Joe Batrep 1

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  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Capture and control, spearhead, Guard sieze the treeline but let Tau make first

    moves. Tau take outpost near the temple, reinforcing it with fire warriors and

    Shasel commander directs the frontal assault. Guard respond by taking the forest

    in the north east corner. 2 of the guards finest squads, 2 sets of mortars,

    platoon command plus lord commissar commanding. Kroot infiltrate in range of the

    guard forest.

    Tau and Guard face off crisis commander hidden behind temple colomn

    Tau 1

    The Tau Shasel Commander, eager to start the game on the front foot, dashed into

    the temple but immediately lost a wound jetpacking into cover! He then killed a

    guard heavy weapon trooper with a well placed missile pod shot. Kroot took aim at

    the same mortar team and put another wound on them. The combined fire of 2 Fire

    warrior teams killed 5 of nearest guard unit, the Tau taking careful aim throughgaps between the temple columns. Commander moved to the centre of the battlefield

    without wounding himself!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Guard 1

    The guard rolled for penal squads: Penal 1 knife fighters- extra cc attack,

    rending. Penal 2 got the same abilities (same hiveworld, clearly).

    Guard decide who to shoot first. Big coin is objective.

    Orders were issued by platoon command they issued firefire to 5 remaining

    catachans who had felt the sharp end of Tau pulse rifles last turn. These 5

    troopers fired at the kroot resulting in 3 being removed. Mortar units took aim

    at the same Kroot unit - 3 dead from unit 1, 5 kroot dead from unit 2. The Kroot

    were pinned! But despite 11 casualties this turn they didnt run. The rest of the

    Guard put 4 lasgun hits on Tau commander but no wounds were caused!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Tau 2

    Kroot outflank! On wrong side of the table - woe! They hastily re-think and

    decide to try and block guard flanking moves via table edge conga.

    Da-da-da, come on and do the Kronga!

    Commander continued his lonely advance - but failed to kill the mortar team.

    Firewarrior unit 2, lacking any targets, ran up to support him. Fire warrior team

    one, sitting on the Tau objective, took aim at the 5 catachans and killed 1 of

    them with their long rifles. Pinned Kroot got up.. quite a poor Tau turn.

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Crisis commander fluffs missile pod shot

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Guard 2

    Penal legion come on opposite flank, Kroot get worried

    Fire! Fire!

    Firefire was issued on 4 doughty surviving catachans.. but no wounds were caused

    on the Tau commander. Outflanking Penals moved in and killed 4 kroot but they

    refused to run! 2 of the Kroot on the opposite flank were blasted and their lives

    claimed by mortars they were also pinned!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Tau 3

    Commander moves in

    Fire warrior team 1 took aim and picked off 2 of the outflanking Penal troops,

    the two remaining Kroot rapid fired their rifles and got another 1, and the

    penals ran! The fire warriors ran up into the ruins trailing their commander, who

    took the initiative and assaulted catachans- they bravely did 1 wound to the

    commander, who killed 2 in reply. They ran for table edge, while the commander

    hid behind tree.

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Guard 3

    2nd penal outflank on wrong edge.

    Firefire on red platoon success. Shoot dynasmic fw 18 shots, 7hits, 2wouund 1


  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Kroot survive fleeing penals

    2 static fw dead from mortars (lucky!) not pined.

    Penal 2 assault small kroot unit and kill them finally

    Commissar assaults crisis commander.

    Commissar misses abnd fails to wound, crisis somm puts a wound on im!

    Tau 4

    Fw adv miss platoon comm but they got to grns

    Fw shoot penal 2 kill 2

    Commissar kills crisis comm!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Guard 4

    Fleeing penals rally, red catachans move to engage fire warriors.

    Frags miss distyant fire warriorsRallied penal 1 shoot fw. 11 shots. 6 hits, 4 wounds 3 dead fw

    Penals 2 run to ditant objective.

    Fw flee!

    Tau 5

    Fleeing fw rapid fire penal 2 kill 4!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Long rifles kill the rest!

    Kroot advance on guard lines!

  • 8/7/2019 Joe Batrep 1


    Guard 5

    Platoon command fire on kroot kill 2.Terrible run moves for guard!

    Static fw pinned by mortar

    Flee after bombardment off board.

    Tau 6

    Kroot turn round and run 6 inches to objective!

    Fw rapid fire penal 2, 5 wounds 3 dead.

    Guard 6

    Cant kill kroot
