JIGNASA AIAPGET MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWERS 1. तेषामेकगुण् : पु गुणृ : परे परे this line is quoted for___ A) Ekanta vada B) Parinama vada C) Pancheekarana siddhanta D) Bhutantara pravesha 2.Bhakti is assessed by which Anumana gamya bhava___ A) Vidheyataya B) Abhiprayena C) Desha D) Satmya 3. अतीघात : is the lakshana of___ A) Megha B) Akasha C) Vayu D) Kala 4. य़त् अमारयत आरभा : is ___ A) Samarambha B) Adhikarana C) Prayojana D)Vyavasaya 5. अनुणशीत् पश्ान् is the quality of ___ A) Akasha B) Pruthvi C) Vayu D) Teja 6.Author of Chikitsa Pradeepa___ A) Dhanwantari B) Kaashiraja

JIGNASA AIAPGET MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWERS AIAPGET (1).pdf · 49.According to Sushruta Samhita which is the first procedure done during Navajata Shishu Paricharya -___

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    1. तेषामेकगुण्: पुर्वॊ गुणरृ्वॊद्दि�: परे परे this line is quoted for___

    A) Ekanta vada B) Parinama vada

    C) Pancheekarana siddhanta D) Bhutantara pravesha

    2.Bhakti is assessed by which Anumana gamya bhava___

    A) Vidheyataya B) Abhiprayena

    C) Desha D) Satmya

    3. अप्रतीघात: is the lakshana of___

    A) Megha B) Akasha

    C) Vayu D) Kala

    4. य़त् अर्थ�मारभ्यन्त आरम्भा: is ___

    A) Samarambha B) Adhikarana

    C) Prayojana D)Vyavasaya

    5. अनषु्णशीत् स्पश् �र्वॊान् is the quality of ___

    A) Akasha B) Pruthvi

    C) Vayu D) Teja

    6.Author of Chikitsa Pradeepa___

    A) Dhanwantari B) Kaashiraja

  • C) Devodas D) Sahadeva

    7.No. Of Aushadha mentioned in Athrva veda___

    A) 67 B) 82

    C) 289 D) none

    8.Author of Vagbhata vivechana___

    A) Y. T Acharya B) P.V Sharma

    C) Gananatha sen D) B. G Ganekar

    9.Lolimba raja’s time period is ___

    A) 5 th C B) 17th C

    C) 16th D) 20th

    10.Parvataka Tantra belongs to___

    A) Padarta vijnana B) Kaya chikitsa

    C) Kaumara bhrutya D) Shalya tantra

    11.पन्चाना गर्वॊा समाहार:- पन्चगर्वॊम् is _____समास

    A) द्वन्द्व B) द्विद्वगु

    C) कम�धारय D) बहुव्रीद्विह

    12. हशिशच This sootra belongs to ___ Sandhi

    A) शु्चत्र्वॊ B) चत्र्वॊ�

    C) द्विर्वॊसग� D) अनुस्र्वॊार

  • 13. नौ This word is in which Vibhakti ___

    A) द्विद्वतीया B) चतुर्थ2

    C) षष्टी D) all

    14. छात्रद्वयंपठत: Correct the sentence with suitable word___

    A) छात्रेदे्व B) छात्रद्वयाणिण

    C) पठत D) The sentence is correct no need of corrections

    15. भूयात् is in which La kaara___

    A) लङ् B) द्विर्वॊधिधशिलङ्

    C) आशिशशिशशिलन्ङ् D) लृट्

    16.Ingredient of Shashanka kirana Bhakshya___

    A) Ushira B) Chandana

    C) Talisa D) Rajata

    17.Which of following to be consumed after Abrahmacharaya

    A) Khandakhadya B) Yusha

    C) Kshira D) All of the above

    18.To strengthen eyes Triphala should be given along with Madhu and Sarpi at

    A) Early morning B) Evening

    C) Night D) Both B & C

  • 19.रे्वॊष्टन, त्रासन and सेक are the treatments of__

    A) Vatavyadhi B) Pittavyadhi

    C) Kapha vyadhi D) Sannipataja vyadhi

    20.Uapanaha is

    A) Sagni sweda B) Niragni sweda

    C) Tapa sweda D) Both A & B

    21.Following Dravya should be taken regularly

    A) Dadhi B) Matsya

    C) Godhuma D) Yavaka

    22. Following measure is true with respect to Saktu

    A) It should not be consumed after food B) It should not be taken twice

    C) It should not be taken at night D) All of the above

    23.Among Chaturvidha Sneha Tilataila is best for__

    A) Balya B) Virechana

    C) Vatahara D) All of the above

    24. मलापहंरोगहरंबलर्वॊण�प्रसादनम् related to

    A) Shamana B) Shodhana

    C) Swedana D) Snehana

  • 25. अद्विनर्वॊ@दो ___

    A) Varta lakshanam B) Bhishak lakshanam

    C) Dosha vaishamaya lakshanam D) Sannipataja Jwara lakshanam

    26. Which of the following statements is true1. The somatic nervous system and ANS both include sensory and motor neurons.2 Somatic motor neurons release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine 3 The effect of an Automatic motor neuron is either excitation or inhibition, but that of a somatic motor neuron always excitation.4 Automatic sensory neurons are mostly associated with interceptors 5 Automatic motor pathways consist of two motor neurons in series 6 Somatic motor pathways consists of two motor neurons in series

    A) 1, 2, 3, 4&5 B) 1, 3, 4&5

    C) 2, 3, 5, &6 D) 2, 4, 5& 6

    27. रुक्ष, व्यायम, लंघन, अत्याहार, अणिभघात, अध्र्वॊ, रे्वॊग उद्दिदरण धारण are the reason for the Prakopa of

    A) Praana Vaata B) Udaana Vaata

    C) Vyana Vaata D) Samaana Vaata

    28.AIDS involves__

    A) T-Helper cells B) T- Suppressor

    C) T- Cytotoxic D) B-Cells

    29. According to Vagbhata, नख develops in which month of Garbhaavastha

    A) 4th month B) 5th month

    C) 6th month D) 7th month

  • 30. According to which author रोमकुप is considered as Sookshma srotas

    A) Bhavamishra B) Charaka

    C) Vridda Jivaka D) Haarita

    31. Middle Radio ulnar joint is an example for ___type of joint

    A) Syndesmosis B) Synchondrosis

    C) Plane joint D) Saddle joint

    32.Which structure is also called as Omental bursa?

    A) Hepato renal pouch of Morison B) Lesser Sac

    C) Para Colic gutter D) Recto uterine pouch

    33. Internal capsule is an example for ___ type of Cerebral fibres

    A) Association B) Commissural

    C) Projection D) Transverse

    34.In starvation, last to disappear is ____

    A) Buccal fat B) Fat around the abdomen

    C) Fat around the eyes D)Fat in the mesentery

    35. Number of Jangama Visha Adhishtana___

    A) 08 B) 16

    C) 10 D)12

  • 36. IPC section dealing with grievous hurt ___

    A) Sec. 420 B) Sec. 320

    C) Sec. 299 D) Sec. 351

    37. Which of the following is the प्रभार्वॊज कम� of Visha____

    A) Vyavayi B) Vikashi

    C) Vishaghna D)Yogavahi

    38. Hydrocution is___

    A) Wet drowning B) Immersion syndrome

    C) Near drowning D) Dry drowning

    39. सद्यः प्राणक्षयकरः शॊषणस्तु शरीरिरणाम् is related to__

    A) Paschima Vayu B) Kupa Jala

    C) Dakshina Vayu D) Ati Langhana Upadrava

    40.अपादचारी सुरणिभः सततं धूद्विपताम्बरः । हम्य�पृषे्ठ र्वॊसेद्बाष्प ____ र्वॊर्जिजPते

    A) स्र्वॊप्नायास B) शीतशीकर

    C) स्र्वॊप्नशीत D) स्र्वॊप्नव्यायाम

    41.Giardiasis is an example for the disease due to presence of ______in water

    A) Snails B) Virus

    C) Bacteria D) Protozoa

  • 42. Permissible Impurity of co2 in room is ___

    A) 0.0002cu.feet in 1cu.feet of air B) 0.00002cu.feet in 1cu.feet of air

    C) 0.002cu.feet in 1cu.feet of air D) 0.02cu.feet in 1cu.feet of air

    43.Dusts, fumes and other injurious substance trapped and extracted “at source” before they escape into the factory atmosphere is the principle of ___

    A) Dust control B) Enclosure

    C) LEV D) Both a & c

    44.Latin name of Chandrashura is ___

    A) CoriandrumsativumLinn. B) Lepidumsativum Linn.

    C) Nigella sativaLinn. D) Medicagosativa Linn.

    45. According to Vagbhatta, सर्वॊ@षु श्वासकासेषु केर्वॊलं र्वॊा ____

    A) Amalaki B) Bibhitaka

    C) Guduchi D) Haritaki

    46.Flax seed is the English name for ____

    A) Tila B) Atasi

    C) Sarshapa D) Eranda

    47. Which of the Varga is not included in Bhavaprakasha?

    A) Haritakyadivarga B) Karpuradivarga

    C) Aragvadhadivarga D) Guduchyadivarga

  • 48.सर्वॊ� कन्डू द्विर्वॊनाशिशद्विन as per Bhavprakash is -___

    A) Haridra B) Daruharidra

    C) Vanaharidra D) Amragandhiharidra

    49.According to Sushruta Samhita which is the first procedure done during Navajata Shishu Paricharya -___

    A) Pranapratyagamana B) Ulba Parimarjana

    C) Nabhinala Kartana D) Mukha Vishodhana

    50. Ghrita matra for 4th month child as per Kashyap Samhita is

    A) Kolasthi Matra B) Kola Matra

    C) Shushka Amalaka Matra D) Ardramalaka Matra

    51. A child is suffering with diarrohea since last six months weight of the child is 40% loss of weight to his expected weight for age and there is no edema then what will be the diagnosis?

    A) Kwashiorkor B) Underweight

    C) Marasmas D) Marasmic kwashiorkor

    52.Waiter’s tip position is seen in which birth injury?

    A) Klumpke’s palsy B) Erb’s palsy

    C) Phrenic nerve palsy D) Facial nerve palsy

    53. सदाहपश्व�पृष्ठशलूानाहमूत्रसङ्ग is ____

    A) गभ�स्रारे्वॊ B) प्रस्रम्समनगभV

    C) स्र्थानान्तरगतगभV D) गभ�पाते

    54. Bucking is seen in _____stage of labour.

  • A) 1st stage B) 2nd stage

    C) 3rd Stage D) All of the above

    55.एलादीरसायन dosage according to Sushruta is__

    A) 1 Pala B) 1 Karsha

    C) 1 Shukti D) 1 Kuduva

    56.Which of the Ghrita is indicated in Vataja Gulma according to Vagbhata?

    A) त्र्यषुणादीघृत B) लशुनादीघृत

    C) षट्पलंघृत D) All of the above

    57. Pinards maneuver followed in__

    A) Extended breech B) Frank breech

    C) Shoulder traction D) complete breech

    58.अद्वितप्रर्वॊत�तयेोन्यांलब्धेगभVऽद्विप ___

    A) असजृा B) गभ�स्रार्वॊ

    C) रक्तयोद्विन D) र्वॊाधिमनी

    59. द्विपच्छि^छलरुधिधरस्राद्विर्वॊणश्छ्त्राकारान्करीराञ्जनयन्तिन्त is mentioned for___

    A) Yoni Kanda B) Yoni Arsha

    C) Karnika D) Yoni Pala

    60.जलसंुशीतंसशक� रं is indicated in following तृष्णा according to Sushruta

  • A) मद्यजतृष्णाधिचद्विकत्सा B) हृद्रोगजतृष्णा

    C) श्रमजतषृ्णाधिचद्विकत्सा D) गुर्वॊ�न्नजतषृ्णाधिचद्विकत्सा

    61. HAIR-AN syndrome is characterised by ___

    A) Hyperandrogenism B) insulinresistance

    C) Acanthosis nigricans D) All of the above

    62.असात्म्येन्द्रिन्द्रयार्थ�संयोगप्रज्ञापराधपरिरणामज type of Disease according to Sushruta is ___

    A) Karmaja Roga B) Doshaja Roga

    C) Both A&B D) None of the above

    63. Which of the following examples are quoted to explain the qualities of abhyanga__

    A) रर्थाक््ष B) चम�

    C) घट D) all of the above

    64.चुशिलद्विक र्वॊसा is

    A) Hitatama Jalachara vasa B) Ahitatama Jalachara vasa

    C) Hitata Mamatsya vasa D) none of the above

    65. स्नेहपान is contra indicated in the following varieties of Agni

    A) Mandagni B) Ati Teekshnagni

    C) Ati Mandagni D) Both b and c

    66. In घनागम काल अनुर्वॊासन should be administered during

  • A) Dina B) Ratri

    C) Madhyahna D) Both A and B.

    67. Minimum gap between two शोधन in अर्वॊर शुन्द्रिi

    A) 5 days B) 9 days

    C) 15 days D) 7 days

    68. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a disorder of

    A) Cerebellum B) Vestibular apparatus

    C) Pons D) Compression of cervical spine

    69. Automated Perimetry is an investigation which is done for assessment of

    A) Visual field B) Hearing loss

    C) Thickness of cornea D) Thickness of retina

    70. The प्रमाण of कृष्ण मंडल is____

    A) 1 yava B) 2 yava

    C) 2 1/2 yava D) 3 yava

    71. बन्धुजीर्वॊ प्रतीकाश eyeball is a feature in____

    A) Raktaja Adhimantha B) Savrana Shukla

    C) Raktaja Abhishyanda D) Sashopha Akshipaka

    72. सधंार्वॊ a preparation mentioned in Ashtanga Hridaya is a type of

    A) Anjana Yoga B) Seka Yoga

  • C) Oral medication D) Taila preparation

    73. The toxin produced by tetanus bacteria that

    A) Tetanospasmin B) Tetanin

    C) Tannin D) Tetanolysin

    74.Winging of scapula is the clinical sign of which

    A) Erbs palsy B) Long thoracic nerve of bell

    C) Radial nerve D) Median nerve

    75.Match the following operation with its indicated diseasesa) Billroth operation 1.Haitus herniab) Nissen fundoplication 2. gastic ulcersc) Bassinioperation 3. Fistula in anod) IFTAC 4. Inguinal hernia

    A) a- 2, b-1, c-3, d-4 B) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4

    C) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3 D) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1

    76. असीव्य व्रणा are

    A) मारुत्र्वॊाद्विह रृ्वॊण B) द्विर्वॊषज व्रण

    C) अन्तलोद्विहतज रृ्वॊण D) all the above

    77. Final stage in the Research Process is ___

    A) Generalization and interpretation B) Report Writing

    C) Data collection D) Data Analysis

    78. Questionnaire is a ___

    A) Research method B) Measurement technique

  • C) Tool for data collection D) Data analysis technique

    79. Research Problem should be____

    A) Feasible B) Interesting

    C) Ethical D) All the above

    80.Mean, Median and Mode are____

    A) Ways of sampling B) Measures of control tendency

    C) Measures of deviation D) Measures of Central tendency

    81. Normal curve is____

    A) S shaped B) Parabolic

    C) Bell shaped D) Hyperbolic

    82.Which is the Maharasa whose Shodhana is done along with RaktaVarga as well as SnehaVarga drugs consequently?

    A) Shilajatu B) Abhraka

    B) Sasyaka D) Chapala

    83.What are the number of molecules of H2O present in a single compound of Godanti?

    A) 24 B) 2

    C) 7 D) 5

    84. “परिरपक्र्वॊान्नसंधानसमुत्पन्नां _____ जगुः” fill in the blanks.

    A) सुरामण्डः B) सुरा

  • C) मेदकः D) कादम्बरी

    85. Which are the drugs mentioned in the list of Chedana by Sharangadhara?

    A) Kshara B) Maricha

    C) Shilajatu D) All of the above

    86.The newly appointed Union Minister forHealth and Family Welfare in May 2019 is?

    A) Prakash Javadekar B) Harsh Vardhan

    C) Jagat Prakash Nadda D) Shripad Yesso Naik

    87.Which was the bill drafted by the Government of India in 2017 that was proposed to replace the Medical Council of India (MCI)?

    A) National Medical Council B) National Medical Committee

    C) National Medical commission D) Indian Medical Council

    88.What is the expansion of NITI Aayog?

    A) National Industrial transformation in India

    B) National Industrial trust of India

    C) National Institute of Industrializing India

    D) National Institute of Transforming India

    89.Which among these is/ are true about AYUSHMAN BHARATH___1. Also called as PM-JAY2. Incorporated on August 15 20183. Core area of interest is ophthalmic care, NCD,immunization4. Wellness centers and national health protection scheme are the 2 major elements5.Covers secondary and tertiary care hospitalization

    A) 1, 2, 3 are true B) 1, 3, 4 are true

    C) 1, 2, 4, 5 are true D) all are true

  • 90.In पक्र्वॊाशयस्र्थलीनआमदोष following treatment to be done___

    A) Dipana B) Virechana

    C) Pachana D) Both A & B

    91. नान्तिmनंद्विर्वॊनाद्विहतष�ःपर्वॊनाद्वातौद्विहशोषणेहेतू Is the pathology of which disease___?

    A) Agni visarpa B) Trishna

    C) Kshayaja rajayakshma D) Both A& B

    92.Madanaphala should be administered along with Madhu and Saindhava to cause___

    A) Kapha vilayana B) Kapha chedana

    C) Kapha utklesha D) Both A& B

    93.As per Charakasamhita which of the following Swedana procedures done during Nasya

    A) Tapa sweda B) Nadi sweda

    C) Hasta Tala sweda D) Holaka sweda

    94. प्रलम्बशिशरसःद्विकच्छिnचन्तित्कच्छिnचत्पादोन्नतस्यच

    A) Anuvasana basti B) Siravyadha

    C) Nasya D) Both A & B

    95. Which of the following hormones affect Na+, Cl-, Ca+2, and/or water reabsorption and/or K+secretion by renal tubule1.Angiotensin II2.Aldosterone3.ADH4.Atrial natriuretic peptide5.Thyroid hormone

  • A) 1, 3, 5 B) 2, 3

    C) 2, 4, 5 D) 1, 2, 3, 4

    96. Which one of the following is not included in the Dashamoola

    (A) Agnimantha (B) Kantakari(C) Gokshura (D) Mudgaparni

    97. Theme of National Ayurveda day 2018 was

    (A) Globalization of Ayurveda (B) Ayurveda for Public Health

    (C) Ayurveda for Prevention andControl of Obesity

    (D) Pain Management throughAyurveda

    98. According to Sharangadhara samhita, best single drug indicated for Gridhrasi



    Rasna (B) Mahanimba

    (C) Shunti (D) Guggulu

    99. Apunarbhava test is a good characteristic feature of-(A


    Churna (B) Vati

    (C) Bhasma (D



    100. Clinical trial Registry-India is co-ordinated by


    (C) ICMR (D) NMPB


    Sl.no Answer and explanation 1. D Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita with ayurveda deepika

    commentary by shree chakrapanidattaedited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya published by chaikhamba surabharati prakashana , Varanasi, 2013, Deerganjivithiya adhya sutasthana chapter 1, verse-28;pp-738 P-289cha sha 1/ 28.

    2. C Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita with ayurveda deepika commentary by shree chakrapanidattaedited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya published by chaikhamba surabharati prakashana , Varanasi, 2013 trividharogavishesha vijinaiyam vimanasthana chapter-4, verse-8, pp-738 p-248

    3. B answer- b) akasha, Charaka Samhita with ayurveda deepika commentary by shree chakrapanidattaedited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya published by chaikhamba surabharati prakashana , Varanasi, 2013;Kathithadhatupurisiya shareera sthana chapter-1 verse-29’; pp-738,p-289

    4. C Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita with ayurveda deepika commentary by shree chakrapanidattaedited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya published by chaikhamba surabharati prakashana , Varanasi, 2013, rogabhishakjatiyavimanam vimanasthana chapter-8,verse-44; pp-738, p-239

    5. C Padartha vijnana, Hiralal R Shivahare,Chaowkahambha surabharati prakashana , Tarka sangraha,pp-416,pg- 42 Padartha vijnana & Ithihasa ,Dr.Vidyalakshmi Chaukambha orientalia, Varanasi PP-229 P-31

    6. B Ayurveda vijianic itihasa , Acharaya , priyaruth Sharma, PP768, p-4

    7. C Ayurveda vijianic itihasa , Acharaya , priyaruth Sharma,

  • PP768,p-498. B Ayurveda vijianic itihasa , Acharaya , priyaruth Sharma,

    PP768,p-5479. B Ayurveda vijianic itihasa , Acharaya , priyaruth Sharma,

    PP768,p-34110. C Ayurveda vijianic itihasa , Acharaya , priyaruth Sharma,

    PP768,p-53711. B पाणिणनीयप्रर्वॊेशिशक-१०२12. C panineeya praveshika-63 13. D paanineeya praveshika- 15614. C paanineeya praveshika - 201 15. C paanineeya praveshika -184 16. C Vagbhata. Astanga hridyam. Saravanga sunadara

    commentary by Arunadatta and ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri: Varanasi; Chaukhamabha surabahrati prakashana ; Ritucharya adhyaya ,Verse 32, reprint-2007;pp-956,p-45

    17. D Vagbhata. Astanga hridyam. Saravanga sunadara commentary by Arunadatta and ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri: Varanasi; Chaukhamabha surabahrati prakashana ; reprint-2007; Annaraksha adhayaya, Verse 76 pp-956,p-145

    18. C Vagbhata. Astanga hridyam. Saravanga sunadara commentary by Arunadatta and ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri: Varanasi; Chaukhamabha surabahrati prakashana ; reprint-2007; Sutrasthana, Matrashitiya Adhyaya Verse 44,pp-956,p-157

    19. A Vagbhata. Astanga hridyam. Saravanga sunadara commentary by Arunadatta and ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri: Varanasi; Chaukhamabha surabahrati prakashana ; reprint-2007; Sutrasthana, Doshopakramaniya adhyaya ,Verse 2,pp-956,p-219

    20. B Vagbhata. Astanga hridyam. Saravanga sunadara commentary by Arunadatta and ayurveda Rasayana by Hemadri: Varanasi; Chaukhamabha surabahrati prakashana ; reprint-2007;Sutrasthana ,Sveda adhyaya, Verse 1&28 pp-956¸p-253

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