Plant Growth Fun Jade Jacobs Mrs. Fentress

Jade Jacobs Mrs. Fentress Table of Contents 1. Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Material 4. Procedures 5. Variables 6. Graph 7. Results 8. Conclusion 9. Question?

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  • Jade Jacobs Mrs. Fentress
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  • Table of Contents 1. Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Material 4. Procedures 5. Variables 6. Graph 7. Results 8. Conclusion 9. Question? 10. Bibliograpy
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  • Question Which wild flower grows best under artificial light ?
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  • Hypothesis I think the flowers will grow because if you have a grow light bulb it will grow and the light is like the sun.
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  • Material 1. Zinnia,Petunia,Shasta,and Marigold seeds 2. Potting soil 3. Plastic plant pots (4) 4. Blue grow light 5. Lamp 6. Paper 7. Pencil
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  • Procedures First, put the potting soil in each container Next, put seeds in soil Then, water the plants Finally, put plants under grow light
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  • Variables Independent Variables-the type of seeds Dependent Variables- the height Controlled Variables- the days I watered the plants
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  • Graph
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  • Results My Results are 100% because my plant grew from the grow light and a lot of water. But of my plants die from a whole lot of water.
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  • Conclusion My conclusion is that my prediction was right my plants grew from the grow light, water and a whole lot of energy.
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  • Bibliography 1. Encyclopedia 2. Books 3. Internet- // www.ask.com and www.wikispace.comwww.ask.com
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  • Question? Hey looks like my prediction is right because I had a grow light and water to keep them strong and pretty. But maybe I can try different seeds like turnips and morning glories. This looks like another investigation.