Japnese Gardens

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landscape architecture

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  • IntroductionEssential AspectsHistoryRules in the designElementsDesign PrinciplesTypes of Japanese Gardens Examples

  • The line between garden and its surrounding landscape is not distinct. Gardens incorporate natural and artificial elements and thus, fuse the elements of nature and architecture. In the Japanese garden, the viewer should consider nature as a picture frame into which the garden, or the man- made work of art, is inserted.

  • The art of gardening is believed to be an important part of Japanese culture for many centuries.

    The garden design in Japan is strongly connected to the philosophy and religion of the country.

    Shinto, Buddhism and Taoism were used in the creation of different garden styles in order to bring a spiritual and peaceful sense to the gardens.

  • The first Japanese garden, that expressed Shinto, Buddhism and Taoism visions can be traced back to the Asuka Period(7TH century). They were designed to capture the landscape in its natural form. From this period the basic rules of designing gardens was established.Heian Period is the important chapter in the development of Japanese garden art. Aristocratic style of gardens were created in front of the mansion with artificial ponds and islands. In Heian Period the first book about garden-making technique was written.

    During the Kamakura Period and Muromachi Period garden-making techniques improved considerably because of the rise of the Zen style

  • Natural: that should make the garden look as if it grew by itself

    Asymmetry: that creates the impression of it being natural

    Odd numbers: It supports the effect of the asymmetry

    Simplicity: that follows the idea of 'less is more

    Triangle: that is the most common shape for compositions made of stones, plants, etc.

    Contrast: that creates tension between elements

    Lines: that can create both tranquillity and tension.

    Curves: that softens the effect

    Openness: that indicates interaction between all elements

  • Stones are fundamental elements of Japanese gardens. Stones used are not quarried by the hand of man, but of stones shaped by nature only

    Used to construct the garden's paths, bridges, and walkways.

    Represent a geological presence where actual mountains are not viewable or present. They are placed in odd numbers and a majority of the groupings reflect triangular shapes

  • It represents the sea, lake, pond or river in nature. Non geometrical in appearance; in order to preserve the natural shapes, man- made ponds are asymmetrical. The bank of the pond is usually bordered by stones A fountain is sometimes found at the bottom of a hill or hillside or secluded forest. Wells are sometimes found in a Japanese garden.

  • Refers to a relatively small cave or hollow set underneath the ground near a washbasin in the garden. The hollow produces a harp-like echoing sound effect as water drips into the hollow. Thus, it provides a mysterious sound for people strolling through the garden. They are generally located the at gates of the garden.

  • Two kinds of stone water basins- kazari- chozubachi, which is kept near the verandah tsukubai for tea garden.

    Stone lanterns are placed besides prominent water basins whose luminance underscored the unfinished beauty of the tea aesthetic.

  • A stone lantern representing four natural elements: earth, water, fire and wind

  • Ponds, waterfalls(real or symbolic)

  • There are three types of fences: the short fence which extends from the house into the gardenan inner fence and an outer fence. Short fences or sodegaki are screens that hide unwanted views or objects. They are about 6 or 7 feet high. Add color and texture to the garden. Materials used are bamboo, wood and twigs of bamboo or tree.

  • Usually used in tea gardens.flat stepping stones served to preserve the grass as well as orient the viewer to a specific visual experience. step- stones are found near the veranda or entrance of the house or tea room. The visitor of the house or room is expected to place his shoes on the step- stone before entering.

  • Statues of male and female lions, placed at the entrance of the garden in order to protect the garden from intruders, representing the two opposite forces: yin and yang (fire and water, male and female).The koi fish swimming in ponds, which has a decorative meaningTypical Japanese bridge, called a moonbridge, whose purpose is to reflect artistic feelings.

  • Garden of the 10th to 12th centuries contained cherry, plum trees, pines and willows.

    Flowers, flowering plants and shrubs were regarded as signs of frivolity and were replaced by evergreen trees that symbolized eternity.

    Japanese garden is predominately green with its use of evergreen trees.

  • Scientific Name: Abies Firma

    Habitat: Evergreen

    Texture: Coarse

    Height: 40 to 70

    Leaf: 1.5" dark green needles are notched at base; sharp prickly point

    Flower/Fruit: 3.5 to 5" brown cones

  • Scientific Name: Acer capillipes Habit: Deciduous Growth Rate: Moderate Site Requirements: Sun to partial shade; prefers moist, well drained soil Texture: Medium Form: Round head; low branches Height: 30 to 35 Flower/Fruit: Greenish white flowers on 2.5 to 4" pendulous raceme; attractive samara in fall

  • Scientific Name Betula grossaGrowth Rate: Moderate Site Requirements: Sun; moist well drained soil Texture: Medium Form: Pyramidal Height: 20 to 25' Leaf: 2 to 4" alternate, simple leaves; yellow fall color Flower/Fruit: Nonshowy flowers

  • Scientific Name: Carpinus japonicaGrowth Rate: Slow Site Requirements: Sun to light shade; moist well drained soil but tolerates a range of soil types Texture: Medium Form: Rounded; densely branched; wide spreading branches Height: 20 to 30' Leaf: 2 to 4.5" leaves; yellow to nonshowy fall color Flower/Fruit: 2 to 2.5" fruit

  • Scientific Name: Cryptomeria japonicaHabit: Evergeen Growth Rate: Moderate Site Requirements: Sun to light, high shade; rich deep, well drained soil but will thrive in a range of soil types Texture: Fine to medium Form: Pyramidal; semiformalHeight: 50 to 60' Leaf: Awl shaped, bright to blue-green foliage; smooth to the touch; bronze tones in winter, especially if exposed to wind.Flower/Fruit: Small terminal cones

  • The art of Bonsai involves the training of everyday shrubs such as pine, cypress, holly, cedar, cherry, maple, and beech to look like old, large trees in miniature form.

    The trees are usually less than one meter high and kept small by pruning, re-potting, growth pinching, and wiring the branches.

    Bonseki is the art of developing miniature landscapes which may include smallest of rock pieces to represent mountains.

  • Nature is the ideal that you must strive for. You can idealize it, even symbolize it, but you must never create something that nature itself cannot.

    Balance, or sumi. The proportions and spaces are an essential Design principle

    The emptiness of portions of the garden. This space, or ma, defines the elements around it, and is also defined by the elements surrounding it. It is the true spirit of yin and yang. Without nothing, you cannot have something. It is a central tenet of Japanese gardening.

  • The concept of wabi and sabi: Wabi can denote something one-of-a-kind, or the spirit of something. Sabi defines time or the ideal image of something. While a cement lantern may be one of a kind, it lacks that ideal image. A rock can be old and covered with lichens, but if it is just a round boulder it has no wabi. We must strive to find that balance

    Both the concepts of ma and wabi/sabi deal with time and space. Where the garden is our space, time is ably presented by the changing seasons. Unlike the western gardener the Japanese garden devotee visits and appreciates the garden in all the seasons.

  • In spring one revels in the bright green of new buds and the blossoms of the azaleas. In summer you appreciate the contrasts of the lush foliage painted against the cool shadows and the splash of koi in the pond. Fall wrests the brilliant colors from dying leaves as they slip into the deathly hush of winter, the garden buried under a shroud of snow. Winters is as much a garden season in Japan as spring. The Japanese refer to snow piled on the branches of trees as sekku, or snow blossoms, and there is a lantern known as yukimi that is named the snow viewing lantern.

  • Also known as rock gardens and waterless stream gardens.

    Influenced by Zen Buddhism and can be found at Zen temples of meditation. Found in the front or rear gardens at the residences.

    No water presents in gardens. raked gravel or sand that simulates the feeling of water.

    Plants are much less important (and sometimes nonexistent)

  • Rocks and moss are used to represent ponds, islands, boats, seas, rivers, and mountains in an abstract way.

    Gardens were meant to be viewed from a single, seated perspective.

    Stones are usually off-white or grey though the occasional red or black stone were added later.

  • They strive to make a smaller garden appear more spacious.

    Shrubs are utilized to block views of surrounding buildings.

    The garden has the mountains as part of its grounds.

    Ponds, streams, hills, stones, trees, flowers, bridges, and paths are also used frequently in this style as opposed to a flat garden.

  • They are built for tea ceremonies, which occur in tea houses.

    The styles of both the house and garden are based on the simple concepts of the sado.

    There are stepping stones leading to the tea house, stone lanterns, and stone basins where guests purify themselves before a ceremony.

    The teahouse is screened by hedges to create a sense of remoteness.

  • Courtyards include a modern alfresco (sheltered outdoor living) area with a lush backdrop of plants.

  • These are large landscape gardens. Often existing landscapes are reproduced on a smaller scale, or an imaginary landscape is created.