EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22, 1960 NO. 38 3ULIAETTADOIN6S To Re Auetiemed Sat. IN PAST WEEK MRS. KEVIN MABBOTT Phone 8-2649 There will be a pot-luck supper in the Methodist Church, Monday, Sept. '26, at 6;30. 'All are welcome. Sunday visitors in the Geo. Grose- close home included Mr. and Mrs. Jim Groseclose of Pomeroy; Mr. and rs. Gene geucht and daughtereMr ,',,jijl i I and Mrs Don Groseciose and daugh. tI~~',: ':tifil '~ '~~: v.,:;,:,,„a, ter, Lewiston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted I f'g<k",r<.'.pf;:~t'roseclose and daughter. On Mon- .: Q ':p"', ~ ~[@'j day Mr. and Nrs. P. J. Stensma pf 'I "$ „'j.~ Moscow were visitors. Mr. and iMr. David Steigers and sons spent the week-end with the I '",'!:.'-i g'f>I Keith:Steigers family in Huson, I;"'~jt, Mont., which is a short distance from Missoula. Howard,'Wunderlich gal'Phoen]x, Arizona, called at the Gary Eggers home, 'Sunday. M . dacha tnttups ot truck-a-stray,j SCHOOL piETRICT Oregon, is spending the meek visiting, relatives and friends here. She is a~ TO AQCTIOH OLD sister of Dal Groseclose. F,.n f",'.,nt',~pa~,""c~~'.",,", SCHOOL AHD GYhh. visiting in the Ray Craine and Dal Nr and Nrs iJack Brownin were Saturday, Sept. 24, the old Kend- Beu]ah Peters, pui]man, spent the are to be sold to the highest bidder. Evp rett Fa rringtpni and fa ~]y ', east the aPPraised vale of the bui]4- M s. George Falk and son Wayne,, ng of Priest tRiver were Tuesdav morn- l The two structures have not as ing ca]]ers in the Harvie Shepherd yet been aPPraised, but the value 'home. She 'had brought their daugh will be known at the time of the ter to the U. of l. to attend schoo] sale, which is set for 2:00 P. m., and this term. 'ill be held on the premises. Mr and Mrs. 'Frank V. Barton and This is the second attempt bv the son and Miss Juanita Kite, all of, district to dispose of the abandoned Lewiston, were Sunday dinner guests buildings. The first try revealed that in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles instead of selling<the structures, the Hicks. best offer was that the district Miss Billie Rae Salisbury of Clark- would have to pay a considerable sum ston was a week-end guest in the,to have the buildings removed. This home of Mrs. Gertrude Pederson. I bid was rejected by the directors. Saturday evening callers in the I One of the gtipuiatipns in the sale Harvie ShePherd home were Mrs. I of the buildings is that the o]d school Fred Wendt, 'Suzie and Larry of Spo- i bui]ding must be tom g]own and re- 'Rane, and Nrs. Cliff Deasy and son moved from the premises. of Clarkston. Tom Mabbott received injuries to The directors are hoping that sonLe his right hand last Thursday whi]e I organization interested enough to working. He ran a large sliver, Purchase the gymnas]um will come through 'the palm of his hand, and l forward and make an offer to buy so far it has Ibeen impossible to re- I the gym. for the Price of removing move it. I the old high school building. Mrs. E]]a Dona]dspn. of pomeroy, The old gymnas]um is still in good spent from Thursday until Monday condition, and would make a'ood visiting in the home of her son-in-]aw meeting place for some organization, and daughter, Mr. and Mis L]pyd it was noted by he directors. How- ever, the old school building would Recent visitors iyn the home pf Mr. probably be worth only the used and M,s. David Peterson were Mr. materi~is contained within it and and Nrs. Far] Grannis and Nr. and Im some areas good'sed brick bring Mrs. Warney Nay, Sr., all of I ewis- i an excellent Price. iston; Mrs. Mabel Brennan of Mos- I cow and Bob Laurance of Council. I QRAHQE FLECTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hicks were I week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.) G. Stuart in Orofino. Kendrick Grange No. 413 imet on Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Casse]1 of i Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, in gen- Clarkston called SundaV in the Laura era] session, with Worthy iNaster Groseclpse and Wm. G homes. Degrees were conferred upon one Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Puller of Oro- I new member, James Travis. fino were week-end guests of Mr. I Election of officers for the coming and Mrs. J. M. MurraY. Nrs. Fuller year was held, as fo]]ows: is a sister of Mrs. Murray. Wilbur Corkill, re-elected Master. Mrs. Garnett Wilson of Lewiston, Fugene Taylor, re-elected Overseer. and Mrs. iE. Groseclose sPent the I Nrs'. Lauren'oisington. I ecturer; week-end at Tacoma, visiting Mrs. I Nichae] . Maund, Steward; Cecil Ray Stenby, who is seriously ill. IChamberlain, Assistant Steward Wilma 'Jones and daughter Donna l Nrs. Ceci] Chamber]ain, Lady As- and son of Clarkston, and Nrs W E I sistant Steward; Mrs. Walter Mc- Hecht surprised Anna Fairfield onj Call, Chaplain; Manning Onstott, re- her birthday anniversary, Saturday,'e]ected Treasurer; Mrs. Wm. 'John- Sept. 17th. I son, re-elected Secretary; iCharles ~ Stevens, .Gate Keeper; Mrs. Manning tended the old time steam threshing Onstott, Ceres; Mrs. Raymond pol- bee at Co]ton, Sunday afternoon. I umski, re-elected pomona; Nrs. Dick Ma'bel Westling spent the week in I Benjamin, 'Flora; Mrs. Gerald Ingle, I.ewiston, visiting in the home of her 'Home Economics Chm.; iDick Benja- aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell. I min, Executive Committee,. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor sPent the I The evening c]osed with refresh- week-end in Pendleton, a'ttending the ments served in the banquet room. Roundup, and visiting his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor. He had not seen his uncle or aunt for 18 Years. KEHDR/CK f F A Mrs perrymanrs Rp m Nrs QH D AT LATAH FAl R Gale Clark visited the first grade room on Thursday. Mrs. Bud Eichner I L~~~y Galloway, Da]e McAlister visited on Friday and again on Mon- I and Fred Foster received the second place award in ILivestock Judging at Tuesday morning Mrs. Luther the Latah County Fa]r in Moscow Parks visited the first grade, bring- last week. The team ni]ssed first ing treats for the children, honoring place by only tthree Points. their daughter Na cy's birthday an- MCAiister was second high man niversary. on all of the 14 'judging teams in In Mrs. Callison's first grade room the competit]on. the 19 youngsters are 'we]1 setttled on Troy took first; Kendrick was see- the stage. ond; Gene see third, and tMo scow fourth. tP]fth And Sixth Grades Vocational 'Agriculture Instructor Sept. 15 the fifth and sixth grades Dpug. Christensen said that the en- visited the Bookmobile. tire high echop] class at'tended the The sixth grade now has 11 boys Fa]r for the knowledge and exper- and 10 girls. ience they could gain. Some of 'the students brought their rock collections, others have been do- ing their experiments in the school room. The sixth grade will make the posters'or the auction sale. ett "'s I S0UTHWICK F0LK 4RE 8USY ONES Phone R177 Fina 4-H Club Meeting The final 4-H Club meeting before the Nez Perce County Fair was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. I Don Cantril. Demonstrations, Work Books, etc., were checked and com- pleted, and all last-minute items tak- en care of before the projects are to be delivered at the new Pair build- ing in Lewiston, Wednesd ay and Thursday morning. Those entering projects for this year are: iLinda Newman, Fonda Schpeffler, Rona Armitage, Hazel Perkins and Doug., and Dave Armitage. Harvesting Operations Rolling Bean harvest continues in full I force in the Southwick area, with l some reporting good to fair yields. Harvest operations, in general. i I should be about completed by the end '; of this week. Other News Dick Fish, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Donald Fish, left for the University jl of Idaho Sunday evening, wherry i is enrolled for the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Dick, Starling and family of Great Falls, Mont., are visiting wi'th her brother-in-lam and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins. Nr. and Mrs. Walthen Wells and family of Pasco, Wash., were Sunday dinner guests in the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armitage and,'on Max of Winchester were week- I end guests of his parents, Mr. and'rs. T. J. Armitage. Mrs. Wade Candler visited Monday with Mrs. Tom Armitage. Mrs. James Bollinger of Lewiston visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Clay King. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Southwick of Lewiston visited Tuesday with rel- atives and friends in the area. George Danquist of Plaza, Wash., spent the week-end visiting with his wife and daughter. Mrs. Danquist is teaching this year at Southwick. Nr. and Mrs. Keith Clear and fam- ily were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Nrs. Ver]in -Ben- jamin and family. Nr. and Nrs. Herb. Ni]lard and Abbe of Juliaetta, and Jillan Wegner called at the Don Cantril hmne Sun- dav evening Mr. and Mrs. Ver]in Benjamin and family visited Mr. and Nrs. Clarence Henderson in Lewiston, Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schoeffler of I Kingston, Idaho, were Tuesday over- night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Given Mustoe. Relayed Mark Mustoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustoe, was honored with a birthday party at his home last Tues- day, Sept. 13th. The afternoon was spent wfth the little ones playing games, and then the guest of honor opened his many gifts. Those helping Nark celebrate his anniversary were Janis Whitinger, Jolene Brammer, Donnie Benjamin, Rowena Davis and Nick and Tammy Armitage. The lit-'le guests were accompanied by their mothers. Sunday, Sept. 11 dinner guests of i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustoe were Mr. I and Nrs. Wilbur Co]well, Nr. anil Mrs. Orville Halseth and daughters of Lewiston; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mus- toe and Carol of Page; A'tlie Nustoe of Kellogg; Mr, and Mrs. Given Nus- toe and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armitage. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Halseth and daughters were week;end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustoe. WIH SLUE RISSOH I The Evergreen Friendship Club won a blue ribbon on their exhibit at the ILatah County Fair last week. The exhibit displayed "Color iHa- mony In the Home," with a simple arrang ement, tying together, with color, a piece of furn]ture, draperies, floor and wall covering each com- plimentary to the other. The committee in charge of the booth included Nrs. Dean Hollenbeck, Nrs. Bob Watts, Mra Harlan Fey and Mrs. Bruce Sherman. The project was designed by Mrs. Nar]on Row- den. COFFEE PARTY INGLE Nr. snd iMr. Jerry J. Ingle are Mrs. John Deobald had a few the proud Parents of an 8 Ib, 2 oz. friends in for a "get acquainted" cof- daughter, born Saturday, Sept. 17, fee hour last Friday morning, hon- at the Gritman Memorial Hospital, pring Mrs. Keith Clear. The Clears Moscow. She has been named Nancy are newcomer to Kendrick, he being ILynn. principal at the Jr.-Sr. High school. BRAMl]GM nore, became'he Proud parents of a Patricia Mielke and patty iNelson's son, Gary Lee, weight 9 pounds and names are among those to be added 6 ounces, Friday, September 16th, at to the list of students who 'will at- the home of her sister, Nrs. Lloyd tend the U. of L this falL Both are Farrington. Al] concerned are doing sophomores t , n]ce]y. TIGERS TO hAEET TROY'FRIDAY EYE ICONCERN hAOUNTING OVER APPARENT DEATH OF AREA PGNDEROSA PIHES do any of the othe> eveigreens in the area. Kendrick and surrounding territory would surely be a bleak looking area if the Pine tice clop were to be de stroyed. By next week the Gazette should have some information re- garding the matter, and will pass it on what can be done, if anything, tp save our beautiful pine tree crop. LELANB AREA HAS MANY ACTIVITIES BY MRS. LLOYD CRAIG PHONE 588"I Return iFirom Vacations Mr. and Mrs. iL]oyd Craig returned recently from a trip and vacation to Red Bluff, Calif., where they visited Mr. and Nrs. Elgin Fleshman and family at Crescent City, Calif.; with Nr. and Mrs. Elwin Fleshman and family in ILebonan, Ore., with Mr. and Nrs. Jack Griffin, and at Cam- as, Wash., with Cecil Fleshman. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton and family returned recently from a two- week vacation trip to California and along the Pacific coast. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Courturier and family a't Elcerrito,'Calif.; Nrs. Ma- bel Hash at Oakland, Calif.; Nr. and Mrs. Harvey Thornton and family at Campbell, Calif.; Mrs. Bonnie First and daughter Denise of Camarvilla, Calif.; Sgt. and Mrs. James Ha]big and daughter at Oceanside, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Patterson I at Portland, Ore. Other'ews Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton and family, Mr. and Mrs. C]arence Thornton and family and Jim Daw- son and two children honored Mrs. J. E. Beck on 'her birthday anniver- sary with a pot-luck dinner, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'Johnson and Mrs, Julia Fleshman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt ant] Danny, at Lewiston. Mr. and Nrs. Wilbur Tarbet were I among hunting party members at 'he Canyon Ranger Station tg]s past week. The party brought out one elk. Mr. and Nrs. L]oydi Craig were" Thursday supper and over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Baugh at Drofino. They also visited Nr. and Nrs. Norman iBaugh and daugh- tei. Tami Thursday evening, and were Friday supper and over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pike and son Dwayne. Major and Nrs. Robert Oleson and family of Spokane; Nrs. Bob Hut- ton, Jr., and family of Clarkston, and 'Sandra Peters of Lewiston were weekend guests of Mr. and Nrs. Gordon Peters. Nr. and 'Mrs. Marvin Vincent, Mr. and Nrs. Robert Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson and Mr. and Nrs. Gordon Peters were among those from here attending the Latah County Fair last week. Jeanne Craig and Violet Roberts of ILewiston were Saturday over- night iguests of Nr. and Nrs. Lloyd Craig. Mr. and Nrs. Wesley Pike and son Dwayne joined them on Sunday and picnicked at Orpfino and attend- ed the Fair there. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lockett and family have moved fiom Grange- ville to ILeland, and settled in the "Grandma Heffel" house, Nr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent were 'unday dinner guests of Mr. and Nrs. William.IRogers and family at Kend- rick. They were Suntlay morning call- ers of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig were Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton, Mr. and Nrs. Ervin Draper and family and John Vincent attended the Clear- water County Fair, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton were Spokane visitor's last Tuesday, and over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thornton at Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie B. Cook and children of Ontario, Ore., spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Nrs. Walter Crawford and family. All fished on the tLpchsa Friday and 'Saturday. Ricki Gertje spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weyen. All were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tarbet. Mrs. Dick Cuddy was a Priday af ternoon visitor of Mrs. Herman Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Whitinger. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lohman and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Lockett and fam- ily, Mr. and Nrs. Gary Gertje and son and W. H, W~en were Sunday evening visitors of Nr. and Mrs, Roy Craig. FOOD COHCESSIOH The Kendrick Grange held the food concession at the Latah County Pair this year, serving the three days. There menu included hpt dogs, hamburgers, cold sandwiches, cold drinks, coffee and milk. Specla]s of chili, chili burgers, beef stew, chick- en and noodles and home baked pies. The Grangers turned out in good numbers to assist Ellen IRowden, who was in charge pf arangements, IN HO~E OPEHER s«p to you. ~indo~, tak. a look at the nearest pine tree, and see if the needles on the tree are not tuin- The Kendrick Tiger football squad ing brown and dropping pff, In most will meet the Troy Trojans here Fri- areas around Kendrick this is the day night in the home opener of the case. grid season. To date, it is not known what is The Tigers have played two games killing our pine tree crop but it is losing both. ~t Wednesday the apparent that slow death is coming. Weippe Gorillas swamped the Tigers The drying of the needes was first 64 to 0. On September 9, Kendrick brought to the attention of the Ga- lost to E]k River 48 to 6. zette earlier this week when Ken- The Tiger squad is light and in- drick's mayor, Frank Abrams, asked expeiienced, Coach Dennis Racicot if any information had been received says, but Priday night's game should as to what might be the cause of the be a tmore even contest than the two tree disease. Abrams said that he previous encounters. At Elk River had noted the disease for the past the Tigers had but 11 players in uni- two years, 'but ddded that it seemed form; againdt Weippe they had but two years, ibut added that it seemed 10. When the Tigers Play Friday, gressed into fall. they expect to have 15 players ready In a search to determine the type for action. , of disease, the Gazette contact Nor- Coach Racicot said that before I man Lewis, District Deputy State this week he has had to use tackleIFire Warden. Lewis said that he did dummies to fill out the line, so heI not know what was causing the dam- could hold scrimmage practice. The age, but that he had made inquiries squad has only seven returning let- in'to the matter, and expected to termen this year. hear soon. He also added that there Be sure to see the local gridders in are so many new foiest killing dis- action, and remember, they will be eases that it is hard for the forestry playing their first home game of the department to keep up with them. season this Friday night. under the Manning Onstott, Soil Cpnserva- lights at Armitage Pield. tionist for the area, has also made inquiries regarding the matter but to date has no information available. AT P.-T. A. MOHDAY derosa (ye]low) pines. white pine 'rees do not seem to 'be affected, nor Teachers, their wives and husbands i were welcomed with a reception st j Ke H e Se HEWS the first fall meeting of the Joint i District P.-T. A. Monday evening in i OF the Juliaetta school house. Robert Hall, President, presided l over the meeting, which noted 63 I The Science Club pf Kendrick High l school held their first meeting on Committees were named as fo]-IThursday, Sept.. 15, in the Science lows: room. Parent and Family Life, Mrs. Bob Officers were elected as follows: Magnuson; Year Book, Nrs. Howard j Sally Glenn, president; IIda Glenn. Hoffman; Legislation, 'Geo. Merrick vice president; Linda Ltckman, scc.- and tRev. Rosentrater; Program Chm., treas. The name of the club was Mrs. iE]mo Eldridge; Hospitality, Nrs, decided to 'be H-2-0 (Hall's Happy Onal Cope; Membership, Mrs. Robert',Orbits). Its purpose is to make pro- Pratt,; Congress-Public, Mrs. George jects to take to the Science Fair, Brocke, 'Jr.; Magazine, Mrs. R. E. 'elp in improving our community, Watts; Publicity, Mrs. Frank Ab- 'nd promote knowledge in science. rams; Fund Raising, Mrs. James Holt; ~ Canning Chairman, Nrs, IE. M. White jln]tlat]on Held helpers, Juliaetta, Mrs. Clois Initiation was held iFriday, follow- Vary; Kendrick, Mrs. Dick Cuddy, ~ ed by a Sophomore "Hop" in the 'Mrs. Roy Fey, Texas ridge; mrs. I gymnasium. that evening.. Herbert Schwarz, icaeero; Nrs. i Alva Craig, Gold Hill; Mrs. Wayne'articipates In Fa]r Davis and Mrs. Andy Cox, American The K. H. IS. band was invited to ridge; project, Mrs. IF]oyd Heimgart- participate in the ILatah County Fair ner, parade Saturday morning in Nps- The Canning Committee reported, cow. The members, accomPanied by 496 quarts of produce processed Spl Mr. Stitz]em, instructor, left here far this summer. I at 9:00 a, m. Following the parade I all enjoyed the af ternoon at the Fair. An announcement from the Latah, County Public Health DePt. called I Hpine Ec C]ass Fnterta]ns attention to a Mental Health meeting The Home Economics I honor- tative asked from the P.-T. A. Thelclass mothers at a tea last Friday meeting concerns securing a psy- ~t~ n chiatrist for Latah county. cellent Science Club going an l served. The "Initiated Freshman" that they would be haPPY to Present I I s furnished entertainment during a program before interes'ted groups. I the sfternppn It was voted that the P.-T. A I The pastries were made by the would again sponsor the Cu'b Scouts l Home Ec, girls. program and announced he would be sending a judging iteam of four boys, toportland'to attend the Internatipn-I The Kendrick Kanyon Klub he]d al Livestock Show sometime in tlie I their September meeting at the home near future. , of Nrs, Arthur Janes on Friday, with In the room count, Mrs. Perry- i Mrs. Jack. Kuykendall as co-hostess. man's first grade room won the "Toy There were 17 Present. Tiger" for having the most parents Following the business meeting present. iNrs. iEsther Dennlcr and Mrs. Nora Robert Meserve, superintendent, Clark presented the lesson and dem- introduced the faculty, and each rc- l onstration on "Plastic Foam Tote sponded with a few remarks. I Bags." Dr. H. Snider, U. of I. guest speak- The club is sponsoring a drive for er', in 'his talk, "What's In It For clothing f'r the St. Joseph's Child- You" pointed out "you get out of a ren's Home, the drive to end Oct. 1. thing, just what you put into it." If Any garments are welcome and may you are a good P.-T. A. member and be left wi'th Nrs. Geo. Brocke, Sr„ support it with enthusiasm, you get Nrs. Jack Kuykendall, or any club something in return a closer re- member. better community and better school. Refreshments were served by the Juliaet ta ladies. Under cloudless skies progress is It was announced that the next very good on the two Ilew homes meeting mould ibe held at Southwick under construction in Kendrick at this time, both on the school house OPEH HOUSE Foundation work was completed last week on the Bud iEichner home, The family of Mr. and Nrs. Ed. and with a good-sized crew on the Kent are honoring them with an job, walls and roof are r'apidly tak- Open House reception on their Gold- ing shape. en Wedding anniversary, Sunday Tuesday of this week an excavat- Oct. 2, in the Kendrick Fire Halls ing contractor from Lewiston dug from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. the basement, water and sewer lines An open invitation is extended to for the new home of Mr. and Mrs. all their friends and neighbors. Bpb Watts. The Watts hope to have their basement in, walls up 'and a HOR ROLL roof on before winter storms 'begin. si] d FIHE WEATHER Kendrickg mas one of twelve engi Area residents have been enjoying neers in the College of Mines, to the most glorius fall weather that make the high honor roll last year, anyone could possibly want "or put the names just having been released. on order" this past week. The day- ILeland, a senior, is the spn of Mr. time temperatures have been in the and Nrs. Oscar Slind, Big Bear ridge. 'high 80's, and every now and then hitting 90 and slightly above. CLOSE GUESS Monday saw a 91 degree reading, and at 9:30 P. m. the mercury was standing on 70 degrees! Nrs. Gep. Brocke, Jr., was the win- All this, or course, is making the ner in a guessing contest at a baby farmer with beans or clover to har- shower recently. vest, smile from ear to ear and Guests were asked to guess the he is truly taking advantage of it. approximate date and time of the Some, who have comP]eted har- birth of, baby 'Gates who was born vesting s.nd are plowing or seeding, Yvonne Louise, Sept. 9, at 1:50 a. m. say they would welcome rain but, Mrs. Brocke guessed the closest, be that as it may. it's wonderful which was 1:31 a. m., Sept, 9. fall Weater.

jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,

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There will be a pot-luck supper inthe Methodist Church, Monday, Sept.'26, at 6;30. 'All are welcome.

Sunday visitors in the Geo. Grose-close home included Mr. and Mrs.Jim Groseclose of Pomeroy; Mr. and

rs. Gene geucht and daughtereMr ,',,jijl i Iand Mrs Don Groseciose and daugh. tI~~',: ':tifil '~ '~~: v.,:;,:,,„a,ter, Lewiston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted


and daughter. On Mon- .:Q ':p"',~~[@'jday Mr. and Nrs. P. J. Stensma pf 'I "$ „'j.~Moscow were visitors.

Mr. and iMr. David Steigers andsons spent the week-end with the

I'",'!:.'-i g'f>I

Keith:Steigers family in Huson, I;"'~jt,Mont., which is a short distance fromMissoula.

Howard,'Wunderlich gal'Phoen]x,Arizona, called at the Gary Eggershome, 'Sunday.

M . dacha tnttups ot truck-a-stray,j SCHOOL piETRICTOregon, is spending the meek visiting,relatives and friends here. She is

a~ TO AQCTIOH OLDsister of Dal Groseclose.

F,.n f",'.,nt',~pa~,""c~~'.",,", SCHOOL AHD GYhh.visiting in the Ray Craine and Dal

Nr and Nrs iJack Brownin were Saturday, Sept. 24, the old Kend-

Beu]ah Peters, pui]man, spent the are to be sold to the highest bidder.

Evp rett Fa rringtpni and fa~]y ', east the aPPraised vale of the bui]4-

M s. George Falk and son Wayne,, ngof Priest tRiver were Tuesdav morn- l

The two structures have not asing ca]]ers in the Harvie Shepherd yet been aPPraised, but the value'home. She 'had brought their daugh will be known at the time of theter to the U. of l. to attend schoo] sale, which is set for 2:00 P. m., andthis term. 'ill be held on the premises.

Mr and Mrs. 'Frank V. Barton and This is the second attempt bv theson and Miss Juanita Kite, all of, district to dispose of the abandonedLewiston, were Sunday dinner guests buildings. The first try revealed thatin the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles instead of selling<the structures, theHicks. best offer was that the district

Miss Billie Rae Salisbury of Clark- would have to pay a considerable sumston was a week-end guest in the,to have the buildings removed. Thishome of Mrs. Gertrude Pederson. I bid was rejected by the directors.

Saturday evening callers in the I One of the gtipuiatipns in the saleHarvie ShePherd home were Mrs.

I of the buildings is that the o]d schoolFred Wendt, 'Suzie and Larry of Spo- i bui]ding must be tom g]own and re-'Rane, and Nrs. Cliff Deasy and son moved from the premises.of Clarkston.

Tom Mabbott received injuries to The directors are hoping that sonLe

his right hand last Thursday whi]eI

organization interested enough toworking. He ran a large sliver, Purchase the gymnas]um will comethrough 'the palm of his hand, and l

forward and make an offer to buyso far it has Ibeen impossible to re- I

the gym. for the Price of removingmove it.


the old high school building.Mrs. E]]a Dona]dspn. of pomeroy, The old gymnas]um is still in good

spent from Thursday until Monday condition, and would make a'oodvisiting in the home of her son-in-]aw meeting place for some organization,and daughter, Mr. and Mis L]pyd it was noted by he directors. How-

ever, the old school building would

Recent visitors iyn the home pf Mr. probably be worth only the used

and M,s. David Peterson were Mr. materi~is contained within it —andand Nrs. Far] Grannis and Nr. and Im some areas good'sed brick bringMrs. Warney Nay, Sr., all of I ewis- i an excellent Price.iston; Mrs. Mabel Brennan of Mos-


cow and Bob Laurance of Council. I QRAHQE FLECTSMr. and Mrs. Charles Hicks were I

week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.)G. Stuart in Orofino. Kendrick Grange No. 413 imet on

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Casse]1 ofi Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, in gen-

Clarkston called SundaV in the Laura era] session, with Worthy iNasterGroseclpse and Wm. Ghomes. Degrees were conferred upon one

Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Puller of Oro-I new member, James Travis.

fino were week-end guests of Mr.I Election of officers for the coming

and Mrs. J. M. MurraY. Nrs. Fuller year was held, as fo]]ows:is a sister of Mrs. Murray. Wilbur Corkill, re-elected Master.

Mrs. Garnett Wilson of Lewiston, Fugene Taylor, re-elected Overseer.and Mrs. iE. Groseclose sPent the

I Nrs'. Lauren'oisington. I ecturer;week-end at Tacoma, visiting Mrs.

I Nichae] . Maund, Steward; CecilRay Stenby, who is seriously ill. IChamberlain, Assistant Steward

Wilma 'Jones and daughter Donnal Nrs. Ceci] Chamber]ain, Lady As-

and son of Clarkston, and Nrs W E I sistant Steward; Mrs. Walter Mc-Hecht surprised Anna Fairfield onj Call, Chaplain; Manning Onstott, re-her birthday anniversary, Saturday,'e]ected Treasurer; Mrs. Wm. 'John-Sept. 17th.

I son, re-elected Secretary; iCharles


Stevens, .Gate Keeper; Mrs. Manningtended the old time steam threshing Onstott, Ceres; Mrs. Raymond pol-bee at Co]ton, Sunday afternoon.

I umski, re-elected pomona; Nrs. DickMa'bel Westling spent the week in I Benjamin, 'Flora; Mrs. Gerald Ingle,

I.ewiston, visiting in the home of her 'Home Economics Chm.; iDick Benja-aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell.

I min, Executive Committee,.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor sPent the I The evening c]osed with refresh-

week-end in Pendleton, a'ttending the ments served in the banquet room.Roundup, and visiting his uncle, Mr.and Mrs. Jim Taylor. He had notseen his uncle or aunt for 18 Years. KEHDR/CK f F A

Mrs perrymanrs Rp m Nrs QH D AT LATAH FAl RGale Clark visited the first graderoom on Thursday. Mrs. Bud Eichner

I L~~~y Galloway, Da]e McAlistervisited on Friday and again on Mon-

I and Fred Foster received the secondplace award in ILivestock Judging at

Tuesday morning Mrs. Luther the Latah County Fa]r in MoscowParks visited the first grade, bring- last week. The team ni]ssed firsting treats for the children, honoring place by only tthree Points.their daughter Na cy's birthday an- MCAiister was second high manniversary. on all of the 14 'judging teams in

In Mrs. Callison's first grade room the competit]on.the 19 youngsters are 'we]1 setttled on Troy took first; Kendrick was see-the stage. ond; Gene see third, and tMo scow

fourth.tP]fth And Sixth Grades Vocational 'Agriculture Instructor

Sept. 15 the fifth and sixth grades Dpug. Christensen said that the en-visited the Bookmobile. tire high echop] class at'tended the

The sixth grade now has 11 boys Fa]r for the knowledge and exper-and 10 girls. ience they could gain.

Some of 'the students brought theirrock collections, others have been do-ing their experiments in the schoolroom.

The sixth grade will make theposters'or the auction sale.

ett "'s I



Phone R177

Fina 4-H Club MeetingThe final 4-H Club meeting before

the Nez Perce County Fair was heldMonday evening at the home of Mrs. I

Don Cantril. Demonstrations, WorkBooks, etc., were checked and com-pleted, and all last-minute items tak-en care of before the projects are tobe delivered —at the new Pair build-ing in Lewiston, Wednesd ay andThursday morning. Those enteringprojects for this year are: iLindaNewman, Fonda Schpeffler, RonaArmitage, Hazel Perkins and Doug.,and Dave Armitage.

Harvesting Operations RollingBean harvest continues in full I

force in the Southwick area, with l

some reporting good to fair yields.Harvest operations, in general. i


should be about completed by the end ';

of this week.

Other NewsDick Fish, son of Mr. and Mrs. I

Donald Fish, left for the University jl

of Idaho Sunday evening, wherry i

is enrolled for the school year.Mr. and Mrs. Dick, Starling and

family of Great Falls, Mont., arevisiting wi'th her brother-in-lam andsister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins.

Nr. and Mrs. Walthen Wells andfamily of Pasco, Wash., were Sundaydinner guests in the home pf Mr. andMrs. Aaron Wells.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armitageand,'on

Max of Winchester were week- I

end guests of his parents, Mr.and'rs.T. J. Armitage.

Mrs. Wade Candler visited Mondaywith Mrs. Tom Armitage.

Mrs. James Bollinger of Lewistonvisited Saturday evening with Mr.and Mrs, Clay King.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Southwickof Lewiston visited Tuesday with rel-atives and friends in the area.

George Danquist of Plaza, Wash.,spent the week-end visiting with hiswife and daughter. Mrs. Danquist isteaching this year at Southwick.

Nr. and Mrs. Keith Clear and fam-ily were Saturday evening dinnerguests of Mr. and Nrs. Ver]in -Ben-jamin and family.

Nr. and Nrs. Herb. Ni]lard andAbbe of Juliaetta, and Jillan Wegnercalled at the Don Cantril hmne Sun-dav evening

Mr. and Mrs. Ver]in Benjamin andfamily visited Mr. and Nrs. ClarenceHenderson in Lewiston, Sunday after-noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schoeffler ofI

Kingston, Idaho, were Tuesday over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs. GivenMustoe.

RelayedMark Mustoe, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Mustoe, was honored with abirthday party at his home last Tues-day, Sept. 13th. The afternoon wasspent wfth the little ones playinggames, and then the guest of honoropened his many gifts. Those helpingNark celebrate his anniversary wereJanis Whitinger, Jolene Brammer,Donnie Benjamin, Rowena Davis andNick and Tammy Armitage. The


guests were accompanied by theirmothers.

Sunday, Sept. 11 dinner guests of i

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustoe were Mr.Iand Nrs. Wilbur Co]well, Nr. anil

Mrs. Orville Halseth and daughtersof Lewiston; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mus-toe and Carol of Page; A'tlie Nustoeof Kellogg; Mr, and Mrs. Given Nus-toe and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armitage.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Halseth anddaughters were week;end guests ofMr. and Mrs. Jack Mustoe.


The Evergreen Friendship Clubwon a blue ribbon on their exhibit atthe ILatah County Fair last week.The exhibit displayed "Color iHa-mony In the Home," with a simplearrang ement, tying together, withcolor, a piece of furn]ture, draperies,floor and wall covering —each com-plimentary to the other.

The committee in charge of thebooth included Nrs. Dean Hollenbeck,Nrs. Bob Watts, Mra Harlan Feyand Mrs. Bruce Sherman. The projectwas designed by Mrs. Nar]on Row-den.

COFFEE PARTY INGLENr. snd iMr. Jerry J. Ingle are

Mrs. John Deobald had a few the proud Parents of an 8 Ib, 2 oz.friends in for a "get acquainted" cof- daughter, born Saturday, Sept. 17,fee hour last Friday morning, hon- at the Gritman Memorial Hospital,pring Mrs. Keith Clear. The Clears Moscow. She has been named Nancyare newcomer to Kendrick, he being ILynn.principal at the Jr.-Sr. High school.


nore, became'he Proud parents of aPatricia Mielke and patty iNelson's son, Gary Lee, weight 9 pounds and

names are among those to be added 6 ounces, Friday, September 16th, atto the list of students who 'will at- the home of her sister, Nrs. Lloydtend the U. of L this falL Both are Farrington. Al] concerned are doingsophomores t





do any of the othe> eveigreens in thearea.

Kendrick and surrounding territorywould surely be a bleak looking areaif the Pine tice clop were to be destroyed. By next week the Gazetteshould have some information re-garding the matter, and will pass iton —what can be done, if anything,tp save our beautiful pine tree crop.




Return iFirom VacationsMr. and Mrs. iL]oyd Craig returned

recently from a trip and vacation toRed Bluff, Calif., where they visitedMr. and Nrs. Elgin Fleshman andfamily at Crescent City, Calif.; withNr. and Mrs. Elwin Fleshman andfamily in ILebonan, Ore., with Mr.and Nrs. Jack Griffin, and at Cam-as, Wash., with Cecil Fleshman.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton andfamily returned recently from a two-week vacation trip to California andalong the Pacific coast. They visitedMr. and Mrs. Bud Courturier andfamily a't Elcerrito,'Calif.; Nrs. Ma-bel Hash at Oakland, Calif.; Nr. andMrs. Harvey Thornton and family atCampbell, Calif.; Mrs. Bonnie Firstand daughter Denise of Camarvilla,Calif.; Sgt. and Mrs. James Ha]bigand daughter at Oceanside, Calif.,and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Patterson

Iat Portland, Ore.

Other'ewsMr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton, Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Thornton and fam-ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Thorntonand family, Mr. and Mrs. C]arenceThornton and family and Jim Daw-son and two children honored Mrs.J. E. Beck on 'her birthday anniver-sary with a pot-luck dinner, in thehome of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Beck.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'Johnson andMrs, Julia Fleshman were Sundaydinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. FrankHunt ant] Danny, at Lewiston.

Mr. and Nrs. Wilbur Tarbet wereI among hunting party members at'he Canyon Ranger Station tg]s pastweek. The party brought out one elk.

Mr. and Nrs. L]oydi Craig were"Thursday supper and over-nightguests of Mr. and Mrs. George Baughat Drofino. They also visited Nr.and Nrs. Norman iBaugh and daugh-tei. Tami Thursday evening, and wereFriday supper and over-night guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pike andson Dwayne.

Major and Nrs. Robert Oleson andfamily of Spokane; Nrs. Bob Hut-ton, Jr., and family of Clarkston, and'Sandra Peters of Lewiston wereweekend guests of Mr. and Nrs.Gordon Peters.

Nr. and 'Mrs. Marvin Vincent, Mr.and Nrs. Robert Draper, Mr. andMrs. Herman Johnson and Mr. andNrs. Gordon Peters were amongthose from here attending the LatahCounty Fair last week.

Jeanne Craig and Violet Robertsof ILewiston were Saturday over-night iguests of Nr. and Nrs. LloydCraig. Mr. and Nrs. Wesley Pike andson Dwayne joined them on Sundayand picnicked at Orpfino and attend-ed the Fair there.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lockettand family have moved fiom Grange-ville to ILeland, and settled in the"Grandma Heffel" house,

Nr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent were'undaydinner guests of Mr. and Nrs.

William.IRogers and family at Kend-rick. They were Suntlay morning call-ers of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig wereWednesday evening visitors of Mr.and Mrs. Jesse Thornton.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton, Mr.and Nrs. Ervin Draper and familyand John Vincent attended the Clear-water County Fair, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thornton wereSpokane visitor's last Tuesday, andover-night guests of Mr. and Mrs.Willis Thornton at Moscow.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennie B. Cook andchildren of Ontario, Ore., spent thepast week with her parents, Mr. andNrs. Walter Crawford and family.All fished on the tLpchsa Friday and'Saturday.

Ricki Gertje spent the week-endwith his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Bill Weyen. All were 'Sunday guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tarbet.

Mrs. Dick Cuddy was a Pridayaf ternoon visitor of Mrs. HermanJohnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper wereSunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Harl Whitinger.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lohman andfamily, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Pike,Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Lockett and fam-ily, Mr. and Nrs. Gary Gertje andson and W. H, W~en were Sundayevening visitors of Nr. and Mrs, RoyCraig.


The Kendrick Grange held the foodconcession at the Latah County Pairthis year, serving the three days.

There menu included hpt dogs,hamburgers, cold sandwiches, colddrinks, coffee and milk. Specla]s ofchili, chili burgers, beef stew, chick-en and noodles and home baked pies.

The Grangers turned out in goodnumbers to assist Ellen IRowden, whowas in charge pf arangements,

IN HO~E OPEHER s«p to you. ~indo~, tak. a lookat the nearest pine tree, and see ifthe needles on the tree are not tuin-

The Kendrick Tiger football squad ing brown and dropping pff, In mostwill meet the Troy Trojans here Fri- areas around Kendrick this is theday night in the home opener of the case.grid season. To date, it is not known what is

The Tigers have played two games killing our pine tree crop but it islosing both. ~t Wednesday the apparent that slow death is coming.Weippe Gorillas swamped the Tigers The drying of the needes was first64 to 0. On September 9, Kendrick brought to the attention of the Ga-lost to E]k River 48 to 6. zette earlier this week when Ken-

The Tiger squad is light and in- drick's mayor, Frank Abrams, askedexpeiienced, Coach Dennis Racicot if any information had been receivedsays, but Priday night's game should as to what might be the cause of thebe a tmore even contest than the two tree disease. Abrams said that heprevious encounters. At Elk River had noted the disease for the pastthe Tigers had but 11 players in uni- two years, 'but ddded that it seemedform; againdt Weippe they had but two years, ibut added that it seemed10. When the Tigers Play Friday, gressed into fall.they expect to have 15 players ready In a search to determine the typefor action. , of disease, the Gazette contact Nor-

Coach Racicot said that before I man Lewis, District Deputy Statethis week he has had to use tackleIFire Warden. Lewis said that he diddummies to fill out the line, so heI not know what was causing the dam-could hold scrimmage practice. The age, but that he had made inquiriessquad has only seven returning let- in'to the matter, and expected totermen this year. hear soon. He also added that there

Be sure to see the local gridders in are so many new foiest killing dis-action, and remember, they will be eases that it is hard for the forestryplaying their first home game of the department to keep up with them.season this Friday night. under the Manning Onstott, Soil Cpnserva-lights at Armitage Pield. tionist for the area, has also made

inquiries regarding the matter butto date has no information available.

AT P.-T. A. MOHDAY derosa (ye]low) pines. white pine'rees do not seem to 'be affected, nor

Teachers, their wives and husbands i

were welcomed with a reception st j Ke H e Se HEWSthe first fall meeting of the Joint i

District P.-T. A. Monday evening ini OF

the Juliaetta school house.Robert Hall, President, presided


over the meeting, which noted 63I The Science Club pf Kendrick Highl school held their first meeting on

Committees were named as fo]-IThursday, Sept.. 15, in the Sciencelows: room.

Parent and Family Life, Mrs. Bob Officers were elected as follows:Magnuson; Year Book, Nrs. Howard

jSally Glenn, president; IIda Glenn.

Hoffman; Legislation, 'Geo. Merrick vice president; Linda Ltckman, scc.-and tRev. Rosentrater; Program Chm., treas. The name of the club wasMrs. iE]mo Eldridge; Hospitality, Nrs, decided to 'be H-2-0 (Hall's HappyOnal Cope; Membership, Mrs. Robert',Orbits). Its purpose is to make pro-Pratt,; Congress-Public, Mrs. George jects to take to the Science Fair,Brocke, 'Jr.; Magazine, Mrs. R. E. 'elp in improving our community,Watts; Publicity, Mrs. Frank Ab- 'nd promote knowledge in science.rams; Fund Raising, Mrs. James Holt;


Canning Chairman, Nrs, IE. M. White jln]tlat]on Heldhelpers, Juliaetta, Mrs. Clois Initiation was held iFriday, follow-

Vary; Kendrick, Mrs. Dick Cuddy,~

ed by a Sophomore "Hop" in the'Mrs. Roy Fey, Texas ridge; mrs.


gymnasium. that evening..Herbert Schwarz, icaeero; Nrs. i

Alva Craig, Gold Hill; Mrs. Wayne'articipates In Fa]rDavis and Mrs. Andy Cox, American The K. H. IS. band was invited toridge; project, Mrs. IF]oyd Heimgart- participate in the ILatah County Fairner, parade Saturday morning in Nps-

The Canning Committee reported, cow. The members, accomPanied by496 quarts of produce processed Spl Mr. Stitz]em, instructor, left herefar this summer. I

at 9:00 a, m. Following the paradeI all enjoyed the af ternoon at the Fair.An announcement from the Latah,

County Public Health DePt. called I Hpine Ec C]ass Fnterta]nsattention to a Mental Health meeting The Home Economics I honor-

tative asked from the P.-T. A. Thelclass mothers at a tea last Fridaymeeting concerns securing a psy- ~t~ nchiatrist for Latah county.

cellent Science Club going —anl served. The "Initiated Freshman"that they would be haPPY to Present I I s furnished entertainment duringa program before interes'ted groups.I the sfternppn

It was voted that the P.-T. AI The pastries were made by the

would again sponsor the Cu'b ScoutslHome Ec, girls.

program and announced he would besending a judging iteam of four boys,toportland'to attend the Internatipn-I The Kendrick Kanyon Klub he]dal Livestock Show sometime in tlie I their September meeting at the homenear future.

, of Nrs, Arthur Janes on Friday, withIn the room count, Mrs. Perry- i Mrs. Jack. Kuykendall as co-hostess.

man's first grade room won the "Toy There were 17 Present.Tiger" for having the most parents Following the business meetingpresent. iNrs. iEsther Dennlcr and Mrs. Nora

Robert Meserve, superintendent, Clark presented the lesson and dem-introduced the faculty, and each rc-

l onstration on "Plastic Foam Totesponded with a few remarks. I Bags."

Dr. H. Snider, U. of I. guest speak- The club is sponsoring a drive forer', in 'his talk, "What's In It For clothing f'r the St. Joseph's Child-You" pointed out "you get out of a ren's Home, the drive to end Oct. 1.thing, just what you put into it." If Any garments are welcome and mayyou are a good P.-T. A. member and be left wi'th Nrs. Geo. Brocke, Sr„support it with enthusiasm, you get Nrs. Jack Kuykendall, or any clubsomething in return —a closer re- member.

better community and better school.Refreshments were served by the

Juliaet ta ladies. Under cloudless skies progress isIt was announced that the next very good on the two Ilew homesmeeting mould ibe held at Southwick under construction in Kendrick at

this time, both on the school houseOPEH HOUSE

Foundation work was completedlast week on the Bud iEichner home,

The family of Mr. and Nrs. Ed. and with a good-sized crew on theKent are honoring them with an job, walls and roof are r'apidly tak-Open House reception on their Gold- ing shape.en Wedding anniversary, Sunday Tuesday of this week an excavat-Oct. 2, in the Kendrick Fire Halls ing contractor from Lewiston dugfrom 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. the basement, water and sewer lines

An open invitation is extended to for the new home of Mr. and Mrs.all their friends and neighbors. Bpb Watts. The Watts hope to have

their basement in, walls up 'and a

HOR ROLL roof on before winter storms 'begin.


Kendrickg mas one of twelve engi Area residents have been enjoyingneers in the College of Mines, to the most glorius fall weather thatmake the high honor roll last year, anyone could possibly want "or putthe names just having been released. on order" this past week. The day-

ILeland, a senior, is the spn of Mr. time temperatures have been in theand Nrs. Oscar Slind, Big Bear ridge. 'high 80's, and every now and then

hitting 90 and slightly above.

CLOSE GUESS Monday saw a 91 degree reading,and at 9:30 P. m. the mercury wasstanding on 70 degrees!

Nrs. Gep. Brocke, Jr., was the win- All this, or course, is making thener in a guessing contest at a baby farmer with beans or clover to har-shower recently. vest, smile from ear to ear and

Guests were asked to guess the he is truly taking advantage of it.approximate date and time of the Some, who have comP]eted har-birth of, baby 'Gates —who was born vesting s.nd are plowing or seeding,Yvonne Louise, Sept. 9, at 1:50 a. m. say they would welcome rain —but,Mrs. Brocke guessed the closest, be that as it may. —it's wonderfulwhich was 1:31a. m., Sept, 9. fall Weater.

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,


LOCAL HAPPF2NINGS .-„"„„::„"'„."„-";-'."„'",'„:;-.'",;BIG NAR RIDGE I

BY HAPPY HOME CLUB,and family, Mr, anil Mrs. Dan Kech-ter and fafnOy; Mr. and ~Mrs. GilErlewine acccmpanied, by Mr. andMrh, Neil Erlevrine, Mr. and Mrs.Dick Parsley., tSfrs, iaally'errymanand Gene enjoped a helicopter rideover Orofino while tHere.

her. and Mrs, Phil Bahr.were Sun-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Arnet t and family. Thatevening Mr. encl'rs. ~AnN'tt andchildren called at the Arnett home inKendrick.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Jhck pa'rslev an'd son,spent Sunday iwith Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Candler at Lew'istdn.

Mrs., iDick Parsley viyited iMrs. Kr-nest Grim Thursday afternoon it theSt. Joseph's Hospital, where she is apati'ent.

and Tiks,, Cedrge Lyons, andfamily spent Saturday at the LatahCounty Fair'.

James Cuddy, Kellogg, was a sun-day caller in the Ray, Cuddy home.

Ann~tte pines was a'ednesdayovernight and Thursday guest of her'cousin, Beverly Pratt.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleon McAlister andEllen WeaVer spent the vtreek-end,itMoses iLake with'r. and Mrs. BobHutchinson. They, also,'isited Mrs.McAI ister's parents, Mr. and les.Fred Rennick, ILind, IWash,

Mrs. 1,da Lyons and Clem w'ereguests at her 'birthday dinner Sundayevening in the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Lyons and children. The Geo.Lyons family were guests of Mrs.Ida Lyons at a 15frthday dinner onMonday evening of this week, honor-in'g 'Clem I yons.

Mr. and Xl:rs. Hardy iHolt, iBud andLinda and Mrs. John Cuddy wereSunday evening callers in the JamesHolt home.

, Dougie IPratt is confined to hishome —with the mumps.

Mrs, 'Sam Weaver enjoyed:a visitwith.a cousin whom she had neverrpet before —Mrs. iEtta Russko, andMrs. Eleanor . iGrubbs, Flint, Mich.,who were Wednesday over-nightgeusts in her home. They left Thurs-day morning to visit other relativesat ILongvfew, Wash.

IN CAPSVLE FORM Mrs. K. D. Ingle and Mrs. Norman gNethkin were over-night guests of gMrs. 8'gII(cftrd Downing, Post Falls, on'.Sept. 14th.

Tliufsday, Mrs. Myra"Banks, Stftei,returned home with them and spent itegthe week-end visiting with her ~daughter-in-law at the K. D. Inglehome.

; iLogal grange tneajbe&'hdlpfng':at"

the Food Booth at the Latah Cqltnty,Fiir were Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Cham-berlain, Mr. and 'Mrs, iRfchard Betija=min, Mr. and Mts. Gerald Ingle, Ikrs.Roy Polumsky and J5rs. Katie Hois- gington.

Mrs. Anna;Bower accompanjpd Mrs;Ingle ind'@re. Ndrmah 'Nest'hkfn tdthe County Fair, Friday.

Alt snd Mry., Bing Banfield visitedbriefly.at the Cecil Dean home Fri-day.arid Satlilday,.; .

Mr. and Mrs. Me1~vin Sneve drove to.Qrofino Sunday, afternoon to attendthe Clearwatj1 Cdunty Fair;

Mr. snd Mrs. Frank, Hofsftigton 'gwere Lewiston business visitors Monecia,y.

,Jerry, J. Ingle spent Sunday, withhfs,wife and new,,laughter at the gGritman Hospital, Moscow.

Week-end guests s';t the Gerald gIngle home were Marjorie and Don- gaid Ingle, and Duncan. Mackintosh, ~~Donald's guest from New Zealand. gAdditional dinner guests Sunday wereMrs. K. D. Ingle, Mrs. Alcie Neth/inand Mrs. Myra Banks.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clemenhagen gand Mr. and Mrs. ~Roy Clemenhagen ~attended the Cleirwater County Fair 8at Orofino, Sunday..,Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benjamin and ~

Ricky visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bu-ford Fairfield snd family and Mr. gind Mrs. Leonard Fairfield in.Lewriston, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. ~Heght of Juliaetta accompanied them. g

Mrs. Oscar .Slind and son Leland, ~accompanied by Miss Darlene Ander- ~~son, spent,.the week-end in Spokane, lgvisiting Mrs. Slfnd's mother, Mrs. gWm. Leland, and other relatives.

No parking meters are in Kendrick gn; r .. ~

Mr. and Mrs. ~Bud X)eLarne, Sea-sf de, Oregon, were Tuesday oVer-night house guests of 'Mr. and'rsDick Cuddy.

Beverly and Birdie Gates oi'a-louse were Saturday over-nfgh'tguests, of 'Andy Sue Cox on Ameri-can ridge.

'r,'nd Mrs. Ig. Flaig, Coeur

++eagle, Vtere here SStltrdtty tedSunday visiting her mother, Mrs.Zstella g.pith

Mr. ahd Mrs. W. L. bkcCreiry andher sister, Mrp. E.,F Sandy; thy lat-ter of Juneau, Alaslcd,, w'ere dfhnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jq+ Jghan-Sori, Lew'iston, Saturdiy eveningl

Among those attending the.glear-wctter Couht'V',Fair and LumberjjckDays at IO&offno- were 26'. ~'d'rs.Rlmo'iEIdrldge and family',; Mr, QdMrs. Dick Cuddy, Mrs. iRefnhai'd Wil:ken and,riepp'e4 ance wife, Mr. andadrs. Reinhart Schroeder„Mr.'ndMrs. IBurt 'sduders,'r., a'nd fa&fIg,36. and Mrs, Bill Wilson, lk'. andMrs. Ed. Daminarell, Mr. and Mrs.Don Johns snd children, Mr. andMrs. IJohn Plstt snd Mr, and Mrs.Parker McCreary and daughters.

'eteLitton, Bristol, Va., s,'ephewof Marvin ILong and his friend, JayWhite of Boykins, Va., are visitingin the home of Mr. and Mrs. MarvfnLong this week. The boys are on va-cation, and had been visiting in the


Yakfcna valley and stopped here en-route home.

Mrs. A.. O. Kanlkkeberg, Mrs. How-ard Hoffman, Mrs. F. C. 'Schmidt,Mrs. Frank P. McCreary, Mrs. BobNelson and Mrs. George Brocke, Sr.,drove to Moscow Wednesday morn-ing to attend a fall seminar of theWalla IWalla IIDistrict W. IS. C. S.

Mrs. Hoger Courtrigbt and baby~son of Troy spent last iweek-end here

with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,Johnson.

Mrs. Paul iLind arrived home Mon-clay from Toledo, Oregon, where shespent some time visiting their son and.family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lind. An-:other son, Milton 1Eugene Lfnd ofLewiston, took her 'to Toledo.

Mrs., Orin Refd, Kamiah, has beenhere the past week with her son anddaughter-in-law, Mr, snd Mrs. Robertgall, assisting, with the houseworkand getting accLuafnted with her n'w

1granddaughter.Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Skaggs of

Gladstone, Ore., were house guestshere lait week jn ithe tlome of herttfster,, Mrs. Edgar iLong. They alsovisited q'ther relatives .in the. area.da Wednesliay Mrs. IF'rank. Beseda

'nddaughter, Vicki. arrived fromGladstone to join 'the group. iirs.Beseda is a niece of Mrs. Long.


Mr. and Mrs. Roy.Kent of boisebrought*their son Jtfck up to,the U:of I., Saturday, Where he 'wfI b'eginlhfe second year, They then spent the1week-end with iRoy's parents', Mr. andMrs. Zd. Kent.

Ernest Heitman and Mr. and Mrs.Henry'Heitman of L'ewiston'erectunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and

~Mrs. Geo. Havens.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kent, Mr. 'andi I

Mrs. Roy Kent and son Jack of Boise i

were 'Sunday dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Archit Morgan in Moscow.

Mr.. and Mrs. Wayne. Davis,andfamily and Mr. and Mrs. Warney MatJr., and sons attended 'the threshing

'eeat,Colton, 'Sunday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs.''illiam Holt of Ken-

drick were Saturday evening supperguests of Mr. and, Mrs. Ed, Kent andvisited with her brother and family,hfr. and Mrs. iRoy gent,,

Charles Havens 'left. S(tnday after-noon for Cheney, to attend E. W. C.,Z. 'tiffs terat..

,Mts.'ordon Hans(a and faiaily.of;Mosco+, there Wednesday, eye'ning,citIIers m 'tlie Ge'orge gaevens home.

Mr. tthd Ivlrs'; Xrft'IIavens,of JQia- .etta and Mr. and Mt'sr Jolin Iiaverlsof 'Mcfscow Ittthndetf th'e Clearwater „Fatt ht Qroffnb, 8'antlag.

Mrs.'. BobNeisoff'ctttv,and,To((d.,'ere

Sunday dffjner:gaests ofMr.'rid.Mrs;IPer~Mattooh.'ht'Tx'o'j.:

.patty -llVeLrdn. was a'; Sandfty 'dter-'igbfguest pf.'Joy Bavis.

.Nr.. and,Mrs; Catha- TSylbi 'aiidthree ip~s.of.'Boise sperlt th0 wdeh;-"

'nd,with„.gr.Iufd Mrd. 'Cl'drenchDomghqrty, Th'e eldest Taylor 'sfin en-rolled at the Universfty of Idahb.

eisa kmhkBY MBS'. hOS ST PSATT

Phone 'RS115

:At Lathlf Musty ~Meatberi of the Cedai Ridge '4-H

Clfrb',did very Niell 'at, ithj IL'tttih,County kafr. Qrs, 'Ailyft Craig. and

'i's;:Jaik'Ss 'Holt; I'e'ideal,, ipegtThursday, ~day and Saturfiity atthe 'Pa1rI Lssfst/ng with exhibits.

Entries Snd ribbo'ns w'ere: BeverlyPratt, Cocikiaig I (bifie);, 'S~g I(blue). Bl(re rfbbbnS fn.iEli;ct'rfbfty,.Iwent t'o Qhrjj iCrifg; Bobby IPratt,Mike Holt and Charles ILyons. SI(terri~bbons fn Forestry 33; were wok'byGary Crttfg tind IBobby ~Pt'att MikeHolt entered a 'Ij)en bf thf'ee )aafbi',snd was awarded a„iblue rjkidn. Qhalsb won fl white 'ribbon on i .ftct .larctb; iDIfrlefte Chilbei.g won . blue,ribbbft'i dlf ICoohg II; Sewfng, II ttadCanning II. X)fxfe 'Swanson won a,bipe f ibbon in Sewin'g, 5.

Eileen Holt, Cooking III, whiteribbon; Freezing I, red ribbon; Can-ning I, red ribbon. Beverly iPratt vvon .

a green ifbbori in the apron parade.'llthe other girls won red ribbons

in the Style IRevfew..




'". '<~i'sj!BF FEEDING





=@ItoUIVD PE'Ebs


NINERA'L8 —'A.'L'P'C'USf'O1ff'

Lewi'III'6n di'ai8 GÃ6&eii'sl

. 'KKNDRiCK NB'ohe 585kP'hoiie 569iIY. ij.'e If..tM~ I* *

Other NetvsSaturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

Gil Zrlewfne were her mother fromCIarkston, and Mr. and Mrs. BillyBirge and family and Mrs. Jfm Birgeand son, all of Kennewick, Wash.

Those from this circa attendin'g theCleftrwater County Fair at OrofiaoSunday were Mr. aad Mrs. 'HarveyPerryman Cnd Gerfe, accofap'anfed by

Opeii 7:00ii. m. to 8 00 p. m.



SUREACIÃ6 gxAllen D. Henry 4 W. A. Campbell

, Phones: 4177 Kendrick or $828

Ifilj ii!n

„.lg 1


Vg .



~li yJ,,

'S III SP ~ ' ""'

.|1'eWaSS>ng ..lt.'c'too

al: 4m rlc z

IV>en I'otc ~e: nl:o 14ncriccx




RISEN EAR —. It's 'our Ekme f'Scbrt —. Piiti'blithe'e

'ke prompted to sponsor 'the above adv&tise~t through 6iix'gsire Io serve lice best hit'ereitb'o'f ocir eommiiriitg ih eve+ etc ilosiible;


kLiliDÃICK G~TJ;riThe Home-town Printer

kFW~R>Cm mukGECOimr PMeoohyhctr Mls =- OCLHAA 08 Ao86e%s

,'iÃR S'ARMRRS . MfiIKFarms Zniins nncI insbiiinoe'k''0 4'Hk

TOREo-Were@ e IIIlllnsivg

UPPITY .v Your %ale"

K(Bm) )4giis


SeedsmenPhoae 42SI



xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxocxxxx Ã

Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,


1WTICE OF tzENKRAL ELEC'fION, $ 880.fjrst Monday of November next (November,8, t1960), at '.—..„...—.....--------l

,„..-",—,.--'.L.;....,.....,...,...,.t,Prngjnct, in. the, County, of, Latah 'and,.Statelof. 'Jaaho, an election will be help for PresjdCIntjal Electors,- 'Members of;

tCongress, Legislative, County and Precinct IOfficers, as follows:

CHOOSING BIRDathletic director and head footballcoach,

Stahley added that the 13 will bejoined by other Idaho players whenthe frosh begin workout late in Sep-tember.

The prep stars include tackles Dar-win Doss, Pocatello; Edward Ager,Idaho Falls; Gilbert Walker, GlennsFerry; Sherril Wells, Oakley; JoeConrad, Buhl, and Ellery Brown ofBoise.

End candidates for the frosh teaminclude Leslie Gropp, Sandpoint; RayMcClure, Hailey, and Herr el 1 Os-borne, Eagle. Osborne played footballat Meridian high school. Top Idahobacks include Wide Thomas, Cald-'well; Jerry Pressy, Twin Falls; JimSpelgatti, Potlatch, and Gary Stastnyof Murtaugh.

The Idaho players, described by'Stahley as "a well-rounded group of'good size and fyjr speedt" will ibe

'oined by 21 grid prospects froinWashington, Oregon, California, Ari-

'zona, Michig'an, Pennsylvania, NewYork, North Carolina and Ohio.

The frosh'lay a three-g'arne sched-ule, opening with iWenatchee JuniorCollege, Oct. 22, in Moscow. Theymeet the University of Washingtonfrosh on Nov. 4, and play. Washing-ton State's Coubabes in Pullman onNovember 11.


SQUAD GETS BOOST U of I Moscow The first pointm choosing birds for display at afair is to select those that are welldeveloped, the county agent remind-ed 4-H mexibers and other exhibitorsthis week. The best birds for ex-hibition are early hatched chicks.

Choose birds that have bright,alert eyes, a good 'cl'ean head, brightred comb and wattles, strong legs,straight toes, and an alert carriage.If they pass those 'tests they arelikely to be in the pink of health-and health counts,

Be sure to select birds that aretypical of the breed. Bob Black,poultryman of the University of Ida-ho extension service, says that meansbirds that look like the ideal, in-stead of specimens that may be tooheavy or show some feathers of thew'rong color.

It is another good idea, Black said,to select more birds than you millshow. This gives you a spare or twoin case something happens to theother chickens. Put them in small,qua'rters (wi're doops) several daysbefore the fair so they will be usedto the small area.

Clean your birds. Use a cloth moist-ened with water. Clean the'head, thecomb, wattles, legs and toes. Afterthey are clean, rub carbolated vase-line on 'the legs and feet. Then wipeit off with a dry cloth.






U of I Moscow —Thirteen of theleading high school football playersin the state liave annoiinced 'theyw/11 be eniolling in the Xiniversity ofIdaho this fall, 't was aflnouncedlast week by J, Neil "Skip" Stahley,



Richard M.,Nixonio

For IVjce; Prepiiterf't .....Henry Cabot Ledge

3Por Presjdentiavl, Electors,John 'Sanborni Hkgennitn, XdahoJ. E. Mehlhaff,.Amserican F@lIl„,

, Jotm &cMurray,,ngrojse, Xdatho

Harold Snow, MoscoIkr, idaho,

For United States Senator(I'six Year U'erm)

IIenry C. Dworshak, .

For iRepresentative fn Congress(First:Congressibnal District)

Thomas IA, Leupp " .

For IState Isenator,Howard Vjr. Moos


For PresidentJohn F. KennellyI;,.. Ii.

For Vice IPrepidentLyndon IB. Johnson

For Pr'esidentfil Efectoi's:Wm. S. HaWkjns, Coeur O'Alene,. XdahoB, Wr Davis, Pocatellot IdahoDan,J. Cavana,gh, Twin Ift alla,

XdahoG. C. Pennell, Nezperce, Idaho

IFor United, [email protected](Six-Yea'r. Term),,

Bob (R, 'F.) 5fdLaughljn,

For IRepresentative jn Congress(First Congressional District)

Graeie Ffost





—SUD df ROY FEYFor State IsenatorHarold Lough t

For 8tate RepresentativesGeo. F. BrockeKatherine X). (Kay) Pell

For County Commissioner(First 'District) I I

(Pour-, Year Il'erm)James O. iBroyles

For State IRepresentativesJ. Adrian NelsonHarold Snow I


AT THE "Y" IN 33XND%X4%For County Commissioner(First District)(Four-Year Term)

Dwight 'Strong

For County Commissioner.(Second District){Two-Year Term)

'cleP. Anderson

ÃIBINLB' -''Jaiaai~ia DISEASE REPORT,.tnvvvtd-" iw 'i

it «For County Commissioner('econd IDjstrict)(Two- Year Term)

Orval M. SnowIy'dlillllg 0

RECRKA'TlH RONI+Moscow —The following is the

notifiable disease report for Latahcounty for the week ended ISept. 9:

Strep treoat, 6; influenza, I5.

WE HAVE —Lace paper place mats,10x14+ inches. Just the thing to"dress up" your party luncheon,2c each. The Gazette. 42-tf

For SheriffW. Lloyd Randle .i

For County Treasurer and Ex-OfficioTax iCollector and Public Admin-istrator

Edna M. Theriault

For SheriffR. C. (Speed) Lange

,Elle" >I </i il i'A'' '



i:;:::::::~ssf ~~ sj:::: nis: "NA:;::ftuenlg:"':.lg"''



For County Treasurer and Ex-OfficioTax Collector and Public 'Admin-jstrp.tor

Nellie I. Handlin

'E . w Wn

CHICK"'I DINNERS,'Vom Being Served on Saturday ¹tes

and Sundays

.i Try Them —They'e a Real Treatl y


Try Our Good Food and SmilingService





. INSURANCE N0% ...You Can't Buy Better Than BEXEL .y::;When you take one average yotency BEXEL cap-,'',s'ule da'ily —y6u get many''ieh food sources plus:,»iron. There's a formula for you needs f

And —Be a 8'igAer in, the

BEXEL VITAMIN$1,000,000 CO%TEST. Thousands ofPRIZES —Inel6iA'ng 12 Comet Cars.

~ jt

.<[e(. I I'OSS . 1RII'IRCfYour BiNfA RLR-ALL Story

Ceril 'Choitii Ph6he 5941,'„'ga m=.wi ~m~r sm'v xxwwd.-.~wtia~wnn... —....ip~ww.-.vwwvd~ew~~msmm~ m:

~ ww' ~ w''''aw'aw ~ ''aw'''%'I

For Probate JudgeC. L. iWoodward

For iProbate JudgeLee R. Brannan

For Prosecuting AttorneyLen iBielenber'g

Fdr Prosecuting iAttorneyPete G. Leriget

For County AssessorEugene Taylor

For County AssessorArnold C. Abbeal

For 'County CoronerGene A. DeMent

For Justices of the, PeaceW. LoIIIjse iRosenholz

For County CoronerWayne 'J. Bandel

For Justices of the PeaceDewey E. LaVoy

For ConstableE. M. White

For Constable:Bill iPetrie


"Shall 'Section 2 of Az'ticle VI of the Constitution of the Btateof Idaho be amended to provide that citizens inineteen.years,old or older shall be qualified electors of the State of Idaho?"


The proposed amendment of the Idaho Constitution is designed. to givecitizens nineteen years of,age or older the right to vo'te if 'otherwisequalified. Section 2 of Article VI of, lthe Xdaho Constitution as new ineffect provides that every male or female citizens twenty-one years oldand- qualified in other respects shall be electors. The amendment if ap-proved would lower 'the voting age to nineteen.

The proposed amendment also adds the iwords,"er older",,after "nine-teen years lold." I Heretofere there jias ibeen no doubt lbut that. personselder than ',the twenty-one,(the present minimum) are electors. The


ihowever, in proposing the amendment has inserted the words "orelder" so that no one snay ever raise the question.

"Shall the Constitution of the IState of Idaho be amended,in the form ef the addition of Se<jon 27 to "Article III, there-of, so as to authorize and require the Legislature, subject tocertain limitations and conditions, to take; certain action inorder to insure continuity of @ate and local governmentaloperations in periods of emergency resulting from disasterscaused 'by enemy attack or in periods of emergency resultingfrom ithe imminent threat of isuch disasters?"


J L')fllnIS 'II'( @FANTi!hach Your Ctfildren Thrift

with 4!'GREEN STAMPSMany families use S&H Green Stamps to help

their children learn the all-important habit of saving.They use them as awards for doing chores around thehome. For instance...

So many S&H Green Stamps each week to daugh-ter.for drying (he dishes or helping clean house... somany )o sonny for mowing the lawn or for other oddjobs. Many h'ousewives tell us it's a wonderful wayto a'ccomplish the twofold purpose of rewarding youngs-ters for tasks well done and showing them how thriftpays.

Youngsters of every age from tots to teens loveS&H Green Stamps because they can redeem them fora wide variety. of quality items that are dear to chil-

dren's hearts. Try this plan in yourhome. You'l be truly amazed to fmdhow well it works.

=I i. I''i lol Ilg:1 L'I f-5 [~] h

~ i les i ~ e

'n,l I I tii ~ i

if » ''iut ri~ i t ii ~ i te'liT ~ i ~

lg' 'slrlll: rr::

~sm~wmmlsn o ', m I i el I m: ' ' e ~ .. e ~ ~ r rlh

ATTORNEY GENERAL'S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ena/ugThe proposed amendment proposes an addition to the Constitution

lto 'give the Legislature power to provide for the continuation of state and ~ 7looai!governmentai operations in. the event of an emirgenoy resulting Szgenlt nO drufg Ileum ZIIurrinefrom disasters caused by enemy attack,br threat of such disasters. Thus,the p ioposai would, v'est the tLegrstature with "power and immediate duttr' 'p g s

(1) to provide for prompt and 'temporary. succession to .'the powerse sun s en e ru:s.e ruys.

and duties of ipublic,offices, .of whatever nature 'and whetherfilled by election or a'ppointment, the incumbents of which may swan automatic elecfnc base 1 ~ $ay jrnodhyo to spot sinohe iiasbecome unavailable for carrying'opn the powers and duties of suchoffices,, and ';

. and under windows,,fo give I ~ KO,yearly SerViCe COStSi. {2) i to adiopt such ether .measures as imay be necessary and proper

fh~ tnuf nu„.home En g I indiVidnai rOOm thermIStitS,for so insuring. the, continuity oft.governmental operations, Xnfhe cleanesf heat'ever.'N'0 h|tf I- Pay Only far heat yOO OSe!th'e elxe}'cise ef the powers hereby c'onferred, "tjie Legislature shallsppfs pr chlllln drgffn

in all reppects conform to the requirements of this &nstjtutjon '"-' ' ~ LNOSt NSt iOSteiied

except t5 the extent that jn the.judgrient" of the ILegislature so '.'Modernize )lobr liplrie"now1 +ftnalanteed for 1II,years.to do would be'izupr'acticable o'r @ould admit of undlle delay. with Swan baseboard heat.t"

Complete hp'me insfaffsfion —...,~ll5.'QNish@1 Section 1 of Aitfcrje itIriii ef the Constitution,ef the IStateuef


takes buf s few hpue! . ""'~,g, Nilly.,Idaho, +',amended.so ias to raise the limiitation on the creationof„puhljC,indebtedness by the legislature from two million dollari'I($2,000,000) to. three Percent of the asses'sed .valuation, ef.:tall y aci your z'~ectncien

..Ijrerperrty in the Stite,. eXCept fn csee Of War, Ite repi.l„ Ian inyaaiOn,or suppress an insurrection, unless "ithe same shall be'uthoriied lb@ ~ >"p(EE, ESTINATE... srb oBLIGATIOII,law for some specific objec't or work?"


,The afar)ncipal-dpurIIOse Of: the'proposed amendment Ss to change ttheRnfgatjon on'jndefjte'dness:twhjeh the Legislature may create, from Itwosnifffon dollars ($2I0(f0,050), to three p'ercent '(3%) of the assessed val-'uation of all prop'city in'the State. I

A,'t,.grtsent,,8eotjon,:d uf ddtttele vIII ug the, cogstitution pmvides PHONE ItPSf 'rnnk AbiiirnS KENf)ftf(Kthat the X egislature shall not create:iany tfebt or ldebts, )iabjljty or ija-Mjtjes singly or in tthe aggregate exclusive Iof (1) the debt ef the Iterri-tory at the time of admission as a State, I(2) the.ldebts; er.liabOitiesfor 'completing: the state capital, and I(3) lthe debts or ljg'bjjjtjes Incurredby i(he eleVenth;iISepSjen Of,tlute.4egjSlaturre, WhiCh Shvall Singly Or jn the 'eaVing the Snatter Of the OffiCe iOf COunty SurVeyOr,unSpeCi-aggregate exceed two million dojlavrs '(f2,0()0,000) except in case of war, fied fn the Constitution so that said office Might be recreated

by legislative "act, thus making it possible for the ILegis-The proposed.amendmerftt would raofe 'the two snHIfon ldollar ljzzutatjon ]sfture to specify the qualifications for said office?"

of '+e, assessed vfL1&tfon of the Statet,,and alson'embve from ISectjon II., Ar'title .VIII, tlfe enumerated excjusjouns,,thyrse AT1IORNEY d@NEItAL'S'STATHHENT OF PURPOSEdebfs and eblfgations hivfng 'al'ready Ibsen paid, I

The proposed amendment proposes to emend section 6 of tArtjcieOf IArtjele VIII, at preeSent, further, eXCeljtS frOm, the NUII Of the IdahO 'CenStitutfen )fly. ZemOVjng the effiCe Of,"COuntg bur

Inde'titedness limitation, debts or liabiljtjds "authorized by law for som'e veyor" from the list of county officers enumerated therein, thwus, ELzioljah'-

ssjngle object or twork to, Ifre distinctly fipecffjed pn„Eiiich caw, which.pihaff ing the county surveyor as Ia eoristjtutional officer..«iso proVige ways.and,means ifor ttheipayznent of the interest end "prin-tc}pal +tMn tftwesity years, Inf the, dsstet,iaaf contracting jf pz ovided such . The Question„,to ibe submitted to the voters further prov ides

I 1 tf b itted to the people and a snajorjty of votes are cast the office of Isurveyo™ght be recreated by legislative taC, thus znajtaw'8'Ir~ subm'"" " '"' " " ' ""Ire 'g jt pssible for the IL gjsf ture to spiffy the qualifications forsaid office." 'However, said Section 0 of Article XVIII specifies that "No

The proposed amehdment ejso proposes: I other county offices (than those enumerated) shall be estslbljshed"; 'andthe amendment does not provide for any change jn this provision.

1. To change the wor'ding 'which provides that the excepted debtsljabjljtjes shen be "for, some single objedt or iwork" and to Thus, there appears to 'be an inconsistency between what is pro-

mise it read "for some specific object or work,"l

posed by the amendment tand the question to be submitted to the peoplewhich inconsistency we deem advisable to call to the voters attention.

To remove fhe requirement that the excepted debts or haMitiesshall ibe discharged within twenty years 'hich election. shall be open at eight o'lock in the morning and will

continue until eight o'lock in the evening of the same day.3. To add a provision providing for the dischar'ge iof the excepted Dated at Moscow, idaho, 'this 29th day of August, 196p.

debts or liabilities so authorized "by pledging the general revenue

power of the s'tate." BESSIE BABCOCKClerk of the Board of County

"Sh 11 S t' f Artcle XVIII of the Con titutlon of the Cominissioners, m and for Latah

State of Idaho relating to the county surve'yor Jbe amended County, Xdaho.

l'to re~move the offjoe of icounty surveyor from specification or First niub,"Peg'eider 22, 1960.

Consftjtutjon as a eonstitutionil office,, Last pub. Sfslltember 29, 1960.I

Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,


For "Just a coffee and pie" —or a vr

meal. We can now serve you French Fwith your order—ALSO —Pop, ice cream and Ibeer.

II yleasure is serving youl

GEORGIA Sc RAY'S CAFEPhone 8-2781 Juliae


Kermit Malcom Manager


~,~ 8 5


8 I ~

$PE(IAI.S HUNTING TRIP APE(IAI.$ZN8 5"illys Jeep —full metal cab. Real sharp. A-1

condition ..............................................4474s00 Down

ZN9 A'a@tin Gipsy Land Rover. Full cloth top. Allpurpose 4-wheel drive ............................$549.00 Down



SOhAETHING FOR this is the bedt time of the year not poor environment, ppor housing, etc., time. He knows that his services wIIIto raise hogs. —Contributed by a have been listed as some of the pri- be in demand. He knows that he will

NOTHING subscriber. mary reasons for juvenile delin- be able to accept responsibility re-

hole quency. There is no doubt that they quired of a craftsman, a good citizen,

Ff+ @pi INQUQNTS have contributed to this problem, but, snd a future head of a household.

rieS (The following letter was received by in view of the fact that such very During his apprenticeship, an appren-

Ii the U. 8 Dept. of Agriculture): 4Rp AppRpNTIC$ $ I'ew apprentices of this age group tice learns self discipline. To,becomehave become juvenile delinquents, it a qualified 'craftsman, 'it takes per-,appears very likely that lack of faith severence and patience, as well as

A. for not raising 50 hogs, The idea Boise —According to recent F. B; in the future might ~be a prime fac- intelligence and abil ty. Dur ng tiesi

IIintrigued me. I should like to b, I reports, robberies, assaults, mug- tor.able to get $2,000 for not raismg 100 gings and o'ther crimes of violence The young men who are learning s fellow has little ttme, nor the desire,

hogs. I would like'to know what.kind tare increasing. An ever larger -pro- 'trade through apprenticeship has a to roam streets or run m lawless

tta of land is beat not to raise hogs pn 'portion of these crimea are being definite objective. He is assured that gangs. In view of the practically non-

and also what is the best kind of committed rby youngsters under 21 if he comPlies with the terms andI

hogs not to raise. I would rather years of age. Much has been said conditions of his apprenticeshipnot raise razorbacks but if this regarding the cause of this increase agreement, he will be recognized as P .skilled craf tsmen for our fast-ex-breed is not the best one not to raise in juvenile crimes. 'Broken homes, a craftsman in a specified period of

r panding economy, but also does a~

I will not raise Hampshires and York great deal towards training our youthshires. to accept responsibilit and hbe betterv

Start me off with 4,000 hogs which citizens. Lloyd A. Williams, Poca-',l ) InniversarllThe Old Shay ILocomotive, once.

I'arm not to raise hogs —I figurecommon in logging,, dates back to1879, when Ephraim Shay, a Michi-

owe mes ugan logger, built one for his own

please send me a check as soon as operationpossible as things are very slow, and

Fresh Frozen Juices of all ldnds atSleWett's Market, Kendrick. 1-adv


I",,Troug Toui: ".Te SI:ore! I


10e EACH



,'..aI'ICIS ..~;II'I'u;i. I'e,8c5c5 MAIN I LESISTON> IDAHO

t 4

IN8 ''illys 4-wheel drive pickup. One owner. Tops.$499.00 Down

Z948 Jeep —total $495.00 '......'1942 Jeep —total $395.00 ......NA1VF NORE PICKUPS A1VD. CARS. TOCHOOSE FROM

~/3 I DOS'N

I F I»II ILI lr'jIII~ (III tl jill II j~lI ((L'STel. SH8-%77 4th and D 'ewiston

a, ...h' ihl


I hc

:I. ~ Pii" BRAIIDER'I I I Pi <I I)


'I'RAG;r0,4This is an example of what can be You can make more in three differentbought with profits from the use of ways when you fertilize with Elephantfertilizer. The money could have been Brand: first, you grow better gradeused for a new car, a college education crops which sell for higher prices;or any one of a hundred things that second, bigger yields give you moremake for better living. to sell; and third, you get a greaterWith Elephant Brand you grow more profit from each crop unit of ivhat-so you lower the production cost of ever you grow.each crop umt (each bushel, pound or GET A sIGGER PR0FIT "sLicEton).Whether you grow small grains,,;;::.:::.':."ll'III::::.."::::::::::::::::::;:::, .;::::::,jiws


coarse grains, row'rops or fruit —,IIIIllÃIIN~I:.,III@MS"':tft:k

raise beef cattle or dairy herds —if '::-:::::,'@@'::::::::::~'(you can lower the cost.per unit of ':'::;::.'':~::'':::::;:'::::;.'':,'.":::::::::- ~ '::::::::;":.:I"-':''::::,~Igt~r

your cash crop 'or your forage you willmake more money. Lower unit cost isthe key tO mOre prOfitable farming. Think Ot thIS."Diern ae the mOney yauThere is no surer way to lower unit dsyt(cnca yoytloLO ls yosx TARotlt. ErccttllsccCOS'tS than by uSing Elephant Brand. holt you Cc't s htssot pcollt olloc.


~ A wide range of plant food Ratios ~ Unifornt-sixed free flowl800 pallatlzod products~ AII fcrtilisors highly water soluble t Strong, tveother-resistant, non-slip bogs

O Extensive warehouse system for fast dealer service


::a@a:'.": IRITRAPRILLR( 10.20.0I11.4001 AMMRIIIRM SIILPIIATE(21 0.0)16"46-0 b /



27-14-055-32-16 ) 10-30-10 ) 13-13-13 I

14-14-T ( UREA (45-0-0)

ey wein" I onemater eoIuctte I=+RTt Lt jf, F RCM



1N7 8'illys 4-8'heel drive pickup .............$449.00 Down

1N4''illys 4-wheel drive pickup ...;......$248.00 Down

19' illys 4-wheel drive'tation W'agon . $2~.-00 Down

INI O'Nys. 4-wheel drive pickup ................$X74.00 Down

ZN7 Jeep —total $445.00.....



to Yott

rel tolabor,

Our rvi 6 ryprompt, our prices 4 II

nre reaaenable. Cert ~ '., (hhl (Otnee Ready Mtaat SH $-0001 rerfree estimates onyour concrete needs

The Right Nix at, the Right Price Always(

I.I.I i I.I".I IieaCy i'iiXSH 8-M21 Snake River Ave. L ewiston

PI f'rP'v

~ y'

~ ~ ',IC), o,h


'57 Buick Super 2-door Hardtop. Radio and

heater, power steering; Dynamo'w $1245'58 Ford 2-door Station %'agon—


Heater, Fordomatic transmission $~5'57 Goliath Station Wagon—

Heater. Real economy /$9'55

Chevrolet 210 2-door, V-S EnginePowerglide, power steering, power brakes,radio and heater ——---———--——-$895

'56 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Automatic Trans.Power brakes, power windows, power seat Q,795


MeMomigle Chev. Ce.'19

New Sixth St. Lewiston

DAYS LETo Nake TheBest Trade On

$ 880Nodels Fha tStiA Nave In




55 MSBITCURY2<oort standard tran+ 41,000 one-owner, miles. Glean.

$145'55 BUICK

Century K top. Gpe. 'ed andblack.


210 4-door U-8. FowergHde. 2-tone blue. 'Ilaw ~

$i$95'58 CHEVROLET

Rel Atr B.-'atop:V-8. Powergiide,WSlV tires. All black 'color.

$8$'55 FORD

UW, overdrive. Overhauled motor.Sharp. Brown and white,'62 OLDS 88 4-dr..........A/95'51 INAsH 4-dr.................+40

Page 5: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,


THE KENDRICK GAZETTEPtibliahed every Wednesday afternoon(dated Thursday) at Kendrick, Idaho,by W. L. McCreary.

Subscriptio, $3.00 per yearStrictly Independent in Politics

Entered at the postoffice at Ken-dI< "ic, Latah County, Idaho, as secondclass mail matter. f

Frank P. McCreary ........News Editor

Clatsitfflatl''dverttttiiglac per lizzie. Pigs)tr'e- 5 avetiige wordsto'iha. 1NinTi'ithifi, 30c.

Aatlnasday's MarketsRed, Bulk ........................................$1.70Forty Fold, bulk ............................$1'.70Federation, bulk .........................,.$1.70Club, bulk ........................,............$1.70()ats, 1%, bulk ............................$2.15Barley, 100, buI)t ......................$1'.60Hannah Batl'ey', 1'00,'ulk'No Quote)

Smali: Wiiites, 100 ..........(No Quote)Flat Whites, 100 ...;.;.;.........(No Quote)toIr'eat North'dms, 104 ......(No Quote)Iltads, 100 ...;...............;;.........(N<oQuote)Pintos, 100, ........................(NoQuote)

Clover 8aadWhite Dutch, per 100 ....(No Quot'a)Alsyke, per 100 ................('No Quote)had; par 100 ....................(No Quote)

I".gg Prices —DozanRanch Run .........................................45

PARK PATTERBy Mrs. Ben J. Smith

(Continued from last week)Visitors to the home of Mr, and

Mrs, Charley Enger on <Saturday wereMrs. Dorothy Lancaster and sonJohn, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mael,all of Deary. Mr. iEnger simplifieditis straWberry transportation prob-lem for next year, when he tradedhis two-door sedan for a stationwagon, last week. The new "wagon"is strawberry red and white. Theirson, Linn, also purchased a car.

Visitors in the home of Mr. andMrs. Glenn Fox and children !duringthe week were <Rev. and Mrs. BenPressnall and MrS..Rist, 'Deary; Mrs.Helen McKinney and sons and Mrs.Mickey Baumgartner and Joy ofPark. The Fox family were in Mott-cow Tuesday to put'Chaise a new com-bination washer-dryer.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Strattonvisited Xr. and Mrs. Dave Andersonof Moscow, Sunday.

Visitors to the home of Mr. andMrs, 'Jerry Smith, Sunday, were BillMengel of Tuchet, Wash., Mrs. Bev-erly,Carson and son and Mrs. N. B.Churchill and daughter, all of Hel-mer.

September 19:"CAT" BURNS —Baumgarter &

Kirk logging operations suffered asetback Tuesday when the "cat" nor-mal)y used in woods operationscaught fire and burned. The blazestar'ted near the starting mater andsoon completely enveloped the ma-chine. W. D. Kirk went for help whileDon Smith, a truck driver, held thefire from spreading into the timberby shoveling dirt on it. The DearyVolunteer Fi re Dept. f'inally ei-tinguished the blaze. Extent of dam-age has not yet been determined.

PINOCHLE PARTY —The bi-weekily pinochle party was held atthe school house Saturdav eveningwith a smaller group than usual inattendance. Those from Lewistonwere George Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Smith and Jim, and Nancy White.Those present from Deary wer'.D. Kirk, Paul and Andrea, Mrs. BillBaumgartner and Bruce, and Dor-othy Lancaster. From Park Mi. andMrs. Charley Enger and Kathy. Highscores went to George Smith andMrs. C. R. Smith. tLows to Mrs. BillBaumgartner and Paul Kirk.

PARTICIPATE IN FAIR —Thosefrom Park exhibitina at the



Qoid Hill ChurchEidon'lark, Pastor

Sunday School at 10'.00 a. m.Worship Service at ll:00'. m.

Cameron Kmmanuei Luthera'n Chui'chTiii,o Maske. Pastor

Sunday School at 9:45 a, m.Woi"ship iservice 10:45 a. m.

<<< III

Lutheran Church of Juliaet'taTheo Meske, Pastor

Sunday 'School at 8:30 a. m.Worship iService 9'.30 a, m.

Kendriclc Community ChurchRev. F. C. Schmidt, Pastor

Surtday 'School at 9:45 a; m.Worship Service at 11:00 a. m.

.Iuliaetta Mathbdist Chus'cliRev. F. C. Schritidt, Pastor

Worship Service at 9:30 a. m.Sunday School at 10:45 a. m.

Juliaetta Church of the NazareneW. Gene .Hansen, Pastor

Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Classesfor everyone.

Morning Worship at 11:00. Topic:"A Trip Through Revelation."

Youth Services at 6:45 p. m.Evening Services at 7:30, Topic:

"Obstacles to Revival."Prayer Meeting, Wed„7:30 p. m.Prayer and Fasting Service, Fri-

day, 2:00 p. m.

Retail, lb.. 76c


Office In Postoffice BuildingPhone 4981

KENDRICK, IDAHOWednesdays: 9 a. m to 5 p. m.


So utlnviclc Community ChurchJames Rosentrater, Pastor

Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.Morning Worship at 11:00.Youth'Service at 7:00 p, m.Evening Worship at 7:30.Mid-week Prayer Service at 8:00

p. m., Wednesday.


The Afternoon Circle of the W. B.C. S. wil meet Thursday at 2:00 p. m.in the home of Mrs. Geo. F. Brocke,Sr., with Mrs. Wm. Watts as co-

'ostess.AII are asked to brine their own

hand work. Bandages will be rolled.

!Hunters —Bring your grocery

lists to <iu. We'l fill it to your orderand pack with care. <Try us. Blew-ett's Grocery, Kendrick. -adv NOTICE OF SALE

The <Kendrick Joint School DistrictNo. 283, will sell at public auction,to the highest bidder, the old Kend-rick High School Building and Gym-nasium. Sale to <be held on the prem-ises, Saturday, September 24'th, 1960,at <2:00 o'lock tp. m.

By order of the Board of Trtistees,Kendrick Joint School District No.283.'.

O. iKANIKEEBERG, 'Clerk.First pub. <Sept. 15, 1960Last pub. Sept. 22, 1960,


NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVENthat Oliver F. Zinkgraf, doing busi-ness as Oliver F. Zinkgraf & SonsWell Drilling Company, has complet-ed work and the performance of thatcontract with the Village of Julia-efta, Idaho, for the drilling and


of a six-inch well; and that thedate of completion of said contractw'as 'August 15, 1960.


Notlceis further g'ven hereby thatt

any pei son, or corporation, who hasfurnislted labor, equipment material orsupplies used in said work or drilling,payment for which has, not been


made, shall within ninety (90) daysaf'ter Aug. 15, 1960, file with theBoard of Trustees of the Village of

, Juliaetta, Idaho, a fullyitemized'tatementof his claim for all ac-

counts due and unpaid 'by the con-tractor, Oliver F. Zinkgraf, doingbusiness as Oliver P. ZinkgrafSons W'ell Drilling Company.

Dated this 8th day of September,1960.






Ãyw —Remodeling andGeneral Construction

PHONE -23/9Jmliaetta, - - - - Idaho

Tickets For The



INNERIn Coeur d'AleneSaturday, Oct. IATTEST:

IRA X. HAVENS, Clerk.First pub. Sept. 15, '1960.Last pub. Sept. 22, 1960. May Be Purchased From


Chairman of the Latah CountyDemocratic Central Conimittae

Rosebush Radiator, ServiceIIebuiidbfg —"Recoring —"NeiptLiring

Afl Types of kihfators —Car,"iVithk, %raiMor

NeCIiliriltl. "Ioo Big' b4fiifilt'Itbtitt Little:90-1)hy Guarknt6ti oh:A'il 'tastier'lc Don01ls 8. as&iifgteti


Sefs'tt SHot~ 'A$f5 'AfS@~W %5ItAIR&BOfk%%ffk ~ PA~NG


90N MLXRRMOiAh TIl) 5-is& TROY



of Blewett's CaSh Groctrry ohthe back page. 7-2

WA$PdgD —, ~NPfG ~A3R.L64iston Pr'It!s sit Kendrick. Leaveat W'estern Auto Stipply, Kendz'ickGolden G'rain D'hify, L'awistoII.


.T'ABLS dMtrjII —Wet'Streii!!eth, A tIlilbk, 6IL4JJ stitd stfiit-tary way to covei'L fable for piib-Sb 'c)r $1'Wife:/4th'ar'b. The cctttt is16m. 'KbftdHck Gaiette. 8-5x


FOR tSALE "- 3-bedrctdm home Mth3 lots', gafttIg'e, fn Jitlfahtta. HarvieShepherd. Phone 8-2722. 37-3

FOR SAlkE —,'Ydtirfg heifer, gu@fresh. Phone 1?15. 37-2x

FOR tSALR —3-room house andbath; two lots. In Juliaetta. Phone8-2541. Rrs. Vfm. Lublow. 37-4x

5AM —Ohrtstmaa cards,Sverfda<y 'car'ds and Novelty gifts.On haled. A1ma BettS, Southwick.


FOR BALE —Utide&rdod Etta'del 5Typewriter, blind key5oaf<d. Firiefor 'student pfttcti'ce. Good 6ondt-tidn, $35. CtLtett'e. 38-3x

FOR ISAIsE —Three 30x100-ft. lot'on Main:Street in Juliaetta. Con-tact Mrs. John Snoen, 813 12th St.,Clarkston. Phone PL 8-7838. 38-"

FOR BALE —"Dry fir and tamarackwood, $f2.00 a cord. George Lyons,Southwick. 38-4x

NOTICE —I will not be in the drugstore Saturday, October 1, I'm go-Ing hunting, too. —Dave. 38-2

FOR SALE —Dormeyer Deep Fry-er., Phone 5643. 38-tf

FOR SALE —Jeep trailer frame,with wheels and hitch. 'Dave Clay-ton, Kendrick. 38-2

0&keSdr'iek, Qaha

GUN SdOXN4, ~AttfGNEW 4f6~


Dr. D. A. Chx'istense'iM..D.


10:00 A.'5L T'4 5'.Ii0 isI:ti'Emergency Call at All Houits On

Notifkoatjoss'~ ~ne69N Ses



Ship By


Fast, Safe, D


Walter Brooke, pHONz 5857I gm0e pIittsits 593N RtsttilieII6e 5981 } KENDRICK IDAHO


County Fair were Mrs. J. D. Baum-gartner, who won a white ribbon onher crocheted doily, and Mrs. JerrySmith, who won a red ribbon on hercanned vege'tables. Others who visit-ed t.he Fair were Mrs. Ed. Lord andchildren and Linn Enger.

VISIT WALLA WALLA —Nr. andMrs. Chas. Sti'atton made a trip toWalla W'alla over the week-end tovisit'ome of her relatives, They ii:-cluded her uncle, James Hollings-head and coutttns, Mrs. Gladys A'p-pling, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Millei andMr, and Mrs. James Appling.

BIBLE STUDY —Mr, and Mrs.Glenn F<ox were hosts for a Biblestudy meetihg at their home Fridayevening. Those present were t'e niod-er'ator, 'James St'evens, his wife andthree children",'r. Paine, Mrs. St'ef-anson and'her d'aughter Janey; all ofTroy, and from Park, Mrs. Ed. L'ordand Patty, Bobby Raskam, KathyEager and Mi's. 'J. B. Baumgartnerand <Joy. Janey Stefanson accoinpan-ied the sin'ging with her accordian.Reftreshrhents were served followingthe meeting.

VISITORS'N PARR —Nr. andMrs. Gene'udmunsen and childrenof X)cary visited his parents, Mr. andMrs. Charles Gudmunsen, Sunday.Bteiner taingsage was also a vi'aitor,

Visitors in the home of Mr. andMrs. Charley tEnger, Sund'ay, wereMrs. Dorothy Lancaster and son Johnof Deary and <Oscar Walfbrandt ofHelmer.

OTHER ITEMS —Mrs. Chas. En-ger and Mrs. Jerry Smith snd twochildren spent Thursday in Moscow,party on business and partly to visitMrs. Smith's mother-in-law, Mrs.Vester Daniels. Mrs. Daniels is cook-ing at the Pi Beta Phi sorority house.They also visited Mrs. Dorothy Lan-caster at Deary and Mr. and Mrs.Everett Brown a't Helmer.

ting up the Bouthwick HomemakersttClub I<'air booth.

fornia; Mr. and Mrs. George Wtlken,Marienc Bowers and daughters, >aen-neth Wilken and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.F<inkc were supper guests of AlmaBetts, Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Don Caniril spent, Saturdaywith Mrs, Roy Martin.

!Mrs. Don Cantril spent Saturday

with Mrs. Roy Martin.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elben and fam-

ily, Chester Martin and son Garryand Jeffrey Tarbert, all of Lewiston,and Mr. and M'rs. Lyle Bashaw ofOrofino spent Sunday, at the RoyMartin home, making a supply ofwinter wood.

Emma- Gibson, who. has been visit-ing her sister Mrs. D, V. Kuyllndsll,left Wednesday of this week for Pom-eroy< and will go on from there toher home in California.

Mrs. Albert Lawrence, Mrs. D, V.Kuykendall and Mrs. Roy Martin srein <Lewiston today '(Wednesday) put-


We should be careful to get out ofan experience only the wisdom thar.is in it —and stop there; lest we beItke the cat that sits down on ahot stove-lid. Bhe will never sit dowRon a hot stove-lid again —and thlkis well; but also she will never sd:down on a cold one any more.

He who rolls up his shirt sleevesseldom loses his shirt.

Live and Iet live is never as goodas live and help live.

The grass next door may lookgreener, but it'. just's hard to cut.

A mistake at least proves thaCsomebody stopped'alking for Itsyenough to do something.


MOBIL TIRE 4 BATTERIESWe Give S & H Green Stamps on All Burning Oil-

if paid by 15th month following< I <<<5 <

Ii 'io . ~

Representing The

Mobil Oil CompanyKENDRICK, IDAHO

Office Phone 4061 Residence 8-2626


Sept. 20 —The Teakean EvergreenGrange will. hold its yearly electionnext meeting, Sept. 24th. It is hopedthat all members will be present.

Alma Betts accompanied Mrs. BittRecce to the baby shower at theTeak can hall Tuesday evening. Ithonored Mrs. Jerry Kachelmaier.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lawrence ofi

Lewiston spent from Thursday toSunday at the Albert Lawrence home. i

Alma Betts spent from Thursday)to Monday in Orofino with her son-


n t<



H Nllstsl',, I[ Is '5R R






H,ssit ',



in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Christensen and family, and attendedthe Cearwater County Fair. Mrs. D.V. Kuykendall was present Thut'sday,Friday and Sunday, helping with theGrange booth, as was Mrs. Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kerbrat of Cali-








l>eo. '. Iroc<e Its Sons,::Inc., SEE/PS NE1V


. Rp~~QSSsssN


I believe this is a sensililequestion; woultl you rathcitrust the judgment of oneman, who may be prcjutliced,01'l'Ust;i jury t Well,


enterprise system de-pends upon the judgment ofmillions of active Americans.Still, a few politicians anti afew neighbors, want to getrid of our free enterprisesystem and turn the impor-tant work of the nation overto big gotternment, with asmall group in control. Whensoniebddy talks to you abotitgover ninent cbntroll'ed pt)warsystems, ask what you gainand thea Itferition what wemay lose.

Oti a typical day, 13 millionworkers enjoy 'a ntot'tutsg coffeebrcak, another 4 million had onein tile afternoon and 10 mlllittn

had morning and afternoon cof-fee breaks. Employes are notgreatly abused these days. Thebig question is hos can business

persuade employes to s orkharder.to preserve their jobs, forin 'fune, 1960, businesses valuedat $126,000,000 sent broke.

One small child wandersinto the woods and the entirecommunity turns out to savea life, yet in 1959, 37,000people were killed on ourhighways, and 1,350,000wereinjured in traft'ic accidents.What do we do about it?Very little.

Voters, st has been found,rarely mention the electric pos erissue as a reason for preferringone candidate over another 1or 2%s 'seldom intsre. The pttblicgenerally is satisfied s ilh prfvaleenterprise, gobd service, lowrates and progressiveness. 8 ecan only conclude thai the poli-tician sho shouts for publicpoivet has his osn pnvatc streta grind. He does not representthc people. Either he leans lo-ward socialism, or he has agrudge, or hc seeks poser.

Our system of free elec-tions doesn't come for noth-ing, we are reminded. Over500,000 public off'ices fromPresident; to garbage mantake organization and ntdney.In 1955, $155,000,000 wasspent on elections. Nowcomes 1960,

.sI ~ !te ~

' ~

~ ~

~ ~

' 1

II< ~



~ ~

IP'est place ta ch'elk-vpan itovr ptogstsss is inthe pages of your sav-ings bank bock. That'where yov ctrtt writeyavr 'svccess story"with regular weekly

~ <

st ~


Your dollars go right to vrorh for yet...darning ihterest ..'.building up meek ifter mechinto the -kind of money that) F111 turn cherisheddreams into glorious realities. Having beginswith saving... regularly.

The time to start is novr I

I ~

~ I

~ ~

~ ~

THE FARMERS BANKHerman Meyer, President

Fred W Silfiow, Vice PresidentA. O. Kanikkeberg, Cashier

L. D. Crocker, Asst. Cashier

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation5h~

~ ~

AVIxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxx IIIIIIxxxxxIIIIIIIxxI IIxx IIIIII]]

Page 6: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1960 - The Kendrick Gazette... · EJ ~ 5 ~ rp Li gi.,gled L ~ U. of I. I.ibrary 8 VOLUI]IIE 70 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY) IDAHO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '22,


Kendrick TheaterFRIDAY —SATURDAY


FLANDERS(In Cinemascope and Color)

—Starrlng-DAVID LADD



Cartoon —Shorts

Shows Start at "t:SO. One Show Each'yening

65c Admission 25o


ed to his home Saturday, after as-sisting Stanley Hepler with harvestand fall work.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth iWilken andfamily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Er-nest Brammer, 'Saturday evening.

gr. and Mrs. Walter Koepp andSkip pooled 'their dinner 'Sunday andate with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bram-mer and Jolene.

FIX RIDGE ITEMSPhone 8-8"f42

The Juliaetta t utheran M!ssionarySociety met in the church basementWednesday afternoon. Mrs. GeorgeHavens led the Bible Study. Officerswere elected as follows: President,Nrs. Gordon Penland; Vice President,Mrs. Fred Clemenhagen; Treasurer,Mrs. Eleanor Dennler; Secretary,Mrs. Fred Silf low; Stewardship, Mrs.Geo. Havens; Education, Mrs. JewelDennler. The ladies also ask that any-one having MJB coffee bands or in-stant labels please leave them a theJuliaetta Cash Store or call Mr=..Walter Dennler, 8-2741. Mrs. Geo.





1-lb. can



Phone R18251 I

Q 4hs 0 ~ iiI ~ ~, Mr. and Mrs, 'Roy Silf low honoredII their son Ray with a birthday dinner

Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs,

pIIb~hod Wee]py,by +le Ullioii pil Service at Kendrick Nrs. Otto S!!flow, Herman SilflowW. L. "Bill" Rogers, Editor and Mr and Mrs James Whitinger

and Janis.

HELLO, FOLKS: I years, Doc. I never could carry a Cong ratulationsRushing the fall work in order . '«ne" To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brammer on

to go hunting? If you are, you'e Ithe arrival of their new son Gary

just the customer we'e looking!

How about winter tires for your '.ee, weighing 0 Ibs„6 oz. Mother ~dfor —we hurry, too, when we, car, pickuP or truck? Are you babe are at the iLloyd Farringtonget your call for Union products! I

ready —esPecially for that hunt- homeTry us and see fpr yourself! ing trip. Come in and talk it over

with us. Youll fmd our prices Other News

Opera critic: 'That woman sings Mr. and Mrs. Henry wngenfelterwith a great deal of feeling." of Tekoa spent from Sunday till

Bored Friend: "Well, I hope she ISmall boy exPlaining a broken Tuesday with their son-in-law and

doesn't feel ss ibad as she sounds." Iwindow to his teacher: "I Was daughter, Mr. and Nrs. Roy Silflow.

0 cleaning my slingshot, and it went Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kruger visitedg your car, pickup or truck with Mr and Mrs Wilbert Brunsiek

in for the installation of anti last Wednesday evening.freeze before going hunting, We How aborrt that fuel oil tank. Mrs. Harl Whitings; spent the dayIwe install it for you —and care- Is it ready for the chilly weather last Wednesday with Mrs. iBen Hoff-ifully check the hoses and oth.er that lies ahead. If not, call us at man —canning corn.connections 'for leaks. 4251 —and we'l be there in a Mr. and Nrs. Bob Draper were

flash with Union Fuel Oils —best'unday dinner and evening guests ofDoctor: 'We can add at least 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Harl Whitinger.

30 years to your life if you'l give Tact is the ability to shut your 'r. and Nrs. Clay Albright, Mrs.up wine, women and song." mouth before someone does it for Blum and Mrs. 'Albert Glenn mere

Salesman: "I'l settle for 20 you! i Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.I Wilbert Brunsiek. Mrs. Blum re-

i —I

turned home with the Albrights, andwill visit in t eir home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Houck ofI! Clarkston and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon

~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ', Glenn mere Sunday dinner guests of~ I $ ~ Q g,". Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glenn.

iii ~ t J 1$ $ Q ~ '~ ..'Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Brammer and',„; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert iBrunsiek visit-ed with Mrs. Cecil Brammer and son

F I RE— at the Lloyd 'Farrington home Sun-day afternoon,

Il i Recent callers in the Edon GlennII /

home to see their new baby were HapBrunsiek, Mrs. Henry Wendt, Mrs.

ei Herbert Weber and,Richard, Mrs.Dennis Lohman, Mrs. Charles Klatt,

, Mrs. Ray Lohman, Mrs. James Whit-ii ~ 'nger and Janis, Mrs. Roy Silflow and

Rev. Theo Meske.F E 'r. and Mrs. Stanley Hepler and

Donnie attended the Rodeo at Omak,

Allen Renshaw of Kooskia return-


PHONE 421X KENDRICK+..+.-+.-+--+--<k>M~PLt~..o....t..e~..t..~..«.t..~. t. t..e..t..o..s.~. t..t t..t.a.a.t..~..o...o. ~~ v a vv v r.e ~ ~ ~ o"a .s..a.+av s vw ~ ~ -o v r a..v o ~ vvv-a....s..~ ~ PX% ~ vv ~ ~ vvv ~

'(,ily g lIggl.'gyS


-oz. cans ...........................48BAKFRS CHOCOLATE

Big Bars —Stock Up for Hunting....3


VAN CAMPS GRATED TUNAWhite Neat —can .....



2-lb. can.....$L3i4-lb. can......$2.58

Spurance Bread Mix, 8-lb. bags2 for...$i 28


Ban o Po corn —White or Fellow

PHONE 31001

resh and Cured Meats at Bleteett's —KendrickJIM TRAVIS PHONE 5$4$, F&~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w ~ ~ ~ w w % ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ w w v' ~ w w ~ w w w 8

g P2-lb. bags .. '.........3 for 87<


4nc ric c ".a) e Srr i i y o« " ""'Your

Friendly Store"

C,,i&~P,', RIi-) ~'IL>~

I )~lli!i

t ~,~F!:4



. Old Faithful I PicnicI

Fresh Beef liver, lb.



a ms, lb. '. 3H

You can't make a bad cup op

< I I





3.!Wi'"'$:AS - <: "-'. <YPHONE 4921 KENDRICK PHONE 4»1

Delicious A.pjples —box .........................$2.48

Local Sweet Corn —tender and sweet —dozen ears ......55$Tastewell Tomato Juice, 4th'-oz. tins, 4 for ..........$X.OO







'Havens was hostess.The Fix Ridge Club met in the

home of Mrs. Eleanor Dennler Fri-day afternoon with nine members

'resent.The time was spent in mak-ing plans for the State Convention.

INrs. Dennler served a delicious lunchfollowing the meeting.

Mrs. A'dolph Dennler and Nrs. Wal-lace Clark at'tended the KendrickKanyon Klub meeting at the home ofMrs. Art Janes, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scrimsher anddaughters of 'Clarkston, and Mrs.Francis George of Reubens were Sun- ~

day din'ner guests of Mr. and Nrs.Ernest Dennle'r.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dennler andsons and Mr. and Mrs, Walter


attended the Lumber Jack Daysin Orofino, Sunday.

Nick and Mike Xgland of Geneseewere Thursday over-night guests of '.

Mark and John Dennler.Mr. and Mrs. Dale Laird and sons

were Saturday afternodn visitors ofMr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Dennler.

Mrs. Francis George of .Reubenswas a week-end guest of Mr. andMrs. Ernest Dennler.

Mrs. Wallace Clark visited Sunday '.afternoon with Mrs. Ernest Dennler.

Mrs. Hilder Cox and Miss Ellen'riedmanof Moscow visited Sunrlay'.

afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace.Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Giese were Lem-:iston visitors Friday.

Mrs. Adolph Dennler and Debby:visited Mrs. Wallace Mark, Saturday.

Mr. and Nrs. Geo.. F. Dennler .visited Friday evening with Mr. andMrs. Mike Hedler, Juliaetta.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Clark were,Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and

'rs.John Snoen, Clarkston.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennler visit-

ed with Rev. and Nrs. Howard Gray-beal and Mrs. Eleanor Dennler, Mon-day evening.

Mrs. Herbert Schwarz and daugh-ter JoAnn, Kathy Silfiow and Mrs..Walter Dennler attended the Fairat Moscow, Saturday. They also .visited with Judy Dennler at theUniversity.

Mrs, Waiter Dennler spent Mondaywith her mother, Nrs. John Schwarz.

BITS OF THIS AND THATIn the fall a young man's fancy


exactly where it was in thespring.

Life is largely a matter of per-suading others to work —if youoperate a,business.

At the end of this happy Iife,,the .man with the !most money iwIII findit means very little.

E. A. 9EOBALD, Props.

pp y ~gy~+y Vg~i,mhg+Whh 'L0 qQP',A+Xghh)~q%g@scK5'W/P,





Our budget Plan spreads the cost of yourover ten monthly payments. There are nocarrying charges... you pay only for the oil.

NOW'S the time to call your Standard Man afor your heating oil supply. Standard Heatincleaner, w'rth more sunny warmth from everyfor delivery now... and be ready for the Free

For any Standard Oil product,