Jewel Cover Story: August 2015

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Selmor Mtukudzi on being a mom, artist business and wife

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MtukudziSelmorTalented, Hardworking

Jewel: A few years ago you were mired in media controversy regarding comments about your father. What did you learnfrom this experience?Selmor: I learnt to stand up for myself no matter what or who coz it’s only when you do that do you inspire and strengthen other people who are in the same situation. It made me realise that I truly am a “Strong Girl”.

Jewel: You speak very fondly of you mother, what have you learned from her about being a mother?Selmor: LOVE. I write that in caps because there is nothing else more important to a child, young or old, but love. And I will give that same amount to my children and hopefully they will pass it on to their children and so on.

Jewel: Your husband is Tendai Manatsa who is also a celebrity in his own right. How do maintain balance in your relationship as husband and wife, considering the demands on on youboth as artists and celebrities?

Selmor: We have similar backgrounds and so we understand each other. We are not celebrities to each other and so our relationship is effortless. We are best friends.

Jewel: How do you work together to raise your children?Selmor: Tendai is the bad cop and I’m the good cop. It works perfectly well when we want our kids to listen.

Jewel: I understand that you are working to establish your own brand. Who is Selmor the brand?Selmor: Selmor is a great performer, singer/songwriter, wife, mother and a passionate feminist.

Jewel: How do you define success as an artist?Selmor: Being able to write the music you want and perform it to a listening audience.

Jewel: You were recently nominated for the African Entertainment Awards, however you get very little airplay here in Zimbabwe. In your experience is it

Selmor Mtukudzi has a passion for life that shines through in her art. Best known as an afro-Jazz artist, Selmor has been in the public eye since she broke into the entertainment industry with a film

role when she was a child. Since then she has built her brand and currently counts an African Entertainment Award Nomination among her successes. She is also among nine accomplished

female musicians from seven African countries who have come together on a new song calling for women and girls to be central to the fight against poverty.

Titled ‘’Strong Girl’ the video from the One campaign features an all African-cast of some of the continent’s brightest stars. She is a mother and a business woman who is successfully balancing

both work and family. Jewel Magazine’s Managing Editor Upenyu Makoni-Matenga sat down with Selmor to talk about motherhood, fame and family life.

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easier for Zimbabwean artists to ‘make it’ out of Zimbabwe?Selmor: It’s not easy making it anywhere in the world. When one is nominated outside their own country it’s a sign of GOOD and HARD work.I can’t complain about the airplay I get, radio and TV have been reallysupportive of my career.

Jewel: What advice would you give young women who are wivesmothers and artists?Selmor: Try to make time for the kids, the hubby and work. Mostly it’s the kids who suffer so as mothers we should be more conscious of that and make efforts not to subconsciously ignore them.

Jewel: What should we know about you that we don’t already?Selmor: I’m a Christian, a true believer. And I’m also an amazing cook.

We are not celebrities to each

other and so our relationship is

effortless. We are best friends.