J2 ffiVat Jg j t riS > Ji2 S ftf1 j v W 4V j rvirviJVtii J V i- r > w iirf1 i i r r C Jl > dCifeS- H tl f T- e I r i q 11 f 7 E T c 7l THE OCALA EVENING STAK FRIDAY OCTOBER 22 I Mc rs V j i t I t l T IWERING 1 St- r 1fi 1tr Y > r- t 1 d S- 1T r CL itf tRRC mll r 1 q r ilttri ad Pubilikers- d 7 t re t L- TJi C L KRIHGER EWtor- V J CAEOUi fl1tRe- 4k JiaRJU i t r r t L THE htAHfON COUNTY tauNDAVtHOOL > INSTITUTE i Aa aCBCe of fair size and in eVl ttOuch I with the object of the i theti1 attended the opening ses- skm of the Marion County SUR day fchopi Institute at the Presbyterian church last night Dr E Van Hood i Je charge of the meeting and Jn tree 4 Kfo Frank Batset In the lI > c f ahsitaoi RevHenrjr Gabby who > r wairtalfciiiRiddcnly III and could not < attend Several songs were sung and V Mr Barnett read a portion of Mark ji t twchiftg oh Christs liking and sof- lehit 4 for children and on the same a made some very interesting and Im preMive comments The fallowed the naming of tem- porary ¬ officers ReV W H CoIcmaH > was made temporary chairman and c Dr W H Dodge was named for sec- retary ¬ j4 L 4 Dr Dpdgi the address of wctebne HQ referred to his exper l Hce IRmeetlngthe trains and try E lag to find delegates and those who promised to take part In the pro gra and lie did not see them but if r there were any here he bid them wel- come ¬ and the hospitality of their JI borticn and the good things that would he spread before them To accept all this and take away with them what > they could appreciate He then ex ¬ tended a cordial welcome to the Sun- day ¬ school workers of the city who S f met seldom Jn conference and to those who were not allied with the jtanday schools and appealed to them to come out and visit the schools and sit as specWrsee what was at- tempted ¬ to be done along Bible teach- ing ¬ to the o ng- President fc ± J it Jolly of the Pres t byterlan College at Eustls was down L for an address on What Lake Coun ¬ ty Has Done but wrote stating It f b was Impossible for h tojtcnd 1 Also lit Lee IcDonfchr ofTampa- whovaa nave spoTten on What Is I Thoroughly Organized Sunday- S hooJwas absent so Miss Nellie 1 Stevens principal pt our primary d- eV ¬ 1 partment read her paper on teaching I the ybungi The cholr sang Glory to dod in the Highest MrStfHarry Lapham carry- Ing 1 the solo part The chair appoint- ed ¬ a committee to fill In where the c V regular speakers failed to appear The chair hopes for af good attendance to- day as Sunday school1 work was one of the mog t In rtant in connection Ii with the rir < InM i 1 bershlp t of them came I RqXe J5JP m L- Jfi < r 1P- cI DNJtOUILVINJURED- Mr I B i3cM4whIt4 bC Sumrticrfleld was In Ta1n3gjdky on business evening J was crossing a l street In company t with Mr M E- RobiMonJpe was struck down by a- iattoblk14itaInIpg three broken h rJHa baiiy Injured thigh and a I crushed fet Ho was taken to a hos ¬ pital al injures dressed Hi- 1hjurI iyrBso severe that It may I take sewal months before he can be J around v It seemsuthe auto failed to 4 vew Mr McWhite Is an en- l r terprlsirig merchant of Summerfield j ai r 4 The Star hadsan appreciated call from Mr TiJSIras of Kendrick this morning Mr Sims for the past five- s > yrs hasvHa chargeuf the Standard p > LIme CoMbya1tMna and grew an b Hually ovcri I1bvaliI tf corn as v many baletf drVha StId ft nZOO to KM bushels of sweet potatoes and a s good large field of oats Mr Sims has e severed his M connection with the s cbwpaay arid taken possession of Mr A GD Hogans farm on the hard road He said Mr Hogan had about 35 4 acres In ptadars 4n a new clearing t and made a spleadld crop He has about the i same acreage in velvet beans and to utilize same to best ad- vantage ¬ i has purchased and placed In- S iaid flelds some see head of hogs the- Me faUealag beautifully and for I4 several weeks has killed for 12 to 15 a week finding ready sale for same- t t seven cents a pound In the field he has Just completed i an Inex hawtlble swppJy of well water with which tospl the stock The well to about ninety feet deep Kr1 L Tonce of St Petersburg returned last night torn Live Oak where he mingled with the old vet- erans ¬ lnje himself He said a great crQwclwas present and Live treated them with the greatest hospitality throwing open their homes b to all who FQuldi enter f Mr Yonce said that JiMiiU aHd several miles tIle side li jt1cedi a hard rain c j1 yeterdanaswater was standing In the 1tcm- DrBlitch T l 4T- I j f- f paid an unexpected visit teOeala and the Commercial Bank I yesterday It liappeae this way Mix 8trau and his two partners who are retting out ro kln the r Biltchton eectiph for Tampa paid the jreck erusherJa visit and then camo p to Ocalaplcklng up Dr Butch and 1 laiidlng him In Ocala in 45 minutes i c Vlt W King has charge of the rock Hi i k 1 Billy snlth the Lima Ohio man C who bought the old Albeston plaqo en lkHth Lake Weir was In town I yesterday He sid on Nov 1st 75 pf < hb townanen will leave inclnnat i- tiS Ohio to Inspect their lands purchased at the National Land Co Af- ter ¬ W seeing them and the beauties of the lake Ute y will visit the Ocala fair In a body Dully for Lima Oho i = v- Itfr D> T Williams of Arcadia who jpeat KBOiith In Ocala with Mr E T 7 WiUIaa1hi s brother returned I home da 4 I V Aho kth t 7tn of JJovesftber the 1 acfeftte tn e s A L railroad will 3 ih figewhen VMr B P Pntot will e the A Ik road from Ocala ta fltlvwaerfags and his mifljt Fort a lceey f I t 1 I i I i y TheS A Lo will put on a special trala fei South Lake Weir Monday 10 ii t L frOIOC1SI to handle the fruit from tMtaa- T t- f lf LIit Mo k went down to- t i DitIIa yesterday on business con- aeds UHf OtalaIUIes- o Ia 1k d > jW J T5 rier ofI ilittte ti pen ftNo tb qw WUla town yesterday J t riiMI t > oeI41 eie rootsa and I fake J our 1 IUT iii tl < C s q < t r 1 jJ J i l t ll J i J- F e < < < c Ij Co 1J I- i OLJtSUEt 811111G c Means discretion judicious care imiBatioR of all speculation But- t should met mean today narrow mindedness failure to appreciate merit in any aid all customers- We do not judge any man by his bank balance We look for his ability and char ¬ acter consider his efforts in busi- ness ¬ A We can best serve our customers and eIveiby these considera- tions ¬ THE MUNROE JL CHAM1LISS lANK 4 Ocala Fla 1 j CARD OF THANKS We tak thIs method of thanking- the pubud through the columns of your paper for the liberal patronage that has beeneended us through- the past seasoa in our busies as we have Not been able Jo deliver cars as the entire country as a whole bought more cars than the Buick factory < could produce We are just Injeoeipt of letters giving us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro- duct ¬ assuring us of the fact that t rem be no question in the fu- ture ¬ that we will be cared for Our lljLjnodels be ready for de ¬ i of November and we have the assurance that if we BabHldBeed 100 cars we can deliver the 1eJ Our modela 10 and 17 wilt be continued but the horse- power will be increased 20 percent We will also have a model known as No practically the same as ottTNo 17 only slightly a smaller- car and will sell for about 1400 complete and we think this model will hold the rest of them for quite- a while We will also have a 600 ar runabout 2cylinder opposed motor in front under the board cone clutch in fly wheel selective type transmission and double chain drive 30x3 12 tires and we want- to say to the public that so far as pulling through sand is concerned- this car has no equal Thanking our frjends for past favors we are Very respectfully OCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS Per J H Spencer f < 4 l r < f 1TJEJBIEOP LONG x- Tsaifind i t o3 O- I I vrNING nuun Are jo equipped with good vision so that you can spend theseohom to the best advantage t by L nlpllgh- tftsk to Imperfect eyesiJt jg pleasure to perfect ones r DRD M BONEY j 01 Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to 10 a m and k30 to 430 p m Optical office and lab oratory rooms 2 d4Gary block THE THRICEA WEEK WORLD WITHOUT A RIVAL IN ITS FIELD ThVLaroest f j Jl ii and Bcsiljiryvc paper published at the Price Read in Every f L8TPP Couhtr- yIthas Invariably been jtha great f fort of the rIceaWekjdItoiot the j Tewj York World toimbllsh the hews impartially In order that 4t may an accurate reporter of whathas hap ¬ pened It tells the T truth irrespective of party and for that reason it has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of its class The subscription season Is now at hand and thls Is the best offer that will be made to you If you want the news as really Is subscribe to the ThriceaWeek edi- tion ¬ of the New York World which comes to yofc every other day except Sunday and Is thus practically a dally at the price of a weekly The TJ rlcea Week Worlds regular subscription price is only 1 per year and this pays for 156 papers We of ¬ fer this unequalled newspaper and the Weekly Star together for one year for 160> The regular subscription ptlct3 of the two papers Is 2- r SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE 3 d 80acre farm with good buildings two good mules all kinds farm Imple- ments ¬ and a Tot of feed Plenty good wood and land of the best hammock Soufif Ocala one mile off I splendid hard ro4i t This must go at once and the jiric ill auprise you Apply at oscelo his offic- e1OdDMARFOPt RENT t cxG6ojpvTN BUNGALOW Furnish of modem plumbing running water i fylene gas tOper wee- k4YLE COTTAGEFurnished rfcnahig water C per week BEAltt VILEA To rent on October fot the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene gas 25 per month > 4 David S Woodrow 1 a Holder Block Ocala Fla- LOSTA 1 l silk cape between A E Burnett1 store and his home Finder will br Suitably rewarded j Lt ¼ 3 f Ii As ah evidence of your social standing your hands play aa im p rtimt part To have them heavily bejeweled indicates poor tasteto il1ael 1I1eiBtlaoweverset off with qr of perfect workmanship and of geHHine qual- ity ¬ < Ts to have yoarealf clasee4 as having both good taste and bree4r- iRg aad excellen finaBcial stadiBg rOut displar > ol dtaigms is ef the kisd < that will pleas the Boet ex- acting C- AL < BURNETT L OCATL4FLORIDA I V I L r I i x AQOOD HOSPITAL SUGGESTION- Editor Star r desire to make a little homanltartan suggestion In the Interest of those sufferers to whom the Marlon County Hospital and its noble body of workers mean so much The location of the hospital Is un- fortunately ¬ on one of the unpaved and dustiest streets of the city For ¬ tunately there are water plugs at the Intersections of the principal streets- I suggest tbatthe Ocala Water com- pany ¬ donate the use sufficient wa ¬ terto properly sprinkle only the streets In front and approaches to the hospital and that the Ocala Fire De- partment detail twice each day one of their men to attach a short hose- to the principal plugs and play a suf ficlent amount ot water to perpetually- keep this short section of street free from dust This would take only a- very few minutes the water waste would really not be considerable and the benefit derived far out Of all pro portion to the small expense and time Let us stop the rush after the almighty dollar a minute or two and give just this little thought to our own sick and suffering Let the Star take up the question appoint a com- mittee ¬ confer with the water com- pany ¬ and fire department and see what can be done ExPatient DO YOU KNOW that Lead and Oil Paint beaten to- gether with a paddle will soon dis- color ¬ and chalk off 241 is guar ¬ anteed not to chalk DO YOU KNOW that in addition- to this disadvantage that Lead and Oil hand made paint costs you more per gallon than fl- 9pT 2 e J E 1 The above are two good reasons why yQU should try 241 DO YOU KNOW any good reason why you should not I For sale by the Marion Hardware Company Ocala Fla AN OLD MISSION California is full of things to inter ¬ est the traveler but nothing surpass- es ¬ the old missions which are so numerous in that state These mis ¬ sions which were founded over a century ago by the Franciscan monks are nearly nfl In ruins b1t a few still remain In goqcP repair and still In use jJMie moptslnterestinp of these mon- asteries ¬ Is tbf mission nt Santa Bar Jara t Thlj one hundred and twen ¬ tyseven years old and is still pre ssrvtuialmost entirelyIn its original f8rnv Th6 visitor Js met hy a monk ln a coarse dark robe and Njfltn tYs ajje feetencased in sandals aid one can hardl realize that the scene is laid In the United States so strange the surroundings seem After having registered in the plain almore bare reception hall the visi- tors ¬ are escorted through rooms of old and queer relies of the days of the early monks Beds of rawhide illustrate the severe and comfortless liVes they led and judging from ap peArarteds the Hves of jhe present n6 k3ie not mzch lss mrsh for the rOoms arid furnishings are plain and simple to the point tbareness ThPchdpe3wIth its faded and worn J thenfixtypolnt of in- terest in its origfriafltljornjf ijy special effort of the anq stands as furnished by the founders of the miision Just outside its doors lies the little cem- etery ¬ In which thousands of convert- ed ¬ Indians are buried No mound or slab marks their graves as lack of space caused them to be buried side by side wrapped in their blankets In this cemetery are also the vaults of the early monks and many long Im- possible ¬ names are inscribed on their dqor This ends the inspection arid the visitor Is ushered out by the cour ¬ teous old monk with grateful words of thanks for the unsolicited fees he has raised Henrietta SIsk- s SOUTH LAKE WEIR An infant daughter of Mr and Mrs 3r E Wilbur which died at Lady Lake was brought here for burial in Forest Hills Cemetery the past week and was laid beside the remains of its grandmother Mrs John E Wilbur Sr Orange buyers have been strongly in evidence this week Mr Morris representing S A Townsend ot Philadelphia Mr A j Nye of St Petersburg Mid E Ef Peter ol- Leesburg and Dr Spooner of East lake who buy on their own account and Mr Sanborn who buys for Bos ¬ ton parties Di Andrews who once lived here and was president of a phosphate company but who is now in real es ¬ tate business in Tampa was in town on Tuesday for the first time in a number of years He finds many changes but was able to recog ¬ nize some old acquaintances- Mr A D Williamson general traveling freight agent of the S A L Ry with hIsS wife came in on Tuesday and tarried for the night at the Pleasant Hills House- Mr Wm Sanborn and Mr C C Fosgate of Boston are guests at the Pleasant Hills House Mr San ¬ born came to the house as a stran ¬ ger but was surprised to be recog ¬ nized by Mr Upham as an old ac- quaintance ¬ and old towney in Mel- rose Mass many years ago Mr Sanborn has bought the fine orange crop of Mrs E A RIcker and will ship It at once to Boston Com 0 W Russell of the Lake Weir navy and his wife were visi- tors ¬ in town on Wednesday- Mr William Schmidt the pur- chaser ¬ of the Albiston place expects- his family from Lima Ohio to ar ¬ rive about the 1st of November and states that some four or five hun ¬ dred prospective settlers seventy fire of whom are from his imme ¬ diate neighborhood may be expect- ed ¬ here about the middle of Novem- ber ¬ ONCE A FAINT DREAM BUT NOW A THRILLING REALITY You can positively have your shoes resoled and ftal het off to look like new by an electric stitching and fi ishing machine D W Goodwin Shoe ¬ maker Ocala Fla next door east to Moatesiiw JHfoteL WANTED A JSrstclass young Jer- sey ¬ coy giving milk Apply to IL C Jones at the Ocala Bottling Works r1JrakingGood There Is no way of m1klnwlmtlJsc friends like Making Doctoi Pierces medicines well exemplify this and their friends after more than two decades of popularity are numberedby the They Lave made good anSI they have nut wade drunkards A good honest squaredeal medicine of known composition Is Dr Pierces GoMea Medical Discovery It still enjoys an im- mense ¬ sale while most of the ¬ tions that have come Icttpromlance in the earlier period of its popularity have by the board and are never more heard of There must be some reason for this longtime popularity and that is to be found in it superior merits When once given a fair trial for weak stomach or for liver and blood affections itssupe- riorcurativequalitfes are soon m nlrest it has survived and grown in pop ¬ ular favor while scores of less meritorious articles have suddenly flashed into favor for a brief period and then been as sooa fonjotteo For a torpid liver with Its attendant ndfgesUon dyspepsia headache per ¬ haps dizziness breath coated tonne with bitter taste lossof appetite with distress after eating nervousness and debility nothing is so good as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Its an honest squaredeal medicine with all Its Ingredients printed on er no secret no hocuspocus humbug therefore dont accept a substitute that the dealer may possibly make a little big gor profit Insist on your right to have what you call for Dont buy Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip Uon expectingIt to prove a It is only advised for woman special ail- ments ¬ It makai weak women strong and sick woineg well Less advertised than some preparations sold for like purposes its sterling curative virtues still Its position in the front ranks where it stood over two decades ago As an In igorating tonic and strengthening nerv ¬ lao It is unequaled It wont satisfy those who want booze for there Is not a drop af alcohol In it Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the orffft not Little Liver Pills although the first pill of their kiod in the market still lead and when ono tried are ever afterwards in favor Easy to take as candy tine to three a Much imitated but never tqualcd I FISH AND OYSTERS Fresh salt and fresh water fish in ¬ side anti outside oysters shrimp etc received every day Temporary lo- cation ¬ south of west end of the city market building in small wooden building William Tucker Phone 219 STENOGRAPHIC WORK AND TYPEWRITING Beginning Monday October 18th I can be found during business hours- in the Law Library in the Merchants block prepared to do all manner of stenographic work and typewriting Mary E Bo- gleCASTORIA For Infants and Children Jlitd You Hare Always BOhtR- EGISTRATIONNOTICE Be 1S the d Signature of UU The registration books of the city of Ocala are now open at the city clerks office J All parties desiring to register will do so before the second Saturday in Xovember as the books will close on that date- H C Sistrunk Clerk and Supervisor of Registration of the City of Ocala WHY SO WEAK Kidney Troubles May Jje Sapping Your Life vAway Ocala People f Have Learned ThisFact When healthy man or woman be ¬ gins to run down Without apparent cause becomes weak languid de ¬ pressed suffers backache headache dizzy spells and urinary disorders kidney weakness may be the cause- of It all Keep the kidneys well and they will keep you well Doans Kid- ney ¬ Pills cure sick kidneys and keep them well Can Ocala readers de ¬ mand further proof than the follow- ing ¬ statement S E L Moore River street Palatka Fla says- I used Doans Kidney Pills and can say they proved very beneficial My kidneys troubled me for years and I was forced to arise from six to eight times every night on account of the too frequent passages of kidney secretions My back was weak and lame and it was difficult for me to arise from a chair in fact I often had to grasp something for support- in doing so I doctored for several years and used a number remedies but without finding any relief until I procured Doans Kidney Pills Since using them I do not have to pass the kidney secretions at night and my back gives me much less trouble I am well pleased with the results I obtained from the use of Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills and I can recommend them- to any person suffering from kidney trouble For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMIlburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other q V- R1IIri vj4v wIJW r 0 The Proof is 1 the BRAD If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively i Ocala MARTI CARN i 0 TURPENTINE MEN- ENDORSE TALIAFERRO Result of the Naval Stores Opera ¬ tor Meeting in Jacfccenville Jacksonville Fku OctTe Turpentine Operator regular elected the Boyd following 0ffcrPeslenf J G Sessions Bonlfay secretary TB Holloman Jacksonville John Henderson Jack r The executive k com- posed ¬ of the officers as exofficio members and the following P L Sutherland Jacksonville chairman- R S Hall Ocala J L Medlin J3 A Alford Chlpley J Edwards Cove Springs C H Davis Manatee- and Wm Toomer Jacksonville- After passing several resolutions- the meeting was adjourned until next session The association heartily endorsed the Taliaferro naval stores bill now pending In Congress and decided to establish a headquarters In Jackson- ville ¬ employing a force of men In keeping accurate stattic or the na- val ¬ stores SENATOR MARTIN JOHNSON Faro S D Oct 22 United States Johnson republi- can ¬ of this state died last night from an attack of acute nephritis at his hone In this ciE- XP10SION IN OKLAHOMA- Ten Men Killed and Others Badly Injured in a Coal Mine Harthor Okla Oct 22Ten two are injured and one is missing as a resul of an ex- plosion ¬ in mine No the Rock Island Mining company yesterday Nine bodies were recovered The men are believed to have gone beyond a dead line with lighted lamps in entering the mine the lamps Igniting the escaping gas NEW SPANISH CABINET Premier and Minister of the Inter ¬ lorlorc Y Prendergast of Foreign Affairs Perez Caballero Minister of Finance Seno Alvar ado Minister of WarLieutenant Gen eral De Luque Minister of Marine Hear Admiral Concas x Minister ot Public WorkSenor Gasset Minister of Justice Martinez Del Campo- If people with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble realize their dan ¬ ger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strengthens and builds up these or ¬ gans and there is no danger Brighfs disease or other serious dis- order ¬ Do not disregard the early symptoms Soldi by all druggists DECORATIVE ART For high grade work of all kinds of painting paperhanging and dec- orating ¬ at the highest prices no cheap John work with a full and ef- ficient ¬ corps of decorators call at Mc leer MacKays HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE For sale cneap for cash the black mare formerly owned by Major Izlar sixmonths old colt and rubbertired buggy Write to or call on C Ii An- derson ¬ care Ocala Lumber Supply Company- You need not be troubled In any way with the stomach If you wil simply take Kodol at those times when you feel that yon need it Kodo1- is guaranteed to relieve you If I falls your money will be refunded you by the drggist fromwhom you purchased It It today on this guarantee Sold by al druggists 1iX KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I r Conventions held every Mon ¬ day evening In Caste Hal over Peysers welcome to visiting knights- s Sidney Hale CC Chas K Sage K of S I O O P Tulula Lodge No 28- I O b F meet ev- ery Tuesday in Yonges Hal Visiting brothers al- ways ¬ W L Colbert N G M M Little I OCALA LODGE NO 2 BPOEM- eets second Tuesday evening in each month until October Visit Ing brethren always welcome Bradford Webb Exalted Ruler Stephen Jewett Secretary OCALA AERIE NO 1814 F O E I Meets every Wed ¬ nesday evening at 815 oclock Visiting brethren always welcome F W Ditto President F U OF A The Fraternal Union of Aerica meets in Yonges Hall the Thursday of each mont F M C K Sage Secret- aryFL3L v v- MarlonDunn E Ldg I No 19 meets t temple on tLa first and third Thursday even- Ings of each mont Visiting bothel cordially A M w V Wheeler Secretary OCALA CHAPTER 13 R A M Regular convocations of the Ocala Chapter No 13 R A M on the 4th Friday In every mont at 8 pm ttlleb H P Jake Brown Secretary r V FORT KING CAMP NO 14 WoF W3 Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening November 12th at 730 oclock In Yonges HalL Visiting sovereigns are always welco- meMMUttleCC Chas K Sage Clerk F j c IIY o c rI ft f t i I Q V r STYi1SflflEAIflffj- For < 1 J tf- I j M and YouIigMen 1 qi t t iU el l AJ V SL V VJ t s 5 = = i = = i zY 3 vrps 1 < < w > wI ilSs S I J j r n e are evc 1 u Te l8 n i > I J fls 5 J i 1- thifemous f 1 t 1J J o o 7Z i n i J y S T b > 5 p 1 L = L 44 l t S- I it1 > b t > 1 jrt- o I- J 1 4 r r + I + tt- s < t H- M J I > jR 1 A I I ¼ l- I 0 < t t J a p < 1 l l v C- S i- i < j 4 i l t i u S h < 7 < > J 1tl J 1 1 S i U d- 1I c S aSSWEiB T f- t I I 7f It 2 <7 r 1 J Pt ii- p i I r i frli 1 j X 1 s 4 4 1 J- s KNOXH Vi- X 1 1 r I f ty J vItoJ i > i < 4 We have them in the Sot t i 1 1 art Alpine and Stiff Shapes They H J have Style Elegance we timF 1 t1- I qualities c f t f1t ij 1V Ask to see them in themo th- ing r < t f r J Departmehtof iF the s- H I BSMASTERSCOjSTUDE- BALERFLANDERS2O < < of l II J L- i > j 7 c iJj- I > S 75 0 I ti rir d < I to r d 1 I- 1t Sr > o- O < t lJh 1 I i l or o fi f i1j > > f i t r 1 P i = t J t Specifications < i 1 j t rt f o < t 4 cylIndersJfcLstjlenbiock3G8 bore 100Inch ivhcel base J r wJ 334 tioTvO i i 32x311nch Miot wheelsT jI i > Select SildlJ1g gear transmisslon- v COInch tread y < 3 speeds frardafld reverse Splltdorf inajgnetoalso gas lamps < ff- J and gencrltorslnc1u the equip l All metal body ment V p If B X Unquestionably the greatest value offered in motor V < cars for 1910 0 I 4 O The car combines aU the most tV- Tff exclusive and approved 1910 fea- tures ¬ 71 at price within the reach of 1 all Catalogues for distribution n I ADDRESS w- J < 4 I GAINESVILLE MOTOR CAR CO- C < > i- I 4 W HILL Manager Gainesville flsrJda EMF parts and accessories always iu stoCk V 1 > arif S 4 y I f- o i f 0- r L i p b t I- ti y J d t S 4 i The Brush Runaboit- z c 3 fi + J c r- i z oi > > iF1 1 c l yoa areCInterested in or are thinking purchasing atMBfiflX JBUIfc P M V3 J toV t car there ita nothing for the mopey so powerful reliable aad porb- i1Ic11mbng T i4 nd sandpulling ualJJUe as the Bnasb Tgcaa Ietr J f tlve cataloguejJ1 calling on Of writing Y i- br c 1 cftt f r 11 > GA I- IRR CARROIJU Agent lot Mari i HJtv ji3WJh vA STAR OFFICEOCALAfl43w t- I < t- I if I t- I 4 7 > V it S f < r 1 vX > S > y5- t i- vci Iii 1t IJ f

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i Aa aCBCe of fair size and in eVl

ttOuch I with the object of thei theti1 attended the opening ses-

skm of the Marion County SUR dayfchopi Institute at the Presbyterianchurch last night Dr E Van Hood

i Je charge of the meeting and Jntree4 Kfo Frank Batset In thelI > c f ahsitaoi RevHenrjr Gabby who

> r wairtalfciiiRiddcnly III and could not< attend Several songs were sung and

V Mr Barnett read a portion of Markji t twchiftg oh Christs liking and sof-

lehit 4 for children and on the samea made some very interesting and Im

preMive commentsThe fallowed the naming of tem-


officers ReV W H CoIcmaH> was made temporary chairman and

c Dr W H Dodge was named for sec-retary


j4L 4 Dr Dpdgi the address of

wctebne HQ referred to his experl Hce IRmeetlngthe trains and try

E lag to find delegates and those whopromised to take part In the progra and lie did not see them but if

r there were any here he bid them wel-


and the hospitality of theirJI borticn and the good things that would

he spread before them To accept allthis and take away with them what

>they could appreciate He then ex ¬

tended a cordial welcome to the Sun-day


school workers of the city whoS f met seldom Jn conference and to

those who were not allied with thejtanday schools and appealed to themto come out and visit the schools andsit as specWrsee what was at-


to be done along Bible teach-ing


to the o ng-

Presidentfc± J it Jolly of the Pres

t byterlan College at Eustls was downL for an address on What Lake Coun ¬

ty Has Done but wrote stating Itf

b was Impossible for h tojtcnd1 Also lit Lee IcDonfchr ofTampa-

whovaa nave spoTten on What IsI Thoroughly Organized Sunday-

S hooJwas absent so Miss Nellie1 Stevens principal pt our primary d-eV


1 partment read her paper on teachingI the ybungi

The cholr sang Glory to dod in theHighest MrStfHarry Lapham carry-Ing1 the solo part The chair appoint-ed


a committee to fill In where thec V regular speakers failed to appear The

chair hopes for af good attendance to-

day as Sunday school1 work was oneof the mog t In rtant in connection

Ii with the rir <InMi 1 bershlp t of them came

I RqXe J5JP mL-



r 1P-


MrI B i3cM4whIt4 bC Sumrticrfleldwas In Ta1n3gjdky on business

evening J was crossing al street In company t with Mr M E-

RobiMonJpe was struck down by a-iattoblk14itaInIpg three broken

h rJHa baiiy Injured thigh and aI crushed fet Ho was taken to a hos ¬

pital al injures dressed Hi-

1hjurI iyrBso severe that It mayI take sewal months before he can be

J around v It seemsuthe auto failed to4 vew Mr McWhite Is an en-

l r terprlsirig merchant of Summerfieldj air 4

The Star hadsan appreciated callfrom Mr TiJSIras of Kendrick thismorning Mr Sims for the past five-

s> yrs hasvHa chargeuf the Standardp

> LIme CoMbya1tMna and grew anb Hually ovcri I1bvaliI tf corn as

v many baletf drVha StId ft nZOO toKM bushels of sweet potatoes and a

s good large field of oats Mr Sims hase severed his M connection with the

s cbwpaay arid taken possession of MrA GD Hogans farm on the hard road

He said Mr Hogan had about 354 acres In ptadars 4n a new clearing

t and made a spleadld crop He hasabout the i same acreage in velvetbeans and to utilize same to best ad-vantage


i has purchased and placed In-

S iaid flelds some see head of hogs the-Me faUealag beautifully and for

I4 several weeks has killed for 12 to 15a week finding ready sale for same-tt seven cents a pound In the field

he has Just completed i an Inexhawtlble swppJy of well water withwhich tospl the stock The wellto about ninety feet deep

Kr1 L Tonce of St Petersburgreturned last night torn Live Oakwhere he mingled with the old vet-erans

¬lnje himself He said agreat crQwclwas present and Live

treated them with the greatesthospitality throwing open their homes

b to all who FQuldi enter f Mr Yoncesaid that JiMiiU aHd several milestIle side lijt1cedi a hard rain

c j1 yeterdanaswater was standing Inthe 1tcm-





j f-f paid an unexpected visitteOeala and the Commercial Bank

I yesterday It liappeae this wayMix 8trau and his two partnerswho are retting out rokln the

r Biltchton eectiph for Tampa paid thejreck erusherJa visit and then camop to Ocalaplcklng up Dr Butch and

1 laiidlng him In Ocala in 45 minutesi c Vlt W King has charge of the rock

Hi ik 1 Billy snlth the Lima Ohio manC who bought the old Albeston plaqo

en lkHth Lake Weir was In townI yesterday He sid on Nov 1st 75 pf

< hb townanen will leave inclnnati-

tiSOhio to Inspect their lands purchasedat the National Land Co Af-ter

¬W seeing them and the beauties of

the lake Utey will visit the Ocala fairIn a body Dully for Lima Ohoi =


Itfr D> T Williams of Arcadia whojpeat KBOiith In Ocala with Mr E T

7 WiUIaa1hi s brother returnedI

homeda 4


V Aho kth t 7tn of JJovesftber the1 acfeftte tne s A L railroad will3 ih figewhen VMr B P Pntot will

e the A Ik road from Ocalata fltlvwaerfags and his mifljt Forta lceey f It1

I i I

i y TheS A Lo will put on a special

trala fei South Lake Weir Monday

10 ii t L frOIOC1SI to handle the fruit fromtMtaa-

T t-

f lf LIit Mok went down to-

t i DitIIa yesterday on business con-

aeds UHf OtalaIUIes-


I a 1kd >


T5 rier ofI ilittte ti penftNo tb qw WUla town yesterdayJ t riiMI t > oeI41 eie rootsa and

I fake J our1

IUTiiitl < C sq < t r1 jJ J

i lt ll Ji J-

F e < <

< c Ij

Co 1J I-i

OLJtSUEt 811111Gc

Means discretion judicious careimiBatioR of all speculation But-t should met mean today narrow

mindedness failure to appreciatemerit in any aid all customers-

We do not judge any man by hisbank balance

We look for his ability and char¬

acter consider his efforts in busi-ness



We can best serve our customersand eIveiby these considera-tions



4 Ocala Fla1 j

CARD OF THANKSWe tak thIs method of thanking-

the pubud through the columns ofyour paper for the liberal patronagethat has beeneended us through-the past seasoa in our busies aswe have Not been able Jo delivercars as the entire country as awhole bought more cars than theBuick factory < could produce Weare just Injeoeipt of letters givingus a slight inkling of our 1910 pro-duct


assuring us of the fact thattrem be no question in the fu-ture


that we will be cared for OurlljLjnodels be ready for de¬

i of November andwe have the assurance that if weBabHldBeed 100 cars we can deliverthe 1eJ Our modela 10 and 17wilt be continued but the horse-power will be increased 20 percentWe will also have a model knownas No practically the same asottTNo 17 only slightly a smaller-car and will sell for about 1400complete and we think this modelwill hold the rest of them for quite-a while We will also have a 600ar runabout 2cylinder opposedmotor in front under the boardcone clutch in fly wheel selectivetype transmission and double chaindrive 30x3 12 tires and we want-to say to the public that so far aspulling through sand is concerned-this car has no equal Thanking ourfrjends for past favors we are


Per J H Spencerf


4 l r



Tsaifindi t o3 O-

I I vrNING nuunAre jo equipped with

good vision so that you can spendtheseohom to the best advantage

t by Lnlpllgh-tftsk to Imperfect eyesiJt jg

pleasure to perfect ones rDRD M BONEYj

01Eyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to 10 a m and k30to 430 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 d4Gary block



j Jl iiand Bcsiljiryvc

paper published at the Price Readin Every

f L8TPP Couhtr-yIthas Invariably been jtha great f

fort of the rIceaWekjdItoiotthe j Tewj York World toimbllsh thehews impartially In order that 4t mayan accurate reporter of whathas hap ¬

pened It tells the T truth irrespectiveof party and for that reason it hasachieved a position with the publicunique among papers of its class

The subscription season Is now athand and thls Is the best offer thatwill be made to you

If you want the news as really Issubscribe to the ThriceaWeek edi-tion


of the New York World whichcomes to yofc every other day exceptSunday and Is thus practically a dallyat the price of a weekly

The TJrlcea Week Worlds regularsubscription price is only 1 per yearand this pays for 156 papers We of¬

fer this unequalled newspaper and theWeekly Star together for one yearfor 160> The regular subscriptionptlct3 of the two papers Is 2-rSPLENDID FARM FOR SALE

3 d

80acre farm with good buildingstwo good mules all kinds farm Imple-ments


and a Tot of feed Plenty goodwood and land of the best hammockSoufif Ocala one mile off I splendidhard ro4i t This must go at once andthe jiric ill auprise you Apply atoscelo his offic-


cxG6ojpvTN BUNGALOW Furnishof modem plumbing running wateri fylene gas tOper wee-

k4YLE COTTAGEFurnishedrfcnahig water C per week

BEAltt VILEA To rent on Octoberfot the winter furnished running

water modern plumbing acetylenegas 25 per month> 4 David S Woodrow

1 a Holder Block Ocala Fla-


silk cape between A EBurnett1 store and his home Finderwill br Suitably rewarded


Lt ¼

3 f


As ah evidence of your socialstanding your hands play aa imp rtimt part To have them heavilybejeweled indicates poor tasteto

il1ael 1I1eiBtlaoweverset off withqr of perfect

workmanship and of geHHine qual-ity

¬< Ts to have yoarealf clasee4 as

having both good taste and bree4r-iRg aad excellen finaBcial stadiBgrOut displar >ol dtaigms is ef thekisd < that will pleas the Boet ex-acting C-






I i



Editor Star r desire to make alittle homanltartan suggestion In theInterest of those sufferers to whomthe Marlon County Hospital and itsnoble body of workers mean so muchThe location of the hospital Is un-fortunately


on one of the unpaved anddustiest streets of the city For ¬

tunately there are water plugs at theIntersections of the principal streets-I suggest tbatthe Ocala Water com-pany


donate the use sufficient wa ¬

terto properly sprinkle only thestreets In front and approaches to thehospital and that the Ocala Fire De-partment detail twice each day oneof their men to attach a short hose-to the principal plugs and play a sufficlent amount ot water to perpetually-keep this short section of street freefrom dust This would take only a-

very few minutes the water wastewould really not be considerable andthe benefit derived far out Of all proportion to the small expense andtime Let us stop the rush after thealmighty dollar a minute or two andgive just this little thought to ourown sick and suffering Let the Startake up the question appoint a com-mittee


confer with the water com-pany


and fire department and seewhat can be done ExPatient


that Lead and Oil Paint beaten to-gether with a paddle will soon dis-color


and chalk off 241 is guar¬

anteed not to chalkDO YOU KNOW that in addition-

to this disadvantage that Lead andOil hand made paint costs you moreper gallon than


9pT2e J E1

The above are two good reasonswhy yQU should try 241 DO YOUKNOW any good reason why youshould not I

For sale by the Marion HardwareCompany Ocala Fla


California is full of things to inter ¬

est the traveler but nothing surpass-es


the old missions which are sonumerous in that state These mis ¬

sions which were founded over acentury ago by the Franciscan monksare nearly nfl In ruins b1t a few stillremain In goqcP repair and still In usejJMie moptslnterestinp of these mon-


Is tbf mission nt Santa BarJara t Thlj one hundred and twen ¬

tyseven years old and is still pressrvtuialmost entirelyIn its originalf8rnv Th6 visitor Js met hy a monk

ln a coarse dark robe andNjfltn tYs ajje feetencased in sandalsaid one can hardl realize that thescene is laid In the United States sostrange the surroundings seem

After having registered in the plainalmore bare reception hall the visi-tors


are escorted through rooms ofold and queer relies of the days ofthe early monks Beds of rawhideillustrate the severe and comfortlessliVes they led and judging from appeArarteds the Hves of jhe presentn6k3ie not mzch lss mrsh forthe rOoms arid furnishings are plainand simple to the point tbareness

ThPchdpe3wIth its faded and worn

J thenfixtypolnt of in-terest in itsorigfriafltljornjf ijy special effort of the

anq stands as furnished bythe founders of the miision Justoutside its doors lies the little cem-etery


In which thousands of convert-ed


Indians are buried No mound orslab marks their graves as lack ofspace caused them to be buried sideby side wrapped in their blankets Inthis cemetery are also the vaults ofthe early monks and many long Im-


names are inscribed on theirdqor

This ends the inspection arid thevisitor Is ushered out by the cour¬

teous old monk with grateful wordsof thanks for the unsolicited fees hehas raised Henrietta SIsk-


An infant daughter of Mr andMrs 3r E Wilbur which died atLady Lake was brought here forburial in Forest Hills Cemetery thepast week and was laid beside theremains of its grandmother MrsJohn E Wilbur Sr

Orange buyers have been stronglyin evidence this week Mr Morrisrepresenting S A Townsend otPhiladelphia Mr A j Nye of StPetersburg Mid E Ef Peter ol-Leesburg and Dr Spooner of Eastlake who buy on their own accountand Mr Sanborn who buys for Bos ¬

ton partiesDi Andrews who once lived here

and was president of a phosphatecompany but who is now in real es¬

tate business in Tampa was intown on Tuesday for the first timein a number of years He findsmany changes but was able to recog ¬

nize some old acquaintances-Mr A D Williamson general

traveling freight agent of the S AL Ry with hIsS wife came in onTuesday and tarried for the night atthe Pleasant Hills House-

Mr Wm Sanborn and Mr C CFosgate of Boston are guests atthe Pleasant Hills House Mr San¬

born came to the house as a stran ¬

ger but was surprised to be recog ¬

nized by Mr Upham as an old ac-quaintance


and old towney in Mel-rose Mass many years ago MrSanborn has bought the fine orangecrop of Mrs E A RIcker and willship It at once to Boston

Com 0 W Russell of the LakeWeir navy and his wife were visi-tors


in town on Wednesday-Mr William Schmidt the pur-


of the Albiston place expects-his family from Lima Ohio to ar¬

rive about the 1st of November andstates that some four or five hun¬

dred prospective settlers seventyfire of whom are from his imme¬diate neighborhood may be expect-ed


here about the middle of Novem-ber



You can positively have your shoesresoled and ftal het off to look likenew by an electric stitching and fiishing machine D W Goodwin Shoe ¬

maker Ocala Fla next door east toMoatesiiw JHfoteL

WANTED A JSrstclass young Jer-sey


coy giving milk Apply to IL CJones at the Ocala Bottling Works

r1JrakingGoodThere Is no way of m1klnwlmtlJsc

friends like Making DoctoiPierces medicines well exemplify thisand their friends after more than twodecades of popularity are numberedbythe They Lavemade good anSI they have nut wade

drunkardsA good honest squaredeal medicine of

known composition Is Dr Pierces GoMeaMedical Discovery It still enjoys an im-mense


sale while most of the ¬

tions that have come Icttpromlance inthe earlier period of its popularity have

by the board and are never moreheard of There must be some reason forthis longtime popularity and that is tobe found in it superior merits Whenonce given a fair trial for weak stomachor for liver and blood affections itssupe-riorcurativequalitfes are soon m nlrest

it has survived and grown in pop¬

ular favor while scores of less meritoriousarticles have suddenly flashed into favorfor a brief period and then been as sooafonjotteo

For a torpid liver with Its attendantndfgesUon dyspepsia headache per ¬

haps dizziness breath coatedtonne with bitter taste lossof appetitewith distress after eating nervousnessand debility nothing is so good as DrPierces Golden Medical Discovery Itsan honest squaredeal medicine with allIts Ingredients printed on er

no secret no hocuspocus humbugtherefore dont accept a substitute thatthe dealer may possibly make a little biggor profit Insist on your right to havewhat you call for

Dont buy Dr Pierces Favorite PrescripUon expectingIt to prove a Itis only advised for woman special ail-ments


It makai weak women strong andsick woineg well Less advertised thansome preparations sold for like purposesits sterling curative virtues stillIts position in the front ranks where itstood over two decades ago As an Inigorating tonic and strengthening nerv ¬

lao It is unequaled It wont satisfy thosewho want booze for there Is not a dropaf alcohol In it

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the orffftnot Little Liver Pills although the firstpill of their kiod in the market still leadand when ono tried are ever afterwardsin favor Easy to take as candy tine tothree a Much imitated but nevertqualcdI


Fresh salt and fresh water fish in ¬

side anti outside oysters shrimp etcreceived every day Temporary lo-


south of west end of the citymarket building in small woodenbuilding William Tucker Phone 219


Beginning Monday October 18th Ican be found during business hours-in the Law Library in the Merchantsblock prepared to do all manner ofstenographic work and typewriting

Mary E Bo-

gleCASTORIAFor Infants and Children

Jlitd You Hare Always BOhtR-


Be1S the dSignature of UU

The registration books of the cityof Ocala are now open at the cityclerks office J All parties desiring toregister will do so before the secondSaturday in Xovember as the bookswill close on that date-

H C SistrunkClerk and Supervisor of Registration

of the City of Ocala


Kidney Troubles May Jje SappingYour Life vAway Ocala People

f Have Learned ThisFactWhen healthy man or woman be ¬

gins to run down Without apparentcause becomes weak languid de ¬

pressed suffers backache headachedizzy spells and urinary disorderskidney weakness may be the cause-of It all Keep the kidneys well andthey will keep you well Doans Kid-ney


Pills cure sick kidneys and keepthem well Can Ocala readers de ¬

mand further proof than the follow-ing


statement S E L Moore Riverstreet Palatka Fla says-

I used Doans Kidney Pills and cansay they proved very beneficial Mykidneys troubled me for years and Iwas forced to arise from six to eighttimes every night on account of thetoo frequent passages of kidneysecretions My back was weakand lame and it was difficult for meto arise from a chair in fact I oftenhad to grasp something for support-in doing so I doctored for severalyears and used a number remediesbut without finding any relief until Iprocured Doans Kidney Pills Sinceusing them I do not have to pass thekidney secretions at night and myback gives me much less trouble Iam well pleased with the results Iobtained from the use of Doans Kid ¬

ney Pills and I can recommend them-to any person suffering from kidneytrouble

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMIlburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Doans andtake no other

q V-

R1IIri vj4v wIJWr0

The Proof is 1 the

BRADIf you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively iOcala





Result of the Naval Stores Opera ¬

tor Meeting in JacfccenvilleJacksonville Fku OctTeTurpentine Operator

regular elected the

Boydfollowing 0ffcrPeslenf J GSessions Bonlfay secretary TBHolloman JacksonvilleJohn Henderson Jack r

The executive k com-posed


of the officers as exofficiomembers and the following P LSutherland Jacksonville chairman-R S Hall Ocala JL Medlin J3 AAlford Chlpley J EdwardsCove Springs C H Davis Manatee-and Wm Toomer Jacksonville-

After passing several resolutions-the meeting was adjourned until nextsession

The association heartily endorsedthe Taliaferro naval stores bill nowpending In Congress and decided toestablish a headquarters In Jackson-ville


employing a force of men Inkeeping accurate stattic or the na-val




Faro S D Oct 22 United StatesJohnson republi-


of this state died last night froman attack of acute nephritis at hishone In this ciE-


Ten Men Killed and Others BadlyInjured in a Coal Mine

Harthor Okla Oct 22Tentwo are injured and

one is missing as a resul of an ex-plosion


in mine No the RockIsland Mining company yesterdayNine bodies were recovered

The men are believed to have gonebeyond a dead line with lightedlamps in entering the mine the lampsIgniting the escaping gas


Premier and Minister of the Inter ¬

lorlorc Y Prendergastof Foreign Affairs Perez

CaballeroMinister of Finance Seno Alvar

adoMinister of WarLieutenant Gen

eral De LuqueMinister of Marine Hear Admiral

Concas x

Minister ot Public WorkSenorGasset

Minister of Justice Martinez DelCampo-

If people with symptoms of kidneyor bladder trouble realize their dan ¬

ger they would without loss of timecommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy This great remedy stopsthe pain and the irregularitiesstrengthens and builds up these or ¬

gans and there is no dangerBrighfs disease or other serious dis-order


Do not disregard the earlysymptoms Soldi by all druggists


For high grade work of all kindsof painting paperhanging and dec-orating


at the highest prices nocheap John work with a full and ef-


corps of decorators call at Mcleer MacKays


For sale cneap for cash the blackmare formerly owned by Major Izlarsixmonths old colt and rubbertiredbuggy Write to or call on C Ii An-derson


care Ocala Lumber SupplyCompany-

You need not be troubled In anyway with the stomach If you wilsimply take Kodol at those timeswhen you feel that yon need it Kodo1-is guaranteed to relieve you If Ifalls your money will be refundedyou by the drggist fromwhom youpurchased It It today on thisguarantee Sold by al druggists

1iX KNIGHTS OF PYTHIASI r Conventions held every Mon ¬

day evening In Caste Halover Peyserswelcome to visiting knights-

s Sidney Hale CCChas K Sage K of S

I O O PTulula Lodge No 28-

I O b F meet ev-ery Tuesday

in Yonges Hal Visiting brothers al-ways


W LColbert N GM M Little


NO 2BPOEM-eets second Tuesday

evening in each monthuntil October Visit

Ing brethren always welcomeBradford Webb Exalted Ruler

Stephen Jewett Secretary


NO 1814 F O EI Meets every Wed ¬

nesday evening at815 oclock Visiting brethren alwayswelcome F W Ditto President


The Fraternal Union of Aericameets in Yonges Hall theThursday of each mont F M

C K Sage Secret-



MarlonDunnE LdgI No 19 meetst temple on tLa first and

third Thursday even-Ings of each mont Visiting bothelcordially A Mw V Wheeler Secretary


Regular convocations of the OcalaChapter No 13 R A M on the 4thFriday In every mont at 8 p m

ttlleb H PJake Brown Secretary


WoF W3 Next regular monthlymeeting will be held

Friday evening November 12th at730 oclock In Yonges HalL Visitingsovereigns are always welco-

meMMUttleCCChas KSage Clerk



IIY o c

rIft f t i I Q V r






M and YouIigMen1

qit t iUel l


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1 J-sKNOXH Vi-


1 1r I f tyJ vItoJi > i

< 4

We have them in the Sot t i1 1art

Alpine and Stiff Shapes They HJ

have Style Elegance we timF 1t1-


qualities c f t f1t ij1V

Ask to see them in themoth-



<t f rJ


the s-






of l II



i >j 7 c iJj-


> S750I

ti rir




d1 I-


Sr> o-

O<t lJh 1


i l or o fi fi1j > > fi tr 1 P i = t J

t Specifications < i1 jt rt fo < t4 cylIndersJfcLstjlenbiock3G8 bore 100Inch ivhcel base J rwJ

334 tioTvO i i 32x311nch MiotwheelsT jI i >

Select SildlJ1g gear transmisslon-v

COInch tread y <

3 speeds frardafld reverse Splltdorf inajgnetoalso gas lamps < ff-

Jand gencrltorslnc1u the equip lAll metal body ment V




Unquestionably the greatestvalue offered in motor


<cars for1910 0 I

4 OThe car combines aU the most tV-Tff

exclusive and approved 1910 fea-tures

¬ 71at price within the reach of 1

all Catalogues for distribution nI


J <

4 I



< > i-I 4W HILL Manager

Gainesville flsrJdaE M F parts and accessories always iu stoCk

V 1 >


4 yI f-


i f0-

rL ip






S 4i

The Brush Runaboit-z

c3 fi +

J cr-

iz oi> > iF1 1 c lyoa areCInterested in or are thinking purchasing atMBfiflX JBUIfc P M V3JtoV t

car there ita nothing for the mopey so powerful reliable aad porb-i1Ic11mbng

T i4nd sandpulling ualJJUe as the Bnasb Tgcaa Ietr J ftlve cataloguejJ1 calling on Of writing Yi-

brc 1 cftt fr 11> GA I-

IRR CARROIJU Agent lot Mari i HJtvji3WJh vA


I< t-

I if I t-I4 7 > V itS

f < r 1

vX> S >



vciIii 1t IJ
