JKAC JKAC Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium Compamy Name: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Kyushu Industrial TechnoLogy Center 2-13-24 Hakataekihigashi,Hakata, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan +81-92-411-7394 +81-92-472-6688 [email protected] http: //www.kitec.or.jp/ Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium Fujita Works Fujita Works URANO URANO DAIKO TOOL DAIKO TOOL NAKASHIMA TURRET NAKASHIMA TURRET SHIN-NIPPON NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION SHIN-NIPPON NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION KUMABOU METAL KUMABOU METAL MITSUWA HAGANE MITSUWA HAGANE HIBIKI SEIKI HIBIKI SEIKI N.F.T N.F.T The Nationwide Network of Aircraft Manufacturing Clusters 【English】

Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium

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Page 1: Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium

J K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ K ACJ a p a n K y u s h u A v i a t i o n C o n s o r t i u mJ a p a n K y u s h u A v i a t i o n C o n s o r t i u m

C o m p a m y N a m e :A d d r e s s :

P h o n e :F a x :

E - m a i l :U R L :

K y u s h u I n d u s t r i a l T e c h n o L o g y C e n t e r2 - 1 3 - 2 4 H a k a t a e k i h i g a s h i , H a k a t a ,F u k u o k a 8 1 2 - 0 0 1 3 J a p a n+ 8 1 - 9 2 - 4 1 1 - 7 3 9 4+ 8 1 - 9 2 - 4 7 2 - 6 6 8 8s u g i m o t o @ k i t e c . o r . j ph t t p : // w w w . k i t e c . o r . j p /

J a p a n K y u s h u A v i a t i o n C o n s o r t i u mJ a p a n K y u s h u A v i a t i o n C o n s o r t i u m

Fujita WorksFujita Works









The Nationwide Network ofAircraft Manufacturing Clusters


Page 2: Japan Kyushu Aviation Consortium

This consortium so called JKAC has been united to achieve an integrated production of the aviation components by combining optional companies for the required process.When the buyer wishes to purchase some assembled aviation parts, which may require various process such as machining, plating, shot peening or NDI, then the one key company in the group will take an order and take all the responsibility of quality assurance, delivery control, warranty and customer support for those various involved the follow-on processes of the subsequent companies.Those companies in the united group is centralized in Kyushu province of Japan and therefore, the technical communications, the parts logistic and the quick management are possible.The key company are JISQ9100(Eq; AS9100) licensed company and the subsequent companies are mostly as well.

This integrated process of the sub-supplier is well accepted and welcomed by the procurement buyer to reduce their work effort of the contract, the quality approval, the delivery monitor of each separated companies.

JKAC will continue to enhance the capability of the various process company in the group.

Mitsuwa Hagane Co., Ltd.President: Junya YOSHINOSONO

[Contact] Junya YOSHINOSONO, President E-mail: junya-y@mitsuwa-hagane. co.jpGeneral Affairs Department JIS / ISO Secretariat Assistant  nishimoto shingo E-mail: [email protected]

http://www.mitsuwa-hagane. co.jp/

1213-622 Amor i -mach i , Nobeoka Ci ty, Miyazak i P re f . , 882-0071, JapanTEL : +81- (0 )982-23-5234 FAX: +81- (0 )982-23-5010

We are striving to manufacture parts with strict precision requirements by applying the machining technologies, quality control systems, and reliability platforms developed through our landing gear parts manufacturing business. We want to put to use our knowledge of machining hardened materials for the production of both large-scale and small-scale products. In December 2017, we were selected by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry as a "Driving company for the regional future"

[Services and Operations] Machining, tool manufacture

[Certifications] JISQ9100, ISO9001

[Clients] Sumitomo Precision Products, KHI[Clients] Sumitomo Precision Products, KHI

Shin-Nippon Nondestructive Inspection Co., Ltd. President: Yasumasa NAKAYAMA

[Contact] Kohei INENAGA, Kitakyushu Office Sales DivisionE-mail: [email protected]


4-10-13 Ibori, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Pref., 803-8517, JapanTEL: +81-(0)93-581-1235 FAX: +81-(0)93-571-5008

We perform fluorescent penetrant inspection of aircraft parts. Our inspectors have been certified in NAS410 through in-house training for aircraft part inspection.We per form non-des t ruc t ive tes t ing of p lants and other fac i l i t ies and develop equipment for use in non-destructive testing.

[Aerospace Business Certifications] MHI: MSJ4000/Boeing: D1-4426

[Services and Operations] Non-destructing testing, testing equipment development, etc.

[Certifications] JISQ9100, Nadcap (Non-destructive Testing)

[Clients] MHI, KHI, Urano, etc.[Clients] MHI, KHI, Urano, etc.

Kumabou Metal Co., Ltd. President: Hiroaki MAEDA

[Contact] Sales Division Chief watanabe chihiroE-mail: [email protected]

http://www.kb-m.co.jp /

1-4-15 Nagaminenishi, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Pref., 861-8037, JapanTEL : +81- (0 )96 -382-1302 FAX : +81- (0 )96 -382-0352

We have experience anodizing parts for aircraft such as for galleys, lavatories, and seats. We carr y out sur facing of sheet metal and machined par ts, tes t ing, and shipping processes. We also per form precision processing for products used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, industrial robots, and medical equipment.We are active as a member of the Kyushu Cluster.

[Airline Business Certifications] Jamco: EK228, EK229

[Services and Operations] Anodizing, aircraft interior trim (galley, lavatory, seats) etc.

[Certifications] JISQ9100 , ISO9001, ISO14001

[Clients] JAMCO

Hibiki Seiki Co., Ltd.President: Eiji MATSUYAMA

[Contact] Isao MATSUYAMA, DirectorE-mail: [email protected]


186-2 Tabe, Kikugawa-cho,Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Pref.750-0313, JapanT E L:+ 8 1 - ( 0 ) 8 3 - 2 8 8 - 2 2 0 8  F A X:+ 8 1 - ( 0 ) 8 3 - 2 8 7 - 4 7 8 0

We perform complex, precision cutting through lathing and machining work. We special ize in thin-walled cyl inder par ts for use in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. We were able to apply this technological expertise towards the field of aerospace star ting in 2014. In 2017, we began supplying par ts to JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). In December of that same year, we were selected by Japan's Ministr y of Economy, Trade, and Industry as a "Driving company for the regional future".

[Services and Operations] Machining

[Certifications] JISQ9100, ISO9001, ISO14001

[Clients] Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Tokyo Electron Limited, Ulvac, Inc.,     JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

U r a n o C o . , L t d .President: Masanobu KOBAYASHI

[Contact] Keita SOZU, Production Management E-mail: [email protected]


57 -27 Hach i t anda -go , H iga sh i s onog i Town , H iga sh i s onog i D i s t r i c t , Nagasak i P r e f . , 859 -3922 , J apanH iga sh i Sonog i G reen Te chno Pa r k  TE L : +81 - (0 )957 -49 -3600 FAX : +81 - (0 )957 -47 -0300

We specialize in machining metal into complex shapes for aerospace parts as well as for use in semiconductor manufacturing equipment and power plants.We have experience providing one-stop solutions from materials procurement to the finished product and are active as part of the Kyushu Cluster.S tar t ing wi th machining center (5 axis ) process ing mainly aerospace par ts par ts . We are process ing metal products of each company. He is good at complicated shapes of dif f icul t- to-cut materials and is one of the few companies in Japan who is engaged in aircraft par ts al l over the world, including Boeing's new model "B 787" and Japan's first domestic jet "MRJ".[Aerospace Business Certifications] MHI: MSJ4000/KHI: KQMS7200, KQ7201, KQ7222 SUBARU: FASOP Q-009/IHI: HS-AEP-103 SMIC: SQR-001/Boeing: D1-4426[Suppor ted Aircraf t ] Boeing . . . 777, 787 - 8, - 9, 10, 747 / AIRBUS . . . A380 / Bombardier . . . G 7000 / Embraer . . . ER-J170 190 / MHI . . . MRJ / Rolls-Royce ... Trent XWB-84 / GE (general electric) ... TechX = passport / Pratt & Whitney ... PW1100G

[Services and Operations] Materials procurement, machining, barrel polishing, bush pressing, testing, process management, etc.

[Certifications] JISQ9100, ISO14001

[Clients] MHI, KHI, IHI, SUBARU, SMIC, ShinMaywa Industry Co., Ltd. Japan Airplane Co., Ltd. Minebea Co., Ltd

Fujita Works Co., Ltd.President: Koji FUJITA

[Contact] AERO Group Group Leader kaminabe yuuji E-mail: [email protected]


12-18 Kokubu-uenohara Techno Park, Kir i sh ima Ci ty, Kagoshima Pref . , 899-4317, JapanTEL: +81-(0)995-46-9969 FAX: +81-(0)995-54-8100

We have experience in the manufacture and assembly of machined sheet metal for galleys, lavatories, and seats.Our comprehensive product ion process encompasses a l l s teps, f rom mater ia ls procurement to process design, sheet metal working, painting, assembly, testing, and shipping.We are also active as part of the Kyushu Cluster.[Airline Business Certifications] JAMCO: 5533/M-jamco5533 Fusion welding certification (aluminum), bonding work certification

[Services and Operations] JAMCO:Bonding work certification

(galley, lavatory, seats) assembly, etc.

[Certifications] JISQ9100, ISO9001, ISO14001

[Clients] JAMCO[Clients] JAMCO

Nakashima Turret Co., Ltd. President: Eijiro NAKASHIMA 

[Contact] Hirotaro NAKASHIMAE-mail: [email protected]

http://www.turret.co.jp /

379-1 Oaza Togiri, Okagaki Town, Onga District, Fukuoka Pref., 811-4222, JapanTEL: +81-(0)93-283-3030 FAX: +81-(0)93-283-3028

We manufacture machine parts through metal and non-metal cutting processes. Our p r imar y p roduc t s a re u sed in genera l -u se indus t r ia l robo t s , semiconduc to r manufacturing equipment, and servo motors.Our strength lies in the diverse lineup of equipment we have at our disposal. We have a la rge number o f genera l purpose equ ipmen t such as NC la thes and machining centers to process parts fully in-house. We are also active participants in the Kyushu Cluster.[Services and Operations] Materials procurement, machining, testing, process management, etc.

[Certifications] JISQ9100, Eco Action 21

[Airline Business Certifications] KQ-7201


N.F.T Co., Ltd.President: Hiroshi HAMADA

[Contact] Seiji KOMIYA (Sales)  E-mail: [email protected] KANEKO (Business planning)  E-mail: [email protected]

http://www.nft-g.co.jp /

1-11-11 Mizuk i , Daza i fu C i ty, Fukuoka Pre f . , 818-0131, JapanTEL : +81- (0 )92-921-1525 FAX: +81- (0 )92-921-1441

We m a n u f a c t u r e a n d p r o d u c e m o l d s a n d e q u i p m e n t f o r t h e s e a l i n g o f semiconductors, and special ize in pol ishing, mi l l ing, and e lec tr ical discharge machining. We also perform hardened chrome plating in-house.Since we fabricate the electrodes we use for electrical discharge machining in-house, we can flexibly approach specification changes for prototypes and other related work. We carr y out the whole process in-house, f rom design to assembly and pressure testing. We can process holes as small as 0.1 mm in diameter. We can process wires as small as 0.07 mm in diameter.

[Services and Operations] Machining, electric discharge machining, etc.

[Certifications] ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015

[Clients] Rohm Group, Sanken Electric Group, ASE Group, Toshiba Group

Fujita Works Co., Ltd.

Daiko Tool Co., Ltd.President: Nobuyuki KOBA

[Contact] Motoki SAKAI, Sales Division E-mail: [email protected]

http://[email protected]

1-7-7 Matsubara, Moji-ku, Ki takyushu Ci ty, Fukuoka Pref. , 800-0064, JapanTEL: +81-(0)93-381-8876 FAX: +81-(0)93-381-8891

We perform resharpening and manufacture of cutting tools. Currently, orders for the aerospace industry comprise 60% of our total output.We have developed "Beetle", an end mill for difficult-to-cut materials, and "ALW" for the h igh-speed machin ing of a luminum. These deve lopments in e f f i c ien t , high-quality machining have been well-received in the industry.We design original blade shapes in response to customer demands for performance, usage lifetime, and grade.

[Services and Operations] Machining cutting tool manufacture

[Certifications] JISQ9100

[Clients] IHI, MHI, Urano

Cooperative systems for aerospace parts ordering and production in Kyushu

Group of 9 companies established in Kyushu focused on quality craftsmanship(Machining, precision sheet metal, surface treatment, non-destructive testing, testing equipment, cutting tools, etc.)

[Member companies hold certifications such as JISQ9100 and Nadcap]

Companies outsideKyushu


Tier 1 orders

Delivery TestingSpecial ProcessingProductionOrdering

Realization of one-stop services where each company's strengths are applied towards manufacturing processes, cost reductions, quality assurance and traceability

Support Support Support

・Support for acquiring certifications  (such as JISQ9100) ・Dispatch training support

・Kyushu Economic Federation, chambers of commerce, etc. ・Universities and technical schools ・Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry ・Prefectural, public examination, and industrial support  institutions

・Kyushu Industrial Technology Center ・Kyushu Aerospace Development Promotion Group

Skill development support programs Cooperation among industry, academia, and government in Kyushu

Aerospace manufacturing industry specialists (Project managers and coordinators from the following institutions)

Japan Kyushu Aviation Consort ium is united group of 9 companies which have technologic expert ise in various technical process of aviat ion parts located in Kyushu province of south part of Japan.

Yaskawa Electric Co., Ltd. Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Nippon Seiko Kyushu Co., Ltd. Nidec Techno Motor Co., Ltd.Nippon Steel Chemical & Material Co., Ltd. Osaka Vacuum Equipment Mfg. Co., Ltd. Shinko Metal Products Co., Ltd.Seibu Electric Co., Ltd.