7000 B.C. Symbols, earliest ancestors of writing, are first used. JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts cB1JrJl dL CJiVJiJLJiZcBlttJi 0) JrJ1S UNIT 100,000 B.C. to 500 B.C. ~--------------------- 100,000 B.C. 100,000 B.C. People migrate beyond East Africa. 9000 B.C. Farming and herding begin in Fertile Crescent. By 6000 B.C. Farming begins in Egypt, India, and China. li meople Migrate Across the Earth About 100,000 B.C. early people began migrating from their African homeland. ~ For thousands of years, people moved into new areas in search of food. They hunted animals and gathered wild plants. ~ Ice ages killed much of their food, forcing people to move. They migrated on foot or in small boats. ~ By 9000 B.C. people had migrated to most regions of the world. ~ People first migrated to W regions that had plenty of food and comfortable climates. Which continents had been reached by 30,000 B.C.? Ice Age Sea ice, 16,000 B.C. Glacier or ice sheet o·--~-----+---------,ri-- Equatorial Scale ~~~~~~20~OO~,~~~=4=:,op.~.mijes b= 2000 4000 kilometers 30·S---+------\------r---il ~ The earth's temperature began to '.:I fall around 100,000 B.C. Rivers froze, so water could not flow back to the sea and sea level dropped. Areas that had been underwater were exposed as dry land. Early Human Migration 100,000-9000 B.C. Spread of Humans 100,000-90,000 B.C. 90,000-75,000 B.C. 75,000-30,000 B.C. 30,000-9000 B.C. 12.000 •.Co Approximate date of arrival in region Present o o IlJ Ice Age coastline Coastline today Changing Height of the Sea 100 .•.... QI QI .•... c:: to -100 QI Vl QI -2001======~==~~ •••... .•... o .•.... ~-300~==~~~~--~~~~~~~~ __- 'Qi ::c -4001================== 100,000 B.C. 6 60,000 B.C. Time

JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

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Page 1: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

7000 B.C.

Symbols, earliest ancestorsof writing, are first used.

JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJlttscB1JrJldL CJiVJiJLJiZcBlttJi0)JrJ1SUNIT

100,000 B.C. to 500 B.C.

~---------------------100,000 B.C.

100,000 B.C.

People migratebeyond East Africa.

9000 B.C.

Farming and herdingbegin in Fertile Crescent.

By 6000 B.C.

Farming begins in Egypt,India, and China.


meople Migrate Across the EarthAbout 100,000 B.C. early people began migrating from theirAfrican homeland.

~ For thousands of years, people moved into new areasin search of food. They hunted animals and gatheredwild plants.

~ Ice ages killed much of their food, forcing people tomove. They migrated on foot or in small boats.

~ By 9000 B.C. people had migrated to mostregions of the world.

~ People first migrated toW regions that had plenty of

food and comfortableclimates. Which continents hadbeen reached by 30,000 B.C.?

Ice AgeSea ice, 16,000 B.C.

Glacier or ice sheet


Equatorial Scale


b= 2000 4000kilometers


~ The earth's temperature began to'.:I fall around 100,000 B.C. Rivers

froze, so water could not flow backto the sea and sea level dropped.Areas that had been underwaterwere exposed as dry land.

Early Human Migration100,000-9000 B.C.

Spread of Humans100,000-90,000 B.C.

90,000-75,000 B.C.

75,000-30,000 B.C.

30,000-9000 B.C.

12.000 •.Co Approximate date ofarrival in region


ooIlJ Ice Age coastlineCoastline today

Changing Height of the Sea100

.•....QIQI.•...c::to -100QIVl


-£ -2001======~==~~ •••....•...o.•....~-300~==~~~~--~~~~~~~~ __-'Qi::c




Page 2: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

4000 B.C.Sahara gets

drier, soonbecomes desert.

3500 B.C.First civilization risesin Sumer. Bronzetools are made.

By 1200 B.C. 539 B.C.Hebrews live Cyrus of Persiain Canaan. conquers Babylon.

5000 B.C.Irrigation is used in farming.

1800-1600 B.C.Assyria and Babylonia create

empires in Mesopotamia.

900 B.C.Phoenicians sail tothe Atlantic Ocean.

SOUTHERN OCEAN.----:;:::::::-- - ~---~~---~~~,--,,-----...,------






jAbout 2000 B.C. peoplewith advanced skillsand improved boatsbegan sailing todistant islands in thePacific Ocean.


What are ice sheets?Ice sheets are thick layers of icethat once covered large parts ofthe earth. They formed duringcold periods known as ice ages,which lasted thousands of years.


Page 3: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

I1griculture and EarlySettlementsAgriculture, or growing plants and raising animals for food, changedhuman society forever. Agriculture was more reliable than huntingand gathering.

!!! People began to herd or keep wild animals in pens. Theyalso planted seeds from wild grasses, using hoes anddigging sticks. They had become farmers.

!!! Farmers could get their food in one place, so theirsettlements became permanent. Farming communitiesbecame villages.

!!!As farmers grew more food than they needed, somepeople became free to specialize. They worked at otherjobs, such as making pots or tools.

sn't that wild?Wild dogs probably followed peopleto get food scraps. Early peopletrained these dogs to guard theircamps and to help them hunt or herdother animals. The dog is the earliestknown domestic animal, living withpeople or under their care.

~ Agriculture developed in~ several different regions

of the world at aboutthe same time. In areasunsuitable for farming,people continued tohunt and gather.


8/':\ About 1,000 people lived in Jericho, one of the world's oldest\:I cities. What clues does this illustration give you about their society?



Spread of Agriculture9000-3000 B.C.

Agriculture Begins_ 9000 to 8000 B.C

8000 to 6000 B.Co 6000 to 3000 B.C

D Hunting and gathering

D Uninhabited

~ Early city

[J Early use of irrigation

Jericho7000 B.C.

o Towere Grain storagee Gateo Springo City wallo Grain field

Other buildings are houses.




Page 4: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

Early Settlements and Civilizations IUNIT 1


!50UTHEA5T;\ .. ~IA .'\J' .

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~ Hunters often returned empty-handed from a day\:1 of hunting. Herding animals, however, guaranteed

a supply of meat, skins, and milk.

Earliest Domestic Plants and Animals


Middle East barley, lentils, cattle, goats, pigs,peas, wheat sheep

China millet, rice chickens, pigs,water buffalo

South and cotton, millet, cattle, chickens, pigs,rice, soybeans,Southeast Asia sweet potatoes, taro water buffalo

Africa barley, millet, cattle, sheepsorghum, wheat, yams

Europe barley, rye, wheat cattle, dogs, pigs

Americas beans, peppers, dogs, turkeyspotatoes, squash

Ii'Agriculture started with resources found in the\:I environment. What were the most common domestic

plants and animals? 9

Page 5: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

livilization in AncientMesopotamiaThe earliest known civilization, Sumer, and the world's firstempire, the Akkadian Empire, both developed in Mesopotamia.

!!!The Sumerians developed the first written language andthe first laws. They also traded with places as far away asEgypt and India.

!!! Each Sumerian city-state was independent. Each had itsown ruler, own special god, and own army.

!!! People from the neighboring region of Akkad laterconquered Sumer and the rest of the area around theTigris and Euphrates Rivers. Once conquered, city-stateswere simply cities.

Sumerians Develop Writing7000-3000 B.C.

Word Cuneiform3000 B.C.

Token Pictograph7000 B.C. 3500 B.C.

~ People in Mesopotamia first used objects, or tokens,\:I to record trades. Sumerians then drew the same

shapes on clay tablets. Later they used triangularreeds to draw these shapes. These wedge shapes, orcuneiform, became the basis of written languagesin Mesopotamia .•

Fertile Crescentand Mesopotamia

Ferti Ie Crescent


Map shows present-dayboundaries and names in gray.

o 100 200 milesi

100 200 kilometers


~ Mesopotamia, the area\:1 between the Tigris and

Euphrates Rivers, means"between the rivers."Mesopotamia was partof an area of goodfarmland, called theFertile Crescent.



~ Sargon was the first"iJ} ruler of the Akkadian

Empire. He conqueredall of Mesopotamiaand beyond.

Is it a city or is it a state?Early civilizations weren't part of alarge country. Instead, people weregoverned by their own city-state. Acity-state included a city and thesurrounding countryside. There are afew city-states today, such as Monacoin Europe and Singapore in Asia.

Page 6: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

Early Settlements and Civilizations IUNIT 1

Caspian Sea-+2900 B.C. Semitic herders seizecity-states in northern Sumer,which becomes region of Akkad.

Sumer3500-2350 B.C.

Sumerian culture region,3500 B.C.

City-States, 2900 B.C.

@ Sumerian

@ Semitic

@ Elamite

Area of nomadic herders

Invasion or raid

-- Trade route.••..••..••.Wetland

," : Desert

1:\ Sumerians all spoke the same language and had the same customs, but their~ Semitic and Elamite neighbors spoke different languages and had different

customs. Even so, trade was common.

100 200 miles!

100 200 kilometers

Akkadian Empire2350-2190 B.C.

Caspian Sea

+2250 B.C. Akkadian Empireconquers Ebla and reachesthe Mediterranean.

D Akkadian Empire, 2350 B.C.

D Land gained by 2250 B,C.

Semitic city

Sumerian city

• Elamite city


ELAM Culture region.••..••..••.Wetland

::::> Desert

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100 200 miles! A The Akkadian Empire spanned most of the Fertile Crescent.'-=' Compare maps D and E. Empires rule many different people.

What groups were ruled by the Akkadian Empire?200 kilometers


Page 7: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

abylonia and AssyriaAfter the Akkadian Empire fell, two groupsstruggled for control of the Fertile Crescent.Babylonians from Babylon and Assyriansfrom Ashur became the major powers inthe region.

!!! Babylon was long known as a centerof learning. Babylonian science andliterature were admired and imitatedthroughout the Fertile Crescent.

!!! In contrast, Assyria was known for itsfierce army.

!!! Babylonia and Assyria fought each otheroften over the course of a thousandyears. Each conquered the other morethan once.

~ The Babylonians and Assyriansbuilt\;I monuments to show their wealth

and power. Above is a replica ofBabylon's Ishtar Gate. The wealthcame from conquests and taxes.1:.\ The Babylonian Empire expanded under'6' Hammurabi, one of Babylonia's most

important kings. He is also rememberedfor his extensive law code.

1813-1781 B.C. Assyria controls . n Seaupper Mesopotamia by force. Caspla


Why do empires fail?Akkad, Babylon, and Ashur allproduced empires, rulingdistant lands with languagesand customs unlike their own.Such differences, along withthe common preference forfamiliar rulers, make empireshard to govern.

Copper and tinare used forbronze weapons.

Assyria and Babylonia1800-1600 B.C.

Assyria, 1800 B.C

Babylonia, 1800 B.C

Babylonian gains by 1750 B.C

Babylonian conquest

Trade route




EGYPT Independent empire or state

ELAM Culture region., Desert

o~ ~~~g2~00~~===::3400 miles

200 400kilometers

Page 8: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders


New Assyrian Empire934-612 B.C.

Assyria, 911 B.C

D Assyrian gains by 824 B.C

D Assyrian gains by 664 B.C

Babylonian conquestAssyrian conquestBabylonian conquest

® CapitalAssyrians Culture group

~ Centuries later, Assyrian\:1 armies again terrified the

entire Fertile Crescent. Theyconquered the Babylonians,Phoenicians, Hebrews,Egyptians, and others.


612 B.C. Babylonians win controlof most of Assyrian Empire.

. .." .....~ .

601 B.C. Babylonian ~m·~i~e· .: :.; : '.: .. fails to conquer Egypt. '. .. :..' : .. :.

(L~~-.--~-- .:;;,.;.:.;......•...-..~.'-1.. : :: : -.:: .:.:.': .

.: • ••.•~RA~;A~Q~5ERT. i...> ....•.> •.. ,. . . .... . .. ' . .' :.: .•.. :.' ': .....::" .... .' '." ' .. '. . .. . . ,'.: :: ..:.. .: :. . . ,......._._.'-._. ..:.......;....:.:.:.........:......:..:.....'"--'--'--'-----=---'------,

,,'. '.' '.'

••••••••• ---,;";,,,,; •••• ---- .•.•.••.••.•••••••••• """'-1 New Babylonian EmpireIi'Chaldaeans from Babylonia 612-539 B.C.\:I conquered Assyria. The New

Babylonian Empire was the D Babylonian Empire, 600 B.C

last of the Mesopotamian Babylonian conquestempires. Compare its size with Persian conquestthat of Babylonia's originalempire, shown on map A. Babylonian conquest

~ Persian conquest® Capital

Aeeyrlane Culture group

Early Settlements and Civilizations IUNIT 1

612 B.C. Babylonians andMedes conquer Assyria.


BabylonianContributions to Science

TIMEYear has 12 months.Day has 24 hours.Hour has 60 minutes.

MATHEMATICSCircle has360 degrees.


ASTRONOMYDates of eclipsescan be calculated.

A Babylonians liked numbers that'-=' could be evenly divided by manyother numbers. Notice how suchnumbers are used in Babyloniancontributions to time andmathematics.


Page 9: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

According to the Hebrew Bible, Hebrews came from southeasternMesopotamia near the Persian Gulf. Around 1800 B.C., they migratedwest to the Mediterranean coast.

!!!They are said to have settledin the area called "Canaan,"which they felt their god hadgiven them.

!!! History confirms that a Hebrewkingdom existed by 1200 B.C.Later the kingdom split intoIsrael and Judah.

G]ebrew Kingdoms

!!!Wars and famine oftenforced Hebrews to leave their"Promised Land."

!!!The Hebrews came to becalled Jews and theirreligion Judaism.


1700 B.C. Famine forcesHebrews to move to Egypt.They become slaves.~ __ ..J


r;:::::::=======--"W ..:-.:..:/.\,;;"-:Biblical Migrations

to Canaan1800-1200 B.C.

o Fertile land~ Hebrew migration

ASSYRIA Culture region":':-:' Desert

100 200 miles

o 100 200 kilometers

dMediterranean Sea

~ In the biblical accounts, leaders such as Abraham and Moses led the Hebrews\jJ to Canaan. Archeologists have not been able to confirm these accounts.


God or gods?Unlike their neighbors inthe Fertile Crescent, manyHebrews worshipped onlyone god. Eventuallyworship of any other godwas forbidden. Christianityand Islam, which developedfrom Judaism, also worshipjust one god.

Attacks onHebrew Kingdoms

900-516 B.C.

Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C.

Israelo Judah

~ Hebrew exile and returnt:\ After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders and skilled craftsmen of Judah Persian conquest, 539 B.C.

\;I were sent to Babylon. There they wrote down their traditions, laws, and • Battlebeliefs in part of what is now known as the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament .•.••••••••"""" •••••"""""""" _


Page 10: JEcB1JrJLy SettttJLeJnnleJrJltts...Hebrew Kingdoms 900-516 B.C. Hebrew Kingdoms, 900 B.C. oIsrael Judah ~ Hebrew exile and return t:\After the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., leaders

II1hoenician TradeThe Phoenician civilization. like that of theHebrews. developed along the eastern edge ofthe Mediterranean Sea.

!!! By 2900 B.C. the Phoenicians had become thefirst major sea-going civilization. Their shipscould travel long distances using either sailsor oars.

!!!The Phoenicians established a large tradenetwork. They also established colonies inNorth Africa. southern Spain. and on islandsin the Mediterranean Sea.

!!!To make trade easier. the Phoeniciansdeveloped a simple writing system that usedsymbols for sounds instead of symbols forwords or ideas.

Phoenicians and Mediterranean Trade_--::9;.;;00-600 B.C.

200 400 kilometers

Main Sources of Trade

~ Silver !j Oil

Copper Glass

@ Gold i Dye

Salt Grain

t! Ivory 1111 Cedar

IJ;;t Cloth

Map shows boundaries of 800 B.C.

Phoenician settlement area

- Phoenician trade route

Other trade route

• Phoenician city

• Greek city

LIBYACulture region

o 200 400 miles

Early Settlements and Civilizations IUNIT 1

Development of OurAlphabetPhoenician

1000 B.C.Roman300 A.D.

Greek600 B.C.~ - ~ -4 A

~ B!J. D

~ E ~~ Sumerians used over 500 symbols in their\:;1writing; Phoenicians used only 22. Other cultures

adopted the Phoenician symbols, on which ourmodern alphabet is based.. ,

Ii'Phoenicians controlled trade\:I throughout the Mediterranean

Sea and into the Atlantic Ocean-connecting cultures throughoutthe region.

5 A H A R A,----__ -.