JB USA WORKS 2015-2016 junior branch

JB USA Works

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This guide explains JB USA's structure.

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junior branch

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“This book, being about work, is by its very nature about violence—to the spirit as well as the body.”

—Studs Terkel in the introduction to his book, Working.

For us, “we work because it’s necessary” is only answering only part of the question. The fact that without us, JB USA wouldn’t exist gives us daily motivation, but for us, it’s not comprehensive.

Our world today is often concerned with the difficulty of defining a person to a finite, and oftentimes small and inconsequential identity—their job. For those of us who find ourselves getting more and more involved, though, our work in CISV is not enclosing. Instead of defining ourselves by the work we do in CISV, we see ourselves as contributing our identity, as donating our personality and perspective, to a vast network whose organizational culture and mission allow us to make a meaningful difference, and which continues to create a meaningful difference in us.

In this way, we work not only to keep JB USA alive, but to keep something alive in us formed long ago, on the 27th day of village, on the first night of our first minicamp, in some country we’d never been to with friends we’d just met.

We work because CISV has had such an immeasurable impact on our lives and in shaping who we are has irrevocably linked us to each other. We work to maintain this link which for us reminds us and assures us of that portion of us we cherish and which is there only because of the experiences we have had and the people we have met through CISV.

We work because it inspires us. We work because although we leave long board meetings, sleep-deprived weekends, or the last line in a long email more tired than before and now subjected to fulfill our necessary other duties, like homework, with a will-testing lack of energy, we nonetheless are paradoxically filled with a long-lasting vigor. We are reminded why we got involved in the first place and are able to reflect on the ideals which have been instilled in us because of our continued involvement.

We work because we want to inspire others. We work because ultimately we want others to take this swerving struggle bus, because all the bus stops come with an incredible view, which has as much value in us seeing it as us knowing others are experiencing it as well.

But most concisely, and most importantly, we work because we love CISV.


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●● National Junior Representatives (NJRs)

●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●

National Youth Committee (NYC)

National Junior Board of Trustees (NJBoT)

○East-Midwest Liaison ○Northeast Liaison ○South Liaison ○West Liaison ○West-Midwest Liaison

○East-Midwest Representative ○Northeast Representative ○South Representative ○West Representative ○West-Midwest Representative ○○○Members at Large ○National JB Advisor

National Mini Camp Committee (NMCC)


○○○○○Members ○Chair ○Past-Chair

●JB DirectorWorks With

JB Presidents (LJRs)


○East-Midwest ○Northeast ○South ○West ○West-Midwest



○Senior NJR ○Junior NJR

Chairs Either


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Junior Branch Presidents●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● The Junior Branch Presidents, or Local Junior Representatives, lead the 21 Junior Branch chapters of JB USA. As a crucial part of the JB USA structure, JB Presidents make sure that their respective local chapters are active and thriving JBs. The JB Presidents also elect most of the JB USA leadership, including the NJRs, the NJBoT, the NJBAd, and the JB Director. The JB Presidents also choose the recipient of the annual “JBer for Life” award.

National Junior Representatives (NJRs)●● The Senior and Junior National Junior Representatives (NJRs) act as the heads of JB USA and administer the proceedings of our Junior Branch. In addition to maintaining the quality of all JB development and trainings, the NJRs also manage the budget of JB USA. The NJRs are the representatives of JB USA to the International Junior Branch, acting in the interest of JB USA in any governing procedures and communicating all necessary information to JB USA. They also manage JB USA’s communications and work with CISV USA committees. Finally, the NJRs develop the visioning for JB USA and work throughout the year to make JB  USA the best it can possibly be!   Junior Branch Director● The Junior Branch Director is the voice of the Junior Branch on CISV USA’s Board of Directors. As a full voting member of the Board, the JB Director helps govern the proceedings of CISV USA. The JB Director works very closely with the NJRs to ensure that the interests of JB USA are being represented on the Board of Directors.   National Youth Committee (NYC)●●●●● The National Youth Committee (NYC) is one of the essential organs of JB USA. Chaired by the one of the NJRs, the NYC is  a 5 member committee in charge of developing and facilitating training programs for JB USA that are implemented during the Chapter Development Workshops and the National Junior Branch Meeting. The members of NYC also act as regional liaisons to the 5 regions of JB USA and work to ensure that JB USA is meeting all of the local chapters’ needs.   National Junior Board of Trustees (NJBoT)●●●●●●●●● The National Junior Board of Trustees (NJBoT) is the governing board of JB USA. Chaired by the one of the NJRs, the NJBoT is a 9 member board comprised of the National Junior Branch Advisor, 5 Regional Representatives, and 3 Members at Large. The NJBoT works to develop any new procedures and policies that they see are necessary to develop JB USA as a Junior Branch.

National Junior Branch Advisor (NJBAd)● The National Junior Branch Advisor (NJBAd) is the adult member of the JB USA structure. In addition to offering the adult perspective on the NJBoT, the NJBAd supports the Local Junior Branch Advisors of JB USA.

Motion Manager● The Motion Manager is responsible for helping JBers draft motions,updating the Book of Procedures and keeping track of motions that NJBoT has voted on in the Book of Motions.

  National Mini Camp Committee (NMCC)●●●●●●●Chaired by the National Mini Camp Committee Chair with help from the Past Chair, the NMCC plans JB USA’s annual National Mini Camp, which takes place every year during Memorial Day Weekend. For this camp, the committee plans original educational content.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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●Senior NJR Daniel Krajnak

Senior NJR Daniel Krajnak, the Senior NJR, chairs the National Junior Board of Trustees and collaborates with the Junior NJR in all JB USA matters, including but not limited to trainings, workshops, and visioning. He serves as the communication branch with the International Junior branch and Americas’ Junior Branch. He consistently updates the Junior Branch section of the CISV USA, Inc. Book of Procedures. He also manages the finances of Junior Branch USA while working with the National Treasurer (on the adult side) to compile an annual budget and help manage funds during the year. Finally, he works with the CISV USA Chapter Development Committee and the NYC to plan three regional Chapter Development Workshops.

[email protected]

●Junior NJR Steph Ouellette

Junior NJR Steph Ouellette, the Junior NJR was elected by the JB presidents. Next year, she will take on the role of Senior NJR, and a new Junior NJR will be elected. She chairs the National Youth Committee, and collaborates with the Senior NJR in all JB USA matters, including, but not limited to, trainings, workshops, and visioning. She also oversees the National Junior Branch Meeting’s Agenda and in doing so collaborates with the CISV In Motion Conference Committee.

[email protected]

Shared Responsibilities Together, the NJRs represent JB USA in all CISV USA matters, manage JB USA through the facilitation of committees, local JB chapters, national events, and other responsibilities, work towards the goals of JB and make the responsibilities of JB USA their own, represent JB USA to the international community including attending the Americas’ Junior Branch Meeting, and the International Junior Brach Conference.

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JB Director●

●JB Director Rachel Buff

JB Director Rachel Buff, the JB Director, was elected by the JB presidents for a two-year term on the CISV USA Board of Directors, the governing and fiduciary body for CISV USA. She represents the JB on this Board of Directors and communicates our interests. She works closely with the NJRs to formulate and carry out the strategic plan for JB USA. She also communicates the opinions of the Board of Directors to the NJRs and works with them to develop a response

[email protected]

Rachel is JB USA’s voice in CISV USA, and , with the National JB Advisor, is CISV USA’s voice in JB USA.

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●East-Midwest Liaison Kayla Mock

East-Midwest Liaison Kayla Mock is the NYC Liaison to the East-Midwest Region, which is made up of the Cincinnati, Columbus, Northeast Ohio and Pittsburgh chapters. Kayla supports the JB Presidents of these chapters and helps to coordinate various regional projects between them.

[email protected]

South Liaison Charlie Wolfson is the NYC Liaison to the South Region, which is made up of the Atlanta Area, Chattanooga, Gulf Coast, Jacksonville, and Smoky Mountain chapters. Charlie supports the JB Presidents of these chapters and helps to coordinate various regional projects between them.

[email protected]

●South Liaison Charlie Wolfson

●Northeast Liaison Cameron Overholt

●West-Midwest Liaison Maddy Allan-Rahill

●West Liaison Nash Allan-Rahill

West Liaison Nash Allan-Rahill is the NYC Liaison to the West Region, which is made up of the Dallas, Rocky Mountain Denver, and San Francisco chapters. Nash supports the JB Presidents of these chapters and helps to coordinate various regional projects between them.

[email protected]

West-Midwest Liaison Maddy Allan-Rahill is the NYC Liaison to the West-Midwest Region, which is made up of the Detroit, Miami County, and Michigan City chapters. Maddy supports the JB Presidents of these chapters and helps to coordinate various regional projects between them.

[email protected]

Northeast Liaison Cameron Overholt is the NYC Liaison to the Northeast Region, which is made up of the Brandywine Valley, New York, Maine, Philadelphia, Springfield, and Washington D.C. chapters. Cameron supports the JB Presidents of these chapters and helps to coordinate various regional projects between them.

[email protected]

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East-Midwest Representative

Max Rogow, NJBoT’s Representative to the East-Midwest region, ensures that the chapters in that region have a voice on NJBoT. In addition, Max works on various national projects to improve JB USA.

[email protected]

Northeast Representative

Aliza Glatter, NJBoT’s Representative to the Northeast region, ensures that the chapters in that region have a voice on NJBoT. In addition, Aliza works on various national projects to improve JB USA.

[email protected]

South Representative

Nikita Raheja, NJBoTs Representative to the South region, ensures that the chapters in that region have a voice on NJBoT. In addition, Nikita works on various national projects to improve JB USA.

[email protected]


●East-Midwest Representative Max Rogow

West Representative

Julia Beasley, NJBoT’s Representative to the West region, ensures that the chapters in that region have a voice on NJBoT. In addition, Julia works on various national projects to improve JB USA.

[email protected]

Members at Large Sofia Goodman, Luke Hussung, and Ellie Utter all serve as Members at Large on the NJBoT. With no particular region in mind, they vote on behalf of JB USA as a whole. All three of them also work on various national projects to improve JB USA.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

National JB Advisor Samantha Coltart, the National JB Advisor, serves as an adult perspective for the NJBoT and assists all of the JB Advisors within JB USA.

[email protected]

●South Representative Nikita Raheja

●Northeast Representative Aliza Glatter

●West Representative Julia Beasley

●West-Midwest Representative Kelsey Vinzant*

●●●Members at Large Sofia Goodman Luke Hussung Ellie Utter

●National JB Advisor Samantha Coltart

Mission Statement: To foster the growth and development of JB USA through visioning, innovation, and legislation.

West-Midwest Representative

Kelsey Vinzant, NJBoT’s Representative to the West-Midwest region, ensures that the chapters in that region have a voice on NJBoT. In addition, Kelsey works on various national projects to improve JB USA.

Motion Manager Kelsey is also NJBoT’s Motion Manager. She helps JBers draft motions, updates the book of motions, and updates the JB Book of Procedures.

[email protected] [email protected]

*Kelsey is also NJBoT’s Motion Manager

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●●●●●Members Aaron Glatter Dani Gurevitch Olivia Miller Bryce Owens Addie Wilson

Members Aaron, Dani, Olivia, Bryce, and Addie, the National Mini Camp Committee members, collectively plan the National Mini Camp, or NMC, a weekend-long camp which occurs every year during Memorial Day weekend.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

Chair Quinn Porter, the National Mini Camp Committee Chair, supports and facilitates the work of the committee and, with the help of the Past-Chair, manages the logistics of NMC.

[email protected]

Past-Chair Laura Berstler, the National Mini Camp Committee Past-Chair, helps the NMCC Chair and shares relevant experience from the year before to ensure that NMC is constantly improving.

[email protected]

●Past-Chair Laura Berstler

●Chair Quinn Porter

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