January 2012 Glad Tidings

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  • 8/3/2019 January 2012 Glad Tidings


    January 2012 christchurchguilford.org

    From my perspective, Advent did what it was supposed to do for us at Christ Church:

    prepare the way for Christ in our community and our hearts. Our worship played its

    part and framed our community life: In expectation, we prepared Advent wreaths and

    lit our candles; with Jane Ferralls general direction, Craig Slavtcheffs kitchenleadership, Sunday School-parent-baked brownies, and the ECWs cookies, we helped

    celebrate the Tree-lighting on the Green. The youth-decorated wreaths and their hot

    cocoa helped prepare the way for hospitality from the rectory garage! Even as the

    Sunday School was preparing to present their delightful Nativity pageant, we got an

    operatic angle on the story with Amahl & the Night Visitors,presented by

    Concertato and the WestConn Opera Ensemble. The Altar Guild, the Choir and the Choristers, the ushers,

    chalice bearers, and readers all prepared for the celebrations to come.

    And there was more to prepare for this year! We added a third Christmas Eve service, beginning our

    celebrations with a 4 p.m. service of song, story, and communion timed for our youngest members, continuedwith a service featuring our young Choristers, and capped the evening with a glorious service featuring the

    Choir. On Christmas Day, we again celebrated Emmanuel coming to be one with us. Thanks to your

    memorial and thanksgiving gifts, the church was beautifully decorated and the Choir had the support of a Yale

    soloist. Marsha Brown and Frank Dodd outdid themselves in preparing the Christmas flowers and music,

    respectively. The Hutchison, Claiborn-Mayo, and Rae clans set out the welcoming luminaria to guide

    Christmas worshippers to the Bethlehem stable, which Christ Church re-presents.

    Christmas does not end on December 25th; it is a festival of twelve days leading to the Epiphany. The

    Epiphany celebrates the manifestation, revelation, and showing forth (thats what epiphany means in Greek)

    of Jesus to the Gentiles. In the Epiphany story, we Gentiles (the peoples of the nations outside of Israel andJudea) are represented by the Magi, the wise watchers of the night sky, better known as the Three Kings. Art

    and tradition show the kings as people of different ages and nationalities. In the Epiphany story, the Bible

    makes clear that Jesus came not for just a select people, but for all humanity. In other words, his life was the

    light of all people; those words come from Johns prologue (1:4b). This year our Choristers, Choir, and young

    readers will help us proclaim the lights Epiphany in a special candlelit Choral Evensong on Friday evening,

    January 6th, at 7 p.m.

    Christmas Gratitude: Epiphany Hope


  • 8/3/2019 January 2012 Glad Tidings


    It is not too much to say, that as Christ Church, we are called to proclaim that Christs light shines in the

    darkness and the darkness did not overcome it (John 1.5). That was our proclamation throughout Advent and

    Christmastide. We long to know that light ourselves; strangely, we know it best as we share it with others. That

    light is our hope in the midst of this worlds darkness; that hope is not just for us, but for all people. In worship

    and in our community life, let us continue to proclaim Christs light of hope.


    P.S. Our Chili Supper was made more special thanks to Rick Ste. Marie and Panera Bread for the donated

    chili bread bowls, and also to Gene Bishop and Bishops Orchards Farm Market for the donated cider.

    P.S. Since our total attendance increased more than anticipated, we know we need to print more bulletins; if

    you have thoughts to share about Christmas at Christ Church, please share them with me at

    [email protected].


    Update on Buildings and GroundsJust a quickthank you to our volunteers: Gene Bishop recently repaired a light switch in the sexton's closet

    and cleaned the outside roof gutters; David Jones finished painting the parish hall siding where needed; and

    Dirck Goss and Max Reeve made repairs to a bench in the church balcony in time for it to be used during the

    performance ofAhmal and the Night Visitors. The heating boilers were inspected recently, and one particular

    boiler needs to have repairs due to water leakage.

    As you can see, our buildings and grounds require ongoing repairs and maintenance, and we try to do as much

    of it as possible in-house by using volunteers. At this time we are looking for people to help with snow removal

    during the winter months. If you have skills or time (or a snow blower) you'd be willing to share, please callthe church office at 203-453-2279. Thank you!

    --David Kish,Junior Warden

    Lets Commit to Build the Ministries of Christ Church!

    We have embarked on a parish journey together; we are moving from

    surviving to thriving! By Gods grace, we are building our ministries for

    education, service, fellowship, worship and music. Our stewardship of the

    time, talent and treasure entrusted to us by God shapes our life as the Body

    of Christ gathered as Christ Episcopal Church. To help plan for 2012, ourVestry asks for your estimates-of-giving, your pledge, for the New Year. If

    you have not yet made a pledge, please make your estimate as

    soon as possible. It is never too late. Let us continue in the realization

    of growth in Christ Churchs ministries. This is only possible through your

    commitment to a renewed 2012 level of pledge generosity.

    If you have not received your Stewardship packet, there are extras on the table at the back of the center aisle.

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  • 8/3/2019 January 2012 Glad Tidings



    The opening lines in Barbara Robinsons classic Christmas childrens book,

    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, are certainly eye-catching: The

    Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. They

    lied and stole and smoked cigars (even the girls) The book tells the storyof what happens when one churchs boring, predictable Christmas pageant is

    taken over by the six tough, rowdy Herdman kids.

    We dont have any Herdman children at Christ Church -- a friendly beast is

    about as far-reaching as were willing to go! We prefer shepherds, three

    kings, and angelic ones as opposed to the cigar smoking set! The Christmas

    pageant in the book surprises everyone and I would like to think that our

    Christmas pageant was full of wonderment also! With that said, a Christmas

    Pageant doesnt magically appear before you without a village

    of people to help make it happen. First and foremost, let usthankour cast of children who lit up the stage this year. They

    may forget a line or two, or lip-synch a few of the hymns, but

    our children at Christ Church are brilliant and we thank each

    and every one of them for performing in a spectacular pageant.

    Ourchildrens orchestra under the direction ofSuky and

    Rodger Bryan grew this year. We may have to rethink our

    stage in future years to accommodate their needs! Thank you

    for adding to our pageant with your superb music. We would

    also like to thankMelissa Lamoreaux, Frank Dodd, and John Baringer for helping us sound so good. They

    helped us practice all of our hymns and performed on piano, organ, and guitar. Thank You!

    Behind the scenes, Ted and Rebecca Ervin helped costume all of the angels, donkeys, and sheep. Our talented

    group of Sunday School teachers organized our cast into position, and, weeks before our event, Richard

    Marvin led a large crew in assembly of the stage. Last, but not least, we thank the parents of our Sunday School

    children for all of your help as mentioned above, it takes a village!

    In Barbara Robinsons book, the Herdman children had never heard the story of the birth of Jesus before

    embarking upon the pageant. They questioned every aspect of the story. Why did they not have a room at the

    inn? Why did they force this baby to sleep in a manger? Who were the three mysterious Kings? In theend, the Herdman children discovered the one true meaning of Christmas and helped the rest of us rediscover it

    as well. They knew that something special was going on when the Angel of the Lord spoke to all of us, saying:

    Unto you a child is born!

    Thank you for another rendition of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

    --John Mayo, Sunday School Teacher

    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

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    The 2011 Version of Angels Under the Balcony

    A lot of energy (no pun intended) developed around the Second Collection for the Guilford

    Fuel Assistance Program. Parishioners had already responding generously with caps, scarves,

    and mittens on the Mitten Tree for Charlies Closet, and you readily responded to the Vestrys

    appeal to become Angels Under the Balcony and help keep neighbors warm in their homes.

    The Second Collection received $1,574, which will go directly to the Fuel Assistance Program,

    along with $1,000 of the proceeds from the Tree-lighting Chili Supper and Rectors Roast Beef

    Dinner for a total gift of $2,574! An additional $375 will go to the Discretionary Fund for fuel

    relief in 2012. Thanks again to one and all for your support.

    But that did not conclude your service as Angels Under the Balcony! On Monday before Christmas we got a

    call from our friends at St. Georges Church. One of the beneficiaries of their gift program was short 135 gifts;

    another group had been unable to follow-through on their commitment. St. Georges could help some; could

    we help at all? The gifts were for a program at St. Lukes Episcopal Church, on Whalley Avenue in New

    Haven. Time was short; I looked at the balance in the Rectors Discretionary Fund and decided that -- thanks

    to your generosity -- $750 was available. I wrote the check, and Melissa Lamoreaux and her St. Georgesfriend, Ruth Pinto, went shopping. Normally, Discretionary Fund gifts remain undisclosed, but no confidences

    were breached in telling you about the good work your generosity has done.

    For a religion born in an unheated stable, your kind concern for the well-being of others re-presents Gods own

    compassion in coming to be one with us.


    Its hard to believe Christmas has already come and gone. What a thrilling

    season of festivities, special events, and worship services. Special thanks go toseveral people who helped make the music at Christ Church extra special this

    Christmas. First, to Suky and Rodger Bryan, who organized and directed the

    Youth Orchestra that played at the Christmas Pageant. Thanks to all the children

    who played in this orchestra too! And to Melissa Lamoreaux, who helped teach

    the music for the Christmas Pageant to all the children during their Sunday

    morning practices. Also, thank you to Vicky and Bronwyn Reeve, who shared

    their musical talents at the 5:30 Christmas Eve service. A final word of thanks goes to the Choirs, who worked

    very hard to prepare anthems and hymns for the Christmas Eve services. Again, thanks to all for a wonderful


    On Friday, January 6, the Choirs of Christ Episcopal Church will present a Choral Evensong for the Feast of

    the Epiphany. The service will begin at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a reception in the Parish Hall.

    I am happy to announce my upcoming half-length degree recital at Yale University. This organ recital will

    take place at Marquand Chapel (located in the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle) on Wednesday,January 11, at

    12:30 p.m. The half-hour recital will include music by Nicolaus Bruhns, Dieterich Buxtehude, Samuel Scheidt,

    and Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck. All are welcome to attend. Happy New Year!

    --Frank Dodd, Organist-Choirmaster

    Music News

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    Annual Parish MeetingFebruary 5, 2012

    The 268th Annual Parish Meeting of Christ

    Episcopal Church will be held on Sunday,

    February 5,2012. The Nominating Committeehas begun its work. The Committee is charged

    with presenting nominees for Senior and Junior

    Wardens, Parish Clerk, and Treasurer for one-year

    terms, and three Vestry Members for three-year

    terms.If you have a name to suggest, check withthe individual first, and share the name or names

    with committee members Ed Seibert, David Kish,

    Chris Robinson, Janet Moffat, Julie Harris and Ted


    Call to the 268th AnnualMeeting

    The Annual Meeting of the Parish ofChrist Episcopal Church

    Will be Held on Sunday,February 5, 2012

    Following the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist

    December Vestry Meeting Highlights

    At its meeting on Wednesday, December 14, in the Rectory living room, the Vestry:

    Began with Devotions for the Early Evening and shared prayer concerns;

    Whats working: A very busy Season! Amahl and the Night Visitors was a great success; the Inter-faith

    Thanksgiving service (with Music Director Frank Dodd) was extraordinary; our Chili Supper was

    great fun and profitable - netting over $700; the ECW Luncheon, Tastefully Simple Fund Raiser, etc..

    Our list just kept growing!;

    The Treasurers report: Our financial situation continues to be constrained. We are meeting payrolland making monthly payments to vendors, but other costs are in arrears. We owe five months ($5,000)

    on the loan from the Diocese, $4,437 is owed by the operating fund to the capital fund (for rectory

    improvements), then theres the December Diocesan pledge of almost $3,000 (now caught up through

    November), and last but not least, $2,037 in reimbursements to Harrison. Based on last years

    generous end-of-year giving, the Vestry is hopeful that between final pledge, Christmas and special

    end-of-the-year donations, we can still end off the year well;

    Stewardship: The tally on December 14th was 62 pledges with a pledge amount of $111K, less than

    half of the goal of $230,000 in pledges for 2012. We are further ahead (after 3 weeks) than last year,

    but the Vestry agrees we may need to reach out again to parishioners after the New Year. (As of

    December25th, the totals were73 pledges for a total of$136,429); Junior Wardens report: The Parish Halls lower level continues to remain dry - a great success after

    our severe weather. The Boiler requires a new condenser;

    Approved the Diocesan Pledge for 2012. At 12.5% of our 2010 Operating Income that equals $34,397

    (down $700 from last year);

    Approved a Second Collection for Guilfords Fuel Assistance Program on Dec 18th. The Vestry also

    agreed to commit the outreach proceeds from the Roast Beef Dinner and the Chili Supper to the Fuel

    Program. Notification to parishioners before Sunday was needed immediately;

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    December at CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH on the Green

    Outside: Tree Lighting on the Green;Inside: Laughter, Warmth and Chili

    Chili Supper and Cookie-Wreath-Print Sale


    Actors & Musicians, and the Star

    A Joyful Christmas Pageant

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  • 8/3/2019 January 2012 Glad Tidings


    Glad TidingsChrist Episcopal Church11 Park Street

    Guilford, Connecticut

    The Rev. Harrison WestRector

    [email protected]

    Edward SeibertSenior Warden

    [email protected]

    Pat WakefieldParish Administrator

    [email protected]

    Diane BarkerManaging Editor

    [email protected]

    Pat DaunicGraphic Design

    Christ Episcopal Church

    P O Box 574

    Guilford, CT 06437

    Non-Profit Organization

    U.S. Postage


    Guilford, CT 06437

    Permit Number 1

    Change Service Requested

    Sunday Services: 8 a.m., Rite I10 a.m., Rite II with Choir9 a.m., Rectors Forum9:30 a.m., Childrens Chapel10:00 a.m. Sunday School

    Feast of the Epiphany!Friday, January 6th at 7:00p.m.

    Festal Evensong by Candlelight with Choir,

    Choristers and youth readers -Please Come!!

    Frank Dodds recital at Marquand Chapel

    on January 11th at 12:30p.m.


    Mark your Calendar!

    ANNUAL MEETINGFebruary 5, 2012

    after the 10 a.m. Eucharist Service

    Rectory Forum, Childrens Chapel and

    Sunday School will be on holiday until

    Sunday, January 8th

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