Matthew 28: 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Twin Rivers Worship Center: The purpose of TRWC is for people to Experience, Connect, Grow and Serve. The main mission of the life group ministry is discipleship—to help people GROW. Experience You help people to experience God when you encourage them to attend a Sunday morning service. Connect You help people to connect and take their next step as you direct them to Connect Track. Grow You help people to grow as you invite them to your life group or recommend another life group to them. As you disciple others, you help to move people along on their journey with Christ and thus you fulfill the Great Commission! Serve You lead by example as you serve as a life group leader at TRWC. You encourage others to serve in their God-given talents. You model generosity by fostering support for the life group sponsored missionary. 10575 Tesson Ferry Road St. Louis, MO 63123 Church Office: 314-729-0704 Church Front Desk Hours: M-TH 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. www.trwc.com

Jeremy Life Group Leader Manual 3 Formatted

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  • Matthew 28: 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has

    been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of

    all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of

    the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;

    and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

    Twin Rivers Worship Center: The purpose of TRWC is for people to Experience,

    Connect, Grow and Serve. The main mission of the life group ministry is

    discipleshipto help people GROW.

    Experience You help people to experience God when you encourage them to attend a Sunday

    morning service.

    Connect You help people to connect and take their next step as you direct them to

    Connect Track.

    Grow You help people to grow as you invite them to your life group or recommend

    another life group to them. As you disciple others, you help to move people along on their journey with Christ and thus you fulfill the Great Commission!

    Serve You lead by example as you serve as a life group leader at TRWC. You encourage

    others to serve in their God-given talents. You model generosity by fostering support for the life group sponsored missionary.

    10575 Tesson Ferry Road

    St. Louis, MO 63123

    Church Office: 314-729-0704

    Church Front Desk Hours: M-TH 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.


  • Life Group Leader Pledge: 1. I have chosen to answer the call to serve as a life group leader at Twin Rivers Worship Center. 2. I will promote unity with others and will work as a team with those God has put around me. Im not in competition with other leaders, but we are co-laborers together. 3. As part of a team, I know that monthly meetings are scheduled so that I may have regular contact with the Discipleship Pastor and my fellow leaders and so that I may continue to grow as a leader. I will put forth my best effort in attending these gatherings. 4. I will put into practice those skills I learn in training, knowing that those skills will help me to be a better leader. I understand as a person who is helping to shepherd the flock that I must keep lines of communication open with the Discipleship Pastor. 5. I realize the importance of speaking positively about my church while putting a damper on negative speech and practice positive speech. If I do have concerns, I will voice those directly to the Discipleship Pastor to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

    6. I realize God has entrusted me with a group of people, and that this is Gods group, not mine. Therefore, if the time comes when I believe I am no longer called to lead the group, I will contact the Discipleship Pastor before contacting anyone else. I will work in harmony with the Discipleship Pastor to transition the group in a way that is pleasing to God and not divisive. I realize God has set up a structure at TRWC, and that structure is in place to provide a prayer covering, support system and accountability. 7. When things arent going well with my group or with an individual, I will reach out to the Discipleship Pastor for assistance while upholding confidentiality. 8. If Im dealing with something personally, I realize I can reach out to the Discipleship Pastor or the TRWC Counseling Center for support. 9. As a leader, I recognize that Im a role model to others. Therefore, I will exemplify the principles of Christ in speech and action and will refrain from those things that may cause my brother to stumble. 10. I understand discipleship is the core of what we do as leaders and is the heart of Jesus. 11. I will promote community in my group and create a sense of shared responsibility. This means I must be attentive to group dynamics and deal with situations or people in the group who are not healthy. 12. I understand the importance of a disciplined life of Bible reading, prayer, church attendance and tithing and regularly praying for group members and my church. I know that praying for the members of my group will make for a strong and blessed group.

  • TRWC Life Groups: The Acts 2 Church Model They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate

    together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

    (Acts 2:42-47)

    Life Groups = the ACTS 2 church in action (Acts 2:42), focusing on 5 elements of Christian

    Community. Each Life Group must have these elements in place:

    Teaching As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

    Life Groups are a place where people grow in the Word and become more like Jesus!


    Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

    Life Groups are a place where people connect and experience community.

    Breaking of bread (This is optional and only makes sense for some group).

    Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their

    homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. (Acts 2:46)

    Life Groups are a place where people share a meal together and get to know each other. Some

    of our greatest memories in life happened around the dinner table. Some groups will share a

    meal and some will serve desserts or snacks.


    Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for

    you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with

    them. (Matthew 18:19-20)

    Life Groups are a place where we pray together, support each other through the hard time and

    celebrate prayers answered! (*Set a rule up front that if prayer requests are taken, the time will

    be limited and requests will be shared respectfully and not guised as gossip).

  • Care/Serve We know what real love is because Christ gave up His life for us. And so we also ought to give up

    our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters. (1 John 3:16 NLT)

    Life Groups are a place where we care about each other. Whether it is through prayer, making a

    meal for someone who is ill, noticing when someone is away, or speaking the truth in love, the

    life group experience is something we all need. Life Groups are a safe place where everyone

    should feel important, accepted and protected. Who do we serve?

    1. As individuals, we serve one another.

    2. As a team, we assist a missionary on a global scale.

    3. As a group, we bless our community when we do outreach together.

    As you can see, at TRWC we arent church inactionwe are a church IN ACTION! The book of Acts records the tremendous growth of the first church in Jerusalem. Small group meetings in homes were the foundation of the early church and they are foundation at TRWC. We believe the ACTS 2 church is the greatest church growth model of all time! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead

    ho: Life Groups are for EVERYONE! There may be Life Groups for married couples, women, men, seniors, young adults, moms with children and the list goes on! For

    groups with a specific audience (e.g., married couples or women), we ask that members

    that attend meet the criteria. In other words, no men at the womens group and no singles

    hanging out in the marriage group.

    A Life Group is a group of about 8-12 adults. Some groups may have up to 15-20 adults (or

    bigger if space allows) but are usually no smaller than 5 adults. Groups that are child friendly

    arrange for their own childcare and parents pitch in for babysitting costs.

    hen: Life Groups typically meet weekly. The life group leader decides upon the day and

    time of the group. There are 2 semesters and an optional summer term.

    Fall Semester starting _______ ending _______

    Winter/Spring Semester starting _______ ending _______

    Summer Semester Break (A limited number of groups will be offered on campus.)

    here: Life Groups are typically held in the Leaders home or a Host Home but may meet

    in coffee shops, restaurants, on the basketball courtyou name it!

    hy: 1. We are too busy not to. God created us to be in community with others. We may be busy these days but we arent connected.



    W W

  • 2. Life change happens in the context of relationships. God instituted the family. Relationships define us, grow us, challenge us, strengthen us and bless us. Our culture devalues personal relationships, but Scripture calls for it. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25)

    3. The BIGGER our church becomes, the smaller we must become. We believe our church can be larger and smaller at the same time. Life Groups are a way to connect people in a large body of believers with a small group for a small church feel.

    How do we do it?

    Our free-market small group system allows you, as a leader, to:

    1. Take something you are already doing and add purpose to it! Whether its a hobby or a gift, when purpose meets passion and Jesus is invited it, it can be used for the Lord.

    2. Start a group based on something you want to be doing. Whether its increasing your knowledge of the Holy Spirit, learning more about prayer or intentionally connecting with people, its a way to accomplish a personal goal while inviting others to join you.

    What is a Life Group? A group of people who are doing life together through learning together, progressing together and changing together. A Life Group is not a class and does not consist of just one person teaching while others listen.

    What is a Life Group Leader?

    Someone who accepts the commission to make disciples and to be a disciple.

    Someone who is willing to invite others on a journey to be more like Christ.

    Someone who doesnt have to be a Bible expert or trained counselor.

    Someone who is a student of Jesus.

    Life Groups exist so that we will sharpen each other to be more like JESUS!

  • Logging in to the TRWC website to contact members

    Go to www.TRWC.com

    -At the bottom/left of our page click on the box that looks like this:

    -You will now be able to enter your user name and password or create a login.

    -You will see a gray box on the right side (2nd box listed) that reads My Groups. Highlight the

    name of the group you are leading.

    -You now may view your roster. The roster will include name, phone number and email (if


    -If you click on the persons underlined name, it will bring up their address if you would like to

    send a card sometime.

    Email your Life Group

    -In bright blue, there is a section that has name, position, phone, email, edit position.

    -Next to NAME is a small box. Click that box and it will check all the people on your roster.

    -Uncheck the box next to each name anyone you DONT want the email to go to. Or, if you just

    want to email ONE person, click the box next to their name. The email will only go to those


    -Above that, on the right side, you will see a bright blue box that says Export Grid. Next to

    that, click on a white box on the right that says, I want to.

    -A drop down list will appear. Select

    Send a Message.

    -Fill in the email subject. It could be,

    Email from your Life Group Leader.

    -After you have written your email, click

    Send Message at the bottom.

    -Be patient, as it may appear nothing is

    happening at first. If you click it multiple times, your group will receive it that many times (e.g.,

    6, 7, etc.). A swirling circle will appear as your email is being sent.

    -After the message has sent, it will pop up a box that will say, Congratulations, your email was

    sent to 12 people (or however many have emails). It will also show you anyone who doesnt

    have email who will not receive the message and will display their phone number so you can

    call them. Call those people.

    -At the top it will show you how many people will get your email. You can click that and it will

    pull up the names of all those receiving your email.

    Jesus had regular contact with his life group (e.g., the 12 disciples). Lets follow Him!

    Contacting members initially and throughout the term is critical to your success as a leader.

    Aim to contact members 2-3 times per week via email or text.


  • Mark Attendance for Your Life Group

    -On the right side of your roster, you will see a bright blue box that says, Export Grid. Next to

    that is a white box on the right that says, I want to.

    -CLICK on I want to -A drop down list will appear. Toward the top of that page, click on I want to It is a

    dropdown list.

    -Select Mark Attendance and hit go.

    -Choose the correct marking date in red. Fill in the date or any date that month when your

    group met (just to get an idea of who is actively attending) NOT the day you are marking your

    attendance (e.g., the date of the life group you are marking attendance for).

    -Make sure Present is selected, as we want to mark who was present not who was absent.

    -Click the box next to each person who attended on that date so it is check marked.

    -At the bottom, next to the + is a section for comments, visitors names, etc. Enter any visitors

    names and their emails/information as well as any comments you want me to read to keep me

    in the loop of upcoming things with your group, challenges, highlights, etc.

    -Click Submit. Piece of cake!

    Print a Group Roster

    -There are 2 places on the right side (top of page and middle of page) that say, I want to

    -The top one is to PRINT A GROUP ROSTER.

    -Select that and a drop down menu will appear for you to print a roster.

    ***All personal information is to be kept confidential unless approved by the person.

    In other words, emails and phone numbers are not to be shared without permission.

    Members are not to be added to additional email lists without their consent, and

    products or services are not to be pushed through email or at the group.

  • Tools You Need for

    You First Life Group Gathering

    1. People are contacted ahead of time

    with what to expect (send a text or

    email reminder the day before).

    2. Set the atmosphere in your home

    (e.g., music & stocked bathroom).

    3. Be at the door welcoming people.

    4. Have someone in the main space that

    is talking to people after you welcome


    5. Enlist friends to assist with


    6. Use nametags for several weeks.

    7. Pray and eat first. This will ease

    everyone into conversation with


    8. Take time for introductions.

    9. Start with your extraverts first.

    10. Do a short icebreaker for the first few


    11. Do a 5-minute overview of why we

    have life groupsACTS 2 church.

    12. Model generosity. Introduce the

    missionary and pass the bucket.

    13. Set expectations for group


    14. Dont force discussion the first few


    15. Talk about confidentialitysafe


    16. End on time.

    17. Make sure the teaching segment is


    All Life Group Gatherings

    1. Set the atmosphere (e.g., Christian

    music playing, clean space, tidy

    bathroom---soap, towels, extra toilet

    paper, air freshener/candle, plunger---


    2. Pray over the food and eat first (if


    3. Sit with those you want to connect


    4. Identify your targets.

    5. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you set

    movement goals for members.

    6. Be ready to carry the group the first

    few sessions.

    7. Always be ready to answer your own


    8. Leader doesnt lecture.

    9. Leader asks open-ended questions

    within time parameters.

    10. Talk about the missionary, pass the

    bucket and pray for the missionary.

    11. Leader enlists others to help (roles).

    12. Leader keeps the group on track.

    13. Leader has the best interest of the

    whole group; one person doesnt


    14. Leader stays focused on the purpose

    of the group.

    15. Leader contacts members 2-3 times

    per week.

    16. Leader prays for members.

    17. Leader and group identify an outreach

    project later in the term.

  • Sample Flow of a Meeting 1. Pray over the food or if not eating, open with prayer. 2. Eat and fellowship. 3. For the first meeting or two, do an icebreaker and introductions with the group. 4. Gather everyone for the teaching. 5. Collect for our Missionary____________________________, and remind everyone

    why we give. We ask every adult to bring $1 and every child to bring $.25 to each group meeting. Pray for the missionary. We sow into others because they dont have:

    The Bible we hold. The Jesus we know. The resources we have. The ability to gather with fellow Christians.

    6. Teaching. 7. Discussion. 8. Closing prayer. 9. Sign up for food for the next life group and remind members of the next group time. 10. Dismissal. Its very important to close after 2 hours so people that need to leave may

    do so. If you are still going, at the very least, take a 5-minute bathroom/beverage break so those who want to leave can do so comfortably.

    Recommended 2-hour home group time frame:

    6:30-7:10 Potluck dinner (all pitch in)

    7:10-7:15 Food sign-ups; optional missions offering 7:15-7:45 Teaching segment 7:45-8:20 Discussion and sharing 8:20-8:30 Prayer 8:30 Dismiss ***Throughout the week, the leader makes 2-3 contacts via text/email

    Icebreakers (remember not to ask questions about faith/church at your first meeting if you have unsaved people in your group):

    Who is someone who has influenced your growth as a Christian? What did they do? What do you hope to get out of this life group? Where did you live when you were growing up? What is your favorite childhood memory? What is your earliest recollection of God? What did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do now? What is the farthest place you have ever traveled to? Who was your favorite teacher, and why? Where would you live if you could move anywhere in the world, and why? If you could have three wishes come true, what would they be?

  • Atmosphere is everything Think of a recent group experience that you really enjoyed. What made the teaching so wonderful, the time so fulfilling or the prayer so powerful? What was it that you were looking forward to and you refused to miss? Strive for that in each Life Group meeting that you have. The goal is to get them to come back!

    Atmosphere is unseen; yet you know when its there and when its not. Its invisible yet it is perhaps the most powerful element of a meeting. It is atmosphere. As a leader it is your role to set the tone and culture of your group. Atmosphere does not just happen! Life Groups are an expression of church in your home. Your meeting reflects the heart and vision of Twin Rivers Worship Center and the Acts 2 church. There should be a culture of unity. People should be excited for the next meeting and every meeting after that.

    Your Main Role ***The primary goal of a life group leader is to move each person in the group one step further in his or her walk with Christ.

    Childcare Childcare enables people with children who could otherwise not attend a group to be able to connect. Each Life Group will be responsible for its own workable childcare plan. It is recommended that sitters get at least $4 per child, max $12 per family. If a family is having difficulty paying for childcare, contact the Discipleship Pastor.


    People are trusting you and Twin Rivers Worship Center with sensitive, personal information

    and we need to ensure that we protect that information. That means you must be able to

    keep all information to yourself, the Discipleship Pastor and the Life Group Team Leaders

    only. It is equally important that you do notify the Discipleship Pastor with concerns. By

    law, you are required to alert someone:

    1. If someone threatens to harm themselves. 2. If someone threatens to harm someone else. 3. If any form or potential form of child abuse it taking place.

    We do not live in fear (2 Timothy 1:7), because we have not been given a spirit of fear.

    However, we do want to be prepared. Being equipped is not giving into fear. Rather, it is

    tightening our defenses prior to any enemy attack (Ephesians 6:10-18).

    TRWC Policies

    For the comfort and protection of everyone involved, members may not attend groups that

    specify a limited audience. For example, a single man would not be welcomed at a marriage

    group, a person in their 40s would not be welcomed at the 20s group and a woman would

    not be welcomed at a mens group. Additionally, groups that are not child friendly should be

  • maintained as adult only groups. Registered sex offenders are not allowed at life groups

    where children are present, in life group homes where children live or at life group

    sponsored events where children are present.

    We walk alongside people and point them to Christ Jesus asked questions and let them draw conclusions Jesus turned ordinary conversations into God conversations Jesus rarely gave advice----He pointed people to the Word Jesus corrected inaccuracies but not in a rude or boastful way Jesus came alongside and modeled Godly behavior Jesus sought to move people to the next step We produce self feeders so people dont rely on us We provide members with the tools to use themselves We dont treat symptoms (fear, depression, etc.) We point hurting people toward intimacy with God Trials are triumphs used to glorify Christ We pray about it more than talking about it We follow up with scripture

    2 Timothy 3 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. We teach people the commands of Jesus and are rewarded for it! Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:19) God created us for a good work (e.g., of being a life group leader) and He has prepared us! For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

    Group Dynamics Give time for discussion. Avoid doing all the talking. A good guideline is the 50/50 rule. Approximately 50% of the speaking should be from members and 50% from the leader. If using DVD curriculum, the leader speaks much less and helps facilitate conversation.

    Carefully lead the conversation back to the topic when tangents occur. Where sensitive issues or complex questions arise, follow up one-on-one afterward. Be sensitive to the Lost or New Believer. New believers may not grasp phrases that

    are common to us (i.e. spiritual warfare, washed in the blood, etc.). Steer the discussion in a direction where everyone can participate but people arent

    forced to speak if they arent comfortable. Some people may need more time to think before speaking than others in the group.

  • If a person has a tendency to take over the meeting, carefully utilize your role as leader to limit their talk time. If you set ground rules up front, that will help.

    Be prepared to change the direction of the meeting if needed. The primary goal is to create an environment where people are connecting with God and one another.

    Utilize your timekeeper to keep things moving but in a way that is not rigid. Make sure that people feel welcomed upon entering and leaving.

    Stages Groups Go Through

    Stage One: Connection (Discovery Phase) 4-8 Meeting

    Members wonder if they fit in.

    Members try to connect with others.

    Members decide if they will stay with the


    Begin building relationships.

    Leader fosters trust in the group.

    Leader promotes sharing and edification.

    Leader sees what is and isnt working.

    Stage Two: Grow 4-8 Meeting

    Members ask, Am I growing?

    Members express feelings.

    Members look for ways to serve/take ownership.

    Leader empowers others to use gifts.

    Leader determines spiritual needs of the groups.

    Leader identifies areas of growth in members.

    Leader celebrates progress.

    Stage Three: Serve 10-20 Meeting

    Members take risks with other members.

    Members step outside their comfort zone.

    Members assist in promoting community.

    Members take ownership.

    Leader fosters accountability.

    Leader plans service projects/events.

    Leader grooms future leaders.

    Leader helps the group celebrate wins!

  • Recommended Life Group Member Roles

    Life Group Leader: Responsible for leading the lesson and group discussion. The person may

    also be a Home Host if hosting the group in his/her home.

    Home Host: Responsible for setting the atmosphere in the home and welcoming people (i.e.,

    clean environment, pets put in another room, bathrooms cleaned and fully stocked with


    Set-up Coordinator: Arrives 15-30 minutes early to assist the leader with set-up.

    Clean-up Coordinator: Ensures the home is not left in disarray and is put back to normal.

    Food Coordinator: Responsible for putting together a calendar and sign-up for food/themes.

    This person may arrive 15 minutes early to help with set up.

    Time Keeper: Responsible for keeping track of time so there is ample time for the lesson,

    fellowship, food and prayer. He/she will give the group a 15-minute warning before its

    quitting time and call time when the 2 hours has been completed. It is important to end on

    time as people have other obligations. However, if the group is at a critical point, the leader

    may lead the group past the 2-hour time frame by taking a 5-minute break so those that

    need to leave have an exit point and dont feel they are disrupting the flow.

    Secretary: Responsible for taking attendance and turning it in to the leader. May send email

    reminders of upcoming group sessions for the leader and reminders of who signed up for

    certain food items/tasks. Though it is preferred that the leader contact people who had to

    miss, the secretary could call or email if the leader is unable to do so. The important thing is

    that new people and anyone who was absent are followed up on.

    Outreach Coordinator: Responsible for coordinating the outreach project for the group to

    participate in at least 1-2 times per year (or more as the group is led).

    Babysitting Coordinator: For child friendly groups, this person is responsible for ensuring the

    babysitters get picked up and dropped off. They will also collect money from parents to give

    to the babysitters. The Babysitting Coordinator should arrive at least 15 minutes early to

    assist with these tasks. If groups are participating in a parent co-op, he/she will put together

    a schedule.

  • How to Serve on the Life Group Team

    Life Group Team Leaders: Those willing to help train, recruit, support and select Life Group

    Leaders. It makes sense that most Team Leaders are also Life Group Leaders (but not

    necessarily in every instance). Team leaders also assist with Life Group visits and Life Groups

    fairs 2-3 times per year.

    Life Group Leaders: Leaders will lead a Life Group weekly or 2 times per month in their

    home, a host home or alternate site (i.e., coffee shop). Leaders are mature Christians who:

    1. Have attended TRWC for a minimum of one year (or have a reference from a

    previous church).

    2. Believe wholeheartedly in the Life Groups ministry as a model for discipleship and

    connecting others.

    3. Are comfortable leading a group of people in prayer, through a study, or through a

    hobby or activity-related time.

    4. Have been recommended by their former Life Group Leader.

    5. Have been through Connect Track if new to TRWC in the last year.

    Life Group Home Hosts: Those with the gift of hospitality, who are willing to host a Life

    Group in their home (but not necessarily lead).

    Training Coordinator: Assists the Discipleship Pastor by instructing and developing new

    recruits. Coordinators assist the Discipleship Pastor with training topics and training

    meetings for the Life Group Leaders.

    Team Recruiter: The recruiter is focused on finding individuals within the church that would

    be a good fit for the Life Group ministry as either a Life Group Leader or Home Host (or


  • What We Believe

    We believe the entire Bible to be the inspired, infallible Word of God, the revelation of Gods will for man and the divine and final authority for a Christian life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

    We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, who is revealed in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4); (John 15:26)

    We acknowledge Jesus Christ as true God and true man conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, crucified, and resurrected our High Priest and Advocate now seated at the right hand of God the Father. (Matthew 1:18); (Hebrews 12:2) We believe in personal salvation and forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, acknowledging every persons need for the grace and mercy of God. (Romans 3:23-24); (Ephesians 1:7); (1 Peter 1:3); (1 John 1:9)

    We believe in the eventual resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost. (John 14:1-3); (1 John 5:11); (Revelation 20:15)

    We baptize in water all those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ and who desire to publicly identify with Him, in accordance with the Bibles command. (Matthew 28:19); (Acts 8:36-39); (Romans 6:4)

    We believe in the present supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ and instruct and empower every believer for Godly living and service. (John 16:13-14); (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

    We believe that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a promise from the Father for every believer and is distinct and subsequent to the experience of the new birth. Speaking in tongues, as the Holy Spirit gives utterance, is a physical indication of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:11); (Acts 2:4, 38-39, 19:4-6)

    We serve the Lords Supper and, according to Scripture, remember Jesus sacrifice on the Cross and celebrate His resurrection power. (Luke 22:19-20); (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

    We believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and that His appearance will be accompanied by a bodily resurrection of those who have died in Christ. (Matthew 24:29-31); (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

    We believe that Jesus is the Healer. (Isaiah 53:5); (Matthew 8:16-17); (James 5:14-15); (1 Peter 2:24)

    We believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer. (Philippians 4:6-7); (James 5:15-16) We believe in Gods terrific plan for each of His followers to honor God and help people. (Matthew 5:16, 25:40); (Jeremiah 29:11)

  • January Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • February Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • March Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • April Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • May Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • June Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • July Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • August Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • September Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • October Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • November Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • December Life Group Leader Team Notes

  • My Life Group Roster

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