Jason L Zimmerman Research, Strategy + Design +1 312 609 9950 [email protected]

Jason Zimmerman Portfolio (New)

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Jason L ZimmermanResearch, Strategy + Design

+1 312 609 [email protected]

Page 2: Jason Zimmerman Portfolio (New)

Hi, I’m Jason…I’m a passionate researcher, strategist and designer. I have been advising businesses and leasing design for more than a decade. I bring together the tools of artists, visionaries and engineers to create unique solutions for complex organizational problems.

I’m driven by an insatiable curiosity of people and products -- and emphasize maximizing its outcome. And with an innate interest in puzzles, I've been fortunate to consult with some of the world's largest employers, and now solution the most complex puzzles for the c-suite of a Fortune 500 organization.

Here's a view into how I've done it.

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My Career Timeline…

BS, BusinessIndiana Univ.

Ennis KnuppResearch and Analysis

MercerHR Consulting, International Markets

DiscoverInternal Strategy, Consumer Banking

Your FirmStrategy & Business Design


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My Process…Forget What You [Think You] KnowEvery problem is unique; as is every solution. At the beginning of every project, I rebuild my understanding –often by reproducing the problem, or observing the issue 'in-the-wild'.

But, I always start in the same place: at the beginning.







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My Personal Brand…The World is Quantum… and SimpleI used to think of design in Newtonian terms: A + B = C. By manipulating the inputs, I could evoke a given response.

I've come to see the world as quantum: outcomes – especially of the human variety – are fundamentally unknown. And so the development and application of design, should be guided by principles of science.





'Rising Tide…'

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My Skills Profile…An Artful ScientistOver the years, I've learned that ineffective designs are a result of poor insights and hurried solutions. In other words, good design is a product of understanding, experimenting (and failing!) and evolution.









Visual Design


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My Best Work…


“Among Jason’s strengths are his work ethic, quality, comfort interfacing with all levels… that and complex analysis.”-- Manager, Discover Lending Team


Research Evaluation

How I Live This


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Like most financial firms, the company faced new regulation that drowned their products in ‘red-tape’.The firm decided to create a temporary office to design and build programs that limited known risks.

Initial evaluations of the drivers and constraints, and internal contexts, led to an initial prototype. Tests showed modest impacts on risk mitigation or speed to market. Future iterations centralized research and design, and tested solutions based on investment industry practices for vetting new regulations.

The strategy demonstrated an efficient way to launch enterprise-wide programs and became a permanent fixture for the c-suite to create and launch initiatives.

“Jason’s focus on the customer is woven throughout his work, and contributes to ensuring our commitment to service.”-- Sr. Manager, Discover Strategy Team

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ResearchThe company was looking to expand internationally and increase product awareness in new markets.

Research identified a substantial set of US travelers using their services abroad. Deeper analysis of trends (visual mapping) and customer behavior (observation) revealed new insights.

We identified a target audience of US travelers to test a multistage marketing effort. The campaign would follow the traveler's journey across locations (hotels, public transit, restaurants) to build awareness.

In two years, we increased local market awareness more than 20%. And the original research steps were replicated in additional markets to fuel new growth.

“Jason’s ability to synthesize and package complex ideas and metrics into cohesive, comprehensible deliverables adds critical value.”-- Vice President, Discover Risk Team

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Analysis “Jason’s analytical prowess and passion for discovering insights through in-depth data analysis is rivaled by very few that I have met.”-- Referenced from PhD Recommendation Letter

The mortgage industry is notoriously painful for customers. The firm's strategy was to apply its expertise in customer service to gain a competitive advantage.

To begin, the firm acquired an existing business. Our analysis showed below industry conversion rates driven by overly aggressive brokers. We proposed a simple solution: match customers and brokers with naturally complimentary personalities.

To reveal customer traits, we redesigned an online calculator to capture known signifiers of personality. An algorithm calculated most favorable brokers and routed relationships accordingly.

Tests showed substantial increases in customer service and conversion rates, leading to a new routing process.

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DesignThe company was known for high standards in customer service and was growing rapidly. However, the firm was struggling to integrate new service reps.

Observations uncovered multiple issues stemming from a culture of independence. To counteract the forces, we designed a pay structure that leveraged innate human characteristics of socialization and peer-learning. Pilot tests showed a workforce increasingly moving toward a team-based problem-solving culture.

Concept evaluations showed increases in team-based solutions and knowledge transfer, and decreases in time to maturation. Additionally, the concept increased speed and satisfaction of customer service.

“Jason has an uncanny ability to view service at multiple angles to deliver a solution that marries customer wants with business needs.”-- Director, Discover Strategy Team

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Evaluation “Jason is a natural teacher... ”-- Referenced from PhD Recommendation Letter

Communication is critical to any organization’s success. Management was concerned they were not receiving clear, timely insight into its daily operations.

We evaluated communication pieces from across the organization for relevancy, timeliness and rate of absorption. By mapping information flows, we were alsoable to identify key traits that best spurred conversation.

The results informed the design team to create uniform reports with self-discovery at its core. Later iterations allowed the business to then focus on enhancing relevancy and breadth of information to provide a holistic view in digestible bites.

The new report's uniformity had an additional benefit of improving speed of delivery by more than 67%!

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How I Live This “What I find most engaging in his character are his interests outside of his profession: long-distance cycling and Ironman Triathlon.”-- Referred from PhD Recommendation Letter

The elements of my work are a natural part of my character. My commitment to endurance triathlon is designed with the same principles to allow my body to recover and evolve in health and sustainability.

These principals are complemented by a supporting cast from professional coaches to nutritionists. My program has been carefully curated to improve my fitness and build upon itself with each successive year.

To achieve success in triathlon demands years of practice and dedication in three disciplines. Though I am the one in the race, the success is a combination of a team with unique expertise and a singular focus… not too different from my professional successes.

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My Next Move!Over the past ten years, I’ve acquired skills that allow me to be creative and analytical. I’ve learned to value the gifts that all people offer and to practice integrity as a minimum standard.

At my core, I am a strategist and thought-leader; I’ve learned the art of communication in order for others to follow my passions. As such, I’ve grown into a natural mentor; an informed and passionate advocate for good principles and design; and a trusted colleague and business partner.

I believe peer cultures and interdisciplinary teams create the best solutions. As one part of the whole, I hope to continue my growth in one of these roles:

“Jason helped us... ”-- Referenced from Your Firm?

Business/Service DesignDesigning sustainable, customer-centric organizational models

StrategistUncovering and communicating the heart and direction for future growth

Design ResearchUsing observation to create new products and advance existing designs