Java Full File

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  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    1Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim-Introduction to Java.

    Objective- To know the basics of Java and rint te!t on the console.

    System Requirements- Java installed s"ste# with Java develo#ent kit $JD%&.

    Theory-Java is a 'eneral urose( ob)ect oriented ro'ra##in' lan'ua'e develoed b" *un

    +icrosoft *"ste#s in 1,,1.ri'inall" called OAK  b" Ja#es oslin'. Java /irtual +achine

    'ives Java its latfor# indeendence. In Java the 0)avac co##and is the Java co#iler that isused to co#ile the ro'ra#. The Java co##and is used to run the ro'ra#.

    There are #an" features in Java( which are as follows 2

    1. Compiled And Interpreted Java co#bines both aroaches thus #akin' Java two-*ta'e

    s"ste#. Java co#iler converts the source code in to the b"te code instruction. "te codes

    are not )ust the #achine instruction and therefore( in the second sta'e( Java interreter 

    'enerate the #achine code that can be directl" e!ecuted b" the #achine that is runnin' the )ava ro'ra#.

    !. "l#t$orm Independent And "ort#ble Java ro'ra# can be easil" #oved fro# one

    co#uter s"ste# to another( an"where and an"ti#e. Java ro'ra# also use the concet of 

    rite nce 5nd 6un 5n"where.%. Object Oriented Java is a true b)ect riented 7an'ua'e. 5l#ost ever"thin' in Java is

    the ob)ect. 5ll ro'ra# code and data resides within ob)ects and classes.

    &. Robust And Secure Java is a robust lan'ua'e as is rovides so #an" safe'uards to

    ensure the reliable code. It also incororated the concet of e!cetion handlin' which

    cature series errors and eli#inates an" risk of crashin' the s"ste#. The absence of  ointers in Java ensures ro'ra# can not 'ain access to #e#or" location without


    '. (ultithre#ded +ultithread #eans handlin' #ultile tasks si#ultaneousl". Java suorts

    #ultithreaded ro'ra#. This #eans that we need not wait for the alication to finish onetask before be'innin' the another.


    1. irstl" we write source code of our ro'ra# in note ad.

    9. *ave the ro'ra# with 0.)ava e!tension with sa#e na#e as class na#e.3. en console.

    4. o to director" where ro'ra# is saved throu'h 0cd co##and $:han'e Director"


    ;. :o#ile the ro'ra# throu'h 0)avac co##and. 

    "ro)r#m Code-



  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    2Date…………… Practical- 1813344

     ublic *tatic void #ain$*trin' ar'sAB&





    Conclusion- e have learned how Java ro'ra#s are created( saved( co#iled and run.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    3Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim rite a ro'ra# to find the factorial of a nu#ber usin'

    • :o##and line ar'u#ents

    • *canner class

    Objectives In this ractical we have to find the factorial of a nu#ber usin' co##and inlinear'u#ent and *canner class.

    Requirements2 ardware2 *tandard Pc

    *oftware2 Gotead( )dk 


    Comm#nd line #r)ument in j#v#  e can ass values to our ro'ra# at runti#e usin'co##and line ar'u#ent. If we want to ass so#e values to the )ava ro'ra# we can sul" it as

    co##and line ar'u#ents.

    Sc#nner cl#ss 5 si#le te!t *canner which can arse ri#itive t"es and strin's usin' re'ular e!ression. 5 scanner breaks its inut tokens usin' a deli#iter attern ( which b" default

    #atches whitesace the resultin' tokens #a" be converted into values of different t"es usin'

    the various ne!t #ethods."ro)r#m Code

      Comm#nd line #r)ument

    class factorial1

    @ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'sAB&

    @inti(sH1Eint nHInte'er.arseInt$ar'sAB&E



    F*"ste#.out.rintln$Cactorial of a nu#ber is CKs&E


      Sc#nner cl#ss

    i#ort )ava.util.*cannerE

    class factorial

    @ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'sAB&

    @int fH1(n(iE


  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    4Date…………… Practical- 1813344


      Comm#nd line #r)ument

      Sc#nner cl#sses

    Conclusion e have successfull" calculated the factorial of a nu#ber usin' co##and linear'u#ent and usin' *canner class.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    5Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim- Introduction to 5lets.

    Objective- To know the basics of 5let and rint te!t on the 5let window.

    System Requirements- Java installed s"ste# with Java develo#ent kit $JD%&.

    Theory- 5lets are e!tra add-ons rovided b" Java.5n 5let is a s#all alication that

     erfor#s one secific task which runs within the scoe of a lar'e ro'ra#. 5let can rovide

    web alications with interactive features that canMt be rovided b" T+7.*ince(Java b"te codeis latfor# indeendent(Java 5lets can be e!ecuted b" browsers runnin' under #an"

    Platfor#s. hen a Java Technolo'" enabled eb rowser Processes a a'e that contains an

    5let(the 5let code is transferred to the client s"ste# and e!ecuted b" the browser Java/irtual +achine$J/+&.

    Adv#nt#)es O$ *#v# Applets

    1. 5lets are suorted b" #ost eb rowsers.

    9. Java 5lets are fast.3. The sa#e alets can work on all installed versions of )ava.

    +is#dv#nt#)s o$ Applets

    1. It reNuires the )ava lu'ins.

    9. *o#er browsers #ostl" #obile browsers do not run )ava alets.3. *o#e alets reNuires a secific )ava runti#e environ#ent.


    1. I#ort the )ava acka'es.

    9. rite the alet code.

    3. Definin' the class that inherits the alet class.4. :reate ob)ects if needed b" alets.

    "ro)r#m Code-

    i#ort )ava.alet.LEi#ort )ava.awt.LE

    OLalet codeHCalet1C hei'htH9 widthH9OaletLO

     ublic class alet1 e!tends 5let@

     ublic void aint$rahics '&





  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    6Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Conclusion- 5lets have been studied.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    7Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aimrite a ro'ra# to find the su# of two nu#bers and disla" the su# as a #essa'e.

    Objective-In this ro'ra#( we will learn to use the button and how to erfor# eevent handlin'on buttons.

    System Requirements- Java installed s"ste# with Java develo#ent kit $JD%&.


    The Abstr#ct ,indo Toolit  $A,T& is JavaMs ori'inal latfor#-deendent

    windowin''rahics( and user-interfacewid'et toolkit recedin' *win'. The 5T is art of theJava oundation :lasses$J:& Q the standard 5PI for rovidin' a 'rahical user interface $RI&

    for a Java ro'ra#. 5T is also the RI toolkit for a nu#ber of Java +< rofiles.


    1. irstl" we write source code of our ro'ra# in note ad.9. *ave the ro'ra# with 0.)ava e!tension with sa#e na#e as class na#e.3. en console.

    4. o to director" where ro'ra# is saved throu'h 0cd co##and $:han'e Director"

    co##and&.;. :o#ile the ro'ra# throu'h 0)avac co##and.


    "ro)r#m Code-

    i#ort )ava.awt.LEi#ort )ava.alet.LE

    i#ort )ava.awt.event.LE

    OLalet codeHChelloC widthH; hei'htH3

    OaletLO ublic class hello e!tends 5let i#le#ents 5ction7istener 


    Te!tield t1(t9E

    7abel l1(l9Eutton bE

    *trin' #s'HCCE ublic void init$&


    l1Hnew 7abel$CGu#ber 1C&El9Hnew 7abel$Cnu#ber 9C&E

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    9Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Conclusion- e have learned how to create buttons in )ava and erfor# event handlin' on the#.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    10Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim rite a ro'ra# in )ava to create buttons and erfor# event handlin' on these buttons.

    Objective-In this ractical we will learn how to create buttons and erfor# event handlin' onthese buttons.

    System Requirements- Java installed s"ste# with Java develo#ent kit $JD%&.


    :han'e in the state of an ob)ect is known as event i2e(event describes the chan'e in the state of source.

    "ro)r#m Code-

    i#ort )ava.alet.LEi#ort )ava.awt.LE

    i#ort )ava.awt.event.LE

    OLalet codeHCalet3C hei'htH; widthH3OaletLO

     ublic class alet3 e!tends 5let i#le#ents 5ction7istener @

    utton b1(b9(b3E

    *trin' #s'HCCE ublic void init$&


     b1Hnew utton$CletC&E b9Hnew utton$CsurriseC&E

     b3Hnew utton$Clau'hC&E



  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    11Date…………… Practical- 1813344



     b9.add5ction7istener$this&E b3.add5ction7istener$this&E


     ublic void actionPerfor#ed$5ction

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    12Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Conclusion- e have learned how Java ro'ra#s are created( saved( co#iled and run.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    13Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    AimTo insert # record in the d#t#b#se o$ mysql usin) j#v#.

    ObjectiveIn this ractical( we will learnto insert records in database of #"sNl in )ava.

    System Requirementardware2 Deskto Pc*oftware2 indows Gotead( :o##and Pro#t( Java 1.?( +" *Nl :onnector ;.1.

    Theory+"*S7 is an oen source relational database #ana'e#ent s"ste# $6D+*&. In )ul"

    913( it was the worlds second #ost widel" used 6D+* and the #ost widel" used clientserver #odel 6D+*. It is na#ed after co-founder #ichael ideniudss dau'hter( +". The *Sl

    acron"# stands for *tructured Suer" 7an'ua'e.

    "ro)r#m Code

    i#ort )ava.util.*cannerE

    i#ort )ava.sNl.LE

    i#ort )ava!.sNl.LE

     ublic class insert@

     ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'AB&


    *trin' #ecode(userna#e(assword(dburl(Nuer"(#ena#e(#cit"Eint #salE

    userna#eHCrootCE asswordHC193CE





    conHDriver+ana'er.'et:onnection$dburl(userna#e(assword&E*tate#ent st#tHcon.create*tate#ent$&E

    *canner inutHnew *canner$*"

    *canner inut1Hnew *canner$*"*"ste#.out.rintln$C

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    14Date…………… Practical- 1813344






  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    15Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Conclusion In this e!. we have insert a record in the database of #"sNl usin' )ava.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    16Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim,rite # pro)r#m to vie the d#t#b#se o$ mysql usin) j#v# pro)r#m.

    Objective2In this ractical( we will learn to view the entries of database of #"sNl in )ava.

    System Requirementardware2 Deskto Pc*oftware2 indows Gotead( :o##and Pro#t( Java 1.?( +" *Nl :onnector ;.1.

    Theory +"*S7 is an oen source relational database #ana'e#ent s"ste# $6D+*&. In )ul"

    913( it was the worlds second #ost widel" used 6D+* and the #ost widel" used clientserver #odel 6D+*. It is na#ed after co-founder #ichael ideniudss dau'hter( +". The *Sl

    acron"# stands for *tructured Suer" 7an'ua'e.


    i#ort )ava.sNl.LE

    i#ort )ava!.sNl.LE

     ublic class select

    @ ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'AB&


    *trin' userna#e(assword(dburl(Nuer"(#code(#na#e(#cit"E

    int #salEuserna#eHCrootCE


    Nuer"HCselect L fro# e#1CE



      :onnection con H

    Driver+ana'er.'et:onnection$dburl(userna#e(assword&E*tate#ent st#tHcon.create*tate#ent$&E

    6esult*et rsHst#t.e!ecuteSuer"$Nuer"&E













  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    17Date…………… Practical- 1813344





    Conclusion In this e!. we have studied how to view the database of #"sNl usin' )ava ro'ra#.

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    19Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    i#ort )ava!.servlet.LE

    i#ort )ava!.servlet.htt.LE

     ublic class elloorld e!tends tt*ervlet@

     ublic void doet$tt*ervlet6eNuestreNuest(tt*ervlet6esonse resonse&

     throws I..9>Uwebas

    Step &. create a folder$sa"

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    20Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim ,rite # j#v# pro)r#m to sho ho the client server model ors.

    ObjectiveIn this ractical( we will learn the workin' of client server #odel.

    System Requirementardware2 Deskto Pc*oftware2 indows Gotead( :o##and Pro#t( Java 1.?( +" *Nl :onnector ;.1.


    Clientserver model5 co#uter network dia'ra# of clients co##unicatin' with a server via the Internet. The clientV 

    server #odel of co#utin' is a distributed alication structure that artitions tasks or workloads

     between the roviders of a resource or service( called servers( and service reNuesters( calledclients. ften clients and servers co##unicate over a co#uter network on searate hardware(

     but both client and server #a" reside in the sa#e s"ste#. 5 server host runs one or #ore server

     ro'ra#s which share their resources with clients. 5 client does not share an" of its resources(

     but reNuests a serverMs content or service function. :lients therefore initiate co##unicationsessions with servers which await inco#in' reNuests.

    "ro)r#m Code

    #2 S3R43Ri#ort )

    i#ort ) server 


     ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'AB&throws I

    *erver*ocketssHnew *erver*ocket$;;;&E

      *ocket sHss.accet$&E

    Printriter outHnew Printriter$s.'etutut*trea#$&(true&Euffered6eader br1Hnew uffered6eader$new


    uffered6eaderbrHnew uffered6eader$new


      *trin' strE  while$true&






    *trin' str1Hbr.read7ine$&E




  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    21Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    b2 C5I36T

    i#ort )

    i#ort ) client


     ublic static void #ain$*trin' ar'AB&throws I

    *ocket sHnew *ocket$C7ocalhostC(;;;&E

    uffered6eaderbrHnew uffered6eader$new Inut*trea#6eader$*"$true&


    *trin' strHbr.read7ine$&E

    Printriter outHnew Printriter$s.'etutut*trea#$&(true&Eout.rintln$str&E




    uffered6eader br1Hnew uffered6eader$new Inut*trea#6eader$s.'etInut*trea#$&&&E*trin' str1Hbr1.read7ine$&E






  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    22Date…………… Practical- 1813344


    Conclusion In this e!. we have studied a )ava ro'ra# to show how the client server #odel


  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    23Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Aim rite a ro'ra# to erfor# )ava strin's.Objective In this ractical( we will learn about strin's in )ava.

    System Required ardware reNuired 2 *tandard P:*oftware reNuired 2 Gotead( )dk1.?

    Theory*win' is a RIwid'et toolkit for Java. It is art of racleMs Java oundation

    :lasses$J:& Q an 5PI for rovidin' a 'rahical user interface $RI& for Java ro'ra#s.

    *win' was develoed to rovide a #ore sohisticated set of RI co#onents than the earlier5bstract indow Toolkit $5T&. *win' rovides a native look and feel that e#ulates the look

    and feel of several latfor#s( and also suorts a lu''able look and feel that allows alications

    to have a look and feel unrelated to the underl"in' latfor#. It has #ore owerful and fle!ibleco#onents than 5T. In addition to fa#iliar co#onents such as buttons( check bo!es and

    labels( *win' rovides several advanced co#onents such as tabbed anel( scroll anes( trees(

    tables( and lists.

    Rnlike 5T co#onents( *win' co#onents are not i#le#ented b" latfor#-secific code.

    Instead( the" are written entirel" in Java and therefore are latfor#-indeendent. The ter#Cli'htwei'htC is used to describe such an ele#ent

    "ro)r#m Code

    i#ort )ava.awt.LE

    i#ort )ava!.swin'.LE

     ublic class :alculator1@

    Jra#e fE

    JPanel 1(9(3(4(;E

     rivate JTe!tieldtieldE rivate J+enu( nu#?( nu#8(nu#,(nu#E

     rivate Juttonb5dd(b*ub(b+ul(bDiv(eNualsE


    f H new Jra#e$C:alculatorC&E

    +enuar H new J+enuar$&E

  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    24Date…………… Practical- 1813344

     1 H new JPanel$&E

     9 H new JPanel$&E

     3 H new JPanel$&E 4 H new JPanel$&E

     ; H new JPanel$&E

    tield H new JTe!tield$3;&E

    nu# H new Jutton$CC&E

    nu#1 H new Jutton$C1C&Enu#9 H new Jutton$C9C&E

    nu#3 H new Jutton$C3C&E

    nu#4 H new Jutton$C4C&E

    nu#; H new Jutton$C;C&Enu#> H new Jutton$C>C&E

    nu#? H new Jutton$C?C&E

    nu#8 H new Jutton$C8C&E

    nu#, H new Jutton$C,C&Enu#Hnew Jutton$CC&E

     b5dd H new Jutton$CKC&E

     b*ub H new Jutton$C-C&E

     b+ul H new Jutton$C!C&E bDiv H new Jutton$COC&E

    eNuals H new Jutton$CHC&E


     ublic void launchra#e$&



  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    25Date…………… Practical- 1813344


     ;.add$b5dd&E ;.add$eNuals&E

     9.set7a"out$new rid7a"out $1( 3( 9( 9& &E 3.set7a"out$new rid7a"out $1( 3( 9( 9& &E

     4.set7a"out$new rid7a"out $1( 3( 9( 9& &E

     ;.set7a"out$new rid7a"out $1( 3( 9( 9& &E

    f.set7a"out$new rid7a"out $>( 1& &E









     ublic static void #ain $*trin' ar'sAB&@

    :alculator1 s H new :alculator1$&Es.launchra#e$&E




  • 8/18/2019 Java Full File


    26Date…………… Practical- 1813344

    Conclusion e have studied about *trin's in Java and erfor#ed their use.