James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

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Page 1: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible


James Keddy

Page 2: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Definition of digital citizenship

In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible and safe

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Page 4: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Definition of plagiarism

Plagiarism is when you take somebody else's work and present it as your own. This usually occurs in

Page 5: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Consequences of plagiarism in secondary schools

In junior high and high school you would most likely be given one strike for each paper you plagiarised on and if you received three strikes that would result in an in-school suspension. On each paper you pass in with a plagirsism you would also get a zero on the paper and be asked to re write it.

Page 6: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Consequences for plagiarism in post secondary schools

In university's plagiarism is a much more serious. instead of three strikes like in high school university's are more strict. If you plagiarise they make you re write the paper and will most likely talk to you about the consequences of plagiarizing again. If you plagiarize a second time some university's will even expel you while others might give you strict rules and guidelines.

Page 7: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

How can you avoid plagiarism

When researching always site your informants

Make sure that you never directly copy someone else's work

Have permission from the creator of the idea

Try to always create original thoughts and ideas

Page 8: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

The three most severe types of plagiarism

1. using an exact copy of somebody's else's work as your own.

2. using significant amounts of somebody's else's work as your own.

3. you change key words of a document but use the essential content of the source as your won.

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piracy/copyright infringement

Page 10: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Definition of piracy

Piracy is when someone uses and distrubutes the work of someone that is protected by copyright without permission.

Page 11: James Keddy. Definition of digital citizenship In my own words digital citizenship is a way to conduct yourself on the internet that is respectful, responsible

Consequences of piracy

Piracy is against the law and the consequences can be very severe. When you commit copyright infringement the copyright holder can sue you for any damages or profit losses that you caused.

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How you can avoid piracy

Always buy your downloadable content legally.

Never steal content from the owner

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Where does piracy occur

Piracy mostly occurs in torrent websites like pirate bay which use servers in country's where the copyright laws are not as strongly enforced. These servers are very hard to discover which makes it difficult to charge the owners with infringement.

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Open Source

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What is open source

The creator/owner of a blueprint or design makes it available to other people, they can also allow for people to redistribute there design along with make improvements to it.

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Why do people open source

They might get same fame for being the creator of a great program

They feel that the programs now are not as advanced as they should be and want to improve on things

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The benefits of open sourcing

Some people do it as a hobbies and just enjoy doing it.

People can improve on your software

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