard extra laborers Mr R is an fithusiastie admirer of Bryan and is confident he will be our next pres- ident ¬ I i William Gist the successful farmer j and orange grower of McIntosh was I in town today to visit his stock farm I near Santos Masters Carl and Earl Lytle who I art bright students of our school left I for Stanton this afternoon to spend I Saturday with their parents Mr and rs Frand Lytle Mrs Royal Cole and baby went down to Eastlake this afternoon to I visit Mrs Newport Mrs O W Reagan of Brooksville I who spent the summer north passed I through Ocala today on her way home She was joined in Ocala by Mr Rea ¬ gan Allen Stevens the successful far- mer ¬ I of Sparr came down Thursday i and made the Star a pleasant call- Gadson is just in receipt of another lot of campaign novelties and badges t Lovers of Taft and Bryan can be ac- commodated Afflicted With Sore Eyes for 33 Years- I I have heel afflicted with sore eyes i for thirtythree years Thirteen years ago I became totally blind for six years My eyes were badly inflamed One of my neighbors insisted upon my J trying Chamberlains Salve and gave i me half a box of it To my surprise i it healed my eyes and my sight came back to mP C Earls Cynthiana- Ky Chamberlains Salve is for sale 1 by all druggists I The county commissioners have supplied the funds 550 to send Willie Goff to the state reform school at Ma rianna Judge Bell made out the com mitment papers t CASTORIAF- or i Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought 4 Bears the t 7 Signat r hJ U t I HONOR FOR HUDSON Washington Oct 9The National Association of Railway Commission t rs concluded its twentieth annual convention yesterday Officers were elected as follows President Martin S Dicker of New York first vice president R Hudson I Burr of Florida second vice press df nt Charles F Staples of Minnesota The next convention will be held in i this city Oct 12 1909 I A BANQUET Spread before you would do you no good if you couldnt eat What good can food do a child uhen as soon as it enters its stomach it is eaten by worms Thats the reason your baby is ailing cross pasty faced and thin Give it Whites Cream Vermifuge It will expel the worms and act as a tonic for the child Sold by Anti- Monopoly Drugstore a i < Ry i i < Tb Marion Shoe Co t- Will i < k f l close out their Jr L L rv- Y b- I I Entire I Stockv f l s f t- I j it f i t1 t fJ t of Mens Ladies and Chil ¬ 41iy drens Shoes Over Shoes ii t Laces f- d etc S t s > < f a 1 rJL a AT COST J7f + T Come in early and be fitted f t y j and get bargain- sMarion e > > Shoe Company J j- I n c J NOW IS THE TIMEVf fv- r < tiro o f c r- r f > e I- t t v 0 n < A > 1 1 1fIuf t It l lrtl Listen The winter season is now or upon us and it is my desire to see one Kauffmans suits upon every man and boy in this county and in order to see this desire gratified I have made the following reduc- tions ¬ f t1 3500 Coat and Pants to your measurer only 2750 Y 3000 II II U II II u 2250 t 2500 u u cc II u 1950 2000 II ll U II u ii 1650 4 1650 u I u II 1250 Now is the time to buy a suit Suits sold on liberal terms t 3 down will order you a suit1 down will order- s you a pair of pants- I guarantee a fit and if clothes dont fit we ask no money T The above offer backed by me is sufficient guarantee that t r you will get your moneys worth 500 samples SALE UNTIL OOTOBER 15 1 BUY NOW f- AT i THE BOSTON STOR- EHANDSOME f tt Fall Stock of JewelrjiIf I am getting in one of the handsomest and m St f complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall and winter that I have ever carried Many of the goods have already arrived There are many s v PRETTY THINGSi- n Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds- Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc and many others arriving each week j t a- t I am agent for and carry a very t large stock of Edisons Phonographs- and A Records Nearly 2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS to select from We will be pl i sed J to have you call and see the goods r t Respectfully i i AE eurnettr OCR THE JEWEIERFLOIII it 1- y y

J Ry WAIT I TbMarion For G Aufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00969/0366.pdfMr C H Mathis was married r1 Wednesday to Miss Walker at Au gusta Ga and arrived in Ocala yes-r terday

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Page 1: J Ry WAIT I TbMarion For G Aufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00969/0366.pdfMr C H Mathis was married r1 Wednesday to Miss Walker at Au gusta Ga and arrived in Ocala yes-r terday


Eb mFyw 7 i-y j 1pLt a ffjf t H-r r j T

< 4


no f1 i1






For G A NashsrCrang-y



Which will take place next week Wehave purchased the prettiest line of Pat¬

tern Hats from Gage and other houses everbrought to the city It will pay you to waitSee my line of Dress Goods Tailored Suits CloaksSkirts and all the latest novelties in Ladies NeckwearBelts Bags Hair Ornaments etc now here

t Yours to please

c NJ A-



LLJi FWbitto1 Real Estate and

J A Insurance Agent

Houses for sate ana-



rent Rents collected andr Taxes paid for nonresi-dents


Fire Life and Accident

Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farmstimber tracts vacant lots residence and business propertiesfor sale Bp sure to see me whether you want to buy or not

F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92


Mr C H Mathis was marriedr1 Wednesday to Miss Walker at Au

gusta Ga and arrived in Ocala yes-terdayr Mr Mathis is one of the bestknown growers and handlers of can ¬

taloupes in the county having beenlargely engaged in this business in j

Marion county as well as in Georgjjand Colorado The groom has a hostof friends In Ocala who will extend-to him and his fair bride cordial con ¬

gratulations and best wishes for along and happy married life

DeWItts Little Early Risers are thet famous little pills easy to take safesure and gentle Get Early Risers

t They are the best pills made We sellthem Sold by AntiMonopoly Drug ¬



FROM WATERa-nd a small quantity of condensedt milk if fresh milk cannot be had

RECIPEM pint condensed milk costs 06cAdd enough cold water to make one

quart 00One ISe package JEIXO ICE

CREAM Powder 13c

Total lOcMix all together thoroughly andfreeze Dont heat or cook itdont add anything else This

C makes two quarts of delicious icecream in 10 minutes at very smallcost

AND YOU KNOW ITS PUREFive kinds Chocolate Vanilla Straw-

berry LImon and Unflavored2 packages 25c at all grocersIllustrated Recipe Book Free

The Gencsee Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y

f + ++yF f NGt-


p 9OW rtb t1ir 1y

but how goo l It ttc t j < r knthat every one should sk iu buyiujcandy

The old faying that II a mm isjmlged by tie caiily he gives It

holds gooil today sane ai alwaysBuy the bestilout t Uke the co jiis-ta good kibU

1 Nothing quite equals

tt 41tfamous BonBons and ChocolatesThey are in a distinctively exclu-sive

¬ Jclass to

Orders receive prompt and carer jattention Just grv us the name Jand address ad Uncle Sam does 4the rest y




f We have put on a wagon forour bakeryand will deliver youFresh Bi arl Pies and Cakes toany part of the city upon shortnotice

Ve bake every morning andonly the best and have had manyyears experience in the business-Ve will appreciate a share of your


North Magnolia Street

C JPHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South fhd St

Ocala Fla Phone 30i



Washington Oct ICooler tonightwith fair in south and rain in northportions fair Saturday

Tl B McWhite the thrifty Summerfield merchant was in town yes-terday


accompanied by his neighbor-Mr Moody

Attorney Geo C Martin of Brooks ¬

ville will be in Ocala tomorrow andspeak at the Sparkman political meet ¬

ing in the courthouse Mr Martin isa fine speaker an enthusiastic Bry-an


man and a late delegate to theDenver convention

Send us your prescription business-We are thoroughly prepared to handle-it Ty dings Co

FOR RENTThe fourroom cottagenext door to Rev J A Quarterman onMagnolia street Newly kalsominedGood wee I water See Gillen No1South Fifth street or at Star office

Sheriff John P Galloway returnedyesterday from Inverness with a ne ¬

gro Jim Sweets who several yearsago killed another negro at Levon

Our prescription department is thebest equipped in the country bothfrom a standpoint of drugs and druggists Tile Corner Drugstore-

We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif-


pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore-

Dr W H Powers has returnedfrom Colorado where he has been forthe past two weeks since leavingSaluda N C where he spent fourmonths Dr Powers had intended re ¬

maining all winter in Colorado butthe home attractions were too strongand drew him to Ocala

SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKSeither new or secondhand at theOcala News Company-

If you are not using our cream andcold drinks yo uare missing a whole-lot The Corner Drugstore

County Surveyor Alex Moorhead hasbeen instructed to finish staking offthe Belleview road to Lake Weir sothat Contractor Shedd of that placecould begin work on same

Fayhole-sgeneral agents

Now is the time to plant your gar ¬

den We have all kinds of gardenseed for fall planting Tydings Co

v Buy a highgrade standard wheelI

10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬


Mr R R Carroll of the Star wentup to Jacksonville last night to meethis wife and daughter who sojourned-in the mountains of North Carolinathis summer

Comfortable furnished rooms forrent Apply to No 127 Fort King av-


R C Davis Co of Jacksonville-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

One pound of paper and two packs-of envelopes very best grade for 50cents at Tydings Co

Major T D Lancaster owing to illhealth has withdrawn from the racefor justice of the peace for the Ocaladistrict

Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at theOcala News Co

Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬

ing at Tydings Co

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

Mrs Annie Braley is here fromJacksonville locking after her proper-ty


and stock west of town She isnow engaged in the grocery business-in Jacksonville-

We lead the city on stationery tab ¬

lets and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore-

In a few days we will have a fullfipe of Guths candies the finest freshcnndy Also sample packages for freedistribution The Corner Drugstore

eN h



Woodmen meet tonight

FOR RENTA desirable cottageApply to Mrs R D Fuller-

Mr and Mr J A Walters are visit-ing


friends at Coleman

Ttnts for rent or sale The Ocala1

Furniture Company-


and Mrs Beal of Reddick werein the city today

Lightning roach paste kills em 23cents at the Postoffice Drugstore

I Another car of brick has arrived forthe government building-

Get your school supplies at theOcala News Co

J C Bordin of Palatka is a late ac-quisition


to the Cobb Loan Co

A new line of renting wheels 15cper hour B F Condon

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬

teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists

Mr Andrew Turner of Lake Sixteenwas a business caller in town today

FOR RENTSixroom cottage in thefirst ward Apply to H D Stokes

The ucala News Co has the larg ¬

est line of school books in Ocala-

Mr Green living on Orange avenueI

next to the J A Campbell place isquite sick

Mrs Jack Camp and children arehome from their summer outing atAsheville N C I

Major L T Izlar has returned fromWilliston where he went on profes ¬

sional business

A petition is being numerouslysigned requesting Major Izlar to be-come


a candidate for mayorI

Mrs Henry Raysor was called toDenmark S C yesterday because ofthe sickness of her father

Drew Mathews of Flfniington sowell known in Ocala was shakinghands with his friends yesterday-

Mr Gale the Belleview merchant-was in town today and wade the Stara pleasantcall 1

Miss Lucy Ha Hey one of the teach-ers


of the high school departmentwas on the sick list yesterday-

A stenographer rapid accurate andwith considerable experience wants asituation Address Box ISO OcalaFla

Mr Robert Frink and wife who havebeen visiting at Conner returnedhome today

Mr D Gamble the builder and con-tractor


has developed into quite ahoney producer

The city marshal arrested two col-


boys today for interfering withthe impounder of cattle

Frank Lytle the prosperous orangegrower at Stanton was in town to-


Chas S Edgar of Edgar near Pa ¬

latka and the most prominent operat-or


in the kaolin works there was aguest of the Ocala House yesterday

E H Roseborough of Gainesville-who represents a Jacksonville groc ¬

ery house was calling on his custom-ers


here yesterday-

A D Smith who sold his bakery toMr Vaughn will leave tomorrow forJacksonville where he may embark-in business

Dad Ellison the Anthony farmerand trucker was in the city saying

howdy to his many friends today

Messrs Smith Roberts salvagesale continues to keep up the lick ofinterest Those in need of anything-in the furniture line will do well tostock up now at a reduced price

Mrs Duncan Campbell of Minneolawho spent the Jewish holidays withher father Mr Sol Thrilling has returned home accompanied by her sisteYs Mrs Gordon of Tampa and MissRachael Thrilling

Frank Gartson has a large lot ofbooks by standard authors that can 1

be had for a song

WANTED To buy a home of aboutseven rooms in vicinity of Presbyterian-or Episcopal church for cash Mustbe a bargain A B C care of Star

W Bailey of Kendrick was in towntoday on his way to the phosphatemines of Citrus county

All parties holding bread ticketsplease leave with Mr Vaughn at CityBakery and I will redeem same HD Smith 2t

We have a fine assortment of AlfredWrights perfumes and talcum pow-ders


The Corner Drugstore-

Captain Tucker has arrived fromRochelle and has invaded the weedswith hoe and rake around his newhome just beyond Camp Heights andwill move into same

Louis Hall the prosperous youngfarmer of Pine was in town todayand said that section was visited by afine rain yesterday



An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the goods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous ¬

ers You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods-

I also have an elegant line of sam ¬

ples so that you are sure of findingwhat you want Respectfully

Jerry BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue



Edam and Pineapple Cheese

I 4050 Prunes 2 for 25cI Evaporated Apricots

1 and 5 lb pkgs Fruit Cake

Maple Syrup in bottles andhalf gallon cans

IStrawberry Buts Cauliflower

I and Spinach




Editor Star The committee onways and means to prepare for a Ma-


county fair was announced byPresident Geo K Robinson as fol-


Jake Brown Harry B ClarksonLouis R Chazal Win N Camp S TSistrunk J C Boozer D E Mclver

This committee is toreport at ameeting to be held at the courthouse-on Monday October 19th 190S at 3p m D S Williams Secy


THEATER-orth Magnolia Street Opposite

Mclver MacKaysH M WOOD Proprietor


Program for this EveningTALE OF A PIG




Open Promptly at 330 P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents

PRIVATE SCHOOLParents desiring a private school

for their children will please write orcall on Miss Mamie D Taylor OcalaFla Phone 134

TIll Clark brothers proprietors ofthe O K Grocery have transferredmost of their goods into the cornerstore of the YVnllis block and the storehas been neatly painted inside andlooks well The office is located inthe rear of the building and is enclos-

d° with a neat railing The new storeis connected with the salesroom of thewholesale department by an archwaythrough the partition

Fresh onion sets for fall planting atTydings Co




Rooms 27 and 28 Holder StockOCALA FLORIDA

The man who waits tor a provenproducing proposition before invest ¬

ing will always pay every cent thestock is worth Its the man who takes-a chance on the ground floor that real-



gets the cream Always investigate-and act with due caution but you willlose out entirely and every time if youwait for a cinch Equal parts ofnerve and common sense will be found-a very palatable dose and a combina-tion


hard to beat-

If you want to buy a home in OcalaI can offer you one of the very fewplaces on the market on Oklawaha-avenue

Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runsback 480 feet House is one storycontaining five rooms kitchen andbathroom city water gas electriclight and modern plumbing stableand servants house in yard Price2300 half cash and balance spread-

over three years-

If you want to build a store build ¬

ing to rent I have a lot on Fort Kingavenue between the Pittman building-

and the new building just erected by

Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is43 feet by 110 feet deep The building-

now on it is old butrents for enough-

to pay interest on the investmentPrice is 850-

OAKRIDGE lots on the Shady Grovehard road and within the city limits-

can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feetfront by 125 feet deep 10 cash and

1 per week Free deed in case ofdeath No taxes to pay until 1909 Map

and prices on application

WOODMAR This property is on themost beautiful lake in Florida on a

I bluff which rises from 25 fet to 75

feet above the level of the lake The-

A C L railroad runs between the edge-

of the lake and the bluff Four yearsago when I platted this property and

I offered to sell lots I was laughed atby many and the word fool morethan once dropped in connection withthis property Try and buy back forme the lots I have already sold andcome and see me I have raised theprices once and will raise again untilanother Mr Flagler sees the beauties-of the place and then he can have itif he will pay the price The streets-are all planted to shade trees and wat-er


works installedgood water tooBuy a lot now You can buy on termsbut you cant buy them at a discountMap and prices on application




The Young Peoples Missionary So-ciety of the Methodist church held anInteresting meeting last night at thehorn of Mr and Mrs J H BrooksSeveral interesting papers pertaining-to the medical missionary work inChina wore read and the work wasintelligently discussed Mr T HJohnson and Miss Barnett sang a soloand Mice Clara Moore read an inter-esting


letter from Mr Dr Polk who-is

I doing a noble work in the foreignfieldAfter the business of the eveninghad ben disposed of a bean festival

j was enjoyed Refreshments wereserved and in the cake was a beanthe person getting the bean beingcrowned queer of the evening Miss

I Meeks Ausley was the lucky one andvats made queen The queen gave

each one something amusing to do andf excruciatingly funny capers were


cut by her willing subjects The gath-ering


broke up about 1030 clock tomeet the second Thursday evening inNovember at the home of Mrs L TIzlar

We are glad to learn that Ocala isI

soon to have another fine teacher in-


culture Miss Inez Tolmie Theyoung lady is from Tennessee Besidethe study of music in one of the bestcolleges in the South she has donespecial work with Mrs Mary Left j

witch Rawlings of Nashville and with j

J Harry Wheeler the noted voice i

teacher in New York The past yearhas been spent abroad in Italy study-ing the international school for grand t

opera Miss Tolmie will be down i

about the 15th of October accom-panying


her aunt Mrs CarsonMann-who owns a inter home on LakeWeir l

Othello at the Berlin last nightwas up to the expectations of themany who enjoyed it and all the oth-er

¬ I

pictures were very good Amongthe subjects tonight are Hanging j

Lamps and Mandrels Feats both-of which are very fine also The Tale I

of a Pig an entirely funny piece I

and The Circus Boy a tine littlesketch I


One taf the three safe blowers whorobbed a safe a Green Cove Springs I

and who was caught the morning af j

ter and has been in the convict campsof the state and an inmate of the Ma j

ion Farms Hospital received hisI

pardon this morning came to townand was fitted out with a new suitof clothes and left for New York on I

the Coast Line train this noon The I

man had influential friends in NewIYork wlo interceded for him and as

it was his first offense and havingrepented of his folly the pardoning r

board deemed him a fit subject for-a


pardon We have forgotten the I

mans name but remember him from I

I a late visit to the hospital where we t

i had quite a talk with him and wasI

I convinced at the time that the manhad received sufficient punishment

Mrs Henry Stevens and littlenaa °hter who have been in the citythe last day or so the guests of Mr l


Isaac Stevens an1 family left today I

for a visit to relatives in High Springs

Mrs A E Gens went to Palatka j

yesterday to visit her sister MrsHerbert Crook for a week or so MrGcrig during her absence will partly I

console himself by taking his meals-at the hospitable home of Mr and MrsMcClymonds

J H Randall of Leesburg repre ¬

senting Chat Sanborn in FloridaGeorgia and Alabama passed throughOcala today on his way home to visithis family Speaking of trade Mr R I

said it was improving particularlynoticeable in Birmingham where anumber of coal and iron mines that I

suspended work during the panic weiv-ivsuming work and employed several I

thousard extra laborers Mr R isan fithusiastie admirer of Bryan andis confident he will be our next pres-ident



William Gist the successful farmer j

and orange grower of McIntosh was I

in town today to visit his stock farm I

near SantosMasters Carl and Earl Lytle who I

art bright students of our school left I

for Stanton this afternoon to spend I

Saturday with their parents Mr andrs Frand Lytle

Mrs Royal Cole and baby wentdown to Eastlake this afternoon to


visit Mrs NewportMrs O W Reagan of Brooksville I

who spent the summer north passed I

through Ocala today on her way homeShe was joined in Ocala by Mr Rea ¬

ganAllen Stevens the successful far-

mer¬ I

of Sparr came down Thursday i

and made the Star a pleasant call-

Gadson is just in receipt of anotherlot of campaign novelties and badges


Lovers of Taft and Bryan can be ac-commodated

Afflicted With Sore Eyes for 33 Years-I


have heel afflicted with sore eyes i

for thirtythree years Thirteen yearsago I became totally blind for sixyears My eyes were badly inflamedOne of my neighbors insisted upon my J

trying Chamberlains Salve and gave i

me half a box of it To my surprise i

it healed my eyes and my sight cameback to mP C Earls Cynthiana-Ky Chamberlains Salve is for sale

1 by all druggistsI

The county commissioners havesupplied the funds 550 to send WillieGoff to the state reform school at Marianna Judge Bell made out the commitment papers




Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

4Bears the t 7

Signat r hJ UtI

HONOR FOR HUDSONWashington Oct 9The National

Association of Railway Commissiont rs concluded its twentieth annualconvention yesterday

Officers were elected as followsPresident Martin S Dicker of NewYork first vice president R Hudson

I Burr of Florida second vice pressdf nt Charles F Staples of MinnesotaThe next convention will be held in

i this city Oct 12 1909I

A BANQUETSpread before you would do you nogood if you couldnt eat What goodcan food do a child uhen as soon asit enters its stomach it is eaten byworms Thats the reason your babyis ailing cross pasty faced and thinGive it Whites Cream Vermifuge Itwill expel the worms and act as atonic for the child Sold by Anti-Monopoly Drugstore




i i <

TbMarion Shoe Co t-


i <

kf lclose out their Jr L




I EntireI Stockv f l s

f t-I

j itf

it1 t fJ t

of Mens Ladies and Chil¬41iy

drens Shoes Over Shoes iit

Laces f-

detc S t s

> < f a1 rJL a



Come in early and be fitted ft



and get bargain-



Shoe Company J j-





r <

tiro o f cr-



> e I-









t It


Listen The winter season is now or

upon us and it is my desire to seeone Kauffmans suits upon everyman and boy in this county and inorder to see this desire gratified Ihave made the following reduc-tions



3500 Coat and Pants to your measurer only 2750 Y

3000 II II U II II u 2250 t

2500 u u cc II u 19502000 II ll U II u ii 1650

41650 u I u II 1250Now is the time to buy a suit Suits sold on liberal terms t

3 down will order you a suit1 down will order-syou a pair of pants-

I guarantee a fit and if clothes dont fit we ask no moneyT

The above offer backed by me is sufficient guarantee that t r

you will get your moneys worth 500 samples








Fall Stock of JewelrjiIfI am getting in one of the handsomest and m St

fcomplete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall andwinter that I have ever carried Many of the goodshave already arrived There are many s


PRETTY THINGSi-n Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds-Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc

and many others arriving each weekj

t a-


I am agent for and carry a veryt large stock of Edisons Phonographs-



Records Nearly


to select from We will be pl i sedJ to have you call and see the goods r





y y