Women , Half The Sky Joanna 邓 邓邓 Diors: 邓邓邓 Vera Jasmine 邓邓邓

Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

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Page 1: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Women , Half The Sky

Joanna :邓 丽君

Diors: 蔡丽敏

Vera : 丁 微

Jasmine :陈曼妍

Page 2: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…



Page 3: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Though changes, but in some respects, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. This is a problem must be solved not only by society but also by women themselves.

Referring to women’s role in China, the first word coming to my mind is “change”. Especially in 21st century, women’s role has changed dramatically.

Page 4: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Today, we interview three ladies in different age groups,

In their respective field, they are all successful. Now Let's hear their story one by one.

Page 5: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

VERAemotional expert and writer

One of the most influential young women in China

ranking first of Best-selling female writers in the 2010

Vice Chairman of China Association of Emotions

Page 6: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Once studied in England and her major was Psychology. In her freshman year, she met her former boyfriend James at a friend's party.


James was a CEO in

an advertising

company. They fell in

love at first sight.

Because he once

worked in china, she

came into contact

with him by phone

and Internet.

Page 7: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

As her ideas,

practices, and

identity were very

different with him.

Six months later,

James began to feel

that Joanna didn’t

understand him, he

thought she was

immature. So their

love ended quickly.

Page 8: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

She was so sad, because she was majoring in Psychology but she couldn’t understand his heart .So Joanna encouraged herself to study hard and she made a decision to learn the ideas of a man. At the same time, she also proved to James that she could live a good life without his company.

Page 9: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Three years later, through the efforts, Joanna successfully became a sentiment analysis expert. She always believes that women without men can still live well. Women also can hold up half of the sky.

When she helps to solve a lot of emotion problems,

she always says to the woman: “If you love

somebody, let them go, if they return, they will be

always yours. If they don’t, they will never be yours

again.” “You are the only one who can make you

happy. Make your lives extraordinary.”

Page 10: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Vera, 25, constantly improves herself and bears in mind “She can hold half the sky”.

Then, let’s see what does 35-year-old Diors do for her Half the Sky.

Page 11: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

DiorsA well-known experienced host in China working at a powerfully influential TV station at home.

Popular among her audience.

Own a media


Ranking among the

tops of Chinese

annual income

Page 12: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Diors holds the view that

women should strongly believe in

themselves, no matter in life or at

workplace, rather than

pessimistically think that it is only

men who can set up their career. She also deems it true that with their nature ,women actually dominate in some lines of work, and that only competent women will be appreciated by the opposite sex.

Page 13: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

She also asserts that there’s a quite wonderful and wide world for women. Vera has this phrase on the lips: women shouldn’t easily shed tears. And she proves to the world with achievements that women hold up half of the sky.

Page 14: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

After reading the story of Vera and Diros, we look at how the perfect woman Jasmine creates her half the sky.

Page 15: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…


A successful housewife

Academy award for “Best Model Woman” 

Win the Title of the “Star of woman”

Page 16: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Jasmine Not only keeps herself young, but also keeps her house clear and clean. As other housewives, she has to do some house chores as a routine. Prepare breakfast and wash dishes, clean up the house and get the children and husband to rise and shine.

With this type of issues,

almost everyone would

say: I’m stuck in the

middle, and that doesn’t

go to Jasmine, she can

keep a balance between

herself and her family and

then free herself from

traditional role of mother

and housewife.

Page 17: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Maybe you will

have some

confusion, as a

married woman

who has lost her

youth, how can

she still strive in

her field?

After her son goes to kindergarten and her husband goes to work, Jasmine can arrange her own timetable to do her own thing,

Page 18: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

she never complains of the shortness of time,

because she can do everything she likes. Perhaps

because of this, all her family are filled with

happiness. Yes, she bets.

She knows her husband and children all need her. She used to said: Never think that the husband has less responsibilities than the wife or he spends less time at home.

Page 19: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

To be happy with your husband, you must understand him a lot and love him more.

Some intelligent women are just the marrying kind, she must be Jasmine.

Page 20: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Thinking:Women,how to hold up half the sky?

Page 21: Joanna :邓 丽君 Diors: 蔡丽敏 Vera : 丁 微 Jasmine :陈曼妍. Watching…

Vera Diors


take care of everything

a good state of mind get healthy catch your husband's stomach first, good at cooking

more reading

smileyoung is capital

a career to reflect the value of life

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