JijHpP11 fPT''- - 'Wl " W"HU WW -- i r. D & r '1 f t to r I S35? i B' fj . 14 b f V r i ( i i SF '4 'WTBBir w t f 1 II Vol. VIII. No. 122-1- . HONOLULU, H. I.. "WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1886. EO CENTS 8UDB0RIPTI0N PER MONTH TFE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed uiitl published nt the olllce, Queen Street, llonolulu, II. I., overy nftcrnoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conls per Month. Addross nil Communications Daily BUM.UTIN. Advertisements, to ciuuro luscrtion, should ho handed In beforo one n clonk r. m. Danlol Logan Managing Editor Norman Logan Associate Editor mid Ac countant. W. A. S. Boals Collector ami Shipping Reporter Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book uud Job Printing of all kinds done on the mot favorable terms. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, .Manager. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 25(J Commission Merchants. T. WATEHHOU8E, JOHN Importer uud Dealer In Uencral .Merchandise, Queen nt., Honolulu. 1 Cluua irccU. Win. O. Itwla. T Or. IUWIN Ss COMPANY, VY Sugar Faotors'aud Commission Agents, llonolulu. 1 OLEQUOKN Ss OO. AS. Importers uud Commission Murehuuts, dealers in Ucueral Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- . 78 to OO., WILDER Dealuis in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. fort uud Queen sts., Honolulu. ' 1 S. N. Caetle. J. B. Athorton. & OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchant!. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. d0 King st., llonolulu. 1 K. 11U1CIUS0N. M. A. UO.SSALVES. M. A. GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 88U Beaver Block, llonolulu. GRINBAUM & OO., MS. Importers of Qenorul Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 1:M CallfoiuU street, 1 Buu Frauulsco, Cul. J. LYONS, i I.. COHEN. & COHEN, LYONS Auctioneers and General Commission .Meichauts, Beaver Block, Queen tt., llonolulu. Sales of Furnltuio, stock, He.il Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. U18 C"A BREWER (LlmlUd) Si COMPANY, GiiNKKAL. MERCANTILE AND Commission Agents. Liar op oFKiCEits: P. 0. Jonks, Jr. .. .Piesldent & Manager J. O. CAKTh.il. .. ..Treasuiei & Secietary uiuLCious: Hon. 0. It. Bisiior. Hon. II. A. P. Cahteu 33d ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. H. Macfarlauo. G. W. MACFABXANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Flro-Fro- Building, - 02 Queen street, Honolulu. U. I. auknis tor The Wnlkapu bugar Plantation, Maui, TUo Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lieeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Uuelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, T. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mlrrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Packets 185 0. O. BERQER, 24 Meuoiiant Stheet. General Agent for fhe N. Y. Life Insuranco Company, The City of Loudon Fire In. Co(llmlt'd South British and National Firo & Ma. rlne Insurance Co. Macnealo & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co The Hartford Fire Insuranco Co. The Commercial Fho & Marino Insur- ance Co. 338 C. II. WOOIiHIXGTOK, GENERAL PURCHASING AGENT. Special notice to Island orders for Merchandise of every description, at the very lowest rates of commission. Send for samples of Dyy Goods, etc., etc. Catalogues and pi Ice list free by mall pycry steamer. Address 300 CALIFORNIA STREET, 10,1 tf Room 10, Sun f rnncleco. ProfoBsionalB. O. SMITH, ALBERT at Law anil Acent to tako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kaahu. mnnu street. 102 Cm JAlprep maqoon, ATIORNEYATLAW. 173 42 Mcichant street, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HABSINOKR, Agont to tako Acknowledgment! to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. OIOIIARD P. BICICERTON, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgage of Free-holds- . Office. No. 44 Merchant St. 1 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono- lulu. 1 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor In Chancery. Oillce- - CaiuiibcU's Block, Second Story, Rooms u and U. Entrance on Merchant Street, llonolulu, 11. 1. os-- i tr WILLIAM AULD, to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho olllce of tho Honolulu Water "Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 18t JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estato in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotla ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 O AKANA, w Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge Translations of cither of the abovi languages made with accuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 Jasr W. Robertson, ACCOUNTANT AND COPYIST. Books and Accounts ne Uly and correct, ly kept, also 'all kinds of copying at- tended to. Olllco with Hustaco iz Ro. bcrtson. 80 tf P. GRAY. M. D., J) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. Residence, cor. Kinau and Pensacola Streets. 948 ly DR. A. MOWAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Olllce nnd residence 81 Alakca street. Ofllco hours, 0 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m. C4 1y DR. EMERSON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Has removed his Residence and Olllce lo 190 Fort Sticct (lately occupied by Capt. Hnyley). (8 to 10 A.M., OtricE Houns-- j 1 to 3 r.sr., (7 to Telephono (Bell and Mutual), No. 140. 177 tf Dr. M. Goto, Physician and Surgeon, Leprosy, Syphilis nnd Skin Dlbcnso a Specialty. Olllce, mauka of tho resl. dence ot Hon. Jnmcs Kcau, King Sticet, Knpalama, llonolulu. Office llouns 1 to C p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 u. N.B. Parties on tho other Islands can consult by letter. 155 ly JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, 100 King St., Kawalahao Church. Mu- tual Telephone, 354. Ofilco hours from 7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables w 111 bo prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf NOTICE. MR D. L. AIIPIIAItT hereby inti- mates that he has this day with- drawn from tho firm of Soyong & t, and that ho will carry on tho bust, ncss of an Employment Agency, Anglo. Chinese Interpreting, Collecting Ac- counts and other Agency Business at Sun Kim Lung Co.'s, 43 Hotel street. 112 tf Yoseite Ui M. Will bo open every afternoon and even-in- g as follows: 3Ionilny,TticN(lny,tVctiicHday,Thnrn2 tiny and Nnturday KvcnlncH. To tho public in general. FIUDAV EVENING8, For ladles and gentlemen. TncMduy Afteruaeutt, For Indies, gentlemen andjchildicn. aixjHic, Friday and BaturdayiEvonlngsj also, at tho Tuesday Matinee. TIIOS. E. WALL, Manager. 147 m CHRISTMAS &: YEAR' Suitable for Young nml Old, PRESENTS Popular Millinery House, 104 FORT STREET, : : : HONOLULU. Immense Display of Holiday Goods, Toilet Boxes, Hand Mirrors, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, etc., etc., Endless variety of Ladies' Hand Satchels and Fans I Large assottuient of Ladies' Fine Embroidered nnd Silk Ilandkcichicfs. Just leceivcd, Iinmcnso Stock of Embroideries, Oriental Net and Lnccs, Ladies' Jerseys, All-Ov- er Embroidery and Underwear, Great variety of Lace Collars nnd Fichus nt exceedingly Low Prices. The Millinery Department Is the most complete in tho Kingdom. Latest Styles of Ladies and Chil- dren's trimmed and untriramed Hats, full assortment of Birds, Wings, Flowers, Plumes, etc., etc. TV. 58. SACHS, Fropriotor, 104 FORT STREET, HONOLULU. UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Teleplioiic 175. Island orders Mollcltpd. aud rooiIm delivered promptly. U. M. DENSON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. &Di 113 & 115 FORT STREET,. Booricko & Schrock's The Nursing Woodward Mercantile. CHR. g No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,fP" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' nnd Children's boots, and slippers. Robert O. M. C'ooko. L ewers et Cooke, (succestora to & Importers and Dealers In Lumber and all ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu l HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & WHOLESALE RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-ai- o lulu, II. 1. J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers la nil kinds of The Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at tho Gazette Block. Merchant Street 1 by Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box Telephone 349. CQlOm W3L McOANDIiKHS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Dealer in choicest Ilcef, Veal, Mutton, JCIhIi, Ac, dr. and Shipping carefully attended to. Live furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly FISHER CIDER COMPANY Factory, 13 Llliha now prepared to furnish this celebrated Champagne Cider at short notice, nnd in to suit. All orders will meet prompt attention by addressing Tho Fisher Cider Co. M.T. DONNELL, Manager. Mutual Telephone 830. 139 ly Male or Female, at the COMPANY. Ghichen Feed. a. VT. SMITH, i . HONOLULU, FOIt SALE. ISLAND GUANO In to suit. Apply to the PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. 103 lyr Hay aMFeei Messrs. S. F. Graham & Go. Tako pleasuro In nunounclng to their old friends and patrons that have JUST RECEIVED a fresh lot of Cloice Ear ana Grain Which they oiler at Tlio Lowest AInrlcot llatca. fa EST and Feed to any pun oi uio cuy. M. F. UIIAIIA3I Co., No. 83 King Street Telephone No. 187. 895 lm Metropolitan Market, KING STHEET, G. J. Xroirletor. Choicest Meals from Finost Herds. Fiunilks and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT and at tho Murlcot J?rico. All meats from this Market aro thoroughly chilled Immediately after killing by means of a Pa- tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so retains all Its juicy properties, and Is GuAiMNTKisn to Keep Lokoeh Al'TKll DKMVKUY THAN FllKBULY-XIM- r- kd Meat. 74 ly Depot for Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Common Sonso Bottles, And Allaire Co's Pharmaceutical Products. QERTZ, shoes Lewera, Lowers Dickson.) kinds Tobacconists, AND STATIONERY, Groceries 130, Mnrket, Family Ordors stock THE street. quantities FANNINQ'S they Hay delivered NOTICE iJo-vrcH- t delivered treated F. WUKDEKT3BHG-- , 71 Qttoun .Street, AOIWT foil 8101111101' "J. I. DowHott," anii scnooM:ns Rob Roy, Mile Morris, and Josephine. SALT TTOH HAJ-.1- 5. Flno and coarse Vuuloa Salt ; line Kukaako Salt, In quantltlis to suit. Also, lnrgu nnd smnll Iron Water Tanks. Paints, Oils, Etc., Ele. 03 ly LAINE & CO. Hinc a Largo Stock of tho VEHY BEST HAY. O-rain- , 3Etc, Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices -AN- D-Dolivered Freotoany part of tho City AGENtJTfOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insuranco Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho IIoocr Telephone. CommissionorofDeedsfor California fclcphonu No. 117. 70G Mechanical. BROWN fc PHILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith"- No. 71 King street, Honolulu. Z3T Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. lftt I"HOADS fc MACKENZIE, it BUILDERS. Jobbing promptly attended to nnd all woi'k guaiantccil. Plans and specifica- tions furnUhed at short notice. Queen Street, mar Alakca. P. O. Box U50. Mutual Telephone 348. 1 II ly Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y 228 aud 230 Fort Street, Honolulu, .... Hawaiian Is. W II- - PAGE, Propilctor 'IftO ly TVfT HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, SBSsaSlcim engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of eory description mndo to order. P.utlcular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exo-cute- d at short notice. 1 J A. Mckenzie, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Gas Fitter. All oulers for House or Ship work promptly executed. 5P Shop next to Post Oftlcc, Bethel Sticet. 151 ly WEMER & CO. ainiiiifactui-liii- : JowcllerH, no. os lfoirr HTiiaeaiiT. Constantly on hand n lnrgo assortment of every dcscilptimiof Jewelry, Watclies, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 0.)3 ly KO. C. STKATJKMKYKK, ARTISTIC SIGNS A SPECIALTY. 78 King; Street, Honolulu. 175 P. O. Iloxl310. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 1C8 Xo. CONuuanuitrcct. ly ALVIN1I. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of nil description neatly and promptly executed. Gazette Building . Merchant street 722 ly fXEORGE LUCAS, . A.WS to v-- n contractor "tB tmfrF,w and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-uad- c, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning, Sciull and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited Tolenliono 55. Enterprise PLANING MILL, l Alnkoii, near (uccn St. L C. J. Hahdex, Proprietor. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. tST; Ordors promptly attended to. - I'Olt HALK Html mill Holt .Stove Wood, 034 Out mid Split ly R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & Genoral Machinist. 13- - All work Promptly nnd neatly Per. formed. 205 3m PIOIV1313R. STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND TJA.JC13UV. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cool: and Uakcr. 71 Hotel St. GT Telephone 74. N. F. BURGESS, 84 King street, : : Honolulu. Carpenter and llullilcr. Ilaggnge nnd Ucncrnl KxprcHM. Draylng and steamer Freight carefully handled. Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s workman at 78 King street. Jobbing in above lines attended to with promptness, and charges according to the amount and quality of work. Olllco Telephone, i.'0'J. Kesidcnce, 102. 1 13 ly E. R.RYAN, lloat milliter. Boats Built and Repaired to Order. All KindH of lloat Mntcrlal, Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1 Decked Surf Boat, 1 Large Twelve-To- n Scow, 1 Four-Oarc- d Raco Boat, 2 Smnll Skiffs, 1 Twclve-To- n Sloop In perfect order, with sails, anchors nnd chains complete. For snlo cheap for cash, Kllauca street, Honolulu. 1005 ly ALEX. FLOHR, Practical Gun and Lock Smith, m Bethel St., next to Posl-Offlc- e. Sowing Machines of all kinds repaired. All kinds of Light Machinery repaired on Short Notice- - N.H Good Workmanship and Charges Strictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100. 124 ly WILLIAM MILLER Oatoinetm&ltei And UpliolMtcrcr, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, CaneB and Walking Sticks, Mado of fcvery kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.' made ot Iho latest designs. v j'-- i-' in,1 1 isimm mi1 n BAGGAGE EXPRESS. The undersigned having taacn ennrgo 01 iiaggago ;Express No. 84, for the purpose of carrying on tho Express nnd Drny business, hopes by paying strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. t3f Moving pianos and furniture a specialty. B, BURGERSON. Residence, corner Punchbowl and la Streets. Mutual Telephone 826. West, Dow & Co., Telephone 170. 3!)ly Bearer SJkI The Best Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours The Inoit Brand ot Cigars & Tobacco always on hand. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. & DRAYMEN. orders for Cartago promptly at- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing 8c Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts, Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33. 032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 18. Now Goods and Now Frioos. J. JOHNSON, Miuldlo and HiinicsH Maker, con.Nnu kino a nuuanu sts. tSTAll Goods and work warranted as represented. Lowest rates to planta. tlons and dealors In our goods. Tele, phono No. 177. J. JOHNSON, 210 lm formerly with W. E. Foster. V,. Um liJJtei4&&SKdJ& JhtSfattfelrtfa . 4iiU-- . ' .,,, w 4 firnH wi fir IBS",1?' J"'1?'lf',1' &k J!$m $ JS i i s

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JijHpP11 fPT''- - 'Wl " W"HU WW


r. D



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'4 'WTBBirw




Is printed uiitl published nt the olllce,Queen Street, llonolulu, II. I., overynftcrnoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conls per Month.

Addross nil Communications DailyBUM.UTIN.

Advertisements, to ciuuro luscrtion,should ho handed In beforo one n clonkr. m.

Danlol Logan Managing EditorNorman Logan Associate Editor mid Ac

countant.W. A. S. Boals Collector ami Shipping


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book uud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the mot favorableterms.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, .Manager.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 25(J

Commission Merchants.

T. WATEHHOU8E,JOHN Importer uud Dealer In Uencral.Merchandise, Queen nt., Honolulu. 1

Cluua irccU. Win. O. Itwla.T Or. IUWIN Ss COMPANY,

VY Sugar Faotors'aud CommissionAgents, llonolulu. 1

OLEQUOKN Ss OO.AS. Importers uud CommissionMurehuuts, dealers in Ucueral Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- .


to OO.,WILDER Dealuis in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. fort uud Queen sts.,Honolulu. ' 1

S. N. Caetle. J. B. Athorton.

& OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchant!. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. d0 King st.,llonolulu. 1



Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

88U Beaver Block, llonolulu.

GRINBAUM & OO.,MS. Importers of Qenorul Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

1:M CallfoiuU street,1 Buu Frauulsco, Cul.


& COHEN,LYONSAuctioneers and GeneralCommission .Meichauts,

Beaver Block, Queen tt., llonolulu.Sales of Furnltuio, stock, He.il Estate

and General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Solo Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. U18




Commission Agents.

Liar op oFKiCEits:

P. 0. Jonks, Jr. . . .Piesldent & ManagerJ. O. CAKTh.il. . . ..Treasuiei & Secietary

uiuLCious:Hon. 0. It. Bisiior. Hon. II. A. P. Cahteu

33d ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. H. Macfarlauo.




Sugar Factors,Flro-Fro- Building, - 02 Queen street,

Honolulu. U. I.auknis tor

The Wnlkapu bugar Plantation, Maui,TUo Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lieeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Uuelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,T. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mlrrlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Packets



24 Meuoiiant Stheet.General Agent for

fhe N. Y. Life Insuranco Company,

The City of Loudon Fire In. Co(llmlt'd

South British and National Firo & Ma.rlne Insurance Co.

Macnealo & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co

The Hartford Fire Insuranco Co.

The Commercial Fho & Marino Insur-ance Co.




Special notice to Island orders forMerchandise of every description, at thevery lowest rates of commission. Sendfor samples of Dyy Goods, etc., etc.Catalogues and pi Ice list free by mallpycry steamer. Address

300 CALIFORNIA STREET,10,1 tf Room 10, Sun frnncleco.


O. SMITH,ALBERT at Law anil Acent totako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kaahu.mnnu street. 102 Cm


173 42 Mcichant street, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HABSINOKR,Agont to tako Acknowledgment!

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

OIOIIARD P. BICICERTON,Attorney and Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgage of Free-holds- .

Office. No. 44 Merchant St. 1

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lulu. 1


and Solicitor In Chancery. Oillce- -CaiuiibcU's Block, Second Story, Roomsu and U. Entrance on Merchant Street,llonolulu, 11. 1. os-- i tr

WILLIAM AULD,to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho olllce oftho Honolulu Water "Works, foot of Nuuami street. 18t


and Notary Public. Real Estato in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotlated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190

O AKANA,w Chinese and Hawaiian Translatorand Interpreter,

No. 7 King street, near the BridgeTranslations of cither of the abovi

languages made with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


Books and Accounts ne Uly and correct,ly kept, also 'all kinds of copying at-

tended to. Olllco with Hustaco iz Ro.bcrtson. 80 tf

P. GRAY. M. D.,J) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,Office, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kinau and PensacolaStreets. 948 ly

DR. A. MOWAYNE,Physician and Surgeon,

Olllce nnd residence 81 Alakca street.Ofllco hours, 0 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m.

C4 1y


Has removed his Residence and Olllcelo 190 Fort Sticct (lately occupied byCapt. Hnyley).

(8 to 10 A.M.,OtricE Houns-- j 1 to 3 r.sr.,

( 7 toTelephono (Bell and Mutual), No. 140.

177 tf

Dr. M. Goto,Physician and Surgeon,

Leprosy, Syphilis nnd Skin Dlbcnso aSpecialty. Olllce, mauka of tho resl.dence ot Hon. Jnmcs Kcau, King Sticet,Knpalama, llonolulu.

Office llouns 1 to C p.m.Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 u.

N.B. Parties on tho other Islands canconsult by letter. 155 ly

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, 100 King St.,

Kawalahao Church. Mu-

tual Telephone, 354. Ofilco hours from7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables w 111 bo prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Box 80. 843 tf

NOTICE.MR D. L. AIIPIIAItT hereby inti-

mates that he has this day with-drawn from tho firm of Soyong & t,

and that ho will carry on tho bust,ncss of an Employment Agency, Anglo.Chinese Interpreting, Collecting Ac-counts and other Agency Business atSun Kim Lung Co.'s, 43 Hotel street.

112 tf

Yoseite Ui M.

Will bo open every afternoon and even-in- g

as follows:

3Ionilny,TticN(lny,tVctiicHday,Thnrn2tiny and Nnturday KvcnlncH.

To tho public in general.

FIUDAV EVENING8,For ladles and gentlemen.

TncMduy Afteruaeutt,For Indies, gentlemen andjchildicn.

aixjHic,Friday and BaturdayiEvonlngsj also, at

tho Tuesday Matinee.

TIIOS. E. WALL, Manager.147



Suitable for Young nml Old,


Popular Millinery House,104 FORT STREET, : : : HONOLULU.

Immense Display of Holiday Goods,

Toilet Boxes, Hand Mirrors, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, etc., etc.,Endless variety of

Ladies' Hand Satchels and Fans I

Large assottuient of Ladies' Fine Embroidered nnd Silk Ilandkcichicfs.Just leceivcd, Iinmcnso Stock of Embroideries, Oriental Net and Lnccs,Ladies' Jerseys, All-Ov- er Embroidery and Underwear, Great variety ofLace Collars nnd Fichus nt exceedingly Low Prices.

The Millinery DepartmentIs the most complete in tho Kingdom. Latest Styles of Ladies and Chil-dren's trimmed and untriramed Hats, full assortment of Birds, Wings,Flowers, Plumes, etc., etc.

TV. 58. SACHS, Fropriotor,104 FORT STREET, HONOLULU.


Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTeleplioiic 175.

Island orders Mollcltpd. aud rooiIm delivered promptly.



113 & 115 FORT STREET,.

Booricko & Schrock's

The Nursing



CHR. gNo. 80 Fort street, Honolul,fP"

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'nnd Children's boots, and slippers.

Robert O. M. C'ooko.

Lewers et Cooke,(succestora to &

Importers and Dealers In Lumber and allot Building Materials, Fort street,

Honolulu lHOLLISTER & CO.


109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-ai- o

lulu, II. 1.

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers la nil kinds of

The Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Gazette Block. MerchantStreet 1 by

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box Telephone 349.


W3L McOANDIiKHS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish

Dealer in choicestIlcef, Veal, Mutton, JCIhIi, Ac, dr.

and Shipping carefullyattended to. Live furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

FISHER CIDER COMPANYFactory, 13 Lllihanow prepared to furnish this

celebrated Champagne Cider atshort notice, nnd in to suit.All orders will meet prompt attentionby addressing Tho Fisher Cider Co.

M.T. DONNELL, Manager.Mutual Telephone 830. 139 ly

Male or Female, at the


Ghichen Feed.



FOIt SALE.ISLAND GUANO Into suit. Apply to the


Hay aMFeeiMessrs. S. F. Graham & Go.

Tako pleasuro In nunounclng to theirold friends and patrons that


JUST RECEIVEDa fresh lot of

Cloice Ear ana GrainWhich they oiler at

Tlio Lowest AInrlcot llatca.fa EST and Feed to anypun oi uio cuy.

M. F. UIIAIIA3I Co.,No. 83 King Street

Telephone No. 187. 895 lm

Metropolitan Market,KING STHEET,

G. J. Xroirletor.Choicest Meals from Finost Herds.

Fiunilks and Shipping


and at tho

Murlcot J?rico.All meats from this Market

aro thoroughly chilled Immediately afterkilling by means of a Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so

retains all Its juicy properties,and Is GuAiMNTKisn to Keep LokoehAl'TKll DKMVKUY THAN FllKBULY-XIM- r-

kd Meat. 74 ly

Depot for

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Common Sonso Bottles,

And Allaire Co's Pharmaceutical Products.




Lowers Dickson.)







Family Ordorsstock





Hay delivered


iJo-vrcH- t




71 Qttoun .Street,AOIWT foil

8101111101' "J. I. DowHott,"anii scnooM:ns

Rob Roy, Mile Morris, and Josephine.


Flno and coarse Vuuloa Salt ; lineKukaako Salt, In quantltlis to suit.

Also, lnrgu nnd smnll Iron WaterTanks. Paints, Oils, Etc., Ele. 03 ly

LAINE & CO.Hinc a Largo Stock of tho

VEHY BEST HAY.O-rain- , 3Etc,

Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices-AN- D-Dolivered

Freotoany part of tho City

AGENtJTfOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insuranco Co.


Agents for tho IIoocr Telephone.

CommissionorofDeedsfor Californiafclcphonu No. 117. 70G


BROWN fc PHILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith"- No. 71 King street,Honolulu. Z3T Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. lftt


Jobbing promptly attended to nnd allwoi'k guaiantccil. Plans and specifica-tions furnUhed at short notice. QueenStreet, mar Alakca. P. O. Box U50.Mutual Telephone 348. 1 II ly

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y228 aud 230 Fort Street,

Honolulu, .... Hawaiian Is.W II- - PAGE, Propilctor

'IftO ly

TVfT HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,SBSsaSlcim engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of eory descriptionmndo to order. P.utlcular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exo-cute- d

at short notice. 1


and Gas Fitter.

All oulers for House or Ship workpromptly executed.

5P Shop next to Post Oftlcc, BethelSticet. 151 ly

WEMER & CO.ainiiiifactui-liii- : JowcllerH,

no. os lfoirr HTiiaeaiiT.Constantly on hand n lnrgo assortment

of every dcscilptimiof Jewelry, Watclies,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

0.)3 ly



78 King; Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. Iloxl310. ly


1C8 Xo. CONuuanuitrcct. ly




Manufacturer.Book Binding of nil description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building . Merchant street

722 ly

fXEORGE LUCAS, . A.WS tov--n contractor "tB tmfrF,w

and Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-uad- c,

Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Sciull and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


Tolenliono 55.


l Alnkoii, near (uccn St. LC. J. Hahdex, Proprietor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

tST; Ordors promptly attended to. -I'Olt HALK

Html mill Holt .Stove Wood,034 Out mid Split ly

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & Genoral Machinist.

13- - All work Promptly nnd neatly Per.formed. 205 3m



AND TJA.JC13UV.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cool: and Uakcr.71 Hotel St. GT Telephone 74.

N. F. BURGESS,84 King street, : : Honolulu.

Carpenter and llullilcr. Ilaggnge nndUcncrnl KxprcHM.

Draylng and steamer Freight carefullyhandled.

Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s

workman at 78 King street.Jobbing in above lines attended to withpromptness, and charges according to

the amount and quality of work.Olllco Telephone, i.'0'J. Kesidcnce, 102.

1 13 ly

E. R.RYAN,lloat milliter.

Boats Built and Repaired to Order.

All KindH of lloat Mntcrlal,Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1

Decked Surf Boat, 1 Large Twelve-To- n

Scow, 1 Four-Oarc-d Raco Boat, 2 SmnllSkiffs, 1 Twclve-To- n Sloop In perfectorder, with sails, anchors nnd chainscomplete. For snlo cheap for cash,Kllauca street, Honolulu. 1005 ly

ALEX. FLOHR,Practical Gun and Lock Smith,m

Bethel St., next to Posl-Offlc- e.

Sowing Machines of all kinds repaired.

All kinds of Light Machinery repairedon Short Notice- -

N.H Good Workmanship and ChargesStrictly Moderate. P. O. Box 100.

124 ly



And UpliolMtcrcr,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

CaneB and Walking Sticks,Mado of fcvery kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

made ot Iho latest designs.v j'--

i-' in,1 1 isimm mi1 nBAGGAGE EXPRESS.

The undersigned havingtaacn ennrgo 01 iiaggago

;Express No. 84, for thepurpose of carrying on tho Express nndDrny business, hopes by paying strictattention to business to receive a shareof public patronage.

t3f Moving pianos and furniture aspecialty. B, BURGERSON.

Residence, corner Punchbowl and la

Streets. Mutual Telephone 826.West, Dow & Co., Telephone 170.


Bearer SJkIThe Best Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at All Hours

The Inoit Brand ot

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on hand.

II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


DRAYMEN.orders for Cartago promptly at-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing 8c Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts,

Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33.032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 18.

Now Goods and Now Frioos.

J. JOHNSON,Miuldlo and HiinicsH Maker,

con.Nnu kino a nuuanu sts.

tSTAll Goods and work warrantedas represented. Lowest rates to planta.tlons and dealors In our goods. Tele,phono No. 177. J. JOHNSON,210 lm formerly with W. E. Foster.


Um liJJtei4&&SKdJ& JhtSfattfelrtfa . 4iiU--. ' .,,,w 4 firnH wi fir IBS",1?' J"'1?'lf',1' &k







Page 2: JijHpP11 fPT''- 'Wl WHU 'WTBBir


I k




To the nsecttrs of Election in the sev-

eral Districts of the Kinvihm:' Inquiries having been mndc whetherpersons who are exempt from the pny-me-

of persoiml tuxes by reason of be.lug clergymen, teachers, pu)lh In HighSchools, firemen, &c, or by reason ofbeing over the age of sixty years orwhoso taxes have been excused by theAssessor on account of Infirmity orpovcity, nru allowed by law to vote nlthe Election for Hcpiercntatives.

Il h my opinion Hint all such persons

aie entitled to vote. The Tax Collectorshould I'.miu lo cai.li Mich person a tuxreceipt Willi the winds "Qualified toVote" upon it, which lie must sign andin plarc of the amount of taxes he mntwrite "exempt'' or "excused." On thepresentation df this Tax Receipt to theInspectors of Election at their sessionsprevious to tho election, the name of thevoter must be put on the list of votersand tho ltccclpt returned to the voter.

At the general Election to be held onthu 3rd February, 1880, the votes of suchpersons must be received, unless chal-

lenged for other reasons.PAUL NEUMANN,

Attorney-General- .

Honolulu, .luniinry 13, 18S0. Ill

ISISIIOl'&Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on theIJuulc of Ciilil'oriiln. S. IT.

And their agents InNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ.

Messrs. X. 31. Rothschild & Son, London.The Commeicial Hunk Co.. of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Dank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchuich, and 'Wellington.The Bank of British Columbia, Vic

lorlu, 11. 0. aud Pot timid, Or.AND

Transact a (icncral Banking Business.060 lv

Pledged to r.elUor Sect nor Party.But osUbllshcd for the toncfit of all.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1880.


An error occurred in yesterday'sihsuc by which the exports of thelast quarter of 1885 were given in-

stead of those of the whole year.Following are the figures for the

year:Sugar 17l.a30.3H lb.Mola-M- ". f7,!ll gals.Rice 7.307.'.,33 lb.Jtunanao 00,040 lb.(Jont 10,782 pes.Hide 10.0 13 pes.lietel leaves 330 bx.Shcep skins 8.783 pes.Calfskins 20 pes.Wool 171.1211b.Dried bananas 802 bxs.Fungus 1137 lb.Coffee 1073 lb.

Total value 8,938,IS03.8S.


Under the above betiding the fol-

lowing article appears in the SanFraneibco Jiulletin. It is interestingfrom its elucidation of the Hawaiian

Ooverninent's foreign "policy," thatis so enshrouded in mystery, for someincomprehensible reason, at home.Instead of a protectorate, a sort oftutorship of neighboring groups is

proposed. There is something ex-

ceedingly rich, which cannot be ap-

preciated outside of this kingdom

under present auspices, in the sug-

gestion that "the new state should beunder tho tutelage of persons sentfrom Hawaii to teach the islanders

Wiiat rich greenpastures such an arrangement wouldafford for tho linkers, Ilayseldens andLilikalanis of Hawaii, in danger offoundering from a protracted dietaryof stall provender J Great pity it is,however, for tho pampered but un-

satisfied herds, that thu coveted freshfields have all been appropriated byGermany and Spain, tints rudelyawakening the Hawaiian Magi fromtheir luxurious dreams of lucrativestate pedagoguisni over the less-favor-

isles of the Pacific.

It would appear from the articlequoted below as if the Hawaiian

Government, in this ambitiousscheme of acquiring tutorship in them"t of government over the neigh-

boring groups, is trading upon theprestige won for this country by itslarge Christian missionary enter-

prises in those islands. To thosewho know tho attitude of tho Gov-ernnle- nt

toward the missionary cle-

ment of Hawaii, and the aviditywith which their supporters make apolitical weapon of the vulgar andreactionary -- prejudice against whatis' popularly but improperly termedtho " missionary party," this phase

.pf the Government's Polynesian

policy will appear In Its true lightas tho rankest hypocrisy. TheGovernment people may Well charac-

terize themselves, by implication asthey have done, " tho patty of im-

moral pretences."If all the visionary exploiting of

our Foreign Office was done at theprivate charges of the man or menwho are carried away by the pros-pective honors accruing therefrom,the matter might be dismissed witha smile at the matured vanity pro-

jecting it. Hut these foreign em-

bassies after areusing up the scant revenues of thiskingdom, while the most necessaryand important domestic services en-

trusted to the Government arestarving and decaying for want ofthe means of sustentntion. Here is

the article upon which the foregoingcomments are based:

A writer In the Loudon Times ofNovember 20th thus outlines the objectsof the vNIt to Europe of a Commis-sioner from thu Sandwich Islands:

"The Hon. II. A. P. Carter. MlnNterfor Hawaii at Washington, has arrivedIn Europe on a special iuiioii to thoOnvcrniucnts of (treat Britain. France,Germany aud Spain. Mr. Carter, whoIs a native of the Sandwich Me, butof American parentage, has been aresilient In Washington for some years,and wa Intrusted with the negotiationof the Reciprocity Treaty with theFnlted States, which has ilonu so muchto Increase the prosperity of Hawaii,aud he has In addition 'made severalvisits to Europe upon the business ofthe Foreign Olllce of Honolulu. I'ponthe present occasion Mr. Carter Is thebearer of an Important proposal fromthe Government of King iCalakaua withreference to the future of the Marshalland the Gilbert Islands. These Islandscontain a population of aboutthou-am- l, who, within the lnt fewyears, have become civilized aud Chris-tianized through the exertions of Ameri-can and Hawaiian Congregational mis-sionaries, all of whom had tho Sand-wich Islands as the base of their opera-tions aud who have expended In theirenterprise about 80,000. It is nowsuggested that these groups should beallowed to federate on the same lines,but not with, the Hawaiian Islands,that their autonomy should be pre-set cd and that with some slight modi-fication the Hawaiian system of govern-ment should be extended over all theseislands In the Central Pacific which atthu present moment have not been an-

nexed and colonlcd by any Europeanpower. Mr. Carter would 'be glad tosee the sunc principle extended to theCaroline Iland. thu Inhabitants ofwhich resemble in many respects llioi-- c

In the Marshall and Gilbert groups, jfthe proposal meet with the approval ofEngland. Germany and Spain. It Issuggested that In the llrst instance thenew state should be under the tutelageof persons sent from Hawaii to teaehthe islanders TheSandwich Islands afford a remarkableinstance of a native Polynesian raceadopting European civilization. TheGovernment is in tho hands of n Sover-eign, a House of Peers, and a House ofCommons. The laws are founded onthose of the United States: education iscoinpuUory, and life and property arcas safe and as well protected as in anyother part of tho world. The popula-tion N about eighty-si- x thousand; therevonue two hundred thousand pounds ayear, the Imports, 1,100,000, and theexports, 1,000,000. The only draw-back to the prosperity of Hawaii Is thogradual decline of the withu popula-tion, which does not exceed 18,ooo, whilethere arc about 10,000 foreigners Chi-nese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Cauca-sians, as persons from Europe and theUnited States are termed. But theGovernment of Hawaii assert that thestringent measures they have taken Inorder to stamp out leprosy have beensuccessful, and that there Is every pro-bability that In future years the censusof the native population will show asmall but steady increase. Efforts weremade some years ago on the part of thepeople of lljinnd Samoa to Induce theHawaiian Ministry to Interfere withtheir affairs, but the negotiations failedbecause it was considered that theseIslands were outside tho legitimate In-

fluence of the Honolulu Government.But the advisers of King Kalakaua havecome to the conclusion that the Interestsof their own country and those of theCaroline, Gilbert and Marshall groupswould bo furthered if these latter wcruassisted to carry out the policy whichhas worked o well in tho ease of theSandwich Islands,


Olllcial directions regarding themode of qualifying ns voters, bypersons exempt from taxes, are setforth in paper by tho Attorney-G-


A mass meeting was held at Wai-ki- ki

last night. Among six speakersfor the Government, " a rising younglawyer" is mentioned hyiho Adver-lisc- r.

Had lie been on the other sidethat paper would have nothing betterfor him than " a tramp."


Kim ok JJumxtix: An editorialwriter in the Advertiser of to-dn- y

professes to have been somewhat ata loss as to tho treatmentfor the meeting held in tho base-ment of the Kaumakapili Church onMonday evening last. Whether totreat it as a broad burlesque orseriously was tho question. Thewriter elected to treat it seriously,and in this showed better sense tliapis displayed elsewhere in iiis article.So far ns I am concerned, it seemsbetter to treat the political bltuutfojiof this Kingdom seriously nndcarnesjtly, and in talking with votersthe fact is forcibly impressed uponmo that they, too, are tiring of themockery of administration of public


affairs. So far, then, tho writer orthe Advert isor the voters and my-

self nro agreed. My remarks nt themeeting are said to huVc been errone-ous, absurdly crude, disingenuous,indelicate, in bad taste and indica-tive of ignorauce. All this is amatter of opinion and I am con-

strained to bellevo is not generallyconcurred in by the public whoattended thu meeting.

In regard to the financial condi-tion of the Government, I do notwish to think that the Advertiserwriter is willfully ignorant. Thatthe writer is ignorant is apparent tothe creditors of tho Government,the parties most interested. I havenot said that the interest on thepublic debt is unpaid. I do notthink that the Ministers arc fools,whatever else I may think of them.So long as they arc mendicant bor-

rowers they will hardly decline towy interest on money already bor-

rowed. To say that the Governmentbonds icilt be paid as they matureis misleading. The fact is that theyhave not been paid as they matured.A considerable sum of the nine per-

cent bonds lias been illegally ex-

tended. If the credit of tho Gov-

ernment is in sound as the Adver-tiser believes, why with availableassets worth five times the amountof the present national debt andother Governments borrowing moneyat live percent why, may 1 ask,does not the Government sell itsseven percent bonds and take up thenine percent bonds. This simplemethod of reducing the interest onthe national debt would suggest it-

self to the merest novice in finance.It must seem strange to the readersof the Advertiser that persons wouldsend money out of this Kingdomseeking investment at five and sixpercent interest because they couldnot get twelve percent here, and atthe same time, the Government hashawked its seven percent, free oftaxes, bonds about our streets. Theremust be something rotten in the stateof Hawaii. Surely all our moneylenders arc not fools.

Now, as to the question of badtaste in my reference to the affairsof the unfortunate Kunuiakea. Thoillustration wns not made with anyimproper feeling on my part, anddocs not seem to others to havebeen so altogether out of place asthe Advertiser writer deems it to be.As a retort 1 may be permitted tosay that it seems to me, and tosome others, to be in bad taste tobe so repeatedly taking ColonelSprockets by the coat collar andposing him before this communityas the only public benefactor webenighted islanders have ever had.

The writer for the Advertiser liasmy thanks for coining a new wordto illustrate what ho is pleased tobelieve was usurious practice. Thisbit of wit salts the whole article.

Seriously, let me say that whenHie Government will pay its creditorswith something better than pro-mises or homilies on their duty aspatriots the Government credit willstand better. The Government mustnot think that all its creditors willfollow the example of poor Mr.Oakley. Some of them, at least,are made of sterner stuff.

J. O. C.unxit.Honolulu, Jan. l.'l, 1880,

"wanted,"AGIUL between 15 and IS years of

to help In a store. Goodwages paid. Inquire at THIS OFFICE.

221 iw

Annual Meeting: Notice.THE adjourned Annual Meeting of

Reciprocity Sugar Co. will beheld at thu olllce of R. Castle at 10a.m. MONDAY Jnnuarv 18. 1881!.224 4t E. 1) TE'NXEY, Sec'y.

The .Credit Sale oi


At store of E. P. Adams & Co., willbe continued

THURSDAY, Jnn. 14tl,at 10 a M.

E. P. ADAMS & Co.,221 Auctioneers,

Attention ! Engine Go. No. 2.

SPECIAL Meeting of tho abovewill bo held THIS EVEN.

ING, Jan. 18th, nt 7:K0 o'clock. Also, aDiill of the Company will he held TO.MORROW EVENING at 7:30 o'clock.Per order, FRANK IIUSTAOE,

It Foreman.

notioeT""NEITHER tho Captain nor the Agents

bark Lovspring will be res-ponsible for any debts contracted by theofficers nt ennv during her stay in port.2S2 at CASTLE i: COOKE, Ag't.

Annual Meeting Nptjco.npiIE Annual Meeting of tho EastJL Maul Stock Co will ho held at tho

offlco of 0. llrower it Oo. on MONDAY.February 1, 1880, nt 10 o'clock H.m,310 td P. C. JONES, Secretary.

Annual Meeting Notion,

4ii,h0iW?!i8of lho 1,ku Sugnr Co.January 25, 1880, at UKIO n.

in., at tho oillco of Castle & Cooke.B. AT1IERTON,

32 lw Sec'y II. s, Co.

Annual Meeting Notice.THE annual meeting of tho

of the Ivohala Sugar Co.will be held January 2,", 188G, at 11 a.in., at the olllce of Castle & Cooke.

J. 1. ATHERTOX,220 1w Sec'y K. S. Co.

Annual Meeting Notice.rpilE Annual Meeting of the HawaiianX Agricultural Company will be heldat tho ollleu of C. Brewer & Co. onTHURSDAY, January 21, 1880, nt 10o'clock a.m. .1. O. OAI.TER,210 td Secretary.

Annual Meeting Notice.riMIE Annual Meeting of C. Brewer &X Co. will be held nt their olllce,Honolulu, on Wr DNESDAY, February3, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m.210 id J. O. CARTER, Sccictaiy.

Annual Meeting Notice.fTUIE Annual Meeting of the EastX Maul Plantation Co. will be heldat the ofllce of C. Biewer & Co. onWEDNESDAY, January 20, I860, nt 10o'rlock n.m. P. O. JONES,210 td ' Secretary.

J. T. WaterhouseHas removed his

Crookery and Hardwaro Good9

From the store occupied byhim In King St.,

To His BuildingAdjoining the Queen S Stoic, opposite221 to Brewer & Co. lw



Kalihi Road,Wo have received instructions to offer

at public auction, on

Monday, Jan. 25thAt 12 o'clock neon, at our salesioom,

thoso certain eleven

Val'ble House LotsOn the Kalihi Road, near the residenceof Capt. Lorenzcn of Steamer Llkellkc,

nt the following upset prices, viz:Lot No. 2 COlxlGO feet. .$275

" 1203x100 ' 225" 5 203x1(10 ' 275" 7 213.M25 ' :too

S 2i:Jxl25 ' 4750203x140 ' 475

10205x100 ' 27511205x170 ' 30012205x100 ' 2001 a 203x100 ' 175

These Lots are on the rising groundjust beyond the What Cheer House andcommand a line view of Diamond Headand the sen.

From the natural slope of the landtho opportunity for drainage is perfect.Terms of Sale will be One-ha- lf Cash,

Balance in 2 Years,

Secured by mortgage with Intel est nt 8per cent.

E. P. 'ADAMS & Co.,221 13t Auctioneer.

Valuable Lots for Sale.

By order of tho owner, we shall sell atrii one Auction, on

MONDAY, January 25th,at 12 o'clock, noon, at our Salesroom,

unless previously disposed ofat private sale,

All the following Designated

Premises, viz:

1st All thoso Premises situated onMaunakca street, N. ,

With the Buildings thereon,having a frontago of 21 feet and a depthof 05 feet, yielding nn annual rent of$1C0. Leased for 10 years from Janu.ary 1, 1880.

2nd That pertain Parcel of Landsituated near the corner of Maunakeaand Heretania streets, containing anarea of 72 fathoms, upon which there arc

3 Good Buildings,yielding an annual rent of $201, payablemonthly.

3rd Thoso certain 2 Lots at Knpa.lamn, lying on the Ewa side of the laneIcodlng to Austin's Estate, about 02 feetfront and 100 feet deep. They nro wellfenced and water laid on.

4th A Interest In that certain

Jlouse Lot at Kikihale,known as tho Kakinit whichnow rents for $330 per annum. Thereuro 2 new Houses on these premiseswith additional room for .1 more.

5th Thoso 2 certain Lots at Kalihi,containing about 1 acre of good KaloLand and House Lot, with a new build.Injj thereon. Leased at $100 per annum,8 years to run'.

These are all good paying properties,very suitable for investment.

TEEMS OF SAIE.-0ne-tb.- ird Cash,balance 1 and 2 years with interest at9 per cent, pecured by mortgage.

jE. P. ADAMS & CO.,

320 m Auctioneers,

ivoxioejLadies and Gentlemen of Honolulu.



A.e retiring from the Clothing, Gents Furnishing and Hat business, Inorder to make room for their largo Importations of

DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS,And oiler for sale at exceptional and genuine bargains their entireunsiirpinscd Slock of

Men's, .Youth's and Boys'

Suits, Hats, Caps, etc., etc.

Come and Secure Your Bargains, No

Reasonable Offer Refused,


An Elegant Assortment of

Children's Velvet Bonnets & Caps,Itlclily Tilmmcd with Satin nnd Lace,

VELVET SWANDOWN CAPS,Lnce Caps Ditto Silk Finish Sun Uonnets, white and fancy

MISSES & CHILDREN'S CLOAKS,In great variety. Children's Aprons, Boys' Wnht, white, blue & printed.

A Complete Assortment of Boys' Suits,A New Line of Men's Suits, Hats, Boots & Shoes,

And Furnishing Goods,FOll SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL.

3M. l. GONZALVES Ac Co.,2U1 SV Hotel Street. row

"'" "lfcniiiiM


so, send me 20 yards. It is


A &

tS" P. O. Dox 'J97,

tho of tho Estate of F.J. a tnko

notlco: lint thoof tho of F. f. a

hns. preparatory to his finalnnd his

accounts such and filed thosame Hon. E. Justicoof the Court, nt histo whom he will "apply 'nt 10 o'olocka.m. on SATURDAY, the 10th Instant,for n of 'said anilfor a from all such

nnd for nn order to make a finalW. Q.

Honolulu, Jan. 11, 1880. 233 8t

; -- 4 VtT?


S, OOH2T & CO.,




IS that MR. ?

you any more Qf

thatdouble width, such ns yousold to Mrs.

for $1 50 a Iftho FINEST MATERIAL I

Telephono 210 a

Guaranteed. 201

Administrator'sTHE undersigned, having b,een duly

llV tllli linn. Jnr.nl,Hardy, pircuit Judge of Kaunl, II. L,Administrntor of tho Estate of

Into ofhereby cnlls upon nil pcn-on- Indebtedto said Lstato to mako pay.inent to mo, and nil persons havingclaims against said estnte, whether sc.curod by or otherwise, nro re,quested o present such claims to mo atmy house n dulywithin, six months' from 'date of this;notlco or be forever barred. ' ''

J.Administrntor of the of B. K."

Kuuai, Jan. 8, ie80. 22a

have ever seen for the Money."" right. Its value J"

GOOD-BY-E ! "94

LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,ami Hotel Street,

Full Lino of Cross Blaokwell's Goods,

Fine Teas, Fine Teas, Fine Teas,Staple and Fancy



TO CreditorsI1IGQ1NS, baukrupt,'1 undersigned, asslgneoEstnte Iligglnl,

bankrupt,account dividend, submitted

as assigneebeforo Preston,

Supremo chnmbors,

settlement accountsdischarge liability as

assignee,dividend. PARKE,





brown JERSEY eloth,

Jenkinson yes-

terday yard?


S.'K.Kunpuu, Wnimen, deceased,



Hanalel, verlUed,'


Ivunpun, deceased.Hanalel',

Quito below


.4 , --- . . '.'&,. . VJka t .W a .. . a ;; ... . j.. . - J. .

Page 3: JijHpP11 fPT''- 'Wl WHU 'WTBBir



WEDNESDAY, JAN. ltf, 1880.


itauuury 12Bktiie Discover' from San FrancUcoSour Mary Foster from Walmea


Stmr Iwnlaul for Ilamakua


Stmr 0 It BMiop for KauaiSclir Kautkoaoull for Kohala


Hk Lovsprlng, ThomsonIlk Victoria Cross HobcrtsonHk Elslnoro, JunksIlk C It BMiop, WalterHk Oalbarlcii, HubbardIlk lioper, UytlcrIlk Lady Bowcii, HoddHktnc Amelia, NowhallTern W S Bonne, HaulS S St l'anl, KimMiio


For Kauai, per steamer Planter, Jan13th lion 0 It Bishop, .Mr Nnkainurn,Hon V E Howell, Mr Kahclo and aboutDO deck.

For llatnakua, Hawaii, per steamerLehua, January 12th W A Kinney, W

K Castle, A U Smith, L A Thurston, J AScott, F Fatr and 10 deck.


The Hcsper was lowered from theMtulno Hallway this a m.

Stmr Blhop alls tomorrow morningat S o'clock.

Sehr Jennie Walker will all for Kan-nlng- 's

Inlands about Satuiday next.Stuir Kaplolanl N having her old

boiler taken out and a new one put lu.The Amelia will ioon be luaily for



Politics are rapidly becoming thebulwarks of the street corner.".

Mn. A. Marque has been announcedas one of the Independent candidates forHonolulu.

Mncii.vNic Engine Co. Xo. 2 meetsthis evening to make arrangements forthe annual paiade on Feb. ltli.

, . c.ritiNUKstf I.ikellke U holding a reecp.

thin this afternoon, on the occasion ofthe thlrtv-tlft- h anniversary of her bhth.

Mkssiw. W. H. Cattle, AV. A. Kinney,1.. A. Thurston and A. C. Smith haeleft for n campaigning tour on Hawaii.

Tiir.UF. was a Iwge attendance at thegreat trade sale of K. 1. Adams it Co.

yj and it w ill bo continued

I'ossiiilv tliu S. S. Zealandla maylmvc gone to Auckland, In which cas--

she may bo given till even-ing to arrive here.

Usual weeknlght services in theProtestant churches this evening. St.Andrew's Cathedral choir will have

after (ho service.

Lewis J. Levey will sell 33-- shares ofthe Mokaenul Sugar Co.'s stock at noou

His regular cash sale isunavoidably postponed till Saturday.

A hoodlv number gathered on KiniiiaSquare last night to enjoy the music inthe moonlight. night nprogramme of nine pieces will be play-ed.

Mil Guard, purser of tlmSt. Haul;Mr. C. H. Bueklaud, editor San Fran-cisco Merchant, and CoK Thompson,barrister, have our thanks for valuablenews favors.

TiiintK aro still on hand a few copiesof the Bullkti, suiumaiy edition forthe outgoing foreign mall, containing aforeign and local icvlew of the past

.yp'U'ii together Hli a week's Hawaiiannews.

Miss Genevieve 'Ward entertained hercompanions lu ''Forget Me Not"' atsupper in the Hawaiian Hotel after theperlormauce on Monday night. It wasa pleasant gathering. Mr. L. M. .Matherread an original poem.

- -A Ciii.nksi: express carrlago met with

n disastrous Miushup this morning onOaliu prison road. The horse shtcd ata pig and overturned the carriage."When the animal got fieo of the tangledharness lie made a bee-lin- e for thecountry.

Yr.s'iKitiuY afternoon the sailors ofthe steamer Lehua became boisterouslydrunk, and when thu steamer was aboutto sail they stinted a low. The chiefolllccr assisted by thu captain and secondmate succeeded lu laying out the nioitnoisy, thereby quelling the disturbance.

Mu. W. H. Hiehardson shortly leavesthe drugstoio of Messrs. Benson, Smith& ,Co., having to return to thu Coast onaccount of his health. His ptcscucuwill be much nileil lu the community,where he has mudu many friends. Mr.M. Leslie has come from San Fraiichcoto take .Mr. Hichardsou's place.

PitAYKic and praisu service at th,eIJethel I'nlon i'try this evening athalf-pa- seven o'clock. Thu subject,"On tho Mount of Trausllguratlmi,"Matt. 17:1-1- 3. After tho meeting therewill be a business meeting for the elec-tion of two gentlemen to servo on theStanding Committee ; for thu election ofSunday school otllccrs, and the tiansac-tlo- u

of such other matters as may comeup. A general attendance on thu partof the irieinber.s is lequested by thepastor.

At a meeting of Excelsior Lodge,Xo. 1, 1. O. O. F., held last evening,W. E. Foster, District Deputy GrandSire, Installed the following olllcers :

' h. L. LaPIerre, X. G.; M. X. Kennedy,V. G,; F. J. Chapman, Secretary; J.D. Tregloati. Treasurer; J. J. Locker,W.; Jifi. Tinker, C; T. Tannatt, K. fi.

'X.G.; J. A. McUunle, L. S. X. G.;W. V. Wright, H. S. V. G.; G. WrightL.H. V.G.; U. Johnson, 1. G.; Hev.A. Mackl'titosh, Chaplain. J. O. Car-td- r,

S. Savldgo and It. Lowers wciuelected Trustees for tho ensuing yea

555W5! mAx Hip. j nwothiK of tho llanos

lulu Yacht mill Boat Club last uvonlntf,the following officers for the Mintingyear were elected: Commodore, Kich-n- nl

F. Hlckcrton; Vice Commodore, II.AVodehotise; Captain, 11. M. Whitney,Jr.: Secretary and Treasurer, J. 11.

Fisher; Exccutlvo Committee, M.P.Roblnsou, J. M. Dowsctt, Jas. G.Spencer, W. G. Armstrong and Clias. B.Wilson. A vote of thauks was tenderedto tho retiring ofllccrs for tho cfllclctitmanner In which they had conductedtho business of the Club during the pastyear.


1'itnsit Mlnco Pics dally from andafter date at Meller & Hnlbc's Con-

fectionery. 177

Kiiksii Cream Cakes and Kilairgdaily from untt after date at Meller& llalbc's Confectionery. 177


Is this week's list of paid claimsappears the nunio of George N. "Wa-

lker, a prominent citizen of Peoria,111. In 1818 Mr. Walker took aS3000 ordinary life policy in theMutual Life Insurance Company ofNew York. It cost him $75 u year,and lie kept it paid up until the dayof Ills death. The accumulateddividends nearly equal the facovalue of the policy and the totalclaim paid to Mrs. Walker is So727.Hon. S. G. Wilder, agent for theHawaiian Islands.


ok tiii: Hawaiian iiiuasuky foii thutirunr.it undimi ir.ci:Miir:u31,'1tiSri.

itr.cKii'is.Halnnco from September... 95S,3J3 S5

From tines, penalties midcosts $ 14,031 40

From Interior Depaitmeut.. (17,005 22From Customs Heeeipts 120,723 1)3

From Internal Taxes 212,3G5 02From Japanese Fund 7,370 71From Brands 00 00From Heveime Stamps 3,070 25From Gov't Hcalizatlons.... 120 45From Crown Commission-

ers 1,000 00From Loan Act. August 1,

1881 22,100 00

$540,515 SO

nxi'i.NDiTuur.s.Civil List 8 15,701 00Peiinaiicnt Settlement 712 00Jiidielarv Department 17,252 17Foreign Olllce 31 .158 02Interior Department 172,251 02Attorney General's Dept.. .. 31,203 37Finance Department SI ,048 01Board of Education 10.812 47Hoard of Health 34,SS7 40Expenses Queen Emma s

funeral 700 00Paid on acct. Special loan... 57,2L1 40Hire of steamer C. H.

Bishop, search forschooner Ka Mol 2,000 00

Balance cash in Treasury... 81,803 43

8540,515 80Treasury, December hi, 1SS5.

,.T. M. Kai-kna- ,

Minister of Finance.


Hy the steamer W. G. Hall thatarrived yesterday afternoon an ac-

count is received of a remarkableepisode in Molokai channel. Onlast Tuesday at 3 i m., the above-name- d

steamer left this port on herregular route. At dusk that even-ing, when off Molokai lights andsteaming toward Maui, the olllcersof the steamer sighted a vessel aboutone mile ahead. The wind was thenvery light, such as would drive aschooner about three knots an hour,and notwithstanding the speed ofthe W. G. Hall (12 knots per hour),she was unable to gain, in the least,upon the vessel ahead. As thechase contained the stranger occa-sionally showed Hash lights, as isdone by vessels when in danger ofbeing run down. This vessel waswithout doubt a steamer, and a fastone too. Positively it was not theKinau, as that steamer did not leavehere until 1 o'clock that afternoon,and the action of the mysteriousvessel as herein related will showthat she was a strange craft. Inthe first place, were sho any of theinter-islan- d boats (except tho Ki-

nau) she would have been over-taken by the Hall. Then, whenabout eight miles from Lahainn,Maui, two bonfire lights were seenon the northwest point of Maui.At about !):!)0 o'clock, when thesteamer Hall branched off for Ma-ala- ca

Bay, the stranger put about,retraced tier course anil that wasthe last seen of her. Tho belief isthat this vessel had opium and thebonfires were signals of danger.


Paper read by UcvC.at tho recent mecifng oTTIfo Teach-ers' Convention in this city.

(Concluded.)Another plan, less simple ami

inoic expensive, has been spoken of,which is to divide tho wholo dormi-tory, as It stands, into so many smallcells, locking each boy into hisroom, and requiring him to keep itclean. This plan would ensure thebafe keeping of the boys, no doubt,but I fear it would give muchtrouble, and not bo very convenient,besides being close ; although I be-

lieve the privacy ensured to eachboy would prove invaluable, forone of their worst faults is that ofhuddling and herding together, andit is productive of very bad results.

With the division of the dormitorythe play ground should also bo divided. The, old rotten,, ramblingbuilding anciently used for a dormi-tory should bo torn down, tho

:;rmmidh'h v

inggff!IWWffJ-- L 1 1'J I U1"J'!1.'' W.HJWffl.

sinull bulliUntfH sllunUd In rowjs uonr(ho wall, and giving Infinite trouble;ns hiding places, from whence tosccuro means of transit over thewall, and escape, should bo removedtherefrom, and this noble yardshould be divided into two, forsmall and large boys. Each wouldbe, in such case, about 250 feetsquare, at least. Mr. Hill ha9thought that the whole area shouldbe enclosed in a high wall, and thedivisions for the boys marked onlyby n picket fence, so as to bring theboys under the personal inspectionof the' principal, from his own resi-

dence. The cost would be the onlyobjection to this plan, amounting hothinks to 83,000 at least. The ap-pearance would not be improved,for it is now a very pretty spot, butthat might not be an objection. Theendeavor to make thu school a re-

forming institution under thu presentdisadvantageous circumstances, hasbeen a source of great anxiety. Thefrequent desertions, the petty thefts,the continual occurrence of minoroffenses, Jthe indifference to moraland wholesome pleasures, arc con-

tinual sources of disappointment;the boys seem to be always preparingfor desertion, and ever ready tobreak through every restraint.

Tho windows" of the dormitory are20 feet from the ground. When tholower sash was fastened with pad-locks, they pulled the staples. Whenthey are additionally screwed, theyused bits of sheet iron and brokenknife blades as screw drivers. Whenthe sash was screwed on tho outsidewith three inch screws, they man-age to squirm through the openingin the upper sash, a space of per-haps ten inches left for vcntilcation.They escape, and rctui a after somepcltv thieving, over and over again,and all the whilo the native warderis sound asleep near by, or hasslipped out to his family.

With a great deal of trouble, butnot with so very much expense, thewall surrounding the play groundcould be made insurmountable, hya decoration on top, of a line ofglass works. A line of battens wellsmeared with cement, and filledclosely with bits of projecting glass,would make an invisible obstacle toescape in that direction, while flightat any time from the front, is almostcertain discovery and capture. Thestaff required to conduct the insti-tution upon the principles heretoforementioned, should consist of aPrincipal who should have the re-

sponsibility and oversight of thewhole work. Two capable assist-ants (white men) who should takeacting charge of the teaching andthe field work and one of them atleast serve as warder. A nativewarder, and a strong, commonsensed, white woman, as house-keeper. There would be no troublein running the institution with sucha staff, and strict regularity andcorrect discipline could be guaran-teed. To be sure it would costsomething for the salaries of such acorps, not less than 83,800 a year.But it would be the right thing.With reference to the school work,being myself in charge of that de-

partment, I am readily speak for it.It is the hardest work of the kind Iever had to do. Take tho half adozen very bad boys, whom everyteacher knows so well, out of otherschools, and placo them together inone school room, and you have anidea of my good fortune. They arenot only mischievous but tricky andquarrelsome. They do not seem toappreciate learning, but prefer hardlabor m the sun. They only likeschool as a variety ; I have about 50boys in the school, divided into fourgrades. Nine learning from primercharts, 21 in Swinton's 1st Header,14 in Swinton's 2nd Header, C inSwinton's 3rd Header. In arith-metic, 2 arc in fractions, 10 in longdivision, G in multiplication, 8 insubtraction, 21 more or less in ad-

dition.In teaching reading it is my plan,

to use tho blackboard a great deal,and to go slow. The 2 1 boys In the1st Header for instance have onlygone over 35 pages in 9 months, lessthan one usual page a week, andmuch more than half a page in solidreading. With reference to arith-metic 1 havo never believed in, normade use of books, in giving instruc-tion. Tho examples arc given out,and commonly combine the rnleswhich have been previously passedthrough, and the first hand that saysdone, goes to the board to place thework and tho answer, before theclass. The discipline of such boysis so difficult, tho grades are somany, and they are so indifferent,that the results aro slow ; and muchof tho work disappointing. It wouldbe better if the boys were dividedand alternated, manual and schoolwork day by day.

As to geography and astronomy,a very little of them, even, docs notseem to be effectual. I do notthink It is generally known thatthese boyB aro not only rascals, butthat they arc not, taken as it whole,as bright as tho boys in otherschools. Then there are Interruptions, which seem to bo inevitable

ilOn Tuesdays and Fridays, Mr. Bcrger arrives, and takes up two hoursof my four.L And on Thursdays,being water lay, the boys arc fre-

quently marched ' out In a body to

WBWgWW jWM" mpr Wsfywiiyy jniywiijBwpit

tho Hold for i,,l day worki Muchprogress certainly ennnot be loolcctlfor, under such circumstances asstated; and probably not much isexpected. On the subject of play,it would no doubt bo universallyconceded, thot "all work and noplay makes Jack a dull boy." Icannot but beltove, that the provi-sion of proper amusements wouldbetter the tone of the school, andplay a large part in decimating thedesertions. I lately gave a bat andball to the boys, and have experi-enced a change in their conduct inschool. To give them a chance toplay base ball or cricket, foot ball,kltc-llyin- marbles and the like,and somo bright books with interest-ing pictures, for an hour in theevening, would go a long way in im-

proving their condition. But thiswould necessitate a personal interestin the boys, and considerable atten-tion, which 1 fear only religiousprinciple could actuate and continue,under such disappointments I havesaid that my teaching is ITucrruptedby the visits of the bandmaster. Iwant to say further,, that I do notbegrudge the time taken away fromme, for the ban.l is an excellent fea-

ture, to say nothing of the drill,which they also get in vocal music,both in Hawaiian and English. Thotraining of these boys in instrumentsof music, is an excellent idea, and agreat benefit to the boys, and wcmight say to the nation. They arcnot taught superficially, but arcdrilled most energetically, in thonotes themselves, do not play bycar, but read music. As a resultsome of these boys tue in the ItoynlBand, some of them in the bands ofWailuku and Ivohala. And it is noslight task, owing to the continualchanges wrought by discharges, anddcscitions, and rcmandmgs to thopublic jail. Of the boys in thopresent baud not one of them was intho band when it was organized fouryears ago. Not half a dozen ofthem were in the band two yearsago. But in spite of these draw-backs, the boys by persistent effort,have been brought up to thatstandard of excellence at all events,which makes them in demand, onoccasional mtblic festivities and nri- -

vate pleasurings.LiVith this I close,believing that tho liistory of the in-

stitution would not prove interest-ing, and that a description of the

buildings, and of theexcellent work done in the field,would bo better realized by those in-

terested in the subject, if a personalvisit were made to both, which aroalways open to inspection.


Monday, Jan. 11th.Malomalo (w.), Kanakaolc, Paa,

Albert Hussel and John Hcdgatocontributed 80 each for drunken-ness.

Julius Wcssclo paid a like amountfor furious driving.

Apua and Sam Morris had anaffray at the merry-go-roun- d onSaturday night, the last-nam- ed ap-

parently the aggressor. Apua wasfined 81 and 81 costs, and Morris80 and 8 1.20 costs.

Chas. Clark was fined 80 inclusiveof costs for violating express ruleG, leaving carriage unattended.

Lui was reprimanded and dis-

charged after trial for disorderlyconduct.

Tuesday, Jan. 12th.Kaauali, Ah See, Tim Hodgson,

SO each for drunks.Samson Aola, 88.20 for violating

express rule No. 0.Mookini, assault and batter v,

87.20.Wednesday, Jan. 13th.

OIclo, M. L. Peterson and HenryDcnnison, drunkenness, 80 each.

civil, cases.Jan. 5th, Win, H. Buchanan vs.

II. M. Dow. Covenant, damages8200. Judgment for defendant.Appeal noted to the Supremo Courtin Banco.

Jan. 11th. L. A. Tliurstou vs,A. K. Kunuiakea ; A. J. Cartwright,garnishee. Assumpsit for SI 50.Judgment for pUdntiff, with costsfor 8100.-10- .

Peter Dallon vs. A. K. Kuniihi-kc- a;

A. J. Cartwright, garnishee.Assumpsit for 815.75. Judgmentfor plaintiff, with costs, for 820.00.

Tom May vs. A. K. Kunuiakea;A. J. Cartwright. Garnishee onjudgment for SM0.GI. Judgmentfor plaintiff, with costs, for 8151.31.

Chin Wo & Co. vs. Hop Loy Keu,assumpsit for 832.50. Judgmentconfessed.

Geo. Trousseau vs. A. K. Kunui-ke- a;

A. J. Cartwright, garnishee.Assumpsit for 825. Judgment forplaintiff.


In nnnd or Duty Paid.

A Very Choice Lot, Fresh and Full.

Tho H st in the Market.


l l wLf.trf ,


Valuable Real EstateIX


For Sale If Private Contract or at Pale Aactioii,

- R?R LjiMJBC..to&J



Tclophonol 72.

The undersigned have received lintrtictlons from Messrs. Q. W. Mac.fin lane & On. to oiler fur smlc at miction, nt our salesrooms, on

MONDAY, JANUARY 25th,At 152 O'clock, Noon,

Unless previously disposed of by private Sale,

The whole of lint valiiahle city properly known as tho BOOTH ESTATE,exneplinj.' only the comer lot, "owned hy.Mr. James Olds, containing In all'JO.llOO tqutire feet, together with house.", stores and buildings thereto he.longing.

"'1 Ills is the most compact and dcsirahlc piece of property ever offeredfor tale in Honolulu. Its main fronlugcs aro 75 feet 5 .inches to Nuunniistreet, iiud Oil feet 0 inches to Hotel street. The rear front of the propertyextend', from Xuu.uiu street, back of Mcjhrs. Castle Si Cooke's line brickwarehouse and store, 172 feet 11 inches lo Hose Lnne. the side frontagealong tho line of the Itoblnson lot to Hotel street being 142 feet a inches.

Tim value of (his and the adjoining property might ho greatly en.hnnci d by carrylnc Hoso Lane tralght through to Hotel street. Access ishad to Hotel ami Nutmuu streets from tho rear and center of the estate bylanes long In uo on tho property

biliiuled in the heart of the retail business qunrtcr of tho city, and '

having ii I'irge urea of available building ipnco unoccupied, tills propertyhold' mil unusii it Inducements to capitalist ns u permanent Investment.The pit cut annual investment Is $1,500, or 10 per cent, on $45 000; but usthu lenses expire shortly, the rental might he Incrcnscd to fO.OOO a yearwithout expenditure for repairs or additions to buildings. If tLo estateweio sold ns a whole, however, by judicious and inexpensive improve-ments which a practical eyo would suggest, even this largo prospective in.come might bo very considerably added to.

Tho Nuunnu fctrcct frontage is occupied by n row of two-stor- y build-ings, tho upper story being used as dwellings, and tho first lioot as stores,Whioli uro always In occupation. Kestuu runts and retail stores similarlyoccupy the frontage on Hotel street.

T ho old International Hotel is lu the center of tho property, and goeswith 'lie lot. It Is tifCil us a lodging house and pays handsomely.

Another advantage of this line property ns an Investment Is Its excel-lent Kinilary louditloiP. it Is on the highest part of the city, mnRai ofHercLiiuhi street, and Is tliereforu easily drained.

Tho properly, if not disponed of before date of sale, will he first put upus a whole in one lot. Fulling a satisfactory purchaser, wc shall then putIt up lu bits for which purpoM! It has been subdivided into sixteen lots.We shall oiler these lots at tiie following upset prices, viz:

Lot Xo. 1 $ 1,800Lot No. 'J I,fc00Lot No.u . l,CO0Lot No. 1 1,000LolNo.o , 1,500Lot No (! '. .. 1,500Lot No. 7 8,000Lot No. 8 1.CO0

L'.tNo. 0 1.C00LotNo. 10 !!,7fi0Lot No. 11 3,?r0Lot No. 12 .' 2700Lot No. Hi) 11 000

., LotNo.ltf .

Lot. No. in 1,500Lot No. 10 1,000

And upon tho following fuvoinblc terms:

One-thir- d Gash. Balance in 1, 2, and 3 years, withInterest at 7 per cent, per annum, secured

hy Mortgage.ET Wc solicit nil examination of this property, and confidently recom-mend the investment as u permanent paying one, with greater contingen-cies for advancement than almost any other Kind of property.

A Plan of tlio Property can be Keen nt thu Office of

E. P. ADAMS & Co., Auct'rs.P.O. BOX 315.




Ctimplicll J31oclr,Heal Eduln Agent,

Kuiployimiit Agent,Wihlei's Sirumililp Agent,

Great ISiuliiigtou Hullio.nl Agentin America.

Corporation StocksFOll SALE.


lluw'n fi irringe Manf 'g Co., ,!? 00 icoE.O. Hull A Kon, CO 75 100Inter.lslr.nd H. N. Co., (!10(l 100Hell Telephone, :i:j ioHaw'u Agricultural Co., 00 100WildorV Steamship Co., etioo iooC. lirower & Co., 100 iooHalawu, 00 100

Woodluv.'n Hairy, DC 100Wailuku Sugar Co., till moWalmiiuiilo, 175 100Star .Mill. (3IV5 000Heclprot lt. Sugar Co., bO 100

L. A. THUHSTON, Stock Brokci.33 McrUiant Street. 151 ly

To tho Business Community:Bills Distributed,QUAHTKHLY out, Hooks written up

and Balanced, Collections of Accountsu specialty, livery Business Man shouldcall on me who ileslio tho above busi-ness attended to. J. 1',. WISHMAN,

203 lm ' GcneraPBusliio'jS Agent.

Change of Location.HI', HHBBAltD. American Express

Company, has removed Illsofilco to

No. 60 Fort St., with J. A. Palmer,where he can be found at all times.

217 2w


WISEMAN,Business Agent.

Honolulu, IT. T.

Custom Houso Broker,Money Broker,

Manager Hawaiian Opera House,Fire and Life Insurance Agent,

(1U3 y)

A.M.Fancy Work and Millinery,

Jio. 4 AdamN Lane.203



Make your wife and children happyby supplying them with

tho Celebrated

Elite Ice Creammade from puro Woodlawn Dairy

Cream.Go and surprise your folks, order a

bucket of our delicious Ico Cream. Wpack orders for Ico Creum fiom 1 to 00quarts in Patent Hefrlgcrator Cans, war.ranted to keep Its delightful tlnvor andperfect form for many hours.

Families, Forties, Sails and WeddingsSupplied.

Our Fancy Cakes aro tho Favoritewith all tho Ladles of Honolulu.


Imported fresh and In great variety byovcry steamer.

Ring Up BcllTolophono 182 or Mutual 339.

Tho Elito Ice Croam Parlors.rvo. srs irotoi struct,

Aicjopen daily until 11 in.3U

JOtti&J- . .J& . . ..,. A. fXtoiu&'WisMil&J! S.i.Wi.

."& .,'ftA i .a .!... (S&,









Page 4: JijHpP11 fPT''- 'Wl WHU 'WTBBir






Wp t 'WJW Jrv T "V (PP! w, TjrvT; iWHQNfiWQjtf !J

;JWi.lif ?J"!F' 'IR?'? ?? fPF!WL!llilElLtaJiLLJJLLJLlJ.JllM

Hoiibc to Let or LeaseA T Pdlamn, opposite the Reformatoryex. bcnooi, the house formerly occu.

pied oy Her Hoyal Highness the IntoRuth ccllkolanl. Inquire of

SING UHONU i Co.,37 Hotel Street. 21D 2w

THE ASTOR HOUSE.rpHE Proprietors of the Astor HouseX wish to Inform their friends nudthe public that they will continue therestaurant business, and hope by promptattention and good faro to merit a sharoof public patronage.211 lm CIIAN WOO.

Notico oi' Letters Patent.persons nrc hereby notified that

Letters Patent were Issued by thoHawaiian Government to JAMESKENNEY of Honolulu ou tho 10th dayof December, a,i. 188. for an improvemen! in binkc, gig and chaise springs,and that said Letters Patent were an.signed by the paid James Kcnncy to thoHawaiian Cot rlngoSInnufncturlng Com-pany on the 22nd day of December, A.D.1885, whercforo the said Hawaiian Car-riage Manufacturing Company herebywarns all persons against infringing onthe said Letters Patent.

IIAWN CARRIAGE MANF'G Co.Honolulu, Dec. 22, 1880. 208 tf


Each 5501& 450 Gallons.


H. HACKFELD & CO.219 lw

Next Vessel.Chas, Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston


Shippers, will please take notice thatthe fine Bark

"EDWARD MAY,"Will sail from Boston for this port on01 about APRIL 1st next. For parti,rulars apply to

C. BREWER & Co.,

Queen StreetOr to CHAS. BREWER & Co.,2 11) 2m 27 Kilby Street, Boston, Mosb.


Queen Street, : : Honolulu, H. I.

Wholesale Importer mid Dealer hiCalifornia Wines, Gioccrics,

Provisions and Produce.

Fresh Beceipte by every Steamer.

Just arrived, a largo consignment of

Wine, in Cases & Kegs,Port, Sweet Muscat,Sherry, Angelica,Zlnfundel Clatct, Malaga,Table Claret. Tokay,Burgundy, Madeira,Hock, Risling,Gcrkc, White Wine,Filsener Beer, Champagnes,

Which he ollcis for Sale at the usual low200 prices. lm



'I'n .o ii nil T.iiiMi- -

Cottage on Punchbowl btrcct, 0Rooms, $25 a month.

Cottage on Berctania Stieet, 9 Rooms,$i)5 a month.

Cottage on Lunalllo Stieet, 10 Rooms,(SO a month.

Cottage on Nuuauu Street, 6 Rooms,$26 b month.

Cottage on Kinau Street, 4 Rooms, $18a month.

Cottage on Merchant Street, 1 Rooms,$12 a month.

2 huge, looiny Houses, in NuuanuValley, above Judd Street; Hue location,mop lots, and healthy residencesthroughout.

Couagu on Berelauia Stieet (Smith'sBiidge;, 0u mouth.

Cuitago on Pcnsucolu htrcet, 5 Rooms,$15 u month.

Cottage on Emma Street, 0 rooms, $80a luoutli.

Large roomy Lodging House, 17rooms, central location, $00 a month.

l'roperty for Sale:On Lunalllo Street, new house, 10

looms j lot 200x400, and paddock, $G,000.At l'unahou, large roomy house on 2

acres of land, lino timber land and pas-ture, artesian well water, $5,000.

At l'unahou, fronting on three streets,a large, roomy house in good condition,over an acre of ground ; stables, chickenhouse, outside cottage; grounds neatlylaid out. bell on caty terms.

Ou Lillba stieet, corner of Schoolstieet, 2 Cottages, sepaialc lots, bring Ina rental ot $4'0 a year. Sell lor $5,000.

On Klnau strcei, 2 Cottages on twodeep lots (separate). Bell one or both.

At Walkikl, several seaside lcsldcnees.bplendld opportunity for selectingcharmlng'uunimcr retreats.

Store mid OfliccH.On Fort stieet, near Custom House,

that splendid wnichoiibcformcrly knownus thu Cliatcr Building, would make alino Restaurant btaud. Long leaso givento responsible patties

Ono side of that elegant olHco occu-

pied by .1. E. Wiseman, with furultuic,use ot telephone, consultation room,&a. Rental, cheap to the right parties.

On King street, opposite StationHouse, a sultnhle store or nhop to rent.

Full Information ghen onnppllcntlonof all the above properties.

'Several Buggies, Brakes and


latlei well broken, for salo cheap; also,u Billlaid Table, Piano, neat office

Secretary, largo Safe, largo Magic Lan.tern, Furniture, etc.

"J.E.WISEMAN,.200 lm General Business Agent

For Ban tfrnnuisGo.

The Magnificent Steamship

SSculuiitllu.Hi Wiiiinni Commander

Will loavo for the abovo port on orabout JANUARY 12, 1880.

204 11. HACKFELD ii CO., Ag'ts.

To Lei Furnished,AT Kllauca, Kauai, a comfortable

for a family wishing to spend n

short time In tho country. Apply toMANAGER,

130 tf Kllauca Sugar Co., Kauai.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALERARE chance for seeming a dcslr.A able homesttad. Three Lots only,

rrn tin. rnstnrlv Hide of Mnklkl Street,adjoining the mntika side of Mr. WalterScnl's place. A very plcaaut neigh-

borhood; a ncvcr-failln- supply of purewater in the street from the MaklklltpRi-rvol- Terms, one third cash, theremainder In 1 and 2 years with Interestat 8 per cent. net. Maps ami plans canbe seen at the olllce of

170 tf W. R. CASTLE.


M1 J. LYONS begs to Inform theLadles of Honolulu that sho has

just opened the largo and spaciousrooms over mo store occupied uyu. j.Fishcl for (jurying on the business of

Dress JWCsilcing-- ,

in all Its branches. Having made ar-

rangements to receive from Europe andAmeiica all the latent Fashions, shehopes, by doing work thoroughly andat low prices, to lecelve a fair share ofpatronage. Call and tec me.

U7 3m MRS. J. LYONS.

In Wantof-an- y KroceriBS?

CHAS. HUSTACEHas just received, per St. Paul, a fine

assortment of goods suitable for Christ-mas or any other time, consisting of

Atmoro's Mince Meat,Plum Pudding, Almonds, Walnuts,

Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Table Raisins,Sultana Raisins, Currants,

Curried Oysters, Figs, Dates, CondensedEggs, Assorted Spices, Pastry Spice,

Durkces Salad Dieting, DuretsOlive Oil, Gcrmua,

Dupee IIuiiin &; Bucon,Codfish Balls, Cala. Cheese,Fail banks' Lard, Libby's Tripe,Chipped Beef, Fresh Smoked Beef,Kits Mackerel, Codtlsh,fcnloon Pilot Bread, Medium Mixed

Crackers, School Cakes,Honey Cakes, Wine Crackeis,Extra Family Flour, Wheat, Bran,

Fresh Eastern Cranberries,Fresh Apples, Dried Apples,

Prunes & Peaches,Andi many other desirable goods instock. All orders will receive carefulattention. JQST Telephone 110.

203 lm AS. HUSTACE, King St.


St'm Candy Factory

and Bakery.


F. HOEN, Proprietor.

No.; 71 HOTEL ST., betweenNuuanu and Fort Sts.

Has nlwaj s on hand the largest Blockof Candies, both Plain and Fancy, guar,antced to bo STRICTLY PURE.

Wliolewule uiul Retail.

Rich Wedding CakesOf a Twenty Years' Reputation, allSizes always on hand, ornamentedin any Style.

Pastries of All Description Made toOrder at Short Notice.

Pure and

Wholesome Bread,Fresh overy Day.

Bell and Mutual Telephone, No. 74.P. O .Box No. 75. 168


Cigar Manufacturer,

Formerly of tho Pioneer Cigar Factory, lias moved into tho front part oftho Crystal Soda Works, where ho isprepared to 1111 all orders at the lowestwholesale prices.

tw Island orders solicited andpromptly filled. 180 ly


224 King Street, adjoining Oeo. W.MMBBnam

B. F. DlI.LIKOItAM,President und Manager.



Xtepuirliig', jBluclcMinitliing',Painting? &z Trimming-- ,

In first-clas- s manner and prices to stilt the times.

Pacific Hardware Company,JJIltX,X,J3jL.

Successors to Dillingham & Go. and Nott.FORT STREET : HONOLULU

HOLIDAY GOODS,Just received, ex S.S. Alameda and St. Paul, latest designs in

Silver-Plate- d Wore, Chandeliers & lamps,(202) Water Filters & Coolers, Cutlery, etc., etc., etc.

JOHN ITT, Ib. 8 Kaahumami Street

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

(House Keeping Goods,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by overy Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe.Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders poll,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Rox 145. Telephone No. 93. 108 ly

with Samuel Nott).


jgy NOTT, & Bank.

Two toLot.

That elegant Cottage hither,by the owner, John

Kobello, with lino How or and fruitgarden, stables, etc. Terms favorable.

SECOND The two story Cotloge twodoois makai of the above, lately occu-pied by the late A. T. Baker, havinggaidcn, stable, Terms favorable.

Both premises are connected with thecity water service. Apply to

HYMAN BROS.Queen Stieet. 104 tf


Soda Ale,

Florida Aciatod Waters ofnil kinds, Fruit Syrups and Essences.

in all our Bottles.

Wo Invito particular attention to ourPatent Filter, recently bywhich all waters used In our

is freed from all

Wo dollvcr our Goods free of chargoto all parts of the city. Weour Goods to be tho Lc3t in tho market.Careful attention paid toAddress

The SodaP. O. Box 307,

Hell : : 08: 330

tST Orders loft with Benson. Smith 4Co., No. 11 Fort Street, will receiveprompt attention.

We, also, nro Agents for thp saleof J. W

188 of his own Cm

MR 'ii'iiiii

Lincoln, and Builder.naamiaBiHHBBiH

J.vs. G.Secretary and

Assignee'sLoo Yuen, of Paia, has

to thofor tho benefit of all his

creditors, all parties having claimsagainst said Loo Yuen prior to Decem-ber i!2nd. are requested to present thesame with proper vouchers to tho

at tho office of flyman Eros.J.

Honolulu, Dec. 31. lcS5. 114 lm


DK J 1 1 Ktui"i4 Soap Manufacturer.Tho highest Cash value for any quan- -

tlty of Tullow.Soap Ielco

Bell 2U. P. O. Box 4.217

Manila CigarsJust received, an extra fine lot of Ma.

nlla Cigars, in Boxes of SCO and 600.For sale In Bond or duty paid, in quantitles to suit by

M. S. Grinbaum & Co.201 lm



The Stone

Are now prepared to furnish fresh Llmoin to suit an.L,satisfaction warranted as to both thokind and tho price.

ALLEN &03 ly Aicnte,




Agent Hall's and Lock Company.Beaver - Fort Street.Store occupied by S. opposite Sprcckels Co.'s


Suburban Cottages



Crystal Soda worksManufacturers

Water, Ginger


We Use Patent fitopi's


tures absolutely im-





TelephoneDIntual Telephone


Celebrated Cigars,manufacture.





Notice.WHEREAS, assignment un-dersigned





Honolnlu Works,Tclephono

Patronize 3Iniiniactn.ro

Hawaiian Comp'y

quantities purchasers,








WULIldtlS i 0t CO,Limited.

:foS t o a m o t KinauKltiK, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu onoh Tuesday at4 p.m., touobing at Labalna, Maa-lao- a

Bay, Makena, Makukona, Kawnlhne, Laupahoenoo and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at all thealovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Baturdav afternoon.


Sohooner EHUKAIwill run regularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permittingFor freight or passage apply to the

Captnln on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agents



The Clipper SchoonerWAIEHU,

F. Kibbling, ... - Muster,Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to the

Pacific Navioation Co.,800 3m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sts.


tier's StmsMp Ce.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and thence on the first Mondayfollowing tho arrival of tho Alamedaand Mariposa nn the 8th and 22nd ofeach month.

The steamer Kiimu will make theVolcano Trip, reaching Kcauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days nnd two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

When tho 8th and 22nd of tho monthfall on Monday, the Kiiian will leavethat day.

t3T Tickets lor tho Round Trip. $50, whichpays all Chargcs.tJBa

Tho Kinnn will arrive in HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Trips. OnHllo Trios, will leave Honolulu onTuesdays, and return Saturday morn,ings. WILDER'S BTMSH1P CO.

Honolulu, Sept. 14, 1885. 124 tf

TO LET.Premises on Punchbowl Street,THE occupied by tho Ger-

man Club, consisting of Club House,Bowling Alley and extensive groundswell laid out. Entrance from Punch-bowl and Emma Streets. Apply to

H. A. WIDEMANN,207 tf or J. F. HACKFELD.


45 Merchant Street, Honolulu.In conjunction with Mr. J. A.Magoon,

will attend to all matters of business forthe residents of the Hawaiian Islandswho may need an Agent.

I do not confine mybelf alone to thoBusiness Houses, but also to the domes-tic class who would wish me to attendto any mnttcr of business, especially tomilking purchases cither in Honoluluor San Francisco, in any line of GeneralMerchandise.

To the Business Houses I will givemy enrcful attention in all matters per.tinning to General Business, viz: Ad-

justing and Collecting Accounts, Distri-bution of Bills and Circulars, CustomHouse Entries, Buying and RentingReal Estate and Personal Property.

EST All Legal Documents will becarefully and neatly drawn up by Mr.J. A. Magoon.

1 will attend to all matters entrustedto my caro in a careful, courteous andneat manner, and with quick dispatch.

Agent frKlinkncr& Co. Red RubberStamps

Telephone ; P. O. Box 113.185 ly


Ice Cream Parlor

AND- -


Lincoln's Block, King si.

A Fine AsHorttnent of

Candies & Cakes

.AlvrayM on Ilautl

3?:rties SuppliedU31y


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'oo Agents.

AOKNT8 FOIlTho Xow Enelaud


Tho iEtna Tiro Insurance Co,,of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union 'lro midMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Fianclsco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital 9,000,000 Rolchsmai ks,

undersigned, having been .mpointed ngcut of the nbovo Compan

for tho Ilawiiilnn Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugurMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo inHonolulu.

II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER,070 ly at Wilder & Co's.

The initut)Ic Life AftsurnnccSociety of the United

States.KMTAIir.IHUi:. MX INSU.

ISSUES Policies on thu most approvulLimit-

ed Payments, Endowments; TontineSaving Fund, Tontines, Semi-Tontlne-

A. B. C. Tontines; Life and Suivhor.ship Annuities; Children's Endowments,Joint Lifo Risks, Pnrtnci ship Insurunco,etc., oic, ttc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before insuring clsowhcrc, call and

get an estimate.It is calculated that every leasonablc

wish of tho insured is embodied In oneor more of the plans.

For full particulars and pamphlets,apply to

AM:X. J. CARTWltIHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

00 ly


THE undersigned, a Committeo ofof tho Equitnblo Lifo As.

Buranco Society of the United States ,appointed to foimulale the views of theBoard on the advantages ofl'cred by thoSociety to the public, report:

1st The Society issues all the approv.cd forms of assurance, including Ordi-nary Life, Ei dowment and Tontlno po.Holes. It Is immaterial to tho Directorswhich form of policy is taken by in.tending assurers.

2d The Lifo and Endowment foimsof policy provide for annual cash divl.dends and a sui render value; nro Indls-putnbl- c

after three years and payableimmediately after proof of death.

8d Tho premiums on a Tontlno po-licy are tho same as on tho OrdinaryLite, but, while tho latter is only pay.able in tho event of death, the holder ofthe Tontine policy has the right to drawthe wholo of the reserve and tho accu.

stated period; thus, during his own life-tim-

after his producing years are past,ho can, without any larger premiumthan on nn ordinary policy, secure thesegrcaler advantages.

4th Experience shows that tho icturnpaid in cash on maturing Tontlno po-licies approximates to or exceeds theamount of premiums paid by policy-holders, so that the averago cost of thoassurance will be only about the intereston tho premiums.

Gth Tontlno policies, llko others, aropaid In full In tho event of death at anytimo during tho term of tho policy, andaro incontestable after three years, andpayable immediately after duo proof ofdeath.

0th Experience shows that tho mor.tality is lower among Tontino policy-holders, as tho better lives seek thiskind of assurances, which Is a consider-able source of profit.

7th Tontino policies will be madolo under tho laws of the

State, if so desired at tho time theis effected.

8th The Tontino system is fair andjust; its accounts are accurately kept,scparato from all other business; thefunds judiciously Invested and improv-ed- .

and tho accumulated profits faith,fully guarded and properly nppoitloned.

0th The Society has since its organi.zation transacted a larger amount ofnow business than nny other company,whilo its new business for tho first halfof tho present year is $1,750,000 largerthan that of tho first half of 1884. Ithas Assets of $00,000,000; over $14 000,-00- 0

of Surplus, and its ratio of Surplusto Liability is greater than that of anyother company.

CiiAUNCEr M. Depew,John A. Stewakt,Euoenk Kelly,William A. WheelockChauleb G. Landoh,John Sloane,Henhy B. Hyde,

Committeo of tho Board of Directors oftho Equitablo Lifo Assuranco Booietyof the United States.

ALEX. J. OARTWRIGHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands

Equitablo Lifo Assuranco Society.12' 1v

$12,000TOLoan on Real Estato Security, in

of not less than $1,000 each.A to J. M. MONSARRAT.

o. 27 Merchant Street. 101 tfDwelling House for Rent.

$45 per Month nndWater Rates.

THE largo dwelling houso and lotby D. D. Baldwin front-in- g

on Dole street, at Puuahou, and run-nin- g

through to Bcokwith street. Thehouso contains 8 large rooms. 2 pantries,1 bathroom, 4 largo closets, kitchen ad-joining. There is a largo barn withservant's room on tho grounds, nlso anofllco separate from tho main building.The lot is nearly 2 acres In extent andaffords considerable pasture and fire-woo-

Everything In good repair. Gov.ernment water laid on. Enquire of183 tf S. . DOLE.




, i




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.HJc a


