J247 CourseFlyer

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  • 7/29/2019 J247 CourseFlyer


    S Bs:Sammy S. NoumbissiDDS, MS

    Sammy Noumbissi obtained his Doctoratein Dental Surgery rom Howard UniversityCollege o Dentistry. Ater obtaining his DDS,he received ormal training in Implant Dentistryrom the three-year Graduate program in Dental Implantology

    at Loma Linda University. There he earned a certicate in DentalImplantology and a Masters o Science degree in Implant Surgery.For the past 12 years he has limited his private practice to dentalimplantology. He is currently an associate proessor o implantdentistry at Wichita State University postgraduate AEGD program.Dr. Noumbissi is a member o the editorial board o the Journal oImplant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry, a reviewer or the Journalo Oral Implantology and the ounding president o the International

    Academy o Ceramic implantology.He is active in clinical research and in areas that urther the science

    o Implant Dentistry. Dr. Noumbissi applied area o research is ocusedin the elds o hard and sot tissue regeneration, osseointegration andthe oral sot and hard tissue responses to bioceramics. He has publishedabstracts and articles in peer reviewed dental journals namely the

    Journal o Dental Research, the Journal o Oral Implantology and theJournal o Implant and Clinical Dentistry.

    Dr. Noumbissi is ounder o Miles o Smiles Institute or DentalImplantology; he lectures extensively and trains dentists nationally andinternationally on topics relating to ceramic dental implants and metalree dental implantology.

    Sakiliba Mines, MDDr. Sakiliba M. Mines, MD is an Integrative

    Family Physician. She has been a pioneer inIntegrative Medicine, practicing or over 30years. She obtained her Bachelor o Science inBiochemistry -Nutrition at Spellman College in

    Atlanta, Georgia, and her Medical Doctorate romHahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. She completed her specialty as a

    Family Physician at Howard University Hospital and most recently, hasattained her Doctorate o Integrative Medicine rom Capital Universityo Integrative Medicine in Washington, D.C. She is a member andinstructor with the International Association o Colon Hydrotherapist,and a member o the American Holistic Medical Association.

    Dr. Mines is the medical director and ounder o The Institute oMultidimensional Medicine and Medical Spa. She has gathered a teamo proessionals to address the mind, body, spirit and energetics throughintegrative and comprehensive care. Dr. Mines utilizes extensive medicaldiagnostic testing, quantum physics assessments, genetic testing anddetoxication to nd the root cause o the medical problem and toarrive at an individualized program leading to lasting results.

    Dr. Mines is a researcher who presents the newest inormationto her patients. Dr. Mines teaches at seminars and lectures to educatethe community.

    CourSe SponSorS:

    Date: Fb 21 d 22, 2013LoCation: 801 W a, S G200

    Sl Sg, MD 20910SpeakerS: Slb Ms, MD d

    Smm nmbss, DDS, MS

    Hw Mldmsl Mdcims Sf d Hd tssig f Dl imls

    proGraM SCHeDuLe:Thursday, February 21, 2013 dr. Mines7:30 am Reitratin/Cntinental Breakat8:00 am Intrctin t Interative Meicine9:30 am The relatinhi between teeth an ran10:30 am The imrtance etiin rir t rer:

    wh, hw an timin12:00 m Lnch (rvie)1:00 m Hw t retre r emwer the immne tem?

    2:30 m The imrtance Ancetral iet an ntritinallement

    3:00 m Bne an t tie healin an the relacement vitamin an mineral

    4:00 m Qetin an Anwer

    Friday, February 22, 2013 dr. nouMbissi7:30 am Reitratin/Cntinental Breakat8:00 am Treatment lannin ne-iece zircnia imlant

    (clinical an rairahic)9:30 am Review mlti level zircnia cae rm tart t fnih10:30 am Retrative material an meth1:30 m Lnch (rvie)

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    Mldmsl Mdc d

    Ml-f Dl imllgCtplt Gp, LLC gt t ctvt 12 Lct ctg ct ct.

    The InsTITuTe of

    Multidimensional Medicine

  • 7/29/2019 J247 CourseFlyer


    CourSe overvieW:

    Patients are capable o restoring themselves prettyeectively ater implant surgery, so most o the time

    with some help rom modern medical interventionslike antibiotics and fuids more oten than not implantsintegrate and patients heal uneventully. Today howeverthere are an increasing number o people who are

    choosing healthier liestyles, alternative medicine andare more and more reluctant to accept drugs and havemetals implanted in their bodies. They increasingly resistthe idea o drugs to treat or prevent health problems. Anoten overlooked reason or delayed healing is patienttoxicity. Toxins accumulate in deep tissues and bonesthereore detoxication should be an integral part opre and post implant surgery. An optimally unctionalimmune system is an important actor in avoidingcomplications and ailures o dental implants during the

    early stages o healing and bone integration.

    This two-day program will demonstrate how withoutdrugs dentists can prepare and manage their implantpatients to optimal healing and successul implant in-tegration. This program will present a series o naturalmultidimensional modalities and protocols that whencombined with the placement o ceramic implants allowor metal-ree and non-toxic teeth replacement.

    CourSe oBjeCtiveS:

    The goal o this course is to enable the participants tounderstand and appreciate the critical interrelationshipthat exists between a clean body, a boosted immune

    system and optimal recovery rom implant surgery.As such during consultation the doctor will be taughthow to obtain relevant inormation rom the patient

    reGiStration ForM:

    Mldmsl mdcd iml Ds

    Date: FeBruary 21 anD 22, 2013LoCation: 801 Wayne ave, Suite G200, SiLver SprinG, MD

    NAME ________________________________________________

    AddREss _____________________________________________


    CITy _____________________ sTATE_________ ZIp___________

    pHoNE _______________________________________________

    FAx __________________________________________________

    EMAIL ________________________________________________

    Pl cck : Fll Tt: $599.00 iaoCi Mm: $499.00

    i t t mm t wl lk t tkvtg t $100.00 ct, pl j t

    iaoCi t www.iaoCi.cm/j. all iaoCi mmpwll vf ll t c.

    al mmp $395.

    T c lmt pc l gt (8)ct wll l t tt t .

    Pmt Mt:




    CREdIT CARd # _________________________________________

    Exp dATE _____________________________________________

    sIgNATuRE ____________________________________________

    F t mt pl cllrtt J t 301-588-0768 t gt.

    Catapult Group, LLC is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA

    CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist

    dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing

    dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual

    courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours

    by boards of dentistry.

    Catapult Group, LLC is an Academy ofGeneral Dentistry Approved PACE Program

    Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit. Approval does

    not imply acceptance by a state or provincial

    board of dentistry or AGD endorsement.

    6/1/09 to 5/31/13 Provider #306446

    and determine what type o pre and post surgicaldetoxication and immune boosting protocols torequest rom the multidimensional physician.

    This course will enable participants to:Obtain proper medical HistoryOrder the right pre and post surgery protocols.Understand the rationale behind the use o

    Zirconia as a dental implant material.Recognize indications or successul placement and

    integration o zirconia dental implants. Proper and predictable selection o temporization

    techniques or one-piece zirconia implants. Appropriate selection o permanent restorative


    LoDGinG/LoCation:Lodging inormation will be sent upon receipt o your


    CanCeLLationS anD CHanGeS:No reunds or cancellations will be accepted aterFebruary 15, 2013. We cannot assume responsibilityor losses due to participant travel arrangements.

    reGiStration:This is a two-day course, 12 CE (continued education)

    credits will be awarded and ull tuition or bothdays is $599. International Academy o CeramicImplantology Members (IAOCI) save 100.00. I youare not yet a member o the IAOCI you can sign upor a one year membership ($395.00) at www.IAOCI.com/join save 100.00 on this course and more on alluture IAOCI sponsored events.

    This activity is being nancially sponsored by Miles o SmilesImplant Dentistry, Surgical Esthetics and the IAOCI, InternationalCeramic Implantology. Catapult receives nancial support or thisactivity. Neither Dr. Mines nor Dr. Noumbissi receive compensation

    or this presentation. Catapult is committed to ensuring the contentquality, objectivity and scientic integrity o all continuing educationcourses. No sponsoring organization has input or infuence over theeducational programming Catapult Group, LLC provides.