Job Hunting Director

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  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director



    Job Hunting Director by Career Angels, Sandra Bichl is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3. !n"orted #icense.

    Publisher$roaching %nstituteul. &s"'lna ()*+-(+ &arsaa

    AuthorSandra Bichl

    Title Page Design/agdalena 0ucy1s2a

    Co-Authors & Content Contributors/agdalena 0ucy1s2aAgnies2a i4t2os2aJoanna &asiles2aAnna 5adro6na

    %SBN )+-+3-(378--

  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Table of Contents

    9oreord by Ste"hen /oro......................................................................................................................:Co-authors ; content contributors..............................................................................................................ecutives .................................................................................................................................................(

    %ntroduction.................................................................................................................................................)art 7? $he Job Hunting rocess @ Ste" by Ste".....................................................................................7

    Ste" 7? /anaging our Career Consciously...................................................................................7Ste" 8? re"aring an action "lan....................................................................................................7cellent "oints ere raised in this study, not only in terms o tools and methodology, but

    also in terms o attitude and behavior. 9or e>am"le, the boo2 covers the nuts and bolts o C

    "re"aration, ob a""lications and intervieing, yet also addresses critical issues such as "lanning

    ahead, controlling your ego, and 2ee"ing your interactions riendly, honest and human.

    $he act that the various individuals intervieed oten had conlicting vies made this study all the more

    rich and useul. =ssentially, this is not an e>act science and much o it comes don to "ersonal

    "reerence. % advise that you read through it all and develo" your on a""roach based on the colorulmi> o e>"eriences and advice o those intervieed.

    %n sum, managing your career is such a critically im"ortant subect area, yet most "roessionals tend to

    s"end very little or no time on this. % recommend that all business "roessionals Oand non-business

    "roessionals as ellF @ not only e>ecutives @ read this boo2 and a""ly its "rinci"les on an ongoing

    basis -- not ust hen loo2ing or a ne ob, but on a "roactive basis throughout your careers. By ta2ing

    the time to read through this material you are doing yoursel and your career a great service.

    %stanbul, $ur2ey, /arch 878

    About Stephen Moroz

    Ste"hen 2nos all our sides o the recruitment "rocess rom the inside out. At irst, he climbed the

    cor"orate ladder rom /ar2eting S"ecialist to Sales Ge"resentative to becoming the Director o the

    American Chamber o Commerce in $ur2ey. $hen, ater being a District Sales /anager or Qero>

    Ste"hen decided to sitch sides rom em"loyer and KobhunterL to headhunter. He s"ent almost ) years

    at Hudson Gomania as their Country /anager and moved briely to Amro" $ur2ey as a Consultant ;

    Gegional roect /anager. Since 87 Ste"hen has been a Career Coach at the SabancR !niversity

    School o /anagement in %stanbul, $ur2ey here he has been able to ta2e advantage o his diversiied

    e>"erience in the most synergistic "ossible ay.


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Co-authors & content contributors%n al"habetical order

    Sandra ichl! Founder & Career Angel

    Sandra started her international career in recruitment in June 88 in Buda"est, Hungary at $/

    &orldide Ono HudsonF in the #egal Gecruitment De"artment that has no become #egalis. She has

    or2ed ith e>ecutives in C== hile being based in both Buda"est and &arsa, oland. Ater a brie

    brea2 in recruitment, Sandra decided to change, though not moving in-house as most HG "roessionals

    rom search irms do at some "oint o their careers, but to hat she li2es calling Kthe third sideL o the

    recruitment "rocess? su""orting e>ecutives in their ob hunting "rocess. Sandra or2s in =nglish,

    olish, erman and S"anish.

    Magdalena "uczy#s$a! Photographer

    /agdalena oined Career Angels sister com"any in November 877 as a "hotogra"her,

    s"ecialiing in "hotogra"hy or C and online "resence "ur"oses hich means that she closely

    su""orts Career Angels clients. /agdalena ideally combines her "revious or2 e>"erience rom being

    an Assistant to the /anagement Board at Assmann #adenbau and a Gecruitment Coordinator or the

    erman mar2et in the medical ield ith her "hotogra"hy "assion. En to" o that, /agdalena or2s in

    olish, =nglish and erman hich ma2es her the "erect it to our team.

    Agniesz$a Pi%t$ows$a! Career Angel

    Agnies2a is the C=E o the niche recruitment com"any Big 9ish that o"erates solely in the ield o

    "urchasing and su""ly chain. Since /ay 8: she has been leading Kgreen ieldL, K"ool searchL and

    Ke>ecutive searchL recruitment "roects in Central and =astern =uro"e. At Career Angels, here

    Agnies2a or2s "roect-based, she is able to ulill her "assion that she discovered hile com"leting

    her "ost-graduate studies KCareer Advisory, Career /anagement, CoachingL at the &arsa School o

    =conomics. Agnies2a or2s in olish and =nglish.

    oanna 'asilews$a! Assessor & Psychologist

    Joanna combines e>"erience gained in international cor"orations Oattenall, %N 9inancial ServicesF

    ith s2ills acMuired in to" consulting com"anies in &arsa, oland and in ienna, Austria. She

    graduated rom "sychology at the !niversity o &arsa ith to s"ecialiations? sychometrics and the

    sychology o &or2 and Erganiation. She com"leted "ost-graduate studies K$raining School or rou"

    $rainersL. Joanna holds a certiicate in both N# issued by the olish N# %nstitute and in the

    a""lication o =>tended D%SCT. %n Ectober 877, she designed the KCom"etence CenterL or Career

  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Angels. $he tool allos e>ecutives or the irst time in oland to access Assessment and Develo"ment

    Center on the B8C mar2et. Joanna or2s in olish and =nglish ; s"ea2s erman ell.

    Anna (adro)na! Career Angel & Assessor

    &hile com"leting her /aster Studies in sychology at the &arsa !niversity, Anna started at $/&orldide Ono HudsonF as a researcher in 9ebruary 87. Ater having recruited in sectors li2e

    "harma, OheavyF industry, construction, %$ and 9/C, Anna let in Ectober 8( to irst become a

    Senior HG S"ecialist at ols2ie #inie #otnice #E$ and then HG /anager at the olish branch o the

    international accounting and audit irm BDE. %n the meantime Anna com"leted to "ost-graduate

    studies at the Iomins2i !niversity? K/anaging "roessional com"etences o em"loyeesL and

    Kroessional CoachingL. Anna oined Career Angels in December 877. Anna or2s in olish and


    Swar* of Mini Angels

    #ast, but not least, e ould li2e to mention and than2 or the dedicated su""ort e receive rom our

    K/ini AngelsL. /ini Angels are the right hands o our Career Angels ho, "ut sim"ly, ma2e our or2

    easier in all "ossible acets rom researching to ormatting to ma2ing coees and teas or our clients.

    U U U U U U U U U U

    +,ecuties$hat "artici"ated in our intervies in al"habetical order by com"any name?

    But beore e start the list? Some =>ecutive Search Consultants, C=Es, HG Directors as ell as our

    ormer and current clients ere so 2ind to share their 2noledge and e>"erience ith us, although it

    had been clear rom the very beginning that their cor"orate "olicies or "roessional situations ould not

    allo or an identiied statement. A ery special .Than$ you/ to all of you0

    Corinne 1la2daSenior artnerHead o the Consumer oods ; Getail ractice rou"Accord +C+ 3www4accord-ece4co*

    erzy Potoc$iC=E ; /anaging artner, oland

    A5MS 5nternational Poland 3 www4ai*s-international4net


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    1onrad 1opyraC=E, oland

    Alche* 6rupa 3 www4alche*4co*4pl

    Artur S$iba/anaging Director oland

    Antal 5nternational 3 www4antal4co*

    Daniel "upi#s$iCountry /anager ; Board /ember, oland

    Deonshire 3 www4deonshire4pl

    Magdalena uc$a/anaging Director, =uro"e

    +dison Morgan 3 www4edison*organ4co*

    7aneta erusC=E ; /anaging Director, oland

    'arszaws$i Centru* +,po885 3 www4e,po,,i4pl

    Sea*us PentonyGegional /anaging artner

    9eadcount Solutions 3 www4headcount4pl

    1alina 1arwa#s$aC=E ; /anaging artner, oland

    9: Solutions 3 www4hrsolutions4pl

  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Piotr 1;p$aSenior Consultant

    9uberts Mozes & Partners 3 www4h*p4pl

    1atarzyna 6rzybows$a-To*asze$/anaging Director

    9u*an < usiness

    eata u$ows$aartner

    5='+=TA 3 www4inwenta4pl

    Andrze2 1ensbo$rinci"al

    1ienbau* 3 www4$ienbau*4pl

    +wa Ada*czy$Chie =>ecutive EicerHead o Ban2ing, 9inance ; #egal Services=A 5nternational 3 www4na24co*4pl

    Albina 'o>nia$-Fydaartner, oland

    =elson ?a*artine 3 www4nelsonla*artine4co*

    Do*ini$a ?udwicza$HG Director

    Sage 3 www4sage4co*4pl


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Mar$ 9a*illlobal /anaging Director

    SpenglerFo, 3 www4spenglerfo,4co*

    oanna Sztandur9ounder

    Successful 9: 3 www4successfulhr4co*

    Sylwia :ze*ieniews$a/anaging Director, oland

    Target +,ecutie Search 3 www4targete,ecutiesearch4co*

    %, ater reading this e-Boo2, you ould li2e to contribute or have the eeling that your com"any logo is

    missing, "lease do not hesitate to contact Sandra Bichl at directly.

    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

    5ntroductionK$here are Directors and Directors. Sometimes a Director is more li2e a manager and vice-versa. &e

    do not get hung u" on the name o the "osition. &e are very aare o the act that the terminology o

    "ositions varies a lot. &e alays loo2 at the sco"e o res"onsibilities and careully veriy them,L says

    Domini2a #udica2.

    9or those directors ho value their time, these are the three main ti"s o the hole boo2 hich in itsel

    is a summary o "ieces o advice o C=Es, HG Directors, =>ecutive Search Consultants, sychologists

    and, o course, Career Angels?

    7F Beore you start loo2ing or a ob as2 yoursel, K&hat am % loo2ing or &hat is my motivation &hatare my com"etences &hat are my 2ey s2illsL $he clearer you are, the better you can communicate

    that to a headhunter or "otential em"loyer.

    8F %nvest u" to ive hours o your time to "re"are a "roessional OWF C hich includes a ell-ritten

    "roessional summary, your or2 e>"erience that includes achievements and your education. % you

    decide to include a "hoto, ma2e sure its a "roessional one.

    3F Beore meeting ith a "otential em"loyer or a headhunter? "re"are, "re"are, "re"areW


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    ra"hically, e ould e>"ress it li2e that?

    % you are sur"rised by the obviousness o these three "oints, let me tell you, e ere too. &hen e

    started riting this boo2, e dared to oresee about )X o the ansers o the intervieees, because

    e, Career Angels, are ormer headhunters or HG /anagers or "sychologists and e have been

    or2ing ith ob hunting e>ecutives or over ten years. $o be honest, e did e>"ect slightly more

    so"histicated advice. %t seems that the overall aareness o the olish to" management candidate

    loo2ing or a ob is still rather lo.

    Hoever, consider this irst edition a beginning. &e ant to and ill continue u"dating the content and

    "rovide advice or career-conscious e>ecutives. So, "lease chec2 bac2 ith our ebsite to donload

    the neest edition or email me at, i you ant to be among the irst

    ones to receive it.

    =noy reading,

    Sandra Bichl

    U U U U U U U U U U

    Part B The ob 9unting Process Step by Step

    Ste" 7? /anaging our Career Consciously

    As Corinne Ilada "uts it, K$here are to grou"s o e>ecutives? those ith a ob and those ithout one.

    % you belong to the ormer, count your blessings and ait or a better economic climate and im"roved

    ob mar2et.L Er as Seamus entony says, K&e are not "re-8+ anymore. E""ortunities are not as

    reMuent anymore. So, stay i you can beore you start loo2ing. %ts easier to get a ob hen you are in a


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director



    K% youve lost your ob, and given you can aord it, ta2e a vacation or a month or to, so you can

    consider hat to do ne>t. By all means? do not "anicW % you have been ith your "revious em"loyer or

    a long time, it means that you have to be good. $a2e the time to re-connect ith riends ; amily and

    as2 yoursel? &hat do % ant to do ne>t /aybe its time to start my on business S"ending sometime in a oreign country gives us the o""ortunity to thin2 dierently and to notice things e havent

    beoreL, says Artur S2iba. K% you have a ob, dont change it until you have a ne oneL, suggests Jery

    otoc2i. Anonymous Source has a dierent vie, KDont ait and rela>. ou can start right aay. So to

    be able to harvest hal a year later.L

    K&hen an e>ecutive tells me about their intentions o anting to change their ob, % try to hel" them

    realie hat Kbeing realisticL means, hat to e>"ect rom the hole "rocess and that it might ta2e Muite

    some time,L says iotr IY"2a.

    $here might be dierent motivations as to hy you ould li2e to change your ob?

    - you ere or are about to be made redundant

    - you are bored o the monotonous or2 load and need ne challenges

    - you or2 in a com"any that has an unhealthy atmos"here

    - you disagree ith the /anagement Board or your su"eriors or ith the ne direction the com"any is


    - you eel stuc2 because you have been ith your com"any or more than ten years

    - you ace a glass ceiling

    - you ant to ma2e more money

    - you ould li2e to relocate hich is im"ossible ith your current em"loyer

    - another industry might seem more interesting

    K/any have been loo2ing or the "ast 78 months. Stay active. ut aside your ego and ta2e a smaller

    ob. Be more le>ible, even i it is less moneyL, advises Corrine Ilada. K% you have no other o"tions, get

    in touch ith search com"anies that o"erate in the interim-"roect sector. %t 2ee"s you busy, buys you

    time and it might turn into a "ermanent "osition,L says /ar2 Hamill.

    Albina &oZnia2-9yda observes, KAlthough e or2 or irms, e see every client as a human being ith

    dierent needs. No, it is our ob as e>ecutive search consultants @ e>ercising a "roession o "ublic

    trust @ to dig dee" and as2 both "arties a lot o Muestions to ensure that both their e>"ectations and

    needs are met. %t is not all about com"leting a "roect as ast as "ossible. &hat e ant to "revent is

    that a candidate acce"ts an oer not because they really eel its the right match, but because they ant

    to get out o the current one. /a2ing a "remature, hurried or su"ericial career decision may have

    serious conseMuences that are diicult to reverse. %t is not in our interest to KsellL every candidate at all


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    cost, as e have a guarantee "eriod and ould have to re"eat the search i e alloed such situations

    to ha""en.L

    uestions you might ant to as2 yoursel ; anser OWF "rior to embar2ing on the ob hunting "rocess?

    &hat do % ant to do ne>t

    &hy do % ant to change %s the underlying drive a eeling o rustration or motivation&here do % ant to or2 &hat com"anies

    Ho does the ne>t ste" it into my overall career "lan

    &hat do % e>"ect rom the ne "osition ; ho realistic are my e>"ectations

    Ho does my "roessional S&E$-analysis loo2 li2e &hat are my strengths ; ea2nesses

    &hat ma2es me stand out on the ob mar2et

    Ho much do % ant to earn

    &hat cor"orate culture do % ant to or2 in

    Ho should my sco"e o res"onsibility loo2 li2e&hat am % o"en to &here are my limits

    Ho much time can % realistically dedicate to the ob search

    &hat are my 2ey com"etences

    Am % illing to relocate %s my amily

    % you dont deal ith the above Muestions thoroughly, you ill have diicult and very li2ely unsuccessul

    intervies ith headhunters or "otential em"loyers. $he main tool in the recruitment "rocess used by

    both headhunters ; HG "roessionals to assess your com"etences are in-de"th com"etency-basedintervies that are usually interoven ith biogra"hical Muestions regarding your career.

    Ialina Iara1s2a suggests, K9ind an accom"lice rom the very beginning o your ob searching

    "rocess[ As the mar2et climate is dynamic @ ith on-going consolidations and mergers @ it is ise to

    have somebody ho ill advise you. $hereore, additionally to your on netor2, you should have

    somebody you can tal2 to ho 2nos the mar2et? a headhunter or a career advisor. ou have to

    conront your notions ith hat the mar2et has to oer and determine the resultant 4/

    During our research e also ound that a e =>ecutive Search irms a""ly other methods as anintegrated "art o the "rocess or only at the reMuest o the client. $he maority relies on the e>"erience

    and udgment o their consultants. Heres one /anaging Directors reaction rom one o the =>ecutive

    Search irms hen as2ed i they used AC*DCs Orecruitment lingo[ short or Assessment*Develo"ment

    CenterF in their evaluation? KAC &hat does that stand orL

    $he most oten used tests are? =>tended D%SCT, 9acet

  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    ere in assessing their on com"etences. K&e can anser this Muestion, in "art, very "recisely. An

    element o the candidates com"etences is their "roessional "ersonality model. Ene o the tests e

    use is 9acet< @ a tool that evaluates the "sychological "roile o the candidate @ reMuires the assessee

    to intuitively grade themselves at the beginning o the eedbac2 session "rior to receiving the re"ort.

    Hence e 2no that e>ecutives usually evaluate three out o ive main dimensions correctly. $hat gives

    us an accuracy o (-X,L summaries Ialina Iara1s2a.

    $he maority o res"ondents concurred ith that anser, but e obviously had everything rom Kthe

    aareness is generally very lo but its getting betterL to Ki somebody is a C=E they have to 2no


    Seamus entony inds that the most successul e>ecutives tend to be modest and to understate their

    s2ills. An Anonymous Source gives the olloing as an e>am"le, K/ost e>ecutives believe that one o

    their 2ey com"etences is Kchange managementL, although that is very oten not true.L

    $hats ho Domini2a #udica2 sees it, K$here are candidates that lac2 auto-criticism. And then there

    are candidates that very o"enly address their strengths and their Achilles heel. $hat 2ind o "erson is

    much more valuable, as they have better insight, sho maturity and are able to honestly say, Kthat "art

    o business or my res"onsibilities doesnt really e>cite me, but this is hat %ve been doing about it.L

    So, as2 yoursel, KDo % assess my com"etences obectivelyL % you are not sure, ind outW

    % you are amiliar ith Assessment, Develo"ment ; Com"etence Center as a method, you may s2i" thene>t section.

    U U U U U

    Assess*ent Center! Deelop*ent Center! Co*petence Center by oanna 'asilews$a

    Assess*ent Center is the most reliable and valid o all "resently used selection methods. %t

    signiicantly increases the accuracy o candidate selection in com"arison to recruitments "rocesses

    based solely on intervies and is thereore gaining more and more "o"ularity or candidate selection"ur"oses, es"ecially in case o to"- and mid-level "ositions, here the cost o "otential recruitment

    mista2es ould be great. High assessment validity results rom the "ossibility to observe candidatesP

    real behavior in "roessional situations, in contrast to a diagnosis based on declarations during

    intervies. Ether im"ortant as"ects are the o""ortunity to include various diagnostic methods and to

    use the assessments o many observers, hich guarantees higher obectivity o the results.

    Assessment Center is a multi-dimensional com"etence assessment method based on the observation

    o "artici"antsP behavior in s"ecially designed tas2s by a team o Mualiied observers OassessorsF. $he

    method uses various techniMues enabling the observation o behavior in simulations o real-lie


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    situations and tools such as Muestionnaires, "sychological tests, intervies and case studies. Based on

    the results o these e>ercises, a descri"tion o the candidatePs unctioning in relation to the com"anyPs

    e>"ectations "ut orard in the com"etence model is ormulated and the it beteen the candidatePs

    com"etences and the "osition reMuirements is assessed.

    Deelop*ent Centeris dierent rom the assessment center mostly because o its goal, hich in thiscase isnPt recruitment but deining strengths and develo"ment areas o "artici"ants in order to "lan their

    urther develo"ment and choose adeMuate measures. A Develo"ment Center may "roceed ust as an

    Assessment Center or it may include individual eedbac2 or the "artici"ants ater each e>ercise, hich

    allos the initiation o the learning "rocess already during the session.

    Co*petence Center, the method used in our com"any, combines elements o an Assessment and a

    Develo"ment center, de"ending on the clientPs needs. =>ce"t rom the diagnosis o strengths and ea2

    areas, as ell as immediate eedbac2, it also oers ti"s regarding uture career choices that it the

    "artici"antPs com"etence "roile. By using an individual a""roach and orienting the diagnosis toards

    develo"ment, e are able to loer "artici"antsP stress levels usually associated ith such assessments

    and thus enable them to ully "resent their com"etences.

    &e es"ecially recommend the "artici"ation in Com"etence Center to "ersons ho?

    7F Are "lanning a radical change of the direction of their professional deelop*ent

    8F Aim at a*anagerial position despite relatiely little *anage*ent e,perience

    3F Are searching or new paths of professional deelop*ent, hich ill enable them to ully use their


    :F &ould li2e to gain more insight into their com"etence "roile beore "artici"ating in a recruitment


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    U U U U U

    Ste" 8? re"aring an action "lan

    K9inding a ne ob is a obL said the maority o =>ecutive Search Consultants in unison. $reat it li2e a

    "roect and deine time line, budget and allocated resources, because Kchanging your ob is not li2echanging your car,L com"ares Albina &oZnia2-9yda.

    Ho much time should you reserve %n our e>"erience, it should ta2e you no longer than 8-3 ee2s to

    get all documents ; your online "roiles ready. =verything ater that is a matter o being systematic. An

    e>cellent tool to trac2 all your activities is a sim"le =>cel s"readsheet. ou should ideally reserve + @

    7 hours over a "eriod o 3 months and additionally an average o 8 hours "er month or the

    remaining time until you ind an oer that you are satisied ith.

    $he olloing activities should be included @ e ill discuss all o them in detail throughout this boo2?

    - ansering 2ey Muestions about yoursel and your "ath Odone aboveF

    - "re"aring your documents? C, roect ortolio, online "resence

    - netor2ing

    - researching ; contacting headhunters

    - researching ; contacting "otential em"loyers

    - monitoring the mar2et

    - 2ee"ing an eye on ob "ortals

    - "re"aring yoursel? intervie simulations, salary survey, etc.

    Ho Muic2 do the oers come rolling in $hat very much de"ends on?

    aF the mar2et

    bF your level o e>"erience ; "roven trac2 record

    cF the eort, consistency ; regularity you "ut into the "rocess

    %n the e>"erience o the intervieed =>ecutive Search Consultants a ob hunting Director should

    reserve on average min. ( months. % you do not loo2 or Ka ob outL, but your Kdream obL, actor in 78 to

    8: months. Some might thin2, K8: monthsWL es, i you are e.g. a Gegional /anaging Director and you

    relatively actively, but cautiously loo2 or an ideal oer in an ideal com"any ith ideal conditions or i

    you o"erate in a niche and cannot or are not "articularly interested in changing your branch.

    &hat you should remember at all times? the higher you are u", the lonelier it gets hich means that

    ideal career o""ortunities are e and do not come along reMuently.

    Seamus entony summaried the second "hase "erectly or us, K% you ail to "re"are, you "re"are to



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    U U U U U

    Ste" 3? $he C

    KSome candidates believe that the C is an administrative or bureaucratic reMuirement,L shares Andre


    $his element o the ob hunting "rocess is "robably, sur"risingly to us, the most controversial one. &e

    have selected the most interesting ansers to our Muestion, KHo im"ortant is the Muality o the CL

    Seamus entony, K%ts not an issue or me. % ill discuss it anyay. Additionally, the 8-"age rule does not

    a""ly to e>ecutives, es"ecially, i they have moved cross-unctionally.L

    /ar2 Hamill, K$he Muality o a C is "retty im"ortant. A "oorly "re"ared C raises Muestion mar2s. As to

    the length, e are in a orld o inormation overload. Better short than long. A "oerul 7-"ager.L

    Beata Bu2os2a, KAll documents that are submitted to a "otential em"loyer are the candidates

    business card, irres"ectively o the "osition they a""ly to. $he Muality thereore is very im"ortant.L

    Iataryna rybos2a-$omase2, K$he Muality o a C is very im"ortant or me. %t should tell me about

    the candidates business aareness, their successes. %t should be synthetic and concrete. %, lets say, a

    G or /ar2eting Director sends me an untidy, incoherent C, they are automatically out o the "rocess.L

    Andre Iensbo2, K%ts nice to receive a nice C. $hough most im"ortantly, e loo2 or the right human

    being ith an a""ro"riate com"etences and not somebody ho is a "roessional C riter.L

    =a Adamcy2, K$he Muality o Cs is getting better. $he ont, grammar, s"elling, tabs are im"ortant

    elements, but not everybody has to be an e>"ert in ormatting. &hen riting a C, the candidate should

    remember ho they rite it or. &ho ill read it Candidates should remember that the headhunter

    usually cannot dedicate more than three minutes to each document. \ ... ] $he a""roach K% am a star.

    =verybody 2nos me on the mar2et. uess hat % meant ith that sentenceWL is arrogant and very


    Albina &oZnia2-9yda, K&hen "re"aring the C, remember that a unior researcher ith little e>"erience

    might be the irst "erson to read it hich might mean that because there is too much lingo or its too dry,

    they ill not be able to understand it and you are e>cluded rom the recruitment "rocess.L

    Sylia Gemienies2a, K$he Muality o submitted documents is very im"ortant, but its not the most

    im"ortant thing. $he most im"ortant element is the intervie. $o" =>ecutives oten do not have the time

    to "re"are their material. ou cannot base your o"inion on a document, es"ecially i its the headhunter

    ho is a""roaching the e>ecutive. /ore im"ortant are the tele"hone conversation and the in-"erson


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    Ialina Iara1s2a, K$he Muality is very im"ortant because e have very little time. &e alays tell our

    candidates that they are not alloed to assume that a "otential em"loyer ill correctly guess hich "art

    o a our-"age C is the most im"ortant one. % oten read verbose Cs[ they are su"erluous ith non-

    relevant inormation? they start ith the high school and so on. $he "erson behind such a document iseither not very creative or lay and decided to send such a re"resentation o themselves onto the

    mar2et. % dont treat such Cs seriously.L

    iotr IY"2a, K$he more slo""y the C, the slo""ier the candidate. &e loo2 at aesthetics, the lac2 o

    mista2es. %t should be saved in a ."d ormat. Gemember that a researcher is oten not able to read

    beteen the line. $he C is the virtual dress code o the candidate. Ho seriously do you treat your


    /agdalena Buc2a, K%t is obviously easier or the recruiter, i the C is o good Muality. %t allos a

    candidate to ma2es a better irst im"ression. Hoever, i headhunted directly, its the recruiters interest

    to motivated the candidate and then documents become o less im"ortance as everything is veriied

    and conirmed during the intervie.L

    Jery otoc2i, K$he Muality is very im"ortant. $he documents must not have errors and s"elling

    mista2es. \^] %t should be ritten in a ay that % can match the candidate ith an on-going recruitment

    "roect in 8 seconds or less.L

    Corinne Ilada, K$he C is very OWF im"ortant. %t could deine hether % ant to s"ea2 ith this candidate

    or not. Some e>ecutive search consultants see on average + candidates "er day. %t is more diicult to

    remember candidates ith _blend CsL . our C is li2e your "ass"ort as it grants you better chances

    to get a meeting ith an e>ecutive recruiter.L

    Daniel 0u"i1s2i, K&hat e receive rom the candidates is very oten irrelevant. &hat counts is the

    "erson and not the "a"er. %t is our role as intermediaries to "re"are the documents or our cor"orate

    clients accordingly.L

    U U U U U

    As you see, the ansers are very, very dierent. But having to choose beteen to eMually ell-

    Mualiied e>ecutives, KdetailsL li2e the Muality o your C might ma2e a dierence. En the other hand,

    ith some recruitment com"anies a slo""ily "re"ared document ould mean the disMualiication early

    on anyay.

    As a headhunter and no as a Career Angel, % have yet to receive a C that truly im"resses me @ the

    only e>ce"tion being resumes "re"ared by mar2eting s"ecialists o la irms. $heir documents are


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    laless, though e dont include them in our statistics. Additionally, they do not communicate the

    "ersonality o the "erson, but relect certain cor"orate standards.

    &e do not ta2e on clients that ill not allo us to "re"are their a""lication documents, unless they

    come e.g. only or an intervie simulation. $he documents e "re"are or our clients must be "erect. %

    do not tolerate slo""y material. % am allergic to even minor mista2es that )"ressed in concrete numbers and igures.

    :F +ducation? does not include 2indergarten to high school. /ight sometimes include relevant and

    signiicant trainings.

    t more diicult to read. &e 2no that there are career


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    coaches that claim otherise. &eve veriied ith HG Directors and C=Es.

    - enlisting your character traits or sot s2ills li2e K% am a creative "erson.L ou are an e>ecutive and not a

    studentW $he entirety o the C should "ers"ire ith your "ersonality, hich agreeably is very diicult to

    achieve. But there is no need to s"ell it out.

    - and e cannot underline that enough @ avoid riting irrelevant inormation such as your birthday,

    marital status, number o children, all trainings you have ever attended, unrelated or2 e>"erience as

    having been a $ technician or aitress, etc. etc.

    ther hintsB

    - ideal length? 8-3 "ages. Additional, relevant inormation that does not it onto that 8-3 "ages, should be

    "laced in another document that e call roect ortolio. /ore on that later.

    - chec2 and double-chec2? ormatting, grammar, s"elling, etc.

    9ow do you add a personal touchE

    - by adding a meaningul "icture that, to achieve such an eect, must be really good. % searched or

    almost 8.< years to ind our "hotogra"her.

    - you can e>"eriment ith the ont.

    - you can very subtly OWF "lay ith colors.

    Statistically s"ea2ing, our res"ondents shared that on average only 7

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    U U U U U

    Ste" (? $he cover email

    `aneta Berus tells us that she receives to to three Cs "er ee2 and reacts only to those ho rite

    meaningully, convincingly and to the "oint, K$ell me in the email hy % should ta2e my time and meetith you. $he candidates a""roach should deinitely be individualied.L

    K&henever % get an email that starts ith KDearL and then my name is not there, % delete it. %ts S"am.

    Somebody did not even ta2e the time to chec2 ho they are riting to,L says /ar2 Hamill.

    Jery otoc2i advises, K% you send your C to a headhunter, ma2e sure to e>actly communicate hat

    you are loo2ing or.L

    KNo inormation about your career obective might lead to an obvious, but rong assum"tion based on"revious "ositions. %ts very easy to "igeonhole the e>ecutive,L adds Daniel 0u"i1s2i.

    U U U U U

    Ste" ? our Enline resence

    Have you ever googled anyone oursel =very detail on the %nternet can or2 in avor o or against

    you. ou ant the ormer.

    &hile you are reading this inormation headhunters are searching the %nternet or candidates. &hy

    havent they contacted you yet rior to your irst meeting, your "otential em"loyer or their assistant ill

    very "robably google you.

    % run a com"any under the brand K%nternet9it.comL that s"ecialies in, as e call it, hel"ing

    "roessionals get Ka second chance or a irst im"ressionL. &e 2no that oland is by no means as

    internetied as the !I or !S, but the trend is deinitely there. Anna 5adro6na, K% have received "hone

    calls rom !I recruiters ho veriy my ritten recommendation on somebody % have endorsed on

    #in2ed%n.L Corinne Ilada observes, K%n oland Social /edia as a category o assessment in the

    recruitment "rocess, es"ecially or e>ecutives, is not im"ortant. &e 2no rom our colleagues in the

    Netherlands that online "roiles are im"ortant and chec2ed to obtain a bigger "icture, a more holistic

    vie on the candidate as a "erson.L

    Enly to =>ecutive Search Consultants o those ho e have s"o2en to thoroughly chec2 also the

    %nternet "resence o their short listed candidates. %t has ha""ened that candidates on such an

    advanced stage here eliminated rom the race based on the indings. A""ro>imately

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    serves them as an additional source o inormation that hel"s them to as2 the right Muestions.

    Based on our e>"erience rom both and, e 2no that on a logical

    level the res"ondents believe in their ansers, B!$? that ould be li2e saying? KEh, its not im"ortant

    ho somebody dresses to the intervie. % do not "ay attention to that.L % e li2e or not, on an emotional

    subconscious level, the "roile e see o a candidate does trigger something in the observer. &ecannot hel" it.

    U U U U U

    A picture says *ore than a thousand words by Magdalena "uczy#s$a

    %n oland,

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    ? Do 5 really need to be onlineE

    A? es.

    ? 'ont *y e*ployer thin$ that 5 a* loo$ing for a 2obE

    A? No.

    ? 'hat business social *edia sites are appropriateE

    A? Deinitely, maybe olden#ine."l Oor the olish mar2etF, rarely %t alays

    de"ends on your target mar2et.

    U U U U U

    Ste" +? Sending your C

    Had you olloed the above ste"s Kin real lieL, you ould no be some to to three ee2s into the ob

    hunting "rocess. &ho do you send your C to

    #ets start ith the least eective?

    G nline ob Ads

    A""lying to hundreds o ob ads is one o the least eective ob hunting methods, but one that must not

    be let out. Eur dear riend ilredo areto 2ne that 8X o eorts generate +X o results. At +X is not enough. As you ill "robably ant to ensure you receive the B=S$

    available ob oer, you should not e>clude online ads, though you should s"end the least time on it. So

    ar, only ecutive level lie in the so-called hidden ob mar2et

    hich are "rocesses conducted by either the com"anies themselves or by =>ecutive Search irms.


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    9ow do headhunters wor$E 5 hae two headhunter friends4 5snt that enoughE

    $he recruitment mar2et is cor"orate client driven. Heres a sim"liied structure?

    Ste" 7? Com"any Q needs to hire a ne manager.

    Ste" 8? %t decides that their internal recruitment resources are not adeMuate or maybe "revious attem"ts

    ere unsuccessul, and thereore hires a recruitment com"any.

    Ste" 3? Based on the reMuirements, the recruiter does @ mostly ; ideally @ the olloing in no "articular


    aF search the internal database

    bF "ublish an online ob ad

    cF contact "eo"le rom the mar2et Onetor2ingF

    dF research com"etitors ; contact "otential candidates

    eF research the %nternet

    Ste" :? otential candidates end u" on a so-called long list.


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    Daniel 0u"i1s2i "uts it bluntly, K&e are not a charity. 9or us the most im"ortant "arty is our client. E

    course, i % receive a C that does dra my attention, but does not it to any o our on-going recruitment

    "rocesses, % do meet ith the e>ecutive as % 2no that long-term there might come u" something


    /ar2 Hamill reminds, KBe honest ith your headhunter. $ell them i you are in another "rocess. &e arehere to hel". /aybe it does not or2 out this year. /aybe it ill in 3 or < or years.L K% you are

    contacted by an =>ecutive Search Consultant and or some reason not interested, dont ignore them.

    Dont burn bridges. ou do not 2no hen you ill need them. our situation could change over night,L

    arns Anonymous Source. KSome e>ecutives ant to ma2e the im"ression that they do not care about

    the ob oer e have "resented to them[ that e should be than2ul or being alloed to sell them. En

    the other hand they e>"ect their headhunter to be a career advisor ho "aves their ay on the mar2et,L

    tells us Ialina Iara1s2a.

    K&indo-sho""ing candidates are, honestly, annoying. $hey should be sincere about their agenda rom

    the very beginning,L says Seamus entony.

    &hen do =>ecutive Search com"anies send your C to a "otential em"loyer even though they do not

    have an o"en recruitment "rocess =ither i it is ithin their cor"orate "olicy and then they charge their

    standard ee @ and thats very, very rare @ or i it is in the strategic interest to build a relationshi" either

    ith a ormer or a "otential client. %n such situations the introduction is on a very inormal level and no

    ees a""ly.

    &e did hear the "hrase K$oday a candidate, tomorro a clientL, but our e>"erience in

    has shon something dierent. Here are the statistics?

    7. rou"? Job see2ing e>ecutives that send their on cover email and documents to their on list o

    headhunters, usually have a res"onse rate o 7X or less. A res"onse is an email that at least

    ac2noledges the recei"t o the C.

    8. rou"? Job see2ing e>ecutives that send their on cover email, but our documents to our list o

    headhunters. Ges"onse rate? a""ro>. 8X

    3. rou"? Job see2ing e>ecutives that send everything "re"ared by us? 3-:X. Ater the ollo-u"

    usually ecutive, decided to start her ob hunting "rocess ith meeting

    =>ecutive Search Consultants rom her industry. Ence she got a better understanding o the mar2et,

    she anted to "roceed ith directly contacting those com"anies that she had not discussed ith the


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    recruiters. &e selected 3 headhunters or her?

    )3X res"onded O8+ out o 3F @ "lease note that this is an absolute e>ce"tion and e did have to

    ollo-u" ith 7< irms once or tice beore receiving a re"ly.

    33X invited her to an intervie hich ma2es it 7 meetings Oso arF.

    % as2ed her, KAter 7 com"leted meetings, hat are your im"ressionsL

    K$here are deinitely no mar2et standards. % had very ormal encounters ith to recruiters at once and

    very inormal ones in coee sho"s. Some lasted an hour and a hal, one too2 ive minutes.L

    K&hich ones did you li2e the most and hyL

    K% li2ed one meeting in "articular? e met at their oice. %t as very concrete. % had the eeling that the

    recruiter as truly interested. He as2ed very challenging, not-standard Muestions. &e brainstormed anddiscusses various "ossibilities. $hat as a very nice meeting.

    % remember another headhunter "ositively? e met at a coee sho". She originally came rom my ield

    hich gave her the necessary insight. En the one hand she made a sincere eort to get to 2no to me

    as a "erson and on the other hand she veriied my bac2ground chec2ing hich o the current "rocesses

    or clients ould suit best. Additionally, she managed my e>"ectations s2illully hich % a""reciated a lot.

    $here as one more meeting that as irst class? % met ith a gentlemen rom one o the =>ecutive

    Search irms. He as calm, intelligent and as2ed thought-out Muestions. He made the im"ression o

    "ursuing a long-term strategy.L

    K&hich meetings ould you say here less im"ressive and hyL

    K% had a very long meeting @ lots o standard Muestions @ ith a lady that as very riendly, but the irst

    thing she said hen e met as, KNothings really ha""ening on the mar2et. Stay here you are.L % had

    been on other meetings, and % obviously 2no about the mergers and changes. $hat is not su"er secret

    inormation. ou can read about most o it in the nes"a"er. Her statement led me to thin2, KHm, shecannot be good as nobody ants to contract her although there isor2.L

    % ould label one o the meetings % had KstrangeL? the recruiter had me 7< minutes aiting. Ence e

    started % had the eeling she did not really 2no ho to tal2 to me. And % thought, K% too2 a day o or

    thisL Hoever, at some "oint she got going @ maybe she remembered a "roect She as2ed very

    interesting, good Muestions. So, ater all, it as not such a big aste o time.L

    K%s there anything else you remember "articularlyL


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    KEne gentleman told me during the meeting that % should stay here % as because % had a really good

    ob. And then he sent me a list o other headhunters % could get in touch ith. He might have had good

    intentions, but % deinitely elt he anted to get rid o me in a civilied ay.L

    KDoing the maths, ecutive Search

    Consultants have done to be "erceived in a better ayL

    K&ell, irstly, dont discourage your "otential and decided candidate to stay here they are reerring to

    the slo mar2et. =ven i they contact me again, % 2no % ill "robably not ant to s"ea2 ith recruiters

    that lac2 mar2et-aareness. Secondly, hat set the best aside, as the interest they shoed in me as

    a "erson and as a "roessional. &ith the others it seemed they ust anted to close their "roects as

    soon as "ossible ithout any interest o building a relationshi". Additionally, shouldnt recruiters also

    assess the candidates inter"ersonal s2ills not only ocusing on "roessional com"etences /a2e a

    sincere eort or at least eign interest. $hirdly, i you decide to choose a "ublic "lace, hich is

    absolutely ine ith me, have the decency to select one here its calm and e can s"ea2 discretely.

    Having "eo"le al2 u" to the table greeting you every 7 minutes is irritating. And last, but not least? i

    you have an oice, that you 2no is diicult to ind or here "ar2ing is scarce, tell the candidate so. %

    li2e being "roessional and "unctual, but arriving at a seemingly easy to ind address, and encountering

    a building ithout signs and multi"le entrances to choose rom, getting lost in the "rocess... not only

    as % late, % as also rustrated hich doomed the meeting to a orse start than it could have had.L

    U U U U U

    $he maority o our clients concur ith the above comments. Summariing, heres the advice or

    headhunters in a nutshell?

    7F Be a com"etent "artner that is conscious o the mar2et

    8F As2 challenging, intelligent Muestions

    3F Gemember that today %m your O"otentialF candidate, tomorro % can be your client. /a2e an eort to

    build that relationshi".

    :F $he devil is in the details? communication, logistics, "unctuality

    &hat other clients, ho are the recruitment com"anies candidates and at the same time "otential

    clients, criticie the most is

    aF the lac2 o reaction. According to our clients, they do not e>"ect 7X invitations to intervies, but

    sim"le emails that ac2noledge the recei"t. $hey ant to be sure that they are at least in the database.

    bF the uniority o the consultants. &e do agree ith those ho say that so ine>"erienced "roessionals

    on the recruitment com"anies side should not sit in ront o seasoned e>ecutives, let alone decide

    hether they are it or the ob at hand. es, its ridiculous. &hen e as2ed ho you should react, e


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    got the olloing ansers?

    KCandidates should reuse to attend such meetings.L

    KAs unortunate as such situations are, these are a very good o""ortunity to demonstrate your maturity

    and elegance. Hel" the unior through the intervie. Sho ho "roessional you are.L

    K&e have heard o such situations rom our candidates. %t mostly ha""ens ith com"anies that do ill

    e>ecutive "ositions, but ocus heavily on monthly or Muarterly sales targets hich leads to a high

    rotation o "ersonnel. !sually only highly motivated unior "eo"le or2 in such an environment as they

    treat it as a uniMue career o""ortunity.L

    K% % ere in their "osition, %d immediately al2 out o the room.L

    %n the ords o our ormer client, KBehave li2e hen at the dentist? ith dignity.L

    &e recommend, KBe nice to the less e>"erienced. Do not burn bridges. ou never 2no hat might

    come out o it.L

    Summariing, headhunters or2 or their cor"orate clients, not or you. At the end o the day, its them

    ho "ay their bills. So, ho do e "ut headhunters to or2 or you &e dont. $he recruitment mar2et

    is driven by com"anies as that is here the money lies. re"are a list o 8 headhunters ith relevant

    OindustryF e>"ertise as they have access to insider inormation. A handul ill act u"on an e>cellent C.

    U U U U U

    HG Speculatie 5ntroduction

    % you could or2 here ever you anted, here ould that be &hat are your $E 8 com"anies

    &hy not contact the decision ma2ers there directly Sylia Gemienies2a arns, KAn e>ecutive that

    sends his C to a lot o com"anies themselves ill not be ell "erceived. $hey ill deinitely ma2e a

    better im"ression hen going via a headhunter.L

    Ether voices raise the Muestion o retaining the candidates conidentiality, es"ecially hen o"erating on

    niche mar2ets. Sometimes the e>ecutives ego "lays a crucial role that "revents them rom contacting

    the HG Director or a /ember o the /anagement Board.

    Domini2a #udica2 shares, K% have a very "ositive attitude toards "ersonally receiving s"eculative

    introductions. %t means that the e>ecutive is resourceul and motivated as they had to ma2e a certain

    eort to at least ind the a""ro"riate "erson and contact details. % e have an o"en recruitment "rocess


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    and the "erson ulills our reMuirements, e include them. % e dont, % hold onto the C or uture


    &hat Ionrad Io"yra told us in the intervie K% the "erson that sends me their C has something to

    oer that is interesting to me, % ill deinitely remember them. &e have em"loyed three "eo"le that


    At e recommend the olloing? As strategic "ositions are rarely discussed "ublicly ;

    can almost entirely be only ound in the hidden ob mar2et, e do suggest going directly to the source.

    &hile observing the media, e 2no that once nes a""ear on the mar2et, its usually already too late.

    &e deinitely "reer the "roactive a""roach and e advice our clients to ada"t it as ell. $o give you a

    e e>am"les?

    Case B CF

    A Chie 9inancial Eicer, ho had been loo2ing or a ne "osition or ) months "assively and or the

    most recent 3 months actively ithout maor successes, contacted us in 9ebruary 878. $he

    out"lacement su""ort rom his ormer em"loyer had not been hel"ul either. &e as2ed him to "re"are a

    list o "otential em"loyers o his irst choice. &e call that the K$E 8L. He reluctantly "re"ared it

    enlisting 8) irms, then researched the contact details o their C=Es. Ater re-doing his C ith us, he

    "roceeded to contact them. Here are the statistics?

    Ges"onse rate to date Oend o /arch 878F? (8X%nvitations to intervies? 8 several re-directed his C internally

    Case ts o all emails ere beorehand a""roved.

    gF correct course here necessary by targeting dierent e>ecutives at those organiations

    hF handle the email e>change


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    Statistics to date ater : months?

    Ges"onse rate? :X

    %nvitations to intervies? : out o hich 8 have declared the intention to enter the olish mar2et. At this

    "oint, %d li2e to share a little anecdote that our client told us,

    K% ent to the ourth intervie, 2noing that % ould choose com"any 3, so % as more rela>ed. $he

    meeting as e>tremely interesting and at some "oint they as2ed me ho % had ound them. So % told

    them the truth about Career Angels and that % had decided to outsource everything including the

    documents and cover emails, and so orth. Ene o the intervieers told me the olloing, Klease tell

    the lady ho "re"ared your cover email, that she did a antastic ob. &hen e read it, e 2ne

    immediately that e anted to meet you.L $o hat our client re"lied o2ingly, KBut % did hel" a bitWL

    %t is e>tremely rare that e receive eedbac2 directly rom the inal reci"ient in such a orm, but then its

    tice as niceW

    Case HB Media e,ecutie

    A media e>ecutive as relecting on changing industries, so e had to "arallel "rocesses that are still

    on-going. $he statistics to date?

    Everall res"onse rate? actly thesalary that % anted.L

    U U U U U

    $o be realistic ; trans"arent? obviously, not all o our clients have such successes. $he main reason

    being that they handle their on corres"ondence and are not as systematic as they should be. $he

    most common source or that is the "sychological "henomenon Ksel-handica""ingL hich is described

    by Anna 5adro6na in art :.


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    U U U U U

    :F Netor2ing

    KIey elements in the ob hunting "rocess are on the one hand active netor2ing and on the other hand

    so-called "ublic activities? attend conerences, rite articles,L Andre Iensbo2.

    K% discourage e>ecutives rom using netor2ing as their onlymeans o generating ob oers as based

    on my e>"erience it usually ends "itiully. Netor2ing should be su""orted by a smart strategy, Ialina


    irtually all o the "roessionals e have intervieed did not mention the donsides o netor2ing, so

    hy is Ialina Iara1s2a the only "erson that raised that issue $o be "erectly honest, % did not as2 or

    clariication because the anser seemed obvious to me. So, hat ollos is neither Ialinas o"inion nor

    my s"eculation on hat she meant. %t is entirely my o"inion and both my "ersonal and "roessional

    e>"erience. At this "oint % cannot rerain rom mentioning that since early 8( % have been researching

    and studying the ield o KNetor2ing and Gelationshi" BuildingL and that % have ritten a boo2 on that

    subect in 877 under the title KBuilding Business Gelationshi"s in the 87stCenturyL.

    &hen does netor2ing ail

    %d li2e an e>tract o an article that % rote in 87 to serve as an introduction.

    U U U

    !nder "ressure to ind a ob

    &hen under "ressure, e oten behave emotionally. &e do things, ed normally not do. And not

    having a ob "uts, at least most o us, under tre*endous stress. \^] % this "anic shos through in

    your ob search youre in trouble. Nobody ants to intervie a rustrated and scared candidate.


    - Send out not well-prepared CJsto as many "eo"le as "ossible

    - Start chaotically calling people, KHi Bob, ho are you % 2no, its been a long timeW \^] By the ay,

    you 2no, dont you 2no i anybody is hiringL $he "erson ho you called onders, K/oron, you did

    not re"ly to my email a year ago, but no, hen you need something, you call. &ell, let me tell you

    something, you are the

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    Contacts, contacts, contacts

    es, at least (X o obs are ound through "ersonal contacts. &hat i you have neglected ma2ing

    *eaningful connections ith all those collected business cards &ell, remember or the ne>t timeHarvey /ac2ay? Kdig your well before you are thirsty4/%n the meantime?

    - e consideratehen calling "eo"le you havent s"o2en to in a long time. Do not be "ushy. Do not

    burn those bridges. $a2e the e>tra 8 emails to reconnect.

    - Put yourself on the *ar$et by attendingor spea$ing atindustry-oriented events or even better,

    organie one yourselW

    - &hen s"ea2ing to "eo"le you have or2ed or or ith in "revious obs as$ whether or not theyd be

    willing to gie you a reco**endationon #in2ed%n.

    - As2 your riends skillfullyor their su""ort.

    Gemember that loo2ing or or2 is the hardest ob youre going to have. oull get out o the search

    e>actly as much as you "ut in.

    Ha""y shovelingW

    U U U

    Netor2ing, in our case meaning contacting "eo"le e 2no in order to ind ne em"loyment, ails due

    to the olloing?

    - A lac2 o grace and tact hen a""roaching others.

    - An attitude o Kou are my riend. ou have to em"loy me.L

    - Hiring an acMuaintance or all the rong reasons? not because they are Mualiied, but because e e.g.

    have a eeling o obligation.

    - Ater em"loying a riend, es"ecially i it is a close one, the ne em"loyer-em"loyee relationshi" may

    become a2ard at best and in the orst case scenario might lead to inadeMuate and harmul business

    decisions. $he ine line beteen riendshi" and business relationshi" can become a vast gray area o

    Muestions mar2s and uncertainties.

    - Enly hen you start or2ing ith somebody, do you get to 2no to their real selves. ou can easily

    become disa""ointed in them and its then very diicult to undo your hiring decision or the

    recommendation, es"ecially as e s"ea2 o e>ecutive "ositions.


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    - % you ere hired by a riend or than2s to a riend, resigning rom the ne ob Ohatever the reasons

    may beF can become uncomortable as you might eel that you are in debt ith them.

    - %t might ha""en that em"loyees ind out that the outside hire as "urely motivated not by Mualiication

    but by relationshi". =ven orse, i somebody rom inside the com"any that ould have been more

    com"etent, as "assed over. Conlict can be e>"ected.

    - Gecommending a riend you hardly 2no might "ut you in an uneasy situation, es"ecially i the "erson

    turns out not to "erorm as e>"ected.

    %, "ersonally and "roessionally, do recommend Knetor2ingL as a channel to generate leads that might

    result in ob oers alays hen the ob hunting "erson does it s2illully and graceully. At this "oint %d

    li2e to Muote an =>ecutive Search Consultant ho declined our invitation to "artici"ate in this e-boo2,

    K\...] 9or that you need lie e>"erience, emotional maturity and a hole set o sot s2ills rom all involved

    "arties.L &hile KthatL reers to the recruitment "rocess, % believe it to be true or the entire ob hunting

    "rocess, including and es"ecially, netor2ing.

    U U U U U

    Ste" )? $he intervie

    &e as2ed, K&hat should e>ecutives es"ecially "ay attention to during the ob intervieL /ost o the

    ansers e received ere very similar. %n order to demonstrate the im"ortance o the theoretically

    obvious ansers, e have o"ted or enlisting almost all o them. %n no "articular order?

    K$he relationshi" beteen the candidate and the headhunter is one o mutual res"onsibility. $he

    headhunter re"resents the candidate. $he candidate re"resents the headhunter. &e oten as2

    ourselves, Do % ant to be res"onsible or this e>ecutive. Junior consultants a""roach that "rocess

    oten too Kby the boo2L inMuiring artiicially about strengths and ea2nesses, etc. En the other hand

    e>ecutives orget to ada"t their cor"orate slang to their audience. \^] %ve been doing my ob or 7ecutive or an intervie is to be themselves,L iotr IY"2a.

    KBe conident, but not arrogant. &e sometimes hear rom our candidates? hy should % even meet ith

    you % ant to meet directly ith your client. %t is im"ortant or them to remember that e are the irst

    touch "oint. $hey should trust us,L Danie 0u"i1s2i.

    K%t might seem too obvious, but e>"erienced managers do not "ut enough em"hasis on it? 7F AdeMuate

    auto-"resentation as a mature and reliable manager, 8F Being ell-"re"ared, and able to share not only

    inormation about their on e>"erience, but common 2noledge o the mar2et, business sector, or

    organiational "rocesses they are involved in, 3F ood communication s2ills and honesty hile

    s"ea2ing about their goals and e>"ectations hen it comes to their uture "osition,L shares Beata


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    K% loo2 or coherence and integrity. Does the candidate really al2 their tal2 % loo2 or the s2ill o

    admitting their on mista2es. % loo2 or structure in the ansers. % loo2 or business acumen,L Iataryna


    K$hat might sound silly, but the chemistry starts ith a irm handsha2e. Be honest. Be very ell-

    "re"ared,L recommends `aneta Berus.

    K% try to 2ee" the irst meeting rather inormal. Have a chat over coee. $hat gives me a good conte>t to

    dig dee" and inMuire about the underlying motivation o the candidate. A ne ob is li2e a "u""y. %ts not

    only or Christmas,L com"ares /ar2 Hamill.

    K#isten to the Muestions and anser them "recisely giving concrete e>am"les. Be authentic. Have an

    honest goal and motives,L Andre Iensbo2.

    KAnser the Muestions you are as2ed. Be concrete. Be honest, because a "roessional consultant ill

    be able to easily deci"her a candidates real nature or motives,L Albina &oZnia2-9yda.

    KAlthough there is so much inormation on the %nternet on that to"ic, candidates are not able to "re"are

    themselves "ro"erly or an intervie? they cannot discuss their strengths and ea2nesses. re"areW

    et to 2no to the "otential em"loyer. Be honest, because bending reality does not hel" in the long-

    term,L Sylia Gemienies2a.

    K$he most ina""ro"riate a""roach during an intervie is the K% deserve this obL-attitude. % have also

    observed that e>ecutives have challenges having to tal2 about themselves, their achievements and 2ey

    com"etences. Some eel uncomortable hen being in the ea2er "osition hile negotiating,L Ialina


    KBe yoursel. $here is no need to e>aggerate or "lay or "retend. Sooner or later the truth alays comes

    out. resent the most im"ortant elements. $he orst thing a candidate can do is, oten rongly, assume

    hat the headhunter is loo2ing or in an e>ecutive. $hat leads to a misre"resentation o themselves.De"ending on the mar2et and the com"any e might be searching or a democratic or an autocratic

    leader,L =a Adamcy2.

    K$he "hrase Ksell yourselL has a negative connotation, but % mean it in the most "ositive "ossible

    sense. Be yoursel. Be authentic. Be conident, but do not overdo it. ou might be the only candidate,

    but you might be one o 8. Anser the Muestions stic2ing to the most im"ortant thread. Be ell-

    "re"ared,L Anonymous Source.

    K%m"ortant elements are? dress code, clear communication, attention to detail. /y "hiloso"hy is? e>"ect


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    nothing and never assume anything. At a certain level o e>ecutives hard s2ills are not as relevant as

    character, maturity, vies and "erce"tions,L Seamus entony.

    K9irst and oremost is the ability to communicate. % an e>ecutive is unable to establish a relationshi"

    ith the headhunter, he or she ill not be able to do that ith the em"loyer either. Be conident and "ay

    attention to details as eye contact, here you sit, and a irm hand sha2e. Gemember that the intervieis not an inMuisition but a dialogue beteen "artners,L /agdalena Buc2a.

    K$al2 about your achievements and not about your tas2s. % you currently do not or2, do not allo your

    des"eration to sho. And above all else, be honest,L Artur S2iba.

    K$ry to get into the shoes o the intervieer. &hat ansers ould youli2e to hear Stic2 to the to"ics

    that are relevant. Gun intervie simulations,L Jery otoc2i.

    KNumber one? be very honest. Number to? tal2 about your achievements and ailures, because

    somebody ho cant tal2 about his ailures and hat he learned rom them is not alays a valid

    candidate. Number three? be ell-"re"ared. Number our? ocus and tal2 about hat is relevant.

    Number ive? anser the Muestions that are being as2ed,L Corinne Ilada.

    $he biggest three au>-"as?

    7 Ever-conidence bordering ith arrogance

    8 #ac2 o "re"aration

    3 Doesnt listen

    Joanna Standur observes the olloing on gender dierences, KDuring intervies, omen are oten

    more modest than men in "resenting their achievements and highlighting their Mualiications and s2ills.

    &omen also as2 more Muestions about the culture o their "otential ne em"loyer, com"osition o

    teams, and oered beneits. &hereas men seem to be more interested in the levels o inde"endence

    they ould have, strategic "lans o the irm and internal com"etition they may have.L

    U U U U U

    &hat hel"s our clients the most is to stic2 to the S$AG techniMue hen ansering Muestions. %t hel"s to

    ocus and remember every stage o a "roect?

    S Situation? give a brie conte>t * bac2ground * introduction

    $ $as2? e>"lain hat your res"onsibilities ere


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    A Action? describe hat you did

    G Gesult? share the result

    $here is not much that can go rong hen a""lying this method. ractice ith your children or role "lay

    ith your s"ouse. Eur motto in very colloMuial terms is, KScre u" at the simulation, so that you can nailit during the real intervie.L %n our e>"erience, our clients are ready ater three intervie simulations.

    &eve observed that those ho have not been Kon the other side o the recruitment "rocessL or a very

    long time, meaning that it is them ho recruit others, have the most challenging tas2. %ts es"ecially

    tough or C=Es? there e have a : or ecutive Search Com"any starts or2ing on a ne assignments, one o the channels to

    generate candidates is by as2ing their contacts on the mar2et ho they ould recommend or Q

    "osition. 9rom the very irst day the Consultant listens to hat Kthe mar2etL has to say about you. $he

    moment the best three to ive candidates have been selected, a more thorough "rocess starts. $hatthoroughness de"ends on both the =>ecutive Search 9irms standard "rocedures and the reMuirements

    o the cor"orate client. &e did ind out that there are recruitment com"anies that do not chec2 their

    candidates reerences, K$he maority o "eo"le Muote their riends as reerees. %ts obvious theyd say

    something nice, isnt it &e "reer to rely on our assessment.L &e 2no rom e>"erience that ust

    because somebody is your riend does not mean that they ill "rovide somebody ith a "ositive

    endorsement. Hoever, com"anies that ollo the above described "hiloso"hy are a deinite minority.

    $he remainder usually does the olloing to at least some e>tent?

    aF chec2 ith the "eo"le you have mentioned


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    bF as2 or additional sources? your su"erior, your "eer, your em"loyee, your client, a business "artner

    cF inMuire subtly OWF ith reliable, trustorthy contacts

    dF activate other channels ith our ithout your 2noledge and*or consent

    Hoever, at all times the ell-being, conidentiality and re"utation o the candidate is im"erative ;

    e>tremely ell-guarded. % do believe that that as the only "oint that everybody agreed u"on

    unanimously due to its sensitivity.

    U U U U U

    Ste" 77? $he salary negotiations

    &hat is the orst thing that can ha""en during salary negotiations $hat you Muote too little.

    $here are actually to strategies to a""roach that Muestion about your salary e>"ectation?

    - Strategy 7 says? Do not avoid ansering this Muestion. Be "re"ared. $hin2 beorehand hat salary

    realistically ould satisy you. % you do not ant to give a concrete number, you can alays give a

    range. %t is orth 2noing the mar2et level o remuneration on that "osition

    - Strategy 8 says? Avoid Muoting your _"riceL at all costs at the irst meeting. &hy Because you do

    not ant to sell yoursel chea" or e>tremely e>"ensive. $he irst meeting is a getting-to-2no-each-

    other. And that is it. ou should reserve yoursel the right to learn more details about the "osition, meet

    more "eo"le at your uture "otential em"loyer, understand hat they have to oer, and then once you

    see their oer, ta2e "osition. %n negotiations the most im"ortant rule is? never ever be the irst to Muote a

    number. $he irst one loses alays.

    &e as2ed Joanna Standur hat the dierences beteen men and omen ere hen negotiating their

    salaries, K&omen usually come across as less aggressive hen negotiating their salaries, and oten

    ater the negotiations regret that they did not as2 or more. $here are o course e>ce"tions, i.e. omen

    ho rom early on in their career ado"ted a so-called stereoty"ical KmaleL a""roach to negotiations.

    $hese omen almost overdo it by coming across as being too aggressive and not le>ible. /en usually

    "re"are better and 2no their mar2et value ell and are not shy to e>"ress it. $he best ay to

    negotiate remuneration or anyone, a man or a oman, is to 2no their mar2et value. And this should

    not be a "roblem ith mar2et surveys available or the maority o countries.L

    De"ending on your career level e either recommend Strategy 7 or 8. &e ould advise our

    e>ecutive clients to ollo strategy 8. Hoever, e agree, you should alays 2no your mar2et value

    or negotiation "ur"oses. % you ant to earn above mar2et level salaries, be ready to bac2 your

    e>"ectations ith strong arguments.

    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @


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    Part "ectations and avoiding


    Iataryna rybos2a-$omase2, KCommunicate your sincere motivation? dont "lay K%m a starL.

    Sometimes it sim"ly "ays o to sho that you care. Additionally, do not change your inancial

    e>"ectations in the course o the "rocess. An overall unsound integrity results in your loss o credibility.L

    Beata Bu2os2a, KJob hunting e>ecutives can be divided into three categories. $he irst grou" is very

    aare o their on com"etences and develo" themselves continuously. $hey are usually amiliar ith

    the techniMues o "romoting themselves on the mar2et. $he second and at the same time the largest

    grou" are those ho have ust entered the "rocess o assessing and evaluating their strengths and

    ea2nesses. And then there are those ho orm the third grou"? these e>ecutives do not submit

    themselves to auto-analysis and have thereore the biggest challenges in inding ne em"loyment.L

    `aneta Berus, K%ndividualie your a""roach. Be trans"arent. And remember, the mar2et is a small "lace

    hich means that everything you claim can be veriied easily.L


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    /ar2 Hamill, KGemember, the recruitment "rocess is never ust one ay. !se an intervie to "robe i

    that com"any is or you as ell. %ts a to ay communication. %ts not only them intervieing you, its

    also you intervieing them. Ebserve ho they treat and res"ond to you. %s that a "lace here you ant

    to s"end the ne>t ive to seven years %ts to sides engaging. %ts not only the com"any that can say

    no.L &hen as2ed ho olish or C== e>ecutive candidates com"ared to &estern =uro"ean ones, /ar2

    shares, K$here are very little dierences in terms o e>"erience. %t is no very dierent than only ive

    years ago. oland is an early mature economy. A strong economy. $heres a tremendous value on

    olish candidates ho are com"arable to their Cech or Hungarian counter"arts. $he only dierence is

    that candidates rom Central and =astern =uro"e are more modest as they are not yet as conident,

    although they do have international e>"erience. Humility in the recruitment "rocess isim"ortant. %ts not

    about beating your chest in a macho ty"e o ay hich candidates rom more mature mar2et

    sometimes do. ou do not ant that anyay.L

    Domini2a #udica2, K\...] $here is a very ine line beteen rustration and motivation. Gerain on theone hand rom shoing negative emotions toards your current or ormer em"loyer*s, and on the other

    hand rom letting your rustration shine through because you have been loo2ing or a long time.L

    Daniel 0u"i1s2i, K\...] #oo2 or a ob ith class. ou can ruin a very good irst im"ression rom the

    intervie ith the actions that ollo right ater it? calling constantly to chec2 u" on us. &e do

    understand your situations, but dont e>aggerate. %t is enough to send us your C once. &e do have a

    lot o very good Cs in our database. So have other recruitment com"anies. % e have something or

    you, believe me, e ill call you.L

    Corinne Ilada, K% ould say that there are to main things to avoid. 9irstly, have clearly deined

    obectives, hat are your true strengths and realistic "roessional as"irations, because a K% can do

    everythingL-anser does not hel" a candidate loo2ing or the ne>t ste". Second, avoid loo2ing

    des"erate .L

    Jery otoc2i, K%ts good to be le>ible. &e see certain trends coming rom the !SA as or e>am"le?

    or2ing rom home or leaving big cor"orations and their rat race to set u" an online business to be able

    to s"end more time ith amily and riends.L

    Joanna Standur, K&omen tend to be more loyal to their em"loyers and "robably change obs less

    reMuently than men. Beore deciding to change, omen careully thin2 about "ros and cons o staying

    vs. leaving, e.g. they chec2 i the "otential ne em"loyer has other omen "artners and ho they are

    treated or hether there are any better career develo"ment o""ortunities or them. /en more oten

    change either to gain more "oer or to have a higher remuneration.L

    Artur S2iba, Kou should observe the mar2et that you are interested in. &hat 2ind o ne investments

    are being underta2enL


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    /agdalena Buc2a, KBased on my e>"erience, the most im"ortant "ieces o advice an e>ecutive should

    ollo hen trying to secure a ne "osition are? courtesy gets you urther than arrogance[ dont use

    your on cor"orate argon hen tal2ing to a headhunter or "otential em"loyer[ and dont tal2 too much -

    Muality over Muantity hen you s"ea2.L

    %rres"ectively o your career level, changing your ob is never sim"ly adding a ne com"any onto yourC, es"ecially i you have or2ed or your em"loyer or a long time. A lot o emotions and "sychological

    deense mechanisms are involved. &e ant to discuss the most common one here.

    U U U U U

    9ow KnotG to find a 2ob by Anna (adro)na

    A "erson, ho is loo2ing or a ob, has one main goal? to ind one. %t ould seem that they ill do their

    best and ill "ut the ma>imum amount o eort in the see2ing "rocess to achieve that goal.

    Hoever, "arado>ically, it is "recisely the essence and the im"ortance o the goal that result in

    sometimes "reerring not to ta2e any action, and @ on the contrary @ sometimes ta2ing actions that do

    not bring us closer to our goal, but ma2e it even more diicult to achieve it. $his strategy, called sel-

    handica""ing in "sychology, allos us to "reserve the "ositive image e have o ourselves, but does

    not necessarily hel" us achieve our goal. Ho does it or2

    #ets imagine that our aim is to ind a ne ob. % e have more than ten or tenty years o "roessional

    e>"erience it is usually usho recruit, ho asses and veriy the candidatesP com"etences. But no, we

    have to ace eedbac2 on ours2ills being com"ared to others that might be better than us.

    eo"le ho subconsciously a""ly the sel-handica""ing strategy ill ta2e hatever it ta2es to

    underta2e any activity that is not related to the achievement o the goal @ e.g. instead o "re"aring or

    the intervie they get their holiday "ictures organied that ere sitting on the memory card or +

    months, or instead o s"ending one hour every day to ind a ob, they begin to read overdue boo2s.

    $han2s to that, "otentially ailing an intervie or not even being invited to one ill be ell-ustiied? sure,

    there are no eects, because % havent been doing anything in that direction - % had other im"ortant

    things to doW

    &e shit the res"onsibility onto an e>ternal situation, circumstances and ate. &e still need to co"e ith

    our ailure o not receiving any ob oers, but our "ositive o"inion on ourselves as ell as our sel-

    esteem remain intact.

    And hat ha""ens in a situation hen des"ite o atching a bo>ing ight till 3 a.m., e do achieve our

    goal Ogetting the obF during the intervie that as at ) a.m. the same day %n that case, e are

    convinced about our e>ce"tional ca"abilities and s2ills. &e thin2, KAlthough % have not done anything, %


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    still got the ob. % must be e>ce"tionalWL =ven though this statement does not have to necessarily be

    true, our sel-esteem remains intact.

    Based on our observations at Career Angels, this strategy is "o"ular among our clients, ho decide to

    do "arts o the tas2s themselves. $hey oten "ush aay activities as e.g. sending emails to "otential

    em"loyers, and at the same time, they orry that nothing is ha""ening, that they do not receive anyintervie invitations at com"anies or headhunters.

    /aybe you should abandon that "recarious strategy and ma2e every eort to ma>imie your chances o

    success Enly then do e have the guarantee that e have done everything that is "ossible to achieve

    our goal. &e do not allo ate decide about our success.

    U U U U U

    &hat Anna described cautiously in the last to "aragra"hs, % ould "ut Ousing my Austrian di"lomacyF,

    Keee, hy are you com"laining Have you olloed u" ith the emails you sent a month ago NoW

    Have you researched the com"anies e discussed NoW Have you sent emails to all o the C=Es e

    discussed NoW DuhWL

    Sometimes, in Kacute casesL, e intervene, sit don ith our client, o"en their inbo> and start emailing

    ith them. $he last time e did it, e generated our intervie invitations, three by email and one by

    "hone ithin only to and a hal hours o emailing and olloing-u". No imagine, here that client

    could have been, had they done that a month earlier. $hey could have already signed a contract. &ellnever ind out.

    Such Muic2 results as described above are antastic, but rustrating? % have the eeling that oten e

    suer more than our clients, because e 2no e>actly hat they should be doing and hat outcomes

    they could be having.

    Dont get me rong. % hear you, those o you ho are "aralyed. utting yoursel Kout thereL ma2es you

    vulnerable and o"en to reection, com"arison and criticism. % get it. Scouts honor. And ust this once %

    am not being sarcastic. B!$? at the end o the day, it does not get you ere you are going @ hich is

    your dream ob. $hereore, % invite you to embrace my most recent "hiloso"hy? 9;Xf.. 9orget 9.=.A.G.W

    And that being an acronym o K9alse =>"ectations A""earing GealL.

    &e as2ed our ormer client, a roects Director rom the %$*$elco sector, to share his sincere "oint o


    U U U U U

    Tabluae :asae & +go


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    K%n August 87, right ater my return rom vacation, % as made redundant des"ite @ or because o @

    my successes and achievements. % guess, % became too e>"ensive and a threat to certain colleagues. %

    started loo2ing or a ob on my on, but realied very Muic2ly that that ould not ma2e much sense as

    almost no ob ads o my level ere visible. % remembered Sandras session at our =>ecutive /BA

    course and thought, K% something does not e>ist, % have to create it.L

    Ence e got started % observed the olloing? headhunters only shoed interest hen they had an

    active recruitment "rocess they could try to it me in. $here as only one com"any that demonstrated

    "roactivity. %t did ha""en that a e e>ecutive search consultants met ith me or uture reerence. Hal

    o the recruiters re"lied, but overall, it did not generate any interesting ob oers.

    &hen it comes to s"eculative introductions, i.e. sending my documents directly to selected com"anies,

    % had a res"onse rate o over (X. Some C=Es "robably only re"lied out o courtesy and "oliteness,

    though % as invited to : intervies. &hile meeting ith headhunters and /anaging Directors % sloly

    matured to the idea, that % did not ant to carry on or2ing or a cor"oration. Ene o those our

    meetings actually enabled the start o my on consulting business. % continued receiving invitations

    rom both e>ecutive search consultants and rom com"anies hich resulted in to additional ob oers

    that % 2indly declined as % had already made u" my mind.

    Do % regret having "aid or Career Angels services and not having ound a ob NoW /ost deinitely not.

    $han2s to thoroughly analying my current situation, constantly e>"loring hat % anted and

    challenging my e>"ectations, % became very aare o hat % reallyanted to do ne>t. En to" o that,

    than2s to the roect ortolio e "re"ared together, % had ready mar2eting material to "itch to ne

    clients. %t as the start o my on com"any. And it as never li2e KSandra, heres my bio, do something

    ith it.L % a""reciated the learning "rocess that enabled my realiing hat the ideal ne>t career move

    should loo2 li2e. So, as it a aste o money Deinitely not.

    $his is hat % ould advise my "eers? 9irst o all, i a com"any ires you, it does NE$ mean that you are

    a ho"eless case. Cor"orations dismiss e>ecutives or many reasons. So, dra a line. $abulae rasae. %

    you end u" ithout a ob, the least recommendable irst reaction is to a""ly to every single ob ad you

    can ind. $he best method is to meet ith somebody right awayand not ater a hile. % have observedthat riends and colleagues that ere made redundant do ind obs relatively Muic2ly, sometimes even

    beore their notice "eriod ends under the alse "ressure that they have to immediately ind a ne

    source o income. % can say rom e>"erience that its orth to s"end some time on relection. %t is then

    easier to assess your goals and com"etences. Ater a hile that "icture o yoursel might become

    blurry. Being in a hurry isnt the solution. ou commit errors. Gemember, careermista2es are not that

    easy to i>. %ts very diicult to re-start your search three or our months into a ne "osition hen you

    realie that the ne ob as not hat you ere loo2ing or.

    % am sure some e>ecutives ill never contact Career Angels because they believe KAter all, % 2no so


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    many "eo"leWL $hey orget that they had those Kgood relationshi"sL hen they ere in "ositions o

    "oer. /ost o their acMuaintances ill not ant to em"loy them. Ho many e>ecutive "ositions are

    available at a given moment on the mar2et %ts a relatively small number. $here are not so many ne

    com"anies emerging. And re"lacements ta2e a very long time. $hereore, 2noing "eo"le "ersonally is

    not enough @ there is usually sim"ly not enough s"ace.

    Should e>ecutives a""ly themselves % ould dare say that the C=E is an em"loyee as everybody else

    and that the direct contact, in my e>"erience, is the best one. Ebviously, headhunters ill discourage

    you rom doing so, because they ant their cut. %t seems to me that i somebody a""lies "ersonally and

    directly it gives them credit o being creative and determined hich means that at or2 they ill be the

    same. $he ego o a ob hunting director can also interere hen emailing decision ma2ers, KHe did not

    re"ly to my Oirst and onlyF email. &hat an assholeW % ill never contact him again.L Ho oten has it

    ha""ened that youdid not re"ly to an email because your inbo> as sim"ly sam"ed

    Summariing, %d li2e to stress to "oints?

    7F %ts EI to be sur"rised or tem"orarily disoriented hen ired. et over it.

    8F ut aside your ego. $heres nothing rong ith contacting somebody directlyW $he ego is the most

    e>"ensive thing youll ever have. K

    U U U U U

    &e could not have said it better ourselves. No heres a little test that ill hel" you evaluate ho ready

    you are and hat the "robability o inding a ne ob is?


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Dont sit and ait or something to ha""en? a headhunter ho calls you, a merger, a com"etitor ho

    a""roaches you directly. $a2e your career in your on handsW


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    Additional :esourcesB

    Featured 5nteriew with C+ of Alche* 6rupa 1onrad 1opyra

    Sandra Bichl? Ionrad, than2 you very much or your time to meet me and anser my Muestions.

    Ionrad Io"yra? $he "leasure is all mine.

    Sandra Bichl? 9ow do you loo$ for candidates on e,ecutie positionsE 9ow often do the

    recruit*ents happen and how are they conductedE

    Ionrad Io"yra? % e need to ind an e>ecutive, e start ith our on contacts and rely on ord o

    mouth. % that does not or2, e choose one o : e>ecutive search com"anies that e or2 ith. Eur

    e>"ectation toards the candidates is? they need to have e>"erience ithin the B8B sector in "roviding

    laboratory eMui"ment su""orted by successes on "osts li2e Sales Director or Business Develo"ment

    /anager. =ducation is not so crucial. % the candidate does not have e>"erience in our industry, they ill

    not be able co"e ith "roblems they ill encounter. $hey have to understand and 2no the s"eciics o

    our branch. &e have about : su""liers and over 8 "roducts hich rotate rather Muic2ly.

    Sandra Bichl? 9ow long does the recruit*ent process lastE

    Ionrad Io"yra? %n an ideal orld, such a "rocess lasts u" to ( months. Hoever, it ha""ens @ but reallyrarely @ that it lasts only 8 months.

    Sandra Bichl? 9ow do you react to receiing a CJ without an open recruit*ent processE

    Ionrad Io"yra? %t does not bother me, although % try to "rotect my _com"any "rivacyL. % a "erson ho

    sends me a C has something to oer, % ill remember them. &e have already em"loyed 3 "eo"le that


    Sandra Bichl? 9ow i*portant is the Luality of sent docu*ents for youE

    Ionrad Io"yra? % distinguish to 2inds o Mualities. $he irst concerns the a""earance and layout[ in

    other ords? aesthetics. $he second as"ect is the Muality o the content? "roects and achievements

    have to be "resented in a "roessional ay and su""orted by concrete numbers. % somebody decides

    to send their C ith a "hoto, it should be o good Muality and a""ro"riate to the "osition they are

    a""lying or. $he chronology is also im"ortant or me. $he "roile summary should be "laced at the to"

    o the "age. &hy Because this is here %d li2e to read about inormation that is relevant to me. %t

    should include 2ey "oints. As you can usually ind more or less useul inormation in a C, % ant to

    2no immediately i reading the hole is not a aste o my time.


  • 7/24/2019 Job Hunting Director


    % should be able to see at one glance i the "erson ulills our e>"ectations, so % do not have to search

    or that in the te>t. % am not interested in all the trainings. % % ant to 2no something more, % ill sim"ly

    as2. 9urthermore, having com"leted a training is not eMuivalent to being com"etent in that area. eo"le

    conuse that oten. Another im"ortant element is the style o riting. $he hole should be organied


    Sandra Bichl? 9ow can a person de*onstrate that they hae so*ething to offerE

    Ionrad Io"yra? % it is a C related to the ongoing recruitment "rocess, % ant to see that the candidate

    ulills our reMuirements in the "roile summary. % do not have the time to loo2 or the inormation that

    somebody holds an /BA. % it is a C sent ithout an o"en recruitment "rocess, the "erson has to

    2no ho they are riting to, the com"any structure and "roduct "ortolio. $hey should also em"hasie

    ho they can be useul to the com"any.

    Sandra Bichl? People often tal$ about transferable co*petences/4 9ow does it loo$ li$e when a

    candidate wants to change their branchE#ets su""ose that there is a Sales Director ho has never

    or2ed in your industry, but since they ere a child they had been interested in microsco"es, "i"ettes,

    etc. &hat 2ind o a""roach should such a "erson has to convince you that meeting them is not a aste

    o your time although you are loo2ing or em"loyees only rom ithin your sector

    Ionrad Io"yra? $hat is a good Muestion. $he most im"ortant thing is or such a "erson to em"hasie

    ho they are related to my industry and hat their motivation is. Beore % o"en the C, % ant to also