Caningeraba State School Caningeraba State School PREP FOLIO OF PROGRESS PREP FOLIO OF PROGRESS Semester 2/ 2009 Semester 2/ 2009 for for Jalen Taylor Jalen Taylor

Jalen’s Prep Progress Portfolio 2

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Page 1: Jalen’s Prep Progress Portfolio 2

Caningeraba State SchoolCaningeraba State School



Caningeraba State SchoolCaningeraba State School



Jalen TaylorJalen Taylor

Page 2: Jalen’s Prep Progress Portfolio 2

This folio of progress paints a picture of your child’s early learning development.

To assist you in understanding the Phases of Learning, we have provided hyperlinks on each comment page which will take you to further information on the Learning Phases under the accumulated Learning Areas of:

• Social and Personal Learning; • Health and Physical Learning (Gross and Fine Motor); • Language Learning and Communication; • Early Mathematical Understandings; and • Active Learning Processes.

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Caningeraba State School Early Learning Philosophy

At Caningeraba we actively engage in learning to create unique life-long learners – it’s not what we say, it’s what we do!

Our Values We believe children learn best when they are –

• happy, secure and supported• involved in enquiry-based, co-constructed, hands-

on, reflective activities

And when -• expectations are high• there are opportunities for problem-solving and

higher level thinking

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Our ContextLearning through play-based activities. Play is –• problem-solving• a means of exploring and investigating• motivating• a means of facilitating social

competency • communicating with others

Play can be make-believe, socio- dramatic, investigative, directed, extended or physically active.

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Social and Personal Learning

Sustaining Relationships Children sustain relationships by –• acknowledging and negotiating rights, roles and

responsibilities in a range of contexts• cooperating with others in social situationsUnderstanding Diversity Children build early understandings about diversity by

investigating and communicating positively about the social and cultural practices of people in their community

Personal Learning Children build a positive sense of self and others by –• developing a sense of personal identity and a positive

disposition to learning • acting with increasing independence and responsibility

towards learning and personal organisation

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Comments -Possible phases of learning

Jalen has sought out the company of more children this semester- not just Bethany and is beginning to form strong friendship bonds with a number of children in the class. He is becoming a responsible class member who can be relied upon to complete his activities, look after school property and tidy up after free play and group activity times. He is developing strategies to solve conflicts both inside and outside the classroom and seeks out adult support if his strategies aren’t working.After painting his family portrait he was able to compare his family with others in the classroom i.e. Daniel R has a sister and I don’t. Jalen has enjoyed designing and making the outside obstacle course co-operatively with a group of children and helping pack it all up as a team. Jalen has enjoyed participating in the Year 7 buddy program this year.

BAWith explicit support

EWith support

MCWith prompts


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Health and Physical Learning

Gross and Fine Motor Children build a positive sense of self

and others by using and extending gross and fine-motor skills when integrating movements and using and manipulating equipment, tools and objects.

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Comments -Possible phases of learning

In gross motor this semester Jalen has been developing skills in catching, throwing, striking, fielding and bouncing with a variety of equipment. He has continued to develop self confidence and body co-ordination when completing the obstacle course and play equipment in the big adventure. Mr Carleton the P.E. teacher states, ‘Jalen still finds it quite difficult to remain focused for an extended level of time in lessons. Hopefully this will be rectified in the future as he does display a degree of potential.’Jalen usually uses the correct grip when Jalen is manipulating a variety of equipment such as pencils, scissors, glue, brushes, staplers, sticky tape, pencils and the computer mouse. He is developing strength and control when manipulating a variety of materials and has enjoyed participating in a variety of hands on activities and computer activities to improve fine motor skills.

BAWith explicit support

EWith support

MCWith prompts


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Language Learning and Communication

Oral Language Children expand their oral language by• using spoken language for a range of purposes• exploring patterns and conventions of spoken, signed/

augmentative language• interacting with peers and familiar adults using, with support,

conventions associated with formal and informal group settings including attentive listening

Reading and Viewing Children become readers and viewers by using emerging

understandings to predict and make meanings from a variety of written, visual and multimodal texts.

Writing and Shaping Children become writers and shapers by experimenting with

emerging understandings of written, visual and multimodal texts to communicate meanings.

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Comments -Possible phases of learning

Jalen recognises many letters and sounds and applies this knowledge when writing and at this stage writes the beginning, middle and end sounds of many words with the assistance of an alphabet chart and teacher direction. Jalen enjoys listening to shared stories and when reading familiar and predictable texts, can identify the title and the author, distinguishes between words and letters, points to the words on the page and predicts text from picture and initial letter clues. Jalen is usually organised with his oral language items and speaks in a clear voice when addressing an audience. He communicates effectively with peers and adults and uses appropriate tone of voice and body language, willingly shares ideas with the class and is displaying better listening skills this term.

BAWith explicit support

EWith support

MCWith prompts


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Early Mathematical Understandings

Early Numeracy Children build early mathematical

understandings about number, patterns and algebra, measurement, chance and data by –

• investigating and communicating ideas about quantities and their representations, attributes of objects and collections

• investigating and communicating ideas about position, movement and direction

• investigating and communicating ideas about order, sequence and pattern

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Comments -Possible phases of learning

Jalen has developed an array of early mathematical skills and at this stage can rote count beyond 100. He can recognise and write all the numbers to 20, find the missing number out of a sequence and count and make a group of objects. His understanding of addition and subtraction is still developing.This term we have been focussing on measurement and Jalen understands and uses language such as half, empty and full and can order containers according to their volume. He can measure the length of a variety of objects using units such as unifix cubes and blocks and can compare the length of more than one object. He successfully uses the balance scales to compare items by their weight and can sort objects into lighter than, heavier than and same as. Jalen recognises all Australian coins, names the days of the week and the months of the year.

BAWith explicit support

EWith support

MCWith prompts


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Active Learning Processes

Thinking Children think and enquire by generating and

discussing ideas and plans and solving problems.Investigating the natural world Children think and enquire by investigating their

ideas about phenomena in the natural world; by developing shared understandings about these phenomena.

Investigating technology Children think and enquire by investigating

technology and considering how it affects everyday life.

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Comments -Possible phases of learning

Jalen has enjoyed learning about the world around him and can successfully describe features of the weather and has listened to ideas on how to keep our oceans healthy. This term Jalen has looked at signs of Spring and is learning how to look after a plant by giving it the right amount of water and sunlight.Jalen has enjoyed participating in the many design challenges this semester such as making a space rocket, an aquarium, a water vehicle and a Melbourne Cup hat. With some support, Jalen creates a plan, uses familiar materials and processes and follows through with the plan to make a 3D model. Jalen’s computer skills continue to improve as he enjoys playing a variety of educational web games whilst learning some basic web language and picking up some trouble shooting skills.

BAWith explicit support

EWith support

MCWith prompts


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Students at Caningeraba are actively encouraged

to –

• engage in and reflect on learning• discover self identity• develop independence• acquire decision-making skills that can be applied

to a variety of learning and social contexts

• accept and appreciate differences

Develop a sense of self and others.

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Teacher: Fiona Maud Class: Prep Maroon

Caningeraba State SchoolWhistler Drive

Burleigh Waters Q 4220

Ph. 55 686333 www.caningerss.eq.edu.au Acting Principal: Jenni Thew Acting Associate Principal: Gary Reedman