Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample

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  • 7/24/2019 Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample


    Jed Cartwright and theLighthouse Mystery

    Ed Dunlop

    Illustrated byKeith Neely

  • 7/24/2019 Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample


    Copyright 2016 byWaldenWay PublicationsI!N" #$%&0&%$'#%&(6%&'

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced,

    stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by

    any means (printed, written, photocopied, electronic, audio or otherwise) without

    prior written permission of the publisher.

    All Scripture quotations are from

    the King James Bible.

    Printed and Bound in the United States of America

  • 7/24/2019 Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample



    1+ Desperate earch+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1

    2+ Wol,-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++11

    '+ *he *rip++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1%

    (+ .ra/pa Cartright++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2(

    + Warning+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'1

    6+ trange ignal++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'6

    $+ *he *ins+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(1

    %+ Crab Island+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(#

    #+ *he tor/++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6

    10 +trange !eha3ior+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6'

    11+ 4o *ide+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6%

    12+ 5eturn to Crab Island++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$(

    1'+ Incredible Disco3ery++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$%

    1(+ *he Ca3ern+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%'

    1+ *he ugiti3e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%#

    16+ Prisoners++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#

    1$+ *he Chase++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++102

    1%+ Wedding Day++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++111

  • 7/24/2019 Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample


  • 7/24/2019 Jed Cartwright and the Lighthouse Mystery-Sample





    oo! "e#s$ N%t&%" C%rt#ri'&t s&oute! %s &e !%s&e! i"to t&eb%r" to fi"! &is brot&er (e!) Mr) *i"co+" #%s e+ecte! Presi!e"t$

    " &is excite-e"t &e tri..e! o/er % bri!+e +eft c%re+ess+ o" t&e

    f+oor %"! fe++ f+%t, "e%r+ strii"' &is &e%! %'%i"st %" iro" .+o#) He

    .ice! &i-se+f u. fro- t&e b%r" f+oor, brus&i"' bits of str%# %"!

    !irt fro- &is c+ot&es) (e!, Ho"est Abe is our "ext Presi!e"t$

    (e! tur"e! fro- t&e &%"!so-e b+%c st%++io" &e &%! bee"

    curri"' %"! set t&e brus& o" % t&ree2+e''e! stoo+ "e%rb) Abe

    *i"co+" &e ec&oe!) T&e t%++ +%#er fro- ++i"oisN%t&%" "o!!e! &%..i+) Ho"est Abe, &e re.e%te!) t 4ust

    c%-e o/er t&e te+e'r%.&) E/ero"e i" St) *ouis is t%+i"' %bout it)

    Mr) *i"co+" 'ot o"e &u"!re!2ei'&t e+ector%+ /otes, #&i+e

    Breci"ri!'e o"+ 'ot se/e"t2t#o) A"! 5ou'+%s c%-e i" +%st, #it&


    (e! t&re# t&e brus& &i'& i"to t&e %ir %"! t&e" c%u'&t it !eft+)

    He t&u-.e! t&e bi' &orse o" t&e s&ou+!er) He%r t&%t, Mi!"i'&t

    Abr%&%- *i"co+" is our "e# Presi!e"t)P% s%s &e6++ be % 'oo! o"e, N%t&%" co"ti"ue!, &is b+ue ees

    s&i"i"' #it& excite-e"t) He6s %'%i"st s+%/er, but e/e" -ore

    i-.ort%"t t&%" t&%t, &e6s 'o""% fi'&t to ee. t&e "io" to'et&er)

    T&ere6s t%+ of Sout& C%ro+i"% %"! so-e ot&er st%tes .u++i"' out,

    ou "o#)

    (e! "o!!e! %"! tur"e! b%c to resu-e #or o" &is -%'"ifice"t

    &orse) Sout& C%ro+i"%8t&%t6s #&ere #e6re 'oi"' to-orro#, is"6t


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    6/19 Se%rc&

    Good news! Mr. Lincoln was elected President!

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    :e., N%t&%" %"s#ere!) ;r%-.% t%es c%re of t&e +i'&t&ouse

    4ust outsi!e of C&%r+esto") t6++ t%e us t&ree !%s to 'et t&ere b

    r%i+ro%!) He stoo.e!, .ice! u. t&e bri!+e, %"! &u"' it o" % .e' i"

    t&e &%r"ess r%c) ortu"%te+, ;o! +e! t&e- to(%e C%rt#ri'&t #&o i"!+ %!o.te! t&e- i"to &is o#" f%-i+ %"!

    '%/e t&e- % &o-e fi++e! #it& +o/e %"! &%..i"ess) S&ort+

    t&ere%fter, (%e C%rt#ri'&t +e! (e! to recei/e (esus %s &is S%/iour)

    ;r%-.% #%s % se% c%.t%i" for e%rs %"! e%rs, N%t&%"

    %"s#ere!, %"! so-eti-es &e sti++ %cts +ie o"e) So-eti-es &e6s

    "ot %s ) ) ) %s 'e"t+e %s P% is, but t&i" ou6++ +ie &i-) He6s bee"

    t&e +i'&t&ouse o" B%r"%c+e B% for %+-ost t#e"t e%rs

    "o#) ;r%"" !ie! t&e e%r t&e -o/e! i"to t&e +i'&t&ouse, %"! &e6sbee" %+o"e e/er si"ce)

    5o ou t&i" &e6++ +ie -e t&e o+!er bo %se!) -e%",

    si"ce 6- %!o.te! %"! %++) :ou6re &is re%+ 'r%"!so", but 6- "ot)

    N%t&%" s&ru''e!) :ou6re 4ust %s -uc& % .%rt of t&e C%rt#ri'&t

    f%-i+ %s %-, &e !ec+%re! +o%++) ;r%-.% #i++ +ie ou,

    .ro-ise) A"! t&i" ou6++ +ie &i-8o"ce ou 'et to "o# &i-)

    Of course &e6++ +ie ou (e!, % .o#erfu+ /oice boo-e!) Bot&

    bos 4u-.e!, st%rt+e!) A &u'e -%" stoo! fr%-e! i" t&e b%r"!oor#%, &is s&ort, b+o"! &%ir "e%r+ touc&i"' t&e to. of t&e fr%-e)

    M%ssi/e %r-s %"! s&ou+!ers to+! of t&e -%"6s tre-e"!ous stre"'t&,

    #&i+e t&e +%u'&i"' ees %"! i"! f%ce '%/e e/i!e"ce of &is 'e"t+e


    P%$ (e! exc+%i-e!)

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    P% too t&e curr brus& fro- (e! %"! be'%" to brus& Mi!"i'&t6s

    '+oss co%t) T&is &orse is +ooi"' -i'&t fi"e, (e!) :ou6re !oi"' %

    'oo! 4ob t%i"' c%re of &i-)

    He '+%"ce! %t (e! %s &e co"ti"ue! to #or) M P% #i++ %cce.tou 4ust +ie t&e rest of us, &e %ssure! t&e bo) :ou6re %

    C%rt#ri'&t 4ust %s -uc& %s N%t&%" or -e)

    But 6- %!o.te!, (e! .roteste!) #%s"6t bor" i"to t&e f%-i+)

    P% s&oo &is &e%!) 5oes"6t -%tter, &e %"s#ere!)

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    9/19 Se%rc&

    A &u'e b+%c !o' e"tere! t&e b%r" %"! bou"!e! to#%r! &is

    ou"' -%ster) (e! %ffectio"%te+ rubbe! &is e%rs) Sorr,

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    10/19 Se%rc&

    #it&out s&e+ter) i/e -i"utes +%ter bot& bos rei"e! t&eir -ou"ts to % sto. %t t&e

    fro"t .orc& of % s-%++, #&ite#%s&e! f%r-&ouse) 5is-ou"ti"'

    @uic+, t&e &urrie! u. t&e fro"t ste.s, !r%#i"' t&e co++%rs of t&eir

    co%ts -ore ti'&t+ %rou"! t&eir t&ro%ts) T&e fro"t !oor o.e"e! %t

    t&eir %"! % s-%++, #ir f%r-er #%/e! t&e- i"si!e) Co-e

    i", bos, co-e i", t&e -%" ur'e!) ;et i"si!e out of t&is #e%t&er)

    T&e &o#+i"' #i"! s"%tc&e! t&e !oor fro- t&e f%r-er6s 'r%s.

    %"! s+%--e! it %'%i"st t&e si!e of t&e &ouse (e! 'r%bbe! t&e !oor

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    Co+! out t&ere, %i"6t it, bos t&e -%" re-%re!) &o.e t&is

    %i"6t %" i"!ic%tio" of #&%t i"! of #i"ter #e6re fixi"6 to 'it)

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    12/19 Se%rc&

    O&, es, #%s %t t&e !r 'oo!s store) S&e .%use! #it& %

    t&ou'&tfu+ +oo o" &er f%ce) *itt+e Miri%- #%s #it&, +et -e see

    :es, s&e #%s #it& M%rt&% St%uffer) T&e #o-%" +ooe! %t (e!

    triu-.&%"t+) :es, t&%t6s #&o s&e #%s #it&8M%rt&% St%uffer)(e! fro#"e!) Are ou sure, -%6%-

    A s&%!o# of !oubt .%sse! %cross t&e o+! #o-%"=s f%ce for %

    seco"!) t&i" so) *ooe! +ie t&e s%-e si?e, &%! b+o"! &%ir) S&e

    !i!"=t tur" %rou"!, but s&e fro#"e!) 6- .rett sure it #%s &er,

    ou"' -%", s&e s%i!, &er +i.s .resse! i" % t&i", stubbor" +i"e)

    s%# &er #it& - o#" ees, 4ust %" &our or t#o %'o) T&e #ere

    co-i"' u. t&e ste.s %s #%s +e%/i"' t&e store)

    T&e bos tur"e! to 'o) Mr) St%uffer is i" t&e se%rc& .%rt,N%t&%" #&is.ere! to (e!) T&is !oes"6t -%e se"se)

    "o#, (e! re.+ie!) *et6s &e%! b%c to t&e

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    13/19 Se%rc&

    5i! our #ife t%e Miri%- i"to to#" to!% *i?% *itt+e4o&"

    s%s s&e s%# Miri%- #it& &er)

    Asto"is&-e"t s#e.t %cross t&e -%"6s f%ce) M%rt&% &%s"6t bee"

    i" to#" %t %++ to!%, (%e, &e re.+ie!, fro#"i"' i" be#i+!er-e"t)S&e6s bee" .utti"6 u. %..+e butter %++ !%) "o#, 6c%use #%s

    &e+.i"' for t&e +%st cou.+e of &ours u"ti+ C+!e &ere sto..e! b %"!

    %se! -e to 4oi" i" t&e se%rc&)

    T&e %r! bu??e! #it& co"fusio" %s t&e -e" !iscusse! t&is "e#


    P% C%rt#ri'&t &e+! u. bot& &u'e &%"!s %"! trie! to @uiet t&e

    -e") ;e"t+e-e", 'e"t+e-e", &e c%++e!) ;i/e -e our %tte"tio")

    T&e -e" 're# @uiet)T&ere6s % bit of % -ix2u. &ere, but #e6++ 'et it str%i'&te"e! out)

    He +ooe! %t &is t#o so"s) Bos, %re ou cert%i" t&%t Mrs)

    *itt+e4o&" s%i! it #%s Mrs) St%uffer s&e s%# t&e +itt+e 'ir+ #it& A"!

    #%s s&e sure it #%s Miri%-

    (e! "o!!e!) r%"+i" sto/e) Mi'&t co+! for

    No/e-ber, o"e -%" re-%re!, but "o o"e %"s#ere!)

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    5%+i'&t is 'o"e, %"! #e6/e "ot et fou"! Miri%-) u"!erst%"!

    t&%t -ost of ou &%/e stoc to %tte"! to, %"! "o o"e is 'oi"' to

    f%u+t ou if ou +e%/e) But t&is +itt+e 'ir+ ! "ee!s our

    &e+., %"! #e6++ be 'r%tefu+ for %" -%" t&%t c%" st%)He .%use! %"! +ooe! %rou"! t&e roo-) M bos %"! #i++

    se%rc& %++ "i'&t if "ecess%r) t=s 'ro#i"' co+!er, %"! Miri%- #i++

    "ot sur/i/e u"+ess s&e is fou"! @uic+)

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    15/19 Se%rc&



    Je! sto-.e! &is boots i" %" %tte-.t to #%r- &is "u-b feet %"! t&e" .%use! to %!4ust t&e #ic i"

    &is co%+ oi+ +%"ter") T&e f+iceri"' f+%-e +e%.e! &i'&er %"! t&e e++o# '+o# fro- t&e +%"ter"

    bri'&te"e! co"si!er%b+) T&%t6s better, &e re-%re!, &o+!i"' t&e +%"ter" &i'& %s &e .u++e! t&e

    +%tc& o" t&e s%''i"' b%r" !oor)

    &o.e o+! -%"

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    Dont move, he whisered. Loo!

    (e! st%re! &%r! i"to t&e i" b+%c "i'&t, +ooi"' for #&%t &%! sc%re! N%t&%") :e++o# ees

    '+ittere! b%c %t &i- i" t&e .%+e +i'&t of t&e +%"ter"s) He '%s.e!) *oos +ie % #o+f, &e#&is.ere!)

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    But t&e bi' -%" s&oo &is &e%!) Not % tr%ce, &e re.+ie! sober+) i"! &er,

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    To (e!6s %sto"is&-e"t,

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    u"!erst%"! t&%t