Kitchens, VV. P. 20 2)..?' Laws, C. C V 2.r> 11/,' Lewis, \Vr. T. 32!4 24..1f Lewis, VV. K 40 10.8' Maroiis, C. If. 7 ll>.8« Marliii, VV. C. 60 52, 'JP Martin, C. M. 30 20.1! Mills, (f. W. 25 11. .T Morgan, .1. R., 1 lot 7.f.< McGuire, \V. P., Agt. 2.30 26.-1.' McLaughlin, Mrs. P. V. 14 14.51 McLaugh liu, T. VV. 53 53.56 Nations, Jens 54 BnJ. 16.4P Nations, Kim 48 21.34 Normnn, R. V. 80'/£ 65.06 Ogle, Mis. II. C. 4V> ' 6.4!) Osborne, Mrs. R. E. 98 100.81 Owen, Frank 104 107.16 Oxner, 0. I, 42 ' 26.45 Piukir, J. M. 20 0.82 Pttrrish, Mrs. r^illio, 2 lots 27.00 Parker, .1. M. Pttrrish, Mrs. Lillie, \i khs Patterson, .1. J. 77 .37.22 Patton, A. T 29% Bal. 20.2? Pattoii, VV. T. 208 18;y63 Quwt., H. S. 51 6-10- 66.29 Quo n, L. T. 8V4 8.03 Ral.y, J. B. 51 29.27 Rhea, Earnest 170 32.14 Rev's, J. V., 1 lot 87.65 Reus, Mrs. S. C. 61 Bal. 14.52 Rich, 0. VV. 131 84.25 Rotttie & Vainer, 4 lots, 5 16.08 Itagm, V .C. & wife 35 21.41 Settlemyre, VV. 127 40.10 Settlemyre, Eli 1 5.00 Rlurrill, VV. O. 19 3-20 20.50 Merrill, 0. B. 41 42.19 fibular, J. F. 40 ha I 10.75 Smith, Amanda, heirs 2% 3.12 Snyder, C. VV. 17 v 16.25 Snyder, Mrs. R. J . 15 & 2 lots 31.07 Style*, <}. C. 4 lots * 7.22 Styles, Charlie O 15 3.02 Thomas, A. B. et al 55 36.02 Thomas, VV. If., Ifeirs 100 17.25 Tiirpin, VVr. J. mi/, 57.87 VVaehovia Batik & Trust Co." 150 25.11 Wallace, C. A., Ifeirs 50 40.81 Ward, d. VV. Ward, J. II 55 221 < > 35.04 . - 5.00 Ward, Na.han 62 Wigftiiis, .lames 43 48.06 Woods, X. F. 1 l»t "fij| Woods, R. If. 2 lots 13.1" Woods, N. II. Woodard, l.ee 1 lot ' 7.83 Wright, .John E. 10 25.11 Carver, A. A. Carver, Julius Martin, Mrs. Mollie 60 13.42 Lambert, 'Charlie 1 lot 0.29 RIVER TOWNSHIP Adams, VV. C. 25 9.26 Ashe, 8. A. <80 ' 12.73 Ashe, Ti S. <. 65 11.93 Ashe, VV. E. 36 10.93 Brow.ii & Snipes 48' 6.21 Brown, B. I.. 26 " 4.31 Brown, A. K. 45 0.«4 Bhowii, J.' D. v 100 20.15 Brown, I. A. 75 Bal.. 11.02 Brown, Pauline Davis 36l/i 0.41 Brown, O-over 50 6.77 Dry-son, A. W., Heirs 0 3.03 Rrvaon, 1). (1. 9 3.96 Buehftnan, M. Sr. 70 10.47 Chaatain, E. L 180 22.33 Cowan & Co. Timber land Bal. 6.85 Cowan & ('(».& Smith 49 Bal. 3.51 Cowan & Co., Smith & Davis 23 Bal. 2.78 Thomas A. Cox & Co. 334 46.99 Craft, Mrs, A.P.&A.P. 33 37.02 Daves, O. II. 10 11.40 Duvis, J, VV., Heirs 30 7.32 Davis, Mrs. J. M. 36'/. 0.05 Davies, Heirs 25 5.10 Golden, Jan.es 30 6.82 llaskett, Bill 25 6.45 Hooper, Baxter 145 120.60 Hooper, Rad 52 14.70 Hooper, Lee 40 7.21 Hooper, II. P. 100 17.17 Hooper, O. L. 121 22.56 Hooper, Lloyd 38 14.10 Hooper, Mrs. C. L. 265 113.99 Hooper, John VV. Jr. 70 0.90 Lueker, C. B. 38 6.89 Middleton, .lames 238 36.01 Parker, J. JL, Heirs 06 24.30 Parker, L. A. 58 16.17 Parker, S. M. 80 81.80 Patterson & Womack 287 34,03 Potts, J. (\, Heirs 10 3.13 Powell, H. W. 7 5.72 Powell, J, 0. 106 4-10 18.87 Powell, T. J. 100 06.36 Powell, E. D. 2 2-10 11,64 Shook, Mrs. Matilda 100 0,10 Shook, J. M., Jr. 200 27.87 Smith, Fred 17 8.52 Smith, J, T. 105 1-3 29.87 Smith, VV. II. 84 48.12 Smith, Frank 73 21.66 Smat hoi's, Richard I 137 30.08 Tritt, J. E. 125 01 M Watson, Roy 20 5.92 Watson, B. L. 26 5.23 Webster, C, B, 33 12,42 West, .1, VV, 143 8-10 06.31 Wike, E. P. 00 Bal. 47.98 Wike, R. L 287 Bal. 72.80 VVike C. «?, 310 172,05 VVike, John N. 15 10,17 Wood, John 50 10.50 Wood ring, .lohn C, :J5 21.40 Zaohory, J. J. H2 0-10 44.91 Hooper, I, M. 135 Bal,, 81,00 SAVANNAH TOWNSHIP A Miami, Dim M. 127 23.50 Allison & Wilson 2,009 Hal, 00,21 Brown, Fml . !M) 1:1,41 Bi'ck, John 27l/a 11.58 Bock, Sum 52 12.80 Bury, John 80 V2.80 Bishop, David B. 50 10.70 50 99 140 M«rionl34 IV'i 96 96 78 941 25 17 21 Vi 55 46 39 17 53 100 100 27 28 10% 571/a 30 :4i 361/, 21 Vi 29 11 Iligdon, Mr?;. J. L. 12 ligdon, Columbia 200 Dillard Love and Leonard Jones Heir* Bishop, Joo Bishop, Howcy Brown, R. O. Browning, Mrs. Browning, Charlie Bryson, Fivd R. Bryson, Willis L. Buchanan, John S. Buchanan, M. Sr. Bnchanan, &D.L. Love 100 Buchanan, Ij. P. Buchanan, Verlin Buchanan, Sain F. Buchanan, Enos 0. Buchaiian, Manson Buchanan, Memphis Buchanan, Berlin C. Buchanan, Nathan Buchanan, J W. Buchanan & Higdon Buchanan, Miss Ruth Cabe, Fid"Ie Cabc, L. A. Cube, R. L. Cabe, Horace Cabe, Ottis Cab.', Herman Cabo, Luci'is B. Ciiho, Horschel Cabe, J. W. Cochran, W, C. Collnnd Reality Co. Collins, Mrs. P:.nk Collins, George Ccwan, II. T. Cowan, R. D. Sr. Cowan, Arch Cowan, Mrs. James Cox, T. A., Agt. Crisp, Juil.son Crisp, Thomas, Heirs Davies, Heirs & T. Mineral Interest Deitz, John Deitz, Ra.isom |). it/, Ne'son | )eil'/, William T. |)eilz, Ace A. Deit/, Alvin Deitz, Tom Deitz, Horace B. Deitz, C. W. Deitz, iTanley Deitz, Sherman Deitz, R ii. "lis J. Deitz, Mrs. Julia Ferguson, G. S. Sr. Frady, Coio ^ Franks, \\\ B. Franks, George Franks, Joe Franks, .ioJin Henry Franks, Maek [<1 Franks, Mrs. K. (1. ft reen, Frank lligilon, Mrs. Annie Hooper, 1). D. Hughes, Karl Johnson, John Jones, Nelson Jones, lionnie .(ones, John C. Jones, Thomas Justice, W. II. Mashburn, Mrs. Zelia 100 Meers, Elija 75 Moody, C. F.- 40 Moore, Alex 89V£ McClain, Zeb 24 McMahan, Roosevelt 27 McMahan, J. A. ; 160 Norman, II. P. .. 50 Rogers, R. I). 45 Sellers, Mrs. Dollio 29 Sorrelees, .loe, 30 Taylor, Zeb 50 Turpin, W. P. 57 [Tnited Mica Co. Min. Int. Webb, Genet t 85 Webb, Bert on 40 Wilson, II. J. 1 Woodard, George 100 Woodard, Mrs. William 43 Woodard, Mrs, Ruth 30 Bishop, J. B. 26 Cabe, Linden lO'/g James Johnson 1931 taxes 55 James Johnson, 1932 taxes 55 RCOTTS CREEK TOWNSHIP Ashe, William 02 Bftl. 19.33 Auston, Charles H. 28 Austou, Mrs, Edd 21 Ballough, C, A., 7 lots, 115 bal Black well & Bushnell, 1 lot Blanton, John W., 1 lot. Blanton, T. Posey 35 Blanton T. Posey & J. W. 75 Blanton, Lewis M., 1 lot Blanton, Albert II. 23 Blanton, W. R. Heirs 84 Blanton, Huston Blanton, C. Berry Blanton, Monroe J. Blossom Realty Co. Brown, Walter G. Browning, Dwan, 1 lot Brv^on, Thoo«J'»*"< Bryson, Robert J., 1 lot 69 Bryson, T. f ., Sr. 300 Bryson, Hebron 61 Bryson, A. C, Agt. for L. M.82 35.87 Bryson, Mrs. .1. B. 46 12.30 Bryson, Mrs. I* E. ~ 451 91.29 Broad, Edwkrd, 1 lot 4.67 18 25 57 30 115 125 35 23 600 8 10 A. C ox 121 28 15 157 131 >4 116 HOVa, 10 20' 29 17 HI. 22 100 44» 50 26 60 30 00 60 74 ) 30 703 14 100 200 174 189>/2 40 48 45 04 35 142 7-10 662.22 1 lot 36 Bnehanan, II. K. 2 lots 3.11 Buchanan, II, E. & V. V. Hooper, 'J Iota 3.11 Burhnnnii, M Sr. 06 39.87 Bimlortk, Mrs. Eva, 1 lot 15.59 Bush, Mrs. Frwich '4 loti 15.69 Bird, Calhoun Y., I lot 4.67 Hyno, W. H. 1 l«,t 10.91 Chapman, W. V 78 43.39 Chase, Walter YL, 1 lot 4.67 Christy, Mrs. f . A., 1 lot 17.50 Clavton, Thad W. 86 43.99 Cogdill, J. f 415 6910 Cogdill, G. L 40 Bal. 5.48 Cogdill, D. U 5i/2 18.18 Cogdill, F. 90 34 26 Cogdill, McK-nleyS. 50 30.59 Cook, Rober. L. 11 1 ®°-53 Conner, J. it- 5 12.78 Cope, L. 1 . 3 lots, 278 87.20 Cojx.; Lor , 20 37.68 Cope, Mn W. W. 25 9.50 Cownrd, Charles H., 1 lot 0.23 Crisp, Lo» M. 50 22.02 Crawford. Phillip G. 25 32.5. Crawford. Robert 12 1328 ntrl'l*'*' ^ 3-10 24.51 Dillard, K L. Duncan, Hob ' Dv-ert, Wutler Edgar, 1 lot 3 " Edmunds* n, .. H. 1 lot . ' E»»ley, *"¦ H. P. W* _ ".15 Kv.n», Li'li. 1 W w9i Farris, Ja«ie, 1 lot Fisher, Mrs. Etta 35Vj 7.79 Fisher, I, W. 59 Freettay, Hula A., 1 lot . Fuller, Edwards, 1 lot dates, Fannie 35 Vi 7.79 Gfcrnall, C. E., 3 lot . . llandlia, T. S., 2 lot. »' Own, Mw T. D. 45 18 80 Haywood Supply Co., 1 lot 9A> Henry, Noah, R. 128 ' " Henry, Alex E. 31 12.40 Ir-WH n « Henry, Mrs. .lane 31 |J-®J Hetherington, M. F. 30 . Hooj>er, V V., Agt. 302 _ £ ![:C.TML- 112 27.82 Ho vie, J. S. 30 1 iloyhs B. X. 56 25.90 Hutchinson, Mrs. Myrtle Wiggins, 1 lot 542.87 Hyatt, A. W 00 27.24 Tones, John L. 40 " Tones, John T. 66 52.29 Jones & Perry, 1 lot bal. 5.38 Keener, A. L. 40 ^ Kinp, Rose 1 ' U-,., Mrs. k Mr. R. L. 1 lot 9.35 lvol'tis, flradv, 1 lot ^ 4 >' 1 \V. T. Jr. 1 lot . -9-fi3 Martin. O. R. n* Mathis, John E. 30 Mihaffey, Albert 1 lot <.!!> Molt us, J.K.& Kate 1 lot, bal. 36.10 Mull, Fred A. 39 Bal. 4.23 Myers, H. C, 3 lot 4.07 Kelson, Mrs. Way 35 Vfc 7.79 Nichols, Dr. A. S. 50 33.20 Norman, D. A. 110 40.33 Norman, George 44*4 27.12 Norman, J. E. 63 \ 20.80 Nonran, Fred 141 4-10 40.53 Norman, J. Sam 26 36.22 Norman, W. A. 63 20.84 Ogburn, A. R. 50 3.50 Pannell, E. E. 35 22.60 Paiwiell, John 23 14.04 Pnrris, Jutson & Manley, 2 lots 23.39 Porter, James W. 3% 39.99 Posev, 0. G., 3 lot ( 4.67 Potts, W. P. V 91/2 * 896 Queen, M. C. 35 V2 33.28 Queen, R. C. 79 37.05 Queen, Bascomb 3 7.96 Queen, L. Jane, Mrs. 64 33.85 Queen, Mrs. Wilson 43 Bal. 7.36 Queen, Lawson J. 32 8.57 Roed, Guy L. 3 lot 32.48 Sohnog, Heirman, 2 lots 5.45 Shnlor, J. T. 339% hal. 9.98 Hood, J. D., Estate 42 30.73 Shuler, M. E. 32 35.33 Shuler, Robert B. 306 27.47 Hoyles, Amos 10 8.75 Smathors, Mrs. E. M. 30 16.21 Sniathers, George 238 55.76 Smith, Carry E., 1 lot I 3.33 Smith, Mrs. Roger A. 1 lot 4.67 Sneed, J. V. 40 23.20 Still man, II. Y. 3 lots 9.35 Sutton, Lucius 28 22.34 Ten-ill, Frank 5 lota " 25.91 Tomi>aon, Mae 1 lot 4.67 Wigtts, H. L. 354 33.9P Wilson, Chester H. 1 lot bal. 6.67 Wisdom, W. L. 100 17.1f Yeluington, William, 3 lot 4.67 Brooks, Mrs. Chas. M. Cope 340 38.36 Dixon, Mrs Grace Chalmers, 3 lot 7.97 Fisher, T. C. 71 33.83 French, Mrs. Delores, 4 lots 7.17 Reed, Mrs. Guy 1 lot 12.48 McKay, H. L., 3 lot 4.67 Queen, Joe x 5ft V2 13.10 Shuler, George IV2 10.70 Sutton, R. R. * 30 10.48 Svehea, Waller, 1933 taxes 7 4.82 Svehea, Walter 1932 taxca 7 4.82 SYLVA TOWNSHIP Allen, Mrs. E. E. 55 49.41 Allen, J. K. 70 35.38 Alley, Doylo D. 1 lot 22.51 Allison ft Fisher 525 bal. 56.01 Allison, W. C. 60 56.42 Ammions, W. E. estate 1 lot 10.29 Aininons, H. G. 70 13.71 A r wood, Dave 1 lot 15.00 Ashe, Alvin 36 18.99 Askey, F. 4 6.53 Bailey, F. F. 1 lot 45.67 Baker , Luther 1 lot 40.27 Baker, Claude 1 lot 6.79 Barnes, J. H., Sr. 68 40.59 Barnes, A. C. 130, bal. 28.11 Beam, R- D. 1 lot 10.29 Beasley, Harve 7 41.30 Beasley, E. J. 2 lota 30.81 Bess, Gilbert K 1 lot «.» TW» Fertili^1" Co. 1 'ot 19"- Beta Millie Co. 1 L 2-10 50-04 Bolick, Mrs. Ella 1 lot 15.53 Brown, W. Mike 4 lots 49.61 Brown, Jess 21 , B«,., M«. F. A 2 l«ts ".98 Brvson, Boy, 2 lots .5 Brvson, T. C. «*.t 26 & 4 lots 37.3, Brvson & Hooper, 3 lots 281.10 Brvson, D. G. 1. H. Powell and D. H. * Brown, 22 lots 26.01 Brvson, D. G. agent 128 122.80 Brvson, D. L. 65 53.58 Bryson, D. G. 103V2 *>al i50"97 Bryson, T. C., Sr. 129i/2 bal 91.93 Bryson, Jennings A. 4Vz & 5 lots 26.26 Buchanan, H. E. 9 lots 116.91 Bnehanan & Powell 1 lot 123.86 Buchanan, M. Sr. 258 204.17 Buchanan, H. E. & C. C. 1 lot 123.86 Buchanan, IT. E. & Theo 2 lots 4.18 Buchanan, H. E.&M. Jr. 10 lots 10.29 Buchanan, M., Jr. 2 lots 202.49 Bncha.nan, L. A. 1 lot 52.90 Buchanan, C. C. 1 lot 49.33 Bumgarner, G. E. 138 58.9(i Bumgarner, E. J. & L. W. 85 43.39 Cardcn, S. A. 9 1-4 & 1 lot 47.30 Carson, J. T. 26 13.85 Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76 Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76 Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 88.9] Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76 Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 53.98 Chastain, JR. 1 lot 8.59 Clark, D. H. 3 lots 115.62 Clark, Mrs. W. A. 9 22.52 Clayton, Tom heirs 50 28.11 Coehran, Lucy Z. 3 lots 20.72 Collins, Mrs. Dora Leo 4 lots 112.24 Connor, Dave L. 9 3-4 9.35 Connor, Thad 8 9.18 Cook, Zeb L. 3 lots 38.41 Cook, W. T. 1 lot 23.85 Cope, A. W. 2 lots ' 35.63 Cope, W. V. 20 2-10 39.99 Coward, Elbert 4 lots 29.34 Cox, Thomas A. 80 8-10 52.70 Craft, A. A. 1 lot 3.30 Crawford, A. M., 1 lot 28.62 Crawford, Geo. T. 186 66.54 Crisp, Ben 60 18.55 Curtis, H. O., 1 lot 18 65.06 Daniels, O. O. 1 lot 23.40 Davis, A.W.&Cora Lee estate 1 lot 9.55 Davis, Mrs. I. C. 80 47.09 Davis, W. D. 20 12.59 Davis, Billy, 1 lot 53.97 Davis, Joe A. 3 lots 28.22 Dean, J. T. 6 lots 22.52 Dean, Charlie 1 lot 5.48 Deitz, It. I?. 1 lot 30.81 Dillard, Jess 2 lots 10.30 Denning, C. W. 1 lot 101.14 Dewey, C. W. 1 lot 5.04 Dillard, T. Ben 33 16.07 Dillard, John C. 41 3-4 30.17 Dillard, W. B. 30 23.89 Dillard, J. R. ' 24 hal. 26.ar) Dillard, Ralph 3 lots 23.73 Dillard, Mrs. R. H. 3 47.94 A. J. Dills, 106 & 3 lots 132.15 Dills, R. E. & heirs 1 lot 41.74 Dills, A. J., guardian 3 19.02 Edwards, G. M. 1 lot 30.54 Ensley, Berry 21 1-4 15.91 Enslev, Mrs. Mary 1 lot 53.97 Ensley, C. S. 3 lots 6.79 Ensley, Mrs. W. B. 4 lots 37.11 Ensley, H. P., Jr. 89 28.14 Ensley, Bertie 75 18.52 Evans, H. L., 1 lot 71.62 Extine,, George 35 25.06 Extine, W. M. heirs 20 13.08 Fisher, C O. 3 11.93 Fisher, J. L. estate 75 . 54.84 Fisher, Mrs. R. W. 42i/2 49.81 Fisher, R. W. 150 91.79 Fisher, Mr*. Gertrude Allison, 1 lot 4.61 Forster, Mrs. E. D., 1 lot 5.92 Fox, Raymond 2 lots 28.19 Frady, Wilburn 1 lot 5.92 Franklin, Ida 1 lot 10.29 Franklin, S. D. 15 9.98 Franklin, W. N. 7 % 10.64 Franklin, W. A. 71/2 , 11.50 Gibson, Pink, 1 lot 12.92 Glenn, Raymond 1 lot 64.61 Godsey, S. B. 1 lot 10.29 Gray, G G. 1 lot 36.50 Green, H. P. 1 lot 13.32 Gribble, J. T. 1 lot 50.91 Grindstaff, B. C. 3 lots 62.70 Gnffey, C. E. V/2 11.34 Hall, R. HI., 2 lots 3.30 Hall & Reed, 2 lots 34.60 Hall, D. C. 2 19.11 Halsler, C. E. 3 lots 45.49 Hale, Mrs. E. M., 4 lots , 31.25 Harris, C. H. 18 5.34 Harris, James 25 Bal. 24.78 Harris, W. T. 47 Bal. 15.55 Hawkins, E. M. 3»/2 bal. 17.06 Hensley, C. W. 4 24.70 Henson, A. M. 5 lots, 20 98.20 Hen son, Mrs. W. L. 6 65.83 Hlgdon, J. S., 3 lots 702.18 Higdon, Mrs. J. S., 1 lot 14.57 Hooper, V. V. Agt. 549 125.60 Hoyles, W. M., 1 lot 3.89 Hoxitt, G. W., 12 lots 4.07 Jamison, W. M., 3 lots 1 43.57 Jones, J. L. 18 27.57 Jorden, Bill, 1 lot 15.34 Keener, J. E., 1 lot 57.63 King, E. Ford, 1 lot 60.95 Kitchen, C. H. 315 146.51 I jeopard, Mrs. W. F., 1 lot 22.30 Levis, Ruth, 1 lot 19.02 MeCluro, J. Guy, 2 lots 96.63 MoKee, Mrs. Carrie, 1 lot 176.27 McGinnis, S. T., 4 lots 14.09 'Madison, Annie L., 4 lots 3.29 Madison, M. B., 8 lots, bal. 53.94 Massey, Henryf 1 lot 13.47 Mat his, Delia, 2 lots, bal. 5.25 Medford, C. B., 3 acres 18.92 Melton, Claud, 16 lots 4.34 Messer, IT. H., 1 lot 10.79 Mitchel, Ida 32 14.81 Monteith Heirs 191 53.10 Monteith, Hugh, 3 lots bal. 60.33 Monteith, 5. H. 1 lot, 43y2 bal. 102.87 Monteith, J. B. 70 58.41 Moore, Elsie 10 6.80 Moore, L. C. 1 lot, 18 54.57 Moore, R. E. 9 9.8 Morrison, W. P. 4 23.91 Morrison, F. C., 1 lot 13.25 Mullinax, B. L. 2 lots 3.30 Murray, D. E., 3 lots 11.34 Myers, .. 1?., 2 lots 10.29 Nations, J. F. 6 15.46 Neal, G. R., 1 lot ' 9.41 Nichols, D-\ A. S., 1 lot 168.42 Nichols, John A., 12 lots, bal. 8.46 Nicholson, R R. & Blaine, 2 lots, Bal. . 3-3® Nicholson, Oscar, 1 lot 10.02 Nicholson, Raymond R., 3 lots 62.70 Nicholson, Cyrus H. 2 lots 11.15 Norton, W. M. 10 10.46 Norton, Nellie 10 Bal. 5.61 Norton, John D., 1 lot 4.18 Oliver, W. H., 1 lot 44.10 Painter, W. R., 1 lot 53.95 Parker, A. D. aiul G. T. Cooper, 1 lot 3-36 Parker, Jim 1 lot 19.02 Parker, J. O. 5 31.34 Parker, J. M. 15 Bal. 8.41 Parris, John A. 1 lot 67.08 Parris, A. C. 42% W- 20.24 Patterson, J. H., 5 lots 18.14 Phillips, Dombv 28 lots 6.40 Potts, W. P., 1 lot 1 10.29 Potts, R. P., 1 lot 109-88 Powell, I. H., 2 lots 158.7 Price, Charles N. 1 lot, 96 134.07 Iiabv, John, 1 lot 10.29 Ray) B. F., 2 lots , 22.25 Realty Sal-ls Corp, 1 lot 67.08 Realty Sales Corp. 2 lots 43.48 Reed, Mrs. Sallie 52 17.83 Rigdon, Joe, 2 lots 42.62 Robinson, E. |L., 2 lots 21.63 Robinson, O. J., 29 lots 59.52 Robinson, J. N. 50 17.25 Ross, P. S., Mill. Int. 19.02 Simons, Abraham, 1 lot 139.94 Shepard, John, 2 lots, 46 49.77 Shepard, Arthur, 1 lot 21.71 Shepard, Tom, 2 lots / 10.46 Snyder, (!eo. C., 4 lots, bal 64.37 Stanley, Emma, 3 lots 26.01 St vies,' J. C.. 2 lots 22.17 Sut t oik, N. L., 2 lots 29.41 Tallent, Cradv 1 lot, 2 % 11.17 Tallent, W. R., 2 lots 23.13 Thompson, B. F. 27 14.60 Thompson, S. C. 88 Bal. 13.24 Toy, J. R. 10 14.74 Waldroup, Matilda, 1 lot 6.79 Walker, I). P. 2 5.48 Wells, C. M., 1 lot 80.18 Wilson, J. H., 1 lot 12.03 Woiuack, Heirrie, 1 lot 11.24 Woirack, A. D., 2 lots 22.47 Woodard, Nannie, 5 lots 23.0G Wood, J. R., 3 lots 46.42 Woodv, J. D. 30 lots 27.60 Wykle, W. H. 1 lot 6.79 Buchanan, H. E. 11 lots 11.17 Dills, Roy R, 37 3-10 Ci.6 Haskett, J. P. 1 lot 1 k»Ji8 Havwood Supply Co. 2 Heii son, W. A. 20 12.90 Hood, Gurney P. Com. , of Banks, 1 lot 1 38.24 Keener, Mrs. J. W., 3 lots 212.52 Mills, Roy, 1 lot 19.02 Stanley, Caney, 4 lots 30.64 Sylva Development Co. 1 lot 8.54 Sutton, Joe L., 1 lot 24.61 Buchanan, H. E., 3 lots 3.73 Fradv, J. D. 1 lot 28.65 WEBSTER TOWNSHIP Allman, John 4% 20.23 AUman, Frank 4% 20.17 Allman, Walter , 8 29-38 Amnions, John 1% 2.93 Ashe, L. H. 23 % 23.21 Blackwell & Bushnell 10 3.13 Bradley, J. Harrison 102.6 32.27 Bradley, L. D. 5 41.09 Bradley,/ Jim 1 5.71 Beck, E. D. 73 16.30 Bennett, Dock 43 % 15.33 Buchanan, J. E. 106% 17.27 Buchanan, M. Sr. 15 9.46 Buchanan, H. E. and J. H. Morris, 1 lot 15.78 Buchanan, J. W., Sr. 12 33.79 Buchanan, Jack 3 8.08 Buchanan, L. L. 80 20.79 Bumgarner, J. P. 18 9.95 Cagle, ^Irs. J. C. 129 37.20 Cagle, E. H. ! 4 6.13 Carpenter, J. M. 25 10.72 Cazell, F. C. 60 9.46 Cowan, Roy M. 87 35.74 Cowan, J. W. 4% 1775 Davis, Mrs. J. W. 153% 167.54 Dills, Mrs. W. A. 50 31.07 Dills, J. R., Heirs 35 Bal. 3.42 Evans, Isam 10 18.84 Fradv, Florence, Heirs 35 14.42 Frizzell, W. D. 4 12.50 Frizzell, Fred 66 22.14 Frizzell, J. W. - 49 ' / 42.33 Frizzell, J. M. 90 18.94 Fullbright, T. P. 30 7.67 Fullbright, A. B. 31 Bal. 7.18 Harris, Murphy, Heirs 30 5.50 Hedding, Herbert, Heirs, 1 lot 34.75 Hedding, E. C. 11% 30.00 Henson, Mrs. Hester 90 Bal. 25.80 Henson, A. M. 60 97.23 Leatherwood, J. M. 10 3.13 Lominae, Charlie 28 Bal. 10.19 McKee, Mrs. H. C., 1 jot McConnell, W. S. ^ Madison, Robert L., 1 , ' :,7 Mathis, Coleman 26 Mathis, J. W. ^39 Moore, J. W. ^ Morgan, W. H., 1 ]0t ' .J55 Morgan, Jim o . 3 Morgan, Dan, Heirs 23 , rfl Moss, A. S. 12V. na! 1J; Nichols, Dr. A. S., Min.Lrt ' 0-'t Owen, S. .1., 1 lot, bal. ' ~!?1 Painter, W. H. i- " Parker, David Queen, A. C. 1 lot n,r ^ Rogers, John ,T. 221 " i- Shankes, Sent, ] lot " jj"' Stillwell, W A. r,r, r. Still well, A. R. -®J Stillwell, John A. Rc;i' . ' Stillwell, Carl K. r, 2 'jf Vanee, Mrs. Sallie ?,(\ f 'jjjj CULLOWHEE TOWXSTm> (XEGRO) Chauis, Lloyd 41 't Davis, Bowman 7-5 , jj. Hooper, Gabe 91/ ' Low, George o»l " lfK! Rogers, W. A. ] ,0 J" J? Rogers, John iy2 i)a] 4S- Rogers, Josephine 100 KaL Casey, Amanda Heirs 130 Bal ~rr DILLSBORO TOWNSHIP (XEGRO) Conley, Leo, Estate 5 2050 Freeman, Jnle 2") ]o<r Oray, Dallos, 1 lot Howell, Tom 4 Howell, John 40 Love, W. F. n Bal. 12.37 Love, D. C. 72 Bal. !>.M Love, Chnrlie 2 3 7. SYLYA TOWXSIIIP (XEORO) Arnold, John fiif, ]o.>; Bryson, Ole, 1 lot r)IM Bryson, Tom fi -,,,i Bryson, Peter, Heirs IS n Bryson, John, 1 lot n -s Coward. William bal. 10.&0 Davis, Bowman, 2 lots 20.01 Howell, Leo finis, 1 lot, bal. .V»"; Lay, Will, 1 lot r,.ri| liove, IIe:i iv 20 17.n| Love, Clarence, 1 lot ]9.«i2 McDonald, Robert, 1 lot, bal. .V^ Norman, Harry, 2 lots 103 Norman, Lynn, 1 lot J.3.7J Norman, Joint, 1 lot OM Pickens, Thomas, 1 lot 1 r>.-r»n Shepherd, Dlia, 2 lots, bal. 4.ST Shepherd, Herbert, I lot 9,11 Smith, John, 1 lot 9.1 't WhittenlMirfr. Margaret, (52 ]C.4"i Whitteiiburg, M. C. 1 lot 12.90 Wilson, Grant, 1 lot 8.110 Wilson, Joe, 3 lots S.97 Wilson, Lush C., 1 U j 0.7f> Johnson, Julia 4 Muit, Jack, 1 lot Wilson, Nelson, 1 lot "<.47 Worlev, Frank, 1930 Worley, Frank, 1931 G.7!l Worley, Frank, 1032 G.79 WEBSTER TOWXSIJIP (XEORO) Allen, Georgt Bal. 10;)') Allen, Thad, Heirs 58 11.*2 Anvbros, Bobo 3 .»-0 AO 0.71 3 15/»1 27 7J»S r, 3.03 GO 14.10 Bryson, Steve Davis, Joh.i II. Fisher, Florence Howell, T0111 Smith, John Wilson, W. M., Heirs, Min. Int. 3.13 JOHN J. .UAXEY, Sheriff ami Tax Collector for Jackson County. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell, you <l.st "Perfect Purification of the Svs: 1:1 is Nature's Foundation of P«'rf «-t Health." Why liot rid yourself <>l chronic ailments that are uux-f mining your vitality? Purify y<.«r entire system by tak incr a thoro-fh course of Calotabs, . once or tw:<o a week for several weeks. aud how Nature rewards you 'villi health. Calotabs purify the blood J v vti- vating the liver, kidneys, oh and bowels. In 10 cts. aud re¬ packages. All dealers. (.VI v.' NOTICE OF REMOVAL Dr. W. K. Chapman Has moved his offices to Room 7 Cole Building Dr. G. Conrad Nicliol? Dentist Offices with Drs. Nichols Over Sylva Pharmacy Expert Watch and : Jewelry Repairing Guaranteed Satisfaction RAYMOND GLENN JEWELEB

Jackson County journal (Sylva, N.C.). 1933-08-31 [p ].newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068765/1933-08-31/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · Kitchens, VV. P. 20 2)..?' Laws, C. C V 2.r> 11/,' Lewis,

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  • Kitchens, VV. P. 202)..?'

    Laws, C. C V 2.r>11/,'

    Lewis, \Vr. T. 32!4 24..1fLewis, VV. K 40


    Maroiis, C. If. 7ll>.8«

    Marliii, VV. C. 6052,'JP

    Martin, C. M. 3020.1!

    Mills, (f. W. 2511..T

    Morgan, .1. R., 1 lot7.f.<

    McGuire, \V. P., Agt. 2.30 26.-1.'McLaughlin, Mrs. P. V. 14 14.51McLaughliu, T. VV. 53


    Nations, Jens 54BnJ. 16.4P

    Nations, Kim 4821.34

    Normnn, R. V. 80'/£65.06

    Ogle, Mis. II. C. 4V> ' 6.4!)Osborne, Mrs. R. E. 98


    Owen, Frank 104107.16

    Oxner, 0. I, 42' 26.45

    Piukir, J. M. 200.82

    Pttrrish, Mrs. r^illio, 2 lots27.00Parker, .1. M.

    Pttrrish, Mrs. Lillie, \i khsPatterson, .1. J. 77


    Patton, A. T 29% Bal. 20.2?Pattoii, VV. T. 208 18;y63Quwt., H. S. 51 6-10-


    Quo n, L. T. 8V48.03

    Ral.y, J. B. 5129.27

    Rhea, Earnest 17032.14

    Rev's, J. V., 1 lot87.65

    Reus, Mrs. S. C. 61Bal. 14.52

    Rich, 0. VV. 13184.25

    Rotttie & Vainer, 4 lots, 516.08

    Itagm, V .C. & wife 3521.41

    Settlemyre, VV. 127 40.10Settlemyre, Eli 1


    Rlurrill, VV. O. 19 3-20 20.50Merrill, 0. B. 41 42.19fibular, J. F. 40 ha I 10.75Smith, Amanda, heirs 2% 3.12Snyder, C. VV. 17

    v 16.25

    Snyder, Mrs. R. J . 15 & 2 lots 31.07Style*, '1 \V. T. Jr. 1 lot . -9-fi3Martin. O. R. n*Mathis, John E. 30Mihaffey, Albert 1 lot Molt us, J.K.& Kate 1 lot, bal. 36.10Mull, Fred A. 39 Bal. 4.23Myers, H. C, 3 lot 4.07Kelson, Mrs. Way 35 Vfc 7.79Nichols, Dr. A. S. 50 33.20Norman, D. A. 110 40.33Norman, George 44*4 27.12Norman, J. E. 63 \ 20.80Nonran, Fred 141 4-10 40.53Norman, J. Sam 26 36.22Norman, W. A. 63 20.84Ogburn, A. R. 50 3.50Pannell, E. E. 35 22.60Paiwiell, John 23 14.04Pnrris, Jutson & Manley, 2 lots 23.39Porter, James W. 3% 39.99Posev, 0. G., 3 lot ( 4.67Potts, W. P. V 91/2

    * 896Queen, M. C. 35V2 33.28Queen, R. C. 79 37.05Queen, Bascomb 3 7.96Queen, L. Jane, Mrs. 64 33.85Queen, Mrs. Wilson 43 Bal. 7.36Queen, Lawson J. 32 8.57Roed, Guy L. 3 lot 32.48Sohnog, Heirman, 2 lots 5.45Shnlor, J. T. 339% hal. 9.98Hood, J. D., Estate 42 30.73Shuler, M. E. 32 35.33Shuler, Robert B. 306 27.47Hoyles, Amos 10 8.75Smathors, Mrs. E. M. 30 16.21Sniathers, George 238 55.76Smith, Carry E., 1 lot I 3.33Smith, Mrs. Roger A. 1 lot 4.67Sneed, J. V. 40 23.20Still man, II. Y. 3 lots 9.35Sutton, Lucius 28 22.34Ten-ill, Frank 5 lota " 25.91Tomi>aon, Mae 1 lot 4.67Wigtts, H. L. 354 33.9PWilson, Chester H. 1 lot bal. 6.67Wisdom, W. L. 100 17.1fYeluington, William, 3 lot 4.67Brooks, Mrs. Chas. M.Cope 340 38.36

    Dixon, Mrs Grace Chalmers, 3 lot 7.97Fisher, T. C. 71 33.83French, Mrs. Delores, 4 lots 7.17Reed, Mrs. Guy 1 lot 12.48McKay, H. L., 3 lot 4.67Queen, Joe x 5ftV2 13.10Shuler, George IV2 10.70Sutton, R. R. * 30 10.48Svehea, Waller, 1933 taxes 7 4.82Svehea, Walter 1932 taxca 7 4.82

    SYLVA TOWNSHIPAllen, Mrs. E. E. 55 49.41Allen, J. K. 70 35.38Alley, Doylo D. 1 lot 22.51Allison ft Fisher 525 bal. 56.01Allison, W. C. 60 56.42Ammions, W. E. estate 1 lot 10.29Aininons, H. G. 70 13.71A rwood, Dave 1 lot 15.00Ashe, Alvin 36 18.99Askey, F. 4 6.53Bailey, F. F. 1 lot 45.67Baker ,Luther 1 lot 40.27Baker, Claude 1 lot 6.79Barnes, J. H., Sr. 68 40.59Barnes, A. C. 130, bal. 28.11Beam, R- D. 1 lot 10.29Beasley, Harve 7 41.30Beasley, E. J. 2 lota 30.81

    Bess, Gilbert K 1 lot«.»

    TW» Fertili^1" Co. 1 'ot 19"-Beta Millie Co. 1L 2-10


    Bolick, Mrs. Ella 1 lot15.53

    Brown, W. Mike 4 lots49.61

    Brown, Jess 21 ,B«,., M«. F. A 2 l«ts


    Brvson, Boy, 2 lots.5

    Brvson, T. C. «*.t 26 & 4 lots 37.3,Brvson & Hooper, 3 lots 281.10Brvson, D. G. 1. H. Powell and D. H.


    Brown, 22 lots 26.01

    Brvson, D. G. agent 128 122.80Brvson, D. L. 65 53.58

    Bryson, D. G. 103V2 *>al i50"97Bryson, T. C., Sr. 129i/2 bal 91.93Bryson, Jennings A. 4Vz & 5 lots 26.26Buchanan, H. E. 9 lots 116.91Bnehanan & Powell 1 lot 123.86Buchanan, M. Sr. 258 204.17Buchanan, H. E. & C. C. 1 lot 123.86Buchanan, IT. E. & Theo 2 lots 4.18Buchanan, H. E.&M. Jr. 10 lots 10.29Buchanan, M., Jr. 2 lots 202.49Bncha.nan, L. A. 1 lot 52.90Buchanan, C. C. 1 lot 49.33Bumgarner, G. E. 138 58.9(iBumgarner, E. J. & L. W. 85 43.39Cardcn, S. A. 9 1-4 & 1 lot 47.30Carson, J. T. 26 13.85Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 88.9]Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 27.76Central Investment Corpn. 1 lot 53.98Chastain, JR. 1 lot 8.59Clark, D. H. 3 lots 115.62Clark, Mrs. W. A. 9 22.52Clayton, Tom heirs 50 28.11Coehran, Lucy Z. 3 lots 20.72Collins, Mrs. Dora Leo 4 lots 112.24Connor, Dave L. 9 3-4 9.35Connor, Thad 8 9.18Cook, Zeb L. 3 lots 38.41Cook, W. T. 1 lot 23.85Cope, A. W. 2 lots ' 35.63Cope, W. V. 20 2-10 39.99Coward, Elbert 4 lots 29.34Cox, Thomas A. 80 8-10 52.70Craft, A. A. 1 lot 3.30Crawford, A. M., 1 lot 28.62Crawford, Geo. T. 186 66.54Crisp, Ben 60 18.55Curtis, H. O., 1 lot 18 65.06Daniels, O. O. 1 lot 23.40Davis, A.W.&Cora Lee estate 1 lot 9.55Davis, Mrs. I. C. 80 47.09Davis, W. D. 20 12.59Davis, Billy, 1 lot 53.97Davis, Joe A. 3 lots 28.22Dean, J. T. 6 lots 22.52Dean, Charlie 1 lot 5.48Deitz, It. I?. 1 lot 30.81Dillard, Jess 2 lots 10.30Denning, C. W. 1 lot 101.14Dewey, C. W. 1 lot 5.04Dillard, T. Ben 33 16.07Dillard, John C. 41 3-4 30.17Dillard, W. B. 30 23.89Dillard, J. R.


    24 hal. 26.ar)Dillard, Ralph 3 lots 23.73Dillard, Mrs. R. H. 3 47.94A. J. Dills, 106 & 3 lots 132.15Dills, R. E. & heirs 1 lot 41.74Dills, A. J., guardian 3 19.02Edwards, G. M. 1 lot 30.54Ensley, Berry 21 1-4 15.91Enslev, Mrs. Mary 1 lot 53.97Ensley, C. S. 3 lots 6.79Ensley, Mrs. W. B. 4 lots 37.11Ensley, H. P., Jr. 89 28.14Ensley, Bertie 75 18.52Evans, H. L., 1 lot 71.62Extine,, George 35 25.06Extine, W. M. heirs 20 13.08Fisher, C O. 3 11.93Fisher, J. L. estate 75 . 54.84Fisher, Mrs. R. W. 42i/2 49.81Fisher, R. W. 150 91.79Fisher, Mr*. Gertrude Allison, 1 lot

    4.61Forster, Mrs. E. D., 1 lot 5.92Fox, Raymond 2 lots 28.19Frady, Wilburn 1 lot 5.92Franklin, Ida 1 lot 10.29Franklin, S. D. 15 9.98Franklin, W. N. 7% 10.64Franklin, W. A. 71/2 , 11.50Gibson, Pink, 1 lot 12.92Glenn, Raymond 1 lot 64.61Godsey, S. B. 1 lot 10.29Gray, G G. 1 lot 36.50Green, H. P. 1 lot 13.32Gribble, J. T. 1 lot 50.91Grindstaff, B. C. 3 lots 62.70Gnffey, C. E. V/2 11.34Hall, R. HI., 2 lots 3.30Hall & Reed, 2 lots 34.60Hall, D. C. 2 19.11Halsler, C. E. 3 lots 45.49Hale, Mrs. E. M., 4 lots , 31.25Harris, C. H. 18 5.34Harris, James 25 Bal. 24.78Harris, W. T. 47 Bal. 15.55Hawkins, E. M. 3»/2 bal. 17.06Hensley, C. W. 4 24.70Henson, A. M. 5 lots, 20 98.20Henson, Mrs. W. L. 6 65.83Hlgdon, J. S., 3 lots 702.18Higdon, Mrs. J. S., 1 lot 14.57Hooper, V. V. Agt. 549 125.60Hoyles, W. M., 1 lot 3.89Hoxitt, G. W., 12 lots 4.07Jamison, W. M., 3 lots 1 43.57Jones, J. L. 18 27.57Jorden, Bill, 1 lot 15.34Keener, J. E., 1 lot 57.63King, E. Ford, 1 lot 60.95Kitchen, C. H. 315 146.51Ijeopard, Mrs. W. F., 1 lot 22.30Levis, Ruth, 1 lot 19.02MeCluro, J. Guy, 2 lots 96.63MoKee, Mrs. Carrie, 1 lot 176.27McGinnis, S. T., 4 lots 14.09'Madison, Annie L., 4 lots 3.29Madison, M. B., 8 lots, bal. 53.94

    Massey, Henryf 1 lot 13.47Mathis, Delia, 2 lots, bal. 5.25Medford, C. B., 3 acres 18.92Melton, Claud, 16 lots 4.34Messer, IT. H., 1 lot 10.79Mitchel, Ida 32 14.81Monteith Heirs 191 53.10Monteith, Hugh, 3 lots bal. 60.33Monteith, 5. H. 1 lot, 43y2 bal. 102.87Monteith, J. B. 70 58.41Moore, Elsie 10 6.80Moore, L. C. 1 lot, 18 54.57Moore, R. E. 9 9.8Morrison, W. P. 4 23.91Morrison, F. C., 1 lot 13.25Mullinax, B. L. 2 lots 3.30Murray, D. E., 3 lots 11.34Myers, .. 1?., 2 lots 10.29Nations, J. F. 6 15.46Neal, G. R., 1 lot ' 9.41Nichols, D-\ A. S., 1 lot 168.42Nichols, John A., 12 lots, bal. 8.46Nicholson, R R. & Blaine,

    2 lots, Bal. . 3-3®Nicholson, Oscar, 1 lot 10.02Nicholson, Raymond R., 3 lots 62.70Nicholson, Cyrus H. 2 lots 11.15Norton, W. M. 10 10.46Norton, Nellie 10 Bal. 5.61Norton, John D., 1 lot 4.18Oliver, W. H., 1 lot 44.10Painter, W. R., 1 lot 53.95Parker, A. D. aiul

    G. T. Cooper, 1 lot 3-36Parker, Jim 1 lot 19.02Parker, J. O. 5 31.34Parker, J. M. 15 Bal. 8.41Parris, John A. 1 lot 67.08Parris, A. C. 42% W- 20.24Patterson, J. H., 5 lots 18.14Phillips, Dombv 28 lots 6.40Potts, W. P., 1 lot 1 10.29Potts, R. P., 1 lot 109-88Powell, I. H., 2 lots 158.7Price, Charles N. 1 lot, 96 134.07Iiabv, John, 1 lot 10.29Ray) B. F., 2 lots , 22.25Realty Sal-ls Corp, 1 lot 67.08Realty Sales Corp. 2 lots 43.48Reed, Mrs. Sallie 52 17.83Rigdon, Joe, 2 lots 42.62Robinson, E. |L., 2 lots 21.63Robinson, O. J., 29 lots 59.52Robinson, J. N. 50 17.25Ross, P. S., Mill. Int. 19.02Simons, Abraham, 1 lot 139.94Shepard, John, 2 lots, 46 49.77Shepard, Arthur, 1 lot 21.71Shepard, Tom, 2 lots / 10.46Snyder, (!eo. C., 4 lots, bal 64.37Stanley, Emma, 3 lots 26.01St vies,' J. C.. 2 lots 22.17Sut t oik, N. L., 2 lots 29.41Tallent, Cradv 1 lot, 2% 11.17Tallent, W. R., 2 lots 23.13Thompson, B. F. 27 14.60Thompson, S. C. 88 Bal. 13.24Toy, J. R. 10 14.74Waldroup, Matilda, 1 lot 6.79Walker, I). P. 2 5.48Wells, C. M., 1 lot 80.18Wilson, J. H., 1 lot 12.03Woiuack, Heirrie, 1 lot 11.24Woirack, A. D., 2 lots 22.47Woodard, Nannie, 5 lots 23.0GWood, J. R., 3 lots 46.42Woodv, J. D. 30 lots 27.60Wykle, W. H. 1 lot 6.79Buchanan, H. E. 11 lots 11.17Dills, Roy R, 37 3-10 Ci.6Haskett, J. P. 1 lot 1 k»Ji8Havwood Supply Co. 2Heiison, W. A. 20 12.90Hood, Gurney P. Com.

    , of Banks, 1 lot 1 38.24Keener, Mrs. J. W., 3 lots 212.52Mills, Roy, 1 lot 19.02Stanley, Caney, 4 lots 30.64Sylva Development Co. 1 lot 8.54Sutton, Joe L., 1 lot 24.61Buchanan, H. E., 3 lots 3.73Fradv, J. D. 1 lot 28.65

    WEBSTER TOWNSHIPAllman, John 4% 20.23AUman, Frank 4% 20.17Allman, Walter , 8 29-38Amnions, John 1% 2.93Ashe, L. H. 23% 23.21Blackwell & Bushnell 10 3.13Bradley, J. Harrison 102.6 32.27Bradley, L. D. 5 41.09Bradley,/ Jim 1 5.71Beck, E. D. 73 16.30Bennett, Dock 43% 15.33Buchanan, J. E. 106% 17.27Buchanan, M. Sr. 15 9.46Buchanan, H. E. and

    J. H. Morris, 1 lot 15.78Buchanan, J. W., Sr. 12 33.79Buchanan, Jack 3 8.08Buchanan, L. L. 80 20.79Bumgarner, J. P. 18 9.95Cagle, ^Irs. J. C. 129 37.20Cagle, E. H. ! 4 6.13Carpenter, J. M. 25 10.72Cazell, F. C. 60 9.46Cowan, Roy M. 87 35.74Cowan, J. W. 4% 1775Davis, Mrs. J. W. 153% 167.54Dills, Mrs. W. A. 50 31.07Dills, J. R., Heirs 35 Bal. 3.42Evans, Isam 10 18.84Fradv, Florence, Heirs 35 14.42Frizzell, W. D. 4 12.50Frizzell, Fred 66 22.14Frizzell, J. W. - 49


    / 42.33Frizzell, J. M. 90 18.94Fullbright, T. P. 30 7.67Fullbright, A. B. 31 Bal. 7.18Harris, Murphy, Heirs 30 5.50Hedding, Herbert, Heirs, 1 lot 34.75Hedding, E. C. 11% 30.00Henson, Mrs. Hester 90 Bal. 25.80Henson, A. M. 60 97.23Leatherwood, J. M. 10 3.13Lominae, Charlie 28 Bal. 10.19

    McKee, Mrs. H. C., 1 jotMcConnell, W. S. 2° ^Madison, Robert L., 1 , ' :,7Mathis, Coleman 26Mathis, J. W. ^39Moore, J. W. ^Morgan, W. H., 1 ]0t

    ' .J55Morgan, Jim o . 3Morgan, Dan, Heirs 23 , rflMoss, A. S. 12V. na! 1J;Nichols, Dr. A. S., Min.Lrt

    ' 0-'tOwen, S. .1., 1 lot, bal.

    ' ~!?1Painter, W. H. i-


    Parker, DavidQueen, A. C. 1 lot n,r ^Rogers, John ,T. 221

    " i-Shankes, Sent, ] lot

    " jj"'Stillwell, W A. r,r, r.Still well, A. R. -®JStillwell, John A. Rc;i' .


    Stillwell, Carl K. r,2 'jf

    Vanee, Mrs. Sallie ?,(\ f 'jjjjCULLOWHEE TOWXSTm>

    (XEGRO)Chauis, Lloyd 41 'tDavis, Bowman 7-5 , jj.Hooper, Gabe 91/


    Low, George o»l" lfK!

    Rogers, W. A. ] ,0 J" J?Rogers, John iy2 i)a] 4S-Rogers, Josephine 100 KaLCasey, Amanda Heirs 130 Bal ~rr


    Conley, Leo, Estate 5 2050Freeman, Jnle 2") ]o.MLove, Chnrlie 2 3 7.


    Arnold, John fiif, ]o.>;Bryson, Ole, 1 lot r)IMBryson, Tom fi -,,,iBryson, Peter, Heirs IS nBryson, John, 1 lot n -sCoward. William bal. 10.&0Davis, Bowman, 2 lots 20.01Howell, Leo finis, 1 lot, bal. .V»";Lay, Will, 1 lot r,.ri|liove, IIe:i iv 20 17.n|Love, Clarence, 1 lot ]9.«i2McDonald, Robert, 1 lot, bal. .V^Norman, Harry, 2 lots 103Norman, Lynn, 1 lot J.3.7JNorman, Joint, 1 lot OMPickens, Thomas, 1 lot 1 r>.-r»nShepherd, Dlia, 2 lots, bal. 4.STShepherd, Herbert, I lot 9,11Smith, John, 1 lot 9.1 'tWhittenlMirfr. Margaret, (52 ]C.4"iWhitteiiburg, M. C. 1 lot 12.90Wilson, Grant, 1 lot 8.110Wilson, Joe, 3 lots S.97Wilson, Lush C., 1 U j 0.7f>Johnson, Julia 4Muit, Jack, 1 lotWilson, Nelson, 1 lot "