
 · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

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Page 1:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer


Page 2:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer





EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Held each Thursday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass un l 6:45p.m.

DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English everyday from Monday to Friday following

8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take a short break from your busy life and join the ladies in prayers. On every Satur-day right a er 8:00 a.m. Mass prayer to St. Anne is being said. Please stop by the Church and offer to God at least a few moments of your me.

       Monday – February 3, 2020 8:00 AM –Birthday blessings for Tammy Sammarco 12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Tuesday – February 4, 2020 8:00 PM – Birthday blessings for Sebas an Zebrowski 12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Wednesday- February 5—Memorial of St. Agatha 8:00 AM – +Jesse Michel 12:00 PM (Noon) – + Rose & Charles Coco 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Thursday – February 6— Memorial of St. Paul Miki & Comp. 8:00 AM – Mass in English 12:00 PM (Noon) – +Delia Firlu e 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Friday – February 7, 2020 8:15 AM – +Phillip Rachford 12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Saturday – February 8, 2020 7:00 AM- Mass in Polish 8:00 AM – Mass in English 5:00 PM –Many blessings for Patryk Cywinski on his 1st Birthday Sunday – February 9, 2020 7:00 AM – +Janina Borek, +Joanna Koryzma -2 r. śmierci, +Marian Koryzma w 12 r. śmierci 8:30 AM – +Dr. Drew Starsiak rq. Family 10:00 AM – Mass in English 10:15 AM – O Boże bł. i opiekę Matki Najświętszej dla członków Kół Żywego Różańca, ich rodzin oraz ks. kapelana oraz zmarych członków Kół Żywego Różańca z naszej parafii, a szczególnie zmarłych w ostatnim roku: +Melanię Nowak, + ks. Romana Rataja, +Genowefa Zurawski, + Jan Zurawski, + Joanna Koryzma -2 r., + Marian Koryzma -12 r. smierci, +Karolina Boksa, + Czesław Nowak w 4 tygodnie po śmierci 12:30 PM – Mass in English 3:00 PM- +Joanna Koryzma -2 r. śmierci, + Marian Koryzma - 12 r. śmierci 5:00 PM- Mass in English 7:00PM – +Joanna Koryzma -2 r. Śmierci , Marian Koryzma 12 r. śmierci

Page Two Presentation of the Lord Sunday February 2, 2020

Mass Intentions The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:

Rose, Anthony and Ann Coco

We Welcome in Baptism

If you are new to our church or just visi ng, please stop and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in this celebra on of the Eucharist. If you do not have home, or if your church is not home to you, we invite you

to become part of ourparish family. Please call or stop by our parish office to register 773-622-5900. We are glad you are here and hope you will join us.



Congratula ons and best wishes to couples married in our church last week:

Daniel Hernandez and Jennifer C. Vega Adrian Maksymilian Salomon and Evelyn Katarzyna Ozyp


Julia Salomon Anna Maria Surowiec

Page 3:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

January 26, 2020

Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00




B. Koziol

Remember in Prayer As members of the parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday Page Three

Our Stewardship of Treasure

Geraldine Mack Agnes Coco Isabell Beyer Deadra Kusek Laverne Greco Steve Johns Anna DeBold Mary Hal n Veena Bhat Frances Skrabacz Marion Watermann Joseph Biancalana Sr. Joseph Biancalana Grace Miceli Dolly D’Agos no Julia Szyelik Jim Jezuit George Keehn Donald Trainor Maureen Keith Dolly Aloisio Michael Spano Judy Fahey Lee Ready Jadwiga Glowacz Petronella Latuszek Jack Fahey Jany Aloisio Margery Janz Chris ne Gross Helen Szostak Be y Hotcaveg Mary Lynn Remijan Wiliam Remijan

Arle e Prasteher Richard Wojcichowski Frank De Marco Stefan Wiśniewski John Brown Elaine M. Budzisz Sco Paterson Nick Arnold Barbara McFarlin Larry Wojtan Jack Stansbeary Gloria Tello Aleksandra Donohue Julia Ma ucci Laura Naggo Joel Rivera Eileen Mele Maria Toporek Frances Planthaber Dawn Pasko Nevile Steiser Stanley Podgorny Anna & Timothy McFarlin Teri & Fred Bauer Barbara Alderson Veronica Segopva Barbara Alterson Julia Swanson Jessica Jurczykowski Violet Del Vechio Magdalena Gruber Marcey Iwanski Dcn. Irvin Hotcaveg Benjamin Mar nez Lopez


SA Andrew Rios

If you have a loved one serving in the military, please contact

the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier, so the

whole parish can pray for your loved one .

Our sincere THANK YOU to all who give their me to

keep our church clean and to those who keep our altar linens cleaned and pressed. Thank you for your faithfulness. We are deeply grateful for your me and

talents given to our parish. May God bless you abundantly!


5:00PM J. Lohrmann

8:30 AM

10:00 AM (chapel)


Dr. M Starsiak

A. Groeper, R. Coleigh, M. Barnahrt, J. McGinniss, B. Bush



M. McGinniss, R. Pasko

J. Zarate 12:30 PM

J. Portenlanger

D. Lasiewicz, E. DeLeon

C. Trujilo

S. Kass, J. Zarate

We invite anyone able to help with the church cleaning. Please join us weekly on Mondays at 5:00 pm and

Fridays at 10:00 am. Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE” with St. Ferdinand Parish




Page 4:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday Page Four


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presenta on of the Lord which occurs forty days a er the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today's liturgy. According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is referred to as the "Purifica on of Mary." This is known as a "Christmas feast" since it points back to the Solemnity of Christmas. Many Catholics prac ce the tradi on of keeping out the Na vity creche or other Christmas decora ons un l this feast.

Presenta on of the Lord The feast was first observed in the Eastern Church as "The Encounter." In the sixth century, it began to be observed in the West: in Rome with a more peniten al character and in Gaul (France) with solemn blessings and processions of candles, popularly known as "Candlemas." The Presenta on of the Lord concludes the celebra on of the Na vity and with the offerings of the Virgin Mother and the prophecy of Simeon, the events now point toward Easter. "In obedience to the Old Law, the Lord Jesus, the first-born, was presented in the Temple by his Blessed Mother and his foster father. This is another 'epiphany' celebra on insofar as the Christ Child is revealed as the Messiah through the can cle and words of Simeon and the tes mony of Anna the prophetess. Christ is the light of the na ons, hence the blessing and procession of candles on this day. In the Middle Ages this feast of the Purifica on of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or 'Candlemas,' was of great importance. "The specific liturgy of this Candlemas feast, the blessing of candles, is not as widely celebrated as it should be, except of course whenever February 2 falls on a Sunday and thus takes precedence. Un l 1969, the ancient feast of the Presenta on of Our Lord, which is of Oriental origin, was known in the West as the feast of the Purifica on of Our Lady, and closed the Christmas Cycle, forty days a er the Lord's birth. This feast has for long been associated with many popular devo onal exercises. The faithful:

gladly par cipate in the processions commemora ng the Lord's entry into the Temple in Jerusalem and His encounter with God, whose house He had come to for the first me, and then with Simeon and Anna. Such processions, which in the West had taken the place of licen ous pagan events, always had a peniten al character, and were later iden fied with the blessing of candles which were carried in procession in honor of Christ, 'the light to enlighten the Gen les' (Lk 2, 32);

are sensi ve to the ac ons of the Blessed Virgin in presen ng her Son in the Temple, and to her submission to the Law of Moses (Lk 12, 1-8) in the rite of purifica on; popular piety sees in the rite of purifica on the humility of Our Lady and hence, 2 February has long been regarded as a feast for those in humble service.

Popular piety is sensi ve to the providen al and mysterious event that is the concep on and birth of new life. Chris an mothers can easily iden fy with the maternity of Our Lady, the most pure Mother of the Head of the mys cal Body — notwithstanding the notable differences in the Virgin's unique concep on and birth.

These too are mothers in God's plan and are about to give birth to future members of the Church. From this intui on and a certain mimesis of the purifica on of Our Lady, the rite of purifica on a er birth was developed, some of whose elements reflect nega vely on birth. The revised Rituale Romanum provides for the blessing of women both before and a er birth, this la er only in cases where the mother could not par cipate at the bap sm of her child. It is a highly desirable thing for mothers and married couples to ask for these blessings which should be given in accord with the Church's prayer: in a communion of faith and charity in prayer so that pregnancy can be brought to term without difficulty (blessing before birth), and to give thanks to God for the gi of a child (blessing a er birth). In some local Churches, certain elements taken from the Gospel account of the Presenta on of the Lord (Lk 2, 22-40), such as the obedience of Joseph and Mary to the Law of the Lord, the poverty of the holy spouses, the virginity of Our Lady, mark out 2 February as a special feast for those at the service of the brethren in the various forms of consecrated life. The feast of 2 February s ll retains a popular character. It is necessary, however, that such should reflect the true Chris an significance of the feast. It would not be proper for popular piety in its celebra on of this feast to overlook its Christological significance and concentrate exclusively on its Marian aspects. The fact that this feast should be 'considered [...] a joint memorial of Son and Mother' would not support such an inversion. The candles kept by the faithful in their homes should be seen as a sign of Christ 'the light of the world' and an expression of faith. www.catholicculture.org

Page 5:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

Page Five Presenta on of the Lord Sunday February 2, 2020

FEBRUARY 15/16 Please Make Your Gi to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal Come, follow me… and heal our world Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal request mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes, and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gi s. Please return your response as soon as possible. Our parish goal this year is $35,076. The Annual Catholic Appeal offers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’ call to “Come, follow me… and heal our world.” In addi on to providing for ministries and services throughout the archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help here in our parish. As we contemplate God’s many gi s to us, we should also reflect on our gra tude. Your financial support for the work of our parish, our archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is one way to express this gra tude. Please give generously to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal.

THE WOMEN CENTER In our na on approximately 1 million abor ons are other vic ms are their mothers, who in many cases were pressured into the abor on. Sooner or later they experience horrible grief and depression. At the Women’s Center we try to help women struggling with a problem pregnancy and save them from grieving later. CAN’T MAKE IT TO OUR VOLUNTEER EVENTS? We can come to you! Host a baby bo le party at your

parish, school or home! We will bring all the supplies and instruc ons you need to do a remote volunteer project. For informa on contact Dolores Pribble at [email protected] VOUNTEERS NEEDED: at our Cicero Ave. office-subs tute and on-call (flexible hours are available) for our lobby recep on area; to sort donated items and assist clients in our Family Room; help with mailings and baby bo le projects; bi-lingual who are conversa onal in Spanish to help in special areas; male volunteers to assist with baby furniture dona ons. For more info on these volunteer roles, call us at 708-320-4066. SEEKING FAMILY ROOM DONATIONS: We need 5 car seats for 20 to 40 lb., 3 infant car seat/carriers (by law all car seats must be less than 7 years old), The families who receive these things are grateful for your generosity. For our address where you can deliver them to us or if a pick-up by a volunteer is needed, please call 773-794-1313.

Page 6:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

Page Six Presenta on of the Lord Sunday February 2, 2020

HOLY MASSES ON TELEVISION for those unable to leave their homes because of age or ailment to attend Mass: Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls Sunday mornings - 9:30 a.m. (WGN-TV, Channel 9, Chicago) — EWTN Television Daily Mass: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 6 p.m., 11 p.m.

St. Julian Eymard Spring Cra Fest : March 7, 4 to 7 p.m.; March 8, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 601 Biesterfield Road, Elk Grove Village; vendors and cra ers wanted; for informa on, email [email protected]

St. Constance School Mardi Gras Ball : Feb. 22; 6 p.m.; Handzel Center, 5864 W. Ainslie St.; 21 and older; $50; dinner, dancing, raffles; for informa on or

ckets, call school office at 773- 283-2311.

The Time of No Room: Thomas Merton’s Reflec ons on the Past Century : Feb. 16; 2 p.m.; Immaculate Concep on Rectory Assembly, 7211 W. Talco ; presenter, Pauline Viviano, professor of theology emerita, Loyola University; free-will offering; refreshments; for informa on, call Mike at 773-447-3989 or visit ccitms.blogspot.com/2020/01/february-16-2020-pauline-viviano-on.html.

How Catholics Can Cope with Hot-Bu on Issues : March 15, 7:30 p.m. and March 16, 7 p.m.; St. Catherine Laboure, 3535 Thornwood, Glenview; presented by Fr. Thomas Loya, pastor, Annuncia on Byzan ne Church in Homer Glen, host of EWTN's “Light of the East”; free-will offering; for informa on, call 847-826-4704.

Divorce support group : most Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., hosted by the St.Giles Separated and Divorce Ministry; in the Dore Parish Center Living Room; for informa on or to RSVP, contact Chris Malagoli at 708-912-4378 or [email protected] or Olivia Molloy at 708-996-2482 or [email protected]..

Reflect retreat for Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s) : Feb. 28-March 1; Joseph and Mary Retreat House, Mundelein; $215/includes meals and a single room; for informa on or to register, visit ReflectRetreat.com, email [email protected] or call 630-222-8303.

Spiritual Spring Training for Men : March 14; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; University of St. Mary of the Lake Conference Center, 1000 E. Maple Ave., Mundelein, $55/ includes lunch, speaker and materials; for informa on or to register, visit eventbrite.com/e/retreat-spiritual-spring-training-for-men-registra on-79578444269.

Women's Retreat : March 13-15; Marytown Retreat and Conference Center, 1600 W. Park Ave., Libertyville; silent retreat based on the spiritual exercises of St. Igna us of Loyola; sponsored by Women of Regnum Chris ; $250-$280 includes accommoda ons and meals; for informa on or to register, visit eventbrite.com/e/catholic-retreat-for-women-lent-2020- ckets-62826683301.

Thank you to the Polish Highalander Club for their gi of $500 to our church. May God con nue to bless you for your kindness and generosity.

Page 7:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday Page Seven



Monday, February 3, 2020 10:00AM—Friendship Club (Convent) 5:00PM — Children’s Choir (Chapel) 6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — Troop #51 (JTC) 6:00PM — St/ Ferdinand School (Activity Ctr_ 7:00PM — Knigths of Columbus (Canning Hall)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 1:00PM — Jr . Legion of Mary (Convent 2) 5:00PM — Radosc (JTC) 6:00PM — National College of Phelebotomy Class (Canning Hall)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help (church) 5:30PM — Kropeczki (Convent) 6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (JTC) 7:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent) 7:00PM — Polonia School Rehersal (Chapel) 7:30PM — Baptism Prep. Class in English (church) Thursday, February 6, 2020 2:30AM — Jr Legion of Mary Adoration (Church) 6:00PM — Girls Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — National College of Phelebotomy Class (Canning Hall) 7:00PM — Filareci Choir (Chapel)

Friday, February 7, 2020 9:30AM — Legion of Mary (Convent) 6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent) 7:30PM — Polish Confirmation Mtg (Activity Ctr) 8:00PM — Collegium Cantorum (Chapel)

Saturday ,February 8, 2020 8:00AM — St. Ferdiand Polish School (All Halls) 1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent) 4:00PM — Youth Group Dance (JTC) 6:00PM — AA Meeting (Convent) 6:00PM — Baptism in English (Church)

Sunday, February 9, 2020 9:00AM — Cub Scouts and Gold Dinner Dance (JTC) 11:00AM—Rosary Group Mtg (Canning Hall) 11:00AM—Word of Life (Convent)

BULLETIN ARTICLES DEADLINE — The deadline for bulletin articles is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publication. All articles can be can emailed to: [email protected] or drop it off at the office.

Student Choir and Bell Choir Carol at Millennium Station and KPMG

During the holiday season, students involved in our Children’s Choir and our Bell Choir Christmas caroled, through a Big Shoul-ders program, at Millennium Sta on in downtown Chicago. As

they caroled, commuters would stop and listen - many moved to tears! What a beau ful way to evangelize during the holiday sea-

son! AFterward, the students ventured to KPMG Accoun ng Firm, where they caroled to employees and then were treated, through the generosity of KPMG employee connec on and pa-rishioner Ann Liedtke, to a pizza lunch from a top floor of the

AON building! What an all-around wonderful day!

Page 8:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday Page Eight

We are happy to announce that St. Ferdinand Parish will be hosting TOTUS TUUS Program

on the week of June 28th – July 3rd.

On Sunday, February 9th we will host representatives from the Archdiocese of Chicago who will talk about the TOTUS TUUS Program during English Mass at 10:00am in the chapel and

Polish Mass at 10:15am in church. TOTUS TUUS is a summer Catholic children and youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promo ng the Catholic Faith through evangeliza on, catechesis, Chris an witness and Eucharis c worship. Our week-long Parish Summer Cateche cal Program assists parents in the evangelizing and catechizing of their children by supplemen ng the work they are currently doing. The TOTUS TUUS program aims to inspire young people to long for holiness, develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. Through evangeliza on and catechesis, Totus Tuus seeks to foster openness to the sacrifices and blessings of the various Chris an voca ons. The program began in 1987 as a vaca on bible school program in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas. In 2007, Totus Tuus of Chicago launched its pilot program with two teams serving 10 parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet. The program con nues to expand, now serving over 24 parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Grade School Program During the week, children entering first through sixth grade in the upcoming school year par cipate in four classes each day, a end daily Mass, learn the parts and liturgical songs of Mass, and par cipate in games, skits, songs, recess and prayer. Junior High and High School Program Totus Tuus offers an evening program for junior high and high school students enrolling in seventh through 12th grade in the upcoming school year. This program takes place Sunday through Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 p.m. The program includes instruc on, small group discussions, quiet medita on, prayer and fellowship. Both the grade school, and junior high and high school programs are led by college students and seminarians from Chicago and across the United States. They are trained to carry out the program’s mission to teach and inspire the children par cipa ng in the program. Much of the success of Totus Tuus is due to our missionaries, whose zeal for Christ and His Church encourage young people to lives of radical holiness. In fact, the missionaries of Totus Tuus o en discover their own voca on as they too are inspired to live a life of deeper devo on. Historically, approximately 12 percent of Totus Tuus team members pursue forma on in the priesthood or religious life.

Page 9:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday Page Nine



TOTUS TUUS uses sacred scripture and the catechism of the Catholic Church to instill the faith of the Church in the hearts and minds of young people. The program follows a six-year cycle to give young people the opportunity to be a part of Totus Tuus year after year. Please see below for the most recent cycle. Each year, there is a focus on Marian devotion as well. Every day of the week the youth learn of another mystery and pray a decade of the rosary after recess as an entire group. By the end of the week, youth will have prayed an entire rosary and deepened their understanding of Christ’s life through reflecting on the mysteries of the rosary. Details on the cycle are below. Year One (2018): The Apostles Creed Year Two (2019): The Sacraments Year Three (2020): The 10 Commandments Year Four (2021): The Virtues Year Five (2022): Prayer and Our Father Year Six (2023): The Mystery of Salvation To parallel this six-year cycle, TOTUS TUUS follows a four-year cycle dedicated to the mysteries of the Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries The Luminous Mysteries The Sorrowful Mysteries The Glorious Mysteries We would like to encourage all parents and guardians to enroll your children and youth for this program.

For more information, please call: Mrs. Beata Bosak, Parish DRE at

773.758.2123 or Parish office and ask for Fr. Lukas Pyka

Page 10:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

Page Ten Presenta on of the Lord Sunday February 2, 2020

February 2, 2020 • Ma hew 5:1-12

Page 11:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday


DOROSŁYCH Katechezy w języku polskim przygotowujące dorosłych (od lat 16 wzwyż) do przyjęcia Sakramentu Bierzmowania rozpoczęły się w ubiegłą sobotę. Spotkania odbywają się w

soboty o godzinie 7:00pm w salce na plebanii (5900 W Barry Ave. Chicago, IL. 60634). Bierzmowanie dla dorosłych odbędzie się: w języku polskim we wtorek, 10 marca 2020, o godz. 7:00pm oraz w języku angielskim w niedziele, 22 marca 2020, o godz. 12:30pm Informacje u p. Beaty Bosak 773 758 - 2123

Prosimy o złożenie ofiary na rzecz Dorocznej Kwesty Katolickiej 2020 Pójdź za mną... i uzdrów nasz świat” Wiele rodzin w naszej parafii wkrótce otrzyma list od Kardynała Cupicha z prośbą o złożenie zobo-wiązania finansowego na rzecz Kwesty Katolickiej. W imieniu tych, którzy korzystają z posług duszpasterskich, parafialnych i otrzymują pomoc finansową z funduszy Kwesty, dziękujemy Państwu za Wasz dar. Prosimy o jak najszybsze odesłanie Państwa odpowiedzi. W tym roku goal dla naszej parafii wynosi $35,076. Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka stwarza wspaniałe możliwości odpowiedzenia na wezwanie Jezusa: „Pójdź za mną... i uzdrów nasz świat”. Poza wspieraniem dzieł duszpasterskich i programów w całej Archidiecezji, Kwesta Katolicka finansuje również posługi, które służą wielką pomocą duszpasterstwu naszej parafii. Rozmyślając nad darami, które otrzymaliśmy od Boga, powinniśmy równocześnie zastanawiać się nad sposobem okazania wdzięczność za otrzymane dobro. Państwa finansowe wsparcie dzieł naszej parafii, archidiecezji i Kościoła na świecie jest jednym ze sposobów wyrażenia tej wdzięczności. Prosimy o hojne wsparcie Dorocznej Kwesty Katolickiej 2020 r.

Składamy serdeczne podziękowanie Klubowi Podhalan i Miłośników Tatr za donację $500 na rzecz naszej parafii. Niech dobry Bóg wynagrodzi Waszą hojność i troskę za nasz kościół. Bóg zapłac!


Nowennie do Matki Bożej z

Lourdes w intencji chorych, która

rozpoczyna się 2 lutego, w ciagu

tygodnia po Mszy św. o godz. 7:00

wieczorem, w sobotę po Mszy św.

godz. 7 rano i w niedzielę przed

Mszą św. o godz. 10:15

PIERWSZY CZWARTEK MIESIĄCA 6 lutego o godz. 6:00 wieczorem zapraszamy na ADORACJĘ NAJSWIĘTSZEGO SAKRAMENTU Z MŁODZIEŻOWYM ZESPOŁEM RADOŚĆ , a o godz. 7:00 na Liturgię Mszy św. PIERWSZY PIĄTEK MIESIĄCA Najbliższy piątek, 7 lutego to Pierwszy Piątek miesiąca. Spowiedź św. od godz. 6:00 do 7:30PM. Msza św. o godz. 7:00PM.

Page 12:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presenta on of the Lord Sunday

Page 13:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

February 2, 2020 Presentation of the Lord Sunday   Page Thirteen

Support Staff Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Administra ve Assistant— ext. 225 Mrs. Ewelina Sokolowski, Opera ons Director Mrs. Sophie Kass, Volunteer Office Support—ex. 222 Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulle n Editor Mr. Paul Kolodziej, Website Editor

Liturgical Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy, Lector & EM Coordinator — ext. 247 Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Anthony Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Br. James Drangsholt, Tony Powers, Carmelo Trujillo, Mark Duce, Jane Lohrmann, Denis Kasprzyk, Beata Bosak, Sr. Zofia

Turczyn, Erin Boyle Folino, Elisa De Leon

Parish Finance Commi ee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaban, Greg Ramel, ExOfficio Members: Mrs. Ewelina Sokolowski, Br. James Drangsholt Parish Organiza ons and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Fish Fry: Ms. Urszula Szaban, Coordinator (773) 901-8767

Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President Youth Group: Fr. Pawel Zazuniak, Beata Bosak (773) 758-2123 Knights of Columbus Mater Chris Council: Mr. Felipe Ovalle , Grand Knight Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Polish Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Zazuniak English Altar Servers: Fr. Lukasz Pyka Children Ministry/Ziarno: Sr. Agnieszka Michna Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish School Parents Assn.: Mrs. Marta Robak, President Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Agnieszka Michna Lednica Group: Ms. Jola Wasko Polonia Ensemble: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555 MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144 St. Ferdinand Athle c: Ms. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President The Associa on of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Lukasz Pyka, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Associa on: Sr. Elwira Dziuk

ON SACRIFICE, IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS Copyright 2020 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])

Sacrifice. Hmmmm. In a baseball context, I know about the sacrifice fly. In a pop music context, I know about Elton John’s song, Sacrifice. In an inspira onal context, I’m looking right now at the s cky note--wri en in my own hand and displayed here at my desk--showing the late, great American long-distance runner Steve Prefontaine’s sacrificial insight: “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gi .” And in a simple-but-profound context, I know about the late, great American poet Maya Angelou’s take on sacrifice without her saying the word: “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” What I don’t get is biblical sacrifice. You know. Bulls, sheep, and goats slaughtered and going up in smoke. I just typed biblical sacrifice into my search engine and this popped up: “When dealing with the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), early Judaism, and early Chris anity, and their wider cultural worlds, ‘sacrifice’ is best defined as the ritualized slaughter of animals and the processing of their bodies in rela on to supernatural forces (especially gods).” OK. And per another site: “The offering up of sacrifices is to be regarded as a divine ins tu on. It did not originate with man. God himself appointed it as the mode in which acceptable worship was to be offered to him by guilty man…” God appointed it? Hey. It’s on the Internet, and you know what folks always say about stuff on the Internet. S ll… There’s plenty of animal sacrifice going on in Exodus. Then turn a few pages, and per

my bible anyway, the very first sec on of Levi cus is called Ritual of Sacrifices. And here are the first two verses: “The Lord called Moses, and…gave him this message: ‘Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When any of you wishes to bring an animal offering to the Lord, such an offering must be from the herd or from the flock.’” Ensuing verses say that the animal must be male and sans blemish, and then we get all the ritualis c details. In each instance, the priest shall “…burn the whole offering on the altar as a holocaust, a sweet-smelling obla on to the Lord.” When I said I don’t get biblical sacrifice, it’s not that I don’t get it as in, what is it? I don’t get it as in, why is it necessary? And if you were to Google that one, you’d get all kinds of answers, with at least one going way back to the coverings on Adam and Eve a er the fall. In my quiet mes with Jesus, I ask him, “Did you really have to take the nails? I mean, Thanks, but couldn’t there have been another way?” No answer yet. In the immediate short-term, today we celebrate the Presenta on of the Lord, when Mary and Joseph take the young Jesus to the temple in keeping with the law of the Lord (“Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord”) to offer the appropriate sacrifice (“a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons”). Can you believe it? Two turtledoves or two young pigeons. Hardly seems enough for the Lamb who hit a cosmic Sac Fly for all of us. I guess I get biblical sacrifice enough, though, to know that it just doesn’t work that way. Thank good-ness. And God.

Page 14:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

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Page 16:  · January 26, 2020 Envelopes: $5,263.00 Loose: $2,530.00 $7,793.00 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS B. Koziol Remember in Prayer

St. Ferdinand Parish Phone: (773) 622-5900 www.s erdinandchurch.com

Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor — ext. 231 Rev. Lukasz Pyka, Associate Pastor — ext. 236 Rev. Pawel Zazuniak, Associate Pastor — ext. 235 Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence


Weekdays W ciągu tygodnia 8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM

Saturdays Sobota 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) 7:00 AM

Sundays Niedziela 8:30 AM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM (Chapel) 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM


Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM — 7:00 PM

Saturday AM / Sobota— 8:30 AM — 9:00 AM Sundays — 30 minutes before Polish Mass

30 minut przed Polska Mszą sw. First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca

7:30—8:00AM and 6:00 —7:30 PM ADDITIONAL Confession during LENT

every Saturday at 4:30pm.

St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Mrs. Erin Boyle Folino —Principal Religious Educa on Office: 773 622-3022 ext. 303 Mrs. Beata Bosak St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-945-0505 Mrs. Halina Zurawski—Principal Chris an OutReach (COR): (773) 234-8518 Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Zofia Turczyn (Superior), Sr. Agnieszka Michna


For Children: a pre-Bap sm class is required for Bap sm of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registra on, the sacrament of Bap sm is celebrated in English on the second Satur-day each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Bap sm is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Chris an Ini a-

on Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Beata Bosak 773 622-3022 ex.t 303 for more informa on. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the