Program Organization Program Organization Jerry Campbell Jerry Campbell Head Football Coach Head Football Coach Victoria Memorial High Victoria Memorial High School School E-Mail E-Mail [email protected] Web Site: Web Site: www.jcfb.com Cell / 361-571-0463 Cell / 361-571-0463

Jerry Campbell Program Organization

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Page 1: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Program OrganizationProgram Organization

Jerry CampbellJerry CampbellHead Football CoachHead Football Coach

Victoria Memorial High SchoolVictoria Memorial High SchoolE-Mail E-Mail [email protected]

Web Site: Web Site: www.jcfb.comCell / 361-571-0463Cell / 361-571-0463

Page 2: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

The success of our program will be our ability to communicate; and realize that in order to run a top-notch program will require the input off all those involved and the willingness to share in the success and

failures, the ups and downs of those who sacrifice the time, and provide the internal commitment to the future of the “Viper Football”


Vision for the Memorial “Viper’s” Football Program“To make sure that the football program will be respected as one of the best

football programs in the state”“Where We Go One, We Go All.”

150 % Effort“We Are Only As Good As the Last Person so, How Good Will We Be”

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“Besides Teaching Our Athletes What You Know, Show Them That You Care”

The Building of an Attitude – Memorial High SchoolThe following information will be the norm for how we establish our football

program and a winning attitude. We must expect from our athletes and from ourselves the strength from within to be the difference maker.



1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5

ATTITUDE and EFFORT IS OUR FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS – and is the 150% vehicle in which our staff and athletes must ride to make the difference.

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The letters in the word ATTITUDE = 100% represent their placement in the alphabet. We must find away within our program to generate another 50% effort to be the best. This will come from talking it and demanding the best possible effort from our coaches and players. Each and everyday that teams take the field, coaches demand and expect that their team give 100-110% effort. We must distance our self’s from that in order to make a difference. Our ability to give 150% effort equals the difference maker. Dare to be different. Our success is not about any one person’s ego and what he wants; it must be what’s best for the group (Church, family, coaches, players, school, community, etc.).

F orget The Past We must concentrate on what we are going to do now and in the future.

O ut Work Our Opponent Leave no stones unturned.

C ommitment Be the best – talk it – live it.

U tilize our Abilities Find away to put our athletes in the best position to succeed.

S eek Personal Bests Must challenge our self's each and everyday to get better.

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If The Dream Is To Become a Reality:

The Building of a Championship Program – the following information should be talked and expected by all our football coaches. To be the best takes Effort and

Commitment. We all are an extension of each other.

Expect it to Happen – 150% EffortTalk and think in terms of success – believe it will happenAsk that our athletes give 150% in what ever they do.Dream Big – Stay Focused Develop a plan - Believe in it – Improve it constantlyAnalyze and make our plan fit; it must fit our personnelNo one person more important than the team.Coaches must be able to support each other at all levels.

Develop a Great Learning EnvironmentWe will involve everyone in the community if possible. Develop players who are dedicated and unselfish, only as good as the last guy. Sacrifice – Team – Hold the Rope – Stay FocusedStay in front of the learning curve

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If The Dream Is To Become A Reality:

Always Stay PositiveCoaches should always look for good in our players – attitude, performance, work habits, etc.Have discipline and be consistent. Each position coach must get involved in the personal lives of his players.Make each player on our team understand that they have a role in the success of our team whether as a starter or as a back up.Accountability both coaches and players the key ingredient, each person has a piece of the pie.If there is something you don’t like about the program then work to make it better.

Have a Great Positive In-SeasonThis is where we will maintain the edge i.e. classroom, weight room, conditioning, getting involved with your position players. Our season must also be determined by the amount of work and sacrifice we develop in the in-season programs.Develop great Team Leaders, lead by example.Maintain Speed – Quickness – Strength – Unity – Mental Toughness.

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Main Objectives of the In-Season Football Program

Develop Mental Toughness In Our Athletes. (Must Win the Mental Battles)Do all the little things right all the time.Our athletes must take coaching. Coaches must demand that our athletes follow our team rules.Coaches need to go the extra mile to make sure the little things are taken care of.

Physical Strength and QuicknessWeight Room, Classroom – Championships are Made and Maintained here.Strength and quickness drills must compliment the schemes.

IntensityEverything is done at a high level of enthusiasm and competitiveness – Push each other and work at top position skill level.Never be satisfied.All out effort - All the time – 150% effort during group and team periods.Coaches and players must expect more of themselves and players

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Main Objectives of the In-Season Football Program

Unity – Coaches and Players Always “US” and “WE” not “I” and “ME”. Make being on the TEAM the greatest experience of our athlete’s life.We are fortunate – God gave us the ability to coach and our athletes the ability to play.Hard work together + Unity of Team. Encourage each other to work harder – the harder we work, the harder it is to surrender. Remember, if you don’t invest very much then losing doesn’t hurt very much, this applies to both players and coaches.Players want coaches that care about them, become apart of your position players lives.

The Difference Between Us and Them We do work harder – 100% them / 150% us.Discipline.Never walk on the practice field, don’t be the one we must wait on.With hard work we can accomplish it – it will be done. Football is no sport for a lazy coach or athlete.We will sweat the small stuff. The little things we do will make us champions. Our success – Our attitude – Our work habits. These are the choices we make. CHOOSE SUCCESS!

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Football Starts in the Classroom!!

Educational, and Coaching Philosophies

One thing can be said: “You can take football from me, but you can never take my education away”.

The talk of getting an education will always take precedence over athletics. I believe that athletics and academics can and should work hand in hand. Establishing discipline in any program starts in the classroom. There is no reason that we should not strive to be champions in the classroom, as well as champions on the playing field. Discipline in the classroom means discipline on the playing field.

It is very important to see athletics as a part of the total educational program. It should both compliment and contribute to the overall educational and athletic process. For many student athletes it is the most effective climate for learning the invaluable lessons of personal integrity, determination, self-confidence, and proper mental attitude (discipline starts in the classroom). Individual and group responsibilities along with the desire to achieve high goals will be the basic objectives of our athletic programs.

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What You Can Expect From the Head Coach and Boys Athletic Coordinator

To be accountable for all actions. When we win it will be because of our assistant coaches and players. If we lose it will be because of the Head Football Coach, but I will make necessary changes to the program if needed.

To deal with all coaching situations with honor and integrity. If we as coaches need to discuss potential problems and or disagreements it will be behind closed doors, and to let you know privately when you have been derelict of duties and publicly to promote your successes.

To run an organized program so that we will be able to function efficiently. I want our coaches coaching our athletes, becoming apart of their lives and to be someone they can trust first and foremost.

To maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to work.To listen to your suggestions.To give you ownership, responsibility and authority.To work and provide leadership to win.To treat you like a man with dignity and respect.To be totally concerned about you and your family, regardless of what problems confront you.To be very loyal to you and do everything a head coach can do to help you grow professionally.To sell you to our administration, players, community, and other coaches.To let you coach on the field within your personality.

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

“A good coach makes better players out of border line athletes and often makes good players out of mediocre ones. A good coach emphasizes their abilities – enables them to make the most of their god given talents – gives them the best chance for success by putting the right player in the right place.”

Robert Zuppke

To be the very best classroom teacher, and on the field coach that you can be. Make sure that you stay on top of your department heads expectations also; this means lesson plans, etc.

Never use profanity around our athletes and never allow our players to.

Never use tobacco around school, field house, practice fields; this means coaches and players. We have a Tobacco free campus, No Tobacco In The Field House!

It is the athlete’s responsibility to please the coach and not the coach’s place to please the players. Our job as coaches is to run a top-flight program that will eventually lead to continued success. As coaches we have an obligation to run a disciplined program that will be successful in the long run. To do anything else is unfair to the coaches and athletes who want to win. Don’t worry about what your fellow coaches are doing. Just do your job and do it well. When hanging out around the field house and our kids are in the locker room and you find yourself with nothing to do please go and visit with our players. This will be expected

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

Don’t allow anything to lie around the athletic area, which includes the locker room, and weight room and dome areas. Our Strength Coach as well as our assistant coaches will be responsible for the up keep of the weight room. All coaches please pitch in to help in keeping the field house clean.

If you have an assignment that requires you to supervise the locker room, dome, and weight room areas please make sure our athletes keep it clean and they are picking up after themselves.

Don’t run off right after practice, pitch in there’s always something to do, check in with the coordinators or head coach before leaving.

Don’t expect anything less than perfection in every aspect of the football program.

Don’t leave the locker rooms unsupervised when our athletes are still inside.

Don’t keep score; coaches must take pride in their assigned responsibilities.

Coaches will be expected to be on time for all staff meetings and practices, unless you have notified the head coach of a problem. Follow the fifteen-minute rule, if we expect our athletes to follow this rule then we as coaches need to follow it also.

To be a positive role model.

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

To do everything you can do to develop a winning attitude.

To study and work hard to make yourself a great coach. Educational growth is a must for any coach in order to maintain, sustain and develop new innovative ways of coaching, new teaching techniques, and better ways to improve teaching.

To be professional in attitude, responses, work and personal appearance.Never involve your spouse in the coaching situation in a negative manner.

To be sincerely interested in the success of our players and other members of the coaching staff.

Never give up on a player. He can always change and likely will if given the chance by you.To be positive and never doubt that we will be successful.

To be loyal to the program. If you have problems with the head coach or any of our other coaches please keep your comments in house they don’t belong out in the community.

To be creative and have the ability to think on your own and apply gained knowledge of the game. Please don’t wait to be told what to do.

To be on the same page with each other (offense, defense) when taking the practice or game field. Never take your disagreements to practice.

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

Don’t get complacent as the season goes on. Don’t let the little things slide in the discipline of our players; this will lead to bad habits.

Have a plan for everything. Be organized.

Do not choose favorites. Work with every player on the squad.

If you are going to leave campus or be absent from assigned duties please check in with the appropriate staff member in charge of teachers.

When taking the field know where you belong, be waiting for your players, don’t have players waiting on you.

Utilize instruction time before and after practice. As a rule of thumb use the “15 minute rule” if I arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time then I’m on time; if I arrive 10 minutes early I’m 5 minutes late; if I arrive 5 minutes early then I’m 10 minutes late; and if I arrive on the scheduled time then my players are waiting for you.Have something to say after each effort. Remember, this is coaching and “don’t coach out of frustration.” Don’t just tell an athlete what he is doing wrong, show him how to correct it; this builds credibility.

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

Stay alert for players with injuries or heat problems. Refer to trainer.

Strive to make your group the best on the field, take pride in your work.

Do not experiment with drills during practice, have your work thought out, and make sure it fits the scheme.

Always strive to improve your individual position technique that you are teaching your athletes.

Never lose your poise or confidence, coach those things that you know how to fix.

As a position coach, expect to be talked to if something avoidable goes wrong.Our practices must be organized; talk in meetings not on the field, repetition is the most important key, repetition instills learning. Don’t hold clinics on the field.

Players must perform on the practice field with a since of urgency, hustle is the key ingredient.

Pay strict attention to the scheduled time segments. Wear a watch to practice, take a whistle to the practice field and don’t forget your practice schedule.

Don’t relax during any segment. All segments are very important, or they would not be included.

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Expectations Of Our Assistant Coaches

Gain the respect from your players, don’t demand respect, you must earn it.

Coach our players all year long, “talk football”. Encourage them to “hang around the field house”, to work on a position specialty skill, and to work in the weight room.

Talk the importance of classroom demeanor, doing well in class, staying current on all classroom assignments and homework. Character in the classroom is key.

If you get tired pray for strength, because as a staff we are only as strong as our weakest link.

Coaches will be asked to make thorough preparation for carrying out their responsibilities at each and every practice session, off-season and in-season events. Coaches will be asked to personally assume the responsibility for preparing any necessary charts and drill situations to accomplish smoothly and efficiently the teaching expected of him on and off the field.

Always be optimistic. The glass is half full.

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What We As Coaches Will Expect From Our Athletes

A. Behavior Expectations of Our Student Athlete’s

Accept and understand the seriousness of their responsibility, their commitment tosuccess and the privilege of representing their school and their community.

Live up to the standards of sportsmanship established by the school administration and the Districts athletic code of conduct.

Learn the rules of the game thoroughly and discuss them with parents, fans, fellow students and elementary students. This will assist both them and you in the achievement of a better understanding and appreciation of the game.

Treat opponents the way you would like to be treated, as a guest or friend. Who better than you to understand all the hard work and team effort that is required of your sport?

Wish opponents good luck before the game and congratulate them in a courteous manner following either victory or defeat.

Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. The officials are doing their best to help promote you and your sport. Treating them with respect, even if you disagree with their judgment, will only make a positive impression of you and your team in the eyes of the officials and all the people at the event.

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What We As Coaches Will Expect From Our Athletes

Always use Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am; No Sir, No Ma’am.

Position coaches will be responsible for teaching his position players how to play hard between the whistle and how to act between plays. Absolutely no trash talking!!!

To give their very best effort towards receiving a quality education.

Do the right thing; make good decisions that won’t affect them, their families and or the football program in a negative way.

Always give their best effort for the team, teammates, and themselves.

To treat all teachers with full respect or to treat others the way you want to be treated.

To be an athlete of Character.

Abide by team and school rules. Must stay clean-shaven.

Sacrifice for the team, each individual is only as good as the team.

Be the best person that they can be, be a role model for others.

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Discipline Consequences in Season and During Athletic Periods

Each position coach must pay attention to his position players if any of these infractions occur and if so be responsible for taking appropriate action to insure it doesn’t happen again.Late for practice or class – Quality time with coachSkipping class during athletic period, off-season – Quality time with coachNot wearing proper issued clothing – Quality time with coachNot shaving - Quality time with coach.Leaving locker unlocked – Quality time with coach.Inappropriate language – Quality time with coachLosing equipment – Quality time with coach and cost of replacing equipment.Leaving equipment out on the floor – Quality time with coach.

Punishment Running After Practice

For each offense a “Dirty 300” will be given a player after practice. The commitment coaches or position coach will be responsible for punishment running after practice. Definition of a “Dirty 300”.100-yard forward sprint.100-yard back pedal.100-yard Bear Crawl.When performing the bear crawl the athlete’s knee should not touch the ground, if a knee touches then the athlete will start the “Dirty 300” over again.

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Approach to Practice Sessions

Nothing is more important to the success of our football program than the time we spend on the practice field. The important thing is how we utilize this time. The time we spend preparing for practice is as important as the actual time we spend on the field. The only way we can determine whether our practices are organized or not is by what we accomplish on the field during our allotted time. Whether we win or lose on Friday night is determined how we practiced during the week. In other words we’ll play like we practice. “Must Practice Like Champions.”

During pre-season practices, we must get our team fundamentally sound. We must attempt to prepare our self’s to play a game the week prior to the opening season. Compile a “must list” and make certain every situation is covered on it. Both Offensive and Defensive coordinators must conduct a game like scrimmage and do not conclude it until every situation that might arise during the season is covered prior to our first scrimmage.

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Practice Philosophy and Guidelines for Coaches The 150% Factor

Utilization of practice time is of utmost importance. We must have practice segments organized to the minute. Each segment will last 5 minutes but not longer than 10 minutes in duration. Each segment should be coached to its fullest potential and once the period is over then we must proceed to the next period, no exceptions. By sticking to this routine, it forces us to coach hard and to near game like situation. Coaches must stay aware of the time and practice segment we are in.

Coaches are to get as much “talking” done as possible before going onto the field. We do not want to slow down the tempo of practice. Enthusiasm is a vital role in a good practice. By standing around and “talking” to our players will sometimes slow down their intensity. Players need to know that when they step onto the grass they must be a 150% player as well as the coach being a 150% coach to his players. Our practices should be sharp, enthusiastic, with lots of hustle. This can only be possible if we have “A Unified Coaching Staff” which means all our coaches involved in the football program demanding the same style of play. Be Positive … Coach up and make our players the best that they can be, each player should be made to feel important to the overall success of the program.

As a staff we must stress to our players the importance of a great work ethic. If our opponent runs 10 – 100 yard sprints then we must run 10 better. It is my belief as the Head Football Coach is that if we are going to change the attitude of our players then we must change the attitude and expectations of our self’s as coaches for what it takes to win and go the distance. The little Things Make The Difference, I Will Never Compromise My Beliefs, and Our Expectations of a Quality Practice (150% effort).

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Practice and Development Considerations

The following information is basic practice and drill considerations each coach will be asked to remember when installing and developing their position players. The following information must be adhered to when taking the practice field and preparing our football team for a championship run. We have an eight-hour rule under U.I.L. for allocated practice time during the week.

Give each player a chance to succeed and be positive. We’re only as good as the last guy; so how good will our players be? How important will you make each player feel in relationship to the success of our football program?

Push players to their full maximum effort during individual, group and team periods.When not installing techniques and introducing schemes make your “Drill Atmosphere” as near game like as possible.

Teach at the top position skill level in your group don’t coach down.

Correct all techniques and assignment errors immediately. When working in group settings and or team make sure we all take notice of our position players the little aspects of technique and correct them if needed.

Maintain positive discipline – control the desired results – stress execution.

Teach high percentage repetitions with low group discussion, repetition develops position skills.Skills are perfected by “Repetition”.

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Practice and Development Considerations

Skills are perfected by “Repetition” – move players fast through drills, use the 150% factor for developing our players.

Begin new practice periods as fast as possible; keep an eye on the segment clocks.

Must be able to coach first key reactions to our position players and make this important. This is where the stimulus response works.

Teach the easiest way to complete your desired results for positions drills – repetition continues to be the key.

As a position coach stress basic skill techniques, the game is secondary. The coordinators will provide the direction for scheme.

Instill in our athletes a positive work ethic built around the 150% factor and giving all they have during our scheduled practice periods. We will play like we practice.

Be persistent in demanding that techniques are performed correctly. As an example if you are responsible for coaching defensive backs than on any given snap all your position athletes should be observed and corrected. This is called coaching on the run.

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Practice and Development Considerations

Coach at near game like player reaction as possible.

Plan and only use drills that relate to specific position assignments that the coordinators will use. Check your practice schedules before taking the field.

End practice segments on the whistle – start new drill as soon as possible. No standing around. Each coach will be required to take a whistle to practice.

Coordinators have practice schedules ready and available prior to practice. Coaches must check with coordinators for practice schedules before taking the field.

When working with other groups (example OL vs DL) get your group ready quickly – do not wait for the other group – reps are the most important thing. Be sure to set your equipment up prior to the first period on the segment clock starts.

Recognize fatigue and be ready to adjust your drills accordingly. Your position players should be encouraged to drink water when needed, don’t deny a player if water is asked for.

The most important thing to remember as a coach in our football program; your coaching image can change the football life of your position players. Get involved with your players and be concerned about their personal lives.

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General Coaching AxiomsEach and every coach in our program has an obligation to push his athletes in order to achieve things they never thought possible (In-Season, Off-season, Classroom, Weight room). An athlete and or coach can become whatever he thinks he can be, but he must be willing to pay the price with effort and dedication. Not everyone can be a coach and or player. One must pay the price to be apart of a successful football program. Any organization that is easy to be a member of generally isn’t worth being apart of.

Dress for Success During The Season And The Off – Season.

Dress neatly at all times, especially when meeting parents, administrators, attending professional clinic (coaching school) etc. Please wear practice and game clothes that have been issued and represent your particular campus. When attending any clinic and especially coaching school, long pants will be worn.

Chain Of CommandI’m not impressed with the title of head coach, but grateful to have the opportunity to be the head coach in Victoria. Everyone on our staff will be made to feel that his voice and opinion matters. However, someone has to have the final say. As the head coach I will take all blame for lack of success, but willing to make the necessary changes to insure future success. If the football program develops a problem and you, as the position coach can’t solve it, bring it to the head coach and give me your recommendations for a positive solution.

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Football Staff Office Hours

The basic rule is to work long enough, to get the job done. Should not get caught up in busy work, coaches’ need time to themselves and for their families during the season and off-season, but understand this is a 5-A football program that must raise its standards of expectations of our self’s as coaches and as athletes to get the job done no matter what the hours are. A coach needs to be flexible, but understand that this is not an 8 to 5 job, but a profession. Do what it takes to get the job down; don’t shortchange the other coaches and or our players. Please have all notable changes to defense and offensive schemes, practice schedules, weight room, week-end duties, coaches assignments, staff meeting times and responsibilities discussed with Head Football Coach prior to any changes being made. Because I like to be at the office does not mean you or the other coaches have to be there at the same time. When our work is finished it is time to go home. Our assistant coaches’ departure from school during the football season will be left up to our coordinators unless I as the head coach have appointed coaches for a specific assignment. I will ask that all coaches pitch in to make sure all responsibilities have been completed on game night and that the dressing rooms are always supervised, no coach should be excused until the last player has left and the laundry and any other duties have been completed.

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Hard WorkWhile the head coach’s time is not more valuable than yours, neither is yours more valuable then mine. Be prompt in completing all your assigned duties and be prepared to discuss duties performed. Be a self-starter and make a personal commitment to excellence. Get the job done regardless of the hours involved. If you love your job, you will never count the hours. Accept responsibilities, accept duties, make personal sacrifices, improve your knowledge of football, and constantly strive to exhibit to your players your commitment to the program and to them.

LoyaltyLoyalty to the program is a prime ingredient for success. If the program is going to be loyal to you then you must be loyal to the head football coach, school, administration, team, fellow coaches, and our athletes.. You must be willing to listen and change if necessary and to except suggestions that the head coach makes according to schemes and or personnel changes if the staff is going to be successful. You must defend and hold each other up at all times this means the head coach as well. Never discuss anything but good qualities about the staff and the program. Loyalty is a two way street.

UnityOur staff can’t be split between offense and defensive staffs. No-second guessing. It must be understood that we will win together and or lose together. All disagreements and problems should be handled in private. If there is a disagreement don’t take it into the community and or onto the field; parents and kids pick up on this fast.

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Staff Expectations and Relationships

There is only one Head Football Coach and I will count on each coach to take full responsibility for his assigned duties and to up hold the integrity of the program and its philosophies.

As a staff we must be prompt for all staff meetings and practice sessions. All meetings and practice sessions are mandatory and if for some reason you can’t be at a scheduled meeting or practice please notify Coach Campbell. Make sure you check with head coach and or coordinators for staff meetings and our schedule chances to our daily routines.

Philosophies and agreed upon offense, defense and kicking game procedures must be presented to the Head Coach before changing.

As the head coach, coordinators should please present all game plans prior to the first Monday meeting with players during the season. Due to past experiences it must be pointed out that as a coach and staff if we go out into the community that we don’t draw any undo attention to our program in a negative way.

Assistant coaches will be held accountable for their position players and coaching styles. No bad language in the program. No negative trash talking during games and or practices once the whistle has blown. Position coaches will be accountable for the whereabouts of their position players if missing from practice or games. If a position coach is missing a player a phone call should be made immediately to see if the player is at home, etc. We must teach our athletes how to play with action not words.

If any negative situation occurs during a game such as a fight between our athletes and opposing team both the head coach and coordinators will be the only coaches to enter the field and attempt to stop our players from escalating the situation. The rest of the staff will be asked to make sure all other athletes remain on the sideline.

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Coaches please make sure when we prepare our practice plans that we allocate time for water breaks. No athlete should be denied if he feels that he needs water. Our trainer will make sure that his staff has stationed enough water around the practice and playing field that no disruption in practice should occur. Athletes need to drink throughout the day (water, sports drinks, fruit juice, and non-caffeine drinks). Should drink at least 16 oz of fluids, 2 hours before practice or games. Drink another 8 oz’s of water, 15 minutes before practice or games to ensure proper hydration. Drink to fully replace sweat loss during exercise. Water will be readily available at all practices. Our student athletes will be encouraged to get water whenever they feel the need.

Memorial Staff MeetingsIt is always important that all coaches be at scheduled meetings on time, if there’s going to be a problem let the Head Coach and or Coordinators know. Please follow the 15-minute rule. It will be the responsibility of our assistant coaches to check in each day with coordinators for staff meetings and or any possible changes to schedules.

Opponent’s Propaganda Board - Locker RoomOur JV coaches will be responsible for our propaganda board located in the blue room during the season. This board will be done over the weekend and ready for our players when they return on Monday. Locate newspaper articles and any computer-generated information located on the web.

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Theme of the Week Senior Campus – Hall Board

We will have a theme of the week bulletin board; location for this board is located outside the training room. The theme of the week will be rotated weekly and maintained by the coaching

staff, with each coach assigned a topic. The theme of the week will last through the entire season and on into the play-offs if applicable. The information provided below is the assigned theme of the week topics. Each week’s topic should be posted no later than Sunday evening.

Week TopicOne Hydration TrainersTwo Character Coach StewartThree Leadership Coach McCarterFour Commitment Coach LupoFive Attitude Coach EblenSix Pride Coach Campbell Seven Excellence Coach BarnettEight Integrity Coach K. BarnettNine Effort Coach NewmanTen Adversity Coach RojasEleven Winning Coach Williams

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Commitment Coaches

Each week we will assign coaches to take care of the week’s needs. These assignments will be on a rotating bases or a permanent one depending upon our philosophy. Some of these things are:

Take care of all conduct running for tardies, missed workouts, meetings, etc.

Inspect dressing room before and after workouts.

Pick-up and start laundry for Varsity, JV and sophomore teams after evening workouts; report next morning to put clothes in dryer.

Any other duties that may be assigned by the head coach.

Make sure all doors leading to locker rooms are locked after athletic period and after practice.

Make sure all doors leading to the showers from varsity locker room are locked.

Check facility and make sure outside doors are locked when leaving for the evening.

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Laundry, Locker Room, and Extra Punishment Runs

Each week and on a rotating basis our commitment coaches will be responsible for laundry, locker room and discipline running (position coach) after practice. At the conclusion of each evenings practice, players will turn in their under clothes for laundry by placing them in their assigned laundry strap. Players will retrieve their laundry straps prior to the start of athletic period the following day. All laundry straps will be assigned by laundry bin. Coach Escalona will be responsible for equipment left out on the floor and to make sure all lockers have been locked when our athletes leave the locker room for practice during the season. If equipment is left out and our a locker is left open he then will provide coaches responsible for Quality Time with their names.

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Dressing Room Supervision

When our athletes enter and leave the field house they should do so through the back doors of the locker room. Coach Major, Coach Eblen meet and greet at the back doors before practice and before athletic periods. Coach Major and Coach Eblen supervise back door before athletic period and Coach Taylor and McCarter after athletic period.

All coaches upon the completion of practice and assigned duties will be expected to be in the dressing room. Coach Barnett will monitor all dressing room responsibilities. If not a commitment coach during the week please be apart of walking through the locker room to visit with our players. If players leave any of their football equipment on the floor or lockers left open then this will constitute a “Dirty 300”.

It will be left up to the coach Escalona to lock up both JV and Varsity locker rooms once our athletes have left and cleared out for practice. Coach Escalona will also be responsible for checking to see if our athletes have locked their lockers, Coach Escalona will present those names of athletes to Coach Campbell who have left equipment out and who have left their lockers unlocked. Coach Boehm, Coach Perez, and Coach Williams will be responsible for supervising the JV locker room. Coach Barnett, Coach Stewart, Coach Newman, and Coach Rojas will be responsible for supervising the Varsity locker room during athletic period.Coach Hackey will assign duties for his coaching staff for the supervision for the Stroman campus.

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Game Week Schedule and Preparations

Monday – 2 hrs. 35 minutes Coaching staff (Sr. and Stroman) meets at 6:30 a.m. on senior campus.Athletes report and ready to go by 7:30 a.m.Athletic period hand out scouting reports, helmet stickers, watch filmPractice begins 4:15 pm, ends 6:1524 Periods of practice.Conditioning at 6:05 periods 23 & 24

Tuesday – 2 hrs 35 minutes Athletes report and ready to go by 8:05 a.m7:30 Weights, 8:00 a.m. Kicking GamePractice begins 4:15 pm, ends 6:1524 Periods of practice.Conditioning at 6:05 periods 23 & 24

Wednesday – 2 hrs. 35 minutesAthletes report and ready to go by 7:15 a.m 7:30 Individual time with position coaches.8:35 a.m. E.O.P.Practice begins 4:15 pm, ends 5:30

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Game Week Schedule and Preparations

Thursday – Athletic Period Only

Athletes report and ready to play the game by 7:30 a.m.Release athletes for shower at 8:40 a.m. Varsity Staff travel and coach sophomore game when out of town.1st period JV coaches prepare for JV game.

Friday – Athletic Period Only

Athletes report and ready to meet by 8:05 a.m.Team Goals meeting.F.C.A. 20 minutesHandout game uniforms Varsity.If away game, pack bags, position coaches confirm player’s bag is OK and all personal equipment is inside.Home games players will be provided with a spaghetti dinner by our booster club.

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Saturday All coaches report 7:00 a.m.7:00 Review goal chart, grade film.Injured players to trainer if applicable by 8:30.9:30 Players report weight room, Coach Perez, Coach Boehm, and Coach Walker will supervise lift and running.9:30 Coach Brownson and Coach Barefield assisted by Intermediate school coaches will present scouting report to varsity coaches.All Senior campus offense and defensive coaches assist in game planning and film review 11:00 Weekly game award stickers.11:15 Position Meetings12:00 Release players12:15 Lunch provided by Booster club.Before leaving have all goal boards, opponent board, and motivational board completed.

Sunday P.M.Sunday report 1:30 after church and finish up scouting reports and game plan till done.Coordinators present potential game strategies to Head Coach for up coming week.Run off all scouting reports offense, defense and kicking game and have them ready to hand out on Monday mornings during athletic period.Freshman coaches meet on Senior campus to break down and grade freshman game film and assist where needed.Coaches will be excused by coordinators at the completion of the day.

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Weekend Duties In-Season

Film cut-ups done.Opponent’s Bulletin board done, see commitment coach section.All goal boards completed by offense and defensive coordinators.Game statistics done and completed by Coach Hackney and Coach Walker.Tackle charts done and updated.Scout teams; offense, defense and kicking game cards completed.Defensive Data Input for computer printouts done.Offensive Data both self-scout and opponent input completed.Scouting reports all coaches.Grade Friday night film – all varsity positions on Saturday morning, report 7:00 am.

Page 38: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Game day Responsibility Check List

Pre-game meals (collect money) Coach .Transportation.Issue Uniforms and equipment.Clean visitor’s dressing room.Ice down drinks.Film exchange. (Coach Eblen)Equipment kit for repairs.Clean referees locker room, cokes.Practice balls for game.Game balls for officials.Official game time.Field organization, coaches designated field positions for individual warm-up.Kicking tees and net.Head sets.Video equipment Coach Escalona.Ball boys. Coach JohnsonCoach Eller, Coach Hector Reyes, Coach Oscar Reyes, Coach Firova Vipers Den.Clean towels.Towels for wet balls.Player supervision – all coaches.Call sheets – Coach Taylor and Coach McCarter.Express any trick or unusual plays with officials – Coach Campbell.

Page 39: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Varsity Home Game Routines

Our Booster club will provide spaghetti as a pre-game meal for our players and coaches. Players will be charged $1.00 for their meal. Coaches please lend a helping hand to our booster club when serving pre-game meal.4:00 Pre-game meal.5:00 Players Report For Taping 5:20 Coaches meet with position players6:17 Quarterback’s and Receiver’s Early Warm-up

a. CYFL follows players to field.6:27 Throw 300-500-800-900 Passes6:32 Special Teams Warm-up6:44 All others to the field6:47 Pre-Game Stretch Team6:52 Individual Position Warm-up6:57 Offense / Defense Play Polish7:02 X-Pt. – Field Goal7:07 Return To Locker7:15 Coin Toss7:22 Return To Field7:25 National Anthem 7:30 Beat McAllen MemorialWhenever we have a home game our varsity players will be allowed to ask their favorite teacher to wear their away game jersey. Coach Barnett and Coach Eblen will be responsible for handing out and collecting game jerseys and game pants.

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VisitorThe following information shall be used as our position pre-game warm up areas.


End Zone

Pre - Game Warm Up







CoachEblen Coach



Page 41: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Row 1

Row 2Row 3

Row 4Row 5

Row 6Home


Chase Luhn

Caleb UrbanWillie Garley

Seth Michaelis

Row 1 - Who works harder? (Response) = No One

Row 2 - Who are we? (Response) = Vipers

Row 3 - Where we go one (Response = We Go All

Row 4 - Whos house? (Response) = Our House

Row 5 - What do we do? (Response) = Hit

Row 6 - Vipers what time is it (response) = Its Time To Get It On

Andre Eagles

Jeff Moehrig


Players should be lined up underneath the goal post and in their 6 lines by 6:44 - Players will stretch at 6:45

Pre – Game Stretch

Page 42: Jerry Campbell Program Organization


VisitorThe following information shall be used as our position pre-game warm up areas.

End Zone

Pre - Game Kicking Warm-up





Long Snappers

Punter Punter


Coach Lupo

Coach Campbell

FG / Ex PT. Kickers

Coach Campbell

Coach Moose

Coach Rojas

Coach Bruton

Page 43: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Things that must take place during half time:Players must be given time to rest.All injury and equipment problems taken care of.Staff must analyze the first half and make plans for the second half.Players must be re-motivated to play the final and most important part of the game.Halftime divided into four periods:First period (four minutes).

Staff meetings.Team rest.Injury and equipment care.

Second period (four minutes).Offense and Defensive position coaches meet with assigned groups.

Third period Offense and defensive Coordinators meet with their entire offense or defensive squads. (Four minutes).Fourth period (four minutes)

Head coach meets with both offense and defense as a team.Return to field for warm-up.

In order to stay on schedule at half time Coach Perez will keep coaches informed about remaining clock time and when we should return to the field for our second half play.

Page 44: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Period One – Half Time OrganizationThe first period is a critical one for the staff. At this time you should be involved in an analysis of what has taken place during the first half and deciding what your plan of attack will be for the second half. The information that you should consider includes:Offensively

Fronts by down and distance.Secondary by down, distance, and formation.Short yardage and goal line defenses – stunts.Your play selection by success and failure.

DefensivelyPlays by formation.Plays by down and distance.Pass routes.Your defensive calls by down and distance.

Kicking GameHas there been any assignment breakdown in any phase of the kicking game.Is the fake punt possible?How is the kick-off coverage and punt coverage?Should you punt, block or return, etc.

GeneralPersonnel adjustments because of injuries or other reasons.Any possible playing conditions such as wind, rain, and so on, affecting the play.

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Period Two – Half Time OrganizationThe second period of our halftime is for each coach to meet with the players of his position. During this period, you hope to do two things. First, you quiz your players as to what is happening to them on the field. Our staff should be made to feel that it is extremely important to have open communication with their players. Many times you will find that one of your players will come up with information that turns out to be very helpful the second half. Also, the coach needs to know, for instance, if a receiver can beat a corner on an out route or a streak, or if an offensive lineman can reach a down defender on outside plays.

Period Three – Half Time OrganizationAs soon as each position coach has met with his players, both the offense and defense meet with their coordinators to tie the schemes together. You should allow 4 to 5 minutes for this period.

Period Four – Half Time OrganizationWith about 8 minutes remaining the person in charge of keeping time will give a 5-minute warning. At this time your coaches with press box responsibilities and your team captains should leave the locker room for the field. The head coach will take control at this point and the offense and defense join together for final instructions. It is the job of the head coach to finalize all strategy and goals and to motivate the squad for the second half. This time period lasts usually not more than 3 to 4 minutes. The team then departs for the second half.

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Bus Assignments and Routines for Away Games

When traveling out of town our coordinators will be responsible for taking roll of players and coaches assigned to their buses when leaving for and returning from away games. The defense will always be assigned bus number one. Our buses will not pull out of the parking lot until both coordinators have notified the head coach that all their athletes are loaded onto their assigned buses.

Position coaches will help in loading the buses and to make sure all necessary equipment has been placed on the buses. Due to the amount of equipment needed for an away game by our trainers please lend a helping hand and assist our trainer and his staff.Coach Boehm and Coach Perez will be responsible for handing out sack lunches to our athletes when scheduled, sack lunches will be provided by subway sandwiches. Please make sure our athletes take only one sack lunch.

When on the road Uncle Mutts will provide our post game meal. This is an important time to make sure our visiting locker room has been left the way it was found. All position coaches will lend a helping hand to make sure this is done. Coach Boehm and Coach Perez will supervise our athletes outside as they get their plates. Once we have finished eating it will be the responsibility of all our coaches to help patrol the eating area and that all plates have been thrown into trash cans (leave the eating area clean).Coach Newman will return from all away games with Coach Hackney in order to get our game film duped and ready.

Page 47: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Video Duties and Responsibilities

Coach Newman will be in charge of our video program and the duplication of game film as well as practice video. The following coaches will assist Coach Newman

Coach Jupe video editing – CrainCoach Fanelli video editing – HowellCoach Alvarado game night video both tight and wide cameras.Coach Boehm will be responsible for End Zone camera.Coach Escalona will assist with pre and post-game video and headphone procedures.Coach Eblen will call and make video exchange arrangements with opponents.Coach Boehm and Coach Perez will make necessary video exchange on Saturdays.

Procedures for Saturday morning preparations will be to have ready by 7:00 am for Coach Taylor and Coach McCarter one Tight, Wide, and End Zone copies. All storing and checkerboard tapes shall be done on Saturday mornings.Coach Newman has the responsibility of making sure all practice segments to be videoed are covered where needed. Coordinators should check with Coach Newman for those arrangements. Coordinators will set offensive and Staff meetings as needed. If practice segments are going to be videoed then coaches must take the time to review them.Coach Newman please make sure Stadium press box has been secured and locked after filming any practice inside the stadium.

Page 48: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

District Video Exchange Policy

Coach Eblen will be responsible for making video exchange arrangements with opposing coaches and will make necessary arrangements on game day for video exchange. Coach Boehm and Coach Perez will be responsible for Saturday exchanges with up coming opponents.

VHS videotapes (new tape-first generation) of four (4) games, including the most previous one, if desired, will be traded with each opponent.

Three (3) tapes will be traded on the night that last opponent plays, the week before the scheduled game. If tapes from the last game played are requested, the tapes must be traded by 10:00 AM the next day.

Video tapes of each game shall include two separate tapes: one wide angle tape displaying all offensive back, receivers and defensive secondary; the second tape should show a close angle of the offensive line from tight end to tight end, all running backs, defensive linemen and linebackers. In both copies filming should start with the break of the huddle and stop two (2) seconds after the play ends. The tape should show the scoreboard after each score and at the end of the quarter. The film should also show periodically the down and distance markers if possible.

All trade tapes will be returned to the original owner prior to the scheduled game time.Both coaches will follow the above procedure on videotapes unless both coaches mutually agree.

Page 49: Jerry Campbell Program Organization


  FORMATIONS MOTIONS PLAY Z - #1 Playside #2 Playside #3 X - #1 Backside #2 Backside Fullback

1 Rt. / Lt (Tight) Rip - Liz 112 - 113 Corner Seam   Corner Flare  

2 Green Tom - Tim 112 - 113 Read Block Seam   Corner Hitch  

3 Twins Hump - Jump 300 Hook Hook Go   Mirror Tag  

4 Slot Zip 300 China Stop Corner Slice Slant Flare  

5 Ace Jet 300 Wide Wide Corner   Slant Tag  

6 Doubles   300 Cross Corner Drag - Y   Shallow Slice  

7 Duece   300 Pivot Corner Pivot   Pivot Pivot  

8 Trey (Tight)   301 - 310 Fade Stop   Slant Slant  

9 Nebraska   302 - 320 Slant Flat   Slant Slant  

10 Husker   303 - 330 Bench Corner Slice Post Tag  

      304 - 340 Curl Wheel Slice Post Tag  

  Backfield Sets   306 - 360 Dig Drag - Y Tag Shallow Corner  

  Rt. / Lt.   308 - 380 Post Drag - Y Slice Corner Slice  

  King   309 - 390 Go Seam Far Hash Go Seam Block / Tag

  Queen   800 - 900 Wide Wide Corner Flat Post Drag Block

  Empty   800 - 900 Curl Curl Wheel Flat Post Drag Block

      800 - Go Go Bench Flat Post Drag Block

    800 - Bench Bench Corner Flat Post Drag Block

Passing Game: 300 Dropback / 800 – 900 Sprint out

Page 50: Jerry Campbell Program Organization


300 Slip Rt./Lt.      

300 Tunnel Rt./Lt.  

300 Convoy Rt./Lt.      

800 - 900 FB Screen Rt./Lt.    



146 - 147 Boot Go, Curl, Wide, Bench (under center)  

112 - 113 Boot Go, Curl, Wide, Bench (Gun)  

Screens and Boots

Page 51: Jerry Campbell Program Organization



1 Rt. / Lt (Tight) Rip - Liz 10 - 11 Trap

2 Green Tom - Tim 10 - 11 Jill, Base, Mike

3 Twins Hump - Jump 12 - 13 Veer

4 Slot Zip 18 - 19 Load

5 Ace Jet 18 - 19 Block

6 Doubles   34 - 35 ISO

7 Duece   34 - 35 ISO Follow

8 Trey (Tight)   34 - 35 ISO Option

9 Nebraska   44 - 45 ISO

10 Husker   46 - 47 Blast (Y)

      48 - 49 Toss

  Backfield Sets   Gun Runs

  Rt. / Lt.   12 - 13 Inside

  King   12 - 13 Block

  Queen   12 - 13 Crazy

      14 - 15 Tackle ISO

      18 - 19 Sweep

      18 - 19 Sweep Follow

Page 52: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Defensive Scheme

Linebacker Alerts Secondary Coverage's

Even Sugar Cover 0 (Fire)

Odd Show Cover 1 (Red)

Tight Up Cover 2 (Blue)

Wide   Cover 2 (Blue Cat)

Stack   Cover 3 (Green)

    Cover 3 Combo (Green Combo)

Stunts   Cover 4

Thunder   Cover 5

Lightning   Cover 6 (Special)

Storm   Cover 7





Defensive Installation

Page 53: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Date: 9-25-2007   #1


Practice Time:______________  

Mon.   Must Practice Like a Champion        


  Per. QB's RB's TE's O-Line Rec.'s

4:00 Early          

4:15 0 Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch

4:20 1 Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind.

4:25 2 X X X X X

4:30 3 QB's - RB's Mesh RB's - QB's Mesh TE - OL Run OL - TE Run Stalk

4:35 4 X X X X X

4:40 5 Gun Runs vs JV D Gun Runs vs JV D Gun Runs vs JV D Gun Runs vs JV D Releases

4:45 6 X X X X X

4:50 7 Runs vs JV D Runs vs JV D Runs vs JV D Runs vs JV D 1 on 1 vs DB's

4:55 8 X X X X X

5:00 9 Pass Hull - Off. Pass Hull - Off. Pass Hull - Off. OL vs DL Run Pass Hull - Off.

5:05 10 X X X X X

5:10 11 Pass Hull - Def. Pass Hull - Def. Pass Hull - Def. OL vs DL Pass Pass Hull - Def.

5:15 12 X X X X X

5:20 13 Group "O" vs JV D Group "O" vs JV D Group "O" vs JV D Group "O" vs JV D Group "O" vs JV D

5:25 14 X X X X X

5:30 15 X X X X X

5:35 16 Team O 1's vs 1's Team O 1's vs 1's Team O 1's vs 1's Team O 1's vs 1's Team O 1's vs 1's

5:40 17 X X X X X

5:45 18 X X X X X

5:50 19 Team D 1's vs 1's Team D 1's vs 1's Team D 1's vs 1's Team D 1's vs 1's Team D 1's vs 1's

5:55 20 X X X X X

6:00 21 X X X X X

6:05 22 Short Yds. O Short Yds. O Short Yds. O Short Yds. O Short Yds. O

6:10 23 X X X X X

Page 54: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Coaches Scouting ChecklistWhat is our opponents basic philosophy offense / defenseStarting line-ups offense / defensePurchase and bring back two programs.Purchase local newspaper.Who are their dominant players, numbers, etc.Snap countDoes our opponent like to stem their frontsBase to Blitz ratio / defense.Get all numbers on personnel changes offense / defense.Did you notice any injuriesSideline demeanor.How does our opponent handle sudden change?Punters number.Punters longest punt.Kickers number.Kickers sustained distance kicks.Furthest pre-practice field goal made.Punt returnee’s numbers.Kickoff returnee’s numbers.How good do you feel their deep snapper is?Is the deep snapper consistent with his snaps?Who’s their best returnee’s name, numbers.Which players do you feel we can exploit offense / defense?What is their sideline organization? Which side off the bench does the offense and defense report to when coming off the field?What yard line do they go into their goal line package?Did you notice any trick plays?In pre-game warm up to they come out in their game jersey’s?When do they come out in game jerseys?Primary penalties and problems.Defensive hand signals.Pre-game plays and routes.Any problems getting aligned?Any hand signals used by offensive receivers?

Page 55: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Off-Season FootballChampionships Are Won In The Weight Room

Page 56: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

MakeThe Play

Skill Effort

Mental Technique Strategy

Speed Agility Power Endurance

Lifting Running Stretching Nutrition Rest

Belief Resolve Discipline Courage Perseverance Unity



Athletic Ability




The PERFORMANCE PYRAMID was inspired by John Wooden's "Pyramid of Success". The apex is our ability to make the play. It is the culmination of character, conditioning, athletic ability, practice habits, skill level, and effort.

The Building Of A Program

Page 57: Jerry Campbell Program Organization


Note: All athletes will be required to sprint to their next station and no one will be allowed to walk. If a player does not meet the coaches expectations, then send them back and have them do it again.

Note: Form running will last for a period of 5 minutes. All station work, both inside the weight room and the dome area will last for a period of eight minutes.

1st Period Time Organization

Breakfest Club: 6:30 - 7:45

All athletes in assigned rows by - 8:00

Tardy Bell Rings - 8:05

Groups Break to Assigned areas.8:05

Form Running Station - 8:05 - Switch 8:10Weightroom Station 1 - 8:11 - Switch 8:20Weightroom Station 2 - 8:21 - Switch 8:30Weightroom Station 3 - 8:31 - Switch 8:40Weightroom Station 4 - 8:41 - Release 8:50

Agility Station 1 - 8:11 - Switch 8:20Agility Station 2 - 8:21 - Switch 8:30Agility Station 3 - 8:31 - Switch 8:40Agility Station 4 - 8:41 - Release 8:50

Release Bell Rings - 9:05

Whenever we rotate from station to station athletes will come together and break as a group before heading to their next station. Whenever a coach brings his players together he will say a few words and then break them out by saying "Coach / Position, Players / Win"

Page 58: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

We are only as good as the last guy, so We are only as good as the last guy, so how good will we be? We will assign a how good will we be? We will assign a coach to wait for the last player through coach to wait for the last player through the door for athletic period or team the door for athletic period or team meetings.meetings.

1. 48 Javelinas1. 48 Javelinas2. 48 Crazy Apes2. 48 Crazy Apes3. 48 Crazy Monkey’s3. 48 Crazy Monkey’s4. Deaf Con 44. Deaf Con 4

Page 59: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Phase 1: High Intensity & Percentage LiftingNovember 15th thru December 19th

Phase 2: High Intensity & Heavy Weights Combined With Team BuildingJanuary 4th thru February 13th

Phase 3: High Intensity, Heavy Weights, Football Skills and DrillsFebruary 14th thru April 13th

Phase 4: High Intensity Agilities, Heavy Weights and Spring FootballApril 16th thru May 19th

During phase two of our off-season we will teach our athletes the meaning of commitment, Character, team building and the need for a fighting soul towards a winning football season.Football must be important to each and every coach, player, trainer and that understanding Must be felt by all.

Why FootballHave you ever wondered about football? Why it’s only a game which is as fundamentalAs a ball and a helmet. But the sport is a game of football and put them into a jar, shakeWell and poor out, you’ve got a well-proportioned phase of the American way of Life.

Paul W. “Bear” Bryant

Page 60: Jerry Campbell Program Organization



#12 #13






#2 #3

Off-Season Coaches1st Period Varsity Athletics


Coach EblenCoach Williams

Coach EblenCoach Williams

Coach EblenCoach Williams

Coach Barnett Coach Perez

Coach Barnett Coach Perez

Coach Barnett Coach Perez

Coach Barnett Coach Perez

Coach McCarterCoach Rojas

Coach McCarterCoach Rojas

Coach McCarterCoach Rojas

Coach McCarterCoach Rojas

Coach TaylorCoach Stewart

Coach TaylorCoach Stewart

Coach TaylorCoach Stewart

Coach TaylorCoach Stewart

Coach TaylorCoach Stewart

Coach Barnett - Ramrod Dome Area

Strength Coach - Ramrod Weight Room

Group 1Jerry CampbellKyle TaylorAbbie BarnettBrad EblenJames McCarter

Library With SeniorsMike Major will supervise all seniors and any other athlete who decides not to finish out the athletic period.

Page 61: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

After School lifting, Weight Room will be open from 3:35 til 5:00 pm. After school lifting will be monitored and supervised by Coach Eblen.

Coach Eblen duties and responsibilities for off-season weight training.

Responsible for monitoring all before and after school breakfeast and dinner club lifting.Responsible for keeping all charts inside the weight room current.Responsible for monitoring and keeping track of the issue of shirts earned.Responsible for maintaining sign in sheets.Responsible for max weight testing, running and compiling power rankings for our football team1. Bench2. Squat3. Incline4. Power Clean5. Pro Shuttle6. 40 yd. Dash7. Standing Broad Jump

T-SHirt breakdown for attending the weight room before and after school. In order for an athlete to receive one of our Viper lifting and committment shirts he must attend either the breakfeast and or dinner club four days during the week (friday a.m. can be used as a make-up day). At anytime a shirt can be taken away due to the lack of attendance and at that point our athlete will start over and will return to his original shirt.

The Breakfeast and Dinner club is designed to create weight room habits within our football players. The breakfeast and dinner club is not mandatory, sign-in is for the sole purpose of monitoring our committment T-Shirts.

Page 62: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Breakfast & Dinner Club T-ShirtsBreakfast & Dinner Club T-Shirts

Gray Issued T-ShirtGray Issued T-Shirt100% White T-Shirt100% White T-Shirt110% Blue T-Shirt110% Blue T-Shirt125% Black T-Shirt125% Black T-Shirt150% Camo T-Shirt150% Camo T-Shirt

It will be our goal as a team to It will be our goal as a team to make the weight room a habit make the weight room a habit not a chore. Our goal as a not a chore. Our goal as a team is to have all our athletes team is to have all our athletes in Camo shirts by the end of in Camo shirts by the end of off-season.off-season.

To obtain a Camo Tank top will To obtain a Camo Tank top will require 16 days with require 16 days with continuous attendance.continuous attendance.

T-Shirts can be earned by 4 T-Shirts can be earned by 4 straight days of attendance..straight days of attendance..

Athlete can exchange T-shirts Athlete can exchange T-shirts weekly based upon 4 days of weekly based upon 4 days of attendance…attendance…

If at any time an athlete misses If at any time an athlete misses a morning or after school a morning or after school workout his T-Shirt will be workout his T-Shirt will be picked up and the athlete will picked up and the athlete will go back to his original t-shirt.go back to his original t-shirt.

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White 100%

White 100%

White 100%

White 100%

Blue 110%

Blue 110%

Blue 110%

Blue 110%

Black 125%

Black 125 %

Black 125%

Black 125%

Camo 150%

Camo 150%

Camo 150%

Camo 150%

Page 64: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Weight Room Core LiftsWeight Room Core LiftsBench, Squat, Incline, Power CleanBench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean

Week One:Week One:Program StartsProgram Starts at 60% of max.at 60% of max.

Week Two:Week Two:65% of max.65% of max.

Group 1

Week 2 / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Incline - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Squat - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)

Week 2 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Incline - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Squat - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)

Week 2 / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Incline - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Squat - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 10 reps (65%)

Week 1 / Monday

Bench - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Incline - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Squat - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Power Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)

Week 1 / Wednesday

Bench - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Incline - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Squat - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Power Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)

Week 1 / Friday

Bench - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Incline - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Squat - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)Power Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps (60%)

Group 1

Page 65: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Weight Room Core LiftsWeight Room Core LiftsBench, Squat, Incline, Power CleanBench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean




Week Three:Week Three:

at 70% of max.at 70% of max.

Week Four:Week Four:

72% of max.72% of max.

Week 3 / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)

Week 3 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)

Week 3 / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (70%)

Week 4 / WednesdayWeek 4 / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)

Week 4 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)

Bench - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Incline - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Squat - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 8 reps (72%)

Page 66: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Weight Room Core LiftsWeight Room Core LiftsBench, Squat, Incline, Power CleanBench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean




Week Five:Week Five:

at 75% of at 75% of max.max.

Week Six:Week Six:

78% of max.78% of max.

Week 5 / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Incline - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Squat - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Power Clean - 6 sets x 6 reps (75%)

Week 5 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Incline - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Squat - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Power Clean - 6 sets x 6 reps (75%)

Week 5 / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Incline - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Squat - 4 sets x 6 reps (75%)Power Clean - 6 sets x 6 reps (75%)

Week 6 / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Incline - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Squat - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Power Clean - 5 sets x 8 reps (78%)

Bench - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Incline - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Squat - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Power Clean - 5 sets x 8 reps (78%)

Week 6 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Incline - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Squat - 4 sets x 5 reps (78%)Power Clean - 5 sets x 8 reps (78%)

Week 6 / Monday

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Weight Room Core LiftsWeight Room Core LiftsBench, Squat, Incline, Power CleanBench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean




Week Seven:Week Seven:

at 80% of max.at 80% of max.

Week Eight:Week Eight:

85% + 5 of max.85% + 5 of max.

Week 7 / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Incline - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Squat - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)

Week 7 / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Incline - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Squat - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)

Week 7 / Friday

Bench - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Incline - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Squat - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)Power Clean - 4 sets x 4 reps (80%)

Bench - 5, 4, 3, 3, 2 reps (85% - add 5 Lbs.)Incline - 5, 4, 3, 3, 2 reps (85% - add 5 Lbs.)Squat - 5, 4, 3, 3, 2 reps (85% - add 5 Lbs.)Power Clean - 5, 4, 3, 3, 2 reps (85% - add 5 Lbs.)

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

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Weight Room Core LiftsWeight Room Core LiftsBench, Squat, Incline, Power CleanBench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean




Week Nine:Week Nine:

at 80% + 10 Lbs. at 80% + 10 Lbs. of max.of max.

Week 10:Week 10:

Max TestingMax Testing Testing will test our big four lifts: Bench, Squat, Incline, Power Clean

Athletes will test based upon a One Rep Max and athletes should only use a weight that they can only rep

out three times.

Bench - 6, 4, 4, 2, 1 reps (80% - add 10 Lbs.)Incline - 6, 4, 4, 2, 1 reps (80% - add 10 Lbs.)Squat - 6, 4, 4, 2, 1 reps (80% - add 10 Lbs.)Power Clean - 6, 4, 4, 2, 1 reps (80% - add 10 Lbs.)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

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Power RankingsPower Rankings1111thth Week Testing Period Week Testing Period

1.1. BenchBench2.2. SQUATSQUAT3.3. InclineIncline4.4. Power CleanPower Clean5.5. 40 Yard Dash40 Yard Dash6.6. Pro ShuttlePro Shuttle7.7. Standing Broad JumpStanding Broad Jump

We will test our team with 7We will test our team with 7events at end of each 10 events at end of each 10 week period. We award each week period. We award each athlete a point for the spot heathlete a point for the spot hecomes in vs the other players.comes in vs the other players.The best score is a score of 7,The best score is a score of 7,1 point for each activity. 11 point for each activity. 1

point means thatpoint means that the athlete the athletescored the highest in that scored the highest in that event.event.

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Athletic Period Athletic Period Tuesday – Thursday Agility WorkoutTuesday – Thursday Agility Workout

Once we have broken Once we have broken from roll call and from roll call and announcements we will announcements we will proceed into form running proceed into form running for a period of 8 minutesfor a period of 8 minutes

After form running we will start our agility period After form running we will start our agility period with 5 stations. Each station will be 6 minutes in with 5 stations. Each station will be 6 minutes in duration with a 1 minute exchange during duration with a 1 minute exchange during rotation from one group to the other.rotation from one group to the other.

At the end of each station the group will come At the end of each station the group will come together for group breakdown.together for group breakdown.

Athletes will hustle from one station to the other Athletes will hustle from one station to the other (no one walks).(no one walks).

Stance and StartsStance and StartsLung WalkLung WalkMach “A’s”Mach “A’s”Mach “B’s”Mach “B’s”Butt KicksButt KicksQuick CariocaQuick CariocaRegular CariocaRegular CariocaHigh KneesHigh Knees

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Stances - The first item will be the concentration on a good stance, stances will be done using an actual football related stance by position played. Each coach will be expected to focus on each athlete and to make sure that they perform the stance as dictated by the program.

a. Athletes will be required to be in a 3 point stance, all down hands will be from finger tips.b. Feet shoulder with apart.c. Feet will be with toes pointed slightly inward, with heels pointed outward (this creates a flat back).d. Eyes will be focused straight ahead, with the back heels of the feet only slightly off the floor.e. Heels no more than a 1/2 inch off the floor.

Lung Walks -Back knee down front leg forward - Show your numbers - Shoulders Opposite the punch Mach "A's" (walk for form) - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

High Knees (with speed) Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

Mach "B's" - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers - Paw the ground

Butt Kick's - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Kick your self in the butt -eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

Quick Step Carioca - Feet fire.

Regular Carioca - Slow stretching action 10 to 15 yards

Right and Left Single Leg Power Skips - Stress Height and Arm Action

Bounding Drill (Gazelles) - Land and explode off of alternate foot (good running form)

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1. Escaping a block.2. Running to the football.3. Laying your body out to make a tackle.4. Explosion at and on the line of scrimmage.5. Breaking on the football.6. Establishing a block.7. Maintaining a block.8. Cutting to the hole.

1. Bear and Touch2. Parallel Run3. Backward Crawl.4. Forward Crab5. Back Flops6. Bear and Wave7. Seat Roll8. Progressive Run9. Read and Run

To develop quickness, the ability to change directions, to lengthen the fatique factor, to develop mental toughness, and to respond effectively to instructions, to enhance:

Drills: Nine drills used in approximately nine minutes each.

Touching off comes at the end of the mat. When a football player throws his body reaching with all he has, to be the first one across the line, will put him competing against the other 3 from the line of 4 teammates. When doing the touch off correctly the first part of the body to make contact on the chest. Football is a game of throwing your body either to:

1. Make a Tackle.2. Make a Block.3. Make an Extra Yard.4. Going For The Fumble.

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Procedure: 1. Bear and Touch

2. Parallel Run

a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.b. Reaction Key - Sight, eyes on coaches command.c. Movement - On the sight key the athlete will snap to a bear position

crawl to the end of the mat and layout touching the end of the mat.

reaching the end of the mat he will do a side roll.

a. Starting Position: Left toe and left hand on the end of the mat in a 4 point stance.b. Reaction Key - Sight, eyes on focused on coach.c. Movement - On the sight key the athlete will move lateral down the mat, upon

his command. Finsh all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break

3. Backward Crab

a. Starting Position: Lie flat on back, heels located at the end of the mat.b. Reaction Key - Sound.c. Movement - On sound key athlete will crab 1/3 of the way and then

backward roll to a front crab, back to a back crab, flip and go toend in a bear crab. On command finish with a hard 5 off the mat.

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d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break

a. Starting Position: Lie flat on your back, head located at the end of mat.b. Reaction Key - Sound.c. Movement - On sound command forward crab 1/3 of the way, backward

roll, forward roll, bear and touch off.

his command. Finsh all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.

a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.b. Reaction Key - Sound and sight.c. Movement - On sound command snap to a 4 point stance and move

feet in position. On second command coach gives direction and athletewill tough scapula to the mat and then snap back to a 4 point stance.On coaches final command athlete will forward roll and bear crawl and touch end of mat then sprint a hard 5 yards.

4. Forward Crab

5. Back Flops

6. Bear Wave

a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat, chin on the floor, palms facing up.b. Reaction Key - Sound.c. Movement - On coaches command athlete will snap to a 4 point stance

On a second command athlete will move laterally in that direction. On finalcommand athlete will forward roll and bear crawl and touch off.

d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break on coaches command and then finish with a 5 yard sprint.

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d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break

a. Starting Position: Lie flat on your back, head located at the end of mat.b. Reaction Key - Sound.c. Movement - On sound command forward crab 1/3 of the way, backward

roll, forward roll, bear and touch off.

his command. Finsh all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.

7. Seat Roll

9. Read and Run

a. Starting Position: Toes at end of mat.b. Reaction Key - Sound.c. Movement - On command athletes will snap to a 4 point stance and

immediately start to bear crawl. Go 1/3 of the way on the mat and forwardroll and come back and touch off. Repeat. Third time go all the way and touch off.

d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break his command. Finsh all runs with a hard 5 off the mat.

a. Starting Position: All athletes will start from a 4 point stance.b. Reaction Key - Sight.c. Movement - On coaches command the athlete will react to a hand command

by the coach which can move the athlete from side to side, forwards or backwards as the athlete works towards the end of the mat. The next command will have the athlete touching off at at end of the mat.

d. End of Drill - Athlete will snap into a hitting position, find coach and break his command. Finsh read and run with a hard 5 off the mat.

8. Progressive Run

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1 2





1 2




5 Yard and 7 Cone Agility Program

5 yards

5 yards


Our 5 yard agility program is to set up as follows. Place six cones 5 yards apart, in the manner illustrated below. A 7th cone will be necessary for some drills. Our Cone drills will be designed for body control and change of direction. As we proceed through our off-season agility program it will be benenifical to change up and give our athletes a varity of different drills.

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1 2





2Start Start Start

Finish Finish Finish

Drill # 1: Figure 8 Drill / 3 Lines

The figure 8 drill develops change of direction. Athlete will start from a 3 point stance on the right side of the starting cone and will 1st sprint to the left side of the 2nd cone running a figure 8 through the cones twice. Athlete will finish drill with a hard 5 yard sprint through the finish line.

Athlete will make his turn around the cones with his feet underneath him and accelerating out of the turns.

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1 2





1 2





1 2





1 2

Drill # 4: Low "L" Drill



Drill # 3: Sprint Hop / 3 Lines



Start Start

Finish Finish

Players sprint running the low "L". Must keep feet underneath them when rounding the cones. Look for explosion when coming around the cone.

Finish drill by sprinting a hard 5 yards past the finish line.

When reaching the cone hop over the top of it by exploding the knees to the chest.

The sprint hop incorprates a shuffle between the cones while keeping the shoulders parallel to the coach who positions himself out front. The sprint hop is a 3o second drill attempting to shuffle and hop as many times as possible.


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1 2





1 2

Drill # 5: "V" Drill

Start Finish



1. Start bt sprint forward to cone # 3.2. Circle cone # 3 and then carioca with eyes facing inside towards cone # 5.3. Round cone # 5 and then go into a backpedal with chin over the knees, finish past cone # 1.


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1 2





1 2

Drill # 6: "V" Hop Drill





1. Start at cone # 1 and sprint to cone # 3.2. When reaching cone # 3 athlete will hop over the cone by exploding his knees towards his chest.3. Once hoping over cone # 3 then explode by sprinting to cone # 4and then hop over it.4. Athlete will repeat the process when arriving to cone # 5, recover and then sprint on past cone # 1

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 7: Carioca "V" Drill

Start Finsh




1. Athlete will begin with a crossover step known as a carioca movement.2. Player will look inside by keeping his shoulders square to the cones.3. Look to over emphasis low hip movement.4. Pump hands and arms with hammer and nail movement.5. Coach should position himself inside the cones looking for proper technique.


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1 2





1 2

Drill # 8: Backpedal "V" Drill





1. This drill will require the athlete to backpedal through the triangle.2. Look for chin over the knee.3. Sink the hips with a "Z" in the knees.4. Pump the arms throughout the backpedal.

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 9: Pro Figure 8 Drill



1. Athlete will begin by sprinting 5 yards touching the line with his hand.2. After touching the first line he will return to the starting line touching off with his hand.3. After touching off at the starting line, return to cone # 4 by turning to your right running to cone #3.4. Athlete will circle cone # 3 to his right returning and circling cone # 4, and then sprinting past the starting line.

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 9: Triangle Drill


1. Start at cone # 1 and sprint to and around cone # 6.2. Circle cone # 6 and then sprint to and around cone # 5.3. Return to cone # 1 with a full sprint.4. Emphasis the gathering of the feet underneath the body when circling the cones.

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 10: Sprint Hop Drill



1. Start at cone # 1 sprinting to cone # 6, when arriving at each cone Hop over it.2. When hopping over the cones explode the knees to the chest.3. Start at cone # 1 and finish at cone # 1.4. Emphasis the hop and explosion to the next cone coming out of the hop.

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 11: Nebraska Drill



The Nebraska drill is named after the big "N" that this drill takes you through. Athlete will start at cone # 1, sprint to cone # 4 circle to your right running at cone # 2, circle cone # 2 and then sprint on past cone # 3. Look for tight turns around the cones by keeping the feet underneath the body. Excelerate at of the turns.

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1 2





1 2

Drill # 12: Plant Drill

As athlete touches off on the cone his momentum shouls already be moving to the next cone.



Instead of going around the cone the player will plant and touch the cone. Same technique as the pro agility drill. Look for the athlete to pound the arch, sink the hips, while moving away from the cone when you touch it. Progression start at cone # 1, run and touch off on cone # 7 always moving to your right. The second rep should take the athlete always moving to his left.

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1 2





1 2












Drill # 13: 4 Corners Drill

1. Sprint to cone # 2 and then pivot on your inside foot into a carioca movement.2. Sprint to cone # 3, when reaching cone # 3 reverse pivot on your inside foot.3. Backpedal from cone # 3 to cone # 4, reverse pivot on inside foot, carioca through the finish line.4. Emphasis technique through the pivot.

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6 7


1 2




1 2

Drill # 13: Pro Agility Drill


Projected Times:1. Running Backs 4.5 or Better2. Offensive Linemen 4.65 or Better3. Receivers 4.4 or Better4. Tight Ends 4.4 or Better

Projected Times:1. Defensive Backs 4.4 or Better2. Defensive Linemen 4.6 or Better3. Linebackers 4.5 or Better

From a three point stance staddle the middle line.

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1 2





1 2



Drill # 14: 4 Cone Carioca Drill

Pivot Pivot


Sprint Sprint

Develops: Footwork, flexibility, and hip mobility. Procedure: Sprint to first cone, reverse pivot by pulling right shoulder clockwise, cariocs to next cone, sprint to next cone, reverse pivot and carioca inside. Focus points: Face inside square when doing carioca. When going through the carioca make sure hips stay low, this will stregthen the hip flexors.

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1 2




1 2






Drill # 13: 4 Cone and Comeback Drill

Pro-plant Pro-plant


Develops: Footwork, Slide/Backpedal and change of direction. Procedure: Slide/Backpedal to the first cone, sprint diagonally to the second cone, backpedal to the third cone and sprint diagonally to the fourth cone. Focus points: Stay low during backpedal with chin over the knee, accelerate out of the backpedal (pro-plant).

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1 2





1 2



Develops: Acceleration and change of direction.Procedure: Sprint to cone # 4, cut left and sprint to cone # 5, cut right and sprint past # 4 and circle # 3 from the left side and then return to cone # 4 cutting to the left and finishing the drill. The focus points for this drill is the acceleration out of the cut.

Drill # 14: "T" Drill

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1 2




1 2





Drill # 13: 360 Degree and Turn Drill

Each player will sprint to the middle cone and put his left hand down and circle the middle cone. Keep feet as tight to the body as they can. The player will then explode to cone # 4 and to the left of the cone putting his right hand down. The player will then explode running back to the right of the middle cone putting his left hand down. The player will then explode to cone # 5 and to the left of the cone putting his right hand down. The player will then explode running back to the right of the middle cone putting his left hand down. The player will then explode to cone # 6 and to the left of the cone putting his right hand down. The player will then explode running back to the right of the middle cone putting his left hand down. Player then will sprint past the left side of cone # 1.

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1 2





1 2Finish



Backpedal Backpedal




Drill # 14: 4 Cone and Square In Drill

The 4 cone and square in drill develops footwork, flexability and groin strength. Procedure: Backpedal to 1st cone pro-plant and sprint to 2nd cone, pivot and beckpedal to the 3rd cone, pro-plant and sprint to finish line. Focus Points: Quick feet. Accelerate out of pro-plant and pivot.

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High Knee With One Foot Each Square



















1. Athlete will start outside the ladder.2. One foot in each square.3. Pump arms using hammer and nail technique.4. Sink hips as low as possible as to develop the hip flexors.5. Keep eyes up as you work through the ladder, learn to feel the squares without looking down.6. Once coming off the last square finish with a hard 5 yard sprint.7. Coach should position himself in front of the ladder so the athlete can focus his eyes on the coach.



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High Knee With Both Feet Each Square



















1. Athlete will start outside the ladder.2. Double hop with both feet into the 1st square.3. Double hop with both feet into the adjoining square then hop forward.4. Sink hips as low as possible as to develop the hip flexors.5. When hopping over and into each square bring both knees to the chest.6. Keep eyes up as you work through the ladder, learn to feel the squares without looking down.7. Once coming off the last square finish with a hard 5 yard sprint.8. Coach should position himself in front of the ladder so the athlete can focus his eyes on the coach.

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High Knee Bounding With Two Feet Each Square

1. Athlete will start outside the ladder and to one side.2. Move laterally through the ladder, with eyes looking forward not to the side.3. Athlete will hit each square with both feet, one at a time, once across the ladder sprint forward to next square.4. Sink hips as low as possible as to develop the hip flexors.5. Keep eyes up as you work through the ladder, learn to feel the squares without looking down.6. Once coming off the last square finish with a hard 5 yard sprint.7. Coach should position himself in front of the ladder so the athlete can focus his eyes on the coach.

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1. Athlete will start outside the ladder.2. Both feet in each square with one foot at a time.3. Athlete will move through the squares with his shoulders square to the coach standing out front.4. Sink hips as low as possible as to develop the hip flexors.5. Athlete will cross over step through the ladder.6. Keep eyes up as you work through the ladder, learn to feel the squares without looking down.7. Once coming off the last square finish with a hard 5 yard sprint.8. Coach should position himself in front of the ladder so the athlete can focus his eyes on the coach.

High Knee With Crossover, Both Feet Each Square

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Based on a cross layout (forming four quadrants). Quadrants are numbered as follows:













Described as: Competitive and Fun.Progress: 1 thru 9Note: Entire program 1 thru 9 will be done before starting back at the top again.

1. Regular Jump: - 50 times.2. Side to Side: (4 to 3 and back) - 50 times (both feet).3. Up and Back: (4 to 1 and back) - 50 times (both feet).4. Boxer Shuffle: (2 on right foot - 2 on left foot) - 50 times.5. Up and Back One Foot: (4 to 1 and back) - 25 times each foot.6. Side to Side One Foot: (4 to 3) 25 times each foot.7. Triangle: (1 - 2 - 4) - alternate: switch feet - second quad.8. Double Jump With Bounce: Rope under feet twice each 5 reps (both feet) then once -repeat.9. Double Jump in Succession: Rope under each twice 5 times.

Each athlete participating in our after school lifting program will be encouraged to jump rope continuoisly for 18 minutes. Once our athletes have started the off-season program they will be given a goal of 18 minutes of jump roping without the rope stopping during that time. Our athletes will be tested in May to test wheather or note if the goal has been reached.

18 minutes of continous jumping achieves numerous goals such as developing great feet, attacks the mental aspects of working through a tough task (when the body says stop the mind says keep going). A player mentally will hit the wall at about 8 to 9 minutes into the activity and will want to quit, but, this is where he must continue to push through the pain and endure the goal.

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Character & CommitmentCharacter & Commitment







Commitment & CharacterCommitment & Character is is a six week process in a six week process in which each week we will which each week we will have a theme and a coach have a theme and a coach visit with athletes about the visit with athletes about the topic of the week.topic of the week.

Each Coach will be given Each Coach will be given 15 minutes daily to 15 minutes daily to present their assigned present their assigned topic.topic.

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Most programs, organizations or plans fail because individuals do not believe in it. They feel that something else works better. If a coach or athlete does not believe in the program, they will not be motivated to put full intensity into the football program and workouts.

Don't Worry If The Horse Is Blind,Just Load The Wagon! - John Madden

Belief Coach Campbell

January 08, 2007

What we are doing is not nearly as important as how we are going to get our desired results. If we believe in what we are doing with ever fiber of our being, we will create a powerful force. Leave No Doubt you believe in yourself, team, and coaches!

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Now This Is The Law Of The Jungle As Old and As True As The Sky and The Wolf That Shall Keep It May Prosper, But The Wolf That Shall Break It Must Die, As The Creeper That Girdles The Tree Trunk, The Law runneth Forward and Back, For The Strength Of The Pack Is In The Wolf, and The Strength Of The Wolf Is In The Pack.

Unity is putting your teammates first and yourself second. The success of the team, family, or group depends on you doing your part. Each individual has a role to play that contributes to the overall success of the team. A group that has good unity has synergism. Synergism means the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

We are only as strong as the people who surround us and they are only as strong as you. Can we depend on you and can you trust the pack? Can the pack depend on and trust you?

Unity Coach Taylor

January 16, 2007

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Discipline means following through on your commitment to the mission and plan. Discipline is doing the right things at the right time.

One of the biggest reasons people fail is because there is a lack of discipline. It requires sacrifice, dedication and commitment. Will you take the easy way out or that you will consistently do what is right to reach our ultimate team goal.

The Pain Of Discipline Is LessThan The Pain Of Regret

Discipline Coach Stewart

January 22, 2007

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To have resolve, you must first develop a mission of what you want to achieve as an individual and as a team. It is based on correct principles that are fundamental guidelines of how we conduct and govern ourselves.

Resolve entails the process of preparation and properly conditioning yourself. The process incorporates objectives, procedures, timetables, daily practices, and workout schedules. It is up to you to have the resolve to stick with the program and be consistent.

Press On! Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistance and determination alone are a must. I will resolve to wake up everyday and do whatever it takes to reach our mission. Consistency is the true mark of a champion!

Success Demands Singleness of Purpose - Vince Lombardi

Resolve Coach McCarter

January 29, 2007

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Often success doesn't go to the swiftest, but to the one who is the most persistent and determined.

* At 22, he ran for legislature and lost* By the ripe age of 23 he had failed in business, not once, but twice!* At 26, he suffered a nervous breakdown.* At 28, he lost in effort to become Speaker of The House in State Legislature.* Five years later he ran for congress and was defeated again.* At 38 he ran for the Senate and lost that to.* He ran for Vice President and lost that too.

Who was this miserable failure? The 16th President of The United States - Abraham Lincoln.

Whatever the team does we must never give in. There are many things that are out of our control, this is the one thing that we will always have a say in. Hold on to the rope and whatever life throws us as a team and as individuals that we will still be standing together in the end.

Men Do Not Fail, They Just Give Up To Easy. Never Quit!

Perseverance Coach Eblen

February 05, 2007

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The Pain Of Discipline Is LessThan The Pain Of Regret

General Douglas MacArthur said, "there is no secruity in this life, only opportunity". Courage is an act of the will, have the courage to go after your dreams. Do what is right and that you will have faith in yourself and the team and will seize opportunities when they present themselves to us.

Courage enables one to face a difficult situation or problem head on. We must do what we feel is right and not give in to the popular view of others.

Courage Coach Barnett

February 12, 2007

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Starting February 26, 2007 thru March 2, 2007

Goal Setting

During the month of February we will start to goal set with our individual position players. Goal setting is a hughly powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of our lifes. In its simplest form goal setting helps individuals and teams choose those things we want to be, do, or have in life. Some goals will be athletic, some will be academic, some will be career oriented, some will involve family, team or friends and some spiritual.

After setting goals with our position players, we must help develop a plan to help them achieve those goals. We must be able to take a serious look at where we are currently and what steps need to be taken in order to reach our goals. There are four main steps that will be discussed in helping our athletes with their goals both as individuals and as a team. They are as follows:

Step 1 - Set Your Goal - Make it specific, measurable and attainable

Step 2 - Categorize Your Goal - Athletic, academic, career, family, spiritual, etc.

Step 3 - Reason For Your Goal - Why?

Step 4 - develop an Action plan - How are you going to reach this goal?

As a coaching staff when meeting with our position players we must encourage communication and explore with our athletes the goal setting process for each of their goals set. If you do this with our athletes and sincerely put a great effort towards them exploring their individual and team goals that there will be know doubt that they will become more assertive, focused, confident, and experience more success than ever before. Help turn their dreams into goals and their intentions into actions.

Coaches please take these sessions with your athletes seriously. After completing your goal sessions with your athletes please provide me a copy. Once you have completed your sessions I then will set down with each one and review their goals with them as well.

Coaches also use the following pages to goal set with your individual position players. Once these have been completed I will begin to set up home visits with parents.

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Name: ________________________________

My Vows and Goals As A Member Of This Team

I vow that to be an athlete on this team is an honor and a responsibility. I am no longer an individual; I am apart of the "Viper Family". Within the family is a brotherhood (The Team). Being apart of this family has its costs and responsibilities: I make these vows to up hold and protect the legacy of my family and my brotherhood:

I vow to be a team player of character and to be counted upon both on and off the campus.I vow to give my best towards receiving a quality education.I vow to strive to build the foundation of: Belief, Resolve, Discipline, Courage, Perseverance, and Unity.I vow to conduct myself in a manner that does not draw unwarranted attention to my family, my school, and my team.I vow when on campus and in the classroom to cause no problems for myself, teachers, and the team.I ow to be the best possible student that I can be and to make sure that my grades will not jeopardize my good academic standing. If grades are in doubt I will make every attempt to make all study hall sessions and to get help from my teachers and to attend all tutorials when necessary.

I vow to follow all rules laid out by the Viper football program and the VISD student handbook of conduct.I vow I will treat others the way I would want to be treated as a person and as an athlete.I vow to work towards becoming a student of the game and to give 150% effort towards my coaches and fellow teammates.

I vow I will carry myself at all times with Character - "play as hard as I can, for as long as I can".I vow to play with Pride - "Know that I won't quit when it gets tough".I vow to be mentally Tough - "Accept discomfort and coaching and learn to live with it".I vow that when I walk out onto the field I will take great pride in the following:

1. My School2. My Teammates3. My Family4. Myself

I know that when I take the field I represent all those that came before me and those that will come after me and have worn the colors of my school.

Now it is my time in history. I vow that before I leave, history will remember me as a champion both on and off the field of play.

Page 109: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

I Promise To Follow These Vows:

Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Goals and Expectations as a Memorial "Viper"Anticipated Goals by August:

Height: _____________

Bench: _____________

40 Yd. Dash: ________

Weight: _____________

Squat: _____________

Pro Shuttle: ________

Incline: _____________

Power Clean: ________

Standing Broad Jump: ____

Remember: This will take 150% effort and you only pass this way but once, lets make the best of it. We will only be as good as each other, so, how good will we be?

Players Immediate Goals

Players Long Term Goals

Home Phone Number:Street Address:City and Zip Code:E-Mail Address:Cell Phone Number:Players Signature:Parents Signature:Coaches Signature:

Coaches Comments and Expectations

Page 110: Jerry Campbell Program Organization





PROCEDURESTHE FOLLOWING GROWTH PLAN IS RECOMMENDED:_____________________________________________________________



_______FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE GROWTH PLAN WILL RESULT IN:_____________________________________________________________





________________________________STUDENT ATHLETE’S SIGNATURE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE________________________________

________________________________COACH’S SIGNATURE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S


Student Athlete Growth Plan

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November 2006 Schedule of Events

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30


Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving

Pick - upEquipment

Pick - upEquipment Max



Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 2Weight Room


Wk OneWeight Room60%

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1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30



December 2006 Schedule of Events


Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 1Weight Room

Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 1Weight Room

Group 2Agilities

Group 1Weight Room


Finals Finals

Wk TwoWeight Room65%

Wk ThreeWeight Room70%

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2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31


January 2007 Schedule of Events

TeacherWork Day


MartinLuther KingDay




Group Run

Weight Room

Weight Room

Agilities Weight Room



Group Run

Weight Room

Weight Room


Weight RoomAgilities

Word of the week:BeliefCampbell

Word of the week:UnityTaylor

Word of the week:DisciplineStewart

Word of the week:ResolveMcCarter

Weight Room


Jan. 11 2 / 440 yd. man makers10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between each run3 minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between each run5 - 15 yard Bear Crawl Progressions

Jan. 19 2 / 440 yd. man makers12 x 110's

Weight Room72 %

Weight Room75%

Weight Room78%

Weight Room80%

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2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28


February 2007 Schedule of Events






Max Testing

Max Testing

Max Testing

Group Run

Weight Room

Weight Room

AgilitiesWord of the week:PerseveranceEblen

Word of the week:CourageBarnett

Weight Room

Weight Room

Max Testing

Max Testing

Group FootballOffense

Weight Room60%


Feb. 8th 2 / 440 yd. man makers4 - 40 Yd. dashes1 minute rest4 - 40 Yd. dashes1 minute rest

Feb. 8th 4 - 40 Yd. dashes1 minute rest4 - 40 Yd. dashes1 minute rest12 - 5 yard sprints

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


March 2007 Schedule of Events

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Weight Room

Weight Room

Weight Room

Weight Room

Weight Room

Weight Room

Group FootballDefense

Group FootballOffense

Group FootballDefense

Group FootballOffense

Group FootballDefense

Group FootballOffense

Group FootballDefense

Weight Room80%

Weight Room75%

Weight Room65%


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8 9 11 12 13 14

16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30


April 2007 Schedule of Events






Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Max Testing

Max Testing

Max Testing

Max Testing




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6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31


May 2007 Schedule of Events



Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring Football

Spring FootballGame

Page 119: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

2007 Summer Off-Season Weight Room Hours

Monday thru Thursday Summer Off-Season Program

Group 1 / 7:30 am - 9:15 amGroup 2 / 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Friday Weight Room Hours 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Monday thru Thursday Evening Weight Room Hours

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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June 2007 Schedule of Events


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Group 1 / 7:30 am - 9:15 amGroup 2 / 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Friday Weight Room Hours 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Monday thru Thursday Evening Weight Room Hours 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14

16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27


29 30



Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00


Wt. Room5:00 - 8:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Wt. Room8:00 - 11:00

Group 1 / 7:30 am - 9:15 amGroup 2 / 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Monday thru Thursday Evening Weight Room Hours 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday Weight Room Hours 8:00 am - 11:00 am

July 2007 Schedule of Events


Page 122: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

2007 Summer Off-Season Running Program

Stances - The first item will be the concentration on a good stance, stances will be done using an actual football related stance by position played. Each coach will be expected to focus on each athlete and to make sure that they perform the stance as dictated by the program.

a. Athletes will be required to be in a 3 point stance, all down hands will be from finger tips.b. Feet shoulder with apart.c. Feet will be with toes pointed slightly inward, with heels pointed outward (this creates a flat back).d. Eyes will be focused straight ahead, with the back heels of the feet only slightly off the floor.e. Heels no more than a 1/2 inch off the floor.

Lung Walks -Back knee down front leg forward - Show your numbers - Shoulders Opposite the punch Mach "A's" (walk for form) - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

High Knees (with speed)Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

Mach "B's" - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Knees above the waist - toes to the sky - eyes on the prize - Show your numbers - Paw the ground

Butt Kick's - Hammer & Nail, don't beat the drum - Kick your self in the butt -eyes on the prize - Show your numbers

Quick Step Carrioca - Feet fire.

Regular Carrioca - Slow stretching action 10 to 15 yards

Right and Left Single Leg Power Skips - Stress Height and Arm Action

Bounding Drill (Gazelles) - Land and explode off of alternate foot (good running form)

Our summer off-season program that takes us outside will consist of the following activities. Our form running section will require all of our coaches involved and will also require each coach paying close attention to form and technique.

As a team activity we we start each row or activity with the team giving three claps after the start command from a coach. No athlete should be allowed not to clap, remember we start and finish as a team, if this is observed we will then start the row or activity over. The group must stay focused. Once our form run station has been completed we then will move right into our summer running program.

Our running program is divided much the same way as the weight room by changing the routine up on a daily basis, this is done to keep the interest of our athletes.

Form Running

Page 123: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek One June 4th thru June 7th

Week One / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 8 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 8 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week One / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week One / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week One / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 8 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 8 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Page 124: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Summer Running and Agility Program

10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with 20 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest12 - 15 yard progressions15 second rest between sprints


Tuesday Form RunStride 44012 x 110's20 second second rest between sprints

Wednesday 4 - 40 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest4 - 40 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest4 - 40 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest4 - 40 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest4 - 40 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest12 - 5 yard Sprints

Week One June 4th thru June 7th

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

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Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Two June 11th thru June 15th

Week Two / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Two / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week Two / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week Two / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program




Week Two June 11th thru June 15th

20 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest2 - 300 yard dashes

Form RunStride 4405 x 110's20 second second rest between sprints4 x 60's15 second rest3 x 40's15 second rest2 x 10's

10 - 40 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest12 - 15 yard Progressions

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

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Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Three June 18th thru June 21th

Week Three / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 7 repsIncline - 4 sets x 6 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 6 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Three / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 20 repsSquat - 3 sets x 8 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 8 reps

Week Three / Wednesday

Bench - 3 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 7 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 6 sets x 6 repsUpright Row - 3 sets x 6 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Three / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 4 sets x 7 repsPower Clean - 4 sets x 4 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program




Week Three June 18th thru June 21th

10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints

Form RunStride 4404 x 110's20 second second rest between sprints3 x 60's15 second rest2 x 40's15 second rest1 x 10

30 - 40 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest30 - 20 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest12 - 15 yard Progressions

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

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Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Four June 25th thru June 28th

Week Four / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Four / Wednesday

Bench - 3 sets x 6 repsIncline - 5 sets x 5 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 3 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 8 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Four / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 8 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 8 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 20 repsSquat - 3 sets x 8 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week Four / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 5 sets x 5 repsPower Clean - 4 sets x 3 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program




Week Four June 25th thru June 28th

Form RunStride 44010 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints

Form RunStride 4406 x 110's20 second second rest between sprints4 x 60's15 second rest3 x 40's15 second rest2 x 10

Form RunStride 44030 - 20 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest30 - 20 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest12 - 15 yard Progressions

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

Page 131: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Five July 2nd and July 3rd

Week Five / Monday

Bench - 5 sets x 3 repsIncline - 4 sets x 6 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 3 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 10 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week Five / Wednesday

Holiday July 4th

Week Five / Wednesday

Holiday July 5th

Week Five / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 8 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 8 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 5 sets x 3 repsPower Clean - 4 sets x 12 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program




Form RunStride 44010 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 10 yard dashes with a 10 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 5 yard dashes with a 10 second rest between sprints

Week Four July 2nd and July 3rd

Form RunStride 44010 x 110's20 second second rest between sprints7 x 60's15 second rest7 x 40's15 second rest5 x 10



Page 133: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Six July 9th thru July 12th

Week Six / Monday

Bench - 7, 5, 3, 1, 1Incline - 4 sets x 6 repsMilitary - 3 sets x 6 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 3 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 6 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 6 reps

Week Six / Wednesday

Bench - 3 sets x 6 repsIncline - 7, 5, 3, 1, 1Military - 3 sets x 6 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 3 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 6 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 6 reps

Week Six / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 8 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 8 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 8, 6, 4, 2, 2Power Clean - 4 sets x 2 reps

Week Six / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 3 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 3 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 20 repsSquat - 3 sets x 6 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 6 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program



Wednesday Form RunStride 44030 - 20 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest30 - 20 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest12 - 15 yard Progressions

Week Six July 9th thru July 12th

Form RunStride 44010 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 10 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints 2 - minute rest10 - 5 yard dashes with 10 second rest between sprints

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

4 x 10's2 x 20's4 x 40's3 minute rest2 x 10's2 x 20's2 x 40's

Form RunStride 4404 x 10's4 x 20's4 x 40's3 minute rest

Page 135: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Summer Off-Season Weight TrainingWeek Seven July 16th thru July 19th

Week Seven / Monday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 6 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Seven / Tuesday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

Week Seven / Wednesday

Bench - 4 sets x 8 repsIncline - 4 sets x 8 repsMilitary - 4 sets x 8 repsBent Over Row - 4 sets x 8 repsUpright Row - 4 sets x 8 repsArm Curl - 3 sets x 12 repsReverse Curl - 3 sets x 12 reps

Week Six / Thursday

Leg Extensions - 4 sets x 10 repsLeg Curls - 4 sets x 10 repsShoulder Shrugs - 3 sets x 15 repsSquat - 3 sets x 10 repsPower Clean - 3 sets x 10 reps

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Summer Running and Agility Program



Wednesday Form RunStride 44030 - 20 yard dashes with a 15 second rest between sprints1 - minute rest30 - 20 yard dashes with 15 second rest between sprints3 - minute rest12 - 15 yard Progressions

Form RunStride 44010 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 40 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints2 - minute rest10 - 10 yard dashes with a 20 second rest between sprints 2 - minute rest10 - 5 yard dashes with 10 second rest between sprints

Week Seven July 16th thru July 19th

Thursday Agility Stations

Cone DrillsLadder DrillsTechnique Drills

3 minute rest4 x 15's2 x 30's2 x 40's3 minute rest2 x 15's2 x 30's2 x 40's

Form RunStride 4402 x 15's2 x 30's2 x 40's3 minute rest4 x 10's4 x 15's4 x 25's4 x 40's

Page 137: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

How To Run The Metabolic Speed Program

Metabolic Speed Program

Purpose: To simulate the running reqirements of an actual football game.

The goal of the metabolic running program is for our athletes to be able to complete three to four quarters of the program prescribed for their particular position. We will ask our athletes to find a partner and have them on their own after completing our after school weight lifting program perform only three quarters of the following illustrations on the next few pages, due to the demands from other aspects of our running and agility program during our athletic period. There are two rest periods per quarter and a rest period at the end of each quarter. Our athletes when performing their metabolic position running should go as fast as they can on each run, so as to gain the full effect of the speed program.

One of the features of the workout program is that our athletes can cover the distance suggested in any direction. So, they can simulate not only straight ahead speed but, also movements that simulate their particular position.


1. Receivers can run particular patterns for the distances suggested.2. Offensive guards and tackles can pull, zone step, or pass protect.3. Linebackers and defensive backs can work their drops (backpedal).4. Offensive backs can run sweeps, slants, or pass patterns.

Each position is programed individually to bouts of exercise and rest that simulates playing requirements. (see following pages for individual programs). As mentioned, our athletes should run the distance described as fast as possible and then rest for the alloted time. It is important to go "all out" for each bout of exercise and only rest as outlined. The metabolic program is divided into quarters with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter being replications of the first quarter.

During our off-season and the time we spend performing the metabolic speed program we should keep track of our quarter times and total exercise time. As our athletes become better conditioned, the quarter times and total time should be less. A comparison of the 1st to 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters should indicate their degree of football endurance and if their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter time is more than their 1st quarter time, they should spend additional effort to develop more endurance (additional distance running).

This program can be run alone but, it will be easier if they have a partner to run the watch and mark the spot they have to run to. Our athletes must strive to only rest 15 seconds (not 14 or 16 seconds), and to run every yard suggested distance.

The suggested furthest distance run is a 50 yard area, or use the football field. The person helping their partner goes to the spot they are to run to, and tells you when to start. Once the athlete crosses the line they are running to, the person keeping time starts the fifteen second rest time, while at the same time, he then goes to the next yard marker the partner has to run to. The partner keeping the time will give a 3-2-1 call and you are off and running to him once more. This procedure continues until all 26 runs have been completed. This will then consitute one quarter. You will wait 3 minutes and repeat all 26 runs again. At half time you will rest 5 minutes and then go through the 3rd quarter as you did the first two quarters. In the beginning our athletes may find it difficult to complete two quarters, but they should start with two quarters and progress to three quarters.

Page 138: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Metabolic Speed Program Offensive BacksQuarterbacks, Running Backs


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 14 7 8 5 40 40 5 2 50

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

5 12 40 3 40 12 5 5 15 40

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

5 12 40 3 40 12

Page 139: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Metabolic Speed Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

20 40 12 30 5 40 20 10 25 50

25 30 40 12 40 25 14 7 40 7

7 40 12 15 15 40

ReceiversWide Receivers, Tight Ends

Page 140: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Metabolic Speed Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

Offensive Line Centers, Guards, Tackles

11 40 4 7 3 40 7 3 5 24

3 1 50 40 3 5 4 40 6 40

6 50 5 3 10 20

Page 141: Jerry Campbell Program Organization

Metabolic Speed Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Reps

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

Defensive Backs Corners, Free Safeties

15 7 3 40 30 40 4 8 11 50

4 5 23 40 13 5 8 20 50 15

7 3 40 15 30 25

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Metabolic Speed Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

3 40 5 22 14 40

5 8 40 40 14 8 3 30 50 4

4 40 4 5 22 40 8 3 10 50

Linebackers Inside Linebackers and Outside Linebackers

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Metabolic Speed Program


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance (yds.) Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Distance (yds.)

Rest Time (sec.)

15 15 15 15 15 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (yds.)

* Rest 3 Minutes *

* Rest 3 Minutes *

1st Qrt.

2nd Qrt.

3rd Qrt.

Defensive Line Defensive Tackles, Defensive Ends

5 40 4 2 24 40 7 4 4 50

10 5 7 40 8 5 9 18 18 5

8 4 40 2 24 15

Page 144: Jerry Campbell Program Organization











Start Finish Start Finish5 Minute RestBetween Runs

12 - 25 Yd. Runs

300 YardShuttle Run

300 Yard ShuttleSet the 800 yard shuttle as shown in the following diagram. Mark off 25 yards. Athletes sprint the 25 yard course up and back to the starting line for six round trips. (12 x 25 yards = 300 yards)

After completing 1 trail run you will rest for exactly 5 minutes. Start the second trail run at this time. The time should be less than 2 seconds from the first.

Using the following times as a guide line:

Defensive Backs / Running Backs / Wide Receivers = 58 SecondsTight Ends / Linebackers / Fullbacks = 60 SecondsOffensive Line / Defensive Line = 63 Seconds