t T I it 4 I tit < tO jr r ti tL i uflnin4t fJ dUI1 1i 4 i VOLUME = V rIT VERNON ROOKOASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY FEB 8 1901 NUMBER 20 TELL fiur FRIENDS TO BE BRAVIfA11J FFARLESS AND LOYAL TO THE GREAT COMMON PEOPLE COUNTY CLAIMS The following is a list of claims allowed at the October Term 1900 of the Rockcastle County Fiscal Court V U G Baker allowed for chairs furnished Courthouse 16229 Dr R H Lewis allowed for waiting on Sarah Johnson 600 Same for waiting on Sparks fami 13 250 Same for waiting on Clouse fami- ly ¬ 150 Same for taking care of smallpox patients at Wildie 2500 Dr John S Cooper allowed for going to Wildie to see smallpox patients 1250 W R Thomas allowed for tak ing care of Manila Barnes during her confinement 1200 Dr A G Lovell allowed for services rendered paupers 2325 W C Mullins A G Novell and W H Jones allowed for their ser ¬ vices as Election Commissioners or 1899 Each 600 Dr A G Lovell allowed for t waiting on Mrsjames Rash 3000 Dr W E Grcveley allowed for pauper service 2550 Dr Geo Lawrence allowed for services rendered paupers 4750 Theo Wesley allowed for books furnished by order School Com- missioner ¬ 5065 John P Houston James Poteet and Harrison Reams allowed for viewing out new county road Each 200 v Hays Wood allowed for burial clothing furnished J T Miller 600 Win Lunceford allowed for wait ¬ ing on and keeping J Torn Hall 2010 Percy Be on allowedforvai t- ing on James Denny and pauper services 2000 J F Vatson allowed for medi- cine ¬ furnished Clay Fordyce 1255 Same for medicine furnished Jas Denny 1900 Frank Jones allowed for burial clothing furnished Wash Clouse c V 575 James Miller allowed for board- ing ¬ and taking care of Samuel Croucher I 1900 Same for takipgare of Laura- B Johnson V d goo M S Berry allowed for coffins furnished for iizzie Clouse Bert w Cloiise Albert Cl use Nannie Tnr ¬ ner and VI rs Sparlis 1 1 75 Frith Dunn allowed for mer ¬ chandise furnished paupers 2500 Dr D B Southard allowed for medical services rendered pau ¬ pers e 1500 Dr M Penningtou allowed for waiting on Cinda Scarbraugh 300 Same fOt waiting on James Hanks wife 750 Same for waiting on Nannie Adams child 35O Dr j C Davis allowed for wait ¬ ing on Jack Kirbys wife 1500 j C Riuiel allowad for viewing new county road TOO Nl F Craig Tart Proctor and J J Brown allowed for viewing couirty roaqEach Ibb James Prtwh tallowed for mak ¬ ing cotfi us for Emeline BL knell Lucy Ro > and j frs Jack Hurt f r f8 ob E J S Albright allowed 4or print ¬ I ing cotmiy claims Jldroad or d v V i8oo- I J Price allowed for medical BrddleysJ son s6O i > PcrRins Prcwitt allowed for talc lug cafe of jJHving OMeil 1500 r WvHv Tones allowed for burial clhingtrnished Emily Beck iicili T f j 300 Sinus tor merchandise furnished fhl AgV U ibv 37P- Mr Hetti Crol allowed fo- reI is Vvfcti 1 nf triii udeied b fv TV paul- Ill < cr j> 1 tl a i iiitn allowed for hiSk- ing Bin wr4Anse Beckul2h00 I Continued on fourth page v ykfr Jc BRODHEAD jjj- j3C3 Little Walter Robins who has been very sick is improving Mrs T S Aftji visited her 1 JSulphur Mr D Holms and family of Crab Orchard have moved to their farm at this place Mr Jo S11lit ioue of our promi ¬ nent farmers was in town Monday 1 Mr A J Haggard and son WS I made a flying trip to Stanford I Saturday last i Dr Gravely says uncle Nat Willmott of Gum Sulphur is very sickalso Uncle John Haggard i Mrs Maurice Frith was quite sick last week j Little Mary Smith of Williams burg who was totally blindand is here havingher eyes treated by Dr Burdette is gaining her eye- sight j rapidly Dr Burdette is certainly a blessing to the blind I Miss Nola Keasling gave the young people a social Monday eve A11 report a nice time j The debating society is flourish ing The subject for Frideay night last was Who was the greatest man A Lincoln or George Wash ¬ ington It was decided in Lincolns favor Come on boys we will make orators some day Mrs W H Colyer is very sick Hamilton Collyer is some better Mrs W G Tharp who has been sick for some time is now better i Mrs Henry Brooks near Gum Sulphur died Sunday rnorningcdq was buried at same place I Messr J H Dun R H Han and E J Wallin attended the bury ¬ ing of Mrs Brooks i Mr EJ Ham the hustling pie ture agent was in town Tuesday Dr JM Clark one of our best physicians left Sunday night for Ashville N C Mr H C Sorrell of Crawfords yule Ind is visiting relatives here Bro Hendrickson filled hisregu lar appointment at > the Baptists church Sunday t I Dr Evans of Lebauon visiting Mr W G Thaip this week Aunt Jane Woodall died Tuesday morningat 10 oclock Mr JV Tate was in Mt Ver- non Saturday on business Ms C H Frith will resume work on his fine residence March the first I Mrs J W Tate and Mrs A E I Albright were visiting friends in Mt Vernon Saturday and Sunday j fohn Fowler the barber I who has been sick is some betterJ Robt Wilinott is improving Uncle Josh Dunn sold his farm inGarrard county to a Mr Beck of Wa3ue county 1 I Mr LH Dunn was in vLancas teron business Friday Rev A J Pike filled his appoint ¬ ment at Baptists church in Marion I last Sunday t I The Rockcastle County Fair SI sociation met Saturdsy night Ow ¬ ing to the inclement weather there was not a quorum and didno busi liess Will meet again March 2nd y Anybnewishing white diamond dye will please call on our clever merchant J G Frith Jerry Respus the Civil Engi ¬ neer of Lancaster was the guest of TH Dunn Monday We dont know his business here unless it vas to locate the canning factory or iron foundry or new R R Oontknovv which hope it will be lall Y E l Y i Old Newspapers atithis office for t jI > I i POSSOM HOLLER Level Green Well Im still here ie tithe house tho somewhat improved in health Betsy spins irie offa piece of her mind occasionally and I find her- to ye pretty well posted on the current topics of the house farm e Large of stock farm products farm mplemel1tsc c at the residence of Robt J McAIister 2nd inst He having sold his farni p0 Isaac Weaver sometime since Livestock and in fact every spe- cies ¬ of property brought good prices Mr McAlister will go to the Blue Grass legion for the pres ent Why is it that in so many in stances our people pull up atid leave us as soon as they accumu ¬ late money enough to help build up our county and develop its re- sources ¬ There may be more than one reason but the greatest of these is BAD ROADS Now Mr Afraidofthepike this is true and just so long as our roads re ¬ main in their present condition this will be the ease Give us pikes and capital will seek investment in Rock stle insteadof going else where and you will soon see Our tichhillsitesconvttec1jntotobacCo ¬ andin place of our farmers im ¬ porting bread and meat they will soon be exporting a large surplus and the laboriug man the hireling will no longer be driven abroad toI seek employment but thy vill find it at home in paying quanti- ties ¬ and at good prices But alas too many men aresatis fled with just any old wa ifitI > 9 i Hgt liW wdon lem anyl Now come my friends let us reason together Did you know to live for self alone is just a little worse than not living at all But then when we invest a few dolars to have good roads we are not spending the money simply for oth ¬ er people but for ourselves and ethers too and the advance in the price 7of our lands labor c will soon refund 4 fould all that wed ever have to pay for the roads Yes citizen the time will come when people are edncated to think that these roads will be b 111tI Our people are going wild at this good moment over the prospect of another railroad through the coun ty j Now my dear friends did you know thatturnpike roads leading from Pulaski to Madison and Lin ¬ coln to Laurel would be worth more to the citizens of this county than two mote railroads running through it wonld be Well if you dont know it Ill tell you and its a gospil fact too Let us think let us think honest- ly ¬ and then rest and thiiik again and keep thinking until We think aright We all of us are certainly for the upbuilding of our county if we could see what would do this and here I am telling you buc you wohxt believe I know it is not IMPOSSIBLE for ine to exaggerate but this is NO LIE Enough for this time but more again soon I am strictly for the pikes and JN Brown for Supt of Schools and the Blue Back Speller restoed Hurrah for all three of us Our health is somewhat improved thc not abl to resume wok in the school room yet tThe debate between Elder Davis and the1L E preacher MeN ania ree isset for Monday the nth inst l Mr editor you will please iu form Esq Henry Brariuaman that if he dont bring or send me the pair of game chickens promised i that I will not besient1n his case i much longer Now see nere Hen ry spring of the year will soon be j here and you cant afford to not I comply > t j TeryTiank1ul t i BUCK VR ON I f o f G00CH LAND r Drs Corneilus and Robinson of B rea perfQrmed an operation on Grover McGuire last Sunday but- Grove st l1lin ers in a very dan gerouscoudition ncie Wm McGuire is getting about alright again The Rev Santerford filled his regular appointment at Sycamore church last Saturday and Sunday butit seems he was all alone and his discourse was short Peace brothers is not wanted in the pulpit- in this community Mr Bennet Ballard was at Berea j last Saturday and Sunday flirting this best girl S Misses Myrtle and Ellen Lakes was atjiome from Berea where they are attending school last Saturday and Sunday G V Jones was over from Con- way last week Aisiting his son at this place y Miss Aha McGuire was called home from Cove Springs where she vain school during her fathers illness and has not returned yet r Uncle Henry Becknel was froth Cove Springs last week visiting Uncle Win McGutreand family Mr Cirtus Becknel was the guest I of Mr and Mrs A IJVlcGuire last week I Messrs Walter and John Martin was in Vildie last Saturday on business t Ohwere has our big stray gone he has been gone so long we wish he would conic back again L J5s Jf H What y otild youg2If taken with colie or cholera morbus when your ph sician is way from home- land the drug stores are closed j After OIIQ such emergency you will always keep Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home but why wait until the horse is stolen before you lock the stable For sale by Theo Wesley Druggist AWNC9Does this illus ¬ trate ence wor lied for J fear are soon to be b Then cease worry fj jng for help i sat nand You need W t li a tW iIJ ft put nev life into the- hair bulbs YoucJ a hair food stXcIi r as if you- rexperi Andare vou AIR iJ ldr something AYc13HMr It biings health to r the hair and the lalk ing ceases It always restores hairI t YOllwerefifyfo againaU I of I youth o iat tiie All 4cgkts- I 3 am a barber by trade Uti kRve yourI YOl1clalmfo complete mttefactkin in bust ueL IIKSRV J GEoRGE March 2 1M Xansu CltyMo iVrAtA itz It ye1itlosot obtain nil tIiebeetm you exb frera the tllIlIOftJl > Hit It Vec hr LowellMtM I I 1THE BANK OF MTi VERNON MTVeRNON KY OPENED IgpO i CAPITAL STOCK 15000 > 3H MARTIN PRES A E EWERS VICEPRES W L RICAARDS CASHIER A B FURNISH ASST CAST gerGeo I tteiition I Our friends and patrons are invited to call when in town First NationalBank OF STANFORD KY Capital Stock 100000 Surplus 1804076 DIRECTORS J W Hayden WP Walton J H Collier M D Elmore a RTed T P Hill S H Baughman W A Tribble M r Miller and ST Harris adjoiniugcounties ness intrusted to us Personal application and correspond 4ence with a view to business relations invited JS HOCKER Pres JNO J McROBERTS Cashier A A McKINNEY Asst Cashier 1- DANNIE OWENS r < UNDERTAKER Caskets Coffins Robes Ett ej Kept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or Telephone I Promptly filled BRODHEAD bNTU 1T I GO T03 S JONAS MCKENZIE < MT VERNON KY > 1 > V for s irything in byJ Goods Clothing Boots and Shoes anu General v t v Merchandise v > j BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PCKS WILLIS I GRIFFIN Practical TJndertker and FUNERAL DIRECTOR P Mt Vernon Kv A i Keeps Coffins Gaskets Robes 1 Linen Bosoms Cuffs and C6iiarsi sV furnish JMtetalllo Gasket and have Embalming done on short nd ti I 1 J tice and easy terms v Orders by telegraph or telephone pf qraptly attended to day and night 5 r pd Jet 11 L > j ASWJiFT PACE IN THE A < FURNITURE WORLDS 1l 10 m m WIT HIRS w i y QE STAFFORD KY > > < i WILL continue usnessall 1e old stand v and sell goodSat WHOLESALE Prices Goods will be bought in large quantir ties and sold for spot cash only riiinatters noj how far away you dwell you can Save Money on CARPETS MATrINGSF WALL PAPER FURNITURE j ty rC xv v WITHERSSThNIORD KyV fe5 g S ik

Jc f 1THE MTVeRNONnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pm946/data/0370.pdf · p0 Isaac Weaver sometime since Livestock and in fact every spe-cies ¬ of property brought good prices Mr McAlister

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Page 1: Jc f 1THE MTVeRNONnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pm946/data/0370.pdf · p0 Isaac Weaver sometime since Livestock and in fact every spe-cies ¬ of property brought good prices Mr McAlister


I it 4I tit

< tOjr




i uflnin4t fJdUI11i 4




The following is a list of claimsallowed at the October Term 1900of the Rockcastle County FiscalCourt V

U G Baker allowed for chairsfurnished Courthouse 16229

Dr R H Lewis allowed forwaiting on Sarah Johnson 600

Same for waiting on Sparks fami13 250

Same for waiting on Clouse fami-



150Same for taking care of smallpox

patients at Wildie 2500Dr John S Cooper allowed for

going to Wildie to see smallpoxpatients 1250

W R Thomas allowed for taking care of Manila Barnes duringher confinement 1200

Dr A G Lovell allowed forservices rendered paupers 2325

W C Mullins A G Novell andW H Jones allowed for their ser¬

vices as Election Commissionersor 1899 Each 600

Dr A G Lovell allowed fort

waiting on Mrsjames Rash 3000Dr W E Grcveley allowed for

pauper service 2550Dr Geo Lawrence allowed for

services rendered paupers 4750Theo Wesley allowed for books

furnished by order School Com-


5065John P Houston James Poteet

and Harrison Reams allowed forviewing out new county roadEach 200v

Hays Wood allowed for burialclothing furnished J T Miller 600

Win Lunceford allowed for wait¬

ing on and keeping J TornHall 2010

Percy Be on allowedforvai t-

ing on James Denny and pauperservices 2000

J F Vatson allowed for medi-



furnished Clay Fordyce 1255Same for medicine furnished Jas

Denny 1900Frank Jones allowed for burial

clothing furnished Wash Clousec V 575James Miller allowed for board-



and taking care of SamuelCroucher I 1900

Same for takipgare of Laura-B Johnson V

d gooM S Berry allowed for coffins

furnished for iizzie Clouse Bertw

Cloiise Albert Cl use Nannie Tnr ¬

ner and VI rs Sparlis 1 1 75Frith Dunn allowed for mer¬

chandise furnished paupers 2500Dr D B Southard allowed for

medical services rendered pau ¬

perse 1500

Dr M Penningtou allowed forwaiting on Cinda Scarbraugh 300

Same fOt waiting on JamesHanks wife 750

Same for waiting on NannieAdams child 35O

Dr j C Davis allowed for wait ¬

ing on Jack Kirbys wife 1500j C Riuiel allowad for viewing

new county road TOO

Nl F Craig Tart Proctor and

J J Brown allowed for viewingcouirty roaqEach Ibb

James Prtwh tallowed for mak ¬

ing cotfi us for Emeline BL knellLucy Ro > and j frs JackHurt f r f8 ob


S Albright allowed 4or print¬ I

ing cotmiy claims Jldroad ord v V i8oo-

I J Price allowed for medicalBrddleysJson s6Oi >

PcrRins Prcwitt allowed for talclug cafe of jJHving OMeil 1500r

WvHv Tones allowed for burialclhingtrnished Emily Beckiicili T

f j300

Sinus tor merchandise furnishedfhl

AgV U ibv 37P-Mr Hetti Crol allowed fo-

reI is Vvfcti 1 nf triii udeiedb fv TV paul-

Ill < cr

j> 1 tla i iiitn allowed for hiSk-

ing Bin wr4Anse Beckul2h00IContinued on fourth page v

ykfr JcBRODHEAD jjj-

j3C3Little Walter Robins who has

been very sick is improvingMrs T S Aftji visited her


JSulphurMr D Holms and family of

Crab Orchard have moved to theirfarm at this place

Mr Jo S11litioue of our promi ¬

nent farmers was in town Monday 1

Mr A J Haggard and son WS I

made a flying trip to StanfordI

Saturday last i

Dr Gravely says uncle NatWillmott of Gum Sulphur is verysickalso Uncle John Haggard i

Mrs Maurice Frith was quitesick last week j

Little Mary Smith of Williamsburg who was totally blindandis here havingher eyes treated byDr Burdette is gaining her eye-


rapidly Dr Burdette iscertainly a blessing to the blind I

Miss Nola Keasling gave theyoung people a social Monday eveA11 report a nice time j

The debating society is flourishing The subject for Frideay nightlast was Who was the greatestman A Lincoln or George Wash ¬

ington It was decided in Lincolnsfavor Come on boys we willmake orators some day

Mrs W H Colyer is very sickHamilton Collyer is some better

Mrs W G Tharp who has beensick for some time is now better


Mrs Henry Brooks near GumSulphur died Sunday rnorningcdqwas buried at same place


Messr J H Dun R H Hanand E J Wallin attended the bury ¬

ing of Mrs Brooksi

Mr E J Ham the hustling pieture agent was in town Tuesday

Dr JM Clark one of our bestphysicians left Sunday night forAshville N C

Mr H C Sorrell of Crawfordsyule Ind is visiting relatives here

Bro Hendrickson filled hisregular appointment at > the Baptistschurch Sunday

t I

Dr Evans of Lebauon visitingMr W G Thaip this week

Aunt Jane Woodall died Tuesdaymorningat 10 oclock

Mr JV Tate was in Mt Ver-

non Saturday on businessMs C H Frith will resume

work on his fine residence Marchthe first I

Mrs J W Tate and Mrs A E I

Albright were visiting friends inMt Vernon Saturday and Sunday j

fohn Fowler the barber I

who has been sick is some betterJRobt Wilinott is improving

Uncle Josh Dunn sold his farminGarrard county to a Mr Beckof Wa3ue county 1


Mr LH Dunn was in vLancasteron business Friday

Rev A J Pike filled his appoint ¬

ment at Baptists church in MarionI last Sunday t I

The Rockcastle County Fair SIsociation met Saturdsy night Ow ¬

ing to the inclement weather therewas not a quorum and didno busiliess Will meet again March 2ndy Anybnewishing white diamonddye will please call on our clevermerchant J G Frith

Jerry Respus the Civil Engi¬

neer of Lancaster was the guest ofTH Dunn Monday We dontknow his business here unless itvas to locate the canning factoryor iron foundry or new R ROontknovv which hope it will be

lall Y E l


i Old Newspapers atithis office fortjI>



Well Im still here ie tithehouse tho somewhat improved inhealth

Betsy spins irie offa piece of hermind occasionally and I find her-

to ye pretty well posted on thecurrent topics of the house

farm eLarge of stock farm products

farm mplemel1tsc c at theresidence of Robt J McAIister2nd inst He having sold his farnip0 Isaac Weaver sometime sinceLivestock and in fact every spe-cies


of property brought goodprices Mr McAlister will go tothe Blue Grass legion for the present

Why is it that in so many instances our people pull up atidleave us as soon as they accumu ¬

late money enough to help buildup our county and develop its re-sources


There may be more thanone reason but the greatest ofthese is BAD ROADS Now MrAfraidofthepike this is trueand just so long as our roads re¬

main in their present condition thiswill be the ease Give us pikesand capital will seek investment inRock stle insteadof going elsewhere and you will soon see Our

tichhillsitesconvttec1jntotobacCo ¬

andin place of our farmers im ¬

porting bread and meat they willsoon be exporting a large surplusand the laboriug man the hirelingwill no longer be driven abroad toIseek employment but thy villfind it at home in paying quanti-ties


and at good pricesBut alas too many men aresatis

fled with just any old wa ifitI>9 i Hgt liWwdon lem anyl

Now come my friends let usreason together Did you know tolive for self alone is just a littleworse than not living at all Butthen when we invest a few dolarsto have good roads we are notspending the money simply for oth ¬

er people but for ourselves andethers too and the advance in theprice 7of our lands labor c willsoon refund 4 fould all that wedever have to pay for the roads

Yes citizen the time will comewhen people are edncated to thinkthat these roads will be b 111tI

Our people are going wild at thisgood moment over the prospect ofanother railroad through the county j

Now my dear friends did youknow thatturnpike roads leadingfrom Pulaski to Madison and Lin ¬

coln to Laurel would be worthmore to the citizens of this countythan two mote railroads runningthrough it wonld be

Well if you dont know it Illtell you and its a gospil fact too

Let us think let us think honest-ly


and then rest and thiiik againand keep thinking until We thinkaright We all of us are certainlyfor the upbuilding of our countyif we could see what would do thisand here I am telling you buc youwohxt believe I know it is notIMPOSSIBLE for ine to exaggeratebut this is NO LIE Enough forthis time but more again soon Iam strictly for the pikes and JNBrown for Supt of Schools andthe Blue Back Speller restoedHurrah for all three of us Ourhealth is somewhat improvedthc not abl to resume wok in

the school room yet

tThe debate between Elder Davis

and the1L E preacher MeN aniaree isset for Monday the nth inst

l Mr editor you will please iuform Esq Henry Brariuaman thatif he dont bring or send me thepair of game chickens promised

i that I will not besient1n his casei much longer Now see nere Henry spring of the year will soon be

j here and you cant afford to notI

comply >t

j TeryTiank1ul ti BUCK VR ON

I f o


r Drs Corneilus and Robinson ofB rea perfQrmed an operation onGrover McGuire last Sunday but-Grove st l1lin ers in a very dangerouscoudition

ncie Wm McGuire is gettingabout alright again

The Rev Santerford filled hisregular appointment at Sycamorechurch last Saturday and Sundaybutit seems he was all alone andhis discourse was short Peacebrothers is not wanted in the pulpit-in this community

Mr Bennet Ballard was at Berea j

last Saturday and Sunday flirtingthis best girl

SMisses Myrtle and Ellen Lakes

was atjiome from Berea where theyare attending school last Saturdayand Sunday

G V Jones was over from Con-

way last week Aisiting his son atthis place


Miss Aha McGuire was calledhome from Cove Springs where shevain school during her fathersillness and has not returned yet

rUncle Henry Becknel was froth

Cove Springs last week visitingUncle Win McGutreand family

Mr Cirtus Becknel was the guest I

of Mr and Mrs A IJVlcGuire lastweek I

Messrs Walter and John Martinwas in Vildie last Saturday onbusiness t

Ohwere has our big straygone he has been gone so long wewish he would conic back again

L J5s JfH What y otild youg2If takenwith colie or cholera morbus whenyour ph sician is way from home-

land the drug stores are closedj After OIIQ such emergency you willalways keep Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy inyour home but why wait until thehorse is stolen before you lock thestable For sale by Theo WesleyDruggist

AWNC9Doesthis illus ¬


e n c e

worlied for

J fearare soon to be b

Then cease worry fjjng for help isatnand You need W

t li a tW iIJ ftput nev life into the-hair bulbs

YoucJa hairfoodstXcIi

r asif






It biings health to r

the hair and the lalking ceases

It always restoreshairIt YOllwerefifyfo



youthoiat tiie All 4cgkts-

I 3 am a barber by trade Uti kRveyourIYOl1clalmfocomplete mttefactkin in bustueL IIKSRV J GEoRGE

March 2 1M Xansu CltyMo

iVrAtA itzIt ye1itlosot obtain nil tIiebeetmyou exb frera the tllIlIOftJl> Hit ItVechr LowellMtM I




3H MARTIN PRES A E EWERS VICEPRESW L RICAARDS CASHIER A B FURNISH ASST CASTgerGeoItteiitionI Our friends and patrons are invited to call when in town

First NationalBankOF STANFORD KY

Capital Stock 100000 Surplus 1804076DIRECTORS

J W Hayden W P Walton J H Collier M D Elmorea RTed T P Hill S H Baughman W A TribbleM r Miller and S T Harris

adjoiniugcountiesness intrusted to us Personal application and correspond

4ence with a view to business relations invited




Caskets Coffins Robes Ett ejKept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or Telephone

I Promptly filledBRODHEAD bNTU 1T




> 1

> V for s irything inbyJ Goods Clothing Boots and Shoes anu General

v t v Merchandise v >



WILLIS I GRIFFINPractical TJndertker


Keeps Coffins Gaskets Robes1 Linen Bosoms Cuffs and C6iiarsi sV

furnish JMtetalllo Gasket and have Embalming done on short nd


1 J tice and easy terms v

Orders by telegraph or telephone pfqraptly attended to day and night5


pd Jet11 L >




10 m m WITHIRS wiy


< i

WILL continue usnessall1e old stand v and sell goodSatWHOLESALE Prices Goods will be bought in large quantirties and sold for spot cash only

riiinatters noj how far away you dwell you can Save Moneyon CARPETS MATrINGSF WALL PAPER FURNITURE jtyrC xv v WITHERSSThNIORD KyV

fe5 gS ik