c he Inxtfnrb llqrnblican IIFine Job Work a Specialty IVOL XVI HARTFORD KY MAY 13 1904 JNo 43 TOTAL DEPRAVITY y Shown in a Case Tried in the City Court at Owensboro White Girl Lives With Negroes and is Sent to the Work hous in Her Silks Twelve cases were on the police court docket this morning says Mon n days Owensboro Inquirer and at no time since Judge Stirmnn has been on the bench have there been such cases of depravity before him The principal CASES were those against Peal Priest and Flora Smith the lat ¬ ter a negress both ol whom were 0charged with keeping an immoral house and disorderly conduct The warrants for their arrest were issued at the instance ot > C Deacon The evidence introduced showed that the white girl and negress lived together and that the white girl as- sociated ¬ with negro men In court this morning the white girl was dressed in elegant style her garments being of the finest silk She was a handsome girl in her appearance and 4f her conversation indicated that she is of more than ordinary intellgence She denied that ahe associated with negro woman and lived an immoral life Judge Stirman fined each of them 75 and costs In imposing the fine thecourt said It was the worst case that ever came under his observation in all his official experience + GENERAL Quarreling over a thirtycent jack ¬ pot in a penny ante poker game Harry Simmons a Chicago circus aeronaut shot L B Wickman a waiter through the heart killing him Instantly Simmons escaped but later gave himself up to the po ¬ liceHarvey Bradley field manager for Brice S Bradley at Batson Tex fell in a tank of oil Monday and was drowned He had gone to the top of the tank which was a I2oo barrel settling tank and It is supposed he became overpowered by gas and fell in The body sank to the bottom and holes were cut in the tank to let the oil escape so men could go into it and secure the body Within half an hour alter having been locked up for alleged horse steal ing Henry Quick aged twentytwo committed suicide Monday night in the county jail at Terre Haute Ind His body was found hanging by a handkerchief from the top bars of the cell Two years ago when arrested on a similar charge he attempted su ¬ icide but was prevented Judge Mile W Young who is holding court at Owlngsvllle denies the report that he Is going to appoint 250 sergeantsatarms at the Demo ¬ cratic State Convention to enforce his rulingsThe weekly crop report Issued by the Agricultural Department at Washington states that favorable conditions have existed during the past week in the winter wheat belt with the exception of the Ohio Val ¬ ley where the crop now looks very poor Corn planting has progressed rapidly and conditions in the cotton belt have been quite favorable The Coroners Inquest into the cause of the death of Edward L Wentz was begun near Big Stone Gap theI Warrants hive been served on two prisoners in jail at Tazewell Tenn charging them with the murder of Wentz KY May nRev E V Phippa went to Ceralvo Saturday night to attend church services conducted by Rev Jake Casebler Fiftyseven years have elapsed since the divines met Tom Heflin has a position with ROBS Curtis Rockport- J M Carter and John Simpson have returned from a business trip to- M t Evansville Rolla Sowders Beaver Dam was here last week on business- U S Fraught and family visited the family of Dallas Faught near Me Henry last Sunday Mrs N E Jones is visiting Mrs V P Brown near Point Pleasant Mr Warren Igleheart has sold his town property here and ought a farm near Ceralvo Mr Luther Collins went to Davies county last Saturday on business 7 Mr Will Ends Misses Fern Wood burn and Maud Vicks Central Cj y visited relatives and friends heje Sat- urday and Sundayo > Mr L R Goodall is on the sick list Kodol Dyspepsia Curie Digests what you eat SCHLEITZBAUM MUST GO Court of Appeals Affirms Judg- ment ¬ of One Year in court of Appeals Tuesday af ¬ firmed the judgment of the Ohio cir ¬ cuit court in the case of A B Schleltzbauui against the common ¬ wealth The judgment appealed from WES a sentence of the appellant to one year in the penitentiary Schleitz baum was convicted about one year ago on the charge of embezzling about f85 from the Illinois Central Rail ¬ road company by which company he was employed at Fordsvllle The conviction was the outcome of the sensational Boatner express case Boatner alleged that he shipped a package said to contain 28000 from Owensboro to Fordsvllle to his own address in August 1902 The pack ¬ age left Owensboro on a morning train and Boatner left on an afternoon train At Fordsvllle Boatner refused to accept the package from the agent Schleltzbaum who was also ugent of the American Express Company at Fordsvllle had the package and en ¬ velope containing money belonging to the Illinois Central railroad com ¬ pany in his posession As he was go ¬ ing from the office to his hotel about S oclock at night he claims he was held up and robbed of the package and the envelope He and Boatner were afterwards arrested and tried on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the American Express Company Schlitz baum was then indicted and tried on- t charge of embezzling money from the railroad company He was con ¬ victed of the charge and given one year in the penitentiary His attor ¬ neys Glenn Ringo and Heavrin Woodward appealed the case to the court of appeals and the Ohio Circuit court judgment was on Tuesday af- firmed Schleltzbaum has been In jail at Hartford since August 1902 Boatner was Indicted and tried on the charge of receiving embezzled funds The case resulted in a hung jury He too has ben in jail at Hartford since the affair He has brought suit in the United States court forIIhls 28000 alleged to have been shipped from Owensboro to Fords ¬ vllle This suit was continued until November term of court at the last session of the Federal court in this city A Wise Step At a recent term of County court a petition signed by a number of the countys most substantial farmers and business men seeking the estab- lishment ¬ of a public ditch or drain was presented in open court and or- dered ¬ filed The ditch or drain is to begin on the land of C M Barnett and J W Sanderfur which they re- cently ¬ purchased of J F Stowers and will run In a southwesterly direction to Rough river through Big thoroughfare near Pendleton Wards land It will be about three miles long and will drain and make tillable about 2500 acres of land over which water stands for most of the year This seems to be the Initiative for the draining of the entire Rough river bottoms and these gentlemen should be commented for their Interprlslng spirit IF IT IS NEW YOU WILL FIND IT IX TilE REPUBLICAN I INTELLIGENCE CENTERTOWN Penitentiary- The TO CHEAT THE GALLOWS That is the Aim of Wife Murderer Veronai Flener He is Trying to Kill Himself by Starvation in the Butler County Jail Bowling Green Ky May 10 Verona Flener convicted of the mur ¬ der of his wife in Butler county last July and sentenced by the Butler Circuit court to be hanged on Friday May 27 is trying to defeat the gal ¬ lows by starving himself to death Flener within the past fiftyfive days has eaten nothing except three pounds of wafers His body is wast- ed ¬ and emaciated until he is now little more than a living skeleton He is at present the only prisoner in the Morgantown jail and is allowed the full freedom of the prison He is unable to sleep of nights and the greater part of his time is spent in pacing up and down the narrow cell in which he is confined It is thought probably that Flener will not live to be executed unless be takes nutri ¬ tious food The case of Flener is familiar to all He killed his wife in cold blood by stabbing her with a knife last July He afterwards attempted to commit suicide but was prevented from carrying out his plan by his son who wrested the weapon from him after he had been badly injured The feeling against Flener was so bitter in Butler county that a guard was placed around the jail to prevent mob violence A few days later he was brought to the county jail at Bowling Green for safe keeping where he was confined until taken back to Morgantown fur trial His defense was emotional insanity but the jury after a short deliberation fixed his punishment at death The execution of Flener will be the first legal hang ¬ ing that has occurred in Butler coun ¬ ty in forty year- sSTRINGENT METHODS Farmers Resolve to Boycott the Auction llouse5 Fine to Sell Tobacco at Auction That stringent methods are to be used by the farmers of Davless coun ¬ ty this season to get better prices for their tobacco is evidenced by resolu ¬ tions adopted at the local union NO1 of the American Society of Equity at Andersonvllle If any member of the society sells his tobacco through the auction house he will be fined 5 oo A communicant says The local union at this place A S of E met Saturday night and af ¬ ter a heated discussion of the present situation of the tobacco market adopted resolutions etc to the ef ¬ fect that the farmers should not pat ¬ ronize the auction house Following are the resolutions and signers We the undersigned members of Andersonville Local Union No i hereby agree that we will not place any of our 1904 crop of tobacco on the market through the auction house and we also further agree that each and every member hereby represent- ed ¬ shall pay a fine of 5 into the treas ¬ ury of the above named union for each and every sample sold at auc ¬ tionSlgnedT M Maple J J Puck ett D F Mayfield W E Lashbrook H L Winkler P B Mayfield R B Rummage SALEM KY May nRev Savage filled his regular appointment at this place SundayMr Willie Myers and wife near Roslne gave a singing to the young people of the community last Satur ¬ day night All reported a pleasant timeMrs Judie Miller near Walnut Grove is visiting her sister Mrs Maggie Christian of Cane Run Mr Hardin Haynes who was re ¬ ported quit ill last week died at the home of his son Mr Tilford Haynes near this place last Friday His re ¬ mains were laid to rest in the Salem buyrlng grounds Saturday Mrs Priedy Christian and her grandson Marvin Christian of Cane Run were the guests of Mrs Chris ¬ tians daughter Mrs R A Wilson neat this place last Sunday Mr Willie Sandbach who has been attending school at Louisville return ¬ ed to his home near Frledaland last SaturdayMiss Hoover who has been at ¬ tending school at Hartford returned to her home near Friedaland Satur ¬ dayThe people of this community were much bereaved at the death ol Mr R L White a well known citizen who lived near Olaton HOWARDS DEFENSE FUND Committees Appeal for Funds to Carry Case to Supreme Court The undersigned have consented to act as a committee to receive and dis ¬ burse any fund that may be contribu ¬ ted towards the expense of an appeal to the United States Supreme Court by James B Howard from the recent judgment of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky affirming the sentence of imprisonment for life in his case Vft are informed and believe that there is at least a reasonable hope that the Supreme Court of the United States will take jurisdiction and con ¬ sider the question Whether the court will or will not assume jurisdiction it will require about 2500 to prepare the record so as to present the case to the court We have investigated the question of Howards financial condi ¬ tion He has on hand about 250 lo psi cent of the amotrritrequlred and unless the balance is raised with in the next ten days the record can ¬ not be prepared in time and he will be removed to the penitentiary with ¬ in the next thirty days to serve his sentence It is proper that weshould say that the money is neededand will bs used only for the purpose ot pay ¬ ing the actual expenses of the prep ¬ aration of the record as all of the at- torneys fees have been heretofore set tiedWe feel that the people of Kentucky will not deny this man this last chance and we appeal to them to come to his relief Immediately Contributions can be sent to any- one of the undersigned and we pledge to the donors of the fund our careful attention to its distribution The names of subscribers to this fund will not be made public unless desired JOHN A STRATTON YOUNG E ALLisoN J F GRINSTEADLouisville Ky MATANZAS KY May ii Benjamin son of H B Mabrey who has been sick for quite a while is worse Will Brown lost a fine mare and colt last week Miss Iva Tichenor who has beta very sick of measles is better Owen Brown and F J Jenney at ¬ tended church at West Providence SundayTilden Taylor and Miss Mary Lind ley attended quarterly meeting at Goshen Sunday- Hollis Tichenor visited in West Providence last Sunday Misses Pearle Igleheart and Ethel Tichenor will go to Central City next Sunday to spend a few days with friends there WHITESVILLE KY May 9A crowd of people attend- ed ¬ the funeral of the late G W Mul- len ¬ which took place In Owensboro Sunday A special train was sent out to tate the remains and friends down Mrs Bertha Cook and father Mr D F Brooks have returned from New Orleans Mrs Clarence Keown returned to her home in Fordsville Wednesday after a visit to relatives here Messrs Pendletotn Holbrook and Ermon Fuqua of Fordsvllle were f Subscription 1 a Year FRIDAY I SYSTEMIC CATARRH Claims Many Thousands A Tragedians Thanks to Peruna I II ROBERT DOWNING THE FAMOUS TRAGEDIAN 1 In speaking of Peruna Robert Down ¬ fag the famous tragedian says I find Peruna a proventativo against all sudden summer ills that swoop upon one In changing climates and water It Is tho finest traveling companion and safeguard against malarial influences You may notice that persons in poor health always find the heat most Intol- erable ¬ this I avoid by using Peruna I know by the thermometer that the weather is ho yet I have felt the heat less this summer than ever The cooling action of Peruna on the mucous membrane makes it invaluable to actors and singers as it does away with that tendency to sudden hoarseness to apt to overtake one on emerging from here Sunday Mr Byron Petty and wife McHen ry who visited friends and relatives here last week returned home Mon ¬ dayMiss Clara Early spent last week with friends at McHenry Messrs Sam Sansbury Owensboro and Fabian Coones Knottsvlllespent Sunday here- Whitesville crossed bats with Ow ¬ ensboro Sunday afternoon Whites ¬ yule came out two ahead Master Willie Wells who has been ill with pneumonia for some time is able to be out again Miss Stella Wedding was the guest of Misses Lena and Vera Miller Ma gan last week Mrs Lawrence Stinnett is conva ¬ lescentMr W A Wlnsatt Narrows was here Sunday Mrs Jessie Hall died Monday of dropsy She was burled Tuesday Mr Erank Jenkins Owensboro was here Wednesday n SMALLHOUS KY May nWIll Eades and Misses Eulah Langley and Fern Woodburn Central City were in our midst Sun ¬ day evening enroute for their homes from a visit to relatives at Center townIi Mr and Mrs Keown Rockport and Mrs Mary Gambriel are at the bedside of their sister Mrs Scott Mrs R H Everly and daughter Gracie Ceralvo were the guests of her children Mrs W E Balls and Mr Harry Everly SaturdayI Mr and Mrs W E Balls spent Saturday night and Sunday In CeralvoMiss Fannie Davis and C C Kim bley were the guests of Miss Ethel Hunter Sunday Miss Alice Fulkerson went to Rockport Sunday to visit her uncle I SO LITTLE UNDERSTOOD I a hot dressing room to a draughty stageTo sum it up Peruna has done me more good than any tonic I have over taken Robert Downing Dr Hartman was tho first physician in the United States to accurately do ecriba systemic catarrh His remedy Peruna tho only systemic catarrh rem ¬ edy yet devised is now known allover the civilized yorld A person having used it onto can never be persuaded to be without it when in need of such a remedyWrite for a copy of Dr Ear tmana latest bobk entitled Summer Catarrh Address Dr Hartman Columbus O l and annt Mr and Mrs S L Fulker ¬ sonMrs Dutch Hank and Mrs Hallie Cargil McHenry were the guests of SundayI Mr and Mrs Zach Reid were the guests of their daughter Mrs Ray Addington Klrtleys Landing Sun ¬ dayMr and Mrs Waddle Rockport spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs IL D HuntMr Hunt Bowling Green was at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs H D Hunt Saturday and SundayMrs Louisa Overhults has return ¬ ed home from a visit to her son Mr J C Hill near South Carrollton Mr and Mrs J C Hill spent Sat urday night and Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs M P Mad- dox Unique Characters Two elderly gentlemen have been fn town most of the week selling a book with the title of Extaacts from the Flying Roll Two nights in succes ¬ sion they preached lo a crowd of the curious on the streets but strange as it may seem it was not possible to ¬ gather from their sermons conversa ¬ tion or books just what their peculiar creed is They were very zealous and seemed to be laboring under the 1m Impression that the whole world was waiting for them to convert it They can hardly hope for many disciples until they promulgate their doctrine in such a way that it will be comprehensive to the ordinary finite mind Supt DeWeese has recently added about fifty new volumes to the Ohio county teachers library and to the colored library Few counties In the State have a larger or better selection of books than does Ohio count- yDtYtr Early Risers tile fatmeue Uttto Mllti t

Job Work a IIVOL KY FRIDAYnyx.uky.edu › dips › xt7k0p0wr57f › data › 0167.pdfWarrants hive been served on two prisoners in jail at Tazewell Tenn charging them with the murder

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Page 1: Job Work a IIVOL KY FRIDAYnyx.uky.edu › dips › xt7k0p0wr57f › data › 0167.pdfWarrants hive been served on two prisoners in jail at Tazewell Tenn charging them with the murder

c he Inxtfnrb llqrnblicanIIFine Job Work a Specialty



Shown in a Case Tried in theCity Court at Owensboro

White Girl Lives With Negroes

and is Sent to the Work

hous in Her Silks

Twelve cases were on the police

court docket this morning says Mon

n days Owensboro Inquirer and at no

time since Judge Stirmnn has been

on the bench have there been suchcases of depravity before him Theprincipal CASES were those against

Peal Priest and Flora Smith the lat ¬

ter a negress both ol whom were

0charged with keeping an immoralhouse and disorderly conduct Thewarrants for their arrest were issued

at the instance ot > C Deacon

The evidence introduced showed

that the white girl and negress lived

together and that the white girl as-



with negro men In courtthis morning the white girl was

dressed in elegant style her garmentsbeing of the finest silk She was a

handsome girl in her appearance and

4f her conversation indicated that she is

of more than ordinary intellgenceShe denied that ahe associated withnegro woman and lived an immorallife Judge Stirman fined each of

them 75 and costs In imposing thefine thecourt said It was the worst case

that ever came under his observationin all his official experience


Quarreling over a thirtycent jack ¬

pot in a penny ante poker gameHarry Simmons a Chicago circusaeronaut shot L B Wickman a

waiter through the heart killinghim Instantly Simmons escaped

but later gave himself up to the po ¬

liceHarveyBradley field manager for

Brice S Bradley at Batson Tex fell

in a tank of oil Monday and was

drowned He had gone to the top of

the tank which was a I2oo barrelsettling tank and It is supposed he

became overpowered by gas and fell

in The body sank to the bottomand holes were cut in the tank to letthe oil escape so men could go into itand secure the body

Within half an hour alter havingbeen locked up for alleged horse stealing Henry Quick aged twentytwocommitted suicide Monday night in

the county jail at Terre Haute IndHis body was found hanging by a

handkerchief from the top bars of thecell Two years ago when arrested

on a similar charge he attempted su ¬

icide but was preventedJudge Mile W Young who is

holding court at Owlngsvllle deniesthe report that he Is going to appoint

250 sergeantsatarms at the Demo ¬

cratic State Convention to enforce his

rulingsTheweekly crop report Issued by

the Agricultural Department atWashington states that favorableconditions have existed during thepast week in the winter wheat beltwith the exception of the Ohio Val ¬

ley where the crop now looks verypoor Corn planting has progressedrapidly and conditions in the cottonbelt have been quite favorable

The Coroners Inquest into thecause of the death of Edward LWentz was begun near Big Stone GaptheIWarrants hive been served on two

prisoners in jail at Tazewell Tenncharging them with the murder of


KYMay nRev E V Phippa went

to Ceralvo Saturday night to attendchurch services conducted by RevJake Casebler Fiftyseven years haveelapsed since the divines met

Tom Heflin has a position withROBS Curtis Rockport-

J M Carter and John Simpsonhave returned from a business trip to-


EvansvilleRolla Sowders Beaver Dam was

here last week on business-U S Fraught and family visited the

family of Dallas Faught near MeHenry last Sunday

Mrs N E Jones is visiting MrsV P Brown near Point Pleasant

Mr Warren Igleheart has sold histown property here and ought afarm near Ceralvo

Mr Luther Collins went to Daviescounty last Saturday on business 7

Mr Will Ends Misses Fern Woodburn and Maud Vicks Central Cj yvisited relatives and friends heje Sat-

urday and Sundayo >

Mr L R Goodall is on the sicklist

Kodol Dyspepsia CurieDigests what you eat


Court of Appeals Affirms Judg-



of One Year in

court of Appeals Tuesday af ¬

firmed the judgment of the Ohio cir ¬

cuit court in the case of A B

Schleltzbauui against the common ¬

wealth The judgment appealed fromWES a sentence of the appellant toone year in the penitentiary Schleitzbaum was convicted about one yearago on the charge of embezzling aboutf85 from the Illinois Central Rail ¬

road company by which company hewas employed at Fordsvllle

The conviction was the outcome of

the sensational Boatner express caseBoatner alleged that he shipped a

package said to contain 28000 fromOwensboro to Fordsvllle to his own

address in August 1902 The pack ¬

age left Owensboro on a morningtrain and Boatner left on an afternoontrain At Fordsvllle Boatner refusedto accept the package from the agentSchleltzbaum who was also ugent of

the American Express Company atFordsvllle had the package and en ¬

velope containing money belongingto the Illinois Central railroad com ¬

pany in his posession As he was go ¬

ing from the office to his hotel aboutS oclock at night he claims he was

held up and robbed of the packageand the envelope He and Boatnerwere afterwards arrested and tried ona charge of conspiracy to defraud theAmerican Express Company Schlitzbaum was then indicted and tried on-

t charge of embezzling money fromthe railroad company He was con ¬

victed of the charge and given oneyear in the penitentiary His attor¬

neys Glenn Ringo and HeavrinWoodward appealed the case to thecourt of appeals and the Ohio Circuitcourt judgment was on Tuesday af-

firmed Schleltzbaum has been In jailat Hartford since August 1902

Boatner was Indicted and tried on

the charge of receiving embezzledfunds The case resulted in a hungjury He too has ben in jail atHartford since the affair He hasbrought suit in the United States courtforIIhls 28000 alleged to have beenshipped from Owensboro to Fords ¬

vllle This suit was continued untilNovember term of court at the last

session of the Federal court in thiscity

A Wise StepAt a recent term of County court a

petition signed by a number of the

countys most substantial farmersand business men seeking the estab-



of a public ditch or drainwas presented in open court and or-


filed The ditch or drain is tobegin on the land of C M Barnettand J W Sanderfur which they re-


purchased of J F Stowers andwill run In a southwesterly directionto Rough river through Bigthoroughfare near Pendleton Wardsland It will be about three mileslong and will drain and make tillableabout 2500 acres of land over whichwater stands for most of the yearThis seems to be the Initiative for thedraining of the entire Rough riverbottoms and these gentlemen shouldbe commented for their Interprlslngspirit








That is the Aim of Wife

Murderer VeronaiFlener

He is Trying to Kill Himself by

Starvation in the ButlerCounty Jail

Bowling Green Ky May 10

Verona Flener convicted of the mur ¬

der of his wife in Butler county lastJuly and sentenced by the ButlerCircuit court to be hanged on FridayMay 27 is trying to defeat the gal ¬

lows by starving himself to deathFlener within the past fiftyfivedays has eaten nothing except threepounds of wafers His body is wast-



and emaciated until he is nowlittle more than a living skeletonHe is at present the only prisoner in

the Morgantown jail and is allowed

the full freedom of the prison He is

unable to sleep of nights and thegreater part of his time is spent inpacing up and down the narrow cell

in which he is confined It is thoughtprobably that Flener will not live tobe executed unless be takes nutri ¬

tious food

The case of Flener is familiar to

all He killed his wife in cold bloodby stabbing her with a knife lastJuly He afterwards attempted tocommit suicide but was preventedfrom carrying out his plan by hisson who wrested the weapon from

him after he had been badly injuredThe feeling against Flener was sobitter in Butler county that a guardwas placed around the jail to preventmob violence A few days later hewas brought to the county jail atBowling Green for safe keeping wherehe was confined until taken back toMorgantown fur trial His defensewas emotional insanity but the juryafter a short deliberation fixed hispunishment at death The executionof Flener will be the first legal hang ¬

ing that has occurred in Butler coun ¬

ty in forty year-


Farmers Resolve to Boycott the

Auction llouse5 Fine to

Sell Tobacco at Auction

That stringent methods are to beused by the farmers of Davless coun ¬

ty this season to get better prices fortheir tobacco is evidenced by resolu ¬

tions adopted at the local union NO1of the American Society of Equity atAndersonvllle If any member of thesociety sells his tobacco through theauction house he will be fined 5 oo

A communicant saysThe local union at this place A

S of E met Saturday night and af¬

ter a heated discussion of the presentsituation of the tobacco marketadopted resolutions etc to the ef ¬

fect that the farmers should not pat ¬

ronize the auction house Followingare the resolutions and signers

We the undersigned members ofAndersonville Local Union No ihereby agree that we will not placeany of our 1904 crop of tobacco onthe market through the auction houseand we also further agree that eachand every member hereby represent-ed


shall pay a fine of 5 into the treas ¬

ury of the above named union foreach and every sample sold at auc¬

tionSlgnedT M Maple J J Puckett D F Mayfield W E LashbrookH L Winkler P B Mayfield R B


SALEM KYMay nRev Savage filled his

regular appointment at this place

SundayMrWillie Myers and wife near

Roslne gave a singing to the youngpeople of the community last Satur¬

day night All reported a pleasant

timeMrsJudie Miller near Walnut

Grove is visiting her sister MrsMaggie Christian of Cane Run

Mr Hardin Haynes who was re ¬

ported quit ill last week died at thehome of his son Mr Tilford Haynesnear this place last Friday His re ¬

mains were laid to rest in the Salembuyrlng grounds Saturday

Mrs Priedy Christian and hergrandson Marvin Christian of CaneRun were the guests of Mrs Chris ¬

tians daughter Mrs R A Wilsonneat this place last Sunday

Mr Willie Sandbach who has beenattending school at Louisville return ¬

ed to his home near Frledaland last

SaturdayMissHoover who has been at ¬

tending school at Hartford returnedto her home near Friedaland Satur ¬

dayThepeople of this community were

much bereaved at the death ol

Mr R L White a well known citizenwho lived near Olaton


Committees Appeal for Funds to

Carry Case to Supreme


The undersigned have consented toact as a committee to receive and dis ¬

burse any fund that may be contribu ¬

ted towards the expense of an appealto the United States Supreme Courtby James B Howard from the recentjudgment of the Court of Appeals of

Kentucky affirming the sentence of

imprisonment for life in his caseVft are informed and believe that

there is at least a reasonable hopethat the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates will take jurisdiction and con ¬

sider the question Whether the courtwill or will not assume jurisdiction itwill require about 2500 to preparethe record so as to present the case tothe court We have investigated thequestion of Howards financial condi ¬

tion He has on hand about 250

lo psi cent of the amotrritrequlredand unless the balance is raised within the next ten days the record can ¬

not be prepared in time and he will

be removed to the penitentiary with ¬

in the next thirty days to serve hissentence It is proper that weshouldsay that the money is neededand will

bs used only for the purpose ot pay ¬

ing the actual expenses of the prep ¬

aration of the record as all of the at-

torneys fees have been heretofore set

tiedWefeel that the people of Kentucky

will not deny this man this lastchance and we appeal to them to

come to his relief ImmediatelyContributions can be sent to any-

one of the undersigned and we pledgeto the donors of the fund our careful

attention to its distribution Thenames of subscribers to this fund will

not be made public unless desiredJOHN A STRATTONYOUNG E ALLisoNJ F



MATANZAS KYMay ii Benjamin son of H B

Mabrey who has been sick for quitea while is worse

Will Brown lost a fine mare andcolt last week

Miss Iva Tichenor who has betavery sick of measles is better

Owen Brown and F J Jenney at ¬

tended church at West Providence

SundayTildenTaylor and Miss Mary Lind

ley attended quarterly meeting atGoshen Sunday-

Hollis Tichenor visited in WestProvidence last Sunday

Misses Pearle Igleheart and EthelTichenor will go to Central City nextSunday to spend a few days withfriends there

WHITESVILLE KYMay 9A crowd of people attend-



the funeral of the late G W Mul-



which took place In OwensboroSunday A special train was sent outto tate the remains and friends down

Mrs Bertha Cook and father MrD F Brooks have returned fromNew Orleans

Mrs Clarence Keown returned toher home in Fordsville Wednesdayafter a visit to relatives here

Messrs Pendletotn Holbrook andErmon Fuqua of Fordsvllle were


Subscription 1 a Year


Claims Many Thousands A Tragedians Thanks to Peruna



In speaking of Peruna Robert Down ¬

fag the famous tragedian saysI find Peruna a proventativo against

all sudden summer ills that swoop uponone In changing climates and water ItIs tho finest traveling companion andsafeguard against malarial influences

You may notice that persons in poorhealth always find the heat most Intol-erable


this I avoid by using Peruna Iknow by the thermometer that theweather is ho yet I have felt the heatless this summer than ever

The cooling action of Peruna on themucous membrane makes it invaluableto actors and singers as it does awaywith that tendency to sudden hoarsenessto apt to overtake one on emerging from

here SundayMr Byron Petty and wife McHen

ry who visited friends and relativeshere last week returned home Mon ¬

dayMissClara Early spent last week

with friends at McHenryMessrs Sam Sansbury Owensboro

and Fabian Coones KnottsvlllespentSunday here-

Whitesville crossed bats with Ow ¬

ensboro Sunday afternoon Whites ¬

yule came out two aheadMaster Willie Wells who has been

ill with pneumonia for some time isable to be out again

Miss Stella Wedding was the guestof Misses Lena and Vera Miller Ma

gan last weekMrs Lawrence Stinnett is conva ¬

lescentMrW A Wlnsatt Narrows was

here SundayMrs Jessie Hall died Monday of

dropsy She was burled TuesdayMr Erank Jenkins Owensboro

was here Wednesdayn

SMALLHOUS KYMay nWIll Eades and Misses

Eulah Langley and Fern WoodburnCentral City were in our midst Sun ¬

day evening enroute for their homesfrom a visit to relatives at Center

townIiMr and Mrs Keown Rockport

and Mrs Mary Gambriel are at thebedside of their sister Mrs Scott

Mrs R H Everly and daughterGracie Ceralvo were the guests ofher children Mrs W E Balls andMr Harry Everly SaturdayI

Mr and Mrs W E Balls spentSaturday night and Sunday In


Fannie Davis and C C Kimbley were the guests of Miss EthelHunter Sunday

Miss Alice Fulkerson went toRockport Sunday to visit her uncle



I a hot dressing room to a draughtystageTo

sum it up Peruna has done memore good than any tonic I have overtaken Robert Downing

Dr Hartman was tho first physicianin the United States to accurately doecriba systemic catarrh His remedyPeruna tho only systemic catarrh rem¬

edy yet devised is now known alloverthe civilized yorld A person havingused it onto can never be persuaded tobe without it when in need of such a


for a copy of Dr Ear tmanalatest bobk entitled Summer CatarrhAddress Dr Hartman Columbus O


and annt Mr and Mrs S L Fulker¬

sonMrs Dutch Hank and Mrs HallieCargil McHenry were the guests ofSundayI

Mr and Mrs Zach Reid were theguests of their daughter Mrs RayAddington Klrtleys Landing Sun ¬

dayMrand Mrs Waddle Rockport

spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ILD

HuntMrHunt Bowling Green

was at the home of his parents Mrand Mrs H D Hunt Saturday and

SundayMrsLouisa Overhults has return ¬

ed home from a visit to her son Mr

J C Hill near South CarrolltonMr and Mrs J C Hill spent Sat

urday night and Sunday with theirparents Mr and Mrs M P Mad-


Unique CharactersTwo elderly gentlemen have been fn

town most of the week selling a bookwith the title of Extaacts from theFlying Roll Two nights in succes ¬

sion they preached lo a crowd of thecurious on the streets but strange asit may seem it was not possible to ¬

gather from their sermons conversa ¬

tion or books just what their peculiarcreed is They were very zealous andseemed to be laboring under the 1mImpression that the whole world waswaiting for them to convert it

They can hardly hope for manydisciples until they promulgate theirdoctrine in such a way that it will becomprehensive to the ordinary finitemind

Supt DeWeese has recently addedabout fifty new volumes to the Ohiocounty teachers library and to thecolored library Few counties In theState have a larger or better selectionof books than does Ohio count-

yDtYtr Early Riserstile fatmeue Uttto Mllti t