JIHAD FOR DUMMIES KHALIL BOCKLE July 26, 2010 What is Jihad? Islamic Holy War? Muslims Killing Jews & Christians? That is what we are told - by the western media. But what is the real truth behind this word JIHAD? Jihad Explained by Dr. Amir Ali, Ph.D. (May Allah have Mercy on him) narrated & compiled by Khalil Bockle. In the linguistic sense, the Arabic word "jihad" means struggling or striving and applies to any effort exerted by anyone. In this sense, a student struggles and strives to get an education and pass course work; an employee strives to fulfill his/her job and maintain good relations with his/her employer; a politician strives to maintain or increase his [1] popularity with his constituents and so on. The term strive or struggle may be used for/by Muslims as well as non- Muslims; for example, Allah, the One and Only True God says in the Quran: "We have enjoined on people kindness to parents; but if they STRIVE (Jahadaka) to make you ascribe partners with Me that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not..." [Noble Quran 29:8; also see 31:15] In the above two verses of the Quran, it is non-Muslim parents who strive (Jahadaka) to convert their Muslim child back to their religion. In the West, "jihad" is generally translated as "holy war," a usage the media has popularized. According to Islamic teachings, it is UNHOLY to instigate or start war; however, some wars are inevitable and justifiable. If we translate the words "holy war" back into Arabic, we find "Harbun Muqaddasatu," or for "the holy war," "Al-Harbu Al-Muqaddasatu." WE CHALLENGE any researcher or scholar to find the meaning of "jihad" as holy war in the Quran or authentic Hadith collections or in early Islamic literature. Unfortunately, some Muslim writers and translators of the Quran, the Hadith and other Islamic literature translate the term "jihad" as "holy war," due to the influence of centuries-old Western propaganda. This could be a reflection of the Christian use of the term "Holy War" to refer to the Crusades of a thousand years ago. However, the Arabic words for "war" are "Harb" or "Qital," which are found in the Quran and Hadith. For Muslims the term JIHAD is applied to all forms of STRIVING and has developed some special meanings over time. The sources of this development are the Quran (the Word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran and the Hadith use the word "jihad" in several different contexts which are given below:

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What is Jihad? Islamic Holy War? Muslims Killing Jews & Christians?

That is what we are told - by the western media. But what is the real truth behind this word JIHAD?

Jihad Explained by Dr. Amir Ali, Ph.D. (May Allah have Mercy on him) narrated & compiled by Khalil Bockle.

In the linguistic sense, the Arabic word "jihad" means struggling or striving and applies to any effort exerted by anyone. In this sense, a student struggles and strives to get an education and pass course work; an employee strives to fulfill his/her job and maintain good relations with his/her employer; a politician strives to maintain or increase his [1] popularity with his constituents and so on. The term strive or struggle may be used for/by Muslims as well as non-Muslims; for example, Allah, the One and Only True God says in the Quran:

"We have enjoined on people kindness to parents; but if they STRIVE (Jahadaka) to make you ascribe partners with Me that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not..." [Noble Quran 29:8; also see 31:15] In the above two verses of the Quran, it is non-Muslim parents who strive (Jahadaka) to convert their Muslim child back to their religion.

In the West, "jihad" is generally translated as "holy war," a usage the media has popularized. According to Islamic teachings, it is UNHOLY to instigate or start war; however, some wars are inevitable and justifiable. If we translate the words "holy war" back into Arabic, we find "Harbun Muqaddasatu," or for "the holy war," "Al-Harbu Al-Muqaddasatu." WE CHALLENGE any researcher or scholar to find the meaning of "jihad" as holy war in the Quran or authentic Hadith collections or in early Islamic literature. Unfortunately, some Muslim writers and translators of the Quran, the Hadith and other Islamic literature translate the term "jihad" as "holy war," due to the influence of centuries-old Western propaganda. This could be a reflection of the Christian use of the term "Holy War" to refer to the Crusades of a thousand years ago. However, the Arabic words for "war" are "Harb" or "Qital," which are found in the Quran and Hadith.

For Muslims the term JIHAD is applied to all forms of STRIVING and has developed some special meanings over time. The sources of this development are the Quran (the Word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran and the Hadith use the word "jihad" in several different contexts which are given below:

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It is human nature to love what is seen with the eyes and felt with the senses more than the UNSEEN REALITY. The Creator of the Universe and the One God is Allah. He is the Unseen Reality which we tend to ignore and not recognize. The Quran addresses those who claim to be believers:

"O you who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for protectors if they love disbelief over belief; whoever of you takes them for protectors, such are wrong-doers. Say: if your fathers, and your children, and your brethren, and your spouses, and your tribe, and the wealth you have acquired, and business for which you fear shrinkage, and houses you are pleased with are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and STRIVING in His way: then wait till Allah brings His command to pass. Allah does not guide disobedient folk." [Noble Quran 9:23, 24] It is indeed a struggle to put Allah ahead of our loved ones, our wealth, our worldly ambitions and our own lives. Especially for a non-Muslim who embraces Islam, it may be a tough struggle due to the opposition of his family, peers and society.


Once a person has made up his mind to put the Creator of the Universe above all else, he often comes under intense pressures. It is not easy to resist such pressures and STRIVE to maintain dedication and love of Allah over all else. A person who has turned to Islam from another religion may be subjected to pressures designed to turn him back to the religion of the family. We read in the Quran:

"So obey not the rejecters of faith, but strive (Jahidhum) against them by it (the Quran) with a great endeavor." [Noble Quran 25:52]

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Allah says in the Quran:

"And STRIVE (JADIHU) for Allah with the endeavor (JIHADIHI) which is His right. He has chosen you and has not laid upon you in the DEEN (religion) any hardship..." [Noble Quran 22:78]

"And whosoever STRIVES (JAHADA), STRIVES (YUJAHIDU) only for himself, for lo! Allah is altogether independent of the universe." [Noble Quran 29:6] As for those who strive and struggle to live as true Muslims whose lives are made difficult due to persecution by their opponents, they are advised to migrate to a more peaceful and tolerant land and continue with their struggle in the cause of Allah. Allah says in the Quran:

"Lo! As for those whom the angels take (in death) while they wronged themselves, (the angels) will ask: 'In what you were engaged?' They will way: 'We were oppressed in the land.' (The angels) will say: 'Was not Allah's earth spacious that you could have migrated therein?'" [Noble Quran 4:97]

"Lo! Those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape persecution) and STRIVE (JAHADU) in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah's mercy..." [Noble Quran 2:218] Allah tests the believers in their faith and their steadfastness:

"Or did you think that you would enter Paradise while yet Allah knows not those of you who really STRIVE (JAHADU), nor knows those (of you) who are steadfast." [Noble Quran 3:142]

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"And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits; but give tidings to the steadfast." [Noble Quran 2:155] We find that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his clan were boycotted socially and economically for three years to force him to stop his message and compromise with the pagans but he resisted and realized a moral victory [2].


Allah declares in the Quran:

"As for those who STRIVE (JAHADU) in Us (the cause of Allah), We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good doers." [Noble Quran 29:69] When we are faced with two competing interests, it becomes jihad to choose the right one, as the following Hadith exemplify:

"Ayshah, wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, we see jihad as the best of deeds, so shouldn't we join it?' He replied, 'But the best of jihad is a perfect Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).'" [Sahih Al-Bukhari #2784]

At another occasion, a man asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

"'Should I join the jihad?' He asked, 'Do you have parents?' The man said, 'Yes!' The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Then strive by serving them!'" [Sahih Al-Bukhari #5972]

Yet another man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him):

"'What kind of jihad is better?' He replied, 'A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler!'" [Sunan Al-Nasa'i #4209]

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "...the MUJAHID (one who carries out jihad) is he who STRIVES against himself for the sake of Allah, and the MUHAJIR (one who emigrates) is he who abandons evil deeds and sin." [Sahih Ibn Hibban #4862]


The Quran narrates the experiences of a large number of Prophets and good people who suffered a great deal trying to convey the message of Allah to mankind. For examples, see the Quran

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26:1-190, 36:13-32. In the Quran, Allah specifically praises those who strive to convey His message:

"Who is better in speech than one who calls (other people) to Allah, works righteous, and declares that he is from the Muslims." [Noble Quran 41:33] Under adverse conditions it takes great courage to remain a Muslim, declare oneself to be a Muslim and call others to Islam. We read in the Quran:

"The (true) believers are only those who believe in Allah and his messenger and afterward doubt not, but STRIVE with their wealth and their selves for the cause of Allah. Such are the truthful." [Noble Quran 49:15] 6. DEFENDING ISLAM AND THE COMMUNITY:

Allah declares in the Quran:

"To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to defend themselves), because they are wronged - and verily, Allah is Most Powerful to give them victory - (they are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right - (for no cause) except that they say, 'Our Lord is Allah'..." [Noble Quran 22:39-40] The Quran permits fighting to defend the religion of Islam and the Muslims. This permission includes fighting in self-defense and for the protection of family and property. The early Muslims fought many battles against their enemies under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or his representatives. For example, when the pagans of Quraysh brought armies against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Muslims fought to defend their faith and community [3]. The Quran adds:

"Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress limits. Lo! Allah loves not aggressors. ...And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be

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no hostility except against transgressors." [Noble Quran 2:190, 193] 7. HELPING ALLIED PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT BE MUSLIM:

In the late period of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life, the tribe of Banu Khuza'ah became his ally. They were living near Makkah which was under the rule of the pagan Quraysh, Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) own tribe. The tribe of Banu Bakr, an ally of Quraysh, with the help of some elements of Quraysh, attacked Banu Khuza'ah invoked the treaty and demanded Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to come to their help and punish Quraysh. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) organized a campaign against Quraysh of Makkah which resulted in the conquest of Makkah which occurred without any battle [4].


Allah orders the Muslims in the Quran:

"If you fear treachery from any group, throw back (their treaty) to them, (so as to be) on equal terms. Lo! Allah loves not the treacherous." [Noble Quran 8:58] Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) undertook a number of armed campaigns to remove treacherous people from power and their lodgings. He had entered into pacts with several Jewish tribes, however, some of them proved themselves treacherous. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) launched armed campaigns against these tribes, defeated and exiled them from Medina and its surroundings [5].


Indeed, it is difficult to mobilize people to fight when they see no invaders in their territory; however, those who are charged with responsibility see dangers ahead of time and must provide leadership. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him), had the responsibility to protect his people and the religion he established in Arabia. Whenever he received intelligence reports about enemies gathering near his borders he carried out preemptive strikes, broke their power and dispersed them [6]. Allah ordered Muslims in the Quran:

"Fighting is prescribed upon you, and you dislike it. But it may happen that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. And Allah knows and you know not." [Noble Quran 2:216]

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Allah declares in the Quran:

"They ask you (Muhammad) concerning fighting in the Sacred Month. Say, 'Fighting therein is a grave (offense) but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its inhabitants. Persecution is worse than killing. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith, if they can..." [Noble Quran 2:217]

"And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) fight back." [Noble Quran 42:39] To gain this freedom, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"STRIVE (JAHIDU) against the disbelievers with your hands and tongues." [Sahih Ibn Hibban #4708]

The life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was full of STRIVING to gain the freedom to inform and convey the message of Islam. During his stay in Makkah he used non-violent methods and after the establishment of his government in Madinah, by the permission of Allah, he used armed struggle against his enemies whenever he found it inevitable.


Allah admonishes Muslims in the Quran:

"And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? - Men, women, and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You, one who will protect; and raise for us from You, one who will help.'" [Noble Quran 4:75]

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The mission of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was to free people from tyranny and exploitation by oppressive systems. Once free, individuals in the society were then free to chose Islam or not. Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) successors continued in his footsteps and went to help oppressed people. For example, after the repeated call by the oppressed people of Spain to the Muslims for help, Spain was liberated by Muslim forces and the tyrant rulers removed. After the conquest of Syria and Iraq by the Muslims, the Christian population of Hims reportedly said to the Muslims:

"We like your rule and justice far better than the state of oppression and tyranny under which we have been living." [7]

The defeated rulers of Syria were Roman Christians, and Iraq was ruled by Zoroastrian Persians.


Muslims should remove tyranny, treachery, bigotry, and ignorance and replace them with justice and equity. We should provide truthful knowledge and free people from the bondage of 'associationism' (SHIRK, or multiple gods), prejudice, superstition and mythology. Muslims remove immorality, fear, crime, exploitation and replace them with divine morality, peace and education. The Quran declares:

"Lo! Allah commands you that you restore deposits to their owners, and if you judge between mankind that you judge justly. Lo! It is proper that Allah admonishes you. Lo! Allah is ever Hearer, Seer." [Noble Quran 4:58]

"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah's witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to Piety and fear Allah. And Allah is well acquainted with all that you do." [Noble Quran 5:8]

"And of those whom We have created there is a nation who guides with the Truth and establishes justice with it." [Noble Quran 7:181]

"Lo! Allah enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids lewdness and abomination and

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wickedness. He exhorts you in order that you may take heed." [Noble Quran 16:90]

"Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish prescribed prayers (SALAH) and pay the poor-due (ZAKAH) and enjoin right conduct and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs." [Noble Quran 22:41]

Jihad (Struggle) Islam and Terrorism Dr. Bilal Philips


The unequivocal and emphatic answer is NO! The Quran declares:

"Let there be no compulsion (or coercion) in the religion (Islam). The right direction is distinctly clear from error." [Noble Quran 2:256] Here is a good study of the question of the spread of Islam by a Christian missionary, T. W. Arnold:

"...of any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim population, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion, we hear nothing. Had the caliphs chosen to adopt either course of action, they might have swept away Christianity as easily as Ferdinand and Isabella drove Islam out of Spain, or Louis XIV made Protestantism penal in France, or the Jews were kept out of England for 350 years. The Eastern Churches in Asia were entirely cut off from communion with the rest of Christiandom throughout which no one would have been found to lift a finger on their behalf, as heretical communions. So that the very survival of these Churches to the present day is a strong proof of the generally tolerant attitude of Mohammedan [sic] governments towards them" [8].

Islam does not teach, nor do Muslims desire, conversion of any people for fear, greed, marriage or any other form of coercion.

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In conclusion, jihad in Islam is STRIVING IN THE WAY OF ALLAH by pen, tongue, hand, media and, if inevitable, with arms. However, jihad in Islam does not include striving for individual or national power, dominance, glory, wealth, prestige or pride.

Islam Spread By The Sword: The common image of Islam being spread by an Arab on camel back riding in off the desert with a Quran in one hand and a scimitar (a curved sword) in the other offering a choice of either accepting Islam or losing one's head.

As mentioned earlier under the issue of apostasy, forcible conversion is prohibited in Islam. The religion did not spread by the sword. There were military confrontations between the Muslim state and the existing world powers of Rome and Persia. However, the areas conquered were put under Muslim administration and the populations were free to maintain their own beliefs. Muslims ruled Egypt, Palestine and Lebanon from the 8th century and sizeable Christian communities continued to exist over the past 13 centuries. Muslims ruled Spain for 700 years and India for 1000 years without the vast majority of the population converting to Islam.

The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia, having over 200 million citizens, never saw a Muslim soldier. Islam spread there and in Malaysia and Philippines by trade. That was also the case of Islam's spread in West African countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Chad and Niger. Also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in America today with anywhere between 300 and 500 converts daily. This is taking place without any soldiers or even missionaries.


Terrorism is defined by the American government as the threat or the use of violence to advance a political cause by individuals or groups, whether acting for or in opposition to established governmental authority, when such actions are intended to shock, stun, or intimidate a target group wider than the immediate victims. Actually such a general definition will include all wars of liberation from the American War of Independence to the French Revolution. The worst aspect and perhaps the most common feature of terrorism is the unleashing of violence against innocent civilians.

The State of Israel is the most recent example of the establishment of a state by terrorism. It was established by Jewish terrorist groups, the most infamous of which was the Stern Gang.

The term "Muslim terrorist" is used to label Islam as a terrorist religion. However, it is a misnomer. When IRA bombers struck, they were not labeled as "Catholic terrorists" even though the struggle is between Catholic Ireland and Protestant Northern Ireland supported by Protestant England. Likewise, when Timothy McVeigh blew up the CIA headquarters in Oklahoma City in 1995 killing 168 people, he was not labeled as a "Christian terrorist", though he was Christian and a terrorist. In fact the "Muslim terrorist" label was attached to the activities of the PLO who were a mixture of Muslims, Christians and communists. The PLO is not, nor was it ever, a Muslim organization. It is a nationalist organization working for the establishment of a secular Palestinian state.

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The face of terrorism can be seen in the extremist movements of Egypt. Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Group) and Jihad Movements provided shock troops for a bitter struggle with Egypt's security forces that caused about 1,200 deaths from 1992 to 1997 but failed to topple Husni Mubarak's secular rule. The Gama'a claimed responsibility for the Luxor massacre of tourists in November 1997. However, in March 1997 its exiled leaders declared a unilateral truce and renounced violence. The philosophy of these movements and their program of action have been loudly condemned by leading Muslim scholars internationally as well as local Egyptian scholars.

The case of Algeria is somewhat more complex. However, it is sufficient to say that the Islamic Salvation Front (F.I.S.) - which was poised to win the elections cancelled by the Algerian military - renounced violent struggle over a year ago, yet the slaughter of innocents still continues. From the beginning of the civilian slaughters, the F.I.S. disclaimed them and identified the G.I.A. as the main culprit. Recent reports indicate that the G.I.A. was created by government secret service agents to discredit the F.I.S.'s military struggle by alienating them from the masses through atrocities.

Islam opposes any form of indiscriminate violence. The Quran states:

"Anyone who has killed another except in retaliation, it is as if he has killed the whole of humankind." [Noble Quran 5:32] There are strict rules regulating how war may be conducted. Prophet Muhammad forbade the killing of women, children, and old people and the destruction of Churches and Synagogues or farms. Of course, if women, children or the elderly bear arms they may be killed in self-defense.


Usually translated by the Western media as "holy war" is a greatly misunderstood principle in Islam. There is no term in Arabic which means "holy war". War is not "holy" in Islam it is.

The meaning of Jihad is "striving" or "struggle". It is used in Islam to refer to a variety of different efforts enjoined upon the believers. Striving to keep God and His Messenger more important than loved ones, wealth and one's own self is the most basic form of Jihad prescribed on every Muslim. The Prophet said, "No one has truly believed until Allah and His Messenger becomes more beloved than everything." Doing the righteous deeds prescribed by God is itself a Jihad. The Prophet was reported to have said, "The best Jihad is the perfect Hajj." On another occasion, someone asked the Prophet if he should join the Jihad. The Prophet responded by asking him whether his parents were still alive and when he replied that they were, he said, "Make Jihad by serving them."

Defending Islam and the Muslim community is a primary aspect of the physical Jihad which involves taking up arms against an enemy. God states in the Quran:

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"Permission to fight has been given to those who have been attacked because they are wronged. And indeed, Allah is Most Powerful." [Noble Quran 22:39]

"Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress the limits. Indeed Allah does not love transgressors." [Noble Quran 2:190] Muslims are also enjoined to fight against tyranny. The Quran states:

"Why shouldn't you fight in the cause of Allah and for those oppressed because they are weak. Men, women and children who cry out, Our Lord! Rescue us from this town of oppressors'" [Noble Quran 4:75]

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Jihad - Is It Only For Defense? by Sayyid Qutb - Notes by Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Before a Muslim steps into the battlefield, he has already fought a great battle within himself against Satan- against his own desires and ambitions, his personal interests and inclinations, the interests of his own family and of his nation; against anything which is not from Islam; against every obstacle which comes into the way of worshipping Allah and the implementation of the Divine authority on earth, returning this authority to Allah and taking it away from the rebellious usurpers.

Those who say that Islamic Jihad was merely for the defense of the 'home land of Islam' diminish the greatness of the Islamic way of life and consider it less important than their 'homeland'. This is not the Islamic point of view, and their view is a creation of modern age and is completely alien to Islamic consciousness. What is acceptable to Islamic consciousness is its belief, the way of life which this belief prescribes, and the society which lives according to this way of life. The soil of the homeland has, in itself, no value or weight. From the Islamic point of view, the only value which the soil can achieve is because on that soil Allah's authority is established and Allah's guidance is followed; and thus it becomes a fortress for the belief, a place for its way of life to be entitled the 'homeland of Islam', a centre for the movement for the total freedom of man.

Of course, in that case the defense of the 'homeland of Islam' is the defense of the Islamic beliefs, the Islamic way of life, and the Islamic community. However, it's defense is not the ultimate objective of the Islamic movement of Jihad but it is a mean of establishing the Divine authority within it so that it becomes the headquarters for the movement of Islam, which is then to be carried throughout the earth to the whole of mankind, as the object of this religion is all humanity and its sphere of action is the whole earth.

As we have described earlier, there are many practical obstacles in the establishing Allah's rule on earth, such as the power of state, the social system and traditions and, in general, the whole human environment. Islam uses force only to remove these obstacles so that there may not remain any wall between Islam and individual human beings, and so that it may address their hearts and minds after releasing them from these material obstacles, and then leave them free to choose to accept or reject it.

We ought not to be deceived or embarrassed by the attacks of the Orientalists on the origin of Jihad, nor lose self-confidence under the pressure of present conditions and the weight of the great powers of the world to such an extent that we try to find reasons for Islamic Jihad outside the nature of this religion, and try to show that it was a defensive measure under temporary conditions. The need for Jihad remains, and will continue to remain, whether these conditions exist or not!

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What Does Islam Say About "Forcing People in Religion?" by Sheikh Sami Al-Majid - Notes by Sheikh Yusuf Estes

Killing? Terrorism? Forced Conversions? Spread with the Sword?

"And KILL them where ever you find them..." [Noble Quran 2:191]

"Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion." [Noble Quran 2:256] A basic and fundamental truth established by the sacred texts of Islam (Quran and Hadeeth) is that: - "No one can be forced to accept Islam!"

It is the duty and obligation of the Muslims to establish proof and validity of Islam to the people in order for the truth to be distinct from falsehood. Muslims must present the truth and proofs of Islam and then allow others the freedom of choice to accept or reject the proofs.

Once that is done, whoever wishes to accept Islam may do so and whoever desires to continue in some other way may do so.

No one is to be threatened or harmed in any way for choosing not to accept Islam.

Everyone is offered the following three options when Islamic Law is in force:

Accept that there is only One deity to worship and obey His commandments (i.e.; be a Muslim)

Reject Islam but agree to live together in peace without waging war or subverting or contriving against authority.


There are two principle sources of proof for the Muslim. They are:

The Quran - considered by Muslims to be the absolute Speech or Recitation of Allah, the Almighty. ('Quran' Ar. from the root; "Qara'a": to recite; Quran; lit. That which is recited). More about Quran . . . [click]

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The Hadith - teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him. (Hadith - Ar. meaning, stories or narrations. The Hadiths have been collected, authenticated [in collections by Bukhari and Muslim called 'Sahih', categorized, preserved and memorized for over 1,400 years; all in the original language [Arabic]). More about Hadith . . . [click]

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said Allah said, He forbids Himself to oppress and He forbids the believers from oppressing.

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said - "Help your brother in oppression, whether he is being oppressed or if he is the oppressor".

When asked how could anyone help his brother if he is an oppressor, he replied, "Stop him."

He also said, "Whoever shows no mercy, will not be shown mercy on the Day of Judgment"

Note: It is forbidden (and impossible according to the meaning of the word "Islam") to ever compel anyone to accept Islam by force.

Please review the detailed meaning of the words Islam, Jihad and Qital before continuing to read:

Islam['Islam'; Ar. from the root "Salama" (silm), to be in peaceful submission; to surrender; to obey; peace; Islam lit. 'The active willful surrender, submission, obedience, in purity to the will of another (Allah) in complete peace.']

The understanding from the meaning of the word Islam itself makes it clear that there is no way that you could possibly force someone to do something that requires them to do it of their own free will and accord. If someone were forced to enter Islam then it would not be Islam anyway, as a condition of Islam is that it is by free choice in peace. Forcing people into Islam is totally illogical and certainly not acceptable in concept nor practice.

More about the word Islam [click]

Jihad & Qital: Please Note: The word most often used in the Quran regarding battles, military confrontations and wars is not "jihad" - it is "Qital"

JIHAD - There are two (2) important points that we would like to visit regarding this most discussed and often misrepresented topic called, jihad.

The meaning of the word; ['jihad'; Ar. from the root "Jahada", to struggle; assert oneself, as in making great effort to arrive at a conclusion as to the meaning and interpretation of Islamic Law (ijtihad); strive, as in, striving to complete a monumental task (jahid); jihad lit. 'The struggle to attain the objective.]

The principle purpose of the institution of jihad. It must be understood that jihad according to Shari'ah (Islamic Law) was instituted by Allah, The Law Giver Himself, only for the purpose of

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raising, protecting and defending the Deen (way of Islam; La ilaha illa Allah [none has the right to be worshipped, except Allah.]).

QITAL - The word "Qital" is from the root "Qatala" and implies the English word "combat" and also when in the form of "iqtul" (the imperative of the verb) it means "killing in mortal combat".

See Footnote About JIHAD (1)

The word "jihad" is often associated with something similar to the "Holy Wars" - wherein military expeditions were undertaken by the Crusaders under the orders from the Pope of the Catholic Church in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries against the people of Jerusalem, wherein they killed anyone and everyone without discretion, including Jews, Muslims and even non-Catholic Christians. Blood was spilled without regard to human life to the extent it was reported "We were in blood up to the legs of our horses". The crusaders carried away great wealth and some knights even built their own mini-kingdoms.

Islam had forbidden anything like this five hundred (500) years prior with the revelation in Quran clearly enjoining upon the believers never to engage against those who are not engaging against you in warfare.

Other limits were also imposed, such as not killing anyone who was not actually fighting, not killing the clergy, sparing the lives of women, children, livestock and not even destroying agriculture or infrastructure.

The Quran was the first document of its kind in history to offer limitations and restrictions in open combat. Muslims were forbidden to engage in any combat for personal gain, revenge, or tribal disputes common at the time of revelation. Muslims were ordered not to engage in combat of any kind except within the very strict limitations offered by Almighty Allah.

Enemies who were captured were not to be tortured or subjected to humiliation for the sake of entertainment, personal vindication or revenge. Captured prisoners were offered the same food and drink as the Muslims, given the opportunity to learn about Islam and witness the humble devotion of Muslims toward Almighty God.

In some cases prisoners were offered freedom in exchange for teaching and educating the Muslims. Others accepted Islam and were totally accepted as Muslims citizens within the community of the believers.

All of this was fourteen (14) centuries - before the Geneva Convention!

Among the many decisive pieces of evidence in Islam to prove that "There is no compulsion in Islam" are the following:

Allah says in His Quran:

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"Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things." [Noble Quran 2:256] Allah also says in Quran:

"If it had been your Lord's will, all of the people on Earth would have believed. Would you then compel the people so to have them believe?" [Noble Quran 10:99] And Allah says:

"So if they dispute with you, say I have submitted my whole self to Allah, and so have those who follow me.' And say to the People of the Scripture and to the unlearned: Do you also submit yourselves?' If they do, then they are on right guidance. But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message. And in Allah's sight are all of His servants." [Noble Quran 3:20] Allah The Almighty has also said:

"The Messenger's duty is but to proclaim the Message." [Noble Quran 5:99] It is important to note that these last two verses were revealed in Madinah. This is significant, since it shows that the ruling they gave was not just contingent on the Muslims being in Mecca in a state of weakness.

Some people might be wondering that if Islam indeed advocates such an approach, then what is all this we hear about jihad? How can we explain the warfare that the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Companions waged against the pagans?

The answer to this is that jihad in Islamic Law can be waged for a number of reasons, but compelling people to accept Islam is simply not one of them.

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The reason why jihad was first permitted in Islam was so the Muslims could defend themselves against persecution and expulsion from their homes.

Allah, Most High says:

"To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged and verily Allah is Most Powerful for their aid (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say, Our Lord is Allah'. Did Allah not check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his cause, for truly Allah is full of strength and might." [Noble Quran 22:39-40] Many of the earliest scholars mention that these were the first verses of the Quran that was revealed regarding jihad. Thereafter the following verses were revealed:

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. And kill them wherever you catch them and drive them out from whence they drove you out, for terrorism is worse than killing. But do not engage in combat with them at the sacred mosque unless they engage you in combat there. But if they combat against you, kill them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And combat them on until there is no more terrorism or oppression and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. But if they cease, don't let there be hostility except to those who practice oppression." [Noble Quran 2:190-193] From this point on, the scope of jihad was broadened from being purely for defense against direct attack to being inclusive of resistance against those who suppress the faith and deny

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people the freedom to choose their religion for themselves. This came later, because it is legislated for the Muslims only when they are capable of doing so. In times of weakness, Muslims may only fight against direct attack.

As for the spread of Islam, this is supposed to take place peacefully by disseminating the Message with the written and spoken word. There is no place for the use of weapons to compel people to accept Islam. Weapons can only be drawn against those who persecute and oppress others and prevent them from following their own consciences in matters of belief. The Muslims cannot just stand by while people are being denied the right to believe in Islam and their voices are being crushed.

This is the meaning of Allah's words:

"And fight them on until there is no more terrorism or oppression and there prevails a way for justice and faith in Allah." [Noble Quran 2:193] The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in his letter to the Roman governor Heracles:

"I invite you to accept Islam. If you accept Islam, you will find safety. If you accept Islam, Allah will give you a double reward. However, if you turn away, upon you will be the sin of your subjects." [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]

Once people have heard the Message without obstruction or hindrance and the proof has been established upon them, then the duty of the Muslims is done. Those who wish to believe are free to do so and those who prefer to disbelieve are likewise free to do so.

Even when the Muslims are compelled to fight and then subdue the land, their duty thereafter is to establish Allah's law in the land and uphold justice for all people, Muslim and non-Muslim. It is not their right to coerce their subjects to accept Islam against their will. Non-Muslims under Muslim rule must be allowed to remain on their own faith and must be allowed to practice the rights of their faith, though they will be expected to respect the laws of the land.

Had the purpose of jihad been to force the unbelievers to accept Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) would never have commanded the Muslims to refrain from hostilities if the enemy relented. He would not have prohibited the killing of women and children. However, this is exactly what he did.

During a battle, the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw people gathered together. He dispatched a man to find out why they were gathered. The man returned and said: "They are gathered around a slain woman." So Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

"She should not have been attacked!" Khalid b. al-Walid was leading the forces, so he dispatched a man to him saying: "Tell Khalid not to kill women or laborers". [Sunan Abu Dawud]

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Note: This should not be misconstrued to indicate that the prophet (peace be upon him) made the killing of women (and children, elders, clerics and other innocents) to be Haram (forbidden) at this particular point and time. In fact, it was always Haram (forbidden) and the prophet (peace be upon him) was only reconfirming what was already in place by the Shari'ah (Islamic Law). [Y. Estes]

Therefore, even in the heat of battle against a hostile enemy, the only people who may be attacked are those who are actually participating in the fighting.

Had the purpose of jihad been to force the unbelievers to accept Islam, the rightly guided Caliphs would not have prohibited the killing of priests and monks who refrained from fighting. However, this is exactly what they did. When the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, sent an army to Syria to fight the aggressive Roman legions, he went out to give them words of encouragement. He said: "You are going to find a group of people who have devoted themselves to the worship of Allah (i.e. monks), so leave them to what they are doing."

We have demonstrated that it is a principle in Islam that there is no compulsion in religion and we have discussed the objectives of jihad. Now, we shall turn our attentions to some texts that are often misunderstood.

One of these is the verse:

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them and beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war). But if they repent and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them, for Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful." [Noble Quran 9:5] Some people especially some contemporary non-Muslim critics of Islam have tried to claim that this verse abrogates the verse "Let there be no compulsion in religion." They argue that the generality of this statement implies that every unbeliever who refuses to accept Islam must be fought. They support their allegation by pointing out that this verse is one of the last verses to be revealed about fighting.

However, this verse in no way abrogates the principle in Islamic Law that there is no compulsion in religion. It may be general in wording, but its meaning is quite specific on account of other verses of the Quran that are connected with it as well as on account of a number of pertinent Hadith. We will be discussing these texts shortly.

The people being referred to by this verse are the pagan Arabs who had been waging war against the Prophet (peace be upon him) and who had broken their covenant and treaties with him. This verse is not speaking about the other pagan Arabs who did not break their treaties and take up

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arms against the Muslims. It is also most definitely not speaking about the Jews or Christians, or, for that matter, the pagans who were living outside of Arabia.

If we look at the verses in Surah al-Tawbah immediately before and after the one under discussion, the context of the verse becomes clear.

A few verses before the one we are discussing, Allah says:

"There is a declaration of immunity from Allah and His Messenger to those of the pagans with whom you have contracted mutual alliances. Go then, for four months, to and fro throughout the land. But know that you cannot frustrate Allah that Allah will cover with shame those who reject Him." [Noble Quran 9:1-2] In these verses we see that the pagans were granted a four month amnesty with an indication that when the four months were over, fighting would resume. However, a following verse exempts some of them from the resumption of hostilities. It reads:

"Except for those pagans with whom you have entered into a covenant and who then do not break their covenant at all nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them until the end of their term, for Allah loves the righteous." [Noble Quran 9:4] So when Allah says: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them and beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)", we must know that it is not general, since the verse above has qualified it to refer to the pagan Arabs who were actually at war with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and those who broke their covenants of peace.

This is further emphasized by a few verses later where Allah says:

"Will you not fight people who broke their covenants and plotted to expel the Messenger and attacked you first?" [Noble Quran 9:13] Ibn al-Arabi, in his commentary on the Quran, writes: "It is clear from this that the meaning of this verse is to kill the pagans who are waging war against you." Ahkam al-Quran:2/456

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Allah also says right after the verse under discussion

"How can there be a covenant before Allah and His Messenger with the pagans except those with whom you have made a treaty near the Sacred Mosque? As long as they stand true to you, stand true to them, for Allah does love the righteous." [Noble Quran 9:7] Another misunderstood text is the Hadith where the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "I have been commanded to fight the people until they bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that I am Allah's Messenger. If they do so, then there blood and their wealth are inviolable except in the dispensation of justice, and their affair is with Allah. [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslims]

There can be no qualms about this Hadith's authenticity, since it is recorded in both Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. However, this Hadith is also not to be taken generally, out of context, and in complete disregard to all the other textual evidence.

The term "people" here is not referring to all humanity. Ibn Taymiyah says: "It refers to fighting those who are waging war, whom Allah has permitted us to fight. It does not refer to those who have a covenant with us with whom Allah commands us to fulfill our covenant." Majmu al-Fatawa (19/20)

Islam commands the Muslims to be just with people of other faiths, whether they be Jews, Christians, or pagans. Islam calls us to treat them kindly and try to win their hearts as long as they do not take up arms against us. Allah says:

"Allah forbids you not with regard to those who neither fight against you for your faith nor drive you out of your homes from dealing kindly and justly with them, for Allah loves those who are just." [Noble Quran 60:8] Allah commands Muslims to respect their non-Muslim parents and to accompany them in this world in a good manner.

The Quran commands us to argue with them in the best manner. Allah says:

"Argue with the People of the Scripture in the best manner except those among them who act oppressively. Say: We believe in the revelation that has come down to us and in that which came down to you. Our God and your God is one,

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and it is to Him we submit ourselves as Muslims." [Noble Quran 29:46] We are ordered to uphold our covenants with the non-Muslims and not betray them or transgress against them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave a stern warning to us against killing a non-Muslim with whom we are at peace. He said: "Whoever kills one with whom we have a covenant will not smell the scent of Paradise." [Sahih Muslim]

The faith of a Muslim is not acceptable unless he believes in all of the Prophets who were sent before (peace be upon them all). Allah says:

"O you who believe! Believe in Allah, His Messenger, the scripture that He revealed to His messenger and the scripture that he revealed before. Whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messengers, and the Last Day has gone far astray." [Noble Quran 4:136]

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Preparing for Death? To Non-Muslims May the Truth Set You Free

We receive a large number of E-Mails from all over the world and this one came in from a non-Muslim named S.W. He asks the question:

"Dear Sir:"I am trying to make a list of things to do before I die and would like some suggestions? Could you please comment as to what Islam says about death?" Thank You, S. W."

Answer from Sheik Yusuf Estes, US Federal Prison Chaplain (retired)

Allah the Almighty is All Wise and Is the Knower of All Things.

For those who are not familiar with the teachings of Islam, we should perhaps cover a few basics before attempting to answer this most honest and in depth question.

There is a small chapter at the end of the Holy Quran called "Al Asr" and it carries a very heavy meaning which can solve a lot of the problems with the dealings of life and death of the human being. Let us consider the plus or minus translation into the English language.

"By the passage of time [1], all of the humankind are in a state of great loss [2], except for those who come to the correct belief [3] and do the deeds of righteousness; and encourage and exhort one another to Truth [4] and encourage and exhort one another to steadfast patience." [Noble Quran 103:1-3] 1. Allah swears an oath of great consequence 2. Meaning "Hell" as a result of their dealings while on earth 3. Oneness of Allah (Tawhid or monotheism) 4. Here "Truth" means anything and everything pertaining to pure monotheism

From the above quoted portion of the Quran and verses related to it, the scholars of Islam have concluded the following:

All of us are born with a purpose to be fulfilled before death - Worship of the One True God, Alone and on His terms and conditions.

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All of us are born with a purpose to be fulfilled before death - Worship of the One True God, Alone and on His terms and conditions. "Allah only created you all for the purpose of worshipping Him." Noble Quran

All of us will die and be in the grave."Quran "Every soul shall taste death." Noble Quran

All of us (believers and non-believers) will be recreated (resurrected) on the Day of Judgment.

"Surely from Allah you came and to Him is your return." And "Do they not think that they will be resurrected, on a Great Day? The Day when all mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?"

Each person will receive his/her "Book of Record" (listing of all their deeds).

"Nay! Truly, the Record of the wicked is a Preserved Record." And "Those who receive their books in their right hands will be successful." and "Those who receive their books behind their backs will be the losers."

Each person will be held accountable for what he/she has done.

"Every person will see any good they have done, even an atom's weight. Every person will see any evil they have done, even an atom's weight."

None will take away the sins or punishment for another.

"Allah does not burden a person beyond his ability. He will be rewarded for that which he has earned, and punished for that which he has earned."

None will make intercession with the Almighty except as He Wills.

"Who is there that could come between Allah and what He has created except that He give them permission?"

The final destination of Heaven or Hell will be made known then.

"Verily, You shall see the blazing Fire (Hell)."

None will enter the Paradise except by the Mercy of Allah.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: None shall enter the Jannah (Paradise) except with the Mercy of Allah. When asked by his companions: "Even you? O, prophet of Allah?" And He replied: "Even me."

None will enter the Fire except those who have earned it.

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"Therefore, I have warned you of a blazing Fire (Hell). None shall enter it except the most wretched."

Death is like a journey to a land from which there is no return. So before you die, be sure to pack three things to take along with you on the journey:

Proper identification - I.D.

Enough nourishment to last for Eternity

Sufficient Garments or Coverings

1. Proper I.D.: [Book of Record of a Person's Life]

This covers two very important categories:

Faith (belief)

Actions (deeds)

They must both be correct to insure an easy transition into the Next Life and a proper place in the Paradise in the Hereafter.

Let us begin with the Covenant of faith with the ONE TRUE GOD & Acts of worship to Him Alone without partners. This means anyone who comes to the understanding: "There is only One True God who is the only Creator, Sustainer and God of all that exists." This can be understood as "Oneness" or Tawhid of Islam.

It might be better understood by breaking it down into the following three categories:

Oneness of Lordship [Tawhid Al-Uluhiyyah]

Oneness of Worship [Tawhid Al-Rubbubiyyah]

Oneness of Characteristics [Tawhid Al-Asma' was-Sifat]

Correct Beliefs

Three (3) Things Asked at Death:

Question: Who is your Lord? Only Acceptable Answer: Allah

Question: What is your religion? Only Acceptable Answer: Islam

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Question: Who is your prophet? Only Acceptable Answer: Muhammad

Immediately you will find those who will argue that this is not fair. After all, Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sent by Allah with the message of Islam only 1,400 years ago. So, what about all those who lived before him? And what of those who came afterwards and never heard of Allah, Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him)? And the answer is quite simple. Islam is the only true religion brought by all of the prophets of Almighty God [Allah]. They all preached a message of total surrender to the One and Only True God of the Universe. If the person lived the life of "Surrender, Submission and Obedience to the Almighty, in Sincerity and Peace"; then they in fact, lived as a true Muslim without ever knowing the Arabic terms. This means that all of the followers of all of the prophets of Almighty God from Adam to Moses to Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them all, will find that they will be supplied the correct answers to these questions when asked.

After the angel of death removes the soul from the body, the angels will carry the soul of the one who has died up to the heavens and when they come to Allah the Most High, He will reject any who are not in possession of the correct answers [mentioned above]. After the questioning the person will be then reunited with his or her own dead body and spend the remainder of time waiting for the Day of Judgment.

2. Nourishment: [Proper Deeds]

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught his followers:

"He is not a believer who goes to sleep at night with a full stomach while his neighbor's remains empty."

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Charity is a necessity for every Muslim." He was asked: "What if a person has nothing?" The Prophet replied: "He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity." The Companions of the Prophet asked: "What if he is not able to work?" The Prophet said: "He should help the poor and needy." The Companions further asked: "What if he cannot do even that?" The Prophet said: "He should urge others to do good." The Companions said: "What if he lacks that also?" The Prophet said: "He should check himself from doing evil. That is also an act of charity."

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Your body has 360 joins and each of them requires an act of charity every day." And, "Even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is an act of charity."

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Acts of charity and kindness only for the sake of the Almighty. These good deeds will accompany the person throughout his or her life in the grave until the Day of Judgment. On the Day of Judgment they will all see their deeds clearly.

There are two angels who record all the actions and deeds of the individual from birth until death. The angel on the right records all of the good deeds while the angel on the left records all of the bad ones.

As soon as the person intends to do a good thing, a good deed is recorded for him/her.

After doing the good deed, ten full good deeds are recorded for the person (or 70 or 700 or as much as Allah Wills).

If a person encourages others to do a good deed, then a matching reward is recorded for the one calling to the good deed.

Another angel on the left, records all of the bad and evil deeds of the person as follows:

If the person intends to do a bad deed, but stops himself from it because he/she knows it is wrong, then a full good deed is recorded for them.

If the person intends an evil or bad deed but does not have the chance to commit it, then nothing is recorded either way.

If the person commits a bad deed, the angel on the left begins to record a bad deed in his/her 'Book of Records', but the angel on the right stops him and asks him to wait to see if the person might repent. After a while the angel on the left again begins to record the bad deed but again the angel on the right stops him with the same pleading. This continues for a while and if the person refuses to seek the forgiveness of The Almighty, then one full bad deed is recorded to his/her account.

At anytime that a person should commit a bad deed, he/she should immediately seek forgiveness from the Almighty and follow up the bad deed with a good one.

Additionally, when a person performs the obligatory prayers on time in accordance with the teachings of Islam, all the sins from the most recent prayer are forgiven.

When a person attends the Friday prayers according to the teachings of Islam, he/she is forgiven for all of the sins for the previous week since the last Friday service.

When a person makes the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhul Hijjah on the Islamic calendar, all the sins since birth are forgiven and the record is wiped clean for a fresh start. All previous good deeds remain in place.

In the case of the one who comes to Islam from some other faith group, all of his/her sins are forgiven and wiped clean and all of the previous ones are held in place. The person is as pure and

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innocent as a new-born baby but with the exception that all of the deeds previously committed whether bad or good are all purified to become mountains of good deeds for the new comer to Islam.

3. Garments: [Morals and Behavior]

He is not a believer who goes to sleep at night with a full stomach while his neighbor's remains empty

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Allah said:

"I declare war against the one who is hostile to My worshipping servant. My worshipper does not come closer to Me with anything more beloved to me than by doing what I have ordered him to do. My servant keeps coming closer to Me by performing extra acts of worship until I love him. Then I become his hearing; his sight; his grip; his step and if he asks anything of me, I will grant it, and if he seeks My Protection, I will protect him. And I do not dislike anything more than taking his soul, for he dislikes to die and I dislike to disappoint him."

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Reality of Death 1. People are heedless and do not take admonition from those who die around them 2. The transitory nature of life 3. The evil effects of the wishing to live longer 4. The advice for continuous remembrance of death and the effect of that 5. The obligation of immediate repentance and preparation to face death

O People! I advise myself and you to fear Allah, for he who does not fear Allah will go astray. Allah says that which means:

"O you who have believed, if you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion," [Noble Quran 8:29], to judge between right and wrong. Servants of Allah! He who fears punishment, then the furthest thing to him becomes within his reach and he who harbors false hopes and wishes to live long, his performance and actions become weak. Indeed, the future is near. Your Lord did not create you in vain and will not leave you unavailing, so take provision from this life by which you can protect yourself tomorrow.

The time of death is concealed and wishes are deceiving. Funerals pass by people, and they prepare them, pray over the deceased, accompany them and carry them to their final abode. You see people viewing them causally and perhaps they might get slightly saddened or grieved, but very soon they become overwhelmed again with the ravishment of this life and the heedlessness of living.

Respected brothers! Life is evidence against those who are heedless and their days lead them to wretchedness. How can one hope for the reward in the Hereafter without righteous deeds? How can someone wish to repent while being heedless and hoping to live longer? Woe to the people of heedlessness! When they are given something, they are not satisfied and when they are deprived of anything, they become discontent. They enjoin that which they do not do themselves and forbid what they do not refrain from. They continuously criticize others and compromise with themselves.

O people of heedlessness! How many people trusted life but it betrayed them and how many were assured by it, that were let down? How many swindlers got deceived in it? And, how many arrogant people became degraded and honorable ones humiliated by it? Power in this life alternates, it is never stable. Its sweetness soon becomes bitter and its bitterness sweet. People of might become overpowered. Life is short, the great things in it are few in number and this life very soon turns out to be as though it never even existed. Its happiness eventually turns into sorrow, health into sickness, and wealth into poverty. Its days are deceiving and it commands people with evil. It consists of vanishing pleasures, afflicting adversities or death. Its structure is soon destroyed, people unite but soon separate, and everything on earth turns into dust.

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People of heedlessness are never satisfied, regardless of how much they may accumulate. They do not achieve all they wish for and are not prepared for what they are approaching. They collect but do not benefit from it, build that which they will not live in and hope for things that they will never achieve. Allah says that which means:

"Let them eat and enjoy themselves and be diverted by (false) hope, for they are going to know." [Noble Quran 15:3] One who wishes to live long, builds and demolishes and estimates but with a wrong estimation. He says something but does not do it, plans but does not implement them, and things happen which are the opposite to that which has been planned. He does wrong and delays repentance, then death comes and then he will not benefit from his deeds; his family and friends leave him and there are no longer any excuses. Allah says that which means,

"Then have you considered if We gave them enjoyment for years. And then there came to them that which they were promised? They would not be availed by the enjoyment which they were provided." [Noble Quran 26:205-207] Oh people of heedlessness! O Muslim brothers and sisters! The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in a Hadith:

"Abundantly remember the destroyer of pleasures (meaning death)". [An-Nasa'i]

This is the advice of your Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which consists of a few words but is concise; short but effective. Indeed, he who remembers death as it should be remembered will hold himself accountable and question himself about his deeds and aspirations. But one who has a heedless heart, as Imam Al Qurtubi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: "Needs long speeches and embellished statements." Abundantly remember the destroyer of pleasures, which will separate those who are united:

"None will remember it (meaning death) while in hardship but will feel ease and while at ease but will feel disturbed". [Tabarani]

I swear by Allah! Each one of us will come to an end, and each soul will die. The earth will eat our flesh and drink our blood - just as we walk over it, eat from its fruits and drink from its water. Then it becomes like Allah says, which means:

"And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah

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wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on.". [Noble Quran 39:68] Your Prophet (peace be upon him) stood at the edge of a grave and cried as related in a Hadith; he then said:

"O my brothers! For this, prepare yourselves". (Ibn Majah) A man asked the Messenger: "Who is the most wise of people O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "The one who remembers death most often and the one who is well-prepared to meet it; these are the wise; honorable in this life and dignified in the Hereafter." [Ibn Majah & Tabarani]

In another Hadith, he, (peace be upon him) said:

"The wise one is he who reproaches himself and acts in preparation for what is after death." [Ahmad]

Al Hasan, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "Death has exposed the reality of life and left no reason for one with a sound mind to be happy in it."

Yunus Ibn 'Ubayd said: "The remembrance of death deprived us from enjoying our families and wealth."

Also, Mutarrif said: "Death spoils for the people of pleasure, their enjoyment. So look for pleasure in which there is no death. The people of Paradise do not die, so their lives will become comfortable, and they do not become sick, so they live a pleasant, eternal life."

O Muslims! Remember death and all its hardships, the rattling of ones soul in the throat and remember the terrifying screams one will give; for he who remembers death often, Allah will bless him with three things: immediate repentance, contentment of the heart, and vigor for worship. Moreover, he who forgets death will be afflicted with three things: delay in repentance, discontentment, and laziness in worship.

Death is enough of a reason to break hearts, shed tears, destroy pleasures, divide people and ruin all hopes. The dead are made to be lonely after having lived with their families; they live in darkness after having been in the light; in tightness after having lived in wide space, and under the soil after having walked the earth. They become bare-footed, naked and alone. The grave is their dwelling, dust is their shroud, and mortal remains are their neighbors, who cannot hear a call nor respond to it. They lived long and owned much, but it did not benefit them when the command of their Lord came. So their homes became graves and what they collected was lost. Their money went to their inheritors, their wives re-married and what they were promised came to them. Allah says that which means:

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"Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?" [Noble Quran 23:115] Have you ever thought, O servant of Allah, about the day that you will die? - The day that you cannot delay and in which regret will not benefit you? Remove the cover of heedlessness from your heart for you will soon be standing before the One who knows the whims and whispers of the hearts, Who asks about the actions of the eyes and holds one accountable for what he hears. Allah says that which means:

"That Day, you will be exhibited (for judgment); not hidden among you is anything concealed.." [Noble Quran 69:18] Contemplate death, for it prevents one from disobedience, softens a hard heart, stops one from trusting this life and makes one feel ease at the time of hardships. Remember death so that you may be saved at the time of regret. Al Hasan, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"O son of Adam! Fear Allah, and let two things not happen to you at the same time: the hardships and agony of death, plus sorrow and regret. Beware of agonies and regrets, for death will come to you suddenly and no one can describe to you what you will face and see. Beware, so as not to die while in a state of disobedience, otherwise you will meet Allah with no excuse."

Respected brothers! Where are those who are afraid of not having enough provision? Where is he who is terrified of the lengthy distance of the journey and hostility of the road? All he took from this life is an old garment and a morsel of food. He was chaste through life, guided, and so little provision sufficed him. He was ashamed of himself in front of his Lord, remembered death, and therefore preserved his head (meaning his senses: eyes, ears and tongue) and stomach (meaning did not eat or drink except that which is lawful). He sought the reward of the Hereafter and gave up the adornments of this worldly life. He favored that which is everlasting over that which is vanishing - this is indeed the wise and clever one. So fear Allah, may Allah have mercy on you, and be aware of Allah, and watchful of that which He entrusted you with. Remember that you will be standing before your Lord, being judged according to your deeds and you will regret your negligence. Allah says that which means:

"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your (full) compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained (his desire). And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." [Noble Quran 3:185] O Muslims, repent to Allah before death. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

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"Hasten to do good deeds before you become busy. Are you waiting for such penury which will make you unmindful of devotion? Or such prosperity which will make you corrupt? Or such disease which will disable you? Or such senility which will make you mentally unstable? Or sudden death? Or the Dajjal (Anti-Christ), who is the worst apprehended (sign of the hour)? Or (are you waiting) for the Hour? - that will be most grievous and bitter". [At-Tirmidhi]

Now that you are aware of the suddenness of death, do not be like those who hoped for the reward of the Hereafter without performing righteous deeds, and who delayed repentance, due to the false hope of living longer.

Visit the graveyards frequently for it reminds one of the Hereafter, and take a lesson from those who are under the earth and have lost connection with their families and loved ones; death came to them at a time which they did not expect and horror came to them in a way which they did not anticipate. Let he who visits the graves ponder and think of the situation of those who have passed away from his friends. They gathered money and had a high hopes, but suddenly they lost all their wishes and their wealth did not benefit them. The soil of the earth changed the nice appearance of their faces and their bodies became scattered in their graves. Their wives became widows and their wealth and homes were all distributed. Allah said, which means:

"(It will be said to them), "And you have certainly come to Us alone (i.e., individually) as We created you the first time, and you have left whatever We bestowed upon you behind you." [Noble Quran 6:94] So, fear Allah, may Allah have mercy on you, and work for the Hereafter, for it is a dwelling in which there is no death for its inhabitants. Its structure does not wear out, youth does not age and its pleasure is never-ending. Its beauty, enjoyment, and women do not change and its people live under the mercy of the Most Merciful. Allah says that which means:

"Their call therein will be, "Exalted are You, O Allah," and their greeting therein will be, "Peace." And the last of their call will be, "Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds!" [Noble Quran 10:10

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Causes of Victory and Defeat Ibn 'Uthaymeen Al-Jihad, 1411 Dar al Afaq, Riyadh

O brethren: We all must depend on Allah and observe conditions for victory, some of which are:

First: Sincerity of intention to Allah, so that we intend by our jihad raising of the Word of Allah, establishing of the Shari'ah, and the rule of the of Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) [transl: i.e. and that we do not fight for nationalistic causes and such].

Second: That we practice patience and piety (Taqwa), for Allah is with the patient, and He is with the god-fearing. We must be patient in jihad and have Taqwa of Allah by observing His orders and leaving His prohibitions, for variance with the orders of Allah and His Messenger is a cause of defeat. The Companions who disobeyed orders of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), in the battle of Uhud, were defeated because of that, after they were victorious at first. But after that, Allah's forgiveness reached them so He forgave them.

Third: That we know our strength - and that there is no power or movement except with Allah - so that we are not amazed by our strength and numbers, for conceitedness and being proud of oneself is a cause of defeat. The companions were amazed with their numbers in the battle of Hunayn, but they didn't benefit them in any way. They were then turned back, fleeing, but Allah sent His tranquility upon His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and upon the believers, and sent an army from His angels so the final victory was for the believers.

Fourth: That we prepare material strength for use against enemies- what is appropriate of arms and strength in that particular time and situation - so that we may respond to the weaponry of the enemy with its like.

When we fulfill these four matters, then, as Allah said,

"O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet." [Noble Quran 47:7]

"And Allah will surely support those who support Him (i.e. in His cause). Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might. [And they are] those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give Zakah and enjoin what

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is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of [all] matters." [Noble Quran 22:40-41] Just like there are causes of victory, there are also causes of defeat. From them are:

First: Being extravagant, negligent with regards to Allah's rights, doing what Allah forbade and leaving what He ordered, so that defeat be a measure of discipline and an expiation for one's evil deeds.

Second: Taking pride in one's self, power, greatness in numbers, or material strength.

Third: Disunity and differing. Allah said:

"Do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart." [Noble Quran 8:46] Allah clarified in His book these three causes of defeat so that people be warned about them. In the battle of Uhud, disobedience, dissension and disagreement occurred among some Muslims, and it led to their defeat. Allah said,

"And what struck you on the day the two armies met [at Uhud] was by permission of Allah that He might make evident the [true] believers." [Noble Quran 3:166] A great wisdom is mentioned in this.

In Hunayn, Muslims were amazed by their numbers. They were twelve thousand, and some said, "Today we cannot be defeated because of a small number", so Allah said informing about that day:

"...and on the day of Hunayn, when your great number pleased you, but it did not avail you at all, and the earth was confining for you with [i.e. in spite of] its vastness; then you turned back, fleeing. Then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and sent down soldiers [i.e. angels] whom you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense of the disbelievers. Then Allah will accept repentance after that for

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whom He wills; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [Noble Quran 9:25-27] The wisdom in this is that servants should know that victory is from Allah and that it is not achieved only by having the means for victory and by vanquishing the enemy, especially when the servant is being proud and is forgetting that all matters happen only by the permission of Allah, and that the servant, when he relies on his strength, is entrusted to his weakness and feebleness. Therefore, since these three matters - negligence with regards to the rights of Allah, conceitedness and dissension and differing - are from the causes of defeat, it is obligatory for armies of the sincere to ponder these causes and how they brought about their defeat, and then end that disease, so that the final outcome be good.

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not." [Noble Quran 2:216] O brethren: Allah said,

"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war [or equipment which serves the same purpose] by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged." [Noble Quran 8:60] Allah ordered that we prepare against our enemies what we are able of power, and the word strength here is an indefinite noun, as is apparent, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) explained the intended meaning by saying: "Verily, the strength is throwing [i.e. shooting], verily the strength is throwing." He also said (peace and blessings be upon him) "[Learn to] throw and [learn to] ride and if you [learn to] throw, it is dearer to me than if you [learn to] ride." So Allah ordered that we prepare what we are able of power, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), explained the strength to mean throwing (i.e. shooting). Then Allah said:

"...and of steeds of war [or equipment which serves the same purpose] by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows."[Noble Quran 8:60]

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The enemy of Allah and our enemy are those who disbelieve and make their disbelief public, and others whom we do not know but whom Allah knows. It is said: What is meant here are those who are far from the believers on that day; that is far, with regards to their place. And it is said, hypocrites are intended with these words. Allah said:

"And among those around you of the Bedouins are hypocrites, and [also] from the people of Madinah. They have become accustomed to hypocrisy. You do not know them, [but] We know them." [Noble Quran 9:101] Because, when hypocrites see the glory of Islam, they will be terrified and fearful. For this reason, hypocrisy in this Ummah did not happen until after the battle of Badr, when Allah gave glory to Muslims, and humiliated the polytheists. And what is intended by "others besides them" are either people whom fighting of the believers hasn't reached yet and the believers do not know about them (i.e. they had wanted to fight and oppose the believers, but didn't because they became fearful after the believers defeated the polytheists), or hypocrites.

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Allah Grants Help and Victory to Followers of the True Deen Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah Ighathatul-Lahfan min Masa'idish-Shaytan [2/229]

A lot of people think that followers of the True Religion are humiliated, subdued and always defeated, unlike those who follow other paths. So they do not have certainty in Allah's promise of victory for His religion and His servants. Rather, even if they don't say it, they think that this promise is either particular to a specific group, or to a specific time, or they link it to Allah's will (not related to any rules that Allah set in His creation).

This (attitude and understanding) is due to absence of certainty in the Promise of Allah, the Most High, and due to a poor understanding of His Book.

1. Allah has explained in His Book that He is the Helper of believers in this world and the next.

He said, the Most High,

"Indeed We will support Our messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and on the Day when the witnesses will stand." [Noble Quran 40:51]

"And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - indeed, the party of Allah - they will be the predominant." [Noble Quran 5:56]

"Indeed, the ones who oppose Allah and His Messenger - those will be among the most humbled. Allah has written [i.e. decreed], 'I will surely overcome, I and My messengers.' Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." [Noble Quran 58:20-21] There are many such verses in the Quran.

2. Allah has also explained in the Quran that what befalls a servant from calamity, or defeat, or other than that, is because of his sins.

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Allah has explained both of these principles in His Book, so when you join them, the reality of the matter will become clear to you, problems will completely disappear, and you will be in no need of unnecessary, burdening explanations, or far-fetched interpretations.

Allah has explained the first principle in different ways, including what has preceded (in the verses above).

Likewise, He censured one who seeks help and honor from other than the believers, as in His saying:

"O you who have believed do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. [Noble Quran 5:51]

So you see those in whose hearts is disease [i.e. hypocrisy] hastening into [association with] them, saying, 'We are afraid a misfortune may strike us.' But perhaps Allah will bring conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful.[Noble Quran 5:52]

And those who believe will say [i.e. about the hypocrites and their exposure], 'Are these the ones who swore by Allah their strongest oaths that indeed they were with you?' Their deeds have become worthless, and they have become losers.[Noble Quran 5:53]

O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion - Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom

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He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.[Noble Quran 5:54]

Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed - those who establish prayer and give Zakah, and they bow [in worship].[Noble Quran 5:55]

And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - indeed, the party of Allah - they will be the predominant." [Noble Quran 5:56] So Allah rebuked those who seek help from other than His party and informed that His party - they will be the predominant.

In this regards, He said,

"Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment. Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely *." [Noble Quran 4:138-139] [* Being the source of all power and honor, Allah grants them to whom He wills.]

" They say, 'If we return to Al-Madinah, the more honored [for power] will surely expel therefrom the more humble.' And to Allah belongs [all] honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know." [Noble Quran 63:8]

"Whoever desires honor [through power] - then to Allah belong all honor. To Him ascends good speech, and righteous work raises it *." [Noble Quran 35:10]

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[*For acceptance by Allah, meaning that righteous deeds are confirmation and proof of what is uttered by tongue.]

That is, whoever seeks honor, let him seek it by obedience to Allah through good speech and righteous work.

"It is He who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they will associate others with Allah dislike it." [Noble Quran 9:33]

"O you who have believed, shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment? [Noble Quran 61:10]

[It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know. [Noble Quran 61:11]

He will forgive for you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment. [Noble Quran 61:12]

And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love - victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers." [Noble Quran 61:13] That is, He will give them another [favor] besides forgiveness of their sins and entrance to the Paradise - help and victory:

"O you who have believed, be supporters of Allah, as when Jesus, the son of Mary, said to the disciples, 'Who are my supporters for Allah?' The disciples said, 'We are supporters of Allah.' And a faction of the Children of Israel believed

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and a faction disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant." [Noble Quran 61:14] Allah said to Jesus (peace be upon him),

"Indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify [i.e. free] you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection." [Noble Quran 3:55] So because the Christians follow him, they are superior to the Jews until the Day of Resurrection, and because Muslims follow him more than the Christians, they are superior to them until the Day of Resurrection.

Allah said to the believers,

"And if these [Makkans] who disbelieve were to fight you, they would certainly turn their backs [in flight]. Then they would not find a protector or a helper. [Noble Quran 48:22]

[This is] the established way of Allah which has occurred before. And you will never find in the way of Allah any change." [Noble Quran 48:23] This is addressed to the believers who fulfilled both outward and inward realities of faith.

" Indeed, the [best] outcome is for the righteous." [Noble Quran 11:49] And,

"The [best] outcome is for [those of] righteousness." [Noble Quran 20:132]

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The intended here is the outcome in this world before the next, because He mentioned this after the story of Nuh, and his victory over his people and patience with them. So He said,

"This is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muhammad]. You knew it not, neither you nor your people, before this. So be patient, indeed, the [best] outcome is for the righteous." [Noble Quran 11:49] That is, the outcome of help for you and those with you, as it was for Nuh (peace be upon him) and those who believed with him.

Likewise His saying,

"And enjoin prayer upon your family [and people] and be steadfast therein. We ask you not for provision; We provide for you and the [best] outcome is for [those of] righteousness." [Noble Quran 20:132]

"If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is encompassing of what they do." [Noble Quran 3:120]

"Yes, if you remain patient and conscious of Allah and they [i.e. the enemy] come upon you [attacking] in rage, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels having marks [of distinction]." [Noble Quran 3:125] He said, relating the words of Yusuf (peace be upon him) that he was helped due to his Taqwa and his patience. So he said,

"'I am Joseph, and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.'" [Noble Quran 12:90]

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"O you who have believed, if you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion and will remove from you your misdeeds and forgive you. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty." [Noble Quran 8:29] The criterion is honor and help, and victory and light, which distinguish between the Truth and the falsehood.

"And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent. " [Noble Quran 65:3-4] Ibn Majah and Ibn Abi Dunya have related on the authority of Abu Dharr, that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: " If all people acted in accordance with this ayah, it would suffice them. " [Narrators of the Hadith are trustworthy except that the chain is disconnected, so the Hadith is weak] This is related to the first principle.

As for the second principle:

"Why [is it that] when a [single] disaster struck you [on the day of Uhud], although you had struck [the enemy in the Battle of Badr] with one twice as great, you said, 'From where is this?' Say, 'It is from yourselves [i.e. due to your sin].' And Allah, over all things, is competent." [Noble Quran 3:165]

"Indeed, those of you who turned back on the day the two armies met [at Uhud] - it was Satan who caused them to slip because of some [blame] they had earned. But Allah has already forgiven them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing." [Noble Quran 3:155]

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"And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much." [Noble Quran 42:30]

"Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He [i.e. Allah] may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [i.e. refrain]." [Noble Quran 30:41]

"But if they turn away - then We have not sent you [O Muhammad], over them as a guardian; upon you is only [the duty of] notification. And indeed, when We let man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices in it; but if evil afflicts him for what his hands have put forth, then indeed, man is ungrateful." [Noble Quran 42:48]

"And when We let the people taste mercy, they rejoice therein, but if evil afflicts them for what their hands have put forth, immediately they despair." [Noble Quran 30:36]

"Or He could destroy them for what they earned; but He pardons much." [Noble Quran 42:34]

"What comes to you of good is from Allah, but what comes to you of evil, [O man], is from yourself. And We have sent you, [O Muhammad], to the people as a messenger, and sufficient is Allah as Witness." [Noble Quran 4:79] This is why Allah ordered His Messenger and believers to follow what was sent to them, that is, to be obedient to Him. This is the first principle. He also ordered them to wait for His Promise, and this is the second principle. And He ordered them to seek forgiveness and practice patience because the servant will certainly have shortcomings and seeking forgiveness will clear those shortcomings. Likewise, patience is required while waiting for the Promise. Obedience is

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perfected and completed with seeking forgiveness, and certainty in the Promise is perfected and completed with patience. Allah has joined the two in His saying,

"So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And ask for forgiveness of your sin and exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord in the evening and the morning." [Noble Quran 40:55] Allah has mentioned in His book the stories of the Prophets and their followers and how they saved themselves with patience and obedience. Then He said,

"There were certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding." [Noble Quran 12:111]

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Peace "Salam" (peace) is the most common word on a Muslim's tongue

"Whenever two people meet, they exchange greetings, wishing each other peace: "Peace be upon you." But peace cannot prevail except through justice. Since the concept of justice may differ from one man to another, or from one society to another, Muslims believe that real justice is that which is specified by Allah (God).

Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of the religion, or by those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. At the same time, Islam requires one to treat one's enemy mercifully. It lays down strict rules of combat which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees, and livestock. Islam also requires that if an enemy declares his desire to end hostilities and seek peace, the Muslims must do the same.

The concept of Jihad ("Holy War" or struggling in the cause of Allah) is stated in the Quran. Allah said:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors." [Noble Quran 2:190] Jihad is never to be waged to force anybody to choose a particular religion. On the contrary, it is to waged to protect his right to choose freely. Therefore, if there is a force in the world that tries to prevent a person from practicing this right, Jihad may lead to fighting the force that is trying to prevent him from exercising free will.