Janlok Pratishthan

Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since

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Page 1: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 2: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since




Page 3: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


1. JanlokPratishthanhasbeenreceivingcomplainsandissuesfacedbyPACLinvestorsfromalloverIndiaviaphonecalls,textmessages,emails,sincetheHon’bleLodhaCommitteecommencedtheonlineclaimregistrationprocessonSEBI’sofficialwebsite.

2. Theissuesmentionedinthereportandtoday’smeetingarenotanecdotaloroneoffoccurrences.HundredsofthousandsofPACLinvestorsarefacingtheseissuesintherefundclaimregistrationprocess.

Page 4: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 5: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 6: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


• SEBI’sPACLclaimregistrationportaldoesnotwork90%ofthetime.

• Takes3-4hourstoregisterasingleclaim.• Manyinvestorstriedusingtheportallatenightbuttheportaldoesnotfunctionatallorisextremelyslowevenatthosehours.

Page 7: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 8: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since




Page 9: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 10: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since




Page 11: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 12: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since




Page 13: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


Page 14: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


• IncaseofaFDcertificate,wheninvestorsenterthedepositamount(principalamount)astheclaimamount,yourportaldisplaysthefollowingmessage:“Totalamountofuploadedreceiptsshouldnotbe

greaterthantotalclaimamount”.• Thisisnotapossibilityastheclaimamountandthedepositedamount(principalamount)isthesame.

Page 15: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


(i) AsubstantialmajorityofPACLinvestorsarenotwelleducatedanddonothaveapancard.Anditisnotpossibletogetapancard withinsuchashorttime

(ii) Investorsabove60yearsofagecannotgetorregisterforapancard.


(iv)Pancard shouldhaveotherformsofsubstituteIDssuchasdrivinglicense,votingcard,adhar,etc.

Page 16: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since



Henceitiscrucialthatsuchpeoplehaveandoptionofregisteringtheirclaimsofflineoronewhichdoesnotrequire a computer,smartphoneortheInternet.

Page 17: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


•Alargemajorityofruralinvestorsdonothavebankaccounts.• Suchruralinvestorshavean accountsintheirregionalpostofficeswhichdoes notprovideIFSC.• Theruralcommunityofmanystateshavehighlyaskedtoaddtheirpostalaccountssoreceivetheirrefunds.

Page 18: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


• IncaseofFDclaimregistrationpleaseclarify,whichamounts/figures shouldtheinvestorsenterinthefollowingstagesoftheprocess:


Page 19: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since

Problem10.(Diseased/मतृ ClaimantandNominee)


Page 20: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since

Problem11.(Diseased/मतृ Claimant,Nomineeunknown)


Page 21: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since



• Therehastobeprovisionforthesecasestoo.

Page 22: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


• TherearetypographicalerrorsinthenameofinvestorsonthePACLcertificates,thusthenameontheinvestor’sIDsdonotmatchwiththenameontheirPACLcertificates/Receipts.


Page 23: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since


•Whataboutthelargemajorityof reinvestmentcasesthatarestuckinCSC?

• ReinvestingthematurityamountwasaverycommonpracticeamongPACLinvestorsandalargenumberofpeoplehavereinvestmentrelatedclaims,whichcannotbeignored.

Page 24: Janlok Pratishthan MEETIN… · Janlok Pratishthan has been receiving complains and issues faced by PACL investors from all over India via phone calls, text messages, emails, since



• IfSEBIhasadatabasewhichitisusingtoverifytheclaims,thenwhydoesSEBIrequirethePACLinvestmentreceiptsandcertificatesfromthecustomers?

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